C? t TF AT - Village of Grayslake
C? t TF AT - Village of Grayslake
7F VILIA est: 189 LL 7 G 'LJ . C? t TF A T i11 t' ter PLE, S' PR ampling '1 f-'# EEL T i _ NE? T P/ E VILL.AG G GFtP YSLJ#F E CUNTFtAC7 f# Full Name Cl Birider af C• V ` 1, Address Rrincipal. l ice Lc cal Offic Address C ntactP Tt7: d' D Teleph rsort' VilEage of ne lumber .{ fa 1 '°.°'"+}' 7wtner" or" Viilage"} k (( raysl Y 4T 14 South Seymour A enue rayslake, Illinois G40 f} Miehae J. Attentiean: flis Village Nlanager; E idd r warrants descrrk̀+e+ betvw its ar ci eal ar reuie incorpvra#ed info d nd errvirons derstooa a1J dcreuments tnclrided, has r+fer ed tc, ar mer+frr ned in this bc ur d s t c f' dc urnen#s, re securedy incfu erg the foflr wing AtfachrXter ls, w ict s apfed ' to the end crf this Gont c JF'roposal and are arad eq ipment, makerials, supplies. informatir n, dafa, represe ts that Bidder has carefuldy and ed the t+ Vc rk Site exar ttais CantraeUPrt r y fhr osal# fer ans anti iterns other WURK at the INbRK ur ne essary fc r # r I. 3_ 3. Pe Rrocure and furnish rnits_ all ntl licenses. ther govsmrr ental ir and author'zations necessary nce: pe€mit, pqr ivals onnecti n therewikh; A. Supplementary chec u(e of Contract 1`erms B, Sch dule of P ic s F' r ject Specifcations C. D. ertif catians caf 4_ Bcu rds lnsurance Cv erage' et pnir 1. Wark 1 Pr cure an tùrnish alf Insuranc. anc bonds and pr cure all insuranc an furnish II in c rtift tes specifed ttiis insurance 5. raposal Taxes. Pro} sai; Pay: aEl applir.aF le f+ ed ral; "siaie, and lo al tax s; A: acc€:p# Bidder at its sole cc Work. If th s Gontra ttllW oprrsal is' ses. and a rees, tha# Bi ld r shal4, and ontraet d, Miscelianeous. propr st and expense, prr vide, erfQrm, Bid and< fred a nd descr bed, nd upon fvr#h, in this Contr cUPrvposal` and # he Villaye' s wcitten natification af accept nce in the f4rrr inctuded ir tl is bound s t t f documents, all of the fall wing, alf of wF ich is hec' ein re" err d# a as# l e" Wcrrk"; c mple e, in the the kerms 1. manner spec n i conditiQns set e erat St r darci. A11 perforrt d, workman{ike standar ds Work ompleted nd be shaC in consi tent wit f ssi nal and manner, r o 2. 7. the Prt v de, per prm, ancJ comptete all of faregaing expedition cansistent therewitt, with only n! w, and undamagecl, maieri] s, nstructimn B. Psrforrnance 5tandar s: ContracftFropc sal. roui fe; Eaui e hila#erials rnent. perfc rm, and artd in # h Supplies. manner' sp ci' ed nd described n this Corstrack/ Propa al; a11 n cessary w rk, labc r, services, tra quatity qu pment^; I# i is ontractlPraposai and agrees, th t 11 W rk p rforrned, an f cornpleted in se, aCG rd nct: with the sp ci cats̀t ns attached her to as an i by ttii refe[ encs made a part oF this A## chrnent pr rvisiQn N of any r ferenced standard, specifca#ivn, manual 4c ade sha0 char ge° the use. c rmpCete, first as and with respectsve kinds for their i tended F nd nd supplies. is aecep ed, Sidcler pr€pi be shati utly provided; LabQr. prc et` and workmars ike rith highest standards of professicrnal and anstruction practices, in fu11 with, and r quired r s cc mpli nce by ursuant to, this Contrac#tProposal, and with n i reatest th ; efficiency, econgmy, onamy; efficiency, and expetli#ic r II quipment, mat rials, and consistent# h r with, upplies incorp rated intfl the 41Vork sh l6 be new and uncfamac ed and shall kie the best of t reir greatest irs manr r, consist r t taighest nd Qu lit}. the prc vided, prc per a practic s and ; in full cQmplian e with, required by or pursuant tc, t ris Contract, ihe C 4 all ather th[ngs ees uirec +of c by this Co rtracflPraRosal; and spartation, du#ie thos nd set res af the Vil( ag ontr ctfi roposat: onsibilities fo th in# hi or Bidd r fr rrr Ftesponsit ititv C antractlE rnposa6 i agr es, that Bidder s far L ama e - ot L ss, lf accepted, Bid er rraposes, ra[ 6 e responsibfe and li bl thi5 A l ccasts, rt yalt+es, and fees arising frar r the 5: anr fat'» and the on, or us ri r intcr, rp rativn the tNork prvmptly and without aharge to the Vilfage repair or repl ce, dama e done t, and any 1c ss flr injury suffered by tFte Uill e„ the Wvrk, the Work Site, o` tsthe3' praperty vr' of pafented equipment, r a#er als, supplies„ prr esses, ` or tot ls, appliances, dewi es ir vel tior s are inclttcled in thi$ SChedule` C f persorrs as Prices: shall f the Wcsrk: a result c The llillag shall t7. JnspectianlTestin lReiection. ri ht ta inspect all c r any part c f the Work and# o or ny: park of# he Work ttaat is, in ihe Vitlage' s judgme rt, defe tive nr d'amaged ar# hat in any way fails a requiremen#s t is cor forrn; # ric#ty # o ofi the Cofl# ac lF' ropc sal a d ttie Village, with ut litni#ing its ather In it e e ent ihat Bidder "rs to rer, ive per c iiic payments Untler this GantracUPrnFas l, eact su+r pe ic di paym t t shall# e ubject fo a it?