Natural Muscle October 2008
Natural Muscle October 2008
Natural Muscle October 2008 WEEK 01 WEEK 05 WEEK 10 (LBS) 254 (LBS) 230 (LBS) 232 FAT% 14 FAT% 8 FAT% 6 .4 Ripped & Shredded on Meltdown in only 10 weeks! eks! “I’m amazed at how quickly fat was melting off my body. I’ve never been this lean after only 10 weeks of dieting. The best part is, I have energy that lasts for the entire day - and it comes without a crash. Meltdown is the best fat-burner I have ever used!” — Antoine Vaillant, 20 yr. old Bodybuilding Champion 4$ How long does it take for MELTDOWN to work? You will notice MELTDOWN’s effects immediately because it comes in a pharmaceuticallyeutically-inspired BIOLIQUID® capsule. This allows Meltdown to be absorbed within secondss and too continue to burn fat for up to 8 hours! You may notice an overall “thermogenic” effect in as littlee as 15 minutes after taking MELTDOWN. With powerful fat-loss catalysts like Methyl Synephrine, e, MTTA,, and the active isomer known as R-beta-Methylphenylethylamine, the sky’s the limit in regardd to thee speed and degree of fat loss that you will experience on Meltdown! What about losing overall body fat fast? $ 4 In a recent University Human Study, scientists were shocked to learn that a potent new fat-burning matrix named Meltdown was more effective than Ephedrine. But, the evidence that really rocked the scientific world to its very core was that Meltdown outperformed the powerful fat-burning combination known as the “Ephedrine and Caffeine Stack”. Prominent scientific researcher, Dr. Jose Antonio authenticated the breakthrough data - Meltdown did in fact show a Metabolic Increase 972% greater than Ephedrine and 113% - 273% greater than the legendary Ephedrine/Caffeine Stack! 4 $ Meltdown Inventor Jack Owoc stated, “We theorized that Meltdown would beat the Ephedrine/Caffeine stack, however, I was shocked at the degree to which it crushed the ephedrine/caffeine metabolic response. Meltdown crushed the ‘EC Stack’ by a mind blowing 273%!” Caffeine/ephedrine refernce: A. Strup, et al. Metabolism 40, 323 (Mar, 1991). Why has my fat loss been6FLHQWLÀF:RUOG6KRFNHG so slow using the top from reaching problematic fat storing areas like the abdominal region. Even with selling fat burners and only moderate even when diet and exercise you can still have a tough time shredding abdominal fat unless you address the “alpha” receptors at the biochemical level. Meltdown deactivates ephedrine/caffeine fat burners were legal? these receptors to stimulate site-specific fat loss in the abdominal area! This 0(/7'2:1025(327(177+$1(3+('5,1( action is critical because it increases blood flow to the fat cells causing stubborn Neither the caffeine/ephedrine stack nor today’s other top selling fat burners contain the super potent pharmaceutical grade 11-Hydroxy Yohim-bine and alpha-Yohimbine. These potent fat loss agents target mid and lower body fat loss. It’s ascientific fact that the lower body and midsection contain disproportionately high levels of tiny signaling centers called “alpha receptors”. These nasty receptors create a metabolic fat-burning hormone blockade that prevent fat-loss signals Natural Muscle October 2008 fat to be released into the bloodstream allowing it to be burned. Yohimbine is one of the only substances that has this targeted fat burning effect in the body. Together, Meltdown’s new 11-hydroxy and alpha-Yohimbine substances work in concert to exert a fat-burning effect for up to 8 hours! Imagine a supplement that burns fat fast for up to 8 hours - MELTDOWN really is THAT powerful! Consequently, your greatest chance of getting ripped abs is to incorporate the science of Meltdown into your diet and exercise program. $ The University Study results pictured in the graph indicate that Meltdown boosts metabolic abolicc rate 972% higher than Ephedrine and 113% - 273% greater than the highly researched rchedd combination of both ephedrine and caffeine! Until Meltdown proved to beat the ephedrine/ rine// caffeine stack, the EC combo was considered the greatest fat-burning combination on earth. arth.. Now the “Daddy of the Mac Daddies” and newly crowned king of fat burners is Meltdown. How fastt can you lose body fat on Meltdown? Take a look at Antoine’s pictures. He lost fat so fast that wee eingg had to take his pictures off the internet because people didn’t believe that a real human being could lose fat that fast. I personally directed Antoine’s “before” photo shoot and guarantee hiss ificc results are 100% authentic. Further, I developed Meltdown in VPX’s state of the art scientific onn laboratories with the most sophisticated fat-loss agents on the planet and the dedicated passion to make YOUR personal fat-loss dreams come true. FREE MELTDOWN! The researchers that developed MELTDOWN are so confident that it is the best fat burner in existence that they’re offering readers the chance to try it for FREE! Call between December 1st - December 4th between the hours of 9 AM - 3 PM (EST) and you will receive your FREE MELTDOWN SAMPLE. Also, you can claim your FREE Meltdown T-shirt when you purchase one or more bottles of Meltdown Bioliquid Capsules. Call (954) 641-0570 Ext. 503 *When combined with regular exercise and proper nutrition. Athlete also used VPX N.O. Shotgun & N.O. Synthesize during his transformation. Results are not typical. Model has been remunerated. Use only as a dietary supplement. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Natural Muscle October 2008 INC. ©2008 VITAL PHARMACEUTICALS, THE SHAPE OF A LIFETIME! THE ONLY SUPPLEMENTS INDEPENDENTLY TESTED TO OUTPERFORM THE COMPETITION. IT’S A FACT. SO WHY TAKE CHANCES? NO OTHER SUPPLEMENT COMPANY shows, through unbiased independent clinical research performed at some of the country’s most prestigious universities and scientific testing laboratories, that their products work better than anything else on the market. THE NAME YOU TRUST. THE BRAND THAT WORKS. While other companies make up outlandish claims out of thin air or use hardcore photos and catchy one liners to sell their products, Gaspari products are about PROOF. We take the guesswork out of looking and feeling incredible so you get it right the 1st time. Ask any experienced athlete what they think about any Gaspari product and you’ll get the same answer again and again, “NOTHING WORKS LIKE GASPARI!” Try any Gaspari product alone or in combination and you will see and feel, once and for all, what everyone else is talking about –Gaspari products get you bigger, stronger, leaner, and performing better than anything else on the market... period. GASPARI NUTRITION. No hype. No tall tales. Just real science and incredible results... Every time. ONLY FROM GASPARI NUTRITION! LET THE SCIENCE SPEAK FOR ITSELF SuperPump250™ – Potent Anabolic High Performance Stimulant Cocktail The Reigning KING of Dramatic Effects in the Pre-Workout Category Results of the 2 Independent Clinical Trials Conducted at Ohio Research Group1 and The Center for Applied Health Science Research2: THE SINGLE DOSE STUDY 1: Subjects using SuperPump250 ™ added an average of 2 1/2 times more lean mass to their arms in a single dose than subjects that didn’t take the supplement, while simultaneously causing a significant decrease in their percentage of body fat –all in a single dose. THE 30 DAY STUDY 2: In the recent double-blind, placebo controlled study using 30 trained athletes, subjects using SuperPump250 ™ for 30 days (compared to placebo group) showed a 947% greater increase in lean mass (with a remarkable 25.5 times greater increase in the lean mass of the arms!), a 234% greater increase in muscle performance, and a strong trend toward a decrease in body fat compared to the placebo group. Novedex XT® – The Undisputed #1 Testosterone Booster - 3 Times Tested! More Muscle in the Gym AND in the Bedroom than Any Other Testosterone Booster in History –No Other Supplement on the Market Even Comes Close! Results of the Independent Clinical Trial Conducted at Baylor University and published in the 2007 Int’l Journal of Sports Nutrition & Exercise Metabolism:† • Increased Natural (Free) Testosterone an Average of 600% • Up to a 600% Increase in Testosterone to Estrogen Ratio • Returns to Baseline Within 3 Weeks of Stopping Novedex XT • Rock Solid Safety Data SizeOn™ – The Intelligent Choice For Increasing Muscle Cell Volume, Mass, Endurance & Performance. Destroyed Both The Top Selling Creatine and Arginine in a Head to Head Independent Clinical Trial For Both Muscle Size AND Strength!!! Results of The 30-Day Independent Clinical Trial Conducted At Ohio Research Group:* SizeOn™ Increased Muscle Mass: • 180% more than Creatine Ethyl Ester • 1400% more than Arginine Alphaketoglutarate SizeOn™ Increased Strength: • 322% more than Creatine Ethyl Ester • 776% more than Arginine Alphaketoglutarate Photo by Alex Ardenti Available at health and vitamin stores, gyms and select retailers around the world. † Willoughby D. S., & Wilborn C. Eight weeks of aromatase inhibition using the nutritional supplement Novedex XT: Effects on serum steroid hormones, body composition, and clinical safety markers in young, eugonadal males. International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 2007, 17, 92-108 © 2007 Human Kinetics, Inc. 1). Mendel, R., Ziegenfuss, T. and J. Hofheins. Effects of Acute SuperPump250 Administration and Resistance Exercise on DEXA-estimated Changes in Lean Mass: A Pilot Study, 2005. 2.) Ziegenfuss T.N., Hofheins J.E., and R. Lemieux. (2008). Four weeks of Supplementation with SuperPump250 Increases Lean Mass and Muscular Performance in Resistance Trained Men. The Center for Applied Health Science Research. Fairlawn, OH 44333. *Ziegenfuss T.N., Mendel R.W., and Hofheins J.E. Comparison of Purported Anabolic Supplements on Body Composition and Muscular Performance. Ohio Research Group. Wadsworth, Ohio 44281, USA. - Presented at the ISSN Convention in June 2006, Las Vegas, NV. (Neither the research team or The Ohio Research Group received any financial compensation from Gaspari Nutrition, nor do they endorse this, or any other Gaspari Nutrition product.) Visit for all pertinent study data. Natural Muscle October 2008 Manufactured for Gaspari Nutrition • 501 Prospect St., Suite 107, Lakewood, NJ 08701 • Distributors Call 1.732.364.3777 These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Natural Muscle October 2008 World Champion Fighter Natural Muscle October 2008 '<0$7,=(7KHVHVWDWHPHQWVKDYHQRWEHHQHYDOXDWHGE\WKH)'$7KLVSURGXFWLVQRWLQWHQGHGWRGLDJQRVHWUHDWFXUHRUSUHYHQWDQ\GLVHDVH Natural Muscle October 2008 ,QQRYDWLYH'HOLYHU\6\VWHPV 'RW&RP&RXUW6XLWH2YLHGR)/ ZZZQHZZKH\FRP * Effects of a Pre- and Post-Exercise Whey Protein Supplement on Recovery from an Acute Resistance Training Session. Hoffman JR, Ratamess NA, Tranchina C, Rashti S, Kang J, and Faigenbaum AD. Department of Health and Exercise Science, The College of New Jersey, Ewing, NJ 08628-0718, USA. Natural Muscle October 2008 Natural Muscle October 2008 OCTOBER FEATURES contents 20 28 ([HUFLVH :LQGPLOO )LUVWEULQJNHWWOHEHOOWRWKHUDFNSRVLWLRQZLWK \RXU ULJKW DUP <RX FDQ SLYRW ERWK RI \RXU WRHV GHJUHHV WR WKH OHIW , OLNH WR VWDQG VKRXOGHU ZLGWK DSDUW %HJLQ WR PLOLWDU\ SUHVV WKHNHWWOHEHOOWRWKHRYHUKHDGORFNRXWSRVLWLRQ /RRN XS DW \RXU NHWWOHEHOO NLFN \RXU KLS RXW WR WKH ULJKW DQG EHQG IRUZDUG E\ IROGLQJ IURP WKHKLSDVLQD³ZLQGPLOOVWUHWFK´*RGRZQDV IDUDV\RXFDQKROGIRUDVHFRQGDQGVTXHH]H \RXUEXWW7KDW¶VWKHNH\'RQRWWZLVWDQGGRQRW UXVKWKHPRYHPHQW0DNHVXUHWRH[KDOHRQ\RXU ZD\XS³3DWLHQFHLVGH¿QLWHO\DYLUWXHZLWKWKLV H[HUFLVH´ 58 'RDVPDQ\UHSLWLRQVDV\RXFDQFDXVHWKLVRQHZLOO VXUH FKDOOHJH \RX3ULPDU\ PXVFOHV LQYROYHG 6KRXOGHUJLUGOHURWDWRUFXIIWUXQNURWDWRUVVLGH ÀH[RUVJOXWHVDQGKDPVWULQJV 60 62 10 10 Natural NaturalMuscle Muscle October October2008 2008 16 36 18 38 20 40 22 42 A Little Vitamin “G” -Gina Ostarly Skip Lacour’s Top 10 Nutrittion Tips Good News for Coffee Lovers .. Functional Training Physical Subculture -Micah Hankins -Charles Justo Profile-Charles Justo -Connor Dantzle Ask the Doctor -Dr. Matthew Isner 50 28 Slenium’s effect on Mercury in fish -Greg Weatherly Profile-Erin Jade -Jeff Hammond 30 What works best for muscle soreness? -Dr. Matthew Isner 34 Improve your golf game with bodyweight exercises Celebrity Workout -Sherry Goggin 58 Muscle Beach -Brenda Kelly 60 Show Coverage Olympia 08 EXPO IN EVERY ISSUE The Fit Gourmet........................................24 by Danielle Nagel-Singh Fitness for Her ..........................................26 by Kristal Richardson The MUSCLE Chef.....................................32 by Mark Alvisi Welcome to my World.............................46 by Coach A Pz’s Perspective........................................54 by Pz Hopkins *When combined with strength training & a low calorie diet. Use only as a dietary supplement. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Natural Muscle October 200811 Publisher/Editor my two cents Debbie Baigrie [email protected] Debbie Baigrie Art Director Alex Gonzalez Web SITE Shelly Dickson Working Towards What You Already Have Contributing Writers Mark Alvisi Dr. John Atherton Sherry Goggin Carolina Gonzalez Jeff Hammond Dr. Matthew Isner Charles Justo Brenda Kelly Skip Lacour Richard Nannis Danielle Nagel Gina Ostarly Kristal Richardson Hugo Rivera photographers John Atherton Debbie Baigrie Danny Fittro Alex Gonzalez Walt Ostarly Gordon Smith The American investment banker was at the pier of a small coastal Mexican village when a small boat with just one fisherman docked. Inside the small boat were several large yellow fin tuna. The American complimented the Mexican on the quality of his fish and asked how long it took to catch them. The Mexican replied, “Only a little while.” of fishing boats. Instead of selling your catch to a middleman you would sell directly to the processor; eventually opening your own cannery. You would control the product, processing and distribution. You would need to leave this small coastal fishing village and move to Mexico City, then Los Angeles and eventually New York where you will run your ever- expanding enterprise.” The Mexican fisherman asked, “But, how long will this all take?” The American then asked, “Why didn’t you stay out longer and catch more fish?” To which the American replied, “15 to 20 years.” The Mexican said, “With this I have more than enough to support my family’s needs.” “But what then?” asked the Mexican. CIRCULATION Natural Muscle Magazine is distributed to select gyms and health related businesses throughout the USA. If you would like to carry the magazine at your location please call 813-961-4806, email [email protected], fax 813-354-2460, or order online at There is a one time fee for this. Natural Muscle Magazine is available free of charge at select locations, limited to one copy per reader. No person, without written permission, may take more than one copy of each issue. The American then asked, “But what do you do with the rest of your time?” DISCLAIMER Natural Muscle Magazine does not necessarily agree with the views in articles and assumes no responsibility for any claims or representations contained in this magazine or in any advertisement. Copyright © 2008 Natural Muscle Magazine, Inc., all rights reserved. Readers are advised to consult their physician before starting a diet or exercise program. The American scoffed, “I am a Harvard MBA and could help you. You should spend more time fishing; and with the proceeds, buy a bigger boat: With the proceeds from the bigger boat you could buy several boats. Eventually you would have a fleet On the cover: Adam Hayward Photo by T. Del Rey designed by The Mexican fisherman said, “I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, take siesta with my wife, Maria, stroll into the village each evening where I sip wine and play guitar with my amigos, I have a full and busy life.” The American laughed and said that’s the best part. “When the time is right you would announce an IPO and sell your company stock to the public and become very rich, you would make millions.” “Millions?...Then what?” The American said, “Then you would retire. Move to a small coastal fishing village where you would sleep late, fish a little, play with your kids, take siesta with your wife, stroll to the village in the evenings where you could sip wine and play your guitar with your amigos.” HEY FITNESS BUFFS! Do you think you’ve got what it takes to be a Natural Muscle writer? Well, stop putting it off ;-) and send your articles in to: [email protected] *When combined with increased exercise and a low calorie diet. Use only as a dietary supplement. