Untitled - The Global Movement


Untitled - The Global Movement
The Truth
In 2002, President George W. Bush
appointed Kissinger to chair a so-called
“The crisis in the Persian Gulf, as grave
committee to investigate the events of the
as it is, also offers a rare opportunity to
September 11 attacks. His appointment led
move toward an historic period of
to widespread criticism, generally taken from
cooperation. Out of these troubled times,
the position that Kissinger has never been
our fifth objective -- a new world order
supportive of the public’s right to know,
-- can emerge: a new era.”
but also from the position that Kissinger is
—George Herbert Walker Bush
viewed by some as a war criminal in his
September 11th 1990
own right.
Henry Kissinger- politically ambitious,
Accusations Against
cultivated relations with Nelson Rockefeller.
Henry Kissinger
When, in 1968, it became clear that Richard
“The alternative to a new
international order is chaos.”
—Henry (Heinz) Kissinger-
Nixon would be elected President, Kissinger
In The Trial of Henry Kissinger (2001),
became an advisor to Nixon.
Christopher Hitchens accuses Kissinger
of conspiracy to commit murder and war
Kissinger served as the Secretary of State
crimes. The February and March 2001 issues
from 1973 to 1977 in the Nixon (1973-1974)
of Harper’s Magazine feature a series by
and Ford administrations.
Hitchens on the case for charging Kissinger
with war crimes. Hitchens augues that:
Kissinger may have played a role in the
September 11, 1973 coup by Augusto
1) on at least one occasion, Henry Kissinger
Pinochet against the government of Chilean
conspired to commit murder, and...
President Salvador Allende.
2) on numerous other occasions, Kissinger
Documentary evidence shows CIA
was the primary force behind certain acts
involvement throughout the coup, but
that could quite plausibly be considered
Kissinger says he reversed his initial position
war crimes.
supporting a coup well before it happened.
The Truth
“The ultimate challenge is to shape the
common concern of most countries and
all major ones regarding the
economic crisis, together with a
common fear of jihadist terrorism, into a
strategy reinforced by the realisation that
the new issues like proliferation, energy
and climate change permit no national or
regional solution.”
“[In] 1973 the Trilateral Commission was
“We Have before us the opportunity to
founded by David Rockefeller, Chase
forge for ourselves and for future gen-
Manhattan Bank chairman, Zbigniew
erations a New World Order. A world
Brzezinski, Carter’s national security
where the rule of law, not the law of the
advisor, and other like-minded ‘eminent
jungle governs the conduct of nations.
private citizens (like George H.W.Bush)’
When we are successful, and we will
Some 300 members (up from about
be, we have a real chance at this New
200 members in 1973) are drawn from
World Order. An order in which a cred-
international business and banking,
ible United Nations can use it’s peace-
government, academia, media, and
keeping role to fullfill the promise and
conservative labor. The Commission’s
vision of the UN’s Founders.”
purpose is to engineer an enduring
—George H. W. Bush, 41st president of
partnership among the ruling classes of
the United States Amerrica, former
North American, Western Europe, and
secretary of the Council of Foreign
Japan—hence the term ‘trilateral’—in
Relations, former member of the Trilateral
order to safeguard the interests of
Commission, Member of Skull and Bones
Western capitalism in an explosive
and Bohemian Club.
world. The private Trilateral Commission
is attempting to mold public policy and
construct a framework for international
—Henry (Heinz) Kissinger-
stability in the coming decades. Throughout this book, ‘trilateralism’ refers to the
doctrine of world order advanced by
the Commission”
—Trilateralism: The Trilateral Commission
and Elite Planning for World Management,
Edited by Holly Sklar.
[Henry (Heinz) Kissinger]
“Today, Americans would be outraged
if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order. Tomorrow, they will be grateful. This is especially true, if they were
told there was an outside threat from beyond – whether real or
promulgated – that threatened our very
existence. It is then that all the peoples of
the world will pledge with world
leaders to deliver them from this evil. The
one thing that every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be
willingly relinquished with the guarantee
of their well-being, granted to them
by their world government.”
—Henry (Heinz) Kissinger-
“Further, the process of transformation,
even if it brings revolutionary change,
is likely to be a long one, absent some
catastrophic and catalyzing event—like a
new Pearl Harbor.”“Rebuilding America’s Defenses,”
—Report from the Project for the New American Century, 2000
- Michael Meacher, UK Member of
How can the mainstream media and
government completely ignore the forty seven
story skyscraper World Trade Center
Building 7, half the height of the Twin
Towers, that was demolished on 9/11 along
with the FBI and CIA offices housing
evidence on government corruption such as
the ENRON files? How can the government
refuse to release any of the videos showing
what hit the Pentagon on 9/11 and killed
all the personnel researching the 2.3 Trillion
Dollars that went missing from the
Pentagons’ budget?
September 11th was the jump start for, what
is now, accelerating agenda by the ruthless
elite. It was a staged war pretext, no
different than the sinking of the Lusitania, the
provoking of Pearl Harbor and the Gulf of
Tonkin lie. In fact, if 9/11 wasn’t a planned
war pretext, it would be an exception to the
rule. It has been used to launch two
unprovoked illegal wars, one against Iraq
and one against Afghanistan. However,
9/11 was a pretext for another war as well.
The war against you. The Patriot Act, Homeland Security, the Military Tribunals Act and
other legislations are all completely and
entirely designed to destroy your civil
liberties and limit your ability to fight back
against what is coming.
“This is about control over Middle East oil.
[The Statement of Principles] indicates that
America is aiming for global leadership,
both military and economically...”
Right after the attacks, Bush’s approval
rating went from forty-five percent to
ninety-plus percent. The U.S.A. Patriot Act,
which effectively eviscerated the Bill of
Rights and the Constitution, was passed,
radically expanding the scope of the already
colossal police state complex. Nobody in
congress even read it before it was forced
The victims of the 9/11 attacks have been
disaster for Muslims because 19 Arabs
were named as hijackers of the planes, but
they’ve been a dream come true for the
PNAC ‘think-tank’ whose 2000 Statement of
Principles stated a “catastrophic and catalyzing event, like a new Pearl Harbor” would
advance their policies, i.e. justify wars and
“regime changes”.
Unless the events of 9/11 are discussed
openly and without apprehension, nothing
else is real. When the people who benefited
the most from the events of 9/11 were the
very people responsible for preventing them,
something is wrong. Since these people
had ability to prevent, permit or conduct
the events themselves, their collective and
individual responses to the events must be
examined and analyzed to the last detail.
Anything less would be cowardice.
We discuss the Iraq war as if the plans to invade Iraq were suddenly thought of on 9/11.
We do the same with the Patriot Act. We do
the same with the war in Afghanistan. We
do the same for the continual assault on our
Constitution. We do the same for the unprecedented rise in government secrecy (which
actually started prior to 9/11, with Cheney’s
secret energy policy meetings). As a matter
of fact, the administration is doing just about
anything it wants, in secret, using the excuse
of 9/11. This unlimited power is a dream
“Since when does George W. Bush take
time to visit black students and read jolly
books like a grandfather to his children?
Just look at his face. Look at everything
he’s ever said and look more importantly
at everything that has since come out to
the world.
Can you say Photo–Op.
Readining truly does make a
country great Mr. Bush.”
—Kevin Vancio
come true for the PNAC cabal. The media
constantly repeat the neocon mantra that
9/11 justifies all of this unchecked power.
Nothing can be further from the truth.
“What has happened here [on 9-11] is
not war in its traditional sense. This is
clearly a crime against humanity. War
crimes are crimes which happen in war
time. There is a confusion there. This is
a crime against humanity
because it is deliberate and intentional
killing of large numbers of civilians for
political or other purposes. That is not
tolerable under the international
systems. And it should be prosecuted
pursuant to the existing laws...”
—Benjamin Ferencz, former Nuremberg Prosecutor, 9/19/01
The self-proclaimed goals of the Project for
a New American Century (PNAC) clearly
establish a more realistic and plausible motive to create a “new Pearl Harbor” than can
be attributed to any Islamic extremist. For the
neocons in PNAC, 9/11 was a dream come
true. Their dormant agenda now had an
excuse for being implemented. On the other
hand, the motive attributed to terrorists for
the events of 9/11 was the laughable “they
hate our freedom,” ostensibly stemming from
the teachings of Islam.
In truth, such acts would have violated the
teachings of their religion and exponentially
added a heavy burden to the daily life of
every Muslim. This is not to say that there
were no Al Qaeda types involved in the
events of 9/11. It merely raises unanswered
questions about what Al Qaeda really is and
with whom their members work. And if they
were actually involved in the events, what
were the real reasons for their actions? Their
motives, not those attributed to them, have to
become part of the public discourse.
“10 [PNAC members] are now in the Bush
administration. As well as Rumsfeld and
Wolfowitz, they include Deputy Secretary of
State Richard Armitage; John Bolton, who is
undersecretary of state for disarmament; and
Zalmay Khalilzad, the White House liaison
to the Iraqi opposition. Other signatories
include William Kristol, editor of the conservative Weekly Standard magazine, and Richard Perle, chairman of the advisory Defense
Science Board.” [ABC News 3/10/2003]
The stated aims of PNAC can be followed
from their war plans to their hopes of global
military superiority. George W. Bush was not
a factor when PNAC was writing its openly
published policies. But once the 2000 election was secured, PNAC members became
and remain the mainstay of the Bush administration, holding virtually every major
position relating to foreign policy.
However, to this day, PNAC has not been
mentioned by any of our corporate news
media. Most Americans have never heard
of it, and few can name its members in positions of power in their own government. As
a matter of fact the chairman of PNAC, William Kristol (Editor of the PNAC publication,
the Weekly Standard), is a regular pundit
offering analyses of Bush policies on FOX
News. Never has Kristol been identified as
having any connection to PNAC despite being one of the authors of our current foreign
policy. He is regularly presented to the public
as an impartial journalist. In fact, not a single government spokesperson has ever been
identified as a PNAC member. Talk about
media deception!
When there is any discussion of Bush policy,
from the Iraq War to the Patriot Act, we are
told that 9/11 changed everything. This is
Vice President Dick Cheny above, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld below
nonsense. The most controversial acts of the
Bush/PNAC administration were planned
and held in abeyance prior to 9/11. Can
you imagine the Patriot Act passing without
9/11 having taken place?
The failure of virtually every existing standard security procedure on 9/11 is so implausible that without active and wide spread
interference there would be no way the
events could have unfolded over the time
period in question. Every agency with responsibility for our protection on the day of
the events failed to follow procedure. Every
one. This happening by accident is not only
implausible but the mathematical odds are
Patriot Act & WAR
The 800 + pages of the Patriot Act were
written prior to 9/11. So were the plans to invade both Afghanistan and Iraq. But PNAC
needed 9/11 to take place. They wanted
9/11 to take place. They wrote about 9/11
(their new Pearl Harbor) taking place. What
makes you think they had absolutely nothing
to do with 9/11 taking place?
The book The Grand Chessboard: American
Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives,
by Zbigniew Brzezinski, published in 1998,
basically blueprints everything that is going
on today as it relates to the military primacy
of the US and it’s domination of the world.
This is not new stuff. The Bush/PNAC administration is not responding to 9/11. They are
in fact carrying out a pre-planned agenda
made possible by 9/11.
Lawsuit Filed Against George W.
Bush and Richard B. Cheney
A lawsuit was filed late Friday January 14th
in the U.S. District Court in Reno, Nevada
against President Bush and Vice President
Cheney. The lawsuit alleges that both defendants have acted outside the scope
of their job description in waging a war
against Iraq. The complaint alleges that both
defendants and others working within the
White House and Defense Department have
covertly implemented a white paper called
“Rebuilding America’s Defenses:” as presented by the Project for the New American
Century or PNAC in September, 2000 two
months before the murky elections of that
year. Among the persons signing the paper
were Richard Cheney and Jeb Bush. While
the paper was published on the internet,
implementation of it by the White House has
been in secret.
The thrust of the white paper calls for the
complete domination of the globe by the
US with wars against Iraq, Syria, and Iran,
domination of outer space and of Cyberspace. It calls for an enlarged military to
fight simultaneous wars. Security bases
world wide with extensive constabulary
forces posted to keep all nations subservient
to US military and economic power. It also
calls for nuclear rockets to be fired from Spy
satellites to suppress any challenge to US
global domination.
Donald Rumsfeld at a Council On Foreign Relations meeting for World Control
“This (9/11) was all planned. This was
a government-ordered operation. Bush
personally signed the order. He
personally authorized the attacks. He
is guilty of treason and mass murder.”
—Stanley Hilton [Pakistan Daily]
Day Before 9/11 Rumsfeld Declared
War On Pentagon Bureaucracy
Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld
declared war on Pentagon Bureaucracy the
day before 9/11 when he addressed the
went missing at the Pentagon: “According to
some estimates we cannot track $2.3 trillion
in transactions,” Rumsfeld said he identified the adversary: “the adversary’s closer
to home. It’s the Pentagon bureaucracy,” he
also added that “In fact, it could be said it’s
a matter of life and death.”-CBS News
The class action lawsuit filed by retired attorney and great-grandfather, Doug Wallace
alleges that the defendants have violated
their oaths of office in entering into a private treaty relating to International relations
without approval of the Congress and have
made a mockery of the Constitution under a
false banner of a war on terrorism.
The lawsuit seeks an injunction against
further implementation of the PNAC plan
without a 2/3 vote of the congress and a
full disclosure to the American Public. It also
names John Does 1-100 as defendants. The
suit seeks restitution to the US Treasury from
all Defendants of the cost of the war with
Iraq and also seeks a ruling that since the
deception about the war and execution of
it was outside of their job descriptions they
should all be individually liable to private
persons injured as a result of their illegal
Less than one hour before the 9/11 events,
Donald Rumsveld told a Congressional
Delegation that a shocking event would
occur soon.
In regard to the missing $2.3 TRILLION,
Former Defense Finance and Accounting
Service whistle blower, Jim Minnery, stated
“We know it’s gone. But we don’t know
what they spent it on,”. Minnery crossed the
country trying to uncover the money trail,
however, he was reassigned jobs when he
appeared too eager uncover the crime: “The
director looked at me and said ‘Why do you
care about this stuff?’ It took me back, you
know? My supervisor asking me why I care
about doing a good job,”
Immediately after 9/11 Congress approved
an additional $40 BILLION allocation to the
U.S. Constitution, Article. I., Section 8.
Former Italian President Francesco Cossiga
Former Italian President: Intel
Agencies Know 9/11 An Inside Job
December 4, 2007, Former Italian President
and the man who revealed the existence of
Operation Gladio Francesco Cossiga has
gone public on 9/11, telling Italy’s most respected newspaper that the attacks were run
by the CIA and Mossad and that this was
common knowledge amongst global intelligence agencies.
Clause 12 dictates that Congress may not
fund the military for a period longer than
two years:
“To raise and support Armies, but no
Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be
for a longer Term than two Years.”
Clearly the Founding Fathers recognized
that there should be no standing armies in
the U.S. otherwise the military is likely to be
used with criminal intent by the government
as is the case with the illegal and outrageous U.S. invasions of Cambodia, Vietnam,
Afghanistan, Iraq etc. After the Second
World War President Dwight Eisenhower
also cautioned that the Military Industrial
Complex is likely to get out of control. Three
million people died from the Vietnam War,
one million so far from the Iraq war. The
government is now even planning on again
using the U.S. military against U.S. citizens
on our own soil see: U.S. Concentration
Camps, Military Commissions Act, Army
Reg. 210—35, Congress Confirmation
These government and banking officials
believe in Hegelian principals that promote
conflict/war in order to induce change - the
same principles that supported Hitler and
Stalin. Perhaps it is time war was brought
directly into these officials and bankers personal homes and families?
Cossiga’s tendency to be outspoken upset
the Italian political establishment and he was
forced to resign after revealing the existence
of, and his part in setting up, Operation
Gladio - a rogue intelligence network under
NATO auspices that carried out bombings
across Europe in the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s.
Gladio’s specialty was to carry out what they
coined “false flag operations,” terror attacks
that were blamed on their domestic and
geopolitical opposition.
Cossiga’s revelations contributed to an Italian parliamentary investigation of Gladio in
2000, during which evidence was unearthed
that the attacks were being overseen by the
U.S. intelligence apparatus.
In March 2001, Gladio agent Vincenzo V
inciguerra stated, in sworn testimony,
“You had to attack civilians, the people,
women, children, innocent people, unknown
people far removed from any political game.
The reason was quite simple: to force ...
the public to turn to the state to ask for
greater security.”
9/11 the day freedom was let
go for “security”
* 2,973 - Total number of people killed
(excluding the 19 hijackers) in the
September 11, 2001 attacks
* 2,932 - Total number of US servicemen
and women killed in Afghanistan and
Iraq since September 2001
* 72,000 - Estimated number of
civilians killed worldwide since September
11, 2001 as a result of the war on terror
* 1,248 - Number of published books
relating to the September 11 attacks
* $40bn - Airline industry losses since
September 2001
* 91 per cent - Terror cases from FBI
and others that US Justice Dept declined
to prosecute in first eight months of 2006
TNew Yorkers cry and watch in horror below
ABOUT 9/11
James Ridgeway. The 9/11 Commission
Report is widely declared to be the definitive account of the most devastating attack
ever to take place on American soil, but in
truth the most vital questions about 9/11
have not been asked:
Coming from a widely respected former
head of state, Cossiga’s assertion that the
9/11 attacks were an inside job and that
this is common knowledge amongst global
intelligence agencies is highly unlikely to
be mentioned by any establishment media
outlets, because like the hundreds of other
sober ex-government, military, air force professionals, allied to hundreds more professors and intellectuals - he can’t be sidelined
as a crackpot conspiracy theorist.
Pre-warnings of the September 1
1th attacks
Pentagon officials cancelled September
11 flying plans day before: On Sept. 10:
NEWSWEEK has learned, a group of top
Pentagon officials suddenly canceled travel
plans for the next morning, apparently because of security concerns.
Agency planned exercise on Sept. 11 built
around a plane crashing into a building: In
what the government describes as a bizarre
*Why wasn’t a decade of warnings and
hundreds of previous deaths enough to
improve airline security? Whose interests
does the FAA really protect?
*Why was Dick Cheney running the
country from a secret bunker on 9/11?
Where was Donald Rumsfeld? And how
did the Bush administration plot to use the
attacks to advance their policy goals?
*With al-Qaeda firmly on the radar for
years, why were the FBI and CIA, the
world’s premier intelligence services,
unable to see this coming?
What did ISI, the Pakistani intelligence
organization, know, when did they know
it, and whom did they tell? How did U.S.
allies in the region help pave the way for
these attacks?
*Why didn’t this “independent”
commission find anyone accountable for
more than 2,700 civilian deaths? Why are
so many of their findings still classified?
Which questions did they ask-and which
did they ignore?
Dick Cheney far right and Condoleeza Rice, center, in a secret hidden underground location
“The size of the lie is a definite factor in
causing it to be believed, for the vast
masses of a nation are in the depths of
their hearts more easily deceived
than they are consciously and
intentionally bad. The primitive
simplicity of their minds renders them a
more easy prey to a big lie than a small
one, for they themselves often tell little
lies, but would be ashamed
to tell big lies.”
– Adolf Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” (1925)
coincidence, one U.S. intelligence agency
was planning an exercise last Sept. 11 in
which an errant aircraft would crash into one
of its buildings. But the cause wasn’t terrorism — it was to be a simulated accident. By
JOHN J. LUMPKIN, Associated Press Writer
11 attacks in which the participants spoke
about something big that was going to happen on that day, ABCNEWS has learned.
Reported by ABCNEWS’ Pierre Thomas and
Martha Raddatz in Washington, D.C.
US Heard ‘Tomorrow Is Zero Hour’ on Eve
of Attacks: U.S. intelligence intercepted two
messages the day before the Sept. 11 attacks
that indicated an event was planned the
following day, but the communications were
not translated until Sept. 12, government
sources said on Wednesday. WASHINGTON (Reuters)
NSA didn’t share key pre-Sept. 11
information, sources say: A secretive U.S.
eavesdropping agency monitored telephone
conversations before Sept. 11 between the
suspected commander of the World Trade
Center and Pentagon attacks and the alleged
chief hijacker, but did not share the information with other intelligence agencies, U.S.
officials said Thursday.
A Big Warning: The National Security Agency intercepted and secretly recorded at least
one conversation in Arabic before the Sept.
Condoleezza Rice Warned Sept. 6 About
Imminent Terror Attack: Five days before
Sept. 11, National Security Advisor Con-
Stock Exchange floor
“This is about control over Middle East
oil. [The Statement of Principles]
indicates that America is aiming for
global leadership, both military and
—Michael Meacher, UK MP
doleezza Rice was warned that a terrorist
attack inside the United States was imminent,
a former U.S. senator who headed up a
blue-ribbon commission on terrorism revealed late Tuesday.
ATTACK): “We are also concerned about
information we received in May 2001 that
American citizens may be the target of a terrorist threat from extremist groups with links
to Usama Bin Ladin’s Al-Qaida organization.”
Jeb Bush declares martial law 4 days before
September 11th
Insider trading prior to 9/11
October 9, 2001 Although uniformly
ignored by the mainstream U.S. media,
there is abundant and clear evidence that a
number of transactions in financial markets
indicated specific (criminal) foreknowledge
of the September 11 attacks on the World
Trade Center and the Pentagon. In the case
of at least one of these trades -- which has
left a $2.5 million prize unclaimed -- the
firm used to place the put options on United
Airlines stock was, until 1998, managed by
the man who is now in the number three
Executive Director position at the Central
Intelligence Agency.
It is necessary to understand only two key
financial terms to understand the
the option of selling selected stocks at a
future date at a price set when the contract
is issued. Thus, for an investment of $10,000
it might be possible to tie up 10,000 shares
of United or American Airlines at $100 per
share, and the seller of the option is then
obligated to buy them if the option is executed. If the stock has fallen to $50 when
the contract matures, the holder of the option
can purchase the shares for $50 and immediately sell them for $100 regardless of
where the market then stands. A call option
is the reverse of a put option, which is, in
effect, a derivatives bet that the stock price
will go up.
Between September 6 and 7, the Chicago
Board Options Exchange saw purchases of
4,744 put options on United Airlines, but
only 396 call options Assuming that 4,000
of the options were bought by people with
advance knowledge of the imminent attacks,
these insiders would have profited by almost $5 million.
significance of these trades, selling short and
put options.
Selling Short is the borrowing of stock, selling it at current market prices, but not being
required to actually produce the stock for
some time. If the stock falls precipitously
after the short contract is entered, the seller
can then fulfill the contract by buying the
stock after the price has fallen and complete
the contract at the pre-crash price. These
contracts often have a window of as long as
four months.
Put Options
Put Options, are contracts giving the buyer
the option to sell stocks at a later date.
Purchased at nominal prices of, for example,
$1.00 per share, they are sold in blocks of
100 shares. If exercised, they give the holder
On September 10, 4,516 put options on
American Airlines were bought on the Chicago exchange, compared to only 748 calls.
Again, there was no news at that point to
justify this imbalance; Again, assuming that
4,000 of these options trades represent insiders, they would represent a gain of about
$4 million.
The levels of put options
purchased above were more than
six times higher than normal.
Newly disclosed tapes offer evidence of
the widespread confusion within the
military as the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist
attacks were being carried out, further
undermining claims by the Pentagon that
it moved quickly to try to intercept and
shoot down one or more of the hijacked
jets. . . The full collection of nearly 30
hours of tapes from the North American
Aerospace Defense Command, or
NORAD, were released by the Pentagon
last year to Michael Bronner, a producer
on the recent film “United 93,” who
described them in detail in an article
posted this week on the Web site of
Vanity Fair . . . The tapes demonstrate
that for most of the morning of Sept. 11,
the airspace over New York and
Washington was essentially undefended,
and that jet fighters scrambled to intercept
the hijacked planes were involved in a
fruitless chase for planes that had already
crashed into the World Trade Center.
Members of the commission said the
tapes demonstrated that the Pentagon’s
initial account of its actions on Sept. 11
was wrong and that some military
officers might have intentionally provided
false statements to the commission.
“In politics, nothing happens by
accident. If it happens, you can bet
it was planned that way.”
—Franklin D. Roosevelt
OF 9/11
No similar trading in other airlines occurred
on the Chicago exchange in the days immediately preceding Black Tuesday.
JUNE 2006
With New Yorkers already fuming about
reports that the feds downplayed the danger of Ground Zero dust, the White House
gave EPA chief Christie Whitman the
power to bury embarrassing documents
by classifying them “secret.”. . .
Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co., which
occupied 22 floors of the World Trade
Center, saw 2,157 of its October $45 put
options bought in the three trading days
before Black Tuesday; this compares to an
average of 27 contracts per day before
September 6. Morgan Stanleys share price
fell from $48.90 to $42.50 in the aftermath
of the attacks. Assuming that 2,000 of these
options contracts were bought based upon
knowledge of the approaching attacks, their
purchasers could have profited by at least
$1.2 million.
Although the stated reason for Bush’s
directive is to keep “national security
information” from falling into enemy
hands, advocates for thousands of
ailing Ground Zero heroes are convinced
there’s a more sinister motive. “I think the
rationale behind this was to not let people
know what they were potentially exposed
to,” said Joel Kupferman of the New York
Environmental Law and Justice Project.
“They’re using the secrecy thing to cover
up their malfeasance and past
deceptions.”. . .
Whitman, who resigned as EPA chief in
May 2003, could not be reached for
comment yesterday. In a Newsweek
interview that year, she said the White
House never told her to lie about the air
quality. However, Whitman conceded that
she did not object when words of caution
were edited out of her public statements.
“We didn’t want to scare people,”
she said.
Merrill Lynch & Co., with headquarters near
the Twin Towers, saw 12,215 October $45
put options bought in the four trading days
before the attacks; the previous average volume in those shares had been 252 contracts
per day [a 1200% increase!]. When trading
resumed, Merrills shares fell from $46.88 to
$41.50; assuming that 11,000 option contracts were bought by insiders, their profit
would have been about $5.5 million.
Millions of dollars of profit were
made from suspicious stock trades.
The governments of America, Europe,
and Japan announced plans to
investigate in order to determine who
the investors were. However, every
investigation was terminated.
German firm probes final World
Trade Center deals:
German computer experts are working
round the clock to unlock the truth behind
an unexplained surge in financial transactions made just before two hijacked planes
crashed into New York’s World Trade Center
on September 11.
Mystery of terror ‘insider dealers’:
Share speculators have failed to collect
$2.5m (£1.7m) in profits made from the fall
in the share price of United Airlines after the
11 September World Trade Centre attacks.
Supressed Details of Criminial
Insider Trading Leads Directly
Into The CIA’s Highest Ranks:
Although uniformly ignored by the
mainstream U.S. media, there is
abundant and clear evidence that a number
of transactions in financial markets indicated
specific (criminal) foreknowledge of the
September 11 attacks on the World Trade
Center and the Pentagon.
Highest Ranks:
Although uniformly ignored by the mainstream U.S. media, there is abundant and
clear evidence that a number of transactions in financial markets indicated specific
(criminal) foreknowledge of the September
11 attacks on the World Trade Center and
the Pentagon.
An abnormal amount of “put” options – bets
that a stock price would suddenly fall – were
placed on United Air Lines and American
Airlines in the days before the attacks of
September 11th.
Ex-Agent Had Key Data: In a criminal case
with a specter of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, prosecutors disclosed yesterday that
classified information had been found during a search of possessions of a former FBI
agent allegedly part of an insider trading
Still Silence From 9-11 Stock
Speculation Probe:
Within a month of 9-11, the SEC, acting in
concert with the Department of Justice, distributed a target list of 38 stocks to securities
firms around the world looking for information about who might have profited by at
least apparent pre-knowledge of the aerial
attacks on the World Trade Center and the
Project Able Danger
9/11 Ringleader connected to
secret Pentagon operation
WASHINGTON — The federal commission
that probed the Sept. 11, 2001, terror
attacks was told twice about “Able Danger,”
a military intelligence unit that had identified
Mohamed Atta and other hijackers a year
before the attacks, a congressman close to
the investigation said.
Ben Fountain, 42, a financial analyst
with Fireman’s Fund, was coming out of
the Chambers Street Station, headed for
his office on the 47th floor of the south
tower. “How could they let this happen?
They knew this building was a target.
Over the past few weeks we’d been
evacuated a number of times, which
is unusual. I think they had an inkling
something was going on.”
North Tower of the World Trade Center in
New York. It was Atta’s face, on television
and in newspapers across the world, that
became the symbol of Islamic terrorism. And
it was Atta’s name - not the names of any of
the 18 other hijackers allegedly lead by Atta
on that day - that was cited by international
security researchers. Atta was, as the Kean
report stresses, “the tactical commander of
the operation in the United States”. According to both the Bush administration and the
official 9/11 Commission report, he was
working on the orders of Osama Bin Laden
who, from remote Afghanistan, controlled
the entire operation.
It identifies the role of 9/11 ringleader
Mohammed Atta and 3 other hijackers in a
secret Pentagon operation. It largely refutes
the official US government narrative as presented by the 9/11 Commission. Four years
after the 11 September 2001 attacks on the
US, the revelation of a top secret Pentagon
operation adds a new twist to a story about
which we still know very little.
For the past four years after 9/11, we have
been told by the administration of George
Bush and by the official 9/11 Commission
report of Chairman Thomas Kean and Executive Director Philip Zelikow that Egyptian
extremist Mohammed Atta was the key player in the 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks.
Atta, according to the Kean report, was the
“tactical leader of the 9/11 plot”. He was
the pilot who on that dreadful morning flew
the first plane, American Airlines 11, into the
Almost exactly four years after 9/11, the
facts appeared to have been turned upside
down. We now learn that Atta was also connected to a top secret operation of the Pentagon’s Special Operations Command (SOCOM) in the US. According to Army reserve
Lieutenant-Colonel Anthony Shaffer, a top
secret Pentagon project code-named Able
Danger had identified Atta and three other
9/11 hijackers as members of an al-Qaida
cell more than a year before the attacks.
Able Danger was an 18-month highly classified operation tasked, according to Shaffer,
with “developing targeting information for
al-Qaida on a global scale”, and used datamining techniques to look for “patterns, associations, and linkages”. He said he himself
had first encountered the names of the four
hijackers in mid-2000.
One of the more puzzling mysteries of
9-11 is what ever happened to the flight
recorders of the two planes that hit the
World Trade Center towers. Now it appears that they may not be missing at all.
Counterpunch has learned that the FBI has
them. . .
All four of the devices were recovered
from the two planes that hit the Pentagon
and that crashed in rural Pennsylvania. In
the case of American Airlines Flight 77,
which hit the Pentagon, the FBI reports
that the flight data recorder survived and
had recoverable information, but the voice
recorder was allegedly too damaged to
provide any record. In the case of United
Airlines Flight 93, which hit the ground
at 500 mph in Pennsylvania, the situation
was reversed: the voice recorder survived
but the flight data box was allegedly damaged beyond recovery.
But the FBI states, and also reported to the
9-11 Commission, that none of the recording devices from the two planes that hit
the World Trade Center were ever recovered.
There has always been some skepticism
about this assertion, particularly as two
N.Y. City firefighters, Mike Bellone and
Nicholas De Masi, claimed in 2004 that
FAA Radar before and after 9/11 attacks
August in the offices of Republican Curt
Weldon of Pennsylvania, the vice chairman
of the House Armed Services and Homeland
Security committees who also supported the
exposure of this secret.
When the “official” facts are turned upside
down, we need to go back to the sources
and ask: What do we really know about
9/11? Our most important source, Atta himself, is dead. So for now, there is only Schaffer, a 42-year-old native of Kansas City, who
worked for the Defense Intelligence Agency
(DIA) in Washington at the time of the 9/11
attacks and had insights into the Pentagon’s
top secret operation. According to Schaffer,
when he informed the FBI and urged them
to arrest Atta, the Pentagon’s lawyers intervened and protected Atta for reasons that
remain unclear.
Schaffer himself was fully aware of the
delicacy of his revelations. As such, he chose
to first speak to US lawmaker and Speaker
of the House Dennis Hastert (Republican,
Illinois) and House Intelligence Committee
Chairman Peter Hoekstra (Republican, Michigan). Schaffer said the two had assured him
that exposing the secret “was the right thing
to do”. “I was given assurances we would
not suffer any adverse consequences for
bringing this to the attention of the public,”
he said.
The conversations with Hastert and Hoekstra
took place before Schaffer anonymously
leaked the information to the media on 8
Washington and New York were
left unprotected
Given all indications from the four
commercial airliner’s timeline sequences on
9-11, there was a stand down of defensive
U.S. Air Force response.
