MISS,p - Mississippi Public Service Commission
MISS,p - Mississippi Public Service Commission
MISS,p EXHIBIT "3" BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION 3 20s OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI DOCKET NO: RIVERBEND 15 4 UTILITIES, 0 34 INC. IN RE: PETITION OF RIVERBEND UTILITIES, INC. FOR APPROVAL FROM THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF ITS CONTRACT WITH THE HARRISON COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY FOR WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND COLLECTION OF USER CHARGES See the attached Service Agreement for Wastewater Treatment and Collection of User Charges. * Electronic Copy * MS Public Service Commission * 10/19/2016 * MS Public Service Commission * Electron STATE OF MISSISSIPPI COUNTYOFHARRISON SERVICE AGREEMENT FOR WASTEWATERTREATMElW AND COLLECTIONOFUSER CHARGES WHERÈAS, the Harrison County Utility Authority,.of Harrison County, Mississliipl, (herefrigfter the "Authority"), operates certain wastewater collection and treatment fadllties Riverbend.Utilitiës,Inc. w)tÑh Harrison County ,Mississippl, and whereas the bontra¢ting (hereir.after"Riverbend",or *Contracting Party"),lethe holder of a certifícate of oonvenience and necessity.granted'by thë Missies i Ptiblic Service Comrnission, a copy of the Miselssippi Public SeWico Commission Order granting same being attached hereto as Exhibit"A";and narty, WHEREAS, said Contractirig Party has heretofore operated an altemative treattnant system to treat sewage and wastewater generated wittiln its certificatedarea to whidh, or to portions of whichle now available a regional sewer system.operated by the Authority;and WHEREAS, for purposes of providing wastewater treatméritwithmits certliicated service area, Contracting Party is the holdef. of three (3) Wafer Pollution Control Èerrhitefor the discharge of wástewater in accordance with the Nailonal Pollutant Discharge Elimihation Systérh ( RDESPermits"),as iúsueilby (he Mississippi Department of Environinental Quahty, a copy of'eald NPDES Permits being attached hereto as Exhibit "B*;and that the 'discharge from this made to a'regionalsewer system'when-the sewer system is availdble.in the area. At thaf tinielhedischargefrom the system shall be terrhinated;and WÑEREAS, Cortracting Party's NPDES Permits state faciÍity shalhoeas.e andconnection WHEREAh,the Authorify is also a wholesale provider of water and wastewater Harrison Còunty and to the Cities of Biloxt, CVlberville,Gulfport, Long BÑa66 and Pais €hristian \¾ithinHarWson County Missisalppi (the"MeimberAgencies"); atd treatmentservices .to , WHEREAS, both parties acknowledge that pursuant to the Gulf Reglen Utility Act and by the Clean Water Act, as amended, the Authority is engaged in consúuodng and operating a systeni of wastewater treatmentfabilities, inciúding interceptor Ilnes, to transportall tyasteweter withirithe geograiphical boúndary of its authórity and withinits to law; and Planning áreefor treatment according : the 201 Plan.mandated . WHEREAS, in order to comply with the termsof Its NPDES Permits, Riverbend desires to ¢onnect itã wastewater collection system to those of the Au'hority and deliver wastewater generated by its dustomers withinits certificatedarea tothe Authdrity for treatment NOW, THEREFORE, in order to f'acilitate thé delivery of such wastewater from the Contractirig Patty to Authority, and to provide for the treatmentof same upon surreinder of the NPÒËS Peirdit-held or heretofore held by the Contracting Party, and thereafterto provide for the orderly receiptandtreatment of such wastewater according to law, and the collection of chärges for the fr tmeritthereof,the parties hereby, and in consideration of the mutualcovenants and promises hereincontained,agree as follows. * Electronic Copy * MS Public Service Commission * 10/19/2016 * MS Public Service Commission * Electron 1. CONNECTIONTO SYSTEM. The Contracting Party will,as soon as possible alter: (1) the e×eoution of this Agreement by all parties; (2) the physical completion of the interceptor. lirle aforesaid; and (3) cónnection between this,line and the Contracting Party's collection sýëtem, but in no evánt later than sixty (60) days thereafter, d'vert·wastewáter flow from one et more,portlons of its certificated area