- eCoMove
- eCoMove
Cooperative Mobility Systems and Services for Energy Efficiency D120.181(D1.8 (1)) Final event presenting eCoMove results (planning) SubProject No. SP1 SubProject Title IP Coordination & Dissemination Workpackage No. WP1.2 Workpackage Title Dissemination & Exploitation Task No. T1.2.8 Task Title Demonstrate the potential of the technology to the target groups Authors Julie Castermans Dissemination level PU/PP/RE/CO PU File Name D120.181-D1.8(1)-FinalEventPlanning_V2.0 Due date 31 March 2013 Delivery date 19 August 2013 Abstract The deliverable describes the final event planning and organisation (to date), including the proposed programme of activities, the objectives of the event, the location, target audience groups, the planned communication & marketing of the event, the foreseen requirements, best practice/lessons learnt from previous events and organising task force. Project supported by European Union DG INFSO ICT-2009-6.1, ICT for Clean and Efficient mobility Project reference FP7-ICT-2009-4 IP Grant Agreement - 247908 IP Manager Jean Charles Pandazis, ERTICO – ITS Europe Tel: +32 2 400 0714, E-mail: [email protected] D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) Control sheet Version history Version Date Main author Summary of changes 0.1 28/02/2012 Julie Castermans, Nuno Quental Table of content and objectives 0.2 03/03/2012 Julie Castermans Integration of Aachen consortium meeting input 0.3 27/06/2012 Julie Castermans Integration of Aachen location investigation and questionnaire input 1.0 30/06/2012 Julie Castermans Finalisation & quality check 1.1 18/03/2013 Julie Castermans Inclusion minutes internal meetings, meetings with interactIVe and internal brainstorming results after first delivery in July 2012 1.2 21/03/2013 Julie Castermans Restructuring of the information 1.3 14/05/2013 Julie Castermans Inclusion of comments from CMG and updated information 2.0 19/08/2013 Julie Castermans Final version Name Date Prepared Julie Castermans 05/08/2013 Reviewed Detlef Kuck, Jean-Charles Pandazis 19/08/2013 Authorized Jean-Charles Pandazis 19/08/2013 Verified Manuela Flachi 19/08/2013 Circulation Recipient Date of submission Project partners 19/08/2013 European Commission 19/08/2013 19/08/2013 II Version 2.0 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................................................................................... 3 FIGURES ................................................................................................................................... 6 TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS .......................................................................................... 7 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...................................................................................................... 8 1. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 9 1.1. PURPOSE OF THIS DOCUMENT ......................................................................................... 9 1.2. INTENDED AUDIENCE ...................................................................................................... 9 2. OBJECTIVES OF THE FINAL EVENT ...................................................................... 10 2.1. KEY MESSAGES ............................................................................................................. 11 3. LOCATION AND TIMING ............................................................................................ 12 3.1. DEMO SITE IN AACHEN ................................................................................................. 13 3.1.1. Site set up .............................................................................................................. 14 3.2. VENUE .......................................................................................................................... 16 3.2.1. Meeting rooms ...................................................................................................... 17 4. PROGRAMME OVERVIEW ......................................................................................... 21 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. 19 NOVEMBER 2013 ..................................................................................................... 21 20 NOVEMBER 2013 ..................................................................................................... 21 21 NOVEMBER 2013 ..................................................................................................... 22 22 NOVEMBER 2013 ..................................................................................................... 22 5. LIVE DEMONSTRATIONS ........................................................................................... 23 5.1. RELEVANT LESSONS LEARNT FROM PREVIOUS SIMILAR EVENTS ................................... 23 5.2. ORGANISATION ............................................................................................................. 23 5.3. VEHICLES AVAILABLE .................................................................................................. 23 5.4. VEHICLES CAPACITY ..................................................................................................... 24 5.5. ROAD TOUR ROUTE ....................................................................................................... 24 5.1. SCENARIO PER VEHICLE ................................................................................................ 29 5.1.1. Bosch vehicle ........................................................................................................ 29 5.1.2. Volvo truck ............................................................................................................ 29 5.1.3. BMW ..................................................................................................................... 30 5.1.4. Ford....................................................................................................................... 30 5.2. APPLICATIONS DEMONSTRATED ................................................................................... 30 6. EXHIBITION ................................................................................................................... 31 6.1. MY EXPERIENCE OF ECOMOVE ..................................................................................... 31 6.1.1. Suggestions in relation .......................................................................................... 31 6.2. APPLICATIONS .............................................................................................................. 32 6.2.1. eCoMove tour planning application in simulation ............................................... 32 6.2.2. ecoBalanced Priority, ecoApproach Advice and ecoGreenWave......................... 33 6.2.3. ecoSpeed and Headway (and EcoTolling) Management ...................................... 33 6.2.4. ecoRoute Advice and ecoNetwork State ................................................................ 33 19/08/2013 3 Version 2.0 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) 6.2.5. ecoTraffic strategies.............................................................................................. 34 6.2.6. ecoRamp Metering ................................................................................................ 34 6.2.7. ecoPark Advice and ecoTruck Parking................................................................. 34 6.2.1. ecoStrategic Model & ecoEmission Estimation .................................................... 34 6.3. SMART/SURFACE TABLE ............................................................................................... 34 6.4. SIMULATORS................................................................................................................. 35 6.4.1. Volvo driving simulator ........................................................................................ 35 6.4.2. TUM ...................................................................................................................... 35 6.4.3. DLR ....................................................................................................................... 35 6.4.4. TNO ....................................................................................................................... 35 6.5. VEHICLES AS STATIC DEMONSTRATORS ........................................................................ 36 7. CONFERENCE ................................................................................................................ 37 7.1. PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME .......................................................................................... 37 7.1.1. Day 1 - November 20th, 2013 ............................................................................... 37 7.1.2. Day 2 - November 21th, 2013 ............................................................................... 39 8. OTHER IDEAS ................................................................................................................ 40 9. REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................................... 42 9.1. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS.......................................................................................... 42 9.2. OTHER REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................. 42 9.2.1. Parking for the demo vehicles............................................................................... 42 9.2.2. Catering needs ...................................................................................................... 42 Day 1 ..................................................................................................................... 42 Day 2 ..................................................................................................................... 42 9.2.3. Hotels pre-booking................................................................................................ 42 10. TARGET AUDIENCE ..................................................................................................... 43 10.1. MAIN TARGET GROUPS ................................................................................................. 43 10.2. INVITATION LIST BUILDING ........................................................................................... 43 10.3. REGISTRATION.............................................................................................................. 43 11. DISSEMINATION (PROMOTIONAL CHANNELS TO BE USED) ........................ 46 11.1. VISUAL IDENTITY ......................................................................................................... 46 11.1. BEFORE THE EVENT ...................................................................................................... 46 11.2. DURING THE EVENT ...................................................................................................... 46 11.2.1. Press conference ................................................................................................... 47 11.3. SLOGANS ...................................................................................................................... 47 12. BUDGET ........................................................................................................................... 48 13. ORGANISATION & RESPONSIBILITIES ................................................................. 49 13.1. TASK FORCE MEMBERS (21 MARCH 2013) .................................................................... 49 13.1.1. Task Force Live Demo .......................................................................................... 49 13.1.2. Task Force “eCoMove experience” ..................................................................... 49 13.1.3. Task Force Smart Table ........................................................................................ 49 13.1.4. Task Force Simulators .......................................................................................... 50 13.2. MEETINGS .................................................................................................................... 50 13.2.1. Concall eCoMove: test site and final event, 16 December 2011 .......................... 50 13.2.2. Meeting Task Force: Final event in Munich, 14 February 2012, Aachen (DE) .. 50 19/08/2013 4 Version 2.0 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) 13.2.3. Concall eCoMove - Final event: lessons learned from previous projects, 8 March 2012 ........................................................................................................ 50 13.2.4. Concall eCoMove telco to decide on test site, 13 June 2012................................ 50 13.2.5. Meeting Final event, 5 July 2012, Helmond (NL) ................................................ 50 13.2.6. Meeting Final event, 7 August 2013, Brussels (BE) ............................................. 50 13.2.7. Concall Joint final event eCoMove-interactIVe, 29 August 2012 ........................ 50 13.2.1. Meeting Final event, 4 December 2012, Berlin (DE) ........................................... 50 13.2.2. Concall Joint Final Event of interactIVe and eCoMove, 10 December 2012 ...... 51 13.2.3. Meeting Final Event interactIVe / ecoMove: visit at venue, 26 February 2013, Aachen (DE) ....................................................................................................................... 51 ANNEX I – FINAL EVENT SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE RESULTS ........................... 52 ANNEX II – MINUTES MEETING TEST SITE AACHEN ON 21 NOVEMBER 2012 .................................................................................................................. 75 ANNEX III – EUROGRESS COSTS QUOTE .................................................................... 84 ANNEX IV – FINAL EVENT RESOURCES & BUDGET FORM ................................... 92 ANNEX V – MINUTES OF FINAL EVENT PREPARATION MEETINGS AND CONCALLS .......................................................................................... 102 Concall eCoMove: test site and final event, 16 December 2011 ..................................... 102 Concall eCoMove - Final event: lessons learned from previous projects, 8 March 2012102 Concall eCoMove telco to decide on test site, 13 June 2012 ........................................... 103 Concall Joint final event eCoMove-interactIVe, 29 August 2012 .................................... 105 Concall Joint Final Event of interactIVe and eCoMove, 10 December 2012.................. 106 ANNEX VI – MARKETING MATERIAL PRODUCED TO DATE .............................. 109 19/08/2013 5 Version 2.0 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) FIGURES Figure 1: Test and demo site Aachen Figure 2: Traffic light controllers in Aachen Figure 3: Example of installation at controller Figure 4: Intersections to be equipped Figure 5: EUROGRESS front parking & entrance Figure 6: EUROGRESS entrance hall Figure 7: EUROGRESS room plan Figure 8 and 9: Brüssel meeting room Figure 10: Berlin meeting room Figure 11 and 12: Main Foyer area Figure 13 and 14: Mezzanine above main Foyer area Figure 15 and 16: Foyer area in front of both meeting rooms Figure 17: Start live demo route at Eurogress Figure 18: 30kph zone Figure 19: First equipped controller Figure 20: Second equipped controller Figure 21: Third equipped controller Figure 22: Alternative route possible though not for trucks Figure 23: Fourth equipped controller Figure 24: 70 kph zone Figure 25: End of the tour Figure 26: Alternative shorter route though not suitable for trucks Figure 27: Volvo truck driving simulator Figure 28: TNO minisim 19/08/2013 6 13 14 15 16 16 17 17 18 19 20 20 20 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 28 28 29 35 36 Version 2.0 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Definition CMS CO CORDIS D DG EC ERTICO EU FP7 ICT INFSO IP ITS No PP PU RE RSU SP VSR WP 19/08/2013 Content management system Confidential Community Research and Development Information Service for Science, Research and Development (official source of information on the FP7 calls for proposals) Deliverable Directorate General European Commission European Road Transport Telematics Implementation Coordination Organisation European Union Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (EU's main funding instrument) Information and Communication Technology Information Society and Media Directorate General of the European Commission Integrated Project Intelligent Transport System Number Programme participants Public Restricted Roadside unit Sub-project Volume Search Radar Work package 7 Version 2.0 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) Executive summary The deliverable describes the final event planning and organisation (to date), including the objectives of the event, the proposed programme of activities, the location, target audience groups, the planned communication & marketing of the event, the foreseen requirements, etc. This document is a work in progress and gets regularly updated as the various aspects are getting refined, even though in the Description of Work, only one submission is formally foreseen that reflects the state of planning of the final event (indeed the second version of this deliverable is meant to be a report on the event overall, after its completion). In view of this, the delivery date has been postponed and the deliverable updated and reworked up until the Review date for the third period (and the last one before the Final Review), to ensure that Reviewers would have the latest and most complete overview possible. 