War games Were Cover For the
Operational Execution of 9/11
Until now, no single smoking gun has yet
been forwarded to explain why air defenses
categorically reversed Standard Operating
Procedure and failed to respond to hijacked
jetliners. More and more individuals are
looking at the facts and highlighting exercise
“mock terrorist” drills that took place on the
morning of 9/11.
9/11 Flight Controller: “Is This Real
World or an Exercise?”
On a BBC video report which focuses on the
‘hijacker screening video’, a clip is played
from the voice of a 9/11 flight controller, in
which he responds to news of a hijacked
flight heading towards New York with the
words, “is this real world, or an exercise?’
Atlantic City F-16 Fighters Were
Eight Minutes Away From 9/11
Hijacked Planes: Why? Why weren’t
they alerted? And even if they had been told
about the hijackings, what could they have
done? The jets weren’t armed to shoot down
another plane. Their mission was bombing drills.
Bush Jr. and Cheney have expressly
asked Senate Majority Leader Daschle to
limit any congressional investigation into
9-11 because, as Cheney said, “a review
of what happened on September 11 would
take resources and personnel away from the
effort in the war on terrorism.”
35 USAF Bases Within Range On 911:
The 7 Air Stations On Full Alert Covering
The Continental United States And 28 More
Air Stations That Were In Range Of The 4
Airliners On 911: The following list were the
seven Air Stations that were armed and on
full alert to protect the continental United
States on Tuesday September 11, 2001.
Air Defenses Stood Down On 911
AFTER ATC Alerts Given: There is now
irrefutable evidence which proves massive
complicity on the part of the highest levels of
government -- along with numerous accomplices and co-conspirators in the military, intelligence and administrative sectors -- in the
September 11 atrocities perpetrated against
the American people.
“I’ll be long gone before some smart
person ever figures out what happened
inside this Oval Office.”
— George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., May 12, 2008
Twenty questions
1. What did National Security Adviser
Condoleezza Rice tell President Bush
about al Qaeda threats against the
United States in a still-secret briefing
on Aug. 6, 2001?. . .
2. Why did Attorney General John
Ashcroft and some Pentagon officials
cancel commercial-airline trips before
Sept. 11?. . .
3. Who made a small fortune “shorting”
airline and insurance stocks before Sept.
11?. . .
4. Are all 19 people identified by the
government as participants in the Sept. 11
attacks really the hijackers?. . .
5. Did any of the hijackers smuggle guns
on board as reported in calls from both
Flight 11 and Flight 93?. . .
6. Why did the NORAD air defense
network fail to intercept the four hijacked
jets?. . .
7. Why did President Bush continue
reading a story to Florida grade-schoolers
for nearly a half-hour during the worst
attack on America in its history?. . .
8. How did Flight 93 crash in western
Pennsylvania?. . .
9. Was Zacarias Moussaoui really
“the 20th hijacker”?. . .
10. Where are the planes’ “black boxes”?.
Twenty questions
FAA alerted Military Immediately:
AF Prevented From Responding: The Air
Force spokesman confirmed that after alerts
and requests for intercepts of the aircraft
were received from FAA/ATC, orders from
the HIGHEST LEVEL of the federal government demanded that the Air Force stand
down and NOT follow through with established scramble/ intercept procedures until
further notice.
11. Why were Donald Rumsfeld and other
U.S. officials so quick to link Saddam
Hussein to the attacks?. . .
12. Why did 7 World Trade Center
collapse?. . .
13. Why did the Bush administration lie
about dangerously high levels of toxins
and hazardous particles after the WTC
collapse?. . .
Where are the suicide Hijackers?
Hijack ‘suspect’ alive in Morocco:
A Saudi-Arabian aircraft pilot who was
named as one of the 19 hijackers, has
turned up alive and well in Morocco.
14. Where is Dick Cheney’s undisclosed
location?. . .
15. What happened to the more than $1
billion that Americans donated after the
attack?. . .
The man, Waleed Al-Shehri, has told Saudi
journalists in Casablanca that he had nothing to do with the attacks on New York and
Washington, and had been in Morocco
at the time. The FBI named five men with
Arab names who they say were responsible
for deliberately crashing American Airlines
Flight 11 into the World Trade Center.
One of those five names was Waleed AlShehri, a Saudi pilot who had trained in the
United States. His photograph was released
by the FBI, and has been shown in newspapers and on television around the world.
That same Mr Al-Shehri has turned up in
Morocco, proving clearly that he was not a
member of the suicide attack.
He told Saudi journalists in Casablanca
that he has contacted both the Saudi and
16. What was the role of Pakistan’s spy
agency in the Sept. 11 attacks and the
subsequent murder of U.S. journalist
Daniel Pearl?. . .
American authorities to advise them that he
had nothing to do with the attack. He acknowledges that he attended flight training
school at Dayton Beach in the United States,
and is indeed the same Waleed Al-Shehri to
whom the FBI has been referring.
But, he says, he left the United States in
September last year, and became a pilot
with Saudi Arabian Airlines, and is currently
on a further training course in Morocco. He
says he was in Marrekesh when the attack took
17. Who killed five Americans with
anthrax?. . .
18. What happened to the probe into C-4
explosives found in a Philadelphia bus
terminal in fall 2001?. . .
19. What is in the 28 blacked-out pages
of the congressional Sept. 11 report?. . .
20. Where is Osama bin Laden?. . .
“American Free Press visited Somerset
County to look into some of the
questions surrounding United Airlines
Flight 93, which allegedly turned over
and crashed in a refilled strip mine
between Lambertsville and
Shanksville, Pa., taking 44 lives with it.”
This supposed Terrorist Red Jihad Bandana was found at Flight 93 Crash Site where the plane
was burt to charcol. It appears
“One question, “is what happened to the
physical wreckage of the plane?”
“There was no plane,” Ernie Stull,
mayor of Shanksville, told German
television in March 2003:
“My sister and a good friend of mine
were the first ones there,” Stull said.
“They were standing on a street
corner in Shanksville talking. Their car
was nearby, so they were the first here and the fire department came.
Everyone was puzzled, because the call
had been that a plane had crashed. But
there was no plane.”
–Ernie Stull, mayor of Shanksville, PA
place. Mr Al-Shehri’s case is not the first in
which there has been apparent confusion as
to the identities of the hijackers who commandeered the four planes on 11 September.
More Hijack ‘suspects’ alive and well:
Another of the men named by the FBI as
a hijacker in the suicide attacks on Washington and New York has turned up alive
and well. Abdulaziz Al Omari, another of
the Flight 11 hijack suspects, has also been
quoted in Arab news reports. Another man
with exactly the same name surfaced on the
pages of the English-language Arab News.
The second Abdulaziz Al Omari is a pilot
for Saudi Arabian Airlines, the report says.
Meanwhile, Asharq Al Awsat newspaper,
a London-based Arabic daily, says it has
interviewed Saeed Alghamdi.
Khalid Al-Midhar may also be alive. He was
listed by the FBI as a hijacker in the United
flight that crashed in Pennsylvania.
And there are suggestions that another suspect, Khalid Al Midhar, may also be alive.
FBI Director Robert Mueller acknowledged
on Thursday that the identity of several of the
suicide hijackers is in doubt. (BBC News sept
23 2001)
Edna Cintron – WTC victim. Administrative Assistant, Marsh & McLennan, WTC North Tower
Its in the details
Explosions Going Off At Ground Zero.
Literally hundreds of eyewitness heard and
saw numerous explosions at Ground Zero,
including an explosion in Tower 1 seconds before the first plane hit. There were
reports of explosions at the base of the
towers before they fell.
WTC Security Shuts Down One Week
Prior To 9/11
For the first time in the history of the twin
towers, a power down occurs one week
before the events of 9/11 occurred. This
power down was for computer up grades
[no security cameras] and allowed numerous people to walk freely within the
buildings and for whatever reason, bombsniffing dogs were removed.
Bush’s Brother In Charge Of Security At
Marvin P. Bush, the president’s younger
brother, was a principal in a company
called Securacom that provided security
for the World Trade Center, United Airlines, and Dulles International Airport.
According to its present CEO, Barry
McDaniel, the company had an ongoing
contract to handle security at the World
Trade Center up to the day the buildings
fell down.
Stock Profits From Airlines
Unidentified insiders made millions from
the stocks of American and United Airlines. These “put options” were made just
prior to 9/11. Why haven’t these transactions been traced and publicized?
Its in the details
passed with no interceptions.
New Commander For NORAD
The North American Air Defense system (NORAD) had a first in its history
since its creation. Six months prior, Vice
president Dick Cheney took control of
NORAD. The ex-Haliburton CEO instigated numerous drills over that period
of time including one that took place on
9/11 where most of the fighter jets were
relocated to Alaska and Canada. [At this
point we should add that Haliburton has
made obscene profits from government
contracts since 9/11.]
Officials Never Imagined Planes Flying
Into Buildings
Numerous key officials stated to the
media that they never could imagine that
planes could have been hijacked and
flown into landmark buildings. Contrary
to their statements, air defense and
FEMA drills had been conducted in the
past and on 9/11 - exercises for these
exact scenarios - in the drills, the landmark buildings were the ones hit. [Peter
Jennings fully reported this story.]
Many Warnings Of Attack
There were many warnings of the attacks
from at least 11 other countries. Insiders such as John Ashcroft, top military
officers and San Francisco mayor Willie Brown were warned not to fly. With
these warnings, the air defense system
(NORAD) should have been on full alert
- what was going on here? See the next
few facts...
Air Defense System Fails Completely
Whenever contact is lost with an airplane, fighter jets routinely take to the air
to investigate. This is standard procedure
and all pilots and NORAD personnel
have orders to treat every occurrence
as a real threat. This commonly occurs
about 100 times a year and jets intercept
their targets on average in about 10 to
20 minutes. But on 9/11, nearly 2 hours
Resisting An Investigation
The Bush administration resisted having
any kind of investigation for 441 days.
Similar investigations, such as those
for Pearl Harbor, the JFK assignation
and the shuttle disaster all took place in
about a week. Furthermore, when the
9/11 Commission heads wanted to interview George Bush and Dick Cheney, they
agreed, but did so with these conditions:
1) they were not to be put under oath; 2)
there was not to be any recording; and
3) they wanted to do it together (to keep
their story straight?).
Victims Press For Answers. Known as
the Jersey Girls, 4 courageous widows
finally force the 9/11 Commission into
existence and presented many questions.
Under the leadership of the Bush administration, 70% of their questions were
ignored and the report failed to address
any of the evidence pointing to official
complicity. [The film 911: Press for Truth
on the VIDEO TESTIMONY page documents their story.]
President’s Location Highly Publicized.
The Secret Service broke established
protocols by allowing President Bush to
remain in a well-publicized classroom
“photo op” long after it was known
that the US was under attack and that
he may very well be a target. Did they
all know there was nothing to fear? He
continued to read to children for 10
minutes after learning of the 2nd plane
hitting the WTC. When questioned about
this phenomenon, his reply was that he
“didn’t want to frighten the children”.
Could he have not simply told the children something like, “Hey kids, something very important has come up and I
have to get going!”
ary Committee’s chief investigator in the
Clinton impeachment trial, claims that
FBI agents in Chicago and Minnesota
contacted him in July 2001 and told him
that a terrorist attack is going to occur in
lower Manhattan. According to Schippers, the agents had been developing
extensive information on the planned attack for many months. However, the FBI
soon pulls them off the terrorist investigation and threatens them with prosecution
under the National Security Act if they
go public with the information. As a
result, they contact Schippers hoping he
can persuade the government to take action. Schippers tries to pass the information on to high government officials, but
his efforts are ignored.
Key Officials Hoped For 9/11. In 2000,
on their website Project for the New
American Century, many of whom would
become key officials in the Bush Administration, wrote that their proposed
massive military build up would proceed slowly “absent some catastrophic
and catalyzing event - like a New Pearl
No Evidence Of A Boeing 757 In PA.
The official story of the Shanksville, PA
crash is that the plane disintegrated and
was absorbed by the unusual soil located
at the site. The planes tail is 25 feet from
the surface. There is little to no debris,
just a large crater about 40 feet in diameter and 20 feet deep. The entire area is
fenced off and very little has been recovered. Shanksville, PA mayor Ernie Stull
was one of the first at the scene and he
stated that, “There was no plane, just a
hole in the ground.”
FBI Agents Had Foreknowledge
Of Attacks
David Schippers, noted conservative
Chicago lawyer and the House Judici-
Patriot Act was prewritten before 9/11
This 300 plus page document dismantles the historic American Bill of Rights
- American FREEDOM! The law was
submitted to Congress by the Bush Administration on September 24th, just 13
days after the attack. Two of the Senators
who attempted to slow passage of the
bill, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy and Senate Majority
Leader Tom Daschle, were targeted with
letters containing weaponized anthrax
delivered to their offices on October 9.
Russ Feingold was the only member of
the Senate to vote against it.
No Evidence Bin Laden is behind 9/11
On June 5, 2006, the Muckraker Report
contacted the FBI Headquarters, (202)
324-3000, to learn why Bin Laden’s
Most Wanted poster did not indicate
that Usama was also wanted in connection with 9/11. The Muckraker Report
spoke with Rex Tomb, Chief of Investigative Publicity for the FBI. When asked
why there is no mention of 9/11 on
Bin Laden’s Most Wanted web page,
Tomb said, “The reason why 9/11 is not
mentioned on Usama Bin Laden’s Most
Wanted page is because the FBI has no
hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to
9/11.” Here is the FBI link to Bin Laden’s
“Wanted” poster.
The Absence Of Media Integrity
Personal in-depth research is quite
revealing. The sources of many of these
findings come from media reports.
Independent researchers have done
something the media fails to do with
their own reporting... and that is connect
the dots. This isn’t rocket science and the
question of who controls the media must
be asked. Anchor men/women are told
what to disclose and media investigators
are told what to investigate... plain and
simple. It should be noted that 6 mega
corporations control the worlds media
and that many of them are tied into the
military industrial complex and/or oil.
Bush Officials Planned Attacks On
Afghanistan And Iraq Before 9/11
The attacks on America in 2001 were
exploited as an excuse for a full-scale
conquest. An oil pipeline deal was
prevented by the Taliban, which was one
major black mark against them. The war
in Afghanistan officially began in March,
six months before the 9/11 incidents.
Yet regime change in Afghanistan was
portrayed as the US response to those
incidents. And... Former U.S. Treasury
Secretary Paul O’Neill told CBS News’
60 Minutes that the Bush administration
began planning to use U.S. troops to
invade Iraq within days after the former
Texas governor entered the White House.
The oilman no doubt had big plans in
The Grand Chessboard
Jimmy Carter’s NSA director, Zbigniew
Brzezinski, wrote in his 1996 book, The
Grand Chessboard of how mobilising
troops in key oil strategic regions of
Eurasia would be difficult unless an event
like a New Pearl Harbour were to take
place. On February 1 2007, Brzezinski
publicly stated that the neocons could
blame a terror attack on Iran and lead
us to another precarious position.
New Powers Granted to Government
since 9/11
The Defense Authorization Act of 2006,
passed on Sept. 30, empowers President
George W. Bush to impose martial law
in the event of a terrorist “incident,” if
he or other federal officials perceive a
shortfall of “public order,” or even in response to antiwar protests that get unruly
as a result of government provocations.
In 2003, General Tommy Franks stated
that, “If the United States is hit with a
weapon of mass destruction that inflicts
large casualties, the Constitution will
likely be discarded in favor of a military
form of government.” - Martial Law!
Dictatorial Powers Granted
The National Security and Homeland
Security Presidential Directive, signed on
May 9, 2007 declares that in the event
of a “catastrophic event”, George W.
Bush can become what is best described
as “a dictator”. “The President shall lead
the activities of the Federal Government
for ensuring constitutional government.”
This directive, completely unnoticed by
the media, and given no scrutiny by
Congress, literally gives the White House
unprecedented dictatorial power over the
government and the country, bypassing
the US Congress and obliterating the
separation of powers. The directive also
placed the Secretary of Homeland Security in charge of domestic “security”. It
will permit the Federal Emergency Management Agency to force the detention of
American citizens (as well as Canadians
under the new security arrangements) in
total violation of the constitution.
The Reichstag Fire
Hitler’s move to suspend the constitution after burning his own Reichstag and
pinning it on the communists, allowing
him to crackdown on “liberal intellectuals, socialists, communists, and anyone
who promoted the notion of rule of law,
is frighteningly similar to what has been
happening in both Canada and the U.S.
following the events of 9/11.
New Government Policies Since 9/11
Canada follows along with US government policies that include: The invasion of two countries resulting in the
deaths, maiming and injury of well over
a million Iraqis, Afghans, Canadians,
Americans and many others; the detention of people on mere suspicion; unfettered wiretapping and surveillance of
the populace; ballooning budget of our
militaries; massive appropriations of
funds for the biological and chemical
war industry; violation of the Nuremberg
Principles and thus of international law;
the U.S. Justice Department’s sanctioning
of torture; the merging of the Canadian
and American militaries; authorization
of the entry and operation of American
troops on our soil in the event of an
emergency which is for the US
government alone to determine; and
much more.
“I flew the two actual aircraft which were
involved in 9/11... Fight number 175 and
Flight 93, the 757 that
allegedly went down in Shanksville and
Flight 175 is the aircraft that’s
alleged to have hit the South Tower. I don’t
believe it’s possible for... a
so-called terrorist to train on a 172, then
jump in a cockpit of a 757-767 class cockpit, and vertical navigate the aircraft, lateral
navigate the aircraft, and fly the airplane at
speeds exceeding it’s
design limit speed by well over 100 knots,
make high-speed high-banked turns,.. pulling probably 5, 6, 7 G’s... I couldn’t do it
and I’m absolutely
positive they couldn’t do it.”
This supposed Terrorist passport was found flown out of the fireball of the world trade center
without scave to support the war on terror against Iraq?
Seven of the WTC Hijackers found alive:
Some of the men the FBI claims hijacked
planes on Sept. 11 and crashed them into
the World Trade Center in New York, the
Pentagon, and Stony Creek Township, Pennsylvania are still alive. 7 of the 19 believed
hijackers named are still alive.
Saeed Alghamdi, Mohand Alshehri, Abdul
aziz Alomari, Salem Alhazmi
“It was proved that five of the names included in the FBI list had nothing to do with what
happened.” - Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Minister Prince Saud Al-Faisal told the Arabic
Press after meeting with President George
W. Bush on Sept. 20th
Saudi officials at the embassy were unable
to verify the whereabouts of the fifth accused
hijacker, Khalid Al-Mihdhar. However, Arab
newspapers say Al-Mihdhar is still alive.
Saeed Alghamdi, Mohand Alshehri, Abdul
aziz Alomari and Salem Alhazmi “are not
dead and had nothing to do with the heinous terror attacks in New York and Washington.” The Saudi Arabian embassy told
The Orlando Sentinel.
–Former Air Force fighter pilot Russ Wittenberg, who flew over 100
combat missions in Vietnam, sat in the cockpit for Pan Am and
United for over 30 years, and previously flew two of the actual airplanes that were allegedly hijacked on 9/11 (United Airlines Flight
175 & 93), does not believe the government’s official 9/11 con-
Passport of suspected hijacker
found in debris
(Comment: The steel towers melted and
collapsed, vapourizing human bone and
flesh with them, yet a paper passport came
barreling out of the plane and through that
tower unscathed?)
spiracy theory
On September 16, 2001 from an AP source,
the passport of a suspected hijacker was
discovered near the ruins of the World Trade
Center, authorities said Saturday as exhausted rescue workers clawed through the
wreckage, searching unsuccessfully for signs
of life.
FBI Assistant Director Barry Mawn did not
disclose the name on the passport or other
details, but the discovery prompted an
intensive search for evidence blocks from the
towers that were brought down in Tuesday’s
terrorist attacks by two hijacked planes.
Bombs in the buildings
Rudolph Giuliani Got Warning WTC Towers
Were Going To Collapse:
April 9 2005, Rudolph Giuliani admits to
Peter Jennings that he got a warning that the
South Tower was about to collapse. “”We
were operating out of there when we were
told that the World Trade Center was gonna
Experts offer yet another
contradictory conclusion:
April 6 2005, Now the latest lie is to claim
inadequate fireproofing. The firefighter tapes
released to the New York Times clearly
indicate that right before the towers collapsed
the fires were minimal and under control.
Above, The History Channel exposes what a controled demolition looks like.
Below the diagnally cut beams appear to show this was engineered.
The Use Of Explosives In the
9/11 Attack
March 18 2005, The evidence that explosives were used in the 9/11 attack is so
overhwelming that three full length films
could have been made on the subject alone.
Above, More World Trade Center Beams diagonally cut.
Below, Edna Cintron standing in the impact hole of the plane.
Many steel beams were photographed and seen on video
after the collapse of World Trade
Center 1,2, and 7 with having
slanted metal cuts with bubbled
melted steel just around the slit
itself. It is known that in controlled demolitions that men cut the
metal beams on a slant and place
explosives at the weakened points
to bring down buildings.
More Evidence of Demolitions
February 22 2005, At the very
least this again ‘pours cold water’
on the argument that the temperatures were enough to melt steel
when this and other videos show
people unaffected. Jet fuel from
a scientific stand point can not
and has never been hot enough
to melt steel. Nor has any building on fire or any building hit by
airplanes ever collapsed as did
World Trade Center 1, 2, and
mysteriously number 7 which was
not hit with anything.
First-hand Accounts of
Underground Explosions In
The North Tower
November 28 2004, Chief
Engineer magazine presents
eyewitness account of the
moments after the first plane
crash, and describes evidence of large
explosions in the lobby, parking garage and
subbasement levels of WTC-1 at the time of
the crash.
Woman Waving From WTC North Tower
Impact Hole
January 17 2005, According to the media/
government fable, it was hot enough to soften the steel and cause the building to collapse, however, as is evident from the picture
and video, it was not hot enough to singe
a hair on the woman, identified as Edna
Cintron in the impact hole on video.
Construction Worker Gives Another
Account Of Underground Blasts In The WTC:
November 28 2004, Construction worker
Phillip Morelli describes being thrown to the
ground by two explosions while in the fourth
subbasement of the North Tower.
Close-Up of WTC-7 Collapse Footage Shows
Unmistakable Demolition Charges:
November 28 2004, Looking at the upper
right-hand corner of the building we see a
rapid series of small explosions travelling upward just as the building itself begins to fall.
Below,: More cut beams which are clear signs of “controlled demolition” for buildings.
WTC Construction Manager: Towers Were
Designed to Take Numerous Plane Crashes:
November 14 2004, Frank A. DeMartini,
Manager, WTC Construction and Project
Management, discusses the fact that the
WTC towers were designed to take multiple
hits from airliners and not collapse
““The [Twin Tower] building was
designed to have a fully loaded 707
crash into it. That was the largest plane
at the time. I believe that the building
probably could sustain multiple
impacts of jetliners because this
structure is like the mosquito netting on
your screen door. This intense grid ­and
the jet-plane is just a pencil
puncturing that screen netting. It really
does nothing to the screen netting.”
–Frank A. DeMartini WTC victim. Architect and
WTC Construction Manager, North Tower, 88th floor.
Another Ignored 9/11 Clue: Bomb Sniffing Dogs Removed From WTC Days Before
Attack: June 28 2004, Daria Coard, 37, a
guard at Tower One, said the security detail
had been working 12-hour shifts for the
past two weeks because of numerous phone
threats. But on Thursday, bomb-sniffing dogs
were abruptly removed.
9/11 Firefighter Observes: “The Building
Collapsed to Dust”
May 14 2004, “You have two hundred and
ten story office buildings. You don’t find a
desk. You don’t find a chair. You don’t find a
telephone, a computer. The biggest piece of
a telephone I found was half of the keypad.
The building collapsed to dust.”
New York Firefighters Discuss Bombs in
WTC Towers
03/24/04, In an official news clip you
can hear a discussion between New York
Firefighters from September 11 where they
describe the WTC and the fact that it looked
like detonators were planted in the towers.
Experts says explosives brought down the
towers - then strangely changes his mind
days later: Televised images of the attacks on
the World Trade Center suggest that explo-
sives devices caused the collapse of both
towers, a New Mexico Tech explosion expert
said Tuesday.
9/11 Survivors and Family Members
Question the 9/11 Commission Report
Many 9/11 survivors and many 9/11 victim
family members have expressed significant
criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report.
Several even allege government complicity in
the terrible acts of 9/11.
Statements by more than 300 9/11 survivors, victims and family members that contradict or are critical of the 9/11 Commission
Report. Their collective voices give credibility
to the claim that the 9/11 Commission Report is tragically flawed.
Anthony Saltalamacchia
WTC Survivor. Maintenance Supervisor at
the World Trade Center, overseeing over 100
American Building Maintenance employees.
William Rodriguez
WTC survivor. An American Building Maintenance employee for twenty years, responsible for inspection and maintenance at the
World Trade Center, who held the master
key for the stairs. He was the last person to
leave the building on September 11 and has
been credited with saving many lives.
“When I heard the sound of the explosion,
the floor beneath my feet vibrated, the walls
started cracking and it everything started
shaking,” said Rodriguez, who was huddled
together with at least 14 other people in the
office. ... [Editor’s note: At this point, Mr.
Rodriguez was in sub-basement B1 of the
North Tower, approximately 1,100 feet below
the airplane’s impact point at floors 93 to
“Seconds after the first massive explosion
below in the basement still rattled the floor,
I hear another explosion from way above,”
said Rodriguez. “Although I was unaware
at the time, this was the airplane hitting the
tower, it occurred moments after the first
But before Rodriguez had time to think, coworker Felipe David stormed into the basement office with severe burns on his face
and arms, screaming for help and yelling
“explosion! explosion! explosion!”
David had been in front of a nearby freight
elevator on sub-level 1 about 400 feet from
the office when fire burst out of the elevator
shaft, causing his injuries.
“He was burned terribly,” said Rodriguez.
“The skin was hanging off his hands and
arms. His injuries couldn’t have come from
“On the morning of September 11th, I was
in my office. I was just getting the work
handed out to all the employees. ... [Editor’s
note: At this point, Mr. Saltalamacchia was
in sub-basement B1 of the North Tower, approximately 1,100 feet below the airplane’s
impact point at floors 93 to 98.]
the airplane above, but only from a massive explosion below. I don’t care what the
government says, what scientists say. I saw
a man burned terribly from a fire that was
caused from an explosion below.
“I know there were explosives placed below
the trade center. I helped a man to safety
who is living proof, living proof the government story is a lie and a cover-up. ...
“I disagree 100%with the government story,”
said Rodriguez. “I met with the 9/11 Commission behind closed doors and they essentially discounted everything I said regarding
the use of explosives to bring down the north
“And I contacted NIST previously four times
without a response. Finally, this week I asked
them before they came up with their
conclusion that jet fuel brought down the
towers, if they ever considered my statements or the statements of any of the other
survivors who heard the explosions. They just
stared at me with blank faces and
didn’t have any answers.”
“We heard a massive explosion that was
in the World Trade Center about 8:46 a.m.
in the morning. The explosion came from
-- I believe at first we believed that it came
from the Mechanical Room.” [Editor’s note:
The Mechanical Room was below them in a
lower sub-basement .]
“Then we heard a series of other explosions
that sounded up on the above levels of the
building. We then realized that there was
something wrong and there was a major
problem. And about, I’d say, 14 to 15 people came running and screaming into our
office. ...”
“Then right after that the floor started shaking. The tile from above, which was above
us, started coming down, falling on us. And
we knew that there was something seriously
wrong happening.”
“A man came into the office. He was a
black man, very shaky, like in shock. He
had multiple wounds. His arms were bleeding. Skin was peeling off. You could see
basically his flesh. It was a very tough thing
to see. ... [Editor’s note: Mr. Saltalamacchia
is referring to Felipe David.]
And as we’re standing there, more explosions were happening. A lot of screaming
confusion. ...
It was very smoky, very cloudy. It just looked
very serious. We knew we had to get out of
the building. ...
The amount of explosions I’ve heard from
8:46 until the time we got out was so many,
at least ten. It was just like multiple explosions to where I felt like there were different
grenades. That’s what it sounded like, it
was different grenades being set off in the
building. It was like -- There was one major
explosion, and then there was different explosions throughout that period of time until
we got out.
Do I believe six years after 9/11? I don’t
know the truth. I don’t believe a word that
they say. I just don’t believe Everything they
say is a cover up. ... No, definitely don’t
leave it alone. I think that we should get
documents to know the truth of what was
really going on that we didn’t know that we
should know now.”
Marlene Cruz
WTC survivor. Carpenter employed at the
World Trade Center for 15 years. Peter
Jennings interviewed Marlene Cruz the day
after 9/11. Ms. Cruz, a WTC carpenter, was
injured in the basement of WTC North Tower
on 9/11. She was the first casualty from the
WTC to arrive at Bellevue Hospital.
airplane’s point of impact at floors 93 to
After the first explosion I was laying on the
floor about 40 minutes.
Peter Jennings: And how well do you know
that subterranean part of the World Trade
Marlene Cruz: Well, I worked for the
building for 15 years. I think I know it from
the back of my hand. Really I didn’t expect
this bombing to occur after the first one,
since I was in the first one, also. (In 1993)
But when I heard that explosion that’s the
first thing I thought was; here we go again,
another bomb.
Peter Jennings: Which floors?
Marlene Cruz: The B Levels. The basement
levels. ... [Editor’s note: At this point, Ms.
Cruz was in the basement of the North
Tower, approximately 1,100 feet below the
Mike Pecoraro and a co-worker were working in the sub-basement of the North Tower
when the first airplane hit. “They had been
told to stay where they were and “sit tight”
until the Assistant Chief got back to them. By
this time, however, the room they were working in began to fill with a white smoke. “We
smelled kerosene,” Mike recalled, “I was
thinking maybe a car fire was upstairs”, referring to the parking garage located below
grade in the tower but above the deep space
where they were working. [Editor’s note:
At this point, Mr. Pecoraro was in the subbasement of the North Tower, approximately
1,100 feet below the airplane’s impact point
at floors 93 to 98.]
The two decided to ascend the stairs to the
C level, to a small machine shop where Vito
Deleo and David Williams were supposed to
be working. When the two arrived at the C
level, they found the machine shop gone.
Peter Jennings: So tell me how you’re
feeling. How did you get there? What
happened to you?
Marlene Cruz: I work for the Trade Center.
I’m one of the carpenters. And I was gonna
go do a job. And I got on the elevator, the
freight elevator. And I heard the first
explosion. And the elevator blew up. The
doors blew up. And it dropped. I was lucky
that the elevator got caught between two
Mike Pecoraro
WTC survivor. Stationary Engineer who
performed services in all of the buildings at
the World Trade Center.
Jean Canavan
“I lost my brother-in-law, Sean Canavan,
on 9/11. I’d like to know why no one has
ever been held accountable in any level of
government for the countless failures leading
up to and on 9/11. Why did the military lie
to the 9/11 Commission?”
“There was nothing there but rubble, “ Mike
said. “We’re talking about a 50 ton hydraulic press? gone!” The two began yelling for
their co-workers, but there was no answer.
They saw a perfect line of smoke streaming through the air. “You could stand here,”
he said, “and two inches over you couldn’t
breathe. We couldn’t see through the smoke
so we started screaming.” But there was still
no answer.
The two made their way to the parking garage, but found that it, too, was gone. “There
were no walls, there was rubble on the floor,
and you can’t see anything” he said. [Editor’s note: At this point, Mr. Pecoraro was in
the basement of the North Tower, approximately 1,100 feet below the airplane’s point
of impact at floors 93 to 98.]
They decided to ascend two more levels to
the building’s lobby. As they ascended to the
B Level, one floor above, they were astonished to see a steel and concrete fire door
that weighed about 300 pounds, wrinkled
up “like a piece of aluminum foil” and lying
on the floor. “They got us again,” Mike told
his co-worker, referring to the terrorist attack
at the center in 1993. Having been through
that bombing, Mike recalled seeing similar
things happen to the building’s structure.
He was convinced a bomb had gone off in
the building. Mike walked through the open
doorway and found two people lying on the
floor. One was a female Carpenter and the
other an Elevator Operator. They were both
badly burned and injured.
“On Behalf of the People of the United
States of America, the undersigned
Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth
was what appeared to be at first an
explosion. It appeared at the very top,
simultaneously from all four sides, materials
shot out horizontally. And then there seemed
to be a momentary delay before you could
see the beginning of the collapse.”
