Winter (Issue 86) - College of Opticians of Alberta
Winter (Issue 86) - College of Opticians of Alberta
Winter 2013 Issue 86 The Eighth Line Bill C-313: Cosmetic Contact Lenses In This Issue: New Contracts Free Con-Ed - Member Survey - Future Looks Bright eyeShare Convention 2013 What keeps your practice growing? Referrals. From happy patients. 9 # 1 9 out of 10 ACUVUE® OASYS® Brand lens wearers said they were extremely or very satisfied with the quality of vision and comfort of their lenses.1 And it’s the #1 Recommended Brand for spherical patients by Canadian eye care professionals.2 MOST TRUSTED CANADIAN BRAND 3 References: 1. Data on file. Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Inc. 2009. 2. #1 Recommended Brand for Spherical Patients by Canadian Optometrists, Opticians and Ophthalmologists. Data on file. Johnson & Johnson Inc. 2011. 3. ACUVUE® is the most trusted brand of contact lenses by Canadian Optometrists, Opticians and Ophthalmologists. Data on file. Johnson & Johnson Inc. 2011. ACUVUE® Brand Contact Lenses are indicated for vision correction. As with any contact lens, eye problems, including corneal ulcers, can develop. Some wearers may experience mild irritation, itching or discomfort. Lenses should not be prescribed if patients have any eye infection, or experience eye discomfort, excessive tearing, vision changes, redness or other eye problems. Consult the package insert for complete information. Complete information is also available from Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Division of Johnson & Johnson Inc., by calling 1-800-267-5098 or by visiting ACUVUE®, ACUVUE® OASYS® and INNOVATION FOR HEALTHY VISION™ are trademarks of Johnson & Johnson Inc. © Johnson & Johnson Inc. 2013. Council Meeting Dates COLLEGE OF OPTICIANS OF ALBERTA 201, 2528 Ellwood Dr SW Phone: (780) 429-2694 Fax: (780) 426-5576 Toll Free Phone: 1-800-263-6026 Toll Free Fax: 1-800-584-6896 March 25, 2013 May 4-5, 2013 (AGM) June 10, 2013 e-mail: [email protected] website: OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS President Nola Hornung NACOR Practical Examination Schedule Vice President Scott Smith Alberta June 21-23, 2013 British Columbia May 25-26, 2013 Sept 21-22, 2013 Ontario April 19-21, 2013 Oct 18-20, 2013 Saskatchewan June 1-2, 2013 Manitoba June 8-9, 2013 Page 4 Page 12 Page 16 New Contracts Page 4 eyeShare Page 5 Free Con-Ed Member Survey Page 6 Director, Member Services Rick Miller Free Con-Ed Future Looks Bright Page 7 Director, Practice Audits Mary-Lynne Wagener Page 9 Director, Competence Committee Anthony Chan &ODVVL¿HG New Brunswick June 8-9, 2013 Nova Scotia November 2-3, 2013 Director, Competence Committee Lyle Olsen Reports President Maureen’s Desk Notepad Life Letter Page 13 Love Your Eyes Page 18 Director, Finance and Audit Mel Findell Director, Member Services Charlotte Kessler Public Members Judy Hierlihy Dr. Sibylla Lane COA STAFF Executive Director/Registrar Maureen Hussey ADVERTISING The Eighth Line is published four times a year. Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter. We charge for the employment opportunities, or used equipment for sale. Exempt are continuing education lectures that are hosted by the COA and articles from members and associates as well as seeking employment ads. THE DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION IS TWO WEEKS BEFORE PRINT and the rates are as follows: Full page $350.00 Quarter page $87.50 Inside Front Cover $375 Half page $175.00 Business card $45.00 Full Page Back Page $400.00 All submissions must be typed and accompanied by a cheque payable to the COA. We use InDesign, Photoshop and Illustrator as well as Microsoft Word 2010, Access and Excel. The deadline for submission of Advertising for the next issue of the Eighth Line is March 15, 2013 Regulatory Standards Director Belinda Swann Member Services Coordinator Kristie Murray Administrative Assistant Shawna Dyck Accounting Administrator Zaneta Ilievska Happy New Year, and may 2013 bring us more legislation that empowers us to do the job that we have all trained for. As I am sure you are all aware Bill C313 has passed. It has been a very long and arduous battle getting this law passed. As a College under HPA we can now do our most important job which is looking after the best interest of the public. If you are aware of any illegal activities by retailers, for example the corner gas station selling plano colored contact lenses please contact the College with this information. I am aware that in the past some of you have contacted the College and at that time were told we had no legal recourse, now we hope that this will give us the required legislative backing to be able to respond appropriately. If you can check out those RII WKH EHDWHQ WUDLO SODFHV DJDLQ DQG ¿QG WKHP VWLOO selling contacts let us know. I am still receiving calls about what we must and we don’t have to release. If you have sold a patient a pair of eyeglasses you will have as part of their medical record their PD, so you must release this information. If the measurement was taken some time ago please advise the patient that there is a risk of it being incorrect, especially if it involves a minor. If the said patient has never purchased eyeglasses from you, you may charge them a fee for this service, or refuse to provide the service. ,I \RX DUH D 5&/3 DQG \RX KDYH FRPSOHWHG D ¿W which includes the 1-2 week trial lens check you must release the lens information to the patient. I realize the frustration a lot of us feel