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 12 Natural Muscle October 2008 Natural Muscle October 200813 move of the month RISER DIPS walt ostarly photos Position your hands shoulder width apart on 4 secure step risers. -Move your feet out as far out in front of you as possible. -Straighten out your arms and keep a little bend in your elbows in order to always keep tension on your triceps and off your elbow joints. -Slowly lower your upper body down towards the floor and keep your elbows tucked into your sides. Once you reach the bottom of the movement, slowly press off with your hands and push yourself back up to the starting position with your triceps. 14 Natural Muscle October 2008 Natural Muscle October 200815 motivation By Gina Ostarly, “the NEW FORTY!” a little VITAMIN ® ® “G” Photos: by Walt Ostarly When are our victories, just a set-up, for defeat? When they fool us into thinking they’re permanent. If you’ve ever played team sports, you’ve probably heard the coach say: “If you’re patting yourself on the back for something you did yesterday, you haven’t done anything today!” Fitness, health, relationships, life -- they’re all a DAILY commitment. And, in a sense, we start from scratch every day. I recently ran a 5k race because it was a new and exciting goal, and I loved it! But, meeting that goal, was not the end of the race. It was just part of an overall lifestyle that helps keep me healthy, motivated and inspired. And that’s the key. Staying inspired helps us to stick with our changes. Sometimes we make the excuse that we “needed a break” but it’s still one day at a time. Getting longer strategies into our thinking -- that’s what creates real change. Football players lift weights in May, so they can smash their opponents in December. You walk with your family in the afternoons, so, you’ll have more healthy days to spend with them later in life. Sometimes we should not be thrilled by our victories. When making lifestyle changes in fitness, it takes more than two weeks to make a difference. Two weeks is not nearly long enough to show what life can and should be about. There is always a stray habit wanting to break free. We have to keep the leash on, but boy do those old habits want to run with it! I know we all want to change, but have found it’s very difficult ...all on our own. I think the turmoil we feel inside, during the changes, are a good sign. It means we’re stepping onto new ground and expanding our reach. Making changes are much more fun, as we see little successes along the way. I’m sure you’ve seen “Trading Spaces” or the other home renovation shows that seem to dominate cable television these days. Sometimes the houses need cosmetic touches... other times it has serious structural damage and needs major repairs. Your body can be compared to a house, if you build a house with rotten wood and rusty nails, its gonna fall down eventually, Your body is the same way. You need to take care of it. Build it with good wood and only the best nails! That way it will stay strong and sturdy for many years to come. Hope you take this to heart because I like to think my friends’ houses will be around for a while! The reason I love my career so much is because we really are working together to make positive changes that will last a lifetime. And, the work, makes that lifetime even better. Teamwork is a beautiful thing! 16 Natural Muscle October 2008 #1 selling#1 weight-loss selling weight-loss he makheerssmoaf kHers ysdorof xHyycdurt®®o–xyAmerica’s cut®® – America’s † † supplement supplement – have created – havea created weight-loss a weight-loss product unlike product anything unlike anything you’ve ever you’ve seenever – Hydroxycut seen – Hydroxycut Max! Designed Max! Designed exclusively exclusively for women, forthis women, this industrial-strength industrial-strength formula has formula been has scientifi beencally scientifi engineered cally engineered to deliverto extreme deliver extreme results – the results kind– of theresults kind of professional results professional fitness and fitness figureand athletes figureachieve! athletes achieve! ® ® ® ® Hydroxycut Hydroxycut Max! burns Max! fat,burns fat, boosts your boosts metabolism your metabolism and and ,U * helps youhelps lose weight you lose fast. weight fast.*,U Women everywhere Women everywhere want extreme want extreme weight-loss weight-loss results results and that’sand whatthat’s what ® Hydroxycut Hydroxycut Max! ® Max! is designed is designed to deliver!to deliver! aytoadnady and etdit Get itGto azainmgazing mis ishath h th atc watcw ghrofluygh fly akuth rero breakbth r sehse!lves! off yoouffr syhoeulv For moFroerdmeotareilssdveis tsaitilssHyyvdr issriox t xHy yc ycdr urtox m ax.c com axc.cuctoM Mxyc SM SM †Based †Based on IRI sales data. on *In IRI one sales6-week data. *In clinical one 6-week study, subjects clinical study, using subjects a key ingredient using a in keyHydroxycut ingredient® inMax! Hydroxycut (Cissus ®quadra Max! (Cissus quadra U U average of 2.64average lbs. Multiple of 2.64clinical lbs. Multiple studies clinical on certain studies key on ingredients certain key (catechins ingredients and (catechins caffeine) inand Hydroxycut caffeine)® inMax! Hydroxycut dem ® Max! dem read entire labelread before entire use.label Regular before exercise use. Regular and proper exercise nutrition and proper are essential nutrition forare achieving essentialyour for weight-loss achieving your goals. weight-loss The Hyd goals. The Hyd ® Hydroxycut® Max! Hydroxycut is covered Max! by U.S. is covered patent #7,175,859 by U.S. patent and#7,175,859 is patent-pending. and is patent-pending. © 2008. © 2008. Natural Muscle October 200817 GOOD NEWS, COFFEE LOVERS! One-Cup Regular Coffee Drinkers Less Likely to Get Heart Disease by Louanne Baelde Are you drinking too much coffee? We seem to need it to wake up in the morning, to stay alert when we drive, and even our work breaks are now referred to as “coffee breaks.” A sign that may indicate that we’re getting a little too carried away is when we have a mug, with a picture of our favorite mug on it. But don’t put your favorite cup away just yet. There’s new evidence suggesting that coffee in moderation can actually be good for you! New evidence shows that antioxidants are not only in green tea, but are also in coffee. Surprisingly, there’s four times the amount of antioxidants in coffee as what there is in green tea. Of course this doesn’t substitute for the amount of antioxidants that you find in fruits and vegetables. But one to two cups of coffee per day lowers your chances of having cancer and chronic diseases. Harvard University School of Public Health shows that the risk of Type II diabetes is lower among regular coffee drinkers. Why? It boosts the liver’s ability to break down sugar. Too much sugar that stays in our bodies not only causes us to gain weight, but also weakens muscle strength. And who wants saggy muscles? Did you know that almonds lower your cholesterol and help to increase your memory? That’s right, a few of those delicious nuts with coffee, and it’s even more of a super memory booster! You actually have an 80% less chance of getting Parkinson’s disease. Parkinson’s drugs are now being developed with caffeine derivatives for this very reason. In medicine, caffeine is used as a diuretic (to increase urine) and as a cardiac stimulant. It boosts energy and triggers alertness. After a large cup of coffee, our muscles tighten up, our heart beats fast and our hands get cold. Coffee stimulates the brain like cocaine and heroin. That’s why it’s so addictive and for the same reason why most of us need it first thing in the morning, to start our day. Once you get into the coffee cycle, you can’t stop. If you try, you get a wicked headache and you start squirming like a snake. But recent studies reveal that regular coffee drinkers are less likely to contract heart 18 Natural Muscle October 2008 disease. “Until now, we have attributed the cardiovascular effects of coffee to caffeine, but we found noncoffee drinkers given decaffeinated coffee also display these effects,” says Roberto Corti, M.D., a cardiologist at University Hospital in Zurich. Then could there be other ingredients in coffee that are causing the “jitters”? If there is less elevation in blood pressure, could this mean that we are increasing our tolerance to caffeine? Should hypertensive people still drink coffee? The American Heart Association agrees that there’s a lot of contradiction about caffeine and regular coffee drinkers and the link with cardiovascular disease. If you sit down and calculate how much caffeine you consume in one day, you might be surprised. But could only one or two cups of coffee be harmful for you? According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, there is more risk for a heart attack if a regular coffee drinker carries a gene called cytochrome P450 1A2*1F. This gene metabolizes caffeine slowly. They have decided however, that more research still needs to be done before they can make this conclusion. Dr. Florian Koppelstatter of the Medical University Innsbruck, in Austria, claims that caffeine boosts brain activity. Vanderbilt University also found coffee to increase blood flow to the brain thereby, preventing degenerative brain diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. Again, maybe there are some good benefits as long as we consume this beverage in moderation. Apparently, adding an extra paper filter in your coffee machine when brewing your coffee, even if you have a plastic filter, helps to lower cholesterol and your blood pressure. We all know that coffee sometimes prevents constipation. Nothing like that morning brew to get things moving! Some practitioners in alternative health medicine actually suggest doing coffee enemas for bowel cleansing. Myself, I prefer bottoms up to be my cup! Are we addicted to the coffee or to the lifestyle and habit that we’ve grown into over time? Well at least now we know that there are some healthy benefits. But can having too much coffee and drinking the brew too late in the day cause insomnia? Without a good night’s sleep, our body can’t replenish itself. Let’s not forget the increased risk of osteoporosis for menopausal women. I think I’ll stick to my martinis and use the coffee grounds for something else. I heard coffee grounds make good fertilizer in the gardens because they’re high in nitrogen. Use them to fertilize your evergreens, azaleas and rosebushes. Also coffee grounds mixed with orange peels placed around your plants in the garden will keep the cats away. You can even mix some carrot seeds with ground coffee when you sow and pests will stay away. Placing a small container or dish of coffee grounds in the freezer, rids your freezer of spoiled food smells. For you fishermen, coffee grounds mixed with earth will keep your worms wiggly. Meeting new people and socializing with coffee is one of America’s favorite pastimes. From espressos to café lattes or ice cappuccinos, we keep thinking of new delightful ways to enjoy our quick fix. And now with convenient drive-thru coffee shops, it’s even easier to grab a mug on the go. The coffee places make fabulous meeting places for a quick chat, to play games, or to read the newspaper. Some go alone and others gather in groups. Ironically, we all go out of our way to have something that we can make fast and effortlessly at home. A man and woman were in the kitchen having a discussion on who should brew the coffee in the morning. She suggested that he do it because he was the first to get up in the morning. “This way you won’t have to wait,” she said. He quickly replied, “You should do it. You usually do the cooking around here.” The wife walked out of the room for a moment and reached for the Bible and opened the New Testament. She pointed to the top of the pages and showed him that indeed it said, “Hebrews. “ So coffee lovers, as long as you drink your coffee in moderation, it doesn’t seem like it will hurt you. It’s apparent that it could benefit you. Studies have shown that coffee has amazing antioxidants, helps persons with bronchial asthma, increases the speed of rapid information, counteracts driver sleepiness, reduces the risk of stone formation and colon cancer, and is even a great source of potassium. Again the key word is moderation, like with everything. Too much of anything is not good. So java junkies go ahead and drink up! Your coffee fits right in with its cousins tea and cocoa. Natural Muscle October 200819 $VN \RXUVHOI ZKHQ ZDV WKH ODVW WLPH VRPHRQH DVNHG\RXLIZHUHIXQFWLRQDO" :HOOLILWFRXOGOHDG WREHWWHUPXVFXODUEDODQFHMRLQWVWDELOLW\DQGSRVVLEO\VWHHU \RX DZD\ IURP D QXPEHU RI LQMXULHV ZRXOG \RX GLVDJUHH" 3UREDEO\QRW7KHUHDUHPDQ\EHQH¿WVLQDGDSWLQJIXQFWLRQDO WUDLQLQJ H[HUFLVHV WR \RXU WUDLQLQJ UHJLPHQW H[HUFLVHV WKDW LQYROYHVWUDLQLQJWKHERG\IRUWKHDFWLYLWLHVSHUIRUPHGLQGDLO\ OLIH0DQ\LQGLYLGXDOVDUJXHWKDWLW¶VWKHQHZZD\RIWUDLQLQJ WRUHDFKVSHFL¿FWUDLQLQJUHVXOWVDQGSHUIRUPDQFHEHQH¿WV6R LI ÀH[LELOLW\ FRUH EDODQFH VWUHQJWK DQG SRZHU DUH RQ \RXU DUHDVRILPSURYHPHQWORRNLQWRDLQWHJUDWHGIXQFWLRQDOH[HUFLVH SURJUDPDW\RXUORFDOJ\PRUSHUVRQDOWUDLQHU ([HUFLVH ([HUFLVH 6WDQGDUG3XOORYHURQD(),*UDYLW\PDFKLQH 6WDUWRXWE\O\LQJRQ\RXUEDFNZLWKOHJVEHQWDQGIHHWXS RQ WKH EHQFK WKLV DYRLGV LPSURSHU DUFKLQJ RI WKH ORZHU EDFN 3ODFH ERWK DUPV H[WHQGHG DERYH \RXU KHDG DQG KDYHVRPHRQHDVVLVW\RXZLWKWKHKDQGOHV1RZWKDW\RX KDYHERWKKDQGOHVVWDUWE\VORZO\EULQJLQJERWKH[WHQGHG DUPVIRUZDUGVOLJKWO\SDVVLQJ\RXUNQHHOLQHPDNHVXUH WRH[KDOHDWWKLVSRLQW7KHQVORZO\EULQJEDFNKHDGDQG DUPVEDFNWRVWDUWLQJSRVLWLRQ0DNHVXUH\RXXVHVWULFW IRUP XSRQ EULQJLQJ DUPV EDFN WR DYRLG LQMXU\ WR \RXU VKRXOGHUV3HUIRUPVHWVZLWKWRUHSV :LQGPLOO )LUVWEULQJNHWWOHEHOOWRWKHUDFNSRVLWLRQZLWK \RXU ULJKW DUP <RX FDQ SLYRW ERWK RI \RXU WRHV GHJUHHV WR WKH OHIW , OLNH WR VWDQG VKRXOGHU ZLGWK DSDUW %HJLQ WR PLOLWDU\ SUHVV WKHNHWWOHEHOOWRWKHRYHUKHDGORFNRXWSRVLWLRQ /RRN XS DW \RXU NHWWOHEHOO NLFN \RXU KLS RXW WR WKH ULJKW DQG EHQG IRUZDUG E\ IROGLQJ IURP WKHKLSDVLQD³ZLQGPLOOVWUHWFK´*RGRZQDV IDUDV\RXFDQKROGIRUDVHFRQGDQGVTXHH]H \RXUEXWW7KDW¶VWKHNH\'RQRWWZLVWDQGGRQRW UXVKWKHPRYHPHQW0DNHVXUHWRH[KDOHRQ\RXU ZD\XS³3DWLHQFHLVGH¿QLWHO\DYLUWXHZLWKWKLV H[HUFLVH´ 3ULPDU\0XVFOHV/DWLVVLPLVGRUVL7HUHVPDMRU7ULFHSV EUDFKLL 3HFWRUDOLV PDMRU 6HUUDWXV DQWHULRU DQG 5HFWXV DEGRPLQLV6HFRQGDU\ 'RDVPDQ\UHSLWLRQVDV\RXFDQFDXVHWKLVRQHZLOO VXUH FKDOOHJH \RX3ULPDU\ PXVFOHV LQYROYHG 6KRXOGHUJLUGOHURWDWRUFXIIWUXQNURWDWRUVVLGH ÀH[RUVJOXWHVDQGKDPVWULQJV 20 20 Natural Muscle Octoberr 2008 Natural Muscle October 2008 3KRWRV'HVLJQHG%\$OH[*RQ]DOH]RI$[LV'HVLJQ,QF 0RGHO.DWKHULQH$UHD/RFDWLRQ%RG\3UHIHUHQFH,QF Natural Muscle October 2008 Natural Muscle 21 October 2008 21 subscribe now! 22 Natural Muscle October 2008 GET FREE! By Micah Hankins About a hundred years ago there was a pretty cool notion about fitness and strength. In a period that is known as the Physical Subculture, the practice was pretty simple. Pick up something heavy and move. There were no machines, no huge fitness clubs with loud annoying music, no muscle isolations, and there