current newslette - Half Hollow Hills Community Library
current newslette - Half Hollow Hills Community Library
Providing Education, Entertainment and Cultural Enrichment to Our Community Since 1959 L O L W O H H F I L L LS A H COMMUNITY LIBRARY November/December 2016 What Are We Reading? If you’re looking for something to read, listen to our biweekly podcast “In The Stacks”. Subscribe in iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, or follow us at: Upcoming Schedule: November 2: Unfaithful Music & Disappearing Ink by Elvis Costello November 16: Not Me by Michael Lavigne November 30: The Bridge Ladies by Betsy Lerner December 14: The Boys In The Boat by Daniel James Brown INSIDE THIS ISSUE Adult Classes Technology Classes Children’s Classes Page 2 Page 6 Page 8 Teen Classes Family Classes Dear Residents Page 11 Page 9 Page 12 Adults Special Events Denotes programs that require tickets, available 10/29. See p. 12 for more information. Sheri Miller In Concert Sunday, November 6 | 2 PM (DH) Critically acclaimed singer-songwriter plays Beatles-inspired original songs along with classics from Patsy Cline, Louis Armstrong, Judy Garland, and Bruce Springsteen. Document Shredding Day Sunday, November 13 | 1:30 PM– 4:30 PM (or until the truck is full) (DH) Bring your old papers stored in boxes or paper bags to the parking lot and watch as your sensitive documents are shredded. Material will be delivered to a recycling center. •Event is well-attended. Maximum of 3 boxes (standard size record storage box) or bags per person. •Personal household documents ONLY. No business documents - no exceptions. •Please be prepared to carry and unload your own boxes and bags. “CLICK” Through the Lens of a Combat Photographer of the Vietnam War A Special Veteran’s Day Presentation DXA413 Wednesday, November 9 12:30 PM (DH) For the first time in 47 years, Ron Rorie will share images with commentary of his very unique experience as a Combat Photographer during the Vietnam War. Wednesday, November 16 11:45 AM (DH) Learn how to avoid becoming a victim of scams and financial fraud. Identify the warning signs and how to get help. In partnership with Suffolk County Legislator Steve Stern and Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman Author Talk - Stephanie Jose, Progressing Through Grief DXA415 Wednesday, November 16 | 7 PM (DH) Loss touches each one of us at some point - and grief is a normal and natural reaction. Progressing Through Grief is an interactive book, intended to help you process your feelings as they arise while giving you the space to reflect. The book will be available on site for sale and signing. Hotter Than a Pepper Sprout Sunday, November 20 | 2 PM (DH) Listen to Nina Et Cetera and tap along to music by Johnny Cash, Elvis, The Carter Family, Woody Guthrie, Hank Williams, Patsy Cline, Peggy Lee, and many others. The Tribunes Sunday, December 4 | 2 PM (DH) This five-man doo-wop a cappella group performs street-corner harmonies of favorites from the ‘50s and ‘60s. The images are a reminder of the fear, tears, blood and courage that each man experienced and a tribute to the men who were wounded and killed in the line of duty. His combat photos were in constant demand by Stars & Stripes, Army Times, UPI and the AP. In 1999, they were selected as the only combat photographs to be used on the official website for the “Vietnam Memorial Wall”, Washington D.C. 2 | November/December 2016 iPad & Google Apps to Enhance Reading & Writing Skills DXA416 Smart Seniors DXA414 Veterans Testimonial Project Be a part of your Community’s rich history. We need you to share your military experiences so future generations will know your story. We are looking for U.S. veterans to interview (and save their experiences and stories on DVD). All interviews will be recorded and added to the Library’s Local History Collection. To participate in this important project, call 631-498-1260. Dix Hills 631-421-4530 Tuesday, November 29| 7 PM (DH) Presented by Michael Cunningham, M.S., ED., CCC-SLP In partnership with the International Dyslexia Association, hear how assistive technology tools are invaluable in making reading and writing more accessible to students with language disabilities, such as dyslexia. Discuss free or low-cost computer and mobile apps, programs, and devices that can enhance a persons ability to succeed in classroom, on the job or in community situations. It is that time of year again when you can donate a new and unwrapped toy or game to the Marine Corps’ TOYS FOR TOTS program. Boxes to accept your donations will be at both buildings from December 1 - December 15. Toys for Tots prefers not to accept realistic looking weapons or gifts with food. Kwanzaa Celebration Tuesday, December 27 | 6 PM–8 PM (DH) The Mother’s Club of Wheatley Heights, in conjunction with the Concerned Fathers of Wheatley Heights and the Library, presents a Kwanzaa Celebration. Kwanzaa is a cultural celebration with a focus on the traditional African American values of family, community, responsibility, commerce and self-improvement. Please join us for an evening of poetry, theatrical skits, storytelling and dance. Refreshments will be available. Tickets not required. What’s All the Hoopla About? Instantly borrow digital movies, music, ebooks and more, 24/7 with your library card. Melville 631-421-4535 Adults Displays @ Dix Hills Calling all Artists Movies @ Melville Would you like to display your artwork at the library? Please contact us at 631-498-1228. November The Infiltrator (2016) Rated R. 127 min. Friday, November 25 | 2 PM Landscape Constructions by Family Residences and Essential Enterprises Reflections of Me by Victoria Jackson Florence Foster Jenkins (2016) Rated PG-13. 