19/08/2013 8 Version 2.0 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) 1. Introduction 1.1. Purpose of this document The deliverable describes the final event planning and organisation (to date), including the proposed programme of activities, the objectives of the event, the location, target audience groups, the planned communication & marketing of the event, the foreseen requirements, best practice/lessons learnt from previous events and organising task force. The deliverable has been delayed due to conflicting deadlines and the Munich test site (initial foreseen location) issue. This first draft version of the document will be updated as organisation progresses and the final version will report on the whole conduct of the event, once completed. 1.2. Intended audience This document is aimed at the following audiences and respectively at the fulfilment of the following objectives: European Commission: to communicate the consortium’s strategy and planned activities for the final showcasing of the project results; Consortium partners: to inform about the planned activities and enable them to exercise their objection right in case their legitimate interest could be impaired; In addition, as this deliverable is public, it will be published on the project website for wider information and publicity about eCoMove final event. 19/08/2013 9 Version 2.0 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) 2. Objectives of the final event A successful research project will hopefully be followed by other research or preferably deployment initiatives. Still, a project has a life cycle of its own, and the final event represents its culmination. The main objective of the final event is to showcase the project results and to stimulate their uptake by stakeholder organisations potentially interested in market deployment, operational field trials of (pre-commercial) solutions or in further exploring the research paths left open. At the same time, building up public support – particularly among policy makers – regarding the importance and role of cooperative systems in achieving more sustainable road transport patterns, represents another overarching goal. Indeed, securing public support, even in the absence of continuing initiatives, might create the conditions for increased investments in the area in the medium-term. Results need therefore to be presented in an appealing way. They must be regarded as useful by potential users, and be linked to clear benefits for such users and for society as a whole. Results can also be explored from other perspectives. Of course, the showcase should endeavour to demonstrate the main benefits and potential of eCoMove, i.e. fuel efficiency and emissions reduction, but, for example, it would also be highly captivating and instructive to explain how the different applications actually work, how the underlying algorithms are optimized, and how the applications interact with each others. In other words: the “backstage” or inner workings of the eCoMove system. The content of this deliverable is closely linked to the discussion about how the results will be showcased. As a general guideline, different media should be used, in particular visually rich and eye-catching media such as real life demos, simulators, live stream videos, and interactive applications. Interaction with the user is crucial so he or she can intuitively and accurately perceive the benefits of eCoMove. It is a way of placing the user at the centre, allowing him or her to experience the system first hand. Another important element of the final event is the conference. It complements the demonstrations by providing participants with more in-depth and technical information about the final results of eCoMove and how they might be exploited. All these reasons make the final event a major and decisive project milestone, one that rightly absorbs a significant proportion of the dissemination resources. The following bullet points synthesize the main goals of the final event from different perspectives: What to achieve? Demonstrate the benefits of eCoMove applications to stakeholders and potential users, namely making explicit reference to the ex-ante project goal of achieving a 20% reduction in fuel consumption and CO2 emissions, and how far we have reached that figure; by Presenting, showcasing, discussing and disseminating project results to the widest possible audience; in order to 19/08/2013 10 Version 2.0 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) Stimulate the exploitation of results post-project by other research or deployment projects; and to Raise awareness among relevant players, namely policy and decision makers, public authorities and high-level industry representatives, about the importance of deploying cooperative systems to achieve significant reductions in road transport CO2 emissions. How to present results? Make use of visually rich and eye-catching media such as live demos, simulators, live stream videos, and interactive applications; Clearly demonstrate the added value of cooperative systems; Allow participants to experience the eCoMove system first hand but also to understand the “eCoMove experience”; Explain how the different applications work, how the underlying algorithms are optimized, and how the applications interact with each other. 2.1. Key messages In the context of the demonstration for the ITS World Congress, the consortium has been developing some key messages that eCoMove wants to convey to participating visitors. These messages remain valid for the final event: eCoMove technological advances aim to lower road transport emissions by targeting inefficient behaviour and strategies of private and professional drivers, logistics planners and traffic managers eCoMove unique approach is that it integrates cooperative mobility services (based on vehicle-to-infrastructure communication) in these three domains to achieve an even higher reduction target Deployment of cooperative systems is starting and eCoMove is at the forefront, supported by a multi-sector partnership involving all key stakeholders 19/08/2013 11 Version 2.0 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) 3. Location and timing The preparation for the final event actually kicked off at the end of 2011 and started being a recurrent topic in consequent consortium and test site coordination meetings. The initially considered location for the project final event was the Munich test site. Seeing the proximity of the considered test route with the BMW World premises in Munich, the latter was planned to be the venue for the event. When it turned out that the City of Munich could no longer let us use the proposed itinerary around BMW World as initially foreseen, we had to change our plans. The investigated alternatives included other locations within Munich, but also Aachen (location of Ford Research Centre) and Braunschweig (test bed for the AIM platform1) in Germany, as well as Copenhagen in Denmark (seeing the then recent order from the City to Peek for cooperative roadside units to reduce their CO2 emissions). Aachen was selected when the interactIVe project (which duration is planned to be extended until November 2013) proposed a joint final event (as initially recommended by EC during both projects negotiations) end 2013. Moreover Aachen is interesting for the topology (many slopes, which has an impact on fuel consumption and thus for demonstration eco-routing and eco-driving applications); the city authorities are supportive and three of our partners (Ford, IKA and MAT.TRAFFIC) are based there. A corresponding contract extension for eCoMove has thus been motivated and approved at the Annual Review of the project. The city of Aachen has confirmed their support, including for technical extensions of Siemens traffic controllers with Peek technology to allow communication with eCoMove systems. 20-21 November 2013 are the fixed dates, to avoid the ITS World Congress and Fall school holidays period, but also to allow a better meeting rooms configuration at the EUROGRESS venue. 1 http://www.dlr.de/fs/en/desktopdefault.aspx/tabid-6422/10597_read-23684/ 19/08/2013 12 Version 2.0 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) 3.1. Demo site in Aachen Figure 1: Test and demo site Aachen It was decided that the following test site requirements were applicable for the final event location: Site must be located in a truck-suitable area; Traffic light controllers must be switchable to fixed time; Traffic light controllers should be at least “three in a row” (or with one other in between) – the more the better; Traffic light controllers need for dynamic loop detector data to detect vehicles in order to determine queue length at intersections (TUM algorithm); Traffic light controllers should be able to request for signal phases and residual times online (at the roadside); eCoMove centre should have online access to aggregated detector data from TCC (VSR) - IDs and locations of all detectors; eCoMove centre should have either online access to traffic light states from Traffic control centre (VSR) or, in case there is almost only fixed time control, fixed time plans and “Wochenautomatik” - intersection maps with the locations of all signal heads; eCoMove centre should have access to static o-d-matrices for Aachen city area; Availability (for simulation) of VISSIM files of single intersections (preferably traffic actuated control). 19/08/2013 13 Version 2.0 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) Following that, investigations have been carried out in Aachen in relation with the corresponding aspects, with the following results: Siemens extends their controllers with short-range communication devices whereby the controller provides traffic light states and residual times. It is possible to couple eCoMove RSUs with intersection controllers to take over received messages and to send out any eCoMove specific message. It is possible to provide aggregated loop detectors data via Ethernet. To avoid additional upgrade costs, the controllers should be of type “C900/C940”. There are two recommended test tracks for V2I. Costs from Siemens side are about €10000 per intersection (including antennas, installation, calibration, tests, etc.). Figure 2: Traffic light controllers in Aachen 3.1.1. Site set up 4 traffic light controllers need technical extension from Siemens (WLAN 802.11p) at the cabinet. Installation of antennas at the masts; 4 eCoMove RSUs to be installed in the controller cabinet (or a second cabinet side by side with the controller cabinet) together with eCoMove specific communication units (shall use the Siemens antennas if possible); Installation of eCoMove central system (at Ford or IKA or MAT.TRAFFIC). Central systems might be distributed at several locations; Installation of network models on the basis of available detector and existing o-d-matrix data; 19/08/2013 14 Version 2.0 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) Connection of central system with roadside RSUs via 3G; Some mobile traffic light controllers on a parking area for demo purposes. Figure 3: Example of installation at controller All installations (collaboration of Siemens and Imtech) are scheduled for the 2nd week of September 2013. Integration tests will be performed on19th September. Thus, from end of September on, the cooperative intersections will be available for testing. The following intersections are concerned: ‐ K173 Brüsseler Ring / Lütticher Straβe ‐ K168 Brüsseler Ring / Kaiser Friedrich Allee ‐ K167 Luxemburger Ring / Ronheider Weg ‐ K165 Luxemburger Ring / Eupener Straβe 19/08/2013 15 Version 2.0 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) Figure 4: Intersections to be equipped 3.2. Venue The EUROGRESS2 convention centre was selected as it offers professional meeting facilities and services, and foremost the necessary space for both projects conference and exhibition requirements. Figure 5: EUROGRESS front parking & entrance 2 http://www.eurogress-aachen.de/en/veranstalter/raumuebersicht/ 19/08/2013 16 Version 2.0 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) Figure 6: EUROGRESS entrance hall 3.2.1. Meeting rooms Figure 7: EUROGRESS room plan The Berlin and Brüssel meeting rooms are booked for the conference while the main Foyer area will be used for coffee breaks and exhibition. The “Tagungs Trell” room will be used for the press conference. 19/08/2013 17 Version 2.0 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) Figure 8 and 9: Brüssel meeting room 19/08/2013 18 Version 2.0 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) Figure 10: Berlin meeting room The bigger Foyer area will be used for the exhibition; coffee breaks will be organised in the exhibition (as well as in the mezzanine above, next to the room dedicated to lunch arrangements) to encourage participants to circulate among exhibits. The space available for the exhibition overall is approximately 66 square meters, to be shared by both projects. 19/08/2013 19 Version 2.0 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) Figure 11 and 12: Main Foyer area Figure 13 and 14: Mezzanine above main Foyer area The area in front of both conference rooms will be used as extra exhibition space. Figure 15 and 16: Foyer area in front of both meeting rooms 19/08/2013 20 Version 2.0 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) 4. Programme overview 18/11/2013 19/11/2013 Demo dry runs EXHIBITION CONFERENCE OTHER Exhibition set up Joint plenary session Exhibition Exhibition 21/11/2013 Parallel session Exhibition Exhibition Live Live demos Technical Technical demos in in sessions sessions Lommel Aachen Dismantling Dismantling 22/11/2013 Parallel session Thursday Live demos in Aachen Friday 20/11/2013 Demo dry runs Wednesday Monday LIVE DEMOS Tuesday DAY & DATE Potential (IKA) student day Press conference; VIP and press demos Networking cocktail interactIVe final review in Lommel Legend: eCoMove interactIVe 4.1. 19 November 2013 Set up date (any shipment, e.g. simulators, arriving on 18 November can be stored already at the venue). 4.2. 20 November 2013 The conference will be a joint one with interactIVe, including a plenary with keynote speeches, panel discussions on shared topics of interest, and possible parallel separate sessions. 19/08/2013 21 Version 2.0 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) VIP from industry partners, European Commission and German or local public authorities will be invited to deliver keynote speeches at the conference but also for possible interviews with the press and dedicated demo rides during the press conference to be organized in parallel in the morning. The exhibition will run in parallel the whole day In the afternoon, eCoMove will already propose live demo rides The day will close with a networking cocktail at the exhibition. 4.3. 21 November 2013 - A programme of more detailed technical presentations on specific aspects will be proposed in parallel in the conference rooms - Transfers to Lommel for interactIVe live demos taking place in parallel - The exhibition will run in parallel the whole day (dismantling at the end of the day) - eCoMove live demos will run all day in parallel 4.4. 22 November 2013 - Live demos organised for IKA students? 19/08/2013 22 Version 2.0 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) 5. Live demonstrations 5.1. Relevant lessons learnt from previous similar events Tthe story for visitors needs to be focused on specific parts, aspects, that we highlight; We need to concentrate on a couple of applications and not try to show them all; Applications should be selected in function of targeted audience; We should focus on applications that run easy under any condition We will decide which ones to demonstrate based on any technical failure during validation and potential to really show the added benefit The integration should be carefully planned enough time in advance; The week before the event, we should be there to verify that everything is up and running; a review should take place; Each car will implement each application differently, different modalities, different displays, HMI (e.g. haptic gas pedal), and this can also be of interest for the customer; Try to build in some flexibility in the demo schedule to accommodate unexpected VIP Verification of the vehicles since Aachen will not be a validation test site so they will not have been prior the event in that context 5.2. Organisation Participants cannot drive the vehicles themselves, and for most vehicles, there will be a presenter on top of the driver. Each tour takes +/- 35 minutes3 (+ 10 minutes for change of passengers, delay due to traffic, etc). There will be more than one driver foreseen to alternate during the day. The breaks foreseen are matching the lunch and coffee breaks. On the first day, the morning and lunch time up until 2pm will be reserved for press and VIP demos, so we can accommodate 3 tours for the other participants that day (running much later than 16:30 is not advisable since traffic starts getting too busy and the last tour should finish on time for the start of the social event): 14h15 15h 16h15 On the second day, we can accommodate 10 tours: 08:30 09:15 10:30 11:15 12:00 12:45 13:30 14:15 15:30 5.3. Vehicles available 3 1 FIAT This time was measured under heavy traffic conditions around 5pm so there is a buffer. 