knowing that these people are getting their glasses or contact lenses online but until we can get a law passed we have no choice. The best practice is to educate the public to the best of our ability to the drawbacks and dangers that online ordering can present. The last most frequent call I JHWLVLIDQRI¿FHUHIXVHVWRUHOHDVHDSDWLHQW¶V¿OHWR you and you have faxed the release form signed by VDLGSDWLHQWFDQWKDWRI¿FHUHIXVH1RWKH\FDQ¶WDQG must release in a timely fashion. Please contact the College so we may take the opportunity to address this issue. Thank you to all of you that have called and discussed issues or just called to talk about what is happening in our industry. I have not always had an answer for those I have spoken with but it makes me a better optician by making me learn the answer to those questions. Respectfully Submitted, Nola Hornung, RO,RCLP COA President New Contracts As of September 2012 a new Social Services Fee Schedule was negotiated. All contracts and Fee Schedules can be viewed on our website at If you would like us to send you a copy please contact our office and we will be more than happy to send you a copy. We kindly ask that all members check the website on a regular basis with regard to Fee updates. eye Share “EYE SHARE “OR IS IT” I-SHARE” there is no APP (Application) for mentoring a student or having the skill level that exceeds industry standards however we would like to share some of the Great Opticians and Contact Lens Practitioners out there: If you know someone you would like to recommend please contact Belinda Swann at [email protected]. BADARA, BAH, RO License #1908 :HDWWKH&2$ZRXOGOLNHWRVKDUHWKHOLFHQVHGRSWLFLDQSUR¿OHRI%DGDUD%DK+HKDV been a member of the College of Opticians of Alberta since 2010. Badara started his career path in Gambia West Africa known as the Smiling Coast of Africa he was working in a hospital as a Medical Lab Assistant and wanted to make a career change. Opticanry was introduced to him in 1990 by an Optometrist that mentored and had Badara in to KHURI¿FHWRVHHZKDWWKHSURIHVVLRQZDVDOODERXW%DGDUDPRYHGIURP*DPELDWRWKH United States in 1993 where he felt there were more possibilities than his third world country. He said “When you move to another country it is a culture shock from a third world country”. He has proven that he has the skillset and knowledge base as a trained optician and was grateful for all his opportunities. He has had to adjust to several changes in his life and one was to learn to adapt to snow and cold weather quickly. His patience and perseverance along with his personal aspirations continues to improve his skillset for dealing with clients and their vision care needs. He has been working as a Manager of a large chain and is in the process of training for a District Manager. He said “We are nothing without giving back to our community”. He has volunteered for the Homeless Connect he continues to encourage some of his peers and he even volunteered to pick up and drive the other opticians. In his spare time he likes to read and research more on his profession of opticanry and he enjoys many sports basketball, soccer and swimming he said “For a more concentrated focus for the following day”. He is happily married and a proud father of a boy (6) and a girl (1) which also help his exercise regime. The COA would like to thank you Badara for your inspiration and dedication. THERESA WALLACE, RO, RCLP License #1335 We at the COA would like to share the licensed optician and Contact Lens Practitioner SUR¿OHRI7KHUHVD:DOODFH6KHKDVEHHQDPHPEHURIWKH&ROOHJHRI2SWLFLDQVRI Alberta since 2003. Theresa tied for the top mark in her class for both Year Two Eyeglasses and Year Two Contact Lenses. She started her career at Hauck Vision and Hearing in Stettler as this was a midlife career change for Theresa said “I wanted a brighter future for my family”. Theresa had two sons who were both in high school at the time, so they became an academic household. She is also on the NACOR Board of Examiners since 2000 which she says has always kept her current and is happy to report that the knowledge and competence is increasing each year. She has mentored and supervised 8 students in total one of her students Tracey Sereda won the award for highest mark Year One Eyeglass and Year Two Eyeglass. One of her student’s quotes was that “Theresa has impeccable work ethic and stands for integrity”. Theresa loves solving vision problems for her patients whether it is with their eyeglasses or contact lenses. In her spare WLPHVKHYROXQWHHUVIRUWKHKRPHOHVVFRQQHFWZKLFKLVDYHU\IXO¿OOLQJUHZDUGLQJH[SHULHQFHVKHTXRWHV³<RX are truly making a difference and you can see that when you interact with the clients”. She found the experience of volunteering so rewarding that she is signing up for 2013 homeless connect in Edmonton and Calgary. She likes to end the day with a great walk with her dog “Brutus” who is in agility for fun like we said a household of academic’s including her dog. Theresa you are inspiring with your skill set and have channelled your license as an optician and contact lens practitioner to new level for others to achieve. Member Survey FREE CON-ED CREDIT 0.5 EC: Belinda Swann, RO, RCLP Member Survey The College of Opticians of Alberta value is (.5 credit) IRU ¿OOLQJ RXW WKLV VXUYH\ 7KH VXUYH\ FRQVLVWV RI the duties of a custodian regarding information of a patient and access and storage of that information. The reason these questions need to be answered is that the College of Opticians of Alberta’s mandate is to protect the public and that the patient has access to that information for a period of 10 years. Complaints are driven from this area in a number of circumstances and the end result can be the complaint being referred to the “Privacy Commissioner”. Ultimately we are all working toward the same success “Patient Satisfaction”. Being prepared for such an event is always a very “insightful” idea. To submit your answers for credit please visit our website at,aspx ϮϬϭϯĂƌůLJŝƌĚZĞŐŝƐƚƌĂƟŽŶtŝŶŶĞƌƐ 1. 