were no mirrors. The premise was look at what my body can do, as opposed to look at what my body looks like. Strength meant to increase your ability through movement, and not the now infamous “so, how much do you bench?” Boy how things have changed. S omething that was once liberating and powerful has been replaced with a superficial practice that is more aimed on appearance than ability. Humongous muscles are now in favor over function and skinny over being healthy. We’ve gotten away from the amazing and dynamic strength movement in favor of polished steel laden machines with multi axis joints that only try and duplicate what you can do naturally and without one single machine. I say get free from the mess and do something different. Try not using machines for a while. Try no sets or reps in favor of timed exercises where you have to work to your actual ability, to your full capacity. Go find a tire at your local tire shop (I’m sure you can get some for free) and flip the hell out of that thing. Check in your garage, find a sledge hammer and pound the crap out of that tire (give it a go for one minute sets as fast and as hard as you can). Get off the bench press and get on the floor. Do pushups, insane amounts, and every single variation you can think of. Do these for five minutes, stretch when needed, get right back on it and don’t stop till your five minutes is up, even if you’re only doing one rep at a time. Look into kettle bells, leverage clubs, start training your true core (your entire mid section, not just your abs) by incorporating rotational exercises like Muay Thai kicks, windmills (with a kettle bell), and mills (with a leverage club). Listen, there’s a big world out there and it’s ours to go and play in. There is so much more to fitness than what you see out in your local gyms. Stop looking in the mirror to measure your progress, and start looking within yourself to find out where your true strength is coming from. Train with passion, have fun, and when you get your heart to match your head, you can’t be stopped in any endeavor. Stop wanting, and start doing! FEMALE FAT LOSS Q & A Is it true that women store fat differently than men? Yes, it’s a scientific fact that women store fat predominantly in their hips, thighs and of course, their buttocks. This is because these female “problem” areas contain tiny signaling centers called “alpha receptors”. These nasty receptors create a type of metabolic roadblock for the fat-loss hormones in our body. This “roadblock” prevents fat-loss signals from reaching these problematic fat storing areas where women need them most. Even with diet and exercise you can still have a tough time quickly losing weight in these areas unless you correctly stimulate the “alpha” receptors in the lower body. MELTDOWN deactivates these receptors to activate site-specific fat loss in the hips, thighs and butt! Turn your passion for fitness and nutrition into your own business. Own a NUTRISHOP Sports Nutrition & Weight Loss Superstore! How does MELTDOWN® target women’s problem areas? If you’re reading this article, then you’ve probably heard of Yohimbine. Yohimbine is what scientists call an “alpha antagonist”, which simply means it binds to and deactivates specific “alpha receptors” found in the hips, thighs and butt. This action is critical because it increases blood flow to the fat cells causing stubborn fat to be released into the bloodstream allowing it to be burned. Yohimbine is one of the only substances that has this targeted fat burning effect in the body. What’s even more amazing is that MELTDOWN contains two NEW forms of Yohimbine that you won’t find in any other fat burner! One is called “Alpha Yohimbine” and the other is called “11-Hydroxy Yohimbine”. Together these two new substances exert a fat-burning effect for up to 8 hours! Imagine a supplement that burns fat up to 8 hours — MELTDOWN really is THAT powerful! � Ongoing Retail & Marketing Support � Unlimited Earning Potential � Exclusive Product Lines � Protected Territories � No % Royalty Payments NUTRISHOP is one of the fastest growing retail nutrition chains today offering consumers All Top Brands, Guaranteed Lowest Prices and Unparalleled Customer Service. We are dedicated to assisting our store owners to achieve success in this fast growing retail nutrition industry. CALL NOW to find out how you can qualify to own a NUTRISHOP retail store! How long does it take for MELTDOWN to work? You will notice MELTDOWN’s effects immediately because it comes in a pharmaceutically-inspired BIOLIQUID® capsule. This allows Meltdown to be absorbed within seconds and to continue to burn fat for up to 8 hours! Women often notice an overall “thermogenic” effect in as little as 15 minutes after taking MELTDOWN. Add this to a strict diet and a solid exercise program and there simply is no faster way to lose fat. MELTDOWN Designed to target women’s problem areas! The strongest fat burner of its kind! BIOLIQUID® delivery means fast results! WWW.VPXSPORTS.COM (877) 688-7474 Mother of 3 & a NUTRISHOP Customer, LyAnn Ware ATTENTION Gym and Health Club Owners The NUTRISHOP Pro-Shop Program is also NOW AVAILABLE. Begin Increasing your Gym’s profits TODAY! Image by JWAtherton Sports Nutrition • Weight Loss Vitamins • General Health • Apparel Natural Muscle October 2008 23 the fit gourmet By Danielle Nagel-Singh, APCA Nutrition & Natural Health Consultant 15 min | 15 min prep SERVES 4 INGREDIENTS 2 cups instant couscous 2 cups boiling chicken stock or vegetable stock 1 1/2 teaspoons curry powder 1 1/2 teaspoons garlic, minced 1 tablespoon margarine 2 (185 g) cans tuna in water, flaked & drained 1 red capsicum, diced 1 large carrot, grated 40 g baby rocket 4 spring onions, thinly sliced 2 tablespoons lemon juice 2/3 cup hummus, to serve DIRECTIONS Place couscous in a large heatproof bowl & stir in stock, add in curry powder, garlic & margarine and mix to combine. Cover with plastic wrap & set aside for 5 mins or until all liquid has absorbed. Fluff with a fork to separate grains. Add tuna to couscous with capsicum, carrot, rocket, onions & lemon juice, season to taste & stir well to combine. Top each serve with a generous dollop of hommus. After a long day at work, you may be tempted to eat the quickest thing, even if it not healthy ... NO WAY! Try this healthy, low fat, and high protein dinner that is ready in only 15 minutes. You can also make it with fresh tuna steak. The couscous is amazing and the flavour is wonderful. CURRIED TUNA Carrot & Hommus Couscous BEST TO BUY Look for tuna that smells fresh like the ocean and has clear, bright eyes, clean red gills, and moist, shiny, tightly adhering scales. TASTY TIP Avoid overcooking. Tuna is done when its flesh becomes opaque but is still moist. STORE IT SAFELY Remove packaging, rinse fish under cold water, and pat dry. Refrigerate covered with crushed ice and cling wrap for up to two days. QUICK & EASY RECIPE Brush tuna with olive oil, season with salt and pepper, and wrap in foil to bake. POWER FOOD Tuna is an excellent source of selenium, niacin, and vitamin B12. healthy dinner done in 15 minutes 24 Natural Muscle October 2008 Natural Muscle October 2008 25 Cory Sorenson photo fitness for her I HOW TO STAY FIT WHILE TRAVELING IFBB pro kristal richardson ts not easy to do...trying to stay on your exercise and nutrition regimen while on the road can be very challenging. As a fitness competitor and model, its essential for me to keep up with training and diet no matter where I go. I’ll share with you some secrets of how I keep on track! First, I ALWAYS pack food. This applies even if I’m going to be in town, but out and about all day long. One of the biggest issues with most people is that they aren’t eating frequently enough…which leads to “starvation” at some point in the day causing one to overeat at a meal. So my tip for the traveler is to pack a small cooler to bring with you. Obviously, the items should be nonperishable (and safe for travel) so I suggest raw almonds (or other nuts), fruit, protein powder (don’t forget your shaker!), oatmeal (just add hot water-and bring your own cinnamon!), low sugar granola or protein bars, whole wheat bread with all natural peanut butter, etc. Having these things to munch on every two to three hours while you travel will help you to avoid “starvation” while keeping your metabolism running efficiently. In addition to this, always keep well hydrated while traveling…this helps with everything from hunger to your digestive system. Try this! Add just a little bit of protein powder and honey to your water and sip on it throughout the day. Chances are you won’t be able to eat the 6 times a day you should so having this little concoction will keep your metabolism cranking-you’re kind of tricking your body, but it works! On the same note of nutrition, I’m going to give you suggestions of how to order at a restaurant while traveling. I have to do this all the time so I’m an expert and I find that most restaurants are happy to accommodate! Order your meal with all sauces and dressings on the side. Ask for your dish to be prepared without salt (you can always add some if its needed. Salt causes water retention and bloatingyuck!). Ask them not to cook your food in butter. Most restaurants will use olive oil if you ask. Skip the carb at dinner and order steamed veggies and/or a side salad. Hold on the decedent desserts and order fruit if available or have a hot tea or coffee. You know whats coming next…exercise! Yes, you can still exercise while you travel! I try to book hotels that have a gym or I find out if there is a gym close by…but just in case, I always bring my exercise bands with me. They are easily portable and very effective. I make up my own little routine in the room using the bands along with pushups, sit-ups, tricep dips on the edge of the bed, jumping squats, in place lunges, jumping jacks, and stretching. I do this circuit a couple times through at a fast pace and I always break a sweat! Remember your tennis shoes also-taking a morning or evening run or fast walk is always nice. Also, if you find a gym and have the time, try a new class like Pilates, yoga, or zumba. You might like it and add it to your home routine! 26 Natural Muscle October 2008 'LVWULEXWHGE\ $YDLODEOHDW Select WWW.BODYWELLNUTRITION.COM ©Bodywell Nutrition LLC 2007. For best results, use Tight Curves in conjunction with a sensible diet and exercise program. Consult with your physician before starting any diet or exercise program. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Natural Muscle October 2008 27 erin jade rising star By Jeff Hammond 28 Natural Muscle October 2008 Derwei Chan Birth date: Feb 9/1988 Birth place: Toronto Current residence: Toronto Height: 5’1 Weight: 90lbs Hair color: Dark brown Eye color: brown Measurements: 34/24/34 Favorite Movie: Step brothers Favorite Actor: Adam Sandler Favorite Actress: Sophia Bush Favorite Color: Red Jeff: You have a very unique beauty that separates you from other models; what is your nationality? Erin: I have to give credit to my parents. My mom is 1/2 Filipino, 1/4 Spanish and 1/4 Chinese, and my dad is Filipino. Although my background is Filipino, I was born and raised in Toronto. Jeff: Erin please tell us how you became a Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) Model. Jeff: How far did you go in gymnastics? Erin: I was almost at my national’s level until I injured my leg. My physio therapist then told me that I had to take a break from the sport to heal. At the time, I started to get really busy with school and never had the time to go back. Jeff: Is gymnastics what gave you that incredible body or do you have an exercise routine? Erin: I guess gymnastics had an impact on my body because it hasn’t really changed too much since I’ve stopped. UFC as a ring girl or in some hostess capacity one day. My favorite fighters are Georges St. Pierre, Rampage Jackson, Brandon Verra, Anderson Silva and BJ Penn. I think they are very all talented and amazing fighters. Jeff: You are getting a degree in marketing; what are your aspirations in business for the future? Erin: I want to pursue a career in the marketing field. I’m currently in my last year of school for marketing and hope to secure a job that I love when I graduate. I want to be successful in everything I do and live life with no regrets. Jeff: What is you athletic background? But I also just recently began a nutritional program called Isagenix which has definitely been very helpful at keeping my body healthy and providing the nutrients and protein I need. Jeff: You have an amazing body; what do you like most about it? Erin: My smile; CHEESE! Jeff: What is your diet like? Erin: As I said I recently got started on a great supplement program called Isagenix. For more information, you can visit my website at www.erinjade. Jeff: Where would be your dream place to do a photo shoot? Erin: Hawaii Jeff: Ok folks help me get this beautiful model a model assignment in Hawaii by contacting me at [email protected] with serious offers only. Jeff: Would rather be a model or an actress? Erin: Model or should I say CoverModel! Jeff: Why? Erin: I absolutely love the camera and it would be one of my biggest accomplishments to score a cover some day. Jeff: I will do my best to make that happen, but you don’t need much help if you Jeff: What is your passion? Erin: I love to sing, dance, model and do gymnastics. I was in gymnastics for 13 years, until I injured my leg and was told to take a break if I wanted to continue further. During gymnastics training, I was also enrolled in acting classes. My agency ended up moving which left me no choice but to switch agencies (which just so happened to be a modeling agency as well). It was then that I decided to try modeling and fell in love with the camera. There were people who doubted me because of my height, but I kept on trying and didn’t let them get to me. It’s because of that perseverance that I’m where I am today. Derwei Chan Jeff: Now that you have this opportunity to talk about yourself; what would you like people to know about you? Erin: I can be pretty crazy sometimes, and there’s a lot more that people don’t know about me. One thing I would like everyone to know about me, is that I’m not who you’d probably expect me to be. When people look at me, their first impression of me, would be that I’m snobby. But when I’m not smiling, I naturally look that way. In reality, I’m a really friendly and outgoing person who is easy to get along with. I’m caring and love to laugh and joke around. Jeff: With so much passion for MMA what would you like to accomplish in it yet? Erin: I have a lot of goals and aspirations in this industry and hope to work for the Erin:: I trained in gymnastics for 13 years. Eikona Photography Jeff: What has lead to our doing this interview? Erin: You of course; I contacted you to be in a magazine a year ago, recently you had me submit my resume to you again and now we are finally working together. I couldn’t have done it without you! Jeff: As they say “Timing is Everything!” Erin: I have been following the sport for years now but just recently got into the scene in terms of modeling, and the response from everyone so far has been phenomenal. I originally started modeling for the import scene and loved it, but still wanted to do more. I then figured that since I love both modeling and MMA, I should just combine my two interests into one. I’m here to delve into all aspects of the MMA world and soak in all the wonderful opportunities it has to offer. Sean Getti This interview with Erin was really special to me because of the way she has overcome adversity to be well on her way to accomplishing her dreams. She is an example of what you can do if you STAY POSITIVE! keep working as hard as you do and stay as sweet as you are. Jeff: Have you been published? Erin: I was recently featured in Fighters Only Magazine as the Babe of the Month (May Issue), and interviewed on Toe-toToe radio, along with several website features. I have a few other MMA features coming out this summer so look out for me everyone! Jeff: Tell us something most people don’t know about you! Erin: One thing most people don’t know is that I love to write. One of my poems, “Just Maybe”, was published in a book called, “The Colours of Life”. Jeff: Is there anything you would like to add? Erin: I’d like to thank everyone for supporting me and believing in me, even during times when I failed to believe in myself! It means so much to me and I appreciate it more than you can imagine! Please check out my website at Jeff Hammond’s comment: When I meet a model like Erin it reminds me of why I work with models as a career developer. You cannot help but read this interview and fall in love with this young lady and pull for her to have her dreams come true. Please contact me at jeff@makemsweat. com with your comments or positive support for Erin. Natural Muscle Natural Muscle October October 2008 2008 29 TRAINING what works best for MUSCLE SORENESS By: Dr. Matthew Isner Chiropractic Physician F or me, no matter how long I have been exercising; my legs always kill me two days after squats. Part of the reason is, as much as I love to workout, I hate squat days. There are those blessed few who just love crawling out of the squat rack and throwing up in the trash can before the next set (and that’s if you do it right). As much as I hate to admit this, if I can find a reason to “miss” that workout I will. I am working each body part twice a week, and I rotate my workouts, but only hit squats one time during the week so if I miss a squat workout it might be two weeks without a squat day. I can always find new muscles in my legs that haven’t been used and will get recruited for that next squat routine; hence soreness over the next few days. It makes it so much better when my daughter decides that just then is the best time to run and dive onto my lap when I am sitting on the couch. Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is very familiar to most of us who have been working out for any length of time. We have all experienced our days of soreness but what causes it and what can I do to speed up my recovery? DOMS describes a phenomenon of muscle pain and soreness that is felt 12-48 hours following exercise, particularly at the beginning of a new exercise program, after a change in sports activities, or after a dramatic increase in the duration or intensity of 30 exercise and subsides over the next few days. Symptoms can range anywhere from tenderness in the muscle to severe debilitating pain. It is most often felt at the beginning of a sporting season or after returning to training after a long period of reduced activity. The soreness is a normal response to unusual exertion and is part of an adaptation process within the body. There have been many different treatment strategies to help reduce the intensity of DOMS and to return the athlete to training as fast as possible. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) such as aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen, have demonstrated dosedependant effects but can be influenced by when the dose was given. I am not against all NSAIDS for there are times when the patient might need them on a temporary basis to relieve the symptoms, but I would suggest only using these when other methods have failed. Many problems can occur with the over medication of these drugs that far outweigh their usage. The key word in the use of NSAIDS is TEMPORARY. Massage has also shown some varying results that can be attributed to the time and type of massage technique used. In a study published in the Journal of Athletic Training in 2003, ten healthy subjects (5 men, 5 women) with no history of upper arm injury and no experience in resistance training were asked to perform 10 sets of 6 maximal isokinetic eccentric movements of the elbow flexors with both arms. One Natural Muscle October 2008 arm received 10 minutes of massage 3 hours after the exercise; the other arm received no treatment. They concluded that massage was effective in alleviating DOMS by approximately 30% and reducing swelling, but it had no effects on muscle function. According to a study published by the School of Community Health and Sports Studies: Cryotherapy (ice packs), stretching, homeopathy, ultrasound and electrical current modalities (muscle stimulation) has demonstrated no effect on the alleviation of muscle or other DOMS related symptoms. Exercise is the most effective means of relieving pain during DOMS, but the analgesic effect is temporary. If you have to train on a daily basis, then you should reduce the duration and intensity of exercise for 1-2 days following the exercise that caused the DOMS. You can also train less effected body parts to ? allow time for the body to recover. Your body is designed to adapt to whatever stress is imposed upon it so if you want to grow, or get in better shape, you have to make changes periodically in your routine to stop from hitting a plateau and getting bored. Any significant change in your workout can increase the risk of DOMS. When it happens, use the suggestions provided above… and don’t let your kids decide that today is “wrestling day”. Now, get up and go workout! Natural Muscle October 200831 Natural Muscle May 200831 Mediterranean Couscous Salad THE MUSCLE CHEF photos by Axis Design mark alvisi Serves 6 INGREDIENTS 1/4 cup lemon juice 2 tablespoons olive oil 3 tablespoons tahini paste 1/4 cup chopped fresh mint leaves 1/2 teaspoon asafoetida powder 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley salt and pepper to taste 1 1/2 cups water 1 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 1/2 cups couscous 1/2 cup diced tomato 1/4 cup diced red bell pepper 1/4 cup diced green bell pepper 1/4 cup canned green beans, diced 1/2 cup cooked chickpeas 1/2 cup diced Persian cucumbers 1/4 cup green olives, pitted and quartered 1/4 cup roasted peanuts FITNESS FOOD MADE EASY! DIRECTIONS 1. Make a dressing by whisking together the lemon juice, 2 tablespoons olive oil, tahini paste, mint, asafoetida powder, and parsley; season with salt and pepper. Set aside. 2. Combine the water with 1 teaspoon salt and 2 tablespoons olive oil in a saucepan; bring to a boil over medium heat. Remove from heat and stir the couscous into the water; cover for 10 minutes. 3. Place the couscous in a large bowl. Mix the diced tomato, red bell pepper, green bell pepper, green beans, chickpeas, cucumber, olives, and peanuts into the couscous. While stirring, slowly pour the dressing into the mixture. Serve immediately. 32 Natural Muscle October 2008 Natural Muscle October 200833 CELEBRITY WORKOUT Meet One of the top Celebrity Workout Trainers - Ramona Braganza. By: Sherry Goggin I had the opportunity to interview Ramona and learn about her Celebrity Workout program, The 3-2-1 Training Method. Sherry: What celebrities have you trained? Ramona: My main client is Jessica Alba, I have trained her for 10 years. In addition I work with Halle Berry, Jaime King, Dania Ramirez and many more. Sherry: How did you get started as a celebrity trainer? Ramona: I never planned to be a personal trainer, I always just trained myself for fitness competitions. I had been a gymnast in high school and was a cheerleader with the LA Raiders so Fitness Competitions seemed to be something I would enjoy doing. I placed in a few competitions and managed to book a few fitness related commercials with Reebok, Champion Sports and a few others. It was while I was working at Sports Club LA that I met a producer who was working with a young actress. He needed someone to teach her gymnastics, as well as keep her in shape while she filmed his TV show Dark Angel. That was the first time I met Jessica Alba and 10 years later I am still her trainer. Sherry: What is it that you do that makes you different than other trainers? Ramona: I have developed an efficient and effective workout that suits the busy lifestyles of my clients; I call it the 3-2-1 Training Method. Sherry: What exactly is the 3-2-1 Training Method? Ramona: The 321 Training Method consists of my 3-21 Workout and my 3-2-1 Nutritional Recommendations. The workout consists of 3 Cardio Segments, 2 Circuit Strength Segments and 1 Core Segment all done in a one-hour workout. Sherry: Can you explain a bit more about how the workout is structured? Ramona: I begin the workout with 10 minutes of cardio. Jessica likes to warm-up on the recumbent bike, she has a new one called the Expresso Bike with a video screen which enables her to do various routes as well as ride for points, very fun. By riding for points she speeds up and therefore works harder burning more calories. We usually wear a heart rate monitor with a calorie counter and in a workout she burns 500-600 calories. Next I set up a Circuit of 3 exercises with upper and lower body parts. Each exercise is done one after the other and the set is done 3 times through. I keep the reps high but I do keep weight moderate and at times do lower reps higher weight so that muscles don’t get used to training 34 Natural Muscle October 2008 the same way. We go back to Cardio and Jessica then runs on the treadmill, I will do interval training with her during this segment. Next it’s a Circuit Segment with 3 more exercises for the same body parts, then the final Cardio, this time Jessica will try the elliptical working between 75 and 85 % of Heart rate max. Finally we finish with a Core segment and a good stretch. Sherry: That sounds great, that way she doesn’t get bored of cardio, and still has time to strength train. Ramona: Yes this was why and how I developed the 3-2-1, Jess had limited time when we went on sets and I needed to get calorie burning results to keep her lean but strong Sherry: What about the 3-2-1 Nutritional recommendations? Ramona: One of my 3-2-1 Nutritional tips is to make sure you eat 3 meals, 2 snacks and have a minimum of 1litre water a day. I recommend meals of lean meats, fish, choose brown instead of white when having carbs, lots of vegetables, fruits legumes and the good fats like nuts and avocados. For snacks I recommend mixing protein and fiber so that you will feel full longer, things like a slice of an apple and peanut butter, or low fat cheese and vegetables. If you can’t drink a liter of water then try flavored water such as Vitamin Water with the added benefits of electrolytes and vitamins, I stock my clients refrigerators with it. Sherry: Sounds like your plan is sensible and with easy to remember tips. Ramona: Nutrition shouldn’t be complicated, there are easy things we can do every day to live a healthier lifestyle if we are conscious of our decisions. Planning meals ahead, keeping nutritious foods around and carrying them with you in your car, workplace, etc. Keeping water handy and sipping through out the day. Exercising first thing in the morning. These are all habits worth forming and that I try to instill in my clients. Sherry: How can people find out about your program? Ramona: I am currently in the process of writing my book, and hope to have it out early next year. In addition if there are any questions readers can write to me at [email protected] This unique formulation combines 30 grams of protein, stevia and low sodium along with superb taste in each serving. Whey isolate is a one of the most purest proteins available and contains the essential amino acids required to build healthy muscles and tissues. Nitro-Pro™ contains L-arginine, which according to recent research, increases blood circulation. Natural Muscle October 200835 *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. TRAINING how to improve your golf with BODYWEIGHT EXERCISES Often, its the unexpected things that sometimes work the best. The truth is that by improving your physical condition through the use of bodyweight exercises you can and will put more distance on your drive, and ooze strength, vitality and energy, even after 18 holes! Bodyweight exercises are ideal for golfers because ... 4. BODYWEIGHT EXERCISES PROVIDE TOTAL BODY CONDITIONING delivering not only strong and supple legs, but a powerful and in balance upper body, and a muscular and toned mid section, making you feel fantastic and play even better, 1. THE GOLFERS THAT CONSISTENTLY PLAY THE BEST ARE THOSE WHO ARE IN THE BEST PHYSICAL CONDITION. Its an energy/ stamina thing. Have a look at the guys on the Ryder Cup teams, or just look at Tiger Woods, who looks like he could still climb into a boxing ring after winning a tournament, 5. THE GAME OF GOLF, AND “DRIVES” IN PARTICULAR NECESSITATE THAT YOU CAN NOT ONLY GENERATE POWER, BUT HARNESS IT. It‘s all in the follow through. By performing bodyweight exercises regularly you will gain greater strength, balance and the flexibility in your muscles necessary to allow your body to flow with every shot, 2. BODYWEIGHT EXERCISES ARE SUPER EFFECTIVE AND SUPER FAST. After spending 3-4 hours on the golf course, what golfers need is a quick workout that delivers results, and allows them to spend more time golfing and/ or spending time with those they love, instead of being stuck in the gym. Forget endless cardio, or punishing weight lifting routines, 6. WE’VE ALL HEARD IT BEFORE, FROM MANY OF THE WORLD ‘S BEST IN ALL SORTS OF SPORTS, including Tiger and Jack Nicklaus “the Golden Bear” that performance is improved by controlling your breath, especially when its not going your way on or off the course. This is one of the things that improves greatly by practising bodyweight exercise deep breathing before, during and after exercise. Basically, whenever you want, 3. BODYWEIGHT EXERCISES DRAMATICALLY IMPROVE BALANCE, as a result of the unique sequences of movements that not only hit multiple muscle groups with every exercise, but they all target your abdominals forcing your muscles to contract in order to stabilise your body during the exercises. As many of you will know while providing a fantastic experience, golf doesn’t do very much for the abdominal muscles, 7. GOLF IS OFTEN PORTRAYED AS A GAME OF WILLS, and never more so than when you’re playing poorly and have to make the decision to turn this thing around. Check out the exercise below for forging an iron will. 36 Natural Muscle October 2008 The Wall Chair This is an incredible exercise for the whole body, giving your muscles an intense workout, as well as promoting better alignment, and developing willpower. Imagine you’re sitting on a stool, with your back against the wall. Then remove the stool. Lower your body down until your knees are at a right angle. Make sure your lower and upper back are as flat on the wall as you can. Toes and knees pointing straight ahead. Fix your gaze on an object in front on you and concentrate on that. Relax. To begin, do for 1 minute, and then work up to 3. Breathe deeply and fully as you enjoy this exercise. If this is difficult to begin with, then raise your body a little higher on the wall. Still aim to hold for 1 minute. (vatiation shown-wall squates!) Natural Muscle October 200837 Skip La Cour’s TOP 10 NUTRITION TIPS Six-Time National Champion Bodybuilder Skip La Cour reveals the organizing principles of good nutrition that will take this area of your bodybuilding and training efforts to the next level! high quality protein source and highglycemic carbohydrates immediately after your weight training and cardiovascular training workouts. Doing so will protect the muscle you’ve already earned and immediately kick the massively-important muscle recovery process into gear. The way you eat is far more important than the way you train. 