111 min. Friday, December 30 | 2 PM December Hat Study by Lisa Mintz Kwanzaa Celebration by The Wheatley Heights Mothers Club Art House Film Discussion Moderator: Chris Garland, Librarian Deep Water (2006) Rated: PG. 92 min. Wednesday, November 30 | 6:30 PM (M) A documentary about the disastrous 1968 round-the-world yacht race. Before You Dash Out in the Snow . . . If you downloaded the library’s mobile app and receive push notifications on your device, when the library is closed you will be notified. Otherwise, use these resources: East Side Sushi (2014) Rated: PG. 100 min. Wednesday, December 21 | 6:30 PM (M) Single mom Juana can slice and dice anything with great speed and precision. She attempts to become a sushi chef, but is unable to because she is the ‘wrong’ race and gender. Website: Twitter: Facebook: Radio (at their discretion): 106.1 FM (WBLI) Refreshments will be available. Please observe posted ratings and be aware that unrated films may include strong language, violence and adult situations. Whatever the weather, you can still renew and request items, download e-books, register for programs and access research databases through our website. Food for Fines Food FOR FINES g hhhlibrary.or December 1 - December 30 Receive a $1 waiver for current or old fines in exchange for each can of food or non-perishable item; maximum of $20 in fines. All food is donated to Helping Hand Rescue Mission, Huntington Station, and the Gerald J. Ryan Outreach Center, Wyandanch. Please bring your items to the Circulation Department at Dix Hills or Melville. Don’t forget your library card! We cannot accept home canned items, cans past their expiration date or dented/damaged cans. Food for Fines does NOT include replacement fees for lost or damaged materials, library card replacement fees or future fines. Library News Shopping for the Holidays? Confused? Find reviews for appliances, electronics, cars and more in Consumer Reports. Visit or call the Reference Desk for help 631-498-1236. Access and information is free with your library card! Stay informed on library news! Receive e-mails with our Hot List of books, information on your favorite library events or a notification when the latest newsletter is available. Go online to and click on Opt In! Like Us: Facebook 2,065 Twitter 631 Instagram Wireless Printing Now Available Send your print jobs to the library from anywhere by downloading the ‘Printer On’ app, using its web browser or sending an email. Visit for more information. 280 November/December 2016 | 3 Adults Fitness Classes Evening Yoga DXA419 Registration online or in-person with valid library card. • Day 1, 10 AM, district residents only. • Day 2, 10 AM, non-residents, space permitting. • One registration per person. Fitness classes will not be prorated under any circumstances. Next session of Zumba classes will be announced in January/February newsletter. Saturday Zumba MLA417 Saturdays, January 7, 14, 21, 28, February 4, 11, 18, 25, March 4, 11 | 10:30 AM–11:30 AM (M) Registration begins: 12/12. Cost: $40.00 (10 classes) Gentle Yoga MLA418 Fridays, December 2, 9, 16, 23 January 6, 13, 20, February 3 (no class 12/30) | 2 PM–3 PM (M) Registration begins: 11/14. Cost: $32.00 (8 classes) Mondays, November 28, December 5, 12, 19, January 9, 23, 30, February 6 (no class 12/26, 1/2, 1/16) 6:45 PM–7:45 PM (DH) Registration begins: 11/12. Cost: $32.00 (8 classes) Total Body Workout DXA380 Arthritis Exercise DXA421 Wednesdays, December 14, 21, 28, January 4, 11, 18, 25, February 1 12:30 PM–1:30 PM (DH) Registration begins: 11/14. Cost: $32.00 (8 classes) Guided Meditation MLA422 Tuesdays & Fridays, November 15, 18, 22, 29 December 2, 6, 9, 13 (no class 11/25) | 10 AM–11 AM (DH) Registration underway. Cost: $32.00 (8 classes) Tuesdays January 3, 10, 24, 31, February 7, 28 (no class 1/17, 2/14, 2/21) 7PM–8 PM (M) Registration begins: 12/12. Cost: $24.00 (6 classes) Therapeutic Yoga Plus DXA420 Salsa Dancing DXA423 Tuesdays & Fridays, December 20, 23, 27, 30, January 3, 6, 10, 13 9:45 AM–10:45 AM (DH) Registration begins: 11/14. Cost: $32.00 (8 classes) Thursdays, December 1, 8, 15, 22 7:30 PM–8:30 PM (DH) See “Learn New Things” on page 5 for more information. Registration begins: 11/14. Cost: $12.00 per person Crafts & Culture Ashcan School DXA424 Wednesday, November 2 | 2 PM (DH) Presented by Art Historian, Mary Vahey Discover this loosely knit group of artists based in New York City who were inspired by the painter Robert Henri and known for gritty urban subject matter. Eugene O’Neill and the Dysfunctional American Family Autumn Flower Arrangement Gene Kelly On Film DXA431 DXA427 Monday, November 21 | 7 PM (DH) Join florist Irene Morgan to create a stunning centerpiece with live flowers. Please bring scissors. Registration begins: 11/7. Cost: $7.00 5th Floor MoMA DXA432 One Square Afghan DXA428 DXA425 Thursday, November 10 | 2:30 PM (DH) Presented by Hofstra Professor James Kolb Review the major plays of O’Neill and the ways in which he was able to transform his unusual family circumstances to speak to the rest of us. Monday, November 28, December 5, December 12 | 6:30 PM–8:30 PM (DH) Make a Granny Square Blanket without having to sew endless seams. Crochet a pillow top, baby blanket or throw. Knowledge of basic crochet stitches is required. Bring yarn and a suitably sized crochet hook to the first class. Judy Garland, Part I DXA426 Winter Sky Necklace DXA429 Thursday, November 17 | 2:30 PM (DH) Presented by Former CBS Video Editor Jack Schnur Learn about Judy’s life from her birth in 1922 to her marriage to Vincent Minnelli in 1945. See interviews with Judy, her husband and her daughters, Liza Minnelli and Lorna Luft. Enjoy film clips from her early work including: The Wizard of Oz, For Me & My Gal, Meet Me in St Louis and others. 