Behavior Guide - Pattonville School District
Behavior Guide - Pattonville School District
PATTONVILLE HIGH SCHOOL 2014-15 Behavior Guide, Student Handbook & Planner We are... P repared for the future I ndividuals R esilient A daptable T echnologically Innovative E ducationally Enriched S ocially Responsible . . . O n e Pat to n v i l l e PHS FIGHT SONG On for Pirates On for Pirates, On for Pirates, Fight on for your fame, Pass the ball right through the goal, :H·OOVXUHO\ZLQWKLVJDPH RAH RAH RAH On for Pirates, On for Pirates, Fight on for your name, RAH, RAH, RAH On for Pirates, On for Pirates, Fight on for your name, Fight, Pirates, FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT, 7RZLQWKLVJDPH²+(< 3OHDVHVWDQGZKLOH\RXVLQJ Superintendent of Schools 11097 St. Charles Rock Road St. Ann, MO 63074-1509 (314) 213-8001 Fax (314) 213-8601 Michael A. Fulton, Ed.D., Superintendent of Schools August 2014 Dear Pattonville Parents, Guardians and Students: In Pattonville, we are committed to the mission “That All Will Learn.” This behavior guide is de- signed to help students, parents, and staff work in partnership to realize that mission. The behav- LRUJXLGHLVDOVRLQWHQGHGWRVXSSRUWRXUGLVWULFWIRFXVRQKHOSLQJDOOVWXGHQWVEHSUR¿FLHQWOHDUQHUV and responsible citizens. The policies/procedures and administrative guidelines contained in the behavior guide are ap- proved by the Board of Education. All staff members are requested to be diligent in following these policies/procedures/guidelines with students. We ask that you please review this behavior guide with your child. Make sure he/she understands his/her personal responsibility, the seriousness of the policies/procedures/guidelines, the severity of the consequences, and the impact they would have on his/her educational future. We suggest you review this behavior guide not only at the beginning of the school year, but periodically during both semesters. We need your support, participation, and commitment. Thank you for your help and involvement. Working together, we can provide a safe learning en- vironment for every child. Sincerely, Tami K. Hohenstein Michael A. Fulton, Ed.D. President, Board of Education Superintendent of Schools Board of Education Members Tami K. Hohenstein, President Ruth A. Petrov, Vice-President Cindy R. Candler, Secretary Ralph K. Stahlhut, Treasurer Robert W. Dillon, Director Jeanne M. Schottmueller, Director Andrea D. Glenn, Director Pattonville High School • 3 • 2014-2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS BEHAVIOR GUIDE SECTION Mission Statement/ General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 7 Safe Schools Hotline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 8 Attendance Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 20-21 Discipline Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 23-43 Transportation Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 44 Procedural Safeguards & Due Process Rights. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 45, 46 'H¿QLWLRQV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 46, 47 Police Involvement in the Schools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 47 STUDENT HANDBOOK SECTION Spectator Code of Conduct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 51 Key Staff Members (who to contact) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 52 Daily Bell Schedule. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 53 Inclement Weather Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 54 Academic Labs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 54 Homeroom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 55 Achievement Awards/Special Honors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 55 CARE team. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 56 Dance Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 56 Grading Scale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 57 Report Card Dates and Parent/Teacher Conferences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 58 Graduation Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 58-59 A+ Schools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 60 Community Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 60-61 Academic Watch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 62 Library Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 62 Lockers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 63 Lunch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 63 Parking Regulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 64 Clinic/Medications Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 64-66 Fundraising. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 66 Visitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 66 2012-13 Activity Sponsors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 67-68 Code for Interscholastic Athletics/Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 69-73 Activities Eligibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 75 PHS Coaching Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 76 Areas of Emphasis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 77 Pattonville High School • 4 • 2014-2015 2014-2015 Home of the Pirates BEHAVIOR GUIDE Pattonville High School • 5 • 2014-2015 PATTONVILLE HIGH SCHOOL MISSION STATEMENT Each Member of the PHS Community Will Strive For Academic Excellence In A Safe, Caring Environment Which Encourages Respect, Responsible Citizenship, And Lifelong Learning VISION It is the intention of Pattonville High School to be an exemplary school setting the standard for excellence. To be an exemplary school, we must work together to transform our ideals into reality. An exemplary school has clear goals, has GH¿QHGWKHFKDUDFWHULVWLFVRIWKHVFKRROLWVHHNVWREHFRPHDQGKDVLGHQWL¿HGWKH contributions required of its students, staff, parents, and the community. The Pattonville High School learning community recognizes that quality student achievement results from a critical balance of the supportive interactions of students, curriculum, staff, and the community and the student’s fundamental belief that his/her efforts will make a difference. The learning community further recognizes that we are all interdependently responsible for and committed to ensuring each student’s full participation in the learning community. GENERAL INFORMATION Pattonville High School is a comprehensive high school with grades nine through twelve. The 2014-2015 student enrollment will be approximately 1700 and the staff consists of 117 educators plus 67 support staff. The school is widely recognized for the excellent opportunities offered for students in the academic areas and also in the areas of activities and athletics. Pattonville School District has received the state’s highest academic honor, “Distinction in Performance”, for twelve (12) consecutive years. It is impossible to list all special programs here, but the alternative school, 326,7,9(6FKRROWKHÀH[LEOHVFKHGXOHDQGWKHH[WHQVLYHXVHRIWHFKQRORJ\DUH all noteworthy. Pattonville High School • 6 • 2014-2015 PATTONVILLE HIGH SCHOOL GENERAL POLICIES/BEHAVIOR GUIDELINES 2014-2015 SCHOOL YEAR It is important for every student and parent to know that provisions of the Safe School Act require the Pattonville School District and other school districts in the state of Missouri to share discipline records when a student transfers to another district and to make that information available to law enforcement agencies when required. In addition, school districts also have the authority to uphold suspensions and expulsions invoked by other private, parochial or public schools when a student moves or transfers. PROGRESSIVE DISCIPLINE: Pattonville administrators determine consequences according to the Pattonville Behavior Guide. A procedure called “progressive discipline” is used whereby each student’s consequence is based on the severity of the behavior and the number of referrals the student(s) have had in the past. Therefore, it is conceivable that two students that commit the same violation may receive different consequences. The S.A.F.E SCHOOLS HOTLINE is for all citizens of St. Louis County who wish to report any criminal activities that may affect the quality of living in the school HQYLURQPHQW7KH+27/,1(LVDQRQ\PRXVDQGFRQ¿GHQWLDOVRWKDWWKHFDOOHUFDQ freely express concerns. This service is provided by the St. Louis County Police Department. HOTLINE Number 889-SAFE (314-889-7233) Pattonville School District Board of Education Policies will be cited throughout the behavior guide, wherever applicable by the following notation: (J——). PROHIBITED DISCRIMINATION/HARASSMENT (for complete policy AC, see page 10) Pattonville School District does not discriminate in treatment, admission or access and participation in district programs and activities on the basis of sex, race, color, age, national origin or disability. The Director of Student Services has been designated to coordinate the district’s effort to comply with the regulations as it relates to students, and the Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources, as it relates to adults, to comply with the regulations implementing Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and Title II of Americans with Disability Act, 1990. The Director of Student Services may be reached at 213-8090, and the Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources may be reached at 213-8065. Pattonville High School • 7 • 2014-2015 STUDENT COMPLAINTS AND GRIEVANCES (For the complete policy, see Policy JFH) The district has established guidelines to facilitate the presentation of student com- plaints and grievances (“complaints”). Step 1: Contact the Building Principal Many problems can be solved by an informal meeting with the building principal. A SDUHQWRUVWXGHQWZLWKDFRPSODLQWLVHQFRXUDJHGWR¿UVWGLVFXVVFRQFHUQVZLWKWKH building principal in order to resolve the matter promptly. If concerns are resolved at this level, no further action is needed. Disciplinary actions or consequences amounting to less than an eleven-day out- of-school suspension are not subject to appeal beyond the principal level (Step 1). Step 2: Submit a Statement of Grievance to the Director of Student Services If a parent or student is not able to satisfactorily resolve the complaint informally at the building level, he or she may submit a signed Statement of Grievance to the Director of Student Services, Pattonville School District, 11097 St. Charles Rock Road, St. Ann, MO 63074. If concerns are resolved at this level, no further action is needed. Step 3: Submit a Letter of Appeal to the Superintendent ,I WKH FRPSODLQDQW LV QRW VDWLV¿HG ZLWK WKH UHVSRQVH RI WKH 'LUHFWRU RI 6WXGHQW Services, he or she may submit a signed letter of appeal to the Superintendent RI6FKRROVZLWKLQ¿YHVFKRROGD\VDIWHUUHFHLSWRIWKH'LUHFWRU¶VGHFLVLRQ7KH signed letter requesting appeal should be submitted to the Superintendent, Pat- tonville School District, 11097 St. Charles Rock Road, St. Ann, MO 63074. Step 4: Submit a Letter of Appeal to the School Board ,IWKHFRPSODLQDQWLVQRWVDWLV¿HGZLWKWKHUHVSRQVHRIWKH6XSHULQWHQGHQWKH RUVKHPD\VXEPLWDVLJQHGOHWWHURIDSSHDOWRWKH6FKRRO%RDUGZLWKLQ¿YH school days after receipt of the Superintendent’s decision. The signed letter requesting appeal should be submitted to the School Board President, Pattonville School District, 11097 St. Charles Rock Road, St. Ann, MO 63074. The decision RIWKH6FKRRO%RDUGLVWKH¿QDOVWHSZLWKLQWKH6FKRRO'LVWULFW Pattonville High School • 8 • 2014-2015 PATTONVILLE SCHOOL DISTRICT EPS CODE: AC PROHIBITED DISCRIMINATION/HARASSMENT The Pattonville School District Board of Education does not engage in or permit discrimination or harassment on the basis of Protected Categories in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs and activities. The “Protected Categories” include race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, genetic information, and religion. The district’s prohibition of discrimination or harassment (collectively referenced as “discrimination/harassment”) on the basis of Protected Categories applies to applicants for admission or employment, students, parents of elementary and secondary school students, employees, sources of referral, visitors, and all professional organizations that have entered into agreements with the district (collectively referenced as “Protected Individuals”). This policy contains the District’s complaint-resolution procedure for addressing complaints by any person who believes that conduct or an action, policy, procedure or practice of the district constitutes discrimination/harassment on the basis of one or more of the Protected Categories. I. 'H¿QLWLRQV A. “Complaint” means an allegation of conduct or of action, policy, procedure or practice which would constitute discrimination/harassment on the basis of one or more of the Protected Categories. B. “Compliance Coordinator” means the district’s respective Compliance Coordinator for enforcing this policy. The District designates the following individuals as its Compliance Coordinators: Student Concerns Director of Student Services 11097 St. Charles Rock Rd. St. Ann, MO 63074 314-213-8090 314-213-8675 (Fax) If the designated Compliance Coordinator is unavailable or is the subject of a report that would otherwise be made to the Compliance Coordinator, WKH&RPSODLQWVKRXOGLQVWHDGEHGLUHFWHGWRWKHIROORZLQJGLVWULFWRI¿FLDO Superintendent of Schools 11097 St. Charles Rock Rd. St. Ann, MO 63074 314-213-8001 314-213-8006 (Fax) Pattonville High School Employee Concerns or Visitor Concerns Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources 11097 St. Charles Rock Rd. St. Ann, MO 63074 314-213-8065 314-213-8665(Fax) • 9 • 2014-2015 C. “District” means the Pattonville School District. E. “Discrimination/Harassment” means discrimination and/or harassment on the basis of one or more of the Protected Categories. For purposes of discrimination, the district (or its authorized employee) must be the alleged actor. For purposes of harassment, the alleged actor may be the district, an employee of the district, a student, or a visitor to the district’s facilities. F. “Employee” or “Personnel” or “Staff” means, for purposes of this policy only, school board members, school employees, agents, volunteers, contractors, or persons subject to the supervision and control of the district. G. “Protected Individual” means applicants for admission or employment, students, parents of elementary and secondary school students, employees, sources of referral and applicants for employment, visitors, and all professional organizations that have entered into agreements with the district. H. “Student” means a student enrolled at any grade level from early childhood through grade 12 in the schools of the district. In accordance ZLWKIHGHUDOODZDSDUHQWOHJDOJXDUGLDQLVSHUPLWWHGWRPDNH¿OLQJVDQG take action under this policy on behalf of a student who is under the age of 18. D. “Day” means a school day – i.e., a day in which school is in session. During the summer vacation period, this term refers to business days GXULQJZKLFKWKHGLVWULFW¶V&HQWUDO2I¿FHLVRSHQWRWKHSXEOLF II. Prohibited Discrimination and Harassment Standards A. Discrimination For purposes of this policy, discrimination on the basis of one or more of the Protected Categories means that the district has treated a Protected Individual in a discriminatory manner on the basis of one or more of the Protected Categories when compared to similarly situated individuals. B. Harassment – Students Harassment against a student consists of verbal or physical or other communicative conduct relating to a student’s race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, genetic information or religion when such conduct has the following effect(s): 1. The harassing conduct is so severe, persistent or pervasive that it creates an intimidating, threatening, or abusive educational environment;; and Pattonville High School • 10 • 2014-2015 2. The harassing conduct either has the purpose or effect of substantially or unreasonably interfering with an individual’s educational performance or such conduct otherwise substantially and adversely affects an individual’s educational opportunities. In addition, any relationships of a physical, sexual or dating nature between an employee of the district and a student are strictly forbidden. Under law, students are unable to welcome or consent to such relationships;; therefore, whether such conduct is welcome or whether the student consents to such conduct is not a defense. The district will not tolerate any conduct of this sort. The occurrence of such conduct will subject an employee to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment. In addition, UHIHUUDOWRODZHQIRUFHPHQWDQGWRUHVSRQVLEOH6WDWHRI¿FLDOVVXFK as the Children’s Division, will also occur in accordance with law. C. Harassment – Employees 1. Sexual Harassment Sexual harassment consists of verbal or physical or other communicative conduct relating to the sex or gender of an employee when: a. Submission to unwelcome conduct of a sexual or gender- based nature is made either implicitly or explicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment, or b. Submission to or rejection of such unwelcome conduct by an individual is the basis for employment decisions affecting that individual, or c. Such unwelcome conduct creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment (or, in the case of a visitor, campus environment), or G 4XDOL¿HGHPSOR\HHVDUHGHQLHGHPSOR\PHQWRSSRUWXQLWLHV RUEHQH¿WVEHFDXVHWKHRSSRUWXQLWLHVRUEHQH¿WVDUH given to another employee who submitted to an employer’s sexual advances or requests for sexual favors. 2. Harassment on the Basis of Race, Color, National Origin, Age, Disability, Genetic Information or Religion. Harassment on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, genetic information or religion occurs when a person engages in unwelcome verbal or physical or other communicative conduct implicating one (or more) of the above-referenced Protected Categories, and when such unwelcome conduct creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment. Pattonville High School • 11 • 2014-2015 D. Examples of Prohibited Harassment Harassment on the basis of a Protected Category takes numerous forms. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following: *UDI¿WLFRQWDLQLQJRIIHQVLYHODQJXDJHZKLFKLVGHURJDWRU\ to others because of their membership in a Protected Category;; • Jokes, name-calling, or rumors based upon an individual’s membership in a Protected Category;; • Slurs, negative stereotypes, and hostile acts which implicate or are based upon a person’s membership in a Protected Category;; • Written or graphic material containing comments or stereotypes which is posted or circulated and which is aimed at degrading individuals or members of a Protected Category;; • Physical acts of aggression or assault upon another because of, or in a manner reasonably related to, such person’s membership in a Protected Category;; • Other kinds of aggressive conduct such as theft or damage to property which is motivated by a person’s membership in a Protected Category;; • Unwelcome sexual touching, advances, communications (whether in person, electronically, in writing, or via other method), physical, sexual or dating relationships, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. F. Boy Scouts of America Equal Access Act E. Additional Prohibited Behavior Behavior that is not unlawful or does not rise to the level of harassment may still be unacceptable for the workplace or the educational environment. Demeaning or otherwise harmful actions are prohibited, particularly if directed at personal characteristics including, but not limited to, socioeconomic level, sexual orientation or perceived sexual orientation. As required by law, the district will provide equal access to district facilities DQG UHODWHG EHQH¿WV DQG VHUYLFHV DQG ZLOO QRW GLVFULPLQDWH DJDLQVW DQ\ JURXSRI¿FLDOO\DI¿OLDWHGZLWKWKH%R\6FRXWVRI$PHULFDWKH*LUO6FRXWV of the United States of America or any other youth group designated in applicable federal law. Pattonville High School • 12 • 2014-2015 III. Intake, Investigation, and Resolution of Complaints The district is dedicated to addressing complaints of discrimination/ KDUDVVPHQWLQDWLPHO\PDQQHU(DUO\LGHQWL¿FDWLRQDQGUHVROXWLRQRIFRPSODLQWVLV the district’s goal. A. Intake of Complaints 1. Any person who believes that he or she has been the victim of discrimination/harassment – or who has observed others who may be the victim of discrimination/harassment – based on one or more of the Protected Categories by a student, employee, or other school personnel of the district, or by any other person who is participating in, observing, or otherwise engaged in district- sponsored activities, is expected to immediately report the alleged act to any district administrator or to the Compliance Coordinator. 