-Chief Frank Cruthers – WTC survivor. Chief
of Department, FDNY. Incident commander
on 9/11
communication. The questions that remain
unanswered are the whole stuff of chapter
9, says Sally Regenhard, founder of the
Skyscraper Safety Campaign, who lost her
firefighter son in the towers. “What happened to New York?”...
and affiliates hereby petition for, and
demand, a truly independent investigation
with subpoena power in order to uncover
the full truth surrounding the events of
9/11/01 - specifically the collapse of the
World Trade Center Towers and Building
7. We believe that there is sufficient doubt
“I think that we have to look at these alternative groups and these alternative people
who are continuing to make films and bring
their research to the public,” says Regenhard. “Maybe people thought they were
fringe groups or crazy but these are the only
people left.”
about the official story and therefore that
the 9/11 investigation must be re-opened
and must include a full inquiry into the
possible use of explosives that may have
been the actual cause behind the
destruction of the World Trade Center
Towers and WTC Building 7.”
“And while I was still in that immediate area,
the south tower, 2 World Trade Center, there
“Able Danger isn’t the only question that
people keep asking. People who lost
firefighters sons, husbands, and brothers
still want answers regarding the issues of
command & control and radio
Wife of Ronald Michael Breitweiser, Senior
Vice President at Fiduciary Trust International, WTC South Tower. One of the four
Jersey Girls, New Jersey residents who were
widowed by 9/11.
imediately presented to the American people. I mean you are talking about an intelligence apparatus that according to official
accounts was completely in the dark about
the plotting and planning of the 9/11 attacks. ...
At a bare minimum, the 9/11 Commission is
not being honest with the American people.
First, the Commission feigned total ignorance
about Able Danger. [Editor’s note: See also
Congressman Curt Weldon.] Then, they admitted that they remembered hearing something about it. Next, they acknowledged
that they were briefed about the program
but found a discrepancy in the dates provided by the Able Danger informant, and
therefore decided that the information was
irrelevant to their investigation. Convenient
excuses. But, wrong. Because, I happen to
be one of the 9/11 widows that received
personal commitments from each of the 9/11
Commissioners that they would track down
every lead, and turn over every rock so as
to provide the most thorough and definitive
account of the 9/11 attacks to the American
people. Last week’s revelations about Able
Danger prove that the Commission has not
been above-board with their investigation.
Nor has their investigation been anywhere
near exhaustive.
Now, legally speaking, the 9/11 Commissioners were mandated to provide a full accounting of the 9/11 attacks to the American
people. If the Able Danger operation and
its accompanying information turn out to be
Thermate & Molten Steel
A highly-respected physicist explains how
Thermite may have been used to cut the
critical core columns and produce the large
amounts of molten iron seen at the World
Trade Center, but the controlled media and
scientists refuse to look at the evidence.
true, then necessarily each Commissioner
has broken the law in that they failed to fulfill
their legislative mandate in providing a full
and just accounting of the 9/11 attacks to
the American people. However, if we also
come to learn that Atta’s or any of the other
hijackers names were mentioned in the Able
Danger chart, I think this nation will have
bigger problems to deal with than accusing
the 9/11 Commission of not following their
mandate in providing a full accounting to
the American people. As with most things in
life, only time will tell.”
“In times of universal deceit, telling the
truth is a revolutionary act,” said the British
writer George Orwell. Orwell’s words aptly
describe the situation of Steven E. Jones, a
soft-spoken professor at Brigham Young University (BYU), who has turned his attention to
the unanswered questions of 9-11.
The unexplained presence of large amounts
of molten iron at the WTC puzzled Jones
and he contacted this writer to confirm the
reports first published in American Free Press
in 2002. These reports came directly from
two men closely involved in the removal of
the rubble: Peter Tully of Tully Construction of
Flushing, N.Y., and Mark Loizeaux of Controlled Demolition, Inc. of Phoenix, Md.
Tully told AFP that he had seen pools of
“literally molten steel” in the rubble.
Loizeaux confirmed this: “Yes, hot spots of
molten steel in the basements,” he said, “at
the bottom of the elevator shafts of the main
towers, down seven levels.” The molten steel
was found “three, four, and five weeks later,
when the rubble was being removed,” he
said. He confirmed that molten steel was
also found at WTC 7, which mysteriously col-
lapsed in the late afternoon.
Thermite, however, a combination of finely
ground aluminum and iron oxide (rust), cuts
through steel like a “warm knife through
butter,” Jones said, especially when mixed
with 2 percent sulfur. The resulting eutectic
combination, called Thermate, lowers the
melting point of steel.
Thermate burns at 2500°C ( 4532°F).
Steel melts at at around 1370° C (2500°F).
The sulfidation that was discovered by
people like Jonathan Barnett on steel from
the WTC is further proof that sulphur was
added to the thermite to cut the columns
more quickly. This discovery, and others like
it, apparently scared Mr. Barnett and caused
him to leave the United States and take up
residence in Australia.
American Free Press recently attended a
presentation of Jones’ 9-11 research at BYU.
Jones began with footage of the unexplained
collapse of Larry Silverstein’s 47-story building, WTC 7, at 5:25 p.m. When Jones was
interviewed by Tucker Carlson of MSNBC,
the producers refused to air this short but
crucial video segment.
“As of 21 days after the attack, the fires were
still burning and molten steel was still running,” Leslie Robertson, structural engineer
responsible for the design of the WTC, told
fellow engineers.
These frames show the northeast corner of the South Tower seconds before its precipitous fall.
The spout of orange molten metal and rising white smoke has the appearance of a thermite
metal was aluminum, this is easily disproved
by the fact that molten aluminum appears
silver-grey in daylight. The only possible explanation is that the white-hot metal gushing
from the South Tower was molten iron and
had been produced by a very large amount
of Thermite.
Jones notes that the hypothesis that the towers were demolished by explosives “has not
been analyzed in any of the reports funded
by the U.S. government.”
Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust
from the 9/11 Catastrophe
What is high-tech explosive/pyrotechnic material in large quantities doing in the WTC
dust? Who made tons of this stuff and why?
Why have government investigators refused
to look for explosive residues in the WTC
Footage taken by WABC-TV of the burning South Tower at 9:53 a.m., immediately
before the building collapsed, reveals large
amounts of white-hot molten metal, presumably iron, pouring from the 81st floor of the
east corner. The amount of spilling molten
metal suggests that a pool of molten iron
was produced in that area of the building.
“Based on these observations, we conclude
that the red layer of the red/gray chips we
have discovered in the WTC dust is active,
unreacted thermitic material, incorporating
nanotechnology, and is a highly energetic
pyrotechnic or explosive material.” by Niels
H. Harrit, Jeffrey Farrer, Steven E. Jones,
Kevin R. Ryan, Frank M. Legge, Daniel
Farnsworth, Gregg Roberts, James R.
Gourley and Bradley R. Larsen
While some have suggested that the molten
Molten steel being extracted weeks after 9-11
Physicist Steven E. Jones, who retired from Brigham Young University in 2006 after the school
recoiled from the controversy surrounding his 9/11 theories
BBC Report which reported WTC 7 to have been collapsed yet it is the building behind her
right ear. This feed was cut and went dead before the news anchor could continue.
a myriad of questions as to how they knew
it was about to come down when the official
story says its collapse happened accidentally
as a result of fire damage and debris weakening the building’s structure.
9/11 FEMA videographer at Ground
Zero goes public
As official videographer for the U.S. government, Kurt Sonnenfeld was detailed to
Ground Zero on September 11, 2001, where
Who Put Thermite In The World Trade
Ignoring the evidence of the controlleddemolition hypothesis, the FEMA-sponsored
study of 2002 concluded, “The specifics of
the fires in WTC 7 and how they caused
the building to collapse remain unknown.”
Furthermore, the official report found that the
fire-induced collapse hypothesis “has only a
low probability of occurrence.”
“That is precisely the point,” Jones says,
“further investigation and analyses are
indeed needed, including serious consideration of the controlled-demolition hypothesis
which is neglected in all of the government
reports.” The fact that the 9-11 Commission
report does not even mention the collapse of
WTC 7 “is a striking omission of data highly
relevant to the question of what really happened on 9-11,” he said.
Further investigation is what Jones is trying to get other scientists to do. One would
think that the mainstream media would be
interested in a highly-respected physicist
answering questions about 9-11, but that has
not been the case. The controlled media and
supporters of the official version completely
avoid Jones.
Live BBC report of the WTC 7
collapse. Only problem was it can
still be seen standing
BBC Reported Building 7 Had Collapsed 20
Minutes Before It Fell. An astounding video
uncovered from the archives shows the BBC
reporting on the collapse of WTC Building 7
over twenty minutes before it fell at 5:20pm
on the afternoon of 9/11. The incredible
footage shows a BBC reporter talking about
the collapse of the Salomon Brothers Building while it remains standing in the live shot
behind her head.
Minutes before the actual collapse of the
building is due, the feed to the reporter
mysteriously dies.
the source claims the report was given at
4:57pm EST, 23 minutes before Building 7
collapsed at 5:20pm. While the exact time
of the report cannot be confirmed at present,
it is clear from the footage that the reporter
is describing the collapse of WTC 7 while it
clearly remains standing behind her in the
live shot.
he spent an entire month filming: “What
I saw at certain moments and in certain
places ... is very disturbing!”
“There were many things, in hindsight, that
were disturbing at Ground Zero. It was
odd to me that I was dispatched to go to
New York even before the second plane
hit the South Tower, while the media was
The fact that the BBC reported on the colstill reporting only that a “small plane” had
lapse of Building 7 over twenty minutes in
collided with the North Tower — far too
advance of its implosion obviously provokes
small of a catastrophe at that point to involve
Above right: Kurt Sonnenfeld and unidentified search and rescue specialist in
subterranean void beneath Ground Zero.
Approaching the entrance to the sub-level areas of Building 6
World Trade 7
“The Secret Service, the Department of
Defense, the Federal Bureau of Investigation,
the Internal Revenue Service, the Securities
and Exchange Commission and the Office
of Emergency Management’s “Crisis Center”
occupied huge amounts of space there,
spanning several floors of the building.
Other federal agencies had offices there as
well. After September 11, it was discovered
that concealed within Building Seven was
the largest clandestine domestic station of
the Central Intelligence Agency outside of
Washington DC, a base of operations from
which to spy on diplomats of the United
Nations and to conduct counterterrorism and
counterintelligence missions.
FEMA . FEMA was mobilized within minutes,
whereas it took ten days for it to deploy to
New Orleans to respond to Hurricane Katrina, even with abundant advance warning!
It was odd to me that all cameras were so
fiercely prohibited within the secured perimeter of Ground Zero, that the entire area was
declared a crime scene and yet the “evidence” within that crime scene was so rapidly removed and destroyed. And then it
was very odd to me when I learned
that FEMA and several other federal agencies had already moved
into position at their command
center at Pier 92 on September 10th,
one day before the attacks!
We are asked to believe that all four of the
“indestructible” black boxes of the two jets
that struck the twin towers were never found
because they were completely vaporized, yet
I have footage of the rubber wheels of the
landing gear nearly undamaged, as well as
the seats, parts of the fuselage and a jet turbine that were absolutely not vaporized. This
being said, I do find it rather odd that such
objects could have survived fairly intact the
type of destruction that turned most of the
Twin Towers into thin dust. And I definitely
harbor some doubts about the authenticity of
the “jet” turbine, far too small to have come
from one of the Boeings!”
– Kurt Sonnenfeld
There was no underground parking level at
Seven World Trade Center. And there was
no underground vault. Instead, the federal
agencies at Building Seven stored their vehicles, documents and evidence in the building
of their associates across the street. Beneath
the plaza level of US Customs House (Building 6) was a large underground garage,
separated off from the rest of the complex’s
underground area and guarded under tight
security. This was where the various government services parked their bomb-proofed
cars and armored limousines, counterfeit taxi
cabs and telephone company trucks used for
undercover surveillance and covert operations, specialized vans and other vehicles.
Also within that secured parking area was
access to the sub-level vault of Building 6.
When the North Tower fell, the US Customs
House (Building 6) was crushed and totally
incinerated. Much of the underground levels
beneath it were also destroyed. But there
were voids. And it was into one of those
voids, recently uncovered, that I descended
with a special Task Force to investigate. It
was there we found the security antechamber to the vault, badly damaged. At the
far end of the security office was the wide
steel door to the vault, a combination code
keypad in the cinderblock wall beside it. But
the wall was cracked and partially crumbled,
and the door was sprung partially open. So
we checked inside with our flashlights. Except for several rows of empty shelves, there
was nothing in the vault but dust and debris.
It had been emptied. Why was it empty?
And when could it have been emptied?”
– Kurt Sonnenfeld
“I’ve described all of this extensively in
my book, and it’s apparent that things of
importance were taken out of harm’s way
before the attacks. For example, the CIA
didn’t seem too concerned about their losses.
After the existence of their clandestine office in Building Seven was discovered, an
agency spokesman told the newspapers
that a special team had been dispatched to
scour the rubble in search of secret documents and intelligence reports, though there
were millions, if not billions of pages floating
in the streets. Nevertheless, the spokesman
was confident. “There shouldn’t be too much
paper around,” he said.”
– Kurt Sonnenfeld
Dr. Robert M. Bowman, Lt. Col. USAF ret.
Major General Albert N. Stubblebine !!!
strings behind the attack.
20 Year CIA veteran says
9/11 inside job
Baer served as a clandestine officer in
Madras and New Delhi, India; in Beirut,
Lebanon; in Dushanbe, Tajikistan; and in
Salah al-Din in Kurdish northern Iraq. While
in Iraq, Baer tried to persuade the Clinton
administration to back a coup to overthrow
Saddam Hussein.
So when Baer told a radio host that “the
evidence points at” 9/11 having had aspects
of being an inside job, the noisy negativists
and the trolls were notable by their absence.
Former Head Of Star Wars Program
Says Cheney Main 9/11 Suspect
The former head of the Star Wars missile
defense program under Presidents Ford and
Carter has gone public to say that the official
version of 9/11 is a conspiracy theory and
his main suspect for the architect of the attack is Vice President Dick Cheney.
Dr. Robert M. Bowman, Lt. Col., USAF, ret.
flew 101 combat missions in Vietnam. He
is the recipient of the Eisenhower Medal,
the George F. Kennan Peace Prize, the
President’s Medal of Veterans for Peace, the
Society of Military Engineers Gold Medal
(twice), six Air Medals, and dozens of other
awards and honors. His Ph.D. is in Aeronautics and Nuclear Engineering from Caltech.
He chaired 8 major international conferences, and is one of the country’s foremost
experts on National Security.
Bowman worked secretly for the US government on the Star Wars project and was the
first to coin the very term in a 1977 secret
memo. After Bowman realized that the
program was only ever intended to be used
as an aggressive and not defensive tool, as
part of a plan to initiate a nuclear war with
the Soviets, he left the program and campaigned against it.
In an interview with The Alex Jones Show
aired nationally on the GCN Radio Network, Bowman (pictured below) stated that
at the bare minimum if Osama bin Laden
and Al-Qaeda were involved in 9/11 then
the government stood down and allowed
the attacks to happen. He said it is plausible
that the entire chain of military command
were unaware of what was taking place and
were used as tools by the people pulling the
Major General Albert “Bert” N.
Stubblebine III, head of all
intelligence says:
-Pentagon NOT hit by a plane
-WTC 7 brought down by explosives
-Media in America is controlled
-A terrible pilot hits pentagon accounting
office holding records of missing 3 trillion in
oil for money scheme & missing 2.3 trillion
in DOD expenses
-Pentagon debris a single 3 foot engine
Proven not related to 757
-FBI took all recordings & refuses to show
-The FCC had all records on criminals like
Paulson, Geithner, Ruben, Summers & others
engaging in that illegal activity. But all the
records of those illegal trades were de-
stroyed when WTC 7 was brought down by
thermite on 9/11!
-911 was a public snuff film used to shock the
public and enact the end of the Bill of Rights
& invasion of oil bearing countries, & make
money for private companies like Halliburton, (stock from 10 to 50 a share)!
-By destroying the WTC, they were able to
cover up theft of gold bullion & destroy illegal financial transaction records performed
just prior to the attacks
-Silverstein spends 140 million to make 7 billion almost over night; Silverstein said it was
demolished by explosives, (pull it)
-It reminds me of CIA man Byrd, the owner
of TX School Book Depository, who turned a
2.5 million insider purchase into 26 million
dollars thanks to JFK assassination!
911 Timeline
bY mARK r. eLSIS
pany has its headquarters two
blocks from the WTC.
12:00 a.m.
6:50 a.m.
The United Nations
International Day Of
Peace Begins.
Mohammed Atta and Abdulaziz Alomari’s flight from
Portland, Maine arrives on time
at Boston’s Logan Airport.
12:45 a.m.
Willie Brown, the Mayor of San
Francisco gets a call from what
he described as his airport security advising him that Americans should be cautious about
their air travel on September
11th. Mayor Brown was scheduled to fly from San Francisco
to New York City on September
6:00 a.m.
A van occupied by Middle Eastern men pulls up to The Colony
Beach and Tennis Resort on
Longboat Key, Florida.They state
they have an interview with
Bush. They are turned away
for not having an appointment.
Bush goes for a four mile jog
around the golf course at the
Colony Beach and Tennis
6:45 a.m.
Two hours before the first attack,
two workers at the instant messaging company Odigo receive
messages warning of the WTC
attack. This Israeli owned com-
7:45 a.m.
Mohammed Atta and Abdulaziz Alomari board American Airlines Flight 11.
7:59 a.m.
American Airlines Flight 11
a Boeing 767-223ER with a
maximum capacity of 181
passengers and 23,980 gallons of fuel, lifts off from Logan
International Airport in Boston,
Massachusetts, bound for Los
Angeles International Airport in
Los Angeles, California. Take-off
was scheduled for 7:45. There
are supposed to be 92 victims
on board American Airlines
Flight 11, yet when you add up
the official death manifest list
that was published on CNN.
com, there are only 86 victims.
The same goes for the other
three flights of September 11th.
Add up the passenger and
crew lists from all 4 flights of
911 and you have officially 266
people on board. Yet when one
adds up the 4 official death
manifest lists published on
CNN.com, there are only 229
names. Somehow 37 people
are missing from the 4 CNN.
com official death manifest lists,
including all 19 of the hijackers.
There is not even one Arabic
name there. Why?
One other thing; CNN.com
says there are 45 fatalities on
United Airlines Flight 93, others
say there are 44. This would
make 36 missing, and 265
deaths for all 4 airliners.
The 4 airliners of September
11th, 2 Boeing 767s and 2 Boeing 757s had a total passenger
seating capacity of 762 people.
There are only 229 passengers
and crew members on the four
death lists, so, how could these
flights possibly be 70% empty?
8:01 a.m.
United Airlines Flight 93 a Boeing 757-222 with a maximum
capacity of 200 passengers
and 11,489 gallons of fuel, rolls
from the gate in Newark International Airport, Newark, New
Jersey with 44 people aboard
bound for San Francisco International Airport, San Francisco,
California. United Airlines Flight
93 will sit on the ground for 41
minutes before taking off. There
are supposed to be 44 victims
on board, yet when you add up
the official death manifest list
that was published on CNN.
com, there are only 33 victims.
8:13:31 a.m.
American Airlines Flight 11 last
transmission from Boston Air
Traffic Control: AAL11 turn 20
degrees right American Airlines
Flight 11 responds: 20 right
A few seconds later the Controller asks: AAL11 now climb
maintain FL350 [35,000 feet]
Controller: AAL11 climb maintain FL350 Controller: AAL11
Boston. There is no response
from American Airlines Flight 11.
8:14 to 8:20 a.m.
American Airlines Flight 11 goes
off course and is hijacked.
8:14 a.m.
United Airlines Flight 175 a
Boeing 767-222 with a maximum capacity of 181 passengers and 23,980 gallons of fuel,
lifts off from Logan International
Airport in Boston, Massachusetts, bound for Los Angeles
International Airport in Los Angeles, California. Take-off was
scheduled for 7:58. There are
supposed to be 65 victims on
board, yet when you add up the
official death manifest list that
was published on CNN.com,
there are only 56 victims.
8:17 a.m.
American Airlines Flight 11
passenger Daniel Lewin, who
belongs to the Israel Defense
Force Sayeret Matkal, a topsecret counter-terrorist unit is
either stabbed or shot to death.
Quite the coincidence he would
be onboard.
8:20 a.m.
American Airlines Flight 11
transponder signal stops transmitting Identification, Friend or
Foe (IFF) beacon signal.
tial events. We know that Otis
Air Force Base is only about
seven minutes from Manhattan by F-15. Also, there is an
Air Defense Intercept Zone just
off shore for the entire Atlantic
Coast. This zone is constantly
being patrolled. In general fast
movers would not need to be
scrambled. They can be diverted from routine patrol and
training flights for the intercept.
The odds are that many flights
would be on patrol just off
shore. It would be most improbable that even one commercial
flight could go more than ten
minutes without being intercepted.
Alarms all over the country
would be going off. One interesting piece of information is
the recording of controller and
pilot conversations. These tapes
are a matter of public record
and are written over after a few
days unless something interesting happens. These tapes
would show the response of the
system. Why did the FBI confiscate all of these tapes between
the controllers and these four
American Airlines Flight 77 a
Boeing 757-223 with a maximum capacity of 200 passengers and 11,489 gallons of fuel,
lifts off from Dulles International
Airport about 30 miles west
of Washington D.C. and the
Pentagon, bound for Los Angeles International Airport in Los
Angeles, California. Take-off
was scheduled for 8:01. There
are supposed to be 64 victims
on board, yet when you add up
the official death manifest list
that was published on CNN.
com, there are only 56 victims.
The air traffic control system
would be in panic mode within
two to three minutes of the ini-
8:21 a.m.
Betty Ong, a flight attendant
on American Airlines Flight 11,
calls Vanessa Minter at American Airlines reservations from
the seatback phone. “She said
two flight attendants had been
stabbed, one was on oxygen,”
said the manager on duty.
“A passenger had his throat
slashed and looked dead and
they had gotten into the cockpit.” She identifies the seats of
the hijackers and confirms that
the plane is descending.
8:22 a.m.
Amy Sweeney another flight
attendant on American Airlines
Flight 11, calls American Airlines ground manager Michael
Woodward and speaks calmly
to him until the plane crashes.
8:24:38 a.m.
The pilot of American Airlines
Flight 11, John Ogonowski, or
one of the hijackers activates
the talk-back button, enabling
Boston air traffic controllers
to hear a hijacker say to the
passengers: “We have some
planes. Just stay quiet and you
will be OK. We are returning
to the airport. Nobody move.”
Apparently, one of the hijackers confused the aircraft’s radio
with its public-address system.
Air traffic control responds,
“Who’s trying to call me?”
8:24:57 a.m.
from American Airlines Flight
11, “Everything will be OK. If
you try to make any moves,
you’ll endanger yourself and the
airplane. Just stay quiet.”
8:25 a.m.
Boston air traffic control notified
several air traffic control centers that a hijack is in progress
with American Airlines Flight 11.
Boston air traffic control first lost
communication with American
Airlines Flight 11 more than 11
minutes ago. What took them
so long to start to implement
procedure? Why didnt they
also notify North American
Aerospace Defense Command
(NORAD) at this time?
8:26 a.m.
American Airlines Flight 11
is heading westnorthwest, its
location is between Albany and
Lake George, New York, when
it suddenly makes a 100 degree
turn to the south and starts
heading directly toward New
York City. American Airlines
Flight 11 finds the Hudson River
and follows it all the way south
till it impacts the north side of
the North Tower of the WTC.
8:32 a.m.
Bush’s motorcade leaves The
Colony Beach and Tennis Resort
on Longboat Key, Florida for
Emma E. Booker Elementary
School in Sarasota.
8:38 a.m.
8:33:59 a.m.
Boston air traffic center notifies
NORAD that American Airlines
Flight 11 has been hijacked.
Another transmission from
American Airlines Flight 11,
“Nobody move please. We are
going back to the airport. Don’t
try to make any stupid moves.”
8:36 a.m.
Flight attendant Betty Ong on
American Airlines Flight 11
reports that the plane tilts all
the way on one side and then
becomes horizontal again.
Flight attendant Amy Sweeney
also reports on her phone that
the plane has begun a rapid
A NORAD spokesman, Major
Mike Snyder, has been reported
to have said, that the FAA
notified NORAD of a hijacked
aircraft, American Airlines Flight
11, about 10 minutes before it
impacted into the World
Trade Center.
8:37 a.m.
Flight controllers ask the United
Airlines Flight 175 pilots to look
for the lost American Airlines
Flight 11, about 10 miles to the
south. They respond that they
can see it. They are told to keep
away from it. This incident is not
included in The New York Times
flight controller transcript. Why?
8:40 a.m.
Nasty and Duff are the code
names of the two F-15 pilots
from the 102nd Fighter Wing
of the Otis Air National Guard
Base in Falmouth, Massachusetts who would scramble after
United Airlines Flight 175. Nasty
says that at this time, a colleague tells him that a flight out
of Boston has been hijacked,
and to be on alert. They put on
their flight gear and get ready.
8:40 a.m.
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) notifies NORAD
that American Airlines Flight 11
has been hijacked. Even NORAD officially admitted that the
FAA told them about the hijacking of American Airlines Flight
11 at 8:40.
8:42 a.m.
United Airlines Flight 93 a Boeing 757-222 with a maximum
capacity of 200 passengers
and 11,489 gallons of fuel, lifts
off from Newark International
Airport in Newark, New Jersey
bound for San Francisco International Airport, San Francisco, California. Take-off was
scheduled for 8:01. There are
supposed to be 44 victims on
board, yet when you add up the
official death manifest list that
was published on CNN.com,
there are only 33 victims.
8:43 a.m.
The FAA notifies NORAD that
United Airlines Flight 175 has
been hijacked. NORAD has
officially admitted that the FAA
told them about the hijacking
of United Airlines Flight 175 at
8:44 a.m.
Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld,
talking about terrorism at the
Pentagon says, “Let me tell you,
I’ve been around the block a
few times. There will be another
event.”He then repeats it for
emphasis, there will be another
8:46 a.m.
NORAD orders the 102nd
Fighter Wing of the Otis Air
National Guard Base in Falmouth, Massachusetts to scramble two of their F-15 fighters.
This is from the 102nd Fighter
Wing’s mission statement of
September 11, 2001. “Our
aircraft and their crews are on
continuous 24-hour, 365-day
alert to guard our skies. The
102nd Fighter Wing’s area
of responsibility includes over
500,000 square miles, 90
million people, and the major
industrial centers of Boston,
New York, Philadelphia, and
Washington, D.C.”
NORAD, by their own account,
held on to this most vital information of these two hijacking
for at least 6 minutes before
ordering Otis to scramble. NORAD may have held on to the
vital information of American
Airlines Flight 11 for perhaps
8 minutes, maybe 10 minutes,
possibly up to 26 minutes
and let us not forget that the
last transmission of American
Airlines Flight 11 with Boston
air traffic control occurred at
8:13:31, so maybe NORAD had
over 32 minutes before they
notified Otis to scramble their
two F-15’s.
8:46:26 a.m.
American Airlines Flight 11 impacts the north side of the North
Tower (1 World Trade Center) of
the WTC between the 94th and
98th floors. American Airlines
Flight 11 was flying at a speed
of 490 miles per hour (MPH).
When American Airlines Flight
11 struck the North Tower, “it set
up vibrations which were transmitted through the building,
through its foundation, and into
the ground,” says Lerner-Lam.
Those vibrations, as indicated
by seismographs at Lamont-Doherty and other locations, were
the equivalent of a magnitude
0.9 earthquake, one too small
to be felt.
People in the floors below the
94th of 1 WTC start to evacuate. Officials in the South Tower
(2 WTC) tell people shortly
afterwards by megaphone and
office announcements that they
are safe and to stay in their
offices. Some people don’t hear
it, others ignore it and evacuate
Between 8:47
and 10:29 a.m.
many people trapped by fire
and smoke in the upper floors
of both World Trade Center
towers, jump to their deaths.
One person at street level, a
NYC Firefighter is hit by such a
jumper and also is killed.
8:46 a.m.
United Airlines Flight 175 transponder signal stops transmitting
IFF beacon signal.
8:47 a.m.
NORAD informed of American
Airlines Flight 11 striking the
World Trade Center.
NYC Fire Battalion Chief Joe
Pfeiffer from the 7th Battalion
puts out an emergency call stat-
ing that American Airlines Flight
11 impacting the north side of
the North Tower (1 World Trade
Center) was no accident. The
plane’s impact was clearly a
deliberate attack an intentional
act of mass death and devastation.
As the small video crew (who
shot the only video of American
Airlines Flight 11 impacting
the WTC fireman video) and
firemen that had eye-witnessed
the first plane hit the WTC were
racing to the location, Chief
Pfeiffer sounded red alerts over
the radio and phone; specifically stating that what they
witnessed was a “direct attack”
and that the airliner was clearly
being directed straight at the
WTC and the incident was definitely not any kind of accident.
8:48 a.m.
The first news reports appear on
TV and radio that a plane may
have crashed into the WTC.
airline maintenance center in
San Francisco that takes inflight calls from flight attendants about broken items. The
mechanic says a female flight
attendant from United Airlines
Flight 175 just called and said,
“Oh my God. The crew has
been killed; a flight attendant
has been stabbed. We’ve been
hijacked.” Then the line went
8:50:51 a.m.
American Airlines Flight 77 last
radio communication, about
285 miles west of the Pentagon.
8:51 a.m.
Bush arrives at Emma E. Booker
Elementary School in Sarasota,
Florida for a photo op with 16
second graders. He is there to
promote his administration’s
new bill on education.
8:52 a.m.
8:50 a.m.
Two F-15 Eagles have scrambled and are airborne from the
102nd Fighter Wing of Otis Air
National Guard Base in Falmouth, Massachusetts. An F-15
has a top speed of 1875+ MPH.
According to NORAD, Otis is
153 miles eastnortheast of the
Rich Miles, a manager of
United Airlines Chicago system operations center, receives
a call from a mechanic at an
8:53 a.m.: A flight controller
says to other airplanes in the
sky about United Airlines Flight
8:49 a.m.
United Airlines Flight 175 now
deviates from its assigned
flight path.
175, “We may have a hijack.
We have some problems over
here right now.”
8:55 a.m.
Barbara Olson, a passenger
on American Airlines Flight 77,
“allegedly called” her husband,
Solicitor General Theodore
Olson at the Justice Department.
He is watching the WTC news
on TV. She tells him, ‘’they had
box cutters and knives. They
rounded up the passengers at
the back of the plane.’’ She asks
him, “What should I tell the
pilot to do?” She gets cuts off;
he calls the Justice Department’s
command center to alert them
of the hijacking. She calls back
and says the plane is turning
around. She appears to have
been the only person on American Airlines Flight 77 to call
someone on the ground. Why is
she the only person who “allegedly called” from American
Airlines Flight 77?”
8:56 a.m.
American Airlines Flight 77
transponder signal stops.
American Airlines Flight 77
goes off course and starts
making a 180 degree turn over
southern Ohio / northeastern
8:57 a.m.
The FAA formally notified the
military that American Airlines
Flight 11 crashed into the WTC.
Until then, the two F-15s fighters from Otis did not know the
plane had crashed -- Yet at
8:47 a.m. NORAD had been
notified. Why does it take over
10 minutes to inform the two
F-15s of this, especially when
United Airlines Flight 175 is
headed directly for New York
8:59 a.m.
American Airlines Flight 77
completes its 180 degree turn
over southern Ohio / northeastern Kentucky and starts heading
directly back to Washington
D.C. and The Pentagon, 330
miles away.
9:00 a.m.
United Airlines systems operations transmitted a system wide
message, warning its pilots of
a potential “cockpit intrusion”.
United Airlines Flight 93, flying
over Pennsylvania replies “Confirmed”.
Last radar reading on United
Airlines Flight 175 is observed
at an altitude of 18,000 feet,
descending, with a ground
speed of 480 knots.
The FAA starts contacting all
airliners to warn them of the
The Pentagon moves its alert
status up one notch from normal
to Alpha. It stays on Alpha until
after American Airlines Flight
77 hits the Pentagon.
Bush later makes the following
statement. “And I was sitting
outside the classroom waiting to
go in, and I saw an airplane hit
the tower -- the TV was obviously on, and I used to fly myself,
and I said, ‘There’s one terrible
pilot.’ And I said, ‘It must have
been a horrible accident.’ But I
was whisked off from there -- I
didn’t have much time to think
about it.” Bush could not have
possibly seen the first plane
(American Airlines Flight 11)
hit the WTC, because the only
video showing this was not
shown on television till later in
the day. So how could he have
possibly seen and said this?
9:02:54 a.m.
