grocery - New Jersey Courier
grocery - New Jersey Courier
...... ' ! '♦ > ? ? * • * £ » < * * '* ( « » » ! N ew EVERYBODY READS IT :: THE COURIER IS THE HOME NEW SPAPER OF OCEAN COUNTY :: IT Ul tfES ALL THE NEW S ESTABLISHED 1850. Tom s River, N. J., Thursday Afternoon, SEEN AND HEARD. A STITCH IN TIME Notes and Comment. U n i ana Incident. Mint Flit Aernu Te Saves nine—that would be a good ad. for your tailor; but you expeft more from your fire insurance company. A Penny Premium saves a Dollar in case of fire— so, you see, you get ioo-told instead of 9-fold. Fischer, Brown & Co., Insurance and Real Estate C o u r ie r Building, Toms River, N . J. COAL AND LUMBER Lime, Cement and Brick, Doors, Sash and Blinds, Lath. Also, Blacksmith’s Coal aud Coke. At lowest prices. Agents for Lucas’ Paints. A. B. NEWBURY & CO. Successor to Wm. Aumack Opposite C. R, R, Depot_____________ TOMS RIVER, N. J I W OiltM IOHAEL, 1 * W . G. CDNRB.D ’OU itlELOB AT IiAW AND D1 ALIB IH ALL KINDS OP \ f ABTSB IN O h ANOIBY, UMBER, COAL AND WOOD, HARD O-'TIOB >N MAIN AND WASHINGTON STREET, Toms River, N J * ware, Locks, Hinges, Screws, Nails, Glass, etc., Doors, Sasb, Blinds and | AW OFFICES. J EDWARD d . UUHPHV, y tiu s v a ’s B uilding , 1 U E ast S tate S treet , T renton . No. 280 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. A LBEKI (J MARTIN. ATTORNEY AND S o l ic it o r in C hancery . Jr PICK OVER THE BANE, Toms River, N. J. AW O F F I C E S L THEO. J. B BROWN, •: Attorney at Law, Solicitor and Master in Chan cery, Notary Public. COURIER BUILDIXO. MAIN STREET TOMS RIVER, N. J. | Special attention given to Uoiieoticmk Ueai Estate and Litigations. A ll D E L 0 . B A IL E Y , ^ I e Dealer In FRESH, SALT AND SMOKED MEATS, BUTTER, LARD, MINCEMEAT, ETC., ETO. AT LIVING PRICES. Corner Main aud Washington Street*, Toms River. N. J. | \R ^ LEO N GOBLE” DENTIST, j OFFICE AT UNION HOUSE, MAIN STREET, TOMS RIVER, N. J. # Offlce Days—Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Teetn extracted without pain by Anesthetle applied to gum*. Mouldings, Shingles, Lath, Lime, Ce- E d ito r’s Mental V islo * . Ptople who have put up m artin boxes have bceu much bothered the past few years by Euglish sparrows, that take possession of the boxes before tbe martins come back from tbe south. A Seward avenue man says that tbe sparrows which built m bis m artin box, have learned wisdom after being driven out by tbe martins for several years. This year they filled the entrances to tbe boxes nearly up with tbe straw and things of which they build their nests, leaving room tor themselves to get lu, but not room enough fur the bulkier martins. One martiu can easily clean up several spar* rows In a fair fight, but the sparrows oulnurn ber tbelr enemies and make it unpleasant for them for several days before giving up the fight as hopeless • • * Swamps, field * and woods aie filled with rare beauty a t ibis lime of the year. Tbe swamp maples blaze with peodaot seed-clusters from brightest scarlet to palest pink or golden yellow. The smo >tb mottled green bark of tbe sassafras forms a most delightful contrast to tbe delicate yellow green of its bursting buds The swamp huckleberry bloom, with its bell of pink and white. Is not to be despised by-any one who bus an eye far color. Little tassels adorn the scrub oaks anJ tbe leaves are show ing like the *• squirrels ear,” tiny and crum pled and pink Beach plum bashes are a mass of while bloom. I q some places, roadsides have been almost carpeted with the wood vio let—in all tints from the deepest purple to almost white—for a fortuight past. A saunter tnrough the woods is worth any one’s tline.and you wou't try it without coming back the bet ter for your outing. ment, Brick, etc., etc. Lowest prices - ittee and Yard o n Ray street, B a r n e s a t N. J . F.M .Cham bers’ CDitL a n d W D D D 1>balkk I n PRICE* REASONABLE Upp .r Lehigh Coal a Speoialty Lumber and Building Material. Lime, Cement, Brick, Lath, Sash, Mouldings, etc., etc. All our Coal is Screened. Robbins St, TOMS RIVER Everything for Building TRIMMING and TAINTING ...A House Like This, or Any Other,,, 800 Designs and Plans, free to Customers Coal , Co k e , W ood Fencing, Boat Boards, spars, Rope, Nalls, Varnish, Glass, Brick, Terra Cotta Flpe, Lime, Fertilizers, etc. Everything cheap for cash or approved credit. Toms River, N. J, A. A. BRA N T Taxpayers who are opposed to the present system under which there are an increasing number of tramps to be kept aud fed at our county jail—to say nothing of the Justice’s and Uonstahle’s fees for their arrest—may be inter esting la tbe following od tbe tram p question from the Chicago Record : Four States have no tramp laws. In three— West Virginia, Keutucky and Louisiana—the tramp is “ worthy poor" Two commit him to public labor ; one New Mexico, to labor on the streets and roads; the other, Missouri, sells him to work six months for tbe highest bidder. Pennsylvania adds a rigor of solitary confinement to hard labor. New Hampshire and Connecticut offer a reward for his appre hension. In Nevada the district attorney gets $10 for convicting him. Generally he is con demned to work lu the bridewell, prison or penitentiary. Illinois sends him to tbe house of correction to work off a fine, but allows local authorities to employ him if they desire. England sends the tramp to the workhouse. France makes him do convict labor. Germany aud Belgium put him on penal farms. * • * A writer lu tbe Review of Reviews sums up the attributes of the country,weekly as follows: “ Each copy is read not only by the five peo ple usually credited to the ordinary paper, but by twice or thrice that number in many in stances, for many subscribers pass their paper on and on to the inmates of less fortunate homes. These publications are pre eminently the home papers of newspaperdom. They are not superficially scanned while men travel lo business and then left for brabemen to gather up, Tb'ey go directly into homes and the read ing of them Is a duty as well a s a pleasure Hence their peculiar value to advertisers ami their value as moulders of the public opinion.” PO INT PLEASANT. With three thousand boys in blue a t Sea Girt things are livened up A little. P. R. Errleksou has tbe contract to put up a cottage ou New Jersey avenue for Mrs James of Trenton Frank I. Bennett will build a studio for artist Greenfield at tbe corner of St. Lome and Atlantic avenues. George Newbury, tbe Mauarquan carpenter and builder,has purchased a lot here.aod rumor May 12, 1898 OUR FREEHOLDERS. Wind up a Year and Start Anew lr , Edmund Bennett Me-F.lected Director for the Meventh Time. Tbe Board of Freeholders of Ocean County on Tuesday last fluished up Us work of the year. On Wednesday the new Board organ ised by the re-eieetion of Dr Edmund Bennett of Baroegat, as Director for tbe seventh sue eesslve year The only new men on the Bo*td are,Chat L Rogers of Manchester, and Isaiah Stackhouse of Ocean T uesday’.* Session. Tbe Board of Chosen Freeholders of the county of Ocean convened at tlio Court House on Tuesday, May 10th. for the cl< strg session Dr E d m u n d H ennetr. Fieebolder from Union Township 17 years. Just elected Director for the seventh consecu tive year. of the year, Every member was present, Journal of previous meeting read and approved. Chairman Blrdsal! of the committee ou De linquent Taxes, reported all back taxes were collected except two items One of tbetie was $493 87 due from Bay Head Borough, which Is now lu process of collection in the courts. The other was $133 which was Imposed ou Beach Haven Borough by an incrcaso in its duplicate, through the action of the County Board xif Assessors. Attorney Brown, who was employed by tho committee to collect the back taxes, submitted a written opinion that as tbe County Board of Assessors had not acted iu accordance with tbe statutes in making the lilcroase in Beach Haven’s assessment, and as the State Board of Taxation had reviewed the case and set aside the Increase, he did not be- I* Is expected that the 8tate of New Jersey T e e t h E x t r a c t e d w it h o u t P a i n will shortly apply to the Federal government C aptaln J a c o b H. B ird sa il. for interest on the loans made by tbe State to Retiring as member from Ocean, after eleven the government during tbe civil war. New years of service on the Board. York State has. through tbe courts, recovered interest on its loans, and Pennsylvania is now Have tbe $133 was collectable by law. On OSTEEN WALTON, endeavoring to recover interest. In 1891 New motion of Mr. Birdcall, tbe Borough of Beach Haven was released from this amount Cowperthwait* Exchange,Toms River Jersey was paid buck the money advanced to C ontractor of P lastering and tbe national government, amounting to over Consideration and payment of bills was then Nitrons Oxide Gas administered. Am $380,000. It is not definitely decided as to just B rick- L aying. taken up. Repairing neatly and promptly done. Ao also sole proprietor for Ocean County what amount should be demanded from tbe The bill of the Wrought Iron Bridge Comv work fiarauteed Estimates or advice given of the new local aneesthetio National Government. Tbe Quartermaster p»ny for placing the old Toms River iron ■ with pleasure. Address, General’s department is now looking np tbe TOMS RIVER, N. J. bridge across Ced&r Creek stream on the main data, and when It is completed it will be turned shore road, amounting to $1905, was ordered that is applied to the gums for pain over to Attorney Geueral Grey, who will take ^HAS. T. HUDSON, paid less extraction. Write for testimonials. the necessary steps to recover tbe money. At 12.15, the Board adjourned for the noon BARBER. * * . recess, reconvening at 1.30 p ui , all present. We hear just now a great deal ot Dewey and E stablished 1877. For a New and Consideration and av ment of bil s resumed ISLAND HEIGHTS. SampsoD, of Fiizbogh Lee and Teddy Roose O pposite the O cean H ouse . Mr. VanHiseon bridge at CasAvilIe reported velt, of Sewell and Wheeler—fighters by the Where Satisfaction 1* generally given to all cus Dr. Isaac N. Qulmby, a well known summer Doth lug done as yet on bridge; committee tomer*. Ladles'Shampooing a specialty, done score and hundred—but somehow or other resident at Island Heights, died on Friday last continued. br Mr*. Hudson. You should visit “ Bloody-Bridles” Waite of Colorado seems to at bis borne, No. 81 Crescent avenue. Jcrst-y Committee on pr posed county road between have gotten himself lost in tbe push. City, of pneumonia He had only been ill a New Egypt aud Manchester was on motion r I'TLYSSES S. GRANT, few days Dr Q'timby was sixtv-eigbt years discharged T onsorial A r tis t , The present generation are finding out for oid, having been born in Bernardsville lu 1830. Committee on Collector's Accounts reported tbe first time what is meant by •• Wars and He received bis medical education In the Uni as follows: IHair Catting, lOots. Shaving, Sets. (Formerly Van B lee & Son) rumors of ware,” in tbe Scripture The war versity of New York. During the war of ihe water s t r e e t , toms river , n . j . We. the undersigned, committee on Col Main & Washington Sts., Toms River rumor is most energetic. It can outruu a Rebellion he was a surgeon in tbe Army of the lector’s Accounts for the county of Ocean, do Lien every day (except Sunday) from 6 on a. m. cablegram for speed, and the farther and faster Potomac _» * P. m.: Saturdays, from 6 a. m. to 18 midnight. A fall line ot High Grade After tb<* battle of ihe Wildcrm-i-s hereby report that we find tbe accounts of said Sundays till 18 m. it goes, the strorger and lustier it gets. How he resigned, resuming bis profession in Jersey Collector correct for tbe six months ending Staple and Fancy Groceries, ever there is one advantage we have over tbe City. Provisions, Floor, Feed. Etc. Mey 10, 1898. After comparing debits and RTHUR P. CLAYTON. people of olden times. When something hap PAINTS OILS AND V aRNISHES pens we soon know It, and then the rumor li Dr. Qtiimby was a public spirited citizen and credits we find a balance due tbe connty of was interested iu movements having for their four tbousaud eight hundred Ally one dollars NEW BARBER SHOP. laid on the shelf If it were not for tbe object the advancement of Jersey City. Re and fifty-eight cents ($4851 58) modern dally newspaper—with all its short wss a member of the Prohibition party, and in U p T own. Respectfully submitted, comings and sometimes its boastings—the 1874 was Us candidate in New Jersey for Pres Cowperthwait Exchange, Main street E F Larrabeb, Chairman, rumor would live a week instead of a half day idential elector He never held public offlce. Hiir cutting. Bhampoolng, shaving, etc., in WARETOWN, N. J. C. D K elly . ptest fashion. Ladies’ nalr trimming. A widow and two sons survive him. D. W. Blake. J r . i Razors sharpened and repaired. Most any man nowadays will go without bis Journal of the day read and adopted. supper to get bis evening paper -an d not think BAY HEAD. A.YOIGT, Board then adjourned sine die. himself a patriot either; but it is the women » successor to E. A. Gulick W m H F ischer . Clerk. who are patriotic. Yon seldom see a maldeu The Bay Head school now has a 53 foot flag ( Continued on third page ) Also deals in J. S. Reese & Co.’s on the street without a bit of red. white ard pole. The main sp tr was donated by Captain Firstclass Plambing,Tin Roofing aDd Sheet Iron Work. High Grade Fertilizers, Washburn & bine, generally a tiny flag. Red. while and Hankins, one of our yacht builders, while Mort BEACH^HAVEN.eaters. Iron and Wo Moen’s Wire Fencing, Anglo A tr et i- blue ribbons are the only ones th at are good Johnson, another boat builder presented tbe r-ware. Tin-ware etc. enough to decorate tbe bicjcleh m dlebarof tbe topmast An 8x12 flag was purchased by tbe Richard Driscoll has tbe contract to put VANHI8E BLOCK TOMS RIVER. N. J. can Animal Food and various mer feminine rider. And we sae in the daily proceeds of a public school entenainment. aud down the Yacht Clan dock by June 1st papers and tbe magazines are advertised trl- the flag raising took place on Friday. chandise. Seventy-five carloads of gravel, for use on iL IO W A R D D. VahSANT, oolored dress linings and petticoats. Tbe ladles Tbe flag stone crossing and Iron culverts will tbe streets, will be brought over from tbe Stafare ahead! be at once laid by the borough at tbe most fordville pits. REAL ESTATE, traveled street crossings. Cottages are being painted and renovated Commissioner o f D eeds H ym n Before Ar t Ion. Captain Pearce has leased his Main avenue for the summer No one fears Spanish gun Tbe earth is full of anger, . . . N otary P ublic cottage to Edward P Gleason of Philadelphia nery since the Manila episode Tbe stars are dark with wrath ; Mrs. Edwards and Mr. and Mrs Nickerson Island Heights, N . J. Captain Tilt Fox is getting tbe Hotel de Crab The nations in their harness have opened the Oliver cottage on Main avenue in condition for tbe summer rush. ^Appraisements of N Y. City and adjacent Jewelry, Silverware, Silver Novelties for tbe bominer. ■voperty cheerfally famished. Go up against ihe p a th ! $17 was recently cleared for the Methodist New York and Philadelphia Morning Ere vet we loose tbe legions— church by means of a festival. JUMPS and WINDMILLS. and Evening Papers. FORKED RIVER. Ere yet we draw the blade. Jehovah of tbe Thunders, Snbcriptions received for papers and LONG BEACH. Tbe trustees of tbe Marray Grove Association Lord God ot Battles, aid ! J. W. PEASE, magazines at publishers’ rates. will bold their annual meeting to arrange for Work has begun on tbe new Catholic church. Orders for Jewelry or Silverware not From panic pride and terror. M achinist and E ngineer the summer meetings, on Saturday night n u t It will cost about $3500 and covers a floor area In stock will receive careful at Revet ge that knows nn rriti — at tue Parker bouse in ibis village. of 27*00. It will be an up to date betid leg In ^Erector of Windmills. Driven Wells, rumps, tention. Light basic and lawless error, every particular. Shop-Hooper avenue, Tjms River, N. J. Protect ns vet again ; W EST CREEK. Cloak tboo our undeserving. Me Bare setts *e Ptasstt* ! Make firm the shuddering breath Rev. Alfred D. Bennett, who was ordained C G Coniim tbe Italian fruiterer. Is re In silence and deserving a minister on April 27ib at tbe Memorial Bap ported to have fallen heir to an estate in Italy WILLIAM F. POTTS of Laketist church. Brooklyn, has taken the pastorate valued at $90 000 He expects to sail In sshort To taste thy leaser death. kood is now ready to do anything in of tbe Baptist etinrrh a t this d ace. time to claim the legacy, but will return.— E’en now their vanguard gathers. Lakewood Times and Joarnal. lb« line of Plumbing, Steam or Gas E’en now we face the fray— A nan Whs Is Siting. Windmills erected. Orders Yellow J u s a t c e Cared. As then didst help nqr fathers. AU the time, owing to impoverished Wood, ■omToma River will receive prompt should take Hood's Sarsaparilla to purify and Help thou oar host to-day ! Suffering humanity should be supplied with “witioii. enrich his blood aad give him vitality and every means possible for ha relief. It is with With F. A. North A Co., 1*W Chestnut Street, Fulfilled of signs and wonders, vigor. please re we pablbfa the following <■This is to Philadelphia, desire, to inform the people of Do you want your In life. In death made clear— This condition of weakness and lack of energy certify the* I we- a terrible sufferer from yellow Ocean county and vicinity tnat he is again at Jehovah of the Thunders. is a nstnm l consequence of the coming ot jaaoriicv for over six months, and was treaied Toms River for the rammer. warmer weather, wnich finds tfie svstem de by some of the best nhy»fn»ns iu ogr city aud Lord God of Battles, h e a r! If yon <io, «md it to bilitated a id tSc uiood impart Repairing and Organ —Radyard Kipling A good spring medicine is a necessity whh a»- ail to no avail. Dr BeiL our druggist, recom mended Electric Bitier*. and af'ev tahlw? two Work a Specialty. n<i*ieveryone Hood s sarsaparilla is what bottlea 1 w«s entirety cured. I now takrgreat the millions take in the spring. lie great pleasure In recommending them to any persou Mall orders promptly attended to. Me* and medicines are judged by what they power to parity and enrich Ihe bkfcd and suffering tfinm this terrible maladv. 1 am do. Tbe great ceres hr Hood’s Ra»**j*arin« E . B. U&d - r hcaL* ia one <A d a fatmof | g rw n a u j years. M A Hogarty. LexingfOUJLy.' experience. (Box r.i) t*bh a , n. j . give it a good u a e everywhere. | SuM by C. B. Mathis A Co , Druggists. I G e o . T . Cr o o k d e n t is t R 1 "ODONTUNDER” 0 Gilt-Edged Class of Goods S. T. Frost’s GROCERY L\ J. 0 . H O W A R D INSURANCE AGSHT aP C T M SR N .H . K endall Hooka,: Stationary : and Fancy : Gonda Post Office Stars PLUMBING. E. B. IRONS, Piano Tuner, Action and Tone Regulator atch Repaired Right George G. Worstall, raoxs. LAKEWOOD. A special school meeting will be held on Tuesday next to vote upon the Issuance of $9000 worth of bonds for a new cchoolhouseatUrueu vllle; also to raise $950 to purchase laud ou which to build it and $700 to run the school next year; also to allow the Board of Education to spend $500 on manual training the (touting year. Tbe town Is really divided into two boatile camps on tbe school question—one side which has a majority of one on tbe Board, be at. J . G a sklil. Re elected from Little Egg Harbor. C h a rle s R. LeCom pte. Re-elected from Lakewood Township says that he will build a cottage for bis own residence. H W Neary will build another cottage on Rev. Mr Livingstone’s Grove street property, to be occupied by Uni gentleman's son. George Newbury will put up a summer cot tage for lawyer Peter Backes of Trenton. Tbe Adams Expresscompaty have rented ( to be used as their t.-ffloe) ihe room in tbe Havens building formerly occupied by Lhafey’s res taurant. The excursion rate to New York on tbe New York aud Long Branch railroad has been re duced to $2 05, with corresponding reductions to way points. The stars and stripes are much In evidence about tbe village Captain John L Dorset! has a new yacht nearly completed. M. 8. Middleton recently found an envelope containing $65 in tbe road to Manasquan. It proved So belong to Monroe Wyckoff of the latter place. Since May first the Point Pleasant Light and Power aompany have furnished the town with Bix 2000 caudle power arc lights and 50 incan descent lights of 32 candle power. This com pany has lighted Mana-quan tor nearly a year past, and last summer lurnished lights for our principal hotels. Mrs. Anna 8herinan of Manasquan. widow of Samuel Sherman, died here on the 1st lost., at the home of ber daughter, Mrs. David Fleming, after au UIuces of two hours, aged gl years. AmoDg the summer people here are tbe Baxters a t the Furness cottage; Jyhq R Weeks and family at tbelr Forman avenue cot tage; Mrs. Charles E Knox at the Knox homestead ; and tbe Dob Santoses at tbe Point Pleasant cottage. J. A. Casey has leased his cottage for the summer to A. V. Travers of New York, who has been a cottager here for a number of sea sons. A case in Chancery, before Vice Chancellor Reed, is of considerable Interest to people in this community. Mrs. Joseph F eming has brougbt suit against ber 6isier. Mrs. George Dudley, for ber right to $4000 of her mother’s estate, of which Mrs. Fleming claims she was unjustly deprived by being unduly influenced to bL d an agreement relinquishing her claims Mrs. Fleming alhges that her family opposed her marrl >ge aud necause she married contrary to their wishes, they unduly tuflaenced her mother to discriminate against her in ber will A pieee of testimony was a letter from Mr Dudley showing that the attempt would be made to disinherit Mrs. Fleming should she marry her present husband. Tbe defence claim that Mrs Fleming voluntarily reliu qalshed her right in tbe estate for a yearly annuity. Messrs. E. H. Morphy and Peter Backes represent Mrs Fleming A verdict is expected on the 31st lust. VOLUME 48— NUMBEFf 33 1 ig iu favor of retrenchment in school salaries, and tbe other side belog in favor of the scheme that has been going on the past two or throe years. Slate Superintendent 'Baxter came down and talked In favor of the present saiar les and the kindergarten, manual training and similar ideas, but the Board continue in their policy of retrenchm ent; and claim that it was upon this issue they were elected. A burglar walked off with a pocket book containing $35 from the cottage of tho MIbbub King on Tuesday night of last week. The township committee has divided the road money as follows: John Shearman for the River avenue district, $600; W. C. LeCompte for use in Lakewood proper, $4000; George Matthews, Greenville district , $600; reserve fund. $800 H B Hurwitz, a local cigar dealer, has made application for citizenship papers. The engagement of John N. Turner and Miss U.E Proe is announced. Dr. Cate has moved into his recently pur chased house. Wil|lam Scultborp, our Overseer of the Poor, la putting up a new home ou Ocean avenue. Howard Applegate is bullldlng a house for Dr. Irwin flatice on Second street. Committeeman LeCompte is putting a good coat of gravel on the streets. A uniou meeting of the Presbyterian and Baptist Christian Endeavor societies and tbe Methodist Epworth League will beheld tonight to the Presbyterian church and be addressed by Rev Luther R Dyott, of Newark, vice prcslueut of tbe State C. E, Union. Rev. B C. Lippincottbas been given a vaca tion by tbe Meibodlsl church He has been speudiag some time at Hackettstown, N. J., ccmpanied by Mrs. Lippincott, and will make a visit to Halifax, that tbe rest and change may beneficially effect Mr. Lippincott’s hraitb it is reported that he is already much better Thomas E Gulce, son of John K. Gutce, died at Greenville on Wednesday of last week, aged 19 years. He was a member of Laurel council, Jr. O U A. M , which order conducted the funeral services on Friday. Mrs. Elizabeth Wart ham, wife of James L Wareham. died on the 4th lost., leaving four small children The family came here from Laucealcr. N. H., and Mr Wareham is em ployed at the Laurel in the Pines. Rev W. G. Wedemeyer. pastor of the Bap tist chursh, has bad a valuable addition to his private library, some New Yorkfi lends having presented him with 180 volumes. TUCKERTO N. No trace can be heard of the heirs of Lewis Haug, who died receutly at New Gretna. Sur rogate Kirkbride has granted letters of admin Istration on his estate to Howard Mathis Hang was a traveling peddler, better known as “ Dutch Lewie,” and bad many friends around this neighborhood Report says that Rev. Charles F. Downs, who used to live here and was a former pastor of the Methodist church, has become totally blind. He was sei.t to Tuekahoe charge by the last conference. The water mains laid In our streets aggregate 8U miles. The company have put but tbelr schedule of rates, and plumbers are busy m ak ing connections. Miss Abble Lane, daughter of • aptaln N V. Lane, has graduated from the State Normal School at Trenton, two months In advance of ber class and has been given a position at teacher In the Hackensack high scool. Rosa, wife of George Martha!!, died sudden ly on tbe third Inst. She was the daughter of James Andrews. Mrs Elizabeth Sawyer died on tbe first Inst., at the home of ber daughter, Mrs. J G Downs, aged 81 years. Rev. J. H. Bradley. Chaplain of the National Boldier's Home at Hampton, Va.. came north to condnct the funeral servioes The Methodist Sanday-ecbool at this place— which can boast of having tbe largest Sundayschool in Ocean county—has elected officers as follows : Superintendent, C M. Headley ; as sistant superintendent. J Frank Mstbls; sec retary, B Ney P.idgway; treasurer, W. OtiJones; librarians. Chester Headley, Alfred Burns and Walter Rockhill; organist, Allle Dayton; assistant organists, Mary Bartlett and Florence Otfford. Among recent visitors here were Rev. J. W. Morris of Trenton; aiisa Mamie Stewart of Des Moines. Iowa ; Mr Hcpfe!’