tender - Food Corporation of India
tender - Food Corporation of India
FOOD CORPORATION OF ll.lDlA REG IONAL OFFICE,AH MED$E;AD I Address:- Near Himali Tower,S$yiama amal-l Satellite,Ahmedabad 57( Phone No. :- 079-26753032, 264511576 i Email:- [email protected] i i No.S Mqq )/G ujlWheat/M I a u rch -2015 / 341 i I Food rpora cons h l'nr rnl ^l dl of India invites bids from npan( of Wheat under OMSS(D) lVirfg at va ' Ahmedabad through e- Auction.l lernOa I Th^ i +h^ Lt tE https I n uctiorn rnelled traders/ bulk consumers pf Wher Wh t may ducted by NSPOT on behal{ of F( lonth pot.in as per the following schedple: I ;ipate in vfeosite I I te&ti cf start of e-auctron 26.03.2011 I111 .000 te&ti cf close of e-auction 26.03.2015i 2,00 2.OC structi en at s to bidders and terms &conditiolnsi go' rs./ifciauction. nspot. F ning the f,uctron f India reserves the right to reje{t any all bid(s lt or quantity of stocks and/ of :scra e sale rt any stage without assigning .f,y ,", Sl s and cancel Wheat t any in I I oratr WA rAuctro I' i I (sd I ) eat t the empanelled traders/ bulk colnsume )ilyin$f t various Depots under FCI Reglional C Auc rn (Auction No. 34 date 23.03.2q15 ) ofW under abad ce Ah of the Food Corporaiion of India,i Gener Mana (s) tl-r ugh N-SPOT for sale of wheat lling at Cl/Sta det ls of depot-wise quantity offered isiindica inA t Reg on on as is where is basis only frOm bulk ptreacl Qmpanelled by FCI/N-SPOT priort to the of rr]rv iF on The terrns and conditions gicvernrn sate fgllowed for submitting the bid arelset out behal Gujarat, encres ix-|, in traden; tation of and the s & Conditio term 'l-rtader/Bulk Consumer' shall mearir bulk ii) rFers of Wltidat ThB term 'E-Auction' shall mean auction ofi food g aufrlion platfprm of the service provider M/s spot. Th$ ternr 'l)orporation', "Food Corporation" Bnd "F h the \ rv) v) vl) vri) viii) rx) mean the Food Corporation of India eFtabl under ions Act.1964 N{lIJOT, slrall mean NCDEX Spot Excharlge Ltd., which appf inted by FCI for conducting E-Auction orj its beh{lf. Thrq term "General Manager" shall mean thel Generdl Vtrna corfporatiorr of India under whose administrlative jurfisdiction Co4doratiorr Depots/ Godowns to which thei c;ontra{t relates terri'l "General Manager" shall also include thg Depu4Jr Genera Ared Manager and any other officer authonized torf tne trm, corrtracts on behatf of the Food Corppration ?1<9$ute {t tnOia Th$ terms 'buyer/ intending buyer/bidder' sflerll meAn ano rl perplon or persons, firm or company with wtlom the contract entf red into including their heirs, executors, ja'cministrators, an{ their perrmitted assignees as the case maiy be. Thg term 'fcodgrains' shall mean and include r/Vheat stocks prescrrbr:d quarity parameters of issuapre tooigrains' lo nun1tan consumption. Thq ternr "deposit through electronic modB,, meai-rs the amQunt through NEFT/RTGS/any other qrectronid modr bid$pr's hrank account to the designated bankiaccoun{ of FCI Vali$ity penod of bids under e-auction shall imean sfven w fronh the date of Auction. i i 2 I A,!f u'.2 occurs Food Food Food I The anager, nn rry fn Lv r rda thcr NAAT} cessors ormrng frt for $fer of the qays those bidders who are empanelled wi NSFOT before the day of issue of lT/ffCl website ari permitted to par rernents of empanelment are to be re :l of this document and binding on the sted bidders is arh on going and cr rs who are intere$ted to get themse desk provided by TNSPOT on Toll Free On wit NI a J. Th$ details of bidding and process of E- already :ofe-{u istered tion the e-auct