Pot-Nets Catnippers
Pot-Nets Catnippers
Did you know? In September 2003, PotNets Communities began working with the Delaware Humane Association to create a TNR program. Within 7 years, a pair of cats can produce 420,000 offspring. An estimated 60 million cats are considered homeless in the U.S. Pot-Nets Catnippers JOIN CATNIPPERS! $10.00/yr Meetings held at 6pm at the Pot-Nets Bayside Community Center. Call for the schedule. Members receive advance notice of events via email. I would like to join CATNIPPERS! Enclosed $ My email is I am not interested in joining, but … Catnippers have spayed and neutered more than 800 cats and have found homes for many who were housecats and then abandoned when their owners left the community. Please accept my donation of: $10.00 $50.00 $25.00 Other Name Mailing Address [email protected] 302-945-8406 I would like a receipt: □ Yes □ No 34146 Feather Rock Lane LongNeck, DE 19966 Mail or drop off at 34146 Feather Rock Lane, LongNeck, DE 19966 THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT Catnippers is a registered 501(c)(3) organization. Catnippers Mission Statement Working to enhance the communities through better management of the feral cat population through the use of methods which have been researched and documented to be effective and humane, namely “TNR.” Maintaining a healthy balance between the colonies and the residents is an ongoing process that involves all residents. The cats do not belong to PotNets Communities; they do not belong to Catnippers; they are homeless. Catnippers are caregivers, not a rescue. TNR: Trap-Neuter-Release Feral, stray, and abandoned cats are humanely trapped; spayed or neutered, examined by a veterinarian, treated for ear-mites, worms, and received distemper and rabies vaccinations. All cats are monitored for a 24-48 hour recovery period, and then returned to the area where they were trapped. These cats are healthy, and are fed, monitored, and loved on a daily basis by the Catnippers Caregivers. If you are a cat lover, and are currently feeding stray cats, we urge you to contact us and register as a caregiver so we may continue to provide PotNets Communities with accurate cat population figures. A Catnipper representative will come to your home, photograph the cat(s) and take your contact information. Not a cat lover, but have stray cats on your property? Our “Good Neighbor Program” addresses complaints made by residents. We will meet with you and offer suggestions for keeping the cats away. The most important thing to remember is to make sure the skirting around your home is secure with no holes or openings which could give cats access to get under your home.
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