19/08/2013 23 Version 2.0 16:15 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) - 1 BMW4 - 1 Ford - 1 Bosch - 1 Volvo truck - 1 DAF truck - 1 IKA test vehicle - 1 PTV VW Minivan 5.4. Vehicles capacity - FIAT: 2 - BMW5: 3 - Ford: 2 - Bosch: 2 - Volvo truck: 2 - DAF truck: 2 - IKA test vehicle: 2 - PTV VW Minivan: 6 So in total, the number of visitors we can accommodate in the live demo tour amounts to 273. 5.5. Road tour route A mobile traffic light will be set at the demo departure/arrival parking in front of the Eurogress entrance Figure 17: Start live demo route at Eurogress 4 5 This vehicle is also an interactIVe demo vehicle. In this vehicle only, the driver will be the presenter. 19/08/2013 24 Version 2.0 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) On the he way to and back from equipped controllers, other use cases not involving traffic lights could be demonstrated such as ecoDriving Support (e.g. speed limits, front vehicles, etc) or ecoNavigation, since the tour includes 30 kph, 50 kph and 70 kph zones, curves and slopes. Figure 18: 30kph zone 4 intersections in a row (equipped with mobile Peek traffic lights that visualize traffic management applications) send out messages and recommendations that are used for ecoDrivingSupport, ecoDriverCoaching, ecoApproach Advice, ecoGreen Wave, etc, in eCoMove trucks and cars. Figure 19: First equipped controller 19/08/2013 25 Version 2.0 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) Figure 20: Second equipped controller Figure 21: Third equipped controller 19/08/2013 26 Version 2.0 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) Figure 22: Alternative route possible though not for trucks Figure 23: Fourth equipped controller 19/08/2013 27 Version 2.0 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) Figure 24: 70 kph zone Figure 25: End of the tour 19/08/2013 28 Version 2.0 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) Figure 26: Alternative shorter route though not suitable for trucks 5.1. Scenario per vehicle6 5.1.1. Bosch vehicle On the demo trip, we will visualise the ecoCooperativeHorizon containing Traffic lights (actual and predicted states) Presence and most probable paths (if available) of eCoMove partner cars 5.1.2. Volvo truck Accelerate and brake suddenly so as to show the HMI eco Coaching advice Explain what is considered from the static map data o Speeds o Stops/roundabouts o Curves / hills Dynamic horizon data: Other equipped vehicles visible on the map section of the HMI Most probable path & route guidance o system knows we will turn left and knows the upcoming speed limit 50->30 o HMI shows SL reduction event Cooperative traffic lights: System knows we will turn left, display the state of left turning light Traffic lights sending their state (SLAM stable enough to be considered) 6 Partners are filling a table detailing the applications demonstrated and the proposed scenario on the different stretches of the route. 19/08/2013 29 Version 2.0 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) o SLAM is legal speed and we get green o Next light is red, SLAM is e.g. 30 to arrive when it turn green o We won’t be able to get next green, «soon turning red» advice Ring road at 70km/h; coasting advice when approaching 50km/h limit Priority at Peek mobile traffic light (light should turn green when we arrive) 5.1.3. BMW eCoMove: presenting eCoAssist with a eCoMove-HMI, Coasting function and C2X communication on the equipped traffic light Route: Luxemburger Ring / Eupener Straße interactIVe: presenting eDPP with an interactIVe-HMI and C2X communication after the equipped traffic light Route Luxemburger Ring / Eupener Straße driving into the Eupener Straße (B57) until Belgium border. 5.1.4. Ford Presenting ecoDrivingSupport, ecoInformation, ecoNavigation, ecoPostrip applications with eCoMove HMI and haptic gas pedal Scenarios: o Eco-friendly acceleration, coaching and constant speed driving at Traffic lights, front vehicles, speed limits, curves o Show influence of energy consumers o Show results of the trip on digital map on handheld o Demonstrate ecological routing 5.2. Applications demonstrated7 7 ecoNetwork Prediction: Online calculation of current, future and optimized network states by using dynamic data (e.g. detector and traffic light states) (tbd) ecoRoute Advice, ecoNavigation: Provide optimized routes for all vehicles in the network. Note: Validation tests probably meaningful only on the basis of model outcomes (but without real vehicle drives) (tbd) ecoApproach Advice, ecoGreen Wave: Provide vehicles that approach signalized intersections or drive within Green Wave with optimal speed information. Try to hold vehicle platoons together in order to increase the capacity of green waves ecoTraffic Information: Provide equipped vehicles with online traffic information for various purposes (3G, short range communication) (tbd) ecoBalanced Priority: eco-sensitive local TLC with prioritization of special vehicles and driver intersection approach advices (speed, lane) (tbd) ecoDriver Coaching / ecoSmartDriving: ecoDriver assistance To be updated when the table referred to in previous footnote is completed. 19/08/2013 30 Version 2.0 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) 6. Exhibition 6.1. My experience of eCoMove +/- 10 stations (some components are vital but not so important that they deserve their own booth so we can combine several ones since it doesn’t need to be fully logical) to present the hardware (roadside and vehicle side), with VISSIM in the middle (= the set up of the simulation environment), i.e. show the different elements of the eCoMove system and ending up with the effect on driver behaviour and consumption (i.e. the applications). First layer Second layer o o o o o o o o Third layer 6.1.1. Platform ecoMessages ecoMap eco Cooperative Horizon eSim/eco-driving HMI Network prediction/strategic models/eStram Applications representative of app groups corresponding to inefficiencies, e.g. driving smoothly, routing, traffic control management, static things like tire pressure, etc (see chapter 6.2) Suggestions in relation Explain what cooperative systems are about, why cooperative systems are so complicated and why we don’t have it already? There should be a recurrent poster situating the component in the context, in the system, i.e. among the overview of enablers and architecture; Visualisation of ecoMessages being transmitted (e.g. EU-US showcase at ITS World Congress 2012 in Vienna8): a message goes to the ecoMap and then goes to the ecoHorizon. Or ecoMessages should be shown coupled with applications; Ffind a way to show how the algorithms and apps work, which information they need, how they process it, how traffic flows are then improved, etc; it is not so much the messages themselves, but rather the “math” part of the apps, or their algorithms; Foresee guided tours of all “tables”/stalls/booths to help the visitor understand the framework (you get into the details of each component), and which ends up with the eCoMove system (live demos in vehicles); iPads (passing each “step” to next iPad) 8 Two vehicles exchanging EU-CAM/US-BSM will be demonstrated by means of a big LCD screen on top so that one can see what is going on inside the vehicle and actually see the message flying on the LCD screens from the one to the other vehicle. 19/08/2013 31 Version 2.0 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) In the event handbook and exhibition section, there should be a map of how to visit it, emphasizing the areas according to the stakeholder groups expected interests 6.2. Applications Stations that demonstrate briefly directions we have been working to, enabled by the components presented beforehand. For all applications, we would develop a story to tell, which explains what the applications aims to do (solve certain inefficiencies), how it works (including HMI), what the results are (show emission / hotspot levels with and without application). The emissions visualisation is something that could be useful for all applications/simulations. Both the micro and macro versions of the ecoEmission Estimation component are available to other partners, it would be good to use the same categorisation/colour coding of what are high or low emission levels. The applications should be logically bundled – several partners could share a station, which can include more than one pc and plasma screens. 6.2.1. eCoMove tour planning application in simulation Live demonstration of eCoMove tour planning process and fuel-efficiency optimizations for Aachen area. Demonstration of EN16258 conform emission calculation for freight (since Nov 2012 in place at EU level). Live demonstration of scenarios with traffic information to show the benefit of traffic information in logistics. Live demonstration of interplay eCoMove tour planning suite - mobile application (developed by PTV) and eCoMove SP4 navigation (PTV brings along tablet with dedicated app). Nokia provides the truck ecoNavigation, which can interface with ecoTPS. Through the same web-service interface, external nomadic device can be applied. In order to give participants a good user experience, PTV is developing an App based on Android OS. This App contains a spectrum of functionalities such as scanning and bar codes, send GPS position, exchange tour stop lists and status messages with back office, for example. The communication with the driver gives the logistics back office visibility and control of the tour execution. Vice-versa the driver can communicate, e.g. incident. In combination with traffic information (historic and live), the back office can readjust the operations to fit energy efficient targets. Most important is that “visitors” can fully use it and by this, experience a bit the real world. Live demonstration of eCoMove tour planning - City Logistics (web-portal developed by Telecom Italia as part of their contribution to eCoMove; the portal is a proof of concept) use case. During the delivery, participants can only touch few parts of the trip, e.g. stop sequence, route. In the whole process, we are addressing, the planning, execution and completion. In the planning phase, an optimization takes place. 19/08/2013 32 Version 2.0 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) This optimization tries to allocate stops to vehicle and trips in an energy efficient way. Depending on the order rules and constraints, e.g. bundling is enabled by postponement (flexible delivery times). Postponement makes perfectly sense in case it is combined with reliable traffic information We will look into 4 different scenarios: a planning with and without ecological optimization, including traffic information and without. The motivation is to have comparable results. Fleet of vehicles and transport orders will in all 4 cases be identical. Thus only the parameters optimization and traffic information will have an influence. 6.2.2. ecoBalanced Priority, ecoApproach Advice and ecoGreenWave Short presentations with movies of traffic simulation from TUM Visualization Tool including HMI and message visualization that show situations in which the applications make a clear difference in terms of emissions, e.g.: Show emission or “hotspot” level per vehicle (the greener the vehicle, the lower the (instantaneous) emissions, the redder, the higher the emissions); Show what advice has been given to vehicles in the simulation, and how this affects the trajectory (speeds, accelerations); Show with & without eCoMove + indication of improvement (reduction CO2); Various penetration rates / shares of truck traffic. 6.2.3. ecoSpeed and Headway (and EcoTolling) Management Short presentations with movies that show situations, in which the applications make a clear difference in terms of emissions, e.g.: Show traffic – presence of congestion/shock waves – with and without application, perhaps show emission levels instead of speed. Videos of the simulations exist and seem to be explicit, which can be used to present the interest of these two apps show with & without eCoMove + indication of improvement (reduction CO2); Various penetration rates / shares of truck traffic. Poster with process flow. 6.2.4. ecoRoute Advice and ecoNetwork State Simulation/Video of Munich and Aachen network (examples of optimized networks / desired route distribution) Support of other applications (route advice) Simulation/Video of Helmond: different views (current, predicted and desired state of traffic and emissions). 19/08/2013 33 Version 2.0 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) 6.2.5. ecoTraffic strategies Present application interaction (synergies). Demo traffic strategies and uniform control targets. 6.2.6. ecoRamp Metering Traffic simulation / video etc. showing before/after. Poster with process flow. 6.2.7. ecoPark Advice and ecoTruck Parking Visualization of web app. Demo app / video etc. Poster with process flow. 6.2.1. ecoStrategic Model & ecoEmission Estimation Short presentations with movies that show situations in which the applications make a clear difference in terms of emissions, e.g. show different views (traffic, environmental, current/predicted/desired) that would be available to traffic control centre / back office operator, show difference in hotspot severity & overall emissions between predicted and desired state. Visualisation of micro and macro versions: network emission pictures from several scenarios (with & without eCoMove app), hotspots as identified in Network State. 6.3. Smart/surface table CGI surface table as used on eCoMove stand at ITS World Congress Vienna, with an interactive Eco game. The game is 7 minutes long, with one or two gamers at the time. The gamer is responsible for an area (urban) and can pick from a number of eCoMove solutions a maximum number of these to apply in that area. The gamer that has the most effective package of solutions applicable to the area wins. The cooperative aspect of eCoMove is the focus highlighted through the game. Some solutions proposed would be a bundle of eCoMove applications. All of these should be presented in the event handbook or guide. The stakeholder category targeted is rather a municipal authority. It should be linked to the validation results so that the corresponding emission figures cannot be contested. What is happening on the smart table should be projected on a plasma screen nearby so that more people at the same time can benefit from the ongoing demonstration. 19/08/2013 34 Version 2.0 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) It is being defined if the game could be played through tablets as well and if it could be downloadable as an offline app afterwards. 6.4. Simulators 6.4.1. Volvo driving simulator Mobile simulator with eCoMove scenarios as shown in ITS Vienna Figure 27: Volvo truck driving simulator 6.4.2. TUM The eCoMove HMI can be presented by showing it in the driving simulator of TUM. People can drive it and experience what the HMI shows. 6.4.3. DLR The integrated results of the different studies will be presented on a poster or PowerPoint presentation displayed on a plasma, also presenting the different study conditions, e. g. effectiveness of the systems in urban vs. in rural conditions. 6.4.4. TNO On TNO mini driving simulator, visitors can try out the eco-driving scenario for truck driving that was tested in TNO’s truck simulator study. 19/08/2013 35 Version 2.0 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) Figure 28: TNO minisim 6.5. Vehicles as static demonstrators Nokia in cooperation with BMW will be demonstrating the full system, in two instances - one in a stationary BMW car and one on the desktop, both doing simulated driving, and cooperating with each other. ecoMessages could be exchanged between the two (depending on the easiness or difficulty of eCoMove/interactIVe V2X integration). Communication might be by wire or actual over-the-air communication. At least we should be able to generate eCoMove CAM. The eCoMap and ecoCooperativeHorizon will also be visualized in these systems. This demonstrator might be a cooperation Nokia-BMW-Q-Free-NEC as the station representing the “first layer” of the “eCoMove experience” exhibition. 