May - Singles on Sailboats
May - Singles on Sailboats
36years SOS, Inc. 1978-2014 May 2014, Vol. 36, No. 5 • The Cruising Corner Check here each month for more cruising details Members needing to complete Basic Skills II or III are encouraged to do so as soon as possible on WEEKEND CRUISES. We’ve got lots of fun cruises coming up, so go to the SOS website, check out the Events Calendar and the Basic Skills Manual and join us on the water! Cynthia Palmer, Peg Green and Jim Brooks So now that you’ve signed up for a bunch of sails… …oh, you meant to, but haven’t registered??? C’mon, you gotta register early, or someone else is sure to beat you to it! Go to the events calendar on the SOS website and REGISTER NOW for upcoming day sails and weekend cruises. Or sign up for an on-shore party if you’d prefer to drive in. There’s something for everyone and it’s a piece of cake - what are you waiting for?? HOT NEWS!! HOT NEWS!!! A new RACING PROGRAM is starting this season - look for the article about it in this issue of the Whisker Pole. Fun races! Everyone welcome! Some races will be part of weekend cruises and at least one will be during a day sail. Come and put your Basic Skills training to work during a race! Speaking of DAY SAILS, it’s a great way to get checked out for Basic Skills. The recently updated Basic Skills Program is meant to give members a working knowledge of sailboats and safe sailing. PLEASE BE AWARE as you sign up for sailing events: • • Members who had completed Basic Skills I-IV of the previous Program are grandfathered in this year as Basic Skills Graduates Members who previously had completed Basic Skills I-III are acknowledged as having completed the new Basic Skills I, a minimum skill requirement for sailing as a crewmember on a weekend cruise. Basic Skills I is usually completed at dockside training or on a day sail. Singles on Sailboats, Inc OFF TO THE RACES! Laura Gwinn Yes, it’s true—racing will be a reality this spring. But, it will be SOS-style racing—relaxed and fun, open to everyone. Although Basic Skills I is required (as for any sail), racing experience is not. The spring racing program will consist of 3 events: the second day of the Memorial Day cruise, a day sail on May 31, and the second day of the th July 4 weekend. Skippers who have signed up for these sails will be contacted by the Racing Coordinator (Dane Skagen or Joe Lombardo) to determine if they are interested in racing. Skippers who intend to race will be responsible for advising their crew at the time the invitation to sail is issued that they will be participating in the race. Crew who do not wish to race may decline the invitation to sail. Following the spring program, the racing committee will review the events and determine whether a fall program should be implemented. So, any time you get a sailing survey or other communication that asks about racing, be sure to respond so we can assess appropriately. Are there rules? What else do I need to know? There will be a R.A.C.E (Racing and Chasing Enlightenment) th Seminar on May 9 , 6:30-9:00 p.m. RSVP to Laura Gwinn at [email protected] not later than May 6. This seminar is open to skippers AND crew. Attendance may be limited, so sign up now. Participants will be asked to contribute $5 to cover pizza and beverages. 410-798-4098 2 Whisker Pole May 2014 VIEW FROM THE BRIDGE WHISKER POLE Wind greeted our first sailors! On Saturday the wind was a bit elusive during the IRS cruise, but on Sunday it awakened those of us who were at sea. I have heard tales of thirty knot winds and great sailing. May that be the harbinger of a superb sailing season. On page 11 you will see some photos from the event. Congratulations to our new Skippers, Scott Stanzel and Betsy Bosnak. Many of our cruises offer a land-side opportunity to join in. So if you are working, going to a child’s sporting event, or some other pressure limits your free time on a particular weekend, definitely consider meeting up at the land-side “party.” DNR offers just such an opportunity. This is one of my favorites during the year; Ron Pence’s band, “Last Call,” provides live music, so sign up now. The Flare and Fire Safety Event and Dockside Training combined land and sea events. With the wintry weather hanging on so long, we were fortunate to have boats in the water and skippers offering to host the training session. We know you had much to manage, and we thank you! Skippers, teachers, and trainees all reported it was a rewarding experience. The fun continued after the training. A prominent sailor in our midst stated that the after Happy Hour was the best he had ever been to. We would love to increase our education team and create more opportunities for nautical tutelage. We thank Debra Roane and Linda Casucci for their noteworthy additions this year. Please contact Dave Tuttle at [email protected] or me at [email protected] if education is an area in which you would like to