4 | November/December 2016 Tuesday, December 6 | 6:30 PM (DH) Learn how to ink and paint jewelry to create a personalized look with artist Shirley Ruby. Registration begins: 11/14. Cost: $7.00 Art Infiltrates World War II DXA430 Wednesday, December 7 | 2 PM (DH) Take a close look at the images painted on the sides of aircrafts, which carried American pop-culture to foreign shores. Dix Hills 631-421-4530 Thursday, December 8 | 2:30 PM (DH) Presented by Hofstra Professor James Kolb Explore the career of Hollywood’s most notable dancer, choreographer and film director. Wednesday, December 14 | 2 PM (DH) Presented by Art Historian, Mary Vahey Examine art which spans 1880 to 1940 and is considered the best in the world, such as Henri Matisse and Claude Monet’s Water Lilies, among other subjects. A Huntington Community Summit on Rental Housing Keep Our Young People in Huntington: The Need for Affordable Rental Housing and Downtown Revitalization Saturday, November 19 | 8:30 AM– 12 PM at Cinema Arts Centre Join the conversation on the need for affordable rental housing. Registration and attendance are free, but it will help us to plan if you register in advance. Register now: Melville 631-421-4535 Co-Sponsored by: Huntington Township Housing Coalition and the League of Women Voters of Huntington Adults Health & Wellness Learn New Things For Your Business Advanced Directives 101 New English Speakers’ Conversation Group One-on-One Small Business Counseling DXA848 DXA433 Monday, November 14 | 7 pm (DH) Presented by Dr. Mark Siegelheim, Northwell Health Documents that spell out what care you want and who you want to guard your preferences, in case you become unable to do so. Learn the difference between a health care proxy, living will and MOLST (medical order of life sustaining treatment). Coffee & Coloring DXA254 Tuesdays | 10 AM–12 PM (DH) Join this friendly group of people from around the world who have fun practicing the English language together. For more information call 631-498-1236. Conversations in French Thursdays, November 17, December 29 10:30 AM–12:30 PM (DH) Feeling stressed? Coloring can relax the mind, lower blood pressure and help you de-stress. Bring your own coloring books and supplies or use ours. Sit back and enjoy a cup of tea/coffee as well as the meditative benefits of coloring. Group Discussion Socrates Café DXA846 Thursdays, November 3, December 1 2:30 PM–4:30 PM (DH) Join Dr. Raymond G. Russo, PhD, to exchange ideas in this monthly discussion group based on the Socratic practice of questioning. Tuesday, November 1, December 6 5:30 PM–7:30 PM (M) Is your French a little rusty, planning a trip to France? Join us and practice speaking French in a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere. All levels are welcome. Beginning Mah-Jongg MLA434 Mondays, November 7, 14, 21 10:15 AM–12:15 PM (M) Make new friends while you learn how to play this popular game with instructor Jacqui Palatnik. This 3-part workshop is perfect for beginners or a great refresher for those who haven’t played in a while. Registration is limited and begins on 10/26. Cost: $10.00 Extreme Design Makeover DXA387 Wednesday, November 2 | 7 PM (DH) Presented by Jacqui Palatnik, Professional Interior Designer Thinking of re-doing or sprucing-up your existing environment? Learn about color, space planning, walls, window treatments, flooring and more. Pictured: London Benson, Guerda Desgraviers, Giselle Benson Like Us: Monday, November 14 | 6:30 PM– 8:30 PM (DH) Basic crochet stitches are the building blocks for creative crocheted items. Bring worsted weight yarn and a size G crochet hook to class. Salsa Dancing DXA423 Thursdays, December 1, 8, 15, 22 7:30 PM–8:30 PM (DH) Ballroom dance instructor Norma Granofsky will teach you how to Salsa in this 4-session class. Come alone or with a partner. Registration begins: 11/14. Cost: $12.00 per person Facebook 2,065 Twitter 631 Appointments from 4:30 PM–7:30 PM Presented by SCORE Topics for one-on-one counseling include: •Basics of setting up a business •Writing a Business Plan •Selling and marketing in today’s environment •Writing a Marketing Plan To make a one hour appointment, register online or call a librarian at 631-498-1236. SCORE, a resource partner with the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), is a non-profit dedicated to helping small businesses form, grow and succeed. This counseling and mentoring is free of charge. Career & Education Counseling DXA847 Thursdays, November 10, 17, December 1, 15 Appointments from 5:30 PM–8 PM (DH) Need help with your career search, résumé or cover letter? Make a half hour appointment for free career counseling help with MaryAnn Verdolino, certified career counselor. MaryAnn holds an M.S. in Counseling from Long Island University. Call 631-498-1236 to schedule an appointment. Due to demand, district residents only. The Skills You Need to Thrive in The 21st Century Workplace DXA436 Learn to Crochet DXA435 I have been reading library books to my twin daughters since they were in my womb. I read books to them so much that their favorite place they love to go is to the Library! Everyday after school, I ask them where they want to go. Gigi and Lolo always say in sync, “the library.” Let us know how you love your library at events@ Tuesdays, November 1, 15, December 6, 20 (DH) Instagram Wednesday, November 9 7 PM (DH) Sponsored by Hofstra Continuing Education We live and work in a rapidly changing, hyperconnected, global economy and the skills needed to thrive in the workplace today are very different than the skills needed just a few years ago. Learn how to make sure your skillset is up-to-date, relevant and marketable. All are welcome. 