°t old- back(" Re#ainag') r ght Village's have# he r eject Il aar remedies, Bidder' s at ssary tca ne cc rnplete ca II correct hat `ss i fective, dama n or r: pl tcement have perfarmed or perform cast, correcti may, require t r any part ndnconf rming ed, or Wark al! of the and it at t re Vill c e rr ay u ilize t+ cure a y defci ncy in 8idder's perF€ rmanc untler # hs terms of th Cont aGt/ Propc s l. After di acaeptance of the Work by the Village, tt e n! th nal payment! v Bidciec shall inelud ork charge 3. ne proposal Contract Bidder wiih any xcess c as# ineurred thereby, or canceC all part€ or ny rej eted arder' any rnay be urr r Gantrac' Propc,sal. WVork so lc9 at lBidc er` exper se and tt is h r i! or risk: A. I CcrntractlPrt posal this If thi agr es, and 1Nc agr thaf Bidder s, incic tling ppliers; A. c Bidder prvposes, pted, pravided Bidder shall h ve urnish d Pr tian ns grees, that Bidder sha11 pe csrm the Work dii ger tly and cc ft; tax s, C mpletion[? a#e#n Af achment A. contribu€ions, and vrnpensatic n t r all subcc nti°actors and and the corrrp Gomrnenc ment Date". If ihis this C4ntract/Pcapos l ( t"' d Contractl ropvsaf is accep#ed, B dder proposes, take in full paym nt for all fo fh under Se kipn ' 1 above; shal[ antl c veihead premiums; sa is rk and other matters set Bi der accepted, fha# to C3uvner al9 bocrds ar d a!I insur nce er#ifcat s pectfied' in ron asal cantract/ Prt posal is id ier sh l3 c imrr ence # h WQrk wiEhin i d tlays Fvl[owir g th Villag' s a+, ept hce` vF nd propases, this CantractfPrc pas Gontract Price' the balance< ittclu tint any rerr aining R f in g). Cc ntrac# Pcic{ set forf b law., S NEDLILE UF PRIC S See, lftaehmerrtB' n#inu us(y Of carnptete the Work no later ##an sh and ssenae, B. Time is oi ihe The # rn of begir nin.; rate of progress. and #ime of completian of the 4Nork 1s o€ th sse tice of tF is Con#ra t. Contr cia r shall be solety re pc rrsible for cornplef ng the Work in a timely fashian. pr mp#Ey, Contract r shall dilig ntly, cantinuously, Ba Ft BA51 It 1. 2. I] ETERMININ s+expressty understc Ali prices stated nd shafi not chas e; b agreed# ta t: of subject tr ok Priees are ta state trr l acal safes, t a incf ded in# t at no sucFr taxes are Schedut roght o' ion ccrrnpens# x e is i es, fo df clair Prices, hat all additio al arrd# an a 4. ily pro ride perform the n inanci l Assurance I # his t f reauieed av Attac ment A3, Contract F' ropc sal is accepted; 8idder prapt s s; agrees, i tat Biddet' s alf pro i 3e 2 and Bonds Performa ac eptable Gontract tc, to L. bcar and nc' Mat rial n farms<prvuided by, or theC tise ond; ar:ceptable by reason o the payrr nt af any r by vuaived and r le sed; and. Bc nd ce Paymen C} wner. frorn a surety+ cc mpany wner, each in tlie nal sum uf the 10 days' f itcawing ? Price, v vitt in acceptance 3. matir„ syst scalation ar subject use, and excis nd V'Vcsrk, ar d all c mpanent parts tsf the Wark, withizt such` time or tim s as m y be se##orth in this Gantraci. A. Qwner is uch# and vigorously, in fhe ichedule firm claim ad PF ICES wner`s i th s ConiracilFrvpvsal. All c th r applicable iederat, stafe, and local taxes c f every kintf and na#ure the Wotk are inciuded irt the iplicable ch duie to of B, nsurance. E3idder p h axes an i grees, tFrat f3i ider shall prc vide certificat s af insuran ce and, if speCifie i'I y P ices; A, I[ ot tf this Gc n#raeUPra flsat is, aCCepted. vpvses, er ap of lic ble fetleral, ev ry kind nd state, ar d r Viltage, copies af p sticies erriciencing that local Bidcier has abtained and wil! mainfain insurance ature c average and pali ies praviding no le s # han tiE e taxes, rrtinimurn in ut n e coverages ar d I"smits set f rth fcar in AtEachment A within t n ( 1t3), days folt+awing 3#he ur insuran e, otd einployment age or r nt t enefits, p nsions, annuiti s. n this' are ir cluded other similar b ne# s Village' s acceptan ce af this Contract/Proposal: retirem Such appli ab e' to the V1/ c rk ccrntribuiion's, and ScF edule vf Prices; nd' s wtell as all prerniurns c in a form, ' and frvm b Viilage; tc # ble ` to t cird alt ciaims' damac es tc public or inst n roteckic} ag p! I"tcies mpanies, shall acc pt or privafe pr nal ac erty, and injuries tc persc ns, arising during # h out af and p#ance policies and progress pay nent name the Village shall nceliaf on natice r ir sured an d irr itation naming the Vill eneral ltehic( prc vide der' s ubcc ge as an Ctarnpref ensive or m,c dificati n nge of ge witFiin Bidder receives sueh af# er ncatic f cc v r prcrposes, rage; I rsses Any 8i Ehe Village. or damages unrler urnbrelia p licy must cavera9e s, # h t B dd r sY alt be € tely. risen, o at of o' to have ged all aer ormance in af, or ' fail re ta irm Rr rtasat All prices tertns other and on#ractlF?raposal provide excess g insur n e on a ouer undertyi gr perfarm, Ehe Work rr ar y p rt fhereof. ider' s excess or If this ContracUProp sat is- ac epfed connection with Bidder`s C ability ft r opasat. thi$ Ccrntract Pr+ qn c mplc yer's Liabitiiy an! Compreh n ive and be or ris, may cav rag s and limits ar d shail c t b cvns rued in ny way es a timiEat3or on Bidd r' s duiy tn carry insurance its Workers° liable for any fines or ivil p nal#ies tha#ere rnposed b r any gavemr e t l or` qu si- govemmen# ge tcy t r body that he insucance cover g s and limits: set forth in; Att chment A shal( E e tleeme i to be minimum' ac#equate