2. To assist the district in addressing the matter promptly and thoroughly, the person reporting discrimination/harassment on the basis of one or more of the Protected Categories is encouraged WRSURYLGHDZULWWHQH[SODQDWLRQWKDWVSHFL¿FDOO\GHWDLOVWKH concern. This policy contains an easily understood form that may be used for this purpose. However, the refusal to make a report in writing does not relieve the district of the obligation to investigate the concern. 3. A Protected Individual who believes that he or she has been subjected to discrimination/harassment on the basis of one or more of the Protected Categories is not required to confront the person about whom the concern has been raised. However, this intake, investigation and resolution process does not prohibit the use of informal resolution when desired by the Protected Individual. 4. Any district administrator who receives a report, orally or in writing, regarding discrimination/harassment on the basis of one or more of the Protected Categories must notify the district’s Compliance Coordinator within one (1) school day or a reasonable time thereafter for good cause of the Protected Categories must notify the district’s Compliance Coordinator within one (1) school day or a reasonable time thereafter for good cause. B. Investigation of Complaints The district desires to promptly investigate concerns raised under this policy. Accordingly, the district has established the following procedure for the handling of such complaints: 1. Upon receipt of a report of discrimination/harassment on the basis of one or more of the Protected Categories, the Compliance Pattonville High School • 13 • 2014-2015 Coordinator may choose to investigate the complaint or may, DOWHUQDWLYHO\DSSRLQWDTXDOL¿HGDGPLQLVWUDWRUIURPWKHGLVWULFWWR investigate the complaint. 2. The investigation shall be conducted in the manner deemed appropriate by the Compliance Coordinator. The district desires to investigate complaints in a prompt yet thorough manner, using the following timelines. a. The investigation must be commenced within two (2) school days of the Compliance Coordinator’s receipt of the report of discrimination/harassment on the basis of a Protected Category. b. Absent extenuating circumstances, investigations will be completed within ten (10) school days after the investigation commences. Changes or additions to a complaint or large numbers of documents or possible witnesses will typically require an extension of time to ensure that the complaint is properly investigated. Similarly, scheduling issues and the unavailability of witnesses or relevant documents may also necessitate an extension of time for the investigation. 3. The above-referenced deadlines are subject to extension by the district for good cause or if extenuating circumstances exist. For example, because the vast majority of district employees are not under contract during the summer vacation period, and because students do not attend school at that time, the deadlines applicable to the investigation may be extended at the discretion of the district to enable a full and accurate investigation. ,QYHVWLJDWLRQ¿OHVVKDOOEHPDLQWDLQHGVHSDUDWHO\IURPVWXGHQW HGXFDWLRQDO¿OHVDQGHPSOR\HHSHUVRQQHO¿OHVDVUHTXLUHGE\ law. &RQ¿GHQWLDOLW\RISHUVRQDOO\LGHQWL¿DEOHVWXGHQWLQIRUPDWLRQ obtained during investigations will be maintained in accordance with federal and state law. The district desires to protect the identity of complainants for as long of a time period as it is able to do so in accordance with law. The district will maintain documentation of its investigation of complaints of discrimination and/or harassment, including written statements (if any), as required by law. C. Resolution of Complaints 1. At the conclusion of the investigation, the Compliance Coordinator will review the investigation report. Pattonville High School • 14 • 2014-2015 2. After reviewing the report, the Compliance Coordinator will make D'HWHUPLQDWLRQUHJDUGLQJWKHYDOLGLW\RIWKHFRPSODLQWZLWKLQ¿YH (5) school days after submission of the report. The Compliance Coordinator may, alternatively, determine that further investigation is necessary and, as such, refer the matter for additional investigation. When such additional investigatory steps are completed, the matter shall be submitted to the Compliance Coordinator. 3. One of the following Determinations will typically be made with respect to the Complaint: a. Unsubstantiated;; b. Unable to Substantiate OR Indeterminate OR Incapable of Determination;; or c. Substantiated Prohibited Conduct (in whole or in part). Other determinations may be made as permitted by law and in accordance with the judgment of the Compliance Coordinator. 4. Regardless of the Determination made with respect to the complaint, the district may take appropriate action to minimize the opportunity for future issues or concerns to arise. 1RWL¿FDWLRQRI'HWHUPLQDWLRQ5HJDUGLQJ&RPSODLQW a. Within three (3) school days after the Determination has been made regarding the complaint, notice of the determination will be mailed or given to the complainant. b. If a complainant disagrees with the Determination made regarding discrimination/harassment on the basis of one or more of the Protected Categories, the complainant may appeal the decision to the board. 6. Appeal Process $SHUVRQ¿OLQJDFRPSODLQWXQGHUWKLVSROLF\LVHQWLWOHGWRDSSHDO the Determination made with respect to such complaint. An appeal will be processed as follows: (1) The person who appeals the Determination (the “Appellant”) must submit a written appeal to the &RPSOLDQFH&RRUGLQDWRUQRODWHUWKDQ¿YHVFKRROGD\V DIWHUQRWL¿FDWLRQRIWKH'HWHUPLQDWLRQKDVEHHQUHFHLYHG 7KHZULWWHQDSSHDOVKRXOGVSHFL¿FDOO\VWDWHZKDWLVEHLQJ appealed, the reason for the appeal, and the desired action. Pattonville High School • 15 • 2014-2015 (2) The Compliance Coordinator will send the appeal to WKH3UHVLGHQWRIWKHERDUGZLWKLQ¿YHVFKRROGD\VDIWHU receipt of the appeal. (3) Upon receipt of the appeal from the Compliance Coordinator, the board president will set the appeal for review on the closed session agenda at a regularly scheduled board meeting. (4) The board will review the documentation relating to the matter-meaning the written appeal, complaint, investigation report, and Determination. The Appellant is not entitled to an in-person hearing. The board may contact the Appellant or any other individual if the board determines that such contact is necessary to enable the board to reach a decision on the appeal. (5) The board will vote on the appeal and will advise the Compliance Coordinator and Appellant of the outcome of WKHDSSHDOZLWKLQ¿YHVFKRROGD\VWKHUHDIWHU7KHYRWH shall occur in closed session. D. Prohibition on Retaliation 1. Consistent with federal and state law, there will be no retaliation against any person who uses this procedure to resolve a concern, so long as such concern has been brought in the reasonable, good faith belief that a Protected Individual has been subjected to discrimination/harassment on the basis of a Protected Category. 2. In addition, consistent with federal and state law, there will be no retaliation against any person who has been interviewed as part of the investigatory process. If the district determines that retaliation has occurred, the district will address the retaliation as permitted by law. IV. Enforcement A. Responsibility of Supervisors and Administrators Each supervisor or administrator serves a vital role in maintaining an educational environment free from discrimination/harassment on the basis of one or more of the Protected Categories. In accordance with that responsibility, each supervisor or administrator shall take appropriate actions to enforce the district’s anti-discrimination/harassment policies. 1. Any supervisor/administrator who receives a report, orally or in writing, regarding discrimination/harassment relating to a student must notify the district’s Compliance Coordinator within Pattonville High School • 16 • 2014-2015 one (1) school day or a reasonable time thereafter for good cause. 2. The supervisor/administrator shall implement appropriate remedial and/or disciplinary action as necessary and as directed. 3. Failure to implement these responsibilities in an appropriate and satisfactory manner is cause for remedial action and/or for disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment. 4. The district administration shall ensure that the following actions occur: a. The district shall annually provide policy instruction to employees. b. Student instruction regarding discrimination/harassment on the basis of one or more of the Protected Categories shall be provided yearly and in an age-appropriate manner. c. A copy of this policy will be published in district handbooks or otherwise distributed annually to students and employees. d. This policy will be posted on the district’s Website. B. Responsibility of Staff District staff members serve a vital role in maintaining an educational environment free from discrimination/harassment on the basis of one or more of the Protected Categories. In accordance with that responsibility, each staff member shall take appropriate actions to enforce this policy. 1. 2. Upon observing possible discrimination/harassment or receiving a report from any person who reports that she/he has been subjected to discrimination/harassment on the basis of a Protected Category, the staff member must immediately notify the Compliance Coordinator. Failure to report as directed above is cause for remedial action and/or disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment. 3. Employees must implement and enforce all directives from an administrator or the Compliance Coordinator regarding the resolution of a matter involving discrimination/harassment on the basis of one or more of the Protected Categories. Pattonville High School • 17 • 2014-2015 C. Consequences for Violation of Policy 1. Any student or employee who engages in discrimination harassment on the basis of one or more of the Protected Categories while on school property or while participating in school activities, regardless of location, will be subject to remedial and/or disciplinary action. )RUVWXGHQWVVSHFL¿FUHPHGLDODQGRUGLVFLSOLQDU\PHDVXUHVPD\ be taken consistent with district student discipline rules/policies. If the offender is not a student or employee, the district will take appropriate action within the scope of its legal authority to eliminate the discrimination/harassment. 3. The decision as to what action to take to remedy a violation of this policy is within the discretion of the district, in accordance with law. 7KH¿OLQJRIDQDSSHDOWRFKDOOHQJHWKHGHWHUPLQDWLRQGRHVQRW stay or postpone the district’s ability to initiate disciplinary or remedial action. 5. Any person who alleges or otherwise brings a false charge of discrimination/harassment on the basis of one or more of the Protected Categories shall receive appropriate discipline. The term “false charge” means an allegation that is brought in bad faith (i.e., without the good faith belief that one has been subjected to such discrimination/harassment). 6. The effectiveness of the investigatory process is dependent upon the receipt of truthful information. Thus, persons who are interviewed or who otherwise participate in the investigatory process are expected to be truthful at all times. A lack of truthfulness is cause for disciplinary action. V. Right to File External Complaint The procedures set forth in this policy shall not eliminate the right of a student WR¿OHDWDQ\WLPHDFRPSODLQWDOOHJLQJGLVFULPLQDWLRQKDUDVVPHQWRQWKHEDVLV of sex, gender, race, color, national origin, age or disability with the United 6WDWHV'HSDUWPHQWRI(GXFDWLRQ¶V2I¿FHIRU&LYLO5LJKWV5HJLRQ9,,2QH Petticoat Lane, 1010 Walnut Street, Suite 320, Kansas City, MO 64106;; phone (816) 268-0550. 7KH2I¿FHIRU&LYLO5LJKWVGRHVQRWLQYHVWLJDWHFRPSODLQWVUHJDUGLQJ discrimination/harassment on the basis of genetic information or religion. Therefore, complaints regarding genetic information or religion should be directed to the district’s Compliance Coordinator. VI. Complaint Form The district has developed a sample complaint form, which may be used to submit a Complaint. The district encourages, but does not mandate, the use of WKLV IRUP 7KLV IRUP PD\ EH REWDLQHG LQ D EXLOGLQJ RI¿FH RU LQ WKH RI¿FH RI WKH Compliance Coordinator. Pattonville High School • 18 • 2014-2015 ATTENDANCE Regular attendance in class is an important factor to a student’s success in school. An integral part of the learning experience is the interaction between students and teachers. One indicator of dependability and general success is good school attendance. Students are more likely to have greater academic success if they have a good attendance record. This attendance policy has attempted to establish reasonable standards regarding absences. One objective of the policy is to encourage a high rate of student attendance without imposing a hardship on teachers, parents, or the student. Every student is expected to be in school every day and attend every assigned class. When it is necessary for a student to be absent from school, a parent VKRXOG FDOO WKH DWWHQGDQFH RI¿FH SULRU WR DP RQ WKH GD\ RI WKHDEVHQFH6WXGHQWDEVHQFHVQRWYHUL¿HGZLWKLQ48 hours will be considered truancies. Parents are requested and encouraged to work with students for good attendance and excuse students only for an illness or an emergency. Students should not be excused in order to obtain a driver’s license, go deer hunting, perform personal chores, etc. TEACHERS CANNOT GRANT CREDIT FOR MAKE UP WORK UNTIL ABSENCES HAVE BEEN VERIFIED! Class Credit: A course that meets daily for one semester grants one-half unit of credit. In order for the credit to be issued, the student must do acceptable work in the class and be absent no more than eight class sessions. Only the following are not recorded as 1 of the 8 class absences toward possible loss of credit: (1) SDUWLFLSDWLRQLQVFKRROVSRQVRUHG¿HOGWULSVDVVHPEOLHVJXHVWOHFWXUHVVHPLQDUV HWF7KHVWXGHQWLQYROYHGLQVXFKDFWLYLWLHVVKRXOGKDYHWKHWHDFKHUVLJQWKH¿HOG trip form or provide the teacher any other authorized type of documentation prior WRSDUWLFLSDWLRQLQVXFKDFWLYLWLHVEHLQJSUHVHQWIRUDYDOLGUHDVRQLQWKHRI¿FH of the nurse, principals, counselor, or any other school support personnel. Once a student exceeds eight absences in a class, policy will be used to determine if the student is placed on attendance probation. A student who continues to be absent after being placed on probation is subject to credit denial. Pattonville High School • 19 • 2014-2015 CLOSED CAMPUS/SIGNING OUT OF SCHOOL Pattonville High School has a closed campus policy, which means that students are not to leave campus without authorization (this includes lunch shifts) Students needing an early dismissal must have their parent- JXDUGLDQFDOOWKHDWWHQGDQFHRI¿FHDWYRLFHPDLOV\VWHPRUFDOO 213-8550 for immediate assistance to check them out of school. A parent phone contact with the school is crucial before a student leaves school. When a student returns to school, he/she should sign at the front /security desk before going to class. Students who leave campus at an unscheduled time without following these procedures are subject to disciplinary action as described under “Truancy.” Arriving Late To School – Procedures A student who arrives more than 5 minutes late to school MUST sign in at front/security desk. An admit note will be given to the student to verify time of arrival – this admit slip does not excuse the tardy/absence! Up to 30 minutes late is considered tardy. Missing more than 30 minutes of class is considered an absence. Arriving 5-30 minutes tardy to any class may result in a referral for excessive tardiness and additional disciplinary consequences may be assigned. Students checking out with the nurse due to illness do not follow the above procedure. Final Exam Attendance Policy ,QWKHFDVHDVWXGHQWZLOOQRWEHDWVFKRROWRWDNHKLVRUKHU¿QDOH[DPVPDNH up exam testing times are available during the week of testing. The schedule for PDNHXSH[DPWHVWLQJZLOOEHUHOHDVHGSULRUWRWKH¿QDOH[DPWHVWLQJZLQGRZ,Q this case, the usual absence policy applies;; a parent or guardian should call within 48 hours to verify the absence. ,IDVWXGHQWNQRZVLQDGYDQFHKHRUVKHZLOOEHDEVHQWGXULQJ¿QDOVDQGZLOODOVREH absent during make-up exam testing time, the parent/guardian or student must see his or her assistant principal for a Final Exam Early Make Up form. This form must EHVLJQHGE\HDFKWHDFKHUZKRVH¿QDOZLOOEHPLVVHGDQGE\WKHSDUHQWJXDUGLDQ Once completed, the form must be turned into the student’s assistant principal to get approval. 1RH[DPVZLOOEHDGPLQLVWHUHGE\DWHDFKHUSULRUWRWKH¿QDO exam testing window without permission from a principal. Additionally, all XQH[FXVHGDEVHQFHVGXULQJ¿QDOH[DPVZLOOUHVXOWLQD]HURVFRUHRQWKH¿QDO Pattonville High School • 20 • 2014-2015 MAKE UP WORK (non-suspension related) A student who has been out of class for any reason is required to complete make up work for the missed learning experience. This includes taking unit tests and completing long-term projects. I. Work missed by a student due to an excused absence (including school- VSRQVRUHG¿HOGWULSVRURWKHUDFWLYLWLHVFDQEHPDGHXSIRUIXOOFUHGLW7KH student has the responsibility to talk with the teacher the day following the absence(s) to determine the nature of the work missed. Except for work assigned prior to and due on the day of an absence, the student has one day for each day of absence in which to complete the work. )RUWKHSXUSRVHRIWKLVSROLF\DQH[FXVHGDEVHQFHLVGH¿QHGDVRQHWKDW KDVEHHQYHUL¿HGE\DSDUHQWJXDUGLDQIRUUHDVRQVVXFKDVLOOQHVVRUIDPLO\ obligation. Field trips or other school-sponsored activities are considered H[FXVHGDEVHQFHVEXWGRQRWUHTXLUHSDUHQWDOYHUL¿FDWLRQ II. If a student is truant (unexcused absence), he/she will receive no credit for work missed. Repeated truancy may result in loss of credit. A. The student missing an examination or a quiz due to truancy will not be allowed to make up said examination or quiz. B. If a long-term project (any assignment for which the student was given notice of a due date prior to the truancy) is due on the date of the truancy from class, the grade will be lowered one letter grade. MAKE UP WORK (SUSPENSION RELATED) I. In-School-Suspension A. Students are permitted to complete work assigned by their teacher while serving in-school-suspension. Full credit will be given for work turned in. II. Out-of-School Suspension A. Work (assignments/tests, etc.) missed during an out-of-school suspension can be completed for full credit. 1. Tests administered during suspension may be made up upon return to school. 2. The responsibility to receive assignments, make-up work, and to take missed tests rests with the student. Pattonville High School • 21 • 2014-2015 Discipline Guidelines INTRODUCTION It is the objective and policy of Pattonville High School to recognize, preserve, and protect the individual rights of all students and yet encourage and enforce WKHLUULJKWVZLWKLQWKHQHFHVVDU\IUDPHZRUNRIDQRUGHUO\HI¿FLHQWDQGSURGXFWLYH school program. The quality of discipline in the school is a blend of values and attitudes of everyone concerned;; this encompasses students, parents, teachers, school administrators, school board members, and community patrons. We believe that discipline and academic achievement are closely related. We appreciate the fact that discipline, order, and cooperation is essential for people to meet and work together effectively. All individuals involved in the school must share the responsibility for creating and supporting a positive and orderly environment. Professional judgment will be used by administrators to determine the dispositions RIVSHFL¿FSUREOHPV0RVWW\SHVRIVFKRROGLVFLSOLQHSUREOHPVDUHOLVWHGLQWKLV guide. However, it is impossible to list every problem that might interfere with the smooth operations of the school. Administrators have the responsibility and DXWKRULW\WRGHDOZLWKDOOSUREOHPVHYHQWKRXJKWKHVSHFL¿FSUREOHPVPLJKWQRWEH listed in this guide. Detentions, loss of privileges to participate in and/or attend activities, in-school suspensions, and out-of-school suspensions are effective means for changing student behavior. These actions are often necessary in order to maintain a safe and orderly environment in school. The school district reserves the right to contact WKHSROLFHDQG¿OHDUHSRUWZKHQHYHULWLVGHHPHGDSSURSULDWH Note: All requirements and procedures will be followed for students who have Individual Educational Plans (IEP) under IDEA or an Individual Accommodation Plan (IAP) under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Discipline for students with disabilities who have an IEP will be administered in such a manner as to provide appropriate consequences. Students whose behavior is related to their disability PD\ UHFHLYH PRGL¿FDWLRQV WR WKHLU 6SHFLDO (GXFDWLRQ VHUYLFHV RU SODFHPHQW DV determined by the IEP committee. A+ Students and Good Citizenship Students wishing to earn A+ status through the A+ Schools program must maintain JRRG FLWL]HQVKLS UHIHU WR $ KDQGERRN IRU VSHFL¿F FULWHULD $Q\ $OFRKRO'UXJ RIIHQVHVZLOOUHVXOWLQORVVRI$HOLJLELOLW\DVZLOOVLJQL¿FDQWRUUHSHDWHGDVVLJQPHQWV of in-school or out-of-school suspension. Students and “C” Days - Early Release On “C” days, students are released from school at 1:14 p.m. On these days, students should not visit elementary or middle school campuses. Doing so may result in disciplinary action. Pattonville High School • 22 • 2014-2015 Digital Citizenship Guidelines The district has provided personal technological devices to students to support and enhance their academic learning and to develop modern competencies while promoting positive digital citizenship. In the event that a student abuses the privileges inherent with such devices, the district may, at its sole discretion, impose sanctions upon a student’s access to applications and web content. The sanctions are outlined as follows: Level I – The student will only be able to use district-approved application. The student will not be able to access or use applications on the device that are not installed by the district. Level II – The student will only be able to access district-approved websites or other network resources, whether accessed on campus or off. Level III – A combination of Levels I and II. Sanction levels will be determined by the district on a case-by-case basis. In the event of more serious or repeated offenses, the district may, at its sole discretion, remove a student’s access to their assigned device outside of the school day, during school hours or both. LEVEL I OFFENSES FIRST OFFENSE AND ALL OTHERS Depending upon the nature of the violations and the number of referrals the student has received, the administrator may use a wide range of dispositions ranging from student conference, parent conference, detention, in-school suspension or out-of school suspension. The administrator will use the recommendations and observations of the referring staff member, statement(s) from witnesses and/or student (when applicable) in arriving at the appropriate consequence. Discipline for Level I Offenses requires mutual considerations and communication between school staff and communication with the home. Note: Level I offenses can be elevated to level II and III offenses depending on the severity, frequency and circumstances of the incident. 