- Wabamun School
- Wabamun School
Box 120 Wabamun, AB TOE 2KO Ph: 780-892-2271 Fax: 780-892-4999 January 2016 Stay connected! Website http://www.psd70.ab.ca/schools/wabamun https://www.facebook.com/pages/Wabamun-School/171942962895371 Principal’s Message Lately I've been wondering what "giving thanks" really means. I know it means volunteering and sending money to charities we support, but feeling gratitude is a visceral and deeply personal experience. Most describe it as a warm open sensation in their chest. One person described it as an "internal smile." So how do we give that? When you say “thank you”, you are actually giving someone credit for something they have done for you. For example, when someone opens a door, you say “thank you.” When someone gives you a gift, you say “thank you.” When someone pours you some water, you say, “thank you.” I have taught my son to say “thank you” every time his mother cooks and prepares a meal. In doing so, he acknowledges the source of her “gift.” This thank you is really about the respect we show each other when we see each of us doing well. I, fortunately, learned this from my own wonderful mother! Giving thanks is more than an expression of gratitude. It is giving gratitude, but truthfully, we can say “thank you” to someone and not really mean it. Gratitude is more than words communicated; it is ultimately a mindset, a mentality. It is a keen awareness of our dependence upon a particular thing or person, and then demonstrating that appreciation through a charitable relationship. Wabamun School is a better place because of the people who give to make it so. They do not do it with Ego; they do it because they know that their efforts have a positive result for all our kids! We have alot of people to be thankful for, and I will try to thank everyone who has made Wabamun School better. I do apologize if I unfortunately make a mistake and miss someone. So I’ll try to do it in groups. “THANK YOU!” To the staff: always working with the best for kids in mind. The parents: who volunteer to serve at the breakfast club, hot lunch, fundraising, School Council, classroom treats, reading with kids. Our students: who help with Leadership and Jr. Leadership, office helpers, classroom helpers and library helpers and those students doing work for me! Our community members: youth club, afterschool program, local politicians, seniors. Our School Division with their multiple levels of support. I personally appreciate EVERYONE who gives without giving from their Ego! Thank you, with true gratitude, for making our community and The next School Council Meeting is Feb 1 at 6:30pm All parents are always welcome! Coffee with School Council is Feb 11 at 8:30am Inclement Weather Advisory When the safety of transporting bus students is at risk because of weather conditions, our Superintendent of Schools, Tim Monds, in consultation with the Manager of Transportation, may choose to suspend school bus services and/or close schools. Weather guidelines that support the decision: Wind-chill of approximately -50°C; Visibility of less than 1 kilometer; Impassable rural roads; Temperature of -40°C. Wabamun School Fundraising Association Mini Peels are still for sale Only $12 . The final decision to send a child to the bus stop or to school rests with parents, even though buses may be operational. Parents are responsible for listening to the designated radio stations to receive the correct information with regard to school closures or bus cancellations. Local radio stations notified of bus/ school closures are: CBC - AM 740; CFCW - AM 790; CHQT - AM 880; CHED - AM 630; The Weather Network (TV), Power 92 - FM 92; CISN FM 104; K97 - FM 97; Mix - FM 96; and The Bear - FM 100.3. Parents should ensure that students are dressed appropriately while traveling to and from school during inclement weather conditions. The temperatures on a school bus may drop dramatically in the event of mechanical problems. For more information contact Student Transportation Department at 780-963-8452 or email [email protected] Parents should have alternate arrangements for child care in place in advance if school is dismissed early and parents are away or unable to make it home. Discuss special arrangements with your child so that he/she will know what to do. Be sure that your child is always appropriately dressed for the conditions. Students need to be dressed to keep warm with winter coat, boots, gloves and toque or hat. Please inform your child’s teacher of any special arrangements. See any WSFA executive to purchase . Next WSFA meeting will be held Monday Feb. 8th at 4:00 in the school library . Everyone is welcome to attend ! Wabamun Winter Walk—Wed. February 3 Join the community for a Winter Walk starting at 1:30pm at the School. The Village Office is offering a Hot Chocolate station from 1-3pm, and everyone is welcome to stop there during their walk to warm up and visit with their friends neighbours. Dress For the Weather! Unless the weather is extremely cold or wet students will have time to play outside in the morning and at recess and lunch time. Dressing appropriately for the weather conditions will allow students to be safe and comfortable while they are outdoors. Students should have a winter jacket, snow pants, warm winter boots, mitts/gloves, a hat, and a scarf. Labeling these items make it much easier for students to find their clothing! Please send your child prepared for our Alberta winter weather conditions. WISEST Choices Conference Wabamun School opportunity to grade attend 6 girls the have annual the Choices Conference at the University of Alberta on February 17, 2016. This is part of the WISEST program (Women in Scholarship, Engineering, Science, Technology). The purpose of Choices is to encourage girls to think of science and