2. 3. LLynn Cerolini Sheila Klaudt Bruce Plausteiner One YYear Eyeglass Fees Valued $657.75 Half YYear Eyeglass Fees Valued $328.88 Cash Credit for CE of Member’s choice. Valued $150.00 Happy New Year from NAIT Optical Sciences The department of Optical Sciences is looking for energetic individuals with strong communication skills who are committed to student motivation and achievement to instruct the Eyeglass programs in Calgary. The position available is a classroom instructor for first and second year. The successful candidate must be a registered optician, have excellent interpersonal skills and have strong computer skills. Please forward resumes to [email protected] The competition will remain open until suitable candidates are found. Thank you for your interest in NAIT as an employer; however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted. The Future Looks Bright FREE CON-ED CREDIT 0.5 EC: Belinda Swann, RO, RCLP 7KH&ROOHJHRI2SWLFLDQVRI$OEHUWDYDOXHLVFUHGLWIRU¿OOLQJRXWWKHTXHVWLRQVEHORZ There are some very interesting sites on the internet that we could be looking forward to. As a contact lens SUDFWLWLRQHUWKLQNRIWKHSRVVLELOLWLHVRIRXUIXWXUH7KLVZRXOGEHDFRQWDFWWKDWZRXOGKDYHWREHVSHFL¿FDOO\¿W to the patient, so goodbye on-line and hello licensed contact lens practitioners. Who would have thought that Steve Austin had it correct that we could all be the six million dollar man for those of you who do not know who that is here is a link Some interesting entertainment news of an actor you might like to view this link 'RHVDQ\RQHUHPHPEHUWKH\HDUWKH\¿UVWGLGDQLQWUDRFXODULPSODQWZHOOLWZDVE\6LU+DUROG5LGOH\2U WKH¿UVW[FKURPHFRQWDFWWKDWFRUUHFWHGFRORUYLVLRQIRUSDWLHQWVWKH\ZHDULWLQWKHLUQRQGRPLQDQWH\H Now all kidding aside these are the facts that the technology is advancing faster than the speed of light the speed of light = 299 792 458 m / s. We need to think ahead of the curve and see what we can do to advance our profession. Maybe we need to have more Opticians taking the contact lens practitioners course at N.A.I.T. it seems that there will be a need for it in the future and the education is only an additional two years. Now I do understand that these are prototypes right now and that it seems once they have a power source it FRXOGEHDUHDOLW\:HKDYHWRWKLQNQRWRQO\¿YH\HDUVGRZQWKHURDGEXWIXUWKHUWKDQWKDWSRVVLEO\\HDUV down the road. Would people be coming to a contact lens practitioner or Optician to get the latest technology? )RU\RXOLFHQVHG2SWLFLDQVORRNDW¿WWLQJVSHFLDOW\JODVVHVVHHWKHWKLUGOLQNEHORZ6DUDK-HVVLFD3DUNHULV ZHDULQJWKHODWHVWLQWHFKQRORJ\,I\RXWKLQNLWLVQRWSRVVLEOHWKLQNRIWKH¿UVW&RFKOHDU,PSODQWWKDWWKH\PDGH they used to call it the bionic ear. Anything is possible and the future looks bright for Opticians and Contact Lens Practitioners. Links: KWWSZZZEXVLQHVVLQVLGHUFRPWKLVVFUHHQWKDW¿WVRQ\RXUH\HIRUHWHOOVWKHHQGRIWKHVPDUWSKRQHHUD 2 % Increase for 2013 Membership Renewal Eyeglass and Provisional Eyeglass Opticians: Member Fee $670.91 GST $33.55 TOTAL: $704.46 Contact Lens Practitioner and Provisional Contact Lens Practitioner Opticians: Member Fee $833.23 GST $ 41.66 TOTAL: $874.89 Non-Practicing: Member Fee $270.53 Reinstatement: Member Fee $670.91 GST $13.53 TOTAL: $284.06 GST $33.55 TOTAL: $704.46 2% Represents cost of living increase Help Stop Blindess and Hunger in Africa H.S.B.H.A.A is a non-profit, non-denominational and non-religious charity here in Calgary, Alberta. (lic #323125). We have a function every year to raise funds for the blind, very poor and the hungry for people in Africa & Asia. This year we are focusing on the blind and holding a Enchanted Evening. Carriage House Inn and Conference Centre 9030 Macleod Trail.S.E Calgary, Alberta Sat May 11th, 2013 at 100 % of the net proceeds from the function will go to the Jubilee Hospital in Kenya, Africa. The hospital treats 460, 000 patients a year. At H.S.B.A.A not “one cent’ is used for administration costs, it is fully run by volunteers. FACTS: 1. Every five seconds one person goes blind in the world. (WHO) 2. Every minute one child goes blind in the world. (WHO) 3. There are 37 million blind persons in the world, of which 90% (34 million) in developing countries. 4. Africa has the highest incidence of blindness at 10 million. This will jump to 20 million by 2020. 5. Over 100 million Africans are at risk of eye infections leading to blindness. (WHO) 6. 