help. Opportunities exist at all levels. Pursuing a dream in SOS: I often hear of new ideas our members have and their desire to see them put in action. Creativity is fantastic. How does an idea turn into a reality? Step number one is to share it with me or another member of the Board. Next, offer to chair a committee to bring your idea to fruition. We have two ideas tracking forward at the moment. Both are fortified by the dream creators. Joe Lombardo and Dane Skagen have initiated the R.A.C.E. Seminar scheduled for th May 9 , and Teeja Meier is gathering recipes for our Galley Cookbook. Speaking of help, it is not too early to think about the upcoming year being your year to serve on the Board. The nominating committee will be formed shortly. The good news about being on the nominating committee is you serve a critical need, and the time commitment is limited. As for being a Board Member, it is truly a way to give back to the club, feel good about the contribution you make, and make a difference in the organization you enjoy so much. Sandy Huberfeld, Commodore Published Monthly Singles on Sailboats, Inc. Membership Singles on Sailboats, Inc. P.O.Box 5708 Annapolis, MD 21403 Newsletter Editor: Shirley Brooks Hollendursky [email protected] Fleet Exercises & Shore Leave: Peggy Green [email protected] Photo Editor: Samia AbdelWahed [email protected] Proof readers: Dunya Hecht and Pat Nyhan Classified ads: Ed Petersohn [email protected] Whisker Pole is created in MSWord. Contact the Editors for further formatting. Submission via e-mail is required. For photos, please include photographer, subject(s) and date. E-mail photo to the Photo Editor. SUBMISSION DEADLINES 10th Fleet Exercises & Shore Leave 15th articles/photos/classified/HH --------0------ MEMBERSHIP MAILBOX See us on the web at To join or change/correct membership information, use the above website. Website admin: [email protected] New Member Inquiry: [email protected] INSIDE Board Notes Fleet Exercises Directions Bareboat to the Grenadines Meet New SOS Admin Photos Happy Hour Info Classified Contacts 3 4-7 7 8 9 10-12 13 14 15 May 2014 Whisker Pole Unofficial notes from April 3, 2014 Board Meeting Official March minutes will be posted on the SOS web site when approved in May by the Board of Directors. Commodore: Membership Retention and Membership Recruitment committees are gathering information and developing new tools. Terms for the Education and Brunch chairs have ended, so we need to recruit new chairs. We are updating records regarding policies so a better record will be reflected in this year’s new directory. Vice Commodore: Is in process of coordinating policies and by-laws for printing in the upcoming membership directory. Treasurer: All is good with respect to revenue although membership income is $3000 behind this time last year. Only real item of interest is a clarification of the policy with respect to bank fees. Ad Hoc: Teeja Meier has volunteered to solicit “boat” recipes from members and publish an SOS Cookbook. Bareboat: A trip to the Windward Islands and the Grenadines will be scheduled in February 2015, with options of a 12-day or 7-day option; will be coordinated by Lorraine Fassett and assisted by Jon Halpern. Recommend that crew on Bareboat trips have Basic Skills Level I completed. Brunches: No report Cruising: Board voted to amend Cruising Policy dated 8/5/91, #6 regarding category of sailors approved to participated in SOS weekend sails to read: “Those who have completed Basic Skills I, or will be sailing with a skipper who has agreed to do a Basic Skills Level I checkout.” The Board also voted to amend policy 2/6/14 to read “Completion of Basic Skills Level I is a minimum skills requirement for all crew who sail with SOS. This Basic Skills Level I requirement may be completed ashore at dockside, or while sailing with a skipper who has agreed to do a Basic Skills Level I checkout. All sailors are encouraged to advance their sailing knowledge by completion of the Basic Skills Program Levels II and III as soon as possible, preferably during the first year.” Database: Large influx of new members at Dockside Training. Cruising forms used by coordinators have been uploaded onto the website; working on uploading archives 3/2013 to now. Racing added as club interest on membership. Training for new admin person has gone well. Education: Need a chair. First Mates: No Report. Membership Recruitment: Proposed a new introduction recruitment kit, including business card ideas Membership Retention: Board will review membership survey before sent to members. A New Member Welcome Packet released at Spring Training (includes welcome letter, free day sail coupon, medical form, handbook) will be mailed to new members within two days of membership. Skipper membership packet will be developed for Skippers. Newsletter: Ninety-two copies of the April 16-page Whisker Pole were mailed to 72 members and 20 issues to