19/08/2013 36 Version 2.0 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) 7. Conference The purpose of this “workshop” is to present the project final results. It will start on 20 November 2013 with an opening ceremony and plenary session including some sort of executive session with keynote speeches by VIPs. First suggestions for keynote speaker candidates include: 1. Svenja Schulze Landesministerin für Forschung und Innovation NRW (contact via Ford) 2. Michael Groschek Landesverkehrsminister NRW 3. Marcel Philipp, Major of Aachen (contact via Ford) 4. Neelie Kroes,Vice-President of the European Commission and Commissioner for the Digital Agenda (contact via Ford) 5. Siim Kallas,Vice-President of the European Commission and Commissioner for Transport 6. Janez Potocnik, European Commissioner for Environment 7. Maire Geoghegan-Quinn, European Commissioner for Research 8. Günter Oettinger, European Commissioner for Energy 9. Connie Hedegaard, EU Commissioner for Climate Action 10. Ford Paul Mascarenas + Ostendorf (Vice Presidents) 11. ImtechTraffic & Infra. CTO Klaas Rozema (eCoMove) Inauguration and tour of the exhibition by the VIPs will follow the opening ceremony. Demonstrations for VIPs and members of the press shall be organised in parallel up until lunch time or beginning of the afternoon. In the afternoon, parallel breakout sessions per project will complete the programme of the first day. The second day will be divided into two parallel streams of breakout sessions per project, dedicated to detailed explanations of specific components or aspects. The feasibility and cost of live streaming the conference on the internet, so as to reach stakeholders in the US and Japan, who will not be able to attend the event in person, is being investigated. 7.1. Preliminary programme 7.1.1. Day 1 - November 20th, 2013 Start – end time Main topic 09:00 – 09.30 Welcome coffee 09.30 – 10:30 Registration/ Networking Press Conference/ Opening Ceremony/ 10.30‐11.30 Welcome Address (interactIVe, eCoMove) Keynote speeches “Introduction to the projects, key results and lessons learnt” Christoph Kessler, interactIVe Coordinator Jean Charles Pandazis, eCoMove Coordinator 19/08/2013 37 Version 2.0 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) 11:30 – 12:30 Ribbon cutting ceremony and exhibition opening 12:30 – 13:30 Lunch, networking and exhibition Conference sessions 13:30 – 15:30 Building the future on advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) ‐ the interactIVe results (thematic presentations) eCoMove “Behind the scenes” Safety enhancement through continuous driver support ‐Development and evaluation results Integrated collision avoidance and vehicle path control for passenger cars and commercial vehicles ‐ Development and evaluation results Cost‐efficient emergency intervention for collision mitigation ‐ Development and evaluation results Impact Assessment Methodology and results Perception platform and fusion modules results Information, warning and intervention strategies Questions and discussion Summary overview of the project Facilities Communication platform ecoMessages ecoMap, Johannes Stille, Nokia eco Cooperative Horizon, Stéphane Dreher, Here State and Emission models ecoSituational Model ecoStrategic Model ecoEmission Concepts of operations: use case scenarios Passenger cars, Detlef Kuck, Ford Freight & fleet Traffic management Impact assessment Validation and assessment Approach Meta‐analysis of eCoMove results Impact of ecoInformation to the traffic system 15:30 – 16:15 Coffee break, networking and exhibition 16:15 – 17:30 Perception platform and sensor fusion in Towards deployment of eCoMove interactIVe “Frontal/Side‐rear object perception and all around track id maintenance”, Angelos Amditis, Nikos Floudas, Institute of Communication and Computer Systems, Greece “A road edge detection approach", Florian Roadmap Cost‐benefit analysis of eco systems User compliance Business models Remaining barriers to deployment eCoMove footprint: wrap‐up summary of the contribution of the project Janda, University of Passau, Germany “Realtime monocular camera based pedestrian recognition for object based fusion and confirmation”, Lali Ghosh, Delphi, Germany "Near Range Perception for Pre‐Crash Applications with Laser and Radar Sensors", Markus Schuetz, Daimler AG, Germany "Frontal objects perception and moving objects classification using laser and monovision", Olivier Aycard, University of Grenoble1 (UJF), France “Dynamic Scene Classification”, Anastasia Bolovinou, Institute of Communication and Computer Systems, Greece Questions and discussion 17:30 – 20:00 17:30 – 17:45 Welcome 17:30 Reception / Social evening & Poster Walk 19/08/2013 38 Version 2.0 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) 7.1.2. Day 2 - November 21th, 2013 08:00 – 09:00 Welcome coffee/driving demo registration (08:30 1st Shuttle to Lommel) 09:00 – 10:00 Conference sessions Evaluation and Impact Assessment of Active Safety Systems in interactIVe eCoMove Concepts of Operation Overall Evaluation Methodology in interactIVe User‐related Assessment in interactIVe: From Simulator Studies to Field Tests Safety Impact Assessment: How to calculate the impact of the interactIVe functions Legal Aspects of Active Safety Systems Summary overview of the project Pre‐requisites: overview tools & facilities Trip planning & Driver feedback Use cases Value added compared to state‐of‐the‐ art Technologies and operation Validation results Traffic signal control Use cases Value added compared to state‐of‐the‐ art Technologies and operation Validation results 10:00 – 11:00 (10:30 2nd Shuttle to Lommel) Coffee break, networking and exhibition 11:00 – 12:00 Information, warning and intervention eCoMove Concepts of Operation strategies in interactIVe Bridging the gap between driver and vehicle: human factors research in interactIVe Outlook 12:00 – 13:00 (12:30 3rd Shuttle to Lommel) 13:00 – 15:00 Lunch, networking and exhibition Conference sessions (continued) interactIVe applications and technologies Artificial Co‐Drivers as Enabling Technology for Future Intelligent Vehicles and Transportation System Driver modeling for an adaptive collision mitigation system Vehicle Dynamics Model & Path Stability Control Algorithms interactIVe Demonstrator Vehicles eCoMove “Behind the scenes” 15:00 Farewell coffee& end of conference 16:30 End of demonstrations and exhibition 19/08/2013 Summary overview of the project Pre‐requisites: overview tools & facilities Network usage, routing and parking Use cases Value added compared to state‐of‐the‐ art Technologies and operation Validation results Driving behavior Use cases Value added compared to state‐of‐the‐ art Technologies and operation Validation results 39 Summary overview of the project Facilities Communication platform ecoMessages ecoMap eco Cooperative Horizon State and Emission models ecoSituational Model ecoStrategic Model ecoEmission Validation and impact assessment: approach and results Towards deployment of eCoMove Version 2.0 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) 8. Other ideas The following suggestions have been collected from partners during the survey carried out specifically on the final event or during informal brainstorming organised during consortium meetings. They are rather ideas having to do with the general organisation of the event and not any activity in particular. Not all of them are doable for time or budget constraints, but we will try and take them into account where possible: Award (nicer, more pricy giveaways?) for the most “ecoknowledgeable” person (quiz on eco-topics, in addition to lowest fuel consumption on the driving aspect in simulators) or for the winner of the eco competition who will have gained the most credits playing at the Eco game, visiting as many stations or demos as possible, ranking top (“greenest” driver) on the driving simulators, etc o Quiz: which application do you think is most useful or saved the most energy and then they can compare their assessment with the real figures we measured o Giveaway: it would be nice if participants could actually collect/assemble something (e.g. electronics exhibit where people receive bits and pieces of an electronic device and at the end of the tour they have a working clock or something). Perhaps we could do something similar with a 3D-puzzle. At each stand the visitors receive a piece and at the end they have a cube that has eCoMove written all over it. A great advantage is that people are likely to keep the thing and place it somewhere in there office! o Exhibition: a plasma screen could display the names of the top ranking participants during the event, regularly updated based on the number of credits collected. A system needs to be defined how to record centrally new credits being added to a participant account. Participants should register first and by doing so being given a tag/bar code that is encoded with their name, so that at each station, eCoMove partners could scan the bar code and credit the participant’s account. ecoApp o Make apps for smart phones (routing, speed advice), so that people can then ride their own vehicle and experience the eCoMove system (and we can collect a lot of extra data). People from Aachen can be informed via internet or newspaper too. o For dissemination purposes only: the app would be demonstrating how the infrastructure works with trucks and other vehicles, and calculating savings if everybody in a city would use eCoMove systems o Offline version of the Eco game designed by CGI for the smart table o Other suggestion of game: participants press their finger at a point of origin and select a vehicle type. The aim is to reach the destination with the lowest emissions possible. The car follows the route by pressing/touching by the user. The road network dynamically changes 19/08/2013 40 Version 2.0 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) (colour of links). The way participants move their finger defines the score (fast acceleration, fast driving, fast deceleration, driving through congested area, etc are negatively sanctioned; ring roads are optimized so bonus points). Moreover special events can happen suddenly, e.g. heavy snow, accidents, road blocks, parking full, traffic lights, etc. Arriving at destination, player can enter your name to compete with others for the highest score. Transfer system to nomadic devices (e.g. via UDP connection) and equip cars, sent from local car dealers Involve students from technical faculties (limited number, specific faculties) in some tasks, e.g. registrations for demos Results of studies carried out to calculate exact savings, comparisons with and without systems should be published on all materials, e.g. posters, o Very important to have nice HMIs that clearly convey eCoMove benefits in terms of fuel consumption, CO2 and other emissions reduction (+ other performance indicators) to participants o Show the savings through monetary aspects of cost of petrol 9 “Green” event planning (e.g. printed material, food, energy sources, compensate the event emissions, etc)9 http://www.planetfriendly.net/promote.html 19/08/2013 41 Version 2.0 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) 9. Requirements 9.1. Technical requirements Specific requirements for static demonstrators in the exhibition (number of plasma screens of counters, desktop PCs, posters, type of internet connection required, power needs, etc) are being collected from partners. Specific requirements for the live road tour (to date) are included in the specific chapter directly. 9.2. Other requirements 9.2.1. Parking for the demo vehicles For the day and evening, when they are not on the live road tour. 9.2.2. Catering needs Day 1 Welcome coffee + soft drinks + cookies (together with registrations in front of conference rooms) During the day: soft available on a table at the back of the meeting rooms Lunch (buffet style) Coffee break (afternoon: integrated in exhibition) Cocktail + finger food in the exhibition (+entertainment, e.g. music band) Day 2 Start of the day (9:00) Welcome coffee at 8:00 Coffee break at 10:30/11:00 (Technical sessions of more or less 2 hours) Lunch Coffee break afternoon (after the two-hour afternoon technical sessions) Final/closing coffee or drink 9.2.3. Hotels pre-booking A service agency is contracted for that and a link to the hotels where quotas of rooms have been pre-booked for the participants is advertised on both projects websites event page. 19/08/2013 42 Version 2.0 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) 10. Target audience After identifying the most important target groups to be reached through the final event, eCoMove partners shall position themselves in relation with which target groups they have already established contacts to be invited or through whom to disseminate the event. We target 300 participants in total. 10.1. Main target groups Public Authorities End users Cities OEMs Policy makers Traffic planners Road operators Transport operators Logistics industry Municipalities Related projects (European and national) 10.2. Invitation list building Groups/clusters of target stakeholders, specific examples for each category and “Responsible” eCoMove partners writing down their name next to which ones they “represent” or commit to disseminate the invitation to, since part of their own specific business network (a separate template has been designed to collect such information from partners). Target stakeholders Organisations names POLIS ADAC Partner(s) 10.3. Registration It is planned to have a shared registration system between the two projects. Different systems were investigated qua costs and usability: Amiando System used by ITS Congresses EventBrite Wufoo 19/08/2013 43 Version 2.0 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) Eventually Amiando has been selected as it turned out to be the most customizable tool compared with both projects requirements (information to be collected). Ideally demo slots registration should have automatically opted out conflicting options for parallel demonstrations of eCoMove and interactIVe, but this required too advanced configuration. http://www.amiando.com/interactIVe_eCoMove_finalevent.html 19/08/2013 44 Version 2.0 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) 19/08/2013 45 Version 2.0 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) 11. Dissemination (promotional channels to be used) 11.1. Visual identity A common visual identity inspired by the two projects logos has been designed specifically for joint publicity materials concerning the event. 11.1. Before the event The materials produced this far, which can be found in annex to this deliverable, include: A postcard prepared for and distributed at the ITS European Congress in Dublin in June 2013 but also other events or opportunities both project partners have before the event A PowerPoint slide to be used by partners at the end of any presentation related to the project they will make before the event Email and website buttons/banners (to be used as advert on both projects websites and by partners in their corporate websites and publications such as newsletters, but also in their electronic signatures) A roll-up poster based on the postcard content to be displayed at events or other opportunities before the event A joint invitation letter 11.2. During the event A LED billboard and a banner will be produced by the Eurogress to be placed outside at the entrance of the venue A dedicated (guide) booklet for the event like the ITS congresses programmes The updated eCoMove project brochure to be distributed Stickers for the vehicles, Stand-up posters: general ones, topical ones in the exhibition, etc (as needed) Live streaming on the internet of the conference sessions to reach global audience not limited to Europe (if this cannot be done “live”, the sessions could be recorded and published as video podcasts on the internet afterwards) Day-by-day newsletter reporting on the event for the eCoMove and ERTICO websites (+ possibly other partners who would accept to let it published on their corporate sites) as the live blog done by ERTICO for the ETSI Plug tests10 Video of the event itself filming the two days of the event, interviewing partners on what they are showing, participants on their feedback, in the same way as the Cooperative Driving Challenge in Helmond video11 10 11 e.g. http://www.ertico.com/2nd-cms-interoperability-event-follow-it-live/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JNqHhSxlng&feature=player_embedded 19/08/2013 46 Version 2.0 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) Giveaways, for example: o Car sunshades with the eCoMove logo o Jute case for tablets o Tree seed for planting o Biodegradable mug o Eco mouse o Battery USB charger o Paperless notepad o Eco button for computers o Dynamoelectric torch o Eco counter for bikes o Tire pressure measurement/monitoring system Recycled paper, biodegradable or banana-leaf bags printed with projects logos to hand out altogether the event programme, projects brochures, a pen, a notebook, etc. 11.2.1. Press conference Organised with the local partners (and mainly Ford PR), a press briefing for journalists will take place before the opening ceremony on the first day. Keynote speakers and perhaps other VIPs can participate or we can propose to arrange interviews. Journalists will also have the opportunity to take the demos (dedicated slots are booked for them and/or VIPs) and visit the exhibition afterwards. Press packs and press releases will be prepared in relation. 11.3. Slogans Besides the key messages presented at the beginning of this document, the consortium have been brainstorming on shorter slogans as well. From all the proposals, they were asked to vote for the best ones; here is their selection by order of preference: Save time, save fuel, save money Cooperative efficiency at your service We want to eCoMove U Deploying the cooperative mindset Don’t be a driver, be an eCoMover Greener feels better Coming soon to a road near you! These can be used on the posters for example. 