Six Feet of Country
Six Feet of Country
) Six Feet of the Counr ry_Y WIFE ANI) I irrc n()t lirrlt rcnl farmers-not evcn lr.rvrnq Lerice, really. We botrght ,tttr nlltcc, lcn mtles ' rtrt ,'l Johanncsl.urg i.n one of the ttltiu r,,rttls, ttt change something i1 otrrsclvcs, I strpposc; yor.l st:em tcl rattle about so much rlithin ;r rnarriage likc ours. You long to hear notl'ring lrut a deep, satisfying silcnce rvhcn The farm hasn't m:rnlgcd tl'r:rt for us, of corlrse, but it has done othcr things, unexpected, illogical. Lerice, who I thotrght rv<>uld retire there' in Cl-rekhovian sx(lncss ftrr a month or two and then lezrve the l-lncc ro the scrvants wl-rile she tried yet again t() ge t a pirrt s[e wanted and become the irctrcss she woulcl like to be, has sunk into the trrrsirress of nrnning the farm with all the seri()us intensity with which she once imbuedr the shadows in a plal"vrright's mind. I should have given it up long ago if it had not been for her. IIcr har-rds, once small and plain and well kc1.t--she was not the sort of actress who u,curs red paint and diamond rings-are hard )'()u s()unrl a marriirge. as a.log's patls. I, ,ri cor:rse, am there only in the evenings :llr(l at weekends. I am ir partner in a travel u'hich is flourishing-needs to be, as I rcll l-crice, in ortlcr t(r carry the farm. Still, rlr,rush I kn,xv rve cen't nfford it, and though thc s*'cctish smell oi the fowls Lerice breeds sie kcns {ne, srr thirt I avoitl going past their runs, the farm is beautiful in a way I had rrlnr,,st ftrrgotten-especially on a Sunday rrroming when I get up and go out into the I'ltltlock :rnd see not the palm trees ancl fishl.,rn,l and inritation-stone birclbath of the subrrrl.' l.rrt rvhite ,hcks on the dzrm, the luceme2 f icl,l l.rillirrnt as rvrntlow-r-lresser's grass, nnd the rrgcrrcy, r) ll I ilcr.rture of lnsight , str rt ky, mr'an-cyeJ hull, lrrrrltrl l.rrr ht,rcl, lri. I'rce tcn.l.rly lickc,l by ouc uf hrs la.lies. I-crice comes out rvith hcr hair unc()rnbccl, ir-r her hand a stick clripping wit[ cattlc .lip. She will stand irn,l ltnk drearnily ftrr the way sl're woultl prerend ro iook ililohent, sometimcs in those plays. "Thcy'll mate tomorrow," she will say. "This is their sec6ptl day. Look how she loves hirn, my little Nlpt,lcon." So that when people c()me to see rrs t,n Sunday aftemoon, I am tikely to hear nrysclf saying as I pour out the drinks, "When I drive back home from the ciry every .iay past tlxrse rows of suburban houses, I wonder horv the clevil rve ever did stand it . . . Would you care to look aroundl" And there I arn, tnkinq s()rne pretty girl and her husband stumbline clorvn to or-rr riverbank, the gir[ crrrching her stockings on the mealie-stooks an.l stepping over cow turcls humming with jewcl-green flics while she says, ". . .the teruioru of the damned city. And you're near enough to get into torvn to a show, too! I rhink itt wonderful. Why, you've got it both ways!" And for a moment I accept the triumph r5 if I hal managed it-the impossibiliry rhat I've been trying for all my life: just as if the tmth was that you.could get it "both wirys," insrerJ ,)f iin(ling yourself with nt-rt evclt ()ne wily {,r the other but a third, one you harl not provitletl {irr at all. But even in our saner moments, when I flnLl Lerice\ canhy enthusiasms just is irrit;rting .ri I once found her histrionical] ones and she whut rh. calls-my tealo*y" .rf he r c,r[.,rc- 1. imbued (im byd6d'): 2. 