280 November/December 2016 | 5 Adults Book Discussions Technology Classes Copies of the listed titles are available in hard copy or for download on your computer/mobile device. It’s simple, visit and click on the eBooks Quick Link. A librarian is available to show you the steps. Laptops are available to borrow at the Dix Hills building for in-library use. Get work done or just browse the Internet with our free, fast wi-fi. Mid-Morning Break Wednesday, November 9 | 2 PM (DH) Presented by SeniorNet Find dozens of local events, plan a trip to NYC and learn what sites to visit for restaurant recommendations and more. Thursdays | 11 AM (DH) Leader: Helen Harris, Educator November 17: We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves by Karen Joy Fowler December 15: My Brilliant Friend. Book One, Childhood, Adolescence by Elena Ferrante January 19: My Name is Lucy Barton by Elizabeth Strout Lunch Time Talk Do You Really Need a Desktop or Laptop Computer? DXA438 Fridays | 12 PM (M) Leader: Charlene Muhr, Branch Librarian November 18: When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi December 9: Plainsong by Kent Haruf January 20: The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah Reader Selects Tuesdays | 7:30 PM (M) Leader: Chris Garland, Librarian November 15: Billion Dollar Spy by David Hoffman December 20: Valiant Ambition… by Nathaniel Philbrick January 17: The Winter Fortress... by Neal Bascomb Learn how money works and acquire important skills to navigate the everchanging world of personal finance. Thinking Money is a new traveling exhibition designed to engage young people and their families about money smarts in a fun way. Exhibit: October 19-November 28 (DH) 6 | November/December 2016 Planning Day Trips On the Internet DXA437 Wednesday, November 16 | 7 PM (DH) Presented by Cheryl Westerfeld, Librarian Discover how one person managed to perform tasks using only her iPad, cloud storage and wireless printer. 3D Doodles - Holiday Edition! DXA439 Tuesdays, November 29, December 6 7 PM (DH) Presented by Ellen Druda & Cheryl Westerfeld, Librarians Draw your own design to be printed on our 3D printer. Then come back the next week to embellish it for an addition to your holiday decorations. Getting to Know Your iPad DXA440 Thursday, December 1 | 7 PM (DH) Presented by Cheryl Westerfeld, Librarian The iPad can do lots more than email! Bring your iPad (or use one of ours), your questions, and your Apple ID if you know it. Don’t Miss! New Museum Exhibits ¡Cuba! November 21, 2016 to August 13, 2017 Discounted tickets available at the Circulation Department at Dix Hills or Melville; Valid Half Hollow Hills Community Library card required; $10 per voucher - cash or check only; Purchase up to 4 vouchers per family; Ages 1 and under get free admission; Voucher expires on 1/1/17. Museum Passes For more information go to and click on the Museum Pass Quick Link. District residents only. Passes are available for pick-up after 3 PM the day before use, and drop-off by 11 AM the day after use at either location. Guggenheim Museum A Long-Awaited Tribute: Frank Lloyd Wright’s Usonian House and Pavilion Now to February 2, 2017 Museum of the City of New York From Teaspoons to Titanic: Recent Acquisitions Now to December 18, 2016 Nassau County Museum of Art Ansel Adams and A Century of Photography From the Kalamazoo Institute of the Arts November 19, 2016 to March 5, 2017 Credit Card Debt & Consolidation Take Charge of Your Investments DXA410 Thursday, October 27 | 7 PM–8 PM (DH) Presented by NEFCU Hear from the experts about transferring balances, loans and lines of credit, which can be used for consolidating debt. DXA359 Thursday, November 3 | 7 PM–8 PM (DH) Presented by Rosemarie Jerome, Librarian Let Morningstar Investment Research Center be your map to success. Keep track of your portfolio and make informed decisions. Free with your library card. Money Talks DXA411 Tuesdays, November 1, 8, 15 7 PM–8 PM (DH) Presented by NEFCU Learn about home mortgages, refinancing, identity theft, investing and retirement in this weekly series. Dix Hills 631-421-4530 Appy! Hours DXA360 Thursday, November 10 | 7 PM–8 PM (DH) Presented by Cheryl Westerfeld and Margie Hartough, Librarians There’s an app for that! And we’ll show you the 10 best for shopping discounts, budgeting and personal finance. Melville 631-421-4535 Adults For Seniors Defensive Driving What’s Cooking Memory Fitness Program National Point & Insurance Reduction Apple Pie Bread with Streusel Topping Tuesdays | 2 PM–4 PM (DH) DXA851 Have fun doing jigsaw puzzles and playing other mind-sharpening games in a relaxed atmosphere. Check out our Memory Care Collection of books, DVDs, CDs, games, and puzzles located at the Dix Hills building. To register or for more details, call a librarian at 631-498-1236. Monday, December 19 & Tuesday, December 20 | 7 PM–10 PM (DH) DXA441 Saturday, January 7 | 10 AM–4 PM (DH) DXA442 Memory Café Thursdays, November 10, December 8 | 1:30 PM–3:30 PM at Spuntino Restaurant in Dix Hills Memory Cafés offer people with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia, as well as their caregiver, a chance to socialize in a safe, relaxed atmosphere. Enjoy a free, delicious buffet and good conversation with new friends. Space is limited; please call the Alzheimer’s Association at 1-800-272-3900. One-On-One Medicare Counseling & Assistance DXA394 Monday, November 14, December 12 10 AM–1 PM (DH) Presented by Suffolk County Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) Register for a half-hour appointment to meet with a Suffolk County RSVP (Retired Senior Volunteer Program) volunteer from HIICAP (Health Insurance Information, Counseling & Assistance Program) to answer questions and provide information specific to your needs regarding Medicare health insurance and benefits, Medicare Savings Programs and EPIC. During Saturday sessions there will be a 30-minute break. Bring a bag lunch & beverage. Registration begins 11/12. Cost: $28.00 AARP Smart Driver Program Monday, December 