United Airlines Flight 175 impacts the south side of the South
Tower of the WTC between the
78th and 84th floors at a speed
of over 500 MPH. Parts of the
plane including an engine leave
the building from its north side,
to be found on the ground up to
six blocks away.
When United Airlines Flight 175
“I’m from the 82nd floor. ... We saw a
shadow. It looked like a plane. The next
thing we know it went ba-boom and the
floor started shaking. And then we saw
debris fall down. And the next thing we
know we had to get out of the building. We were stuck on the stairs for a
while. We finally got down to the lobby,
and then when we get to the lobby there
was this big explosion.”
–Unidentified WTC Survivor Statement to reporter 9/11/01
struck the South Tower, “it set up
vibrations which were transmitted through the building,
through its foundation, and into
the ground,” says Lerner-Lam.
Those vibrations, as indicated
by seismographs at Lamont-Doherty and other locations, were
the equivalent of a magnitude
0.7 earthquake.
NORAD says that when United
Airlines Flight 175 impacts the
WTC at 9:02:54, the F-15’s from
Otis are still 71 miles away.
This means their average flight
speed was only 23.9% of their
top speed in trying to intercept
United Airlines Flight 175.
Otis is 153 miles from WTC.
F-15’s have a top speed of
1875+ MPH. Minus 71 miles
left from 153 miles equals 82
miles covered in the 11 minutes
from 8:52 take-off to 9:03. 60
minutes divided by 11 minutes
equals 5.45, times this by
the 82 miles covered, equals
447.3 MPH. divided by 1875
MPH equals 23.9% of their top
speed. How could these two
F-15�s possibly be going
less than one quarter of their
top speed in trying to intercept
United Airlines Flight 175?
The following passages are from
a BBC article published on August 30, 2002. Two of the pilots
patrolling northeast America
told the programme how they
struggled to get to New York
as fast as possible after the
first plane had hit the World
Trade Center. Pilots “Duff” and
“Nasty” recalled they were
only minutes away when the
second plane hit the towers.
Pilot Duff said: “For a long
time I wondered what would
have happened if we had been
scrambled in time. “We’ve been
over the flight a thousand times
in our minds and I don’t know
what we could have done to
get there any quicker.” Perhaps
if they flew a little faster than
23.9% of their top speed is how.
9:03 a.m.
Boston air traffic control center
halts traffic from its airports to
all New York area airspace.
9:05 a.m.
Andrew Card walks up to Bush
while he is listening to a Goat
Story with 16 second graders in
Sandra Kay Daniels�s class
at Emma E. Booker Elementary
School in Sarasota, Florida.
Card whispers in his ear “A
second plane has hit the World
Trade Center. America is under
attack.” Bush (commander-andchief?) keeps listening to this
Goat Story with these children
for at least 7 minutes, and
perhaps as long as 18 minutes.
Why didn’t he excuse himself
from these children right away,
and immediately address this
national emergency, is totally
There is no way this should
have happened. What of course
should have happened, was as
soon as the secret service found
out about United Airlines Flight
175 impacting the WTC (now
knowing it was a “terrorist” act),
they would have immediatly
grabbed Bush and brought
him to an undisclosed location. There is no way the secret
service leaves Bush in a place
(Emma E. Booker Elementary
School) where everyone knows
he is. Stand Down.
hijacking of American Airlines
Flight 11.
The FAA formally notified the
military that United Airlines
Flight 175 had been hijacked.
9:08 a.m.
FAA orders all aircraft to leave
New York area airspace and
orders all New York-bound
planes nationwide to stay on the
9:10 a.m. - 9:20 a.m.
United Airlines Flight 93 was
West Virginia flight control
notices a new eastbound plane
entering their radar with no radio contact and no transponder
identification. They are not sure
it is American Airlines Flight 77.
Supposedly they wait another
19 minutes before notifying
NORAD about it.
66) 9:11 a.m.: The two F-15
Eagles from Otis Air National
Guard station in Falmouth;
Massachusetts finally make it to
NYC and the WTC. So it takes
these two F-15�s, which have
a top speed of 1875+ MPH,
19 minutes to cover the 153
miles from Otis to the WTC.
This means their average flight
speed from Otis to the WTC
was only 483.2 MPH or just
25.8% of their top speed.
9:06 a.m.
9:12 a.m.
Order to halt traffic is expanded
to include the entire northeast
from Washington to Cleveland. FAA’s air traffic control
center outside Washington D.C.
notifies all air traffic facilities
nationwide of the suspected
The FAA formally notified the
military that United Airlines
Flight 175 had crashed into the
9:15 a.m.
American Airlines orders no
new takeoffs in the United
9:16 a.m. to 9:20
The FAA notifies NORAD that
United Airlines Flight 93 has
been hijacked. (Reported as
9:20 a.m. in the Pittsburgh PostGazette) No fighters are scrambled in specific response, now
or later. There is the possibility
the fighters sent after American
Airlines Flight 77 later headed
towards United Airlines Flight
93. NORAD’s own timeline
inexplicably fails to say when
the FAA told them about the
hijack, the only flight they fail to
provide this data for.
9:17 a.m.
The FAA shuts down all New
York City area airports.
9:20 a.m.
United Airlines orders no new
takeoffs in the United States.
9:21 a.m.
New York City Port Authority
orders all bridges and tunnels in
the New York City area closed.
9:23 a.m.
Bush talks privately with
Cheney, his National Security
Adviser Condoleezza Rice, the
head of the FBI, Robert Mueller
and Governor George Pataki of
New York. Why does Bush wait
from 9:05 (when Andrew Card
tells him of United Airlines Flight
175 hitting the WTC) till 9:23
to finally call? He still does not
give the authority to the fighters
to shoot down any hostile airliners. What is he waiting for?
A sonic boom occurs, which
was picked up by an earthquake monitor in southern Pennsylvania, 60 miles away from
Shanksville. This was most likely
caused by a fighter jet breaking
the sound barrier.
9:24 a.m.
The FAA notifies NORAD that
American Airlines Flight 77 has
been hijacked. The FAA lost
contact with American Airlines
Flight 77 when the transponder
signal stops at 8:55 a.m. -Why does it take 29 minutes
for the FAA to tell NORAD that
American Airlines Flight 77 has
been hijacked?
NORAD orders the 1st Fighter
Wing from Langley Air Force
Base in Hampton, Virginia to
scramble two, possibly three
F-16 fighters. This time NORAD
does not sit on this vital information for six minutes before
notifying Langley AFB. Langley
is 130 miles south of Washington D.C. and the Pentagon. The
F-16 has a top speed of 1500
once but twice?
Why wasn�t Langley AFB
scrambled at 8:20 or 8:40
or 8:46 or at the very least at
9:02:54? How could NORAD
possibly have waited the 21
minutes from the time United
Airlines Flight 175 hits the South
Tower of the WTC at 9:02:54
before finally scrambling Langley at 9:24? Waiting these 21
extra minutes to finally scramble
Langley is the real smoking gun
that no one can get around.
9:25 a.m.
Air traffic controllers inform the
US Secret Service as American
Airlines Flight 77 approaches
Washington D.C.
9:26 a.m.
The FAA halts takeoffs nationwide. All airborne international flights are told to land in
American Airlines Flight 77 Passenger, Barbara K. Olson
again calls her husband, Solicitor General Theodore Olson at
the Justice Department to tell
him about the hijacking and to
report that the passengers and
pilots were held in the back of
the plane. Again she is the only
person who makes a call from
American Airlines Flight 77.
Isn�t it very strange that is
she the only person to call, not
9:28 a.m.
United Airlines Flight 93 -- An
open microphone aboard
reveals someone in the cockpit
saying, “Get out of here!”
United Airlines Flight 93, “there
are the first audible signs
of problems, in background
cockpit noise.” Air traffic
controllers hear the sound of
screaming and scuffling over
an open mike. They then hear
hijackers speaking in Arabic to
each other. Yet this is at least 8
minutes and probably at least
12 minutes after the hijackers
had taken over the cockpit and
done something to cause the
FAA to notify NORAD of United
Airlines Flight 93’s hijacking.
9:29 a.m.
United Airlines Flight 93 - Jeremy Glick, a passenger, calls his
wife and describes the hijackers
and is informed about the attacks in New York City.
9:30 a.m.
Two maybe three F-16 Fighting
Falcons code-named Huntress
take off from Langley AFB
headed at first toward at NYC.
A couple of minutes into their
mission, according to General
Haugen “A person came on
the radio and identified themselves as being with the Secret
Service” and said, “I want you
to protect the White House at
all costs.” The F-16�s laid in
a new course and vectored to
Washington D.C.
Why were these fighters headed
to NYC when American Airlines
Flight 77 has been headed
directly for Washington D.C.
for the last 31 minutes, and
with their communication and
transponder turned off for 34
minutes? There are no airliners
headed for NYC or anywhere
else with their communication
and transponders turned off.
Also, at 9:25 air traffic controllers have already informed the
US Secret Service in Washington D.C. that American Airlines
Flight 77 is approaching them
very fast. So why are these F-16s
first flying toward NYC?
Bush, speaking to the nation
from Emma E. Booker Elementary School in Sarasota, Florida,
says the country has suffered an
“apparent terrorist attack” and
“a national tragedy.” He would
chase down, “those folks who
committed this act.” Bush also
said, “Terrorism against our
nation will not stand.” It was an
echo of “This will not stand,” the
words his father, George H. W.
Bush, had used a few days after
Iraq invaded Kuwait in August
1990-in Bush’s opinion, one of
his father’s finest moments.
Also, during this address to the
country Bush promised a full
investigation into the attack.
Well here we are one year later
and there is still no investigation. Matter of fact he has done
everything in his power so there
will not be any investigation into
911. Why?
Secret Service agents burst into
Cheney’s White House office.
They carry him under his arms
-- nearly lifting him off the
ground -- and take him to the
security of the underground
bunker in the White House
This address to the country
should have been said at least
15 to 20 minutes earlier. But of
course he had much more important business to attend to, he
was listening to the Goat Story
with the 16 second graders from
9:05 till at least 9:12 and possibly as long as 9:23. Watch the
video of Bush addressing the
country from Emma E. Booker
Elementary School.
The Secretary of State Colin
Powell in Lima, Peru abruptly
ended his breakfast with the
Peruvian president after getting
word of the second strike on the
trade center and made plans
to return to Washington. “Get
the plane,” he told an assistant.
“Go tell them we’re leaving.”
He had a seven-hour flight, with
poor phone connections, ahead
of him.
United Airlines begins landing
all of its flights inside the United
9:32 a.m.
The New York Stock Exchange
9:33 a.m.
According to The New York
Times, American Airlines Flight
77 was lost at 8:56 when it
turned off its transponder, and
stayed lost until now. Washington air traffic control sees a fast
moving blip on their radar at
this time and sends a warning
to Dulles Airport in Washington. Is it conceivable that an
airplane could be lost inside
United States air space for 37
minutes? One doesn’t need
a transponder signal to get a
radar signal. If this is true, why
did the FAA warn that the plane
was headed towards Washington at 9:25?
9:35 a.m.
United Airlines Flight 93 goes
off course near Cleveland, Ohio
where it makes a 135 degree
turn, and is now headed to the
southeast. United Airlines Flight
93 is 375 miles from Newark,
New Jersey and 280 miles
from where it was now headed,
Washington D.C.
Also reported about United
Airlines Flight 93: ABC News
has learned that shortly before
the plane changed directions,
someone in the cockpit radioed
in and asked the FAA for a new
flight plan, with a final destination of Washington. This should
have been a big red flag, a
problem aircraft usually diverts
to the nearest field. Did the
Pilot do this to signal Air Traffic
American Airlines begins
landing all of its flights inside
the United States.
9:36 a.m.
Ronald Reagan Washington
National Airport instructs a
military C130 aircraft that had
just departed Andrews Air Force
base to try to identify American
Airlines Flight 77. The C130
reports it is a 767 and it is moving low and very fast.
9:37 a.m.
American Airlines Flight 77
is lost from radar screens and
impacts the western side of the
Pentagon. The section of the
Pentagon hit consists mainly of
newly renovated, unoccupied
offices. The Pentagon says
American Airlines Flight 77 hits
them at 9:37. Other published
reports have American Airlines
Flight 77 striking at 9:40 to
9:43; The New York Times even
published 9:45
NORAD says the F-16�s from
Langley were still 105 miles and
12 minutes away. This means
their average flight speed was
only 14.3% of their top speed
in trying to intercept United
Airlines Flight 175. If these F-16s
flew at top speed, they would
have been there just after 9:37.
9:38 a.m.
United Airlines Flight 93 completes its 135 degree turn and is
headed directly towards Washington D.C.
9:40 a.m.
United Airlines Flight 93 transponder signal stops.
Transportation Secretary Norman Y. Mineta, summoned by
the White House to the bunker,
was on an open line to the
Federal Aviation Administration
operations center, monitoring
Flight 77 as it hurtled toward
Washington, with radar tracks
coming every seven seconds.
Reports came that the plane
was 50 miles out, 30 miles out,
10 miles out-until word reached
the bunker that there had been
an explosion at the Pentagon.
Mineta shouted into the phone
to Monte Belger at the FAA:
“Monte, bring all the planes
down.” It was an unprecedented order -- there were
4,546 airplanes in the air at the
time. Belger, the FAA’s acting
deputy administrator, amended
Mineta’s directive to take into
account the authority vested in
airline pilots. “We’re bringing
them down per pilot discretion,”
Belger told the secretary.
“Fuck pilot discretion,” Mineta
yelled back. “Get those goddamn planes down.”
The FAA stops all flight operations at U.S. airports and orders
all planes in the air to land at
the nearest airport. No civilian
aircraft are allowed to lift off.
This is the first time all commercial flights in the U.S. have
been suspended. Only military
and medical flights are allowed
to fly.
9:42 a.m.
United Airlines Flight 93 passenger Mark Bingham calls
his mother. “Mom, this is Mark
Bingham,” he said, nervously. “I
want to let you know that I love
you. I’m calling from the plane.
We’ve been taken over. There
are three men that say they
have a bomb.”
9:45 a.m.
Bush’s motorcade leaves the
Emma E. Booker Elementary
School in Sarasota, Florida
headed for Air Force One at
the Sarasota-Bradenton International Airport.
Tom Burnett calls his wife Deena
for the third time. She tells him
about the crash into the Pentagon. Tom speaks about the
bomb he’d mentioned earlier,
saying, “I don’t think they have
one, I think they’re just telling us
The Capitol and the White
House are evacuated.
9:45 a.m - 9:58 a.m.
United Flight 93 passenger
Todd Beamer tries to call his
family but gets patched through
to a Verizon supervisor. He said
that the pilot and copilot were
apparently dead, 2 hijackers
were in the cockpit, one was
guarding first class and another
was guarding 27 passengers at
the rear of the plane. He said
that they have voted to storm
the hijackers and the supervisor
hears before he hangs up “Are
you guys ready? Let’s roll.”
9:47 a.m.
Commanders worldwide were
ordered to raise their threat
alert status four notches to “Delta”, the highest level, to defend
United States facilities. Secretary
of Defense Donald Rumsfeld
raised the defense condition
signaling of the United States
offensive readiness-to DefCon
3, the highest it had been since
the Arab-Israeli war in 1973.
U.S. officials also sent a message to the Russians, who were
planning a military exercise not
far from Alaska, urging them to
rethink their plans.
9:49 a.m.
The F-16s from Langley AFB
finally arrive over Washington,
D.C. to perform Combat Air
Patrol over the city. It takes these
F-16�s 19 minutes to reach
Washington D.C. from Langley
AFB which is about 130 miles to
the south.
If these F-16s were flying at top
speed it should have taken them
just over 7 minutes to reach the
Pentagon. They should have
been there at about the same
time the Pentagon is hit by
American Airlines Flight 77, at
By arriving in Washington D.C.
at 9:49, that would mean these
F-16s average flight speed was
only 410.5 MPH. This means
their average flight speed was
only 27.4% of their top speed
in trying to protect our nations
capital. Langley AFB is 130
miles from the Pentagon and
F-16’s have a top speed of 1500
MPH. 60 minutes divided by
19 minutes = 3.16 x 130 miles
= 410.5 MPH divided by 1500
MPH = 27.4%.
These F-16s took-off at 9:30, this
is 43 minutes after American
Airlines 11 impacts the North
Tower of the WTC and 27 minutes after United Airlines Flight
175 slams into the South Tower
of the WTC. Knowing this, these
F-16s fly at only 27.4% of their
top speed in trying to intercept
American Airlines Flight 77
and protect our nations capital,
Washington D.C. How could
that possibly be?
Why were all of these ultrasophisticated fighter jets averaging flight speeds only one
quarter of their top speed when
sent to intercept hostile aircraft
and protect New York City and
our nation’s Capital, Washington D.C.? What exactly is the
purpose of these fighter jets being able to go 1875+ MPH and
1500 MPH, yet when the United
States is being attacked and
needs them the most they are
only somehow capable of doing
one quarter of their top speed?
The United States Air Force is
the most technologically advanced, and the most dominate
military force ever known to
man, and yet we didnt have any
other fighters on routine patrols
or training missions anywhere
within 1000 miles of New York
City or Washington D. C. that
morning? I have talked to a few
people in the Air Force, and
this totally impossible. There are
always fighters up on routine
patrols or training missions. So
where were they?
And lastly, why didn’t the Air
Force follow procedure and
immediately scramble a recon
aircraft or two to monitor any
of these 4 flights like they did
for the late great golfer Payne
Stewart when his Lear jet went
off course? This is not Oshkosh,
Wisconsin we are talking about
protecting here, it is New York
City and the Capital of the
United States, Washington
D.C., and its air defenses were
left total unguarded for almost
an hour and a half by the same
country who have the greatest air superiority by far ever
known. What type of a preposterous wag of the NORAD tale
is this?
Both of these groups of fighters, the F-15s out of Otis, and
the F-16s out of Langley were
put in the air merely as window
dressing. To make the public
actually think they were valiantly trying to intercept these 4
hijacked planes. There is only
one explanation for this -- our
Air Force was ordered to stand
down on 911.
9:49 a.m.
Pittsburgh International Airport
flight tower is evacuated.
9:55 a.m.
Bush arrives at the SarasotaBradenton International Airport
and boards Air Force One.
Inside his White House bunker,
a military aide asks Cheney,
“There is a plane 80 miles out.
There is a fighter in the area.
Should we engage?” Cheney
immediately says, “Yes.” As the
fighter gets nearer to United
Airlines Flight 93, he is asked
the same thing twice more, and
responds yes both times.
9:58 a.m.
Confrontation with the hijackers and the passengers begins
aboard United Airlines Flight
93. Emergency dispatcher in
Pennsylvania receives a call
from a passenger on Flight 93.
The passenger says: “We are
being hijacked!”
A frantic male passenger
onboard United Airlines Flight
93 called the 911 emergency
number, he told the operator,
named Glen Cramer, that he
had locked himself inside one
of the toilets. Cramer told the
AP, in a report that was widely
broadcast on September 11th,
that the passenger had spoken
for one minute. “We’re being
hijacked, we’re being hijacked!”
the man screamed into his
mobile phone. “We confirmed
that with him several times,”
Cramer said, “and we asked
him to repeat what he said. He
was very distraught. He said he
believed the plane was going
down. He did hear some sort
of an explosion and saw white
smoke coming from the plane,
but he didn’t know where. And
then we lost contact with him.”
This was the last cell phone call
made from any passengers on
any of the hijacked planes.
9:59 a.m.
Air Force One Departs Sarasota-Bradenton International Airport, Sarasota, Florida bound
for Washington D.C. Air Force
One departed with no extra
military protection, even though
2 of the 7 military air stations
we had on full alert to protect
the continental United States
that day were based in Florida.
Homestead Air Station in
Homestead is 185 miles and the
Tyndall Air Station in Panama
City is 235 miles from Sarasota.
These two air stations should
have been ordered to scramble
their fighters at 8:20 or 8:40
or 8:43 or 8:46:26 or 9:02:54
or at the very least, at 9:24.
Flying at top speed, both of
these air stations fighters could
have been in Sarasota in about
20 minutes to protect Air Force
One. Where were the fighters
from both of these air stations?
Did both of these air stations
have something better to do
that day than protect Air Force
One? Please, this just does not
Also, is the place to be in the
air when there are still hundreds
of airliners in the air, and who
knew then how many of them
were hostile or not?
We have captured and saved
the video of Bush as he arrives
at Sarasota-Bradenton International Airport, and the take-off
of Air Force One.
Also, please take a look at the
August 30, 2002 BBC article
which states: In the immediate
aftermath of the terror attacks
US fighter planes took to the
skies to defend America from
any further attacks. Their mission was to protect pResident
George W. Bush and to intercept any hijacked aircraft heading to other targets in the US.
a 2.1 magnitude earthquake
during the 10-second collapse
of the South Tower at 9:59:04
and a 2.3 quake during the
9-second collapse of the North
Tower at 10:28:31.
The south tower of the World
Trade Center suddenly collapses, plummeting into the streets
below. A massive cloud of dust
and debris quickly fills lower
Manhattan. It is later explained
(disinformation) that the collapse was not directly caused by
the impact, but the intense heat
caused by the fire fueled by the
jet’s fuel weakening the steel
support beams of the concrete
floors. The WTC towers were
built to withstand a 707 being
flown into them. A 767 carries
almost the same amount of fuel
as a 707.
The Palisades seismic record
shows that -- as the collapses began -- a huge seismic
“spikes” marked the moment the
greatest energy went into the
ground. The strongest jolts were
both registered at the beginning
of the collapses, well before the
falling debris struck the earth.
Seismographs at Columbia
University’s Lamont-Doherty
Earth Observatory in Palisades,
New York, 21 miles north of the
WTC, recorded very interesting
seismic activity on September
11, 2001 that has still not been
While the aircraft crashes
caused minimal earth shaking,
significant earthquakes with
unusual spikes occurred at the
beginning of each collapse. The
Palisades seismic data recorded
These unexplained “spikes” in
the seismic data tends to lend
credence to the theory that perhaps a massive explosion(s) in
the lowest level of the basements
where the supporting steel
columns of the WTC met the
bedrock caused the collapses.
A “sharp spike of short duration” is how seismologist Thorne
Lay of University of California
at Santa Cruz told AFP an
underground nuclear explosion
appears on a seismograph.
The two unexplained spikes
are more than twenty times the
amplitude of the other seismic waves associated with the
collapses and occurred in the
East-West seismic recording as
the buildings began to fall.
In the basements of the collapsed towers, where the 47
central support columns connected with the bedrock, hot
spots of “literally molten steel”
were discovered. Such persistent and intense residual heat,
70 feet below the surface, could
explain how these crucial structural supports failed.
Peter Tully, president of Tully
Construction of Flushing, New
York, told AFP that he saw
pools of “literally molten steel”
at the World Trade Center. Tully
was contracted on September
11 to remove the debris from the
Tully called Mark Loizeaux,
president of Controlled Demolition, Inc. (CDI) of Phoenix,
Maryland, for consultation
about removing the debris. CDI
calls itself “the innovator and
global leader in the controlled demolition and implosion
of structures.” Loizeaux, who
cleaned up the bombed Federal
Building in Oklahoma City, arrived on the WTC site two days
later and wrote the clean-up
plan for the entire operation.
AFP asked Loizeaux about the
report of molten steel on the
site. “Yes,” he said, “hot spots of
molten steel in the basements.”
These incredibly hot areas were
found “at the bottoms of the elevator shafts of the main towers,
down seven [basement] levels,”
Loizeaux said. The molten steel
was found “three, four, and five
weeks later, when the rubble
was being removed,” Loizeaux
said. He said molten steel was
also found at 7 WTC, which
collapsed mysteriously at 5:20
on September 11th.
Construction steel has an
extremely high melting point
of about 2800� Fahrenheit
(1535� Celsius). Asked what
could have caused such extreme
heat, Tully said, “Think of the jet
A way to prove that explosives
had blasted the supporting steel
columns of the Twin Towers
would be to examine fragments
from them among the debris
for evidence of what metallurgists call “twinning”. While steel
is often tested for evidence of
explosions, despite numerous
eyewitness reports of explosions
in the towers, the engineers
involved in the FEMA-sponsored
building assessment did no such
The WTC debris was removed
as fast as possible and no forensic examination of the debris
was permitted by the FBI or
any other government agency.
Almost all the 300,000 tons of
steel from the Twin Towers was
sold to New York scrap dealers and exported to places like
China and Korea as quickly
as it could be loaded onto the
ships, thereby removing the
The magazine Fire Engineering, a respected journal of
firefighting for 125 years, which
publishes studies of catastrophic
fires, criticized the American
Society of Civil Engineers and
FEMA investigations as “a halfbaked farce.” Fire Engineering
editor WiIliam A. Manning
wrote in the January issue: “...
the structural damage from
the planes and the explosive
ignition of jet fuel in themselves
were not enough to bring down
the towers.” Why is such there
disparity in opinion within the
ranks of the fire-engineering
The immense clouds of dust and
apparent disintegration of the
425,000 cubic yards of concrete of the World Trade Center
cause me to question the MIT
account of events. Describing
the ruins, television evangelist
Dr. Robert Schuller said that “...
there was not a single block of
concrete in that rubble.” One
observer described the scene
“as if some high-energy disintegration beam or laser had
been focused on the towers
and pulverized the concrete
into minute particles of ash and
dust.” The 110-ten-story World
Trade Center reduced to dust by
jet fuel?
Dr. Michael Baden, New York
state’s chief forensic pathologist
and an expert in pathology said
in September that most of the
victims’ bodies should be identifiable, because the fires had
not reached the 3200F for 30
minutes necessary to incinerate
a body. At a November press
conference, Dr. Charles Hirsch,
the chief medical examiner,
told grieving relatives that many
bodies had been “vaporized.”
Are we to believe that the people killed on 9/11 were “vaporized” at 1700F?
The World Trade Center smoldering pits of molten steel
burned for exactly 100 days,
despite the constant spray of
water being applied. The fires
were finally reported extinguished on December 19.
Also, the collapses of the south
tower at 9:59:04 took only 10
seconds while the collapse of
the north tower at 10:28:31
took only 9 seconds, this is only
slightly more than a free fall
from the same height, indicating that there was very little
resistance. Yet the floors themselves are quite robust, each
one is 39” thick; the top 4” is
a poured concrete slab, with
interlocking vertical steel trusses
underneath. This steel would
absorb a lot of kinetic energy by
crumpling as one floor fell onto
another. So how did both of the
towers fall so quickly?
In a newly release audio, two
of New York Citys Bravest are
heard to have made it up to
where United Airlines Flight 175
impacted, the 78th floor. Their
voices where calm, they explain
what was needed to help the
many causalities and to put
out the two small fires that they
discovered. The type of fire that
these two NYC Firemen describe
does not seem to jive at all with
the inferno that is blamed for
melting the support beams and
bringing down the first steel
high-rise or skyscraper ever.
Also, Louie Cacchioli 51, another NYC firefighter, assigned to
Engine 47 in Harlem, has stated
on September 11, 2001: “We
were the first ones in the second
tower after the plane struck. I
was taking firefighters up in the
elevator to the 24th floor to get
in position to evacuate workers. On the last trip up a bomb
went off. We think there were
bombs set in the building. I had
just asked another firefighter to
stay with me, which was a good
thing because we were trapped
inside the elevator and he had
the tools to get out.”
“There were probably 500
people trapped in the stairwell.
It was mass chaos. The power
went out. It was dark. Everybody was screaming. We had
oxygen masks and we were
giving people oxygen. Some
of us made it out and some of
us didn’t. I know of at least 30
firefighters who are still missing.
This is my 20th year. I am seriously considering retiring. This
might have done it.”
When cameraman and Jules
Naudet arrived at WTC tower
one along with other crews of
NYC Firemen and entered the
building’s ground floor lobby,
they were to a one completely
puzzled, actually astonished, to
find significant and widespread
damage to the entire lobby
area; although not of a deep,
structural kind. Moreover, nowhere was there any indication
whatsoever of an incendiarytype explosion or any kind of
fire in this area.
Yet the incredible number of
blown-out windows and other
extensive though rather superficial damage throughout the
lobby area was profoundly
perplexing to these experienced
professional firefighters in relation to the impact of the plane
eighty stories above. As one put
it: “The lobby looked like the
plane hit the lobby!”
Other reports, from firemen,
have said that the FBIs offices
in NYC that were on the 22nd,
23rd and 24th floors of the
north tower of the WTC were
totally destroyed, presumably by
10:00 a.m.
Bill Wright is flying a small
plane when an air traffic controller asks him to look around
outside his window. He sees
United Airlines Flight 93 three
miles away - close enough to
see the United Airlines colors.
Air traffic control asks him the
plane’s altitude, and then commands him to get away from
the plane and land immediately.
Wright saw the plan rock back
and forth three or four times
before he flew from the area.
He speculates that the hijackers were trying to throw off the
attacking passengers.
The NRC tells all nuclear power
stations to go to the highest level
of alert.
10:01 a.m.
The FAA orders F-16 fighters to
scramble from Toledo, Ohio. Although the base has no fighters
on stand-by alert status, it manages to put fighters in the air 16
minutes later, a “phenomenal”
response time - but still 10 minutes after the last hijacked plane
has crashed.
One interesting aspect is that
NORAD has explained that it
didn’t scramble fighters from
bases nearer to the hijacked
planes because they only used
bases in the NORAD defensive
network (a mere 7 bases in the
entire US). Yet this Toledo base
wasn’t part of that network, so
why weren’t planes in this base
and other bases scrambled an
hour or more earlier? Could
it be that they were scrambled earlier, and that it was
one of these F-16’s that tailed
Flight 93? While it hasn’t been
reported in the media yet, note
this recent claim by a seismologist that there was a sonic
boom in Western Pennsylvania
at 9:22. Could that have been a
fighter tracking United Airlines
Flight 93?
10:02 a.m.
After a review of radar tapes,
a radar signal of United Airlines Flight 93 is detected near
Shanksville, Pennsylvania.
10:03 a.m.
An unconfirmed report of a
fire at the State Department in
Washington D.C. -- Later confirmed not true.
According to the FBI, the cockpit
voice recorder stops and United
Airlines Flight 93 crashes near
Shanksville, Pennsylvania, in
Somerset county, about 80
miles southeast of Pittsburgh.
10:04 a.m.
Johnstown-Cambria County
Airport reports United Airlines
Flight 93 is 15 miles south.
10:06:05 a.m.
According to seismic data,
United Airlines Flight 93 crashes
near Shanksville, Pennsylvania,
in Somerset county, about 80
miles southeast of Pittsburgh.
This is also 124 miles or 15
minutes away at 500 MPH from
Washington D.C. An eyewitness
reports seeing a white plane
resembling a fighter jet circling
the site just after the crash.
The F-16’s from Langley AFB
arrived in Washington D.C at
9:49 a.m. The F-16 has a top
speed of 1500 MPH. After the
Pentagon gets hit by American
Airlines Flight 77 at 9:37, there
is only one airliner left in the
sky with its transponder signal
off, and once again heading
directly for Washington D.C.,
and that is United Airlines Flight
93. Flying at top speed these
F-16s could have intercepted
United Airlines Flight 93 within
5 to 8 minutes depending on
when they would have left. Why
didn�t these F-16s try to intercept United Airlines Flight 93?
Listen to what a former Pentagon air traffic controller says
“All those years ago when I was
at the Pentagon, this wouldn’t
have happened. ATC Radar images were (and are) available
in the understructures of the
Pentagon, and any commercial
flight within 300 miles of D. C.
that made an abrupt course
change toward Washington,
or turned off their transponder
and refused to communicate
with ATC, would have been
intercepted at supersonic speeds
within minutes by fighters out of
Andrews AFB. Why there were
no fighters from Andrews AFB
up baffles me. If we could get
fighters notified, scrambled, and
airborne within about 6 minutes
from Andrews AFB then, we
could now.”
Shortly after 911, a flight controller in New Hampshire ignores
a ban on controllers speaking
to the media, and it is reported
he claims “that an F-16 fighter
closely pursued Flight 93... the
F-16 made 360-degree turns
to remain close to the commercial jet, the employee said. ‘He
must’ve seen the whole thing,’
the employee said of the F-16
pilot’s view of Flight 93’s crash.”