Happy Hour coordinators at a printing and postage cost of $297.57. The cost per issue was $3.23. Safety: Board request that a quick history of changes to the First Mate Policies be re-sent tomorrow and request comments. Skippers Advisory: The racing program will begin in the spring with three races with more in the fall. An introductory racing seminar will be held at Park Place on May 9. Social: Plans are well underway for Pirate’s Party at DNR NEXT SOS BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING – May 1, 7:00 pm Th Common Room, Greenbriar Community Bldg., Greenbelt, MD ti i t ll b Di ti 12 3 4 Whisker Pole May 2014 Fleet Exercises and Shore Leave Please email your questions and request for directions to the coordinator. If you are paying by check for any sailing event, a paper Sailing Registration Form must accompany the check. A copy of this form can be found on the SOS under Forms and Such – Cruising – Sailing Registration Form. Plan to mail your check early to the event coordinator, not the SOS mail box. Many events have limited capacity; therefore, an event may be filled even before the deadline date. The postmark is the date used as the mail in cutoff/deadline date. All checks are to be made payable to SOS, Inc. Non-members must submit a Sailing Registration Form. May 1 Thursday SOS Board Meeting Location: Commons Room Greenbriar Community Building 7600 Hanover Parkway Greenbelt, MD Time: 7:00 pm Notes: Open to all Members. May 7 Wednesday Mid-Week Day Sail Destination: Skipper’s Choice Cost: $17 - Member or Non-member Deadline: Mail: April 26 (postmark) Online: April 30 (9 pm) Notes: Non-member may sail once with a member and must mail a separate registration form with a check to the coordinator. Coordinator: Jean Judge [email protected] or sign up online at May 10 & 11 Saturday & Sunday Day Sails Destination: Skipper’s Choice Cost: $17 - Member or Non-member Deadline: Mail: April 30 Online: May 4 Notes: Must register for each day separately. Non-member may sail once with a member and must mail a separate registration form with a check to the coordinator. Coordinator: Willo Pequegnat [email protected] sign up online at May 17 - 18 Saturday - Sunday DNR Cruise and Wicked Pirates Party Destination: . DNR Facility, Wye Island, Granary Creek Cost: (postmark) (9 pm) Prizes awarded for the best guy and gal outfits and the best decorated boat!! Deadline: Coordinator: Cruise and Party Mail: May 1 (postmark) Online: May 6 (6 pm) Party Only: Mail: May 9 (postmark) Online: May 13 (9 pm) $79 - Cruise and Party $45 - Party only Member or Non-member Non-member may sail once with a member and must mail a separate registration form with a check to the coordinator. Notes: Raft in pods & dinghy ashore Overnight lodging - $25 Limited number of bunks available in the lodge. Contact Mary Chevalier at [email protected] for inquiries and to reserve a bunk. Charlotte O’Conor [email protected] or sign up online at May 2014 Whisker Pole 5 May 21 Wednesday Mid-Week Day Sail Destination: Skipper’s Choice Cost: $17 - Member or Non-member Notes: Deadline: Mail: May 10 (postmark) Online: May 14 (9 pm) Non-member may sail once with a member and must mail a separate registration form with a check to the coordinator. Coordinator: Barbara Wingrove [email protected] or sign up online at May 24 - 26 Saturday - Monday Memorial Day 60s Rock ‘n Roll Cruise (3 Days) Destination: N: Broad Creek, Magothy R S: Broad Creek, Choptank R Sunday NightSkipper’s Choice Cost: $51 - Member or Non-member Non-member may sail once with a member and must mail a separate registration form with a check to the coordinator. Deadline: Mail: May 9 (postmark) Online: May 13 (6 pm) Notes: Raft Coordinator: Peggy Green [email protected] or sign up online at May 24 – June 1 Itinerary: Deadline: Saturday - Sunday 9 Day Extended Cruise to Chestertown May 24 Broad Creek, Magothy May 25-26 Queenstown Creek and/or Reed Creek May 27 Langford Bay Marina May 28 Comegys Bight May 29-30 Chester River Yacht and Country Club May 31 Grays Inn Creek or Corsica River Mail: May 9 (postmark) Online: May 13 (6 pm) Cost: $160 - Member or Non-member $80 - First Mate Non-member must mail a separate registration form with a check to the coordinator. Notes: Marinas & Rafts Shore activities and excursions are being arranged and will be paid for individually by those wishing to participate. Coordinator: Jim Brooks [email protected] or sign up online at May 31 & June 1 Saturday and/or Sunday Day Sails Destination: Skipper’s Choice Cost: $17 - Member or Non-member Deadline: Mail: May 16 (postmark) Online: May 20 (9 pm) Notes: Register for each day separately. Non-member may sail once with a member and must mail a separate registration form with a check to the coordinator. Coordinator: Linda Casucci [email protected] or sign up online at 6 Whisker Pole May 2014 June 5 Thursday SOS Board Meeting Location: Commons Room Greenbriar Community Building 