to Authority'sárasteweter treatmentsystein.In no evaht shallJhe. Contracting Warty'divert any of its wastewater flow from tivlthlnits bertifloated area,to any portton of-AufhoHty's system, últless otherwisé agreed in writing by Äuthority..urdil the prerequhlites of this Section d are complied-witli. Connection of the Contracting.'Party's existing' colledtionsystem to' Authority's collectiõn. System. shall be acóomplished by the .Còñ\ractor af quch locationas is proviçied arid direbted by the Authdrity. WithinthiNy (Š0pdaýs Riverbend thall of dernplbtión f Contracting Party's connection to the Authority's surrender íbiNPbas armits. .system, _ 2. TREATMENT OF WASTEWATER. Authority agrees that it will, subject to the capacity limitsof its treatmentsýsteni andalso subject to the Authority's Ruleä and Regulations regardingwastewater, after the diversionof-such wastewater by the Contracting Pädy from the Contract\rig Rarty's cedificated area to the said intèrcaptor line, proceed to treat- duch wastewafer,.or cause the sah1e_to be tieated, and willthereafterassume (6e responsibilityfor Westewaterfromthe said certificáted area sò long as.the Contracting Party le connected Insuch a way as to discharge its flows of wasfewatet into the authority's-system - 3...COOPERATION. During the first 180 dãys of operation of the interceptorto.which Partýshall aonnect, the Parties will cooperate as reasonable and necessatyto make the transition of and.diversion.of flows of wastewstar into the; authoMy system th an orderly fashlón .Said cooperation shall include ãodperating to conduct äny test.flows as requesiéd by thú systema operator for the Authdrify, Authority agrees to cause a designated representativeto notify the Gontracting Party in wNtingof any testing. The Òontracting Èatty agfees to abide by any future sewer use ordinance adopted by the Authorityand to cooperate With the Countyand/orthe Utility Authdritÿto assure conipliárice withauchordinancés;.provided that rio acuon,disapproved by the Mississl¢piPublic Service Commissiob or the Midt.isalppi State Board of Health or other state regulatorybody shall be required of the Contràcting Party. Notwithstandirig any other language herein corttained, shou'd any conflict erlse betWeen the rules and actions required.of the Coritracting Party underthisAgreement and the requirements, regulationsof the Mississippi Public Service CommÍssion.orthe Mfssissippi State Board of Health or other state regulatorybody, then both Parties agree to cooperate in good faith to seek a resolutloti of äny such confilotby joint petitionto the Mississippi Public Service Commissionor MissidstppiState Board of Health or other state regeilatory body cr by any other approþriate means, so as toþreserveprimarilythe tenor of this Agreement, the.Contracting 4. RATES. and Treatment Rates for wasteWater 4.1. Wholesale Sewer Transportation dischärge from Contracting Party will be established by Authority ori an annual basis. Comrriencing on October 1, 2014 tNe Wholesale Sewer Transportatlon and Treatment Rate Schedtde for the initial annual period of the Agreement shalÏ be in accordance with the Wholesale sewerrate contained on the page number 10 of the Schedule of Rates attached as Exhibit"C". The parties fulther aéree theWholesale Sewer Transpottation and Treatment Rate Schedule may be reviewedand revised as necessary, on not gredter than an annual basis. * Electronic Copy * MS Public Service Commission * 10/19/2016 * MS Public Service Commission * Electron 4.2. The Contracting Party shall delivet its wastewater water to the point(s} of connection designated and agreed upon by both partles. For purposes of this Agreement, "point(s) of connection" shall be defined as the approvád physical connection(s} betwëen the County's wastewater water systém and Contracting Party% wasfewater facilitiès. 4.3. Íltleto all Wastewater water passirig throughthe point(s) of connectfon shall vest in the Authoritÿ ànd at such point aff liability for further transportation, treatment and disposal shall pasé io the Authority. Aldhority shall fumish, install, operate, and maintain the Authority's metering point(e) of connectíon as well as the necessary equipment and devices of standard type for \Ýteásuring properly all waste ater water to be accepted from Contracting Party and treated under this. Agreemenf. The Authority's metering stailon(s) and other measuring ehulpmentshall remainthe property of the Authority. 