19500712_VOL11_19 - Packard Timeline


19500712_VOL11_19 - Packard Timeline
Vol. 11
No. 19
July 12, 195()
, Distribution Of Picnic Tickets Starts Next Week
Individual Investnient Neul Insuraitce Plan'
Effective Sept. Ist
owners and
The new General Motors Group
Insurance Plan will become effeetive September 1, 1950. This Plan
was developed to fit your needs
and the needs of those who depend
upon your income. It provides an
income just when you or your dependents would need it most-at
the time of your sickness, accident,
or death.
Life Insuiwince - Coverage in an
amount greater than a year's base
merchants, laborers, lousewives, bank L
ers, lawyers, teachers, druggists, etc.
the rest of your life.
people have invested directly in
the stocks or bonds of a corporation.
They may have invested indirectly by
putting money into banks and insurance
policies. This makes them indirect investors. Banks and insurance companles get part of their income from in vest-
even though you leave General
Motors at that age or later, if you
have 10 years in the Plan at age 65.
Extra Accident Insuitince - Coverage
to more than one half
a year's
base pay up to a maximum
Cash received from investors makes
Physicians' In-Hospital Attendance
they expect to get a share of the profits
the form of dividends or interest.
tools and equipment and to spend more
Insurance - This is a new coverage. It reimburses for certain non-
nioney for research.
surgical, in-hospital doctor fees. It
it possible for industry to buy better
This develops bet-
ter production methods, improves work
Pays up to $350 ($5 times the num_
facilities and makes possible thousands
Continued On Page Six
of jobs.
fac reyn ariefo,T,pi n fua imjoe itrnpays f
quate dividends.
Stockholders soon try
9.4/17-,#fll-C=4122* .
- *r
V- " ·-'.1.-_
- -:,u 4--'_t»
1.4 515'f
.· w.up..Ar«2
This is true
business makes, as payment for the use
of their money. Their return is paid in
to become investors. And, as investors,
# feti
age 6,5, you keep part of your GM
,of $4,000. This insurance provides
benefits for certain inj uries or
death caused by an accident.
Sickness and Accident - Benefits
for a specified period of time while
you are laid up.
ments in corporate bonds. The hope of
earning extra income causes individuals
i -«---*,i "
Continued Life Insurance - After
They are farmers
--La< #1 "* SS#.4
Included in the new Plan are coverages which provide increased
benefits and one new type of insurance. IIere are some of the
things you get from the new Plan:
corporations today include people from
all walks of life,
66Get Iii The Swim" At Coiineaitit Lake
_ 4 -
- : , :- .
I'ome on in! Tlie witirr'% fine: Cle:tr water, siln Iind fun Me, the niooti iin ('onnrant
lAiNe park'* white Mand. l'ark:trditeM will [ake lo the lake fron, ihim fine beach
Iit Ihe P:ickard Family picnic July 28.
Swimming at the white sand beach pictured above will be just one
of many, many attractions at the Packard Family picnic set for Fi'iday,
July 28 at Conneaut Lake park, Pa. Fun-packed plans i·anging from
special games for children to valuable prize drawings for adults are now
Gordon Moore, general chairman, states a full day of activity is
to keep everyone busy and happy. "Exciting free rides, excellent
picnic groves and special events will make it a day to remember," he
added. Complete details of the day's program will appear in a special
picnic edition of The Cablegram Wednesday, July 26.
Quemtionnuirf™ Mailed To Ilonirm
Post card questionnaires concerning the picnic are being mailed to
all employes' homes. Packardites are requested to fill them out and return the self-addressed cards by July 21. The questionnaires are very important. They will help the Picnic
committee order the right amount
Hllnlan Engineering Instructor TolirS Plant
to dispose of their stock. If the unfavorable profit trend continues, creditors become reluctant to make new
loans. They try to take their money
out of the business and reinvest it where
they can get a better return, Individual
of reff·eshments and beverages.
Family tickets will be distributed
by forernen and supervisors next
week. The ticket will admit the
employe and his family. Tickets
also carry the lucky numbers to be
used in the drawings for prizes.
investment is the life blood of business.
( See Map on Page 6)
However, only a profitable business at-
Packard Ni,ze Moves
Up To Second Place
tracts investors and remains healthy.
Masters Retires As
Welfare Assoc. Head
Packard's hard - hitting Softballers
have hit their stride and last week took
over second place in the Warren Indus-
A testimonial dinner honoring
trial Athletic association standing. After
playing second-best for a good part of
the first half of the season, the team has
been winning consistantly and has now
placed itself in a very good spot to
repeat as league champions again this
John Masters was given June 23 at
the Cafe 422. Masters left his
of trustees of the Packard Welfare
association May 1.
Leaving the position after servpo
tion sixteen
Masters was
ss chaiyears,
rman of
Packard gained second place on the
the board
watch by Gen-
gifted with a gold
eral Atanager B. N. MaeGregor on
behalf of the members of the Welfare association in grateful appre-
ciation of his service as chairman.
The new chairman is Frank
Cline, former secretary of the association's board of trustees.
Fetchke as they defeated
3-1 July 5. Tonight Packard will square
off against a rough Standard Trans-
masterful two-hit pitc
hing of Billy
Iiuman Science, who rerenily prr.ented 1, *eminar in liuman engineering to meni-
former team at 7: 45 and Friday night,
at 7:45 against Standard Steel Spring.
Lm, F. Uhlir.
person-a book of five tickets costs one
A viaitor to Iiackard lam! niontli wit,4 Victor L. Sliort, president of the In*,litile of
ben of Parkard'M management group. Pictured above ia Shor, receiving information
on tlte assembling of radio und mi.velluneotiv harne*M from Plant 4 Superintendent
(Ileft to right) Uhlir ; D. ('. M{·Millin, foreman Dept, 415; Short ,
und K. M. Thomp*on, Supervi:or Salariect Per*onnel
All games are played at Wean Field,
North River Road. Admission 25c per
Packard Cablegram
The Packard Cablegram
9 04'id...
tef So *0
Dept. 225
BV Pearl Hillman
Editor, NAmTON I. SATZ
Edito,·ial Staff, L,Tus E. Ki,KEN and WILLIAM J. KAL,\IIER
Sta// Photographer, ROBERT L. M(:BANE
Director of EmpZope RE:Zations, JEAN P. BLAIR
Photo Darkroom Phone, PAX 348
Cablegram Phone, PAX 364
Helen Brown
Bertie Woodworth
Geneva Ellis
Homer Dodson
Aretta But·nett
Peg Augustine
Eleanor Mitchell
Jennie Duda
Mary Beck
Pauline Schwendner
Chester Zadrozny
Lucille Lynn
Leta Pike
Helen Hurton
Margaret Seko
Eleanor Frederick
Norman Uhlir
Jean Laverty
Doris Jacoby
Lloyd Amberson
Margery Urmson
Annamae Theis
Lou Binben
Gene Pealer
Vera N. Burr
Catherine Taylor
Kay Campbell
Pauline Dziama
Mary Vera
Josephine Smuke
Jean Housel
"Jim" Korecky
Georgia Greer
Cliff Meigs
Terry Sipka
Marie Russell
Marian Winans
Elizabeth Huff
Malvin Sirocki
Ernest Peters
Frances Radcliffe
Ruth Simons
Betty Schuster
Emma Leonard
Mary Suchin
Pearl Hillman
John Leopardi
Mickey O'Brien
Published bi-weekly by and for the einvloves 0/ th·e Pack,trd EZectrie Ditilaion 0/
General Motors Corporation to /ostei· the mutuaL intereata of the emplotter and tht;
empLoyes and to pi·omote closer co-operation for better wor,c.