80% of the blindness in the world is preventable. We hope that Alberta Opticians will come and support us for this meaningful cause. Thanking you, Karim Asaria, RO, RCLP H.S.B.H.A.A: Email: [email protected] Ph: (403) 254-5325 Bigstone Health Commission s d e i f i s Clas Required: Optician. Qualifications: Must be registered with the College of Opticians of Alberta. Additional Information: Opportunity for an Optician to start up a new practice, situated in a newly built state of the art medical clinic. Potential to see many clients as no other service in community. Wabaca is a beautiful and tranquil surrounded by lakes and forecasts. Can be a full time position, open to negotiation. Hours are flexible, no weekends. Starting as soon as possible. Please Contact: Attn: Nazeefah Jhetam, Manager Medical and Dental Clinic, Ph: 780-891-8879 Fax: 780891-2926 Email: nazeefah.jhetam@bigstonehe Website: Capilano Eye Centre Date of Posting: December 14, 2012 Required: Optician. Duties: Frame selection, lens selection, inputing orders, adjustments/repairs. Additional Information: Busy south side Optometry office seeking optical dispenser full-time. Experience and asset, will train. Flexible hours quarterly bonuses. Contact: Carrie Mathews, Capilano Eye Centre, 6147-101 Ave Edmonton, AB T6A 0G9 Ph: (780) 463-2020 Fax: (780) 469-5630 Email: [email protected] Date of Posting: November 23, 2012 Dr. Milton Required: Optician. Qualifications: Eyeglass license or student welcome. Additional Information: Full time Optician/student required for southside optometric office. Flexible hours including two Saturdays per month 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Please submit resume to [email protected] or fax: 780-463-1107. Claresholm Eye Care Required: Licensed Optician. Additional Information: Claresholm Eye Care is looking for a motivated, people oriented person to join our team. Optical experience is preferred but we will be happy to train. The successful applicant will enjoy a rewarding career experience with the ability to learn and apply new skills. Our clinic is committed to providing patient's with a very high standard of care and providing them with premium products. We provide health benefits as well as a goal oriented profit sharing program. Our hours of operation are very favorable as there will be no weekend or evening shifts. Car pooling or gas allowance will be provided for out of town applicants. Contact: Anthony, Claresholm Eye Care, 12918 Candle Crescent SW Calgary, AB T2W 3B3 Ph: (403) 998-2871 Email: [email protected] Date of Posting: November 16, 2012 Date of Posting: October 26, 2012 Eye Masters Downtown Vision Care Required: Optician. Qualifications: Strong communication skills and computer skills. Duties: Help clients with right selection of eyewear and dispensing. Additional Information: We are looking for a self-motivated individual that is a team player; and takes pride in selling boutique eyewear brand names. Contact: Ahmed Hatoum Eye Masters, 15311-97 St Edmonton, AB Ph: 780-249-9955 Fax: 780-249-9950 Email: [email protected] Website: Do you want evenings and weekends off? Do you want to work with trendy, professional Downtown clientele? Do you want to work with a team of progressive Optometrists and Opticians? Do you want to have fun at work with your fellow colleagues? If so, Downtown Vision Care wants you to join our team. We are currently recruiting a full-time Optician to join our team. At Downtown Vision Care we have been providing quality eyewear, contacts and eye care for over 25 years, and have grown to have 5 optometrists and a full lab on site. Customer service is of the utmost importance, and our mission is to provide the most thorough primary vision care in Calgary. Please visit our website to learn more about Downtown Vision Care: Qualified candidates should send a cover letter, resume and salary expectations to: [email protected]. Date of Posting: November 6, 2012 Vision Gallery Required: Optician. Seeking a fun, energetic person to join our amazing team! Experience an asset but willing to train. We are a full scope Optometric practice, providing superior service and selection. Check out our website for more information. Be part of something new and exciting! Please drop off, email or fax resume to: Vision Gallery, 5946 Mullen Way NW, Edmonton, AB T6R 0S9 Ph: 780-438-5030 Fax: 780-438-5091 Date of Posting: December 4, 2012 ds e i f i s s Cla 2 I-Care Family Vision and Eye Care Required: Optician or Student. Additional Information: Full-time position available, experience will be appreciated but not necessary. Great possbility to become store manager. Contact: Dr. Kattan, I-Care Family Vision & Eye Care, 230, 4300 South Stony Plain, AB T7Z 2W7 Ph: (780) 860-777 Email: [email protected] Date of Posting: October 23, 2012 For Sight Eye Care Family Vision Care Required: Optician. Duties: Manage optical dispensary and patient glasses selection and repairs/adjustments. Secondary duties to assist at front desk, pretesting and contact lenses Additional Information: Join our growing Optometry practice in North Central Calgary. We seek a licenced optician with strong interpersonal skills who enjoys educating patients about eyecare and eyewear. The right candidate will have initiative to run our optical dispensary. Multitasking and computer skills are helpful. We offer in depth training and an excellent compensation package. Contact: Dr. D Leong, Forsight Eyecare, 226, 40 Country Hills Landing NW. , Calgary AB T3K 5P4 Fax: 403-263-8823. Email: [email protected] Website: Date of Posting: October 26, 2012 Spruce Grove Vision Care Ltd. Required: Licensed Optician or Student. Additional Information: Full-time Optician needed for large dispensing pracice in Spruce Grove. Looking for an enthusiastic, self motivated individual to join our team with management experience preferred, not required. Please contact Dr. Raminder Gill [email protected] Please Contact: Spruce Grove Vision Care, 216 Main Street Spruce Grove, AB T7X 2B2 Ph: 780-962-3370 Fax: 780-962-6054 Date of Posting: November 16, 2012 St. Albert Vision Care Required: Licensed Optician or Student Optician. Duties: Dispensing, front desk, pre-testing. Please