** of Norfolk Va. Dawey. 0 dewey was the morning Upon tbe first of May. And Dewey was the Admiral Down in Manila Bay. Aod dewey were tbe Regents’ eyes, Those orbs of Royal bine; And dewey feel discouraged f 1 dew not think we dew, Kansas War Poet. MADE A COMMOTION Note* From Roundabout. ■null iw k u e a t k m * W i n M i n n or Wa» H» Tramp or Spy ? S uspicious V a g r a n t who L u rk e d a b o u t t b e 17. I . D ynam ite W o rk . Last Thursday afternoon the commuuity was pretty well worked up over a rumor that a Spanish spy h id been captured a t the United States Dynamite^Vorks, in an attempt to blow up tbe mill. The story grew out of the fact that a suspiciously acting tramp had been seen about the works, and William Dennis, the night watchman, bad come down after Con stable Asa T Wllaey to assUt in tho search tor him, Tbe tram p bud been seeu by the section hands on the Central Railroad, lurking around the powder works for two or three days. He was not seen at the woika till Thursday noon. Strangers are always au o' ject of suspicion at a powder mill—f o ra stranger through ignor ance or carelessness can work no e .d of mis chief—but this fellow’s strange appearance, queer actions and evasive answers to questions, led to the mill men’s trying to follow him up and learn who he might be. Inquiry showed tbat the section men hid seen him about for several days, also that when bo had stopped along Manchester road for food, he had told tbe people be was a Sptuiard Remembering the tales of Bpanlsh spies causing the explosions at the powder mills at Dover, N. J., and Los Angeles, Cal., made some of the men pretty anxious, and they instituted a search for him. However, while Bill Dunuis is a pretty good woodsman and eon track most anything tbat walks on land, tlib tramp took to the nearby railroad track and walked the iron, throwing him off tbe Bcent. Superintendent Harrop thought the man a crazy or demented tramp. He says he was very dirty, very ragged, a big stalw art fellow with light mustache aud light hair. May Cay was uelabialed *t tho Lakewood kindergarten, Barfmau Caleb Conklin of Cedar Ran, has been laid up with a sore hand. The ocean pier a t Long Beach City, has stood the wluter’s storms without Injury. Eighteen fish pounds will be iu operation be* tween Elberon and Seabrigbt this rammer. Point Pleasant’s summer residents have al~ ready opened the golfing season at th at place About one- third of William Qulcksell’a ersuberry bog a t Hornerstown w ai destroyed hy fire. H u n tin g His L a st won. On Saturday night last Superintendent Harr p received a visit from Mr. John Lobman of No. 6 Ridge street, Orange, who had read in the Now York papers of the supposed spy at the powder mill, and came down thinking it might be his son, Mr Lohman’s son had been an inmate of a Newark institution but es caped on Monday of laBt week. He is about 30 years of age and weighs from 195 to 130 pounds. He has a mania for wandering about the country whenever he gets a chance and has led bis father upon long chases before Mr. Lohman’a New York offlce is at 62 W est street The Launch of the Mehrer. C h riste n e d b y M rs, Elwood R ia w te r—A G ra c e fu l L aunch. The sloop John E Mehrer II was launched on Saturday morning last at Kirk's yard, precisely 11 30 o'clock The Mehrer. a descrip tion of which appeared in last week's issue. Is a 58 foot sloop built for Captain Sam Gale of Atlantic. The craft was decorated with bunt ing and fligs. Mrs Elwood Siawter, daughter of the builder, Mr. Kirk, was given tbe honor of christening the craft hy Captain Gale. Mrs. Siawter had a bottle of clear, cold water, done up lu the American fl tg, and as the sloop be gan to slide down tbe ways In response to the sturdy blows of the sledges, she broke the bot tle upon the how. It was a graceful launch—in the oplnlnn of every one of tbe two hundred spectators. The sloop slid, smoothly and swiftly out into deep water, and then by deft manipulation of her cables, her stern was turned up stream and ber progress halted -else she would have col lided with the bank of Gowdy Island It will still take some time before the Mehrer Is fitted out and rigged for sailing to her home port— Atlantic City. Her standing rigging is of steel wire rope and is now being put on. On Monday at high tide tbe sloop dropped down stream Bnd now lays off the Brooks property, where she will be rigged and fitted. New Draw Bridga at tha Bonnet. Being P u t In ou th e M anunuawkln a L on g Beach Ballroaff. Last week a drawbridge was shipped from Mouot Holly lo Cedar Bonnet, a -p o lu to n tb e Long Beach railroad, where It will span the bay In place of the present structure which ha6 been condemned. The bridge was built near tbe old Medford junction a t Mt. Holly by tbe railroad bridge gangs located there and is in sections. I t took nine flat car* to transport it to its destination. Two large scows were *etil down lo be used by the men while a t work putting up the bridge. A sleeping and eating car was also attached to tbe train and foreman Samuel Brown and his force of bridge carpen ters will m ake this their home while engaged in putting tbe structure in place. Sheriff sales. Last week Sheriff Jeffrey disposed of the following propetty a t Sheriff sale : Property of Martin E. Stevens, et ux., (bet ter known as Striker place) on Lakewood road at Toms River, at suit of Laura Savage Hoff, man. Bid in by ifi L McKlrgan of Sommll, N J . solicitor for complainant, for $3900. Two Bay Head lots belonging respectively to George C Ormerod and Cecelia Weeks, were knocked down to Julias Foster.representiogthe Bay Bead Land Company, complainaots. for $500 and $300 P A. V. VanUoren of Prince ton, was solicitor in these sales. Lot 13. block 1, at Harvey Cedars, was sold oe Monday of ibis week, as tbe property of Haul) Bolton, et al , and was bid in by George A. Vroom. solicitor of complainant, Emms A. Parsons of Camden, for $500. 39 acres on tbe east side of River avenue, between Oak and Chestnut streets, Lakewood, known as lot l , bloek 8, section A, on the 8ricksborg Land Company's tract, brought $500, on Monday. I t was sold as tbe property of John Hamroell. et a t , and was bought in by T. J. R Brown, for the complainant, Mary E Hammell, guardian. Joseph 8 Parry ot Ho boken,was tbe aolicltor for the complainant. M ra. C le v e la n d 's New P o r tr a it s . Mi*. Cleveland recemiy bod a MW set of photographs taken, the first time she has bent photographed since leaving the W hite Bouse, sod has given them to Mr. Rok. with per* aissfoa to publish them In the Ladles B ooh Journal where they win be publicly sees for tbe Brut u a e . The set also loci odes the first sutkoritatire photographs putsikbed of the aew Princeton home of the Clevelands, Tbe State Exempt Firemen'* Association will hold its annual meeting at Perth Amboy on May 18. A alight fire occurred at Captain Bpragse's Cedar's Run residence last week, his little son setting Are to a sofa. A colored man was killed at Matawan last week by Conductor Horace G. Allen’s Point Pleasant passenger train. Dr. Edward H. Williams of Philadelphia, a summer resident of Bauch Haven, is au Intim ate friend of Commodore George De wey of Man ila fame. Tbe lot holders at the Woodlawn cemetery, Lakewood, have started a snbseriptlon to im prove that property. Is there a hint in that for Toms River folk ? A correspondent complains through the Point Pleasant Beacon that only three women and two men attended tbe Arbor day exercises at (he public school a t that place. A night train from Naw York arrived at Point Pleasant one evening last week, with ita whistle valve held wide open by some accident. People along the line thought the continuous shriek portended a Spanish Invasion. Charles Read, salesman for a Camden hard ware firm, was riding from Toma River to Lakewood one day last week, when the front forks of his wheel gave way, throwing hlui on bis face, injuring him painfully. He was taken to Dr. Buckingham’s home and cared tor till he could be moved. William P. C Strickland, a senior at Rutgers college, New Brunswick, and Cadet Major of the Rutgers College cadet corps, has offered his services to the Departmentof W ar. Major Strickland is well trained in military tactics, and has strong indorsements. He is the sor of Rev. W. P. C- Strickland, formerly Presid ing Elder of the New Biunswick District, Methodist church. It is understood that the War Department will appoint him a Second Lieutenant. A Strawberry Festival. A M usical P rogram Accom panied This Straw berry Festival. Tbe annual strawberry festival, given by tbe ladtu* of the Methodist church, was held on Thursday evening of last week iu Cowperthwalt hall. In spite of the stormy weather nearly fifty dollars was takes in. Music by an orchestra (composed of Mies ELlc Bonn, or gan; Edward E. Snyder, violin; Mr. Toplis, mandolin) was one of tbe most deligbful feat ures of the evening. In addition, tbe program was as follows: Organ voluntary, Miss Bertha Grovei. Quartet, Columbia, tbe Gem of tbe Ocean, by Mrs Rebecca Jennings, Mrs Maria Wldmaler, Miss Jessie Robinson and Poll Bailey. Recitation, The Convict’s Christmas, Halsey Bogart. Solo. Tbe Silver Cord, by Addison Raws, the little roq of Buperlntendeut Raws of tbe Kes wick Colony of Mercy. Readiug, Papa and tbe Boy, Miss Jessie Robinson. Tableau, Columbia anil U ndo 8am, Miss Mary Erricksou aud Halsey Bogart. Broke SI Out of 52 Targets. George C. VanHiae W ins th e G aa Clah Cup a n d B re a k s All It* Heeevffs. On Thursday afternoon last George O. VanHise won the monthly shoot for the Gun Club challenge cop. He also went on and broke 51 oat of 59 clay birds, missing only bis 4lat, and then stopped not because he made another miss, but because his shells were all gone. Ed Penn, the baby member of the club, showed the boys that the life saving crews had been practicing up for Spaniards, by breaking 20 out of 25 as his first record. In tbo 35 bird match for the cop the icore stood. George U. Van Hise................................... 25 J . Walton Grover...................................... 19 Harry W , Eno........................................... 14 George H H olm an,................................. 18 Ed Penn..................................................... 90 John B. Tilton.,........................................ 14 Harry C-M athis.. ................................... 18 Robert I. Holman..................................... 18 E. H a rtsh o rn ........................................... 13 MftHsra The schooner Sarah D Fell, which arrived at tbe Delaware Breakwater Saturday, reports that ou April 38 she sprung mainmast sad flooded d e c k ; on 27th. 85 miles south of Cape Henry, ran into a northeast gale and hoye to twelve hours, bursting foresail and rpaaker. On tbe following day daring a hurricane Die was blown off shore and ber decks were swept of everything movable. On the forth lasL. 40 miles east-northeast of Cape Henry, she passed through considerable wreckage and picked a one cabin door. Schooner E J . Hamilton, from South Gar diner for New York, with lumber, sprang a leak in Vineyard Sound Monday morning dar ing heavy northeast wind ; put into 1 Govs, with 5 feet of water In holdward filled. Au Appeal Ca The appeal of T. F. Sllieek va. Jai i O Hagan was decided hy Judge Martinos Tkaradey last la oar eouaty courts, isyewiag the decision of the coart below. O'Hagaa, aa Asbury Park roofer, repaired the Lakewood hotel roof, aad saed for aeeterlal and labor and thereon, some $13. SUlock, lbs lessee of Ihe bote'.. Claimed the leak was not mopped I f tea repair* O'RagaeV ww§ tbwt |g SiBeck he would not gueraatee to Map tea leak with anything abort of a now roof, aad that the patching waa ordesud done wish tide Tls now the he*sat grocer pets Another great dtscoyery bus been made and tba H Is b erries out for show. too, by a lady lath b country. Disease fastened T i b Is the top row of the bet its clutches upon to r and for seven years she o o o o o o withstood iu severest tesu, bet ber vital ergs as Asd thie the ooe below were aodermiaed rad death seemed imssioeaL For three months she coughed incessantly, aad eon id not sleep. She finally discovered a way to recovery by purchasing of as a bottle of Dr II J , May *, 1 * * of thfc p la c e . R a m s King's New Discover? for ccorompt inu. and Marray, g eneral dealer was so much relieved oe taking first done, that she slept a!! sig h t; rad -iih two Untie*, has lock different se£lcis«s without benefit. S* been ab-oiutel? cared. Her name is Mrs Lather *o*Uy reoorsei to the nasal Hood’s Lwix Thus writes W. C Haaseieb A Co of ay* b e b a s w i an res SfcHbv. M C Trial txmfes fner a t C ff tUtfct* ft Go's Dreg Store Reraler vise .Mb. sad $1. S w e d e is tho o m y or Every bottle guaranteed. New Jersey Courier, PAIL OF MANILA. S panish com m ander, transferred bl. flag to th e Asia do Cuba w hen his ship cau g h t Are. b u t the la tte r was degtroyed a lso in duo com ae o f tlnpe. T he Reina C h ristin a lout h e r cnptnln, a lie u ten a n t, h e r chaplain a n d a midBhipman by one shot Wulch strh ek h er bridge, E s tim a te s place the n u m b er ojf Spanish dead a n d wounded d u rin g the e n gagem ent a t over a th o u san d tjnen. Tiie fo rts a t the entran ce of the bay were d ism an tled on W ednesday, after they h ad capitulated. WAR NEWS OP THE WEES. SCH! -Y’S TRIBUTE TO DEWET, ------ S UPPOSE yob are NO T rich; suppose your ChlcT o f th e F ly in g S q u a d ro n D is c u s se s th e G re a t M a n ila V ic to ry . F o rt Monroe, Va., M ay 12.—Commo W ashington, M ay 12.—On th e n o rth dore W infield 8. Schley, comm anding ern c o ast of C uba, Thursday o f l a s t week, the flying squadron, y esterday for the th e re w as a slig h t skirm ish betw een first tim e consented to give h is views a Spanish c a v a lry company a n d a p a rty upon th e victory Avon by Adm iral o f in su rg en ts w ho had been la n d e d w ith Dewey a t M anila. H e said: “A dm iral Dewey’s victory a t Manila m unitions of w a r by the tu g Leyden. The g u n b o a t W ilm ington finally s te a m m u st deservedly ta k e its place side by ed up, opened Are and pu t th e S p an side w ith th e g re a te st navy victories of the w o rld 's h istory. I t h a s been ia rd s to flight. I t was an n ounced th a t urged th a t th e resu lts show su ch de OFFIC IA L PAPER t)l- QCfcANCOLM'iA th e S p an iard s a re busy th ro w in g up cided in ferio rity In resistance a s com ru b lU h e a by fo rtificatio n s a lo n g the C u b an coast. pared w ith th e vigor of a tta c k that Of a w J I I I B T COUBIMRR PVBLI0HINC1 F o rm a l notice cam e to W ash in g to n of there is a dim inution of the glory, but THE INVASION O F CUBA. COM PANY. B razil’s d e c la ratio n of n e u tra lity . A t th a t is u n tru e , for i t m ust first be re W m . H, VU«h«r, E d ito r a n d Mana g e r. New York a larg e quantity o f a m m u n i m em bered th a t th e g reatness of T h e M o v e m e n t o f O ur T ro o p s Is Now tion and w ar m aterial is r e a d y for Dewey’s success lies in the calm cour F a irly L a u n c h e d . lOfllec, New Jersey c o u r ie r Building. W a sh in g to n , May 12.—1T he nrmy sh ip m en t to C u b a n In su rg en ts. A s age and d a rin g displayed In his de No Mass. N o Trouble. T o m s R lv a r , O c e a n C o u n ty , N .J. m ovem ent on Cuba is now! fairly s is ta n t S e c re ta ry of the N av y Roose- cision to e n te r a stra n g e harbor, at concerted vo*t "'*** *eave W ashington fo r w a r d u ty darki u n der the guns of m any fo rts and launched, a n d there is (Oneoopy l year....................... 9>0U a s lie u ten a n t colonel of a c a v a lry braving the p erh ap s hidden torpedo m I 1 - ...................... - —’---- ' T IB MS.—•<One copy fl months.................. 1 00 effort a ll alo n g th e line to belgin ag- regim ent. In V ien n a it is believed th a t (Oneoopy I mouths................. BO I gressive o p e ra tio n s on a big st-ale for Q ueen Regent C h ristin a m ay so o n leave mine. “The preponderance of a dvantage Subscriptions payable i n advance, th e eje c tm e n t of the Spanish) troops Spain, and ex-Q ueen Isab ella is in w as certainly with th e enemy, a n d with and g o v e rn m e n t from th e pearl of th e m o u rn in g a t P a ris for the S p a n ish sail- the g rea t darin g displayed b y Dewey ADVERTISING KATES. A ntilles. An o rd er given yflsterday o rs killed a t M anila. there m unt fall upon hia ohouldorc the f a i x m i N T » n v » v r w w « t iT » — T w e lve line* The sam e d a y th e French m all s te a m er m antle of P erry a nd P 'arragut. It is ; afternoon by th e w a r d ep artm en t for on .ion space,) 75 cents one insertion. Bach W R IT E , th e p u rch a se of 5,000,000 ratio n s is an L a fa y e tte w as c a p tu re d by th e g u n b o a t evident th a t, despite the g re a t risk j additional insertion,an cents. Bosinhsh Ganna.—< One inch space, fs.ooayear, e a rn e st o f th e scale on w h ich prepa A nnapolis w hile endeavoring to run every officer and every m an knew was Insurance Co, th e H a v a n a blockade, and for a tim e being tak en , there w as not a faint each viditionaiinch.te.oo. ratio n s a re m ak in g fo r invasion of serious In te rn atio n al co m p licatio n s h e a rt In all th a t squadron, b u t an en America Qbnirai \dvirtisino —Our rates will be Dewey’s and M arvelous Victory Spain’s te rrito ry . Of th is vast quan w ere feared. O n Friday, h o w ev er, th e thusiasm a n d e sp irlt de corps that m at- mown lpou application at this office either personally or by letter. tity o n e -fo u rth is to go to th e Philip gov ern m en t p ro m p tly o rd ere d her could no t b u t win w ith such a leader. AT ONE OPERATION ' \ Over th e S paniards. JOHN F. DRYDEN. P re sid e n t Lean. ADVisrisiuara.—At rates allowed by pines, by w ay of San Francisco, and release, th e vessel having se cu re d a I would note, too, th a t superior educa law. LESLIE D. WARD, Vice p m . EDGAR B . WARD, Y d Vice Pre*. »nfi Coun ae . . A N Y C O L O R .l th e b ala n c e to Cuba. M any bodies of p e rm it to p ass th e blockade, t h e order tion, which brings intelligence, coupled % OflNT-A-WO»D ADVBBTIHHSBNT8.—ODlOCSl page FORRE4T F . d k Yu EN, s e c re ta ry one cent a word for each Insertion. The popular EIGHT AMERICANS WOUNDED v o lu n te e rs th a t were o rig in ally slated fo r which h ad n o t been delivered to th e w ith perfection of m arksm anship, aided S The Cleanest, F a ste st Dye forfe local advertising scheme. for one o f th e g rea t concentration officers of th e fleet. Madrid d isp a tc h es greatly in winning th e day, a nd will, I I f . B, CONO YJER, Gen. A g t T o m s River, N. J. jj Soiled or F a d e d Shirt W aists, |E camps h a v e found them selvds su d show th a t the Spanish g o v e rn m e n t Is believe, co n trib u te to future victories. h a v in g a h a rd tim e in d ev isin g plans Adm iral Dewey a n d every m an In his in asrariinnr* with the United States Postal * B louses, R ib b o n s, C urtains, Under- gf Laws all papers will be continued until ordered While the Spaniards Lost 300 denly u n d e r o rd ers to proceed direct fo r securing w a r funds, a n d t a l k of a squadron deserve every recognition jj lin e n , etc., w h e th e r Silky Satin, to s o u th e rn points, so t h a t soon vol c a b in e t u p h e a v al is growing. M ean ltopped. An order to stop the paper must I# th a t ■ & . gTaA.?.?vd people a nd a n a tio n can 5 C otton or W ool. aooompanied with all arrearage, otherwise the u n teers from th e east and m iddle west tim e the d iso rd ers in (he p ro vin ces con Killed and Fourteen Ships. b e sto w .’ order will not be i ?cognized. will be m oving sw iftly to F lo rid a and tin u e. ■ The general belief is th a t th e history •■5 Sold in All Colors by Grocers and S _ N ew spaper th e gulf, w h ile from th e f a r west tho I The p resid en t on T h u rsd ay sen t a o f' Nelson will be repeated, a n d that tfi Druggistu, or mailed free «; TO M S R IV F .R , N . J. A PROMOTION POE THE VICTOR. cars will be c arry in g tro o p s to San I long list o f a rm y nom inations to th e S panish indignation m ay force the i§ B ook Jo b for 15 cents; & i sen ate, am ong th em fhe follow ing to b e’ S panish fleet to sea, and T ra fa lg ar be Francisco. Thursday Afternoon, May 12,1808 5 A d d re ss, THE M A Y P O L E SO A P DEPOT, | C o n trary to expectations, tjhe day m ajo r g e n erals: Brigadier G e n e ra l J o repeated. E very officer is now encour seph C. B reckinridge, Inspector general, aged to belleVe th a t Commodore Schley 127 Duane Street, New York. «. In te r e d a t the Post Office at Toms River A One-Sided Battie, Where th e Only Dam again passed a t th e n avy departm ent U .8.A .; B rig ad ier General E lw ell S.Otls, will be allowed to display his acknowl as tecond-class m a il matter. age Done to Our Ships or Sailors Was w ith o u t new s from A dm iral Sampson. B rigadier G eneral John W. Copplnger, edged skill and d a rin g In active battle. N o tw ith sta n d in g w h at a p p e a l to be Caused by an Explosion of Ammu con firm ato ry newBfffiper advices rela B rigadier G en eral W. It. S h a fte r, B rig F IB ST VICTORY IN THE W A R FOR SUPREMACY ON THE TRACK. a d ie r General W illiam M. G raham , nition on Board the Cruiser Baltimore. tiv e to th e presence of th e Spanish B rigadier G eneral Jam es F . Wade, CHATTANOOGA, May 4, 1898. C E D A R RUN B rigadier G eneral Henry C. M erriam , Cape V erde fleet at Cadiz, tlje navy Congress Passes a Vote of T hanks, Enacts Monarch race’s’opened today.8 MimTpenwon by Ben Walthout on a Monarch. Second prize won by Kenc’all Spier on a Monarch. d e p a rtm e n t officials a re beginning to Ja m e s H. W ilson of D elaw are, FitzGeorge A. Cranmer has just launched Third place won by Bert Repine on a Monarch. Consolation race won by Carroll Jack on a Monarch, a Law W hich Makes the Intrepid Naval Man.OKU monahcu T lix . (Signed) e n te rta in s tro n g doubt of th e Accuracy h u g h Lee of V irginia, W illiam J. Se sneak box racer, built by Le.vl Crarraer. fle Commander a Rear Admiral, and Orders of th e rep o rt. I t was n o t possible d u r well of New J e rs e y and Joseph W heeler ■bullcugcs all competitors, especially those at M O N A R C H O i l A I 'V T . I C S - , # 1 0 0 . 0 0 of A labam a. E ighteen co lonels and Medals Cast for Every One of Our Heroes ing th e co u rse of the d ay td obtain seven lie u te n a n t colonels w ere named Barnegat a n y th in g lik e an official confirmation for brigadier generals. T h e nom ina W 8. Cranmer sold 18 bicycles last week. of Manila - A Big^Army to Be Sent to of th e official rep o rt received qn T ues tions were confirmed. Cuba at Once—General M erritt to Com day, h u t th is Is no t to he wondered at F rid a y a n d S a tu rd a y passed w ithout A T r u th f u l S ta te m e n t. mand Our Land Forces in th e Philippine In view of th e success w hich tl|e Span p a rtic u la rly e x citin g news, b u t on Sun A n e x c e lle u ta n d in v alu a b le rem edy, ish g o v ern m en t h as bo fa r m et with In day word cam e of an en co u n ter had on Islands—Information Regarding Admiral S a tu rd a y by w h ich two of o u r vessels keeping s e c re t th e m ovem ents of its for th e cu re o f cough, cold a n d hearse* narrow ly escaped destruction. I n order Sampson’s Fleet Withheld. naval s h ip s . to lu re o u r sh ip s under fire t h e Span-' n e ss, is D r. B ull’s Cough S yrup, and I t h as been suggested th a t Home of lard s sent ou t a schooner w hich was Mr. J a s . H adfield, 350 W e st S t., New Hong K ong, May 9.—A m o n g naval MONARCH MONARCH The w e e k has b e e n without nctioD m en, m ilitary m en and c iv ilia n s, E u th e tro o p s now being h u rrie d bo rap ap p a re n tly try in g to run th e H avana Y o rk C ity , verifies this s ta te m e n t. ropeans a n d n ativ es here th e r e is only idly to th e gulf coast m ay be intended blockade. The V icksburg a n d th e cu t H e w rites : “ D r. B u ll’s Cbugh Syrup .ROADSTERS., TANDEMS *100 of n o t e in the eon teat of the w a r . te r M orrill s ta r te d after her. a n d the to co -o p erate with A dm iral Sampson one subjoct of discussion, th o b rillian t, MONARCH Saturday tho, details of Dewcy’p daBhing, an n ih ilatin g v ic to ry of the in th e red u c tio n of th e fortifications schooner s ta r te d for the sh o re before is a m o st e x c e lle n t rem edy for cough, the wind. B efore our vessels’ officers RACER $75 astonishing victory at Manila reached Am erican fleet under Com m odore a t San J u a n de P orto Rico find the realized th eir position they w ere w ith cold a n d h o arsen ess, a n d I la k e great MODELS 5 7 & 5 8 sub seq u en t occupation o f th e island. $60.00 in reach of th e g u n s of the S a n ta Clara p lea su re in recom m ending i t to all, a delighted country, telling that the Dewey o v er th e Spanish fleet com T h e rev iv al of do u b ts as to the m anded by A dm iral M o n tejo in Ma •water b attery . M any shots w ere fired, w ho re q u ire such a valuable household MODELS 5 5 & 5 6 DEFIANCE Spanish fleet and land batteries lmd n ila bay on May day. w h ereab o u ts of th e Cape Verdi) squad b u t the S p a n iard s' poor m ark sm an sh ip m ed ic in e .” D r. B u ll’s Cough Syrup *50.00. R O A D STE R S*40 been destroyed without the loss of a Com modore Dewey’s o r d e r s were to ron caused a renewal of anxiety as to did little dam ag e, and our vessels es is sold everyw here for 25 c e n ts, th o O regon. Tho ship w as alt Bahia single Yankee tar, and with but six cap tu re o r destroy tho S p a n ish fleet, a t la s t acco u n ts and is believed to caped from w h a t would hav e been cer wold lay n . t Front, n a tn A W ashington ta in d e stru ctio n had co m p eten t men and never w ere in stru c tio n s executed EVERY BICYCLE CATALOGUE slightly wounded. Supplies and re in ho com plcto fashion. A t th e end of have s ta rte d a day o r tw o ag6 up the m anned th e S p an ish guns. DEATHSM inister W oodford and p a rty retu rn FULLY . . . MAILED inforcements aro being gotten ready seven h o u rs th ere w as absolutely B razilian co ast to jo in Sampson’s ed from E u ro p e on Sunday. T h e min squ ad ro n In th e W est Indies. She will GUARANTEED UPON REQUEST at San Francisco for Dewey, and it is n o th in g left o f th e Spanish fleet but a have to m ak e a run o f 3,000 miles, iste r refused to be interview ed, but MARSHALL—At TucKerton May 3, 1898, rumored that General Wesley Merritt few relics, Tito Am erican com m ander w hich will occupy th e Oregon about o th ers of the p a rty told o f th e bitter( Rosa, wife of George Marshall. hud most sk illfu lly a rra n g e d every de h o stility to A m ericans in P a r is , where will be made Military Uovornor of ta il of th e action, and e v e n thv, ap ten d ays only. It is believed that Ad every in d ig n ity sh o rt of a c tu a l violence SAWYER—AtTuckerton, May 1, 1898, Mrs m iral Sam pson will do w hatever is is th ru s t uuon our citizens. George Elizabeth Sawyer, aged 81 years the islands. p aren tly m o st insignificant features SHERMAN—At Point Pleasant. May 1. 1898, necessary in h is ju d g m en t to safeguard Downing, a naturalized E nglishm an Admiral Sampson is still playing were carried o u t with p e rfe c t p u n c tu a l th e sh ip In jie r ru n up th e coast. a n d form erly chief yeoman on the Mrs Auna Sherman, aged 81 years. ity and in railro ad tim e ta b le order. cru iser Brooklyn, was a rre s te d in The n av y d ep artm en t f e lt obliged to hide and seek, looking for Spain’a fleet WAREHAM—At Lakewood. May 4, 1898, A t tho end of tho a c tio n Commo ashington char:: il w ith being a E iznbeih. wile ol James L. Warehain of armored cruisers in tho neighbor dore Dewey anchored Ills fleet In the decline th e offer m ade by some W w ealthy New York gentlem en, headed Spanish spy. H e was c a u g h t in the GUIUE— Near Lakewood May. 4. 1898( bay, before M anila, and sent, a mes hood of Porto Rico. European dis H i i c o c m h I' i i I R a c i n g - M o n “ R i d o t t > £ o n t t r e l i a n d K e e p i n F r o n t . ” by Mr. O. H. P. Belm ont, to build und a c t of m ailing a letter to Senor Ber- ThofiiHn E , son of John R Oulce, aged 19 veurs, sage to th e governor g e n e ra l, General Brill WriUUour, Ktimliill Siilur* Uerl liiij.MHi. J. A!. Kcwhonsc, (!. D. .JanS, iir.l aenrgo e, Boree are memhero of the Monarch Racing Team, patches say that this fleet returned August!, an nouncing tin* in au g u ra tio n equip a to rp ed o bout for th o ujte or the nube, in M ontreal, containing in fo rm a QUlvi BY -A t Jersey City, May 0. 1898, Dr. watch Mm ABBoeliUed press dispatches tor the winnings or the Mouarch Team. tion ab o u t the H olland su b m arin e boat The Monarch Is the Rosiest running and most satlafsorory high grade bicycle built. g o v ern m en t d u rin g th e w ar. Possibly to Cadiz on Saturday lust, but tho of th e blockade, and a d d in g t h a t If u and prom ising further inform ation. I. M Qiilmby. th e d eelin n tio u was b ro u g h t about D eath m ay be th e penalty. W. S. CRANM ER, Cedar Run, N. J. — .m -nt .ora.,.,.r.,nnfy. report is only half credited. Spain sh o t was fired against h is ships he th ro u g h th e condition a ttach ed to the WOODWARD—At New Egypt. May 9,1898, On M onday th e senate a n d house appears to be on the verge of a revo w ould destroy every b a tte ry ab o u t M a offer t h a t th e boat sh o u ld he com passed reso lu tio n s w arm ly thankin, Frank youngest sod of Dr Charles Woodward nila, aged 16 years. a s r e a d e s t „ m. y . m anded by Mr. Belm ont, fo r without Commodore D ew ey and his officers and lution—whether bloody or peaceful N ot u m an on board t h e Am erican e lea st reflection upon th a t gentle m en for th e v icto ry of M anila, unani it is bard to predict—but her people flee t wuh k ille d , n o t a s h i p w as dam th m an th e naval officials have been niously passed a bill which elevates jiiinc; are starving by tho hundreds, if Lon a g e d to a n y e x te n t, and o n l y e i g h t men obliged to decline to esta b lish the pre th e victorious Dewev to th e ran k of wore Injured s lig h tly o n board th o cedent o f app o in tin g civ ilian s to com r e a r adm iral, a n d ap p ro p riated $10,000 don advicos are to be believed. to he used in the purchase of a sword Baltimore. ’§ S A L IH ! m ands In th is way. of honor for Adm iral Dew Tho A m erican fleet e n te re d Manila OF VALUABLE bronze m edal fo r each of h is officers Major-General Sewell. buy on S a tu rd a y night w ith th o g reat M o re A n n s For IiiHiirgcatH, j p S j? a n d sailors. Prep aratio n s w ere being '5 5 \ W ’A ' I est of ease. The S p a n iard s hud not T am pa. F la ., May 12.—-T h e n is good pushed for th e sending of 40,000 volun It in believed that Senator Sewell will vield established a patrol, a n d th e re were reason to believe th a t Inside of 24 hours teers to Culm, In addition to th e regqlar to the piciwuru. hmuglil to bi-ar on him boll) no se arc h lig h ts a t th e e n tr a n c e of tin ea l sta te Soother expedition with th e silme p u r The ste a m er Gussie, In charge at Lome and in Washington, to retain bU seal pose a n d destination a s th at of the of C ap tain W. H. Dorst, G en eral Miles' bay. In the Senate and decline military lionotR. Uncle The most fascinating inven The early h o u rs of th e m o rn in g re (Tussle, w hich left here on Tuesday tion of the nge. Always ready Monday Senator Sewell received (rum hia Re vealed th e opposing s h ip s to each loaded w ith a rm s and am m unition and aide, left T a m p a with a ca rg o of arm s Sam phans’ Court of the County of Ocean, made to entertain. It requires no and am m unition for the C u b a n in he Eleventh dav of May, A D. eighteen hun publican colleague* fu the Senate a document o th er, and th e Spanish flag sh ip opened supplies fo r th e Cuban insurgents, will skill to operate it and repro dred aud ninety-eight., ordering the sale of certain surgents. C h arles N, Allen, o f Lowell, duce the music of bands, or laudB and tenements of William Jenkins, a luna which, in the strongest language, urged him to fire. Her uction was follow ed by some slip from Port Tam pa. The Florida, Maas., w as n am ed to succeed Theodore Says: chestras, tloealists or instru tic, the sub criber, guardian of said lunatic, will one of the P lan t line bo ats chartered by Roosevelt as a s sis ta n t s e c re ta ry of the This is give np the Major-Generalship and to retain mental soloists. There is expose at public vendue on the la rg e r Spanish w a rsh ip s, and nothing like it for an even hia aeat in tho Senate. It was presented to Sen th en the C avite forts o p en ed up and th e governm ent for use ns a. tra n s navy, while Roosevelt goes to th e front ing’s entertainment at home ot! in thosocial gath Monday, the Thirteenth Day of Jane, America’s port, h a s tak en on a larg e cargo of ator Sewell by Vice-President Hobart, who wan tho araaller Spanish vesaeia brought ns lieutenant colonel of a cow boy c a v ering. You can sing or talk to it and It will Hpringileld rifles and am m unition, and reproduce immediately and a.H often as desired, a lry regim ent. In n list of a rm y nom i G reatest largely instrument'd iu securing Mr. Sewell A. D. 1898, th e ir guns in to play. tho sta lls for horses have been com natio n s sent to the senate m en well your song or words. appointment by the President, and by Senator Other so-called talking machines reproduce at the dwelling house on the premises, In the vil The A m erican squadron, w hich had pleted. T h e boat Is lying u t I he dock know n in civil life were nam ed for staff Medicine. only records of cut and dried subjects, specially lage of Lakehurst, formerly Manchester, in the Spooner, who is responsible for the language ol been led in to th e hay a n d th ro u g h the with full steam up and read y for H ail positions. T hey Include J o h n Jacob It will prepared in a laboratoiy; but the Graphophone is township uf Manchester, in the County of Ocean W e C a n F ill the appeal: not limited to such performances. On the Grapho and StHte of New Jersey, between the hours of channel by th e flagship O lym pia, did ing a t a m om ent’s notice. A stor. the New York millionaire; F red Sharpen Y o u r shoe w an ts a s th ey should he filled. We phone you can easily make and 1 pstantly reproaucj twelve o’clock noon and five o’clock In th# after lion W J. Sewell. United Rtates Senator. can give you any siz e , shape, color o r sty le In records of the voice, or any soilnd. Thus it con noon of said day. to wit, at two o’clock in the not reply, though th e s h e lls of tho Now J e r s e y N aval Ito w rv o * on D uty. AlCPr. « o f the w a r a e cre ta ry ; Y ourA ppetite, ■I ' Dear Senator: The Presidenthaving appoint, fo o tw e a r th at you h a v e e v e r seen In any place. stantly awakens new interest and its charm is ever afternoon, the following described lands and real Ja m e s O. Blaine, only su rv iv in g son —» Spaniards began to s tr ik e th e water W e handle only t h e b e s t o f each grade and are fresh. The reproductions are dear and brilliant. estate, viz: T renton, May 12.—C a p ta in Ipaldgrcn. tho great sta te sm a n : W. H. Allison, a Purify and ed you Major-General of volunteers, and the around th em , bu t moved m ajestically satisfied w ith a re a s o n a b le proilt. O ur every All the undivided one-sixth interest of said luuof the N av al Reserves, h a s detailed 23 Senate having promptly ami nnuuiwoutdv con a n d aMc, g ra d e of shoes are s u c h th a t we safel? g u a ra n te e Wi Ham Jenkins, in the following lands and onward. W hen nearing B a k e r hay n men of the- T renton and Haddonflpld nephew o f th.- senator: a . c. G ray , son Vitalize Your Blood.Overcome That up firmed the nomination, we. your Republican tenements, situated in the village of Manchester, Get a bottle of e n tir e satisfaction o r g iv e you back y o u r m onev sudden u p h eav al of w ater a sh o rt d is divisions fo r service on th e Resolute. uf l,“-1 Ut hi w a re senator, a n d C urtis q-|red Feeling, in the township of Manchester, in the county of Gould, editor o f th e Boston Com m ercial, n c ° , , associates lu that body, feel constrained to urge Manufactured under the pato(its of Ml, 'lainter, Ocean and State of New Jersey : tance ah ead of the O lym pia showed The m en will leave T re n to n tomorrow Edison and Macdonald. Onr estsbllslunr-nt U bondon Tuesday o rd er, were sen t to Gen- H°odf Sarsapar|lla and beg.n to upon you a declination of the appointment aunrtnrft of the world for Talking Machines and First. All that certain lot of land conveyed to th a t th e Spaniards h ad exploded a fo r New York, to go on bt|>ard the e ra l Brooke, th e comm ander a t Chick- tsk e it TODAY, and realize the great William Jenkins, the father of said lunatic, by Talking Maciune Supplies. Write for catalogue, We do this, knowing that the appointment Is Willl-tm Torrey and Adeline W.. his wife, by d«ed m ine or a torpedo. T h is w as followed R esolute. a m a u g a N atio n al Park, to send all th e good it is sure *0 do you. well merited by your distinguished military September 10, 1875, and recorded at'Toms COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH CO. dated by a second and s im ila r explosion. \v O Orleans reg u la r tro o p s to Tampa, New rleans ... Hlver, in Ocean County Clerk’s Office, In Book 8« career and your genius for organization and GOVERNOR GENERAL MERRITT. Dept. 3 0 . ll»»2 t hcMinut »>., They were b o th utterly unsuccessful. a n d Mobile, a n d to prepare th e camp of Deeds, pages 425, etc. Second. All that cer command, because we feel that in ibis exigency PH ILA DELPHIA. tain lot. of and conveyed by William Torrev and The A m erican fleet w as th e n draw ing H e W ill C om m and O u r V o lu n te e rs In fo r the reception of 40,000 to 50,000 vol Is America's Greatest Medicine. All druggists. New York, Paris, Chicago. 8t. fiouis. Phliadelpnla, Adeline W., his wife, to said William Jenkins, neither the parly or the country can afTord to unteers. The movement o f tro o p s w as t h e IMiUlpplue Islan d s. nearer a n d n earer to t h e Spaniards, father of said lunatic by deed dated December 19, Baltimore, Washington, Buffalo. forgo in the Senate the benefit of your experi 1872, aud recorded In Ocean County Clerk’s Office San Francisco, May 12.—Tht) Bulletin at once begun. Diplomats in W ash in g whoso g u n n e ry was v e ry poor, the In Book 76 of Deeds, pages 299, etc. Third. AH ence, ability and industry in the legislative ser shots from th e Cavite b a tte rie s and say s: T he president h a s Appointed ton talk of u rg in g upon S p a in the f u that lot of land conveyed by william Toney and Examination for Stholarship. tility of f u rth e r efforts a g a in s t the vice. Adeline W., his wife, to said William Jenkins, from the Spanish ships b e in g equally G eneral W esley M erritt, of thie regular The State of New Jersey, by act of the Legis father of said lunatic, bv deed dated October 4, The military fame which In jour younger badly aim ed, either fallin g s h o rt o r go arm y, to th e comm and of tlie volun- U nited S ta te s forces. w ith fS.OO, 6 7 .0 0 A: 110.00 order* o f our lature, provides Free Scholarships In hutgers 1 872, and recorded in Ocean County Clerk's Office Sea Side T ark, N. J.. May 8. 1898. Celebrated T e a s, Coffees, Baking; P ow days you won in battle for Ike preservation of ing wide o f th e mark New Brunswick, N .J An exsmlnation lu Book 76 of Deeds, pag*'8 302, e*c. Fourth. All N a tio n a l S e n a to r - by P o p u la r V oto. Pealed proposal!* w ill b e received a t th e office of der, Spice* nnd Extract*. Great Induce College, for candidates for admission will be held at Toms riiai certain lot of land conveyed by William Tor the Union cannot well be augmented and with Though th e Spaniards had opened W ashington. May 12.—A fte r refusing B eurv S. Ilalnes, 318 T em ple b u lldinv, Camden, ment*. Somethin* entirely new. Teas, River, on rey and Adeline w., his wife, to said William N . .1. until '■ one accord we, your part* associates and ‘t m . ta H tu r d N y , ••*«>- * | . IM 9*, Jenkins, father ot said lunatic, by deed datod Are at 6,000 yards, tho A m ericans re y esterd ay to consider th e s e n a te bill for the ex avatlon ami rem oval of e a rih on the CO cents and u p w a rd s. Coffees, lO cents Saturday, June -4. 1808. friends here, venture to express the hope that served th e ir fire u n til w ith in 4,000 1, 1874, and recorded in ocean County restric tin g Im m igration th e h o u se took several av enues at Hea Side P rk, N. J , enum er and upward*. SPE C IA L TERM S TO at 9 a. m., at which time all Interested tliould be April clerk's Office, tn Book 76 of Deeds, pages 804, eto. your sense of public duty will lead you to con below. In resp ectiv e am ounts a s follow^: AGENTS to club*. Full purlieu" present. For futiher Information call on or ad Fifth. AH ihat c. rtain lot of land conveyed by u p and devoted th e session to th e house ated y ards o f th e enemy, w h e n th e real 9«<K! ru b le yards on 9th avenue, ftoo cubic yards i). J,. tinae Without Interruption your service in the dress. F. A. NORTH, Will am Torrey and Adeline W., his wife, to said resolution to subm it to th e s ta te s a o f which will t*o deposited on said a v en u e at en lu re Free. battle began. County Superintendent. * lllifttn Jenkins, father of said lunatic, by deed THE 0REAT AMERICAN TEA CO.. Senate, which we all feel is of great practical average d istance of 400 fe e t, an i 9ino cubic yards proposition to amend the co n stitu tio n dated April lu, I87i,and recorded in Ocean County Tho A m erican sh lp sth en passed back 31 a n J 33 V esey S t ,, N, Y., P . 0 . Box 289. ave aa e d istance not ex ceed in g l.vsi feet Utility to the country. so as to provide for the electio n of sen an8'0» Clerks Office, lb Book 70 uf Deeds, pages 296, etc. cubic y ards or. 10th A»*>uue,'4"o cubic jaFdi w ards a n d forw ards six tim e s across All the aiiove tracts atm lots of land are situ a to rs by a d irect Vote. The am en d m en t o f which wnl he deposited on said av uu* at an To this document thirty-nine Rcpahllcan ated in Block number 93, as laid down upon a cer th e front of th e Spaniards, pouring in a s proposed In the resolution. As re avetaae distan ce n o t e x c e ed in g 4'R> feet a n d tO ti Senators sppended their names, and it also tain map or plan, entitled *' Plan of the westerly cumc y ards at an averag e distance n o t exceeding upon th e la tte r a perfect h a il of shot ported to the house, left It In th e discre part of the village of Manchester, N. J., showing bors the signatnre ol the Vice-President Sen ISO’' feet. and shell. Every A m erican shot seem the property of Elizabeth C Torrey. August I, OF tion of th e s ta te s to elect th e ir se n a 4W9 cable yards on 11th avenue, 9000 cub e yards A^ent for ator Hoar opposite his name wrote this charac 1895, as surveyed by A. P. Irons." ed to tell, while alm ost e v e ry Spanish to rs l>y d irect vote or th ro u g h their ot which wilt be deposited on said a v -n u e at an Also all the Interest of the said lunatic. In terlstlc sentence: dl»U nce n o' ex ceed in g 40" fe e t, and is"tl legislatures, b u t an am endm ent by Mr. average sh o t missed th e mark. any other lands that the said William Jenkins, cni'ic y ard s at an averag e distance n o t exceeding I think Gen. Sewell's great military capacity father of said lunatic, was seized of, at the time Underwood, o f Alabama, m ak in g selec 100" feet. After h av in g thus s c a tte re d death of his death, In said Block number 23 is needed for guiding the legislation of the Sen 48tto cubic y ards on l i t h avenue. 