7600 Hanover Parkway Greenbelt, MD Time: 7:00 pm Notes: Open to all Members. June 7 - 8 Destination: Saturday – Sunday Wye East River past Pickering Creek Luau Cruise Cruise Cost: $34 - Member or Non-member Non-member may sail once with a member and must mail a separate registration form with a check to the coordinator. Deadline: Mail: May 23 (postmark) Online: May 27 (6 pm) Notes: Coordinator: Pam Schlachter [email protected] or sign up online at June 11 Wednesday Mid-Week Day Sail Destination: Skipper’s Choice Cost: $17 - Member or Non-member Deadline: Mail: May 31 (postmark) Online: June 4 9 pm Notes: Non-member may sail once with a member and must mail a separate registration form with a check to the coordinator. Coordinator: June 13 - 15 Barbara Wingrove [email protected] or sign up online at Friday – Sunday First Mates Training Cruise Destination: Round Bay. Severn River Cost: Free for FMs, FM Candidates Deadline: Email only (no online sign up) Notes: By Invitation Only Coordinator: Cherie Comly June 21 - 22 Saturday – Sunday Anniversary Party / Summer Solstice Cruise Destination: Sailing Emporium, Rock Hall Cost: Cruise Deadline: Mail: June 6 (postmark) Online: June 10 (6 pm) Party Deadline: Mail: June 13 (postmark) Online: June 17 (6 pm) Coordinator: Molly Harrison and Ned Schwartz [email protected] or sign up online at June 25 Wednesday Mid-Week Evening Sunset Sail Destination: Skipper’s Choice Cost: $17 - Member or Non-member Deadline: Mail: June 14 Online: June 18 Notes: Non-member may sail once with a member and must mail a separate registration form with a check to the coordinator. Coordinator: Jean Judge [email protected] Raft [email protected] (postmark) 9 pm Cruise and Party: $81.50 Party only: $47.50 Notes: Non-member may sail once with a member and must mail a separate registration form with a check to the coordinator. Marina Cruise or sign up online at May 2014 Whisker Pole 7 June 28 & 29 Saturday and/or Sunday Day Sails Destination: Skipper’s Choice Cost: $17 - Member or Non-member Deadline: Mail: June 18 Online: June 22 Notes: Register for each day separately. Non-member may sail once with a member and must mail a separate registration form with a check to the coordinator. Coordinator: Nancy Bromberg [email protected] or sign up online at July 4 - 6 Friday – Sunday Destination: 1st night: Whitehall Bay 2nd night: Swan Creek Deadline: Notes: Raft Mail: June 20 (postmark) Online: June 24 (6 pm) Ellen Penndorf [email protected] or sign up online at Coordinator: (postmark) (9 pm) Happy 4th Everything Red, White and Blue Cruise (3 Days) Cost: $51 - Member or Non-member Non-member may sail once with a member and must mail a separate registration form with a check to the coordinator. DIRECTIONS DIRECTIONS DNR (Department of Natural Resources) 632 Wye Island Road Queenstown, MD 21658 From Bay Bridge (East bound): Travel 12.5 miles eastbound on Route 50 and turn right onto Carmichael Road. Travel 5.1 miles on Carmichael Road until you cross the Wye Island Bridge. From the Wye Island Bridge, travel south on Wye Island Road for approximately 4.2 miles. Numerous public parking areas are available along Wye Island Road. From Easton (West bound): Travel westbound on Route 50 to the Maryland Route 213 traffic light. Continue west on Route 50 for three miles and look for sign (Wye Island NRMA). Turn left onto Carmichael Road. Travel 5.1 miles on Carmichael Road until you cross the Wye Island Bridge. From the Wye Island Bridge, travel south on Wye Island Road for approximately 4.2 miles. Numerous public parking areas are available along Wye Island Road. SOS Board Meeting at Greenbriar Center, 7600 Hanover Parkway, Greenbelt, MD From Washington Beltway (Interstate 95/495): Exit onto Baltimore/Washington (BW) Parkway toward Baltimore. Exit BW Parkway at the first exit (to Greenbelt), bear left on exit ramp to Greenbelt Road (east), make first left at light onto Hanover Parkway and turn immediately left into Greenbriar Center parking lot. Enter side door off lot, walk through room to stairs and take to second floor room. From Baltimore/Phila: Take I-295 to Greenbelt/MD 193 exit. Left at end of ramp, then bear left. Take the second left onto Hanover Pkwy and turn immediately left into Greenbriar Center parking lot. Enter side door off lot, walk through room to stairs and take to second floor room. 8 Whisker Pole May 2014 ESCAPE THE FEBRUARY DOLDRUMS - SAIL THE GRENADINES! SOS CARIBBEAN BAREBOAT CRUISE – FEBRUARY 2015 Lorraine Fassett & Jon Halpern, Coordinators The Windward Islands lie in the southeast of the Caribbean, running from St. Lucia south through St. Vincent, the Grenadines and Grenada. They are called the Windwards because they are most exposed to the prevailing northeast trade winds. The Grenadines are located between St.Vincent and Grenada including Bequia, Canouan, Union Island and the beautiful Tobago Cays as well as 25 other largely uninhabited islands