mc>unt of nd vuhicheues Penalties< Bidcl fhirty^ { 3 iy days' ram ny fhe Mofor Vehicle i trility nsurance coverages equal to tha req ired of 6idd r by ffiis c n#ract. een g'rve by# he insuran e camparry# o In the uer af any sueh c r cellation ar ior- r new 1, BItItI£ P SE1t3 I 1TOlttt. wi#h the nvti thereof e tidertee t f replac:ement insur nc. Ert tt e Bidder' shall noEify Uill ct, nir Comper sa#itan and e Vi tage. event af:any ch atherwise ontinue arty park # 1, t t 0, 0(} a or the gr at r. is equal # c $ rage ll have i sh Unless nt R, eitlder shall na# allcrw rs carnrn+ ence ac r rrfraCt Subc and shall ta ct>m irasurance efFecfive eantil t e expiration of 3{ D days after written r atice thereof i u cc Cornpreher$ ive Matar uability: ecsver g s. 5uch insurance shall th t na canc llation or ncrn renewat Qf'any Liability Attac3 e Work until nd unless such Subcantracto pr vides and has in force Campr h nsive General Liabili#y ' insuranc'' inc{uding cipient, t1 provided `rn additional' lnsurance Subccantractor' D. until illage. Such an as withaut [ additianal irssur d fc r# he Bi e Work t1 of by tMe re firm and or chan shal[ in stated nnt b th s subject to fhe Il ge proairied withdrawal, scalafrc n, accepts this c rtractt rc pos! wi#hin 6A d ys after the date e this sealed CantracUPrc p sal is opened., follnwing- fr rm basis suc i th t yvhen ny Ic ss cover d by he: primary palicy xcee s the limiis nd t the pri"mary< poliey, ' the excess or ambrella palicy be omes 6. effectir e fta+ aver such l ss. Contractar sh ll, priar to and at ! I tirt es while prctviding, per#crrming, dr in and save all pr th rnanstrating ddi#icsn t , ir s red, A. ha,rmtess forming, latent or; pa of this Cc ntra t. Bidder nce insur of or in and ir c 1l' dart nses ( exp y arise; Qr be connectic failure t a any def ets design, antl' flaws str ctly shalf in free frorr any wnrkmanshtp, cQnforrn o # Fre as n r ly nfetred fro n3 ihs̀s Cont actlAr4pvsal and' khe hereby res r`re unto the 1/ illage, a' age n t B. a rn liance r,rkth cc rnponen#s, shal[ be attache i as in cc mpliance wi#, l. ws; Ths ilVark, and ail c€, ifs er rmed, an complete i gidder agrees t e bound by, all prc vided, and ap iicabl; f t eral, sta#e„ and local laws or i rs,' ru[es, ancJ Vil1 9e against rrr n# execufe# he idder' s insurer must Bitlder sfiall indemnit r, save lc sses, t and as they may be madifred or arrEer d d from t rne regulatian, that n l al if it$ cc rnpanent, warranties express tl herein shall be in additi n te any warranti s express d or irnplies athe y law, '? hich are e time, incfuding without{ irnifatson ihe F' r uaiting W g Ac#,. 1f this Cantra tiP'rc pos f is' indernr i calic n. idrier peoposes, and agrees, # ha accepted, kh acc pt # h9s requirements of this Gontra UPrnposal, inckuding, vrit out s t f rth in lirriitation, # Fre per ormance standards fi#, Subsecticrn 1B af th€s Cc nkracUF' rQposal, and shail E< ss ffi i i t, ar d suit ble fa' fhe purposes express d in; ot° Exhibit. C: The Wvrk, Wurk Th matenals, t the ' Vil age € s name! as an Th: poli y of insurance shaH in Atkachment A tc certificafion ta mpl tir g the Wor C are as sek fc r h or representatiue Vi11 ge sha11 be if inerchantab e quaiity; shal[ b pe ty tocat' contain na prouisi ns that inval date #he narning f the Vi1lage af Grayslake as addition! insured.' Th rnir imum insuranc hal1 orrerages and limits that be maintained at al1 # irnes while praviding, pe the as follows: af or about the 1Nork Site, including but tlai limitsd t the ins ran e cavera es sp cified in AtEa chment' A. idder sh ll ai o provi e the Uillage. wi#h a, copy dditiorral insured ndarsement of ti e actual d induce to r orcl Warranties Gantrac#JPrc pcesal, Bidder hereby represettts and warrants ct mpleti g wc rk fc r th Villa e', procu e, maintairt, oniractor' s expe se, Il` and keep in force, at insurance r ecessary fo' protect kh Vill ge, #he W k Si#, artd Bidder's Rer eesentations an warranties 1labi#ity, including attom UVnrk meet= the set def fQrth in or any part 8" laims,; ys' fees) 6 13Ul0.01 ret uiring cl sses; # he IL S 56 I 1 et s,e r,., dl inois Ste[ et s., Pr+ ailing vt+age 1aws; anji to laborers f spe ifi ii Prr ducts Procur r ent Act, 3 prefe ence any; skatutes, pr ihi ir g discrimina ion a ma#ive action b eti cs, r c, caf because ar creed, aolor, nakir nal origin, age, sex, ar other prahibited th r+of, or classific tic n: and any statutes regardiny s f ty or the e f' of, c r requiring er#orm nce af tYte Wock. repres ntations ' anc3 Secticsn U ILCS statutes nd` ta ra e risen. Q t icider' s perTorm nce vf, n with tc ages, and allec ec! petform, #he failure harmless, this Cvntra tYProposa. To the e 4 ent # ha# th Pre railir g Wage Act 8 ILGS In subrr i# ting this GontractlFrop ack r wl dg s ar d agre+ s ihat:' 13[ l. Q1 et seq. Acf} appli s to th'rs C+ n#r ct, it is the' Bidder' s ctblig tior # o pay{ ar d req4 ire very ubcorrtrA tc r to pay) ' prev iling wa es as. est blis ed by the Illinais epar#ment ot' o La established r for each Coniraet in cute # he e prevaeling; crai# ar t tr t ect, r a es e th sttall slraf uailab pr euail ng rate ; f wages d sring' ihe #erms nse tsf the Bidder sh ll be at the e f the tlwner_ Arry ch nge eu ense irr The kh in> the u ch Bidde c e G ntractPF' t pusal. at; s applicable- B. o ice uf'' the Act; Any th shatl" order ng nf#cts preva any aims arisinc a1i tnd C. Ictcal as a idder iot B rted. iing contc wi#h fhe to r c r retated fees, ciamages, atkcarneys' V[ lage s r t is 3he Act, pena4ties c r not r l administer Bidder is nt nd. represents ived payrnent or ntC as of ih c afe; of m lcaye - s s r r' a s ciated with Bidder has ar y interest that rvauld t nf(ic# oy rnann,er esr tlegr with tF e f the prmar ce + p# cs lic t cans uncler this C sntr ct; ind ( 3} rteith r Bidder nflr any pers n err pic yed by or assc c3ated w th Bidder sh 0 t any tim cturin itie term c f this Ccrntracf ok ain ar a qc uire any inf res# th t wc uld canflict in an rnanner a r degr e' fram evith the per# rrmarace af the 51lgations under this Gantract. with ariy# her unit nf si te or for any reasQn, iricluding withcsut irr itafie h` detinquenc r irr the payrnent af any tax Illir pis be ar#txtent of R v nue unf s dures' sting, in accord r c with ihe pr D. f (i} tl i y# i ec pr i this ernment or+ res rmati n' nntra E and i f in t re 6usines of Cor tra tQ- oe or has personally r ideratian or this. G r ra t; ( ci, neither Bi der" nar an+ in this Ccsntract> tncluding: w icider Inferes#. of pe anai fir anci l inter fines. , barred by I f cts and irt nnec#ion with this c rtifies tt at. W th+ best csf i# s knowle ige: (1j n4 elected r! emplayee ctr agen# vf Clwn r h s a aPp inted' Qf6ci, accur t r cctrds in the rxfannec s t# c rih in, nd as required by the Ae#, Th, Bitlrier sh fl be. s lely li ble fc r ar y vi it tian re uir d } f t Act aerd haSl k p y the d erence r i iv d prevaili wages it ually re wages any between g by labor rs, iu kmen ndlor mechanlcs eng g d in the tNork an l ii d end and indems ify the Owner agalnsi nY and atic5n. AIP th n ar trus antl cc rr ct' he be G rg v+rage rates. applic. ble at the erir rmed, Qrk Ys ordec chedul d io b b sc Cely respansible tc mainfain an file shall Bidder pracur ment are #ru and carr ct in all' resp ccts anct„ i p r icuE r,#t e sfatements contat̀ned in Bidcier's ertific ti n in tf f this Gtanfir t; t # Bidder' s Gerti submitted;# Y anges n 1 ilEage is relyint an all warranties, the r and Th R liarrc. represent ti r s, and statet' errts mac e by Bi d r in this The ff prevailing wage c,aies in ecordance wfth incre ses in avsts fo fF e Bi er i ue to . ci c amputed ct.: s. c€ A. rk needed, tt are H M; Prerrail ng' Wa e# p st or provide www siafe. il, uslaget cyfido{Ir contract ir deterriiir wi#h te s r wage rpe af wr lanc ac or 6'tddec sal, R r g# # law pr f tio se Ri hts. '' fhe Uilfa e reseeves the' c# any and all bids, reserve the ri ht t reject ce rropvsal, nd cese ve5 s rch ot ter r ghts as ar set fo th in he ln tructidn tc Bidders: y th appr c prtaie Re+enue Act, i#s li bil ty for' stahlish the tax 4r# t e anna nt c f t 42: 1- 1; or{ ii) a vita9atic n of in 65 ILC 511' t33E- 3 ar Sectit n 33E 4 c# rkicle 33 csf t[ Griminal Code c f 1951, 720( 5 I33E'! et g.;or( iii) a vicslatian +af the U A Patr at Act ofi t11, ' 7 Public L w 56{{# aber 26, 2 01) ' t "' F' atriQt' x, as se# forth eith r S E. ctit n nce. 1# fhis Gc ntrac#Prtsposal is ac Rcc# pt d, der sh E1 be 6csur d by e ch a n+d e+ery t rrr, condition, oi` in thi prt visic n , coniaine Village"s wrritten notif ca#ic ri ontrac l' r pc sal and i of ttte fatm in' tt accep#anc includ d in this bound set.e f docu€ttenls. Act"} r r t th+er stat tes, orders, rules, and tegula#"rvns of Ehe` States E1nit d dep tr gvvernment er cies artrn nts, a and its var' aus tat and Crffices c d exe to tYre s u# ve currtul# ive and dditional to any crth r or fu ther rernetlies presvidec it 1aw Qr<equiry car in this ContracG+Prv c+5al. E idd€ r is not acting,+directly r r intlirec#ly, fa'r r an behalf sf persan, rc u r. enkiiy or natic n r ar ied b} r the lJnit d` Sta#es ' Cr asu y i3ep rtm nt as p cially L signated htat na and Blac[ ee# Persor, or f r or t n behalE caf r y graup, e tity t r natir rt d sic natetl in Presitlential p er ca def 1322 as a E cecutiu C r+ p ts n who cvmmits,, threatcns fc cc>mmit, ar supptarks terrc rism; and id i r is any G. Penal#i s: 6iddec' sha11 be sotely, liat le ioc any fines or' civil penal[ies that re imp s d by a y gc errtrr enfal rr prompily and irlder has the fae t ta a li i s, plank,, perF arm Gor th 7. Acknowleciqemer# s e r c# quisite V1tc±rk xp r afi, zr is th of essenr.e csf this H. Time Tirna n f, cce t wh re skatetl c khen tise, Con#r Ct Prc pasal ferences irr ih s Cant ac#fPraposal fo days . sha1) # e days_ coh truet3 o refer'to e, lend nce, and ° s a#f ta success#utly ncy t r erdy that may risc, rar be n, CtEtt of C r in Gtsnnecti+nn With Blddet S; liers', p rfcsrm nce r its Subcontra t rrs° ot Su F ilure ta perFar, tt e Wr rk r arey aarf thereaf; and I. Jt rk v, ith n, tr ct Time Bitls s+t forth a crve: ammer ce C+ nt act Pn th r tganiza ic n, re ari alt+ged to t not ngaged in ih s tr nsactian di ectty +ar irsdirectly on behatf f, or fa i1`stating