1. ACADEMIC DISHONESTY Cheating, stealing answers, plagiarizing, and academic dishonesty in any form FDQQRW EH WROHUDWHG LQ WKH VFKRRO HQYLURQPHQW 7KH WHDFKHU LV WR FRQ¿VFDWH DOO evidence and document the situation. 1st offense: The teacher will contact the parent and notify principal. The student receives a zero for the assignment. 2nd offense: Principal referral, parent contact, 3 days ISS and zero issued for assignment. 3rd offense: Principal referral, parent contact, 5 days ISS and zero issued for assignment. Pattonville High School • 23 • 2014-2015 2. ACTIVITIES BUSES The activities buses are provided for students participating in school activities including: athletics, clubs, and tutoring. Students may not stay after school to socialize or leave campus and then return to ride these buses. 3. CAFETERIA BEHAVIOR Students in the cafeteria and commons are expected to do the following: • Throw trash away • Refrain from throwing items • Sit in chairs, not on tables • Be respectful to all staff members 4. CELL PHONES Use of cell phones is prohibited in the classroom and during class time unless explicitly authorized by staff. This includes all cell phone features including text messaging, voice mail, camera, and video. Students and staff have a right to privacy. It is never permissible for individuals to take photos or video of others without their permission. More serious infractions related to cell phones would include: 'LVWULEXWLQJRUUHFHLYLQJFRQ¿GHQWLDOLQIRUPDWLRQVXFKDVWHVWTXHVWLRQ answers (academic dishonesty) • Utilizing cell phones to make, distribute or receive inappropriate, obscene, profane, lewd, or vulgar pictures or video • Using cell phones to hurt, harass, attack or harm other people or their work 1st offense: After school detention and parent pick up phone. 2nd offense: 2 detentions and parent pick-up phone. 3rd offense: 3 days in-school-suspension The school assumes no responsibility for the loss of cell phones, theft or damage, nor will effort be made to search for or retrieve phones. 5. COMPUTER/ INTERNET Misuse of computer and the Internet cannot be tolerated. Minor violations (non- pornographic) of the computer/Internet policy (such as, accessing social networking sites or downloading/printing music lyrics) will result in a short-term loss (semester/ year) of computer/Internet access in accordance with district guidelines. Additional consequences may be assigned depending on the severity of the behavior. Major violations will be dealt with as Level III offenses. 6. DRESS CODE/ INAPPROPRIATE CLOTHING Students’ dress and appearance are required to be of such character as to not disrupt nor distract from the instructional procedures of the school day. Clothing Pattonville High School • 24 • 2014-2015 must be clean and safe. Shoes must be worn at all times. Parents of students violating this policy will be contacted and depending on the seriousness and/or prior history, other consequences (including suspension) may be assigned. The following items should not be worn during the school day. Doing so will result LQWKHLWHPEHLQJFRQ¿VFDWHG • Apparel worn on head • Sunglasses and dark glasses unless prescription • Chains used with wallets, keys, etc. or as a belt or decoration • Shoes with wheels Students could be sent home for the following: • Clothing that is revealing or suggestive (i.e. cleavage showing, bare backs, single strap and strapless tops, short skirts, skimpy shorts, etc.) • Clothing with vulgar, profane, or suggestive messages or pictures of illegal substances, alcoholic beverages, or tobacco products • Clothing, coloring, insignia, or other symbol or combinations of symbols LQGLFDWLQJPHPEHUVKLSLQDI¿OLDWLRQZLWKRUVXSSRUWIRUDQ\JDQJRU similar organization associated with violence, drugs, intimidation or other criminal activity (on school grounds or at school-sponsored activities) • Pants which are sagging/worn below the waist level 7. FOOD AND DRINK IN CLASSROOMS AND HALLWAYS Food and drink is permitted in the cafeteria and commons areas only. Students are expected to act responsibly and dispose of trash appropriately. Student food and drink in classrooms will be at the discretion of the individual teacher. Vending machines will be on before and after school only. TO MAINTAIN FOOD AND DRINK PRIVILEGES - STUDENTS MUST DISPOSE OF TRASH APPROPRIATELY! NOTE: No food or drink is allowed in the auditorium at any time! 8. GAMBLING Any wagering of money or property in any form is not permitted. Items and money ZLOOEHFRQ¿VFDWHGSDUHQWVZLOOEHFRQWDFWHGDQGGHSHQGLQJXSRQWKHVHULRXVQHVV and/or prior history, other consequences and possible suspension will be determined E\WKHDGPLQLVWUDWRU3ROLFHPD\EHFRQWDFWHGDQGDUHSRUW¿OHG 9. IDENTIFICATION BADGES All students must wear their student ID on a school issued lanyard. Seniors will be permitted to wear ID lanyards promoting post secondary pathways such as university, trades, military etc. Students who repeatedly violate this procedure may receive disciplinary consequences. Pattonville High School • 25 • 2014-2015 10. INAPPROPRIATE BEHAVIOR Intentional acts, behaviors, or conduct in the classroom, in the school building, upon school grounds, or at a school activity, which interfere with an orderly environment (such as, inappropriate talking in class or running in the halls). 11. INAPPROPRIATE OBJECTS During class time, students are not allowed to use radios, headphones/ear buds, CD players, MP3 players, or toys unless explicitly authorized by staff. Students may not bring pornographic or sexually explicit materials or other inappropriate items to school. Students are discouraged from bringing valuable items to school. /LJKWHUVPDWFKHVRU¿UHVWDUWLQJPDWHULDOVDUHDOVRSURKLELWHG7+(6&+22/,6 NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR LOST OR STOLEN ITEMS. 12. INAPPROPRIATE USE OF SCHOOL RESOURCES Student misuse of school district resources including digital resources will not be tolerated. This could be a level II or III offense based on the severity and/or cost of the incident. 13. “NO SHOW” TO DETENTION Students who fail to serve an assigned after school detention will receive an additional detention. Students who fail to serve both detentions will receive 2 days of out-of-school suspension. Note: Students must show ID to serve after-school detention. 14. OBSCENE LANGUAGE Use of any oral or written profane or obscene language or gestures. The administrator may apply additional consequences beyond those generally described for Level I Offenses if the violation includes threats, aggression, or other inappropriate behavior. 15. PARKING VIOLATIONS The failure to comply with established procedures for student parking is a violation of discipline guidelines. No one is allowed to park on school grounds on a school day without a parking permit. Students parking in an unauthorized area will receive IRXUKRXUVRIGHWHQWLRQIRUD¿UVWRIIHQVHRUWKUHHGD\V,Q6FKRRO6XVSHQVLRQIRUD second offense. Any unauthorized vehicle will be towed. **NO PARKING IN SPACES DESIGNATED FOR “STAFF.” NO PARKING IN UNMARKED SPACES** Pattonville High School • 26 • 2014-2015 Students will receive a complete list of parking regulations when they receive their parking permit. Serious violations of student parking procedures may result in the immediate loss of parking privileges. 16. PUBLIC DISPLAYS OF AFFECTION Inappropriate displays of affection are not allowed in the school building, on school grounds, or during school activities. 17. TARDINESS TO CLASS Being punctual to class is the student’s responsibility. In the break between classes, the student must take care of his/her personal business and be in the next period classroom by the time the tardy bell rings to start the period. Any student who is not in the classroom when the tardy bell rings and does not have a late admission note from a staff member is considered tardy. A student who is more than 5 minutes late to class will be referred to an administrator. Attendance Guidelines /HVVWKDQ¿YHPLQXWHVODWH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tardy 5-30 minutes late . . . . . . . . . . . . Referral for Excessive Tardiness 30+ minutes late . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Absent Student will receive disciplinary actions as they accumulate a high number of tardies each semester per class: 4th tardy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . After school detention 5th tardy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 after school detentions 6th and subsequent offenses: . . . . . . Referral to administrator for additional consequences 18. TOBACCO/SMOKING DEVICES/ELECTRONIC CIGARETTES Possession of products such as cigarettes, cigarette papers, chewing tobacco, smoking devices, including electronic cigarettes, etc., are prohibited on school JURXQGV /LJKWHUV PDWFKHV RU RWKHU ¿UH VWDUWLQJ PDWHULDOV DUH DOVR SURKLELWHG ,WHPVZLOOEHFRQ¿VFDWHGDQGGLVFLSOLQDU\FRQVHTXHQFHVDVVLJQHG 19. TRUANCY/SKIPPING The unauthorized absence from a class without consent of the proper school authority. Excessive truancy creates a greater chance of loss of credit. Pattonville High School • 27 • 2014-2015 20. UNAUTHORIZED AREAS 6WXGHQWVLQXQDXWKRUL]HGDUHDVSDUNLQJORWDWKOHWLF¿HOGVHWFGXULQJWKHVFKRRO day will be considered truant. Once students arrive on campus, they are not allowed to leave without permission from an administrator-even if school has not RI¿FLDOO\VWDUWHGHJEHIRUHVFKRRO LEVEL II OFFENSES 1. DISRESPECT Acts of disrespect or a disrespectful attitude directed at peers, a staff member or other adult present at school or at a school-related activity, including obscene or insulting remarks, gestures, or written statements. FIRST OFFENSE From up to 10 days of in-school suspension to up to 10 days of out-of school suspension SECOND OFFENSE AND ALL OTHERS 10 day out-of-school suspension with possible referral to the Superintendent for a hearing to determine additional days of suspension up to180 days 2. DISRUPTION OF THE SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT Student behavior that leads to the disruption of the school day or a school activity. Such behavior includes, but is not limited to: verbal confrontations, hallway EORFNLQJ HQFRXUDJLQJ D ¿JKW UHIXVLQJ WR PRYH RU GLVSHUVH ZKHQ GLUHFWHG DWWHQGLQJZDWFKLQJD¿JKW FIRST OFFENSE Out-of-school suspension up to ten days 3. FORGERY/ FRAUD SECOND OFFENSE AND ALL OTHERS 10 day out-of-school suspension with possible referral to the Superintendent for a hearing to determine additional days of suspension up to180 days Forgery/ Falsifying of notes, hall passes, or other school related documents. FIRST OFFENSE SECOND OFFENSE THIRD OFFENSE AND ALL OTHERS 3 days in-school- 5 days in-school- 3 days out-of - suspension suspension school suspension 4. GANG ACTIVITY Students are prohibited from promoting or participating in any gang related activity. Students are prohibited from displaying or wearing any secret organization or gang logos, from writing or distributing any gang related symbols or literature, and communicating in any kind of gang sign language. For purposes of this Behavior *XLGH³JDQJ´LVGH¿QHGDVDQDVVRFLDWLRQRUJURXSRIWZRRUPRUHLQGLYLGXDOVZKR Pattonville High School • 28 • 2014-2015 engage in one or more of the following: • Commit criminal acts (including violence, drug use or distribution, and acts of intimidation) or exhibit antisocial behavior on a regular basis • Create a climate of fear and intimidation within the community/school 8VHDQDPHDFRPPRQLGHQWLI\LQJVLJQRUV\PERORUKDVDQLGHQWL¿DEOH leadership • Have a high rate of interaction among members to the exclusion of other groups • Claim a neighborhood and/or geographical territory • Wear distinctive types of clothing or exhibit distinctive appearance • Communicate in a peculiar or unique style FIRST OFFENSE From detention up to 10 days of out-of- school suspension SECOND OFFENSE AND ALL OTHERS 10 day out-of-school suspension with possible referral to the Superintendent for a hearing to determine additional days of suspension up to180 days or expulsion 5. HACKING 0LVXVHRUDEXVHRIGLJLWDOUHVRXUFHVFDQQRWEHWROHUDWHG+DFNLQJLVGH¿QHGDV unauthorized access or attempted access of electronic devices, services, and other resources with malicious or exploratory intent. This includes, but is not limited to the following: • Unauthorized access or attempts to access any district, student or staff ¿OHVGDWDEDVHVRUGLJLWDOUHVRXUFHV • Unauthorized access or attempts to access any district, student or staff devices, servers, printers &KDQJLQJWKHVHWWLQJVRUDWWHPSWLQJWRFKDQJHWKHVHWWLQJVRUFRQ¿JXUDWLRQ of any computer or network equipment without expressed permission • Bypassing or attempting to bypass district network and device restrictions, VHFXULW\RU¿OWHULQJ • Aiding or abetting the hacking of others by providing them with personal usernames, passwords, other information or otherwise access to accounts that are not their own Consequences may include sanctions as outlined in the Digital Citizenship Guideline and additional consequences depending on the severity of the behavior. Major or repeat violations will be dealt with as Level III offenses. 6. HAZING/ BULLYING The intentional threatening, intimidating, or harassing of another person by word, act, or deed. For complete policy on Bullying/Hazing, see Board Policy JFCF. The Pattonville School District prohibits all forms of hazing, bullying and student intimidation. Students participating in or encouraging inappropriate conduct will be Pattonville High School • 29 • 2014-2015 disciplined in accordance with board policy JG and the high school discipline guide. Such discipline may include, but is not limited to, suspension or expulsion from school and removal from participation in activities. Students who have been subjected to KD]LQJRUEXOO\LQJDUHLQVWUXFWHGWRSURPSWO\UHSRUWVXFKLQFLGHQWVWRDVFKRRORI¿FLDO In addition, district staff, coaches, sponsors and volunteers shall not permit, condone or tolerate any form of hazing or bullying or plan, direct, encourage, assist, engage or participate in any activity that involves hazing or bullying. District staff will report incidents of hazing and bullying to a building administrator. The principal or his/her designee shall promptly investigate all complaints of hazing and bullying and shall administer appropriate discipline to all individuals who violate this policy. District staff who violate this policy may be disciplined or terminated. The district shall annually inform students, parents, district staff and volunteers that KD]LQJDQGEXOO\LQJLVSURKLELWHG7KLVQRWL¿FDWLRQPD\RFFXUWKURXJKWKHGLVWULEXWLRQ of the written policy, publication in handbooks, presentations at assemblies or verbal instructions by the coach or sponsor at the start of the season or program. 'H¿QLWLRQV Hazing ±)RUSXUSRVHVRIWKLVSROLF\KD]LQJLVGH¿QHGDVDQ\DFWLYLW\RQRURII school grounds, that a reasonable person believes would negatively impact the mental or physical health or safety of a student or put the student in a ridiculous, humiliating, stressful or disconcerting position for the purposes of initiation, DI¿OLDWLRQDGPLVVLRQPHPEHUVKLSRUPDLQWHQDQFHRIPHPEHUVKLSLQDQ\JURXS class, organization, club or athletic team including, but not limited to, a grade level, student organization or school-sponsored activity. Hazing may include those actions that subject a student to extreme mental stress LQFOXGLQJ EXW QRW OLPLWHG WR VOHHS GHSULYDWLRQ SK\VLFDO FRQ¿QHPHQW IRUFHG conduct that could result in extreme embarrassment or criminal activity, or other stress-inducing activities. Hazing may also include, but is not limited to: acts of physical brutality;; whipping;; beating;; branding;; exposing to the elements;; forcing consumption of any food, liquor, drug or other substance;; forcing inhalation or ingestion of tobacco products;; or any other forced physical activity that could adversely affect the physical health or safety of an individual. Hazing may occur even when all students involved are willing participants. Hazing does not occur when a student is required to audition or try out for an organization when the criteria are reasonable, approved by the district and legitimately related to the purpose of the organization. Bullying ±± %XOO\LQJ LV GH¿QHG DV LQWLPLGDWLRQ RU KDUDVVPHQW RI D VWXGHQW RU multiple students perpetuated by individuals or groups. Bullying includes, but is not limited to: physical actions, including violence, gestures, theft, or damaging property;; oral or written taunts, including name-calling, put-downs, extortion, or threats;; or threats of retaliation for reporting such acts. Bullying may also include cyberbullying or cyberthreats. Cyberbullying is sending or posting harmful or Pattonville High School • 30 • 2014-2015 cruel text or images using the Internet or other digital communication devices. Cyberthreats are online materials that threaten or raise concerns about violence against others, suicide or self-harm. FIRST OFFENSE Up to 10 days of out-of- school suspension (if related to extra- curricular activity;; student may be suspended or removed from team/group) SECOND OFFENSE AND ALL OTHERS 10 day out-of-school suspension with possible referral to the Superintendent for a hearing to determine additional days of suspension up to180 days 7. INSUBORDINATION/ DEFIANCE OF AUTHORITY The failure to comply with reasonable requests from a staff member, refusing to LGHQWLI\RQH¶VVHOIZKHQUHTXHVWHGWRGRVRRUJLYLQJIDOVHLGHQWL¿FDWLRQFDQQRWEH tolerated. FIRST OFFENSE From 3 days of in school suspension up to 10 days of out-of-school suspension SECOND OFFENSE AND ALL OTHERS 10 day suspension with possible referral to Superintendent for a hearing to determine additional days of suspension up to 180 days 8. INTIMIDATION/ THREATENING BEHAVIOR/ HARASSMENT The intentional threatening, intimidating, or harassing of another person by word, act, or deed. Every student has a right to attend school and work in an environment free of racial harassment, offensive use of racial/ethnic jokes, or racial slurs. Verbal, written and/or indirect harassment of a racial/ethnic nature is prohibited. Every student and staff member has the right to attend school and work in an environment free of sexual harassment, offensive use of sex oriented jokes, or epithets. Such conduct is improper, contrary to school district policy, and unlawful and, therefore, prohibited for all students and employees of the school district. 