rstrued as 1e empan( orr I ttc rt and nt of )rocess ar those relled mp5 qontact ,.101222 cfion is ncdexspot. com/ci rpul ar_eng ish. aspx, ryhich trued as part of these Terms & Cond n:s. Bid ilrA ha' aint themselves with the bidding also contact helpdesk provided NJSPO . re I ilable ay be are biddi ont the link ql'J clt tu $ed to tsidder f.A ^ il tjE r rL./ 2101222 CTION OF ST ding bidder(s) on the production Inll tntr fnay be lempa ment I (g)/ depot (s) from where the s n offe nave ndix - l) during working hours on an fruorking day of ay of E:-Auction. go Ap +AU rc EY DEPOSIT (i) er has to electronioally deposit EMD cks intended io be purchased at the ix-l of Rs.(As applicable) The EM Bi of AI lpulated onre rnode in the desiqnated 15833850 one day prior to the llment only. lt is the responsibility of nt rs credited to FCI account within 3 n Y (ii) tfH ',7 D is rrot credited in the desiqnated to the start of E-auction or Bids oay !/ with qo tbe pflc icient EMD if shall be summarilv re allo to prarticipate in the bidding proc insr (iii) EMI furnislhed by the bidder shall be if bidder his ffer <tr modifies the terms & conditions r[eof does n nff a open lor acceptance during the vali tyi period rAel offe or farls or neglects to observe/pe alny of obliga +t\^ Lt tc ntracl or violates anV of the terms of cpntracl ubject A(V rAWS p his I (iv) EMD of all unsuccessful tenderers s g 0a'/s from the date of issuance 1 l^^- the nder aUse10 CIrm f hraa th *,c essfi-tl bidder. Houfeve r, no interest ll be payable fr{ r 'Y' rdofE MD, in a ny cflse DOCU ENT :During to nically acce at under OMSS( d. on signifies the all s & conditions nr vl F L- Pa to pation in tlha htdding terms and c for bulk consum ress consent oI tl-re e auction h,e itions of tfaders. bi0der ON OF BI (i) fh n bidgler(s) shall participate in the eot -f he bidder shall quote the rate Irt brice of Wheat of Rs.15001 for for rop year 2014^15 qn e- auction platf or n j tri EX qu e (ii) rdt bo wit for fur oacn the e 1 47fll- efldix-ll. Ludhiana to n spo(ation oost from such railhead ted price to arrive at the sale price, r. Epch bid shall be for a minimum ed Quantity for all Depot(s) put togr ay freight from Road d in the levied np total All not $500 MT. submitted, the bids can be modified lin rnultipte of Rs. $/- (Rs. Five)l or qu . All bid(s) shall be irrevocable. The aW tlre bids Bidders shall keep th fi working days from the date of e isheqi by the bidders is liable to be forf ofl elither Mf) or ifted to eprance he FMD ANCE OF BI B. of Bids, each depot shall s) will be accepted on the principle of depot, frrst the quantity as quoted b ^ft'nen s. the quantity as quoted by H-2 prqcess will continue till the de ust$d. ln case of similar rate being q qtage i.e. H1, H2...etc, the available aniity) shall be accepted on "first q er v'tlllo has quoted the rate first wi ect to availability of stocks for allocatio d hjt multiple tenderers at the sa d fprf the higher quantiiy shail be atl Fo accQptance Bi E td T EX labilit!, of siocks for allocation treated as a se ce, Time and Q -1 will be appr ll be approved a I wise quantity c led by rnultiple ttn antity (if less th{n rd first allotted b{s re allotted the bid In case of similarJ r time, the bidder C the bi Ouantit{ r 1fl1'ut' ,./ /__F afe unit tity For d at H-1 -z4) .*+^^ tFrEs. t5 al tlltb total ) r.v r.ilg -'r : A +l.