4 4. at the station(s) 4.5. Contracting Party shall have access to the Authority's meteringstation(s) during Insþectio.n and examinatión, but all readings; callbrationsand adjustnients thereof shall be done only by employebs or agents of the Authority.Alt readings of meter(s)willbe entered upon proper books of record maintainedby the Aúthority.JJpon wtitten request, the.Contratting Patty rosy have acdess to said record books duringnòrmaLbusiness houra."Contracting Patty shåll have the right to audli the mÀfèring récords of Authoiity once per noimalbusiness hours for fiscal year. 4.6;Àt leastencè per year the Authorityihall cause to be calibrated the Authdoty's nielebrig statlon(8).If, for any feagon, any hieter is out of service or repair, or if, upon aily test, the percetitage. of inaccuracy of úny meter is fobnd to be outside or in ekéess of tKe manufaßtúrefs design' Ilmité, registration thereof sha1Ïbe corrected for a period of time eNtending back to the time When such inaccuracy began. However, if the begfribing date of the disorepancy cannot be pstablished, thë c'orrection shall be made for the three (3) carisecútive billittàþeriods immediately. prior to the didcovery of the disbrepancy. Coples of all metering tèsts and reduits shall be proivided.toContracting Party annually. 4.7. Contracting Party agreed to provide annually to the Authoritycopies of its five (5) year wastewater needs plan irt the fond as is required and prövided to the Mississippi Department of Environrnental Quality under Contracting Party's yeally Inspecton. 5. USER CHARGES. The Contracting Party will continue to collectand process sewer collection and treatment user charges from its Customers. Wholesale Sewer Collection and Treetment Rates for sewer transportationand treatment charged to the Contracting Party by Authorityshall be treated as a pass through and collected from its users and custoiners in accordance with rules established and regulatedby the Mississippi Public Service Commission. TERM AND OPTION. This Agreement shall be effective upon approval and 6. execution of the partles and the initial term hereof shall be for a period of twenty(20) years commencing from.and afler the first date of delivered wastewaterfrom Contracting Pärty to the County's collection and treatmentsystem and shall automatically renew thereafter from yearto year unièss termiriated. * Electronic Copy * MS Public Service Commission * 10/19/2016 * MS Public Service Commission * Electron 7. RESERVED 8. REPRESËNTATIONS. . and 8.1. Authority's Warranties and Covenants. covenants to Riverbend that Authorityrepresents, v/arrants , (a) Authority is a politichtsubdlvision of the State of Mississippi and.has all requisite cower and authority to enter into this Agreement as wellas carry out and perform the terras arid provisions of this Agneement The Authority has been duly authorized by all necessary action by its goderning body or other appropriate governing bodies and officials to execute, deliver and perform the tei·msof this Agreement and further represents that all requiremënts and procedures have occurred that ere necessary to ensure the enforcéabllhy of this Agreement. (b) This Agreement constitutes a legal, valid and blnding obligationof Authontÿ, enforceable in accordance with its terms and does not contravene any lease, Indenture, credit agreement or other agreement to whichthe Authority is a party or by whichit is bound. All requlred consent, approvalsor authorization of, registration with, or (c) declaration to any agency or authority in connectionwith the execution and, delivery of this Agreernent has been complied with. 8.2. Riverbond's Warrarities warrants and covenants to AutNoritythat and Covenants. Riverbend represents, (a) Riverbend is e Mississippi corporation franchised and regulated by the Mississippi Public Selvlce Commisslon and has all réquisite power and authority to enter into ahd to carry.outand perform the termsand provisions of thisAgreement Riverbend has the requisite power, authority and legal right to execule, (b) deliver and þerformthis Agreement and is duly authorlžed to exécute,del:ver and perform the terms of