19/08/2013 47 Version 2.0 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) 12. Budget A reserve of about €150,000 was foreseen from project start to cover the additional costs for contributing to the final event. This budget is meant to be reallocated partly to partners, based on their specific tasks and requirements related to their participation in the final event, as these are additional tasks, not covered in their normal budget. The coordinator has collected information regarding these extra tasks and will now calculate, based on the cost claim status after the third cost statement, how much partners actually needs transferred from that reserve, in case they have remaining budget as it is. The requests collected this far can be found in Annex IV. This budget reallocation will be the purpose of the Fifth Amendment to the Contract. At this stage, other costs already defined include: The EUROGRESS quote (see annex III), including not only premises renting but also catering and equipment for the conference and the exhibition spaces Siemens offer for installation and leasing costs at the equipped intersections sums up to 38,022 € (excl. VAT). 19/08/2013 48 Version 2.0 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) 13. Organisation & responsibilities A task force was set up and convened in concalls and dedicated consortium meeting sessions from the end of 2011 on. 13.1. Task force members (21 March 2013) IP Coordination Dissemination Manager OEMs and other vehicles representatives (Bosch, Nokia, IKA) Applications SP Leaders Paul Matthias, appointed technical coordinator in Aachen Other local partners such as IKA CGI (for the smart table) Other partners involved in other components presentation (e.g. NEC, Q-Free, Nokia, TomTom, IKA, TNO) Other partners involved in simulators scenarios (Tecnalia, TUM, DLR, TNO, Volvo) Dedicated conference calls of smaller groups, for the following specific activities will also be organised for efficiency purposes. 13.1.1. Task Force Live Demo IP Coordination Dissemination Manager OEMs and other vehicles representatives (Bosch, Nokia, IKA) Applications SP Leaders Paul Matthias, appointed technical coordinator in Aachen Other local partners such as IKA 13.1.2. Task Force “eCoMove experience” IP Coordination Dissemination Manager Other partners involved in other components presentation (e.g. NEC, Q-Free, Nokia, TomTom, IKA, TNO) Applications SPs representatives 13.1.3. Task Force Smart Table IP Coordination 19/08/2013 49 Version 2.0 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) Dissemination Manager CGI (for the smart table) Thomas Benz, PTV (interaction with VISSIM) Other partners on per need basis (to give feedback on applications and scenarios suggested by these same partners) 13.1.4. Task Force Simulators IP Coordination Dissemination Manager Other partners involved in simulators scenarios (Tecnalia, TUM, DLR, TNO, Volvo) SP6 Leader 13.2. Meetings12 13.2.1. Concall eCoMove: test site and final event, 16 December 2011 13.2.2. Meeting Task Force: Final event in Munich, 14 February 2012, Aachen (DE) In the framework of the eCoMove Consortium meeting in Aachen, a dedicated parallel session was organised to brainstorm on the final event. The output of this meeting was used to draft the present deliverable and populate certain sections of it already (the proposed table of content for the deliverable served as agenda for that session). 13.2.3. Concall eCoMove - Final event: lessons learned from previous projects, 8 March 2012 13.2.4. Concall eCoMove telco to decide on test site, 13 June 2012 13.2.5. Meeting Final event, 5 July 2012, Helmond (NL) In the framework of the eCoMove Consortium meeting following the annual review in Helmond, a dedicated slot in the plenary session was organised to inform and discuss on the final event latest status. 13.2.6. Meeting Final event, 7 August 2013, Brussels (BE) Physical meeting between ERTICO and Peek, Ford and MAT.Traffic to define further a concept proposal for the event, as well as discuss issues related to Aachen location (namely Siemens, as referred to earlier in this deliverable), as a basis for first joint discussions with interactIVe. The minutes of that meeting have been incorporated in the content of the deliverable. 13.2.7. Concall Joint final event eCoMove-interactIVe, 29 August 2012 13.2.1. Meeting Final event, 4 December 2012, Berlin (DE) 12 Detailed minutes of concalls and meetings that have not been directly incorporated into this deliverable content are available in Annex IV. 19/08/2013 50 Version 2.0 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) In the framework of the eCoMove Consortium meeting, a dedicated slot in the plenary session was organised to inform and discuss on the final event latest status. 13.2.2. Concall Joint Final Event of interactIVe and eCoMove, 10 December 2012 13.2.3. Meeting Final Event interactIVe / ecoMove: visit at venue, 26 February 2013, Aachen (DE) A meeting of both projects’ organizing teams was set up at the event venue to visit it and discussion remaining decision points in relation with EUROGRESS managers. Some other points regarding the event organization were discussed as well and have been included in the deliverable directly. 19/08/2013 51 Version 2.0 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) Annex I – Final event survey questionnaire results 19/08/2013 52 Version 2.0 eCoMove - final event questionnaire 1. Name Response Count 34 answered question 34 skipped question 0 2. Organization Response Count 34 answered question 34 skipped question 0 3. Email Response Count 34 1 of 49 answered question 34 skipped question 0 8. Please choose the three (and only 3) final event slogans you find the most important (slogans should be catchy and will be widely printed and displayed). We want to eCoMove U Response Response Percent Count 25.0% 5 5.0% 1 15.0% 3 5.0% 1 40.0% 8 10.0% 2 30.0% 6 25.0% 5 10.0% 2 10.0% 2 10.0% 2 20.0% 4 0.0% 0 20.0% 4 5.0% 1 5.0% 1 15.0% 3 The future is green and is already here; don’t get left behind, become an eCoMover Coming soon to a road near you! eCoMove gears your route to zero emissions Save time, save fuel, save money eCoMove saves 20%, how much do you want to save? Cooperative efficiency at your service Deploying the cooperative mindset Cooperate together to move faster, cheaper and greener/to drive energy efficiency into transport Together to make roads greener Think smart, think green, move smart, eco move! Greener feels better Do more with less – do less for more! Don’t be a driver, be an eCoMover Help yourself and the planet by taking up eCoMove From ecoHorizon for vehicles … to ecoLanguage for drivers Move eCo - and let your car worry about how Enjoy eCo driving - your car 4 of 49 wastes fuel, not you. Make IT 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 15.0% 3 answered question 20 skipped question 14 solve it! Don't push your car – let it speak with others about eCoMoving! Let go the leash – let your car Move eCo You can't help using fuel – but you can have your car move eCo Other (please specify) 9. Which eCoMove applications or use cases should definitely be shown and given prominence to? Be specific. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5 of 49 Response Response Percent Count 100.0% 13 69.2% 9 61.5% 8 23.1% 3 15.4% 2 answered question 13 skipped question 21 12. Please rate the importance of the following final event elements. Very Somehow Not Rating Response important important needed Average Count 47.4% (9) 26.3% (5) 21.1% (4) 5.3% (1) 1.84 19 52.9% (9) 41.2% (7) 5.9% (1) 0.0% (0) 1.53 17 44.4% (8) 38.9% (7) 16.7% (3) 0.0% (0) 1.72 18 11.1% (2) 22.2% (4) 50.0% (9) 16.7% (3) 2.72 18 23.5% (4) 41.2% (7) 29.4% (5) 5.9% (1) 2.18 17 23.5% (4) 41.2% (7) 35.3% (6) 0.0% (0) 2.12 17 Essential! Real demos (including live video streaming) Simulators (eventually with some interactivity with the user) Driving simulators “Backstage” of eCoMove (eg. how messages are transmitted, how app algorithms work, etc.) Conference Static exhibition (posters, brochures, etc.) Other (please specify) 1 answered question 19 skipped question 15 13. How can participants interact with applications (eg by controlling certain factors and visualizing the effect on traffic) in order to enrich the whole final event experience and better explain the benefits of eCoMove? Which applications? How? Be specific and creative. 7 of 49 Response Response Percent Count 100.0% 7 100.0% 7 answered question 7 skipped question 27 Page 3, Q4. Which target groups do you think are the most important to reach? 1. 1 Public Authorities Mar 27, 2012 1:37 PM 2 end-customers Mar 27, 2012 8:19 AM 3 Cities Mar 26, 2012 2:10 PM 4 Researchers in the field of traffic engineering Mar 26, 2012 12:27 PM 5 Reasearchers Mar 26, 2012 10:59 AM 6 Press Mar 26, 2012 9:03 AM 7 Car Manufacturers Mar 23, 2012 1:14 PM 8 Automotive newspaper Mar 23, 2012 1:13 PM 9 ITS manufacturers Mar 23, 2012 1:10 PM 10 road authorities Mar 22, 2012 11:24 AM 11 Public Administrators Mar 22, 2012 10:39 AM 12 Information services industry (service providers) Mar 21, 2012 11:56 AM 13 OEMs Mar 21, 2012 11:11 AM 14 Policy makers on a national level Mar 21, 2012 10:44 AM 15 industrial stakeholders Mar 20, 2012 3:56 PM 16 private car drivers Mar 20, 2012 2:56 PM 17 Policy makers Mar 20, 2012 10:28 AM 18 Cities Mar 19, 2012 2:09 PM 2. 1 End Users Mar 27, 2012 1:37 PM 2 public authorities Mar 27, 2012 8:19 AM 3 System / road operators Mar 26, 2012 2:10 PM 4 local people Mar 26, 2012 12:27 PM 5 City Responsibles Mar 26, 2012 10:59 AM 6 Transportation organisations Mar 26, 2012 9:03 AM 7 Traffic Planners Mar 23, 2012 1:14 PM 8 European Commission Mar 23, 2012 1:13 PM 9 Polica makers Mar 23, 2012 1:10 PM 10 traffic industry Mar 22, 2012 11:24 AM 21 of 49 Page 3, Q4. Which target groups do you think are the most important to reach? 11 Consumers' Organizations Mar 22, 2012 10:39 AM 12 Transport operators (road, PT) Mar 21, 2012 11:56 AM 13 Decision makers (national and on EU level) Mar 21, 2012 11:11 AM 14 Policy makers on an urban level Mar 21, 2012 10:44 AM 16 truck drivers and companies Mar 20, 2012 2:56 PM 17 High-level ITS leaders from the industry and services sectors Mar 20, 2012 10:28 AM 18 Fleet operators Mar 19, 2012 2:09 PM 3. 2 logistic companies Mar 27, 2012 8:19 AM 3 Car makers & suppliers Mar 26, 2012 2:10 PM 7 Map Providers Mar 23, 2012 1:14 PM 10 policy makers Mar 22, 2012 11:24 AM 11 Transports policy makers Mar 22, 2012 10:39 AM 12 Automobile industry Mar 21, 2012 11:56 AM 14 Traffic engineers Mar 21, 2012 10:44 AM 16 planners of infrastructure Mar 20, 2012 2:56 PM 18 Private car users Mar 19, 2012 2:09 PM 4. 3 Automobile Clubs Mar 26, 2012 2:10 PM 10 traffic management centres Mar 22, 2012 11:24 AM 11 Logistics Operators Mar 22, 2012 10:39 AM 12 Logistics industry Mar 21, 2012 11:56 AM 18 Industry (The number on the left indicates prio in this case, I suppose) Mar 19, 2012 2:09 PM 22 of 49 Page 3, Q5. Which of your costumers or organizations you work with do you want to invite for the final event? 1. 1 OEMs not involved in ecoMove (french OEMs for ex.) Mar 27, 2012 1:37 PM 2 there are a lot of potential candidates. Mar 27, 2012 8:19 AM 3 City of Dortmund Mar 26, 2012 2:10 PM 4 our chair of traffic engeneering and control Mar 26, 2012 12:27 PM 5 None Mar 26, 2012 9:03 AM 6 Allianz Mar 23, 2012 2:39 PM 7 see above Mar 23, 2012 1:14 PM 8 Electrical, Electronics Systems Engineering Mar 23, 2012 1:13 PM 9 Siemens AG Mar 23, 2012 1:10 PM 10 national, regional, urban road authorities Mar 22, 2012 11:24 AM 11 5T - Torino (http://www.5t.torino.it/5t/en/docs/sistema5t.jspf) Mar 22, 2012 10:39 AM 12 Municipality of Munich (test site) Mar 21, 2012 11:56 AM 13 ecoDriver Partners Mar 21, 2012 11:11 AM 14 Several city traffic policy makers and operational managers Mar 21, 2012 10:44 AM 15 automotive and technology suppliers Mar 20, 2012 3:56 PM 16 all Mar 20, 2012 2:56 PM 17 Eurocities Mar 19, 2012 2:09 PM 2. 3 City of Dresden Mar 26, 2012 2:10 PM 8 Product Planning Mar 23, 2012 1:13 PM 10 policy makers Mar 22, 2012 11:24 AM 11 Municipality of Torino (Italy) Mar 22, 2012 10:39 AM 12 Selected Municipalities from Germany and Europe Mar 21, 2012 11:56 AM 13 Famous Partners (German project) Mar 21, 2012 11:11 AM 3. 3 City of Cologne Mar 26, 2012 2:10 PM 8 Customer Sales & Services Organisation Mar 23, 2012 1:13 PM 10 traffic management centre operators Mar 22, 2012 11:24 AM 11 Expo2015 Organizing Comittee (http://www.expo2015.org/) Mar 22, 2012 10:39 AM 24 of 49 Page 3, Q5. Which of your costumers or organizations you work with do you want to invite for the final event? 12 Automobile industry Mar 21, 2012 11:56 AM 4. 3 City of Aachen Mar 26, 2012 2:10 PM 8 Automotive Safety Office Mar 23, 2012 1:13 PM 10 environmental organisations Mar 22, 2012 11:24 AM 11 Municipality of Genova (Italy) Mar 22, 2012 10:39 AM 12 Municipality of Karlsruhe (Germany) - PTV HQ location Mar 21, 2012 11:56 AM 5. 3 City of Essen Mar 26, 2012 2:10 PM 10 fleet owners / lease companies Mar 22, 2012 11:24 AM 11 Atac (Mobility Agency of Roma) Mar 22, 2012 10:39 AM 12 ADAC - German Automobile Club Mar 21, 2012 11:56 AM 25 of 49 Page 3, Q6. Which new contacts do you intent to establish during the final event? Please name the companies / organizations. 1. 1 logistic companies - DHL, K&N,... Mar 27, 2012 8:19 AM 2 No specific ones, I am glad for every contact! Mar 26, 2012 9:03 AM 3 Toyota Motor Europe Mar 23, 2012 2:39 PM 4 see above Mar 23, 2012 1:14 PM 5 Not specified Mar 23, 2012 1:13 PM 6 Continental AG Mar 23, 2012 1:10 PM 7 i don't know yet Mar 22, 2012 11:24 AM 8 EMTA (European Metropolitan Transport Authorities) Mar 22, 2012 10:39 AM 9 Contacts to municipalities (Sao Paolo and others) Mar 21, 2012 11:56 AM 10 I have no clear list yet Mar 21, 2012 10:44 AM 11 automotive and technology suppliers Mar 20, 2012 3:56 PM 2. 1 public authorites Mar 27, 2012 8:19 AM 3 Hyundy/Kia Mar 23, 2012 2:39 PM 8 ERTRAC (European Road Transport Research Advisory Council) Mar 22, 2012 10:39 AM 9 Contacts to service providers (PTV is active in B2B field) Mar 21, 2012 11:56 AM 3. 8 UITP - International Association of Public Transport Mar 22, 2012 10:39 AM 4. 8 EPA (European Parking Association) Mar 22, 2012 10:39 AM 5. 27 of 49 Page 4, Q7. From your perspective, which are the main objectives of the final event? 1. 1 Demonstrate the ecoMove benefits Mar 27, 2012 1:40 PM 2 make people know what eCoMove is about Mar 27, 2012 8:19 AM 3 To present new eco related procedures / models for the traffic management Mar 26, 2012 2:16 PM 4 show our contributions towards green mobility Mar 26, 2012 12:30 PM 5 show potentials of the system Mar 26, 2012 11:02 AM 6 To show the capabilities of the eCoMove System! Mar 26, 2012 9:13 AM 7 Dissiminate project result Mar 23, 2012 2:51 PM 8 Dissemenation of result to public, create awareness and demand Mar 23, 2012 1:23 PM 9 sum up and presentationof results Mar 23, 2012 1:21 PM 10 Show working systems Mar 23, 2012 1:15 PM 11 to share what we have achieved in the project (applications, core technologies, eCoMove concept...) Mar 22, 2012 11:30 AM 12 To enable possible co-operations for operational field trials of ecomove solutions (pre-commercial) Mar 22, 2012 10:51 AM 13 What´s the advantage to use coopsys with ecoapplications compared to traditional means Mar 21, 2012 11:56 AM 14 show the work and the results of the project Mar 21, 2012 11:13 AM 15 Getting the eCoMove objectives visible to a wider audience Mar 21, 2012 10:47 AM 16 present the perspectives of the future in the field of clean mobility Mar 20, 2012 3:58 PM 17 showing the results Mar 20, 2012 2:58 PM 2. 1 Convince Public Authorities (to get them prepared for the needed investments and legislation) Mar 27, 2012 1:40 PM 2 familiarize peopole with eCoMove technologies Mar 27, 2012 8:19 AM 3 To show what emission reduction is theoretically achievable by co-operating specific applications Mar 26, 2012 2:16 PM 4 explain the applications Mar 26, 2012 12:30 PM 6 It is a good way to close the project! Mar 26, 2012 9:13 AM 8 Demonstrate the system to EC and to company internal senior management Mar 23, 2012 1:23 PM 10 Make systems' operations transperant Mar 23, 2012 1:15 PM 11 to show that ITS / cooperative systems can help reduce CO2 emissions and fuel consumption Mar 22, 2012 11:30 AM 29 of 49 Page 4, Q7. From your perspective, which are the main objectives of the final event? 12 To start discussions about future european research projetcs Mar 22, 2012 10:51 AM 13 Raise (public and private) road operator´s political support Mar 21, 2012 11:56 AM 14 show solutions, which are possible with cooperative systems Mar 21, 2012 11:13 AM 15 Get policy makers to ask for eCoMove solutions in their traffic management Mar 21, 2012 10:47 AM 17 coming together Mar 20, 2012 2:58 PM 3. 2 generate a green impact Mar 27, 2012 8:19 AM 8 Satisfy EC with results, pre-requesite for requesting new projects Mar 23, 2012 1:23 PM 11 to show how we've worked together to get the system working on the road and in simulation Mar 22, 2012 11:30 AM 12 To identifiy a co-operation space in mobility policy making process Mar 22, 2012 10:51 AM 13 Discuss further proceedings concerning exploitation of project´s result Mar 21, 2012 11:56 AM 14 show deployment possibilities Mar 21, 2012 11:13 AM 15 Increase the awareness of and drive for greener mobility Mar 21, 2012 10:47 AM 17 review of work Mar 20, 2012 2:58 PM Page 4, Q8. Please choose the three (and only 3) final event slogans you find the most important (slogans should be catchy and will be widely printed and displayed). 