3. fillecl completely; saturatp(|. lucerne iloo surn'): a chiefly Urrtish ternr tcr,rlt.i,;.' histrionical (his'trC an' i kul): rlrr..rtrical; rlr,rlr.rlir lry fttr enthusi;rstn lts hig il prrrrt .f lny inlrJcfor ltcr as ,r lll;llc ,ls cver it rv:rs, we J() nelit've th;tt rve h;tvc irt lcrst h(,n('jtly cst:r|eJ those tr:nsions peculier to the city ahout which L)ur visitors speak. Mrcn Joharrrrersburg people snerrk ,rf "tcnsirrtt," th.y J,rn't nrcln hurryingf pcoplt' in crowJ.'J strccls, thc struggle forl irxrney, or the general colrpctitive character of c6y life. They mean the gtrns uncler the white 6en's pillows and the burclar burs on the Lluacy white men's windows. They rnean those strangc moments on city pnvements when a black nran won't stand aside frrr a white mzrn. Out in the counrry even ten miles out, life is better than that. ln the country there is a lingering reffrnant of the prctrnnsitional stage; our relationship with the blacks is ahnost feudal. Wong, I suppose, obsolete, but more comfortable all around. We have no burglar bars, no guns. Lericet farm boys have their wives and their piccaninsa living with them on the land. They brew their sour beer'"vithout the fear of police raids, In facr, we've always rather prided ourselves that the poor tlevils have nothing rhuch to fear, being with us; Lerice even keeps an eye on dreir chrldren, with all the cornpetence of a woman who has never had a child of her own, :rnd she certainly doc- rors them all-children and adults-like babies whenever they happen to be sick. It was because of this that we were not par- "\(/h;tt tLrcs inqly [,r:icrrl. it tttillrcra" Ltricc is llrcirlcn- I g()t up :tii,klr irr,lly tnc-lrt,rv is it lrlu,lys ,rs shc wiltche fcel a 1i;,,1 rl rvhcn I l-urve .lesertccl hcr l.e,ll z\ficr all, I know frorn tlic way she ncvcr lot,ks rrt rrrc rvhen she tulks to mc at brclkfirst ncxr tluy that shc is hurt irn.l humiliatctl rrt rny rl()t rv:tnting hcr-anJ I wen[ ()ut, clrrmsy rvith slctp. ' "Mricli of' lro1,s is itl" I rrskcJ All.crt ns rvc firll,rrvc.l thc rlrrncc of r-ny t,,rch. "Ilels t,ro sick. Vcry sick," hc siritl. "But who? FranlJ" I rerrcnrhcrcd Frirnz hr.l I'rad a ba.l cough firr the p:rsr rvcck. Albert Ji.''l nor irnswcr; hc [ra.l giver-r rnc tlrc p2rth ilnrl rvtrs rvulking irlong besitlc rrte in the tall, clcad gnrss. When rhc light of the torch caught his firce, I saw th:rt he acurely eml.arrassed. "Mrat's this all ahoutl" I saicl. He lo',vcrcri his lread undcr the glancc of thc light. "ltls n()r rne, baas.; I tltrn'r knorv. Perrtrs he sen.l mc." Irritatcd, I lrurricd hirn alonq tti rhc hurs. Petnrs'.s iron l.etlsrcacl, ivith irs brick srilts, rvas a y()tulg man, .lca.l. On his forehead there was still a light, ctrld sweat; his And thcre, on body was warrn. The boys strnd around as they do in the kitchen wheyr it is discovered th:rt someone has broken a dish-uncoopcrative, silent. Somebotly's wife hung abour in rhe shadows., her hirnds wrung togerher under her ticularly startlcJ ,,ne night last winrer when Jnr(rn. the boy Albert came knockir,rg ar our window long after we.had gone to bc.l. I wasn't in our bed but sleeping in the lirtle dressing roomcum-lir,en room next door because Lerice had annoyed me and I didn't wanr ro find myself I [-r:rd not seen a clead mnn since the rvar. This ',vas vcry diffcrenr. I felt like the softening toward her simply because of the sweet smell of the talcum powder on her flesh after her bath. She came ancl woke me up. "Albert says one of the boys is very sick," she said. "l think you'd bctter go down and see. He wouldn't get us up at this hour for nothing." "What tinre is it/" ofhers-extraneous, useless. "What was the matterl" I askcd. ' The lu,rma.r patted at hcr chest and shtxrk her hcird to indicate the painful impossibility of breatl"ring. 4. piccanins (pik'a ninz): a derogatory tenn ior native African children. 