6H[XDO KDUDVVPHQW VKDOO EH GH¿QHG DV XQZHOFRPH VH[XDO DGYDQFHV UHTXHVW IRU sexual favors, and other verbal, physical, or other conduct of a sexual nature when such conduct has the purpose or effect of interfering with an individual’s work/school performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive school environment. Such harassment may include but is not limited to the following: Unwanted sexual behavior, such as touching, verbal comments, sexual name Pattonville High School • 31 • 2014-2015 calling, spreading sexual rumors, jokes, pictures, leers, overly personal conversation, “mooning”, cornering or blocking a person’s movement and pulling at clothes— “pantsing.” Harassment relative to sexual orientation is also prohibited and covered by this policy. Individuals who experience sexual harassment from students or staff members should make clear that such behavior is unwelcome and offensive to them and should report such conduct to an administrator or any staff member. Administrators will fully investigate the concern and will conduct the investigation ZLWKIXOOUHFRJQLWLRQRIWKHULJKWVRIDOOSDUWLHVLQYROYHGDQGZLOOPDLQWDLQFRQ¿GHQWLDOLW\ of the report and details of such an investigation to the fullest extent possible. There will be no retaliation against or adverse treatment of any student who uses this procedure to resolve a concern. FIRST OFFENSE AND ALL OTHERS Parent conference and detention or out-of-school suspension up to 180 days depending upon the severity of the situation 9. PHYSICAL AGGRESSION An intentional, willful, physical act attempting to do bodily harm to another. FIRST OFFENSE Up to 5 days OSS 10. PIRACY SECOND OFFENSE AND ALL OTHERS Up to 10 days OSS with a possible recommendation to the Superintendent for a hearing to consider up to 180 days of out of school suspension. Copyright laws and intellectual property rights must be respected and protected. 3LUDF\ LV GH¿QHG DV WKH XQDXWKRUL]HG GXSOLFDWLRQ GRZQORDGLQJ VKDULQJ RU distribution of copyrighted or trademarked media or other intellectual property. This includes, but is not limited to the following: • Installing software in violation of copyright laws 'RZQORDGLQJGLVWULEXWLQJRUVKDULQJ¿OHVJDPHVSURJUDPVDSSOLFDWLRQV music or other electronic media in violation of copyright laws • Posting email or other correspondence asking for copyright infringement Consequences may include sanctions as outlined in the Digital Citizenship Guidelines and additional consequences depending on the severity of the behavior. Major or repeat violations will be dealt with as Level III offenses. 11. RECEIPT OR DISTRIBUTION OF MERCHANDISE Students may not distribute or receive illegal copies of copyrighted items such as CDs, DVDs, on school property. Students are not allowed to sell any items for SHUVRQDOSUR¿WRQVFKRROSURSHUW\6DOHRIOHJLWLPDWHIXQGUDLVLQJLWHPVWRVXSSRUW QRQSUR¿WJURXSVPXVWQRWLQWHUIHUHZLWKWKHOHDUQLQJHQYLURQPHQWRUFRPSHWHZLWK school fundraisers. Pattonville High School • 32 • 2014-2015 12. RECKLESS BEHAVIOR Physical contact due to horseplay that leads to injury of another person. FIRST OFFENSE Up to 10 days out-of- school suspension. 3ROLFHPD\EHQRWL¿HG SECOND OFFENSE AND ALL OTHERS 10 days out-of-school-suspension with a possible recommendation WRWKH6XSHULQWHQGHQWIRUDKHDULQJ 13. REMOVAL FROM ISS Students removed from ISS due to inappropriate behavior, truancy, or some other violation, will minimally serve the remainder of their ISS as OSS and no make up credit will be allowed. Additional days of suspension may be assigned at the discretion of the assistant principal. 14. SCUFFLING/HORSEPLAY Minor physical contact such as shoving, pushing, or jostling which could lead to a ¿JKW,QFLGHQWVWKDWUHTXLUHVLJQL¿FDQWVWDIILQWHUYHQWLRQDUHH[WUHPHO\GLVUXSWLYH and/or in which students do not immediately comply with staff directives, will be considered Disruption to the School Environment (out-of-school suspension). FIRST OFFENSE AND ALL OTHERS In-school-suspension up to ten days 15. SMOKING TOBACCO/ CHEWING TOBACCO/SMOKING DEVICES/ ELECTRONIC CIGARETTES Tobacco use at any time or place on school grounds is prohibited. This includes the use of any type of smoking device, including electronic cigarettes. Tobacco use is recognized as a health hazard to the user, and secondhand smoke is recognized as a health hazard to others. Students are not allowed to use tobacco or smoking GHYLFHVRQ¿HOGWULSVRUDWVFKRRODFWLYLWLHV6WXGHQWVDUHQRWDOORZHGWRVPRNHLQ a vehicle while it is on school grounds. Holding a cigarette in your hand on school grounds is a violation of this policy. For all offenses, within 10 days, the student will be required to participate in an intake assessment conducted at an approved resource agency. This agency will provide the school with a written report. Failure to comply with the tobacco/smoking device/electronic cigarette regulation will result in the following: FIRST OFFENSE 3 days in-school- suspension SECOND OFFENSE 5 days in-school suspension Pattonville High School • 33 • THIRD OFFENSE AND ALL OTHERS Up to 10 days out- of-school suspension 2014-2015 16. STEALING The unlawful taking or disposition of property of another with intent to deprive the person of the property. Receiving stolen property, possessing stolen property, and breaking into lockers are all included in this offense. FIRST OFFENSE SECOND OFFENSE AND ALL OTHERS Parents contacted, Parents contacted, restitution or return restitution or return of the item(s) and a 10-day suspension of the item(s), with referral to the Superintendent for a minimum 3 days hearing to determine additional days of out-of-school suspension up to 180 days or suspension recommendation to the Board of Education for EXPULSION 17. TAMPERING WITH SECURITY/ EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT The intentional tampering or interference with security or emergency equipment VHFXULW\FDPHUDV¿UHH[WLQJXLVKHUVH\HZDVKFKHPLFDOVKRZHUVHWF FIRST OFFENSE AND ALL OTHERS: Up to 10 days out-of-school suspension with possible referral to Superintendent for a hearing to determine additional days of suspension up to 180 days 18. VANDALISM The willful or malicious destruction or defacement of any property, whether school property or individual private property. Vandalism includes, but is not limited to EUHDNLQJZLQGRZVZULWLQJRQZDOOVGHVWUR\LQJUHVWURRP¿[WXUHVRUWKHXVHRISDLQW or like materials to deface any portion of the interior or exterior of school property, including the furnishings and equipment housed within or upon the school property. 7KLVLQFOXGHVYDQGDOLVPRQSDUNLQJORWVDQGYDQGDOLVPZKLOHRQ¿HOGWULSV FIRST OFFENSE Parent conference, restitution for damages, and detention or suspension or possible EXPULSION, depending upon the GHJUHHRIYDQGDOLVP Police may be called DQGDUHSRUWPD\EH¿OHG SECOND OFFENSE AND ALL OTHERS Up to 10 day out-of-school suspension with possible referral to the Superintendent for a hearing to determine additional days of suspension up to 180 days or recommendation to the Board of Education for EXPULSION, plus restitution of damages. 3ROLFHZLOOEHFDOOHGDQGDUHSRUW¿OHG Pattonville High School • 34 • 2014-2015 LEVEL III OFFENSES PROFESSIONAL ASSESSMENT: To assist in determining appropriate consequences, the district may require an assessment by a mental health professional, at district expense, to assess the level of risk posed by a particular student. Level III offenses are cumulative over the student’s time at Pattonville High School. 1. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES, DRUGS, NARCOTICS AND DRUG PARAPHERNALIA (Reference: District policy JFCH, JFCI-R) Pattonville High School has several programs in place to educate students on the harmful effects of alcoholic beverages, drugs, and narcotics. A “CARE Team” of trained professionals works with students in trying to prevent problems in this area. Several groups are available through the Guidance Department to assist students having trouble with substance abuse. It is a very serious infraction to bring, buy, SRVVHVVXVHWUDQVPLWRUEHXQGHUWKHLQÀXHQFHRIDQ\GUXJVQDUFRWLFVRUDOFRKROLF beverages at school or at a school activity. This also applies to counterfeit or “look alike” substances transmitted as drugs and all drug paraphernalia. It should be noted that Missouri statute makes it a felony offense to sell or distribute drugs within 1,000 feet of a school campus. A. POSSESSION OF ALCOHOL, DRUGS, AND RELATED PARAPHERNALIA FIRST OFFENSE: 10 day out of school suspension with referral to the Superintendent for additional days of suspension up to 180 days and loss of parking privileges for one calendar year. Police may be FDOOHGDQGDUHSRUW¿OHG SECOND OFFENSE: (anytime during a student’s enrollment) 10 day out of school suspension with a referral to the Superintendent for additional days of suspension up to 180 days, and a recommendation to the Superintendent for EXPULSION. Police ZLOOEHQRWL¿HG Prior to the student’s district level hearing, the student will be required to participate in an intake assessment conducted at an approved resource agency. This agency will provide the school with a written report. B. SELLING OR DISTRIBUTING OR THE INTENT TO SELL OR DISTRIBUTE ALCOHOL, DRUGS, AND RELATED PARAPHERNALIA FIRST OFFENSE AND ALL OTHERS (any time during a student’s enrollment at the high school): 10 day out of school suspension, referral to the Superintendent for additional days of suspension up to 180 days, and loss of parking privileges for one FDOHQGDU \HDU 3ROLFH ZLOO EH QRWL¿HG 0LVVRXUL VWDWXWH PDNHV LW D IHORQ\ offense to sell or distribute drugs within 1,000 feet of a school campus. Pattonville High School • 35 • 2014-2015 C. UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF ALCOHOL/DRUGS AND/OR POSSESSION OF UNUSED DRUG RELATED PARAPHERNALIA FIRST OFFENSE: 10 days out of school suspension with a recommendation to Superintendent for an additional 20 days of suspension. The suspension may be limited to 10 days (referral to the Supt. will be ZLWKGUDZQLIWKHVWXGHQWKDVDQ intake assessment conducted at an approved resource agency and provides the school with a written report from that agency. Police ZLOOEHQRWL¿HG SECOND OFFENSE: (anytime during a student’s enrollment) 10 days out of school suspension with a referral to the Superintendent for additional days of suspension up to 180 days or recommendation to the Board of Education for EXPULSION. Police will EHQRWL¿HG For suspected marijuana or cocaine use, the suspension will be withdrawn and the offense will be removed from the student’s record if the student submits to a hair follicle test with a drug testing laboratory approved by the District and the test results are negative. 2. ASSAULT OF STAFF MEMBER An intentional, willful threat or attempt to do bodily harm to a staff member;; blatant degrading verbal abuse of a staff member;; the unwanted intentional touching or application of force to the person of a staff member. • For purposes of this behavior guide, the incidental physical contact by a student toward a staff member as a result of a student’s refusal to comply ZLWKVWDIILQWHUYHQWLRQGXULQJD¿JKWEHWZHHQVWXGHQWVLVDOVRFRQVLGHUHG assault and may be subject to the consequences listed below. FIRST OFFENSE AND ALL OTHERS (any time during a student’s enrollment at the high school): 10 day out of school suspension with a referral to the Superintendent for a hearing to determine additional days of suspension up to 180 days and recommendation to the Board of Education for EXPULSION. Police will be FDOOHGDQGDUHSRUW¿OHGStudents engaged in violent or threatening behavior will be required to participate in follow-up activities, such as Aggression Replacement Therapy, or some other approved counseling intervention. 3. ASSAULT Intentional, unprovoked, willful threat or attempt to do bodily harm, unwanted intentional touching or application of force, or attacking of an individual cannot be tolerated. Pattonville High School • 36 • 2014-2015 FIRST OFFENSE AND ALL OTHERS (any time during a student’s enrollment at the high school): 10 day out-of-school suspension with a referral to the Superintendent for a hearing to determine additional days of suspension up to 180 days or recommendation to the Board of Education for EXPULSION. Police/ 652ZLOOEHFDOOHGDQGDUHSRUW¿OHGStudents engaged in violent or threatening behavior may be required to participate in follow-up activities, such as Aggression Replacement Therapy, or some other approved counseling intervention. 4. COMPUTER/ INTERNET MISUSE (PLEASE REFER TO BOARD POLICY EHD FOR COMPLETE POLICY) Violations may include, but are not limited to • damage computer equipment, peripheral devices, or the system network in any way FKDQJHQHWZRUNVHWWLQJVWRFLUFXPYHQWVHFXULW\¿OWHULQJHWF FKDQJHWKHVHWWLQJVRUFRQ¿JXUDWLRQRIDQ\FRPSXWHURUQHWZRUNHTXLSPHQW • gain unauthorized access to any network device such as servers, individual computers, etc. KLQGHUQHWZRUNSHUIRUPDQFHE\GRZQORDGLQJODUJH¿OHV • share my password with others • reveal personal addresses, phone numbers or other personal data via the internet • use the account of another student DFFHVVDQRWKHUVWXGHQW¶VZRUNIROGHUVRU¿OHV • violate copyright laws or plagiarize online documents • install software in violation of copyright laws GRZQORDG GLVWULEXWH RU VKDUH ¿OHV JDPHV SURJUDPV PXVLF YLGHRV RU other electronic media in violation of copyright laws • use a computer or the Internet to cyber-bully, i.e. hurt, harass, attack or harm other people or their work • use the Internet for any illegal or threatening activity or to download instructions on how to perform such acts (i.e. pornography, drug dealing, purchase of alcohol, weapons, explosives, gang activities, hacking, etc.) • view, send, display or download obscene, profane, lewd, vulgar, rude, GLVUHVSHFWIXOWKUHDWHQLQJRULQÀDPPDWRU\ODQJXDJHPHVVDJHVJUDSKLFV or pictures • use profane, abusive, or impolite language • use profane, abusive, or impolite emoticons XVHVFKRROLQWHUQHWDFFHVVIRUSHUVRQDOSUR¿WLQDQ\ZD\ • create personal or unauthorized web pages on district computers • use school Internet access to engage in non-instructional chat rooms or instant messenger activities XVH WKH VFKRRO QHWZRUN WR GLVWULEXWH RU UHFHLYH FRQ¿GHQWLDO LQIRUPDWLRQ such as test questions/answers • use the school’s network to post defamatory comments to online communities Pattonville High School • 37 • 2014-2015 FIRST OFFENSE AND ALL OTHERS: Up to 10 days out-of-school suspension with possible referral to the Superintendent for additional days of suspension up to 180 days or recommendation to the Board of Education for EXPULSION. Loss of FRPSXWHU,QWHUQHWSULYLOHJHVIRUUHPDLQGHURIVFKRROFDUHHU3ROLFHPD\EHQRWL¿HG 5. EXTORTION The solicitation of money, or anything of value, from another student, regardless RIWKHDPRXQWLQUHWXUQIRUSURWHFWLRQRULQFRQQHFWLRQZLWKDWKUHDWWRLQÀLFWKDUP FIRST OFFENSE AND ALL OTHERS (any time during a student’s enrollment at the high school): 10 day out-of-school suspension with referral to the Superintendent for additional days of suspension up to 180 days or recommendation to the Board of Education for EXPULSION 6. FIGHTING Mutual combat in which both parties have contributed to the situation by verbal or physical action. FIRST OFFENSE SECOND OFFENSE AND ALL OTHERS 10 day out-of-school (anytime during a student’s enrollment at the suspension with possible high school) 10 day out-of-school suspension referral to the with referral to the Superintendent for a hearing Superintendent for a to determine additional days of suspension up KHDULQJWRGHWHUPLQH WRGD\V3ROLFHZLOOEHQRWL¿HG additional days of Students engaged in violent or threatening suspension up to 180 behavior may be required to participate days. At the discretion in follow-up activities, such as Aggression of the building principal, Replacement Therapy, or some other or designee, a student approved counseling intervention. may be subject to arrest and/or legal prosecution based on the nature or VHYHULW\RIWKH¿JKW Students engaged in violent or threatening behavior may be required to participate in follow-up activities, such as Aggression Replacement Therapy, or some other approved counseling intervention. Pattonville High School • 38 • 2014-2015 7. FALSE FIRE/DISASTER ALARMS Setting false emergency alarms and/or alarms made verbally, physically, in writing, or by any other method including 911 telephone calls. FIRST OFFENSE AND ALL OTHERS (any time during a student’s enrollment at the high school): Up to 10 days out-of-school suspension with possible referral to the Superintendent for additional days of suspension up to 180 days or recommendation to the Board of Education for EXPULSION. Police will be QRWL¿HGDQGDUHSRUW¿OHG)LUHGHSDUWPHQWVZLOOEHQRWL¿HGZKHQDSSURSULDWH 8. FIRE SETTING 7KHLQWHQWLRQDORUXQLQWHQWLRQDOVHWWLQJRI¿UH FIRST OFFENSE AND ALL OTHERS (any time during a student’s enrollment at the high school): Up to 10 days out-of-school suspension with possible referral to the Superintendent for additional days of suspension up to 180 days or recommendation to the Board of Education for EXPULSION. 3ROLFHZLOOEHQRWL¿HGDQGDUHSRUW¿OHG)LUHGHSDUWPHQWVZLOOEHQRWL¿HGZKHQ appropriate. 9. FIREWORKS/ EXPLOSIVES – POSSESSION FIRST OFFENSE 5-10 days of out of school suspension and possible referral to the Superintendent for a hearing to determine additional days of suspension up to 180 days or recommendation to the Board of Education for EXPULSION. SECOND OFFENSE AND ALL OTHERS (any time during a student’s enrollment at the high school): 10 day out-of-school suspension and referral to the Superintendent for a hearing to determine additional days of suspension up to 180 days or recommendation to the Board of Education for EXPULSION. $SROLFHUHSRUWPD\EH¿OHG 10. FIREWORKS OR EXPLOSIVES-USE FIRST OFFENSE AND ALL OTHERS (any time during a student’s enrollment at the high school): 10 day out-of-school suspension with possible referral to the Superintendent for additional days of suspension up to 180 days or recommendation to the %RDUGRI(GXFDWLRQIRU(;38/6,21$SROLFHUHSRUWZLOOEH¿OHGLIWKHLQFLGHQW involves explosives. Pattonville High School • 39 • 2014-2015 11. SEXUAL MISCONDUCT Actual or simulated conduct for the purpose of sexual stimulation, including, but not limited to indecent exposure (e.g. “mooning”) or the engagement in any heterosexual or homosexual act on school property, during school functions, or at VFKRROVSRQVRUHGDFWLYLWLHV3ROLFHZLOOEHQRWL¿HG FIRST OFFENSE AND ALL OTHERS (any time during a student’s enrollment at the high school): 10 day out-of-school suspension with possible referral to the Superintendent for a hearing to determine additional days of suspension up to 180 days or recommendation to the Board of Education for EXPULSION. 12. THREATS TO BRING WEAPONS OR HARM TO INDIVIDUALS OR SCHOOL PROPERTY - Such threats will be taken seriously and cannot be tolerated. FIRST OFFENSE AND ALL OTHERS (any time during a student’s enrollment at the high school): 10 day out-of-school suspension with possible referral to Superintendent for additional days of suspension up to 180 days or recommendation to the Board RI(GXFDWLRQIRU(;38/6,213ROLFHPD\EHQRWL¿HGDQGDUHSRUW¿OHG)LUH GHSDUWPHQWVZLOOEHQRWL¿HGZKHQDSSURSULDWH 13. WEAPON(S) POSSESSION AND/OR USE A student shall not possess, handle, use, or transmit a razor, knife, ice pick, gun ¿UHDUP SHOOHWW\SH JXQ DPPXQLWLRQ LPLWDWLRQ JXQ LPLWDWLRQ ZHDSRQ PDFH WHDUJDVFRQWDLQHURURWKHUZHDSRQ$ZHDSRQLVGH¿QHGDVDQ\REMHFWXVHGRU displayed, or which could be used or displayed with the intent to harm or intimidate persons or damage property. When a legitimate item (such as a tennis racket or scissors) is used or displayed as a potential weapon against another person, the weapon policy will be enforced. Generally, students who unintentionally bring an object that could be considered a weapon may leave the item with an administrator immediately upon entering the building with no penalty incurred. FIRST OFFENSE AND ALL OTHERS (any time during a student’s enrollment at the high school): Up to 10 days out-of-school suspension and/or recommendation to the Superintendent for a hearing to determine additional days of suspension up to 180 days and recommendation to the Board of Education for EXPULSION. Police will be called in all cases when a weapon is used or attempted to be XVHG$SROLFHUHSRUWZLOOEH¿OHG Pattonville High School • 40 • 2014-2015 $ VWXGHQW SRVVHVVLQJ D ¿UHDUP LQ D VFKRRO EXLOGLQJ RQ VFKRRO SURSHUW\ RU DW D school function will be permanently expelled from the school district, or suspended for a minimum of one school year, unless the Superintendent or the Board determines, in the exercise of the Superintendent’s or Board’s discretion, that such a permanent expulsion or one-year suspension is not appropriate in the particular FDVH)RUWKHSXUSRVHVRIWKLVSDUDJUDSKD¿UHDUPVKDOOEHGH¿QHGDVDQ\ZHDSRQ which can expel a projectile by the action of an explosive (§571.010.2.RSMo.). Off Campus Behavior This Handbook governs conduct that takes place on school grounds or school property;; on school buses and bus stops and on the way to and from school;; and at school activities whenever and wherever they may take place. In addition, the school district reserves the right to impose disciplinary consequences for any student’s conduct (whenever and wherever it may occur) if such conduct is prejudicial to good order and discipline in the schools or tends to impair the morale or good conduct of the pupils. Finally, the school district reserves the right to suspend any pupil who has been charged, convicted, or pled guilty in a court of general jurisdiction (Missouri Circuit Court or a Federal District Court) for the commission of a felony violation of state or federal law. Pattonville High School • 41 • 2014-2015 STUDENT ALCOHOL/DRUG ABUSE (JFCH) The Board recognizes its share of responsibility for the health, welfare, and safety of the students who attend the Pattonville R-III School District. Therefore, the use, VDOHWUDQVIHUSRVVHVVLRQRUEHLQJXQGHUWKHLQÀXHQFHRIXQDXWKRUL]HGSUHVFULSWLRQ drugs, alcohol, narcotic substances, unauthorized inhalants, controlled substances, illegal drugs, counterfeit