9' '
a beautiful day for the picnic so that
there will be a large group there. My
husband, Ted Hillman ( Dept. 305), and
I are real proud to think they are holding this picnic on our twenty-third wed-
//9 0 /*Ct ... that our corporatione ue
mclude doctors, school teacheri, lawyers, farmers,
day laborers, as wellas many factory employes who
big day at the picnic... Thanks for the
news from the afternoon shift, keep up
Blanche Rosine, who
the good work
has a pleasant smile for everyone, celebrated her birthday June 23 . . . Johnny
own stock in the company for which they work.
Saturday, June 24, was a gala occasion
for the Hoops-Dee-Doo fellows of Depts.
225, 224, 221. They are Rudy Gmucs,
Joe Kenny, Metro, Julius, Carl, Bud,
John, Bob, Sam, Harry, Whitey, Kenny,
Chuck. Angelo and George. On their
way to the Stadium they stopped at the
Will someone tell John
Painter where the umpire was getting
Painter says he goes to Kane, Pa., weekends to see his mother, but we hear
there's a certain girl involved . . .W e
Roman who
. Mary Stocker is in the hospital... Vacations east, west, north
and south.
Pearl Mumma and hus-
all the balls he kept pulling from his
band left June 30 with their daughter
pocket. John counted 23 without a refill. After the game the boys toured
to visit her grandfather in Atoka, Okla-
Help M«
HIlg men
ESTIMATOR for interstate· trucklng 9991- RADIO DESIGN El
:h,bqi.0/0(tri.&05:6 6,&:A f)&&dic:FEE*E:/Slot#i'SIFE':9 :Irr.& 31/.&/1715.9
j:*i; :61:
where zpace Ilmitations 01:
He is 77 years old and lives on a
13,1,171!li, l-1>40 10**appo:
seeing the bright lights of New York
ed' for Mount*in Laki di
· · · Rebecca Fetherolf and her husband
are motoring to Mishawakaw, Indiana,
. Be//.res,al//ference*
O P P O R T U N I T Y!
mt town
Worker earning
$10 for 8 hours' work
offered opportunity to
earn same amount by
working 81 hours !
i (lity-). im unin' 01
lomptroller, general ,edger
Ial, A-leo, under 35. M.
&·Sviclu! 110,1 ABE r,R
ID., 1/0.
to t,sist tre,gurer, excel-
hr. 'NA· 13*iv•. 41,0*-,
After July 9 we're sure he will not have
that trouble. They left Cleveland about
the time the rooster let go with his first
seeing . . . Mildred Bako and her hus-
band are in Canada for a week's fishing
and visit with relatives . ,
Kotch has decided to spend his vacation
in the Big City, visiting relatives and
Cleveland with Bouncer Bud Richards on
hand. Yes, Whitey had to prove his age.
ranch. Before returning home the Mummas intend to do some Texas sight-
lon d & sound acca/l d
Tlline=, 4. 9.
Ima, al:tons
difficult. '1
8200 mnnth
located are
hav* Atrong de
n -la
33 W dicu ot *. i K f. Call, aR:.DI
crow, all convinced that it was the long-
est game on record... Anyone interested in a male choir should contact Rudy,
Angelo, Carl, Curtis or Joe Filler . . .
Depts. 306.307
»thieiii t $ 'surppii«d Cynna ivr rhddi
After some time, we're back again
".'';' · '' "
-*' '
to spend her vacation July 9 to 16 in
with the latest news from 307 . . . Ray
trial wateril#mpnt. Me
Basic kE of chem
erstole . *250 per:
Washington, D. C., visiting relatives and
seeing the sights . . . Willie Kennedy and
her husband will visit her brothers and
Johnson has taken off work to go to
adve:llsine line.
M...lk=nufacturing expel
19 *:92. U... *Int,%,310*,n GRAIR W [OURIE. Al- . 3600- :*J#*9'4: /*IC*¢fl. 1
tecrd of •31.CE, 3 5/r
Merry-Go=Round on June 27. She received a Iovely gift. Anna is planning
month, Room, Board and
GARDENER & greenbouse m- ! : r:1:T;40.,cAls .
experience & salary exp
alg :Cwb#, 2¢*p, iviiiir. *1
make a Tratneel.
career of the
deepest sympathy
tion. Insurance and Penll
FkQA·,6 St,3,(311 a<elavt,.
1. St JD minM Trtlit,3. d dw alt,ri de t 0 1(1ftltl
2*aj ..000/ <31**cr, Ae
For......q lii.../
party in the cafeteria by the girls of the
By John A.. Leopardi
Fort Knox, Kentucky, with the Army
Reserves. Judging from the smile on
his face, he was eager to leave...
sisters in Soda Springs, Idaho, July 7
to 24 . . . Julia Hilston and husband are
Blanch Lewis paid a visit to Pittsburgh F
over the holiday.
going to do some fishing during their
n. metals......... $32.0000 trical backkround required.
Apply. 9.2 la central Dita:,<44*3, Submit
reaulne. W .B,3 1(Jee%(b '16-2..-*."
Rusty Coen and family.
and then to Chicago to visit friends dur
FOREMAN experienced h thi 18:embly IllllVenem q 1
*1, 1 %;1·13 t., :t.
¥Iry rich pooph.
owned by more than 12,000,000 individual
stockholders-people &om all walks 01 life. They
ding atiniversary and we are planning a
U. S. corporations
We are hoping it will turn out to bo
Would You Bother Answering This Ad?
lf you did, it would be with a laugh.
But wait a minute...
You are being offered just this opportunity-by those who say that
the communistic system of government provides more for the "average"
man than our own American system. And that, therefore, you should
think about switching systems.
In Russia. leading exponent of communism, the average worker
hai to work 81 hours< (two 40-hour weeks) to earn the same
$10 worth of goods that the average American worker earns; in
one 8-hour day.
Why the big· difierence ? Because we a]·e free to produce so much
Pittsburgh is Blanch's
... We are
old stamping grounds . , . Tom Skoc-
anxious to hear about Helen Beardsley's
zylas, his wife and daughter paid a visit
to their parents' home in Pennsylvania,
vacation July
1 0 to 24
Sorry her name was
trip to Florida.
mis-spelled in the last edition . , . Congratulations to Agnes James and her
husband on their 15th anniversary of
They will have visited Duquesne
and MeKeesport before they return...
Betty Lindsay surprised all of us when
she drove to Florida and then flew to
July 10. They are the parents of foilr
Girls, let's go to see the
children . .
She was brushing up on her
Indians play on Ladies' Day, August 5.
Spanish last winter, and now she will
They are playing the New York Yankees . . .I f enough are interested we can
have a chance to use it.
Who knows ?
She may even get a job as a school
teacher down there again, and the Pack-
charter a bus. Please let me have your
name . . . Marie Dillon had son number
ard will be minus one 708 machine oper-
ator . . . Theresa Guinta bought her son,
six June 19. She also has a daughter
Edith Stocker has returned from
her visit to her sister's in Wyandotte,
Michigan .
. Sophie Karmelita is in
home from the army for good (we hope).
Pittsblirgh . . . Katherine Urso and Adra
her . . . Andy Perhach is the new grease
Sam, a new 1950 Dodge now that he is
He must certainly be very proud of
Davis went fishing up at Lake Erie . . .
Mary Dinard is building a six-room
house with double garage in McDonald
. . , Florence McBride is taking Elsie
Villecco's place on the Merry-Go-Round
He now has his hands full.