^ Qi,rantity tel being I IdJ uqject to rnun contr tlv AN -Auc tan for /-\ltl r I coti munl nr ided al be vi wed by logging into the system ance of the Bid by the T a onze bI rAn rtion of Acdeptance. ffom the E-Aucti t, if any, wllich may eventu ry the conditions as mentioned terms and Notice Inviti on, its Appdndices and Anne> e Letter. ntqnno lattar close of the e-auction, ed to the successful bidde e mail in the the bidder at the time of elment and the tfed t G by him on his behalf shall cons the Food Corporation of lndia be executed after thb issue of v l!vl 0rlron(s ) Qip and t^ will ail ID rlne can ttp./ifciro. nspot. al Manager officer fi the or te the contract no separate Anr'antanna I ot I i^ tt> OF COST 10 Ai) of r/l f ^h^ I d, to re eat shall be payable on the net etc of any nature what the sale of wheat throuqh e dition to the sale price of Whea h rtn Th EMD furnished by the successful f stocks and applicable taxes. marning cost of the stocks alo n (7) working days from the next d t letir r Cl Bank Account No tn lnf e allotted quantity is equal to rAd buyer, FCI may allow extension applicable taxes for a maxi ,Penal interest of 2oh ove FCI is borrowing would be ch free period of 7 working day the above period in maximum ;'1 t,^ ^ l\5 d oay H whl coq StO( col Rel ight basis. All ta leviable by any shall be pay shall be adjust successful applicable r lof issue of the 33615 throug mq e. ros shall within ance ronrc 1385O 4nore than 2000 n the ost of irt period of depos r period of anothe alnd above the rQed upto date of lThe buyer can vfio) instalments. ng {e at eit of it the q.A can be downloaded bv the i$der only after ng with applicable taxes and part Release be suq ln case of Inter-State sale, uyer have to of options i.e. with 'C' form a withoLtt'C' fo pu e f deposition of cost of stock ffing of stocks c muni tion of acceptance shall not be full iii) snalr oe In o l.r will ion of qhall ost successful bidder fails to deoo taxes & levies within the sti lleql nd the FMD furnished will be fl5 ted for deposit of Cost at anv t icab r one r the ^J ^r, dy ul Ithe balance cost time, his bid is . No exte mstan0e ,0r!'r' *{- I with tp be f time DUye rv) Ing FCI lhe eir after. ail v) shall complete ihe lifting within free period of four en (14) ys from the next date of comnunlcation of accetr nr-a hv ifting will be allowed up to Aplrif-2015 No extengi will be r Fcl request of b!l ager [:Cl may allow the extension for a imaximum period o ('14) working days for lifting the sto rt I storage charges in case the allptted quantity is lesl .The Lifting will be allowed MT ub ito April-2015.NQ be all wed after April-201 5 A M r , Area another owns on han xtensron ,t e allotted quantity is equal to or fnore lnore than 2000 2O0O Ml], Mf, r n fhe Mf, rf buyer, Area Manager,FCl mpyi Rer UCSI >f miV allow the exter]rsi exter'lrs for a period of another Twenty one (J1) ME lrnu (11) working days fc]r fQr rfting the [-ll na'mnn{ ^+^, 5tu( godowns nn fr trCl nnrlnrnr^o payment ^t-^-^^^ ^r stQralge ^tl.^l^^ on of charges. IrF Iiftin t of stocks in the extended OprioO beyond free ay'ind nf foqr aan/ 4) working days shall be on payrirent of storage chf rg at the .^+b rdrF paise per qtl. per day subject tp rtotal minimum of F s.2000/^ of Tfl stor rge charges shall be recovered in respect of tfre lnlifted qup ity ' stocks during the extended perioQ(actual period foir, hich the stdr narn in the godown). After exiiry of twenty eighrtl lE)/thrrty firrA ?t4\ :rrkrng days, as the case may b{, ino further exten$ic f,irll be grq ted ^rd an amount equivalent to valle of the unlifted aqtrty or QL am( unt elqurvalent EMD, wlrichEvBr lower, s all ha ver /forfeited and the balance amourft if any, to be refur]rd tn tha In