Special luggage
Special luggage
Special luggage Power wheelchair Electronic - equipment Flight Acceptance: To avoid possible damage to the air- For safety reasons and in order to avoid possible inter- craft and to the overall flight safety, power wheelchairs ference to electronic communication and navigation only can be accepted flight on cargo compartiment, pro- equipment of the aircraft, and at the same time avoid vided the following requirements are met: inconvenience to passengers, is prohibited on board • Dry batteries wheelchair: Wheelchairs equipped the use of portable radios, both transmitters and receiv- with leak-tight may be carried as checked baggage ers, cell phones, handheld digital compact discs, video whenever the battery is disconnected, the terminals cameras, laptops, remote control toys and devices with are insulated to prevent short circuits and the battery screen light emitting diodes (LED). is properly secured to the wheelchair. If you include any of these items in your checked lug- • Wet batteries wheelchair: Wheelchairs equipped gage, remember that it must be disconnected. with spillable batteries may be carried as checked Terms of Use of the Portable Electronic Devices (PEDs). baggage, provided that the wheelchair can be loaded, The Flight Safety Coordinator (CCSV) Committee of the stowed, secured and unloaded always in an upright po- Spanish airlines at its last General Assembly and in view sition and that the battery is disconnected and secured of the reports of aircraft manufacturers and our own to chair and its terminals are insulated to prevent pos- experience, has agreed to adopt the recommendation sible accidents. If these requirements are not met, the of IATA. battery must be removed from chair, and then, can be carried as checked baggage. Battery must be packed as follows: The packaging must be watertight, imper- Sports equipment and material vious to electrolyte and be protected against violent movements. Passengers carrying sports equipment has a benefit of The batteries must be protected against short cir- 5 kg additional allowance over the rate. cuits, go upright in packaging surrounded absorbent Franchising additional 5 kg applies exclusively to trans- material. port sports equipment, meaning all the elements sports • Excess Baggage tax: Power wheelchairs will be con- equipment used for sports equipment Diving, Surfing or sidered personal items or accessories and therefore Boogie, Wind and Kite Surfing, Paragliding, Golf equip- not subject to excess baggage charges, provided that ment, Bicycle equipment and skiing equipment. the use thereof is indispensable in case of Special Ca- Sports equipment is not limited in weight or number of tagories of Passengers, which should be reserved as computers. SCP in the flight log. All sports equipment is subject to availability of space in the cargo compartiment. Avenida dels Arcs, 10 46940 Manises, Valencia (España) T (+34) 961 521 136 · F (+34) 961 526 887 www.aeronova.com · [email protected] Reserve space: For acceptance to flight, space reserva- bicycles: If the bike is not packaged, pedals should be tion shall be completed before submission of passenger removed, handlebars turned to make them flush, and checking. insured and partially emptied wheels. Flight Acceptance: Being accepted to flight, all sport- ing equipment items must be properly positioned and secured so as not to cause inconvenience or damage Luggage of declared value during loading, transport and unloading. Presentation at the airport: Given the nature of this When in any of Aeronova’s flights, on which a passenger equipment, passengers must arrive at the airport in ad- wants to make a statement of special value, you must vance (recommended 50 minutes) to enable checking, observe the following rules: transport to the aircraft and loading. Presentation Time Excess Baggage: The passenger who wishes to secure luggage, making a When the weight of sporting equipment plus the weight statement of special value thereof must be submitted suf- of the passenger’s baggage does not exceed the max- ficiently in advance at checking desk, established in at least imun granted (normal franchise plus additional 5 kg) 3 hours before the scheduled departure of the flight, or passenjer have not special surcharge. When the sports during business hours operating office on the day before equipment plus passenger luggage exceeds the exemp- your flight if this is at a time that questions official time tion granted, the passenger shall pay for the excess airport can not be met the minimum 3 hours above, to baggage on the way amount. allow for the completion of the procedures set out below. Opening the luggage: passenger will be asked to proceed Special conditions of some equipment: with the opening of luggage whose contents attributed Surf, Windsurf and other sports with sail / mast / to the special value because it is a prerequisite for the board: Given its characteristics, which normally prevent formation of the corresponding document excess bag- transport the baggage carousels, is at the discretion of gage ticket, the pre-existence of the objects to be valued. the Company personnel using a system to facilitate the The employee who treats verify that the value objects transportation of the baggage from the check-in area are found in the luggage and for the amount indicated. to the aircraft. This costs might arise to the passenger. Once verified the above, passenger will be asked to close Diving equipment: O2 bottle must be empty (depressur- the luggage locked. ized). The lantern must be separate from its power supply. Golf Equipment: Being accepted to flight, golf clubs must Limits statement be secured inside the bag so as not to cause inconven- To accept baggage under these conditions, the assess- ience or damage during loading, transport and unloading. ment must exceed the amount of 400€ per unit. The Avenida dels Arcs, 10 46940 Manises, Valencia (España) T (+34) 961 521 136 · F (+34) 961 526 887 www.aeronova.com · [email protected] ceiling of Statement Value per passenger may not exceed The maximum weight limit is 75 kg per seat booked. Not 2,000€ or its equivalent. included in the franchise passenger., And its cost is the amount of the fee should pay the passenger if occupy Charges this seat, applicable at the time of booking the extra seat The rate receivable on the value declared by the pas- or failing to your tariff according to company policy for senger is 15 %, being necessary an excess baggage bill. the day of the reservation or purchase of flight. Transportation in conjunction with other companies: No It should always be under confirmation of reservation, re- baggage will be accepted value declaration for transport porting the nature of the object, its weight and measures in lines from other companies unless they give their in the application, in order to ensure admission board, as agreement to it. space on the aircraft (width x height x length) is limited. Seat -Extra Baggage Baggage that due to their value or fragile nature, at the Freight request of the passenger is transported in the cabin, using or occupying an additional seat, under the personal If you have freight please contact our sales department custody of the passenger (eg musical instruments, art- stating you are interesting in move goods with Aeronova work, jewelry, etc..). to the following email address: [email protected] Avenida dels Arcs, 10 46940 Manises, Valencia (España) T (+34) 961 521 136 · F (+34) 961 526 887 www.aeronova.com · [email protected]