(O f grease, that is ) . . . Why was Steve
Wiczen so happy last week ? Just as if
he saw a friend that he hadn't seen for '
some time,.. Chuck Shonk
. Jerry Miller and her family are
is the
champion yodeler on midnight turn. He
going to Orwell, and Dorothy Williamson
now has the rest of the sleepless wonders
mc,i·e and better goods each hour we work than any other country in
During the last /10 years alone we increased our use of rnachine
week in Itampton Beach, 1@w Hampshire... Margaret Kostruh and husband are going to Niagara Falls for a
power 41/2 times-doubled our production-and our wages were almost
visit ... Hazel Cleaves is going to
Wheeling, West Virginia . . . Hazel Betts
day . . . Vlad Bobosh had a freak accident recently. He awoke one morning,
yawned, snapped his mouth shut, flung
open, He
out brought
fell a perfectly
the toothgood
With the use of better machines-more power-we turn out
doubled, yet we cut about 18 hours from our work week.
Nobody, of course, denies that the system has its faults today.
Prices fluctuate. Depression is not an impossibility. There is some
unemployment. Management-labor relations are not without friction.
But the over-all truth is that the avei'age American makes more,
has more, and enjoys more than any other citizen under any other system
anywhere else in the world. And-above all this--he has freedom of
choice throughout his life, that is granted only under the American
Doesn't it make sense, then, to correct the faults rather than talk
about changing the system ?
i8 going to spend her vacation next
yodeling in a way that isn't heard every
work to show us what good condition it
was in . . .W e welcome Eddie Kratofil
and family have gone to Geneva-on-the-
Lake . . . Twila Witherstine and her
friends went to Cook's Forest . . . Mary
Bagulia went to her aunt's in Corry, Pa.
· · · Ann Locar and husband are going
into our department. He's the boy with
the nice smile and the pretty blue eyes,
girls... Helen Vivolo worked one week
in our department again. Too bad Margaret couldn't have spent a week with us
to Cleveland to see the Indians play. . .
Vesta MeVay and husband went to
West Virginia to visit his parents...
Paiil Bacon CelebrateH AIL Plant 6
And we can correct them. lf we share the same fundamental faith
. 51
in America, we can make our system work more productively, more
smoothly, more fairly than it has ever worked before.
All it takes is common determination... and common effort.
Depts. 213-14.15-227
By Ile.Zen Bi'own
Chuck Johnson, Lillie Daniels, Dominic
Santangeto, Michele Dellaquila, Dorothy
Decker. Evelyn Espy, Erma Boyts, Paul-
ipt %= i .Li.
ine Miller and Yours Truly . . . Our
El aebeetxhtengdamo z i loeepe s ymmpo he -i
c yberct 'e lhowin»Inot %=
Many of our
pital ; to Louise Marthers' mother who is
people are
are making
for theirs...
Side Day
andin toSouth
and inMargaret
law passed away .
John Petiya got his new Studebaker
jllst in time for his fishing trip to Canada with his father-in-law . . . Elizabeth
Frazier also chose Canada for her vacation... Allen Foltz is spending three
weeks out west visiting his son who is in
the service.
. Other vacationers are
kel who are on sick leaves ...Kathryn
Ifinkle acquired a son-in-law when her
,{ S. r-1 i ,
- jB
i J.
, l\. '41'4 ,
, es
. N
daughter exchanged marital vows on
Friday, June 3 0. . . Goodbye and good
F r. ,
+464 .-r
get married and devote her full time to
(:,in lie do it on the firs, try? I'Iiul Bucon, linirkr:'per al Pltint 6, puffa his elteeks
as lie blows 01,1 tli¢· candle·. on a birthday eake prrmenied him June 26. The party
luck to Nicolina Gallo who has left us to
domestic duties.
was held in tlie ilani 6 cafeteria by Paul's friends.
Packard Cablegram
Top Award Winners Shown Iii Clock Area
Depts. 413.414
By Many Beck
Many of our folks use
d the long fire-
Top Suggeslion Awal-d %nrers
1 ckel a .ids}tion o «ta wa f;mt
by Corn-Indiana
traveling back
the dLand
JAN 11943 TO D.ITL
. . . The Bob Rowlands zoomed to Vir-
radio ?
We'll play a quiz game called "Bat.
ginia Beach and had time to do the
many things they had planned.
make the trip to and from Alaska over
three questions, and if you've got a week-end... Here's the news of our
!" You
see, we
you wouldn't be at all surprised if Bob would
the Up
to pitch
all three,
you're a hero and you win a game
vacationers .
prize. But each question you miss
sylvania and Maryland visiting relatives
if you miss all three, it's a strikeout, and YOU'RE TIIROUGII !
back again with just a shade of "You
counts one strike against You, and
You're up.
Step to the plate.
number one:
most likely to get hurt or killed if
. Imo Brenner and her
family had two glorious weeks in Pennand sight-seeing... Lizzie Parker came
and "Honey Chile" having spent one
week back home in North Carolina . . .
. &771 rz'1/
E-les -maia -v
--m - 19441 £*
YOU have a motor vehicle acci- jo it to the utmost... Evalina Brun-
of the girls at a lawn party at her home
Pitch number two: "WIIO gets
the most benefit out of YOUR
knowing the laws and safe driving
Sport Shoppe.
that by going 'round and 'round in
Judge it carefully and don't get
caught off balance.
of the group at Audrey Williams' home
sensibly careful ?" That's a floater.
Pitch number three : "Who is
beaten any of them ( if they could do
circles). Jenny's daughter then showed
moving pictures of the Christmas party
and good-nights were said by a happy,
tired bunch of girls, with much thanks
to Jenny for a wonderful time . . . Our
deepest sympathy is extended to Johnny,
bereavement... Our "Roving Inspector"
There's the fast ball,
plant !
Take that home run cut at it !
Now let's figure your score. If
%=%-8 174,01f /
After much to eat the
responsible for keeping
YOU alive and able-bodied and on
the job ?"
on Mosquito lake, which is the Mecca
sailors in the group each hopped into a
boat and Yale or Harvard couldn't have
Jim and "Rusty" Coen in their recent
Jack Baumann had trouble "Roving"
after work one night. Seems like the
family bus liked the parking lot and
Itere is ilte display you have been seeing in the (-lock area showing ilte Ic,p sug-
ge*tion :tward winners for tlie period from January 1, 1919 to date.
But they are not the only ones. New ideas come into the Suggestion
committee every day and very often an award goes out to someone who
cared to submit his idea. Each entry is given careful consideration by
the committee which meets each week.