Contact: Dr. Holly Parker, St. Albert Vision Centre, 3520 Tudor Glen Market St. Albert, AB T8N 3V3 Ph; (780) 458-8772 Fax: (403) 248-6655 Date of Posting: December 6, 2012 Required: Optician. Additional Information: Family Vision Care is looking for energetic Opticians for our busy optometric practices in Edmonton and surrounding communities. Applicants must be professional, reliable, career minded, willing and able to work evenings & weekends. We offer competitive wages, benefits, monthly bonuses, education opportunities and staff incentives. Fax resume to (780) 423-0555 or e-mail to [email protected] Date of Posting: November 30, 2012 Thompson Optics Required: Licensed Optician. Additional Information: We look forward to meeting someone who excels in customer services, has the ability to work as a team player to ensure the overall success of our dispensary. If you have special skills such as the ability to organize, prioritize, problem solve and work under limited supervision we would really like to meet you. We offer excellent company benefits and competitive starting wages. Please submit resume to: Attn: Cathy Mills, Thompson Optics Ltd 11303-104 Ave Edmonton, AB T5K 2S1 Ph: (780) 425-5367 Fax: (780) 425-5417 Email: [email protected] Website: Date of Posting: October 23, 2012 Dr. J. Gary Chornell Position: Contact Lens Practitioner. A unique employment opportunity currently exists for a licensed, experienced Contact Lens Practitioner in Dr. J. Gary Chornell's St. Albert Contact Lens Clinic. You would be working in a modern, high tech Ophthalmology office in a beautiful setting overlooking the Sturgeon River. You would be fitting a wide variety of contact lens patients and you would also have an opportunity to learn other skills as well. This is an opportunity to practice in an enjoyable medical working environment and receive an excellent salary. There are no evening clinics or weekend clinics. If you are interested, please call (780) 459-9786 or fax your resume to (780) 460-0408. Contact: J. Gary Chornell, MD. FRCS(C), Eye Physician and Surgeon Contact Lens Clinic, St. Albert Professional Bldg 321, 7 St. Anne Street St. Albert, AB T8N 2X4 Ph: 780-459-9293 Fax: 780-460-0408 eds i Classif 3 Eye Gallery Required: Optician. Additional Information: We require an individual who loves to recommend and sell optical products. Must not be afraid to recommend multiple pairs and recommend top quality lenses. Must be able to work independently and as part of a team. Primary duties are optical sales, optical troubleshooting and customer care. Assorted office work required when not with customers. current office pace allow our sales team the opportunity to provide complete and personalized customer service. Individual sales and team sales bonuses available. Looking four days per week. Must be able to work during our current business hours. Monday 9-5, Tuesday 9-8 p.m., Wednesday 9-5 p.m., Thursday 9-8 p.m., Friday 8:30-4:30 p.m., Saturdays 9-3 p.m. Email your resume to [email protected] Our office is located across from the Starbucks and Safeway in Garrison Woods SW. Website: www.eyegallery.caContact: Dr. Brent Neufeld, Eye Gallery, 3522 Garrison Gate SW Calgary, AB T2T 6N9 Ph: (403) 246-3445 Fax:(403) 686-7298 Eye Care Group Required: Optician or Student Optician. Additional Information: Full time Optician position available or our trendy downtown location. If you are motivated and energetic we would love you to join our team. Contact: Stacey Levesque, Eyecare Group St. Albert Location Ph: (780) 459-2020 Fax:(780) 460-7219 Email: [email protected] Website: Date of Posting: October 23, 2012 FYi Doctors Edmonton South Required: Optician Date of Posting: November 6, 2012 Eye-bar Optometrists Opticians and Eyewear Specialists eye-bar is looking for a talented licensed optician to join its clinic. he fun store is ideal for an optician passionate about style and eyewear collections. eye-bar offers a highly personalized service where opticians choose the frames for clients. Major Duties Responsibilities t Assists clients in selecting frames and lenses best suited for their lifestyle, R and price needs. t Handles tasks such as recording measurements, adjusting or fitting eyewear carefully and precisely. t Maintains strong relationship with labs for processing orders. t Instructs customers in adapting to, wearing and caring for eyewear and contact lenses. t Works closely with professional staff including optometrists to deliver outstanding patient care. t Assists in inventory management and purchase of eyewear collections. t Sources new innovative frame collections from around the globe. About Eye-Bar eye-bar offers eyewear and sunglasses in a fun environment in Sherwood Park. More than just glasses, eye-bar optometry provides eye exams, contact lenses, laser eye visions consultations and eye emergencies from vision loss to red eyes. For more information, please visit our website at Please email your resume and wage expectations to [email protected]. Do you want to work in a fashionable office with great staff and be part of a forward thinking organization? Yes you do! Successful applicant will fill the position of our current FT Optician going on maternity leave in February 2013. It's big shoes to fill, but we are willing to train. License required: Eyeglass (Contact Lens preferred but not necessary) Students: Students are welcome to apply Our office is an upscale Southside Edmonton Optometric practice. We are looking for a fashionable, confident, career-oriented