1 Make The Right Move - eCoMove Mar 26, 2012 3:50 PM 2 Learn to delegate - let your car worry about eCoMoving Mar 21, 2012 11:56 AM 3 Cooperative systems that make road transport greener Mar 20, 2012 10:31 AM 30 of 49 Page 5, Q9. Which eCoMove applications or use cases should definitely be shown and given prominence to? Be specific. 1. 1 ecoApproachAdvice Mar 27, 2012 1:42 PM 2 ecoNetwork Prediction (desired network state) in simualtion environment --> Energy map Mar 26, 2012 2:20 PM 3 all applications are important together Mar 26, 2012 12:32 PM 4 Traffic management Mar 26, 2012 11:03 AM 5 eCo HMI Mar 26, 2012 9:19 AM 6 ecoDrivingSupport Mar 23, 2012 1:30 PM 7 eco green wave Mar 23, 2012 1:21 PM 8 This totally depends on what CAN be shown. Mar 22, 2012 11:34 AM 9 eCoSmartDriving Mar 22, 2012 10:56 AM 10 Centre side applications (SP 5) concerning eCoMove focussing on eCoMap and information generation/handling Mar 21, 2012 11:57 AM 11 ecoGreenWave Mar 21, 2012 11:09 AM 12 ecoSmartDriving Mar 20, 2012 3:58 PM 13 Traffic management apps / Speed and headway management Mar 20, 2012 10:36 AM 2. 1 ecoDrivingSupport Mar 27, 2012 1:42 PM 2 ecoRouting and ecoApproachAdvice Mar 26, 2012 2:20 PM 5 eCo pre trip planing / post trip Mar 26, 2012 9:19 AM 6 ecoPostTrip Mar 23, 2012 1:30 PM 8 And how big the change in driving behaviour is - it should be visible to the audience Mar 22, 2012 11:34 AM 9 eCoDriver Coaching System Mar 22, 2012 10:56 AM 10 Logistics chain with eCoMove - from training to driving Mar 21, 2012 11:57 AM 11 ecoRouteAdvice Mar 21, 2012 11:09 AM 13 ecoDriving Support / ecoDriver coaching Mar 20, 2012 10:36 AM 3. 1 ecoTruckCoaching Mar 27, 2012 1:42 PM 2 ecoBalance priority and ecoGreenWave in simualtion environment Mar 26, 2012 2:20 PM 5 eCo Smart Driving Mar 26, 2012 9:19 AM 32 of 49 Page 5, Q9. Which eCoMove applications or use cases should definitely be shown and given prominence to? Be specific. 8 This can be in simulation (combinations of appl.), but then we probably need to develop a special scenario Mar 22, 2012 11:34 AM 9 Cooperative ecoFleet Planning and Routing Mar 22, 2012 10:56 AM 10 Simulation results of impact analysis Mar 21, 2012 11:57 AM 11 eSTRAM visualisation (if possible) Mar 21, 2012 11:09 AM 13 ecoPost Trip Mar 20, 2012 10:36 AM 4. 1 eSTRAM Mar 27, 2012 1:42 PM 9 eCoTripPlanning Mar 22, 2012 10:56 AM 10 Driving support applications for private and professional (SP3,4) vehicles Mar 21, 2012 11:57 AM 5. 1 ecoCooperativeHorizon Mar 27, 2012 1:42 PM 9 eCoAdaptive balancing and control system Mar 22, 2012 10:56 AM Page 5, Q10. Can you imagine a driving scenario that would be highly captivating? Be specific. 1 Smooth driving through urban areas with cooperative information Mar 23, 2012 1:30 PM 2 a scenario where the infrastructure and the vehicle exchange information, e.g. at a traffic light Mar 22, 2012 11:34 AM 3 just an idea: have a couple of segways equipped with tablets and run around a parking lot with temporary traffic lights to demonstrate SP 3 apporach advice, balanced priority etc. Mar 21, 2012 11:57 AM 4 Truck parking in a simulation, to show the irritation when no places are available which you could have known when you were eCoMoving Mar 21, 2012 11:09 AM 5 urban scenario Mar 20, 2012 3:58 PM 33 of 49 Page 6, Q11. Which innovative ways of presenting, promoting and broadcasting our final event can you think of? You can use your imagination! 1. 1 ecoDriving experience videos on YouTube Mar 27, 2012 1:46 PM 2 app on a mobile device Mar 26, 2012 12:36 PM 3 ecoMove Smartphone APP for Routing to the event Mar 26, 2012 11:05 AM 4 Skype, that people which are not there can ask questions! Mar 26, 2012 9:22 AM 5 Social Networks Mar 23, 2012 1:36 PM 6 Live video stream Mar 23, 2012 1:23 PM 7 I like the idea of the smart table Mar 22, 2012 11:39 AM 8 Very realistics driving simulators Mar 22, 2012 11:03 AM 9 Webcast (as anticipated) Mar 21, 2012 11:57 AM 10 A good Prezi Mar 21, 2012 11:16 AM 11 show live simulations, which can be influenced (e.g. interference in traffic management system, interference into driving style, turn of eCoMove system etc.) Mar 21, 2012 11:15 AM 12 promotion by interacting debates Mar 20, 2012 4:00 PM 13 Interactive apps Mar 20, 2012 10:37 AM 2. 2 in tv Mar 26, 2012 12:36 PM 3 ecoMove Smartphone APP combined with PEEK C2X Box for TLC Applications Mar 26, 2012 11:05 AM 4 Chat Mar 26, 2012 9:22 AM 5 Give.aways Mar 23, 2012 1:36 PM 8 3D Videos Mar 22, 2012 11:03 AM 9 Reporter style videos (going around the different topics) of a tour around the stands Mar 21, 2012 11:57 AM 10 The eCoMove game using the table PC from Microsoft Mar 21, 2012 11:16 AM 3. 9 Green event planning (eg. food sources, energy sources etc...) see http://www.planetfriendly.net/promote.html Mar 21, 2012 11:57 AM Page 6, Q12. Please rate the importance of the following final event elements. 1 "Ask the developers" session Mar 22, 2012 11:39 AM 35 of 49 Page 6, Q13. How can participants interact with applications (eg by controlling certain factors and visualizing the effect on traffic) in order to enrich the whole final event experience and better explain the benefits of eCoMove? Which applications? 1 driver support applications Mar 26, 2012 12:36 PM 2 ecoDriverSupport Mar 23, 2012 1:36 PM 3 ecoNavigation Mar 23, 2012 1:26 PM 4 This is easies in simulation, and then for most applications included Mar 22, 2012 11:39 AM 5 eCo Driver coach training system and eCo Smart Driving apps Mar 22, 2012 11:03 AM 6 Centre application - network state Mar 21, 2012 11:57 AM 7 ecoRouteAdvice, eStram Mar 21, 2012 11:16 AM How? Be specific and creative. 1 using a driver simulator like a competition (who reaches the lowest fuel consumtion?) Mar 26, 2012 12:36 PM 2 Real driving Mar 23, 2012 1:36 PM 3 simulated ride with simulated ecoMessages Mar 23, 2012 1:26 PM 4 they can choose a (validation) scenario? I don't know the appl. well enough to make suggestions yet Mar 22, 2012 11:39 AM 5 By simulators to show how different driving approachs can dramatically change vehicle effects on the environment Mar 22, 2012 11:03 AM 6 Switch on / off certain eCoMove SP3/SP5 applications Mar 21, 2012 11:57 AM 7 You can see an effect on simulated route advices if you manipulate the eStram output. Mar 21, 2012 11:16 AM 37 of 49 Page 7, Q14. Which novel ways of communication can we use to attract more participants? 1. 1 combined promotion: parallel cultural event in the city of the final event Mar 26, 2012 3:50 PM 2 app Mar 26, 2012 12:36 PM 3 Twitter Mar 26, 2012 9:26 AM 4 Newspaper Mar 23, 2012 1:44 PM 5 "Attract" not necessarily to be physically present but watch over the net as a live stream Mar 23, 2012 1:36 PM 6 social media like LinkedIn Mar 22, 2012 11:41 AM 7 Facebook / Twitter (maybe now not so innovative....) Mar 22, 2012 11:13 AM 8 Set up a series of webconferneces each focussing on one ecomove topic/application (eg. green logistics) well prior to the event and advertise final event at the end of each session Mar 21, 2012 12:20 PM 9 interactive debates Mar 20, 2012 4:01 PM 2. 1 VIP shuttle service of an important cultural event with eCoMove equipped vehicles Mar 26, 2012 3:50 PM 3 Facebook Mar 26, 2012 9:26 AM 4 Brochures Mar 23, 2012 1:44 PM 6 newsletters (not novel, but with a nice picture and good slogan it should still work) Mar 22, 2012 11:41 AM 7 Web TV Mar 22, 2012 11:13 AM 8 Advertise on trishaws (which exist in Munich) for eCoMove final event - dep. on costs and time frame as well as intended audience Mar 21, 2012 12:20 PM 3. 39 of 49 Page 7, Q15. How can we attract relevant press (big generalist and specialist) to the event? 1. 1 invite one or more (female?) polititians, artists, celebrities, etc. Mar 26, 2012 3:50 PM 2 promotion in tv Mar 26, 2012 12:36 PM 3 Telling them that they can actually try the eCoMove System! Mar 26, 2012 9:26 AM 4 Possibility to drive cars with ecoMove System Mar 23, 2012 1:44 PM 5 Invite high level politicians and Mar 23, 2012 1:36 PM 6 I'd have to ask our press officer and/or communications department Mar 22, 2012 11:41 AM 7 customizing messagges to the addressed audience - e.g. Mar 22, 2012 11:13 AM 8 Interesting Key Aspect - Personal experience should be noteworthy (eg. Segway) Mar 21, 2012 12:20 PM 9 By addressing and inviting them with a good elevator pitch for eCoMove Mar 21, 2012 11:22 AM 10 the eventual involvement of the press shall be agreed with partners Mar 20, 2012 4:01 PM 2. 1 support a social project (charity) and invite/integrate those disabled, underprivileged, etc. Mar 26, 2012 3:50 PM 3 Telling them what we achieved during the project and what has been validation! Mar 26, 2012 9:26 AM 4 Inform about key messages (e.g. fuel consumption reduction by 20%) upfront Mar 23, 2012 1:44 PM 7 Generalist: fuel costs increase, how can we save fuel without decreasing our mobility? Mar 22, 2012 11:13 AM 8 Well addressed personal invitations to local press context Mar 21, 2012 12:20 PM 9 By using the correct words in and frequency of messages on social media like Twitter Mar 21, 2012 11:22 AM 3. 4 Invite VIPs (e.g. politician) Mar 23, 2012 1:44 PM 7 Specialist: Europe drive the future of road transports Mar 22, 2012 11:13 AM 8 IMPORTANT: Demo for press and conference must be on the same day Mar 21, 2012 12:20 PM 41 of 49 Page 7, Q16. With which media/press organizations do you have good contacts? 1. 1 I have to check Mar 23, 2012 1:44 PM 2 Specialist Journals Mar 23, 2012 1:36 PM 3 I'd have to ask our press officer Mar 22, 2012 11:41 AM 4 International ITS magazines Mar 21, 2012 12:20 PM 5 NM Magazine Mar 21, 2012 11:22 AM 2. 2 To some extend consumer-oriented press Mar 23, 2012 1:36 PM 4 German press network Mar 21, 2012 12:20 PM 5 Verkeerskunde magazine Mar 21, 2012 11:22 AM 3. 4. 5. 42 of 49 Page 8, Q17. Can you define two success criteria for the final event as a whole? Be as specific as possible (eg include quantitative targets). 1. 1 number of Public Authorities representative joining a presentation/demo Mar 27, 2012 1:48 PM 2 inspire peaple for new applications Mar 26, 2012 12:37 PM 3 100 press represantives from 10 different countries Mar 26, 2012 9:28 AM 4 Positive Feedback Mar 23, 2012 1:45 PM 5 Number of high profile attendees Mar 23, 2012 1:37 PM 6 the audience does not start playing with their smartphones Mar 22, 2012 11:43 AM 7 # of articles / TV services dedicated to the event Mar 22, 2012 11:17 AM 8 Attract Main automobile operators (BMW, AUDI, VW, FORD, FIAT, SEAT, VOLVO cars/trucks, MAN and others) Mar 21, 2012 12:22 PM 9 The number of participants Mar 21, 2012 11:22 AM 10 number of participatns Mar 21, 2012 11:16 AM 11 wide audience (more than 200 participants) Mar 20, 2012 4:02 PM 12 general press coverage Mar 20, 2012 10:10 AM 2. 2 give them something they can use and take at home (app?) Mar 26, 2012 12:37 PM 3 Achieved 20% fuel saving with 80% of the people that will try the system! Mar 26, 2012 9:28 AM 4 Sucessful Demonstrations Mar 23, 2012 1:45 PM 6 traffic to the website increases substantially after the event Mar 22, 2012 11:43 AM 7 # accesses on eCoMove Web pages / twitter / facebook Mar 22, 2012 11:17 AM 8 Attract representatives of national authorities concerned with defining the ancillary conditions on national level (UK, IT, GER, FRA, BEL etc.) Mar 21, 2012 12:22 PM 9 The quality of the demo's Mar 21, 2012 11:22 AM 10 results of questionaires during the event Mar 21, 2012 11:16 AM 11 number of industrial stakeholders participants Mar 20, 2012 4:02 PM 44 of 49 Page 9, Q18. Based on your experience, refer up to three things that are a must and should eventually be repeated or further improved by eCoMove's final event. 1. 1 We need a local celebrety! Mar 26, 2012 9:30 AM 2 Test period of demonstration before event Mar 23, 2012 1:57 PM 3 Let people experience the reality they see being connected to the system's behaviour Mar 23, 2012 1:48 PM 4 ? Mar 22, 2012 11:45 AM 5 Positive messagges "greener = safer and cheaper" Mar 22, 2012 11:23 AM 6 First hand experience - be it driving simulator or other - should be provided. There must be a nice "gimmick" to attract the press Mar 21, 2012 12:59 PM 7 brochures will resutls Mar 21, 2012 11:20 AM 8 organise a conference related to the topic Mar 20, 2012 4:10 PM 2. 1 Sorry I do not have experience with this kind of event! Mar 26, 2012 9:30 AM 2 Key Messages (easy to remember) Mar 23, 2012 1:57 PM 5 To stress the use of simulators and videos Mar 22, 2012 11:23 AM 6 Neccessity to come up with an easy to understand USP distinguishing the project from others Mar 21, 2012 12:59 PM 7 small gifts (something useful), which people use everyday and will be reminded on the eCoMove event Mar 21, 2012 11:20 AM 8 create conditions to offer -quasi live- demo that are not affected by real traffic problems Mar 20, 2012 4:10 PM 3. 7 interesting presentations Mar 21, 2012 11:20 AM 8 create conditions to offer - quasi live- demo that are short enough to be offerend to a huge number of people Mar 20, 2012 4:10 PM 46 of 49 Page 9, Q19. Refer up to three things that, given your experience, should definitely be avoided. 1. 1 lengthy powerpoint presentations after lunch Mar 26, 2012 3:52 PM 2 live demos which will not work as expected because of the low penetration rate Mar 26, 2012 12:40 PM 3 Too long presentations by certain people Mar 26, 2012 9:30 AM 4 Enough persons to support demonstrators; posters, etc. Mar 23, 2012 1:57 PM 5 Demos that look trivial (e.g. show messages) without revealing what is behind Mar 23, 2012 1:48 PM 6 overlong presentations Mar 22, 2012 11:45 AM 7 to avoid strong "conference style" event Mar 22, 2012 11:23 AM 8 Avoid presenting half-baked applications (don´t go for last ditch solutions) Mar 21, 2012 12:59 PM 9 to much money spend on unuseful material such as T-Shirts, ties, jackets, stickers etc. Mar 21, 2012 11:20 AM 10 avoid long and boring demonstrations Mar 20, 2012 4:10 PM 2. 6 not enough content (too commercial) Mar 22, 2012 11:45 AM 8 Avoid going into specific details - always give the full picture of an application Mar 21, 2012 12:59 PM 9 demonstrations for a very limited number of people or with long lines for waiting Mar 21, 2012 11:20 AM 10 avoid unstable technical issues during demonstrations Mar 20, 2012 4:10 PM 3. 8 Do not show the same thing as others - concentrate on what´s new with you! Mar 21, 2012 12:59 PM 9 unconvenient location, which is difficult to travel to Mar 21, 2012 11:20 AM 48 of 49 Page 9, Q20. Do you think we should ask for a small fee from participants to attend the event? If so, how much? 1 no fee Mar 27, 2012 1:49 PM 2 100 Mar 26, 2012 3:52 PM 3 No Mar 26, 2012 2:36 PM 4 no Mar 26, 2012 12:40 PM 5 no Mar 26, 2012 11:06 AM 6 No, none! Mar 26, 2012 9:30 AM 7 No. Mar 23, 2012 1:57 PM 8 No small fee: either for free or a "real" fee Mar 23, 2012 1:48 PM 9 no, they already have travel expenses Mar 22, 2012 11:45 AM 10 No - Free of Charge Mar 22, 2012 11:23 AM 11 hmmm... I don´t think so really for different reasons: depending on the intended audience, professionals should be attracted and might be scared off and private visitors would expect entertainment if they face an entrance fee Mar 21, 2012 12:59 PM 12 The event is about sharing knowledge, in my opinion this should be free Mar 21, 2012 11:24 AM 13 no Mar 21, 2012 11:20 AM 14 this is an analysis that shall be done in a team and based on previous experience Mar 20, 2012 4:10 PM 15 No Mar 20, 2012 10:38 AM 49 of 49 Annex II – Minutes meeting Test Site Aachen on 21 November 2012 19/08/2013 75 Version 2.0 Meeting Test Site Aachen on 21st of November 2012 Meeting Date: Meeting Host: Meeting Venue: 21 November 2012 Detlef Kuck (Ford) Site inspection Participants: Bernhard Steindor Axel Wienert Detlef Kuck Philipp Themann Paul Matthias Eric Koenders Aachen Siemens Ford IKA Mat.traffic Peek Minutes 1 Intersections K173 K168 K165 K167 Figure 1 - The test site in Aachen Four intersections have been identified which combine a good eCoMove location with a Siemens controller that can be equipped with the required interface. These intersections are shown in Figure 1. -1- Aachen Meeting 21 November 2012, v01 The selected intersections are equipped with access hatches, through which tubes under the road can be reached where the required cabling can be added, see Figure 2. Figure 2 – Access hatch to the cable tubes -2- Aachen Meeting 21 November 2012, v01 1.1 K173 Brüsseler Ring / Lütticher Straβe B B A A The best location for the 802.11p antenna at this location is location A. If this is not possible location B is the second best alternative. -3- Aachen Meeting 21 November 2012, v01 1.2 K168 Brüsseler Ring / Kaiser Friedrich Allee A A The best location for the 802.11p antenna at this location is location A. -4- Aachen Meeting 21 November 2012, v01 1.3 K167 Luxemburger Ring / Ronheider Weg A A The best location for the 802.11p antenna at this location is location A. -5- Aachen Meeting 21 November 2012, v01 1.4 K165 Luxemburger Ring / Eupener Straβe A The best location for the 802.11p antenna at this location is location A. -6- Aachen Meeting 21 November 2012, v01 2 Roadside equipment At the roadside two units have to be added which together form the Road Side Unit (RSU). These units are: • the 802.11p router unit, which contains the radio and protocol stack, • the host computer, which will execute the eCoMove software and which interfaces with the traffic controller. The router unit is shown in Figure 3. It has to