it`s classified - California School Employees Association
it`s classified - California School Employees Association
CLASSIFIED SCHOOL EMPLOYEE ASSOCIATION CHAPTER 59 IT’S CLASSIFIED January, February, March 2014 VOLUME X, ISSUE 4 Welcome to 2014 Highlights Welcome to 2014 29 Hour Rule Sunshine Assistance 2014 Meeting Dates Inside this issue: Superintendent’s Message 2 Casino Night 2 Calendar 3 Know Your Contract 3 Sunshine Assistance 4 29 Hour Rule 4 Assistance App. 5 Can Food Drive 6 Benefits 6 Chapter directory 6 A whole new year stands before us. There is so much potential in a new year. We all think we are going to do so much and do it better. I myself had given up on New Year’s resolutions. After a few days I find myself going back to my usual habits. This year, I decided to do things differently. My goal every year is to get organized. I have tried to do it by myself. After all, how hard can it be? Well, for me, it can be very hard. I am a pack-rat. I save paper. Lots of paper. I feel a personal attachment to each and every piece of paper, maybe not the old advertisements that are interspersed with all of my old bills, but you get the idea. I am having a professional come in and help me get organized. I will let you know how it goes. Sometimes we have to let go of the old to make room for the new. I am letting go of old beliefs (that I will need that piece of paper someday) for new ones (if I really need it, I will have a copy of it scanned in my computer for future reference). This year we will be working on changing old language in the CSEA contract for new language. We want to make sure we have the protection our members need. Surveys were sent out last September which has told us the direction we need to go in. In January we have Transportation and Child Nutrition meetings. We will be discussing contract revisions at chapter meetings. It is at the chapter meeting that members vote on negotiation articles and revisions. Negotiation is a process. We don’t always get what we want, but sometimes we get what we need (isn’t that a song line?). So what do you want in your contract? Beth Gillen, President 2014 Chapter Meeting Dates Meetings will be held on Thursdays unless otherwise noted 5:15 - 6:15, District Office Conference Rooms 1, 2 and 3 January 30th June 7th - Saturday, Picnic February 20th August 21st March 20th September 18th April 17th October 23rd May 19th - Monday, Classified School Employee Week November 20th December 4th - Elections / Celebration IT ’S C LASS IF IE D PAGE 2 V OLU ME X, ISS UE 4 Superintendent’s Message Dear CSEA Colleagues, Welcome back! I hope your break was filled with family, friends, rest and renewal. I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you who helped make the holidays special for so many children in our community through your support of the Gifts from the Heart Program and our Team One Holiday Brunch toy drive. I am so proud of your generosity! As we begin the second half of the school year, I look forward to continuing our meetings with the CSEA Working Together group. Our first session in October focused on discussions about the Common Core State Standards, status of the No Child Left Behind Act, the new state assessment system, the Affordable Care Act, health benefits, professional development, the Local Control Funding Formula, and school modernization progress. This group meets again on February 19 and May 7 to continue dialogue, communication, and relationship building. Thank you to all the participants for the time taken from your busy days, your commitment to the team, and for strengthening our District. I wish you a happy and prosperous New Year! Katie Dr. Katie McNamara District Superintendent South Bay Union School District Education Foundation Presents: Casino Night, Fundraiser to support our students Saturday, January 25, 2014, from 6 to 10 PM Boys & Girls Club of Imperial Beach 847 Encina Av, Imperial Beach, CA 91932 $25. donation includes $150. in token game chips Please email [email protected] or Melanie at 619-616-8353 for more info V OLU ME X, ISS UE 4 IT ’S C LASS IF IE D Calendar PAGE 3 March January February 13th - Professional Development Day 23rd - SBUSD Board of Trustees Meeting, 6pm, Burress Aud 20th - Martin Luther King Jr Day—No School 30th - Chapter Meeting, 5:15 pm, District Office Conference Rooms 13th - SBUSD Board of Trustee’s Meeting, 6pm Burress Aud 14th - Lincoln’s Day/ Valentine’s Day—No School 17th - Washington’s Day No School 20th - Chapter Meeting, 5:15 pm, District Office Conference Rooms 27th - Board Event Employee of the Year Know Your Contract 9.3 Lateral Transfers 9.3.1 Notices of all vacancies shall be posted on each staff bulletin board at each work site. Such notices shall include the applicable position. Notices shall be posted at least six (6) workdays. Transfer requests shall be in writing and shall be submitted to the Department of Human Resources. 9th - Daylight Savings Time Begins 30th - Chapter Meeting, 5:15 pm, District Office Conference Rooms 3/24-4/4 Spring Break - No School April 7 - Professional Development Day Article 9 - Lateral Transfers (c) If the unit member is a probationary employee. (b) Qualifications required of the position; (d) If the unit member is a permanent employee who has not completed six (6) months of service in the unit member’s current classification at the existing work site. (c) Needs of work site as defined by principal/supervisor. If a unit member is ineligible to transfer based upon (a) or (b) above, the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources shall contact the employee’s current 9.3.2 Eligibility for Lateral Transfers supervisor to determine if stated Unit members may apply for lateral deficiencies have been remedied. transfers with the following excepIf they have not been remedied, tions: the employee shall be notified in writing that they rights” are ineligible Classified employees desig- Tab, select “your and to (a) If the unit member ismay currently laterally transfer. If deficiencies a performance assisnatesubject their to personal physician then select “Workers Compenhave been remedied, the employtance plan or received a writ- sation.” for treatment ofhas work-related The Physician Preee shall be granted an interview. ten reprimand within the last two injury or illness. The employee Designation Form is at the (2)provide years. the proper form to must bottom ofthe theconsideration page under of re9.3.3 In quests for lateral transfers, the the employer prior to the injury. “Resources.” (b) If the unit member has received following factors shall be applicaPlease make “needs sure your doctor If you are injured on the job, an overall improvement” ble: agrees to the“unsatisfactory” pre-designation. or overall rating contact your supervisor and Pre-designation forms most are availoutExperience an incident report imin the unit member’s recent fill(a) in the position; ableevaluation. on CSEA’s website at mediately. Keep a record of all Clic on the “issues” time missed due to the injury Know Your Rights 4th - SBUSD Board of Trustee’s Meeting, 6pm Burress Aud Workers Comp 9.3.4 Eligible unit members with lateral transfer requests on file by the announced closing date may interview for any or all positions for which they qualify. 