Optician to complement our terrific team. Our office is a busy, full-scope Optometry practice serving all age groups with state of the art testing equipment and clean modern optical. To learn more about office and FYidoctors, I encourage you to visit our company website at If you are interested in the FT Optician Position advertised, please drop off, email or fax you resume (with cover letter and references) to: FYidoctors, 4108 Calgary Trail, Edmonton AB T6J 6Y6, Attn: Dr. Peter Krochmal [email protected] Tel: 780-468-2020 Fax: 780-468-2654 Date of Posting: November 9, 2012 Maureen’s Desk What’s New!!! Cosmetic Contact Lenses are not new. The dangerous practice of selling these lenses without a proper ¿WWLQJKDVEHFRPHHSLGHPLF in Canada. Alberta was the most successful in the efforts to limit this practice within our borders with a 2003 court case under the Opticians Act. Since March of 2011 when we went under the Health Professions Act this court case could not be used to stop the sale of these products as it was fought under a different enactment. You have all heard for a very long time about Bill c-313. This is the private member’s bill that was introduced through the federal legislature some time ago. The point of the bill was to reclassify non-prescription contact lenses from cosmetic devices to medical devises. The XQIRUWXQDWH FODVVL¿FDWLRQ KDV PDGH WKH UHJXODWLRQ of the sale of these lenses almost impossible. This bill has been supported by Opticians, Optometrists, Ophthalmologists and Health Canada. It has been opposed by several manufacturers of cosmetic lenses. On December 14, 2012 Bill C- 313 passed and received royal assent. Following is the press release related to this event. PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Release Non-Corrective Contact Lenses Become Medical Devices Bill C-313 has received royal assent Ottawa, December 17, 2012 – The eye health professions are pleased to announce that Bill C-313 – An Act to amend the Food and Drug Act received royal assent on Friday. The bill places federal regulatory controls on the distribution and sales of non-corrective contact lenses. However, provincial regulations still do not address the health risks associated with non-corrective contact lenses. Pat Davidson, MP for Sarnia-Lambton, brought forward the private member’s bill in early October 2011. The eye health professions (ophthalmologists, optometrists and opticians) have been advocating for this change for over ten years. Concerns raised about these products included: the lack of information available at the point of purchase on appropriate use and care; contact lenses are not a one-size¿WVDOO SURGXFW DQG QRW HYHU\RQH LV D FDQGLGDWH to wear contact lenses. The primary causes of contact lens complications are due to improper use and care and the fact that 50% of non-corrective OHQV ZHDUHUV DUH ¿UVW WLPH FRQWDFW OHQV XVHUV Non-corrective contact lenses are only available in RQH EDVH FXUYH VL]H :KHQ ¿WWLQJ IRU FRUUHFWLYH contact lenses the eye care professional measures the base curve and prescribes the brand with the appropriate measurement for the user. Improper XVH RU DQ LOO¿WWLQJ FRQWDFW OHQV ZLOO SUHVHQW D variety of eye health risks that may include corneal scarring and abrasions. C-313 will classify non-corrective contact lenses as class II medical devices under the Food and Drug Act. This will require manufacturers of noncorrective contact lenses to apply for a medical device license to sell the products in Canada. As well, importers and distributors of the products will be required to obtain a medical device establishment license. In addition to the licensing UHTXLUHPHQWV WKHUH DUH VSHFL¿F VWDQGDUGV IRU labeling required for class II medical devices. MP Pat Davidson stated, “Today marks the culmination of a long process to bring federal oversight to this industry in order to address consumer protection concerns by declaring noncorrective lenses to be class II medical devices. This will allow for regulatory oversight by Health Canada to ensure that producers, importers and retailers in Canada will require the necessary licensing associated with distributing a class II medical device and will greatly enhance consumer protections concerning the growing cosmetic lens industry.” Bill C-313 was a common sense initiative that aligned products with the same risks under the same regulatory environment. What C-313 will not address is the prescribing and dispensing regulations which are provincially determined. The eye care professionals are hoping the provincial regulatory bodies and ministries of health use the royal assent of C-313 as an impetus to update regulatory controls on noncorrective contact lenses to match those in place for corrective contact lenses. Respectfully Submitted, Maureen Hussey, RO, RCLP Life Letter Financial Resolutions for 2013 *LYH\RXU¿QDQFHVDERRVWWKLVQHZ\HDU+HUHLV DOLVW RI ¿QDQFLDO UHVROXWLRQV WR KHOS \RX EHFRPH better off at the end of the coming twelve months: Eliminate personal debt - Brad and Angie had fallen into the very common habit of buying lots of "stuff" with their credit cards and were soon carrying a balance from month to month. At 19.9%, it is very expensive to live this kind of lifestyle. And any QHZSXUFKDVHVDWWUDFWWKHVDPH¿QDQFLQJFKDUJH from date of purchase. To start getting ahead, they quit using their credit cards and simply stopped making truly unnecessary purchases. Brad and Angie realize that they have to be less inclined to make "want" item purchases by convincing themselves