At a recent meeting in June, a total of 11 employes were chosen for
awards. The winning ideas ranged from the installation of an oil dripper
to apply oil to stock on welding presses to the practice of dipping solder
ends of battery cable before
refused to start. We wondered if jacking up the rear wheel as you cranked
would help, or maybe trade it in on a
Bob Rowland of Department 414.
ty sense and where the stakes are
not so high. If you missed one or
two questions, there's still hope for
you-but one good thing about this
mule, eh ?., . June and July are
Bob received over $1,000 for his
but down our way it's different,
least it was 16 years ago when most of
our good folks greeted this world . .
crimp on a rivet die to eliminate
soldering and one-hundred percent
quiz game is that if you know the
correct answer ·to one question, you
should know all three, for the same
word answers all of them. Finally,
We celebrated their birthdays in the
same good old friendly way for Lita
Kosola, Mary Kazear, Rita cessene,
Grayce Bartalon, Helen Potts, Harold
pull-testing. The money he received is in the bank right now,
Lob says, but in the near future he
plans to use it in the purchase of a
ord, accept the big. game prize_
hoping we will be able to celebrate your
if you have a perfect batting rec-
The Safe Worker
- -- -
to be the months of brides,
Tinem and Norman Keeling.
some scattered coughs throughout the
office and decided to open the windows
-forgetting that they are bolted.
tunately Harry Bowen's trouble-shooters
arrived on the scene before any fire developed . . Lloyd Wright received a lot
of comment on the new fan he brought
into his office Monday morning, but he
had a replacement for it by afternoon,
suggestion of putting a different
by adding a new carpet to his re-
Fourth ? . . . Ann Pehanich took in a
cently-acquired house. Iie's from
Department 218. Another suggestion that paid off was the one
turned in by Department 305's
baseball game on the Fourth . . . Mary
Gergle is a very happy mother. Her
daughter, Stella, is home from college
gratulations to Mom and Pop Roscoe...
for his idea, but as yet hasn't put it
to any actual use. "Right now it's
that are parked at the curb... "Little"
Audrey Williams lost in the center of
Mecca. She can't find Luellen Borland
Ina Carson, our favorite
mistress of ceremonies... Gladys Roth,
smning all day, Yep the reason is her
daughter is home for two weeks, that
will do it everytime... Walter Griffith
:ur FBI man, hunting down Jim Ge,·rit
in the big city of Newton Falls and
finding him . . . Mary Thorpe dreaming
of the day when she can move into her
new home.
Seems as though the original model
Nick Bufano. He won over $400
in the bank" he says, "and it's a
good feeling to know that it's there
if I need it."
During the first half of 1950
157 awards totaling $6,399.79 were
paid out. This is an average of a
$40 award for each winning sug-
gestion. The highest single total
was one for $903. And all these
awards were paid to folks like you
who found that suggestions do pay
. Jerry Henry was
the recipient of many gifts at a baby
ec a ta o h rshl ou dlaoTS Z
donned the checkered coats and drove to
Painesville to watch the harness races
happiness, Jerry . . . Doris Dunkerton
''.4 #-4
4$ 7c
; -r $ ,·
days vacation spent motoring through
the Great Smoky mountains... Sorry to
see Dick Warren leave the department,
but wish him lots of luck on his new
job in Payroll . , , Miss Jeanes spent the
holiday week-end at Lake
George in
New York state and Joyce Adicott spent
a couple of days at Madison-on-the-lake
. . Joe Rennon disregarded the holiday
and painted his house. C I think).
colla couldn't wait for the holiday so he
could go fishing... Bernadine Quinlan
celebrated her 13th wedding anniversary
recently. Mr. Quinlan presented the
Mrs. with a set of silverware and a personal gift ,
Betty IIake also celebrated
a wedding anniversary.
Many more of
them, Betty... Steve Stocz must have«
been mistaken for a Cleveland fan. Steve
received several Cleveland Indian pictures through the mail. He is a Boston
fan . . . Della Leavell is enjoying a won-
Canada . . . Gladys Weir, the lucky gal,
is in Canada, too . . . Seems like the
whole department is headed north...
Vada Benett is on vacation.
Hope she
is having a super time . . . Glad to see
Alice Anderson's husband, Allen, looking
well and back at work again . . . Get
well wishes are extended to Rose Kromer who was recently hospitalized...
Also to Mollie Deets' husband who has
a bad foot... Eleanor Michael had a ·-
birthday recently with a lovely cake and
gift from the gang.
Eleanor had a bit
of luck so she had some extra pin money
h» hee ra e» nd he«»«f erbthetracue ,
anyhow . . . Dan Tritten enjoyed a few
for the summer vacation . . . Edna Collins had a nice holiday. She and her
daughter, Gail, spent the week-end at
the lake... Lucille and Bill Forrester
enjoyed their new motor boat on the
lake over the week-end... Steve Fras-
Mrs. Art Joy are also vacationing
- --
shower held in her honor at the office
went to 'Washington, D. C. . . what
could be more appropriate for the
derful vacation in Canada . . . Mr. and
Floyd Di,rliani Receives Farewell Gift
on a phone conversation and this neces-
Van Winkle, so she says . . . Larry
Taylor, Harold Brown and this reporter
we're ready for work again . . . Befor„ I
go further, I want to apologize to Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Robinson and son for
an error in the last issue. The Robin-
daughter well on the road to recovery
and home from the hospital . . , The bird
with the long legs swooped low over st.
Joseph's and left the most precious little
made so much noise Lloyd couldn't carry
F ua eka d.
Holiday celebration is over and every-
one is back after a grand week-end. Now
happy to report Mary Ruskin's little
2lst birthdays . . .I n other words we
never get too old down hyar...We are
wearing blinders so she can see the cars
Pittsburgh had nothing on us the other
day when one of our air conditioning
units poured out a steady stream of
smoke for about five minutes, Heard
Dept. 415 --
By Kay Campbell
son's are Yankee fans . . . Margaret
Bigg had a wonderful week-end, She
Just noticin' . . . that Stella Shafer is
By Gene Pealer
applying the terminals.
Top winner of the year was
new home.
Wilbur Schrurn of West Austintown put his winnings to good use
girl with Margaret Roscoe. Our con-
Production Control
sitated the charge .
All the employes
pictured turned in their ideas on plant improvements and walked away willt awards.
Suggestions pay off ! Proof of that statement can be seen on the display board in the clock area. The twelve employes pictured there are the
top money winners at Packard in the last year and a half.
you struck out, we're sorry for you
and you'd better get into a game
that doesn't require so much safe-
.Grivd -62<69171'
elli and her hubby enjoyed a week away
dent?" Watch that one ! It's got from
alarm clocks and busses, just being
Jenny Yakovac entertained 17
a sharp break on it, but your ex- lazy
1 11 *,4 m I
she would be, our little lady would en-
perience should help you meet it
31.1 I
_ 'U@#4.
Leona Morrison divided her two weeks
in Columbus and at home.
\ /L,Lr
Acah 6 --„,4
„- L
1 -T,ld=-m.
,% --j--„---.--//1
for the holiday week-end . . . Pete Robinson and family ventured down to Mari-
etta, 0., for a visit over the Fourth . . .
Our sympathy to James Coen and family
in the loss of their brother . . . Best
wishes to Carl Bulvony who was mar-
ried recently
. Edna Colins had a
grand birthday along with the usual
Floyd Durham, sales correspondent, is #hown itirrounded by friends in the Sale*
cake and gift . . . Mary Grabovac's son,
Pasco Jr., is home for good after a year
department as he accepts a farewell gift from tliem.
with the Marines.
Mr. Durham left Friday to
take U poaition in Kent, Ohio.
Good luck to you,
Packard Cablegram
Production Control Showers Jerry IIenry
Slater Winding Depts. 609.10.11-12-13
Reporters: Betty Schuster, Matvin Si,·orki, Elizubeth Huff, Marian Winaum,
. 4
TerrJ Sipka, Eleanon Fredeticks, Josephine Smuke und Mary Vera.
' ;
During the past two weeks th o girls
Bert Hake promised to hit two liomers in
from Winding have had a chance to go
one game but he hasn't even got Number One yet . . . Marian Crawford is
back at her coil winding machine in 612
out to the Kittyball games and take a
few cuts at the ball. The Winless Won'12
ders played two practice games with
Motor Assembly, losing the first 6-2 and
winning the second 15-4. After e.ach of
these games the girls pitched in and
had lots of fun. Virginia Nicula smacked
a homer and beat out a single to shine
4 1:
for the girls.