substances and imitation controlled substances is prohibited on any district property, in any district-owned vehicle or in any other district-approved vehicle used to transport students to and from school or district activities. This prohibition also applies to any district sponsored or district-approved DFWLYLW\HYHQWRUIXQFWLRQVXFKDVD¿HOGWULSRUDWKOHWLFHYHQWZKHUHVWXGHQWVDUH under the supervision of the school district. The use, sale, transfer or possession of drug-related paraphernalia is also prohibited. For the purpose of this policy a controlled substance shall include any controlled VXEVWDQFHVFRXQWHUIHLWVXEVWDQFHRULPLWDWLRQFRQWUROOHGVXEVWDQFHDVGH¿QHGLQ the Narcotic Drug Act, Section 195.010, RSMo., and in schedules I, II, III, IV and V in section 202(c) of the Controlled Substances Act, 21 U.S.C. § 812(c). Students may only be in possession of medication as detailed in Board policy JHCD. Searches of persons reasonably suspected to be in violation of this policy will be conducted in accordance with Board policy. The school administration or teachers shall have the right to conduct searches, which are reasonable in scope, of persons reasonably suspected to be in violation of this policy during or after school hours, on school property, or at any school event, whether at the school or at some alternate location. Such searches shall be conducted in accordance with Board Policy JFG. Any student who is found by the administration to be in violation of this policy shall be referred for prosecution and subject to disciplinary action up to and including suspension, expulsion or other discipline in accordance with the district’s discipline policy. Strict compliance is mandatory. The school principal shall immediately report all incidents involving a controlled substance to the appropriate local law enforcement agency and the superintendent. All controlled substances shall be turned over to local law enforcement. A copy of this policy shall be made available and/or provided to parents and students annually. Students with disabilities who violate this policy will be disciplined in accordance with policy JGE. Adopted: August 28, 1984 Revised: July 14, 1993 Revised: February 24, 1998 Revised: June 27, 2006 Revised: April 23, 2013 Pattonville High School • 42 • 2014-2015 TRANSPORTATION PROCEDURES The transportation of students is a vital part of the education program of the Pattonville School District. Since a majority of students are transported daily, it is imperative that rules be implemented to insure the safety and welfare of each student. Thus, bus rules and discipline procedures have been established in accordance with District Behavior Guides and Discipline Policies. The Pattonville School District Transportation Department will abide by all federal, state, and local laws and regulations. It is the policy of the Pattonville School District that only authorized individuals (designated students and staff) may be on the school bus. Unauthorized persons violate Board policy and are in violation of state law. Unauthorized persons will be reported to police who will LQYHVWLJDWHDQG¿OHDSSURSULDWHSROLFHUHSRUWV REGULATIONS FOR STUDENT CONDUCT AND SAFETY IN RIDING THE BUS STUDENTS SHALL ABIDE BY THE FOLLOWING: 1. Recognize and obey all school rules while riding the bus (the Behavior Guide/Discipline Policy applies to all behaviors on the bus). 2. Board bus promptly and carefully. 3. Respect the driver and other students at all times. 4. Remain seated for the entire bus ride. 5. Use windows for viewing and never place body parts or objects out of window. 6. Use polite, quiet voices when talking on the bus. 7. Report problems to the driver. 8. Students must have a valid school related purpose to remain at school following class hours. RIDING A DIFFERENT BUS 1. Students must have a note from their parent/guardian if they are to ride a different bus or get off at a different stop (including activities buses). Such requests must be approved by a building administrator by 9:00 a.m. of the GD\ WKH VWXGHQW LV WR ULGH WKH EXV 7KH 9,&& RI¿FH PXVW DOVR DSSURYH WKLV request if the student is a participant in the VICC program. Drivers have been instructed to only admit bus riders on their scheduled list, unless they have an DSSURYDOIURPWKH9,&&RI¿FH 2. If a student wants to ride the bus home with another student, both students’ parents must write a note giving their permission. This request must also EH DSSURYHG E\ D EXLOGLQJ DGPLQLVWUDWRU DQG WKH 9,&& RI¿FH LI WKH VWXGHQW participates in the VICC program). These requests should be few and far between. Pattonville High School • 43 • 2014-2015 PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES AND DUE PROCESS Parental involvement is critical in correcting inappropriate student behavior and therefore is solicited. 1. If a teacher or a principal assigns a student to an after school detention, the parents should be informed by telephone, letter, or note prior to the date the student is expected to remain after school. Only in an emergency VLWXDWLRQZLOODSULQFLSDOGHWDLQDVWXGHQWZLWKRXWSDUHQWDOQRWL¿FDWLRQ 2. A student shall be given oral or written notice of any charges against him/ her. 3. If a student denies the charges, he/she shall be given an oral or written explanation of the facts that led to the proposed disciplinary action (detention, suspension, or recommendation to the superintendent for review). 4. The student shall be given the opportunity to present his/her version of the incident. 5. When a student is suspended, an administrator will contact the parent E\ WHOHSKRQH IROORZHG E\ ZULWWHQ FRQ¿UPDWLRQ ,I D SDUHQW FDQQRW EH UHDFKHGZULWWHQQRWL¿FDWLRQLVVHQWKRPHZLWKWKHVWXGHQW7KHSULQFLSDO will continue efforts to contact a parent to discuss the suspension. (Refer to grievance procedure on page 4). 6. The Superintendent will schedule a hearing for all recommendations for consideration of additional suspension days up to 180 school days or for recommendations to consider expulsion. The purpose of this due process hearing is to verify the facts and provide the student and parents/ guardians with an opportunity to present additional data or extenuating circumstances. The Superintendent or his designee will determine if additional days of suspension are warranted and under what conditions a student may return to school. 7. In the event of an appeal of a suspension for more than ten days, the suspension shall be stayed until the Board of Education renders its decision. If in the judgment of the superintendent, the student’s presence poses a continuing danger to persons or property or an ongoing threat of disrupting the academic process, the student may be immediately removed and the hearing shall follow as soon as is practical. 8. Additional due process measures shall be taken as required by law with respect to students with disabilities. 9. Parents/guardians shall be required to participate in a conference with teachers and/or administrator or administrator’s designee prior to a student’s return to school following a suspension for greater than ten (10) days or at the principal’s discretion after suspensions for 10 days or less. 6WXGHQWGLVFLSOLQHUHFRUGVDUHDSDUWRIDVWXGHQW¶V¿OHVDQGZLOOEHVKDUHG with the receiving school when a student transfers within the guidelines of the 1996 Missouri Safe Schools Act (HB 1301-1298). Pattonville High School • 44 • 2014-2015 11. A student who has been suspended or expelled from one district may have that suspension and/or expulsion upheld by another district upon transferring. $VWXGHQWPD\EHUHPRYHGIURPVFKRROLPPHGLDWHO\XSRQD¿QGLQJE\WKH principal, superintendent, or school board that the student poses a threat of harm to such student or others. DEFINITIONS DETENTION:7KHVWXGHQWZLOODWWHQGVHVVLRQVIRUDVSHFL¿FDPRXQWRIWLPHRQWKH assigned detention date/s. Students who are assigned a detention/s will receive detention guidelines from an administrator or staff member. IN-SCHOOL-SUSPENSION: The student is deprived the privilege of attending regular classes, participating in or attending any extracurricular activities or school sponsored functions whether on campus or at another facility for the determined number of days but is expected to attend school, report to the in-school-suspension room, complete assignments, and behave appropriately. Students assigned ISS will receive ISS guidelines from an administrator. Students are excluded from DQ\ VFKRRO DFWLYLWLHV XQWLO WKH ¿UVW FDOHQGDU GD\ DIWHU WKH DVVLJQHG ,66 WLPH LV successfully completed. OUT-OF-SCHOOL SUSPENSION: The student is deprived of all the privileges of attending school, participating in classes, participating in or attending any extracurricular activities or school sponsored functions whether on campus or at another facility for the length of the suspension. An out of school suspension may be for a number of days up to and including 180 school days (JGD). In case of inclement weather or emergency school closings, the days assigned for a student’s out-of-school suspension will be extended based on the number of days missed due to weather or emergency closure. Students are excluded from DQ\ VFKRRO DFWLYLWLHV XQWLO WKH ¿UVW FDOHQGDU GD\ DIWHU WKH DVVLJQHG 266 WLPH LV successfully completed. SUSPENSION: The general term “suspension” refers to out-of-school suspension. The number of days assigned refers to school days. Students who have been suspended may not be on any school district property or attend any Pattonville function whether on campus or off campus during the period of the suspensions unless authorized to do so by the Superintendent or Principal. EXPULSION: The permanent removal of a student from the Pattonville School District by action of the Board of Education. Only the Board of Education can expel a student from school. CORPORAL PUNISHMENT: The use of corporal punishment in any form is strictly prohibited in the Pattonville School District (JGA). STUDENT SEARCHES:6FKRRORI¿FLDOVKDYHWKHDXWKRULW\WRVHDUFKVWXGHQWV and students’ property (including purses, backpacks, gym bags, etc.), SURYLGHG WKDW WKH VHDUFK LV MXVWL¿HG DW LWV LQFHSWLRQ DQG UHDVRQDEOH XQGHU DOO WKH FLUFXPVWDQFHV 6FKRRO RI¿FLDOV ZLOO H[HUFLVH GLVFUHWLRQ WR SHUIRUP searches, as they deem necessary to maintain the safety and welfare of students and staff, to prevent violations of discipline policies, or to prevent LQWHUIHUHQFHZLWKWKHHGXFDWLRQDOSURFHVV6FKRRORI¿FLDOVZLOO127FRQGXFW strip searches under any circumstances. Lockers and desks assigned to Pattonville High School • 45 • 2014-2015 student remain the property of the Pattonville School District and may be VHDUFKHG E\ VFKRRO RI¿FLDOV ZLWK RU ZLWKRXW QRWLFH 9HKLFOHV GULYHQ E\ VWXGHQWVWRVFKRRODUHOLNHZLVHVXEMHFWWRVHDUFKE\VFKRRORI¿FLDOV6FKRRO RI¿FLDOVZLOODOVRFDOOLQODZHQIRUFHPHQWRI¿FLDOVLQFOXGLQJ6FKRRO5HVRXUFH 2I¿FHUVZKHQWKH\GHHPLWQHFHVVDU\RUDSSURSULDWHRURWKHUZLVHUHTXLUHG E\ ODZ 7KRVH ODZ HQIRUFHPHQW RI¿FLDOV PD\ DOVR FRQGXFW VHDUFKHV DQG take other appropriate action pursuant to their authority as law enforcement RI¿FLDOV POLICE INVOLVEMENT IN THE SCHOOLS School administrators will report to the appropriate law enforcement agency certain felonies, as required by law, or any act, which if committed by an adult would be considered to be certain felonies. Law enforcement agencies are also required to report to the Superintendent of Schools the name of any student enrolled in the GLVWULFWIRUZKLFKDSHWLWLRQKDVEHHQ¿OHGDOOHJLQJWKHVWXGHQWFRPPLWWHGFHUWDLQ felonies. Appropriate law enforcement personnel may be involved in certain investigations of violations of this Behavior Guide. School personnel may initiate the investigations. Police may be involved in the investigations to support the efforts of school administrators. Depending on the nature and severity of the situation, an investigation initiated by school administrators may be completed by law enforcement personnel. If law enforcement personnel are called and conduct the investigation, the school administrator will notify parents, if possible, unless the VFKRRODGPLQLVWUDWRULVUHTXHVWHGWRZLWKKROGVXFKQRWL¿FDWLRQE\WKHSROLFH USE OF POLICE CANINE UNITS TO CONDUCT RANDOM SEARCHES FOR ILLEGAL SUBSTANCES In an effort to deter the possession of illegal drugs in the high school and middle schools, the administration may solicit the use of police canine units to conduct periodic random searches on school grounds. Such searches may include, but are not limited to, the following: • • • • Lockers/hallways after school hours Lockers/hallways during school hours (students remain in classrooms) Student possessions such as book bags, jackets, purses, etc., placed in hallway by students as directed by school staff (students remain in classrooms). Hallways will be chosen at random. Automobiles parked on campus At no time will canine units be utilized to randomly search individual students during the searches described above. 6WXGHQWV ZLOO EH KHOG UHVSRQVLEOH IRU DQ\ LOOHJDO VXEVWDQFHV LGHQWL¿HG LQ WKH student’s locker or found in a student’s possessions (book bags, jackets, purses, etc.). A thorough investigation by school authorities will be conducted, and the student offered all appropriate due process before disciplinary consequences are assigned. This policy applies only to random searches conducted at the request of school RI¿FLDOV 7KLV SROLF\ GRHV QRW DSSO\ WR SROLFH RI¿FHUV DFWLQJ XQGHU WKHLU RZQ authority. Pattonville High School • 46 • 2014-2015 special events/notes: Pattonville High School • 47 • 2014-2015 2014-2015 Home of the Pirates STUDENT HANDBOOK Pattonville High School • 48 • 2014-2015 Pattonville High School Spectator Code of Conduct All Spectators Attending athletic events or other activities involving Pattonville High School students is a privilege. To ensure that such events are enjoyable for all and consistent with the principles of good sportsmanship, the following expectations must be observed: • Respect students/athletes, coaches, and fans (including the opposition) • Applaud the efforts of students and staff participating in event • Refrain from booing, heckling, and/or using profanity in any manner • 5HVSHFWWKHGHFLVLRQVPDGHE\FRQWHVWRI¿FLDOV Parents of Athletes/Participants • If you have a concern, take time to talk with the coaches/sponsors in an appropriate manner at an appropriate time and place (in a private setting - not immediately before, during, or after a contest) • Be a positive role model through your own actions to make sure your child has the best experience possible • Refrain from instructing your child during contests, because it may FRQÀLFWZLWKWKHFRDFK¶VVSRQVRU¶VLQVWUXFWLRQVRUVWUDWHJLHV • Reinforce team and school rules 6FKRRORI¿FLDOVUHVHUYHWKHULJKWWRUHPRYHVSHFWDWRUVQRWREVHUYLQJ WKHVH H[SHFWDWLRQV 6LJQL¿FDQW RU UHSHDWHG YLRODWLRQV PD\ UHVXOW LQ prohibition from future contests/events. Spectator Transportation to Extra-Curricular Activities The Pattonville school district is not liable for the transportation of spectators (students or otherwise) to activities or events involving district students. Student spectators are not considered participants in school activities. Pattonville High School • 50 • 2014-2015 Key Staff Members (Who to Contact...) Principal ..............................................................................Dr. Joe Dobrinic Associate Principal (Seniors)......................................... Mr. Bob Thompson Assistant Principal (A-G) ................................................ Mrs. Odetta Smith Assistant Principal (H-M) ...........................................Mrs. Cara Hiripitiyage Assistant Principal (N-Z) ............................................ Mr. Gene Grimshaw Assistant Principal (Positive) .......................................... Mr. Jon Fitzgerald Area Coordinator (Special School District) ............ Mrs. Jessica Winterowd Activities Coordinator....................................................Mr. Robert Hebrank A+ Program .....................................................................Mrs. Becky Krohn Checking Out of School ...................................................$WWHQGDQFH2I¿FH Counselors .........................................................................*XLGDQFH2I¿FH A-Da ...................................................................... Mrs. Jennifer Eagan De-Hy ......................................................................Mrs. Brooke Michel I-My ...................................................................... Ms. Anetra Chapman N-Sc ........................................................................... Mrs. Trudy Steins Se-Z ...............................................................................Mrs. Sue Caimi Senior Counselor .................................................. Mrs. Stacey Thomas Counselor/College-Career .............................Ms. Julie Kampschroeder Counselor/Positive School.................................................Ms. Alysia Harris Pirate Connections, A+ and Community Service ............. Mrs. Becky Krohn Fines .................................................................................Mrs. Joan Mason Nurses .................................................................. Mrs. Valerie Guetschow Mrs. Heidi Lanham Job Information ...................................................................*XLGDQFH2I¿FH Lockers ........................................................................ Mr. Gene Grimshaw Lost & Found ..............................................5HFHSWLRQLVW$WWHQGDQFH2I¿FH Reduced Lunch Applications .....................................Mrs. Cara Hiripitiyage Reduced Lunch Tickets .......................Mrs. Gail Robertson, Café Manager Media Service ........................................................ Mr. Scott Robinson-A.V. Parking ...................................................................... Mr. Gene Grimshaw Personal Problems .............................................................*XLGDQFH2I¿FH School Newspaper ..........................................................Mr. Brian Heyman School Yearbook..............................................................Mr. Brian Heyman Signing Into School Late.........................................Front Desk/Front Lobby Student Council .................................................................. Heather Lopez Textbooks ........................................................................Mr. Jon Fitzgerald Transportation (Resident or Transfer Student) ............... Mrs. Odetta Smith Pattonville High School • 51 • 2014-2015 2014-2015 BELL SCHEDULE “A” Day Period Time 1 ............................................................ 7:23 - 8:12 2 ............................................................. 8:18 - 9:07 3 ............................................................. 9:13 - 10:05 4 ............................................................ 10:11 - 11:00 5 ............................................................ 11:06 - 12:23 6 ........................................................... 12:29 - 1:18 7 ............................................................. 1:24 - 2:13 Lunch Sessions First Lunch: 11:00 - 11:30;; Fifth hour class begins at 11:06. Art, Business, FACS, Music, Technology, Science. Second Lunch: 11:31 - 11:59;; Social Studies, Communication Arts. Third Lunch: 11:59 - 12:29;; Math, Modern Language, Physical Education, Health & Positive School. “B” Day Period Time 1 ............................................................. 7:23 - 8:53 3 .............................................................. 8:59 - 10:30 5 ........................................................... 10:36 - 12:37 7 ........................................................... 12:43 - 2:13 Lunch Sessions First Lunch: 10:30 - 11:00;; Fifth hour class begins 10:36. Art, Business, FACS, Music, Technology, Science. Second Lunch: 11:08 - 11:38;; Social Studies, Communication Arts. Third Lunch: 12:07 - 12:37;; Math, Modern Language, Physical Education, Health & Positive School. “C” Day Period Time 2 ................................................................... 7:23- 8:51 Homeroom ................................................... 8:57- 9:33 4 ................................................................... 9:39- 11:07 6 ................................................................. 