5. baas (biis): a term of acldress usetl in South Afric.t for a white nran Six.Feet of the Country 6l i ) I / l, nrrr*t lr:rvc.licJ or pncrrmrrnir. I trnnctl t() Pctrus. "Who wus this h()yl \\'lrirr hc doing lrcrel" The light ol'n can,llc ,rrr tlrc floctr showecl that was !\'ccp\\'irs inq. I [e fi'llorve.l me out thc cloor. \\,'hcn we u,erc outsicle, in the dark, I waitccl {i'r hiln to spcak. Rrrt he didn't. "Now, comc r)n. I)ctnrs, you must tcll me rvho this hoy rvas. W:rs lrc r fiicncl of yottrsl" " l Ic's rry brcrthcr, baas. F{e cnme fr.rm Rlr,rlt'si;r to krok f.rr uork." i ( ''tr'{'' r'r Inrrtltrrrorinn Thc st()ry st:rril('d L L"ricc anLl me ,r littlc. n.rr,rr- I Tha y,r,,ng [r,.y haJ tlrirrL .rl.xr,rt tlrc t(\r (,rllilil(le l')s,rrd I'r'lrrr< rnrl lho olhcr t.r,,,,i, r,',1. n, f,r,, *,,4 rrn r oncirlor how hi< .rrrrrrrrle i ,' down from rvalked | Rho,lesia t,r lottk {or | work in J,rhanneshrrrg, feel I had cnught r chill from harac- I ; I slecPing out nl()ns tllc vou .makcc .rlnrrt ' hinr ,ts a t ;;' """' - ---- I way, and had lain ill in his hrr.thcr Petnrs'.s hut since his arrival thrce rl,rvs [.cf<rrc. Our lpy5 had bcen frightcned to rr.k rrs frrr help for him hecarrse we had never l.c,:n intcncled evet to know of his presence. l{lro,Jcsian natives irre barred from entering thc Union unless they have a permit; the y(nrng man was an illegal immigrant. No doubt rrrrr l.oys had managed the whole thing sucr css{irlly several times hefore; a number of rela- tivcs must have rvalked the seven or eight lrrrnclrcrl milcs from fove(y to the paradise of :oot suits,r' policc raids, and black slum townships that is thcir Egoli,T City of Gold-the Afrlicrn namc f<tr Jr.hannesburg. It was merely ,l nl:lttcr of getting sttch a man to lie low on t,rrr f;rnn trntil :r joh could be fttund with somet,nc rvho ',vrrul.l hc glad to take the risk of p()sr'' nti()n L,r crnll,rying en illcgal immierant in/ ,'xch,rnuc frtr thc scrvices of somcrrne xs yc11 r lltl xilrtcr] hy rlte cirY. Wcll, this was ()ne r.vhct would never get up ,rq,rit t. "\ rvould tlrink they would have felt they c,,rrl,l tcll tr," saitl l-ericc next moming' "Once G!idt f[e rnln ,,v:rs ill. Y6tr ,,vprrltl lrrvc tl-rt ught 'rt Iqa*t -" Whcn *h.' rs q('ll ittrl tnl('lrsc rrlor 6pn5iier the rliffernnt ;qrlonses of lhe narr'r,ji',16fl Lcrice to the t'enus's broth,1g,1th of er Ask Yourseli what s()mcthinq, slrc has it rv:ry oi st;rnding in the rnitltlle of n r(x)m us peoplc ,11. whcn thcy ;rrq shortly to lcuvc ,,n ll jottnrcy, Lxtkirtg seatchingly ahorrt hcr rt tht' nl()st [:rlnilinr trhjccts as il she had rlevcr scen thcrn bcfore' I had noticctl thar in Pctrus's fresence in the kirch,'n, cerlicr, she h:rJ lr,r.l tlre air t'f hcing r' I .rlrnrrit ,rllcnrlt'.| with him, rtltnost httrt. ln any case, I really havcn't thc tirne or 'nclin-ti()n ilny morc to go into everything in our life that I know l-erice, fnrtn those alarmed and pressing eyes of hers, wotrld like us to go into. She is the kind of woman who doesn't rnirrd if she l<xrks plain, or ocld; I don't suppos,: she would even care if she knew how strangc she lc,oks when her whole face is out of proprrrtion uith urqent rrnqcrtainty. I s,rid, "Norvi i'rn tlrc,tne who'll have trr,l,r llI rhem. knew. "l'll have to notifii the health authorities," I said calmly. "They can't just cart him off and hury him. After all, we don't really know what he died of." She simply stood there, as if she had givcn rrp-simply ccased to see me at \ I don't know when I've heen so irritated. "lt all' \ might have been something cont:rgiotrs," I \ I said. "Qod knows." There was no allswcr' I am not enamored of holding conversa' tions with myself. I went out to shout to one of the boys to open the garage and get the car ready for my moming drive tcl town. As I had expected, it rumed out to he quite a business. I had to notifi/ the police as well as zoot suits: men's flashy suits of a once-popular style, with broadly padded shoulders and baBgy trousers. 