engineering as something that they may do and as a career that they might choose. This is an opportunity for students to experiments, engage and in other hands on experiences Thank you to all the fantastic parents who have been volunteering at our school. From the Breakfast Program, to School Council, to The Hot Lunch Program & Fundraising Association, we are truly grateful for your assistance, which is very much appreciated! Thank you! scientific at the University of Alberta in the field of science. The students work in teams with other Grade 6 girls from the Edmonton area, by participating in two different laboratory activities and a large group activity. The students will report back to their own school to share their “Day of Science” and experience with their classmates. Grade 6-9 Term 2 CTF Feb 22-26 HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! Students will be celebrating in their classrooms on Friday, February 12th., 1-3pm. Lists with student first names will go home the week prior. Wabamun grade 6 through 9 students will once again be joining the other WEST end schools at Seba Beach School for a week of Career & Technology Foundations. CTF is a digital curriculum for students which supports flexible, interdisciplinary learning. CTF is designed to be a unique curriculum that allows students to learn about occupational areas. Students will develop skills in the areas of business, communication, human services, resources, and technology while working through engaging challenges. It enables students to participate in hands-on learning experiences and work towards creating real-life products, presentations or services. Benefits of offering CTF for one full week have shown that when we provide students with focused time to connect deeply with an area of study, students may develop a deeper passion for it than if they are only exposed to it for a short period of time once a week. In developing a deeper understanding and passion for it, some students may wish to continue to connect with it long after 5 days of the challenge are over. Attendance Student Attendance is crucial to success in school as students are expected to attend classes regularly to achieve their highest potential. Students arriving to class after the bell will be considered late and will be marked on the attendance roll as late. Students are not permitted to leave the school grounds during class time without permission from their parents. If your child needs to leave the school during the school day for an appointment (i.e. dentist), please send a note indicating what time they must leave and if they are expected to return. Please have your child show the note to their teacher and turn it in at the office as they leave. Ask your child to check in at the office when they return. BREAKFAST MAKES EVERYONE SHINE! Wabamun School Daily Breakfast Program Official Grand Opening Join our students, staff and special guests for breakfast on Friday, February 19th at 8:30am as we celebrate the Grand Opening of our Breakfast Clubs of Canada Wabamun School Gym A GOOD DAY STARTS WITH A GOOD BREAKFAST Which is why we make sure students get a nutritious morning meal every day before school starts! The Pledge of the Breakfast Club of Canada “At the Breakfast Club of Canada, we embrace a strategy that aims to empower every child to realize their full potential. We believe in the importance of providing access to healthy food for children and teenagers, and training youths and volunteers, which in turn fosters a broader sense of engagement at the community level.” A GOOD DAY STARTS WITH A GOOD BREAKFAST Which is why we make sure students get a nutritious morning meal every day before school starts! Breakfast is Brain Food Children should go to school hungry for knowledge, not hungry for food. When you realize that 60% of learning happens before lunch, it becomes clear why breakfast is indeed the most important meal of the day. When children get a balanced meal in a positive, stimulating environment, there are marked improvements in: ~ Behaviour and concentration ~ Academic performance ~ Social skills, self-confidence and the ability to interact with peers and adults ~ Overall interest in the subjects being taught ~ Incidents of bullying our mission Wabamun School is supporting the Hair Massacure on Feb 24th and YOU can too! ~ Support a person who is participating by sponsoring a pledge in cash or online ~ ~ Be a participant by becoming a ‘pinker’ by dying your hair pink (and not shaving) ~ ~ Be a participant by dying your hair pink and shaving your head ~ ~ Shave your head without dying your hair pink ~ ~ Donate your long hair to make a wig for a cancer patient ~ ~ Wear pink on Feb. 24th, be enthusiastic & have fun during the exciting event ~ All Participants can collect sponsor pledges for the event either by collecting cash/cheque donations with a Pledge Sheet or through registering online and collecting online donations. Cash donations are being collected at Wabamun School and will be sent into the Hair Massacure on March 1st. For more information visit www.hairmassacure.com Join our Hair Massacure Team - Wabamun School & Friends PRIDE 2016 Monday Sunday 31 Tuesday 1 2 School Council Meeting 6:30pm School Library Wednesday 3 Wabamun Winter Walk 1:30pm Preparedness Respect & Responsibility Integrity Determination Empathy Thursday 4 Friday 5 Saturday 6 Teachers Convention No School for students 7 8 9 10 WSFA Meeting 4:00pm School Library 11 12 13 WEST Gr. 6-9 Valentines Dance Candy Gram Sales 25¢ each Kindergarten Day 14 21 15 16 17 Family Day NO SCHOOL WISEST Science Conference for Gr.6 Girls Kindergarten Kindergarten Day 22 Kindergarten Day Kindergarten Day 23 24 18 19 20 25 26 27 Grade 6—9 CTF at Seba Beach School Kindergarten Day 28 29 Kindergarten Day Kindergarten Day