1. You must place a very high priority on the way you eat if you want to take your physique to the next level. The way you eat is far more important than the way you train. You’re in the gym for about an hour a day. It’s what you do during those other 23 hours of the day that are going to make the biggest impact on your progress. You must burn more calories than you eat 2. You must burn more calories than you eat if you want to lose body fat. It doesn’t matter if almost all of the food you eat is good, healthy food, you must burn more than you eat or you’ll get fat. Stop looking for the “perfect” diet 3. Stop looking for the “perfect” diet. Nothing worth having in life comes without some sacrifice. Eating the way you must to build the body you want will be no exception. In the long run, it’s the challenges that we face that makes what we have rewarding. How enjoyable The way you eat is far more important than the way you train. would life be if everything was easy? When you start adhering to a particular eating regimen, anticipate the discipline, sacrifice, and discomfort that comes with the pursuit of any worthwhile goal. 38 Natural Muscle October 2008 Keep your diet simple 4. Keep your diet simple. That way, you’ll give yourself a better chance to follow through and ultimately achieve successful results. If you must make your diet more complex, do so on the weekends only. Well-balanced meals spaced evenly 5. Eat smaller, more frequent and well-balanced meals spaced evenly throughout the day. Your body will use the nutrients in your food more efficiently. You’ll build more muscle and prevent body fat this way. consume a small meal before your workouts 6. If you want to make sure you preserve as much muscle mass as possible, you should start eating a small proteinbased meal with high-glycemic carbohydrates before every one of your weight training and cardiovascular training sessions. consume a small meal immediately after your workouts 7. You should consume a small meal comprised of a Make sure you are eating the right types of carbs 8. Carbohydrates serve as an essential part in the muscle-building process. Instead of trying to eliminate carbohydrates altogether, you should make sure you are eating the right types of carbohydrates at the right times of day. High-glycemic carbohydrates (potatoes, simple sugars are best before and after your workouts; low-glycemic carbohydrates like vegetables are great throughout the rest of the day. Be patient 9. Be patient. If you are not getting the results you want with your diet, you’ll need to raise your standards. You either need to do a “little more of this” or a “little less of that.” You may also need to make these changes for a longer period of time. Take responsibility for your success and failure 10. Don’t blame your diet when you aren’t getting the results you want. Take 100 percent responsibility for your success and failure. Just about any eating program can be effective—if you follow through on a consistent basis. If you aren’t getting the results you want, assume that the problem is in your approach. Note: If you would like these tips explained in more detail, sign up for YOUR Success Series, Skip La Cour’s FREE e-Newsletter. Go to Visit Skip La Cour’s Bodybuilding and Training web site at Natural Muscle October 200839 7+(1(: 5(92/87,21 %\&DUROLQD*RQ]DOH]3KRWRV%\$[LV'HVLJQ,QF &+$5/(6-8672086&/(2/2*<·61(:(67,&21 New faces come and go constantly in the fitness and bodybuilding business, a few make a difference and only some truly revolutionize the industry. :LWKDGLVWLQFWLYHVWDWHRIPLQG D VWULNLQJ DLU RI FRQ¿GHQFH DQG JRUJHRXV ORRNV FRPHV &KDUOHV-XVWRD\RXQJ¿WQHVV PRGHOWKDWZLWKZLOOSRZHUDQG NQRZOHGJHKDVDUULYHGEULQJLQJ XVDQHZWDVWHRISHUVHYHUDQFH DQG DFKLHYHPHQW WKDW HDVLO\ UHODWHVWRPRVWRIXV &KDUOHV¶ UHODWLRQVKLS ZLWK WKH ¿WQHVV ZRUOG VWDUWHGZKHQDWDJHKHGHFLGHGWRWUDQVIRUP KLVERG\LQWRDVWURQJDQGKHDOWKLHUYHUVLRQRIKLV RZQDQGGXULQJQHDUO\\HDUVKHKDVHQMR\HG WKHUHVXOWVRIKLVGHWHUPLQDWLRQ³,QKLJKVFKRRO ,ZDVUHDOO\VNLQQ\DQGIRUWXQDWHO\WKHGHVLUHWR WUDQVIRUPP\VHOIFDPHZLWKWKHGHVLUHWROHDUQ DERXW D KHDOWK\ URXWLQH DQG D KHDOWKLHU ZD\ RI OLYLQJ´ KH VDLG %DVLF WUDLQLQJ DQG ORWV RI UHDGLQJDERXWPXVFOHGHYHORSPHQWSURYLGHGKLP UHVXOWVWKDWVORZO\EXWVXUHO\PDGHDGLIIHUHQFH LQKLVOLIH³,QRUGHUWRXQGHUVWDQGWKHSURFHVVRI HYROXWLRQ WKDW P\ ERG\ ZDV HPEUDFLQJ DQG WR DFKLHYHP\GHVLUHGZHLJKW,SOD\HGVSRUWVUHDG 40 40 Natural Muscle Octoberr 2008 Natural Muscle October 2008 KXQGUHGV RI PDJD]LQHV DQG ERRNV DQG DIWHU D IHZ \HDUV , QRWLFHG D ELJ WUDQVIRUPDWLRQ WKDW WUDQVFHQGHGP\ERG\,VWDUWHGZHLJKWWUDLQLQJ ZKHQ,WXUQHGDQGTXLFNO\,OHDUQHGDERXW GLVFLSOLQHGHGLFDWLRQDQGWUXHDFKLHYHPHQWV´ &RXQWOHVV KRXUV RI WUDLQLQJ D EDODQFHG GLHW SRVLWLYH DWWLWXGH DQG D VWURQJ DSSURDFK WR D YLJRURXVOLIHVW\OHLVZKDWKDVWDNHQ&KDUOHVWR KDYH D VWHDG\ PRGHOLQJ FDUHHU LQ WKH IDVKLRQ DQG¿WQHVVLQGXVWU\³$OOWKHKDUGZRUN,KDYH SXWLQWRKDYLQJDJRRGSK\VLTXHKDVWDNHQPH WRPRGHOLQJDQGFRPSHWLQJ,GRNHHSP\EXLOG DOO \HDU URXQG EHFDXVH LW LV P\ OLIHVW\OH DQG QRZWKDWLWLVSDUWRIP\FDUHHU,WHOOP\VHOIDQG RWKHUV1RVL[SDFNQRZRUN´DQGDVKHVDLG ³WKHUHLVDOZD\VURRPIRULPSURYHPHQW´ &KDUOHV -XVWR LV ¶´ ZHLJKV SRXQGV DSSUR[LPDWHO\DQGKLVLQWHUQDWLRQDODSSHDUDQFH HQULFKHG E\ 'RPLQLFDQ EORRG KDV ODQGHG KLP H[FOXVLYH MREV OLNH 6HDQ -RKQ¶V 6SULQJ 6XPPHU 0DF\¶V &DPSDLJQ 3HUU\ (OOLV +HDWKHUHWWH DQG $UJ\OH E\ 5XVVHOO 6LPPRQV %HVLGHV PRGHOLQJ IRU IDPRXV GHVLJQHUV DQG ZRUNLQJ IRU ZRUOGNQRZQ EUDQGV OLNH 1LNH 1HZ%DODQFHDQG-DJXDUKHKDVDOVRDSSHDUHG RQ 79 VKRZV OLNH &6, 0LDPL &RPSHWLWLYH E\QDWXUH&KDUOHVKDVSDUWLFLSDWHGLQQXPHURXV PRGHOLQJDQG¿WQHVVFRQWHVWVKHSODFHGQGDW 0RGHO 8QLYHUVH DQG KH DSSHDUHG LQ 0U *DWRU] )LWQHVV DQG RWKHU HYHQWV EXWDVKHVDLGKLVRQO\FRPSHWLWLRQLVKLPVHOI ³,HQMR\HGWKHHYHQWV,KDGWKHFKDQFHWROHDUQ DERXWWKHLQGXVWU\DQGWRPHHWYDOXDEOHSHRSOH EXWP\RQO\FRQWHQGHULV&KDUOHV-XVWR,DPWKH RQO\SHUVRQWKDWFDQVSRLOP\FDUHHU´ 1RZDGD\V &KDUOHV¶ VWXQQLQJ ORRNV DQG WLJKW ERG\ FDQ EH VHHQ DV SDUW RI 0XVFOHRORJ\¶V PDUNHWLQJ FDPSDLJQ ³5HFHQWO\ , VLJQHG ZLWK 0XVFOHRORJ\WREHWKHFRPSDQ\¶VVSRNHVSHUVRQ EHFDXVH , EHOLHYH LQ WKH SURGXFWV WKH\ VHOO , KDYH VHHQ WKH UHVXOWV LQ PHQ DQG ZRPHQ WKH LQJUHGLHQWVWKH\KDYHFKRVHQWKHIRUPXODWLRQRI WKH SURGXFWV DQG WKH VXSSRUW WKH\ RIIHU WR WKH FRQVXPHUDUHYDOXDEOHDQGWUXWKIXO,QDGGLWLRQ WKHSHRSOHEHKLQGWKHSURGXFWVDUHZHOODGMXVWHG DQGWKH\ZRUNDVDWHDPZKLFKSURYLGHVEX\HUV DVHQVHRIDFFRXQWDELOLW\´ )RU \HDUV &KDUOHV KDV EHHQ VKDULQJ KLV NQRZOHGJH DERXW D KHDOWKLHU OLIHVW\OH ZLWK KXQGUHGVRISHRSOH³,DPDFHUWL¿HGSHUVRQDO WUDLQHU OLFHQVHG ZLWK ,)3$ ,QWHUQDWLRQDO )LWQHVV 3URIHVVLRQDOV $VVRFLDWLRQ DQG ,6&$ ,QWHUQDWLRQDO 6SRUWV &RQGLWLRQLQJ $VVRFLDWLRQ DQG FXUUHQWO\ , DP ZRUNLQJ WR REWDLQ P\ FHUWL¿FDWLRQ ZLWK 1$60 1DWLRQDO$FDGHP\RI6SRUWV0HGLFLQHDQG QRZWKDW,DPDQDFWLYHSDUWRI0XVFOHRORJ\P\ JRDOLVWRFRQWLQXHWHDFKLQJSHRSOHKRZWRDFKLHYH D GHVLUHG ZHLJKW PDLQWDLQ D KHDOWKLHU OLIHVW\OH DQG KRZWRKHOSWKHLUGLHWVZLWKVXSSOHPHQWVWKDWSURYLGH UHDO UHVXOWV ,W LV SRLQWOHVV WR VSHQG KRXUV DW WKH J\P OLIWLQJFUD]\ZHLJKWVLIWKHGLHWLVSRRUDQGXQEDODQFHG´ :::086&/(2/2*<&20 6XFFHVV IRU &KDUOHV LV QRW DW WKH HQG RI WKH URDG EXW DQ HOHPHQW RI D SRZHUIXO PLQG DQG ZLWK 0XVFOHRORJ\¶VSURGXFWVDVSDUWRIDGLHW&KDUOHV EHOLHYHVRQHFDQSURSHUO\UHDFKDVHWJRDODQG PDLQWDLQD¿UPSK\VLTXH³,DJUHHGWRZRUN ZLWK 0XVFOHRORJ\ EHFDXVH LW LV D )ORULGD EDVHG FRPSDQ\ WKDW RIIHUV SURGXFWV ZLWK KLJK TXDOLW\ LQJUHGLHQWV DQG VFLHQWL¿FDOO\ SURYHQIRUPXODWLRQVDQGLWRIIHUVFRQVWDQW HGXFDWLRQWRWKRVHZLOLQJWROHDUQKRZWR SURSHUO\DFFRPSOLVKWKHLUJRDOV´ :LWKWRQVRIH[FHOOHQWDGYLFHZRUGV RIVXSSRUWDQGHQFRXUDJHPHQWDQG NQRZOHGJHDQGSUHSDUDWLRQ&KDUOHV -XVWRNHHSVHIIHFWLYHO\OLYLQJLQWKH ¿WQHVV ZRUOG WKDW KH HQWHUHG DW DQ HDUO\DJHDQGZLWKRXWIHDU&KDUOHV DQG 0XVFOHRORJ\ LQYLWH \RX WR DFKLHYH\RXUJRDOVEHFDXVHDVKH VDLG³)HDULVZKDWNHHSV\RXIDU IURPDFKLHYLQJVXFFHVV´ Natural Muscle October 200841 TRAINING ask the doctor YOUR FITNESS QUESTIONS ANSWERED Dr. Matthew Isner Chiropractic Physician -Is morning or evening the best time to workout for weight loss? -How should I exercise if I have type II Diabetes? -There are so many brands of Omega 3 Fish Oil on the market. Is there any way to know which I should choose? Is morning or evening the best time to workout for weight loss? There have been many competing camps as to which time is the best to workout. Some will tell you that to lose weight it is best to workout in the morning. You do not have the fuel from breakfast, so your body turns to the stored up fat for energy. You then burn more fat and this primes your body for an increased metabolism throughout the rest of the day. The other camp says you should workout later in the afternoon or evening because your muscles have been warmed up from the day and you will have more energy to perform the exercise which will mean more of an effort and more energy expended. More weight on the bar or pushing yourself that extra mile will help you achieve your desired effect more quickly. I can see the logic behind both camps but I would like to offer a third option: It really doesn’t matter! Weight loss is primarily based on your body’s ability to burn more calories than you take in. It isn’t as much a question of when you exercise, just that you do SOMETHING every day so you expend more calories than you take in. If you love to get up in the morning then that is the best time FOR YOU to workout. If you feel like you have better workouts in the afternoon or lunch then you are far more likely to do them. Trying to force yourself into a specific time will usually make you just find excuses not to do it. Consistency is the key for you reaching your goals. 42 Natural Muscle October 2008 How should I exercise if I have type II Diabetes? There are so many brands of Omega 3 Fish Oil on the market. Is there any way to know which I should choose? Having Type II Diabetes does not mean that you need to stop your workout plans or goals in fitness. It does mean that you will need to alter a few things and take more precautions than the normal person who might want to work out. For the most part, Type II Diabetes can be controlled with a strict diet and exercise program. The diet part will be beneficial not only in controlling your diabetes but also in weight reduction. I recommend to my patients that they build up to at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity cardiovascular activity per day, or 20 minutes of vigorous-intensity cardiovascular activity, every day of the week. You can, and should, incorporate some strength and resistance type activities at least two days a week. Weight training maintains and increases muscle strength and endurance. Weight training can consist of something as simple as soup cans, or fill an empty milk container with water for added resistance. Always remember to check your blood glucose level before starting your exercise program for the day. You should also keep a close watch of blood pressure and make sure to keep your feet clean (uncontrolled blood glucose levels can lead to decreased sensations on the soles of your feet. If left unchecked, blisters can form without you being able to feel them, which will lead to further complications). As always, if you have any concerns, contact your health care provider before starting or changing a exercise program. Most of the product labels that you read are very misleading so here is the easiest way to figure out what is the best for you. When looking at all of the different Fish Oil brands on the market today, forget the front of the label. Turn the bottle around and look at the ingredient listing on the back. Somewhere close to the bottom will be two lines: EPA and DHA. Add those two numbers together and find the bottle with the highest two number total and that is the one you need to choose. Forget if the front says 1000 mg and the total EPA/DHA only adds up to 650 mg. The 650 mg are all you are getting per serving size. I have seen some as low as 420 so you would have to take quite a few just to get the 1-3 grams you should have during a day. As always, go do as much research as you can about the health topics that concern you but be careful about what you read on the internet. A safer bet is to just go talk to your health care provider. GotYouacanfitness question? email Dr. Matthew Isner at [email protected] Natural Muscle October 200843 HEALTH NOTES NEW FOOD LABELS ADD WORLD OF INFORMATION 5 WAYS TO KEEP BISPHENOL A, OR BPA, OUT OF YOUR FOOD US News & World Report With studies stacking up against the chemical, here’s what you need to know to lower your exposure With a recent study linking bisphenol A—a chemical in hard plastics and the linings of food and beverage cans—to diabetes and heart disease, you may be wondering what you can do to minimize your exposure. The Environmental Working Group last year conducted an analysis of BPA in various canned foods and found the amount varies widely depending on the food. Condensed milk, for instance, has relatively little BPA, while infant formula has a lot more—about one fifth the safe dose limit set by the Food and Drug Administration. Of course, the potential risk also depends on how much you consume. Canned soda has less BPA per serving than some other foods, but if you’re having a six pack a day... HERE ARE SOME GOOD RULES OF THUMB FOR REDUCING YOUR INTAKE OF BPA. 1. Buy your tomato sauce in glass jars. Canned tomato sauce is likely to have higher levels of BPA because the high acidity of the tomatoes causes more of the chemical to leach from the lining of the can. Think beyond plain tomato sauce to any canned pasta—like ravioli and those fun-looking kids’ meals. 2. Consume frozen or fresh fruits and vegetables instead of canned. In addition to their BPA-free benefit, fresh and frozen produce usually have more nutrients, which often get lost in the process of canning. Eden Foods does offer canned beans that are BPA-free. 3. Purchase beverages in plastic or glass bottles. Canned soda and juice often contain some BPA. You don’t need to worry, though, about disposable plastic water bottles. Most don’t contain bisphenol A, and those that do are usually marked on the bottom with a number 7 recycling code. 4. Use powdered infant formula instead of readyto-serve liquid. A separate assessment from the Environmental Working Group found that liquid formulas contain more BPA than powdered brands. 