7. Egoli (€ 96'l€). 6. rhcrns,']. t'.." tediorls tiuestions: Flort 1ry25 i1 | rvrs ignorant of the boyls ptesencel If I clid not supervise my native quarters, how clid I know that that of thing didnt gcJ on all the timel Ancl when I flared up ancl sc''rt "rir'.i. Ll'.a"'one of those looks that come l.,nt fro* any thinking process going on in the I train brt from that faculty common to all who are pos'sessed by the master'race theory-a iooLnf i.tsattely inane certainry. He grinned at me with a mixftrre of scom and delight at my sturridiry. 'l-h"n I had to eiplain to Petrus why the health authorities had to take away the body for a post-mortem-and, in firct, what a postmr'rt;m was. When I telephoned the health dcpartment some days iater to find out the r.r,,lt, lrr,as told that the cause of death was, as we had thought' pneumonia and that the body hal been suitably disposed of. I..ilEfiTGifto \ffihforthefowls and told him that it was all right, there would he no trouble; his brother had dled from that na;n iri his chest. Petrus put down the paraffin iin an.l said, "When cirn we go to fetch him, baas?" "To fetch him?" ' "\7ill the.baas please ask them when we mrst come!" I went back inside and called Lerice, all over the house. She came down the stairs from the spare bedrooms, and I said, "Nou what am I gorng to do? When I told Petrus, he just asl.ed c,rlrnly l 1.,.,1y. :lncl ansr.ver a lot of .-l told them that so long iq my natiucs did thcir work, I didn't thinl it mv risht or concem to poke my nose into thcir li""t, I got from the coane, dull'witted the,lirt1 \ work' I sr tP1'r rse'" Shc w;rs.till staring;tt tttc' trvittq nlc nttr rvith those eyes-wasting l'rtr time. if she onlv iheir re.ponses miRht luegest about Ihe .rrength of their relaiio,,ship and about the iit{crences benryeen []r, tlre hcalth authoritics when they coulcl go and fetch the rlrrnk rlr, r'tr. sq,,i11,1 t,, l.u ),, "Wcll, q, ' l.'rcL rtr,l tcll lrinr," s:tirl I-L'rttt:. "Yrtr rnLrst tcll hiur. Wlr-v ,li,lrr't yorr tcll lrirn tl'rcn l" Whrrr I lirrrnrl Pctrtrs lrqain, ht lo,,kcJ trp politcly. "l-,','k, ['ctnrs," I srrirl. "Ytrtr ciltl't g() t() fctch yotrr brothcr. Thcv'tc done it rlrcatly-' thcy'vc hrrricd l'rim, yotr ttnclcrstltntl?' "Whcrcl" hc saicl slorvly, tltrl[y, as if rvfon{1. "\i,tr stc, he rvas a stranger. Thcy knc.v hc rvirsn't frr.m hcrc, and tlrcy clidn't knt.w he hld sorne of his peoplc herc, so they thought tlrey must bury hirn." It was cliffictrlt to make a pauper'.s gravc sound like a privilege. "Please, haas, the baas must ask them." Bttt he did not nrean that lre wanted to know rhe burial plrce. He simply ignored the incornprehensibie rnachinery I told him had set to r'vork on his .lcad hrother; he r,ventecl the hrothcr back. "Rrrt, Petnrs," I said, "how can I I Yrrtrr brotlrer is l.rtrried already. I can't ask them now." "Oh, haas!" he said. He stood with his bransmearc,l hands uncurled at his sides, one corner of his mouth twitching. "Gmd God, Petrus, they won't listen to me! They can't, anFvay. I'm sorry, but I can't do it. Ycru undcrstandl" Ilc jrrst kcpt on l,roking at me, otrt of his 1 krrowlcdge tlr:rt white men have everything, \ can J,r anything; if they Jon't, it is hecaute I they rvon't. Antl thcn, at dinner, Lerice started' "Yttu coukl at least