12 & Tuesday, December 13 | 6 PM–9 PM (DH) DXA443 Saturday, January 28 | 10 AM–4:30 PM (DH) DXA444 Geared to drivers 50 years of age & older. Bring your New York State driver’s license and a check payable to AARP. Checks will be collected at the first session. Cash cannot be accepted. Registration begins Saturday, 11/12 at 10 AM for everyone. Cost: $25 ($20 for AARP members, must present AARP membership card at time of payment) Games People Play All sessions take place in Dix Hills. Games are informal (no instruction). Bring your own games. Chess Art Workshop Wednesday, November 16 | 2 PM (M) Create a beautiful ceramic tile coaster using alcohol inks. All materials supplied but bring a smock to protect your clothing. Holiday Sing-Along Wednesday, December 21 | 2 PM (M) Enjoy hot cocoa and donuts while singing favorite seasonal songs. Mondays, 2 PM–5 PM (no session 12/26, 1/2) Player’s Choice Tuesdays, 1 PM– 4 PM (no session 12/27) Mah-Jongg Fridays, 1 PM–4 PM Thinking Money was developed by the American Library Association Public Programs Office in collaboration with the FINRA Investor Education Foundation, whose support made this exhibition possible. Like Us: Facebook 2,065 A World Of Tea DXA445 Thursday, November 10 | 7 PM (DH) Expand your knowledge about the various types of tea, where tea comes from, and how it’s made with Clipper Ship Tea Company, East Northport. You can also taste nine teas from around the world. Registration begins 10/26. Ugly Sweater Cookie Party DXA446 Tuesday, December 13 7 PM (DH) Join the Baking Coach for our cookie decorating party! Decorate cute, little sweater treats using sugar glaze, fondant and royal icing. Wearing ugly holiday sweaters is encouraged. Registration begins 11/7. Patrons over 18 years of age only. Cost: $4.00 Appetizers for Holiday Entertaining Wednesday, December 21 | 4 PM (DH) DXA447 Wednesday, December 21 | 7 PM (DH) DXA448 Chef Rob Scott shows us make grape and blue cheese truffles with pistachio nuts, roasted balsamic peppers with basil, goat cheese on mini baguettes and roasted shrimp crostini with scallion ginger sauce. Registration begins 12/9. Bridge Mondays, 10 AM–1 PM (no session 12/26, 1/2) Memory Fitness Through the Arts MLA950 Thursday, November 3 | 4 PM (DH) DXA408 Thursday, November 3 | 7 PM (DH) DXA409 Learn to make a delicious bread with streusel topping with Chef Rob Scott. Please bring a baking pan, large mixing bowl, grater and potato peeler. Registration is underway. Candy Collection Beginning now until November 13, bring your unopened, unwanted Halloween candy as well as unopened toothbrushes to the Circulation Desk in Dix Hills and Melville. The items will be shipped overseas to the troops. Twitter 631 Instagram 280 November/December 2016 | 7 Children’s Services Registration for November programs begins on Thursday, October 27 and December programs on Thursday, November 10 unless otherwise noted. •District Residents only. 2’s and 3’s MLJ291 Thursday, November 17 | 10:30 AM– 11:30 AM (M) Ages 2-3 with a parent or caregiver Let’s get going with songs, musical instruments and a few good books too! •Please list your child’s name, grade and school name in the note field when registering online. For children not yet in school, please include their birth date. Children must meet the minimum age or grade listed by the 1st day of class or we may cancel registrations. Art Academy DXJ325 •We reserve the right to deny admittance ten minutes after start time. At that time, if there is availability, waitlisted members may be allowed in. Babbling Babies DXJ326 •If your child has any food allergies, please let a children’s librarian know. •Please dress yourself and your child appropriately for the class. Parents/Caregivers MOMS Group at the Library DXJ323 Monday, November 7, 21, 28, December 5 | 10 AM–11 AM (DH) Moms with children birth-3 years, siblings welcomed Presented by National Organization MomMentum’s Mothers’ Center Groups Openly discuss the successes and challenges of raising children with a trained facilitator. Explore motherhood while your child plays beside you. Wednesday, November 2, 9 | 10 AM– 10:45 AM (DH) Ages Birth-12 months with a parent or caregiver Led by a speech-language pathologist, your baby will enjoy singing, reading, playing while focusing on speech/language development. Parents’ questions will be addressed. Babies Boogie Monday, November 14 | 11:30 AM– 12:15 PM (M) MLJ292 AND/OR Tuesday, December 13 | 11:30 AM– 12:15 PM (DH) DXJ327 Ages Birth-24 months with a parent or caregiver Movement, music and rhythm with the energetic Nicole Sparling. Book Babies DXJ328 Wednesday, November 30 | 10 AM– 10:30 AM (DH) Ages birth-24 months with a parent or caregiver Stories, songs, and fingerplays. Cookie Cutter DXJ329 Friday, December 23 10:30 AM–11:15 AM (DH) Ages 3-5 years with a parent or caregiver Decorate a cookie and so much more. Early Childhood 1, 2, 3 Play with Me DXJ283 Tuesdays, October 18, 25, November 1, 8, 15 | 10 AM–11 AM (DH) Ages 12-36 months with a parent or caregiver Parents and toddlers interact and have fun with developmentally appropriate toys, books and art. Local child development specialists will be available for one-on-one chats. 