Untitled - TriaGnoSys


Untitled - TriaGnoSys
JetBill is an integrated billing product properly designed to operate
for telecommunications, In Flight Entertainment and other services
offered by Airlines on board commercial flights to Passengers.
Airlines are providing more and more telecom services to
their passengers. Internet access, E-Mail and In-Flight
Integrated Billing
Fast Rating
SMS are already offered on some flights. Mobile Telephony
on board has been recently announced by major Aircraft
manufacturers and service providers.
Flexible Payment
Advertiser Support
Furthermore new Aircrafts will have a lot more cabin
functionality for Passengers and can offer a wide variety of
services ranging from entertainment, real time TV and
CDR Simulator
Radio, Games to mobile office services for Business
Passengers CRM
travellers, and more.
Crew Operations
All these services need to be billed and revenues split
between the involved parties calculated. JetBill has been
designed for the aeronautical scenario from the very
For mobile telephony calls, SMS and
GPRS/EDGE Data Traffic JetBill is
capable to bill the charges relative to
the space segment only. In this way,
passenger's mobile operators and
their roaming partners will not have
to modify their billing systems, which
apply charges from the ground
gateway. Obviously JetBill can bill
the whole end to end segment, if
this is the preferred business model.
Bills can be split into as much as four per
JetBill supports the following list of services
· Mobile Telephony 2G, 3G
· SMS and MMS Messaging
· Mobile Data Traffic
· Internet Access
· E-Mail
· In Flight Entertainment
· Live TV and Radio
· Games
· FAX, Printing
· Duty Free
· On Board restaurant
Passenger, enabling separation of services
charged to private or business. Invoices are
available both as summary and as details listing
all service parameters. Bills can also be grouped
to a parent one, to simplify operations for families
or groups traveling together and for airlines too.
Payment is very flexible as it supports cash,
Frequent Flyer Miles, Credit Cards or Credit Bonus
and any combination thereof. Credit Card
Authentication and fund transfer can be
Accounting data are collected by interfacing to
performed in real time using Verisign
advanced on board equipment, like mobile
authentication server on the ground. Postpaid
telephony 2G and 3G Base Stations, Wireless
and prepaid models are both supported.
Access Points (WLAN, Bluetooth), Radius AAA
content and other servers in order to collect,
Invoices can be printed on board and given to the
process and bill passengers services.
passenger or can also be sent via E-Mail to their
Servers, In Flight Entertainment Systems,
provided E-Mail address. Optionally invoices can
be forwarded via E-mail or file transfer to an
JetBill can rate on most common service
airport printing center for delivery to the
parameters such as time, volume, or items. It
passengers at the arrival gate.
supports content-based billing from content
for the Price Plans. The Passenger can be
Miles and Currencies
Frequent Flyer Programs as well as Multicurrency
assigned to one Group Price Plan, which in turn
is supported. Currency conversion can be
contains Price Plans for each service.
updated in real time over the web, using the
Price Plans can be bound to Airline passenger
airborne link to the ground. The Passengers on
their Frequent Flyer Programs can accumulate
servers. JetBill implements a layered architecture
bonus points gained for In Flight Services.
Considering the large number of actors involved
Usage, in order to plan for better services.
in the Business Model, a flexible settlement
Crew Operations
JetBill supports Crew Operations before, during
engine is built in into JetBill, calculating split
revenues for all involved parties.
The results are settlement reports in a specified
period of time, with tabular or graphical output.
Reports or Bills include those towards the
Roaming Mobile Network Operators, Satellite
Operators, Airlines and Advertisers.
JetBill supports Advertiser's contribution to
Passenger Services charges, when they are
willing to receive in flight promotional messages
in the form or SMS, MMS, E-Mails or other forms.
Calls or messages triggered from advertisements
are marked appropriately for separate billing. Bills
for advertisers are generated for arbitrary billing
and after the flight.
Before Flight:
Load On Board Duty Free
Load On Board Restaurant
Select and load IFE, Movies, Games,
Content and other on board services
Check In, with password generation.
During Flight
Duty Free Purchase
On Board Restaurant Order
Bill Adjustment
Bill Printing
Credit Recharge
CDR generator
JetBill contains an automatic generator of
accounting data (CDR), which can be used to
simulate business operations and revenues. The
operator can load the flights and the traffic
parameters expected. Using the built in Database
of Flights, a real scenario is simulated and the
user can set up and tune tariffs, price lists and
discounts before the actual Service Provisioning.
JetBill can conveniently interface with the Airline
or AirCom CRM Database, to upload or download
passenger characteristics before and after the
flight and to maintain records of Passenger
After Flight
Backup Flight Data
Update Inventories
Passenger Operations
Passengers can interface directly with JetBill
Customizing the product on demand to specific
using Bluetooth enabled Phones, PDA or Laptops
Airline or AirCom provider needs is JetBill’s
to view the current status of their bills, or to order
additional benefit. Legacy interfaces with Airline
on board restaurant items and other services.
CRM systems can be implemented on request. On
board passenger behaviour is traced by JetBill
Crew Member Services
Services used by Crew members during flight will
and can be downloaded to Airline Data
be treated differently for separate billing and
mining, thus increasing revenues, customer
satisfaction and loyalty.
Graphical User Interface (GUI)
JetBill GUI has been designed to operate via a
PlaneBill Suite
The PlaneBill suite is made of two Billing
touch screen. The GUI of all forms has been
Products, JetBill and GroundBill. GroundBill is the
designed with large buttons in order to facilitate
companion product for billing aeronautical
crew operations on board even during shaky
services on the ground.
warehousing for statistical analysis and data
flight periods.
GroundBill will be used by a Service Provider to
JetBill runs on Windows 2000 and Windows XP .
bill and settle with Mobile Network Operators and
It is built as an application on top of Microsoft
Access , and does not require an expensive
JetBill and GroundBill together represent a
database to run. It has been optimized in order to
complete solution to Airlines and Mobile Network
run on a entry level Laptop or Airborne Server.
Operators willing to offer on board telecom and
entertainment services in commercial flights.
PlaneBill Srl
Via Accoramboni 29
Tel: +39-335-222908
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.planebill.com