Numerous eyewitnesses see and
hear United Airlines Flight 93
just before its crash:
1) Terry Butler, at Stoystown: he
sees the plane come out of the
clouds, low to the ground. “It
was moving like you wouldn’t
believe. Next thing I knew it
makes a heck of a sharp, righthand turn.” It banks to the right
and appears to be trying to
climb to clear one of the ridges,
but it continues to turn to the
right and then veers behind a
ridge. About a second later it
2) Ernie Stuhl, the mayor of
Shanksville: “I know of two people -- I will not mention names
-- that heard a missile. They
both live very close, within a
couple of hundred yards... This
one fellow’s served in Vietnam
and he says he’s heard them,
and he heard one that day.” He
adds that based on what he has
learned; F-16’s were “very, very
3) Laura Temyer of Hooversville:
“I didn’t see the plane but I
heard the plane’s engine. Then I
heard a loud thump that echoed
off the hills and then I heard
the plane’s engine. I heard two
more loud thumps and didn’t
hear the plane’s engine anymore after that” (she insists that
people she knows in state law
enforcement have privately told
her the plane was shot down,
and that decompression sucked
objects from the aircraft, explaining why there was a wide
debris field).
4) Charles Sturtz, a half-mile
from the crash site: The plane is
heading southeast and has its
engines running. No smoke can
be seen. “It was really roaring,
you know. Like it was trying to
go someplace, I guess.”
5) Michael Merringer, two miles
from the crash site: “I heard the
engine gun two different times
and then I heard a loud bang”
6) Tim Lensbouer, 300 yards
away: “I heard it for 10 or 15
seconds and it sounded like it
was going full bore.” Accounts
have the plane flying upside
7) Rob Kimmel, several miles
from the crash site: He sees it fly
overhead, banking hard to the
right. It is 200 feet or less off the
ground as it crests a hill to the
southeast. “I saw the top of the
plane, not the bottom.”
8) Eric Peterson of Lambertsville:
He sees a plane flying overhead unusually low. The plane
seemed to be turning end-overend as it dropped out of sight
behind a tree line.
9) Bob Blair of Stoystown: He
sees the plane spiraling and flying upside down before crashing. It�s not much higher
than the treetops. Accounts of
a sudden plunge and more
strange sounds.
10) An unnamed witness says
he hears two loud bangs before
watching the plane take a
downward turn of nearly 90
11) Another unnamed witness
sees the plane overhead. It
makes a high-pitched, screeching sound. The plane then
makes a sharp, 90-degree
downward turn and crashes.
12) Tom Fritz, about a quartermile from the crash site: he
hears a sound that “wasn’t quite
right” and looks up in the sky.
“It dropped all of a sudden, like
a stone,” going “so fast that you
couldn’t even make out what
color it was.”
13) Terry Butler, a few miles
north of Lambertsville: “It
dropped out of the clouds.” The
plane rose slightly, trying to
gain altitude, then “it just went
flip to the right and then straight
14) Lee Purbaugh, 300 yards
away: “There was an incredibly
loud rumbling sound and there
it was, right there, right above
my head � maybe 50 feet
up... I saw it rock from side to
side then, suddenly, it dipped
and dived, nose first, with a
huge explosion, into the ground.
I knew immediately that no one
could possibly have survived.”
15) Linda Shepley: She hears a
loud bang and sees the plane
bank to the side. She sees the
plane wobbling right and left, at
a low altitude of roughly 2,500
feet, when suddenly the right
wing dips straight down, and
the plane plunges into the earth.
She says had an unobstructed
view of Flight 93’s final two
16) Kelly Leverknight in Stony
Creek Township of Shanksville:
“There was no smoke, it just
went straight down. I saw the
belly of the plane.” It sounds like
it is flying low, and its heading
17) Tim Thornsberg, working in
a nearby strip-mine: “It came in
low over the trees and started
wobbling. Then it just rolled
over and was flying upside
down for a few seconds ... and
then it kind of stalled and did a
nose dive over the trees.”
What sense can be made of
all these different accounts?
Some say it was flying a couple
thousand feet up and suddenly
plunged down, some say it
was flying extremely low. Turns,
climbs, strange noises, flipping, etc. While many of these
accounts conflict, virtually all
support a missile strike, because
of the common theme of noises
and a plane struggling to rise
and stay in the air. The plunge
doesn’t seem to be a deliberate
thrust of the plane towards the
ground, but instead the result of
engine failure. Other passenger
planes hit by missiles continued to fly for several minutes
before crashing. For instance,
two Russian missiles hit a
Korean Airline 747 in 1983, yet
it continued to fly for two more
10:06 a.m.: and after “Lee
Purbaugh is one of at least half
a dozen named individuals
who have reported seeing a
second plane flying low and in
erratic patterns, not much above
treetop level, over the crash site
within minutes of United Airlines Flight 93 crashing. They
describe the plane as a small,
white jet with rear engines and
no discernible markings.”
Susan Mcelwain saw a small
white jet with rear engines
and no discernible markings
swooped low over her minivan
near an intersection and disappeared over a hilltop, nearly
clipping the tops of trees lining the ridge. She saw this less
than a minute before the United
Airlines Flight 93 crash rocked
the countryside.
Dennis Decker and Rick
Chaney, Decker speaking: “As
soon as we looked up [after
hearing United Airlines Flight
93 crash], we saw a midsize
jet flying low and fast. It appeared to make a loop or part
of a circle, and then it turned
fast and headed out.” Decker
and Chaney described the
plane as a Lear-jet type, with
engines mounted near the tail
and painted white with no
identifying markings. “It was
a jet plane, and it had to be
flying real close when that 757
went down. If I was the FBI, I’d
find out who was driving that
Jim Brandt and Tom Spinello
both report seeing a small
plane with no markings stay
about one or two minutes over
the crash site before leaving.
The FBI later says this was a
Fairchild Falcon 20 business jet,
directed after the crash to fly
from 37,000 feet to 5,000 feet
and obtain the coordinates for
the crash site to help rescuers.
The FBI also says there was a
C-130 military cargo aircraft
flying at 24,000 feet about
17 miles away, but that plane
wasn’t armed and had no role
in the crash. Was the unmarked
jet some kind of reconnaissance
plane, and the C-130 a cover
story for sending fighters in the
10:07 a.m.
A NYC Police helicopter sends
an urgent message over the
radio that the North Tower is
leaning and in imminent danger of collapse.
10:08 a.m.
Secret Service agents armed
with automatic rifles are deployed into Lafayette Park
across from the White House.
The Pentagon “E Section”
10:13 a.m.
Almost 12,000 people are
evacuated from The United
10:15 a.m.
The Palestinian group Democratic Front for the Liberation of
Palestine (DFLP) reportedly takes
responsibility for the crashes,
but this is quickly denied by a
senior officer of the group.
flying into the United States are
being diverted to Canada.
10:28:31 a.m.
The North Tower of the World
Trade Center collapses. The
fact that the northern tower
withstood much longer than the
southern one is later attributed
to three facts: the region of
impact was higher, the speed
of the airplane was lower, and
the affected floors had their fire
proofing upgraded.
Two F-16�s from the 180th
Fighter Wing in Toledo, Ohio
take off, heading east.
Exactly at the beginning of the
collapse of the north tower there
was a seismic event that was the
equivalent to a magnitude 2.3
earthquake. This unexplained
“spike” in the seismic data
tends to lend credence to the
theory that perhaps a massive explosion(s) in the lowest
level of the basement where
the supporting steel columns
of the WTC met the bedrock
that caused the collapse (see
9:59:04 a.m. # 109).
10:22 a.m.
The Twin Towers Were
Deliberately Demolished.
2,000 planes have landed in
the U.S. since the 9:40 FAA order was issued telling all planes
in the air to land at the nearest
10:17 a.m.
10:10 a.m.
In Washington D.C., the Justice and State departments
are evacuated, along with the
World Bank.
The FAA orders all planes to
land at nearest airports.
10:24 a.m.
The FBI headquarters
The FAA reports that all inbound transatlantic aircraft
10:32 a.m.
Cheney called Bush on Air
Force One, on its way from Florida to Washington, to say the
White House had just received
a threat against the plane. The
caller had used its code word,
“Angel,” suggesting terrorists
had inside information. Card
was told it would take between
40 minutes and 90 minutes to
get a protective fighter escort up
to Air Force One.
now westerly toward Barksdale
Air Force Base in Louisiana.
It was within easy range, and
once there food and fuel could
be loaded and the president
could have access to its more
sophisticated communications
says all state government offices
are closed.
11:00 a.m.
All federal office buildings in
Washington D. C. are evacuated.
Evacuations are ordered at the
tallest skyscrapers in several
cities, and major tourist attractions are closed, including Walt
Disney World, Philadelphia’s
Liberty Bell and Independence
Hall, Seattle’s Space Needle
and the Gateway Arch in St.
10:35 a.m.
10.46 a.m.
11:02 a.m.
Washington D.C. Police are
reportedly alerted about a
bomb in a car outside the State
Department. Later reports claim
that nothing happened at the
State Department.
U.S. Secretary of State Colin
Powell cuts short his trip to Latin
America to return to the United
Giuliani urges New Yorkers to
stay at home and orders an
evacuation of the area south of
Canal Street (see 1:02 p.m. #
Bush told an aide that Air Force
One “is next.” He was in an
angry mood. “We’re going to
find out who did this,” he said
to Cheney, “and we’re going to
kick their asses.”
10:41 a.m.
Air Force One was still en
route to Washington when
Cheney called again. This time,
he urged Bush not to return.
“There’s still a threat to Washington.” Rice agreed, and had
told Bush the same thing.
There was little debate or discussion. Cheney was worried
the terrorists might be trying to
decapitate the government, to
kill its leaders. Bush agreed.
10:43 a.m.
Air Force One banks suddenly
and sharply to the left, its course
10:45 a.m.:
10.48 a.m.
Police confirm the crash of a
large plane in Somerset County,
10:50 a.m.
Five stories of the Pentagon collapse due to the fire.
10:53 a.m.
New York’s primary elections
scheduled for today are postponed.
11:26 a.m.
United Airlines reports that
Flight 93, en route from Newark, New Jersey, to San Francisco, has crashed in Pennsylvania, southeast of Pittsburgh.
11:40 a.m.
Canada shuts down all airports.
11:15 a.m.
11:45 a.m.
There were reports that the
F-16s over Washington had shot
something down. There was
no later confirmation of these
From Barksdale Air Force Base
in Louisiana, Bush made a brief
and informal initial statement
to the effect that terrorism on
U.S. soil would not be tolerated,
stating that “freedom itself has
been attacked and freedom will
be protected.”
11:08 a.m.
11:16 a.m.
Israel evacuates all diplomatic
10:57 a.m.
11:17 a.m.
New York Gov. George Pataki
American Airlines reports it
11:55 a.m.
The border between the U.S.
and Mexico is placed on highest alert, but is not closed.
12:02 p.m.
The Taliban government of
Afghanistan denounces the
12:04 a.m.
Los Angeles International Airport, the destination of American Airlines Flights 11 and
United Airlines 175, is evacuated.
12:15 a.m.
Air Force One arrives at Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana.
CNN reports that the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention are preparing emergencyresponse teams in a precautionary move.
10:54 a.m.
has lost two aircraft. American
Airlines Flight 11, a Boeing 767
flying from Boston to Los Angeles, had 81 passengers and 11
crewmembers aboard. American Airlines Flight 77, a Boeing
757 en route from Washington’s
Dulles Airport to Los Angeles,
had 58 passengers and six
crew members aboard.
11:53 a.m.
United Airlines confirms that
Flight 175, from Boston to Los
Angeles, has crashed with 56
passengers and nine crewmembers aboard.
San Francisco International Airport, the destination of United
Flight 93 is evacuated and shut
The Immigration and Naturalization Service says U.S. borders
with Canada and Mexico are
on the highest state of alert, but
no decision is made about closing the borders.
12:36 p.m.
Bush finally appeared on television from the Barksdale Air
Force Base conference room, it
was not a reassuring picture. He
spoke haltingly, mispronouncing several words as he looked
down at his notes. He says that
all appropriate security measures are being taken, including
putting the United States military on high alert worldwide.
He asks for prayers for those
killed or wounded in the attacks
and says: “Make no mistake,
the United States will hunt down
and punish those responsible
for these cowardly acts.”
When he got to the last sentence, he seemed to gain
strength. “The resolve of our
great nation is being tested,” he
said in even tones. “But make
no mistake: We will show the
world that we will pass this test.”
The FAA says all aircraft ordered to land at 9:40 have
His remarks were fed by the
media pool to the networks,
causing a short delay before
the nation could see them. The
entire statement consisted of just
219 words, and Bush took no
questions from reporters.
12:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m.
12:16 p.m.
The FAA says 50 flights are in
U.S. airspace, but none are
reporting any problems.
At the Pentagon, fire crews are
still fighting fires. The early
response to the attack had been
coordinated from the National
Military Command Center, but
that had to be evacuated when
it began to fill with smoke.
1:02 p.m.
New York Mayor Rudolph
Guiliani orders an evacuation
of Manhattan south of Canal
1:27 p.m.
Mayor Anthony A. Williams of
Washington, D.C., declares a
state of emergency; the National Guard arrives on site.
1:44 a.m.
The Pentagon says five warships and two aircraft carriers
(USS George Washington and
USS John F. Kennedy) will leave
Norfolk, Virginia to protect the
East Coast from further attack
and to reduce the number of
ships in port.
1:48 p.m.
President Bush leaves Barksdale
Air Force Base in Louisiana
aboard Air Force One and flies
to an undisclosed location. He
flies to the Strategic Air Command (SAC) bunker at Offutt
Air Force Base in Nebraska
where there were secure facilities that would allow the president to conduct a meeting of
his National Security Council in
Washington over a video link.
On the plane, Bush expressed
his irritation over being away
from the White House. “I want
to go back home ASAP,” he
told Card, according to notes of
the conversation. “I don’t want
whoever did this holding me
outside of Washington.”
Some aides recall Bush saying
he would return to Washington
later in the day, unless there
was some extraordinary new
threat. The senior Secret Service
agent aboard Air Force One
told Bush the situation was
“too unsteady still” to allow his
return. “The right thing is to let
the dust settle,” Card said.
2:00 p.m.
Senior FBI sources tell CNN
they are working on the assumption that the four airplanes
that crashed were hijacked as
part of a terrorist attack.
2:15 p.m.
Bush onboard Air Force One en
route to the (SAC) bunker at Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska
talks to Cheney again and
schedules a 4 p.m. meeting of
his national security staff -- He
also talks to New York Mayor
Rudy Giuliani and Gov. George
Pataki. “I know your heart is
broken and your city is strained
and anything we can do, let me
know,” Bush says.
2:30 p.m.
president is.”
The FAA announces there will
be no U.S. commercial air traffic until noon EDT Wednesday.
2:51 p.m.
Senator John McCain characterizes attack as an “act of war.”
2:36 p.m.
En route to Offutt, Bush reached
his father on the phone. His
aides left him alone in the
cabin. “Where are you?” Bush
recalled asking his father. The
former president said he and
his wife, Barbara, were in Milwaukee, on their way to Minneapolis. “What are you doing
in Milwaukee?” “You grounded
my plane,” the former president
2:49 p.m.
At a news conference, Giuliani
says that subway and bus service are restored in New York
City. Asked about the number
of people killed, Giuliani says,
“I don’t think we want to speculate about that -- more than any
of us can bear.”
2:50 p.m.
Before leaving Air Force One,
Bush repeated to his lead Secret
Service agent, “We need to get
back to Washington. We don’t
need some tinhorn terrorist to
scare us off. The American people want to know where their
The Navy dispatches missile
destroyers and other equipment
to New York and Washington.
3:06 p.m.
Air Force One landed at U.S.
Strategic Air Command at Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska.
Bush was driven the short
distance to the U.S. Strategic
Command headquarters and
was ushered into the secure
command center, a cavernous
room with multi-story video
screens and batteries of military
personnel at computer terminals
hooked into satellites monitoring
activities around the globe. As
Bush arrived, they were tracking
a commercial airliner on its way
from Spain to the United States.
It was giving out an emergency
signal, indicating it might be
Very bizarrely, Warren Buffett,
(reported to be the second richest person on Earth), has a golf
outing for top Corporate CEOs,
at the same Offutt Air Force
Base in Nebraska. What is the
likelihood of that happening?
3:30 p.m.
Bush convened the day’s first
meeting of his National Security
Council; the others were piped
in by secure video links from
various command centers in
CIA Director Tenet reported that
he was virtually certain Usama
bin Laden and his network were
behind the attacks. A check of
the passenger manifests of the
hijacked flights had turned up
three known al-Qaeda operatives on American Airlines
Flight 77, which had struck the
Pentagon. Please check out the
passenger name manifest list
(there are no Arabic names on
the list).
One of them, Khalid Al-Midhar,
had come to the CIA’s attention the previous year, when he
traveled to Malaysia and met
with a key al-Qaeda suspect in
the 2000 terrorist bombing of
the USS Cole. The FBI had been
informed about Al-Midhar and
he had been put on a watch
list, but he had slipped into the
United States over the summer and the bureau had been
looking for him since. Tenet said
al-Qaeda was the only terrorist
organization in the world that
had the capability to pull off
such well-coordinated attacks.
And, he said, intelligence monitoring had overheard a number
of known Usama bin Laden
operatives congratulating each
other after the strikes. Intel-
ligence monitoring also found
five Mossad agents congratulating themselves after the strike.
Israel is the only terrorist state in
the world that had the capacity
to pull off such a well coordinated strike and pin the blame
on others. He said information
collected before September 11
but only now being processed
indicated that operatives had
expected something big. But
none of it specified the day,
time or place of the attacks in
a way that would have allowed
the CIA or FBI to preempt them.
“Get your ears up,” Bush told
Tenet and the others. “The
primary mission of this administration is to find them and catch
them.” Cheney voiced concern
that more hijacked planes could
be out there. Tenet said that
since all the attacks had taken
place before 10 a.m., that was
probably it for the day but
there was no way to be sure.
FBI Director Mueller expressed
concerns that investigators still
did not know how the terrorists
had penetrated airport security.
Tenet said it was essential to
know this before flights resumed.
“I’ll announce more security
measures, but we won’t be held
hostage,” Bush insisted. “We’ll
fly at noon tomorrow,” he said,
although it took three more days
for commercial flights to resume
and then only on a reduced
Someone mentioned that New
York officials had asked whether
they should urge people to
go back to work the next day,
particularly those working in
banks and the financial markets. “Terrorists can always
attack,” Rumsfeld said. “The
Pentagon’s going back to work
tomorrow.” People in New York
should go back to work, the
president said. “Banks should
open tomorrow, too.”
Bush asked about coming back
to Washington, although he
had already told his traveling
party that he would fly back
immediately after the video
conference. Cheney suggested
the president return and make
a statement at Andrews, but the
Secret Service still insisted that
it was not safe. “I’m coming
back,” Bush said.
As the meeting was ending
Bush said, “We will find these
people. They will pay. And I
don’t want you to have any
doubt about it.”
In the course of this NSC
videoconference, CIA Director
George Tenet fed unconfirmed
information to Bush. Tenet
stated, “He was virtually certain
that Usama bin Laden and his
network were behind the attacks.”
3:55 p.m.
Karen Hughes, a White House
counselor, says the pResident
is at an undisclosed location,
later revealed to be an Air
Force base in Nebraska, and is
conducting a National Security
Council meeting by phone.
Vice President Dick Cheney
and National Security Adviser
Condoleezza Rice are in the
underground bunker at the
White House. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is at the
Giuliani now says the number
of critically injured in New York
City is up to 200 with 2,100
total injuries reported.
4:00 p.m.
CNN National Security Correspondent David Ensor reports
that U.S. officials say there are
“good indications” that bin
Laden is involved in the attacks,
based on “new and specific”
information developed since the
rescue teams to New York City.
Building 7 of the World Trade
Center complex is reported on
crash site -- A long shot, showing a 20 foot wide smoldering
hole in the ground. Why does
it take almost 7 hours to get
anything on the television from
this crash?
4:20 p.m.
5:15 p.m.
U.S. Sen. Bob Graham, DFlorida, chairman of the Senate
Intelligence Committee, says he
was “not surprised there was
an attack (but) was surprised at
the specificity.” He says he was
“shocked at what actually happened -- the extent of it.”
CNN Military Affairs Correspondent Jamie McIntyre
reports fires are still burning in
part of the Pentagon. No death
figures have been released yet.
4:10 p.m.
4:25 p.m.
The American Stock Exchange,
the Nasdaq and the New York
Stock Exchange say they will
remain closed Wednesday.
4:30 p.m.
NORAD releases a statement
that denies it had anything to
do with shooting down Unites
Airlines Flight 93.
5:20:33 p.m.
World Trade Center Building
7, a 47-story skyscraper, collapses. The evacuated building is damaged when the twin
towers across the street collapse
earlier in the day. The CIA
(secretly) and the United States
Secret Service had offices in this
building. How and why World
Trade Center Building 7 fell is
still quite the mystery.
5:30 p.m.
The president leaves Offutt Air
Force Base in Nebraska aboard
Air Force One to return to
Washington D.C. -- Air Force
One now has an F-16 guarding
it, off a wing.
CNN Senior White House Correspondent John King reports
that U.S. officials say the plane
that crashed in Pennsylvania
could have been headed for
one of three possible targets:
Camp David, the White House
or the U.S. Capitol building.
4:06 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
California Gov. Gray Davis
dispatches urban search-and-
The first national television feed
of United Airlines Flight 93
Explosions are heard in Kabul,
Afghanistan, hours after terrorist
4:36 p.m.
attacks targeted financial and
military centers in the United
States. Afghanistan is believed
to be the home of Saudi militant
Usama bin Laden, who U.S.
officials say is possibly behind
Tuesday’s deadly attacks. U.S.
officials say later that the United
States had no involvement in the
incident whatsoever.
Iraq announces the attacks
are the fruit of “U.S. crimes
against humanity” in an
official announcement on
state television.
6:10 p.m.
Mayor Rudolph Giuliani urges
New Yorkers to stay home
Wednesday if they can.
6:34 p.m.
Air Force One landed at Andrews AFB. On his way back
to the White House, his Marine
One helicopter flew over the
Pentagon to give him a firsthand look at the damage.
6:40 p.m.
U.S. Defense Secretary Donald
Rumsfeld holds a news conference in the Pentagon, noting the
building is operational. “It will
be in business tomorrow,” he
6:54 p.m.
Bush arrives back at the White
House aboard Marine One and
is scheduled to address the nation at 8:30 p.m. The pResident
earlier landed at Andrews Air
Force Base with a three-fighter
jet escort. CNN’s John King reports Laura Bush arrived earlier
by motorcade from a “secure
So, when Air Force One departed Sarasota-Bradenton International Airport at 9:59 a.m. there
was no extra military protection
(fighter jets) even though there
are still hundreds of airliners
in the air, and who knew how
many of them were hostile or
not? Yet, when Air Force One
arrives back home at Andrews
Air Force Base, there are no
airliners in the sky, and now he
has a three-fighter jet escort.
Why did every TV station show
the fighters protecting him on
his way from U.S. Strategic Air
Command at Offutt Air Force
Base to Andrews Air Force
Base, making it seem as if they
were always there when they
weren’t? Why when he needed
an escort from the fighters the
most they are not there, yet
when the skies are empty they
are there?
We have captured and saved
the video of Bush as he arrives
at Sarasota-Bradenton Interna-
tional Airport, and the take-off
of Air Force One with no extra
military protection.
Also, please take a look at the
August 30, 2002 BBC article
which states: In the immediate
aftermath of the terror attacks
US fighter planes took to the
skies to defend America from
any further attacks. Their mission was to protect pResident
George W. Bush and to intercept any hijacked aircraft heading to other targets in the US.
7:02 p.m.
CNN’s Paula Zahn reports the
Marriott Hotel near the World
Trade Center is on the verge of
collapse and says some New
York bridges are now open to
outbound traffic.
7:17 p.m.
U.S. Attorney General John
Ashcroft says the FBI is setting
up a Web site for tips on the
attacks: http://www.ifccfbi.gov
He also says family and friends
of possible victims can leave
contact information at 1 800
7:30 p.m.
The U.S. Government denies
any responsibility for reported
explosions in Kabul.
7:45 p.m.
The New York Police Department says that at least 78 officers are missing. The city also
says that as many as half of
the first 400 firefighters on the
scene were killed.
8:30 p.m.
Bush addresses the nation, saying, “Thousands of lives were
suddenly ended by evil” and
asks for prayers for the families
and friends of Tuesday’s victims.
“These acts shatter steel, but
they cannot dent the steel of
American resolve,” he says. The
pResident says the U.S. government will make no distinction
between the terrorists who
committed the acts and those
who harbor them. He adds that
government offices in Washington are reopening for essential
personnel Tuesday night and for
all workers Wednesday.
9:00 p.m.
Bush met with his full National
Security Council, followed
roughly half an hour later by
the meeting with a smaller
group of key advisers who
would become his war cabinet.
Powell, back in Washington
from Peru, described the immediate diplomatic tasks: dealing
with Afghanistan and its ruling Taliban, which harbored
bin Laden, and neighboring
Pakistan, which had closer ties
to the Taliban regime than
any other nation. “We have to
make it clear to Pakistan and
Afghanistan this is show-time,”
Powell said.
“This is a great opportunity,”
Bush said, adding that the administration now had a chance
to improve relations with other
countries around the world,
including Russia and China.
It was more than flushing bin
Laden out, he indicated.
Cheney raised the military
problem of retaliating against
al-Qaeda’s home base, noting
that in Afghanistan, a country
decimated by two decades of
war, it would be hard to find
anything to hit.
Bush returned to the problem
of Usama bin Laden’s sanctuary in Afghanistan. Tenet said
they must deny the terrorists
that sanctuary by targeting the
Taliban as well. Tell the Taliban
we’re finished with them, he
Rumsfeld said the problem was
not just bin Laden and al-Qaeda but the countries that supported terrorism-the point of the
president’s address that night.
Bush said, “We have to force
countries to choose.”
10:49 p.m.
CNN’s McIntyre reports the fire
at the Pentagon is still burning
and is considered contained but
not under control.
CNN Congressional Correspondent Jonathan Karl reports
that Attorney General Ashcroft
told members of Congress that
there were three to five hijackers
on each plane armed only with
9:30 p.m.
10:56 p.m.
9:22 p.m.
Bush brought together his most
senior national security advisers
in a bunker beneath the White
House grounds. It was just 13
hours after the deadliest attack
on the U.S. homeland in the
country’s history. At the war
cabinet, discussion turned to
whether Usama bin Laden’s alQaeda network and the Taliban
were the same. Tenet said they
were. Usama bin Laden had
bought his way into Afghanistan, supplying the Taliban with
tens of millions of dollars.
9:57 p.m.
Giuliani says New York City
schools will be closed Wednesday and no more volunteers are
needed for Tuesday evening’s
rescue efforts. He says there is
hope that there are still people
alive in rubble. He also says
that power is out on the westside of Manhattan and that
health department tests show
there are no airborne chemical
agents about which to worry.
CNN’s Zahn reports that New
York City police believe there
are people alive in buildings
near the World Trade Center.
11:00 p.m.
The war cabinet finishes its
meeting and has decided to
embark upon a military strike
against Afghanistan, and a
prolonged war on terror.
11:01 p.m.
There are reports of survivors
buried in the rubble in New
York making cell phone calls.
These rumors, however, are
difficult to substantiate.
11:08 p.m.
Bush at the White House: ‘We
think it’s Usama bin Laden’
After the meeting had ended
and Bush had returned to the
residence, he and his wife were
awakened by Secret Service
agents. The agents rushed them
downstairs to the bunker because of a report of an unidenti-
fied plane in the area. Bush was
in running shorts and a T-shirt
as he made his way down the
stairs, through the tunnel and
into the bunker. It proved to be
a false alarm, and the Bushes
returned to the residence for the
rest of the night.
Like his father, Bush tries to keep
a daily diary of his thoughts
and observations. That night,
he dictated: “The Pearl Harbor
of the 21st century took place
“We think its Usama bin Laden.” “We think there are other
targets in the United States, but
I have urged the country to go
back to normal.” “We cannot
allow a terrorist thug to hold us
hostage. My hope is that this
will provide an opportunity for
us to rally the world against
11:54 p.m.
CNN Washington Bureau
Chief Frank Sesno reports that
a government official told him
there was an open microphone
on one of the hijacked planes
and that sounds of discussion
and “duress” were heard. Sesno
also reports a source says law
enforcement has “credible”
information and leads and is
confident about the investigation.
11:59:59 p.m.
The United Nations
International Day Of Peace Ends.
Both Bush and Cheney
personally intervened and
asked Senate Majority
Leader Tom Daschle (D-S.D.)
to “limit the congressional
investigation into the events
of Sept. 11,” according
to CNN. Bush made the
unusual request at a private
meeting with congressional
leaders on Jan. 29. He asked
that the House and Senate intelligence committees
look only into “the potential
breakdowns among federal
agencies that could have
allowed the terrorist attacks
to occur,” rather than conduct
a comprehensive inquiry.
Cheney made a similar
appeal to Daschle on Jan.
25. “The vice president
expressed the concern that
a review of what happened
on Sept. 11 would take
resources and personnel
away from the effort in the
war on terrorism,” Daschle
said. “I acknowledged that
concern, and it is for that
reason that the Intelligence
Committee is going to begin
this effort, trying to limit the
scope and the overall review
of what happened.”
During the address to the
country from Emma E.
Booker Elementary School
on September 11, 2001 Bush
also promised a full investigation into 911. Well here we
are one year later and there
is still no investigation. Matter
of fact he has done everything in his power so there
will not be any investigation
into 911. Why?
A forensic investigation into
what actually caused the
buildings to collapse has not
been opened and probably
never will because the crucial
evidence, such as steel from
the building, was quickly
removed rather than taken to
a metallurgical laboratory to
be examined. Fire Engineering magazine, a 125-year
old respected journal which
publishes technical studies
of major fires, criticized the
investigation by the Federal
Emergency Management
Agency (FEMA) as “a halfbaked farce.”
The journal said it “has good
reason to believe that the
official investigation blessed
by FEMA and run by the
American Society of Civil
Engineers is a half-baked
farce, commandeered by political forces whose primary
interests lie far afield of full
Past September 11th’s
2819 NYC Medical Examiner
2823 NYC Police
September 11, 1922
One of the things that the
League of Nations did during
its short period of existence
was to grant Great Britain a
special “Mandate” to establish a homeland for the
Jewish people in the territory
of Palestine, which had been
taken from the newly defeated Turkish Empire. History
records that the administration of this mandate effectively began with the swearing
into office as High Commissioner and Commander
in Chief for Palestine of the
Right Honorable Sir Herbert
Samuel, in Jerusalem, on
September 11, 1922.
United Airlines Flight 93 /
Shanksville, Pennsylvania
NYC Firefighters
Port Authority Of New York
And New Jersey Police
NYC Police
3052 or 3056
September 11, 1922
The final achievement of
Brandeis and American Zionism in the post-war period
was the passage by Congress
on September 11, 1922 of
a joint resolution favoring a
Jewish homeland in Palestine.
The words of the resolution
practically echoed the
Balfour Declaration.
September 11, 1941
Construction begins on the
September 11, 1941
Charles Lindbergh spoke
about the danger of Jewish
power in the media and government. The shy 39-year-old
-- known around the world
for his epic 1927 New York
to Paris flight, the first solo
trans-Atlantic crossing -- was
addressing 7,000 people in
Des Moines, Iowa, on September 11, 1941, about the
dangers of U.S. involvement
in the war then raging in Europe. The three most important groups pressing America
into war, he explained, were
the British, the Jews and the
Roosevelt Administration.
Of the Jews, he said: “Their
greatest danger to this country lies in their large ownership and influence in our motion pictures, our press, our
radio, and our government.”
Lindbergh went on: “... For
reasons which are understandable from their viewpoint as they are inadvisable
from ours, for reasons which
are not American, [they] wish
to involve us in the war. We
cannot blame them for looking out for what they believe
to be their own interests, but
we must also look out for
ours. We cannot allow the
natural passions and prejudices of other peoples to lead
our country to destruction.”
September 11, 1973
President Salvador Allende of
Chile was assassinated and
his country taken over by a
United States backed coup.
September 11, 1994
A lone pilot crashed a stolen
single-engine Cessna into
a tree on the White House
grounds just short of the
President Clintons bedroom.
“So we’ve never made the case, or
argued the case that somehow Osama
bin Laden was directly involved in 9/11.
That evidence has never
been forthcoming”
—Dick Cheney
In the over one hundred year history of steel high-rises and skyscrapers there has never been a
single one, which has collapsed due to fire. On September 11, 2001 there were three such
structures, which fell, World Trade Center Buildings Numbers One, Two and Seven.
The FBI Director said in 2001
“They may have had their identites stolen.”