thisÀgreement. Riverbend further represents that all requirements and procedures necessary to ensure the enforceability of this A reement,includingall nedessary corporate approvals as well all necessary approvals of the Mississippi Public Sërvice Commission willbe sought eipeditiously upon execution hereof. Notwithstanding anything else contained in this aç|Deements fei'ure to receive all necessary approval for fullpash throughof all authority charges to Contracting party from the Mississippi Public Service Commission wlllrender this agreement null and vold. This Agreement constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation of (c) Riverband, enforceable in accorda'nce wkh its terms and does not contravene any lease, indenture, credit agreement or other agreement to which Riverbend is a party or by whichit is bound. (d) There are no pending or threatened actione or proceedinge before any dourt, àdministrative agency or other body which, if adversely determined, wouldmaterially affect Riverbend's ability to perform its obligations hereunder or which could have any effect whatsoever upon the validity, performance or enforceabilityof the tërmsof this Agreement * Electronic Copy * MS Public Service Commission * 10/19/2016 * MS Public Service Commission * Electron No consent, approval or authorizationof, registration with, or declaratlon (e) tú any agency or authority, other than the Mississippi Public Service Commission, is required in connection with the execution and deliveryof thisAgreement. The execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement will not (f} violateany provision of law, order of any court or agency of governnient applicable to Riverbend nor any indenture, agreement or other instrument to which Riverbend is a partý or by urhich it is bound. (g) Riverbend is not.in defau_It(nor has any event occurred whiòh,with notice or lapse of time,or both, would constitute a default) under any agreerpentor instrumènt tò'which lšlverbend le a party òr under which Riverbend or aný of its assets is bound whichcould have anÿ' effectwhatsoeúer upon the validity,performance or enforceability of the terms of-this Agreenient 9. RESERVliD 10. 0EFAULTS., Each of the followingconstitutes a default underthis Agreement: 10.1. Contracting Party feils to pay any undisputedamount of âny 6]II,including any àpplicableinterest and penalfies as described in Schedule C within sixty (60) days of the due dáte 10.2, Either Party falls to perfomi or obseme any obligation, conditionor term arising fttm this Agreement that it is to ¢erform or obsewe and such failure continues ninety (90) followinga, noticeof default. 10.3 Authoiity and the Contracting Party each retain the,rightto terminatethis Agreement at the expiratiob of the Initialterm of this Agreement provided the entity witihingto tërrninateprovides at least ninety (90) days prior writte1notice of such Intent, provided that such tenhinatio,ridoes not caùse either party losviolatelaw.,Each þartyresèrves the right to terminate thia,Agreement for non-compliancë with thisAgreement, violation.ofeither of Authority's Sewër Use Ordinartoes,' dr for other Jilstcause uponninety (90) days writtennoticè to the Contraotíng Pàrty; prdvided however,,the-partles agree to exerciseall reatortable efforts for not less than 60 daýs to resolve any differetices between themprior to any notice of cancellation. 11. REMEDIES FOR DEFAULT. In the evert of default, the parties shall have the following rights and remediès: 11.1. Curnulative Rights-and Remedles. The parties do not intend thatany right or remedy given to a party on the breach of any provision urider triis Agreement be eXclusive. Each such right or remedy is cumulative and in addition to any other remedy provided in the Agreementor othenvise available at law or in equity, If the non-breaching parly falfs tð exeróise or delays in exercising any rightor remedy,the non-breachitig party; does.not therebywalvethat right or remedy Further, no single or partial exerclse of any right, power or privilege precludes any further eXercise of a right, power or privilege granted by this Agreernent or otherwises 111 Attorney's Fees. In the event that either party is required to pursue any action in any court to enforce the obligations, cond1tlons and terms of this Agreement against the other party, the parties are each indMdeally responsiblefor attorney's fees incurred. -5- * Electronic Copy * MS Public Service Commission * 10/19/2016 * MS Public Service Commission * Electron 11.3. Forum for any Claim or Action. Any claim or action brought by any party relating to this Agreement and lts subject matter shall be brought in the Courts of Harrison County, Mississippi, First Judicial District. 