and cays. These islands are among the most beautiful and refreshingly underdeveloped in all of the Caribbean. Sailing times between these southernmost islands ranges from 2-5 hours. Anchorages offer charming towns, remote villages and pristine beaches as well as unparalleled snorkeling. With many reports from well respected SOS sailors as to the beauty of the Windwards, with its excellent sailing and established chartering companies, SOS plans to arrange two one-way cruises: a 12 day cruise starting in St Lucia and ending in Grenada (Feb 7-20) and a 7 day cruise starting from St. Vincent to Grenada (Feb 14-21). For the 12 day cruise, Moorings will provide four 43.3 monohulls and one 41.3, all with 5 persons per boat. For the 7 day cruise, Sail Grenadines Yacht Charter will provide two or three Bavaria monohulls of 40’or 45’. These boats will accommodate 5-7 persons per boat. The cost of the 12 day cruise is $2200 for members and $2240 for non-members which includes 12 nights sailing on the boat, a night aboard prior to sailing, and travel insurance. The cost of the 7 day cruise, St. Vincent-to Grenada, is $1400 for members and $1440 for nonmembers. This includes 7 nights sailing on the boat, a night aboard prior to sailing, and travel insurance. Provisioning is not included in the cost of either of the cruises, nor are airport pickups, hotel, or airfare. In the Windwards, seas are often high and the winds stiff, higher than we generally encounter on the Chesapeake Bay and in the BVIs. We will be sailing with experienced SOS skippers. Crew members must have completed a Basic Skills checkout, parts 1 and 2, at least, and are encouraged to sail as much as possible during this current sailing season. Boat availability in the Windwards is more limited than in some other bareboat cruising venues, so get the Windwards Application and Waiver Form with your deposit check of $500 in the mail as soon as possible. Submit them to Jon Halpern, 9004 Bradford Rd, Silver Spring, MD 20901 (jonathandhalpern@gm post marked no later than June 30. Subsequent payments will be due on August 1 and November 15, 2014. Note: No one is guaranteed a spot on a boat until he or she has been invited by a skipper to join that crew and has accepted the invitation. If a person does not get a berth on a boat, all monies paid will be refunded. A person who accepts an invitation and then later decides not to sail, will not receive a refund unless a replacement can be found that is acceptable to the skipper and crew of that boat. To obtain the application and waiver form, go to the SOS website, click on Bareboat Cruises, download the application form for the Windward Islands, fill it in and send to Jon Halpern, along with your deposit check. We hope to have an informational meeting/party sometime in June when crew and skippers can meet, and we will discuss cruise details and logistics. Those interested as well as those already signed up are welcome. For questions and more information, you may call or email Lorraine Fassett ([email protected] 410.573.1030) or Jon Halpern ([email protected] 301.928.0980). This is a great opportunity for exciting sailing in beautiful waters. Please join us. May 2014 Whisker Pole Met the SOS Web Admin Tom Kreiner 9 This all led to the purchase of my first sailboat, a 1986 Hunter 31 named Hakuna Matata. (If you are a Disney fan who has seen The Lion King, you know why I selected that name.) I sailed her for about 6 years. Sadly, I sold her in early 2013. I have my goal set for the next bigger sailboat, but I need some time to work up to that. My hope is to return to the waters as a skipper in 2015. In the meantime, I jump at every opportunity to sail as crew on friends’ boats. That gives you a little bit of information about me and hopefully makes the task of “emailing the web admin” a little less daunting. I am still trying to get settled into the swing of things and continue to learn how SOS operates. Once the sea spray settles a bit, we will be working on some ideas to continue to improve the web site. I always welcome feedback from the people I endeavor to serve. So please feel free to drop me an e-mail, say hi, and tell me how things are going! Until then . . . fair winds and hopefully we will meet soon on the Chesapeake Bay! Let the sailing begin! Ahoy Singles on Sailboats! By now, many of you have heard or read that a new web admin has been selected. In February, I started my work with the club to take on this role. Since the web site affects all of the members of the club and I will most likely have an opportunity to interact with many of you in the future, I thought I would take a moment to tell you a little bit about myself. I live in Baltimore and have been a Baltimore resident my whole life. By day, I work as a computer IT consultant. My background is in programming and I have spent much of my professional career working as a programmer in the insurance marketplace. About