11:13-1:14 Lunch Sessions First Lunch: 11:07 - 11:37;; Sixth hour class begins at 11:13. Art, Business, FACS, Music, Technology, Science. Second Lunch: 11:43 - 12:13;; Social Studies, Communication Arts & Positive School. Third Lunch: 12:44- 1:14;; Math, Modern Language, Physical Education, Health. Pattonville High School • 52 • 2014-2015 *SNOW SCHEDULE IF SNOW DAY ON MONDAY AND RETURN ON TUESDAY - TUESDAY WILL BE AN “A” DAY IF SNOW DAY ON TUESDAY AND RETURN WEDNESDAY - WEDNESDAY WILL BE A “B” DAY UNLESS IT IS A SHORT WEEK AND ALL “A” DAYS WERE PRE-SCHEDULED. IF SNOW DAY IS ON WEDNESDAY AND RETURN THURSDAY - THURSDAY WILL BE AN “A” DAY (NO “C” WITHOUT A “B”). IF SNOW DAY IS ON THURSDAY AFTER A “B” DAY AND WE RETURN FRIDAY FRIDAY WILL BE A “C” DAY (“B” DAY NEEDS “C” DAY). IF SNOW DAY IS ON FRIDAY - MONDAY IS AN “A” DAY. *This schedule will be utilized when school is canceled for inclement weather or any other emergencies Academic Labs The academic lab provides students with the opportunity to have one period during the school day for tutoring and assistance in completing homework. There is no credit earned for academic lab. It is a non-credit class. Students scheduled in an academic lab are expected to be present and on time everyday just as any other class. Students in academic lab are expected to bring academic activities to class and to use the time in academic endeavors. Academic lab must be a choice in a student’s schedule prior to the beginning of the semester. Students will not be allowed to drop a class and move to an academic lab once the semester begins without teacher and administrator approval. Freshmen may choose an “All Freshmen” academic lab that includes orientation and transition activities led by older students (mentors). Pattonville High School • 53 • 2014-2015 Homeroom “C” days at Pattonville High School will be extended by 6 minutes. (Dismissal will be at 1:14). Students will report to their Homeroom advisor EVERY “C” day after 2nd hour. In order to provide additional direction to students concerning career opportunities, an advisory period for all students will meet every week during Homeroom. Two Homeroom Times a month will be for Pirate Connections Curriculum (career education) and the other two meetings will be for club meetings, Pirate TV, etc. Three Contact times will be designated per month for freshmen. The advisory program will create personal connections by assigning approximately 15 students to a teacher/ advisor for four years. The curriculum of the advisory will be focused on academic, career, and social development. Students will choose one of the state career pathways based on Missouri Connections assessments, PLAN and Strong Interest inventories, and student interest. Use of the career pathways will guide students’ selection of electives. Furthermore, in the advisories, we will be able to work with students beginning in 9th grade on the college admissions process. Academic and Achievement Awards 1. Academic Honors – Each grading period, an Honor Roll is established to furnish recognition to those students with a weighted grade point average of 3.00 or higher. 2. Perfect Attendance Awards – One of the honors bestowed upon students is recognition for perfect attendance. To be eligible, a student must not have been marked absent for any class during the grading period. Students should check the absences listed on their report cards for accuracy. 3. Academic Letter – Academic letters are awarded at the end of each year to students who meet the following criteria: • The student must be enrolled in and earn at least 2.5 units each semester. • 7KHVWXGHQWPXVWHDUQDZHLJKWHG*3$¿UVWVHPHVWHUDQG ¿IWKJUDGLQJSHULRG • $OHWWHUZLOOEHDZDUGHGWKH¿UVW\HDUDVWXGHQWTXDOL¿HVDQG chevrons will be awarded in subsequent years. 4. Citizenship Awards – Students who earn all 4’s and 3’s on a 4 point scale for citizenship each grading period (1-5) will be recognized and JLYHQDVSHFLDOFHUWL¿FDWHDWWKHHQGRIWKHVFKRRO\HDU Pattonville High School • 54 • 2014-2015 Cum Laude Honors at Graduation Students will be recognized at graduation according to a cum laude system based on their weighted grade point average: 4.03 and above Summa Cum Laude 3.75-4.02 Magna Cum Laude 3.50-3.74 Cum Laude Beginning with the class of 2006, valedictorians and salutatorians will not be recognized. However, each student’s weighted and unweighted class rank will be reported on his/her transcript. Care Team The Care Team is a professionally trained group of PHS staff members who are sincerely concerned about chemical dependency and other problems. At weekly meetings, the Care Team screens referrals made by teachers who have completed a form, which lists only observable behaviors for any student suspected of behavior problems. As assessment is recommended if behavior indicates a problem. The Care Team also sponsors weekly support groups. Students are urged to contact their guidance counselor or seek a member of the Care Team for FRQ¿GHQWLDODVVLVWDQFHZLWKDSHUVRQDORUIULHQG¶VFKHPLFDOGHSHQGHQF\ &RQÀLFW0HGLDWLRQ A number of Pattonville students have been taught the necessary skills IRUPHGLDWLQJDQGKHOSLQJWRVROYHFRQÀLFWVEHWZHHQVWXGHQWV,WLVEHWWHU for everyone if two or more students with strong differences can sit down together and work through the problem without any physical violence. See DQ\FRXQVHORURUDGPLQLVWUDWRUWRDUUDQJHDFRQÀLFWPHGLDWLRQ Dance Guidelines 1. Only one student (non-Pattonville student) is permitted per student and must be accompanied by Pattonville student. Guests must have a Visitor Permission Form signed by the high school principal of their school or by their employer. Parents of the Pattonville student may only give consent to a guest if the guest is in college, or does not attend high school or work. 2. Once the student leaves the dance, the student will not be re-admitted. 3. No refunds on tickets. 6WXGHQWVPXVWSD\RXWVWDQGLQJ¿QHVSULRUWRSXUFKDVLQJDQ\GDQFH tickets. 5. Students requiring transportation home must make advance arrangements for prompt departure. Failing to do so may jeopardize future attendance for school-sponsored dances. 6. Attire for dances should be appropriate and in good taste. Students must be in attendance the day of the dance (or the previous day if dance is on Saturday). Exceptions can be granted by the principal. 7. In order to attend a dance, students must have a 90% attendance rate. Pattonville High School • 55 • 2014-2015 Grading Scale A . . . . . . . . 90 - 100 B . . . . . . . . 80 - 89 C . . . . . . . . 70 - 79 D . . . . . . . . 60 - 69 F . . . . . . . . . . 0 - 59 Teachers will provide feedback on grade cards regarding each student in the areas of student behavior and effort. The following criteria will be utilized: Student Effort 4 - Exceeds Expectations Consistently Prepared, Attentive, and Exceeds Academic Expectations 3 - Expected Prepared, Attentive, Actively Involved and Utilizes Class Time Effectively 2 - Needs Improvement Occasionally Unprepared, Inattentive and Inappropriate Use of Class Time 1 - Unsatisfactory Repeatedly Unprepared for Class and Apathetic Student Behavior 4 - Exceeds Expectations Frequently Courteous and Exhibits Above Average Behavior 3 - Expected Cooperative and Demonstrates Mutual Respect 2 - Needs Improvement 2FFDVLRQDO1HJDWLYH,QÀXHQFHLQ&ODVV 1 - Unsatisfactory Repeatedly Disrespectful and Disruptive to Classroom Setting Pattonville High School • 56 • 2014-2015 Report Card Dates September 23 ...................................................... GP1 Ends October 1 & 2 ... Grade Cards Picked Up At P/T Conference November 5 ......................................................... GP2 Ends November 13 ...............Grade Cards Distributed 2nd period December 19 ....................................................... GP3 Ends January 9 ............................................. Grade Cards Mailed February 19 ......................................................... GP4 Ends March 4 & 5 ............................................... P/T Conference April 13 ................................................................ GP5 Ends April 16 ........................Grade Cards Distributed 2nd period *June 1 ................................................................. GP6 Ends *June 5 ................................................ Grade Cards Mailed *School cancellations due to inclement weather could cause these dates to change Parent Teacher Conferences October 1 & 2 March 4 & 5 Registration Dates Winter Registration for 2015-2016 School Year is from January 26 through February 20, 2015. Graduation Requirements (A minimum of 24 credits) Pattonville School District requires a minimum of twenty-four (24) units of high school credit, which must be earned in grades nine and above. This program of required and elective courses is to be planned cooperatively by the student, parents, and school counselor. All students must attend eight (8) semesters in grades nine (9) and above unless special permission is granted to graduate early with all requirements completed in advance. All students shall be scheduled for a minimum of seven (7) periods per day except for seniors who are enrolled in an area college part of the day or involved in an approved work-study program. Six of the seven assignments must be classes offered for credit. “Students are not allowed to enroll in more than 4.0 units at a time in a semester including work and correspondence courses. In the case of extenuating circumstances, a student may request from the superintendent of schools or his/her designee permission to enroll in an additional .5 unit of credit in order to meet the graduation requirements in the anticipated year of graduation.” (IKF) Pattonville High School • 57 • 2014-2015 GRADUATION REQUIREMENT Pattonville School District requires a minimum of twenty-four (24) units of high school credit, which must be earned in grades nine and above. (Subject to change with Board of Education approval) COMMUNICATION SKILLS ................................... 4 credits SOCIAL STUDIES ................................................. 3 credits MATHEMATICS ..................................................... 3 credits SCIENCE ................................................................ 3 credits FINE ARTS ..............................................................1 credit PRACTICAL ARTS ................................................1/2 credit PERSONAL FINANCE ..........................................1/2 credit PHYSICAL EDUCATION ..........................................1 credit HEALTH .................................................................1/2 credit ELECTIVES ...................................................... 7 1/2 credits TOTAL NUMBER OF CREDITS .........................24 credits 50 HOURS OF COMMUNITY SERVICE ARE REQUIRED TO RECEIVE A DIPLOMA. NOTE: MOST MAJOR COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES, INCLUDING THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI, REQUIRE FOUR CREDITS OF HIGH SCHOOL ENGLISH. A MAXIMUM OF ONE CREDIT OF SPEECH, FORENSICS, AND DEBATE WILL BE ACCEPTED IN THIS ENGLISH REQUIREMENT. (SOPHOMORE COMMUNICATION SKILLS SATISFIES 1/2 OF THIS ONE CREDIT IN SPEECH.) This program of required and elective courses is to be planned cooperatively by the student, parents, and school counselor. All students must attend eight (8) semesters in grades nine (9) and above unless special permission is granted to graduate early, providing all requirements are satisfactory. All students entering Pattonville from schools with different graduation requirements will be required to meet all local requirements possible without extending the student’s time in high school, as long as the student meets all requirements of the state of Missouri and was scheduled to graduate on time at their previous school. Pattonville High School • 58 • 2014-2015 GRADE CLASSIFICATION GUIDELINES YEAR Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior FIRST SEMESTER 0 - 5.75 6.0 – 11.75 12.0 – 15.75 16.0 or more SECOND SEMESTER 0 - 8.75 9.0 – 14.75 15.0 – 19.75 20.0 or more A+ Schools As an A+ School, graduates of Pattonville High School who have met the following requirements may be eligible for free tuition to a Missouri community college or technical school: • Signed A+ student contract (by September 30th of senior year) • Three consecutive years enrolled in A+ high school • 2.5 cumulative GPA (4.0 scale) • Attendance rate of 95% or better • Perform 50 hours of tutoring to younger students • Record of good citizenship • Completion of FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid Community Service 50 hours of community service are required to receive a diploma. This requirement is pro-rated for students who transfer to PHS after their freshman year: 37.5 hours for new sophomores, 25 hours for new juniors, and 12.5 hours are required for new seniors. 6HUYLFHKRXUVFDQEHFRPSOHWHGDWDQ\QRWIRUSUR¿WDJHQF\RUJDQL]DWLRQ nursing home, or hospital. Hours will NOT be accepted for service to a private business or for a private individual. Students are encouraged to FKHFNZLWKWKH&RPPXQLW\6HUYLFH2I¿FHSULRUWREHJLQQLQJVHUYLFHWRFRQ¿ rm approval of their site. Service must be non-political in nature. Students MUST submit an evaluation signed by the agency supervisor/ staff verifying the number of hours worked at the site. The evaluation MUST have a daily timecard attached documenting the exact dates that were worked. These documents should be submitted to the CSO. Pattonville High School • 59 • 2014-2015 Submitting Hours • Hours completed over the summer are due by September 1 • Hours completed 1st semester are due BEFORE winter break in December • Hours completed 2nd semester are due BEFORE summer break • Hours submitted AFTER the semester in which they were completed will NOT be accepted. Students must have completed at least 35 hours of their community service requirement (50 hours) in order to buy a parking permit. Honor Cord Policy • Students that complete 150 or more hours will be eligible to wear an Honor Cord at graduation. • The deadline to submit hours to receive an Honor Cord is the last day of the 5th grading period of the student’s senior year. Any student who has 150 or more hours on this date will automatically receive a cord. • A maximum of 50 hours completed on campus (excluding tutoring and other Service-Learning activities) will count toward the 150 KRXUVUHTXLUHPHQWIRUKRQRUFRUGWKLVLQFOXGHVRI¿FHZRUNWHDFKHU¶V aide, and helping the sports teams). • 100 of the 150-hour requirement MUST be completed off campus during the non-school hours. Pattonville High School • 60 • 2014-2015 Academic Watch Policy Beginning with the completion of students’ second semester of high school, the Principal (or designee) will send an academic warning letter to the parent(s)/guardian(s) of any student who is not making acceptable progress toward graduation based on the standards below. The academic warning letter will advise the parent(s)/guardian(s) and student that his/her academic achievement has fallen below district expectations. Acceptable Progress Toward Graduation Standards (credits earned) Sophomore (beginning third semester) fourth semester -XQLRUEHJLQQLQJ¿IWKVHPHVWHU sixth semester Senior (beginning seventh semester) eighth semester 6.0-11.75 9.0-14.75 15.0-19.75 16.0 or more 20.0 or more Students requiring more than eight semesters of high school to graduate will receive individual counseling regarding academic planning/monitoring. These students will no longer receive academic warning letters or be placed on academic watch. Consecutive semesters of not meeting the standards will result in an administrative conference to identify areas of concern and plan academic interventions. Library The library is open for student use from 7:00am until 7:00pm on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. The library is open on Friday until 2:30pm. The library is open to community members during evening hours. To use the library, a hall pass signed by a teacher is required during class time and both lunch sessions. Students with academic labs wishing to use the library must get a pass, which is given out before or after school and during contact time, from a librarian. Pattonville High School • 61 • 2014-2015 Lockers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Lockers will be assigned at the discretion of school personnel. The student is expected to use this locker until the end of the assigned year. A student is discouraged from giving another student the combination to his/her lock. Lockers are not theft proof. Lockers were designed only for the storage of books and regular school supplies. Such items as musical instruments, calculators, purses, wallets, jewelry, money, popular sporting equipment, and expensive clothing should not be placed in lockers. The school accepts no responsibility for the damage, loss, or theft of the student’s property. The physical education teachers will assign gym lockers (student supplies lock). Students must dress for P.E. in the locker room. Students are responsible for their assigned locker and its contents. Students will be charged for damages to their locker. Lunch Pattonville High School is a closed campus. All students are required to remain on campus and in designated areas during lunch shifts. 3rd Lunch Shift on “C” Days The school day does not end until the end of the 3rd lunch shift on “C” days. Students must remain on campus unless they are checked out by a parent per building policies. Students checking out must be counted absent for the number of minutes they miss to maintain accurate attendance records per state standards. These absences do count against the student’s attendance rate and the overall attendance rate for the school. Please help us by not checking your child out early unless it is an emergency! Food Deliveries Not Allowed Students are not allowed to order food or other items to be delivered to school. School personnel cannot receive and/or locate students to receive deliveries at school. Pattonville High School • 62 • 2014-2015 Parking Students are not to drive to school without permission. The number of spaces available on campus limits parking. Permits are issued to students with an approved parking application. There is a nominal fee for a parking permit. Any student wanting to or needing to drive must see the principal in advance6WXGHQWVZKRIDLOWRIROORZWUDI¿FDQGSDUNLQJUHJXODWLRQV are subject to disciplinary action and loss of driving privileges and may be ticketed by the police. STUDENTS WHO DRIVE AND ARRIVE LATE TO SCHOOL COULD BE SUBJECT TO LOSS OF DRIVING PRIVILEGES. LATE ARRIVALS TO SCHOOL ACCUMULATE FOR THE ENTIRE YEAR. STUDENTS MUST HAVE COMPLETED 35 HOURS OF COMMUNITY SERVICE IN ORDER TO BUY A PARKING PERMIT DURING REGISTRATION IN AUGUST. STUDENTS MUST ALSO MAINTAIN A 90% ATTENDANCE RATE. ALL FINES MUST BE PAID IN FULL PRIOR TO RECEIVING A PARKING PERMIT. School Nurses, Clinic, Medication (JHCD, JHCD-R) Pattonville High School has two full-time nurses available to assist students with health related problems during regular school hours. A student who becomes ill is to obtain a pass from the teacher and report to the clinic. If a nurse is not available, the student should seek assistance in the main RI¿FH IURP WKH UHFHSWLRQLVW D VHFUHWDU\ RU IURP D SULQFLSDO ,W LV YHU\ important that students have current home and work phone numbers for WKHLUSDUHQWVOHJDOJXDUGLDQRQ¿OHLQWKHFOLQLFDQGDGPLQLVWUDWRU¶VRI¿FHVR that immediate medical attention can be obtained if necessary. Pattonville High School • 63 • 2014-2015 Administering Medicines to Students The administration of medicine to children during school hours shall be discouraged and restricted to necessary medication that cannot be given on an alternative schedule. When prescription medicine is to be administered by VFKRRORI¿FLDOVDODEHODI¿[HGE\DSKDUPDF\DQGRUPHGLFDOSURYLGHUPXVW accompany the medicine. Nonprescription medicines must be in their original container. ALL medication must be accompanied by written instructions signed by parent(s)/guardian(s) and medical provider and must include the following: 1. Child’s name 2. Name of medication 3. Time to be administered 4. Dosage The administration of the medicine to a student, when all the above conditions have been met, shall be limited to the school nurse, or other GHVLJQDWHG SHUVRQV $OO PHGLFDWLRQ DGPLQLVWHUHG E\ VFKRRO RI¿FLDOV VKDOOEHNHSWLQWKHQXUVH¶VRI¿FH7KHSDUHQWVRIWKHFKLOGPXVWDVVXPH responsibility for informing school personnel of any change in the child’s health or change in medication. It shall be our practice that school personnel will dispense “over-the- counter” medications only with written authorization from medical provider and parent. Such medication must be provided by the student/parent in its original container. A student in secondary schools may carry one dose of his/her own prescription of over-the-counter medication to be used at his/her own discretion when they have in their possession the parent’s written permission. The medication must be in its original, properly marked container. When the prescription drug is a controlled substance, then the medication VKRXOGEHNHSWLQDORFNHGFDELQHWLQWKHQXUVH¶VRI¿FHLQVPDOOTXDQWLWLHV Controlled substances should also meet the following conditions: 7KH¿UVWGRVHRIDQ\PHGLFDWLRQZLOOQRWEHDGPLQLVWHUHGDWVFKRRO 2. No student is to supply medications to any other student. 3. The school district may refuse to administer any medications not approved by the Federal Drug Administration or any medication with greater than recommended doses. Pattonville High School • 64 • 2014-2015 Metered-Dose Inhalers Students may be permitted to carry and self-administer medicine by way of metered-dose inhaler. 