HARRIS COUNTY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 368 NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING In accordance with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, take notice that the Board of Directors of Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 368 will meet in regular session, open to the public, at Graceview Baptist Church, 25510 Tomball Parkway, Tomball, Texas, at 6:30 P.M. on THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2015. At this meeting, the Board will consider and authorize appropriate action on the following: I. PUBLIC COMMENT (time limited to 3 minutes per individual): II. TAX COLLECTOR'S REPORT, including: A. B. C. III. Submission oftax-related checks and invoices; Tax revenues and collections of delinquent accounts; Delinquent Tax Report; GENERAL BUSINESS, including: A. B. C. D. District's Website; Pay bills and pay estimates as presented; Engage Auditor for Reimbursement Audit for WF Residential; Annual Agenda for 2016; IV. OPERATOR'S REPORT, including: A. Monthly operations; B. Repairs and/or replacement of District facilities; C. Termination of service and/or write off of delinquent accounts; V. ENGINEER'S REPORT, including: A. General District Matters: (1) Operations Committee meeting; (2) Grand Parkway; (3) Gladewater Drainage; (4) Surplus Funds Release Application; (5) Concrete Repair Guidelines; (6) Generator Purchase for Lift Station No.6; B. Water Supply System Matters: (1) Water Quality Monitoring for Water Wells Nos. 2, 3,4,5 and 6; (2) Water Plant No.2 C. Wastewater Treatment System Matters: (1) Phase 2 Sanitary Sewer Cleaning and Televising; (2) Phase 3 Sanitary Sewer Cleaning and Televising; (3) Wastewater Treatment Plant Odor Control; (4) Sandy Stream Sewer Capacity Evaluation; D. Residential and Commercial Development Projects: (1) Willow Falls; (2) North Pointe Center - Phase II; (3) NorthPointe Center; {OOI75997.DOC} (4) Ashford Grove; VI. DEVELOPER'S REPORT, including: Status of plans for development and number of new homes under construction; VII. ATTORNEY'S REPORT, including: A. Real Estate matters; B. Minutes of November 19,2015 Board meeting; VIII. EXECUTIVE SESSION, as necessary and as permitted pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Subchapter D, of the Open Meetings Act, discuss matters relating to attorney client privilege, potential litigation, security matters, and/or real estate matters, respectively; IX. RECONVENE IN ,OPEN SESSION: A. Vote on matters considered in Executive Session, if any; and B. Any such other business as may come before the Board. X. ADJOURNMENT. IOOl7l997 DOC) 2 HARRIS COUNTY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 368 [Harris County, Texas] SUPPLEMENTAL NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING Notice is hereby given pursuant to V.T.C.A., Government Code, Chapter 551 that the Board of Directors (the "Board") of Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 368 (the "District") of Harris County, Texas, will meet jn regular session, open to the public, at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, December 3, 2015, at Graceview Baptist Chw'ch, 255 ] 0 Tomball Parkway, Tomball, Texas, at which meeting the following items will be considered: ELECTION AGENDA: 1. Update on May 7, 2016 Directors Election matters, and take any necessary actions on same; 2. Notice of Appointment of Designated Agent; and 3. Authorize posting Notice of Deadline to File Applications for Place on Ballot. ************************** DISTRITO DE EMPRESAS DE SERVICIOS PUSLICOS MUNICIPALES NO. 368 DEL CONDADO DE HARRIS Quaiin va", Harris, Texas COMPLEMENTARIO NOTIFICACION DE REUNION PUBLICA Por la presente se notifica que conforme al V T. CA. , C6digo de Gobierno, Capitulo 551, la Junta Directiva (la "Junta'') del Distrito de Empresas de Servicios Publicos Municipales No. 368 (el "Disfrito'') del Condado de Harris, Texas, se reunira en sesi6n ordinaria, abierta al publico, a las 6:30 p.m. el ;ueves 3 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2015, en Graceview Baptist Church, 25510 Tomball Parkway, T omba ll, Tex as, donde se analizaran los siguientes temas: ORDEN DEL DiA REFERENTE A LA ELECCION: 1. Actualizaci6n sobre los asuntos de la Elecci6n de Directores del t de mayo de 2016, y tomar las medidas necesarias al respecto,' 2. Aviso De Nombramiento De Agente Designado,' y 3. Autorizar la colocaci6n del Aviso de Fecha Limite Para Presentar la Solicitud de un Lugar en la Boleta. ************************** CO QUAN TIEAN iCH THA(lJNH PHoA {00175999.DOC} soA 368 QUAAN HARRIS Quaan va/2J Harris, Texas Bn SUNG THOANG BAUO Hoip MAET COANG COANG Thong baa nay d1!a thea VTCA., B(j Luc;lt Chanh Phu, Ch~(O'ng 551, rang H(ji D6ng Giam D6c ("H(ji D6ng'') Co Quan Tiean fch ThaflJnh Phoa Soa 368 ("Ca Quan'~ cua QUc;1n Harris, Texas, se t6 chuc m(jt bu6i h(Jp cong khai thuo-ng I? luc 6:30 chidu vaa thoiJ naem, Ngay 3 THANG MUD'I HAl, 2015, t(li 25510 Tomball Parkway, Tomball, Texas d€ cuu xel cae di€u sau day: L!CH TRiNH NGH! SI!: 1. C(ip nh(it cac van d€ co lien quan din Cu(jc Bdu Cit Xac Nh(ip va (;y Vien Qulm Trj ngaflJy 7 thaitng Naem naem 2016, va co thi co bat kY hanh d(jng cdn thiit cho vi?c nay,' 2. Thong Baa B6 Nhi?m D(li Di?n DU(lc Chi Djnh,' va (;y quy€n dang Thong Bao H(m Chot N(jp Dan Xin m(jt Vj Tri tren La Phiiu ************************** Harris lJlHf~368~cnpIl&0ffl.~~ f~JE ~$l:~m t;fltt0~1f~mIJ;1[Jff¥*:j;JBI~551 ~v. (~ljl} "~" 1Jz T. C. A. -$, t~£WiWT1+IHarrisJlt~HarrislJl*~368'5.mmjfJl0ffl.~~ "fJI!$1t" ) ~tE2015~12~3B~JiU1Jjrmrtr6:30~25510 Tomball Parkway, Tomball, Texas -B mJ1t~~L 1tr:p~~t~ir37U$J~: ~l!MUJE: 1. 2016£{5fj7 BJl!ljf~JQ!OfJfjfjJf!fJ$J!l, #fff%J-;'if;?{{'/tl£l!fftlfJfiJjj;; 2. l/fjjg{fJJlA.~£E~\{§_; fdJ,& 3. Nltlfffffti r /J1lM'IJl5{jJfJ/{f,ffJZ Ef3 tiJf. BM[(.jjjjto inz Andrew P. Johnson Johnson PetroY L Attorney for the istr' 2929 Allen Park Suite 3150 Houston, Texas 77019 THIS NOTICE OF MEETING IS INTENDED TO BE A SUPPLEMENTAL NOTICE FOR THE PURPOSE OF ADDING ADDITIONAL SUBJECTS TO THE AGENDA FOR SUCH MEETING WHICH HAS PREVIOUSLY POSTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE OPEN MEETINGS LAW. {00175999.DOC}