a year ago, I left the insurance agency I had been with for about 15 years and decided to join forces with a long time friend and mentor to start work as an IT consultant to various insurance agencies across the U.S. The work I currently do includes custom programming, database maintenance, reporting, business analysis, project management and more. TREASURER’S REPORT When I’m not working, I’m doing whatever I can to be on the water. One of the requirements of this job was that one must be a sailor and apparently, I qualified. As a kid, I remember sailing on my uncle’s Cal. About 10 years ago, I got the chance to revisit sailing when I was invited as racing crew on a Sonar in the Baltimore Inner Harbor. One day, I found a skipper that was soliciting crew for a weekend cruise and I thought I would give it a try. I was immediately hooked on the cruising life and soon abandoned the racing scene for cruising. As racing crew, I got really good at “pull that line tight when we get to the mark and let it out at the other mark!” But I still didn’t really know much about sailing. So I enrolled in a couple of adult sailing courses and so far, have earned my ASA 101 and 103 rating. MEMBERSHIP REPORT Bareboat Escrow: $91,569 Regular Checking: $44,288 CDs + Hi yield savings: $73,098 Member Skipper Total March 2014 496 109 605 March 2013 541 97 638 10 Whisker Pole May 2014 IRS Cruise Above photo: Joe Lombardo & Hope Andruss Photo by Howard Newman Above photo: Burgee presentation to new skipper Betsy Bosnak by raft captain Ron Pence (left) and Commodore Sandy Huberfled (right). Photo by Howard Newman Left Photo: Burgee presentation to new skipper Scott Stanze (left) by raft captain Jim Harrison (right). Photo by Mary Vass Rita Svec Photo by Howard Newman Judy Barral, photo by Jim Harrison Susan Fletcher and Bob Lucas photo by Shirley Brooks Hollendursky Jeff Talarico, receiving Rookie of the Year Award from Commodore Sandy Huberfeld photo by Howard Newman May 2014 Whisker Pole Sock Burning Left Photo: SOS members Sandy Rosswork, Lorraine Fasset, Dennis Krizek, and Jean Judge celebrate the Spring Equinox by burning their socks. Middle Photo: Fire prepared by George Hollendursky. Right Photo: Commodore Sandy Huberfeld opens the ceremony with reading the annual Sock Burning Poem. Photos by Shirley Brooks-Hollendursky High Island, Rhode River High Island can no longer be seen, but here are photos of what it looked like a few short years ago. Left – 1988 Above – 1999 Right – 2002 Photos by John Murray 11 12 Whisker Pole May 2014 Flare & Safety Demo A sweet love story from Barbara O’Brien: “Alex and I met when we were both 13-14 years old. We acknowledged being first sweethearts at the time. We went our separate ways, married, had families and reconnected 57 years later, in 2011. We were instantly smitten again. We share weekends – half on his boat and the other half out in the sticks on a watershed, where I live. Best of all, both worlds! Not much news – lotsa “jobs”. We’re scrubbing, sanding and scraping the deck of Alex’s home-on-the-water, Hermitage, readying it for new carpet! I, Barb, am dealing with replacing my pony shed, which shed its roof during the winter blows! We are looking forward to playing on the DNR Cruise and Party! YEA!” And, speaking of love stories: “Ursula Loucks and Dane Skagen report a couple of name changes on VoltAire this year. She is still on the hard in Deltaville but looking at late April or early May to finally get her back in the water. Ursula is spending time in California moving her mother to new digs and Dane has gone back to a four letter word VoltAire will be changed to Fortunate Soul and there will be a name changing ceremony somewhere in the near future. And by the way another name changing ceremony is scheduled sometime this year; the name Loucks will be changed to the name Skagen.” SOS’s inveterate traveling veterinarian is traveling againthis time to Zambia, Botswana and Zimbabwe. I leave May 23 for 17 day trip. “I'll report in with a picture (and attributes) when I return!” Jim Huber has been in Clearwater fl since Jan 10. now making his own Mizzen mast for Champagne. Thanks, all. Keep the information flowing. There is no column without you. Don’t forget to send me your birth month and day; it does not get published without your sending it to me. I do not take it from any SOS records. Suzanne Happy Birthdays! May 1: Cheryl Comly; 7:Joy Meecham; 9: Ginger Eanes; 20: Ed Jowett; 21: Lorraine Fassett June 13: Debbie Goldberg; June 14: Regis Borsari and Bill Swander; June 15: Carol Harn; June 24: Joan Kreeger; June 25: George Hollendursky June 27: Jon Bernheimer Send items to [email protected] (If you sent an article to “Scuttlebutt”and it hasn’t been published please resend to [email protected]) May 2014 Whisker Pole 13 Rockville, MD: 3rd Thursday- May 15th 5 -7 PM Marriott Hotel, 5701 Marinelli Road, North Bethesda, MD 20852, (301) 822-9200; by the White Flint Metro station. Contact: Jim Randall: [email protected] Sailors and non-sailors interested in sailing are invited to attend our SOS Happy Hours. We welcome new or potential SOS members. We meet at local restaurant in the bar area. Check below or SOS website for locations. Happy Hours are not official SOS functions. The Happy Hours are in chronological order. SE Pennsylvania: Our first of two Happy Hours.