Wilma Fetchko used up
ten strikes and she still hasn't hit i t. . .
. Charlie
Short shots from Winding ,
=rd -:_ 4
. »=lia '1:
r '' Vir :
1 2
in l'rodietion Control Friday, J ine 30. Jerry haN left Packard to be, at tio,ne and
wail for the new arrivul.
BY Helen Hurton and Cliff Mag:,
BV Vera N. But·r
last week ?
Get well wishes to the
fathers of Elvera Massitta and Dorothea
Manwell . . . Chicken farmer, deluxe,
Margaret Agnew . . . Welcome new
Now every
the parking lot to make sure everyone
near her keeps their fenders , , , Kath-
the loss of her father . . . Elizabeth
After a nice Fourth of July holiday we
work once again!... Cliff Meigs and
Tessie Zadrozny
night at quitting time Marian Winans
directs traffic while she backs out of
pathy is extended to Edna Georges in
Vacations are over and it's back to
from the far west;
fancy china and pottery . . . Olga Barna
son reported doing well . , , Our sym-
Dept 616
Glavan to California: Bill Fuller back
Fourth . . . Speaking about boiled lob-
ryn Wujick had a baby boy, mother and
Toot and Process
doesn't she ? . . . Vacationers: Cecelia
and husband to Chesapeake Bay for lobsters; Mary Klos to Baltimore and
finally got her new car.
Jerry lienry mile• as mlie opens gifts pre ented to her al a *tork .lic,wer by friendM
makes a rooting section all by herself,
Romansik has gone to pot- we mean
pottery: he's adding another addition to
his store in Newton Falls and will handle
. , . Customers' demands were so great
that 610 and 612 worked nine hours last
week . . . If your name is Mike, Beware !
Margaret Toth has her sights lined up
on two Mikes already .
, Mary Petiya
creates the
rangements we've ever seen . . . Old
Eleanor Frederick to Columbus for the
sters, did you see Gerry Burch's back
people, this is your column too . . .D o
you think Mike will ever buy a new hat ?
Maybe we should take up a collection
. . Your kittyball team, Winding's Winless Wonders, is out to really give your
money's worth.
How about getting up
a carload and coming down next Thurs-
are back again with a little of this and
Mister Overtime himself, Jim Nicholl,
his bride just returned from their honey-
that about the 616'ers .
. Bill Foltz, one
took off early last Fridav to travel to
moon, part of which was spent at Indian
of our inspectors, also plays Kittyball.
Understand the winners are expecting a
Detroit to watch his beloved Tigers in
River, Michigan. They are now residing
to sincerely thank the blood donors in
time of need.
on Summit St., in Warren . . . Bob
steak supper... Guess by now Bonnie
see Dolores Allen cavorting around the
diamond in her bare feet last week ? . - .
Gladys ( Pee Wee) McCullick surprised
everyone by getting married while on
Packardite And Bride
action against our Indians . . . Did you
Horner was in the office to visit while
Waggoner's son, Jackie, is over the
mumps... Sonnie Wiek's two young-
year to serve with the Army Air Corps
sters are recovering from the whooping
. . .A post card from Roy Hipple (who
is fishing? near Bobcaygeon, Canada)
cough , , , Delores Durst's son, Skipper,
her vacation.
had the three-day measles
Congratulations and best
wishes from everyone. The girls pre-
on a recent furlough. He has one more
states that the weather is bad and the
fishing not too good. He will probably
be glad to get home . . . Don Freer is in
the fish business - carries dead fish
around for weeks at a time in the
trunk of his car.
He thought he had
engine trouble and it turned out that
49 had trdnk trouble. Now he is trying
to find something to eliminate the odor
which remained after he used a disinfectant to kill the dead fish odor. Can
anyone help Don on this very perplexing
problem ? . . . Congratulations to the
Cetrones on the arrival of a second baby
daughter. The new member has been
named Patricia Ann . . . It's welcome
and gratitude to Bernice Lehto who
"held the fort" while Yours Truly was
on vacation.
Dept. 229
BY Leta Pike and Marie RusseZZ
A big welcome to all the new people
in the department . . . Glad to see Mabel
Saltzman back from her illness . . . Glad
to hear the daughters of Ann Prytash
and Madge Shaffer are recovering from
tonsil operations . . .A speedy recovery
to Helen Wujeck's mother . . . Our deepest sympathy to Rose Costantino whose
Kostys was proudly showing us pictures
of her little niece the other day . . . The
girls got a gift for Ann Surnulka's baby
· · · Lena Dziedzic was absent from work
several days, glad to see her back...
You've all heard about people falling up
and down stairs. Well, Myrtle Osborne
found the quickest way down is to slide.
She doesn't want a sitting-down job for
Boys: Ann Dunlap's
a few days
baby sitter does not sit for her anymore.
She's got another job . . .W e all wish a
speedy recovery to Rose West who has
been in Green Cross hospital . . . Our
sented Gladys with a wedding gift-an
electric kitchen clock and a pair of
has dated the stork.
Just a gentle reminder gals.
We start
Derskovic. Nina Hoffman and
Rose Buchanan are flashing around in
new cars.
Bill Winter was best man at
his brother's wedding . We wonder what
1.appened to Bill the Friday before the
Helen For-
rest went back home to good old Pennsylvania for the 4th. Malvin Siroki took
went visiting relatives in Canada. Sometimes we wish the tongue-tied boy and
a lot of zip... Christine Brooks is
the backward girl would get together...
her vacation the week of the fourth and
Jack Merkel was chasing butterflies on
the afternoon turn last week. Our thanks
to Irene Motok for arranging the excursion to see the Indians beat Phila-
deprived of your money, your job, and
delphia . . Bob Lansdowne is working
midnights so he can study for the minis-
your home by someone else; but no one
try during
can take away your honor.
up to you.
sleep ? . . . Marie Moyer is pretty perky
It is all
to work at 7:3 0 A.M. instead of 9:30...
were enroute to Marietta for the Regat. Midge Brok enjoyed a nice trip
home to see her folks in West Virginia
and says that her Power Glide really has
vacationing in Mississippi . . . Betty
Smith plans to go to Denver for her
. Marshall Klobovis visitel
Geneva . . . Katy Zackeroff has left us
. . . Thought for the day. You can be
Ann Olsavsky is
went fishing over the 4th.
his parents
back to work after a week of illness...
Recently he saw the flash flood that hit
r *-
pillow cases and a sheet . . , Mary Lucik
wedding, He didn't come back to work.
Alberta Langenheim and Mary Lindsay
. James Steele and family wish
She is now Mrs. William
stock boy Chuck Weaver gets around.
Crooksville while
day ? .
When does he
Ri(·hard A. 1101*ford, Work
Engineering, 14 picturril willi his bride,
small brother was killed in an auto acci-
tlir former Jean Jaireller or Mpringville,
N. Y. The wedding look pl:ier May I 3
in St. Aloymit™ church in Springville.
dent . . . Glad to hear Wilma Johnson's
husband is recovering after the serious
accident he was in . . . Amy McCormick
the newlywed• are rr*iding al 681 N.
l'ark Ave., Warren. Both Mr. and Mrs.
since her operation some time ago .
After a honey imion in My rlic·live, N. Y.,
spent the Fourth of July week-end in
Beaver Falls, Pa., with her folks . . .B y
tne looks of the sunburn Alma Patric
must have spent the Fourth at the beach
Hazel Crouser and Amy Halliday
were vacationing in Washington, D. C.