7KHQXUVHVKRXOGEHQRWL¿HGLIDVWXGHQWKDV asthma and will be carrying an inhaler. Fundraising and Posting of Signs 1. FUNDRAISING All fundraising activities must be approved by Mr. Hebrank, Activities Coordinator. No student may use school facilities to raise funds for non-school functions such as church, scouts, etc. or personal gain. Students are not allowed to fundraise during the school day. 2. BANNERS OR SIGNS All banners or signs must be stamped for approval before they can be mounted on a wall. Banners, signs, and posters MAY NOT be placed on paneling or glass. Visitors Students are not permitted to bring visitors to school. The principal can make special exception if the visitor is from another country and visiting the United States. Requests to bring friends, cousins or other relatives CANNOT be granted. Pattonville High School • 65 • 2014-2015 2014-2015 ACTIVITY SPONSORS All School Play/Musical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .L. Corvera Art Club/Gallery G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .B. Kathriner Band . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D. McFarland/S. Deutschmann/A. White Bass Fishing Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L. Anderson Board Student Administrative Action Team (BSAAC) . . . . . . . . . . . C. Edwards Book Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .K. Stinnett Bowling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J. Dalton Cappies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .L. Corvera Caring for Others (CFO) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T. Harris Cheerleading-Varsity Head . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J. Gittemeier Cheerleading-Varsity Technical Advisor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . K. McCann Cheerleading-Jr. Varsity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J. Kobielusz Chess Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J. Baldwin Choir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M. Lamb Class - Freshman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V. Schaeffer Class - Sophomore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OPEN Class - Junior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C. Edwards (Prom) Class - Senior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S. Ewig Color Guard/Flag Corps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. Coffey/M. Hildebrand Community Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. Krohn Community Service Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .V. Cobb Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA) . . . . D. McGhee/H. Martinez Drill Team-Varsity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .K. Funderburk Drill Team-Jr. Varsity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S. Hicks/J. Crites Forensics Team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J. Frazier/L. Allen/K. O’Keefe French Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J. Chabot French National Honor Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J. Chabot Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) . . . . . . . .H. Martinez/K. Thames Future Educators of America (FEA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J. Weingart Gay/Straight Alliance (GSA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E. Brown/K. Dornfeld German Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S. Frerker German National Honor Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S. Frerker Half Marathon Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S. Ewig Health Occupation Student Association (HOSA) . . . . . . . . . . . . K. McFarland International Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .O. Fields/A. Greenberg Jazz Band 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D. McFarland Jazz Band 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. White Key Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M. Gossett/L. Shah Knitting Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E. Mulanax Math Club/Alpha Theta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D. DeMoss Pattonville High School • 66 • 2014-2015 Minority Achievement/Diversity Club . . . . . . . . . V. Cobb/J. Hayes/B. Gordon Mock Trial Team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .J. Frazier National Honor Society (NHS) . . . . . . . . . A. Schwendemann/R. Brueckmann One Act Plays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .L. Corvera Orchestra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D. Henderson Pattonville Anime Club (PAC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . K. McFarland Peer Assistance & Leadership (PALS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J. Kuhn Pirate Press . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B. Heyman Renaissance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B. Moritz Robotics Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OPEN Sailing Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . K. O’Keefe Scholar Bowl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M. Hoeft Science Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D. Schmidt Science Fair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . K. Smith Spanish National Honor Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S. Hilker Speech & Debate Team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J. Frazier/L. Allen/K. O’Keefe Student Congress (Positive) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M. Moeller/S. Hauser Student Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OPEN Student Quest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T. Harris Technology Student Association (TSA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .S. Konopka Thespians Troupe #1934 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .L. Corvera Winter Guard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. Coffey/M. Hildebrand Yearbook (ECHO) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B. Heyman Yearbook Photography Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B. Heyman Yousng Democrats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L. Scoopmire Young Republicans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D. Juenger NON-CURRICULAR/NON-SCHOOL SPONSORED ACTIVITIES Ice Hockey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dave Ensor (non faculty monitor) 314-397-6014 Hockey Cheerleaders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ashley Watson (non faculty monitor) 314-707-6758 Youth Leadership St. Louis-FOCUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Vi Cobb 314-213-8051 x 8705 Jessica Hayes 314-213-8051 x 8159 Pattonville High School • 67 • 2014-2015 CODE FOR INTERSCHOLASTIC ATHLETICS/ ACTIVITIES Interscholastic activities are offered at Pattonville High School as an integral part of the curriculum. Interscholastic activities are governed by the Missouri State High School Activities Association, the St. Louis Suburban High School Athletic Conference, and the rules and regulations of the 3DWWRQYLOOH 6FKRRO 'LVWULFW 7KH 2I¿FLDO +DQGERRN RI WKH 0LVVRXUL 6WDWH High School Activities Association (MSHSAA) states: “To be eligible to participate in school athletics/activities is a privilege- not an inherent right. This particular privilege is granted if you meet the eligibility standards as set forth by the MSHSAA. According to the MSHSAA eligibility standards, students/athletes must be JRRGFLWL]HQVLQWKHLUVFKRRODQGFRPPXQLW\0RUHVSHFL¿FDOO\DQ\ student who represents his/her school in interscholastic activities must be a creditable citizen and be judged so by the proper school DXWKRULW\$VWXGHQWZKRVHFKDUDFWHURUFRQGXFWLVVXFKWRUHÀHFW discredit upon himself/herself or his/her school is not considered a creditable citizen. His/her conduct shall be satisfactory in accord with the standards of good discipline.” Coaches may set their own standards for behavior and citizenship above and beyond the MSHSAA Guidelines. The privilege of being on a team or in an organization carries with it the responsibility of good citizenship, abiding by rules and regulations, and meeting the following responsibilities: ATHLETES, CHEERLEADERS and DRILL TEAM 1. The school shall require of each student participating in athletics, FKHHUOHDGLQJDQGGULOOWHDPDFHUW¿FDWHRIDQLVVXHGSK\VLFDOVLJQHG and authorized by a physician, advanced nurse practitioner in written FROODERUDWLYH SUDFWLFH ZLWK D SK\VLFLDQ RU D FHUWL¿HG SK\VLFLDQ V assistant in collaboration with a sponsoring physician stating that the individual is physically able to participate in athletic practices and contests of his/her school. A student shall not be permitted to SUDFWLFHRUFRPSHWHIRUDVFKRROXQWLODFRPSOHWHVLJQHGFHUWL¿FDWHLV RQ¿OHDWWKHVFKRRO7KHPHGLFDOFHUWL¿FDWHLVYDOLGIRUWKHSXUSRVHRI this rule if issued on or after February 1 of the previous school year. <RXPXVWKDYHDVLJQHGSDUHQWSHUPLVVLRQIRUPRQ¿OH 3. You must submit evidence of medical insurance that covers the student in case of injury. 4. You must have earned, the preceding semester of attendance, a minimum of 3.0 units of credit or have earned credit in 80-percent of the maximum allowable classes in which any student can be enrolled in the semester, whichever is greater, with a minimum grade point average of 1.500. Pattonville High School • 68 • 2014-2015 5. Currently, you must be enrolled in, and regularly attending, courses that offer 3.0 units of credit or 80-percent of the maximum allowable credits which may be earned, whichever is greater. 6. You must have all non-school competition approved by your coach/ sponsor or activities director. 7. You must abide by training regulations of the Activities Department: Students caught possessing or using tobacco (smokeless included), drugs or alcohol will be suspended from the team/organization for sixty (60) school days. If the student has an assessment and becomes involved in rehabilitation counseling the penalty will be reduced to thirty (30) school days. The student cannot be involved on a team/ RUJDQL]DWLRQXQWLOKLVKHUVXVSHQVLRQLVVHUYHG$VFKRROGD\LVGH¿QHG DVDQDFWXDOFDOHQGDUGD\RIVFKRRO+RZHYHUDQ\RI¿FLDOSUDFWLFHGD\V allowed by MSHSAA and used by respective teams will count as days of a suspension if applicable. A second offense results in suspension from the team/organization for 365 days. THE FOLLOWING WILL OCCUR FOR SUSPENSIONS NOT INVOLVING TOBACCO USE, ALCOHOL OR DRUGS (8, 9,10,11): 8. A student suspended from a fall sport would not be eligible to participate in any athletic program until the fall sport is completed. $VWXGHQWVXVSHQGHGIURPDZLQWHUVSRUWWKH¿UVWVHPHVWHUZRXOG not be eligible until the sport season ends in the second semester. 10. A student suspended from a winter sport the second semester would not be eligible to participate until the winter sport is completed. 11. A student suspended from a spring sport would not be eligible to participate until the fall semester the following year. 12. Students should maintain good citizenship in school, out of school, and on the team. Any student involved in inappropriate behavior in the community will be required to attend a hearing conducted with the student, his/her parents, the assistant principal for activities, the principal, and the coach or sponsor at which time the question of eligibility will be determined. Any student arrested by a law enforcement agency is subject to losing eligibility for all high school athletics and activities. 13. Any in school or out of school suspension will prevent students from participating in practice or games during suspension. If excessive, the student will be removed from the team. 14. Detentions, practice tardies and practice absences will be handled by the coach/sponsor through discussion and a penalty. If this becomes excessive, the student could be removed from the team. 15. Any student athlete assigned to ISS during their sport season may not attend practice or play in any contest until the next calendar day following the conclusion of their ISS assignment. Pattonville High School • 69 • 2014-2015 CLUBS AND ACTIVITIES OTHER THAN ATHLETICS, CHEERLEADING, AND DRILL TEAM <RXPXVWKDYHDVLJQHGSDUHQWSHUPLVVLRQIRUPRQ¿OH 2. You must have earned, the preceding semester of attendance, a minimum of 3.0 units of credit or have earned credit in 80-percent of the maximum allowable classes in which any student can be enrolled in the semester, whichever is greater, with a minimum grade point average of 1.500. 3. Currently, you must be enrolled in, and regularly attending, courses that offer 3.0 units of credit or 80-percent of the maximum allowable credits which may be earned, whichever is greater. 4. Students should maintain good citizenship in school, out of school, and on the team. Any student involved in inappropriate behavior in the community, will be required to attend a hearing conducted with the student, his/her parents, the assistant principal for activities, the principal, and the coach or sponsor at which time the question of eligibility will be determined. Any student arrested by a law enforcement agency is subject to losing eligibility for all high school athletics and activities. 5. Any in-school or out-of-school suspension will prevent students from participating in practice or games during suspension. If excessive, the student will be removed from the team. 6. Detentions, practice tardies and practice absences will be handled by the coach/sponsor through discussion and penalty. If this becomes excessive, the student could be removed from the team. 7. Students must follow the directions of their coach on any other requirements. These requirements will be stated in writing. 8. A student must ride the bus to and from the activity unless a parent is present at the activity and gets permission from the coach or sponsor to take his/her son/daughter after the activity. Students may not leave with anyone other than their own parent. A student must ride the bus to the activity in order to be eligible to participate. However, in EMERGENCY circumstances the activities director may approve alternative means of transportation to the athletic contest or activity. 9. Any incidents that occur that are not covered by these guidelines will be reviewed on an individual basis by the school administrator. 10. Students using tobacco (smokeless included) on school property or at a school event will be suspended from the club/organization for thirty (30) days. If the student joins a smoking cessation program WKHSHQDOW\ZLOOEHUHGXFHGWR¿IWHHQVFKRROGD\V7KHVWXGHQW cannot be involved on a club/organization until completing his/her VXVSHQVLRQ$VFKRROGD\LVGH¿QHGDVDQDFWXDOFDOHQGDUGD\RI VFKRRO +RZHYHU DQ\ RI¿FLDO SUDFWLFH GD\V DOORZHG E\ 06+6$$ and used by respective teams will count as days of suspension if applicable. A second offense results in suspension from the club/ organization for 365 days. Pattonville High School • 70 • 2014-2015 11. A student who buys, possesses, uses, transmits, or is under WKH LQÀXHQFH RI DQ\ DOFRKROLF EHYHUDJH GUXJ RU QDUFRWLF ZLOO EH suspended from clubs and activities. This includes counterfeit or “look alike” substances transmitted as drugs. The suspension will be for sixty (60) school days but can be reduced to thirty (30) school days if the student has an assessment and becomes involved in rehabilitation counseling. The student cannot be involved on a club/organization until his/her suspension is served. A school day is GH¿QHGDVDQDFWXDOFDOHQGDUGD\RIVFKRRO+RZHYHUDQ\RI¿FLDO practice days allowed by MSHSAA and used by respective teams will count as days of a suspension if applicable. 12. Any student who quits or is dismissed from a club/organization will not receive an award. SUBURBAN CONFERENCE SPORTSMANSHIP POLICY The Suburban North Conference shall abide by the MSHSAA standards governing unsportsmanlike conduct. PLAYERS :KHQDSOD\HULVHMHFWHGIURPDJDPHE\DJDPHRI¿FLDOIRUXQVSRUWVPDQOLNH conduct, which includes but not limited to the following: deliberately striking an opposing player, using profane or vulgar language, using abusive ODQJXDJHWRZDUGVRI¿FLDOVDQGDFWLQJÀDJUDQWO\RUGHOLEHUDWHO\WRKDUPWKH player shall not be allowed to participate in the next succeeding game for that team(s). If there are extenuating circumstances making the athlete’s conduct more serious, the penalty imposed could be immediate expulsion IURP WHDP RQ WKH ¿UVW RIIHQVH ,I D SOD\HU LV HMHFWHG D VHFRQG WLPH IRU ÀDJUDQWRUGHOLEHUDWHXQVSRUWVPDQOLNHFRQGXFWDVGHVFULEHGDERYHKH she shall be dismissed from the team. :KHQDSOD\HUKDVEHHQHMHFWHGIURPDFRQWHVWIRUÀDJUDQWXQVSRUWVPDQOLNH FRQGXFWIRUWKH¿UVWWLPHDQGWKHHMHFWLRQRFFXUVDWWKHHQGRIWKHVSRUWV season, the player shall be withheld from the next contest in which he/she would be eligible to participate. A second ejection, within the same school \HDU EXW WKH ¿UVW LQ WKH QH[W VSRUW VHDVRQ ZRXOG UHVXOW LQ WKH SOD\HU¶V dismissal from the team for the remainder of that sport season. Any player dismissed from the team shall be placed on athletic probation for one calendar year from the date of dismissal. He/she would be permitted to participate in other activities, but under strict conditions. Any act of unsportsmanlike behavior may result in him/her being dismissed from the activity. After one year of exemplary behavior, the player will have reinstated eligibility. Pattonville High School • 71 • 2014-2015 Any senior athlete who has violated the unsportsmanlike conduct standards, UHVXOWLQJLQDVHFRQGHMHFWLRQZKRKDVSOD\HGLQKLVKHU¿QDOFRQWHVWIRUWKH school, who cannot be withheld from participating in the next contest as a result of the second ejection rule, forgoes the opportunity to receive all post-season awards. APPEAL PROCEDURE If an appeal were requested by an athlete and his family, within twenty- IRXUKRXUVRIQRWL¿FDWLRQRIWKHSHQDOW\WKHDSSHDOZRXOG¿UVWEHUHYLHZHG by the activities director and the building principal. Their procedure is to determine whether or not the punishment will stand, or if the appeal should go to the appeals committee. All action by the appeals committee must be done within forty-eight hours. HAZING/ BULLYING/ INTIMIDATION/ THREATENING BEHAVIOR/ HARASSMENT The intentional threatening, intimidating, or harassing of another person by word, act, or deed will not be tolerated. The Pattonville School District prohibits all forms of hazing, bullying and student intimidation. Students participating in or encouraging inappropriate conduct will be disciplines in accordance with board policy JG-R and the high school discipline guide. Such discipline may include, but is not limited to, suspension or expulsion from school and removal from participation in activities. Students who have been subjected to hazing or bullying are instructed to promptly report such incidents to a VFKRRORI¿FLDO In addition, district staff, coaches, sponsors and volunteers shall not permit, condone or tolerate any form of hazing or bullying or plan, direct, encourage, assist, engage or participate in any activity that involves hazing or bullying. District staff will report incidents of hazing and bullying to a building administrator. The principal or his/her designee shall promptly investigate all complaints of hazing and bullying and shall administer appropriate discipline to all individuals who violate this policy. District staff who violate this policy may be disciplined or terminated. The district shall annually inform students, parents, district staff and volunteers WKDWKD]LQJDQGEXOO\LQJLVSURKLELWHG7KLVQRWL¿FDWLRQPD\RFFXU through the distribution of the written policy, publication in handbooks, presentations at assemblies or verbal instructions by the coach or sponsor at the start of the season or program. Pattonville High School • 72 • 2014-2015 'H¿QLWLRQV Hazing±)RUSXUSRVHVRIWKLVSROLF\KD]LQJLVGH¿QHGDVDQ\DFWLYLW\ on or off school grounds, that a reasonable person believes would negatively impact the mental or physical health or safety of a student or put the student in a ridiculous, humiliating, stressful or disconcerting SRVLWLRQIRUWKHSXUSRVHVRILQLWLDWLRQDI¿OLDWLRQDGPLVVLRQPHPEHUVKLS or maintenance of membership in any group, class, organization, club or athletic team including, but not limited to, a grade level, student organization or school-sponsored activity. Hazing may include those actions that subject a student to extreme mental stress including, but not limited to sleep deprivation, physical FRQ¿QHPHQWIRUFHGFRQGXFWWKDWFRXOGUHVXOWLQH[WUHPHHPEDUUDVVPHQW or criminal activity, or other stress-inducing activities. Hazing may also include, but is not limited to acts of physical brutality;; whipping;; beating;; branding;; exposing to the elements;; forcing consumption of any food, liquor, drug or other substance;; forcing inhalation or ingestion of tobacco products;; or any other forced physical activity that could adversely affect the physical health or safety of an individual. Hazing may occur even when all students involved are willing participants. Hazing does not occur when a student is required to audition or try out for an organization when the criteria are reasonable, approved by the district and legitimately related to the purpose of the organization. Bullying ±%XOO\LQJLVGH¿QHGDVUHSHDWHGDQGV\VWHPDWLFLQWLPLGDWLRQ harassment and attacks on a student or multiple students perpetuated by individuals or groups. Bullying includes, but is not limited to physical violence, verbal taunts, name-calling and put-downs, threats, extortion or theft, damaging property. FIRST