8 | November/December 2016 Tuesday, November 29, December 20 1:30 PM–2:30 PM (DH) Ages 3-5 with a parent or caregiver Inspire your child’s imagination while learning about different simple artistic concepts and crafts. Dress for a mess. Dance Party MLJ293 Thursday, November 10 (M) AND/OR Thursday, December 8 | 10:30 AM– 11 AM (M) Ages 2-3 with a parent or caregiver Shake and shimmy! Time for dancing and music fun! Hand-in-Hand MLJ294 Friday, November 18 AND/OR December 16 | 10:30 AM–11:30 AM (M) Ages 3-5 years with a parent or caregiver Sharpen your fine motor skills with a Certified Occupational Therapist, who will help prepare your child for preschool and/or kindergarten. Imagination Builders MLJ295 Friday, December 9 | 10:30 AM– 11:15 AM (M) Ages 2-5 with a parent or caregiver Explore, create and use your imagination as we build with LEGO DUPLO, wood blocks and cardboard boxes. Jump for Joy DXJ330 Saturday, December 17 | 10:30 AM– 11:15 AM (DH) Ages 2-5 with parent or caregiver Enjoy music, movement and fun filled activities with Joy Oddo. Jumping and Jiving DXJ331 Thursday, December 15 | 10:30 AM– 11:15 AM (DH) Ages 12-36 months with a parent or caregiver Stories, singing, dancing and so much more. Lapsit DXJ332 Wednesday, November 16 10 AM–10:30 AM (DH) Ages birth-24 months with a parent or caregiver Learn simple sign language, and enjoy tummy time, fingerplays and songs. Little Listeners DXJ333 Wednesday, November 16, 30, December 7, 14 | 1 PM–1:45 PM (DH) Ages 3-5 with parent or caregiver Stories, songs and a craft. Let’s Hero Up! DXJ334 Thursday, November 3 | 11 AM– 11:45 AM (DH) Ages 3-5 years with a parent or caregiver Calling all Superheroes! Join us for a high-flying storytime adventure including a craft that will disguise your identity. The More We Get Together Denotes a special needsfriendly program. Dix Hills 631-421-4530 Melville 631-421-4535 Children’s Services Play Group DXJ338 Friday, November 4 | 10:30 AM– 11 AM (DH) Ages birth-36 months with a parent or caregiver Songs, movement, and sensory toys. Famous Annual Bookmark Contest Grades K-5th grade Entries accepted November 1-23. Each child must have a valid library card, 2 entries per child. Use your creativity to design a bookmark. Twelve winning entries will be chosen and one will be displayed each month. Preschool Yoga MLJ298 Thursday, December 22 | 10:30 AM– 11 AM (M) Ages 3-5 with a parent or caregiver Learn new poses with your little one through stories and imagination. Please bring a mat or towel and dress to stretch. Snowy Day MLJ299 Little Scientists DXJ335 Tuesday, November 22 | 12 PM– 12:45 PM AND/OR Friday, December 16 2 PM–2:45 PM (DH) Ages 3-5 years with a parent or a caregiver Grab your lab coats and get ready to explore simple science concepts through fun stories and activities. Messy Sensory Fun DXJ336 Wednesday, December 21 10 AM–11 AM (DH) Ages 2-5 with a parent or caregiver Get ready for some messy hands-on fun with different art mediums: play dough, finger paint, markers and more. Dress for a mess. Mother Goose Monday, November 21 AND/OR Monday, December 12 | 11 AM– 11:30 AM (M) MLJ296 AND/OR Saturday, November 5 AND/OR Saturday, December 10 | 11 AM– 11:30 AM (DH) DXJ337 Ages birth-36 months with a parent or caregiver Have fun with Mother Goose rhymes, songs, and fingerplays while developing your child’s language skills as they hear patterns in words. Pete the Cat MLJ297 Tuesday, December 6 | 11:30 AM– 12:30 PM (M) Ages 2-5 years (not yet in Kindergarten) with a parent or caregiver Presented by A Time for Kids Hands-on fun learning activities about our favorite cat. Like Us: Thursday, December 1 | 1 PM–1:45 PM (M) Ages 3-5 with a parent or caregiver Celebrate the beauty of winter with crafts and activities in honor of the book by Ezra Jack Keats. Stay and Play DXJ339 Friday, December 2 | 10:30 AM– 11:30 AM (DH) Ages 1-4 years old with a parent or caregiver Play and learn with toys and make new friends at this open play session. Talking Toddlers DXJ340 Wednesday, November 2, 9 11 AM–11:45 AM (DH) Ages 24-36 months with a parent or caregiver Led by a speech-language pathologist your toddler will enjoy singing, reading, playing while focusing on speech/language development; parents’ questions will be addressed. Toddlers Tango Monday, November 14 | 10:30 AM– 11:15 AM (M) MLJ311 AND/OR Tuesday, December 13 | 10:30 AM– 11:15 AM (DH) DXJ341 Ages 24-48 months with a parent or caregiver Movement, music and rhythm with the energetic Nicole Sparling. DXJ342 Thursday, November 3, 10, 17 6:30 PM–7:30 PM (DH) Ages 2-5 years (not yet in Kindergarten) with a parent or caregiver Presented by A Time for Kids An educational series with hands-on fun learning activities. 2,065 Twitter 631 Families Countdown to the New Year DXJ343 Friday, December 30 | 11:15 AM– 12:15 PM (DH) Families with children 3 and up Party with us as we countdown to 12 PM. Disney Day DXJ344 Friday, December 2 | 4:30 PM–5:30 PM (DH) Families with children 3 years old- grade 5 Celebrate Walt Disney’s Birthday. Costumes & Disney attire is encouraged. Gingerbread Houses Wednesday, December 14 | 6 PM–7 PM OR 7:30 PM–8:30 PM (DH) DXJ345 OR Thursday, December 15 | 6 PM–7 PM or 7:30 PM–8:30 PM (M) MLJ312 Families with children ages 3 and up Swan Bakery is back for our traditional family event. When registering please enter last name and how many are attending. ONE registration per family. Polar Express Movie Night DXJ346 Friday, December 16 | 6 PM–8 PM (DH) Families with children of all ages. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Holiday movie based on the book by Chris Van Allsburg. Walk In Art Who is Wearing That Hat? Facebook Weave a Bookmark Coming to the library for a book, program or just hanging out? A table in front of the Children’s Desk will have everything you need to weave a bookmark for a homebound patron or make one for yourself. Instagram Thursday, December 29 11 AM–1 PM (DH) Families with children 3 and up. Children younger than 8 years old must be accompanied by a parent or caregiver. Use a variety of recycled and reused material to make an art project. 