that they are necessary. %H SUHSDUHG IRU DQQXDO ELOOV -DVRQ ZDV DOZD\V scrambling at property tax time to pay the bill. This year, he took last year's amount, added ten percent and divided by twelve. He arranged to have this amount withdrawn automatically from his bank account each month and deposited into a separate savings plan. A few months after starting this plan, -DVRQEDUHO\QRWLFHGWKHZLWKGUDZDOV:KHQSURSerty tax bill arrives, he will have the full amount to pay it without scrambling for the funds. Plus, he earns interest on his property tax deposits. Invest regularly - Curt and Courtney want to save regularly, but found that there was more month left at the end of their pay cheques. They decided to SD\WKHPVHOYHV¿UVW(DVLO\VDLGEXWKRZGR\RX do it? By committing to a set percentage of income each month is the best start. Curt and Courtney opened a joint investment fund account and arranged for 20% of Courtney's income to be withdrawn from their bank account each month for deposit to the investment account. They will adjust the DPRXQW ZLWKGUDZQ DQQXDOO\ WR UHÀHFW LQFUHDVHV in income. Their goal is to have the investment fund account pay them income once the balance reaches $25,000 to help cover the cost of their annual summer vacation. Curt and Courtney will continue to make deposits to their plan from current income. This investment income will eventually cover more lifestyle expenses. Invest tax refunds and windfalls - Kathie makes regular deposits to her RRSP and gets a nice refund every spring. In the past, she would go on a little spending spree and really had nothing to show for it at the end of the year. This year, Kathie will deposit her refund cheque in her RRSP. This will also increase her contribution amount and give her a larger refund next year. Let's say that her refund is $2,500 each year. By putting her refunds into her RRSP each year and assuming 6% annual compound return, Kathie's RRSP will be about $91,964 bigger in twenty years. Don't give up - New Years Resolutions don't always get followed. If you fall off track, get back on and try again. Don't be too hard on yourself if you stray from your plan. Richard Exely said, "Failing doesn’t make you a failure. Giving up, accepting your failure, refusing to try again does!" 7U\VWDUWLQJZLWKRQH¿QDQFLDOUHVROXWLRQDQGDGG more over time. You don't have to do it all at once. Make Financial Resolutions – because it’s the right thing to do! Call today! Dave Hawryluk, CFP, B. Comm., RHU Certified Financial Planner 21143-48 Avenue NW, Edmonton, AB T6M 0G2 (780) 761-3343 Copyright © 2013 AdvisorNet Communications Inc. under license to Life Letter. All rights reserved. (2013-01) Weather As the weather changes, road conditions follow. The winter months offer the most challenging driving conditions. Here are some tips to make that tough commute a bit easier. 1.Driving in rain or water can cause hydroplaning. Ministry of Transportation of Ontario suggests that you should take your foot off the gas. Turn the wheel to where you want to go. Do not hit the brakes. 3.According to the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario, when driving in fog, stick to your low beams, avoid passing, and use the road markings on the right as your guide, not the centre line. 2.In the rain, oil comes to the surface of the road increasing the chance of skidding or hydroplaning. Wet leaves are also very slippery, slow down. 4.Transport Canada suggests, in winter, keep your gas tank at least half full. This will reduce moisture in the gas line and add needed weight and traction to your car. 5.In the spring and fall ice can lurk in shaded areas, on bridges, and on overpasses even in warm and sunny weather. Adjust your speed so you can stop. Join the growing number of professionals who enjoy greater savings from TD Insurance on home and auto coverage. Most insurance companies offer discounts for combining home and auto policies, or your good driving record. What you may not know is that we offer these savings too, plus we offer preferred rates to members of the College of Opticians of Alberta. You’ll also receive our highly personalized service and great protection that suits your needs. Find out how much you could save. Request a quote today 1-866-269-1371 Monday to Friday: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Discover why over 230,000 professionals enjoy greater savings Insurance program endorsed by The TD Insurance Meloche Monnex home and auto insurance program is underwritten by SECURITY NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY. The program is distributed by Meloche Monnex Insurance and Financial Services Inc. in Quebec and by Meloche Monnex Financial Services Inc. in the rest of Canada. Due to provincial legislation, our auto insurance program is not offered in British Columbia, Manitoba or Saskatchewan. * No purchase required. Contest organized jointly with Primmum Insurance Company and open to members, employees and other eligible persons belonging to employer, professional and alumni groups which have an agreement with and are entitled to group rates from the organizers. Contest ends on October 31, 2013. Draw on November 22, 2013. One (1) prize to be won. The winner may choose between a Lexus ES 300h hybrid (approximate MSRP of $58,902 which includes freight, pre-delivery inspection, fees and applicable taxes) or $60,000 in Canadian funds. Skill-testing question required. Odds of winning depend on number of entries received. Complete contest rules available at ®/ The TD logo