5. Think in terms of moderation. You don’t need to avoid all canned foods. Just consult the chart below and follow a sensible approach, eating less of those foods that are high in BPA. 44 Natural Muscle October 2008 The Detroit News Starting on September 30th, 2008, consumers began learning a lot more about the frozen ground beef, pork tenderloin, fresh tomatoes and raspberries that they put in their grocery carts. That’s when the Country of Origin Labeling Law went into effect, requiring labels for meat, poultry and produce state from what country they’ve come. While the law, part of the 2008 federal farm bill, is a marketing measure designed to give U.S. products a leg up in the m a r ke t p l a c e , advocates say it will improve food safety, especially after a spate of food contamination incidents over the past two years. Opponents of the law complain it unfairly implies that imported foods are less safe than domestic foods and also places an unnecessary financial burden on whole- salers and retailers. They say the extra cost of implementing the labeling law would be passed on to consumers reeling from higher food prices. Foes have been able to postpone the law’s implementation several times since its initial approval in the 2002 farm bill. But public support for more labeling shifted after a salmonella outbreak in 30 states was linked to tainted tomatoes earlier this year and imported pet food from China containing the industrial chemical melamine was blamed for the deaths of dogs and cats in the United States in March 2007. “Food safety concerns dominate the headlines almost daily and it is imperative consumers know where their food comes from,” said Tom Buis, president of the National Farmer’s Union, in a statement. When Kennelly needs a quick protein fix, he reaches for THE SHAKE! Take a smooth, creamy texture and combine it with a rich, delicious taste, add an advanced protein formulation and you’ve got THE SHAKE! An affordable alternative to all those expensive protein shakes that have glutted the market in recent years. Introduced in 1996 to rave reviews, THE SHAKE has been a consistent top seller. Providing 30 grams of protein in each delicious can, THE SHAKE, with it’s 60-40 ratio of carbs to protein, is the ideal post workout protein supplement! Chocolate and Vanilla flavor. Also available in a low carb formula. Natural Muscle October 200845 Interview and photos by: Dr. “Coach” Atherton I am sure each of you has experienced the feeling of meeting someone and instantly there is a connection – and recently, I found it can transcend language and national boundaries! When I began studying Spanish, my teacher, Senora Payne, taught us an idiom, which she said was used in South America when a man saw a pretty girl: “Que curvas y yo sin frenos!” Now everyone hopes to meet pretty girls; so, I diligently memorized this idiom hoping for the opportunity to use it. The perfect occasion came years later, while in Miami, shooting for Natural Muscle Magazine. Ingrid Roldad had just competed in the Figure competition and the next day as we shot along the Miami Canal, I quoted my learn idiom, “What curves and me with no brakes!” Ingrid laughed and we had one of my best photo shoots. LESSON TO LEARN, boys and girls: Pay attention in Spanish class! Born: Costa Rica Education: Phys Ed Age: 35 Height: 5’ 4” Weight:130 Since then, Ingrid has won 2 National FAP Figure Championship: 2007 and 2008. From that shoot on she has been “mi amiga!” Do you Senora Payne’s Spanish lesson inspired her to greatness or was it my delivery? Read about Ingrid and check out the images – See if you agree with one of the KOOLEST idioms I know in Spanish? My Name is Coach and Welcome to MY WORLD 46 INGRID ROLDAN Natural Muscle October 2008 What do you do for a living? I am a personal Trainer in Costa Rica How/Why did you get involved in fitness? I injured my knee and started training to help repair the damage. I got hooked on exercise and decided I should continue and compete! Favorite: BOOK: EL ALQUIMISTA MOVIE: EL GLATIADOR FOOD: ITALIAN FOOD good book, paper and pen, and a camera. Who are 10 people you would like to have a cup of coffee with? Here are 8: Jesus, Mandela, Angelina Joli, Chayane, Paulo Cohelo, Steven Spielberg, Will Smith, and Madonna check out pz’s empowering website ... If you had a magic wand and could instantly change something about your life, what would it be? I wouldn’t want to change anything, the bad things Who influenced you the most athletically? Monica Brant…I love her physique. Who do you admire the most? Male: MILOS SARCEV AND MORRIS MENDEZ Female: MONICA BRANT What did you think about your first competition? Looking back at my first competition, I laugh a little, as I really wasn’t in great shape. But at the time, I thought I was! How do you want to be remembered as an athlete? I want to be remembered for being a disciplined athlete that never gave up! What traits do you value the most? I value discipline, courage, passion and commitment What do you see that is good in Fitness today? The level of the women competitors has increased: Women are looking stronger…but maintaining their femininity! What needs to change in Fitness today? I would like for fitness to target at our youth - getting our kids to be healthier and more fit.. What would you like to say to the reader of NMM? Never give up on your fitness goals and dreams. Look at me! 2 kids, 36 and still competing and winning! Keep pressing on and break your person best records over and over! If you WANT it, you can GET it. Comments on Coach A: Jejejejejejejej, you are so funny....!!! (Is that another Spanish idiom, my teacher forgot to teach me? –Coach A) I enjoyed my photo shoots during the Universe Weekend 2007 in Miami with Coach A. Being the winner of Ms Fitness: Figure, I could not have chosen a better person to capture some great images of me. Thanks Coach A” What 10 thinks would you bring with you to live on a desert island? Umbrella, water, radio, sunglasses, fruits, towel, a that have happened in my life, I have learned from and they have made me who I am today. Tell me something about you that I don’t know? At night…sometimes...I have been known to drink a whole liter of milk and devour an entire pack of cookies in one sitting. If you are interested in more about Coach A’s World, check out his digital portfolio: http://www. 703 450-1658 [email protected] = Natural Muscle welcome to my world What do you consider your greatest triumph? Winning at the Universe Weekend in Miami 2007! October 200847 Want ripped abs? Then look no further... AB-FX advanced transdermal formula is specifically designed to get rid of hard to lose abdominal fat - fast! Dare to Compare! The Most Complete Pharmaceutical Transdermal Fat Loss Formula - Bar None! Our exclusive European formula combines the most advanced fat mobilizers available today, with Beta & Alpha Hydroxy Acids that make your skin smoother while it works. This precisely balanced formulation penetrates deep into the outer layers of the skin enhancing mobilization of fat cells while you train. The results, elimination of that spongy layer of excess surface body fat that keeps you from looking rock hard.* How it Works... XephoniphonylTM An exclusive combination of proven ingredients unique to AB-fx, is guaranteed to reduce fat deposits via external applications to problem fatty areas.* XephoniphonylTM • Chaihu (3%) - Works through process of lipolysis to reduce cellulite, firm tissue and hydrate skin.* • Elderberry/Glycerin - Combination provides an osmotic diuretic effect.* • L-Carnitine/Caffeine/CoA (5%, 1%, >150ppm) acts like a “one way fat pump”, moving fat deposits across the mitochondria.* Directions Apply AB FX ten minutes prior to workout to desired muscle areas. Rub directly into your skin until cream disappears. Note: You'll feel and see a slight warmth and redness where applied. This will gradually fade after use. Wash hands immediately after application. Re-apply as desired. Satisfaction Guaranteed - 30 Day Money Back Guarantee Just $4495 Suggested Retail Price 7KHVHVWDWHPHQWVKDYHQRWEHHQHYDOXDWHGE\WKH)'$7KLVSURGXFWLVQRWLQWHQGHGWRWUHDWGLDJQRVHFXUHRUSUHYHQWDQ\GLVHDVHV ,W VLPSRUWDQWWRQRWHWKDW$E)[KHOSVUHOHDVHVWRUHGIDWLQWRWKHEORRGVWUHDPWREHXVHGDVHQHUJ\,W VDOVRLPSRUWDQWWREXUQWKDW UHOHDVHGIDWE\H[HUFLVLQJRUUHGXFLQJFDORULFLQWDNHVRWKDWIUHHIDWLVQ WUHGHSRVLWHG 5HWDLOHUV&DOO 48 Natural Muscle October 2008 Natural Muscle October 200849 selenium’s effect ON MERCURY IN FISH Mercury-Fighting Mineral in Fish Overlooked in Heated Debate Advocacy groups that raise red flags about mercury in fish fail to consider seafood’s built-in safguard By Craig Weatherby s purveyors of wild-caught seafood, we get many questions about mercury in fish, and whether it poses a real threat. The short answer to that question is “no”, since there is little evidence that adults or older I became aware of the importance of selenium to seafood safety last December, when I joined Vital Choice Seafood founder Randy Hartnell at the government-sponsored Seafood & Health ’05 conference in Very few species of seafood—none of them commonly consumed in the US—contain more mercury than selenium. These include pilot whale, tarpon, marlin, and some sharks. America’s #1 Hardcore Fat Burner I have had many great conversations with Vital Choice Seafood President Randy Hartnell whom I met in Alaska making the video of Sockeye Salmon Oil. One of them pertained to Mercury in fish and how it is not considered a protein source to be eaten very often because of it, especially for women. He then explained to me the right fish can be safe to eat and why. It is not only what you eat, but where it comes from. Craig Weatherby goes into detail about this in the following article. This is a must read for All.-Jeff Hammond 50 Natural Muscle October 2008 Washington, D.C. One of the most startling and wellreceived lectures was one by University of North Dakota environmental scientist Nicholas Ralston, Ph.D. Most of the attendees were startled by Dr. Ralston’s revelations, but scientists in his field are well aware that selenium has a very high “binding affinity” for mercury. This simply means that when the two elements come close to each other they tend to connect, forming a new substance. In practical terms this means that diets high in selenium protect against mercury poisoning, and do it very effectively, as proven in many animal studies. Without exception, commercial fish species are extremely rich in selenium, relative to the minuscule amounts of mercury they contain. In fact, when the U.S. Department of Agriculture measured selenium levels in more than 1,000 commonly consumed foods, it found that 16 of the 25 best sources of dietary selenium are ocean fish: a finding with major implications for the safety of seafood. (By the way, the amounts of mercury in fish appear to have declined over the past 150 years, despite pumping of many tons of mercury into the atmosphere by coal-burning plants. This is because the vast majority of mercury in the sea originates from forest fires and undersea volcanoes and geothermal vents.) Researchers are still unsure exactly how selenium cancels out mercury’s potentially toxic effects, but most scientists accept one of two competing theories: • Dietary selenium may act as a sort of “mercury magnet” that neutralizes molecules of methylmercury: the toxic form found in fish. • A more recent hypothesis holds that when mercury enters the body it seeks out selenium and takes it out of circulation, preventing the body from creating enzymes that depend on selenium to perform their functions. Enzymes are special proteins that catalyze (facilitate and control) virtually all of the chemical reactions involved in human metabolism. If you eat too much methylmercury, it may rob the body of the selenium needed by many enzymes, thereby degrading the functioning of your organs: especially the brain. Here's how Dr. Nicholas Ralston described the relationship between selenium and mercury at the Seafood & Health ’05 conference: “Think of dietary selenium as if it were your income and dietary mercury as if it were a bill that you need to pay. Just as we all need a certain amount of money to cover living expenses such as food and rent, we all need a certain amount of selenium ...” He went on to say, “Only one major study [in Denmark’s Faroe Islands] has shown negative effects BEFORE AFTER proven to decrease total fat area by an astounding 7.9 percent more than those in the control group, in just 12 short weeks! Powerful Delivery Technology and Rapid Results Hydroxycut Hardcore features two revolutionary delivery technologies designed to provide rapid results fast. The LiquiTechTM capsule technology is engineered for the rapid release of key ingredients for fast delivery. And Nano-DiffuseTM technology nanoparticulates a precise portion of a key active ingredient, designed for ultra-fast absorption. So, if you’re after the most powerful hardcore fat burner in the world, use the formula that is designed to deliver rapid results, fast – Hydroxycut® Hardcore! AFTER BEFORE Results will vary. children can be harmed by eating of common commercial seafood species almost every day. The exceptions to this rule are pregnant/nursing woman and young children, who, to be cautious, should follow the government’s advice to avoid species high in mercury (shark, swordfish, king mackerel, tilefish), and limit fish intake to 12 ounces (2 average meals) a week. Mercury only occurs to any significant extent in predatory species of fish, and because it accumulates over time, it is the older, larger specimens that contain the most mercury. This is why we and some other retailers limit our tuna offerings to younger, smaller specimens. Given all the heated debates between consumer groups and the tuna industry over the need (or not) for stronger warnings or regulation, it is astonishing that until very recently, everyone involved in the fight had overlooked a potentially critical component of the scientific controversy: the essential mineral called selenium. Hydroxycut® Hardcore is formulated to help you attack fat for incredible fat-burning results. That’s why Hydroxycut Hardcore is the #1 selling hardcore fat burner that Americans trust to get them into the best shape of their lives. And, to ensure you experience maximum-strength fat burning, Hydroxycut Hardcore is formulated with a potent combination of 14 ingredients so you can torch the fat that’s hiding your muscle! Each serving of Hydroxycut Hardcore is designed to crank up your dominant fat-burning hormone, norepinephrine, by an average of 40 percent in just 24 hours to help you burn fat faster than you ever thought possible. In fact, subjects using only one of Hydroxycut Hardcore’s key components were Results will vary. A Henry Everette used Hydroxycut Hardcore to burn fat faster than ever before. He dropped a staggering 53 lbs. in just 14 short weeks! In just 18 weeks, Jerome Bravo was able to sport a shredded six-pack after peeling away 24 lbs. using Hydroxycut Hardcore! Read the entire label and follow directions. Athletes have been remunerated and also used other MuscleTech® supplements. Henry and Jerome used a previous version of Hydroxycut Hardcore. In one study, subjects taking the key ingredients in Hydroxycut Hardcore increased norepinephrine by an average of 40 percent in 24 hours. In a 6-week clinical study, subjects using a key ingredient in Hydroxycut Hardcore lost an average of 10.56 pounds while the placebo group actually gained an average of 2.64 pounds. © 2008. All trademarks are owned by their respective trademark owners and are used with permission. Hydroxycut® Hardcore is patented. Other patents-pending. For more information, visit . SM continued 3BB1$70B$XJB+<'+&LQGG Natural Muscle 30 October 200851 continued from page 51 from exposure to mercury from seafood, and that seafood was pilot whale meat. Pilot whale meat is unusual in that it contains more mercury than selenium. When you eat pilot whale meat, it's like getting a bill for $400 and a check for less than $100. If that happens too much, you go bankrupt. On the other hand, if you eat ocean fish, it's like getting a check in the mail for $500 and getting a bill for $25. The more that happens, the happier you are.” This may help explain why the authors of a study conducted in the Faroe Islands—where the vast majority of people eat lots of pilot whale meat 52 —reported that dietary mercury seemed to produce slight brain-development deficits in children there. (Even those adverse findings are in dispute, due to the nature of the cognitive tests administered, and the very tiny differences detected.) By contrast, a similar study in the Seychelles Islands—where people eat lots of selenium-rich fish but no whale meat—found no negative brain-development effects in children there, who eat 10 to 12 times as much fish, compared with American kids. So, does the selenium abundant in most fish protect you against potential harm from their mercury content, regardless of how much you eat? While selenium seems to “lock up” mercury, it also keeps it in the body longer, albeit in a harmless form. It’s impossible to answer this question definitively until we have more data. But it appears likely that selenium plays a very substantial protective role against mercury, and the results of the Seychelle Islands study suggest that heavy fish intake is quite safe, and that the selenium in fish may explain