Abhinav 2 - Canara Bank
Abhinav 2 - Canara Bank
'l I i B. Olher lerms ond I condifions: o. The property will be sold in "os is where is ond wholever lhere is bosis" in the some condition os the some is ot the time of sole including encumbronces, if ony. E-Auction is being held on *AS IS WHERE lS & AS lS WHAT lS & WTHOUT ANV FECpURSE" bosis. The intending bidders shoutd moke their own enquiries regording ony stotutory iiqOitities. orreors of properiy toi, electricity dues etc. reloting to the obove property by themselves befrore porticipoting in the ouction sole process, b, Auction / bidding sholl be only through "Online Etectronic Bideing" through the website https://www.bonkeouctions.com Bidders qre odvised to go througli tie website for detoiled terms before toking port in the e-ouction sOje proceedings, c. The property con be inspected on 07ll l/2otp (prior Appointments onty). d. The property will nol be sold below me f.6serue Price ond lhe porticipoiing bidders moy improve lheir offer further during ouction process. e. lntending bidders sholl hold o volid digitol signoture certificote ond e-moil oddress, For detoils with regord to digitolsignoture pleose contocJ M/s C I tndio pvt. Limited. Ceil +91-982169096g. E-moil- gonesh,potil@c I indio,com. f' The intending bidders should register their nomes of portol https://www,bonkeouctions.com ond get their User lD ond possword free of cost. Prospective bidder moy ovoil online troining on .E-moitE- ouction from M/s C I lndio Pvt. Limited, Cell - +91-9821690968. gonesh.potit@ct indio.com, g' EMD omount of l0% of the Reserve Price is to be deposited by woy of Demond droft in fovour of Authorized Officer, Conoro Bonk, Gondio Bronch, Mohoroshtro On snoff Le Oeposited through RTGS/NEFT/Fund Tronsfer to credit of occount of Conoro Bonk, Gondio Bronch, Mohoroshtro A/c No2EI0295000ml|FSC Code:CNRBOO028l0 on or before 05:00 pM of Dote: tgfittz}lil. h. The intending OiO$rs shoutd submit o copy of the documents/detoits on.or before l9lll /201S; S:OO pruA. form olong with the following (l) DemonO Oroftnlj ordertowords EMD omount. lf receipt thereof with UTR No. g:klorrledgem$ ,^. (2) Photocopiei of PhN Cord, lD Proof ono nJoi.rs proof, However, successful bidder would hove to produce these documents in originol to ine Bonk of the time of moking poyment of bolonce omountof 25%o'f bid omount. (3) Bidders Nome. Contoct No. Addresi, f H/oit tO. (4) Bidder's A/c detoils for online refund of,EMD. i' EMD omount sholl be odjusted in cose of the highest/successful biddec otherwise will be refunded within 2 doys of finolizotion of sole; The EMd sholl not .orry ony inierert. The bid once submitted connot be withdrown ond the bidder hos to purchose tire propertv foi the quoted price in cose the some is the highest bid, foiling which rUO *itt be forfeited. ln cose o bidder ofter submitting bid/depositing EMD omount does not porticipote in tne e-ouction process, his bid would be considered of obove stoted reserved price ond he would be declored succesful bidder if he is the sole bidder, l:lTPiY::I! ".Ilence otRes?rve Price, os mentioned obove. Bidders shor improve their submits the highest bid (not below the Reserve os successful bidder, Sole sholl be offers in multipties of Rs. .I0,000, The price) on closure of ,Online' confirmed in fovour of the successful bidder, sr-rbject to confirmotion of the some by the secure,J *1 k' The successful bidder sholl.deposit l25f 9f the sole price (nctusive of EMD otreody poid), immediotely on decloring himlher os the,suicessful bidder ond thd botonce within f S OdVitiorii the dote of confirmotion o-f yte !y the"secured creditor. If the succe$-ful bidder foils to poy the sole price within the period stoted bbov$" tng depgst *op by hinl shotii" torf"it"o. 4 I l. All chorges for convey.glcg, stgrrrO,OufV ond,legistrotion,chorg6s qtc., os borne by the successful bidder only, ' ' :' ,, : .l m. Authorized Officer reserves th<i right io postpone/concel opplicoble sholl be , or vory,the terms ond conditions of n. The intending bidder sholl olso qttqch o 6opy of the-pAN cord isued by the lncome Tox deportment ond his/ her identity proof dnd the pioof of residence,such os copy of the posport, Driving license, etc. I o. For further detoils_ lvlgnoger, Conolef Bon[, Khomto Bronch,. itogpur Mohoroshlro (Ph'No'07.l2-2288356, 9403780433) bi eutnorised Officer Conoro Bon'ii, RAH, Nogpur (Ph:O712-2457823) moy be conlocted 'during. office. hour:s on ony working Ooy'bn M/s C I lndio hrt, Limited. Cell - +91-9821690968, E-moil- gonesh.potit@ci inoio.com. Website: https//www.bonkeouctions,com. , i t Speciol lnstruclion/Coulion Bidding in the lost minutes/seconds should be ovoided by the bidders in their own interest. Neither Conoro Bonk nor the Service Provider will he responsible for ony lopses/foilure (lnternet foilure, Power foilure, etc,) on the port of the bidcier or vendor in such coses. ln order to word off such contingent situotion, . bidders ore .riequested to moke oll the necessory orrongements/olternotives such os bock -up povtblsupply ond whotever else required so thoi they ore oble to circumvent such lituotion ond oie oble to porticipqte in the ouction Ploce: Nogpur AUTHORISED OFFICER Dote: l4l.l012015 CANARA BANK, KHAMLA NAGPUR tr 4 ',: ir '