They returned by way of the Skyline
Drive. Hazel Kincaid spent a week just
resting and Ada Wilkinson was fishing
at Pymatuning lake
. Violet Leith has
By Bertie Woodworth and Geneva Eltia
Comfortable, DreK.,y
Warm Weather
Safety Shoes
V 9,
44, RE...
1'b li'' . L.6,&
to tell about the big ones that got away
while fishing in Canada . . . Just how
did Carmen Warren break a rib while
Where do you
Ronci has left us to take care of her
new baby . . .I t i s rumored that Ray
Barto is in love. It becomes him
. .
Bea Sullivan's son has been discharged
from the Marines . . . Have you heard
./J..ikh , '' '"Lli
Better sell
your interest in the plane, Floyd . . .
Sylvia Paden doesn't know what kind
of an animal bit her, but what ever it
was sure closed both her eyes... Better
plan on going to the Packard Picnic
flying with his brother ?
July 28th . . . Wilma Johnson wishes to
thank everyone for the kindness shown
her at the time of her husband's accident. Although he is still in the hos-
pital, the doctor says he is coming along
Fashion Designed
buy your oranges, Carmen ? . . . Rose
Floyd Williams gets sick when he goes
Connie Carrier is puzzled.
She has
been looking for a U-Bake It Shop and
can't seem to find one . . . Sad adieu's
were said last week to Floyd Durham.
Hazel Mansfield will have some tall tales
squeezing an orange ?
Botxford are graduate* of Syrac·:IMe Univ.
He was presented a very nice over-night
bag. We certainly extend best wishes
to him... Vivian Fleischer and her
husband took their new Pontiac out Of
the garage and went to Florida, They
now report it not only looks good, but
drives well besides! . . .W e welcome our
Leather SoleK--
new jobber salesman, Louis Pillow .
Rubber Heels
mer, but certainly has a nice Lake Erie
Many other models in a wide range
of style< and sizes available at the
Katie hasn't been to Florida this sumtan . . .W e hear bells ringing again and
this time there is somebody there, or
there will be, July 29 when Helen Suomi
marries Marty Cristo . . . John Kunz is
a little disappointed in his first attempt
at "human engineering." The very first
time he complimented the work of his
erstwhile steno ( guess who) it backfired
when she a,ccused him of merely trying
out a more sarcastic way of insulting
her! However, he realizes now where
he made his mistake -this psychology
only works on the normal girl. Well,
Bertie is pulling a long face now so
we'd better sign off!
Packard Cablegram
Eat Good Breakfast;
It'11 Help Yoit Work
1-What did you have for breakfast to-
Sasha, Skirt
Arrn *
fore starting out in the morning has
lots to do with the way you feel and
work all morning long. A group of fac-
tory workers' breakfast habits were
studied. The folks who ate light morn-
ing meals or skipped breakfast entirely
complained of a mid-morning let-downdizziness and even nausea. Their work
output records were low.
Meanwhile, the workers who ate a
Birthday Cake For Ollie MeBride, Dept. 215
well-balanced, fortifying breakfast found
9, *
they could work harder and longer-and
still feel pretty good when the noon
whiila blew
Offirr Workc·r., Too!
I .
ing board or pound a typewriter, don't
think the good breakfast deal doesn't
Honor your partner in a full-swinging
skirt of your own making.
feature of this style is
The special
the big puff
pocket gathered at the top to keep your
compact, handkerchief and comb from
leaping out. Use a gay cotton print for
the skirt and deep flounce; trim pocket
and ruffle in wide rick-rack.
apply to you. Tests show a gal with a
typewriter can use up just as much
energy in an hour as the gal on the
assembly line. Thinking takes energ·y,
too. The fellow with his drafting board
burns up plenty of calories just as
/. "1.
.).4, -2,J
2- S TIV
many as the man with a shoveL
The Secret to pep in the morning is a
1 f . 'f' 'K",".' Wl
; it 4
C,implrie dirri·tion* fi,r making thiN
good, substantial breakfast. Tests prove
it. So start the day right. Enjoy a heman breakfast which includes, in some
Sit,liay Akirt are available, free of (·liargr,
in the Cublegr:ini office, lier»unirl dr·
bread and butter, Eggs and bacon make
C ..21
the basic breakfast even more nourishing
and tasty.
()llie 01(·ltridc .lic>w. off itte birthday ellke presented her al hindi tinie J une 26 11>
By Jecm LaTErty
Warren is quite pi'oud of his son, Jimmy,
who was one of the two boys chosen
from his troop to attend the nation-wide
will meet
'•haven't time in
June 25..
Jim Bishop Sr. plans to
celebrate his seventy-second birthday
July 8 working as usual. Jim is on the
job every day. We all are hoping we
will be as spry as Jim when we get to
be his age.
Jim tells us that he lived
right when he was young, so that is the
answer for his enjoying good health now.
If you want to know how to live right
just ask Jim how it is done . . . Willie
Dunn is on TV quite regularly.
We saw
him again Sunday while he was at the
ball game in Cleveland. He is such a
regular fan that even Hank Greenberg
knows him now. Could it be that he's on
TV to draw more Packardites to the
games?. . The John Mattis family is
enjoying a new TV set . . . Andy
Hrenko had his family out riding the
Sunday Cleveland got 14 runs in the
first inning and he got so interested in
ready to drink
night before to save time and steps in
the morning.
If you can take time to feel and work
better-take time for breakfast. Here's
to bigger and better breakfasts!
out and win the prizes on Field Day . .
Paul Gorby hit the "Gravy Train" at
Talk about your Scotchmen. We certainly have a pair in Bill Bowers and
Howard Croyt's getting their money's
worth by playing 36 holes of golf on
Field Day . . . It's a boy for Peg Conklin
Evans, formerly of Standards department.
Weighing in
The Golf league received compliments
for the first time from the Budget
Estimating department because they
Ry Lue·ille Lvitn
Fort Knox with the 83rd Reserve Divi-
sion, Heavy Mortar Co. What a set lip;
double pay, "less" work, four weeks
Say! How lucky can one 1)0?
. Welcome back to Viola Hess and
welcome to Delphine White who are
working in the Accounts Receivable de-
paztment. Also to Carey Yelton, .Jr. who
can be located in the Accounts Payable
department .
, Evelyn Evans, Betty
Taylor, Beverly Russell, Geraldine Ruth-
get rested-up after a recent visit from
We understand Johnny Rowlands bought
erford, Mercedes Botzenhart, Marian
Drescher, Marguerite McFarland and
her parents from West Virginia. They
kept her busy going to see other rela-
himself a new pair of safety shoes to
Lottie Veits took a night off to see the.
wear when he takes his girl out dancing
tives. Result was Waneta got only four
or five hours sleep a night .
· · · Kenneth Rudkin, son of our own
Cleveland Indians play ball . . . Taking
advantage of the holiday week-end we
Waneta Schockey is now beginning to
has been
repairing his
If he has much more auto trouble
there will be a black Buick for sale . . .
Our Mary Kovach from out Southington
way sure has some beautiful flowers.
We know, 'cause she brings samples to
Becky ,our desk girl . . . Glad to see Eva
Graham back from sick leave... Frank
finally got "FOOD" on Field Day . . .
Al Rudkin, received the K of C award
in religion upon graduating from St.