phone," she said. "Christ, what d'you think I am1 Arn I supposed t<, bring the dead back to lifel" Rut I c.r'.,l.i ,tot exaggcrate my way out of this ridiculous responsibility that had been thntst on me. "Phone il-tem up," she went on. "And at least yotr'll he ahle to tell him yotr've clone it ancl they've explained that it"s impossiblc'" Six Feet of the CountrY t'l I I ilPril(rre of lnsithl hc thousht tliat lcrhnps hc wrs gcrting this r; ) .h" niulrt ht'frrrc, ltirvinu lrll rlrt v:trnit[r ::j;,ro.:i lrorn tlrc Iivinq-r'rrrm tl"ttr' if Slrc.lislrppcaredsclmewhereitrttltlre,,veres.l[tirs.lirtyrtrgs,othcrssntlrth"ilJ:llff 1se7-f1xn2'5 mttncy' I strPpc r',.i.l",.I u,,tlrlJm lr* .,,tr"(}'n"i-ir" lrrter she g'rrtlcner's'\ t'1tl l)rrrlt tlrc ctu'k''' en'l Jlrcoh thc ]i.."1,' .S,, I lr'r,l t,rkcn my N'r' I ir( 'rr rn(l g()nt' r;u)e l\;r(k to tt'll rnc, "Tlrc t'lJ lethcr"s corrr-1 rrll theI ln rny l;,i k,-,;t"lt,,c['"''hcsiJcs'!li"m l,ii'i" pr".,ttc rrry rf pr()ach sh"rrlrcs'funerrrl' ,rg \l{)w. fr,,.r Rho,lcsir ,. i.,,, ,ir. f,,..r"1/ "",i to'rk n I l rhttut rtrunJ tt""f l 6t'ltlings ah'rut tirrgoit*n heJ " I lt'itJt^f :]:.;;",''.,.-;, f'l' *"' I I l1"r gtrt ;r lrcrmit ,'nJ he's i"'tay'"" gct i" i"'i"iin" lnr)re tllan in r'tt'nishment' real- ::::i *^t rernintl.d,'niy *l'cn I taw tlre firoce\-I Inli,rtunrrtcly, il wtts nor imptrs:ilrlc tt' ly]i"i'"i"n itt tltc wrstc' tlrt usclestness'of I ffi;;;til up ,h.'p'trh along the trutsitle .f rvas rhc [*'.lv h,rck. Tlle attthtrritics t'il 1[;11 i1 x' pt.r.'r'-Just liUt-t -l ,h" {"naa t,-rw,trJ mci from whcre I was standtiris ''rcrifice llll-t:'o'i ^",r,, \,,r.n(,\4.hirr irrt,gulirr r.",,r,r,'r,"."1ti"'i-tvri..n" everYYl"t-".1-] Qt1:fo'Jtlt'lrctaw ll" ."" sce the graves qtrite clearly' anJ .,,,u]i,i,,n, lr,,j l'""r, firlfrtltJ, thcy coul'1. nt't \[to'tr | t,ntt sttn glinte(l ()rr l'irs "[ l'r"ken lt'tthollgnt' the otll i"v f(rtlll(l I ,t't"' I Noti.erhewrylhenar- ,t?l rcl,r.. permissirrn frrr exhumlrri(rn. rlnJ jrln jars Llecerrtnc ttrcrns;\1;s,t||-|;::1 w"trl'l lthetnsetves II ratorcontrastshisown it wor'rlLl *'9':"^lli:':l:::l ch,,rgcs, ir ,.rv, t i 'f,.iJ"J hotncm"Jc tr()ss' untlcrtrtker's charges' ir'" un.lertaker's i't,,..i, *i,lt the lllrwcrs' onlcr,to thel Je'tJ I ' 'ir,it 'i',,, lrft,t,il;il,ti',^t,"ttl". .,,J'J;il;r*fr. lcies of life in I I valueswiththoseof the I f''rmhands'Asyoucon- tr,"tt"tf'"iti"" rv"lt'l lt'tvc T'c.nsure rhe msclves i,J;;'l::1111*lll-s' -:inc.mprehenslnlc to I l:l#itil?lT:lif, r*rn,y r.r,unrs-;'rd i.,:,;-y:li;y::f I *hir h theirvaluesdi[.,,.i.r.'t'.1,, the dcatl ,rrfr-g'-'Tctil'iliilf I i*tn-til pc''tle like Lerice rrncl | 1"' offcT-rt t.ftiffittff rt. ()rr livc p,,unJs 'fiiiil.l -i ri,rr tr()rrn\ls-)r ,lnything else within rcrrsr)n' f('l lnt"'who regard life " | - rh:rtlnltter-lwouldh,rvespenrwrrlroutr't"''"thit'g'obttpttttextravagantlyanJ'ifwe the llnal final it as tne regerJ rt tl"'th at all' reglr'I think rrbout dcath "t grrr.lgitrg ,,rrr.luirrs it on.loct,rrs o, 1njgil"' t[at rnightf """ti"'til"''tft"t '"*nt1 In+ 'to;" i"''.:i.,i;il," t',,v *tt"" he was alivc t)nccI lrrrnkrrrntcY' on SaturJ:ry ittl'r"i*t-t""ut-^':i,t-]".'* Irc ,*,,rs.l.aJ, I fiad no inrcntirrn .,f "n.,'.,r,,g-l stx'J '1ty fr'r tlte ;;,,;.I irlrcrn(]un an]^rvay' so it. wes irh;rJ ir)u pcrnrs r. rhr.w ,*.r,'1,,1""'*l.r;,;;: b'rrr.weJ otrr father his and iu"*'"t-l*'*t tlr,r. ..' str\'.t tu .t",tt" n'l"Jutl'i: i;"'i;'';';\ tlt'"k;y cart to fetch the cc'ffin from the ciry' return, nt''torr"r, whe re, perrus told Leric.' on their I told him, in the kitchen that nighr, was "nice"-the coffin waiting for ,,Twenry poundsl,, he s:rid, "u.