American Airlines #11 Boeing 767
7:45 a.m. Departed Boston for Los Angeles
8:45 a.m. Crashed into North Tower of World Trade Center
United Airlines #175 - Boeing 767
7:58 a.m. Departed Boston for Los Angeles
9:05 a.m. Crashed into South Tower of World Trade Center
American Airlines #11 Boeing 767
7:45 a.m. Departed Boston for Los Angeles
8:45 a.m. Crashed into North Tower of World Trade Center
American Airlines #77 - Boeing 757
8:10 a.m. Departed Dulles for Los Angeles
9:39 a.m. Crashed into Pentagon
A spoof photo of Dick Cheney as Darth Vader under the mask which made its
rounds on the internet.
Air Defenses Stood Down On 911
AFTER ATC Alerts Given
** Dozens of air bases were within
MINUTES of BOTH 9.11 targets **
There is now irrefutable evidence which
proves massive complicity on the part of the
highest levels of government -- along with
numerous accomplices and co-conspirators
in the military, intelligence and administrative sectors -- in the September 11 atrocities
perpetrated against the American people.
It is a FACT that DOZENS of Air Force and
Air National Guard bases are located within
ten to thirty minutes intercept time of BOTH
9/11 target locations.
It is a FACT that most of these installations
have, at the ready, fighter jets such as F-16s
to be scrambled on a MOMENT’s NOTICE,
for intercepting troubled or problem aircraft.
It is a FACT that air defense units DID receive
alerts from Air Traffic Controllers and FAA
officials on a number of aircraft across the
East Coast which had broken communications and deviated radically from established
flight paths on the morning of September 11.
It is a FACT that standard intercept procedures for dealing with these kinds of situations ARE TOTALLY ESTABLISHED, IN FORCE
and ON-LINE in these United States 365
days a year, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.
It is a FACT that Air National Guard and
Air Force air defense units of the United
States WERE PROHIBITED from carrying out
as detailed above on the morning of 9.11;
AFTER they had received the alerts from ATC
and FAA.
When the first alerts were received from
Air Traffic Control, ALL the air defense units
were required to do was scramble STANDARD interceptors to make contact with the
incommunicado and off-course jets. F-16s
and other fighter planes WOULD HAVE
on September 11, BEFORE they had reached
their targets.
IF, at the time of interception, it was determined the aircraft were under hostile control and likely to impact targets, high-level
air defense commanders at the Pentagon’s
National Military Command Center (NMCC)
are FULLY AUTHORIZED under existing and
established regulations and procedures to
authorize a shoot-down,. in order to PROTECT THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
Yet air defense units that were READY AND
WAITING on 9.11 at DOZENS of nearby installations were ordered NOT to scramble interceptors: they were ordered to stand down
from carrying out even the FIRST STAGE of
These orders came from the executive office
of the president as well as from complicit
individuals in the aforementioned NMCC.
True patriots in this land who have SWORN
to protect and defend our Republic MUST
consider these irrefutable FACTS and set
about unswerevingly to bring these complicit
individuals to justice.
Cheney’s “The Orders still Stand”
No single smoking gun has yet been forwarded to explain why air defenses categorically reversed Standard Operating
Procedure and failed to respond to hijacked
jetliners. Until now. More and more individuals are looking at the facts and highlighting
exercise drills that took place on the morning
of 9/11.
Cheney: “The orders still stand”
(as Flight 77 approaches the Pentagon with
no action taken to defend it)
Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta
was in the Presidential Emergency Operating
Center with Vice President Cheney as
Flight 77 approached Washington, D.C. On
May 23, 2003 in front of the 9/11 Commission, Secretary Mineta testified:
“During the time that the airplane was coming in to the Pentagon, there was a young
man who would come in and say to the Vice
President, “The plane is 50 miles out.” “The
plane is 30 miles out.” And when it got
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld
down to “the plane is 10 miles out,” the
young man also said to the Vice
President, “Do the orders still stand?” And
the Vice President turned and whipped his
neck around and said, “Of course the orders
still stand. Have you heard anything to the
As the plane was not shot down are we to
take it that the orders were to let the plane
find its target?
Why Did the 9/11 Commission Lie
about Vice President Cheney?
“One sign of the complicity of Vice President
Cheney is the fact that the 9/11 Commission evidently felt a need to lie about the
time of two of his activities: his entry into the
Presidential Emergency Operations Center
(PEOC) under the White House and his giving the order to shoot down any unauthorized airplanes.
“It had been widely reported that Cheney
had gone down to the PEOC shortly after the
second strike on the WTC, hence about 9:15.
The most compelling witness was Secretary
of Transportation Norman Mineta, who
testified to the 9/11 Commission that when
he arrived at the PEOC at 9:20, Cheney was
already there and fully in charge. “The 9/11
Commission Report, however, claimed that
Cheney did not enter the PEOC until ‘shortly
before 10:00, perhaps at 9:58.’ Mineta’s
testimony, given in an open hearing, was
simply omitted from the Commission’s final
report. Why would the Commission go
to such lengths to conceal the true time of
Cheney’s entry into the PEOC?
“One possible reason would involve the content of Mineta’s testimony. He said: ‘During
the time that the airplane was coming in to
the Pentagon, there was a young man who
would come in and say to the Vice President,
‘The plane is 50 miles out.’ ‘The plane is
30 miles out.’ And when it got down to ‘the
plane is 10 miles out,’ the young man also
said to the Vice President, ‘Do the orders still
stand?’ And the Vice President . . . said, ‘Of
course the orders still stand. Have you heard
anything to the contrary?’
“Mineta said that this conversation---evidently meaning the final exchange---occurred at
about 9:25 or 9:26.
“This testimony creates a problem for the official story. Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld’s
spokesman, in explaining why the Pentagon
was not evacuated before it was struck,
claimed that ‘[t]he Pentagon was simply
not aware that this aircraft was coming our
way.’ The 9/11 Commission claimed that
there was no warning about an unidentified
aircraft heading towards Washington until
9:36 and hence only ‘one or two minutes’
before the Pentagon was struck at 9:38.
Mineta’s account, however, says that Cheney
knew about an approaching aircraft more
than 10 minutes earlier. There would have
been over 12 minutes for the Pentagon to be
“Mineta’s account also seems to suggest
that Cheney had issued stand-down orders.
Mineta himself did not make this allegation,
saying instead that he assumed that ‘the
orders’ were to have the plane shot down.
But besides the fact that that interpretation
does not fit what actually happened--the
aircraft was not shot down---it would make
the story unintelligible: The question whether
the orders still stood would not make sense
unless they were orders to do something
unexpected---not to shoot the aircraft down.
By omitting Mineta’s testimony and stating
that Cheney did not enter the PEOC until
almost 10:00, the 9/11 Commission implied
that Cheney could not have given a standdown order to allow an aircraft to strike the
“The lie about Cheney’s entry into the PEOC
was also important to the controversy over
whether the US military shot down Flight
93. The 9/11 Commission, simply ignoring
a vast amount of evidence that the military
did so, supported the official claim that it did
not. The Commission provided this support
by claiming that Cheney, having not arrived at the PEOC until almost 10:00, did
not issue the shoot-down order until after
10:10---which would have been seven or
more minutes after Flight 93 had crashed (at
10:03). But in addition to the evidence that
Cheney had been in the PEOC since about
9:15, we also have evidence---including
statements from Richard Clarke and Colonel
Robert Marr, the head of NORAD’s northeast sector (NEADS) ---that Cheney’s shootdown order was issued well before 10:00.
The Pentagon
The Sheraton National Hotel may be the hotel from which the FBI seized a CCTV recording
Inc. began with a request to the Department
of Defense (DOD) in December of 2004.
The Suppression of Video Footage
of the Pentagon Attack
It is striking that there is neither video footage nor any photographic evidence in the
public domain showing a jetliner approaching or crashing into the Pentagon. As of
May, 2006, the only video footage of the
crash that has been released are clips from
two Pentagon security cameras north of the
crash site, one the source of 5 frames leaked
in 2002.
With the release of the two video clips, the
Pentagon claims to have supplied all of the
footage it has of the attack. Although the
number and positions of security cameras
monitoring the Pentagon is not public knowledge, it seems unlikely that only two security
cameras captured the attack. Isn’t it reasonable to assume that there were dozens, if not
hundreds, of security cameras ringing the
huge building that is the heart of the United
States military establishment?
Videos Outside the Pentagon Seized
The Sheraton National Hotel may be the
hotel from which the FBI seized a CCTV
Not only has the government refused to
release footage that would clearly show how
the Pentagon was attacked, it has also seized
footage not belonging to the military. The
FBI confiscated video recordings from several
private businesses near the Pentagon in the
immediate aftermath of the attack. Those
recordings, if they still exist, might provide
with several security cameras aimed in the
direction of the pentagon. Flight 77 flew
directly over the gas station at an altitude
of roughly 50 feet, less than 3 seconds from
decisive evidence about the attack.
FBI Withholding 84 More Tapes of Pentagon
on 9/11
There is an ongoing lawsuit to get these
tapes released via the Freedom of Information Act. The FBI has admitted in a statement
to attorney, Scott Hodes, representative of Mr
Scott Bingham who runs the website http://
www.flight77.info/, that they have these
tapes, that they have already analyzed them
and are still keeping them under lock and
* The FBI visited a hotel near the Pentagon to
confiscate film from a security camera which
some hotel employees had been watching in
horror shortly after the attack. The FBI
denied that the footage captured the attack. 1
A great deal of speculation has surrounded
reports that on the morning of september
11th, 2001 the FBI visited two private businesses near the pentagon and confiscated
several security camera video tapes.
“His gas station, open only to Department
of Defense personnel, is the last structure
between the Pentagon and the hillside that,
hours later, would become a wailing knoll.
“By the time I got outside all I could see
was a giant cloud of smoke, first white then
black, coming from the Pentagon,” he said.
“It was just a terrible, terrible thing to be so
close to.”
* The FBI visited the Citgo gas station
southwest of the Pentagon within minutes of
the attack to confiscate film that may have
captured the attack. According to Jose
Velasquez, who was working at the gas
station at the time of the attack, the station’s
security cameras would have captured
the attack.
The first is said to be the Cigto gas station
Velasquez says the gas station’s security
Three months after 9/11 The National Geographic and others reported on this, publishing short interviews with the gas station
owner, Jose Velasquez.
Lawsuits to Obtain Videos
At least two plaintiffs have attempted to
obtain videos seized by the FBI, using the
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The first,
documented at Flight77.info, began with a
request to the FBI in October of 2004. The
second, undertaken by the Judicial Watch,
Above, Gas station closest to the Pentagon which had its security cameras taken by the FBI
cameras are close enough to the Pentagon to
have recorded the moment of impact. “I’ve
never seen what the pictures looked like,” he
said. “The FBI was here within minutes and
took the film.”
The second business was initially believed to
be the Sheraton National Hotel which overlooks I395 and the Pentagon. Initial reports
pointed out that hotel staff had sat watching
the video surveillance in horror before the
FBI arrived and shut down the scene.
Why did the FBI confiscate the gas station
and hotel security videos within minutes of
the crash and why haven’t they subsequently
released these videos?
Pentagon Accountants Killed in
9/11 Attacks Day After Rumsfeld
Admitted $2.3 Trillion Missing
The day after US Secretary of Defense
Donald Rumsfeld announced that the
military had lost $2.3 trillion, the
accountants responsible for tracking the
money were killed when American Airlines
Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon.
“One Army office in the Pentagon lost 34 of
its 65 employees in the attack,” reported The
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette on Dec. 20, 2001.
“Most of those killed in the office, called
Resource Services Washington, were civilian accountants, bookkeepers and budget
analysts. They were at their desks when
American Airlines Flight 77 struck.”
In total, 184 people--including those onboard the hijacked airplane and inside the
building--died as a result of the attack on
the Pentagon.
Pentagon wing which was attacked was also
under construction day of 9/11
Some 24-thousand people work in the
Pentagon. Initial reports soon after the
terrorist attack said a hijacked American
Airlines jet ploughed into the military
complex that was under construction. Few
pentagon personel were located in that area
of the building.
The official data never has the plane over
Washington DC at all
Eyewitnesses who saw a C-130
Allen Cleveland of Woodbridge Virginia
looked out from a Metro train going to
National Airport, to see a jet heading down
toward the Pentagon. “I thought, ‘There’s
no landing strip on that side of the
subway tracks,’ “ Before he could process
that thought, he saw “a huge mushroom
cloud. The lady next to me was in
absolute hysterics.” .
“Soon after the crash (Within 30 seconds of
the crash) I witnessed a military cargo plane
(Possibly a C130) fly over the crash site and
circle the mushroom cloud. My brother
inlaw also witnessed the same plane following the jet while he was on the HOV lanes
in Springfield. He said that he saw a jetliner
flying low over the tree tops near Seminary
RD in Springfield, VA. and soon afterwards
a military plane was seen flying right behind
Above, Rare photograph of the “mysterious” plane over the Pentagon which reportly was a
it. I think this was also a reason for the false
threat of another plane about to crash which
caused rescuers to have to evacuate for a
short time after the initial crash. I have done
my research onthis and according to time
magazine it took 24 minutes before Norad
was supposedly notified about this particuliar jet and fighters were scrambling to
intercept at that time. Isn’t it odd how there is
Not a single mention of this aircraft in ANY
of the articles written about this crash? Also
if you had not noticed... There is not a single
picture or live footage of the actual jet prior
to its crash at the Pentagon. Nor is there any
of the one that crashed in Pennsylvania. But
if Anyone who rides the metro-rail knows,
there are plenty of Video cameras all around
National airport at the parking Garages
and the high level security buildings found
all around Crystal city. (3 of which I have
personally found pointed directly towards
crystal city which would have given a great
line of site shot of that jet prior to the crash
as well as any other plane which might have
been following it. I personally believe that
the government new full well that this was
about to happen and they are hiding something a lot bigger than they are willing to let
out. I was interviewed at Washingtonpost.
com and gave them my full story, but they
did not print it as I have told you. I also find
it interesting that one of the planes engines
in the pennsylvania crash was supposedly
found 5 miles prior to the crash site (This information I’m unsure of ). The only thing that
I’m aware of that might cause that would be
a heat seeking missle. A weapon which I am
pretty familiar with form Ord.training. I’m
not saying that the government new exactly
what was about to happen, but I do believe
that they are definitely hiding something
here. Many of my friends in intelligence have
said the same. I work in a Gov. building in
DC., but my heart is right there with you and
your team. I hope you and those who served
with you are doing well. Take care.”
“Directly in back of the plume, which would
place it almost due west from our office, a
four-engine propeller plane, which he later
said resembled a C-130, started a steep
decent towards the Pentagon. It was coming
from an odd direction (planes don’t go eastwest in the area), and it was descending
at a much steeper angle than most aircraft.
Trailing a thin, diffuse black trail from its
engines, the plane reached the Pentagon at
a low altitude and made a sharp left turn,
passing just north of the plume, and headed
straight for the White House. All the while,
I was sort of talking at it: “Who the hell
are you? Where are you going? You’re not
headed for downtown!”
-Cook, Scott P.
E4B United States Air Force jet
“The Doomsaday Plane”
Shortly prior to 10 am upon a sunrise of Sep
11, 2001, among rumors of a fourth hijacked
craft headed for Washington, DC, a poser
aircraft appeared in limited airspace over
a White House. There has never been an
central reason for this incident .
Below: The E4B Doomsday Plane caught on tape over Washington
Opposite: The damage at the Pentagon
Many questions though...
This plane was confirmed over the
pentagon reportedly before the smoke began to even rise from the pentagon
attack, so we can almost certainly bet that
they (the E4B) most likely witnessed the
attacks(probably have it filmed) considering that it would normally be in a very high
altitude going around 600mph. Instead of
doing low and slow banking turns over the
white house and the pentagon at the precise
moment of the attacks. Then promptly doing
a vanishing act from history until now.
As to why this so called “Doomsday” plane
was able to be over DC before the fighters
were. Why hasnt anyone admitted to this
plane being over DC? What was it doing
there anyways at the exact time flight 77 reportedly struck the pentagon? Is there really
a top secret video of f77 hitting the pentagon? Who were the guests on that E4B that
day? Lastly, what else dont we know that is
being closely held about that day that was in
plain site but yet that the officials wont admit
to no matter what?
9/11 Commission co-chair Lee Hamilton told
CNN he was wakeful of a situation as well
as which it had simply never seemed critical sufficient to have it in to acommission’s
Pentagon burned victim
Like his father, Bush tries to keep a
daily diary of his thoughts and
observations. That night, he dictated:
“The Pearl Harbor of the 21st century
took place today.”
—[Washington Post]
it was silver and had been painted green
and red, but I could not see any identifying
markings on the plane. I also saw a large
piece of shattered glass. It appeared to be a
cockpit windshield or other window from the
plane. ...
Jamie McIntyre
Pentagon eyewitness. CNN Senior Pentagon
Correspondent 1992 - present, based at
CNN’s office in the Pentagon. Former Host
and Senior Writer at Washington, D.C.’s
WUSA-TV, for which he was honored with
two local Emmy awards 1989 - 1991.
CNN on-air conversation regarding the
Pentagon on 9/11/01:
Judy Woodruff (in the studio): And, Jamie,
you got very close to where that plane went
Jamie McIntyre (at the Pentagon): That’s
right, Judy. A short -- a while ago I walked
right up next to the building, firefighters were
still trying to put the blaze. ... I could see
parts of the airplane that crashed into the
building, very small pieces of the plane on
the heliport outside the building. The biggest piece I saw was about three feet long,
Judy Woodruff: Jamie, Aaron was talking
earlier -- or one of our correspondence was
talking earlier -- I think -- actually, it was
Bob Franken -- with an eyewitness who said
it appeared that that Boeing 757, the American jet, American Airline jet, landed short
of the Pentagon. Can you give us any better
idea of how much of the plane actually
impacted the building?
Jamie McIntyre (at the Pentagon): You know
it might have appeared that way, but from
my close up inspection, there’s no evidence
of a plane having crashed anywhere near
the Pentagon. The only site is the actual side
of the building that’s crashed in. And as I
said, the only pieces left that you can see are
small enough that you can pick up in your
hand. There are no large tail sections, wing
sections, fuselage. Nothing like that anywhere around, which would indicate that the
entire plane crashed into the side of the Pentagon and then caused the side to collapse.
Now, even though if you look at the pictures
of the Pentagon you see that the floors have
all collapsed; that didn’t happen immediately. It wasn’t until almost about 45 minutes later that the structure was weakened
enough that all of the floors collapsed.
Secretary Rumsfeld Interview with
Parade Magazine
This is a question that’s been asked by many
Americans, but especially by the widows of
September 11th. How were we so asleep at
the switch? How did a war targeting civilians
arrive on our homeland with seemingly no
“...Here we’re talking about plastic knives
and using an American Airlines flight filed
with our citizens, and the missile to
damage this building and similar (inaudible)
that damaged the World Trade Center. The
only way to deal with this problem is by
taking the battle to the terrorists, wherever
they are, and dealing with them.
Lt. Col. Karen U. Kwiatkowski,
PhD, U.S. Air Force (ret)
Pentagon survivor. Former Political-Military
Affairs Officer in the Office of the Secretary
of Defense. Also served on the staff of the
Director of the National Security Agency.
20-year Air Force career. Member adjunct
faculty, Political Science Department, James
Madison University. Instructor, University of
Maryland University College and American
Public University System. Author of African
Crisis Response Initiative: Past Present and
Future (2000) and Expeditionary Air Operations in Africa: Challenges and Solutions
“There was a dearth of visible debris on the
relatively unmarked [Pentagon] lawn, where I
stood only minutes after the impact. Beyond
this strange absence of airliner debris, there
was no sign of the kind of damage to the
Pentagon structure one would expect from
the impact of a large airliner. This visible
evidence or lack thereof may also have been
apparent to the secretary of defense [Donald
Rumsfeld], who in an unfortunate slip of the
tongue referred to the aircraft that slammed
into the Pentagon as a “missile”. ...The scene,
in short, was not what I would have expected from a strike by a large jetliner. It was,
however, exactly what one would expect if a
missile had struck the Pentagon. ...”
“I remember getting a call from the
fire-department commande, telling me
that they were not sure they were
going to be able to contain the fire, and I
said, “You know, we’ve had such
terrible loss of life, maybe the
smartest thing to do is pull it, And they
made that decision to pull, and then we
watched the building collapse.”
–Larry Silverstein
The Pentagon Memorial for the 184 souls who perished
“The speed by which our government was
able to accumulate such a vast amount
of information immediately following the
9/11 attacks (in less than 24 hours) is the
most persuasive proof that our government
had the hijackers under its surveillance.
FBI agents descended upon the very flight
schools (out of the thousands of flight schools
A former high-level intelligence official
told me, “Whatever trail was left
was left deliberately--for the F.B.I.
to chase.”
–New Yorker 10/1/01 by Seymour Hersh
in our country) that the hijackers attended
within two hours of the attacks. They were
seen removing files from the flight schools
buildings. Furthermore, photos of the hijackers and details about their activities in the
final days before the attacks were also
Nov. 3, 2000
The fire and smoke from the downed
passenger aircraft billows from the Pentagon
courtyard. Defense Protective Services Police
seal the crash sight. Army medics, nurses
and doctors scramble to organize aid. An
Arlington Fire Department chief dispatches
his equipment to the affected areas.
Don Abbott, of Command Emergency Response Training, walks over to the Pentagon
and extinguishes the flames. The Pentagon
was a model and the “plane crash” was a
simulated one.
How did Bush see the 1st plane hit
the WTC?
Booker Elementary Principal Confirms Bush
Didn’t See WTC Footage Before He Entered
the Classroom.
At 9:03 AM on 11 September 2001, the
second airplane hit the South Tower of the
World Trade Center. President Bush was in
Florida, at the Emma T. Booker Elementary
School, listening to children read. Chief of
Staff Andrew Card came over and whispered in Bush’s ear, “A second plane hit the
second tower. America is under attack.”
What did the Commander in Chief do?
Nothing. He sat there. He sat for well over 5
minutes, doing nothing while 3,000 people were dying and the attacks were still in
progress. His Chief of Staff likewise doesn’t
think that America in flames warrants the
President’s immediate attention. And the
Above top: The Pentagon “Terrorist Hijacked plane crash excercise”
Aboe: George Bush the moment he was told the 2nd plane hit the World Trade Center Tower
Top: WTC 7 which collapsed a little after 5:00 PM on September 11th, shown standing after
the last tower collapsed.
Secret Service utterly fails to do its job by
grabbing the President of the United States
and getting him to safety.
“We think there was bombs going
off in the building. It was like a
controlled detonation.”
–Louie Cacchioli, a NYC firefighter
White House aide Gordon Johndroe, then
came in as he usually does at the end of
press conferences, and said, “Thank you,
press. If you could step out the door we
came in, please.” A reporter then asked,
“Mr. President, are you aware of the reports
of the plane crash in New York? Is there
anything...”, But Bush interrupted, and no
doubt recalling his order, “DON’T SAY
ANYTHING YET,” Bush responded, “I’ll
talk about it later.” But still the president did
not leave. “He stepped forward and shook
hands with [classroom teacher] Daniels,
slipping his left hand behind her in another
photo-op pose. He was taking his good old
time. ... Bush lingered until the press was
gone.” [Fighting Back: The War on Terrorism
- From Inside the Bush White House, by Bill
Sammon, 10/02, p. 90]
President Meets with Displaced
Workers in Town Hall Meeting states he saw first plane hit on
TV monitor
President Holds Town Hall Forum on Economy in California - states witnessing 1st plane
hit WTC for 2nd time
Bush reveals first thought:
There’s one terrible pilot: President George
Bush added a new and bizarre twist last
night to the folklore surrounding September
11 when he revealed his initial reaction to
the first plane hitting the World Trade Centre. In answer to a question from an eightyear-old in Florida, he said his first thought
was: “There’s one terrible pilot.”
Professional Demolition of World
Trade Center Building 7
Larry Silverstein, the owner of the WTC
complex, admitted on a September 2002
PBS documentary, ‘America Rebuilds’ that
he and the NYFD decided to ‘pull’ WTC 7
on the day of the attack. The word ‘pull’ is
industry jargon for taking a building down
“You have 10-story buildings that leave
more debris than these two 100-story
towers, Where the fuck is everything?
A serious week-long search and we’ve
found 200 [bodies] in a pile of 5,000?
What’s going on? Where is everyone?
Why aren’t we finding more bodies?
Cause it’s all vaporized -- turned to dust.
We’re breathing people in that dust.”
–– A fireman from Brooklyn after his 24 hour shift at
Ground Zero.
7 World Trade Center
The Central Intelligence Agency’s clandestine
New York station was destroyed in the Sept.
11 attack on the World Trade Center, seriously disrupting United States intelligence
operations while bringing the war on terrorism dangerously close to home for America’s
spy agency, government officials say.
The C.I.A.’s undercover New York station
was in the 47-story building at 7 World
Trade Center, one of the smaller office towers
destroyed in the aftermath of the collapse
of the twin towers that morning. All of the
agency’s employees at the site were safely
evacuated soon after the hijacked planes
hit the twin towers, the officials said. The
intelligence agency’s employees were able
to watch from their office windows while the
twin towers burned just before they evacuated their own building.
Immediately after the attack, the C.I.A.
dispatched a special team to scour the
rubble in search of secret documents and
intelligence reports that had been stored in
the New York station, either on paper or
in computers, officials said. It could not be
learned whether the agency was successful
in retrieving its classified records from the
wreckage. (Could this be why they collapsed
building 7? The information on file would
have shown a completly different story about
9/11 and its files on “terrorists.”)
WTC 7 ariel view of the aftermath
Building 7
Building 7 occupied a block to the north of
the World Trade Center Plaza. Its 23rd floor
held Mayor Giuliani’s Emergency Command
Center. This floor had bullet- and bombresistant windows, an independent air and
water supply, and an unobstructed view of
the north faces of both towers.
The other government agencies with offices
in the building were the IRS, the EEOC, the
US Secret Service, the SEC, and the CIA.
The private tenants were Salomon Smith
Barney (a division of Citigroup), American
Express Bank International, Standard Chartered Bank, Provident Financial Management, ITT Hartford Insurance Group, First
State Management Group, Inc., Federal
Home Loan Bank, and NAIC Securities.
Large numbers of case files for ongoing investigations by the Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC) and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) were
reportedly destroyed in the collapse. The Los
Angeles Times reported that “substantial files
were destroyed” for 3000 to 4000 of the
SEC’s cases. The EEOC reported that documents for 45 active cases were destroyed.
Before the attack, SEC investigations of
corporate fraud by companies such as Enron
and Worldcom were the subject of many
news reports -- reports that virtually vanished
in the wake of the attack.
Everyone remembers the Twin Towers exploding at 9:59AM and 10:28AM EDT on
September 11, 2001. Comparatively few people can recall that there was a third massive
skyscraper, also a part of the World Trade
Center, which fell very rapidly to the ground
on that day. This was World Trade Center
Building 7.
One reason that few remember WTC Building 7’s collapse is that after September 11th
it has been treated, both in the media and in
The 9/11 Commission Report, as if it didn’t
“The total collapse of the third huge skyscraper late in the afternoon September 11th
was reported as if it were an insignificant
footnote... most people never saw video of
Building 7’s collapse… Incredibly, it is virtually impossible to find any mention of Building 7 in newspapers, magazines, or broadcast media reports after September 11th.”
“The Commission avoids another embarrassing problem – explaining how WTC 7 could
have collapsed, also virtually at free-fall
speed – by simply not mentioning the collapse of this building.”
On 16 September , NASA flew an airplane
over the World Trade Center site, recorded
infrared radiation coming from the ground,
and created a thermal map. The U.S. Geological Survey analyzed this data, and determined the actual temperature of the rubble.
This map shows that five days after the collapse of Building 7, the surface temperature
of a section of its rubble was 1,341º F.8 This
high a temperature is indicative of the use of
explosives. “WTC 7’s rubble pile continued
to smolder for months.”
Fire Engineering magazine is the 125-yearold paper-of-record of the fire engineering
community. Bill Manning, editor-in-chief,
wrote an Editor’s Opinion in the January,
2002 edition. His editorial, $elling Out the
Investigation, pointed out that destruction
of evidence – the hurried removal of rubble
which should be examined by investigators –
is illegal. He also issued a “call to action”. To
quote excerpts:
“For more than three months, structural steel
from the World Trade Center has been and
continues to be cut up and sold for scrap.
Crucial evidence that could answer many
questions … is on the slow boat to China
“I have combed through our national
standard for fire investigation, NFPA 921,
but nowhere in it does one find an exemption allowing the destruction of evidence for
buildings over 10 stories tall.”
“Fire Engineering has good reason to believe that the ‘official investigation’ blessed
by FEMA [Federal Emergency Management
Agency] and run by the American Society
of Civil Engineers is a half baked farce
[emphasis mine] that may have already
been commandeered by political forces
whose primary interests, to put it mildly, lie
far afield of full disclosure. Except for the
marginal benefit obtained from a threeday, visual walk-through of evidence sites
conducted by ASCE investigation committee
members – described by one close source as
a ‘tourist trip’ – no one’s checking evidence
for anything.”
FBI Special Agent Robert G. Wright Jr. speaks out about the truth
with explosives.
Photos taken moments before the collapse
of WTC 7 show small office fires on just two
Firefighters were told to move away from the
building moments before it collapsed.
Three months before September 11,
Wright wrote a stinging internal memo
charging that the FBI was not
interested in thwarting a terrorist attack,
but rather “was merely gathering
intelligence so they would know
whoto arrest when a terrorist
attack occurred.”
–(UPI, May 30, 2002, cited in Griffin, p. 83)
In February of 2002 Silverstein Properties won $861 million from Industrial Risk
Insurers to rebuild on the site of WTC 7.
Silverstein Properties’estimated investment in
WTC 7 was $386 million. So: This building’s
collapse resulted in a profit of about $500
Engineers are baffled over the collapse of
Almost lost in the chaos of the collapse of
the World Trade Center is a mystery that
under normal circumstances would probably
have captured the attention of the city and
the world. That mystery is the collapse of
a nearby 47-story, two-million-square-foot
building seven hours after flaming debris
from the towers rained down on it, igniting
what became an out-of-control fire.
FBI stopped in Al-Qaeda
US agents told to back off bin Ladens: The
BBC says that America’s special agents
backed away from the bin Laden family soon
after George W Bush became president.
41 U.S. Counter-Terrorism and Intelligence
Agency Veterans Challenge the Official
Account of 9/11
Official Account of 9/11 quoted: “Terribly
Flawed,” “Laced with Contradictions,” “a
Joke,” “a Cover-up.”
Bush thwarted FBI probe against bin
Ladens: The BBC’s Newsnight current affairs
programme on Tuesday said that Bush at
one point had a number of connections with
Saudi Arabia’s prominent Bin Laden family.
FBI ‘was told to back off bin Laden family’:
United States special agents were told to
back off the bin Laden family and the Saudi
royals soon after George Bush became
Another FBI Agent Blows the Whistle
on 9-11:
FBI Special Agent Robert G. Wright Jr. held
a news conference in Washington to reveal
FBI negligence and obstruction of counterter-
FBI Language Specialist Sibel Edmonds speaks out about the truth and is gagged
rorism investigations targeting Hamas and
al-Qaeda. On national TV he practically
cried as he talked about how his bosses
wouldn’t let him do his job in protecting the
American people and preventing the WTC
attacks. This lead Agent Wright to write a
500 paged manuscript, titled “Fatal
Betrayals of the Intelligence Mission”. He
describes himself as the only FBI agent
“banned from working in the investigation”
of 9-11.
Outspoken John O’Neil Dies on 9/11
Former FBI Deputy Director John O’Neill,
who wanted to investigate the terrorists that
were planning to blow up the trade towers
on 9/11, was prevented from doing so by
George W. Bush. Disgusted and angry that
the Bush administration was obstructing justice [the media reported] he resigned. John
O’Neill was given a new career as Director
of Security at the Trade Towers in New York
City. He died his first day on the job.
Robert G. Wright, Jr., is facing retaliatory
treatment from FBI management for telling
the truth about
dereliction of
duty and
within the FBI
and specifically,
the bureau’s
International Terrorism
Unit. The FBI
informed Wright
that he is now
the subject of an Office of Professional
Responsibility investigation.
Little is publicly known about John O’Neil,
the former deputy FBI director who chased
the tail of Bin Laden for years. Primarily
because it nearly justifies that the US government had some sort of prior knowledge
before 9-11. O’Neil was possibly the FBI’s
leading expert on Bin Laden and Al Qaeda
but faced obstacles that he couldn’t overcome. He was obsessed with tracking and
finding Bin Laden but every time he got close
to him, O’Neil’s bosses never allowed him to
proceed, pulling him away from case after
case. He felt that they were trying to hide
things from him because they wouldn’t allow
him to do his job no matter how close
he got.