9.3.5 In cases where it is determined that a vacancy shall be filled with an existing unit member and two (2) or more unit members equally satisfy the criteria mentioned in Section 9.3.3, the unit member with the most District-wide seniority shall be selected for the position. Per our contract, anyone in a particular job classification may apply for a lateral transfer, regardless of the number of hours they work. If the lateral transfer opportunity is for an 8 hour position employees working 3.75, 6 and 8 hours may all apply for the lateral transfer. IT ’S C LASS IF IE D PAGE 4 V OLU ME X, ISS UE 4 Sunshine Assistance Program (Humanitarian Assistance) Eligibility (a) Humanitarian assistance shall be restricted to CSEA members in good standing (b) The financial emergency has to be beyond the control of the member. Problems that arise because of a lapse of personal responsibility do not qualify for assistance. Application and Administration ‘‘Sunshine Assistance Program” requests shall be submitted to the Sunshine Committee Chairperson or designee, within thirty (30) days of emergency. Documentation corroborating the financial emergency must accompany each written request. The Chairperson or designee shall examine each written request and interview (by telephone or in person) the eligible applicant(s). The Chairperson, or designee, shall report to the Committee regarding each request. The Committee shall determine eligibility and the amount of assistance to be provided. Such determination shall be based on the eligible person’s specific 29 Hour Rule Due to the implementation of the Affordable Health Care Act (Obama Care), anyone working an average of 30 hours per week will be entitled to employer paid health benefits starting January 1, 2015. Our contract provides district benefits if your regular work schedule is over 20 hours per week, but does not take into account extra time subbing. If you need as stated in the request and the availability of funds. However, in no event shall any assistance exceed $100. Members shall not receive direct cash payments. Funds shall be made payable to the appropriate vendor, such as a utility company, landlord, mortgage lender. Emergency food will be purchased for member. If clothing is requested Chairperson, or designee, will request from SBUSD Clothing Room prior to purchasing new items. The maximum amount of assistance per eligible member shall be $100 Assistance shall be limited to one (1) grant per member within a 24-month period. Notwithstanding the above, a second grant may be approved for an eligible member by the Sunshine Committee within the 24month period if the committee finds that there is an extraordinary condition. In no event shall a member receive more than two (2) grants per 24-month period. work more than 30 hours per week and receive a subsidy for health insurance on the exchange, your employer is subject to fines. In order to avoid the possibility of fines, the district will implement the 29 hour rule starting July 1, 2014. NO ONE, not already benefitted, will be allowed to work over 29 hours in a week. That means if your regular assignment is 3.75 hours, that is 18.75 hours per week, you will be limited to 10.25 extra hours each week. The district will be utilizing software within the SubFinder Program that will keep track of extra hours worked each week and will not allow anyone to accept a sub position if their hours will go over 29 hours of work within the district. This does not affect any time you work for another employer (or district) V OLU ME X, ISS UE 4 IT ’S C LASS IF IE D PAGE 5 LAs CSEA Chapter #59 Emergency Assistance Referral Member’s name: ______________________________________ Number of family members: _____ Food Allergies_______________________ SITE: ___________ MEMBER # ________ Job Classification: _____________________________________ Dietary Restrictions _________________ Home Address: _____________________________________ If yes when_____________ _____________________________________ Has this family received CSEA emergency assistance in the past? Yes___No___ Please list household members Phone:_____________________ NAME AGE ATTENDS SCHOOL? If so where? Have you visited APPLICANT’S COMMENTS Please be as thorough as possible in explaining the circumstances which place you in hardship. Include any back up documents to support your current situation. com. There are discounts for just about anything you can think of, from amusement parks to movie tickets to rental cars. Also available are Veterans CSEA CHAPTER 59 NEWSLETTER Editor, Doreen Wick Email: chapter 59 [email protected] Member contribution to newsletter encouraged We’re on the web, CSEA has an ongoing Can Food Drive - For CSEA Members in need Donation boxes are located in the Fiscal Services Dept. at the D.O,, Mendoza School Office and at the Transportation Office. Chapter Directory President - Beth Gillen, Student Services 857-0405 Our mission: to improve the lives of our members, students and community. 1st Vice President - Melanie Bagalue, Sunnyslope School, 628-8800 Job Stewards - Melanie Bagalue, Lynda Elliott, Beth Gillen, Hanko Lucero, Ozzie Sanchez, Linda Smith 2nd Vice President - Deborah Parsons, Mendoza School, 424-0100 San Diego Field Office - 858-4580300 or 800-675-9939 Secretary - Terry Loyo, Student Services, 628-1657 Labor Relations Representative Joni Collins, 858-202-2611 or [email protected] Treasurer - Kimberly Jones, Fiscal Services, 628-1648 Communication - Doreen Wick, Transportation, 628-3586 Chief Job Steward - Hanko Lucero, Bayside School, 628-2500 Immediate Past President - Lynda Elliott, Retired