280 November/December 2016 | 9 Children’s Services What is your favorite thing to do at the library? Maybe it is reading? Or do you like to come to our programs? Come in on Election Day, November 8, and vote for your absolute favorite thing to do at the library. Cast your Vote and receive a small prize. Winter Family Craft DXJ348 Friday, December 2 | 6:30 PM–7:30 PM (DH) Children in Grades K-3 with families Enjoy making some fantastic, frosty crafts. Pop-Up Cityscape DXJ355 School Age Carpenters Gift DXJ349 Wednesday, December 7 | 4:30 PM– 5:30 PM (DH) Grades K-3 Presented by Wendy Scharf, Habitat for Humanity Read “The Carpenter’s Gift” and enjoy a craft. Donations of adult or preschool sized socks/ mittens are appreciated and will be delivered to a local charity. Chess Club DXJ350 Tuesday, November 29, December 6, 13 6:30 PM–7:30 PM (DH) Grades 1-5 Presented by LI Chessnuts Learn strategy and make your move. Puppy Tales DXJ356 Saturday, November 19 | 10 AM (DH) AND/OR Tuesday, December 6 6:30 PM (DH) Children entering grades K-5 Come join Frodo, a Goldendoodle and our other dogs for a 15 minute reading session. Bring your own book or choose a book from our shelves. Tuesday, December 27 | 2:30 PM– 3:30 PM (DH) Grades 5 and up Hop on to the programming bandwagon and learn how to code. Easy Crochet Mini Wallet DXJ352 Monday, November 21, 28, December 5 6:30 PM–8 PM (DH) Children entering grades 4 and up Make a wallet for your library card. Please bring 2 skeins of yarn and a size H crochet hook. Tuesday, November 22 | 4 PM–4:45 PM (DH) Grades K-2 Listen to stories and weave a placemat for your table. Ugly Sweater Cookie Contest MLJ313 Wednesday, December 28 3 PM–4 PM (M) Grades 3-5 Get ready to use your creative skills to create an ugly sweater cookie. We’ll provide the cookies and decorations, you supply the talent. Please let us know about any food allergies upon signing up. Ugly sweaters are encouraged. Wednesday, December 28 | 11 AM– 12 PM (DH) Grades K-2 Our snow themed activities and crafts are sure to be snow much fun! If I Had a Hammer S.T.E.M. at the Library Grades 2-5 Engineering Tuesday, November 1 | 4:30 PM– 5:30 PM (M) MLJ289 Learn about skills that engineers use and how they are applied to solve problems. Mathematics Tuesday, November 15 | 4:30 PM– 5:30 PM (M) MLJ290 Monday, November 7, 14, 21, Explore problems that use mathe28, December 5, 12, 19 | 6 matical solutions. PM–7 PM (DH) DXJ353 AND/OR Wednesday, November 2, 9, Book your 16, 30, Decemtick Stay-Cation ets for our ber 7, 14, 21 Reading Clu b (no class 11/23) Grades K-5 1. Read a bo 6 PM–7 PM (DH) ok or at between 12/2 tend a program anytime DXJ354 3 through 12 /30. Grades K-5 2. Tell us ab out it! 3. Receive a raffle ticket fo r ever y book or program at read tended. No registratio n necessar y. 10 | November/December 2016 Thanksgiving Placemats DXJ358 Snow Spectacular DXJ357 Coding for Kids DXJ351 Homework Help Tuesday, December 27 | 11 AM–12 PM (DH) Grades 2-5 Presented by The Heckscher Museum of Art Learn about the cartoon-like style of artist Red Groom and his New York cityscapes. Make a bustling cityscape. Dix Hills 631-421-4530 DXJ318 Saturday, November 12 10:30 AM–11:30 AM (DH) Grades K-3 Lowe’s Home Improvement will help each child build their own wooden piggy bank. Money Troubles DXJ319 Monday, November 7 6:30 PM–7:30 PM (DH) Grades 3-5 Read and discuss Alexander, Who Used to be Rich Last Sunday, watch the movie and enjoy activities. A Night at the Museum DXJ320 Friday, November 18 | 6:30 PM–8 PM (DH) Grades K and up with families Take a tour of our Thinking Money exhibit with our teen guides and watch A Night at the Museum. Thinking Money was developed by the American Library Association Public Programs Office in collaboration with the FINRA Investor Education Foundation, whose support made this exhibition possible. Melville 631-421-4535 Teens Programs for Grades 6-12. Registration for November programs begins on Thursday, October 27 and December programs on Thursday, November 10 unless otherwise noted. Just For Fun Cards for Veterans DXY387 Teen Paint Night DXY380 Monday, December 5, 7 PM-8 PM (DH) Paint an inspirational quote. Gingerbread Houses DXY381 Friday November 11 | 10 AM–11 AM (DH) Write a card for recovering soldiers at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. Inspirational Quilt DXY388 Monday November 14 & 21 | 6 PM– 7 PM (DH) Create an inspirational square with Amanda LoBianco, Stony Brook University Social Work Intern. Thursday, December 15 | 6:30 PM– 7:30 PM (DH) Decorate your own gingerbread house. Emoji Pillows DXY382 Monday December 19 | 7 PM–8 PM (DH) Make a fun emoji pillow as a gift or for yourself! Holiday Cards for Hospitalized Kids DXY389 Thursday, November 17 | 6:45 PM– 7:45 PM (DH) Tech Tuesday: 3-D Print Club DXY360 Tuesdays, November 1 & December 6 7 PM–8 PM (DH) Learn how to design and create objects. Money Talks - Girl Talk DXY395 Community Service Homework Help Orientation Grades 9-12 DXY383 Wednesday, November 2 OR Monday, November 7 | 5:30 PM (DH) New homework helpers must attend one of these orientations. Homework Help Mondays Grades 9-12 DXY367 Mondays, November, 7, 14, 21, 28, December 5, 12, 19 | 6 PM–7 PM (DH) Homework Help Wednesdays Grades 9-12 DXY368 Wednesdays, November 2, 9, 16, December 7, 14, 21 | 6 PM–7 PM (DH) Teen Reading Blog Orientation DXY384 Thursday, November 3 OR Thursday, December 1 | 6 PM–6:30 PM (DH) Read new books for our Teen Corner Blog. New members must attend. Saturday, November 19 | 10 AM– 12 PM (DH) Presented by Girls, Inc., Long Island Explore money messages and how they affect spending habits. Money Talks is designed for girls aged 9-14 and their mother, guardian, grandparent, mentor and will start girls thinking about their financial future. 