12. WAIVEROR.BREACH OF DEPAULTS. No walvet or indulgence of any bfeach or series of breaches of this Agreement shall be deemed or construed as a walver of any breach of the'sameor any other proyision hereof or affect the enforceabilityof any part or all of this-Agroement No waiver àhall be valid unless executed in writingby the walvingparty. «WAIVEROFÉfGHT OF EXCLUSIVITY: Contraating Party is the holder of a of Publin Convenience andlNecessitygranting it the ekolúsive right to provide Water andfor 'eewer service wiithin its certificated area, Contracting Patty acknówledges that connectiop to Authority's sewer öollection and treatmentsystem may occur wilthinContracting of Partÿ'e certificated area. Contracting Pady acknowledges this Agteement and ¢erformance the activities allowed and agreed tò hereunder does not constittile an infringement upon Contrgeting Party's rights in its ceëlficated area, and is not a takingof rights or propertled by Authority, nor-does it constitute evidence in support of any typeof blaim for takingof rights or properties, adverse condembation or inverse condèmnation by the Harrison County .Utility Aùthonty. Any such claims that Contracting Party may have against any other entity are not affetied by this Agreement Authority e×pressly warrantsto Contracting.Party that any.actMiles by Atilhorityin or upon Cotitracting Pàrty's Certíficate of Public Convenience and Necessity shall be limited to Interceptor lines constructed for the purpose of transporlIng wastewaterfor wastewatko treatmerit Authority shall not provide sewer collection and treatment Within certlf(cated service area to any customer othér thartthe ÒoritractingParty. Cofiffantiná PaÑy's 48. Certificaté . -NÖTICE. Any notice to be given pursuant to this Agreement shall be in writing; 14. and shall be deemed to have been given when delivered In person, or at the close of the second business dàý affarmailingif seit by registered or certlfied mall, postage prepaid, addressed to the addressset forth below of the party to which rotice is being given, or upon actualreceiptof telegram,telexor facsimile transmission. . Riverbend Utilities Inc With Copy to: Steven H. Day, President Post Odice Box 3224 39505-3224 Gulfpod, MÏssissippi Harry R. Allen, Esq. Allen Law, PLLC 368 Coudhouse-Road, Suite D Gulfport, MS 39507 HatrisänCounty UfllityAuthority Donald Scharr, P.E:, Executive Difactor Post Office Box 2409 Gulfport,MS 39505 14; Withdopyto: James C. Simpson, Jr., Esq. Wise Carter Child & Caraway, P. 1105 30th Avenue, Suite 300 Gulfpert, Mississippi 39501 A FORCE MAJEURE. 15.1. Should Authority be forced to suspend, reduce or interrupt service to the Contracting Party because of any emergency condition reasonably beyond the control of the Authority, including, but not limited to, floods, fires, ice, windslorms, lightning, equipment fallure, * Electronic Copy * MS Public Service Commission * 10/19/2016 * MS Public Service Commission * Electron strikes, lockouts, Acts of God, acts of the public enemy, orders or directives ofthe State/Federal govemment or court of competent jurisdichon,thenAuthority need not deliver any services that it is unableto deliver by reason of such bonditions; nor shall Contracting Pdtty be required to pay ady chargas for services not deliveredsin the-event a suspensiori of service is nepessary as à consequence of a force niajeure evelit, the Authority willnotify the Contracting Party,as soon as is reaschab1y pòàsible. The Authority willuse its best effortsto resume services as quicklyas risasonably.possible following an event of force majeure. event either party hereto shall be rendered-unaþfe in wholeor in oût.its obilgations under,this Àgreemerit.asa fesult of the occorretice of asforce majoyre,then-thè afeäte(I party shall-givenotice and Ìúilpahiculars of such force majèure in writingto the other párty,within a râssonable·time aftètoocurrence