fih s transac#iear directty or ir lire tiy an ehalf of, ny su h p rsvn, gr up, entity r n tion_, Quati#ied. tat a i- g4uernmer+ q, r biiiCy capi#al, enable Bii ier l€es reserv d t+ the VllOag in this Cnntrac?i' ropasal sh l! be f the f' airica# Act in luding, faut not i ite to,; t rd r 13 4 e f five September 24, 20}. a#ter xecutiv ch cif # l se rights ar zt r rn F emsclies. bject artd cornPlete kh' No i o Waiver. exarr inafion, iRSp ctian, test. m rsua`erne t, re iew, d fetminatr"on, decision, certi cate, or app ova by the 4litla e, whe her' inv sti before ti rr, aft r Cc nfirac IPropcas l. the ViU c 5- the Vitl nr r an+ Irrfc e' s eptanc a rrnat c n o af this ata supp[ietl by e, v heiher befc re ar after#h Villa e°s ac ep#a rc f' this Coti#ra tlPropcisat; nar any vrd r by t Uillar f r the tsf payment poss mc nar ney; r acceptanCe t ssion, aray f, # he for, payment any park Wnrk by the Uillage; na any extensicin c the Villag:; nar any de9ay by the U' Ilag r y ther act ar r gh# under this Cvn#ractlProp sal; nor omiss on af th U[tlage sha[I cnr sfitufe r be deemed t be af" d fective, n damaged or acceptance any rg V11ork, ncrr perate to waive c r c+therwise diminish# he e°[i ct vf any r presentation c r war anty mad hy Bidder; or of a y requir ment c r prowisirsn of this nonc snformi lf' nfrac rn osal; or c F any remedY, hav: full and s4le esponsibi ity ftar sdmini trat on c f#he' 1Nork. Bidder's field org liza#ion;sttall ir clude fuily qual eti and adec u te management, supenrisary a d kechnical personnel ta insure competent and exp ditious handiing c f atl matters rela#ed #a the.4ktork. Bidder shail haue fu[I and' ss fe respi r for ke sibilit+ ing ; all personn l. equipment, m terials, supplies, and other thir gs required to presvide; and per a rrrt. the Wvek within the dssignate plet r limi#s of ihe Work, Si e ccinstructidrt area an ut of areas' not designat d far Bidd r',s use. On a[t other lan is, Bicfd"er f th right Power, o s 7ufv t Atlrt inister#he Vlic» k. Bidder sl all' Bidci' use, ar vf the f tirne grantet9 by' ir e ercising'' any wvhnle oC Uillage. shai! have no rights unless it abt ins them from the pro er pai E s. aev rabil€tv: J: The prou si ns of this Gorafracfl Proposal sh l be ir kerpreted wt en pc ssiksle to sust ir their IegaNity and j ar risd ci can, remai in other way abi this Contr of provisivn il3egal, enfarc ity as ctl' rflposal k unerrforceable isr whc le y court a in part, or In the : ve t any sh ll be held in ral[ d, a whQle. f part of such arovision, nc r fhe pvsal this CantractYl prov sions + affected va f t e idi#y oF any be in any shall nts. .' alferafion, G r tractlPraposal t c ll be sh R, o rnodi cati or tltliti or, chanc e tY€er u less deletio, amount Wark; the o Gan r ct f' rice decrease in tt e t e b[ Time UUark djustrn+ent n y nt at in' # h' made. profits, the 1li11 t te prior wri#ten Acceotance as Fuit Paurt eni ind Sat sfactian. Th' by Bitlder flf full payment for the Wc rk° hall as a full and comp ete release t f tt e liAage of and operat irom any and all Iawsuits, t airr,s, demands, dar ages, li bilities, I sses, and expense of. by, or t a Bidder fnr nything ton, furnished for, arisi€ g out of relating to, or in kian with the Wcr k ar for o an accoun# o$ any act cr ct nf+ wner arising eaut csf,; rekating to, or in canne i n the Wc r, € xc pt the elairn agal"nst t ivt r f r ih F any, sf any amaunts reta ned by C) wner unpaid balanc; pursuant to this Con#ract. n o# terwise fail t All suhccar traetors, supplieCS, antt su corrtracts used 6y Bidder s all k e acceptable to, and approved ir adaanc by, pwn r, pwner' s, and suhcontract pproval of any subconfractor, suppl e, ll nat reli ve Ridder of futl res r sibili#y sh liability fpr the prc vis on, Per ormar ce, nd cvmptetian f ihe Wor C in full compiiance with, and' as required by ar and an f u6coniractor p, l ta respc rasibl Bitld r uppliers; sha l{ be directly and subject to Bidder's b st a11 Bi ider sha11 have the dufy ia II 5ubcontrac#ars nd Suppliers so as t avt id c+ orcfinat hin iran e c r interference arnarig them and to ensur thak supervision t nd cantral. tar C will be caompi ted in full carnpli nce wit, and s required by c r pursuant fo this Gor tract and with":n lt e Gontract Time. ge., t t1e ct nne are their perft rrrt that; ya rt af the W4rk undert ken in a mann er satisfacEc ry tQ Qwn r. Any M. a ta obey ins#ruci nr s; whc thr atening, r li ord r y ir pursuanf to, this G ntrac#: Neither this ConiracUPropos l, nor suk contracted, in nt. r wh condcsc, iv, abu No mak ir terest herein, shall b assigned or le or in part, by E idd r. excep# tapa cs ns F e aused by any Chahge any c3aim for da nages, tothercc mpsns fion: Bidde[ to Assiqnm L any wht equit ct amount of C? td r shail entitie an#icipated an Gontr or refuse esponsibilitiss, 3nccrmpeter#. and until is retiuceci to wri#i g anci byfihe V'[ Ilage a d Bi# der, provided, h w ver, # hat< t e' llillage shall t aue# h right, by writt n nrde xet: uted 6y tEte lfillager t make change ir the Work (` Change Order°}. I€ any Ch nge t rd r causes an ir crease r r tlecre se in ihe; change arder