9 to cubic yarda tion by p o p u lar vote m an d ato ry , was and dem oralization a m o n g th e Spanish Attendance given, and conditions made known which will be do-pos te d on said sv en u e at an ate, and that his plact here cauoot he supplied OF adopted, and th e resolution w as then of at the time and place of sale, by fleet and th e Spanish b a tte rie s, the average d istance n t ex ceed in g 4"0 fe e t, and S9oo WILLIAM A. TORREY, Attorney-General G riggs to whom Senator passed. cubic y ard s at au average distance n o t exceeding Am erican fleet retired fo r breakfast, Dated May 11,1899. [pr’s fee, $14.4U] Guardian. lft*" feet Sewell has referred the matter, will decide that and incidentally a council of w ar was Bide wi l he received fo r each a venne separately lYeath In a n U nder W a te r T u n n e l. It Is unconstitutional for a man to serve in the held on b o ard the Olym pia. &s above specified, e a rth to be d eposited within Cleveland. M ay 12.—Ten m en were th REPORT OF THE CONDITION e averag e d istance n am ed in localities desig army and the Senate of the United States at the By th is tim e the S p a n ish ships were Injured, five fataliy, by an explosion nate d by th e e ngineer. OF THE same time. h e M A X c B R n i.R l a n d c o w p a m i ’, B idders a re Invited to view the g ro u n d s. in a d esperate condition. T h e flagship of gas y e ste rd ay in th e new w ater a cm potation of the Sts|te of New Jersev, Specification* may he seen at th e office of the Major General William J Sewell was born Reina C h ristin a was rid d le d w ith shot w orks tunnel u n d er t|te lake. The dig M a y o r.S e a s id e Park. N. J . and a t a iJ Temple hereby cerufies that It has reduced Its Cap tal G E N E R A L W ESLEY M ERRITT, -look from the sura of seven hundred thousand A T TO M S R IV E R , in Ireland In 1845 He came to this country at and shell, one of her s te a m pipes had tee rs from the Pacific coast. General gers w ere 6.300 feet from shore. The b u n d in g , Cam uen, N. J . dollars $;on,i.ou), divt 'ed mtb seven thousand II BNRY S. H AINES, E ngineer. an early age and settled In New Jersey At the b u rst a n d site was believed to be on M erritt will lead the Invasion of the in explosion w as caused by one o f tfie pn'a J. B WOOD, Borough shares of one hundred collars i||100.<0) each, to the In the State of New Jersey, *t the close of busi Clerk. sum of fifty thousand dollars (|w, 00".0o) divided ness, Mas 5,1893. outbreak of the Civil War he entered the army fire. T he C astilla w as c e rtain ly on fa n try upon tho Philippines, He h as Striking a m atch to light his pipe. The Tanks, Etc. m o nve hnnurei shares or ope hundred dollars •S Captain of the Fifth New Jersey Volunteers. fire, and soon afterw ard t h e i r condition been proclaim ed governor g|enefal o f dead are M ichael Tovelln. J a m a s Ander- j^ O T lC F TO f Kt niT O it*. Hi.141) CBeh, sa'd change halving been declared RESOURCES. Plumbing, Steam (SH th e Philippines, and ns s«*on as possi • >n and M ichael M cFadden. by resolution of the Board of Directors to be ad Loans and discounts........................... He served throughout the war and wa* engag *80.6*4 »S and having been dull and reguiarlv as fitting, Well dril visable, E sta te of Jo-ep h Holme*, deceased. secured and unsecured... ed in many of the great battles being wounded became woirc and w orse, u n til th ey ble will estab lish his posit M i as such 82 30 sented to by the vote of thirds! in interest of eac Oveidrafts, C. s. Bonds to secure circulation........ 80,000 00 .Toeeih Holmes. Jr.. E xecutor of Joseph, SPAIN’S FINANCIAL PUZZLE. ling » specialty. class of the stockholders having voting powers at Stocks, w ere e v en tu ally burned to th e water # a t th e c a p ita l a t Manila. M Chancellorsviile and Gettysburg. securities, etc , ..................... 250,791 81 H o n n -s. deceased t«v direction o f th e Surro a meeting cabed by the Braid of Directors 'or He gained Use brevet of Brigadier- General edge. 1,250 00 Also Dealer in Tin that purpose,and the written absent of said stock Banking House furniture, and fixtures L a w m a k e r* s t i l l E v o lv in g sp h e m e * to g a te o f 'h e ro u n tv of tb ean hereby gives notice Due from National Banna (not reserve to th e cred ito rs of th e said Joseph Holme* to DE W E Y’S MODEST REPORTS. The b a ttle , which w a s started at for his services at Chancellorsviile. and at the P ro v id e t h e s|jjew * o f W a r. and Sbept iron Ware holders i« hcreio appended. agents...................... ................... bring in th e tr <iebt*. d em an d s and e l s ms svalnst 10TI 02 In witness whereof, the salul Corporation has cessation of hostilities was made Major General about F»:30 a. m. and a d jo u rn e d at 8:30 T e ll* o f III* G reat Ac hlcvlem ent In 10 1 27 M adrid. M ay 12 —At th e beginning o| th e e s ts ie of th.* said decad en t, u n d e r oath or Stoves, and Heaters, caused this certificate to be aligned by its Presi Due from State Banks and bankers, sffl-m stion w ithin m o n th s from th is date, or Dne irom approved reserve agents. 25,992 02 a. m.. w as resumed a b o u t noon, when I . w T han SOU W ord*. Ik reward lor gallant services throughout the y e ste rd ay ’s sittin g the c h a m b e r passed ?h-y w r l t*e forever b a rred o f sny ac tio n therefor Ranges,Cutlery .Glass dent and secretary and its cbrpora'e seal to be Checks and other cash items.. . . . ... hereto affixed this 2flth day of April, 1898, Com modore Dewey s ta r te d in to put W ashington. May 9. T he <j>fficial r e bills for the tem porary a b o litio n of the •g x in st th e said E xecu to r. the war. Notes of other National Banks........... w a re . Qne*p?wan t d e Ma nc hester land e u . Fractional paper currency, nickels, • 33 JOSEPH HOL*E4. J b. th e finishing touches o f h is glorious p o rts of Commodore Dewey, {modest in im port d u ty on raw cotton a n d the abo In 1M5 be became connected with New Jer Furniture.Tin roofing, n o te d M s? 1", I*** [p r’s fe - ».?] Executor. and cents .................................. sey railroads, particularly with those wircb work. T h ere was not m u ch fight left th eir b rev ity , were re c e iv e d b y S e c r e ta r y lition of differential duties o n foreign '■n By JAMES RRJ|»WV POTTER, Lawful money reserve in hank, via ; etc. All orders for President. ?P«cle ............................... It,tuff 75 became later a part ol the great Pennsylvania in the Spaniards by th is tim®, and Long on Satu rd ay . They a re a|s follows: ships tra d in g between S p ain and her | ^ o T U K T o « H b P i r « a a . new work, or repair • M anila. May 1.—The squadron a r colonies. T he form er will help the Legal-tender notes............ 12,592 00 12,058 75 a t 2 p. m . th e Petrel a n d Concord had Kail road. W. J. DUANE, Secret try. Redemption fund with U. 8. Treasurer ing.caa lings or bricks E s ta te of M argaret A. C aldw ell, deceased. rived a t M anila a | d ay b reak l|his m o rn C atalonian m an u fa c tu re rs a n d the lat (5 per cant, of circulation)........... 2,250 00 In 1873 he eulered political life and was elect sh o t th e C avite b a tte rie s in to silence ing. Im m ediately engaged t|he enem y te r will ten d to encourage blockadJ P o m es Birds*;;, E x ecu to r of M argaret A. for stoves,ranges, etc. The S panish g unboats were then and d estroyed the foliowimj: Hpanisfe running. The indem nity bill w as next csidw d irectu m of t h e S urrogate <d promptly attended tc. Please give me a call STATE OP MEW YOB& . x ed State Senator for Camden County, receiv . "$445,648 li ^ Total.................................. th e m o n t j o f ocean , hereby gives nolle** to the ing the compliment of re election in 1875 and sc at*, led. th e arsenal w as on fire And tcls* Itetna C ristina. C astilla Ullo*. b*»*co.i alm ost unopposed, th e Carlist- cred ito rs of the s a i l M anrs'e* a CaldweiL it remembered that on th|« «th day of AprP, to b rin g tn th e ir d e b ts, cem&nds and c aim - BLUE FRONT STORE ISOBe*, before LIABILITIES. 1878. In 1876.1§79 and 1880 be was preaMrk| th e explosion of a S p a n ish m agazine Isla de Cuba. General Lozo. the Duero. ai >ne voting ag a in st it. me. the snhucr bef, * *o?ary Pub ic a g a‘n - t th e esta te or th e ga:d d c c e d f s : under in and for the citv and county of N«w York, per Capita! stock paid ip......... In the c o rtes a sp*cial w a r budget of o s’-h o r sffi m sn o n w i'b l nine n o r t h s rom thin of the Senate and while holding that i fKre in caused f u rth e r m o rta lity am ong the Correo. Velasco, M indanao. «|>ne tra n s Main S tr e e t T om s B it e r sonaiif appeared William J- E|"»ne. the Secrtary date p r they v id be fo rever barred wf a n r action j1 port ar-1 th e water b a tte ry at C a \ite . A2.nrti.iXiG w as demanded, w ith a 1881 he was elected to lbe Unik-d 8u:es Sen defenders of Spain ou s h o re . * Undivided profits, less expenses and of the Manchester Land Com pan v, the corpor e said Executor. • ^ “Orders *oiw*it» J by mail and prom pt at- al.on mentioned m, and which executed ibe fore, Only *he m d ae c B a ltim o re _ad The sq u ad ro n is uninjured, «nd only a on land a n d public secu rities. The ta c re fo r a g a inJst 'h taxes paid.................. ................ ate as the tneccsror of Theodore 8. Randolph HOLMES HIKltSALL, Executor. g ing certificate, and being by me dqly sworn, on National Bank notes outstanding........ tsa tk m given, D ated May 11 i s * *143 ( p r’s fee. D.tM suffered in a n y way from t h e fire of the few m en w ere slightly woui|ided, Tho •Inking fund w as suspended. lor the term of six yearsDne to other National Banks.............. fils oath say*: That he is suchi Secretary,and th*t only m ean s of telegraphing i? to th* A p atriotic syndicate ha* b e n form ed. General Sewell has been a delegate to every enemy. the seal affixed to th« forego'ng certificate ts the Doe to .‘‘late banks and bankers......... , . . A shot which s tr u c k h er ex.. A m erican consul at H ong Koitg. I shall here which will borrow 1.800.0WI pesetas *t e e s t a t e n o r m a l 10 0 co-ponde seal of *%jd corpora* wn, the same being Dividend* unpaid................. .............. hlm .Republican National Convention since lelfi, plolr-d som e r a m n n itto n n e a r o n . ol to buy g rain a t Marseilles a n d Antwerp, PROPOSALS FOR CURBING. well known to him; that Jamel* Brown Potter aa Individual deposits subject to check.. 250,57460 a s d on each occasion was made chairman of h e r g u n s and slightly in ju re d h an President of raid corporation rigned the said cet. AND MODEL SCHOOLS. “C avite. May 4 —I have taken posses a s all th e p rovinces but one hav® re Total...........................................S44LM8 I* tifi ate and affixed said seal thereto and delivered T h e wounded sion of n a v a l statio n a t *?a.vitk on P h il fused to send m ore grain to M adrid. The f»:l let® of the stat»- orm -1 and Model the delegation. He was ooe of the Commie- dozen o f th e crew Proposals win be received at the office of the sa-t.1 certificate by auiburity of »a» Board of in- Stale of New Jersey, County of Ocean, ss: wit. op. n Tuesday t*eptemr>er !»h En According to reports from P o rto Rico. Schools •loner* from the State of New Jersey to the sailors are : Lieutenant F r a n k W oodruff ippine islaude. Have <|estn>jfd ;g«= f o r trance cxamuwtiofis fo* the Norma School will Maror, se* *q<le Park, un to 12 o’clocv noon of rectors. and with the ament of a; least two-thirds Henry A. Low, Cashier of the i--- --------World's Fair at Chicago He i s i d command Kellogg. Ensign N oble Irw in , Cox- tifications a t bay en tran ce, paralleling fUs. nt-ople a re panic s tric k e n at the be heW Jns- Ith, fw sa t Mh. Appllesits for ad- •Saturday. Day *«*». Inst, for the cowstruct- In merest of each class of t|he stockholders of Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement lon of pl«nk curb on Fifth avenue. Second a»enue raid c rporation raving voting powers, as and for la true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Landsm an 1 Y*fTtson I control bay CMR|Nk»ely a n d prosper** of I hi hom nardm ent of San miss*® to the Normal "th-ol on <-^r»»flrrtea raust of the Second Brigade of the National Guard of ew ain J o h n B uddingrr hm rollin'ary act and deed land the voluntary and on the east side ot Bar View avenne from i flic their septkttfkx a wuh the Principal before „ Hntnv js. Low,Paata ta k e c itv a t a n y tim e. Tht|- squadron Ju an avenue. The corn will be act and deed of said corporan<|*. m the presence Jane BUk Arpltca’ior.s I t sdtaissS a to the Kigtirh avenne to Hew Jersey, and is connected with th- manage Robert L Bartow, C o x sw ain Edward can Subscribed and sworn to before me this lit* of hemlock ixi ■inches,»pitr*d to port* .,x* inches of leponen", who thereupon subscribed b.s name day or Ma-., is#S. Model S- wo<>l wifi be received a* in the p**t meal of various basks, trust compaok-s and Snelgrove, Coxswain W illia m O Keefe }n excellent he*Hh and «ririt|« Span1«h set at least two feet deep below bottom of curb thereto as a witness. G en eral W h e e le r a t UhlekmiMBarn. For iirsJier toforinatitm. abdres* the _ Thos. W. Middleton, Notary Public. fM -w thrafiendrties. In 1^5 he was again a n d Seam en Richard P . Cov?rt and l o » n e t fully known, b u t vJ*ry heavy. And deponent further says tl|iat fheusent here Correct Attest: rr-ji-tpa^U Mt,SEEN. Tren.-m, V J ta d a separate proposal aud contract will be made One h u n d red sn d fifty ki.K*4 inoiudins C hattatm nga. Teas.. M ay i t Majco d re ed to the United States Senate, his term to apftrwded ,» -n:>-ed by at ies^st two-thrrda ia in »■> *-*■„-a of suvre streets: A « O a B lR D S k L L | R osario RicciardeiiL wxpirirg in 1801. c a p ta in erf R eins C ristina. I am assist - Beneral Joseph K. W heeler a rriv ed yes, OT » FHAMEUM HARRIS, Mayor terest of each class ot the sniv-kfcoMcn of said HQLvna ftiaobAi-L, V Duectwra. On th e o th e r hand, a b o u t 156 men ing in p ro tectin g the fipwnisj; sick a n d lerd ay a n d rep o rted t*. G e n e ra l Brook* corporation having voting pcAera. eiifeer m i R. W«j OD( Borough eferk. . S . Ai * * f « , j Huh! dem Handler Daroes shoot ? son w by their several dn’y constituted a r e said tG have been k ille d m board w ounded. Two hundred arid fifty-six H e will rem ain a t CTtk-kamanga ar. t in fact ’.hereunto duly astconjM m'writing. W j *'-_e yea give *eas d‘ f c » cal:. th e S p an ish flagship, w h ic h was to wounded in hospitals wit a ssist in org an izin g the v o lu n teers a* U t j ccuida i pUy a game of marbles, J ohn f r en c h . th e y a rriv e. A -t er-ioee *-p4 ayra' btA ta lly destroyed. A dm iral M ontejo. th* M uch ex citem en t a t ] E v e r y ta ffy K e a t s Notary Pnb’ic. C m tH f W a r ii teot foreign residents.’” lark Ccssty. ALL OTHERS FOLLOW C oiirtomh P iwhoh a B ill W h ich M ak es D ew ey a B e a r A d m ira l. income IS small. This is no reason that your family should not be protected by Life Insurance. A MAYPOLE SOAP-| ifWASHES DYES j IK S fl The Prudential 5 New Jersey S Courier Print M O N A R C H C Y C L E M F ’G . C O . , w m P *G R A g . ^5 1 R E r a C.H.SHINN, LAKEWOOD,N.J. Hood’s S a r s a p a r illa PROPOSALS. ITE A SET FREE, Toilet Set, Watch, many other HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES Lamp, Clock, and CERTIFICATE T h o m a s H o h o rts T h e A erm otor Co.’s Steel T o w er Decrease of CapitalStock The Manchester Land Co. T FIFTY-TWO ISSUES OF THE COURIER FOR TWO ROlURI FIRST NATIONAL BANK, t THE COURIER UflfiS New Jersey Courier. fO M li KIVKH, A. J . Thursday Afternoon, May 12, 1898. PERSONAL. Interesting Talk of Your Fritnda OUR FREEHOLDERS, Wind up a Year and Start Anew- MARINE NEWS. THE M0VEMENT8 OF OCEAN COUNTY VE88EL8. To Croat* a Fir# Diitriot. Rsyil makes tk e food pars. Ttsc F ire C om ioiY l a a e tk e V int l e v s r e w a r d B e tte r F rateeU ee, If Toms itlver doesn't have the best possible protection against fire, it w on't be the fault of the local fire company, who utaried a move to create a Fire District that necessary fuuds for tbe purchase of hose may be obtained by t a x ation nor will It be the fault of the TownaUip Committee who are actively seconding the F ire company's actions. At a recent meeting of the company It was voted to prepare a petition to tbe Townahlp Committee asking them to set off a Fire District. Prosecutor Browu, as a member of the Fire Company's committee, drew up the petition, and secured the requisite ciiguatures It was presented to the Township Gommlllue a t their mooting last Saturday afternoon and granted by them. Tbe p etition reads as follows: To the Honorable Township Committee of the iownsbipot Dover, c o u n ty of Oceau, s ta t e S0VAL feAKINO POWDER CO., NEW YORK. of New Jersey. Gentlemen: Your petitioners, resldeuta and freeholders WARETOWN of the township of Dover, the village of Turns Dewey’s victory is tbe leading topic here- River and of tbe proposed Fire District, m ost T h e dally papers a re in great demand, and if respectfully petltlou your houorable body to th e sales throughout the country are in pro district and lay off by metes and bounds such portion to tbe sales In this small village the portion of tbe said township of Dover a s is number of papers sold every most be enormous. commonly known and designated as the village O n e local dealer Bold 745 last month. of Toms River, to be a F ire District under an Some of our people are wondering why U Is act entitled, “ An act to provide moans for t h a t the person living on Main street and own protection against fires in townships." approved in g a very handsome American flag, does not March 10. 1879. and the various supplements fly it from the staff In his yard. It bas not and amendments {hereto. been seen Bince tbe beginning oi o a r difficulties And your petitioners will ever pray, etc. w ith Spain, E H Berry, C B Mathis, Benjumlu Camburo is improving the lawn of John lrnlay, W rnll Fischer, Captain A. J. Newbury’s villa. The lafcn la John Beatty', P Sheridan Irons, th e finest one in this section. Charles T Seaman B Halner, (Japt. John Rulon of Jersey City, spent last G A Voigt, E W Manolt, week with his m other, s t this place. A B Clute, 8 C Bailey, The firing of heavy guns at sea were beard J L (JowperthwaU, - Martin Bchwarx, here od Friday night. It Is thought tbe patrol Thos B Irons, Joseph Grover, boats were signaling to one another, Ralph B Gowdy, John Fischer, Thomas Gray iuforms ns that on May 9,1855| Wm C Frost, James Grover, th ere was a snow storm in this vlclolty. We Theo J R Browu Leopold Wlssmacb, have had no Bnow this spring, bat on tbe 10th Harry M. Banned. w e had a heavy frost. The uext step is for the Committee to s e t off Captain Jacob H Birdsall moved down to tbe District by metes and bound* Afterward th e Bay View hotel this week for the Bum-, the question of electing five Fire Commission m er. ers and of voting appropriations on the fo u rth Saturday in May, will come up. GOOD H E W S m h Miss Myra Applegate la home from Exmore, Dr. Edm und nennett B c-Elrrtcd Director for the se v en th Time. Va. ( Continued fro m Jtrst page ) John B. Cornelias is one of the week’s visit i t tfi« rttls Indicates, Advi. are accepted tn thit ors. The Board of Chosen Freeholders for 1898 eotamn at the rate o f a ocnt a toord fo r each convened at tbe Court House on Wednesday Mrs. T. J. R. Brown is visiting her parents i nsertion Fifteen words or under, 15 cents. for New Bedford: arr It at 11 a. m. Clerk Fischer called the roll show A C8Lyons, in Manas quan. Sean, arr NT may T While war news ia occupying the minds of every one in this country, ing every member present. ’Squire Liilibridge 3 PARS—J ubi Received a new lot a t KIRK’8. Miss Rule Smith has been home from Cam administered the oath of office to tbe newly Blanche Hopklna, Davia, arr Jacksonville may 10 to divert your mind,have some peaceful news to tell yon. Owing to the Ben; A Van brunt, Cnrtts, arr Phila may • den for a few days this week. War scare there naturally is some stagnation among th e tuanafaotorora OR SALK or Ren*—A farm of 8" acree. large elected members: Courtney 0 . Carr of Staf Blanche h King, Bennett, Boston; aid may U for coal port henae and barn: cow house and bog pen new. and wholesale houses, we have in consequence thereof been able to se Mrs McLellan, wife of Lieut. C. H. McLelford. Charles R. LeCompte of Lakewood, N. Good land; natural clover and cranberrlee. In G Endloott, Bailey, Phila; old may 6 for quire of MK8. ELLEN LEWIS, Cedar Creek. 30 lan. U. 8. N., is at Baltimore. J. Gaskill o f Little Egg Harbor, all re-elected; Charlea cure some very great bargains in our several lines, and aome very apecNewburyport; passed vineyard Haven 11 Charles L. Rogers of Manchester, and Isaiah Chaunoej B Burke, Townsend, Savannah; aid may ial ones, which we will have for your inspection this TVREBH HAY for sale; also Buckeye mowing Andrew Nailon of Long Island City, N. Y., 7 tor Phtla Stackhouse of Ojean. 1 machines. C. H IRONS, Toms Hlvei, N.J. is looking after his property here. Chas B Leet, cranmer. N Y; aid may s for Va The Clerk called for nominations for Direct- v v Wehrum, Cavalier,Reedy Island passed down OR 8ALB—\ good able yacht, In good con Freeholder Larrabeo rode down from Lakemay 9 for Va r. Mr. LeCompte nominated Dr. Edmond dition, also one nearly new hav scow. Also one email Baxter steam engine. Apply to PoBt- hurst awheel to attend Tuesday's session of the Bennett of Barnegat; Mr. Rogers nominated Charles w Alcott, Leek, arr N Y may T Board. master, Lanosa, N. J . ktsa Dora Matthews, Brown, arr Brunswick nay 9 Clothing ie the most important, having made a large pnrohue, namely C. D. Kelley of Eagieswood. Messrs. Carr Dora Allison, Rose, arr Phllamay 9 Longstreet Irons of Jersey City, is borne for and Hyera were appointed tellers, and the AR! WAR 1 WAR! All the news of the Men's fanoy plaid cheviot suits, all wool 7.48 was 9.48 Kinius o Kuuwiea, Rogers, arr Lynn may 11 dav—War news, Congressional news, etc.