of the event or cause-rellod on, tiie obilÒailop of the"partygiving such'notice, so far'as it Is affectedby such,force majeure, shall be sospended during the cóntinuance of theIhability.thenclaimed, but for riolonger popod, and any such party shall endeavor to remove or overcome such Inabilitywith all reasonable dispatch. - 2. -in.the .part,to.odrry CONSTRUCTIONOF AGREElvlENT. Each party, with the àsalstance of 16. competent legal counsel, has reviewed this' Agreement and any ambiguity should not be construed for or against any party on aodountof such drafting. , 17. AWARENESS OF CONTENTSILEGAL ËFFECÏ. .The parties eXpressly deo,Iate and fepresent that they.have read this Agreemerit that they have consulted With their resýective legal counsel regarding the rheaning of the terms and conditions coñiained herein. Thè p'àrtiosfurther expressly declare and represent that they fullyunderstand the'content and effect à this Agreement and they approveand accept the terms and conditionscontained Werein,and that the Agreement is executed freely and voluntarily. =end 18. CAPTIONS. The captions contained herein are included solely for convenience and.shallnöt be constrtfed as parf of tHs Agmement or as full or accurate descriptlons of the terrhehereof. 19. Should SE\ÌERABILITÝ. any provision'of thisAgreement be held Jnvaildor illegål, such invaliditÿor lifegalityNall not invalidateAhewhole of this Agreerdent, but; rathèr, the Agreement shall be cohstrued as if it clidnot contain the Invalid or illegal part, and the rights and obl ations of the parties shall bo construedandenforced accordingly. 20. TRANSFER OF AGREEM4NT. Neither this Agreement, nor any interest herein, shall be transferable or assignableby the Contracting Party without the written consent of Authority,whichwillnot be unreasonably withbeid. In the event Authoritygives wntteh condent to a transferor assignment of this Agreement or any interest herein, this Agreement and any thteest herein shall be binding on any person, party or entity which may be considerod lis successor, assignee, purchaser or any other entity that máy take the place of Contracting Party and any such entity shall be subject to affd bound by the provisions ofthis Agreement. 21. ENTIRETY, Once effective, this Agreement merges and supersedes all prior negotlallons, representations, and agreements between the parties hereto relating tothe subject ier hereof and constitutes the ehtire agreement between the parties hereto in mspect * Electronic Copy * MS Public Service Commission * 10/19/2016 * MS Public Service Commission * Electron IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto executed by theirduly authorizedofficersas of the 29 ave caused day of Û is A reement 0Ñ , to be 2014. HARRISONCOUNTYUTILITYAUTHORITY By' Billy Mé'Mis, d nt Harrison C unty ity Authority A K Sabant, Secretary 'o have ap s e Agreem t as to form: for the rn on Riverbend Utilities, Inc. By: St V"en a Attext: / , Secretary I have approved this Service Agreement as to form: arryAllen q., Attorney for Riverbend Utilltles,Inc. -8- * Electronic Copy * MS Public Service Commission * 10/19/2016 * MS Public Service Commission * Electron STATE OF MISSISSIPPI COUNTY OF HARRISON Personally appeared before me, the undersigned authority in and for the said 2014, within county and state, on this the Ñ day of l') O 4-Ñ wm my jurisdiction, the within named Steven If Day who acknowledged that he is the President of Riverberd Utilities, Inc., and that he executed the above and foregoing instrument after first having been duly authorized so to do. , My Commission Expires: STATE OF MISSISSIPPI COUNTY OF HARRISON Personally appeare e ore me, th un ers gned authority in and for the said /GL county and state, on this 2014, within my day of jurisdiction,the within named Billy Hewes and Kim Savant who acknowledged that they are the President and Secretary of the Harrison County Utility Authority and that they executed the above and foregoing instrument after first having been duly authorized so . . to do. NO' y Commission Expires: RY PUB C G., * Electronic Copy * MS Public Service Commission * 10/19/2016 * MS Public Service Commission * Electron STATE OF MISSISSIPPI COUNTYOF HARRIŠON SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWÉEIN RJVERBEÑDUTILlf[ES, INC. AND