Whistleblower Complains of FBI Obstruction:
A government watchdog and FBI counterterrorism agent are accusing the agency of
prohibiting him from conducting his probe
into terror financing activities because he
complained about obstruction by bureau
After so many road-blocks, John O’Neil was
forced to quit the FBI soon after. O’Neil says,
“The main obstacles to investigating Islamic
terrorism were U.S. oil corporate interests,
and the role played by Saudi Arabia in it.” 2
weeks later O’Neil got a new job as head of
security at the World Trade Center.
And according to a few sources, O’Neil
leaked the secret Executive Order W199IWF-213589 signed by Bush, to the BBC
press before he died. The BCC says that
this executive order was signed to prevent
FBI agents from further investigating the Bin
Laden family.
Sibel Edmonds
Edmonds gained notoriety following her firing from her position as a language specialist at the FBI’s Washington Field Office in
March, 2002, after she accused a colleague
of covering up illicit activity involving foreign
nationals, alleging serious acts of security
breaches, cover-ups, and intentional block-
ing of intelligence which, she contended,
presented a danger to the United States’
security. Her later claims have gained her
awards and fame as a whistleblower.
Over four years ago, more than four months
prior to the September 11 terrorist attacks, in
April 2001, a long-term FBI informant/asset
who had been providing the bureau with
information since 1990, provided two FBI
agents and a translator with specific information regarding a terrorist attack being
planned by Osama Bin Laden. This asset/
informant was previously a high- level intelligence officer in Iran in charge of intelligence
from Afghanistan. Through his contacts in
“If they were to do real investigations we
would see several significant high level
criminal prosecutions in this
country. And that is something that they
are not going to let out. And,
believe me; they will do everything
to cover this up.”
–Sibel Edmonds
Afghanistan he received information that:
1) Osama Bin Laden was planning a major
terrorist attack in the United States targeting
4-5 major cities, 2) the attack was going to
involve airplanes, 3) some of the individuals
in charge of carrying out this attack were
already in place in the United States, 4) the
attack was going to be carried out soon,
in a few months. The agents who received
this information reported it to their superior,
Special Agent in Charge of Counterterrorism, Thomas Frields, at the FBI Washington
Field Office, by filing “302” forms, and the
translator, Mr. Behrooz Sarshar, translated
and documented this information. No action
was taken by the Special Agent in Charge,
Thomas Frields, and after 9/11 the agents
and the translators were told to ‘keep quiet’
regarding this issue.
For almost four years since September 11,
officials refused to admit to having specific
information regarding the terrorists’ plans to
attack the United States. The Phoenix Memo,
received months prior to the 9/11 attacks,
specifically warned FBI HQ of pilot training
and their possible link to terrorist activities against the United States. Four months
prior to the terrorist attacks the Iranian asset
provided the FBI with specific information
regarding the ‘use of airplanes’, ‘major US
cities as targets’, and ‘Osama Bin Laden
issuing the order. ’ Coleen Rowley likewise
reported that specific information had been
provided to FBI HQ. All this information
went to the same place: FBI Headquarters in
Washington, DC, and the FBI Washington
Field Office, in Washington DC.
Justin Raiundo writes:
“The Times article then notes something
that I reported 18 months ago. Immediately
after 911, the FBI arrested a bunch of people
suspected of being involved with the attacks
– including four associates of key targets of
FBI’s counterintelligence operations. Sibel
heard the targets tell Marc Grossman: ‘We
need to get them out of the U.S. because
we can’t afford for them to spill the beans.’
Grossman duly facilitated their release from
jail and the suspects immediately left the
country without further investigation or interrogation.
“Let me repeat that for emphasis: The #3
guy at the State Dept. facilitated the immediate release of 911 suspects at the request of
targets of the FBI’s investigation.”
FBI counsel Colleen Rowley
When FBI counsel Colleen Rowley dropped
her bombshell, a now-famous letter to the
director, detailing how bureau higher-ups
thwarted attempts to investigate accused
20th hijacker, Zacarias Moussaoui, before
the September 11 attacks, she set off a firestorm.
FBI Agents Probing Terror Links Say
They Were Told, ‘Let Sleeping Dogs
In a dramatic interview with ABCNEWS, FBI
special agents and partners Robert Wright
and John Vincent say they were called off
criminal investigations of suspected terrorists tied to the deadly bombings of two
U.S. embassies in Africa. U.S. officials say
al Qaeda was responsible for the embassy
attacks and the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks in the
United States.
“September the 11th is a direct result of the
incompetence of the FBI’s International Terrorism Unit. No doubt about that. Absolutely
no doubt about that,” Wright said. “You
can’t know the things I know and not go
Questionable ties
Was it an ‘intelligence failure’ to give red
carpet treatment to the ‘money man’ behind
the 9-11 terrorists, or was it simply ‘routine’?
On the morning of September 11, Pakistan’s
Chief Spy General Mahmoud Ahmad,
the alleged “money-man” behind the 9-11
hijackers, was at a breakfast meeting on
Capitol Hill hosted by Senator Bob Graham
and Rep. Porter Goss, the chairmen of the
Senate and House Intelligence committees.
Chairman Kean’s Link To bin Laden’s
April 1st 2004, Kean may yet have to
explain why his oil company board of
directors continued to maintain a corporate
relationship with an oil company backed by
Osama bin Laden’s brother-in-law, who was
reported to be a past financial benefactor of
George W. Bush.
A broad range of data and sources indicate the United States has planned for war
in Asia long before 9/11. The beneficiaries
and proponents of such military campaigns
include U.S. oil corporations, the interests of
which are well-represented in Bush II.
Bush Senior Met With Bin Laden’s
Brother on 9/11
George W. Bush’s father was meeting with
Osama bin Laden’s brother, Shafig bin
Laden, in the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Washington, on the morning of 9/11.
‘US ignored its own agency’s
reports on ISI backing Al Qaeda’:
America’s Defence Intelligence Agency was
aware that Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) was sponsoring the Taliban
and Al Qaeda, but the Bush Administration
chose to ignore its findings, a former top
Indian intelligence officer has said.
Bush and Atta Visit Same Resort in
the Hours Leading to 9-11:
Just three nights before President George
W Bush arrived at the swank Colony Resort
on Longboat Key on the evening of Sept
10, 2001, Mohamed Atta was staying at a
slightly-less tony hotel just two miles down
the beach.
For at least four years while living in Hamburg during the 1990’s terrorist ringleader
Mohamed Atta was part of a ‘joint venture’
between the U.S. and German Governments.
Saudis paid Bin Laden £200m:
SENIOR members of the Saudi royal family
paid at least £200m to Osama Bin Laden’s
terror group and the Taliban in exchange
for an agreement that his forces would not
attack targets in Saudi Arabia, according to
court documents.
Osama Bin Laden
CIA met Bin Laden in July:
Le Figaro today claimed that a CIA agent
met Osama bin Laden in a Gulf hospital as
recently as last July and received “precise information” about an imminent attack on the
US. According to the French daily, the agent
met Bin Laden while he was being treated at
the American Hospital in Dubai for a kidney infection. The agent was subsequently
recalled to Washington.
Report: bin Laden treated at US hospital:
A CIA agent allegedly met with suspected
terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden in
July, while the Saudi underwent treatment
for kidney problems at an American hospital in Dubai, France’s Le Figaro newspaper
reported Wednesday.
Failed intelligence
German trial hears how Iranian agent
warned US of impending al-Qaida attack:
London Guardian - 01/24/04
The United States was warned of impending
September 11 terrorist attacks by an Iranian
spy, but ignored him, German secret service
agents testified yesterday in the trial of an
alleged al-Qaida terrorist.
MI6 warned US of Al-Qaeda attacks: MI6
warned the American intelligence services
about a plot to hijack aircraft and crash
them into buildings two years before the
September 11 attacks.
Britain’s foreign intelligence service MI6
warned the United States about terrorist
plans specifically to use civilian planes in
“unconventional ways” two years before the
September 11 strikes, according to a newspaper report.
The chairman of the Senate Intelligence
Committee said yesterday he’s uncovered
new pre-9/11 warnings from a “variety of
U.S. Ignored Warnings From
A key point in unraveling why the FBI failed
to follow up leads on Al Qaeda terrorism
now centers on the Bureau’s contemptuously
brushing aside warnings from French intelligence a few days before 9-11.
Britain warned US:
Britain warned US to expect September 11
al-Qaeda hijackings: Britain gave President Bush a categorical warning to expect
multiple airline hijackings by the al-Qaeda
network a month before the September 11 attacks which killed nearly 3000
people and triggered the international war
against terrorism.
In the case of 11 September, some details
are appearing. According to reports of
world mass media, one conclusion could be
made: US authorities and special services
were much better informed about the
terrorist acts being prepared, than they
try now to present it.
Kuwait Al-Kabas reported that Jordan and
Moroccan special services gave CIA notice
of Al-Qaida preparing an operation under
code name Great Wedding.
Last summer, Jordan secret service intercepted several Al-Qaida reports about
Great Wedding operation with aircraft.
Jordan side reported about these data to
CIA representative in US embassy in Amman. While Moroccan intelligence managed
to inculcate its secret agent under name
Hasan Dabu in a secret Al-Kaida cell in the
US. The agent reported about preparing a
series of terrorist acts in different US cities for
summer-autumn of 2001.
Bulletins warned airports in ‘98: The Federal
Aviation Administration warned the nation’s
airports and airlines in late 1998 about a
possible terrorist hijacking ‘’at a metropolitan airport in the Eastern United States’’ and
urged a ‘’high degree of vigilance’’ against
threats to US civil aviation from Osama bin
Laden’s terrorist network.
The Federal Aviation Administration told airlines more than three years ago to be on a
“high degree of alertness” against possible
hijackings by followers of Osama bin Laden,
a government source said Sunday.
1999 Report Warned of Suicide
Exactly two years before the Sept. 11 attacks,
a federal report warned the executive branch
that Osama bin Laden’s terrorists might
hijack an airliner and dive bomb it into the
Pentagon or other government building.
Egypt Leader Says He Warned
Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak says he
warned the United States that ``something
would happen’’ 12 days before the Sept. 11
terror attacks on New York and Washington.
Even the Taleban ‘warned US of
An aide to the former Taleban foreign minister, Wakil Ahmad Muttawakil, has revealed
that he was sent to warn American diplomats and the United Nations that Osama
bin Laden was due to launch a huge attack
on American soil.
3, 2000 — The fire and smoke from the
downed passenger aircraft billows from the
Pentagon courtyard. Defense Protective Services Police seal the crash sight. Army medics,
nurses and doctors scramble to organize
aid. An Arlington Fire Department chief dispatches his equipment to the affected areas.
Don Abbott, of Command Emergency Response Training, walks over to the Pentagon
and extinguishes the flames. The Pentagon
was a model and the “plane crash” was a
simulated one. “This is important so that
we’re better prepared,” Brown said. “This is
to work out the bugs. Hopefully it will never
happen, but this way we’re prepared.”
Instant Messages To Israel Warned
Of WTC Attack: Officials at instant-messaging firm Odigo confirmed today that two
employees received text messages warning
of an attack on the World Trade Center two
hours before terrorists crashed planes into
the New York landmarks.
Egyptian Intellectual: Former Israeli
PM Benjamin Netanyahu Planned
October 6 2004, The following are excerpts
from an interview with Egyptian intellectual
Hassan Al-Bana:
Al-Bana: This is a book written by Benjamin
Netanyahu on the uprooting of terrorism.
He talks about attacking the Twin Towers,
He talks about attacking the US National
Security Council, and about attacking the
UN. Take, for example, the Twin Towers
operation. Such an operation doesn’t require
placing a car bomb under the two towers
but placing small nuclear bombs and detonating them. The scenarios were ready. This
scenario was prepared by the Jews at the
Jonathan Institute.
Interviewer: What scenario are you talking
Dr. Hasan Al-Bana: The scenario of bombing (the WTC). I’m talking now about the
bombing scenario and how it was a planned
operation, and not an act of revenge. He
had to find an excuse; a reason for intervention.
Interviewer: Dr. Hasan, you talk of the perpetrator. Are you saying there was an Israeli
plan ready for operation?
Dr/ Hasan Al-Bana: The scenario was prepared by Israel and the US.
(The Jonathan Institute) is situated in Jerusalem and it has branches all over the world,
When he talks about scenarios of destroying the US from within, to drag the US to
fight what has been known worldwide as
“terrorism” - this isn’t a passing event. It is
a practice that has accompanied the Jewish
existence throughout the world. They became
allies with the Romans against the Persians
and when they were taken into captivity in
the Babylonian exile, they became allies
with any power that arose. They became
allies with the Muslim nation, at a one point.
Later on, in Europe, they became allies with
Britain and came to the region, to the State
of Israel. After all this they became allies
with the US.
Henry Ford and George Bush attended
the Jonathan Conference in 1984. They
agreed with Netanyahu on the scenario
for the bombing of the Twin Towers. When
Netanyahu was asked how a force can be
mobilized… He said: “In America you have
religious factions who oppose abortions in
hospitals. This religious sentiment can be
exploited and channeled into these kinds of
operations.” This all exists (in writing). Anybody who read Uprooting Terrorism (sic.)
and many other American books (would
Moreover, there is no such thing as a conspiracy. What conspiracy? George Bush Sr.
and George Bush Jr. are the only American
presidents to control the CIA. George Bush
Jr. declared that the Twin Towers operation
would remain completely secret.
NORAD had drills of jets as
April 18 2004, In the two years before
the Sept. 11 attacks, the North American
Aerospace Defense Command conducted
exercises simulating what the White House
says was unimaginable at the time: hijacked
airliners used as weapons to crash into targets and cause mass casualties.
U.S. warned in 1995 of plot to
hijack planes, attack buildings:
The FBI was warned six years ago of a
terrorist plot to hijack commercial planes
and slam them into the Pentagon, the CIA
headquarters and other buildings, Philippine
investigators told CNN.
reportedly drafted plans to kill innocent people and commit acts of terrorism in U.S. cities to create public support for a war against
Cuba also known as operation Northwoods.
F.A.A. Official Scrapped Tape of 9/11
Controllers’ Statements:
NY Times May 6 2004, At least six air
traffic controllers who dealt with two of the
hijacked airliners on Sept. 11, 2001, made
a tape recording that day describing the
events, but the tape was destroyed by a supervisor without anyone making a transcript
or even listening to it, the Transportation
Department said today.
Pearl Harbor:
It might have been avoided:
When pieced together and with the benefit
of hindsight, we now see that there were
many intelligence fragments that pointed to
Japanese plans to attack Pearl Harbor.
Condoleeza Rice Warned Willie
Brown Not To Fly On 9-11:
Rice, a former Chevron (San Francisco)
employee and the assistant to the president
for National Security Affairs, called a friend
the day before 9/11 and told him to stay
out of the air that week. On May 17, 2002,
Pacifica Radio reported that Rice was the
source of the call to Brown.
Willie Brown, mayor of a major west coast
city claimed just hours after 9-11 that he’d
been warned not to fly the week of 9-11 by
what he described as his ‘airport security.’
US Government plans to kill US
citizens for war in past
Operation Northwoods
U.S. Military Drafted Plans to Terrorize U.S.
Cities to Provoke War With Cuba: In the
early 1960s, America’s top military leaders
The McCollum Memo:
The Smoking Gun of Pearl Harbor: The
memo detailed an 8 step plan to provoke
Japan into attacking the United States.
President Roosevelt, over the course of 1941,
implemented all 8 of the recommendations
contained in the McCollum memo. Following
the eighth provocation, Japan attacked. The
public was told that it was a complete surprise, an “intelligence failure”, and America
entered World War Two.
Attorney General Ashcroft, the leading law
enforcement officer of the land, is mounting
a series of assaults on the United States Bill
of Rights that deny a host of constitutional
liberties to U.S. citizens, as well as preparation on many fronts for the imposition of
martial law and the creation of internment
camps for enemy citizens of Ashcroft’s
This memo, which proves that the government of the United States desired to lure
Japan into an attack, was declassified in
1994. It took fifty years for the truth about
Pearl Harbor to be revealed.
Russian Expert Who ‘Predicted’ Attacks
Warns of New Ones: Who is behind these
strikes? Koryagina claims the U.S. is painting a false picture. She said the operation
was not the work of 19 terrorists but a larger
group seeking to reshape the world. She
claimed a group of extremely powerful private persons, with total assets of about $300
trillion, intends to legalize its power and to
become the new world government.
Dr. Tatyana Koryagina gained some credibility in the Russian media because of her
prediction of an unusual catastrophe that
was about to hit the U.S. She said it would
take place on Aug. 19 and would collapse
the U.S. economy. Koryagina is a senior
research fellow in the Institute of Macroeconomic Researches subordinated to Russian
Ministry of Economic Development (Minekonom). She is reportedly close to President
Putin’s inner circle.
New Strikes Will Come. In the near term,
she said, “the powerful group” that masterminded the events of Sept. 11 will make new
strikes against America of a financial nature
and otherwise. She said they will “strike
America in the back” and bring it down.
She noted that Americans are consolidating around their government and preparing
retaliatory strikes against the “terrorists.”
However, Americans are trembling about
spending. When they understand, after the
upcoming new strikes, that their government can guarantee them nothing, they will
panic -- causing a collapse of their financial
Middle East designed to assist the Bosnian
Muslims - some of the same groups that the
Pentagon is now fighting in “the war against
for talks with an international energy company that wants to construct a gas pipeline
from Turkmenistan across Afghanistan to
About her forecast of July 12, Dr. Koryagina
said, “I did not make a serious mistake.
Indeed, between August15 and 20, the dollar started trembling under the pressure of
multiple bad news about the U.S. and world
economy. And within weeks, the Manhattan
skyscrapers fell down. As a result, a significant part of the world financial network was
paralyzed. This strike was aimed at destabilization and destruction of America and
[in domino fashion] all the countries making
countless billions of dollars.”
“Here, it will be more of a precision strike.
It will be like the explosion of the Universe.
And it will spread throughout all continents.
Many governments will be swept away. The
monetary and financial system of the world
will change.”
U.S. gave green light to terrorists in Bosnia: The Dutch government has released a
report that details the alliance between the
United States and the Islamic effort to help
Bosnian Muslims. The report determined that
the United States provided a green light to
groups on the State Department list of terrorist organizations to operate in Bosnia.
Secret memo reveals US plan to
overthrow Taliban regime:
The US government is pressing its European
allies to agree to a military campaign to
topple the Taliban regime in Afghanistan
and replace it with an interim administration
under United Nations auspices.
US supports terrorists
U.S. supported al-Qaeda cells during Balkan
Wars: Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaeda terrorist
network has been active in the Balkans for
years, most recently helping Kosovo rebels
battle for independence from Serbia with the
financial and military backing of the United
States and NATO.
America used Islamists to arm the
Bosnian Muslims: Now we have the full
story of the secret alliance between the Pentagon and radical Islamist groups from the
The oil pipeline
Ambitious Afghan pipeline deal finally
Ashgabat, Turkmenistan — Pakistan and
Turkmenistan signed an ambitious agreement with the Afghan president Friday to
build a gas pipeline through war-ravaged
Oil rush:
The September 11th atrocities sparked a coalition - a “crusade” said George Bush - for
freedom and justice. But take a closer look.
There’s an important subtext to the struggle
over Afghanistan. OIL.
Taleban in Texas for talks on
gas pipeline:
A senior delegation from the Taleban movement in Afghanistan is in the United States
The Forging of ‘Pipelineistan’:
The need for major oil companies to monetize billions in investments in Central Asian
oil fields has been cited frequently by FTW
as one of the major motivations for U.S.
complicity in the attacks of last September.
Bush held up plan to hit Bin Laden: The Bush
administration sat on a Clinton-era plan to
attack al-Qaida in Afghanistan for eight
months because of political hostility to the
outgoing president and competing priorities
(such as securing the oil), it was reported
Past coincidences
AUDIO: Exact 9/11 Attack Plan
Drilled In 1976
March 21 2005, Our own U.S. Army
devised a plan commissioned by Congress
to bring down the WTC using commercial
airliners and box cutters as weapons.
Timothy McNiven, a 29-year U.S. Defense
Department operative still under contract
with the government explains not only did
the Bush administration purposely ignore Al
Q’aida in the months preceding the WTC attacks, but his military unit way back in 1976
devised a mock terrorist attack of the Twin
Towers exactly like what occurred on 9/11.
McNiven, who first went public in an affidavit included in a 9/11-related federal
conspiracy (RICO) lawsuit filed against Bush
and others in 2004, claims his unit was
ordered to create the “perfect terrorist plan”
using commercial airliners as weapons and
the Twin Towers as their target.
The publicized version of the study, commissioned by Congress, was to identify security
lapses and submit corrective measures to
lawmakers. However, McNiven claims the
real purpose of the study was to brainstorm
how to pull off the perfect terrorist attack using the exact same 9/11 scenario.
The study, commissioned to C-Battery 2/81st
Field Artillery, U.S. Army, stationed in Strassburg, Germany in 1976, specifically devised
the scenario of the Twin Towers being leveled
by Middle Eastern terrorists using commercial airliners and even plastic box cutters to
bypass security.
WTC Targeted On 1999 FEMA ‘Terror’
Book Cover:
“Notice the date on Emergency Response
to Terror - June 1999. After 9-11, we got a
Flight 93
There was debris that landed as far as 8
miles from the crash site. How could that
have happened? A sector of one engine
weighing one ton was found 2,000 yards
away. This was the single heaviest piece
recovered from the crash, and the biggest,
apart from a piece of fuselage the size of
a dining-room table. The rest of the plane,
consistent with an impact calculated to
have occurred at 500mph, disintegrated
into pieces no bigger than two inches long.
Other remains of the plane were found two
miles away near a town called Indian Lake.
All of these facts, widely disseminated, were
confirmed by the coroner Wally Miller.
“... the air-traffic controllers in Cleveland
who tracked the last minutes of Flight 93 on
radar have been forbidden by the authorities
to speak publicly about what they saw on
their screens.”
– CNN Transcripts – December 24, 2004
Evidence from a federal flight controller
published a few days later in a newspaper
in New Hampshire said: An F-16 had been
“in hot pursuit” of the hijacked United jet
and “must have seen the whole thing”. Also,
there was one brief report on CBS television
before the crash that two F-16 fighters were
tailing Flight 93. Vice-President Dick Cheney
acknowledged five days later that President
Bush had authorised the Air Force pilots to
shoot down hijacked commercial aircraft.
The ‘official’ story of UA Flight 93, a Boeing
757 that was supposedly brought down in a
field in Shanksville, PA by a small group of
passenger ‘heroes’.
“My instinct was to run toward it, to try to
help” said Nina Lensbouer, Tim’s Lensbouer’s wife and a former volunteer firefighter.
“But I got there and there was nothing,
nothing there but charcoal. Instantly, it was
When that plane hit the ground it began to
go into the ground, but at the same time it
began to collapse like an accordion until
the explosion. The blast pushed some of the
parts even farther into the ground, but blasting the parts above the ground out into the
Hidden Tapes
Why are family members and members of
the press who were finally allowed to listen
to the tape of the cockpit voice recorder NOT
allowed to listen to its last three minutes?
Why has that tape not been made public for
the rest of us to hear and scrutinize?
“And I think all of us have a sense if we
imagine the kind of world we would face
if the people who bombed the mess hall in
Mosul, or the people who did the bombing
in Spain, or the people who attacked the
United States in New York, shot down
the plane over Pennsylvania and attacked the Pentagon, the people who cut off
peoples’ heads on television to intimidate,
to frighten -- indeed the word “terrorized” is
just that. Its purpose is to terrorize, to alter
behavior, to make people be something
other than that which they want to be.”
– Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense
Glen Cramer’s call
The Associated Press news service reported
on 11 September that eight minutes before
the crash, a frantic male passenger called
the 911 emergency number. He told the
operator, named Glen Cramer, that he had
locked himself inside one of the plane’s
toilets. Cramer told the AP, in a report that
was widely broadcast on 11 September, that
the passenger had spoken for one minute.
“We’re being hijacked, we’re being hijacked!” the man screamed down his mobile
phone. “We confirmed that with him several
times,” Cramer said, “and we asked him to
repeat what he said. He was very distraught.
He said he believed the plane was going
down. He did hear some sort of an explosion and saw white smoke coming from the
plane, but he didn’t know where. And then
we lost contact with him.” According to the
information that has been made known, this
was the last of the various phone calls made
from the aeroplane. No more calls were
received from the plane in the eight minutes
that remained after the man in the toilet said
that he had heard an explosion.
Ultimately, what actually happened to Flight
93 - missile, bomb, passenger heroes,
etc. - is not fundamentally significant to the
question of government complicity in 9/11.
Ultimately, what is most compelling, is the
fact that the government lied. The airplane
was allowed to fly around our airspace
for almost two full hours after the onset of
the attacks. Why? And why have we been
told some absurd narrative of switched off
transponders, lost aircraft, and military
confusion? Why were we told the airplane
crashed into a field because of the actions of
a few ‘heroes’ when all available evidence
points to a much simpler explanation? Why
the lies? Why the convoluted fabrications?
Why the lack of accountability? Clearly the
truth about Flight 93 reveals something the
government wants covered up. The task of
pulling off those covers is ours.
Eyewitness accounts of a “mystery plane”
that flew low over the Flight 93 crash site
shortly after impact was seen by Lee Purbaugh and at least a half a dozen named
individuals who have reported seeing a
second plane flying low and in erratic pat-
terns, not much above treetop level, over
the crash site within minutes of the United
flight crashing. They describe the plane as
a small, white jet with rear engines and no
discernible markings. Purbaugh, who served
three years in the US Navy, said he did not
believe it was a military plane.
The FBI has said, on the record, that the
plane was a civilian business jet, a Falcon,
that had been flying within 20 miles of
Flight 93 and was asked by the authorities to
descend from 37,000ft to 5,000ft to survey
and transmit the co-ordinates of the crash
site “for responding emergency crews”. The
reason, as numerous people have observed,
why this seems so implausible is that, first, by
10.06am on 11 September, all non-military
aircraft in US airspace had received loud
and clear orders more than half an hour
earlier to land at the nearest airport; second,
such was the density of 911 phone calls from
people on the ground, in the Shanksville
area, as to the location of the crash site that
aerial co-ordinates would have been completely unnecessary; and, third, with F-16s
supposedly in the vicinity, it seems extraordinarily unlikely that, at a time of tremendous
national uncertainty when no one knew
for sure whether there might be any more
hijacked aircraft still in the sky, the military
would ask a civilian aircraft that just happened to be in the area for help.
Flight 93 Shootdown Pilot Identified
“At precisely 0938 hours, an alarm was
sounded at Langely Air Force Base, and
those whom were on call, drinking coffee,
were scrambled. Thus the 119th Fighter Wing
was off for an intercept.
They, the Happy Hooligans, a unit of 3 F-16
aircraft, were ordered to head toward Pennsylvania. At 0957 they spotted their target;
After confirmation orders were received, A
one Major Rick Gibney fired two sidewinder
missiles at the aircraft and destroyed it in
mid flight at precisely 0958;
He was awarded a medal from the Governor
one year later for his heroic actions. As well
as Decorated by Congress on 9/13/2001.
The Happy Hooligans were previously
stationed in North Dakota, and moved to
Langley Air Force base some months before
911 occured on a “Temporary assignment.”
I apologize for having to print your name,
but felt it neccessary for both the truth to
come forward, and your own safety.
–Col. Don de Grand-pre
Col. Don de Grand-pre has written 3 books,
“The trigger for the 911 activity was the imminent and unstoppable world-wide financial collapse which can only be prevented
temporarily by a major war, perhaps to
become known as World War III. To bring it
off one more time, martial law will probably
be imposed in the United States.” ( 2003The Rattler’s Revenge Barbarians Inside the
Gates Book III) *Note he wrote this before
the great financial crisis of 2007.
“I can only say several of the highest level
are members now of the Council on Foreign
Relations. The important thing to consider is
how many of them are sincere in their beliefs
as enunciated by the CFR. I believe there are
several sleepers and I believe I know some of
them personally who are three and four-star
generals. They are members of the CFR but
“their heart belongs to Jesus,” if I can use
that expression because they are true Semper Fidelity people. Some of them happen to
be Marines. And I’m counting on them to do
the right thing.” –Col. Don de Grand-pre
notice from FEMA to tear the covers off of all
of these.”
and was not the cause of the fire that burned
Smith beyond recognition.
US lets Afghan “terrorists” escape
US ‘let Taleban men escape’:
THE United States secretly approved rescue
flights by Pakistan into Kunduz that let Taleban leaders and al-Qaeda fighters escape
from the besieged northern Afghan city before its fall last year, New Yorker magazine
reports today.
ON 9/11
APRIL 2006
On Flight 11, flight attendants Betty Ong and
Amy Sweeney were on the phone to American Airlines ground personnel minutes after
the hijacking began. Even though both the
FAA and the airlines had been warned more
than 50 times in the months preceding the
attack, officials on the ground reacted with
skepticism and annoyance to Betty Ong’s
desperate call.
Soldiers say U.S. let Taliban general go:
U.S. troops say that the military mistakenly
released one of the most-wanted Taliban
leaders in Afghanistan in the summer based
on faulty intelligence.
Important mysterious deaths and
assassinations to consider
Hunter S Thompson
Hunter Thompson was working on a WTC
collapse story before his mysterious sudden
death, he warned he’d be ‘suicided’.
Murder of David Kelly
Chief Weapons inspector Dr David Kelly was
murdered to keep him from releasing information pertaining to the illegality of the Iraq
Katherine Smith
She had been implicated in a phony
documents scheme said to be related to the
September 11 hijackers. One day before she
was due in court, she was incinerated in her
car after having hit a utility pole. An investigation revealed that the crash was minor
According to one account by people who
have listened to all the tapes, American
Airlines people were anxious to keep what
was going on secret. An American Airlines
tape, according to Gail Sheehy in the New
York Observer, shows the managers were
concerned about keeping things secret. People who listened to the tapes said there were
statements including the following: “Keep it
close,” “keep it quiet,” “Let’s keep this among
So in those terrifying minutes before the
first hit, two brave women on the phone
inside Flight 11 were calmly telling American
Airlines ground officials exactly what was
The airline’s reaction: Nothing. It did absolutely nothing.
The managers could have picked up a
phone and told all their pilots what was going on. Indeed they co told all pilots in the
air what was happening. They could have
called officials in New York. There is a real
likelihood people at least could have evacuated the second tower.
If someone on the ground had acted, Flight
93, sitting on the Newark airport tarmac,
might well have avoided the hijack. . .
The 911 Commission report states it clearly:
“As news of the hijackings filtered through
the FAA and the airlines, it does not seem to
have occurred to their leadership that they
needed to alert other aircraft in the air that
they too might be at risk.”
The 911 Commission found “no evidence…
that American Airlines ever sent any cockpit
warnings to its aircraft on 911.” . . .
One of the more puzzling mysteries of 9-11
is what ever happened to the flight recorders
of the two planes that hit the World Trade
Center towers. Now it appears that they
may not be missing at all. Counterpunch has
learned that the FBI has them. . .
All four of the devices were recovered from
the two planes that hit the Pentagon and that
crashed in rural Pennsylvania. In the case
of American Airlines Flight 77, which hit the
Pentagon, the FBI reports that the flight data
“FBI Director Robert Mueller has
acknowledged that some of those
behind last week’s terror attacks may
have stolen the identification of other
people, and, according to at least one
security expert, it may have been
“relatively easy” based on their level
of sophistication.”
–(CNN) September 21, 2001
recorder survived and had recoverable information, but the voice recorder was allegedly
too damaged to provide any record. In the
case of United Airlines Flight 93, which hit
the ground at 500 mph in Pennsylvania, the
situation was reversed: the voice recorder
survived but the flight data box was allegedly damaged beyond recovery.
But the FBI states, and also reported to the
9-11 Commission, that none of the recording devices from the two planes that hit the
World Trade Center were ever recovered.
There has always been some skepticism
about this assertion, particularly as two N.Y.
City firefighters, Mike Bellone and Nicholas
De Masi, claimed in 2004 that they had
found three of the four boxes, and that Federal agents took them and told the two men
not to mention having found them. (The FBI
denies the whole story.) Moreover, these devices are almost always located after crashes, even if not in useable condition (and
the cleanup of the World Trade Center was
meticulous, with even tiny bone fragments
and bits of human tissue being discovered
so that almost all the victims were ultimately
identified). As Ted Lopatkiewicz, director of
public affairs at the National Transportation
Safety Agency which has the job of analyzing the boxes’ data, says, “It’s very unusual
not to find a recorder after a crash, although
it’s also very unusual to have jets flying into
Now there is stronger evidence that some-
thing is amiss than simply the alleged nonrecovery of all four of those boxes. A source
at the National Transportation Safety Board,
the agency that has the task of deciphering
the date from the black boxes retrieved from
crash sites-including those that are being
handled as crimes and fall under the jurisdiction of the FBI-says the boxes were in fact
recovered and were analyzed by the NTSB.