— a fortnight’s vacation and will spend much of voios showed a division on strict parly lines— B j Hamilton, Tilton, arr New Bedford may 10 Men’s imported mixed cheviot suits all wool 8.98 was 11.48 In tb* ewnlng papers served by H Weaver, Falklnburgh, err New Haven nsy 9 WILLIAM C. DOXSEY. that time on the bay. seven votes for Dr. Bennett, six for Mr. Kel B M en’s fancy scotch overplaid cheviot euita all wool 8.98 was 19 98 B B Birdsall, Lamson, arr Delaware Breakwater William G. Irons and bis daughter, Miss ley. Mr. Kelley escorted Dr Bennett to the sld may 11 for Lynn M en’s brown plaid oheviot suits all wool 8.98 was 11.48 B Douglass, Thompson,Norfolk; aid may Tfor Kate irons, are at their cottage, corner of chair, and the newly-elected Director in a few BvaProvidence m M en’s nobby light plaid casaimer suits all wool 8.98 w as 12.48 Main street and Seward avenue. words thanked the Board for their renewed B M Heed, Parsons, New Haven; aid may ( for M en’s plaid Sawyer French fancies suits all wool 8.98 was 13.98 Phila Mrs. John Bearse of this village, remembers expression of confidence. Elm Gtty. Falitlnbnrg, arr Boston may B Men’s black diagonal,coat And vest all wool 6 98 was 9.48 For C lerk for term of three years. Mr. Carr Bva A Danenhower, Johnson arr Georgetown 8 O Admiral Dowey well as a young naval officer A lo t children sizes 4 to 7 years your choice 2.48 w orth 4.60 may B renominated Wm. H Fischer; Mr. Rogeis Bdltn in the South during the Ciyll War. L Oloott, Warren, arr Phila may 8 S h o rt Pithy B its ot Hom e News. Rumor says the George W. Wledenmayer nominated C. S. Haalett. The vote stood FA T Luptou, Longatreet, arr Phila may 6 Fischer eight, Haslett five. Fauny H Htewart, Lane, Norfolk; aid may 10for N family will spend tbe summer in Europe instead Consideration and payment of bills was tak House cleaning time. 25 pieces colored granite cloth all wool 2!lo w m 39c of at their summer home on Hooper avenue. Fanny Trao.v, Tilton, Bermuda Hundred; sld may en np. 4 for N Y 50 pieces dress goods fanoy mixtui - all wool 39c w m 59o The swallows are home again. Donald Carmichael, son of Counsellor I. W. Mr. Hyers asked for committee to rebuild a Oracle D Chambera, Bennett, paased Vineyard 50 pieces dress goods silk and wool mixtures 4ao w as i9c Carmichael, went to Poughkeepsie, N. Y , on small bridge on the Main shore road in the Frost on Monday morning last. Haven may li Weehawiten for Boston 25 pieces ladies doth 54 inch all wool 45o w m 69c Monday, to enter Eastm an's Business College. village of Bayville. On motion committee ap Grace Beymour, Holmes, arr Phila may 10 Farmers are cutting asparagus. George R Vreeland, arr Phila may 9 Mr. Noah 8 Sheaff and his daughter. Mrs. pointed, consisting of Messrs. Hycre, Barker The fragrant shrub is iu bloom. SILKS. HAG Reynolds, arr Bermuda Hundred may 10 George W. Bishop, came down from Philadel and Blake. Howard H Hanscom. air Phua may iu 10 pieces 25-inch colored Japanese silk 18a w m 69c The moon is on its last quarter today. phia on Tuesday to look after their summer Mr. Clayton presented the following request H A j Blenderman, arr Phila may 10 76a w m 96a 10 pieces changeable Taffetta, delicate effects Helen Haabroack, Sprague, In lower bay may 9 Decoration day is but little more than a fort home here. from the Postal Telegraph Cable Co: fur Va 10 pieces fancy Btripe Taffetta 69a w m 96c night off. To The Board ot Chosen Freeholders, of the Hattie V Kelsey, Rulon, Norfolk; sld may 11 for Mr, and Mrs George H Holman start on 24 inch black satin Marvelent 76c w m 96c New Haven Clark Rogers is employed as clerk at the Tuesday next for Winona, Indiana, where Mr, County of Ocean and 8tate of New Jersey. H J Raymond, Predmore, arr N Y may fl Fostofflce. The Postal Telegraph Compauy petitions Harry Laudell, Crowley, N Y; sld may 6 for Va Holman is a delegate to the Presbyterian Gen WASH GOODS. Horace P Shares, Mount, Savannah; sld may «for 6c cheap 10c Chlmneydicksare twittering; they'came north eral Assembly from the Presbytery of Mon your honorable body for permission to ran a 10.000 yards fancy figured corded dimities Hondout N Y telegraph cable attached to the lower wagon JohnT Williams,Leek, passed Hell Gate Norfolk last week. mouth. 80 cheap 16c 10.000 yaids fine figured oorded dimities bridge leading from Point Pleasant to Manafor New Bedford may 11 The Court House grounds are k ep t in excel 30.000 yards fine figured organdies 80 cheap 16c Misses Florence Davis and Lutlna Chamber J Holmes Birdsall, Birdsall, Boston cld may 11 for eqnan, said cable to be properly covered at d lent shape lain of the High School were among tbe most Phila Smith,Parsons,Cedar Keys Fla; sld may A. A. Brant is repainting his Hooper avenue successful aspirants for teachers' certificates neatly attached to said bridge under the eldi- Jeremiah Bfor Portland Me at tbe examination last week, their papers re walk so as not to he seen from the roadway or home, Melrose cottage. VanDuBen, arr Richmond may 10 One o f tbe steamers coming from China with a cargo o f matting had tbe walk. In event of this permission being J Pharo, Taylor, Scotland; aid may 1” for N Y The Mrs. J. H Gulick house on Washington ceiving not only high marks for their correct J C Woodhul), Townsend, arr Brunswick may 9 granted tbe said company agrees to assume all same slightly damaged, the owner and insurance co. disagreed, forced ness bat much praise for their neatness. J V Clifford, Mills, arr Norfolk may 9 street is being repaired. responsibility, and temove Bald cable npon John M Brown, HolmeB, Norfolk; sjd may 9 for this large consignment on the market. N ote the p rices: The shouting of the newsboys with " evenin’ Lawyer J . Holmes BIrdsall returned from reasonable notice to the company. It is under Bridgeport James Parker, sr, Anderson,arr Port Reading may Colorado Springs, Col., on Friday night last, extries ” sounds very metropolitan. CARPETS. ISLAND HEIGHTS. stood and agreed that the said cable shall not 9 and sid for Chatham may 11 and is looking quite his old self again. I t is 36 oheap 36 A heavy ingrain carpet Tbs Heavena In May. “ D ot" Attison holds,the record on broken be attached to the draw in said bridge or inter J&uies A ParsonB, arr Vineyard Haven may 9 for the hope of all bis many friends that be will NY with torn Jib The council a t their meeting on Saturday 48 cheap 60 All wool ingrain carpets wheels—front wheel rim, this lime. fere with the working of said draw in any way. J M Harlow, Soper, arr N Y may 8 In the evenings of May the Milky W ay now be able to make bis permanent home here, A large line of Moquette carpets 76 cheap 1.00 Respectfully submitted, W. J. NicnoLB, John B Carrington, Anderson, Norfolk; sld may T n ig h t received a proposition from tbe Point occupies a very peculiar position/ Instead of May tenth, expert growers say, was the time and appearances seem to bear out that hope. for New Haven Pleasant Electrical Company to furnish tbe for the Company. 3.98 oheap 6.00 100 rolls matting 40 yards for letting water off cranberry bogs. John B v annlng, Sprague, arr Boston may B crossing the dome of tbe heavens, the **s ta rry Freeholders David O. Parker of this town, On motion of Mr. Camp, the permission was James H Parker, Bermuda Hundred;ald may 4 for Heights with light. 60 rolls fine Chinese matting, 40 yards 6 50 oheap 7.60 baldrluk" lies along the northern horizon Cedar Grove is getting some much desired aDd Charles R. LeCompte of Lakewood, were NY Tbe Misses Zipperlein have arrived and are granted, Mr. Clayton stating that the people John R Halllday, Newport News; sld may ft for 50 roils ootton warp matting, 40 yards 6.98 cheap 8-60 stretching from the west to the east point, and and mneb needed road improvement. among the guests at the opening of the new of the community were in favor of the grant, going to conduct the Perennial again inis sumEilzabethport visible only where there a re no buildings or The “ r " is out or the month now, but the draw bridge at Goose Neck draw, on the 8outb as otherwise the company wonld have pul Lydia H Roper, Cranmer. arr Norfolk may 9 m er. FURNITURE. lofty hills to Intercept the view. From the oyster still flourishes and waxes fat along Shrewsbury,near Red Bank,Monmouth county, poles in the river and obstruct the flow of the Lyman MLaw, Blake,Norfolk;cld may 9 for Provi Daniel B. P a rk er bas moved into one of the 3.69 cheap 1.98 50 6 -foot antique oak extension tables eye of the ordinary observer it has completely dence shore. last Monday. The draw is 200 feet long, cost water. 100 combination suits 9.39 cheap 13.48 Laura G Anderson, N Y; sld for Fernandina may buildings erected by the Weetray Point Land hidden itself, but those w ho know how to look )90. and was built by the Berlin Iron 6th a u d Improvement Company. Every time the discharge of a heavy gun is Mr. Clayton brought np the matter of light 11.90 cheap 16.00 100 antique oak bed room suits can see It running, like the last delicate glow Sunshine has returned to the Helghta after heard, people prick up their ears and ask Bridge Company. ing the Manacquan bridge. The proposal of M E Rockhlll, Anderson, Norfolk; aid may 11 for 12 50 cheap 18.00 H ighly polished antique oak bedroom suits of twilight, around half the circle of the sky. NY questions. the Point Pleasant Electric Light company )B Mary Manning. Burr,passed Vineyard Haven may a long absence. 13.60 cheap 30-00 L arge glasses antique oak bedroom suits Jupiter crossing the meridian at a commandAmong O ur Churches. Penrose McClalne, a revenue collector of 11 Phila for Boston to furnish the bridge with five arc lights at A comedy company will bold forth In a big 76 cheap 00 98 18-inch 1 oak parlor table lug elevation soon after 9 o'clock in the first Brooks, Soper, arr N Y may 7 Philadelphia, a n d his wife were tbe guests 18.50 each per month for five months during Matilda tent erected on Mrs. Dolora Potter's Main Moonlight, Cranmer, arr N Y may 7 part of the month, L a splendid phenomenon. 1.00 cheap 1.39 24-inch | oak parlor table] P r e s b y te ria n . o f Thomas K ing, his brother-io-law, over the summer, Monmouth county being willing Marjory Brown, Osborn, arr New Haven may P street lot. Venus is nightly growing more beautiful in 4.60 cheap 6.98 50 chiffoniers Preaching 10.30 a.m .. by the pastor, topic, Sunday. to pay h alf the expenses. On motion of Dr, Nelson K Newbury, arr N Y may 11 The Presbyterian Christian Endeavor society Belshazzar slain." Enamelled iron bedsteads, full sizes 2.50 cheap 8 96 N H Barrows. Lowery, arr Scotland may 10 The strawberry festival which was to have the west after sunset. Tow ard tho close o f the Blake, the Board granted the request will bold a sociable tonight at the Presbyter month it will not set until after 9 o'clock. Nellie W Howlett, Sharp, arr Baltimore may 8 Sabbath-school and Bible class 11.45 a. m. Antique oak sideboards 8.48 oheap 10.98 com e off on T hursday evening has been post Mr. Clayton asked for committee to rebuild ian parsonage Mars is a morning star, rising about 3-30 O H Brown, Brown, arr Phila may 9 Junior Christian Endeavor prayer meeting poned until Tuesday, the 17th. the bridge on Bridge avenue. Bay Head. The o’clock at tbe beginning of the month and HOUSE FURNISHINGE rst winds and heavy rains combined have 12.45 p. m. Percy Birdsall, Holmes, arr Phila may 9 Rev George V. Morris, a son of Dr. George committee was appointed, consisting of Clay 10.000 felt window shades complete 7 cents about an boar earlier a t the end. It is Ibcod made an unusual, succession of high tides in Christian Endeavor prayer meeting 6 30 p. ton, LeCompte and Parker, to get figures on Raymond T Mauli, Delaware Breakwater; sld may K . Morris, preached in the M. E. church on 10.000 rolls wall paper, double rolls 6 cents 10 for Newburyport spiennns the upper liver. i Topic, “ Our bodies God's temples." 1 Sunday. both Iron and wooden bridges and report at Rob Roy, Parker, arr Phila may 6 100 chamber suits, decorated, 10 pieces 1.48 cheap 1.98 J . B. Williams is laying a handsome slate Cor 3 : 16 23. next meeting. Sunlight, Green, Phila; cld mav 6 for Lvnn 10.000 pieces of white and colored table oil cloth 14 cheap 20 PreacniDg 7 30 p, m. Topic, “ Babylon NEW EGYPT. pavement in front of his new residence at Main Mr. Clayton asked for committee to rebuild Sarah D Fell, Loveland, Delaware Breakwater;sld taken.’’ may l«for NY; arr 11 1000 pieces sholf oil cloth 2 cheap 05 and Broad streets. bridge a t Barrsville. Messrs. Clayton. Le S Thorpe, Pearce, arr Phila may 10 Frank, 16 y e a r old son of Dr. Charles Wood Causes fully half the sickness in the world. It Weekly prayer meeting on Wednesday at S h ort hair mattress, 40 pounds 6.48 cheap 7.25 Former Sheriff Frank M Chambers is hav Compte and Parker appointed as committee Thomas a Ward, Lyman, Charleston; sld may ft 30 p. m w ard, died on Tuesday night of hasty com- retains the digested food too long in the bowels S. A. hair mattress, 40 pounds 11.48 oheap 15.00 with power to act. ing bis resideuce a t the corner of Maiu and tor Savannah F i r s t B a p tis t. snmptlon. and produces biliousness, torpid liver, indiF ibre mattress 3.45 cheap 5.00 Lieu streets, repainted. Board then adjourned till 1 30. when It re Tens A Cotton, cranmer, arr New Bedford may ft Wires are b ein g 6trnng for tbe new electric Public worship and sermon at 10-30 a. m. convened, all present except Mr. VanHise. Viking, Dothklay, arr N Y may 9 H usk mattress 2.98 cheap 4.00 A cake sale will be held at the Library room VanName A King, Brown.arr Portsmouth may 7 lig h t plant which will begin operation on June Sunday-school at 12 o’clock. John J. Johnson was re-appointed drawtender M attresses made to look like new 1.25 on Saturday, May 21st, by the ladies of Christ lBt. William n Kenzel, Soper, arr N Y mav 6 Junior C. E. prayer meeting at 3 p. m. of the Mantoloklng bridge a t a salary of $290 (Episcopal) church. Wm 11 Bailey, Lane, arr Boston may ft In fact there are many attractions in this sale such as you will n ot often Young People’s Christian Endeator prayer I t is understood that the Western Union William Wilson, Norfolk; sld may 11 for Phila Unless there should be frost, forest fire or meeting at 6 45 p m . led by Mibb May Irons. for the y e a r ending May 10. 1899, he to supply find. Come and see and you will surely not regret it. Telegraph Company have offered J . M. Thomp gestlon, bad taste, coated fuel and oil. and keep piling free from ice. ■■ ■ drought, the huckleberry crop will be one of Topic. • Our bodies God’e Temples ’’ so n tbe position as telegraph operator in their tongue, sick headache, inBay Head Flag Raising. a l l George W Gifford was re appointed drawthe biggest on record. Prayer meeting on Friday evening at 7 30. office at the Engleside hotel, be ich Ilavt n, for soinnia, etc. Hood’s Pills ■ 1 1 | tender of the Allan Osborn bridge at a salary Some of the Misties from Forked River who Subject, “ Watchfulness.” of $40 p er month for the five months from Old Glory D ecorate* a S3 F o n t Pole a t th e coining anrumcr, and that he has accepted. euro constipation and all its ™ results, easily and thoroughly. 25c. All druggists. attend our schools, ride back and forth on M eth o d ist Episcopal. th e School H ouse. from June 1st to October 1st. Wheels when the weather is fine. HOOD'S P IL L S c u r e L iver lilt, Bil Prepared by C. 1. Hood 6i Co., Lowell, Mass. 10 30. Preaching by Pastor Han a. On Friday last flag raising exercises were Rules of the previous year were adopted for rO»KM AN AVR. AVD E N O R I ST. Tin* oulv Pills to take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla COOa n AN AYR. AND MAIN »T . io u sn ess, I n d ig e s tio n , H e a d a c h e . The District Stewards meeting of the New B R IU H T S S AYE, W E ST END. 12 00. Suuday school the guidance of the Board, with the exceptions held at the Bay Head public school, tbe tcbool B a t) to : a k e f e a s y to o p e r a t e , 2 5 c . F in e st J o b Prill t ill* a t Courier «»tftt-:c. Brunswick District of the M E. church, will 3.00 Junior Epworlh League. that the September meeting is changed to tbe having purchased a flag, and a 53 footflagpole be held atKeansburg on Wednesday, May 25th. 3 30. Meeting for the promotion of holiness, last Tuesday in August; and that the following having been erected. The program was as follows: rule was a d d ed : 7.00 Epworth League. Former Surrogate Wardell has laid a flag Recitation, My Country ’tls of thee,Adele Chad, 7*30 Preaching by tbe Pastor. Subject, All committees appointed for tbe purpose of stone walk from his frout entrance to connect In Reliable Companies investigating the building of bridges, shall, if wick. with the flig pavement in front of his resi Man spiritual and immortal." Song, America, school. in their judgment the coat of the bridge wiil be C h rist (E p isco p al) Church. dence. Prayer, Mr. T. B. Pierce. more than $500, report to the Board before Mt.y 15th. 5th Sunday after Easter. If Admiral M ontijo had had a squad of ten Recitation, Our starry flag, Laura Loveland. proceeding Morning service at 10.30. 8ong, The starry banner, school. year old Toms River gamins armed with bean Mr LeCompte asked for a committee on the In All Its Branches Heading, Our country’s flag, Miss Nuuemaker. Sunday-school a t 2.30 shooters be might at least have broken some Recitation, The banner unfurled, John Crane. Regular meeting of the Guild will be held at Meadow avenue bridge a t Lakewood, where a window panes on Dewey’s fleet. new bridge is needed, and he fuither asked Song, Fighting for Cuba, school. the residence of Mrs. Falkinunrgh, on Monday Berkeley township has spent $600 on the Address, T. B. Pierce. that it be built of iron. Mr. LeCompte was mala shore road this spring beginning at tbe afternoon next, at 3 o'clock. Grand Army of the Republic Song, school. appointed and Director Bennett elected as such To Rent, Furnished and Unfurnished crossing of the Pennsylvania Railroad, and the Recitation, The first flag, Matilda Burns. spring hats committee. At th e S u rro g a te ’s Office. road is now in better shape than ever. Reading, Why the United States was called Dr. Bennett asked for committee on draw If you want to rent your house, place it with us Uncle 8am, Mildred Clayton. About a dozen members of the G as Club went On Friday last Surrogate Grover granted bridge over Doable Creek in Union township. Recitation, Tbo red, wh’te and bine, Annie in decorating them, and to Foiked River on Tuesday and were given a letters of administration to Abe! J. Berry In On motion Dr. Bennett and Mr. Carr were ap Clayton. live bird shoot by F C Worth. John B Tilton the estate of Thomas C. Cranmer. formerly of pointed as such committee. Bong, Columbia the Gem of the Ocean, school. killed 9 out of 10. and won tbe game. On motion of Mr Kelly, the C ourier and Mannabawkin. though living at Baltimore for Recitation, How BetBy Ross made the dig, Rob to make it all effective No. 11 Washington Street, Toms River Ye small boy finds that tbe public drinking some time before his death Captain Crapmer the Democrat of Toms River, and th e Lake- ert Applegate. Song, The blue and grey, school. fountain fills a long felt want—and for that commanded the schooner Sarah J Fooks. On wood Times and Jonrnal were designated as It isn’t necessary to say anything about the skill and Essay, History of the Star Spangled Banner, matter, to see the way It Is patronized, one March 5, 1896 tbe Fooks left Hampton Roads, official papers lo priut the proceedings and the Sarah Forsythe. taste in hat trimming—Y ou know that is to be found wonders how we got along so many years with Va., for a New England port That night a statement. The flag raised while tbe school sang The Star The Director and County Collector were em terrific gale came up. and tbe Fooks never bas out it. here. Spangled Banner. powered to borrow $2000 on nole, for current been beard from since. His widow loog since Decoration Day and Fourth of July will each expenses. be what our city friends call " a double holi gave him np as lost, and more than a year ago TUCK ERTON. Director Bennett announced the following day." That la. coming on Monday, they give the insurance on tbe vessel was paid. standing committees: Oa Wednesday the will of Mrs. Margaret Cald Engene Monroe VanNole of Long Branch, the city folk a chance to spend 8onday and Public buildings and grounds—C C Carr, D who has accepted a cal! lo the Presbyterian well ot Toms River, J Holmes Birdsall, execu Monday both in tbe country. O Parker. C D Kelley tor. was admitted to probate. church of this place, graduated from the Tbe yellow evening dallies come out in ten Supplies—D O Parker, N J Gaskill. John A Princeton Theological Seminary yesterday. Mrs Caldwell left her bouse and lot on W . CO W PERTH W A IT C . B . COW PERTHW AIT to any ono for first information o f a editions. The first mentions a rumor, the Union street and her money tn the bank to her Hyers vacancy for a Bookkeeper, Stenog seoond confirms It. tbe third gives details, tbe son Andrew J. Caldwell, tbe household furni Bridges—Edmund Clayton, C R LeCompte, Coal Shippers vs. Vessel Owners. rapher, Clerk or Telegraph Operator which we succeed in filling. fourth enlarges upon these, tbe fifth denies It ture to be divided between him and her three Jehn A Hvers Tbe Philadelphia Press says : Wo not only train for practical work but always secure situations for and the next five go over tbe same program daughters. Mrs. Annie Librandt of Brooklyn, Collector’s accounts—Dr. D W Blake, jr., Coal shippers have organized a determined with variations. worthy graduates of our Business and Shorthand Departments. If you Mrs. Cornelia Emmons of Manarquan, and C D Kelley, Charles L Rogers effort to break down tbe high rates of freight arc seeking employment and willing to study, send ten two*cent stamps ’Squire Liilibridge performed thirteen mar Mrs Catherine Johnson of this village. Delinqnent taxes—Joseph Camp, N J Gas that have been paid to New England ports, bat for five easy lessons (by mail) in shorthand to riage ceremonies in the first five years of hie The will of Captain Joseph Holmes of kill. C P VanHise vessel owners are stubborn and will hold t o . ’8qnire-sblp As the genial ’Squire is still fat Forked River, was admitted to probate on Jail delivery—C R LeCompte, C C Carr, gelher to maintain the present high rates. and hearty, the usual ill luck prefigured bv the Tuesday, his son. Joseph Holmes of Toms Isaiah Stackhouse, The undersigned respectfully informs his patrons and p u b There are a number of limited orders In tbe Conference with Prosecuting attorney—O O market, but the views of owners and shippers number thirteen, m ust have attached itself to River, being executor. The iueuoie from lic in general that he has connected with his carpet busi the wedded ones. bis estate be left to bis wife, Caroline, dnring Parker. Charles L Rogers. Joseph Camp are wide apart. Charters were made at as’ ness, a complete line of Builder’s Hardware, Carpenter’s Fuueral expenses of indigent soldiers—C C her life estate then to be divided in five shares, high rates as $1.40 and $1 50 to Boston and $1 But six men are now