raj rishi goel
raj rishi goel
effi fianmr* Basrk *.r..'rgr Mandi, Muzaffarnagar Ref: CANMANMZN/SARF-SArE NoTtCE/201s-1G Date: 10,08.2015 To, Mr. Roj Rishi Goel 233/2 Dwarkdpuri, Muzaffarnagor As you are aware, I on beharf of canara Bank, Mandi Branch, Muzaffarnagar have taken possession of the assets described in schedule of sale Notice annexed hereto in terms of section 13(4) of the subject Act in connection with outstanding dues payable by you to our Mandi Branch, Muzaffarnagar of Canara Bank. The undersigned proposes to sell the assets more fully described in the schedule of sale Notiā¬e. Hence, in terms of the provisions of the subject Act and Rures made there under, r am herewith sending the sale Noticb containint terms and conditions of the sale. you are hereby given a last and final opportunity to discharge the liability in full as stated in the sale Notice enclosed within 30 days from the date of this notice, and reclaim the assets which have been possessed by the bank, failing which the assets wi be sold as per the terms and conditions set out in the Sale Notice. This is without prejudice to any other rights available to the Bank under the subject Act/ or any other law in force. Yours faithfully, pt tb.q-ir d?- For Canara Bank u$. otric6flq. FfqiF/Diy. Manaler Autliahro*Offiicarpna Canara Bank rveerut fu-qer *o Canara Bank Notice is hereby given to the effect that the immovable properties described herein, taken possession under the provisions of Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security lnterest Act 2002 and Security lnterest (Enforcement) Rules 2002, will be sold by inviting tenders on the following terms & conditions. E auction arranged by through website Antares Systems service provider Ltd M/s the www.ban keauctionwizard.com Creditor 1. Name and Address ofthe 2. Name and Address ofthe Borrower: Mn Rai Secured : Canara Bank, Mandi, Muzaffarnagar Rishi Goel 233/2 Dworkopuri, Muzaffdrnagar 3. Total liabilities: 2191745.00 plus further interest and expenses. 4,. Last Date & Time for receipt of sealed tender: 19'09'2015 till 2'00 p.m. 5. Address in which the sealed tender to be submitted: canara Bank, Mandi Branch, Muzaffarnagar 6. {a) Date & Time of e- auction :22.09.2O1512.00 p'm. to 1.00 p.m. (With unlimited extension of 5 minutes duration each) (b) Portal of e- auction: www.bankeauctionwizard'com Details of Property/ies: EMT of bbt Mohallo Adorsh cotony, ralbo sorvot Bohor Hodood Sahor, Muzaffarnogor, largano Tehsil & Distt Muzaffornagor. 7. BOUNDAR,ES AS UNDER AS PER SALE DEED: EASr: Rasta NORTH: House of Powan Kumar WEST: House of Hukam Singh SOLtTH: Prcpefty of Romesh Manch 8(a). Reserve Price: Rs.25,80,000.00 (Rupees Twenty lacs and eighty thousand only) S(b). EMD Amount: Rs.2,58,000.00 (Rupees Two Lacs fifty eight thousands Only) 8(c).The Bidder shall improve the offer in the multiples of Rs 10,000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand Only). 9. Other terms and conditions A) The auction sale will be online (e auction) through the website www.bankeauctionwizard.com B) 'The property will be sold on "AS lS WHERE lS & AS lS WHAT lS BASIS'| including encumbrances, if any. The lntending bidders should make their own enquiries regarding any statuary liabilities, arrears of property, electricity dues etc, relating to the property before participating in the auction sale process' fu-qrr &m Canara Bank C) The property can be inspected on 15.09.2015 between 11.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. The bidder has to make due diligence & Physical Verification of property with regard to title, extent, area, dues, etc. No claim subsequent to bid will be entertained by the bank. D) Auction / bidding shall be only through "Online Electronic Bidding" through The website www.bankeauctionwizard.com. Bidders are advised to go through the website for detailed terms before taking part in the e-auction sale proceedings. E) The property will not be sold below the Reserve Price and the participating bidders may improve their offer further during auction process. G) The indenting bidders should register their names at www.bankeauctionwizard.com and get their user lD & prospective bidder may avail Ltd. Bidders are advised to online training on E- portal password free of cost, also auction from M/s Antares Systems go through the website www.bankeauctionwizard.com.for detailed terms and conditions of auction sale before submitting their bids and taking part in e-auction proceedings. The intending bidder should submit the following documents /details in an envelope superscribed with "EMD for E-auction under SARFAESI A(t, 2AA2 for purchase of properties of Shri-Ajay kumar Verma i.e': Residentidl property situdted dt House No.C'54,First Floor,Sector'8,Lohio Nagar,Distt' Ghoziabad-207007 measuing oreo 727.00 Sq.mtrs in the ndme of Shri'Aiay Kumar Verma (a)Demand Draft towards EMD amount (b) Photocopies of PAN Card, lD Proof and address Proof. (c) Bidders's Account Details tor online refund of EMT. (d) Bidders Name, Contact address and Number and Email lD. amount shall be deposited by way of DD favouring Authorised Officer, Maliwara Chowk Branch, Ghaziabad. Sale shall be confirmed in favour of the succesiful bidder, subject to confirmation of the same by the authorised officer' EMD amount will be adjusted in case of HighesV successful bidder and for others will be refunded. The EMD shall not carry any interest. The successful bidder shall deposit 25 % of the sale price (inclusive of EMD already paid), within 24 Hours on declaring him/her as the successful bidder and the balance within 15 days from the date of confirmation of sale by the secured creditor. lf the successful bidder fails to pay the sale price within the period stated above, the deposit made by him shall be forfeited. All charges for conveyance, stamp duty and registration charges etc., as applicable shall H) EMD r) be borne by the successful bidder only. J) K) Authorised Officer reserves the right to postpone/cancel or vary the terms and conditions of the tender without assigning any reason thereof. This publication is also thirty days notice to all the parties concerned to the loan/advance. di-ag'r efm fianara Ban& mentioned below: Th e contact details are as ffi lnstruction/caution i nutesrc:ffi B i n th e I ast m tJ,lt;"t5;::ff:::'"fi . ror anv ::::*i. ',;^'""1-,:: Provider wlr be responsibre l"*'* ir,," 'JliJ::. I,:H:1':I:..:."#;";", bidder or *t f on the part of thebidders it"""' o"'i""i"*"' (lnternet are lapses/failure contingent situation' Bid di n i" *tr.O "tt such vendor in such cases ln ord:; the neces>drv orrqrr6!ir'- '-requested to make all 'rr *" "ll"'*' li:t:m-:l*::'il,fr:':l.l',ilil;Ji; I able to circumvent such situation and are able to dqqr ii-fi Canara Bank m olfu+rflAlU. rfrern rmraOr' n, Place: Meerut Date:10.08.2015 t r, o-rg ffi @wde Canara Bank Uanaget 01tu'' I'ieeru!
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