“Off the record, we had the boxes,” the
source says. “You’d have to get the official
word from the FBI as to where they are, but
we worked on them here.”. . .
For its part, the FBI is still denying every-
flights that provided the motivation and justification for the nation’s “War on Terror” and
for its two wars against Afghanistan and
Iraq, but even the fact that it has the devices
which could contain that information? . . .
MI5 warned that bin Laden was
planning attacks on morning
of 9/11
The London Telegraph
05 Oct 2009
The author of the book, Defence of the
Realm, has been given access to all of MI5’s
files dating back to its foundation in October
1909 in the first authorised history of an
intelligence service anywhere in the world.
In a memo from July 6 2001, MI5 said the
increase in the number of reports were
“sufficient to conclude that UBL and those
that share his agenda are currently well
advanced in operational planning for a
number of major attacks on western interests.”
thing, though with curious bit of linguistic
wiggle room. “To the best of my knowledge,
the flight recording devices from the World
Trade Center crashes were never recovered. At least we never had them,” says FBI
spokesman Stephen Kodak. . .
But MI5 had huge gaps in its knowledge
about al-Qaeda and later on the morning
of September 11, Sir Stephen Lander, then
director general of MI5, told Tony Blair, the
Prime Minister, that bin Laden was not head
of a “coherent unified terrorist structure” according to a briefing note.
Why would the main intelligence and law
enforcement arm of the U.S. government
want to hide from the public not just the
available information about the two hijacked
In December 1995, a memo to the heads of
police Special Branches, said: “Suggestions
in the press of a world-wide Islamic extremist network poised to launch terrorist attacks
against the West are greatly exaggerated…
The contact between Islamic extremists in
various countries appears to be largely opportunistic at present and seems unlikely to
result in the emergence of a potent transnational force.”
There was ruin and terror in Manhattan,
but, over the Hudson River in New Jersey,
a handful of men were dancing. As the
World Trade Center burned and crumpled,
the five men celebrated and filmed the worst
atrocity ever committed on American soil
as it played out before their eyes. Who do
you think they were? Palestinians? Saudis?
Iraqis, even? Al-Qaeda, surely? Wrong on
all counts. They were Israelis; and at least
two of them were Israeli intelligence agents,
working for Mossad, the equivalent of MI5
or the CIA.
The New York Times reported that a group
of five men had set up video cameras aimed
at the Twin Towers prior to the attack on
Tuesday, and were seen congratulating one
another afterwards. New Jersey residents
claimed “middle-eastern” men with a white
van were videotaping the disaster with
shouts of joy and mockery.
Their discovery and arrest that morning is
a matter of indisputable fact. To those who
have investigated just what the Israelis were
Below: Only known photograph of the “White van” the Israeli men drove
Opposite: Local NJ news covering the Jewish conspirators
up to that day, the case raises one dreadful possibility: that Israeli intelligence had
been shadowing the al-Qaeda hijackers as
they moved from the Middle East through
Europe and into America where they trained
as pilots and prepared to suicide-bomb the
symbolic heart of the United States. And
the motive? To bind America in blood and
mutual suffering to the Israeli cause.
After the attacks on New York and Washington, the former Israeli Prime Minister,
Benjamin Netanyahu, was asked what the
terrorist strikes would mean for US-Israeli
relations. He said: “It’s very good.” Then
he corrected himself, adding: “Well, it’s not
good, but it will generate immediate sympathy [for Israel from Americans].”
If Israel’s closest ally felt the collective pain of
mass civilian deaths at the hands of terrorists, then Israel would have an unbreakable
bond with the world’s only hyperpower and
an effective free hand in dealing with the
Palestinian terrorist.
It’s not surprising that the New Jersey housewife who first spotted the five Israelis and
their white van wants to preserve her anonymity. She’s insisted that she only be identified as Maria. A neighbor in her apartment
building had called her just after the first
strike on the Twin Towers. Maria grabbed a
pair of binoculars and, like millions across
the world, she watched the horror of the day
As she gazed at the burning towers, she
noticed a group of men kneeling on the roof
of a white van in her parking lot. Here’s her
recollection: “They seemed to be taking a
Israeli Mossad agents Sivan & Paul Kurzberg, Yaron Schmuel, Oded Ellner. being interviewd
on Jewish television about 9/11
“There was no question but that [the
order to close down the investigation]
came from the White House. It was
immediately assumed at CIA
headquarters that this basically was
going to be a cover-up so that the
Israelis would not be implicated in any
way in 9/11. Bear in mind that this was
a political issue, not a law
enforcement or intelligence issue. If
somebody says we don’t want the
Israelis implicated in this - we know that
they’ve been spying the hell out of us,
we know that they possibly had
information in advance of the attacks,
but this would be a political nightmare
to deal with.”
–James Bamford former CIA counterterrorism officer
movie. They were like happy, you know ...
they didn’t look shocked to me. I thought it
was strange.”
Maria jotted down the van’s registration and
called the police. The FBI was alerted and
soon there was a statewide all points bulletin
put out for the apprehension of the van and
its occupants. The cops traced the number,
establishing that it belonged to a company
called Urban Moving (A Mossad front co.).
used by the 19 hijackers who’d flown jetliners into the World Trade Center and Pentagon just hours before. There were also
fresh pictures of the men standing with the
smoldering wreckage of the Twin Towers in
the background. One image showed a hand
flicking a lighter in front of the devastated
buildings, like a fan at a pop concert.
According to ABC’s 20/20, when the
van belonging to the cheering Israelis was
By 4 pm on the afternoon of September 11,
the van was spotted near New Jersey ‘s Giants stadium. A squad car pulled it over and
inside were five men in their 20s. They were
hustled out of the car with guns leveled at
their heads and handcuffed.
In the car was $4700 in cash, a couple of
foreign passports and a pair of box cutters;
the concealed Stanley Knife-type blades
Former Israeli Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Daniel Lewin member of the special Israeli commando unit, the Sayeret Matkal abord Flight 11
stopped by the police, the driver of the van,
Sivan Kurzberg, told the officers:“We are
Israeli. We are not your problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are
the problem.”
The FBI seized and developed their photos,
one of which shows Sivan Kurzberg flicking
a cigarette lighter in front of the smouldering
ruins in an apparently celebratory gesture.
American security services overnight stopped
a car bomb on the George Washington
Bridge. The van, packed with explosives, was
stopped on an approach ramp to the bridge.
Authorities suspect the terrorists intended to
blow up the main crossing between New
Jersey and New York, Army Radio reported.
– Jerusalem Post reported on September 12,
The Jewish weekly The Forward reported that
the FBI finally concluded that at least two of
the detained Israelis were agents working for
the Mossad, the Israeli intelligence agency,
and that Urban Moving Systems, the ostensible employer of the five Israelis, was a front
operation. This was confirmed by two former
CIA officers, and they noted that movers’
vans are a common intelligence cover. The
Israelis were held in custody for 71 days
before being quietly released.
Several of the detainees discussed their experience in America on an Israeli talk show
after their return home. Said one of the men,
denying that they were laughing or happy
on the morning of Sept. 11, “The fact of the
matter is we are coming from a country that
experiences terror daily. Our purpose was to
document the event.”
They later appeared on an Israeli talk show
and claimed to be “documenting the event”.
CIA agent Robert Baer confirmed their
cameras were set up BEFORE the first plane
On the day of the 9-11 attacks, former Israeli
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was
asked what the attacks would mean for
US-Israeli relations. His quick reply was: “It’s
very good…….Well, it’s not good, but it will
generate immediate sympathy (for Israel)”
Who leased the WTC only seven
weeks before 9/11?
Larry Silverstein -- Explains his reason for
purchasing the towers as “I felt a compelling
urge to own them.” Larry had breakfast in
“Windows on the World” restaurant every
single morning. On 9/11 he never showed
up. Neither did his daughter who worked
in building 7. Silverstein is a member of the
Anti Defamation League and United Jewish
Appeal. Silverstein quickly replaced some
of the security and maintenance personnel
before 9/11 occured. He is receiving billions
of dollars in insurance money as a result of
the 9-11 the attack.
Who was on board flight 11?
Daniel Lewin, an Israeli Jew, was confirmed
to be a member of the special Israeli commando unit, the Sayeret Matkal, which specializes in “anti-hijack” takeovers and assassinations. Originally, Betty Ong pointed to
his seat, 9B, as the one shooting people with
a gun and leading the hijacking. It was later
changed to him being shot, later revised to
him being stabbed.
Israeli ZIM Integrated Shipping
Services Forewarned
ZIM, an Israeli company, vacated its office (10,000 square feet) in the North WTC
tower a few days before 9/11, breaking its
lease. 49% of this company is owned by the
Israeli government. The lease ran till the end
of 2001, and the company lost $50,000 by
breaking the lease. Later, FBI agent Michael
Dick, who was investigating Israeli spying
before and after 9/11 and looking into the
suspicious move, was removed from his duties by the head of the Justice Department’s
criminal division, Michael Chertoff (Jewish).
Israeli espionage around 9/11
Shortly before 9/11, over 140 Israelis had
been arrested for suspected espionage.
Some of them were posing as Art students.
These suspects targeted or penetrated
Military bases, DEA, FBI, Secret Service,
ATF, U.S. Customs, IRS, INS, EPA, Interior
Dept., U.S. Marshal’s Service, various U.S.
Attorneys Offices, Secret government offices
Unlisted private homes of law enforcement/
intelligence officers. Most of the suspects
served in military intelligence, electronic
surveillance intercept and or explosive ordinance units.
Dov Zakheim, member of Council on Foreign Relations, Undersecretary of Defense and
Comptroller from 2001 to 2004, He served in various Department of Defense posts during the
Reagan administration. Right: Richard Perle
Dozens of Israelis were arrested in American
malls kiosks selling toys, acting as a front for
a spying operation.
60 detained suspects worked for the Israeli
company AMDOCS which provides most
directory assistance calls and almost call
records and billings services for the U.S.
by virtue of its contracts with the 25 largest
telephone companies in the U.S.
All alleged 9/11 hijackers had fake IDs.
During a joint FBI-CIA operation against
the lead patsy hijacker Mohammad Atta
in Fort Lee, NJ in 2001, the operation was
photographed by Israeli agents and thereby
compromised. These Jews were providing
cover for the future patsy hijacker teams.
Alan D. Ratner’s Metals Management and
the SIMS group. Ratner is Jewish. Ratner
merged with the SIMS group and the Hugo
Neu corporation, and they made a handsome profit. Ratner sold over 50,000 tons of
crime scene evidence steel to a Chinese company at $120 per ton; Ratner had obtained
them for $70 per ton.
An “intel gathering” company called Site
Intel Group which states its purpose is:
“Studying the primary source propaganda,
training manuals, and chatter of terrorists
offers insight into terrorists and their activities
that can not be obtained anywhere else. To
fulfill this need, the SITE Intelligence Group
offers its Monitoring Service, which provides numerous daily translations of terrorist
propaganda and multimedia from primary
source terrorist websites.” - SITE
The director and founder of SITE Intel group
is Rita Katz. Her father was a Jewish businessman in Iraq and was sentenced to hanging after being caught SPYING FOR ISRAEL
in the 1967 war. After her father was hung,
Rita and her mother fled to Israel where she
served in the Israeli army, which is compulsory, and went to university in Tel Aviv.
Ziad Jarrah’s uncle, Ali Al Jarrah, discovered
by Lebanese authorities of being a Mossad
Spy for 25 years.
Philip Zelikow (Jewish Dual Citizen of Israel)
Co-author of the PNAC paper on rebuilding
America’s defenses advocating the necessity
of a Pearl Harbor-like incident to mobilize
America. Served as Pentagon comptroller
from May 4, 2001 to March 10, 2004. Two
large sums of money disappeared from the
Pentagon under him. In the beginning $2.3
trillion was reported missing by Donald
Rumsfeld (September 10, 2001) and later
Zakheim was unable to account for another
trillion dollars. Zakheim also had squads of
American F-15s and F-16s sold as surplus to
Israel at a fraction of their value.
Assistant attorney general for the criminal
division of the Justice Department; later,
Director of Homeland Security (Jewish Dual
Citizen of Israel)
Chairman of Pentagon’s Defense Policy
Board. He was expelled from Sen. Henry
Jackson’s office in the 1970s after the NSA
caught him passing highly classified documents to Israel. He also helped write “A
Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm”. (See right) Perle also made
shady plans to invest in oil interests in Iraq,
in collaboration with Iraqi Kurdish leaders in
northern Iraq.
Was Deputy Defense Secretary and a
member of the Defense Policy Board in the
Pentagon. He is a leading neoconservative.
As Deputy Secretary of Defense, he was
“a major architect of President Bush’s Iraq
policy and ... its most hawkish advocate.”
After serving two years, he resigned as
president of the WORLD BANK GROUP
“ending a protracted and tumultuous battle
over his stewardship, sparked by a promotion he arranged for his companion.
A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing
the Realm (commonly known as the “Clean
Break” report) is a policy document that
was prepared in 1996 by a study group led
by Richard Perle for Benjamin Netanyahu,
Mastermind Paul Wolfowitz who helped push the Iraq war and PNAC
“The Project for the New American Century”
with missile-defense advocacy.”
United States foreign policy
Brian Whitaker reported in a September
2002 article published in The Guardian that
“With several of the Clean Break paper’s
authors now holding key positions in Washington, the plan for Israel to transcend its
foes by reshaping the Middle East looks a
good deal more achievable today than it did
in 1996. Americans may even be persuaded
to give up their lives to achieve it.”
the then Prime Minister of Israel. The report
explained a new approach to solving Israel’s
security problems in the Middle East with an
emphasis on “Western values”. It has since
been criticized for advocating an aggressive
new policy.
Their plan “A Clean Break: A New Strategy
for Securing the Realm,” also signaled a
radical departure from the peace-oriented
policies of former Prime Minister Yitzhak
Rabin, who was assassinated by a member
of an extreme right-wing Israeli group.”
The Blueprint for the new Bush policy had
actually been drawn up five years earlier
by three of his top national security advisors, Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, and David
Wurmser who were working for conservative
pro-Israel think tanks. James Bamford explains, “the centerpiece of the recommendations was the removal of Saddam Hussein as
the first step in remaking the Middle East into
a region friendly, instead of hostile, to Israel.
The report was “a kind of US-Israeli neoconservative manifesto” according to journalist
Jason Vest.
In Vest’s analysis, the report proposed “a
mini-cold war in the Middle East, advocating
the use of proxy armies for regime changes,
destabilization and containment. Indeed, it
even goes so far as to articulate a way to
advance right-wing Zionism by melding it
The Israeli “Art Student” Spies
Following the leaking of an internal memo
circulated by the Drug Enforcement
Administration’s Office of Security
Programs. The June 2001 memo, issued
three months before the 9/11 attacks, reported that more than 120 young
Israeli citizens, posing as art students
and peddling cheap paintings, had
been repeatedly - and seemingly
inexplicably - attempting to penetrate DEA
offices and other law enforcement and Defense Department offices across the country.
The DEA report stated that the Israelis may
have been engaged in “an organized intelligence gathering activity.”
Israeli military intelligence officer “artists”
living next to terrorists of 9/11
One “art student” was a former Israeli
military intelligence officer named Hanan
Serfaty, who rented two Hollywood apartments close to the mail drop and apartment
of Mohammed Atta and four other hijackers.
In at least six urban centers, suspected Israeli
spies and 9/11 hijackers and/or al-Qaeda
connected suspects lived and operated near
one another, in some cases less than half a
mile apart, for various periods during 2001
in the run-up to the attacks.
Arrested and let go
“Art student” Michal Gal, arrested by DEA
investigators in Irving, Texas, in the spring of
2001, was released on a $10,000 cash bond
posted by Ophir Baer, an employee of the
Israeli telecommunications software company Amdocs Inc., which provides phone-billing technology to clients that include some of
the largest phone companies in the United
States as well as U.S. government agencies.
Carl Cameron reported in a December 2001
series that was the first major exposé of allegations of 9/11-related Israeli espionage.
“A highly placed investigator said there are
‘tie-ins’. But when asked for details, he flatly
refused to describe them, saying, ‘evidence
linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I
cannot tell you about evidence that has been
gathered. It’s classified information.’”
As with the New Jersey Israelis, the investigation into the Israeli “art students” appears to have been halted by orders from
on high. The veteran CIA/NSA intelligence
operative told me in 2002 that there was “a
great press to discredit the story, discredit
the connections, prevent [investigators] from
“B-Thing” Israeli Members in their construction rigging and apparatus for the observation deck
going any further. People were told to stand
down. You name the agency, they were
told to stand down”. The operative added,
“People who were perceived to be gumshoes
on [this matter] suddenly found themselves
hammered from all different directions. The
interest from the middle bureaucracy was not
that there had been a security breach
but that someone had bothered to investigate
the breach. That was where the terror was”.
Choking off the press coverage
A former ABC News employee high up in
the network newsroom
told me that when ABC News ran its June
2002 exposé on the celebratory New Jersey
Israelis, “Enormous pressure was brought to
bear by pro- Israeli organizations”--and this
pressure began months before the piece was
even close to airing. The source said that
ABC News colleagues wondered, “how they
[the pro-Israel organizations] found out we
were doing the story. Pro-Israeli people were
calling the president of ABC News. Barbara
Walters was getting bombarded by calls.
The story was a hard sell but ABC News
came through the management insulated
[reporters] from the pressure”.
What did Mossad know and tell the U.S.?
the Israeli authorities knew enough to warn
the U.S. government in the summer of 2001
that an attack was on the horizon.
The British Sunday Telegraph reported on
September 16, 2001, that two senior agents
with the Mossad were dispatched to Washington in August 2001 “to alert the CIA and
FBI to the existence of a cell of as many as
200 terrorists said to be preparing a big
operation”. The Telegraph quoted a “senior
Israeli security official” as saying the Mossad
experts had “no specific information about
what was being planned”. Still, the official
told the Telegraph, the Mossad contacts had
“linked the plot to Osama bin Laden”. Likewise, Die Zeit correspondent Oliver Schröm
reported that on August 23, 2001, the Mossad “handed its American counterpart a list
of names of terrorists who were staying in
the U.S. and were presumably planning to
launch an attack in the foreseeable future”.
Fox News’ Carl Cameron, in May 2002,
also reported warnings by Israel: “Based
on its own intelligence, the Israeli government provided ‘general’ information to the
United States in the second week of August
that an al-Qaeda attack was imminent”.
The U.S. government later claimed these
warnings were not specific enough to allow
any mitigating action to be taken. Mossad
expert Gordon Thomas, author of Gideon’s
Spies, says German intelligence sources
told him that as late as August 2001 Israeli
spies in the United States had made surveillance contacts with “known supporters of bin
Laden in the U.S.A. It was those surveillance
contacts that later raised the question: how
much prior knowledge did Mossad have and
at what stage?”
Urban Moving Systems
Remarkably, the Urban Moving Systems
Israelis, when interrogated by the FBI,
explained their motives for “celebration”
on the New Jersey waterfront a celebration
that consisted of cheering, smiling, shooting film with still and video cameras and,
according to the FBI, “high- fiving” - in the
Machiavellian light of geopolitics. “Their
explanation of why they were happy”, FBI
spokesman Margolin told me, “was that the
United States would now have to commit
itself to fighting [Middle East] terrorism, that
Americans would have an understanding
and empathy for Israel’s circumstances, and
that the attacks were ultimately a good thing
for Israel”.
What is perhaps most damning is that the
Israelis’ celebration on the New Jersey waterfront occurred in the first sixteen minutes
after the initial crash, when no one was
aware this was a terrorist attack. In other
words, from the time the first plane hit the
north tower, at 8:46 a.m., to the time the
second plane hit the south tower, at 9:02
a.m., the overwhelming assumption of news
outlets and government officials was that
the plane’s impact was simply a terrible
accident. It was only after the second plane
hit that suspicions were aroused. Yet if the
men were cheering for political reasons, as
they reportedly told the FBI, they obviously
believed they were witnessing a terrorist act,
and not an accident.
The B-Thing Connection
The members of the Lower Manhattan
Cultural Council were invited to use the 91
and 92 floor in WTC Tower 1, as part of a
residency program (World Views program)
from 1997 to 2001. In this program, the
Gelitin crew, according to the New York
Times article and there were 14 art students
Children’s reaction to September 11th 2001.
who specifically shared the 91st floor together that knew and/or where involved in
“The B Thing.”
Let me make clear that this stunt specifically
was performing a construction operation in
the WTC that was illegal according to WTC
Security and the New York Times Article
which states that certain people would have
needed to of been contacted to remove a
window from a building in New York as
to not violate building codes and such. No
one was contacted to be there outside the
members involved in the stunt itself. It was
initially denied that the stunt even took place,
according to the New York Times, “Cherrie
Nanninga, the director of real estate for the
Port Authority of New York and New Jersey,
which until recently ran the World Trade
Center. Port Authority officials, shown a copy
of ”The B-Thing” by a reporter, reacted with
disbelief, then outrage.
Willie Rodriguez, one of the janitors who
worked at the WTC and helped save lives
that day, was the last person pulled from
the rubble and was even recognized by the
president for his actions. Aside from experiencing basement and sub-level explosions
on 9/11 before the 1st plane hit, he also
stated that he did see the art students in the
So why is all this information about an innocent art stunt so important, aside from
the fact that these individuals had WTC
construction passes in 2000 before releasing their book in August of 2001? Because
according to the DEA report on the investigation into a separate story of art students
in the country penetrating military bases,
government agencies and so fourth as a part
of a spy ring,
Hanan Serfaty was arrested by DEA agents
in connection to the Israeli spy ring. What
makes him stand out, is that he was listed
as being an art student who was apart of
the World Views program, which was in
the World Trade Center on floors 90 and
91 in the Lower Manhatten Cultural Council. Although he is not listed by Gelitin as a
member of “The B-Thing,” the listing of the
identities of the other 14 students who were
on floor 91 at the time was never released to
the public, neither was the total list of those
involved in the stunt which numbers at a
minimum of 6.
It should be noted that 1 member of the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council died on 9/11
while working in his studio on the 91st floor.
His name appears on the list of those who
were in the building when it came down.
He was the only Israeli out of the 4000 who
usually work there whom died.
Hanan was an “;art student”; who was a
former Israeli military intelligence officer
who rented two Hollywood apartments
close to the mail drop and apartment of
Mohammed Atta and four other hijackers.
Serfaty was moving large amounts of cash:
he carried bank slips showing more than
$100,000 deposited from December 2000
through the first quarter of 2001; other bank
slips showed withdrawals for about $80,000
during the same period. Serfaty’s apartments, serving as crash pads for at least two
other “;art students”;, were located at 4220
Sheridan Street and 701 South 21st Avenue.
Lead hijacker Mohammed Atta’s mail drop
was at 3389 Sheridan Street–approximately
2,700 feet from Serfaty’s Sheridan Street
apartment. Both Atta and Marwan alShehhi, the suicide pilot on United Airlines
Flight 175, which smashed into World Trade
Center 2, lived in a rented apartment at
1818 Jackson Street, some 1,800 feet from
Serfaty’s South 21st Avenue apartment.
Motive behind Sept 11th 2001
Terrorist Attacks
It all comes down to the strengthening of
the American global supremacy by creating
an excuse for obtaining a larger military
presence in the Middle East where some 60
percent of the global oil reserves are located
(PNAC-goal), as well as improvement of the
geo-strategic position of Israel by eliminating its most important enemies (Iraq, Iran,
Syria –> Clean Break-goal).
The link with oil explains why people like
Dick Cheney were on-board somebody who
made his career in the oil business and
perfectly understood that oil was becoming
scarce in the near future (‘peak-oil’).
So after the 11th Sept 2001 Terrorist Attacks
United States of America declares A War
On Terror upon the Whole World, using
Terrorism as an excuse to cover the above
goals, ambitions, objectives.
The American people would not of went
along with their plans unless a pretext –
excuse was used to justify the coming Wars
The Bush – Cheney administration created
the illusion that the motherland America was
under attack from this mythical – unseen,
all knowing enemy “Al Qa`eda” and Bin
Ladden which have a office on every street
corner recruiting Jihad Muslims, War Protestors, 911 Truthers, War Activist etc to fight
against motherland America and just want
to attack them because they are jealous of
their freedoms.
The corrupt, incompetent, compliant, obedient media mostly Zionist Jewish controlled
propagated even until today this utter crap,
bullshit, rubbish, lies mythical Al Qa`eda is
out to attack America.
But the world’s people thanks to the Internet
are awake to these lies and laugh at the utter crap the Americans sprout.
9/11 was a master plot, concocted by a
handfull of Israelis and dual passport
Americans and carried out by the resources
of the Mossad as well as starting a war on
“The People of America” with the Patriot act,
Homeland Security, and evolving the world
toward a New World Order indeed.
Larry Silverstein leases a nearly worthless
dinosaur WTC building complex (worthless due to the asbestos the buildings were
stuffed with and needed to be cleaned up,
the cost of which may have rivaled the value
of the buildings themselves) weeks before
9/11, makes sure it is over insured against
terrorist acts and hires an Israeli security
firm which President Bush’s younger brother
Marvin Bush is the CEO of.
The interlocking relationship among boards
of directors, CEOs and bankers is inherent
in the system of monopoly capitalism. They,
together with the owners of privately held
companies, constitute a ruling class, which
oversees the capitalist government and the
current Bush administration.
So all in all, the members of the top CEO’s
of these companies are at full monopoly
strength and control over the people under Bush’s cabinet. They are and do work
together to get the jobs done. They own
everything else the Federal Reserve doesn’t
have.. and the top leaders of them are the
owners of the Federal Reserve.
The Federal Reserve CEO’s are found to be
major players in the CEO’s of major corporations. These CEO’s are becoming to
Others note that substantial increases in the
size and scope of the largest corporations
have raised the economic value of skilled
corporate leadership (Gabaix and Landier,
2006). However, critics have responded
that increases in CEO pay may have been
amplified by poor corporate governance,
including the substantial influence that some
CEOs appear to have had over their own
pay (Bebchuk and Fried, 2003).
Beyond the effects of technological change,
the variety of economic forces grouped under the heading of “globalization” may also
have been a factor in the rise in inequality,
even as these forces have provided a major
stimulus to economic growth and to living
standards overall.
That’s it.
So smile. We’re almost there now =)
Having been conditioned your entire lives,
the way we are all conditioned our entire
lives, to receive sound-bite answers to questions we have never had the critical ability
to form in our minds, forecloses our ability
to interrogate reality and draw conclusions
from it. That is the function of the media.
That is the function of the educational system
you understand. It’s not to teach you to think
critically, which is educational in value. It’s to
teach you what to think. That’s
That’s a rather different thing, to be indoctrinated than to be educated. We have this
problem here in this population called “ignorance.” And some of this population actually
is. But when you say the word “ignorant” it’s
supposed to mean you didn’t have the information: “I didn’t know about it. I was ignorant of it.” No, that’s to be uninformed. And
truly, there are a lot of people uninformed
about a lot of things here. Uninformed is one
thing. Ignorance is another.
We’ve got an ignorant leadership. We’ve
got an ignorant intelligentsia. Ignorant
means to have the information right there in
front of you and ignore it. To draw conclusions in the face of the evidence; to pretend
that the evidence does not exist -- clear
evidence of genocide and war crimes -- to
pretend it’s something else. That’s ignorance.
That’s close to being a synonym for duplicity.
That is something very different than being uninformed. You have an obligation to
become informed. Once informed, a person
has an obligation to act upon the information, not to become an ignorant individual
as a result. . . .
At Nuremberg it was said that there was
a complicity on the part of the German
citizenry. The Germans, as a whole, as a
group, were deemed guilty of what was
done. . . . Their government had set itself on
a track that it felt it did not have to be bound
by. It rejected the rule of law. The citizenry,
at that point, incurred not only a right but
an obligation to do whatever it was that
was necessary to ensure that their government did comply with the rule of law. That
was their obligation. That’s the enforcement
That’s the “prevention” for international warfare: that the citizenry of each country do
whatever it has to, as Malcolm X would have
put it, by any means necessary, to ensure
that their governments do not violate the rule
of law in a manner that leads to the kinds of
results that were observable in Europe during the Second World War. Or have been
observable at every step in the course of
U.S. history. . . .
[You] do what’s necessary. The outlaw
regime that is perpetrating the crime will
ultimately make the determination of what
is necessary by the nature of its resistance.
How it resists will define for you. You don’t
define for it.
You are not going to morally persuade a
criminal state structure, bent upon perpetrating genocide, war crimes, and crimes
against humanity, to do the right thing. You
don’t speak truth to power. Power is not
listening. Power knows better than you. You
don’t speak truth to power. You speak truth,
in the teeth of power. You speak truth to
Today, making the facts about 9-11 accessible to all our human family is how we can
reclaim our world and renew our hope for
ourselves and each other. The misrepresentations, omissions, and deceptions described
[in Broadening Our Perspectives of 11 September 2001] that have defined the Bush II
agenda since 9-11 occurred, are summarized
in the following list.
* The 9-11 bombings were a crime
against humanity of mass murder of
civilians. Bush II intentionally chose to
misrepresent these crimes as an act
of war, rejecting legal remedies, and
pursuing wars that they claim may never
end, at least not in our lifetime.
* The evidence, as presented to the
world, claiming Osama bin Laden was
responsible for the 9-11 bombings
would not stand up in a court of law.
* The real reason Bush II is sabotaging the International Criminal Court is
that senior officials fear prosecution for
their criminal conspiracy to conduct a
war of aggression.
* The 1/8/02 Bush II Nuclear Posture Review, ordering the Pentagon to
draw up war plans for the first-use of
nuclear weapons, constitutes a Nuremberg Crime against Peace by “planning,
preparation, initiation or waging of a
war of aggression, or a war in violation
of international treaties, agreements or
* Since 1991, a World Trade Center’s
worth of Iraqi children have died every
month as a direct result of U.S. policies.
Bush II only mentions the loss of American lives on the single day of 9-11-01.
* The United States has rejected a
legally-binding system of United Nations
inspections of suspected U.S. biological weapons facilities while at the same
time accusing other countries -- including Iraq -- of developing biological
weapons. Simultaneously, the United
States armed forces, in direct violation
of the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism
Act of 1989, is actively pushing for
offensive biological weapons development, despite the fact such activity is illegal and subject to federal criminal and
civil penalties.
* The October 2001 “USA PATRIOT
Act” is turning the U.S. into a permanent police state. It vastly expands the
structures of government secrecy and
surveillance, utterly relinquishes any
semblance of due process, categorically
violates the First, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and
Eighth Amendments, and unacceptably
mixes aspects of criminal investigations
with aspects of immigration and foreign
intelligence laws, while it simultaneously extinguishes the accountability of
elected and non-elected government
* The creation of the Department of
Homeland Security, representing the
biggest government reorganization since
the establishment of the Department of
Defense in the 1940s, will further erode
if not overturn the Posse Comitatus Act
of 1878 which has kept the U.S. military
out of local law enforcement for more
than a century.
* Attorney General Ashcroft, the leading law enforcement officer of the land,
is mounting a series of assaults on the
United States Bill of Rights that deny a
host of constitutional liberties to U.S.
citizens, as well as preparation on many
fronts for the imposition of martial law
and the creation of internment camps
for enemy citizens of Ashcroft’s choosing.
* Bush II’s war on terrorism is founded on political deceptions and deceits
directed at the civilian population of the
United States. These include omissions
that supposed enemies like Al Qaeda
are categorized as U.S. intelligence assets and that the Islamic Brigades are
a creation of the Central Intelligence
* A broad range of data and sources
indicate the United States has planned
for war in Asia long before 9/11. The
beneficiaries and proponents of such
military campaigns include U.S. oil
corporations, the interests of which are
well-represented in Bush II.
* Given all indications from the four
commercial airliner’s timeline sequences
on 9-11, there was a stand down of defensive U.S. Air Force response. United
States military and/or civilian incompetence or complicity is the only rational
explanation for this situation.
* Bush Jr. and Cheney have expressly
asked Senate Majority Leader Daschle
to limit any congressional investigation
into 9-11 because, as Cheney said, “a
review of what happened on September
11 would take resources and personnel
away from the effort in the war on terrorism.”