- 6 pm st 1 Tuesday- May 6th - McKenzie Brew House - 7 dinner 324 W Swedesford Road, Berwyn, 610 407 4300 South of Trader Joe's & Gateway Shop Ctr. off 202. Meet a great group of social people who like great food! Contact: PATTI - [email protected] Virginia/DC: Our first of two NVA/DC Happy Hours- 5 pm 1st Wednesday - May 7th - Mylos Grill, Old Dominion Dr, McLean, VA in McLean/ Chesterbrook shopping center. in the bar area Free parking, great food! Contact: CHARLOTTE [email protected] Virginia/DC: Our second NVA/DC Happy Hour- 5 pm 3rd Friday- May 16th meet at 5:00 p.m. at the bar, Sur la Place, 5105 MacArthur Blvd. (Site of the old L'Appetito) Wash. DC. Contact: CHARLOTTE [email protected] th Annapolis, MD: 4 Thursday - May 22nd - 5:30 – 7 PM The Smoke House bar area 107 Hillsmere Drive, Annapolis, MD 21403 410.571.5073 Bay Ridge Plaza (near Bay Ridge Liquors & West Marine). H H prices: $3 house wines, $3 rail drinks, $2 off draft beer and $2.25 for domestic beers; 2-3 food selections for $5. Contact: Patricia Duvall [email protected] SE Pennsylvania: Our second Happy Hour.- 6-10 P M TH 4 Thursday - May 22nd -- Desmond DECK OPENING -featuring the chatterband - The Desmond, Malvern, Pa. Meet a great group of social people who like great food! Contact: PATTI - [email protected] UPDATE changes to Happy Hour info VIA E-MAIL to: [email protected] before the 12th of the month. NEW MEMBERS WELCOME! Ellicott City, MD: 1st Thursday- May 1st 5:30– 7:30 PM Bare Bones Grill & Brewery 9150-22 Baltimore Natl. Pike 410 461 0770 Corner of St. Johns Lane & Rte 40, Ellicott City, MD 21042 Contact: JILL [email protected] South-Central PA, 1st Thursday - May 1st - 6:30 – 9PM Heritage Hills Golf Resort, 2700 Mt. Rose Ave. PA-124, York, Pa. on the lower level of Knickers Pub. Contact: BOB [email protected] Baltimore, MD: 2nd Thursday - - May 8th - 5 PM Michaels Cafe Restaurant & Lounge, 2119 York Road, Timonium, opp Fairgrounds, MD 21220, 410-252-2022, in the bar. Free parking, great food, drinks and Happy Hour prices. Food service until 11 pm. Cozy atmosphere, friendly staff. Contact: Barb O’Brien, [email protected] WILMINGTON, DE: 3rd Weds – May 21st - 5:30 PM Timothy’s Restaurant and Bar, Wilmington Riverfront, by Blue Rock Stadium, facing the waterfront. 930 Justison Street, (19801) 302-429-RIBS (7427). Drink specials ‘til 7pm Contact: GERI [email protected] Sara Berschet Jeff Davis Stacy Davis Ramona Drieu Stephanie Garshag Donald Henfling Carole Huber John Ihnat Nancy Irvin Michele Karp Lois Landsman Mary Mahoney Stanley Mathey Jessica Pickering Lori Scheiner Kate Schoeneman John Swahn Denise Warner Laurel Annapolis Baltimore Thurmont Bethesda Avila Beach Newark Newcomb Lansdale Media Burtonsville Etters Annapolis Edgewater Bel Air Arlington Bryn Mawr Woodsboro MD MD MD MD MD CA DE MD PA PA MD PA MD MD MD VA PA MD 14 Whisker Pole May 2014 CLASSIFIEDS: Please E-MAIL YOUR AD ►[email protected]◄Ed Petersohn. SUBJECT: WP CLASSIFIED AD. As a courtesy, please send a cancellation when your ad has been fulfilled. Dormant ads— those that have appeared for three months with no word from their “owners”—will be dropped unless you specifically ask that they continue to run. If you would like to reinstate an ad please e-mail Ed. DEADLINE is the 15th of the month for next month. SOS NET: The unofficial online communication for SOS members. To join, simply navigate in your browser to: (Yahoo! ID required).with no fees or subscriptions.For questions, e-mail the list owner at:[email protected] JOIN GREAT DOCKMATES with a DEEP WATER SLIP on Mill Creek just past Cantler's restaurant. Water, electric, dock carts. Contact [email protected] or 410-757-3553. 6-14 MISC BOAT EQUIPMENT BOATS -1979 BRISTOL 29.9’ TALL RIG:130 Jib with roller furling; main reworked 2012 with lazy jacks, fast track & all lines to cockpit: Ray Marine GPS & Radar with 2 additional windows available. Very Good Condition. All ready for cruising and everything included $24,900. Late season specials possible - Make offer. Contact Sandy at [email protected] or call 336-682-8766 for more details. BOAT SLIPS -BOAT SLIP ON BACK CREEK AT SEVERN HOUSE available. $3,120 annual, which includes electricity, water and a dock box, in a gated community with parking, security and friendly environment. Lease & proof of boat insurance are required. Rental term is May 1, 2014 - April 1, 2015. Adjustable for the 11 month period. Contact me by email at [email protected] with questions. Thank you. The boat slip is a "transition slip” between 30-40, so we say 35' max. The draft is 5' and beam about 13-plus. SLIP FOR RENT: Deep water slip in protected cove off Mill Creek (SEVERN RIVER). Newly rebuilt, rewired pier. Water and electricity available at pier. Plenty of parking available for cars. Easy access to the Chesapeake Bay. Contact Bev Nash, 410-349-1467or [email protected] 6-14 2 BOAT SLIPS AVAILABLE in protected Martin’s Cove off Mill Creek ( from Whitehall Bay) for sailboats up to 28 ft. Water and electricity at the dock. Join 3 other SOS slipholders. Call Walter Flowers 410-757-8062 (H) or 703969-2048. 