why. Natural Muscle October 2008 Measure Body Fat By Yourself… …with the FatTrack® GOLD Digital Body Fat Caliper and Accu-Measure® Fitness 3000 Personal Body Fat Tester ENDO RSED BY: • Gold Standard Accuracy • Instructions Included • Measurement Info FREEpe® MyoTeaach in ® GOLD ck FatTraackage. p Super-Accurate Measurement of ANY BODY PART Track your body measurements and progress as your muscles grow and unwanted fat goes away! Also available at: DON’T MISS A SINGLE ISSUE! GO ONLINE AND SUBSCRIBE TO NATURAL MUSCLE. GET ONE SENT EACH MONTH TO YOUR HOME OR OFFICE! WWW.NATURALMUSCLE.NET Natural Muscle October 200853 truth or LIES YOU photo by Billy the Kid pz’s perspective WHICH ONE DO by Pz S ince when has not telling the truth gotten so easy? Maybe we don’t want to hear the real deal. Maybe we’ve dummied it down or tampered with it to the point that we don’t recognize it anymore. We’ve gotten good at accepting half-truths, sort of truths, somewhat truths, and shaded truths. We shave a little bit here, embellish a little bit there, we add, subtract, twist and spin, and before you know it the truth has no semblance whatsoever from where we began. We justify, rationalize, pass the buck, and place the blame, anything to color the truth in the hue that best fits the picture. We’ve gotten good at lies, too. We’ve gotten good at flat out, made up, bold face lies. When was the last time you told a lie? Come on, be honest. I try to practice honesty on a large scale and on issues that have real relevance, but I’m not perfect. For me, it was just the other day. Oh, it wasn’t a big lie or something that affected the outcome of an election, someone’s freedom, or hurt anyone in any meaningful way. The lie was one of those insignificant little white ones that was told more for my benefit and for convenience sake. It was slanted in a way as to withhold information when nosey people require more than they have a right to know. Perhaps you’ve done something similar. Say someone invites you to dinner and you make an excuse not to go—an excuse that isn’t the truth, yet on paper it qualifies as a lie. You don’t want to hurt their feelings so you tell them something that gets you 54 off the hook and spares them at the same time. That is the kind of lie to which I refer here. So I justify my little lie, still a lie in the purest sense, nonetheless. In the grand scheme those little lies don’t hurt, but not knowing where to draw the line can. Problem is, the further away you get from the truth the easier it is to lose all sense of truthfulness. Mankind has had a struggle with truth since the beginning of time. Lying was important enough to be included as a core tenet of the world’s religions. All religious teachings are dead against lying. For example, it shows up in the 10 Commandments: “Thou shalt not bear false witness. . .”—false witness refers to misrepresenting the truth in relations with others and also forbids lying. In Buddha’s Noble Eightfold Path it refers to: Right Speech—avoid unkind words and lying, and Right Action—do not lie. Islam, too, views lying as a serious vice. In the Quran it states: “And do not say that of which you have no knowledge.” Included in the Moral and Ethical Ideals of Hindus are: Ahimsã (non-injury) --Don’t harm others by word, deed or thought and Satya (truthfulness) -- Refrain from lying and betraying promises. Confucianism says,” I do not see what use a man can be put to whose word cannot be trusted. . .” The teachings of Sikhism state: Dishonesty in business or uttering of lies causes inner sorrow.” The fact that man has been given the innate ability to distinguish right from wrong throughout history and choose between the two, sets a universal standard of ethics that applies to all of us. Natural Muscle October 2008 We’re getting ready to elect a new president. It’s a huge decision for the future of our country. By the time this issue hits the stands the election will be upon us. I take my role as a citizen seriously. I hope you do, too. As a registered Independent I look closely at all sides and make it a point of being as informed as possible. That takes some effort with today’s A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes. ~ Mark Twain ‘gotcha,’ unfair and unbalanced media. I don’t blindly accept NBC or CNN’s interpretation of the story. I’ve seen too many instances where I listen to a speech, then hear a round table of reporters and pundits talk about the speech I just heard with my own two ears and remake it into something totally different. The next day those inaccurate sound bites and snippets are spread over the radio and the nightly news and the internet and blogs and editorials and the lies take on a life of their own. What happened to that original speech I heard a few nights ago? How did the words get so skewed and the speaker so screwed by the media? We, the listening public, may only get to hear one take on the story. We may only get the set of lies that are now being spun as truths. I’ve witnessed this and other similar instances, time and again, during this campaign. It makes fools of folks who want to be armed with the facts and base their vote on what’s best for them and their families, not what some biased set of reporters or political opportunists want us to know. Politics seems to bring out the worst in people. There is very little honor at the core of its foundation. The folks we have representing us in Congress don’t always have our interest at heart. Unfortunately, power does corrupt. We let them stay in power too long—they feel entitled, and forget why we sent them there in the first place. Their ego and status seems to give them the right to tell us whatever THEY believe we need to hear at the moment. The truth is rarely part of that dialogue and the lies are told often enough until they become the only truth out there for us to consider. I’ve been disheartened at the out-and-out twisting of the facts in this campaign. I’ve been amazed at the false statements made by one candidate against the other that are left unchallenged by those who know the real facts. Some politicians will say anything, do anything, or be anything they need to be to win. Governments lie. Public figures lie. Why doesn’t this bother us more? One of the distinctions of our age is that lying no longer carries the stigma it once did. CHOOSE? To d a y l y i n g h a s b e c o m e institutionalized. The phenomenon of lying has regretfully become a fabric of social life as well. It is the way many of us live now because we figured out that if we are persuasive enough, lying works. The truth is we have to get back to telling the truth. Hard as it may be, tough as it is, the truth will ultimately lead us out of this mess and to a better place. We get our cues in life from the top. Nations look to leaders. Armies look to commanders. Companies look to CEOs. Teams look to coaches. Parishioners look to preachers. Students look to teachers. Children look to parents. We are only as good as those who came before us and stand before us and on whose shoulders we must stand. We are only as honest as those who we look to for honest answers. If we hear lies and see lies and feel lies and are surrounded by lies, we’ll choose to lie because it’s what we are shown. If lies work, we’ll lie. Why seek the truth if it isn’t being sought by anyone else? If we see leaders who stand for the truth and stand up for something—even if it’s unpopular—we’ll have a better sense of what is right and what it means to be truthful. If we have examples before us to emulate, the seeds will be planted and the lessons will have a chance to be learned. I’m going to remain optimistic because this is still America. Sometimes I think ‘we the people’ have forgotten that. Where in the world has that honorable fighting spirit gone? Since when has ‘do the right thing’ turned into ‘do whatever works’? If the truth can begin to trickle down, the lies will have no room to remain. They’ll have no leg to stand on and will crumble and fall. They’ll be less and less and become the exception rather than the rule. You have a responsibility in the maze of this society. You fit somewhere in the scheme of life where your thoughts, words and deeds matter. Be a leader in your family, at your job, in your community, at your place of worship, and as a citizen. Be a beacon of light even when it’s easier to live in darkness. Take the high road when the low road beckons with immediate gratification or false reward. We live in tough times. Our nation and its people are hurting. One thing I know for sure is lies are not the answer for turning this around. Be a part of the solution. Truth or lies—which one do you choose when given the choice? PZ’S POINTERS ABOUT TRUTH AND LIES White lies and black lies—There are 2 types of lies: White lies do little or no damage; black lies can do detriment to the deceiver or the deceived when the truth is found out. If you can do more of the former and less of the latter, then you are headed in the right direction. The truth can be painful— Most people want to know the truth--especially about infidelity. Hearing your wife is having an affair with someone from the gym hurts. Still, you’d rather know than be the last to know. The web of lies associated with cheating usually finds a way of unrav- eling and the truth is ultimately revealed. If your spouse doesn’t fess up somebody else probably will. Anyway you cut it, it still hurts. The truth can be easier to deny— On the flip side, some people would rather not know if they have a cheating partner and live their life in that state of denial. Couples manage to remain together for years while one partner carries on affairs outside the relationship. If those lies are their truth, then it’s nobody’s business but theirs. continued Natural Muscle October 200855 continued from page 55 One lie leads to another—It has been said that when everything depends on just one tiny lie, we forget that in order to correct one lie, seven others have to be told. It’s hard to tell one lie without following it up with another and another. Keeping track of the lies can be a problem when you’re juggling them within the network of your life. Telling the truth is one way you never have to remember or worry about what you said in the past. The truth can be liberating—Look at the stories women have shared in the past few years about the trauma they’ve experienced of sexual abuse. In these cases, the common thread is how liberated they feel that the secret is out and the truth has been told. They can put that long-harbored pain behind them and knowing they have helped others who are suffering in silence makes the truth a powerful weapon. The truth can right wrongs—Our prisons are overflowing with people who have lost their way and broke the law. They also house a percentage of men and women who are innocent and didn’t do the crime they were found guilty of committing. When the truth comes out for these folks it can represent a chance at a new beginning and making the wrong into a right. This is a perfect example of the phrase, ‘and the truth will set you free’ in action. Lies can make us feel better—Face it, some people lie to feel better about their station in life or for reasons of inadequacy. They create bogus scenarios to be liked or accepted or respected if they don’t feel their life in its authentic state can garner that kind of reaction. Some lies can be boastful and for self aggrandizement—sad, but true. We lie out of fear—We are driven by fear to lie—the fear of what will happen if the truth is told. Kids lie to parents so they’re not punished. Countries lie to each other to save face, cover up mistakes, or maintain power. We lie out of habit—There are compulsive liars who lie about everything. Every word out of their mouths is suspect. They are habitual and don’t know the difference. I know a few of these folks and trust them implicitly—NOT! 56 We lie for greed— These are the lies that usually have scores of victims in their wake. Anytime we lie for reasons of power or advantage or money people get stepped on, squeezed out, or trampled over along the way. The truth can be inconvenient—Yes, Al Gore had it right on this one. Sometimes the truth is going to cause a little or maybe even a lot of bother. If the Earth is in trouble and we can each sacrifice something to help, then it’s worth the sacrifice. There are many instances when the truth shows up at our door and our life has to accommodate it. The truth can be naked—There’s a long list of famous people who have consistently and vehemently lied about certain accusations until finally, the naked truth made it impossible to lie any further. Bill Clinton, John Edwards, Clay Aiken, and Marion Jones are just a few. Bill and John lied about affairs. Hillary forgave, and Elizabeth is still in the healing process. Clay lied about being gay. His new born son was the reason he gave for coming clean with his sexuality. Marion was the hardest hit for her lying. She went to jail for 6-months for her lies over doping in the 2000 Olympics, and a check-fraud scam, resulting in Jones relinquishing her 5 medals and being wiped from the record books as one of the most celebrated track and field athletes in history. Avoiding lying—It was said that Jesus did not always disclose the full truth, especially when revealing all the facts could have brought unnecessary harm to himself or his disciples. Still, even at such times, he did not lie. Instead, he chose either to say nothing or to divert the conversation in another direction. I’d say that’s a good tactic to use from a pretty honorable source. The truth can foster change— I’m still a believer in the good of all mankind. Naïve as it may sound I think the truth does matter. I think the more we seek the truth and the more truthful people we become, the collective result will find a way to infiltrate the world in a positive way. Next time when you’re ready to tell a lie, stop and ask yourself is it necessary? Is there a better way? Maybe you’ll surprise yourself and find it. Pz is the author of Club Shattered. As a motivational writer and personal power coach, Pz specializes in the area of relationships and the human condition. Contact Pz with ideas, questions, or feedback: [email protected] Visit her website Natural Muscle October 2008 Gaspari TV is HERE: In concert with our innovative product line we have decided to bring to you an intimate perspective of the people behind Gaspari Nutrition. This will include an inside look at the company history, training segments with Team Gaspari athletes, a Bodyspace video of spokes model Marzia Prince, detailed product presentations, and coverage of Gaspari Nutrition on the road as well as a motivational documentary about Stevie Zee, a Team Gaspari bodybuilder with cerebral palsy. All of this can easily be navigated through the Gaspari TV control panel with just a few clicks. Visit Natural Muscle October 200857 MUSCLE BEACH ALIVE and FLEXING Gina Ostarly photo by Walt Ostarly By: Brenda Kelly M uscle Beach Venice, California is a dream vacation destination for Bodybuilding fans from around the world. The original Muscle Beach started in Santa Monica during the 1930’s before moving to it’s current home in Venice in 1987. Muscle Beach is historical to the bodybuilding community and perhaps most well known as the out-door gym where Arnold, Franco and their gang hung out to train. This completed a healthy fun-in-the-sun atmosphere along with bodybuilding & figure competitions, gymnastics, acrobatics and feats of physical fitness to wow the beach crowd. Since 2003, promoter Joe Wheatley has had a vision that is building tremendous momentum at this popular outdoor venue. Joe rocks the entire beach spreading the word of health, fitness and bodybuilding successfully upgrading events