Biddei- to thi to sucYi exece tec6 and delivered effective to authQrii su h E' ersan sc remc ved shall no b mploy tl again an th Wr rk; h e actjustment in# he Contra t F' rice or ontcact Tim shall be trtad as a result c f'SUCh remdval. thereby, Amendm: revision, campetent neither #h e validity c hali haue th Qwne r move fram the Work Site any;€sf Bidder's ernploy es or any Su3 ecsntraefors' employees wha ' fail to rfiseharge gl ners apprar al of any subcon#ractor, suppli r, and subcc n#rac#shalf no relieve Bic+der af iu(I responsibility and liability far the pro rision, perforrr ance, and complet'ron o€ the Work in fu1N compliar ce rn ith, r d as required Y y or M rsuant #v this Contr ct, All Work pe c rr tad under any subcontracf shall be subject to all f# he proVisions t# fhis Gor trac in the sarne manner s if perf rme i by employees of Bidtier. with N. indep Wor#c. e atic ndent f the Parti: s. Bidder s a( 1 act as an ctc r in prc vidir g and erforrning th nshit contr 1 Ir th`rng in, n be cunstrc ed ' i) to ent, idder any p er#ners} or{ 2) to nr cre ubec ntractt r r done cre pursuant tt, te the ' j int fe any el ti venturers rel# r supplier of nship vf principat and befween ' Qwr ionship Bidd this Gcsz tr c# shalt r: befvsreen i er snrr er ar d nci' P. Gtaims: ] f#he Vilork orar y of Bidder`s operations or property is damaged by ny other Persan'. Bidder sh ll make its claim directly develops between g ittst such Per'sort. E3idder and If dispute uch other F' erst n any ecsnc+e' ning the responsibility fc r any such damager the di pute shall be; resol ed with such other Perst n by wYrateUer mefhod may be a tailable and appr+pria#e, hut such dispute shal] not be cause for delay irt# he r vF th torafiQn d ra ged Work and E idder shatl rest4re the Wark ety. rmmedia# Subs€ fdc n Fail re hail entitle of B[ lder Owner to to ct> mply perfc+rm, or wikh # ta his have performed, withhold a(i 4 forlt necessary fc r ampliance and frr m E3idder the sost:c f u; Vl ork. Q. Cleaniinsss o# the Work Site and Environs. Bidder shall K ep the Wc«rk Sife antl adj ent areas lean at a11 irnes tluring p rfvrm n df ih War t nd shall remov' and prop r3y dispc se uf all wasfe nd surplus R. Q ta or recover materials firc m# he' WQek ite each warkday in such rnanner as ma r be ne essary ta confc rm to Law. B dder sh ll svreep' an i' cCean fhe Wark Site, and shalt r marre' from the Wark ite; all hases, caf fes, ext nsifln cords nci stmilar materiats, as may be ne+cessat+ t o l ave the Wcrr S te and a jacent; maa tQ the UVark, # he Wark Siie: The Wc rk Prv e be rovided, performe. . sale risk and If Bidder fai s t i omply with ets t5i ligaticsn5 und r his Section, Cawner shal[ have the r ghf to ietforrn, ar ta haVe perfc rme8, such oki[igations and tc' withhold or r`ecnver' the cost ther c f'T a[ n Bidder, th c nd cast' af Biddsr from the Comr en ement a te un#il Fir al Payrnent. S. Governinq La r. righ#s of fhe parties e r d This ContracElRr posal, and # he sat shall be r this Con#r ct Pro ir# rpreted cccirci€ng to # F e internal t nrs. b t not the confli t rf law rul s, af Che Sta e of Illin is. Euery piovis ora f law , cequired by taw to be inserted inta t is Cvntract Pr rposal:shall be deerned o be ins r ed t erein: areas in a clean nd orderly cor dition at #he entl ofi ach woCkday. and r3aini g thereLn shal[ cc rnple ed, and maintaineci at the everything t ATED# his Y' day t3f, ' . Z' 16; i Bid ier's S#atus:() Corpor ii F Bidder's flin fVam: Indiuidual Pr priet r I artnership y' rn St te} 5ta#e} c C t ti, ,' C. C D' Gt 1{ @V' c. Busit ess As( if c!i€ferent}: Signatur c f Bidder or A rthorized Agent: J Prin#* d Name: cc rpor, t seal} Tit Bidder"s Bu siness Address; fPosikion f a Garp 71 ." ai' i+ a p U,} Business Telephc ratit n c t r Rartn r e: • / 1 E, IW' i s3̀ ry ; - *? i . J' ati, iC Facskmiite: ` " ""' list rshi, r' P ..:° ,+ ;i ; : .. ia, GS". ' + ''" : Yl`_,,,,..,. Bidders 9s[, f corporati nj f"} `"`. C$' cers c r P rtners; Il t 3 a"` b ; u-. z'- i , t i - ,', u: ' G _ k ii ak111i / y~ n i.' F 1 z:. I#"' p T!° 1 ryp LlR' 4lw.T,",. S 5't i .. X" l`. 5 1 s V' o ' tAV`. g_ tZ,',, ° i 5Y. Ud Vi i + r ACC EPTAIVC E fhe Cont' ac## Pra osat acc ptect heretn of Gr at ached Sy the cart er of#he Village This Accep#ance, f fhe parti r+lating d by this yslake(" C efh r with the+ContractlPr ipos ref nce r vner") ted ciay t f ` incq or this akt ct ed hereto, c rerein and made; nsti#utes: t t iar' her f is hereby: 2U.: uiv' entire nd onty agreement to the accor iplishrnen# of the Vllc rk and he compensatian th refor nd sup rsedes betw n nd merges any other prio tar ct ntempocaneous dis ussit rts, agreements, ar understandings, whe#her vsrritten or t r iE; and shalf pr vail ov r any ontr dicfory vr in ans sf terms nt co di#ic ns ar ontain d in any pc rchas tu'der, cceptance„ ckr ow(edgem nt, inv aiae, ar ofher standard, fotm used by th parEies in th perf±armance af the ContractlPro osal. Any such Cantradi+ctcary ot' incQnsistent t rrns or canditita s shali be deemed c bj c#ed# o by the llillage with ut fur#her nt tice of objectac n and shall be of nv efifec n r in y