*.hi.,n tft"*'- tii"ay sealed up to save them from I said, "Yes, that's right, rwenty pounds'" the For a moment, I had the feeling' fiom n"' t"iitiilti"g' *"' [,xrk on his face, that he rvhcn he spoke again LhJ;;;;;i11'; ,,We must puv'lri.ry'p.rr"arr" r,. i.rirginetl it. l"'*fiilh .uiJ in thc frrrway a Petnrs .skcd to see io person ",rhc hJy ) i;';;i "ltl .;."-,k;,,i.";"thr,",g ,., ;ilJll:ilf ah'rur' thirrking l,cirr n(,r "':'nfi-ttgnr' P.i-t"'I said and went back to tn"iil:iiiiil.ming have been a rather unpleasant sight weeks' interment' (lt had taken all for the authorities and the undenak' moving n.rrt the final anangements for " All morning' the coffin lav in th";;;t' '"{i"t ;;" tnoi'i*' before I wenr ro me' "il;t"'l;;;";it torvn, t"tJ' i:j;;r_m:i:i:ilH.'lii":;:[il:il::il that was a relic ,-rf the days ;;;f :;;i;;, nuh"., thi.,bas a real farming district rather pure ,t'o',',', irrt'i""able rural estare' It was thottt" th't I happened to be dcnvn there norcs' \ hanJing tlr" ;;"ilt;f 'rwkn'rrJly, ,t.'girlnl';;h";;h;. o^ seld,,m ,o Tlrcv,rc | they dtin't rcal- 1 lrc ie cciving siJe, ptnr devils'''o a w'irc rnan i lv krr,'w how t. han,l ,non"f t f-"*" -l lrer,. it wrrs, rhe ,*..,r, nll,,-,]., ,"'",*. ""i ,,tJ rr,rr'es, creased ""!'ilil;i';;;,i",ir;; t near pasti once thc tence when the procession came ro me ,x^in Lerice had forgotten her promise on I uninhabitrble house the ttJ nta mrde an'l S';';J;v'';?;noon' I had come homefilthy pair a in her finJ to i"d'.i"icJ ''[ a.rd rvith her hair unc.mberl since i'.,r*" *nh rninwater antl '""t felr a little rwkward rrrtl JiJ not kntrw ()n hitting my g'-'lil'all ()r stop at whether t() go rhc wholc was decently least urrtil -I-he donkey crrt crcrks and screecnes .asi. t;i;i't revoluti'rn of the wheels' and it ;"",y .^t" ,f,t.g in a sluw, halting fe'hion somehow ltir.d to the rwo tlonkeys who drc'w ".."'f it. their little pt,thcllies rubbcJ and rough' an'l their ,lr"it'lt.'^.tt ,uni. l'.'*t"n the 'h'rlts' srrbtrtissive anJ air an with l'ack nti,.""a .r" i"riu io".l"t,' ;;;;;;;i pec,rlierly suitetJ, to"' to the group wr)men who crme 'rlong slowlY The prtient ass Wrtching' I thought' ,." nn* why the cteature became a biUfi..i syml'ol. Then the proc-ession Jrew to put [""i *i,tt me and stopped' so I haddown ott taken was coffin Tlrc down my club. a shinY' ;as Yellt-rw-varnished il;;ili; the donKeys wood, like chcap fumiturc-and i*tl".f. J;u lrr,t ,*lr.h.d their lrt"t,' again't the flies' Petrus' and thc. ol'l father fro.m ears irn a."r" n.",eJ it on theii sht 'ulJers' and .the lt was really a il;rti"" I"*'^*[*"r.f momt'nt' I st'"tl there rather i""iitnfv it e fence, quitt' still' anJ slowly moved on, otr leiot' ", tour men thev file,l past' not lot'king 9P' lhc and the hox' wooden bent tteneath the shiny were them of All moumers' of troop ,*eeiing kncw I whom ;;il;;""t n.ighbo's'servants our lands as casual, easygoing gossipers about breat]ring' mun's olcl ;; -' [t,.h.;. t hJard ihe pick trp rny cltrb agtrin iilJ just bent t. lll'' rr ttt rltl' ir' itlt I rnrx"l; Pr{)ccssl()llilI or at ()ncc, iikc ,r rtltvc tii lltitl lloltg thc ltir ,rn. it-t,"a stt,ltltt.t cttrrcnts oi colJ cirtcl'ritlg "t l"g, in ;r plrrt-i.l strcam The oltl mitn's ,i yu,', voicc n,lrs nrtrttcring st,tnethit-tg; thc pcople hrl.irr,rpp"J, c,rufttsed, llntl they brulJtcd irrto a^" ,""ir-,"r, s.tne pressit-tu tt) gt) ()n' othcrs tlt, t, \\'.r ' I -"tt "l I ,.rl.]rn,.ti,v t,1 tlttir 1',i 'rill. I t'''ulJ s'c tlurt thty ni.-,n,f 'tt.',t,,, ,u"r" ,i,,'l'.t,t.,rst.l, l'rrt lhey t "'rltl l){)t l'll\t'rc thc roic"; it wlls tnrrch the 'viry that the,l!]