7-14 BOAT SLIP FOR RENT at Severn House: Slip A57, Annapolis. 30' Boat Slip available April 1, 2014 on Back Creek. $3,300 per year (annual rental only); located (easy in/out, wide slip access between Severn House & Watergate). Newly Renovated Marina; 12' Wide; 6' Deep; Slip can accommodate up to 35' Boat; water and electricity included, lockable dock box; gated complex; visitor parking. Boat must be insured with current registration. Contact: [email protected] or 410-707-1552. 7-14 LEWMAR 30-ST -Ocean series-2 speed, SELF TAILING WINCH. Chrome. Brand New (never mounted) $600. Retails for $1K. Ruth Moore 410-267-0599. [email protected]. USED FORCE 10 STOVE: $850.00. This is a 3 Burner Stove with Oven and Broiler. The stove is in good mechanical condition; all burners, oven and broiler function. Igniter module works on all but front left burner. (Needs the local spark unit replaced.) Oven heat deflector needs to be replaced or have some stainless welding done. The oven is a manual temperature control via oven knob. The stove has a front mounted oven thermometer. Mounting brackets are included, along with battery holder for the spark unit. This was the working stove from Ariosa. I have replaced it with a stove that will maintain oven temperature automatically. Contact Mike, 410-833-8123, or [email protected] INFLATABLE RAFT For Sale: West Marine RU260 (2009). Length 8’6”, never used. Make offer. PVC fabric, rollup wood floor, 51 lbs., holds 2-4 persons, 4hp max, originally sold for $840. Make offer. Call George at 703-323-1012, or 301-467-8391 or email [email protected]. REAL ESTATE LUXURY SENIOR WATERFRONT LIVING, 7101 Bay Front Dr. #207, Annapolis, with every imaginable amenity! 2 bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms, including Jacuzzi in master bath, fully carpeted. Assigned parking space in garage. Pristine 2 BR, 2 BA co-op unit overlooking the Chesapeake Bay and pond. Spacious living/dining area, screened covered balcony, gourmet kitchen, washer/dryer, great views. Outstanding amenities incl. pool, fitness center, movies, trips, maid service, 1 meal per day, bar, library, and more! Owner financing possible. Home warranty. For sale or rent. Broker: Long & Foster Real Estate, Listing Agent: Judy Oldfield, 301-367-3477. $299,000 7-14 KITCHEN & BATHROOMS: Upgrade or Repairs for your Home or Vessel, [email protected] or call Mark 6-14 Rybas: 610-585-9037. May 2014 Whisker Pole Office Commodore Vice Commodore Secretary Treasurer Name Sandy Huberfeld Hope Andruss Robin Meigel Rita Svec Dennis Krizek Jim Randall Dave Tuttle Kathy Higdon Doug Gage YOUR BOARD OF DIRECTORS Liaison To Cruising Newsletter Skippers Advisory, Ad Hoc Com First Mates, Membership Education, Safety Brunch, Social Bareboat, Database, Communications/PR 15 E-mail Address [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] YOUR COMMITTEE CHAIRS Committee Bareboat Cruising Brunches Cruising Database Internet Education First Mate’s Advisory Membership Recruitment Membership Retention Newsletter Public Relations Safety Skippers’ Advisory Social Zip Code 17000 to 17999 18000 to 19699 19700 to 19999 20000 to 20099 20010 to 23700 20500 to 20799 20875 to 20999 20800 to 20874 21031 to 21039 21200 to 21399 21400 to 21599 21600 to 21999 Name Sandra Rosswork Open Jim Brooks Peggy Green Cynthia Palmer Teresa Scofield Open Cherie Comly Nora Kelly Cathy Laws Shirley Brooks Hollendursky Open Richard Green Laura Gwinn Robyn Stewart E-mail Address [email protected] [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] YOUR AREA CONTACTS Geographic Area Area Contact Central PA Bob Morrow Philadelphia & Suburbs Ed Petersohn Delaware Chuck Fort Washington, DC Carol Dovel Virginia Linda Casucci Laurel, Greenbelt Elizabeth Hubley Gaithersburg, Silver Spring Tom Rhodes Bethesda, Chevy Chase, Rockville Debbie Goldberg Crownsville, Edgewater Ruth Moore Baltimore Alex Doyle Annapolis Ruth Moore Eastern Shore, North East Chuck Fort Singles on Sailboats, Inc 410-798-4098 E-mail Address [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Singles On Sailboats INCORPORATED P. O. Box 5708 Annapolis, MD 21403 May is a great month to go sailing! DNR Cruise and Wicked Pirates Party – May 17 & 18 Memorial Day 60s Rock ‘n Roll Cruise - May 24, 25 & 26 Extended Cruise to Chestertown – May 24 – June 1
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