and other trade-marks are the property of The Toronto-Dominion Bank or a wholly-owned subsidiary, in Canada and/or other countries. JHYLLYVWWVY[\UP[PLZ -HTPS`=PZPVU*HYLHWHY[ULYVM-@PKVJ[VYZPZSVVRPUNMVYLULYNL[PJVW[PJPHUZMVYV\YI\Z`VW[VTL[YPJWYHJ[PJLZPU ,KTVU[VUHUKZ\YYV\UKPUNJVTT\UP[PLZ(WWSPJHU[ZT\Z[ILWYVMLZZPVUHSYLSPHISLJHYLLYTPUKLK^PSSPUNHISL [V^VYRL]LUPUNZ^LLRLUKZ>LVMMLYJVTWL[P[P]L^HNLZILULÄ[ZTVU[OS`IVU\ZLZLK\JH[PVUVWWVY[\UP[PLZ HUKZ[HMMPUJLU[P]LZ fax resume[V780.423.0555 VYe-mail[[email protected] -@P>LZ[,KTVU[VU4HSS,\YVWH)S]K7OHZL000:LJVUK-SVVYc-@P:OLY^VVK7HYR)HZLSPUL9VHK -=*:[(SILY[:[(SILY[*LU[YLc-=*-VY[:HZRH[JOL^HU :[ -=**HTYVZL:[c-=*6JJOPHSP,`L^LHY:[c=PZPVU4LKc6SP]LY=PSSHNLc(]L The Notepad ....from the Registrar, Maureen Hussey Convention 2013 This year the College of Opticians of Alberta will host our Annual General Meeting/Convention as follows: Date: Where: Venue: May 4-5, 2013 Calgary, AB Delta Calgary South This year we will see a two-track session on day one and a one-track session on day two. Speakers VXFKDV$O/HQV'UHZ-HIIULHV.LP0F(DFKHUQ Occupational Health and Safety and the Centre IRU5DFHDQG&XOWUHKDYHEHHQFRQ¿UPHGVRIDU :H DUH VWLOO ¿QDOL]LQJ WKH UHPDLQLQJ VSHDNHUV Breakfast, lunch will be included along with nutrition break. The College of Opticians of Alberta’s Annual General Meeting will be held as the last session of the day. In February a Registration Package will be sent to all members and all information will be posted on our website after packages have been sent. Come join us for a day of learning, networking and good food. Krisite Murray, Member Services Corrdinator OAC Insurance The Opticians Association of Canada is pleased to offer $1,000,000.00 Professional Liability Insurance to all Alberta Opticians for the unbelievable price of $30.00. Insurance companies and Legal has confirmed that Employer policies are insufficient coverage for health care professionals. The OAC has responded with this new member benefit to ensure that all our Opticians are protected. Don’t be over exposed. Protect yourself with the OAC LOVE YOUR EYES | 2012, 2013 - 2015 LOVE YOUR EYES 2012 2012 Goal: Educate the masses on the importance of vision care. Love Your Eyes TM was wildly successful: 1) Reach and Engagement was Way Beyond Expectations 1,516,591 Impressions and 14,677 Interactions *Numbers above do not include mall crowds and globally earned media Impressions only cost 5 cents/head while rich interactions were $5/head. *The Industry average is $1-3 per impression and $5-7 rich engagement. 2) We Educated and Engaged Thousands Thousands watched the PIA educational videos multiple times Many shared the campaign with their networks Surpassed our entries goal by 7X with 7660 Votes Surpassed our page views goal by 4x with 46,000+ Pageviews Had over 2400+ boxes sponsored and filled surpassing our original goal of 2100 3) Campaign received Worldwide Praise Marketing websites around the world were publishing our work on global publications Glowing comments from various countries on our work Spawned positive discussion about the industry and campaign MY LOUD SPEAKER © | 2011 1009 E Cordova St, Vancouver, BC V6A 1M8 778 558 3835 | learn more@myloudspeaker ca | myloudspeaker ca THREE YEAR PLAN Long-Term Goal: Licensed Optician OM is a trusted and well-known brand across Canada. OM 2013 Goal: Create mass awareness of the Licensed Optician brand Display brand across Canada through voluntary and engaging interaction. This campaign is a building block towards the long-term goal. 2014 Goal: Create A Following The second year’s campaign will focus on creating, building upon, and rewarding a following group. We’ll focus on getting die-hard fans to continue to visit and participate in the website contest leading up to World Sight Day. The campaign will be memorable and recurring – rewarding those who recognize the brand. 2015 Goal: Create a Movement In the third year, we will have gained trust with the community and will be able to further engage our users by asking them to participate in a ‘Four Eyes February’ themed contest – leading up to a Four Eyes February movement for the upcoming February. FIRST YEAR: LOVE YOUR EYES EYEWORLD Learning from our successes of last year and keeping in mind our goal for this year, we developed an exciting new medium that will help continually engage the public and build a following for Licensed Opticians. Concept: Love Your Eyes EyeWorld The month leading up to World Sight Day, we will be releasing a trivia game site full of prizes that the public can enter to win. To enter a vote to win a prize you must answer a vision care related question - up to 7 trivia questions per prize with each question equaling an entry. Each prize will be sponsored. Prizes are released by random and the audience must continue to visit the site or follow up with social media in order to know when the next prize is released. The final grand prize is only awarded to participants who have answered every single question from the contest correctly. Why This Works Annual Can build a following Educational Influences Research Lots of Sponsorship Opportunities Media Opportunities with World Sight Day CONTACT Email me at [email protected] or call me at 778.558.3835 MY LOUD SPEAKER © | 2011 1009 E Cordova St, Vancouver, BC V6A 1M8 778 558 3835 | learn more@myloudspeaker ca | myloudspeaker ca [email protected] Currently Hiring in Alberta sŝƐŝŽŶĞŶƚĞƌDĂŶĂŐĞƌʹĚŵŽŶƚŽŶ ;^ƚŽƌĞηϯϬϮϲͿ ƵĂů>ŝĐĞŶƐĞĚKƉƚŝĐŝĂŶʹĂůŐĂƌLJ ;^ƚŽƌĞηϯϬϭϬĂŶĚηϭϬϴϵͿ ƵĂů>ŝĐĞŶƐĞĚKƉƚŝĐŝĂŶʹ>ĞĚƵĐ ;^ƚŽƌĞηϯϲϱϳͿ