. ,,1 .t prr r11111 1, th'rtrrllt not clu'lr irl lir\l ' thc ,,, ,lr,' ,.,r,r'r,i. Tl'. \,,1)ur i)f the r,'ltitr r:trrirJ rr:t' \;lll:lllg 'tt lrltnrlle l ltt' t\) illl ()ut {r('nl un(l( r ll)c t0 stcfierl hc frying-ltetrus er!!-)-!tl riirtcdlr rv i th tt N.,,* ,lf.i ,tt,,t.' ;;i;h;,,f hirn. Thc littlc t',ty wtro hatl been left to wetch the re ins and ran to scc' I ,t",t,'tt "yr.lnrpped sarne J.u'r;, t nu* why-unless it was for the Ll,,*,,', o.], u,l" cft)w(l ,tr( illn(l \t )lllc( )llc rvh' ' h:t' ,, .incm,r-b'rr I p'rrtttl tltt' riires "l i",n,li'i'' ,l-r" f"rr..:- and rvent through, aftcr Petrtrs lifted his eyes to him ' me-to any- trt'ttr b.,ii *irh <iistrcss 'rnd htrrror' Thc ttl'l entirtly' gt' c"tfrn tt[ the ir"il nltt ^ttti' hatl let sttpport it on nr-r.l ,h" three others, unable to in the ground' the on ,h.t;,r;;, had laid it was a film of .dust there Alreadv ;;r[;";. not iiuhrlv *"u* trp its shiny siJes' I tlr'l saying;.1 was man old the what ,,i.l.irtnnJ il;;;;;.j to interfere' But now the whole Tllc :;;;;;J an.l shaking, anJ spt-'ke Jircctlv.t'-r ;;;, :;i;* s{)nI( thing ihut I c.'t'lJ tell fr"m tlrc ,.*., *i,ln* undeistanding the words' rvas sho.king rnJ extraordinery',... "Whaf is it, Petrusl What's wrongl l{} I iter.tture oi lnsight l appealed. "' '1.,n,. tlrrcw up his hrn'ls' ht'wctl his hc'r'l reasoned exposrulated (eks p;is'cha ldt' itl): earnestly al)out inlproper conduct; Prolested' 8. 5ix Feet o[ the CountrY a, trl;1 *r,,"n rumcd on my silcnce' hllllls ntan hinrs.'lf cllne ()ver to me' wltn hlS t.",n** f) ]/ ) ,) tl \il ll( a\Y." Silt'rrcc. I cotrld henr the olcl man breathing; lrc kcpt his mouth a little open, as old people were shocked, in a lirconice firshion, by their own rnistake but that in thc confi-rsion of their anonymous dea.l they werc hclplcss to put it right. They said to me, "'We are trying to find out" and "We are still making inquiries." It was ,t,' as in ;r scrics of hysterical shakes, then thnrst his l;rr'r' u| at rne sudtlcnly. "He says, 'My son was l lr the sheets; look for him-your poultry boy\ brother. There are so many black faces-surely r,ne will pri:c the li.l off the coffin, and three of the nr{n crmc forward to help him. Then he sat (l()\\'n {,r1 the ground; very old, very weak, and rrn; tr', speak. he merely lifted a trembling Ilrn,l tr,rvrrtl what was there. He abdicated, he llrrr,lc,l it over to them; he was no gtnd anyll1(ll'C. They crowded round to look (and so did I), ;rntl n<rw they forgot the nature of this surprise and the occasion of grief to which it belonged ,rr-ll firr a few minrrtes were canied up in the :rstonishment of the surprise itself. They Jol" -TF;aT*-dSotFTCpa tFe r eyes tumed l.,n *" as I spoke, and, oddly, for rhose | *o*".'tr they looked exactly alike, rhough it | .ounds impossible: my wife. with her high, f *hire forehead and her attenuatcd I English*oman's body, and the potrltry hoy, I with his homy bare feet below khnki trousers I ried at the knee with srring and the peculiar rankness of his nervous sweat coming fiom his skin. "What makes you so indignant, so deter' l mined about this nowl'said Lerice suddenly. I I stared at her. "lt's a matter of principlg. rlr()\vnuns cr,twdecl him out of his view. Irr tlic c<.ffin was someone no one had ever opened the kitchen door to leave, sensing that the talk had gone beyond him, she turned .ccn,rrc: a heavily built, rather lightskinrred native with a neatly stitched scar on away, too. I rvrangled rvith the authorities for a week ovcr that botly. I had the feeling that they 6 l8 t ilcralure of lnsight back. l I tritrtl to gct thc rn()ncy; I-cricc triecl. Wc b,rtlr tclcphorrctl ;rn.l wrote and argucd, l.rrt camc 9f it. It rppeared that tl-re rruin cxfensc lratl bccn thc Lrnclertakcr, and