F tr to is er. vr) 'Cl is unable to provide the full/part quantity fror]n r dannl app clvecj rn the tender due to non- availfblility of stock or $p fqtional corl Irarnt ;of FCl, the shortfall in the qufntity may be offeie I py the cor-l ern Area Manager from other deqoit(s) on the reques tL Pr +r-^ ^{ UtC bu WI rut any additional cost to FCl, sulbjpct to availabiliiy. In vil) -nl viji) lf q, r5 will to farl D i Cost :essful bidder is unable to lift the allotted stocks w rhi thln tthe Jtl liaieci period of lifting because of op{rqtional difficutties tn o fr'cl n or lccl ons :yond human control (Force Majleurre) the concern{d Gg !r'lAr larra )ral Ma ager, llegion, FCI may consider to the balande aI arnol nou unt lrefund eqLl ialen to the unlifted stocks of Wheat UC' ) falsed on merit of +a :htr u(1i nr ided orce Maleure event is notified by ille tenderer to FCI 'rr vyriti vlrriti ing r witll nse rn (7) days of occurrence of sucF| event. A speaking 'oE .)as h. dor h o vY,'|'r ,l| t( tn pa' ed by General tul:9"r,.Reg,iop etaborating the Qpr )rq tion rqtior fionIdl drffi f FCI and action taken if such pifficulties are cau l.l,Y tta to r S i Under no circumstances, stocks shall be delive ed tn env bidder afier the expiry of the stipulated delrivery pe rgen SUQ Aac.f /R,\ (c) -fh food rains will be sold on "as is where is basis" Foo Corporation of India reserves the right tq wrthdr uantity included rn the E-Auction prior to +l-\^ r.r tc ^^ du any SA from the tance of off (s) i (D) buy T tc\l enll t^J r UCI I sof tru shall make his own arrangement ffor tran$port and will not k^ claim any facility or assistance ifor tranpportatio from the oration of India. However, the stocks sfrltt be toi ded in +l-^ Utu e successfut bidder at the cost of FCI I I l'F) re successful bidder bidder wishes to take delii;ery deliVerv of of ir) ^hvr ctnnk c 1 representative, he (buyer) must aqthonze arlthorize puch rep sehtatrve Inr vrr o Letter of Authority in prescribed format ({ppendix lll) which .- t5r rq Iuc esented to the Depot in-charge of iconcernpO Oepo Depot invl rq after verifying bonafides of the authorized I vlt esent rtive/Letter of Authority shall issuB the s{ocks to uthorised ,"|q esent rtrve. However, such Delivery shall bd at bu +A^ r onsrb Irty and risk and no claim whatsoever slhall lie i aain^+ 9dril)r u t9 F Ccr roratron of India on any account, if delivfry is afl iefJ a '-i" tn '" " Ihr ,, nha ,+. the I Son WTQ r (F) hall deliver stocks on 100% weighment bapis. The igIrnent Slip sharl be prepared in triplicate and signed by the buyer/his I r-e nt Ltrve in token of acceptance of quarntity & qtf ality. (G) Dali ry da\t ot't by nl Th I (H) tvl 2rnF ncr "'J", T-l.^ I rr(F (K) wpnking tt('^ Foorl rairlnt iha H rv ' vlvvr orporation of India reserves the right to accept ), wi out assigning any reason. Tlr^ I ttc bidde shall make their arrangements for obtaiqring pe ired f m the State Government /any other authority h;.{ / (J) I orporatron of lndia does not guarantee to tmake av lable any ntity to the bidder 'T- l-. I F sentation of the copy of the Rellease Orlder digit lv siqned NSPOT, by the buyer/his represent;itive to he Donnt Food ciefi (r) all be given only during working hours ion all its, if any so purchased from FCI under O$/SS thrpugh e i uctrqn will tilized rlomestically ruilrc)lrudily and anu snail shall nol not De be exported b! bV the btd bid lf the b.dd ies any of the terms and conditions of fl-ie empa lmpnt or fou roo furnishing any wrong/false inforr-rtaiion atlanv sta , tlien in addi ron to forfeiture