Mary's High School
that love bug again and this time the
victim is Virginia Meeker who received
a breath-taking sparkle.r from a certain
Carl Larson. They plan to become Mr.
and Mrs. sometime in the fall . . . A
speedy recovery to Alyce Me.Carthy and
to Grace Lilley who are convalescing at
saw Martha Elsea boarding a train early
Friday evening to visit with her daughters in Anderson, Indiana, Irene Kaiser
found Lake Chautauqua quite interesting; Chuck Hawkins, cruising with his
family around Put-In-Bay and Lakeside;
Elsie Nameth and Betty Scott getting a
sun tan at Lake Geneva: Florence Chalk.
er, Cleveland: Jean Naylor motored to
their homes after a recent stay in the
Pittsburgh to help celebrate the 25th
wedding anniversary of het aunt and
he lives . . . Hello to our new girls and
hospital . . . Harold Casperson plans to
uncle; Otis Augenstein motored to Col-
. . Most of us spent a quiet Fourth at
home . . . Frank Dawson tried his luck
those luscious strawberries he is now
Dawson has sold his house and is going
to build a new steel house near where
Goodbye to some who were transferred
at fishing on the lake.
eating, at
i,0 £7.45.
P-09 winders now . . .W e will have to
Christmastime, some of
picking from his garden... Maybe the
steady golfer wins points once in a
umbus with the Girard V.F.W. band
which took top honors in state competition. Mr. Augenstein is past president
of the Band Parents club.
0 La
»er:dch» soS o dens ki orkingo dth
get a louder bell in our department for
Jim Bishop and John Kapp. Jim can't
74 43
. . We
hear Tommy Buzzelli periayd
has a new
if:€EsSeawnjl 3 32€3*ViS:
Wade after he got his new car . . .W e
welcome Joseph Rossi to our department
an enjoyable July 4 holiday, We had a
while, but it lakes the dubbers to come
Ry Pen Augusti,te
baby has beell named David Leslie . . .
Dept. 222
1 reong' irtel;L »Ztdrovetziar out ». h
from Dept. 213. We hope you like working with us Joe. We hope every one had
The lit'14 helping Ollie ,·elebraite :tre: (Milind-
Tliird Floor Office
tion a breeze. Try setting the table the
points of interest while on his trip .
Meated l. to r. are C)Ilie
MeIJritle, Nellie I.yon. and Dori.. [larrell.
the morning"
food industry make breakfast prepara-
He will visit Washington, D. C. and other
friendx in Department 215 Tn.peelion.
cereal and other modern tricks of the
practically every nation of the world.
Andy Hrenko celebrated his birthday
4.0 lif
excuse will get you nowhere these days.
Frozen orange juice-bread ready to
ing 1 lo r.) Henrictia (:ib»on, Irene 1, ing and Elsie (;ray.
Ihir:n't Take Time
We extend sympathy to the Harry
Jones family in the death of Harry
Jones who was a winder in our department. Harry passed away July 1. . .
We all send thanks to Bethel and Eddie
Lynch for the candy and cigars. They
na,med their baby Darleen May . . . Lee
form or another, fruit-cereal-milk-
Dept. 374
f. '1-
Just because you huddle over a draft-
'- --
Tri *fj# 4 i &44&-.rs ,
very short holiday vacation due to our
working Saturday and Monday . . .
--rkilw . . . 732' .la'Ej/85,*
4 with
park . .July
. Jesse
, , . *%....
0 9 t
1. ...
WANTED-1 09· 2 riders from YOungS-
4 ·* · . .P· ·
/ i.
IL ,
, ;11 r
c,;s=IIIII...all... .
Itrading left to right: The high·*trpping Mi<R is Julian Cook, twelve-year-old daughter of Effie Cook, Department 415, and
town. Stead?/ day tur*. Detorea KNrz,
Dept. 227. Phone 3490-4.
C :ed ric!
Packard. Steadv afternoon turn. Olga
Moilia. Phone Nues 2-8258.
three, 1,1 a relative. Jolin Williamm of Shipping im l,er father; her grandl'allier, Floyd Williams 6 in Time Sludy; and Linda ix
the nie<·e of Jane Waldron, Department 223; Date Willianig, Department 211, lind Floyd Williains, Department 229... Looking
pretty salisfied willt him:elf and the world is Date Allen Lee, 19·montli-old mon of Maude Lee, Department 217.
-- - -
('ook, Department 331 . . . "Pup* makr the bext pal* 1", Nay# David Allen Cadwallader, a lad of three year*.
rather, At Cadwall:,der. 1* employed in Department 303 . . . Five. Pac·karditcH are proud to (·laim Linda Jane Willi:,i„M, aged
Packard Cablegram
This Route Leads To Fun At Packard Famity Picnic At Conneaut Lake
*=--- -i
<,f #i) M M , I U gul'.'
Il ii n M ' I 44\ t j, i. " C
. 13
' 4.'.4&
ONUV l1 I322
'00/ L
1. , ; , „
931426 ·
;*.alrer.# . tjai=
Depts. 216-217
New GM Insurance Plan
Dept. 604
Depts. 409-410.411.412
By Emma Leonat'd and Ernie Peters
Continued From P„ge One
By Homer Dodson
By Margaret S€ko and Francis Radcliffe
Don't forget, we would like to see all
your faces at the Packard Picnic, Fri-
ber of days of hospital confinement, up to 70 days).
Enjoying vacations are Mary Week-
We just recently learned that our
planet, the marth, is nearly 50 years
behind our neighbor planet Mars. Betty
Charlotte Bielak, Karl Gerlt, Iva Wort-
day, July 28 . . . Lenora Cunningham,
our desk girl, is back after a stay in the
hospital. Sure glad to see her . . .W e
Income During Total and Permanent Disability - You will receive
benefits in monthly installments if
you become totally or permanently
disabled before you are age 60 and
not printed on paper, but on ladies' white
baby girl ,
in an automobile accident... Gladys
h ave at least 15 years in the Plan
blouses with gold buttons inlaid with
mother a dinner on her 75th birthday
Parthener celebrated her birthday re-
at the beginning of your disability.
Complete details on the program
-specific benefits-the cost to you
and enrollment requirements-are
included in the folders and litera-
perhaps you would like to hear some of
the news from Mars, so here goes:
Kathryn Jagoda, Eleanor Di Vincenzo,
Etta Parrish, Ruth Bright and Betty
For Sale: Strato-six plane, completely
bubbled, lined
and equipped . . . Jet-
Hill off
on soon
sick . .leave,
hope istovery
see <,
. Annwe
want to extend sympathy to Alma Taubler and family whose brother was killed
ceiving a lovely cake and cards...
It*:d inoo ia:t Z ty. spenHtar
Jobes attended the Cleveland-Yankee
night game last week . . . Bob Terrell
had an army friend visiting him from
Texas over the week-end... Clarence
Downing has started the excavating for
ture which will be made available
at an early date.
the building of his new home . . . Helen
be picked call oli Bettv .Terina akid Mabel
Delaney. They claim they hold all kinls
neaut Lake park promises to be bigger
one of our cutter boys, is sick . . .Ed
Nicholas damaged that unlucky car of
his again... Harold Yeager now has
himself a '46 Ford convertible .
. Mr.
and Mrs. Van Simpson are the proud
parents of a baby girl born June 28...
Let's all get to-
gether and make this the best one yet
Plant 6 was well-represented by
members of the Welfare committee at
their recent dinner-meeting at Cafe 422
. . . Les Shafer, a member of the "Har-
mony Counts" quartet, attended the International
Quartets at Omaha, Nebraska, recently
. . . Welcome again to Shirley Burford
Mickey Ott, one of our tapers, recentl Y
who is helping out in Labor Relations
anniversary recently. Mr. Guesue is em-
during the absence of Wilma Suty.
Wilma is in Chicago on vacation...