nftcr lrll lrc lr,r,l ,1,'n,' his j,rh. g1y thc u'h,tlc thing *.rs ,r'l c,'tnllctc w,rstc! cvrn nrrrre rrf ,l waste firr rh,' 1'1 116'vils f "From the way he asks, you'd think he was robbing his dead brother," I said to Lerice later. But as I've said, Lerice had got so inrense ' She said, "Oh." And as Petrus'slowly I continued to pass ctn assurances to Petnrs every evening, but although what I said the same and the voice in which I said it was (la kln' ik): sparing of words; terse I hinhing Abtowt the Story A PERSONAL'RESPONSE sfuaring .imPressions 1, How do you feel about the ending of this story?.lot down your impressions in your journal. conrtructing 2. What do you think of the narrator's comment at the end of thc story that intffpretntions the old man "went back home rather better off . . . than he had come"? 3. Whose values appeal to you the most in this story? Support your response With examples from the story. 4. Analyze the relationship between the narrator and Lerice. lhink ahout r'how the narrator describes their marriage . each person's values o the effect of the incident on their relationship 5. How do your prereading predictions compare with the actual story? Use examples to explain your response. was the same, every evening it sounded weaker' At last, it became clear that we would never get 9. laconic c I tlrrrr I lr,r,l thorrght it woulJ hc. /l Thc old tnan from Rlrodesia was ahtrut Lcnccls ;rtlrcr\ sizc, s'r she gave him one of Ir,'r f.rthcr's ol,l srrits, .rn,l he u'ent heck h,rmc I . rathcr bettcr off, lor the ri",*,",i-r..'l'.'f'^j-l I 1.1 r | \X/hy should they get away with a swindlel lti I time these officials had a jolt from someonc I who'll bother to take the trouhle." his L,n:head-perhaps from a blow in a brawl tlr;rt hird also dealt him some other, slower' rv,,rkinq injury that had killed him. ' tlrit l.rrsint'ss thlrt shc corrltlrr't c,,,.'rr :lp|r(\'i lt.c l Iitrlc irttnic smile. lrl.orrf around the back end oftown chasing after this afihir," I added aside, to Lerice, onc-gigfrt. garpctl antl flared noisily with excitement' I cverr rroticed the little boy who had held the tlonkcys jurnping up and down, almost weep- ine u,ith ragc hccause the backs of the ' And every evening when I got home, Petrus was waiting in the kitchen. "Well, they're rying. They're still looking. The baas is seeing to it,for you, Petnrs," I would tell him. "God, half the time I should be in the office I'm driving lr('rrn qrown in emulation of early Empire l-rril,lcrs. It scemed to frame all his utterances rvirh rr spccial validity. He shocked the rlrcy thought he was mad, but they had to lisrcn r() him. With his own hands he began to l whcre trn,ler a rrrrml'cr rlrat didn't hel,'ng 1,y him, or in the medical schc'n[, perhaps, laboriously rerluced to laycrs of muscle and strings o[ nervel Goodness knows. H" had no ic{entiry in this world anyway. ':1r was only tlren, and in a voice of shame, that Petnrs asked me to try and get the money if at any moment they might condtrct me into their mortuary and say, "There! Lift up "lr,ly son was young and thin," hc said at l;r.t, irr llnslish. ,\quin silt'nce. Then babble hroke otrt. The ,,1,1 nrrn thrrrrclcrecl :rgainst everybody; his !ceth tcrc ycilowed and few and he had one ,tinc, grizzlecl, srveeping mustaches one , ,f t lr, 'sc rL,csn't oficn sce nc,waclays, which must have ) Petrus's hrother hack, hecause nokrdy rcally ftner.v where he was. Sornewhere in a grave. yartl :rs unifrrrtn as housing sclteme, s,rrnc- A CREATIVE RESPONSE 6. Could the narrator have done anything differently about the mix-up of the corpses? Explain. Six Feet of the Country 6)9 t"f