into an action packed health and fitness expo. The non-sanctioned shows are every Memorial Day, 4th of July and Labor Day. Register to compete or get listings of past competitors and placing by going to the Muscle Beach website at: www. Fitness fans and enthusiasts all flock to the beach to watch the contests, browse new health products at the fitness expo, pick up free samples, see their favorite Bodybuilding icons and celebrities and to just hang out with friends and family. On the famous Boardwalk side, rollerblades, skateboards, strollers, bikes, joggers and local entertainers move back and fourth in front of miles of lined up stores, eating establishments and hotels. The energy is a total recreational feeling that ranges from electric to laid-back LA. On the beach side basketball, tennis and handball courts are right there under the fabulous California sun with green grassy park benches and sandy beaches perfect for exercise or picnic lounging. Placed right in the middle of the beach and boardwalk is the location of the Muscle Beach outdoor stage where athletes come from all over the world to compete in the muscle and figure competitions for the Mr. and Ms. Muscle Beach titles. Spectators for the capacity beach crowd sit in the packed bleachers and cheer oiled up hard-bodied competitors on the newly remodeled stage during the contests. Many of the judges and people at the Expo booths are Pros and former champions that live in the area. You may see your favorite Bodybuilding/Fitness celebrities receiving awards, handing out trophies, signing autographs or just having a day at the beach with friends and family. Everywhere you look, people are talking to fitness professionals for advice, snapping hot hardbody PICS, cooling off with the beach breezes and having a great time! Headblade and sponsored flooring and brand new StarTrac weight equipment for the weight pen respectively where you can see athletes and coaches in the remodeled weight pen area doing finishing touches for contest prep before hitting the stage right before your eyes. Buy a day pass for $10 dollars to work out inside of this historical outdoor gym from the Parks and Rec. department while you are at the beach (with exception for the contest days). Each show has an added distinction of presenting a new inductee into The Muscle Beach Bodybuilding Hall of Fame. All inductees for the Hall of Fame are presented with trophies during the contest finals sponsored by Iron Man Magazine. Names of the recipients are engraved on bronze plaques as part of the Muscle Beach Walk of Fame sponsored by The plaques are placed around the perimeter of the outdoor weight pen area for all to view. Past inductees of Bodybuilding greats include; Joe Weider, Jack La Lanne, Don Howorth, Dave Draper, Bill Grant, John Balik, Steve Reeves, Cory Everson, Bill Pearl, Rachael Miclish, Franco Columbu and more found on: It is a fun mix of locals, tourists and athletes at Muscle Beach. Look closely and you may recognize some of the Hollywood entertainment industry celebrities in the crowd! Hollywood works out like mad and many live locally so they love to show up for the healthy vibe to stay motivated for their own physique goals. Plan to join us at historical Muscle Beach for all of the festivities and make sure you stop by and say hello! Admission is free to the public for all Muscle Beach shows. I promise you will want to come back again and again. Since 2003, promoter Joe Wheatley has had a vision that is building tremendous momentum at this popular outdoor venue. Joe rocks the entire beach spreading the word of health, fitness and bodybuilding successfully upgrading events into an action packed health and fitness expo. 58 Natural Muscle October 2008 Order your own t-shirt today and show it off! Because it’s who you are! SEND AN EMAIL TO [email protected] Made with Swarovski crystals.. Natural Muscle October 200859 -01 1.#!22 4.6!0#5 '"11.-021!0#5 +RPE L (>JFB C+RP@IBLIL #>PL K L DV AV?RFIA FKD@LJ 1EBOOV>Q $FQ%RJ LLQE #+-"#*1 !0"'-$'0 !E>JM FLK, RQOFQFL K!OB T +&.!0#5 #5 *0'!0 !+'!OBT %\&DUROLQD*RQ]DOH]3KRWRV'HVLJQHG%\$[LV'HVLJQ,QF 120!&#+* 1+-"#*1 - 0' '!&%1. 0 2!-12 C4' 7 00L 1@LQQ+LKF@>> KA+RPE * 0"!0#5 .EFI0LAOFDRBW(>@H-TL@+FHB*BJRPLC4.6 %1.0'13.#0+-"#*1 2LJ0F@E>OAPLK FII5FIJLOB(FJJV+BKQFPLC LAVTBII $QRWKHU JUHDW \HDU IRU -RH:HLGHU¶V 2O\PSLD ([SR6KRZ 'XULQJ 6HSWHPEHU WK WKURXJK WK WKH PRVWUHFRJQL]DEOHQDPHVDQGFRPSDQLHVLQWKH¿WQHVVDQGERG\EXLOGLQJLQGXVWU\PHWLQ/DV9HJDVWR HQMR\DQGEHDSDUWRIWKLVPDJQL¿FHQWHYHQWDOVRNQRZQDV0U2O\PSLD 027 $2#0. 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This is a much healthier and tastier burger. Jalapeno/Mushroom Turkey Burgers INGREDIENTS: 1.5 pounds lean ground turkey breast 2 fresh diced Jalapeno peppers (milder if you remove the membrane and seeds) 2 tablespoons minced garlic 1 c diced mushrooms 1/2 cup fresh parsley, finely chopped (dried parsley can be substituted ) 1 tablespoon freshly ground black pepper 1 tablespoon ground cumin Splash of Worcestershire sauce 1/4 c egg whites DIRECTIONS: 1. Spray large saucepan with Pam and preheat on medium temp 2. In a bowl, mix above ingredients well. Form into 6-8 patties. 3. Place turkey burgers in pan, cook 5 to 10 minutes per side or until well done on med/low heat. I like to cook slowly and covered with a lid to keep patties from drying out. Add a ¼ cup water to pan to keep moist. 4. Serve garnished with fresh parsley and sprinkled with oregano and Paprika photos by Walt Ostarly Serve with broccoli and mushrooms as a side dish. Throw your broccoli and extra mushrooms in the covered saucepan with patties for the last 5min of cooking. Remember you have added a little water, so they will steam perfectly. 62 Natural Muscle October 2008 Natural Muscle October 200863 S ome people are just born to do what they do. In his case it was football. He was born to play— linebacker to be exact. Not without struggle and hardship, Adam tackled the challenges and obstacles life threw in his path and emerged on the other side. His focus and desire to succeed landed him a first-class ticket to the biggest field of dreams—the NFL. Early on he had the will; he just had to find the way. And find the way he did. I sat down with Adam Hayward, the rising star of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, as he gears up to be part of some pewter power in, this, his 2nd season. We’re being joined later by his beautiful fiancée Jaime Smithers. During this conversation we’re going to talk a little football, a little fitness, and a little relationship talk. Hopefully, we’ll learn a little more about #57 and what makes his life in Tampa great. So here we go. . . PZ: It’s a pleasure being here with you today. First, I’d like to say congratulations for being in the NFL. That’s a very small and elite fraternity and you’re in it. Sounds like a dream come true. Would you say that’s what it is? Adam: Thank you for those kind words. It IS a dream come true. I’ve worked my whole life to get to where I am. When I was a little kid I wanted to play professional football, but, I mean, how many people actually get to do it? When I wake up in the morning that is what I get to go do for my job. It’s amazing. PZ: I’d like to go back in time for a moment. You spent your college years bouncing from position to position. At Portland State you finally found your place at outside linebacker. What influence did Coach Tim Walsh have in helping you settle into that position and make it your own? Adam: Like you said, I did bounce around. I played linebacker in high school and when I got recruited at Colorado State they saw me as a safety. I’ve never played that so I wasn’t sure how it was going to work out. PZ: Of eligibility? Adam: Yeah. Eligibility-wise. So I ended up getting a hardship and that’s when Greg Lupfer –my linebacker coach—he’s the one who gave me the second chance— saw the new potential in me. He saw I was ready to play again and at outside linebacker. So it went well. I worked with him a lot in the off season. PZ: But you were a starter there? Adam: I ended up being a starter and it ended up being a weird transition. I was making it work, but then I ran into some family problems and that’s what set me back. PZ: Speaking of positions. All linebackers aren’t created equal and are named for the position they play. Since the strong, middle, and weak positions also known as Sam, Mike, and Will aren’t the same for the Bucs as they are for other defensive schemes--seems a little backwards. Adam: It is. That’s what our (the Bucs) defense is called—Will linebacker. Some defenses call it weak, but ours is actually backwards from those defenses. Our Will is kind of like our Strong and obviously the MLB is in the middle and Sam here is a weak linebacker which in other teams is a Strong linebacker and the one who lines up to the tight end or the strength. PZ: Yes. I know about that. Adam: I took a year off from football to reevaluate my life and find my focus again. After that year I realized football WAS my focus. I went back to the coaches but they had already moved on. I don’t blame them—it’s a business. They had to do what was best for the team. So at that point Sonny Lubick sat down with me to discuss what alternate actions we could take as far as me getting back into football. He happened to know Coach Walsh at Portland State so they worked something out so I could play. PZ: Did you have to prove yourself? Adam: Yeah. I didn’t know if I was going to get another year on top of that to play. PZ: I guess you’ll never forget him. Adam: I definitely won’t. PZ: Is that a Monte Kiffin thing? Adam: Yeah. That’s Coach Kiffin. I guess he’s done things differently but he’s been very successful, so I can’t complain. Coming from different defenses and talking with other players everything is kind of backwards. Once you get it, though, it works. PZ: But you have the athletic ability to go outside and run around so you show more agility in your play than maybe the other linebacker positions do. Would you characterize it like that? Adam: Like you stated, as far as the cover 2 defensive scheme—which Monte Kiffin runs—that’s where our linebackers excel—at their speed and their ability to cover receivers and play so much open space and run sideline to sideline and making plays vs. some of these defenses when you have your 3-4 where you have 3 down lineman and 4 linebackers that are 260-280lb ‘linebackers’ but they just play downhill. That’s where we differ. PZ: So would you say you fit the Bucs’ mold of the smallish-size outside linebacker profile? Adam: I do, but it’s ironic that you say small because I’m 6’1” and weigh 240lbs. PZ: LOL. Yeah, the huge, small linebacker, eh? Adam: I do fit that scheme. PZ: I heard Shelton Quarles once say he’s not a trash talker. Are you? Adam: First, Q is lying—LOL! But for me, no, because right now I’m not even 100% comfortable with myself, much less being focused on another player and trying to get into his head. For now, I’m going to do my job and as a leader, make sure everyone else knows their job. But on the field there’s not too much trash talk. What you think is trash, they’re just joking around because the player he’s talking to he might have been hanging out with in the off season. I mean I did that with Steve Smith—we were under the same agent so we knew each other, but it would look like we’re talking smack to each other when we’re really laughing and joking. PZ: You’re coming up on training camp. What do you have to do to be a standout with the coaches? Adam: It’s more a sense of earning their trust. They have to trust that when they put me in that situation they know I know what I’m doing. So my biggest change is going from last year and understanding the concept to being able to produce plays and make adjustments when the pressure is on. PZ: And that’s just experience sometimes. Adam: It is experience. One of our things is you ‘never say I got it’ because you never do. That phrase is up on the wall. As soon as you think you do that’s when you mess up. I can say I’m feeling a lot more comfortable with the defense. Now when I go to camp I just have to apply what I’ve learned: different techniques on how to beat blocks, to make plays, to just stand out by running to the ball, and not telling other people what to do. Just to show the coaches, that okay, he DOES know what he’s doing, so when he’s in there, if something happens, he can adjust to it without freaking out and messing up—that kind of thing. PZ: We all know the NFL is a hard-hitting game fraught with injury. You could be one injury away from coming off the bench. Is that a constant thought in your mind and does that help to keep you mentally and physically prepared at all times? Adam: Definitely. That is the case in the NFL. You’re only one injury away from playing. When people say I’m #2—that’s just not the case. Nothing against Derrick, but we could be at camp and something could happen in the first practice and next thing you know somebody has to step up—that’s what you practice for. You don’t practice like you’re #2; you practice like you’re going to be a starter. That’s what Coach Kiffin says. He says, “I don’t care—when you’re on that field, you’re a starter. I don’t care if you’re the third string, you’re a starter.” PZ: Because where there’s a WILL there’s a way? Adam: EXACTLY! It’s tough to know you can be called on but at the same time you’re not called on so it’s tough. You have to fight yourself. PZ: Like a rollercoaster? Adam: It’s very rollercoasterish (don’t know if that’s a word but it sounds good). I need to know everything that Derrick knows. That’s the mentality I’ve developed in becoming a better player, ‘cause if he goes out-- for some unforeseen reason—I need to be that same heartbeat that goes into the defense and just continue on. PZ: Oh, I love that! What a great way to describe your role. Adam, historically athletes trained to prepare for an upcoming season then slacked off a bit the rest of the year. Today, that has changed. An athlete stays in pretty top condition throughout. Let’s talk a little about what you do to stay in such good shape. Adam: Like you said, the NFL has really changed. You know—I’m prepared to play year-round. There’s always stuff we’re doing. We have OTA’s. We have mini-camps. Year-round we have to train. During the season you don’t lift and run because your body takes a toll on 16 + playoff games, and then you have 4 pre-season games, so a lot of the guys don’t really hit it during the season. As soon as off-season comes that’s when I hit it. I just get the trainer and that’s when I watch my nutrition. Thanks to my fiancée, she helps with diet and she takes care of all the food—eating well and what I need. This year I had a couple of trainers in L.A. PZ: Is there anybody you want to give a shout out or props to? Adam: Oh yeah, definitely. My trainer in L.A. is Darren Willis. He works with a lot of NFL players and then here in Tampa is John Toomer. He’s a big bodybuilder guy. He worked out Michael Pittman and we’re kind of workout buddies. That’s the lifting part of what I do, but as far as the conditioning part, I started to get into that a lot more because of my fiancée. She’s been a runner her whole life. I also do yoga—Bikram yoga. PZ: For stretching? Adam: Yeah. I’ve got a stretch guy. I have all the guys available to me. I have to just prolong my career. PZ: I know you’ve logged a lot of miles on the treadmill. How does that help you in your job as 64 Natural Muscle October 2008 Natural Muscle October 200865 66 Natural Muscle October 2008 Natural Muscle October 200867 93;632576&20 /LPLWHG6XSSO\ *When combined with increased exercise and a reduced calorie diet. Use only as a dietary supplement. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 68 Natural Muscle October 2008