We were all sorry to hear of Donna
had the mumps . . . Lillian Guesue and
husband celebrated their 18th wedding
ployed at Plant 6. . . Inez Onder is enjoying a vacation in sunny California
. . . 'Twas our own Julia Kook who had
Kellogg's recent auto accident.
hoping she has a speedy recovery and
will be back with us soon... George
her picture in the paper with the doctors . . . Mary and Flovd Whitman are
Chapman's Quality Control school is now
over and we understand it was a great
back from their honeymoon, both look-
ing very happy, Ruth Whitman was one
of the bridesmaids. Millie Warzala and
who has
her husband attended the wedding.
" Willie."
Welcome back to Bill Cassidy
place didn't
on vacation,
seem the
couple was presented with a lovely cof-
fee maker.
Yolanda Bonini spent Sunday at Genevaon-the-Lake . . . Gloria DeSantis celebrated her birthday June 28 and received
a delicious cake. baked by Amelia Tomi
. . . Lee Cook was pleasantly surprised
with a birthday party. In the center of
his cake was a beautiful onyx ring...
We are glad to have Helen Campbell
back after her sick leave . . . The Tapers
had a dinner at Golden Gate for Lucille
Sickel who was married and has given
for household duties.
luck, L u. . . Betty Sparks is back on the
job after being ill . . ,A farewell party
was held at Cafe 422 for Margaret Zuga
who has left us to wait for the stork.
She was presented with personal and
baby gifts .
In the last issue, our
se c er tdleeni ak ho T t:
black hair and hazel eyes.
165 pounds.
He stands
Such a friend is hard to
find. foot, nine inches tall and weighs
ROOM FOR RENT--With housekeep-
ing priv{Zeges for woman with one child.
Use of home. Reasonable.
Phone 2375-5.
By Paidi,le Schwendner
Anyone want a good barn-builder ? If
so, contact Vicki Safin. She sure did a
swell job on Leonard Osborne's barn one
City heads consider building
All he needed after she left was a
lot of new lumber and a couple of pounds
of nails, to say nothing of a whole new
crew of carpenters . . . Rose Rock left
to await the stork and was presented
with a gift for the future arrival...
Mary Knapp's son has received, or
should we say, earned a scholarship to
West Point ! . .. Our deepest sympathy
to Rose Costantino whose brother died
as a result of an automobile accident
stove, she'll just have to bake us a cake.
Incidentally, speaking of cakes, that was
very good cake we sampled in honor of
Ercelia Kowlaski's 15th wedding anni-
versary . . . Looking better than ever
eim in'g' . _ Mary K rand f
to work.
It certainly is good to see
fans were Mary Risko, Frances Dempster,
Ruth Arkwright,
owski, Vi Furlong, Anne Dodd, Alberta
Fenton, Ann Semanco and Howard Fox.
Happy birthday to Mary Reese... Clara
ily go to Atlanta, Ga., and Miami, Fla.
Manzo held a cosmetic demonstration at
. . . Primo Stefani and family go in new
her home recently... Katie King's
daughter is back from Florida . . .A
wedding breakfast was prepared and
served by Julia Potosky of Department
Studebaker to Buffalo and Niagara Falls
. . . Frank Waggoner and family, in
their new Hudson, will travel to Houston, Texas . . . Art Flannigan is taking
a navy cruise with buddies of World
War II . . . John C Lefty) Hatala ( star
1st baseman for Packard) has a new
Pontiac in which he will go somewhere
, . Jimmy Clendinin is now a big daddY
to a son named Eddie Ray, born June 8
in Trumbull Memorial hospital. Daddy
is doing fine . . . Tom Sabula at last
found out that the little sign at a street
intersection means S-T-0-P! .
Remember, it's better to let
Wright of Department 227 and best man
was Steve Vasko of Diamond, Ohio, The
couple spent their honeymoon in Can-
ada, Other guests present were Mr. and
Mrs. George Polojack, Frank Tusko, all
of Youngstown, and Lucy Bolyard of
Warren . . .E d Bielicki's favorite pastime these days is dancing with a certain someone . . . How did Mary Lody
manage to get all the painting and
papering done on vacation with just the
chicken house moved ? . . . Tillie Becker
canary which her cat snatched from the
cage . . .S o long to Robert Livezy who
has left us, and a heartv welcome to
Howard Huffman . . . Wonder what
, 11 HOW OFTEN -1
411 for Mildred Jaster of Department 411
who was married Saturday, June 24 at 10
o'clock to Steve Peterchak of Youngstown, Ohio. Maid of honor was Ruth
is very unhappy over the loss of her
| f //GUROHEMh
rived at work with two different shoes ?
\ HAPPEN?/03
L --.· -'r /7 /7
_, 4 445
. . . Julia Farkas was in Pennsylvania
the day .Edna
arover the holidays
. .A tCunningham
last Vic Applequist got that windshield repaired. Now
he can see where he is going... Our
sincerest sympathy is extended to Bud
Lazier and the Coen family in their
recent bereavement.
RIDE WANTED - From Ivest Side
ing his vacation building a new home
. . . Others enjoying vacations are: Eve-
p>*4 vi
/ / K,
lyn Freeman, Eleanor Pupillo, Edna
Youngstown to Packard.
Steadv Days.
Atice Dillt**210, Dept. 218. Phone Young.9tow# 9-6924.
. 42
C;MA, ZLTReiteYy o»yhz dbetks
and Mary Freel.
country home for Nummer, and if aatisfactory, wiZZ send to school in the. fan.
Phone Warren 3481-3.
twes,2 6 and 7 years 0Zd to board in
WANTED TO RENT - Furnished
Tes,Zaa, Dept. 474-411.
RIDERS WANTED - From Girard.
Afternoon turn. Phone Girard 5-6814.
. Now
that Jane Cook has that new electric
them back . . . Our latest Cleveland ball
Michigan . . . Jimmie Richetto is spend-
happy over her new Chevrolet .
work hours. Now, lastly, the weather
report. Today: broken clouds. Tomorrow: repaired, continued weather
. .
Now back to earth and right around
Canada . . . Gladys Green is visiting in
_ _turn.
Steady afternoon
. . .W e sure hate to have Kate Latessa,
are Frank Hurn and Florence Post back
injury... Dorothy Joy is fishing in
RIDER WANTED-From Sharon. '49
Auta Pierce gave her
aerial platforms in suburbs . . . Big
sale on atomie-heated fur coats„ two
grass grow under your feet than over
your head.
Depts. 417.418
They wish to extend their
is looking forward to her new home
which is under construction,,, Maude
Lee has left us to await the stork,,,
The old
thanks to everyone... Francis Barson
Rocket planes cause air-traffic
This year's Packard Picnic at Con-
that our department has a swetl new
drinking fountain.., .Toseph Cannon,
Was caught
in oxygen feed stream and floated to
day club . . .I f you have strawberries to
of records . . . Everyone is happy now
0-Field cigarettes.
Rocket size.
them for your time zone... Attempted
Suicide Failed: Woman attempts plunge
By Mickey O'Brien
and better than ever.
mother-of-pearl. Having read it, thought
from 1200 story building.
Plant 6 Office
Rendziak and Betty Zombar were recently showered with gifts by the birth-
Burnett and Lillian Meek in some man, Grace Shields and "Marty" Norton
strange manner received a newspaper... Congratulations to our former felfrom Mars dated April 1, 1999. It is low-worker, Rose Stabile who had a
apartment or small house.
Must 11.ave
t14'Q bedrooms, private bath, kitchen and
separate entrance.
Phone Nilea 2-9176.