ircumstances bindir g upon the lillag unless accept t iy tY€; 1/ illage in a writEen docurnent plainly labeled " Arnendm nt to+ ontract/ F' ropt s I.;° Acc ptance or rejection b r # he Vi11ag of any such cvntra ciictt ry or irtCOnsiste t terrns c r conditi ins shall nc t cansti u e ace ptance f r y e t t r cc ntratlictary or nconsist nt terms or conditions> V'1CLAt E UF URAYSLAKE a,; u w; rwni By iuui Mi h V.' '•.. .. P O!. r l9 rn : act st. puty vi l e Gterk r z a '•. f: f///' iqirrr 7rurnnu *\\`` et J, l s Viftage Man ger i ATTACHMENT A ATTACHM SUPPLEMENTARY SGH L Pr_,, aject: II. V11nrt fll. Perrnifs. Licens I7' A G{ 7 I 7RACT TERMS DU. E t it, licenses, I t wever, t and Authorizati€ ns: s, l, Qpre ual; approvals, and uthr riz tit Biddet btain shall all requireti go rnrr entai The Owner will sukamit [ r i#ial appticatinrs rnaterials far ns. permits, aid permits. Bidder will b respca sibie ft r meetinc all requirem nfs of any such permits,' including tl e posti rg any requir d bsands anr fc r sureties: V. C4mr aecnc m nt Date: ' 1' ie date of execution of the Contrac#by C7uuner: V. Gr VI Insur nce Limif' Re uirements maf te:. ti€ n i 1., June 3t?", 2 1? See quate W' rkers' Compensatitrn Lirnits shall n it ka' r d Emplover's Li F ilitv ess than'. W€ rk r's Crt mperrsatio. StaiuEc3ry Employer's Liabili#y:; 50}, OOt} ea. accid nt-injury OCf, 4(} a0t3, DCitl ea, er plcay e- dis a tii$ se- poticyr Sueh insurance shal( evider ce that coverage applies ta the State t f 11lincais and pro ride a waiver af sub a atian in fa roF af the lillage.: 2: Cc mprehensive iv9otor V hici Limifs for vehicl tswned, nt s iabilif r n- t wned vr 1; QC t,( 3t!£3' Bodily Injury rt l Prr perty nt t less than: amage ombined Singl Limit OnQ' Bodily Injury nd Property Damage ombin d Sirtgle Limit. C rr prehen iv 3. rented shall General Liabili mits shall nat k e less tha. 1, pt?, Caverage i5 tc be written n an° c ccurrer" basis. Cover t e fc inctud; Pr r ises tJperations I roductslCompleted C p r tic ns Independ nt Personaf c ntrac#c rs'; Injury wiki rr plgyment Exclu iort d Ie1: d et d Forrn Property D mage Endors men# Y' fa Y. J H Gt{ 6J'V f . onkractual Liabitity Contractua Liabiiity coverage sh ll s aecifically incfude#Fi it d mnific tic ri set fo th below; 4. Umbrella Li ki' I Limi#s shall nr 2,(},([ be iess than°, l0 adily tnjury and Prvperty Qamage Cc mbin s Singte. imit: This C€ ver ge shalE apply' in xcess of th limits staEstl ir , 2, antf 3 above. ATTACHMENT A Can#r ct r is required to me the Village c f rayslake as the additional insureC! for mpr hensive Gen erai Liabi[ity nd Compreher sive Mtstt r 1/+ hicle Liability as requir d in the C r t act a d provide the Vill g with the cerkifreate of ir surar ce and addi#it nal insured endr rsemes7ts inciuding the G mpletitan c f Attachment D( Certi catiar s af Insurance C verage). 1/ IL Per D A. 1/ tll. r Adminfstrative Charae;` General. Twa hundre ontract Bor ds Reauired; Na n! fifty dolfars($ 25 7. U) per ay far eac day after the completion dafie: ATTACHMEhJ'T B SGH DUL.E t?F PRE Ea PLEA S E TH Ft LLC} WING f'A E( S} r F' srzar s ss_ FC# d f rtCfl£'1 tt 1` t age llttn: of Gr 3B'IfCl/ I El/[ 9 QU P' I S d C' 3t C Vll 1t i$c i GtlS/ l' j xpirallon IlEl r„¢ Pvt Fien Y r yffilake 7 131ft6 C3a#e: I1: a870250 Customer CD cal Laborata Ana ; Y. Ine AGryatal lake Rd: McHenry; Ii. 6tit15i7- A31+ FeterRiggs Phar e:( B15} 344 44d4 Fasc.( 815j 344 2{l5 a it#S. S ymour fiL Grays9ake EmaiL www, ttCh enrylaG. com 6643 1 RJPS for Goaler Mark Muelle ti ' Net fi0 Days E13D117 I 3/ 18 - w s . ea a i 1 8 VCiCs ty i' ' w 1 i i; TF7t+ P#4` a2}. 2 R v 4 0 THMS 17Y S95. Qti Vf3G . E A 524. 2 Rev. 4A SflGbyEPA5t 4.'k- 5 J.:, S{ 7C_ W GL - Radiurri 22&'by EPA 9D4A' i i' I' w r 5d. D0 , I, $ 85.( f0 PHQS itAD=VUC3 U ,' 87.5 RAD_VNO U 87. 5a N TRITE:,'„ ,; S15.A4-; 585. 00 $ 95.00 dUtf 0 $ A l[i. Q U( S S S85a_aC1-' 87 89 u 587 SaH H ,- ' r^::; i i by EPA94_' E Radium 226 ` Ni# te 30 , as PA 300 t! Reu sY s d! k s. Ni fra[ . „ 2: i` a .,. PA' 2ti0:9Rev'r2. L+eadTcitaltiy r ii PR$$ 2 T='. t LEA[ 7 30 CappeP#7ySAT311i621S Ed- 1939 PA9 68 Cailec4ian Fee 252 C Ul 1 FEOject Managem fit w135.Q{ 1 $' S1i.tiQ „ ; r; . ; 3'; 11p, tJ4' t Cal lert{ C+alifoim Tatt ij ; a . . .. ° 35( 7. Ofl H" S33tttJK; $ ' Fee M t 0ii" i u ;; G ? a9 a. i Ifl— - Wllll} S!`, 1 1p. fU119 3 f1; , 1T drinkiny Vt at r Manitorrr̀tg Required 6y 1EPA: pr vr`' d i needed frec fcharge n c%sigr atsd days nl ritlr ctrtd9s- schettulet cking, shlpment fhattlesandc:vvlers lecironic o" liverables, Lead rnd aa er9f1 perce til Cafc, and Consum rtV7lific fr"nn forms. nfad, P€ NDtificafrsn off iqh Lead and Gopper resuJts so y€u an vti ct dditional. am,oles, High Fluorrde resuFt rrati catit ea. G'aliform trackrizg syslem. Vl/e coe ntyaur sar» I s su ry mo sth arrd nalify yat of pasitive r vt lr y prr rarr s suCts tfr r Alt casis are tias d upon the c arrerrt IEPA r: lmmettiat UCMR4',As manilnrin9 p nssd ly, Resampfes at no artditioRal co. t. A . i e 2DBPR Stt part 1<. of, 1 7 20761bJ'+ 9 f7 The lntorr atipn wss gatkrered fr m IEPA websit s._mtaniWring S hedufes and Drinkiny Waier Watch, as w il ss in#orrn HOn provid d by the 1EPA Campiiarrc Sectis n. AnX unanticit d mdnitor'in t ar teslir required ihst was not Ilsted a##he time of quat preparak'ron+nraultl be biiled at[ he urrit Gost. No; Hidden b cgesE Pay s ytsu go ot provisie a PO numhar' for easq bi#M g! 1' 529o.iro 2 o. Ua FEE$ 4.79PDaY 57.48ti,tlp 52772 4D $ i i .