on duty at the Jersey life, Carr Tools, Wood and Willowware, Paint, Brushes and a large to 31.10 and 31 25 this side of Cape Cod. Ship saving stations the seventh, or “ extra " man two shares to go to bis son, Joseph, one each On motion adjourned. to bis sons Nathan J .. and Daniel and his pers are now offering only 31 arouDd the cape having gone off dutv on the first of th° month variety of Household Articles, etc. Best Manilla, T arred W m. H. F ischer, Clerk, and 90 cents this side, which owners refuse to Rumor save the six men will he ke p t on dutv dangbtei. Miss Lvdla Holmes. His son Mar and Cotton Ropes of all sizes. Blocks, bolts and E very accept. all summer, without their customary June and cus L Holmes is bequeathed $5 The will is it E. 128tb * 1., fftwYsflu dated May 24, 1894. and William Aumack and T h^ Tie T h a t Binds. thing pertaining to the outfit of a yacht. I t shall be my July vacation, if the war continues. Honted ■ B urglar. The most celebrated practical schools id America, Business, Short J. Holmes Birdsall are the witnesses to its aim as in former years to sell nothing but the best goods Railroadmen say ih a t the keepers of moun signature. Secret so c ie ty unanin fa th e r e d from th e hand, Typewriting, Penmanship, ^elegraphy and Preparatory DepartTbe cottage of Lighthouse-keeper Bills (who tain resort hotels, (who have been on ihc at th e lowest possible prices. Thanking you for past favors mentn. Business men everywhere indorse these schools. RefertcBankI l l H e o r p h a n c o u rt . wa* recently transferred to A tlantic City from Lodges R o u n d a b o u t. ragged edge, of despair for some years past beThe Odd Fellows of the United States will BarnegatCltv) has been robbed twice recently, ers, Merchants and prominent patrvneall over the world. Superior In On Wednesday Judge Martin appointed and soliciting a continuance of the same in th e future, I re caa«e of the trend of summer travel to the sea William A Torrev guardian of William Jen celebrate Tuesday, June 13ih as Memorial and on Monday night the bu rg lar alarm an struction. The best mechanical equipment. Grounds for athletics. Board remain Respectfully yours. shore) are rejoicing over the fact th at the war noanced a third trip of the thief Bills grabbed kins of Lakehnrst. an insane person; and also day. and other expenses moderate. No vacations. Students may enter at any •care has booked their houses to over flowing granted the guardian an order to sell the lands Lakewood council. Revel Arcanna), was his revolver and covered tbe window from far the entire seavon. which the alarm came. 8oon he saw a boy N o . l O W n t e r H t , T o n m R i v e r , IV . . J . time. Beautiful catalogue mailed on request. Address (mention thispaper), of hie ward. represented at the Grand Council of the State, — ■ »«♦»« —— — Some people seem to form a genuine attach trying to get in. and at the cal! for surrender ____ CLEMENT C. GAINES. President. Poughkeepsie, N. V. last week by Charles A Bye. ment to the old rnnntv jail On Monday morn he slid down a post and fled. Biils declining to T uckerton R..c« Meet. Daughters of Liberty, Pride of Charter Oak shoot so small a burglar. The thief dropped Doubtless that we run a China log, John Matthews, who had served a term of 30 davs. was released and taken up to Sooth •stormy W eather Postponed It till Mon Council of Jackson Mill*, held a bazar and fair his bat. and the Atlantic City police expect to Store—and so we do. You in Mechanics’ ball at Jacksons Mills, last cap’ore him Lakewood bv Sheriff Jeffrey. Monday night, day, May 3 * th . t w k H i u i n n u m rm i F H U L u n night. have been in our front store back came Matthews on a 20 day commitment Tbe first race meet of the summer which was for drunkei and disorderly condnct st Lake- to have been held at theTackerton Wheelmen's to see the China, now come back to the rear store and school Nates. wood. y o u ’ll be surprised at the variety and cheapness of our track on Saturday afternoon last, had to be An nnnsnally large number of candidates at George C. VanHise went to Point Pleasant oostponvd because of tbe storm. It will now tended tb e conoty examination for teacher’s Household Goods—everthing from a Tea-Strainer to a oa Friday last and purchased a steel hailed be Incorporated in tbe race meet which they licenses la^t Friday and Saturday. Each day Clothes-Hamper, Tinware, Glassware, Stoneware, N ovel naptha launch from William A Cooke a sum were already preparing for May 30th. Decora the room was filled with earnest workers. The mer cottager a t th at resort Mr VanHise will tion Day. The schedule for this day :* as ties—lots of 6c and 10c articles. Also Silverware. No Ks Cfcanre for esasaisaU sa s s i s ta in — a n s fs y is work for the Board 01 Examiners was so g reat have the yacht in commission this summer to follows 5 • r Scfeetlve ilg k t. A ll SI that they did not finish until Monday evening. dead stock—nothing kept as a side issue. Our capital is eorrv the guests a t his hotel to tbe Spiles or the Oae mile novice first prize 310 gold medal; Tbe standard has been advanced and it Is in in these goods and we MUST keep them moving. T hat beaeb for bathing and boating generally, second prize. 35 silver medal tended th at no nnqualified person shall receive to another strong bid for the popularity of the Mile open, prizes, $35 diamond, 325 silver a certificate. The law rennlrna all Boards of accounts tor our low prices—because we must ells goods, Kivereide bouse, with which its present man enp 36 gold ring. Education to employ none wbn ab»U not first Mile handicap, prize-: $25 watch, |13 music agement Is patting it to the front on every procure a certificate iu full force and effect. box. #5 dress salt case. oecusion. Five mile handicap, prizes 155 diamond. $1S The Coouty Superintendent has adopted a Of 936 Broadway, New York, pretest their compliment* wafer pitcher, 35 cuff buttons plan by which all pnpila advanced to grade Entry blanks can be obtained of Carloe P 4‘ Wether Ar e ly far Fourth mf July ! and extend an urgent invitation to inspect their new Steelman. Tnckertoo- Entries close on the 23d, VIII may be examined Friday, May TSth. on P . S. IR O N S , M a n a g e r Courier B ldg, Main st. Doe of the wood carters of tbe pine*, who one week prior to races questions prepared by himaelf and if they pass, hadn’t been in Mount Holly for a few months L A K E W O O D S T U D I O receive a county diploma The gradiug of tbe Catarrh C o n s t he Carte t*»«, and who evidently hasn’t been reading papers will be under the authority of the Die papers, came with a load of wood on Satur- With local applications, as they cannot reach County Board of Examiners. Tbe plan ie seat of the disease. Catarrh Is a blood or to which they h e n devoted the experience o f thirty five yean. T in s stadia duv and w*g surprised at seeirg no many flatrtt the mnsiiiulional disease, and in order to core it optional with all schools, bat will more and is their greeteet effort in ite eppoiniaent and equipment. The liwhtzns la various parts of tbe town, and he remarked: ton mu«t take Internal remedies Hall's Ca more grow m favor Many will adopt tbe p ies If your bat is not up to ttra correct tarrh Cure is taken internally and octs directly feetnree ere e “ chef-de anvre." Why I shoo’d j'-dee thet this is retber arelv this year. In preparine fo r this examination for tbe Fourth of July to came; don’t ye think on the blood and an co n s «nrfaces Hall’s Ca they will also prepare for a teacher's certifi standard, you waste your money. A rew m em nn n , n m e n w n n u n e i aim rU m m . tarrh «u re Is not a quack mediciae. I t was At Pries* Prim s that equal tbe the Lowest Lowe Competitors. Come, see for yonree pretty, old bat is preferable to s ®°. frietd ; Mt. Holly Herald. prescribed by one of the best phytlcians In this cate Mr.Q. W Tech givee pereonel uttontii.n to sitters. Sitting*by dowdy, new o n e . If yoo want to be ennotry for tears and Isareenlarprescription It is composed of the best tonics known, comVery mt sure of the proper thia<?, it j« safest rw rlw t meg L e tte rs. with the best Mood pnriflers. aettax The spring weather us* been sery backward, to seek it h e re . O of hats are hand Letters addressed to the following persons directly on the an co n s surfaces The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what therefore many jobbers and importers were some and our chargee fair. G a i n e d unclaimed at the Tom* River■ Post prodncee snch wooderfnl result* in caring ca obliged to part with woods at greatly reduced The Oolnariris end the Crescent—the two Standard W heel, ot Ammie* Office for the week ending Saturday tarrh. Send for reetimontals, free. pf ices. We took ad ran tag? of them great b ar Mr Joses J o&m o q . F J CHENEY A c a . nrops- Toledo gains ami the pahne e u reap the benefit, g tie T h e C e n tr a l Store 8 'id h r dracgi-ls. price 75c M Logout* A. BmSoii. commences this Saturday. tstetabecfc Co. HaH's Family Fills are tbe best. ■ate S tm t. Tom s Rhrer. N. J. Courier Building w - J- A. B rackett it V 1 - a \ C e n t- a - W o r d Column F F W BREVITIES. PEA C EFU L m r s S aturday , May 1 4 t h Dress Goods and Silks Gome Next. Carpets, Mattings and Furniture. Constipation Mood’s THE STEINBACE COMPANY, IN S U R A N C E R EA L E S T A T E Spring Millinery COTTAGES L atest Ideas Latest Designs Latest Trimmings GEO. H. HOLMAN ‘A H A N D F U L OF DIRT MAY B E A H O U S E FUL OF S H A M E ” K E E P YOUR H O U S E CLEAN W I T H COWPEliTHWAIT & CO.. $5 SAPOLJO REWARD New Hardware Store T o My F rien d s and X*nt>lie the New York B usiness Institute L E O P O L D W IS S M A O H YOU THINK T.E.LEEC H,OF LEECH,STILES AGO. wMiMat rOKMERLT WITH OUEEN 4 CO. Cowperthwslt Exchange,Tomi Ri?»r W6dn’day,Miy 18, Grover & Irons Must Be Correct Messrs. Pach Brothers F irst Class Groceries ’98 Bicycles A. C. H IR SC H , Tnn , ^,-n rr-w-n a; JOS. GROVER * * a* Advertising in the Courier Brings the B E ST Results * A Peerless Liniment. Are You0S story of moses. EasilyTired? GIVE CUBANS ARMS, Aioewt every m a c *a America haa aooe dlfw .ifv twvN* W W iwb taeer tk» rroet lw-y As a paiu uetuvici xuJ cui€ fo? a-sally 1» "W ell, bow are fn*?“ Taat ffere«jpe* beslth tMJk. The mao wbo b u 0 0 rheumatism, Salvation Oil is the peer THESE ARE WHAT GENERAL GOMEZ bowel o< rtuvaei- tro o l* U sIsso*t a carto*t|f NEEDS, SAYS SYLVESTER SCOVEL. O n e o f t h e G r a n d e s t C h a r a c t e r s o f T ro aU ru m m u k v do ca<eof 'h*-a>e»l?e*. of all liniments. Mr. Wm, H. Brown, Tr»t> r*i v **<■»«rb xbrv bad e <pper atrun*- b» ooongb, com bined w ith th e mftrtns A ll H is to r y . and bowel* of br«iMB Br sod bv ov rwo kxj proprietor o! Stnebinger House, Cleve Bt'orv T t e a cose btadaciir* w rioc*. land, O., writes: *'I suffered from Then T h ere W ill Be No Sfeed o f Beading forces, th e n m ore U nited S ta te s regu , h*(j f«u<j ! - • - rvodkldnei'rowfiie* Dr. Nu t Troop* to Cobo—O u r f l e e t A iding la r s can be g e n t T hey need n o t go rheumatism for twelTe years and my Lawgiver, Poet mod W arrior—A Cared P i-frr’i Cet.*; Pellet- fqruLh help fo r e»»-*ad th e In terior Cat CHS, Spain's Pow er before. T h e re n ev er was a stra g g le so J u s t rem em b er t h a t a ll y o u r PIQ M Jt SKWMAMU OF OCKAuS CO. from Which Bet. Or, T a lata g t Ea* Mipalioo »on <0 p»4 lifer ekk mod t/iiir-us last atUck kept me in bed, unable to s 'r e n g t h m ail c o m e from y o u r b-adaebe d-xx-D - - kw -»tom*rb !o«wofappe. lit tl e understood as th e Cuban-Spanish W ill Soon End. tract* Some P n ttlc a l Leo* walk. I used Salvation OU and soon fo o d . D id yo u e v e r th in k o f lite m 'l i r e * o r wlody belcbl- *, m u for lit* Urmrera. one. S p a in 's troops are not generally __ TOMS RIVER POST OFFICE. No v o lu n te e r troop* a r e needed in br*r»* ar , p«i' n r. dUDe-* after eauing. and was up and about. As a pain de th a t ? know n to be now prac tic a lly useless P e r h a p s y o u r m u sc le s n e e d klc-* ed l-c- d •• me- t- of tb* Brer a t* ;!" cujhm f o e stroyer this liniment has no equal." Cuba, a n d very few r e g u la rs w ill be fro m a m ilita ry p o in t of view through m o re s tre n g th , o r y o u r n e rv e * ; T h e fo llo w in g ncrmon b y th e p o p u lar i -jJ 6 / » l - A oce;t o • Ht1*.] ote. New Tors and point* Bo,-.*. ;.*ti A M. sofficienE. I t wonld be c rim in a l to send Salvation Oil is sold everywhere for th e crass s tu p id ity of S panish officers. o r p e rh a p s y o u r sto m a c h is Sew York «.d *ii point* aurtZ “t tLuicheneT W a sh in g to n p rea c h e r c o n ta in s much 50,000 A m e ric a n soldier* over the g u lf T bey are orave, b a t tbey do n o t know 9 M A. M. IM *Pd s..t P. a . w e a k a n d c a n n o t d ig e s t w h a t ‘>r- cents. Try it and be convinced. t h a t i& in sp irin g fur all c la sse s o f peo m a n y men n o w condemn th e m s e lv e s to Mancftettet, Hejruie, cedar Creek, forked stream. N o t because o f epidem ic dis- j bow to conduct troops. T he m en them y o u e a t. Hirer, *'*/**'• vn, « « U between I m u e n B eta <n *». T. F r s s t . M ala & R i o h i s a t M ple. T h e te x t chosen &* a b a s is for bis unaffianced a n d solitary life i s becau se I f y o u need m o re a tr e n g th esse. T h e re is no soch a th in g in th e selves are m agnificently ste a d y and a s £ 8n Jgeu»a, *,M A. M re m a rk s is E xodus: 3: 1: “ N ow Moses t h e y cannot s u p p o r t the m o d ern y o u n g Pkiivieipiita Wasatn{wu, hoathern and t h e n ta k e k e p t th e flock o f Jeth ro , h is f a th e r-in ' w om an, w ho r i s e s at h alf-p ast 10 in th e w an t to know w h e th e r he succeeded*! country in Cuba. N ot because of loss calm , bat th e y have never been drilled. JFeaeru SUiei, potau between Tom* River too of life in g re a t engagem ents. There is T hey do n o t know bow to shoot. Add SE E D GROWERS A N D IMPORTERS. Ca/alea, (aland Height*, Trenton and SoatiMra law , th e p rie s t o f Mtdian-*’ m o rn in g a n d retire * after m id n ig h t, ask th e ab an d o n ed b rick-kilns of E g y p J : n * r ’,J*iA.M. 3*0P. M. to these ra d ic a l a n d b lig h tin g defects I n th e so u th e a ste rn p a rt o f A ra id s a o n e o f the t r a s h i e s t of n o v e ls in h e r tia n task m a ste rs, a nd the s p lin te r e d no necessity in having th e m . TRV O U R Point* ween -oeutde Pert and PoUr. P sm Enable G om ez and G a r c ia to eqnip s a t, rj&t A. M. th e starved con d itio n of the tro o p s and m an is s ittin g by a welL I t is a n a rid h a n d s most o f th e time b e tw e e n th e c h a rio t wheels s tr e w n on th e b e a c h wsiMngsaad Tuctenon, and point* oetweec, the C a b a n s fo r war, a n d t b e y w ill m ake clearly we a re o v erestim ating t h e Span c o u n try , a n d w a te r is scarce, so th a t s l a t e rising a n d t h e late r e tir e m e n t—a t.Vi P. M. of th e Red Sea. and the tim brels w h ic h w ell is o f g r e a t value, a n d flocks and th o u sa n d of t h e m not w o rth o n e Z ip M iriam clapped fo r the Isra e lite s passed it hard a n d strong. G i v e them good ish arm y in C uba, a nd we g re a tly and Ami the result will g lr e you sut]»fu<-tion Eim nonand Barr»r!:us t.avp. M. dally. Keg el mail. >.36 A. M. rifles. T b e y know h o w to use them , j crim in a lly u n d e re stim a te the C ubans if It Is a mixture of D w arf Growing (Jrax-.-g h e rd s a re d riv en vast d ista n c e s to have p o ra h . o f C o d -L iv e r O il w ith H y p o (j»»r a n d the E g y p tia n s gone under. Men w bo fu i three je& ia L ave each bod w e do not im m e d ia te ly enable them to which La« ban u.u-d u nutubu of .t« am iu th e ir th ir s t slaked. J e th r o , a M idianste p h o s p h ite s . T h e o i l is t h e m o s t T h ere is a q u e s tio n that e v e ry f a th e r MAIL.-. ARRIVE PROM Do n o t retire to o early.* L ike M oses, Public Park* o f New York atid an average of ten c a rtrid g e s in th e ir fig b t vigorously.— Sylvester Scovel in tbe sh e ik a n d p rie st, w as so f o rtu n a te as Brooklyn and 1i.-h a Iway* given the hext New Tori tu*d Pslta-leips!*, e.15 A. M. a n d m other o u g h t to ask th e d a u g h te r you m ay have y o o r chief w ork to d o e a s ily changed o f a ll foods i n to Pn tit-let pa ta, Cun lea, is*an-l Heights, etc. results. I t produces a rich deep green vel to hav e seven d a u g h te rs: a n d th e y are a t b reak fast o r te a table, a n d t h a t a ll a fte r W. It m ay n o t be in th e h i g h boxes, a n d none to follow , have learned N ew York W orld. s t r e n g t h ; a id t h e h y p o p h o s1 0 » A M. 5,54 P. M vety Lawn, which flourishes even In the p rac tic a l g irls , a n d y o n d e r th e y come t h e d a u g h te rs o f the w e a lth y sh e ik places o f the field; i t m ay not be w h e r e not to w a ste them. phi tea a r e th e b e s t Waitings eufl Taekenon. and poi&u be’.eeei. hottest season of the year. d riv in g th e sh e ep a n d c a ttle a n d cam els o u g h t to ask e a c h other: " W h a t w ould a s tro n g arm a n d a n a th le tic foot a n d II.*5 A. M. The e x a c t m ilitary s itu a tio n in Coba tonics f jt th e n e rv e s . New fort aod a.i r^ B'* aorta. Forres Hirer. Y A L E ’S M O U N T E D BA TT ERY . o f th e ir fa th e r to th e w a te rin g . They SC O T T 'S E M U L today is j n s t the condition for Gomez y o u do if th e f a m i ly fortune s h o u ld fail, a c le a r vision a re req u ired , b u t t h e r e Is Bridgeton. etc, 2i . » A. M. lo w er th e b u c k e ts a n d th e n p u ll them if sickness s h o u ld p rostrate t h e b rea d so m eth in g for yo u y e t to do. P e r h a p s to utilize i f aim ed a n d supplied. H e SION i s th e e a s ie s t Me* Tort w l al. point* aorta or Mane -e*t«! 4.1# P. M. and q u i c k e s t c u re f o r up, th e w a te r plash in g o n th e stones w in n e r, if th e flo c k s of J e th r o s h o u l d be it m ay be to ro u n d off th e w ork y o u hag at th e low est e stim a te 30,000 m en j Plan* Completed, to Send * B attalion of Mew 'ion a a l po:nu aorta of MaceBexter IM 175 Men to the Front, w e a k t h r o a t s , to r a n d c h illin g tk * ir u s d t h e tro u g h s ueotruyeu by a sudden e x c u rs io n of have a lread y do n e; to d e m o n stra te t h e wbo have bandied arm s a n d are accns - 1 ? . JJ. * coughs o f e v e ry k i n d , T be Yale A ln m n i W eekly recently Siiferwa and Barmtlia. 1/9 P. M.. dally. j a re filled. W ho is th a t m a n o u t there w o lv es and b e a r * and hyenas fro m th e p atie n c e you baTe b e e n recom m ending toraed to S p a n ish fire. T h e enthusiastic ' Regutered mail, 11 .«t A II and fo r a ll cases o f d e s ittin g unco n cern ed and lo o k in g on? m o u n tain ? W h a t would y o u d o fo r a a il y o u r lifetim e: p e rh a p s to s ta n d a Cuban j u n t a probably c la im s 100,000. announced tb e com pleted p la n s fo r the rOM» wn W. MASOLT, P P. b ility , w e a k nervee* W hy does he n o t come a n d he3p the liv in g ? Could y o n support y o u rse lf? lig h th o u se a t th e m o u th of the b a y t o The tr u th f u l Gomez p u t i t last Ja n u ary , m ounted b a tte ry w h ich is in process of OUR GRAND SEED CATALOGUE F R E E Corrected Sot. i f , »w and loea o f flesh. ON APPLICATION. wom en in th is h ard w ork o f d ra w in g C an you tak e c a r * of an in v alid m o th e r lig h t o th ers in to h a rb o r; p e rh a p s t o at 85,000, T h ere are u n d o u b ted ly 150,- j e n listm e n t a t Yale. Two u n d ergradu yx. »m «It dr.ggau. E A i l i i *>AU HIRE TARLES. w a te r? lin t n o so oner have th e tfry lips o r b ro th er o r s is te r ah w ell a s y o u r show h ow g lo rio u s a sunset m ay c o m e ates, M essrs. F a rk h u rs t and Chappel, STUMPP & WALTER CO., 000 iu C u b a available f o r arm am ent. SCOTT & BOWSE. Chobbts, Nrw York. a n d p a n tin g n o s trils of th e flocks be self?" Y'ea. b r i n g it down to w h at a fte r a storm y d ay . h a v e been to W a shington and H artford ^ K M T K i L K . a u » NEK ^ l U E T . But the e stim a te of 3 0 ,0 0 0 men now SEE D GROWERS AND IMPORTERS. gu n to cool a little in t h e b rim m in g a n y day m ig h t come to a p ro sp e ro u s to consult w ith th e natio n a l a n d state S till fu rth e r, se e i n th is call of M oses SO BARCLAY S T ., NEW YO RK . MEW J E K mKT a O IT K E IN S l f l a lS A . tro u g h th a n some rough B ed o u in shep fam ily . ••Can yo u cook a d in n e r if t h a t if God h as a n y especial w o rk f o r j ready for business only in clu d e s Cuban a u th o ritie s a n d g et th e ir advice a u d ap h e rd s break in upon th e scen e, and t h e servants s h o u ld make a s tr ik e for you to do he w ill fin d you. T h ere w e r e j soldiers, n e ith e r em ployees of the civil proval. T hey have m et w ith success. In A n ih ra m e « w l u*e4 exeluhlveiy, m *ur | governm ent organizations nor “ ranchw ith clu b s a n d shouts d riv e back the h ig h e r w ag es a n d leave t h a t m orn E gypt a n d A rab ia a n d P alestine w i t h la« Cleanllae** a n d C v n lo rt. j consequence of th e advice received by T h e S u c c e s s f u l R e m e d y fo r an im a ls t h a t w ere d rin k in g , a n d af ing?"’ Every m in u te of ev ery h o u r of th e ir crow ded p o p u la tio n , but th e m a n eros. T h e fath e rs and th e supporters of th em the p la n to form a m ac h in e gun T h raaK taC earhei to Mew Y ark-K eSneed NASAL C A T A R R H . f rig h t these g irls u n til th e y fly in re- e v e ry day of e v e r y year th e r e a r e fam th e L o rd w a n ted w a s a t the s o u th e r n families liv in g iu th e w oods having b attery h as been changed to one contem Kate*. q u ick Tim e, w ith but ane tre a t, and th e flocks o f th e s e ill- ilie s flung f ro m prosperity i n to h a rd p o in t o f the tr i a n g le of Arabia, a n d h e failed to obey Weyler’s reconcentration p la tin g a ho rse battery. Jt w ill be re mnst he non-irritating, easy of application, and eRange #f C a n . t® rtilJ a g rlp h la . m an n e re d sh ep h erd s a re d riv e n to sh ip , and, a la s ! i f in such e x ig e n c y th e picks h im rig h t o u t, th e shepherd w h o bandn a re included. T b e y , however, m em bered t h a t as soon as i t becam e ap one th at will by Its ow n action reach the inflamed f l a t Table In effect April IS, IbUft. . th e tro u g h s, ta k in g th e p la c e s o f th e se v en d a u g h te r s o f Jethro c a n d o n o th k e p t th e flock o f J e th r o , his f a th e r-in - would be m o st useful a s th e y now a re p a re n t th a t th e re w onld be a fig h t with and diseased surfaces. o th e r flocks. Now th a t m an s ittin g in g but sit a r o u n d and cry a n d w ait law , th e priest a n d sheik. So God w ill as scouts, a n d many w o u ld undoubtedly EL\"8 CREAM BALM combines the ‘mportant TRAINS LEAVE TOMh KIV*H S paiu the lea d in g Yale seniors m e t and by th e w e ll b e g in s to Color up. and f o r some one t o come and h u n t them n o t find it h ard to ta k e you o u t fro m join the re g u la r forces. F u lly arm ed, requisites of quick action and speciflo curative For SEW YOKK, £ rave:!, aad Newark, a'.i ra . ' . ’■■■ *a--i *., and t . « r . u. h is eyes flashes w ith in d ig n a tio n , u p a situ atio n f o r which th e y h a v e no th e 1,600,000,000 of th e hum an r a c e if equipped a n d supplied, G om ez and G a r asked W a shington w h a t sort o f addi powers with peifect safety to the patient. This bBbiayi(At» a. a n d a ll th e g a lla n tr y of h is n a tu re is qualification. 