be mounted high in a pole (the best height is between 4 and 6 meters above the street) where the antenna is visible from the eCoMove test road (line of sight). Often an extension pole can be used on top of an existing traffic light pole. Figure 3 - the RSU router The host computer is a small embedded PC which can be placed in a small pole mounted cabinet (300 mm x 400 mm x 200 mm), as shown in Figure 4. Figure 4 - A pole mount cabinet The connection between the host computer cabinet and the router unit is via Ethernet (which includes the power for the router). The host computer needs a power connection (either 230V AC or other values upon request) and an Ethernet cable to the Siemens traffic controller. -7- Aachen Meeting 21 November 2012, v01 2.1 Interface between Siemens and Peek equipment In Figure 5 the final situation is sketched. The existing Siemens traffic controller connects to the Peek host computer cabinet through two cables: a power cable and an Ethernet cable. PEEK router Pole extension PEEK host computer cabinet Existing Siemens traffic controller Existing traffic light Ethernet cable Power cable Figure 5 - Situation sketch The Siemens controller provides information on the state of the traffic lights. This information is handed over to the host computer (via the Ethernet connection) where it is processed by the eCoMove software. ECoMove messages are sent to approaching vehicles via the radio in the router unit. The traffic light information is provided through a Siemens protocol. Once a description of the protocol is provided by Siemens it will be implemented by Peek and installed on the host computer. -8- Aachen Meeting 21 November 2012, v01 Annex III – EUROGRESS COSTS QUOTE 19/08/2013 84 Version 2.0 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) Annex IV – Final event resources & budget form SP2 Partner Description of tasks/role Exhibition Live demo Application Q‐Free NEC TomTom? IKA cooperative Traffic Signals in Aachen IKA eSiM CGI Resources PM Budget specific equipment Description costs (partly) for traffic signals for the final event 0 Total SP2 8 8 other cost EUR Description 1921 Partner Application eCoMove Car; ecoAssist, Coasting and C2X Communication 19/08/2013 Description of tasks/role Exhibition Live demo second Vehicle for the eCoMove Car for the exhibition presentation 92 Resources PM Budget specific equipment Description For the Exhibition Car is special HW+SW necessary EUR 0 0 1940 3861 0 SP3 BMW exhibition of poster and video demonstrating eSiM Smart table Eco game other cost EUR Description 1500 Version 2.0 EUR 1500 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) Partner CRF Application ecoSmartDriving Description of tasks/role Exhibition Live demo Dynamic exhibition of one demonstrator vehicle Resources Budget specific equipment PM Description 3 ecoSmartDriving solution adaptation to the test site (eHorizon without maps) ‐ Tests in loco Ford Overall planning Exhibition of poster and and organization of video demonstration vehicle demonstrations Demonstrate ecoDrivingSupport, ecoInformation, ecoNavigation, ecoPostTrip eCoMove Car for the presentation 4 Additional hardware for demonstration vehicle necessary Bosch ecoNavigation, ecoCoopHorizon ecoNavigation demo 1 NAVTEQ/ HERE ecoAssist and ecoRouting‐Micro ecoCooperativeHorizon (with Ford, BMW(?), CRF(?), Navteq(?)) in cooperation with (probably) PTV 0,7 ‐ in‐car computer for the van (500€) ‐ GPS receiver (50€) ‐ eCoMove V2X communication unit (?) ‐ in‐car screen 17"‐20" (250€) ‐ DC/AC converter (50€) other cost EUR Description 30000 demo vehicle transportation to Aachen 1500 Subcontracting for: ‐ Preparation for Live Presentation ‐ Animation, Graphics, Posters ‐ Exhibition on‐ site presentation 850 93 EUR 8000 5080 19/08/2013 Version 2.0 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) Partner Application NAVTEQ/ HERE Description of tasks/role Exhibition Live demo Static exhibition of two eCoMove/interactIVe systems cooperating with each other CTAG IKA Ford ecoDriving support in ika Ford vehicle 19/08/2013 equipment of Ford Transit with useful HMI and implementation of Ford ecoDriving support implementation of communication box into vehicle and configuration of messages investigate possibility to connect to CAN bus to obtain more accurate speed signal compared to GPS only 94 Resources Budget specific equipment PM Description 3 ‐ in‐car computer (500€) ‐ desktop screen 17"‐20" (250€) ‐ in‐car monitor for multi‐ monitor setup (250€) ‐ desktop for table demo (300€) ‐ interactIVE communication devices (?) ‐ C2C antenna (?) ‐ battery charger (150€) ‐ exhibition equipment (100€) 2 other cost EUR Description 1550 Car preparation and eCoMove stickers: 100€ Fuel for tests and final event: 250 € Version 2.0 EUR 350 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) Partner IKA Application eSiM with ika ecoDriving Suppport 19/08/2013 Description of tasks/role Resources Budget specific equipment Exhibition Live demo PM Description implementation of eSiM in 3 demonstrator vehicle setup of communication devices in demonstrator vehicle and related software components implementation and verification of ecoMessages (CAM) in demonstrator for other demonstrators to show cooperative effect design and implementation of ika ecoDriving Support application using eSiM output only implementation of suitable HMI in demonstrator to visualize eSiM equipment of second vehicle with communication device as reference for other demonstrators and verification of compliance to eCoMove messages Total SP3 16,7 95 EUR other cost Description 2X communicat ion devices with antennas etc. 400€ + Fuel for tests and final event: 250 € 35.400 EUR 650 Version 2.0 15.580 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) SP4 Partner Volvo Application ecoDriverCoachi ng on trucks Volvo EcoDriverCoachi ng on simulator DAF ecoDriverCoachi ng on trucks 19/08/2013 Description of tasks/role Resources Budget specific equipment Exhibition Live demo PM Description Equipped vehicles taking on‐ 3 board participant in a tour on the RSU‐equipped roads. Trip profile during the demo could be viewed on the back‐ office application in the exhibition area Tractor from Sweden will be used. Foreseen integration sessions in Aachen Mobile simulator with eCoMove scenarios as show in ITS Vienna 1 update of simulator with latest ecoDriverCoaching applicaiton Equipped vehicles taking on‐ board participant in a tour on the RSU‐equipped roads. DAF truck has space for max 2 visitors (driver + presenter + 2 seats) .ecoDriverCoaching, and if possible Navigation. Volvo will rent a truck locally and install the eCoMove system (to solve the license plate problem) 96 3 EUR other cost Description vehicle rig cost (200SEK/h) truck shipment cost travel cost for integration session in Aachen shipment costs EUR 6000 vehicle cost truck driver cost travel cost for integration session in Aachen 6000 Version 2.0 1000 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) Partner PTV Description of tasks/role Application Tour planning City Logistics Telecom Italia Tour planning City Logistics Resources Budget specific equipment Exhibition Live demo PM Description Live demonstration of eCoMove tour planning process and fuel‐ 1,5 efficiency optimizations for Aachen area. Demonstration of EN16258 conform emission calculation for freight (since Nov 2012 in place at EU level). Live demonstration of scenarios with traffic information to show the benefit of traffic information in logistics. Live demonstration of interplay eCoMove tour planning suite ‐ mobile application (by PTV) and eCoMove SP4 navigation (PTV brings along tablet with dedicated app). Via the app visitors can experience daily operations feeling (scan orders, report statuses, send and get trip updates, e.g. due to additional stops or traffic congestions). Live demonstration of eCoMove tour planning ‐ City Logistics use case. Solution will be hosted at PTV and be deployed via Citrix client, no installation needed, PTV support during the event week. Demonstration of the tour planning process and fuel‐efficiency optimizations. Interconnection with City Logistics portal typical back‐office demonstration, need (fast) internet connection, big screen 19/08/2013 Total SP4 97 8,5 other cost EUR Description EUR 0 Version 2.0 13.000 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) SP5 Partner TUM Application ecoRoute Advice Description of tasks/role Exhibition Live demo Combined with ecoNetwork Possible for predefined origin‐ State of MAT (see below) destination pairs, based on TPEG. Static detour recommendations (TEC) should be feasible too. (eventual together with NAVTEQ to show the connection to SP3) Traffic simulation / video etc. showing before/after. TUM: Visualization Tool TUM ecoGreen Wave TUM ecoBalanced Priority Traffic simulation / video etc. showing before/after. TUM: Visualization Tool TUM ecoApproach Advice Traffic simulation / video etc. showing before/after. TUM: Visualization Tool including HMI and message visualization Peek ecoApproach Advice 19/08/2013 SLAM, ITM and TSPDM broadcast. Installation, configuration, testing, demonstration at event. 98 Resources Budget specific equipment PM Description 0,5 Demo preperation for TPEG RMR from the Munich test site 0,5 Extension of visualistion tool, capturing videos simulation, support of partners using the tool 0,5 Extension of visualistion tool, capturing videos simulation, support of partners using the tool 0,5 Extension of visualistion tool, capturing videos simulation, support of partners using the tool 2 Hardware acquisition other cost EUR Description 4949 4949 EUR 4949 4949 Contracting for service for visualization tool, according to our correspondence from 12/03/2013 (is billed as PM) 10000 Transportati on cost Version 2.0 1500 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) Partner Peek Peek Peek Peek Peek Peek Vialis PTV Technolut ion TNO TNO TNO Application ecoAdaptive Traveller Support ecoBalanced Priority ecoGreen Wave ecoBalanced Priority ecoApproach Advice ecoTraffic Strategies ecoRamp Metering ecoRoute Advice ecoPark Advice Description of tasks/role Resources Budget specific equipment Exhibition Live demo PM Description TEC broadcast (if content provided by PTV and/or Navteq) Green priority & TSPDM on arrival at eurogress after demo Traffic simulation / video etc. showing before/after. Possibly using TUM visualization tool. Traffic simulation / video etc. showing before/after. Possibly using TUM visualization tool. Traffic simulation / video etc. showing before/after. Possibly using TUM visualization tool. Present application interaction (synergies). Demo traffic strategies and uniform control targets. Traffic simulation / video etc. showing before/after. Poster with process flow. Combined with ecoNetwork State of MAT (see below) Visualization of web app EUR 0,5 0,5 0,5 1 0,5 Traffic simulation / video etc. showing with & without eCoMove + indication of improvement (reduction CO2). Various penetration rates / shares of truck traffic. 0,95 ecoApproach Advice ecoSpeed and Headway See under ecoBalanced priority (same demo) Traffic simulation / video etc. showing with & without eCoMove + indication of improvement (reduction CO2). Various penetration rates. 99 0,5 ecoBalanced Priority 19/08/2013 EUR other cost Description 0,95 Travel and subsistence costs Travel and subsistence costs Version 2.0 300 300 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) Partner TNO Application ecoNetwork State (SP5/SP2) TNO ecoEmission Estimation ASFA ASFA ecoSpeed and Headway ecoTruck Parking ecoTolling MAT.Traff ic ecoNetwork State MAT.Traff ic Aachen Final Event site leader ASFA Description of tasks/role Exhibition Live demo ‐ Simulation/Video of Helmond: different views (current, predicted and desired state of traffic and emissions). Resources Budget specific equipment PM Description 0,95 Visualisation of micro and macro versions: network emission pictures from several scenarios (with & without eCoMove app), hotspots as identified in Network State. Traffic simulation / video etc. showing before/after. Poster with process flow. Demo app / video etc. Poster with process flow. Traffic simulation / video etc. showing before/after. Poster with process flow. ‐ Simulation/Video of Munich and Aachen network (examples of optimized networks / desired route distribution) ‐ Support of other applications (route advice) Related to vehicle demo tours through Aachen. Total SP5 EUR 0,95 other cost Description Travel and subsistence costs EUR 300 Travel and subsistence costs 1,5 1 13,8 29.796 300 2.700 SP6 Partner DLR Application ecoDriving Applications 19/08/2013 Description of tasks/role Exhibition Live demo Driving simulator (Exhibition Demonstration) Resources Budget specific equipment PM Description EUR 0,5 ‐ ‐ 100 other cost Description costs for transportati on Version 2.0 EUR 1300 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) Partner TNO Application ecoDriving Applications (SP6!) TUM ecoAssist and HMI Description of tasks/role Exhibition Live demo Driving simulator with ecoDriving Support scenario for truck driving. car driving simulator with scenarios showing HMI 2 19/08/2013 Resources Budget specific equipment PM Description 0,3 Total SP6 101 2,8 other cost EUR Description Travel and subsistence costs (including rental van for simulator transport) 0 Transportati on costs (rental for van) for simulator and travel costs for student assistant to help at the construction and dismounting the simulator in Aachen 0 Version 2.0 EUR 1000 2000 4.300 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) Annex V – Minutes of final event preparation meetings and concalls The preparation for the final event actually kicked off at the end of 2011 and started being a recurrent topic in consequent consortium and test site coordination meetings. During the first year of the eCoMove project, it had been decided that the Munich test site would also be the final event location. Seeing the proximity of the considered test site with the BMW World premises in Munich, it was considered as the adequate venue for the event, providing all required facilities and a pre-booking was made for tentative dates in June 2013 (pending on the approval of the request for contract extension). The possible collocation of the event with the annual MobilTUM conference was also investigated. Concall eCoMove: test site and final event, 16 December 2011 at least 5 vehicles should be present (CRF, BMW, Ford, Volvo and DAF), the logistic company with which we are in discussion (see below) may also have 1 truck, but could provide 5 vehicles for the testing period Currently foreseen “test track” is located on roads around BMW World, assuming this is the location of the event (so we first need to secure it, see which date it is available at and this will determine the selected date of the final showcase). MobilTUM conference 2013: proposal that once we know the dates we want, we could ask them to hold their annual conference in parallel to drag more people. Other event to potentially hold it in parallel with is Transport Logistics (4-7 June 2013) The new logistics company (AR recycling) will provide one truck for final event: question of how to include them in project (full standing partner or subcontractor) to be investigated with EC by ERTICO. Their planning experience (of the eCoMove tour planning application) could be demonstrated, either as a static demo, e.g. on a PC in the “exhibition” part of our event, with case studies (e.g. snowy weather leading to congestion having an effect on routing); there could also be a link with the live demo: planning orders sent to the trucks involved in the live demo) while visualising the position of trucks in eco tour planning (map?). A possibility could be “site/technical visits” to a traffic management centre where visitors could see eCoMove-related data (30 minutes “excursion”); another possible “excursion” could be to the logistics company premises. Partners shall come up with a few lines description of scenario proposal for these different options. The discussion will continue during the CMG meeting in Rotterdam in January. Concall eCoMove - Final event: lessons learned from previous projects, 8 March 2012 BS - Good story for the people for the people that are coming - In eCoMove the apps are integrated with the vehicles so this is an advantage in relation to CVIS - Week before we should be there in the venue to test everything (verification at the place needed) 19/08/2013 102 Version 2.0 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) - Media need a specific day for them - Be careful with agenda conflicts; VIPs are not special...; good planning is needed JC - Less apps but working and integrated than more but not working - We expect 300 people - We need posters that are attractive for people (with nice images, etc.) - Live blogging during the event - We'll now mainly preparing the plan for the final event FK - Sexy apps with a story for them - Highlight significant aspects - Large tour to show many apps or concentrate on some apps?NG - Very important to specify the target groups - Choose applications - Everything should gravitate around "eco" DK - Do not forget that different cars might have different implementations of some apps - Not try to couple too many the cars (each car has a different story and people will have a different expectation in each