—' 334 Qa. a QuUi Uonpre{aar dby: lC` 135. flD S. OtI S?, 48q. tfq Total: . Sc p f C rS 5AQ 33fS. 40 "' G^^ ' , 50. 0 LEAD CQPPEC2 r^ 5 ,, 3 0: 0 $ y vlle rt . i.. i^ x.,.. yy s. 87,50 i 6. 6 a, 45. i10 $ 5$ S135. Q GR{} SSAIPNAPA GrossAlphahy $ a 15.00. y $ 15A0 1 EOU : COPPEFt, ii i ... ,. 1 " 3iS,aQ OG IOG dy IEPA S y i tdl? I: A7 EPA& QQ.4 Rev. 2.1 FI'+ 3 87. 5D fi' r$` 77 flOs w. II i. 29o. U(#- Sia,437.flfl s r rE o r ots } ss couta nr v u c ATT'A, o c rt+ Analytica2 McHenry ur ekin r RA ov. Water Co cantractor' s i MENT D Insuranc,e or, aRd G Arthur, l Ca(lagher r a a$ , rer"), f g being fsrst duly swara on oath, depnse and stats that aN staterrTerils h rein made ere made en behalf of Cont ctor and its insurer, that the depcsnsn# is autharized to make fhem, and that fhe statan r ts containad herein are true and correct. Contrador a nd Cantrattar's insurer depasff. stale, and aertify tha# Contractor has ob#aiRed nsurance cv erage as ret uired pursuant ta SectEon 4 of this Contract and provided CertiEicates af insurance evidenGing tiee minimum ir s€rance cover&rges and limit5 s t fvrth in Secticm VI nf Attachrrtent A to this Contract as reqUlic c# pUrstrant t4 Seclion 4 of ihis GOntraCt. 2nd C7ated this August d y 2Q' i6. AttestNVilness CON' l2ACTOR By: sy_ fitle:,_, Tttfe: Subscriberf and sv orn thls,,, io before me day af_--, E f fic PATRlCK J M dG7RRY PUBLIC• S7A7 OF IlL1N01S J S Z"" , 2 i8. My C s n xpires: R' MY COts7MlSS N CXPlRL S:O?/ 06117 AttestlUY rsass G€lNTRACTOR' S NSURER ( Agent) BY: 6Y: . Tttle: Subscr Tiile: cE and sworn to befare rne this . Z cfay af .. rv os 7- 2( i16. y Gattmis .. H. LaSarr r Nat ry ubtic- gtats af lfU;,n is Vota y- Pdblic s 5EAL 25/2Q19 3 i s i 4 YS 5 OP ID: AES MCHENR2 1 4,_°-''$ A` CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE MM,°°" Y"”, 07/ 20/ 16 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER( S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(iesi must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certi cate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER 815- 459- 6300 KRW Insurance Agency, Inc. 338 Memorial Dr., Suite 100 Crystal Lake, IL 60014- 6262 Ashley E. Smith 815- 459- 5794 Fnx PHONE a,ic, Not: ac. No. eMr. E- Mai ADDRESS: NAIC# INSURER( S) AFFORDING COVERAGE iNSUReRa: McHenry Analytical Water 4314- 1 Crystal Lake Rd INSURED 24228 Pekin Insurance INSURERB: HISCOX I 1SUY811C@ COtTlp817)/ ir,suReRC: McHenry, IL 60050 INSURER D: INSURER E: INSURER F: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR LTR ADDL SUBR INSR, pp( Q TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFF MM7DDIYYYYI ( POLICY EXP A X LIMITS MMIDD/ YYYYI GENERAL LIABILITY I, OOO OOO . EACH OCCURRENCE CLAIMS- MADE CL92137- 0 X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY 11/ 08/ 15 11/ 08/ 16 OCCUR DAMA ET RENTED pREMISES( Ea occurrence) MED EXP( Any . $ PERSONAL& ADV INJURY $ GENERALAGGREGATE GEN' L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: POLICY n jE PRODUCTS- X X EXCESSLIAB X DED 03/ 01/ 16 03/ 01/ 17 SCHEDULED AUTOS NON- OWNED qUTOS UMBRELLALIAB OCCUR CU17130- L CLAIMS- MADE RETENTION$ 11/ 08/ 15 71l08/ 16 AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY Y/ N ANY PROPRIETOR/ PARTNER/ EXECUTIVE OFFICERMIEMBER EXCLUDED? Mandatory in NH) N A X OOWC4Z7OS 11/ OS/ 45 11/ 08/ 16 If yes, describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below g Prof Liability BODILY INJURY( Per 5QQ, QQQ person) $ BODILYINJURY( Peraccident) $ QQQQQQ PROPERTY DAMAGE Peraccidentl 25 0 EACH OCCURRENCE 2, 000, 000 AGGREGATE 2 0 O OOO WORKERS COMPENSATION A Z, OOO OOU Ea accidentl ANY AUTO HIREDAUTOS X Z, OOO, OOO COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT OOP604654 ALLOWNED AUTOS A $ COMP/OP AGG $ 5, 0 I, OOO, OOO n LOC __ AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY A $ - one person) WC STATU- OTH- TORY LIMITS ER E. L. EACH ACCIDENT SOO OOO E. L DISEASE- 5, EA EMPLOYEE $ E. L. DISEASE- POLICY LIMIT $ 09/ 22/ 15 MPL148199415 09/ 22/ 16 Ea Occur 000, 000 Aggregate 000, 00a DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS/ VEHICLES ( Attach ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, if more space is required) Any/ All Addl Insds must be required so by written contracUagreement Addl Insd: Village of Grayslake Waiver of Subrogation applies to Worker Comp policy CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION GRAY-01 CI tY SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN of Gra YSIBk@ ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. Water Department 10 S Seymour Grayslake, IL 60030 AUTHORIZEDREPRESENTATIVE Ashley E. Smith i O 1988- 2010 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25( 2010/ 05) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD 00 SOO, OOO