THE HARRISON GOUÑTY UÌll3TY AUTHORITY -· 9VHEREÁS Riverbend (Jtillfles,Inc. ("Riverbend" and "Contracting Party") and the Harrison.County Utility Authority ("Authority"), have entered an agrëement whereby Riverberid ! has executed a Special Warranty Deed conveying a codaln easement and utilityinfrastructure unto the Authorityas set fodh in Exhibit A.hereto, for wastewater collection and treatmentby the AuthoritywÍthinHarrison County, Mississippl; and WHEREAS, it is contemplated tilat Riverbend's transfer-of the easement and utility infrostructure set forth in Exhibit A is a thantable, qualified tax deductible contribution untothe Authoritywhich has been appraised by Mr James Elliottof Diversified bonsultants, a qualified appraiser, to have a.value of $186,600.00, but the parties agree that such valuation as a charitable, quéllfled ta× deduction may not be used in evidence by either party for valualido of such property described in EXhibit A, in any subsequent eminent domain proceeding;and WHEREAS; Riverbend and the Authority havè agreed to execute a "Service Agreement for Wastewater Collection of Usage Charges" as set fodh in Exhibit B hereto which provides, among other things, that as soon as possible after execution of the Agreement and physical cornpletionof the Interceptor line and connection between the line and Riverbend's collection system,Riverbend willdivert wastewaterflowfromone or more portions of its CertificatedArea totheAuthority's wastewater treatmentsystem; and * Electronic Copy * MS Public Service Commission * 10/19/2016 * MS Public Service Commission * Electron WHGREAS, it is-contemplated that the Authority will complete its construction of etility infrastructure for connection with the Contracting Party's collection system on or before June 30, 2016, and t1e Authority falls to receive approval of grants funds and WHEREAS, if, for any reason, complete the construction required of it for'connection to Riverbend's existingcollection system on or before'June 30, 2016, it is contemplated that the Authority willreconvey the easement and Infrastructure described in Exhlbit A hereto unto Riverbend on or before July. 31, 2016. Therefore, FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION OF THE MUTUALBENEFITS DERIVEDBY EIOTH RIVERBENDAÑD THE AUTHORITY,RECElPT OF WHICH IS HEREBYACKNOWLEDAED, IT18WARRANTEDAND AGREED as follows: 1. That the Authority shall endeavor to complete construction, renovationand improvement of the infrastructure set forth in ExhibitA for connection to the IIftstationdescribed in ExhibitA to the extent that it le capable of diverting wastewaterflow from Riverbend'ssystem untothe Authority'swastewatèrtreatment systemon or before June 30, 2016; 2. In the event for any reason,the Authority falls to complete construction, renovationsand 1mprovements of the ifftstitloh and connection between thisIlftstationtothe extent that it is capable'of diverting wastewaterfrom Riverbendinto the Auflfority'swastewater treatment system, on or before June 30, 2016, the Authorityshall reconveyby Special Warrant Dead the easement and utility infrastructure described in Exhibit A hereto unto Riverbend no later than July 31, 2016; 3. It is understood by the parties that thetransferby Riverbend of the easement and utilityinfrastructure describedin Exhibit A is intended by Riverbend to qualify as a charitable, tax deductible contributionwhich is valued by appraiser James Elliottof Diversified Consultants, to be $186,600.00,6ut does not depend upon any such quellfication. The parties agree that such * Electronic Copy * MS Public Service Commission * 10/19/2016 * MS Public Service Commission * Electron valuation by Mr. Elliott shall not be admissible into evidence to establish value in any subsequent eminent domain proceedings. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by theirduly authorized officers as of the day of ÛCÍÔ N , 2014. RIVERBEND UTILITIES,INC. By: StŒvga . ay, President HARRISONCOUNTY TILIT AUTHORITY Pre r so County UtilityAuthority Witness By: Print Name: Foua F Print Name: AwwwA We have approved this Supplement Agreement as to form: Harr¾ en, É Attorney for Riverbend Utilities,Inc. TeheCH opn rity -3- * Electronic Copy * MS Public Service Commission * 10/19/2016 * MS Public Service Commission * Electron