OFFENSE From detention up to 10 days out-of school-suspension (if related to extra-curricular activity;; student may be suspended or removed from team/group) SECOND OFFENSE 10 day out-of-school suspension with possible referral to Superintendent for a hearing to determine additional days of suspension up to 180 days Pattonville High School • 73 • 2014-2015 Activities Eligibility (Grades) ATHLETES, CHEERLEADERS, DRILL TEAM and MSHSAA SPONSORED ACTIVITIES You must have earned a minimum of 3.0 units of credit and a minimum grade point average of 1.500 (not cumulative GPA) in the preceding semester of attendance. For the current semester, students must be enrolled in a minimum of six (6) credited classes totaling 3.0 units of credit. More information regarding Activities can be found on the high school website at and click Activities in green. Pattonville High School • 74 • 2014-2015 2014-2015 Pattonville High School Coaching Staff * Denotes Head Coach/Sponsor 314-213-8051 (Ext. #) CROSS COUNTRY Kathy Zoll - *Girls (8310) Revised: 7-17-14 Jeremiah Simmons *Boys (8904) Assistant – William Wessels (2021) FOOTBALL Steve Smith * (8808) V/JV - Scott Hauser (8813) V/JV - Victor Fink (8715) V/JV - Travis Harris (8662) V/JV - Corey Lewis (8801) V/JV - OPEN V/JV – Mike Oostendorp FR - Don Greco (8044) FR – OPEN FR- Steve Jones (2417) FR - Mike Moeller (8806) GIRLS GOLF Bill Lingua * BOYS BASKETBALL Kelly Thames * (8608) V Assistant – Travis Harris (8662) JV – Darren Brooks (8608) Fr - Doug McGhee (8034) BASEBALL OPEN * Assistant – Rob Simpson (8045) Co-JV – Joe Baird (7062) Co-JV – Victor Fink (8715) Fr - Doug McGhee (8034) GIRLS BASKETBALL Craig Gregory * (8313) V Assistant – Corey Lewis (8801) JV- OPEN Fr – Caitlyn Childs BOYS GOLF Bill Lingua * (8812) Scott Hutson (6311) GIRLS SWIM Anna LeBlanc* (4410) Co-Head Coach – Marcus Christian (8703) Assistant - Madeline Marren (6202) BOYS SOCCER Ray Stahl (8058) * V Assn’t – Mike Zacheis (8058) JV – Tom McDaniel (8058) Fr - Dan Woehrmann (8811) WRESTLING Brent Mueller * (8044) Assistant - Mike Moeller (8806) SOFTBALL Doug McGhee * (8034) Craig Gregory (8313) JV – Melissa Sparkman (8915) Fr – Rob Simpson (8045) Assistant – Michael Oostendorp (8044) Jeff Grass (5325) BOYS SWIM Anna LeBlanc * (8046) V Assistant – Gretchen Haughey (4410) CHEERLEADING Kalli Hunt * GIRLS TENNIS Varsity Technical Advisor - Jeff Grass* (5325) OPEN Assistant – Emily McDaniel (8203) JV – Juli Kobielusz (7050) JV Technical Advisor - GIRLS VOLLEYBALL Kevin Gostling (7050) Becky Middendorf * (8047) JV – Brian Schwendemann (8710) Fr – Terry Funderburk (8058) DRILL TEAM Katie Funderburk * (8058) FIELD HOCKEY JV – K. Wilson Jessica Dalton * (6333) Assistant – Shelley Ewig (8406) CERTIFIED ATHLETIC TRAINER Sam Keeler (7006) GIRLS SOCCER Tom Iffrig * (8802) V Assistant – Heather Lopez (8712) JV – Dan Woehrmann (8811) FR - Tomi Benney (8802) BOYS TENNIS Jeff Grass * (5325) V Assistant – Shaun Patrick (8709) BOYS AND GIRLS TRACK Jeremiah Simmons - *Boys (8904) Rob Lamb - *Girls (8615) Assistant - William Wessels (2021) Assistant - Scott Hauser (8813) Assistant – Kyle Hall (8905) Assistant – Corey Lewis (8801) BOYS VOLLEYBALL Becky Middendorf * (8047) JV – Brian Schwendemann (8710) Fr – Terry Funderburk (8058) GIRLS LACROSSE JV - OPEN Assistant - Megan Hernke (8106) CO-ED WATER POLO JV - Marcus Christian * (8703) Assistant – Jason Lammert (8703) Activities Director – Bob Hebrank (8058) Assistant to the Activities Director, Fall and Winter – Assistant to the Activities Director, Spring – Kelly Thames (8608) Pattonville High School • 75 • 2014-2015 2014-2015 Areas of Emphasis The Pattonville School District Board of Education is committed to providing exemplary educational opportunities for ALL children. In order to accomplish this goal, quality professional development must be provided for all staff (new and experienced). Partnerships with parents, business leaders, and district patrons must continue to be actively developed in order to engage the entire community as the district strives for educational excellence. In addition to the above, the Board has adopted the following Areas of Emphasis for the 2014-2015 school year: i All students will continue to improve their performance on all measures of academic achievement. i Curriculum and instructional practices are research based and support students becoming proficient learners. i Proactive strategies will be implemented to promote continued improvement in student responsibility, citizenship, and overall character with an emphasis on building relationships and an understanding of socioeconomic, cultural, and ethnic differences. i Safety for students, staff, and community will continue to be evaluated and improved. i Parents, staff, and students will continue to develop, modify, and implement school improvement plans based on data and research. i The District Technology Plan will continue to be implemented as appropriate. i The District Facilities Plan will be updated as appropriate and implemented utilizing bond issue and district operating funds. i The District Career Education programs will become a more integral component of the total educational program. i The District will develop and implement a plan to increase the percentage of students involved in extra-curricular programs. i District maintenance and grounds will continue to portray an excellent image of the district. i The District will use resources efficiently to address decreased revenues from state and federal sources. Board of Education Approved: June 24, 2014 Pattonville High School • 76 • 2014-2015 HOMEROOM Calendar 2014-2015 1st Semester Aug 14 ....................................................................................Pirate Connections Aug. 21 ............................................................................................Contact Time Aug. 28 .............................................................................................. Pirate Code Sept. 4 ........................... Contact Time (Junior class meeting-Jostens class ring) Sept. 11 .................................... Pirate Connections (Senior Class photo in gym) Sept. 18 .........................................................................Contact Time (Pirate TV) Sept. 25 ..................................................................................Pirate Connections Oct. 2 ................................................................................................. Pirate Code Oct. 9 ...............................................................................................Contact Time (Senior Class meeting-Jostens grad announcements) Oct. 16 ....................................................................................Pirate Connections Oct. 23 ...........................................................................Contact Time (Pirate TV) Oct. 30 ...................................................... Contact Time-(Club yearbook photos) Nov. 6 .....................................................................................Pirate Connections Nov. 13 ..........................................................................Contact Time (Pirate TV) Nov. 20 ...................................................................................Pirate Connections Dec. 4 ................................................................................................ Pirate Code *Fri Dec. 12....................................................................Contact Time (Pirate TV) 2nd Semester Jan. 8 ............................Contact Time (9th grade Department Fair in auditorium) Jan. 15 ....................................................................................Pirate Connections *Jan. 20 ............................................ STOP DAY-Pirate Connections -end of day Jan. 22 ...........................................................................Contact Time (Pirate TV) Jan. 29 ....................................................................................Pirate Connections Feb. 5 ................................................................................................ Pirate Code Feb. 12 ............................................................................................Contact Time Feb. 19 ...................................................................................Pirate Connections Feb .26 ..........................................................................Contact Time (Pirate TV) March 5............................................................................................Contact Time March 12.................................................................................Pirate Connections March 26....................................................................... Contact Time (Pirate TV) April 2 .....................................................................................Pirate Connections April 9 ................................................................................................ Pirate Code April 16 ............................................................................................Contact Time (Pirate TV) Or Class Meeting: senior portrait presentation) April 23 ...................................................................................Pirate Connections May l(Friday) .....................................................................No Contact Time-Prom May 7 ................................................................................................. Pirate Code May 14 ...........................................................................Contact Time (Pirate TV) May 21 .............................................................. Contact Time (Locker Clean-out) Pattonville High School • 77 • 2014-2015 Pattonville High School STUDENT CALENDAR 2014 Pattonville High School • 78 • 2014-2015 August 2014 to do list: July2014 S M T 1 6 7 8 13 14 15 20 21 22 27 28 29 Monday Junior & Sophomore Registration & Laptop Roll Out 12:00 – 3:30 pm & 5:30 – 7:30 pm 4 Tuesday 5 Freshman Registration 12:00 – 3:30 pm & 5:30 – 7:30 pm W 2 9 16 23 30 Th 3 10 17 24 31 F 4 11 18 25 S 5 12 19 26 Wednesday Freshmen & New Student Transition 7:23 - 11:30 am 6 Late Registration 3:00 – 7:30 pm Late Laptop Roll Out for 10-12th Grade 3:00- 7:30 pm 1st Day of Fall Athletic practices A A B A A B A A B First Day of School 11 Class meetings: 7:35 – Freshmen 8:30 – Sophomores 9:30 – Juniors 12:45 – Seniors 12 18 Fall Play Auditions 19 PTO 6:30 pm B104 Absentee Photo Day 13 Fall Play Auditions 20 Fall Play Auditions 25 Pattonville High School 26 • 79 • Sr Yr College Plan Meeting 7:00 pm 27 2014-2015 monthly goals: September2014 S M 1 7 8 14 15 21 22 28 29 T 2 9 16 23 30 W 3 10 17 24 Th 4 11 18 25 F 5 12 19 26 S 6 13 20 27 Friday Saturday Sunday 1 2 3 8 9 10 15 16 17 21 22 23 24 28 29 30 31 Thursday Senior Registration & Laptop Roll Out 7:30-11:00 am & 1:00-3:00 pm 7 Freshman Laptop Roll Out 4-8:00 pm 14 C C A C A NO SCHOOL Staff Development Day Homeroom Homeroom Open House 6:30 pm Homeroom Pattonville High School • 80 • 2014-2015 September 2014 to do list: August2014 S M T W Th F 3 4 10 11 17 18 24/31 25 Monday 1 NO SCHOOL LABOR DAY A A A A NHS Tapping 1st Hour 8 PTO 6:30 pm B104 Homecoming Assembly 15 Shortened Schedule BSAAC 7:23 B104 22 NHS Induction 7 pm 29 Pattonville High School 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 S 2 9 16 23 30 Tuesday Wednesday 2 3 A A A A A ASVAB TEST B104 A+ Information Night 7 pm GP1 Ends Picture Retake Day • 81 • 9 16 23 30 B B B B 10 17 24 2014-2015 monthly goals: October2014 S M T W 1 5 6 7 8 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 22 26 27 28 29 Th 2 9 16 23 30 F 3 10 17 24 31 S 4 11 18 25 Thursday C C C C Junior Class Meeting Auditorium 4 Rho Kappa Induction 6 pm Homeroom 11 Senior Class Photo Main Gym Homeroom 18 Homeroom College Fair 1 pm – main gym 25 Homeroom Friday Saturday Sunday 5 6 7 13 14 20 21 27 28 A A A A 12 Spanish NHS Induc- tion 7 pm Homecoming Assembly 19 Homecoming Football Game ACT @ PHS Homecoming 10 am Parade 7:30-10:30 pm Dance Shortened Schedule 26 Report Card pick up at Parent Teacher Conf. Oct. 1 and 2. Pattonville High School • 82 • 2014-2015 October 2014 to do list: September2014 S M 1 7 8 14 15 21 22 28 29 Monday Tuesday T 2 9 16 23 30 W 3 10 17 24 Th 4 11 18 25 F 5 12 19 26 S 6 13 20 27 Wednesday B B B B B 1 Parent/Teacher Conf 4:30-8:00 pm Report card pick up A A A A 6 13 20 27 Pattonville High School A A A A Drug Awareness Assembly 7 14 Modified Schedule 21 28 • 83 • PSAT TESTS 8 15 22 29 2014-2015 monthly goals: November2014 S M T W Th F 2 3 4 5 9 10 11 12 16 17 18 19 24 25 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 S 1 8 15 22 29 Thursday C C C C C Parent/Teacher Conf 4:30-7:30 pm Report card pick up 2 Friday Saturday Sunday 3 4 5 10 11 12 18 19 25 26 NO SCHOOL Homeroom Senior Class Meeting Main Gym 9 Homeroom FALL PLAY - 7 pm 16 Homeroom Fall Band Concert 7 pm 23 Homeroom 30 Creative College Financing Meet 6 pm Jr Yr College Plan 7 pm Homeroom A A A A FALL PLAY - 7 pm NHS Blood Drive 17 24 FALL PLAY - 7 pm ACT @ PHS 31 Pattonville High School • 84 • 2014-2015 November 2014 to do list: October2014 S M T W 1 5 6 7 8 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 22 26 27 28 29 Monday 3 Tuesday 4 Th 2 9 16 23 30 F 3 10 17 24 31 Wednesday A B A A B A A B A A A Basketball & Wrestling - First practice NO SCHOOL Staff Development Day Musical Auditions 10 11 Tolerance Assembly Main Gym 17 Girls Swim & Dive – First practice S 4 11 18 25 GP2 Ends 5 Musical Auditions 12 Fall Sports Awards 6:30 pm 18 19 25 26 BSAAC 9:13 B104 PTO 6:30 pm B104 24 Pattonville High School • 85 • 2014-2015 monthly goals: December2014 S M 1 7 8 14 15 21 22 28 29 T 2 9 16 23 30 W 3 10 17 24 31 Th 4 11 18 25 F 5 12 19 26 S 6 13 20 27 Thursday Saturday Sunday 1 2 7 8 9 14 15 16 21 22 23 28 29 30 Friday 6 C A C A C A Musical AAuditions uditions Musical Wheelchair BBasketball asketball Game Wheelchair Game Homeroom 13 Financial Aid Overview 7 pm Distribute Report Cards- 2nd hour Homeroom 20 Homeroom 27 NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Day NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Holiday Pattonville High School • 86 • 2014-2015 December 2014 to do list: November2014 S M T W Th F 2 3 9 10 16 17 23/30 24 Monday Tuesday 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 Wednesday A A B A A A A 1 Choir & Orchestra Concert 7 pm 8 15 2 9 2nd Hr FINAL 16 S 1 8 15 22 29 Band Concert 7 pm 3 10 17 FINAL EXAMS 10:30 am Dismissal Special A 22 23 24 WINTER BREAK 29 Pattonville High School 30 31 WINTER BREAK • 87 • 2014-2015 monthly goals: January2015 S M T W Th 1 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 29 F 2 9 16 23 30 S 3 10 17 24 31 Thursday Friday C A B C 4 5 Saturday Sunday 6 7 13 14 19 20 21 26 27 28 Band Boosters Craft Fair Homeroom 11 12 Speech & Debate Tournament Speech & Debate Tournaments Homeroom 18 FINAL EXAMS 10:30 am Dismissal FINAL EXAMS 10:30 am Dismissal GP3 Ends 25 WINTER BREAK Pattonville High School • 88 • 2014-2015 Pattonville High School 2015 Pattonville High School • 89 • 2014-2015 January 2015 to do list: December2014 S M 1 7 8 14 15 21 22 28 29 Monday 5 Tuesday A A A A A A NO SCHOOL REPORT DAY SCHOOL RESUMES 6 PTO 6:30 pm B104 12 13 Class meetings: 7:35 – Freshmen 8:30 – Sophomores 9:30 – Juniors 12:45 – Seniors 19 NO SCHOOL Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday STOP DAY 20 PRGL¿HGVFKHGXOH 10-11-12 Registration 26 27 10-11-12 Registration 8th Grade Curriculum Night Pattonville High School • 90 • T 2 9 16 23 30 W 3 10 17 24 31 Th 4 11 18 25 F 5 12 19 26 S 6 13 20 27 Wednesday B B B B 7 14 9th/10th College Planning Meeting 6 pm FAFSA Completion Workshop 7 pm 21 28 10-11-12 Registration 2014-2015 monthly goals: February2015 S 1 8 15 22 M 2 9 16 23 T 3 10 17 24 W 4 11 18 25 Th 5 12 19 26 F 6 13 20 27 S 7 14 21 28 Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 1 2 3 4 9 10 11 16 17 18 23 24 25 WINTER BREAK C A C C A C A 8 Mail 1st Semester Report Cards Homeroom 15 NO SCHOOL Staff Development Homeroom 22 Homeroom 29 10-11-12 Registration 30 10-11-12 Registration 31 NHS Valentine Brunch Homeroom Pattonville High School • 91 • 2014-2015 February 2015 to do list: January2015 S M T W Th 1 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 29 Monday 2 Tuesday 3 F 2 9 16 23 30 Wednesday A A B A A B A B A A A 10-11-12 Registration 9 10-11-12 Registration 10-11-12 Registration 10 10-11-12 Registration BSAAC 11:06 B104 NO SCHOOL Presidents Day S 3 10 17 24 31 4 10-11-12 Registration 11 10-11-12 Registration Elementary Matinee 16 17 10-11-12 Registration 23 24 Grade Card pick up at Conferences on March 4 and 5 Pattonville High School • 92 • 18 10-11-12 Registration Band Concert 7 pm 25 2014-2015 monthly goals: March2014 S M T W Th F 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 31 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 S 1 8 15 22 29 Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 1 C C C C 5 10-11-12 Registration 8th Grade Assembly Homeroom 12 10-11-12 Registration Musical - 7 pm Homeroom 19 A A A B 6 10-11-12 Registration 13 10-11-12 Registration Musical - 7 pm 14 21 27 28 Mr. PHS 7 pm Homeroom Adult Senior Class Fundraiser 7 pm (MHCC) 20 Orchestra Concert 7 pm 26 8 Musical Matinee 2 pm 15 Musical - 7 pm 10-11-12 Registration Black History Presentation 7 Key Club Blood Drive 10-11-12 Registration GP4 Ends Homeroom ACT @ PHS 6-2 Pattonville High School • 93 • 22 2014-2015 to do list: February2015 March 2015 S 1 8 15 22 Monday Tuesday 2 3 M 2 9 16 23 T 3 10 17 24 W 4 11 18 25 Th 5 12 19 26 F 6 13 20 27 Wednesday A A B A A B First Day Spring Athletic practices 9 PTO 6:30 pm B104 One Act Plays Auditions ASVAB TEST B104 10 S 7 14 21 28 Parent Teacher Conferences 4:30-8 pm 4 11 Winter Sports Awards 6:30 pm One Act Plays Auditions 16 17 18 SPRING BREAK A 30 A 23 Pattonville High School A 31 A • 94 • 24 B 25 2014-2015 monthly goals: April2015 S M T W 1 5 6 7 8 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 22 26 27 28 29 Th 2 9 16 23 30 F 3 10 17 24 S 4 11 18 25 Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 1 5 7 8 13 14 15 20 21 22 28 29 C C A Parent Teacher Conferences 4:30-7:30 pm NO SCHOOL 6 Speech/Debate Tournament Speech/Debate Tournament Homeroom 12 Homeroom 19 SPRING BREAK C A 26 Parade of Bands 7 pm 27 MAC/DAC Talent Show Homeroom Pattonville High School • 95 • 2014-2015 to do list: March2015 S 1 8 15 22 29 April 2015 Monday A A A A GP5 Ends 6 13 BSAAC 7:23 B104 One Act Plays 20 27 Pattonville High School Tuesday A A A A Festival of Strings 7 pm 7 14 One Act Plays ACT Test (all juniors) • 96 • 21 28 M 2 9 16 23 30 T 3 10 17 24 31 W 4 11 18 25 Th 5 12 19 26 F 6 13 20 27 S 7 14 21 28 Wednesday B B B B A How to Read Your Financial Aid Package 7 pm 1 8 15 International Day 22 Operation Prom Safe 3rd hour BSAAC Picnic 11 am 29 2014-2015 monthly goals: May2015 S M T W Th F 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 24/31 25 26 27 28 29 S 2 9 16 23 30 Thursday 2 Friday Sunday 3 4 5 10 11 12 18 19 25 26 C C A C A C A Taste of Pattonville Saturday NO SCHOOL SPRING HOLIDAY Homeroom 9 Homeroom 16 Junior Class Meeting 17 ACT @ PHS Distribute Report Cards-2nd hour MVP Awards Homeroom 23 24 Homeroom 30 MAC Basketball Game Pattonville High School • 97 • 2014-2015 to do list: April2015 S M T W 1 5 6 7 8 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 22 26 27 28 29 May 2015 Monday 4 Tuesday Th 2 9 16 23 30 F 3 10 17 24 Wednesday 5 A A B A A B A A B A A PTO 6:30 pm B104 NO SCHOOL Memorial Day Band Concert 7 pm 11 12 18 19 25 26 S 4 11 18 25 9-10-11 Grade Awards 6 pm 6 13 20 Spring Sports Awards 6:30 pm 1ST HR FINAL EXAMS 27 Senior Awards 7 pm Special “A” Day Pattonville High School • 98 • 2014-2015 monthly goals: June2015 S M 1 7 8 14 15 21 22 28 29 T 2 9 16 23 30 W 3 10 17 24 Th 4 11 18 25 F 5 12 19 26 S 6 13 20 27 Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 1 2 3 8 9 10 15 16 17 22 23 24 29 30 31 C C A C A C A Junior/Senior PROM – Sheraton Westport Chalet 12:38 dismissal No Homeroom Choir Concert 7 pm 7 Homeroom 14 Orchestra Concert 7 pm Homeroom 21 Homeroom 28 FINAL EXAMS 10:30 am dismissal FINAL EXAMS 10:30 am dismissal COMMENCEMENT 7 pm Pattonville High School • 99 • 2014-2015 to do list: May2015 June 2015 S M T W Th F 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 24/31 25 26 27 28 29 S 2 9 16 23 30 Monday Tuesday 1 2 3 8 9 10 15 16 17 22 23 24 29 30 FINAL EXAMS 10:30 am dismissal Wednesday GP6 Ends LAST DAY OF SCHOOL Pattonville High School • 100 • 2014-2015 monthly goals: July2015 S M T W 1 5 6 7 8 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 22 26 27 28 29 Th 2 9 16 23 30 F 3 10 17 24 31 S 4 11 18 25 Thursday 4 Friday Saturday Sunday 5 6 7 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 21 25 26 27 28 Alt. day for COMMENCEMENT Mail Report Cards Pattonville High School ACT NOT at PHS • 101 • 2014-2015 Michael A. Fulton, Ed. D. Superintendent of Schools Tami K. Hohenstein Ruth A. Petrov President Vice-President Cindy R. Candler Ralph K. Stahlhut Secretary Treasurer Robert W. Dillon Andrea D. Glenn Director Director Jeanne M. Schottmueller Director