of EMD, bidder will be dqbarred from parti pating in The whe;a er fut P^+ tg ers floated by FCI gr ns for a period of one year. t- nl I tv i^^-^^ vvclt)ci PRACTICES: ibe, commission, advantages of en:d or promi by or on the ienderers to any officer/ iernployee/ serv of the n and NSPOT, then such bidder(,s) shall be debarr frorn the in addition to initiating criminal act!on. Canvassing n any form of the bidder on or his behalf will aLlso make his t der Iiable RU 11 for disposalr of foodgrains t Ca EJ on for 12 f r shall defend, "-i wit rndemnify and hold FCI and their respecttve rectors, agents, and employees, hBrmless .during a after the against any and all liabilities, damaEes, cla q flnaq actions, procedures and expensestof any rrature ari ;ing ourt of, orn any violation of any laws by the ibidder,any way conrl0cted c;ts, negligence, breach, failure to performr obligati ns rplgting rol et- n f: E 13 NJCE OF mq 14. OF LIABILITY: In no event phall FCI be lia direct or consequential damages io{' any kind s their agents or beneficiaries, in iconnection with s ihrough e auction and/or use ef e auction plat Lil\l ITATI br f vroer S NG LAW 15 DISPUTE SOL nces of the affected bidders 4nd general gner lu Th,]. I rrg contr nn{ IIUL lrr.a Fr UI i-a ic vfill be pu GM(Region) FCI in a time bound rnanner and if trsf d/ still aggrieved with the decisiori of GM(Region) to c;erned ED(Zone) FCl. Any unresptved disputes er(s) the contract will be setiled in theiCourt orf Law of ictio at Gujarat d an0 abrde ble Rules nder dr Th Both FCI and BiSder shalll comp licable laws including without liqitation qll appli 0y oeo iddQr(s) is an Qppeal tween the :ompetent i ofl shall be governed and interprejted In accor0an e iruith iho ia in force. AGM(Comrml ) l-or and on behalf of Food Corporati nof Genelal Manqger, Guj roL l'l') " Details of oMS{i (D) No 34 date antity of wheat offered to empanelled tra Depots under FCI Regional Office 03.20 5 )for e-auction -WISC ^l dl (in MT) Crop year 2013-14 and 2014-16 earlrer Reserve Price(Rs./Qtl) including Railway freight+Road transportaton +7ooo +'t tozo -- WCS /oil) APPENDIX Fo at of rates be quoted in the e iauctioniplatfornf II . a.'a:: #i:g r-i r'. { rt i+. ., 1F;. +;-1 ,\ .1. rt'.'1 \!tr ':,:.i : j.: ',... ],i:j .: 'l ..: !{" .,s 8&.i1rr12ii i Aucl.i n 1) ction Auction a Selelct ntit Au ) overv Sclcct Region - will give details of FC oeqors rmings lraqa nrirao )Aucti .)scheduled for e- auction for thc day. cti ck qn BII) Floor )Select Region M;;il;.gi,;;;;F; ,p! l lFlc()me.r',i oiorc t:; e {., . Pnce In Rs./Quir , il N NON JUDICIAL STAM l-TETTER OF I/WE PR TO A PARTNER/DIRECTOR M/Si AUTH TAKIN ME/US LJ(J K l.. i nlerN Dlx- ilI ::]fi"FRs100 ii ,,a,olorress, oQt] l/q i Il { MY/quR ISE SHRI DELI ERY OF THE STOCKS O It{ t- EE AUCTION DATED TI \J rINDI I vide re ordgr f.Jo RE F THE AUTHORISED RE t ,t-- EREBY . FOR BEtTALF Alr_o1l ED TO REI_EASED BY FOOD FFICE, K i IREGIQNAL T *]=T'* SICJNA UTHORISED ITEPRESENTATIVE BY . Qated . . "- ij )rs 1", ouR ^rrrl E OUND TIIE ISED -IIVES REPR ENT AND CONFIRM ND RflrlFY THE Acllo|\i S AND DEE T E SAID AUTHORISED RE )REPENTATIVE AND L{NNH RTAKE AND CLA E THAT THE STOCKS ISED RFPRE trt\ | TIVE IS COMPLETE AND OF FCI FfliCM S TRACTUAL OBLIGATIO WE: 1l:[r:'r3l'i55'iHl+1 I oPTrqroRiPARrNERjr -J cToR) (Ar-TE rn ELJ Y NOTORY PUBLIC WITH -".'1"[, srAMP & $E1oL) il li^ ;.01 -v Bank Details of FCI RO A/q No: Brqnch Br4nch lFq c MIOR C s3850 1 94E SBI SomeShwar Complex Bra 1" Floor, SFth Sangath Buildi 132 Ft Ring Road, Satellite, Ahmedabao 1 948 zL,f oo