3D Giant Snowflakes DXY391 Monday November 28 | 6 PM–8 PM (DH) Craft a 3D Snowflake and decorate the Teen Corner. Project Excel’s Why Try? DXY362 Wednesdays, November 30, December 7, 14, 21 | 5:45 PM–6:45 PM (DH) This weekly interactive training program encourages students to stay focused on the future and build healthy, positive relationships. Holiday Gifts for Huntington’s Senior Citizen Center DXY393 Thursday, December 1, 8 | 6:45 PM– 7:45 PM (DH) Ready Set Help A Pet MLY394 Blankets for Veterans DXY385 Wednesday, November 9 7 PM–8 PM (DH) Make a no-sew patriotic blanket for our Library’s Local Veterans Testimonial Project. Wednesday, December 7 6 PM–7 PM (M) Make a cat toy to donate to a local shelter. Placemats for Senior Citizen’s Meals on Wheels DXY386 Thursday, November 10 | 6:45 PM– 7:45 PM (DH) Like Us: Facebook Design a Book Contest for Grades 6-12 Entries accepted November 1-23. Pick up an entry form at the Children’s or Teen Desks. 2,065 Twitter 631 Instagram Boost Your Money Smarts DXJ316 Friday, November 4 | 6:30 PM– 7:30 PM (DH) Grades 5 and up Presented by Suffolk Cornell Cooperative Extension Are you financially literate? Learn the five things you can do with money and the skills needed to be a financially responsible person. Scavenger Hunt: Embark on an Adventure DXJ321 Friday, November 11 | 3 PM– 4:30 PM (DH) Grades 5 and up Join your favorite librarians and learn about credit cards, different phone plans and even how to write a check. Receive a prize upon completion. Community Service Mason Jars for Coin Collecting DXY376 Thursday, November 3 6:45 PM–7:45 PM (DH) Grades 6-12 Night at the Museum DXY320 Friday, November 18 | 6:30 PM– 8:30 PM (DH) Grades 6-12 Guide kids through our Thinking Money Museum exhibit and watch Night at the Museum. Bookend Graffiti DXY395 Monday December 12 | 7:30 PM– 8:30 PM (DH) Paint and decorate a bookend. College Prep Top Mistakes Parents Commit in the College Planning Process... And How to Avoid Them DXY398 Thursday, November 3 7 PM–8:30 PM (DH) Andy Lockwood, college admissions and financial aid consultant presents this Financial Aid Workshop for parents of college bound students. 280 November/December 2016 | 11 Half Hollow Hills Community Library 55 Vanderbilt Parkway Dix Hills, NY 11746 Dix Hills Melville Monday - Friday: 9:30 AM–9 PM Saturday: 9:30 AM–5 PM Sundays: 12 PM–5 PM 55 Vanderbilt Parkway Dix Hills, NY 11746 631-421-4530 Monday - Thursday: 10 AM–9 PM Friday & Saturday: 10 AM–5 PM Sundays: Closed 510 Sweet Hollow Road Melville, NY 11747 631-421-4535 Library Board of Trustees For The Emergency Library Closings will Larry Bloomstein Maxine Roeper Cohen Jacob Goldman Bruce Gordon Wayne Griffith Board Meetings (DH) Monday, November 21 | 6:30 PM Monday, December 19 | 6:30 PM If our phones are unavailable, be closed: try these resources. November 24 for Website: Thanksgiving Twitter: December 24-26 for Facebook: Christmas Radio (at their discretion): January for New Year’s 106.1 FM1-2 (WBLI) Get our app and allow push The Library will notifications: Thank you Bella Casa Floral Design for the lovely floral arrangements. November 23 for Thanksgiving December 9 for Staff Function Non Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Permit No. 32 Huntington Station, NY R First The November/December 2016 Postal Patron close at 5 PM: Dear Residents Director: Helen M. Crosson Editor: Sharron McDevitt Graphic Artist: Daniel Epstein Printed using recycled paper and soy ink. How To Register Autumn is such a busy time of year, besides yard work and school bells, there are the added obligations of the holidays. Your library has resources to assist you through all these moments. From coloring parties, entertainment to exercise, stop by for a change of pace and relaxation. •Registration begins on Thursday, October 27 at 10 am unless otherwise stated. By registering for a program, you are guaranteed a spot in the class and help prevent cancellations. Don’t miss Suffolk County Legislator Steve Stern present important information for our seniors on how to avoid financial fraud. •Limit 2 sign-ups or tickets per district resident on the first day of registration, except where stated otherwise. Non-residents may sign-up on the second day of registration beginning at 10 AM. See page 4 for fitness class registration. The Thinking Money exhibit continues until November 28. Plan a visit and test your finance savviness or attend a lecture. Money smarts are critical to our financial and personal well-being. •Register online at, via mobile app, in-person or by calling the Circulation Department. •Tickets are for residents only. Available seats will be given to non-ticket holders on a first-come, first-served basis. Looking to save money over the holiday break? Take advantage of our discounted museum vouchers and free (with your library card) museum passes. See page 6 for information on special upcoming exhibits. •Tickets are available at the Circulation Department at Dix Hills or Melville. Doors open 15 minutes before the event. No one will be seated before the scheduled time without a ticket. During this time of charity, we are collecting toys for those in need and candies for our troops overseas. Benefit from our Food for Fines program which also aids two local food pantries in our community. (See page 3 for details.) •Payment for programs with fees can be made online with a credit card. Stop by the Circulation Department at Dix Hills or Melville to pay by check or cash. Fees are nonrefundable. Wishing you a happy and healthy holiday season. May 2017 bring peace and joy to your family and to our world. I hope to catch you reading, Helen M. Crosson, Library Director •Opinions presented by speakers are those of the speakers’ and do not reflect an endorsement by the Library. •Programs may be photographed/videotaped for library publicity. Notify library staff if you prefer not to be included. •Programs for adults are intended for ages 18 and up, teen programs are for grades 6-12 and children’s programs are as noted. See Children’s Services section for registration information. Thank you for your cooperation.
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