44et at so m e th in g use he w a n ts you fo r a n y th in g e sp ec ia l. cia can w ith little p h y s ic a l assistance tio n s the a rm y m ost needed a u d where agreeable remedy has mastered catairh as noth V * tJAKNKGAT. al l! *. u , and CIS aaST.ift f. *. i t- a tu. aroused. I t is Moses, w h o n a tu ra lly fu l: get at it r i g h t away. D o n o t say: T h e re w as only j u s t one man q u a lifie d . clear th e isla n d of S p a n is h bases fo r tb e hottest w ork w ould be found. Tbe ing else has, and both physicians and patlen** f-jt U S 2 * w l / , MAM.H2.sTBH, HKD h ad a q u ick tem p er a n y h o w , as he ‘ i f 1 were t h r o w n upon m y o w n re O th er m en had c o u ra g e like Moses, e t h .Spanish food and of th em se lv e s compel decision to e n lis t a battery follow ed im freely concede this fact Ail druggists cheerfully BAM -tv... :.;i, s o . : a. and U fir. m. acknowledge that in it the acme of Pharmaceuti d e m o n stra te d on one occasion w hen he so u rces I w o u ld become a m u sic te a c h er m en h ad some o f t h e ta le n ts of M oses; the quick surrender of a ll the Spanish m ediately on tbe answ er. t i i p. to. Fvr EATuMTOWS, EAST LONG BRANCH, As now a rra n g e d , tbe b a tte ry will cal skill has been reached The most distressing saw a n E g y p tia n o p p ressin g a n Israel- e r . ” There a r e now more m u sic tea c h o th e r m en h ad ro m a n c e in t h e ir h i s forces o u tsid e of Havana, M atanzas a nd et*-, '.U t. «., Mr» and 5.ssr. *. hunj ite a n d gav e th e E g y p tia n a sudden e rs th a n c o u ld h e supported if th ey to ry , a s h ad Moses; o th e r men w e re i m Cienfuegos. These ports a n d their c o r consist of 175 m en. w ith an arm am ent symptoms quickly yield to it. In acute cases tbe d i r i 4*A* i*. a. Katostown ooiyv For ATLASri«. .ITT, GLAEKBORO, W1L ! clip a n d b u ried him in th e san d , and as w e re all M o z a r ts and W a g n e rs and p etu o u s, like M oses; b u t no o th e r m a n ralled forces can be s ta rv e d or taken a t of six 3 Yu inch guns. Instead o f restrict Bilim lmpa ts almost instant relief. U iM-STO WS, etc.,at U a . m. in g e n listm e n ts to scientific a n d aca j he show ed a fte rw a rd w h e n h e broke H andels. Do n o t say: “I w ill go to h a d th e s e d iffe re n t q u a litie s in t h e e x Sampson’s w ill. For VISELAMD. «KIIX>KTO.-i, et':., Cumber* By Absorption -at»4 and River Branch, at T.U a. * ' a l l th e te n co m m an d m en ts a t once by e m b ro id erin g slippers.” T h e r e are a c t p ro p o rtio n aa h a d Moses; a n d G od This s ta te m e n t th a t 30,000 Cubans dem ic seniors the ro lls have been thrown Pvr PHILADELPHIA, via Wma.o* J auction ' s h a tte rin g th e tw o g ra n ite sla b s on open to a ll u n d e rg ra d u a te s a n d gradu Catarrhal sufferers should remember that Ely's m o re slippers n o w than th e r e a re feet. w ho m ak es no m is ta k e , found th e r i g h t can easily destroy all b u t th re e Spanish at 701 a.*. 'ream Halm Is the only catarrh remedy which is ] w hich th e law w as w ritte n . B u t the O u r h earts a r e e v e ry day w r u n g by th e m an fo r th e r ig h t place. Do n o t f e a r RETURNING bases and capture th re e -fo u rth s of th e a te s of a few y e a rs’ standing. B y thus quickly and thoroughly absorbed by the diseased in ju stic e o f th e tre a tm e n t o f th e seven s to r y of e l e g a n t women w h o were you w ill be o v erlo oked, or t h a t w h e n increasing tb e n u m b er of those eligible membrane. It dott not dry up the teeretions, but Leave S2W YORK, foot of Liberty Ht., N. H. Spanish tro o p s may a p p e a r absurd to Tiaa., r* at *.»> and ‘•.iso a. 1.45 and 4.40 I g irls se ts him on fire w ith w r a th , a n d o n c e affluent, b u t through c a ta s tro p h e you a re w an ted God cannot find y o u . i t is hoped to raise tb e stan d ard o f phys r « Bnad«y»l».isa. u. l h e ta k e s th is sh ep h erd by th e th ro a t, h a v e fallen h e lp le s s , with n o a b ility to lie k n o w s y o u r n am e, your f e a tu re s , our m ilita ry authorities. I t would bo ica l fitness. Seasoned athletes w h o have hanges them to a limpid and odorless condition, Leare SB* YOHK, Houth Perry. Whitehall 8t aud Anally to a Da ural and healthy character. absurd if n o t based u p o n w h a t may be I a n d push es back a n o th e r s h e p h e rd till ta k e care of them selves. e.ft a us, *0,» j* i>. tu. ftuDdajn 10.00 a. m. fo u g h t fo r Y ale on tbe a th le tic field The Palm can be found at any drugstore, or by y o u r te m p e ra m e n t, a nd your c h a r a c called a b s u rd m ilitary conditions. A nd Dtare SEA a KK Mrovi m b.P>*. a., l.*8 lie falls over th e tro u g h , a n d aim s a •sd 4.40 e. *. bun-lay* lO.'P, a. rn. A nd you w ill h av e to go d o w n before teristic s , and in w h a t land, or c ity , or that is th e term for S p a n ish strength w ill, it is believed, m ake tho b e st kind sending 50 cents to Ely Brothers, 66 W arren S t , ! stu n n in g blow betw een th e eyes of PH! La uELPiil A, Pie? - south Wharve*, o f fierce a nd d isciplined fighters. As Sew York, It will be mailed. y o u go up. F r o m the pit i n to which w ard , o r n e ig h b o rh o o d , or house y o u De^*«kfc at i.b, a. id. fsii'i 4.16 r. M. 1 a n o th e r a* lie cries. "B egone, y o u vil h is brothers t h r e w him and t h e prison live. H e will n o t have to sen d o u t outside o f th e cities m en tio n ed . Take a soon aa possible th e new b a tte ry will Full directions with each package. Le are ATLANTIC CITY, at a. m. 4.<« r, m. map of C n b a and note t h e fact th at a ll lain s!” a n d h e hoots and r o a r s a t the Leare d ill HANK, at e.«t, WV, a. M. ami j£/«7 in w hich his e n e m ie s in ca rc era ted him, scouts o r e x p lo re rs to find y o u r r e s i Spanish su p p lies come f ir s t to Havana. be tran sp o rted to C hattanooga a n d then Cream tralm opens and cleanses the nasal passheep a n d c a ttle a n d cam els o f these jui i 3jw e. », oonday* ll.ib a. m. nageB, allays Inflammation, thereby stopping pain Jo s e p h rose t o b e Egyptian p r im e m in dence o r place o f stopping, a nd w h e n That is C n b a ’s m ilitary h e a rt. The f a r - . to Tam pa. Leare E i» r wi.No BHAMCH, at 6.33 au» in v ad e rs and d riv es th em b a c k ; aud In the head, heals and protects the membrane and •.AS A. i n *0-1 r. N. is te r. E lijah, w h o was to be t h e g re a t He w a n ts you He w ill m ake it as p la in j tber a w a y from that th e w eaker is each | h a v in g c leared th e pluce o f th e d esper Leare BfTOMTOWN ai e r/, anrt 10,03 a. a., restore* tb* senses of taste and smell. The Balm e s t of ull th e a n c ie n t pro p h ets, E lijah, th a t H e m eans yo u a s He m ade i t p l a i n N EW E N G IN E OF W AR. 2.‘/7 aud IM r. * Huodaya 11.40 a in. Is applied directly into the nostrils. ad o es he to ld th e seven g irls o f th is • Spanish p o st iu food a n d m onitions. ! L«:are LAKBWim d ;.4» «i.o .0 30 A. M. 1.40 w h o made K in g A halt’s knees k n o ck to t h a t H e needed M oses. He s a ile d h i s M id ian ite s h e ik to g a th e r t h e i r flocks ! A:id th e y a re absurdly w e a k at th e ir nod n.tH r. m. bandLji li is j> m. Hudson Maxim Offers to Build a Cruiser g e th e r w ith t h e prophecy t h a t th e n am e tw ice, as a fte rw a rd w h en H e Leare MANt littn i kh ^ b «o and 10.60 a. h . to g e th e r a n d b rin g them a g a in to th e IS J U 8 T A 8 CO OD FO R A D U LTS. to Destroy a W hole Navy. P A R K E R 'S d o g s would b e h is only u n d e rta k e rs ; called th e g re a t a p o s tle of th e G e n trie s best. E x -M inister C a u a le ja s adm itted , M.ouaol 6.(6 r. h Moiid>iR 12 3.: p ru. _ HAIR BALSAM Leare BAKME'ia ■ . • 40 «<•< U..i6 a.m.. 1i.S W ARRANTED. PRICE S O e t s . w a te rin g . Hcdwm M axim , a fam ous inventor E lija h , whose o n e prayer b r o u g h t more He c a lle d tw ice, sa y in g , ‘‘Saul, S a u l,” last N ovem ber that th e S panish troops | Cleanse* and beautifies the hair.. (), you o u g h t to see a fig h t betw een •nd 6.20 r. n bundaya 6.O0 p. m. were s ta rv in g . There n e v e r was a snrI.ATf A , I 1.I.8., Nov. 1(1,1893. Promote* a luxuriant growth. f a n d w h e n He ca lle d th e troubled h o u s e a n d brother o f th e inventor of th e Max t h a n three y e a r s of drought, a n d whose MedicineC __ ________ J. E.OLHAL’bKN, 11. P. BALDWIN, Never Fall* to Bestore Ormyf th e sh ep........ h erd........... s a t a ............... well in th e o rien t Ualr to its Youthful Color.! o t h e r prayer b r o u g h t d re n c h in g show k e e p er lie c a lle d h e r tw ice s a y in g , ! pins iu a n y base except t h e three m en im gun, bas proposed to build a cruiser Oeu’lKupt. Oen’l Pa*M Agt, Cures scalp d<wa«ei* cair iatimg.1 f; 110 v is'h *t a ht1"1!kmh i: m i j ^ toni(•^i,i<t|l°"nvo m * httW ^ *a December, 1800. Tin e rs ; the m an w h o wrapped u p h is cape " M a rth a , M a rth a ,” a n d when He c a lle d tioned. T h e re is less n o w . There w ill fo r tbe g o v e rn m e n t w hich w o u ld not ■itiKhl t h r f i , «ro*H nlrcndy Ililn yen he re a g ro u p of rougli JftfiV YM YI.Y .tNit KAICKOAU. ••I It th e p ro p h et to h is mission He c a lle d be n o th in g soon. This m ea n s death to cost more th a n $500,000 a n d which o f sheepskin i n t o a roll and w ith it cut Id 11 .................- ........................ — Bulla- h ad driv en th e c a ttle m an y m iles, and a p a th th ro u g h rag in g J o rd a n fo r ju st him tw ice, sa y in g , “ Samuel, S a m u eL ' 1 I Caban noncom batauts— o u r proteges— conld sink a ll of S p a in ’s m en-of-w ar. truly, h e re a n o th e r group who h a d driven P h lladelphln a nd I .mi* H rancli IlivlHlon, iwtllou ua yuur'luillo. Your* AliNKV, CARH A C 0 tw o to pass o v e r ; the man w h o w ith a n d n o w w hen H e w a n ts a d e liv e r* ! as well a s to Spanish m ilita ry movo- T h e inventor offers h is services free of Wbo Tim e T able Adupled Nov. 2N, IMIil, Hold By K. V l,nrratM*i‘, ffanclie*ter, N J . t h e i r c a ttle a s m any m ile s. w h e e l of fire ro d e over d e a th a n d es He c a lls twice, s a y in g “ Moses, M o ses.” <ments, a n d th e inland sh o u ld be taken charge to su p e rv ise th e co n stru ctio n of sh o u ld have precedence? Such clash a n il i ll 4ltlier llriu K ltla . c a p ed into t h e s k ie s w ithout m o rtu a ry Yes, if God h a s a n y th in g for us to do quickly. T h is is w h a t G om ez can do. tb e cruiser. THAlNb LEAVE TOMH RIVER in g of buckets! Much h o o k in g o f horns! He w ill call us tw ic e by name. A t t h e | Ask him w h a t he w ants, th e n send G o Mr. M a x im 's p la n is to p la c e on a Such k ick in g ot hoofs! Such vehe d isin te g ra tio n ; t h e man who. th o u sa n d s Camden and Pftllndelpnia, 7.48 a. in., 4.02 o f y ears a f t e r , w as called o u t of th e first a n n o u n c e m e n t of our n a m e w e mez w h a t h e w ants a nd w h e re he w ants f a s t erniser a 24 in ch torpedo g u n and p. in. week day*. m ence in u lan g u ag e I f o rtu n a te ly 3 H 0 E S R E P A IR E D For Berkeley 10,30 a. rn., week dny«. e te rn itie s to s t a n d beside J e s u s C hrist m ay th in k i t p o ssib le th a t w e u n d e r it, and a t onco. tw o torpedo m o rtars. T he g u n will could n o t u n d e rsta n d ! N ow th e sheep For Inland Belgian, lo.SO ft. m.,f..r>4 p. m. week on M ount T a b o r when it w a s ablaze s ta n d t h e sound; h u t a fte r He c a lls ua J The c o a st is ours. T h i s island is lik e tooled and heeled (nail worn) darn. w ith a p e c u lia r m ark ac ro ss th eir th ro w a ton of g u n cotton five miles w ith the s p le n d o r s of tra n s fig u ra tio n — tw ice b y nam e w e k n o w he m e a n s us a ribbon a n d w ith easy d e e p approaches For New York, via Berkeley and Hay llend OF woolly h acks w ere a t th e tro u g h , nnd a n d half a to n m uch farth er. T h e two Junction, 1'i.iPJ a iu. week day-. M en’s 65c.; Ladies'50c. as c e rta in ly as w h e n Ho tw ice s p o k e t h i s man c o u ld look back to t h e tim e • to ull necessary parls o f i ts coast line. For Point PieuHani, bea tiirt, Aalmry I’urk and now th e sh eep of a n o th e r m ark . I t th e n a m e s of Saul, o r M artha, or S a m Oar tra n s p o rts could s t a r t sim ultane m o rta rs can th ro w h a lf a ton of gnu Long Branch, 111.30 ». in week day*. H and Sewed, Men’s $1.00. w as one of th e m ost e x c itin g scenes 1 w h e n voracious a n d filthy ra v e n s w ere cotton th re e m iles. Mr. M axim would h is only c a te r e r s . uel o r Moses. e a l sta te LEAVE BERKELEY ously fo r a ll insurgent bodies. Before ever w itnessed. All work guaranteed A No. 1. For New York, ll.ioa. in. week day*. Kee also in t h i s call of M oses th a t "O h, w h a t a f a s c in a tin g and in s p ir in g ! the sh ip s can bo started each leador to heavily a rm o r th e bow of th e cruiser, One o f th ese g irls, Z ipporah, h e r nam e For Inland Huighu and Toma ltlver, 8.1« p. c h a ra c te r th is M oses, How ta m e a l l be supplied can be given b y Gomez offi w hich w o u ld fig h t w ith h e r prow to to. week day* m ean in g " li t tt e b ird ," w a s fasc in ate d G od has a g r e a t memory. F o u r hu n FULL STOCK BOOTS & SHOES w a rd the ap p ro a c h in g b a ttlesh ip . The o th e r sto ries c o m p a re d w ith th e b i o g r a LEAVE POINT PLBAHANT ' Vr th is "heroic behavior o f M oses; for d re d years b e f o r e he had p ro m ised th e phy of Moses! F r o m th e lattice o f h e r cial instructions and b ro u g h t to th e a re a exposed to fire from th e enemy For Toma River, Berkeley and way point*. Hi- TownHhip of lirlc.K, iloceftsod. i h o w ever tim id w om an h e rs e lf m ay be. deliverance o f t h e oppressed I sra e lite s point of disem barkation a n d unloading. Always on hand ; prices to w ould be sm all. 2 45 p. in. week day a piovisiou* o f *.i she alw a y s a d m ires co u rag e in a man. °* Egypt- T h e clock of tim e h as b a th in g house o n t h e Nile, T h e rm u tis , Knowing t h a t cartridges in plenty a re A ton of exp lo d in g gun c otton carries LEAVE PHILADELPHIA suit hard times. Also, made e ot *atd deci-nsed al s tr u c k the h o u r , and now M oses is d a u g h te r of P h a r a o h , sees him in t h e Z ip p o rah becam e th e b rid e of Moses, ! soon a nd Burely to c o m e , Gomez can For i owe h. rii.,4.oop. ni. week dayH. d e struction to a n y th in g in a space of W E S T P O IN T P l . K tw A N T , one o f th e m ig h tie st men o f ull th e cen c a lle d to lh«* w ork 0 / resc u e . F o u r flo a tin g crad le o f p a p y ru s leaves m a d s ! use w h a t ammunition h e h a s in the to to order, best material, finest LEAVE NEW YOHK 32.000 foot a b o u t it, so th a t t b e missile tu rie s. Z ip p o rah little t h o u g h t th a t h u n d re d y e a r s i s a very long tim e , b u t w a te r-tig h t by b itu m e n ; his i n f a n t il e tal d isa b le m e n t of e v e ry railroad in For Tome River and inierim/diau* elation*.from workmanship, prices right. cry is h e a rd a m o n g th e m arble p a la c e s w ould n o t h a v e to laud on an enemy's y o u see God c a n remember a prom ise W. 2,hl Hi Ktallou al H fiO a. in.; DiNliroam < and t h a t m o rn in g a s she h elp ed d riv e Iter Cuba. T h e re is now n o S panish w ater C'ortiandt Hlaat >2.10 p. in. week day*. fa th e r's flock to th e well., s h e was 4CO years as w e l l as you can re m e m b e r a n d princesses h u s h him w ith t h e i r tra n sportation, and w ith th e railroads s h ip to d e stro y it. Shots from th e ap lu lla b ie s; w o rk m en by the r o a d s id e J . li. lll/TCHINHON, J. II. WOOD, 400 m inutes. F o u r hundred y e a rs in preaching enem y w ould do l i t t l e dumsp len d id ly d ecid in g h e r o w n d estiny. Uctl’I. Manager Oen'I. Pua*. Agt. 1 o’cl all the Real Estate whereof sal-l Had she stay ed in th e t e n t op house c lu d e s all y o u r an cestry th a t y o u know d ro p th e ir w ork to look on him w h e n gone th e poorly supplied Spanish bases a g e to the h e a v ily arm ored bow of tbe lied as a boy he passed, so bea u tifu l w a s h e ; wonld bo absolutely iso la te d . torpedo th ro w er. M r. M axim sa y s that kVuv Tin! iiimiHHUia i farm, eon*latlng of w h ile th e o th e r six d a u g h te rs of th e a n y th in g a b o u t and all th e p ro m ises HA 11,MOAll. E astern (Juba need n o t be considered. ten such c ru is e rs cau be b u ilt for tbe (met) iriicia o f land, containing ri »pt-r.tlvi-l> fourm ad e to th e m , and we m a y ex p e ct tw o bow ls pu t b e fo r e h is in fa n t e y e s iv Et NnsTi & « S a O N , P IA N O S . K ti-n scrim, •■levtm 64-1(W sore* and tlti-e bo-Iiki sh e ik ten d e d to , th e ir, h e rd -, ite r life fu lfillm en t in o u r heart a n d lif e o f all fo r choice to d e m o n s tra te his w isd o m , Spain is w e a k e st there. G a rc ia has p e r In effect Nov i ll , INVI. co st of one g re a t battleship. Tl HIGH GKADE PIANO acre*. Being the NKiii* iircitjiKi-NC'mvcy-d in suitd w ould p ro b ab ly have been a ta m e and Sy (Iw-.I .i.tte.1 u n e v e n tfu l life in th e so litu d e s. But . t h e blessings predicted to o u r C hris th e one bowl c o n ta in in g rubies a n d th e haps 12,000 men. As soon as supplied c ruisers w o u ld be capable of destroying DIRECT FROM THE Trains from TUCKBUTON to NEW YOHK o th e r c o n ta in in g c o a ls of fire. S u f Garcia c o u ld desert e a s te rn Cuba a nd 1.000 first c la ss b a ttlesh ip s.—N o w York FACTORY. d TRENTON and PHILADELPHIA. Clerk’* imp I- in Look st of i)et-(l*l,1|iagtft«*o, et?11* ,lc r L idustry. h e r fidelity to h e r fa th e r's t ia n ancestry c e n tu rie s ago. Y o u have .TO IDay* FKKE T r i a l . ficien tly wise w a s he to ta k e th e march, a s o n ly Cubans c a n march, d ue E vening J o u rn a l. Guaranteed for Ten Years ( second . A tract of *ait meadow, situate st ln tc r e "t . •“*«■ s p irit of h e lp fu ln ess a d im rem e m b ra n c e , if a n y rem em ■LeaveTnckerton, T.oo, *. m. b.ob, r. *. j gems, b u t, d iv in e ly directed, h e to o k west. H is is th e bust d isc ip lin e d consid b ra n c e a t a l l , o f your g r e a t-g r a n d Do not pay fancy prices for your pianos ) the la-ad of HwanipCove in Barmg*t Buy Con- b ro u g h t h e r in to league eaguc w ith one of Leave Weal Creek, T.nT a. n. 3.12 r. w. •m-iiluyf *ev.-n Here*, mure or le** Being the th e irrunilcsl Write us. Send for catalogue. KENT Ac *O Y . ) Leave Mannaiiawkin, 1.2S k. B.BUr. M. f a th e r, but G o d sees those w h o w ere th e coals a n d p u t them to h is erable force iu Cuba. G a r c ia would need *iiine iremUt;* conveyed to *uid deceased tty u ,c Kra ,,t,t8 t h a ra c te r s o f ull h isto ry 4 0 FlMibiisii A venue. Hrm.klvn to. 1 j S T O C K O F FLAGS. L Leave Barnegal, 7.3ft *. w.. and 3.41 p. m. J mIih II AUinac.a mill wife, t.y (lecd dated March T h e y m et nt tlm t fatuous w ell, and on th e ir k n e e s in 1598 as w e ll a s those m outh, and h is to n g u e w as b u r n t , four co m p an ies of U n ite d States caval Arrive at Whiling*, s.uc. and 4.12 r. u. h e w as l e f t a s ta m m e re r ry. O u r in fa n try could n o t wisely a t .... * recorded a* above la Book 46 of Dei da, w h ile site adm ired th e c o u ra g e of o n th e ir lm e e s in 1808, a n d a ll th e a n d Arrive at New York li.fte and H.itft r. m , It It, l*«K»* 101, 1 Said to Be Exhausted, and I t Is Impossi “ ArriveatNew York 11.43 *. 7.143 p. m. P. It. It Moses, h e ad m ired th e filial beh av io r b lessings he p ro m ised the fo rm e r a n d a ll his days, so t h a t he d eclared , iu tempt to keep up with h ard en ed C uban , Male positive, rain or shin». ble to Supply the Demand. Arrive at Treotun 10.06 a. n.,6.43 r «., P. R. H C onditlous a t time and p la c e o f sale. t h e i r d e s c e n d a n ts have a rriv e d , o r w ill Exodus iv, 10 : “ I a m slow of sp e ec h foot soldiers. 1 have s e e n these m arch j of Z ipporah. Arrive at Philadelphia v.40 a. m., 6.N1 r. m. Tho stock o f A m erican flags h a s been ABM V J1 HAVP.HM and o f slow to n g u e ;” on and nn u n t il a rriv e . W hile p ie ty is not h e re d ita r y , KETUR»mO 40 m iles a day for seven days, aud on T h e fa c t t h a t i t took th e seven Kx*ct p ractically ex h au sted , aud th e unprece S p e c if ic s set directly upon the disease, Leave New York (Central It. K. of New Jersey) Toma River, n . J., May 10, i-»-. [pr’a tee,99 1 d a u g h te rs to d riv e the flocks to the i t is a grand t h i n g to have h a d a pious h e set firm foot a m o n g th e c ru m b lin g almost n o th in g but s u g a r cane for food. 4.30 a. M. and 1.4ft P. M w ell im plies t h a t th e y w e re im m ense a n c estry . So G o d in this c h a p te r c alls b a salt, and h is e a r w as not d e a fe n e d No a rt i ll e r y would seem necessary to dented dem and h as caused a rise in w ith o u t exciting d iso rd e r in other p a r ts Lfiave New York,(P, It. It.) l.iai r. m. SM fcRlFF’ S SALE. ceave Trenton, 7.4" a. m.. 2.63 r. m. flocks, and t h a t h er f a th e r w as u man u p th e p e d ig r e e of the p e o p le whom by th e th u n d ero u s “ T hou s h a lt n o t” ol this ea ste rn cbffcf. One tra n sp o rt la n d prices, w h ich , i t w as stated th e other of t h e system. T h e y C u re the S i c k . Leave Philadelphia (P. It. It ) at a.Bo a. m. ano o f w ealth . W h at w as th e use o f Zip- M oses was to d e liv e r, and M oses is or M ount Sinai; th e m a n w ho w en t to th « ing a t a p o in t nn the s o u th coast n e a r day, is iu som e cases as h ig h a s 75 to a.fMi r. m. 0. CURBS. PRICESp o ra h ’s Dem eaning h e rse lf w ith work d e re d to say t o them , "The L o rd God relief o f th e I s r a e lite s w ho w e re est G a rc ia w ould equip h im . One gov 1U0 per c ent. A t one w holesale head 1—Fever*, Congestions, Inflammations. .9 3 Y IK T IF O I' A W IIIT (II H . Leave Vi lilting*, 10.10 a. m., 5.38 r. n. i r iM ued ouiof the • o u r t o f L'haucery o f th e w hen she m ig h t have r-xTined on th e o f y o u r f a th e rs , th e God of A b rah am , scourged becau se w ithout cho p p ed Uave Harnegat, 10,41 a. a., and fl.oj f . m. q u a rte rs i t w as stated th a t sufficient ernment t u g or torpedo b o a t could keep It —W o r m * , Worm F e v e r . W orm Collc... .9 3 Leave Mannaiiawkin, 10.52 A. aud D.1Hr. M Mate (>• N ew .Jersey, a n d to me directed, l will b u n tin g to m ak e th e flags c o u ld not h illsid e n e a r h e r fa th e r’s t e n t and . th e God of I s a a c and the God o f Ja co b stra w th ey w ere re q u ire d to m ak e firm abreast o f h is position a u d m aintain null at p u b lic vendue on Leavv Weal Creek, 11.oh a. m., and t>.33 p. m. 3— Teething,Colic, Crying,Wakefulness . I f th a t bricks, the s to ry o f th e ir o p p ressio n obtained, a n d a t another i t w a s said 4 — Arrive at Tuekcrton, a. m., and o.m p. h plucked b u tte rcu p s, and d re a m e d out h a th sent m e unto you.” Diarrhea, of Children or Adults..123 MONDAY, May 16, 1898, JOHN 0. PRICK, C. M. HEADLEY, found chiseled o n t h e tom b of R o schere com m unication between G a rc ia and G o t h a t the flags conld not be m ad e fast th o u g h t be d iv in e ly a ccu rate, l e t me rom ances, and sighed idly to th e winds, 7 —Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis................. 2 3 Hunt. (4. V. A F. Agt. At the hotel of Uowdrlck A Cook, In the villawe a n d w ept over im ag in ary so n g s to the a s k , W hat u re w e doing by p r a y e r a n d a t T hebes; and w h e n h is arm ies w e r s mez and th o United S ta te s governm ent. enough. 8— Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceacbe..‘2 3 of roiu* River, in IheCoumy «f Ocean, and Mate Gomez con Id march a t once. H o Headache, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. . A t the la rg e s t flag factory iu P h ila 9 — f M-w.MTHey, M aeenihe hour* of 12 in and ft brooks'.' No, sh e k new t h a t w o rk was b y a holy life f o r the re d e m p tio n of im peded by ven o m ous serpents, s e n l might h a v e 25 pieces, o n e troop of c a v H | ANN All A WHIN k I AIN4. HKACH H it Dyspepsia, Indigestion,Weak Stomach.1 rear h a '.™ ' "" **|llrta?* lhe followingdem rlhed ho n o rab le, and t h a t every g ir l o ught t h e n ext 400 y e a rs ? Our w o r k is no t c ra te s o f ibises, t h e snake d e s tro y in g d elp h ia th e m an a g e r said th a t h e bad 10— In F.fleci o n tilicr K, I NUT. birds, to clear th e w a y so th a t hi* h o s l alry aud o ne regim ent o f regular i n n ev er k now n such a dem and fo r tbe 11— Suppressed or P a in fu l Periods.125 AH that iraci of land altuate in the Tounahln of to have so m e th in g to do, a n d so she o n ly with th e p e o p le of tlic l a t t e r p a rt S.ifc .la- ksoii, eouiily of Ocean and State of New .Icr- s ta r ts w ith th e id ea tin g a n d lowing o f th e n i n e t e e n th century, b u t w ith could m arch s tr a ig h t ahead, th u s s u r fantry fro m tho.states. W h a t are called s ta r spangled banner. A ll m an u fa c tu r 1*2—W hites, Too Profuse Periods.......... .2 3 h I *et in 1 a-Kvillr. hHng on Hu- ea»i hoc of i|„, p risin g th e en em y , w ho th o u g h t th e y forts in C u b a aro square holes in th e 49 I A... e o«3* ■ 13— Croup. Laryngitis. Hoarseness...... .125 th o s e in th e c lo s in g of the tw e n tie th and b ello w in g and n e ig h in g d ro v es to f1l-?2 road Irom < n*avl le to Tom* River. e rs and de a le rs a re sold out. T h e re is a *t-S S alt Rheum, Erysipelas, Eruptions . .123 c e n tu ry , and t h e closing of t h e tw e n ty - m u st ta k e a n o th e r r o u te to avoid th e grouud w ith wooden c o v e rs. None h as g re a t dem and from stores, b u t orders 1 4 — iieginiiinjr in me middle o f d ie road and co rn er th e well fo r th e w atering. r t j * ‘J 5 ~ 5 ; 0. hiuo fo rm e r!' Ilcnjamln lt.-.-.l; ihence aa lhe 15— Rheumatism, Rheumatic .2 Pains.. 5 *2 j ............. first century, a n d the c lo sin g o f th e rep tile s; the w h o le sky an a q u a riu m artillery. A few are sm a ll m asonry Around ev ery hom e th e re a re flocks c a uuot be filled. T he call is general, needle p o in te d In I sshn u-h o n e d e g r e him ih n iv 19—M alaria, Chills, Fever and Ague .... -2 S th e guardhouses. The a v e ra g e garrison is tw en ty -seco n d century, and t h e clos to d rop q u a ils f o r him a nd ml tiles ea* i eleven <liatna an d eighty link*; (2) nnd droves of c a re s and a n x ie tie s , and rt | . S S S S s S i ’J S S ■ !■!« a u d telegram s from a ll over tb e United 19—C atarrh, Influenza, Cold la the Bead .2 5 * illh HIXtV *lx degree* HIM Hire* iimiiiiI c* en*i ev ery d a u g h te r of th e fam ily , though * j *.•.«-.*s.**.».**« : in g of the tw e n ty -th ird c e n tu r y . F or h o sts follow ing: th e only m an in about 30 m en. There a r e no n e of these nineteen elntiiiN and nlneiv-foiir link*; (3) *ontti 20— Whooplng-t.’o n g h . 125 all ages whom C h r is t likens to h im which c a n n o t bo quickly reduced by a S ta te s are received to h u rry o rders. -evenly se v e n d ram H an d forty-llv- m io o ie . ,.,.*1 th e re be seven, o u g h t to b e d o in g her 400 years, if t h e world c o n tin u e s to Among th e telegram s received was 2 7 —Kidney Diseases................................‘2 5 self: th e man o f w hom it is w r i t t e n 82 iucb field piece, and n o to w n has over nfii-en th a n .* and twenty H ot*; (4) north tw elve p a rt to* ta k e c are of th e flocks. In s w in g until t h a t time, or if it drops, 29— Xervoui Debility......... 1 .0 0 one from an Illin o is m an, w ho a sked for • riMlnit am i seventy live ink*; |ft) oo,i|) m veiiivth e n n o tw ith s ta n d in g th e in flu en ce "Je h o v ah spoke u n to Moses fac e tc a dozen of them . -IV II diK iee* and forty-live m u , hi.* weal nine- ninny households, no t only is Z ipporah, Irln a ry YVeakneaa, Wetting Bed... .12 a flag w hich w ould probably be th e lar 3 0 — w ill g o o n in o t h e r latitudes a n d lo n g i face as a man s p e a k e th to his friend;* [ecn ciiaiu* and twenty D c • lin k s (r,j n orm »ix- b u t a ll h e r sisters, w ith o u t p rac tic a l Arms a n d m unitions c a n be easily 77— G rip, Hay Fever................................... 125 g est ever m ade. H e w anted one 250 by y Hu- d eg ree* ami lorty n v e minute* we*t eiwh- am i useful em ploym ents. M an y o f them th e m an who h a d th e most w o n d ro u i landed w i th in 40 miles o f G om ez’s pres tu d e s of God’s universe. Dr. Humphreys' Manual of all Diseases at yoor efi. I'halna an d eight,.five Hu m to the p a re of 3 * '- £ c - 5 or Mailed Free. N o one r e a liz e s how g re a t h e is for fu n era l of a ll tim e , th e Lord c o m in g ent position. He will n e e d little forage 500 feet a ud said t h a t his pu rp o se was -Tugelsts oeginniKK t o n u i.m g fo rtv -n v e acre* a nd -oxty- Sic w a itin g fo r fo rtu n a te a m i p ro sp er Sola by druggists, or sent on receipt of price. Moveii tinn-iredlJ>« |*|n:f n t ^ n d a l..- , ,1,.. ous m a trim o n ia l a llian ce, b u t some g o o d or for e v il. There are b r a n c h in g s down o u t of H e a v e n to bury him . Nc while cro ssin g 8auta C la ra province. to cover th o side of a hill w ith it. It Humphreys' Med. Co., Cor. William & John SL&, c S ® C a"&£, *: i f f i f ducting lot * No 1, i Hint H and 4. with alloy* heNew Y ’ork. * 2S 2 ®5 * « . w a s e stim ated t h a t tw o tons of bunting h u m an lips to r e a d th e service. Nc them selves w ill coiue o u t and r e b o u n d s , and re v e rb e ra tio n s , twi-eii t i e ra m -, there n m ain* fo m one aere* lo u n g e r lik e There is e x c ellent g raz in g there. Ma„-3 S B fH S s *“*w» Maul |.,ml w a* purchased t>» Mary along, a n d a fte r c o u n tin g th e large a n d e la b o ra tio n s of influence t h a t can c h o ir to c h an t a p sa lm . Nor o rg a n tc tauzas h a s rem aining m u c h sugar cane w ould be r e q u ire d to m ake th e flag. f . Brin Zr. s 4 When drove* t.y deed May IH. imTii . numt>cr o f fn th e r J e th r o 's sh e e p and N o angel a lig h tin g n o t be e s tim a te d . The fifty o r one ro ll a requiem . also. C o m c z could take S a u c ti tipiritas. T b e firm w a s too busy to u n d e rta k e the Seiz< ;»* lhe p nperty o f Joseph It. B row n, e t * S£a2U «8*S . : : ■ cam els will m ake proposal t h a t will h u n d red y e a rs o f our e a rth ly s ta y is upon th e scene, h u t God la y in g him Santa C la ra aud every s m a lle r town on ta s k of m ak in g tb e huge b a n u e r.—Chi deiciK lant*. am ak en In i x> 1 a t the o u t for th e la s t s le e p : God u p tu rn in g cago T ribune. Of ILumali A Kiuaon Admiu... be accep ted ; anti n e ith e r o f them o n ly a small p a r t of our s p h e re . The bis line o f m arch w ith o u t much in te r plaiuani, ami i>e*io<t Hv h a v in g do n e a n y th in g m ore p ractical fla p of the w i n g o f the d e s tro y in g a n th e e a rth to rec e iv e th e sa in t: God fering w ith his progress, and Garcia, w a rd J e ffr e y , hi. sm o o th in g o r h a n k in g th e dust a b o v e th a n to chew chocolate caram els, g e l th a t sm ote t h e Egyptian o p p re ss , Sol Cut Off His Finger to Go to W ar. m arching lig h t, could c a tc h him in tw o * fee. | . th e tw o n o th in g s w ill s t a r t on o rs , the wash o f the Red se a o v e r th e th e sacred fo rm ; God. w ith fa re w e ll Z ::ii A lbert R. Thom pson of tb e c ity as weeks u e a r Matanzas. I f quicker ju n c W rite for our interesting books “ Inv en t th e m ad o f life to g e th e r, every h e a d s of the d ro w n e d E g y p tia n s, w ere and b enediction, c lo sin g th e s u b lim e o r’s H elp" and ‘*H ow von are swindled.” sessor's office ap p lie d recently to be en tion w ere desired, G a r c ia ’s men conld • I f tS s S iE S tS la . ste p m ore a n d more a fa ilu re . T hat a ii fu lfillm e n ts o f promises f o u r cen o b seq u ies of law g iv e r, poet a nd w a r S e rd us a rough s k e tc h or utodel of your Adj lurm d Sharift's S ,1, listed into B a tte ry A of S t. Louis, be put a b o a rd tra n sp o rts and landed rio r. "A nd no m a n k now eth of hi* invention or improvement and we will tell d a u g h te r o f th e M idinntish s h e ik will t u r i e s old. A n d thing* o c c u r in y our '§ 5 you fre e our opinion ns to whether it. is n e v e r find h e r Moses, tii r l s u f Am erica! lif e and in m in e th a t we c a n n o t a cco u n t se p u lc h e r unto t h is d a y .” Get y o u r e y s near G om ez iu a very fe w days. Gomez w hich w en t in to cam p a few d ay s ago probably patentable. We make a specialty p K N R K N T O i At HIAiHTMToHN R | im ita te Zipporah. To s o m e th in g prac fo r. They m a y he the echoes o f w h a t on H im . in stead o f try in g t~> im ita te can pick u p a ll the lo c a l Cuban forces preparatory to being m ustered in. He of apply ations rejected in other bands. Hum. | | a« on his m arc h , and. w ith G a rn a from w a s reje c te d because his fin g e r was som e s m a lle r ex am p le. Highest references furnished. tical. Ik, s o m eth in g h elpful. I)o some w a s promised i n th e six teen th o r seven and Thomas T Aai The Union Transportation Co., /.M ien. ' o nmiMion-rr apihd , beut. T hom pson th en w ent to a surgeon the east, a n d meeting M a y ia Rodriguez M ARION * MARION A g r e a t snow s to rrn came on a p r a ir ie thd-l f 'VtliiAdt I Jamra, .1*1 th in g w ell. M any have f a t h e r s w ith te e n th c e n tu ry . Oh, the p ro lo n g a tio n E-l an -l Jai TlKie T able in Effect oct k , in k y . P A T E N T S O L IC IT O R S ft E X P E R T S in M innesota, a n d a farm er in a s le ig h from D in a r de l Rio, a r r i v e behind H a a nd bad th e o ffending finger am putated. g r e a t flocks of ab so rb in g d u tie s , and o f th e divine m em ory. r*. who w ere appo C iv il A M echanical E m d n e e r s . G ra d u ates o f th e w as lo st, b u t a f te r a w hile s tru c k th e Upon rea p p ly in g he w as e n liste d , aud tate „r .|,,t, Kdwanl* vana in th re e weeks w i t h 20,000 men. such a f a th e r need* help in hom e, or TRAINS LEAVE NEW EGYPT. Notice, also , t h a t Moses w a s So years P o ly te c h n ic School o f E n g in e e r in g . B a c h e lo i s In of a n o th e r sleigh and f e l t For Philadelphia. 7.M *nd 11.16 a. m . 7.43 n m aland* a d jo u rn , <1 omii Once a t Havana, if 2r»,000 Cubans b e is now in cam p w ith tbe battery A p p lie d Sciences. L a v a l Cniversity, M e m b e rs office, o r field, lit, ou t a n d h e lp him o f a g e when h e g o t this call to become tra c k Weekday*. »unday*, 7. s * m P a t e n t A sso c iatio n . A m erican W a te r W o r k s chc *red to go o n. sin c e he h ad fo u n d TH1 N 'D IY. • id U n ite d States a r t i ll e r y are n o t N ew Y ork W orld. May 241. IMUH. W ith th e flocks, 'lh e rea so n th a t So t h e Israelitiab deliverer. F o r ty years A s s o c ia tio n . Kew E n g l a n d W a te r W o rk s A «soc. For Toma River, 7.f* a-d 11.16, a n> I r He P . q. su rv ey o rs A s s o c ia tio n . Assoc. M e m b er C a n . At the aan For New York, 8.27 a a 21 p. n. me an t p a, b e had lived i n paiaces as a prince: th e tr a c k o f a n o th e r traveler. S o c ie ty o f Civil E n g in e e r s . T o r o v e r Fitly t e a r s h e a rd s le ig h b e lls preceding him , a n i HOWARD JE FFR E Y . Shet kETCRNINO. Sampson W ill Make It “S lack.” Dated April K, Mr*. WiKsi.nw’B sojcraiKn stuff ha* been toed sm o th e r 40 y e a r s he had liv e d in the h a s te n in g on, h e c a u g h t up w ith hia Officpr - - y ASHTXOTOV, D. C. P ile * ! Piles! t h i n * Plels ! Leave Philadelphia, 6.26 a. m., 1.46 p. m. sonror over nfiy yean by minion, of mother* f-.r w ild ern ess o f A rab ia I s h o u ld not ' t M o n t r e a l , Ca x . a ay* 5.00 p *. Evidently the mines in Havana har Stmptokb—Moisture; IntenseItchlnfand stlne Utcvlr rhil.tpen *hi!»- teething, with perfect *ac w o d d e r if he h a d said: "T a k e a y o u n g e r predecessor, w h o said: W here a r t L eave Tom* R iver, i.tij p, ft. you g oing?" " I a m following y o u ." bor are not coal mines, tbongb the lat inf; most s t niirht; worse by scrstchinr. If »]. ce*e. It soothes Ui* child, softens he gum*, TAKE NOTICE. m a n for th is w ork. E ig h ty w in te rs m a r-B .n* - BUfm**. Superintendent w as th e answ e r tl a* came back. T h e l«w*d to continue, tumor* form, which often ter wonld be better means of defense.— aH*v* all pain, mrea wind colic., «n-l 1* the t»e*t w . B. t. bara r. Oew l PaNienrcr * Freipst Av«*n'. remedy for Dlarrbm. It wiu relieve ax- poor h a v e exposed m y health; >>0 sum m ers fa c t is th a t t h e y were l>oth lo s t hieed tn<! at'-erate. becoming verv sore ^watvii'p tKT stops the Itching and h’eedln*. h«*ai* Ifittsburg Dispatch. That all person* a-e t ret.y fortdJden to trust 1 ll,Ue "uff-Tcr Immediately Hold by DnuEfflst* id POPULAR a n d h a d ro n e ro u n d and ro u n d io OiNTM Varv K. Wa -n, known a i'1 ' ailed oy the name of every purt of the world. Twentr-fl.e c eu n a bnU h a v e poured t h e i r heats upon m y head. ulceration, and Inmost esse* remote* the tumors ^ R G N A P E A K E A OHIO KOI TE. tie. Be sure and a k for - Mr*. Winslow* sooth. T h e r e are 40 y e a r s th at 1 s p e n t am ong a c irc le . Then th e y talked th e m aV St (lru«rl*ts, or by msll, for 50 cents, br. K. la- k«on. o 1 m ace >nnt M | Hh4il P f Syrup," and u*e Bo other kind Swtrne A Bon Philadelphia ' te r o v er, and. lo o k in g up. saw th e n o r th W tof her rontrt' i TO I'n r* * f ntot In One R a y . IR aft-r Ihls.late. t h e e n e rv a tin g luxuries o f a palace, W e a l naff *M»uth via w mallIB* ten . n c . w . SCOT r J.O KSON. Take Laxative Bromo quinine Tablet*. 1 PANSIES, NASTURTIUMS a n d then fo llo w e d the 40 y e a rs o f wil s ta r; a u d to w a rd t h e n orth w as th e i i Date-1 April *7. druggets refnnd the money If it toils to cure.t 413 i S W E E T PEAS, one Pkt. of hom e, a n d th e y s ta r te d s tra ig h t fo r it. jlT h e F. F, a solid train of Pullman ve*tlhu!» lB * ! f «n !!t* t r a g h a p ' onf. N sttrr. d e rn e s s h a rd s h ip . 1 am to n o ld Let Oh, in ste a d oi im ita tin g men lik e o u r each variety for only IJ *4* Bleeper*, dlaing car and dally eosehea r -» Ahy ran joB bay your giu tlie tmmumrnt* m e off. b e t t e r call a m a n in the - -M Sm ifT aF-M oO lilai t o r t to Cincinnati and Loo»*viile, via Washin#■ and c ir c lin g round a nd r o u n d , Pew people appreciate the m lrreloa* pvwers of 9 Catftiafa* and Floral C u lt HI*. T ry A llen’s Font Ease. ■ney at « s . Fnhr's f o rtie s or f iftie s , and n o to n e w h o has selves ton, without extra fare, ave New York tw le t u s look u p a n d tak e some s ta r r y the Graphophone a« an entertainer It is an in ' renn*yivanla Ra!ir«»d, 6 r. Treatow «.** e » " “ V U , X u n u u , X W f l U O j icrar.ue snd work* a t Toro* to be shaken in»o the shoes. At thi* River, than itmuient which.thnegh It«-*»«• nn*-*-1-*? tfcic th i * A powd«r gu id e !>ke M f«e. * 5.4 fclivrt o s e n te re d eighties.’' N e v c r th t J«a C55 -S E S k fa ? H.J Philsdrlphta, 7.R! r 1*,; nfrive* <iu>.inna<i y«Er fcei feel sauiien, nervous and hot, W A R OR NO WAR • F. a. next daf ; Louisville, • 5; St, Lout* 7 flp and get itrt-d easily. If von have smarting f-et or ie**t expensive mosirial mstrnment will enable we jo in him a m id th e " d e le c ta b le less, he u n d e rto o k the work, a n d if we Beraaee I b a j the Am--rit-an crat.Ile direct ol ■ext mormof. ftvine dlrwi oonnerti'm* to po'nn Rv-fi ijirto K-Cl!Ite- th -a.d have » Dig; there- our New England quarries mod the foreign m o u n ta in s.” You s a y you <an n o t r e a c h Ita owner to have at pleasure music of any kin-1— tight shoes, try Allen’s Foot-Ease. It cools the beyond. cincinn*t 1expr.:*s.dauy, except sundav fore we offer tw»t ail wool f . s bunting (1,gfeet aud maxes walking ea*r. Cures saolieu tnu grarlte dlreel from Atterdeeo. H<-..tland. and h is c h a ra c te r. O h. no. N e ith e r c a n from that of a hagpine to that of a grand nrlttary sweating " M s * «• C w re a ll S h la S U e a if * ." 4. *<ar* in *it. except tft- two nr it feel, b ister* and cal ons spots. Re ^lew ' ork- 9 Fluladeiphia. lo.tna' A-i j not .,r wb-.leeaie dealer* a.* many do. Wa*s<Egt->{.. 2 p. arrivln* at Cinctnuati at seam* *ewo rtontde. I)e.t Hi* mvie. ■‘mi^if «ppiy " H v i r n i OikVBmrr.” No id. ro u re a c h th e n o r th star, but you i t s band. It reprt>1uce§ r<ya selections and give* lieves corns and bunions of all pain and gives rest 1 Ew-ry )oh t* warranted strictly first c U m In f j * *. a and f*i. Lout* 6.3" p. ■. next day «m * hi*4tone reftHtree, care* tetter, enema. be g u id ed by ita h e a v en ly pointing. and comfort Try it today. Sold by all druggist* lA w e*! price* m th e I m. one command of every pleasure that appeals to First-clas- limited rate* from Toms River to •! erupt ions o a tfeefsce, ftaa-ts, nose, Ac material and workta&cafclp. if otherwih) d.*o' *hoe store* for Kc. Trial packages free. Ad Po? a l l Bn."™ and N e r v o u s B B I I B B B >1 IS 6 i t feet Fi t 10X16 left* 3 M j! par ue sense of bearing. Bo inv- stment pays soch and for n. Jesviegifte flkla clear, wlfte and h n sth r. It* CIScianatl.llS; Louisville, 1*.509t. Louia.Itl.V: dress, Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Roy, B. Y. Diseases. They pur fr t ve S J | 1 1 B 1-ft 6X10 “ ■en Francisco, ©7.0o. Throuah ticket* and >.«# in great Healing and raratlv* power* are pomomed ICIIS ‘ large returns in pleasure. Besides reproducing Tfcef A re Mere. Blocd and give H ealthy ^ ^ I B B S B 1 &4 «*lt ' 7.* i-aatt •»y an other rem edy, am yoar -irugwist for g r ch«rt* 5« «11 principal p*en*flv»nla R .l 17. St the musical and otherr cords made foremen*-n9 *»i 'XU •* ictkec to tbe entire system . | | B B B IB v l*sm • t . 0 Offlces For further information, map* and simeHW*TRg'M»IIIT 8 * r The funou* Blue B retaedles r f the "Jee Hhuog The Outlook 7X14 “ ment purposes, the Graphophone will record * :« nxts 3a *' Notic« of S e ttlem en t. yet t*» Sw ^T adw arN 8^ McConnell. Pa*«-nfer Afenr, * x. *• H Took Series. ’ Me life stody of fi. Z Brievogeile C u r e D Y S P E P S IA , H E A D A C H E ,, M «« *Xlt •• *.« b x ti • 3 m immediately and reproduce at once and as o'ten as Estate of Herman W'ugk, decease-l Bas semred the services of Mr George Ken- 9 Q W D T IP A T IO U * n d P I M P L E S . a. hi 9*16 •« H.f- 15X3* • >7 A. M. M. D. Bo 1 cures rbeamatHm, 1 cures La mdeatred yoor own words or scog ar any sound in \ ’ » T » * •< NRREPY lilV E Y . That th nan. Vice-President of the American Red Cross • « *X!I •* it m «nxS-> * fte x-w Dnppe, s cores a coog* oe cot*. « car * catarrh 6 •TICK TO ( R M IIT O I*. » ev.wDt- of the autmcri'H-r, txecnirtx «, o «« »I15 “ !*.«• fell* • 68.t * Herm i* ac appeusMR teste, «XXX Siimo’atin* Pi to By writing to COLcasia PHOrtoGaarH Co., toss Society, as a member of Its staff during the w FOLKS f f n;„cIS an W oga. oeee**ed. w ill tw* audited Sent *>n receipt of price or C o. D. core- impotence.7 t* tbe ch.rte* * relief soothing Chestnut street. Philadelphia, yon can obtain a war. Mr. Kenn&n is the most distinguished Estate of John B. Maxson, deeewed. pound* p e r roe and Mated hv ti e Harrante, and repone 1 for ae>«yrnp Tna: bottles of nil i«c esrb, or c*t tats B A K M L r.S *; catalogue that wi l give fall information as to TMeodore J. R. BroR*. Artnatnistrator of John Bay«f S s R n t a r i a r f r a s s «ave Slwrwnnv*. Prtmeat to the «»rph*n*' c<wm of the ro aity of ___ .-JEjito*** I♦ V T / i ?•;_*•**_* «•« tone rrforesee* 00 mp^itca- prices of graphophone ootflts. American traveler of ibe time, and his studies B. »ax*r,n, (toreMed. b» direedoa of the Horro- i . A. JOEL le (XL, 88 Nassan St., X, Y. CJeeaB, ob We-taeartay, the ftixifc aav of Ja.t OK w m i E. Addre— t«n. C. B. Manus* Co. Soie Agent for ’ _ ANNA H. KIRK. ff*'e - f he ( oanrv of Ocean, berebv five* notice of tbe coalitions in Siberia have bad a world Broadway, New Yoefc, HDated April I*. I*Sn. »t» Ixeetjtrlx to t r -Ittor* of the said John B. Maxaon to The only War Veteran Flag Maker !n the r . 8. wide reading and have revolutionized tbe b - t i f tn their , *. demaada aad eta tus agaii Telia A ll, the c f tS - -ai-J daedcH . under oath _ Russian exile system He will study eondiUoDt ft^rema; ;irio nio* month* from thi* sate, or Dr numpbrev s specific Manual. 100 p\ge, in Cuba and elsewhere, as may be desirable, to 'w t.s e forever turre t of aav aotton therefor ' t-!!s a!! ahe-nt the treatment of disease wit » f -d t.tea*M A-liBiaUbatuf. ' *nd report to the readers of The Outlook in a * '« Tt?R N ,P» .» W i Humnbrew** Rtwotho* V-m «• stores Sr of weekly a rtic le which are ceriaisutbe » _ i t f h. 18, H® 'pr'* fee.^j Adatlsbrtra^r. j S tc ry to ffy R c a la UK C n a k a . « t r a ( •eat on rcqoeat Hsmphreys' Med cine Co.. of surpassing Interest, and to afford %graphic I N THE COURIER Corner William and John st# . If. Y, narrative of tbe progress ot events. STIIMPP & WALTER CO., SCOTT'S EMULSION Central Park Lawn Seed, Price, Price, Price, $3.50 per Bushel. $1.00 per Peck. 20c. per Quart. GRDVE5 T A 5T E L E 55 C H IL L T O N IC Hard Times! E xecutor’s Sale R E uesday, June 14, 1898 JOS ALSHEIMER $125 Dr. Humphreys’ Is* FLOWERS FLAGS, FLAGS FLAGsl*-^"™" WRIGHTSM THE COURIER LEADS FAT M l OCEAN C0URTT FA*kRt WHEN TOU WART HEWS IUST READ THE | FIFTT-TW0 ISSUES OF TEE i COURIER FOR TWS IBlUIS COURIER THE COURIER LEAD! ALL OTHERS FOLLOW ALL THE COUNTY HEWS