car) ZJ - We are underestimating the importance of important media partners at event - Find good contacts within relevant media - Prepare a press package - Flexibility in the demonstration schedule - We need a strategy for internet - Involve marketing departments from all partners NQ - Important to have high-level people at the event - We need a questionnaire related to the final event whose answers might have an impact on the event (e.g. OEM strategies, if they want to have clients at the event, target groups, etc.) - For the final video, shoot also some "making of" scenes during verification and validation? LI - Video from SARTRE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4A4iIoBcCA CJ - We need a specific verification for the final event (from April 2013 onwards) - We need an excellent scenario at the final event Concall eCoMove telco to decide on test site, 13 June 2012 19/08/2013 103 Version 2.0 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) Need for another test site Bosch and CRF are not able to come to Helmond for the validation phase, therefore a test site in Germany is necessary for them to test their cooperative applications we cannot validate in Munich cooperative applications with roadside units, but Munich test site remains for applications using 3G communication as well as TPEG data at the intermediate review, the EC and the reviewers insisted to have two major on field validation site (Helmond and Munich), if we now reduce the capability to validate in Munich, we should propose an alternative. After this discussion it came clear that we need another test site for validation. This will be also discussed by JCP with the Project Officer. Location of this new test site Braunschweig proposed by DLR is ready, should be adapted to eCoMove for the ecoMap and cost should be minimum as DLR is ready to pay for the nonfunded part. City is supporting this test site. The test site is very well equipped and Lars mentioned that DLR is also ready to adapt if necessary the test site to eCoMove requirements. Aachen is proposed by FFA which had already with MAT TRAFFIC and IKA first discussion with the city which is very positive. Technical solution for linking Siemens controller with Peek RSU has been made. It seems that data from Siemens controller can be retrieved; it includes loop data for queue length estimation. From last Steering Committee (15.05.2012), we know that the interactIVe project will have its final event in Aachen and that the EC wants eCoMove to have a joined final event with Interactive (as mentioned in our DoW). We also know that our project is delayed currently with its development by 3 Months and that validation may require more time than expected, so for eCoMove to have its final event in fall 2013 would be possible. At that time there is also in Aachen the IKA International Automotive Congress with more than 1000 participants. JCP will send requirements for the test site that were prepared for Munich to the meeting participant and Pablo will send a link to the last version of the document presenting the validation scenarios. From this discussion, although Brauschweig has very strong arguments, Aachen is better suited as it will also be the site for the final event. This is a pre-decision that will depend on the discussion with the city of Aachen and Siemens. In Aachen FFA, IKA and MAT TRAFFIC are involved in these discussions, which are currently lead by FFA. Cost and milestones This is the critical part of having a new test site, Braunschweig is almost ready with minimum costs, and for Aachen only first discussion have taken place and we cannot enter in a process that will last as long as it was with the city of Munich. In Aachen the cost issue is more difficult and proposal is to share cost among partners involved in the test site. 19/08/2013 104 Version 2.0 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) Following the pre-decision mentioned above, FFA (with MAT TRAFFIC and IKA) will continue discussion with the city of Aachen based on the requirements sent by JCP. MAT TRAFFIC already received a proposal from Siemens for the costs to link their controllers to Peek RSU. JCP goal is to come to the Y2 Annual Review with a draft proposal for the new test site. This should be ready by June 29th. The test site should be ready by the end of October at the latest. Concall Joint final event eCoMove-interactIVe, 29 August 2012 Objective of the call: discuss first draft schedule, date and location The Aachen Colloquium "Automobile and Engine Technology" (the 2013 edition is taking place on 7 to 9 October), which is co-organised by IKA partner, has become the largest automotive and engine technology congress in Europe. Consequently initial proposed dates for a combined eCoMove and interactIVe final event were 9-1011 October 2013: on 9 October, we would start with demo rides and exhibition, while the programme of 10 October would be entirely dedicated to the presentation of results in a joint conference with interactIVe (which was originally planning to make use of 10-11 October only); the last day being a Friday, we thought we could only foresee a half-day programme of additional demonstration slots. The proposed collaboration with the Colloquium included eCoMove presentations to be included in the programme of the Aachen Colloquium, and demonstration drives in eCoMove vehicles to be offered to Colloquium participants on Tuesday 8 October. Draft planning suggestion from eCoMove Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 07/10/2013 08/10/2013 09/10/2013 10/10/2013 Colloquium eCoMove exhibition (Eurogress) eCoMove demo registration for colloquium participants eCoMove demo dry run eCoMove demo for colloquium participants eCoMove demo for joint event participants Joint event networking dinner eCoMove demo for press and VIPs Friday 11/10/2013 eCoMove demo for joint event participants - HALF DAY eCoMove - interactIVe interactIVe joint workshop demos? eCoMove interactIVe track track However it turned out that the EUROGRESS was exclusively booked for the Colloquium until the Thursday (for their dismantling). The only option for our exhibition would be to rent space at 290€ + taxes per square meter in the framework of the Colloquium’s own exhibition, which would be dismantled on Thursday 10. Other possible venues have been investigated (Ford own premises in Aachen, the meeting centre SuperC of the RWTH Aachen University, the Town Hall 19/08/2013 105 Version 2.0 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) Krönungssaal) but all were too small for both projects needs in terms of meeting rooms for the conference and exhibition space. FFA premises might be too small for both projects seeing that there is only one auditorium and then smaller meeting rooms and perhaps not enough exhibition space for both projects SuperC as alternative location –EICT to circulate info about it Initial plan interactIVe event on Thursday-Friday because of dismantling of Colloquium (in case Eurogress were the event location); now Wednesday-Thursday (and possibly also Friday half-day) is also considered. Finally one last issue was that the Aachen Colloquium had pre-booked most hotel rooms in Aachen until Thursday 10 October. interactIVe has no current plan for press demos and in parallel to workshop is not convenient for them as presenters would be the same both for press and workshop presentations interactIVe proposal for networking dinner would rather be on the Thursday evening than the Wednesday. Both projects have their own visual identity, which they shall use for their specific material, but maybe a specific identity for the joint event should be created (ERTICO has an internal designer who could do it in case there is no budget) for common material such as e.g. event handbook or buttons for electronic signature, etc. interactIVe SPL meeting in Berlin until Thursday next week, so Arie Etemad and Jean-Charles should maybe speak together after that. Ideally the date should be fixed for ITS Vienna congress to start promoting it there already. Concall Joint Final Event of interactIVe and eCoMove, 10 December 2012 Decision of date for Final Event: 19th – 22nd ->if our questions could be answered in a positive way Arguments: Nov. 19 – Nov. 21 -> Room BERLIN could be divided -> no 11th of November (holiday) -> Foyer -> 200 qm -> eM = huge exhibition -> Minimum 200 qm 5-6 simulators / Dates to announce (if all questions at EUROGRESS are fixed): 20 and 21 of November 2013 Location: EUROGRESS Questions for EUROGRESS / Scholen: 1. Enter for 19 for set up? ANSWER: yes 2. Shipping address = EUROGRESS?- > Boxes for simulators will arrive on Monday -> could they be stored? -> (otherwise Ford, than additional transfer) -> ANSWER: 18th could be used to store all boxes 3. Berlin additional exhibition areas between? ANSWER: maybe, to be discussed at meeting of 26.02.13 4. Catering could be offered in one Berlin Room Segment? ANSWER: maybe, to be discussed at meeting of 26.02.13 19/08/2013 106 Version 2.0 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) 5. How much space do they need for the catering -> space to sit and eat? ANSWER: Catering could be organized outside the, several options to be discussed at meeting of 26.02.13 6. 18 it’s booked? -> ANSWER: reserved for interactIVe + eM 7. 19th the Berlin -> Room is booked? Could we set up? -> ANSWER: is free – only the huge venue is booked with a concert, yes, we could set up. 8. Splitting the costs into 2 invoices -> Handling? Ertico prefers two contracts. ANSWER: yes several options to be discussed at meeting of 26.02.13, Ford will get an offer in advance with all cost, then we tell them how to handle and they arrange it. 9. Send an offer with all components and costs -> will be done by EUROGRESS to RFA Phonce Call Anja Winzer with EUROGRESS at 11th of December 2012, Ms Röser (-> Mr Scholen was ill) 18.11. -> reserved for iA + eM -> Foyer usable 19.11. -> Free for Set Up 20.11. -> Berlin / Brüssel 21.11. -> Berlin / Brüssel Next meetings: 26th of February in Aachen at EUROGRESS to visit the venue and discuss all issues > reserved at EUROGRESS -> has to be confirmed at 7th of January 2013 by Mr Scholen (he is ill at the moment). PLANNING Arrival of Shippings (Mondays) 1 Setup Day ->19.11.13 1 Conference Day + Exhibition-> 20.11.13 1 Homebase day for demos and transfers (eM: Aachen / interactIVe: Lommel) + Exhibition + Workshops -> 21.11.13 [EC-Review-Day for interactIVe at Lommel] Actions: 1. DONE -> Anja clarifies questions with EUROGRESS 2. Demo list for the exhibition -> eM + iA 3. Aria will book the reservation 4. DONE -> Physical meeting for February -> after Carnival (19 of February) -> End of January no availability at Ertico -> Aachen with visit 26th -> reserved by Anja via phone call 5. List the topics we need to present -> eM + iA 6. Proposal for a joined Logo for joined communication by a / unify both Logos in a nice context 7. DONE -> Anja: send the Logo of interactIVe; 8. Example of a joined logo send by Julie 9. ANJA: reserve hotel rooms Concept ideas: Welcome session 19/08/2013 107 Version 2.0 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) 1 joined thematic session Separate sessions: -> safety + eco – > in parallel? Pros: … cons: … eM: Video streams / Video records of the conference (for Japan, US) Aria: no parallel sessions -> give the people time to visit the exhibition Conference Set Up: eM: 1 day for set up for static demonstrator, shipping companies -> example: Vienna -> 70 sqm one car, 1 simulator, 1 table Anja: Conference Office -> Set Up already in the morning eM: needs Mo and Th as Set Up day for Driving Demo -> interactIVe: demo owners will be the week before -> 19/08/2013 108 Version 2.0 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) Annex VI – Marketing material produced to date Ppt slide 19/08/2013 109 Version 2.0 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) Email and website buttons/banners Figure 29: Email and website buttons Figure 30: Flash banner rotating with location + date information in web browser 19/08/2013 110 Version 2.0 D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) A postcard prepared for and distributed at the ITS European Congress in Dublin in June 2013 but also other events or opportunities both project partners have before the event 19/08/2013 111 Version 2.0 This is the final event 20-21 November 2013 EUROGRESS, Aachen (Germany) Projects co-funded and supported by the European Union The European research project interactIVe has developed the next generation of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems for safer and more efficient driving on the way to accident-free traffic. In addition to this, the European research project eCoMove has successfully developed cooperative systems and applications for eco-driving, eco-logistics planning and eco-traffic management. Now, after four years of leading research, we cordially invite you to find out more about these new solutions and to experience clean, green and safe driving applications in several demonstration vehicles. The results of the two projects will be presented during a dedicated conference and live demonstrations on 20-21 November 2013 in Aachen, Germany. interactIVe’s advanced functions will be demonstrated during driving sessions at the Ford Proving Ground in Lommel, Belgium, while eCoMove vehicles will take you on an eco-drive through Aachen. Technical presentations and a joint exhibition will give a further insight into each of the projects’ systems, taking visitors on a comprehensive, state-of-the art, cooperative ITS experience. Don’t miss this event! For further information: interactIVe www.interactive-ip.eu Anja Winzer: [email protected] Evi Brousta: [email protected] eCoMove www.ecomove-project.eu Julie Castermans: [email protected] D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) A roll-up poster based on the postcard content to be displayed at events or other opportunities before the event 19/08/2013 114 Version 2.0 This is the final event 20-21 November 2013 EUROGRESS, Aachen (Germany) The European research project interactIVe has developed the next generation of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems for safer and more efficient driving on the way to accident-free traffic. In addition to this, the European research project eCoMove has successfully developed cooperative systems and applications for eco-driving, eco-logistics planning and eco-traffic management. Now, after four years of leading research, we cordially invite you to find out more about these new solutions and to experience clean, green and safe driving applications in several demonstration vehicles. The results of the two projects will be presented during a dedicated conference and live demonstrations on 20-21 November 2013 in Aachen, Germany. interactIVe’s advanced functions will be demonstrated during driving sessions at the Ford Proving Ground in Lommel, Belgium, while eCoMove vehicles will take you on an eco-drive through Aachen. Technical presentations and a joint exhibition will give a further insight into each of the projects’ systems, taking visitors on a comprehensive, state-of-the art, cooperative ITS experience. Register now for this event! interactIVe www.interactive-ip.eu Isabell Rauscher: [email protected] Evi Brousta: [email protected] Projects co-funded and supported by the European Union eCoMove www.ecomove-project.eu Julie Castermans: [email protected] D120.181 (D1.8 (1)) A joint invitation letter 19/08/2013 116 Version 2.0 Aachen, 10 July 2013 Dear Sir/Madam, The European projects interactIVe and eCoMove have achieved major accomplishments towards accident-free and decarbonized road traffic, by developing the next generation of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems and Cooperative Systems for safer, cleaner and more efficient driving. After four years of leading research, we invite you to find out more about these trendsetting solutions and experience them in live driving demonstrations at the interactIVe-eCoMove joint final event 20 - 21 November 2013 Eurogress Convention Center, Aachen (Germany) and Ford Proving Ground, Lommel (Belgium) During this unique showcase, you will be able to network with experts and discover the latest developments in active safety and cooperative green ITS. The results of the two projects will be presented in dedicated conference sessions and a common exhibition, where static demonstrators and driving simulators will give further insight into the projects’ systems. interactIVe’s advanced functions will be demonstrated during driving sessions at the Ford Proving Ground in Lommel, Belgium, while eCoMove vehicles will take you on an eco-drive through Aachen. For detailed information on the programme and registration, please refer to the respective websites of both projects: http://www.interactive-ip.eu/project/finalevent and http://www.ecomove-project.eu/final-event. Isabell Rauscher ([email protected]) and Evi Brousta ([email protected]), for interactIVe, as well as Julie Castermans ([email protected]), for eCoMove, remain at your disposal for any further information on the event. We are very much looking forward to welcoming you at our final event in Aachen. Yours sincerely, Dr.-Ing. Christoph Kessler Jean-Charles Pandazis interactIVe Coordinator Ford Research & Advanced Engineering Europe eCoMove Coordinator ERTICO – ITS EUROPE