April - Singles on Sailboats
April - Singles on Sailboats
38 years SOS, SOS, Inc. Inc. 1978-2014 1978-2016 April 2016, Vol. 38, No. 4 Howdy Partner Party – May 21st Well, it’s almost time to gather again at the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) on Wye Island for a foot- stomping ya-hoo great party. BUNKS AVAILABLE AT THE DNR This year’s party will have a Western theme (as in cowboy/cowgirl). So mosey on in aboard your sailing or your motor horse to grab some good grub, enjoy cold beverages and dance a lot. On Friday and Saturday nights there are 8 bunks available at the DNR for $25 each. SOS "takes possession" of the DNR facility on Friday and those renting bunks Friday evening are welcome to bring food and drinks to share for an impromptu bar-b-que that evening. The $25 fee includes a light continental breakfast. As always, each boat is asked to bring at least one appetizer to share. While Friday is not part of the DNR cruise coordination, skippers are reminded that anchoring is, of course, available on Friday Those there on Saturday will be welcome to participate in the prep for the party and/or just hike around the grounds! It's also great fun to watch "our fleet “ arrive for the evening festivities! Anyone interested in working at the bar serving beer, wine, water and soda for ½ hour shifts should contact coordinator Bob Lucas at [email protected] or call 410-491-1376. To reserve a bunk contact Mary Chevalier at [email protected] and Meeps Yox at [email protected] with any questions about cruising. Woo Hoo…..hoist the burgee! April is FINALLY here, so let the sailing begin. Meeps & CJ,,Cruising Co-Chairs SOS has a fantastic sailing calendar prepared for you. There is still time to sign up for the early April events: Dockside Training for all newbies on the 9th and a Sunday Day Sail on the 10th. The IRS cruise on April 16/17 takes us back to Pirates Cove, so put on those “woolies” and join us. If you can’t sail (boat isn’t ready, not into chill) join us on the dock for our traditional Happy Hour! It’s sure to warm you up. April 23/24 are both Day Sails. The Shakedown Cruise to Harness Creek will take place on April 30/May 1. We are hoping it will be the first circle raft of the year (at least 13 boats). We need skippers and crew to make that happen! Looking forward to May, we have lots of Day Sails, the new Yahoo Sails (on Mother’s Day) more info on page 11 and the DNR “Howdy Partner” Cruise and Party. Put May 21/22 on your calendar NOW! After the DNR, many boats will be participating in the Extended Northern Bay Cruise from the 21-30. See the article on page 7 for more information. And that is just the highlights for the next month or so…….MUCH more to come in this exciting year. Will you be joining us???? Singles on Sailboats, Inc 410-798-4098 www.singlesonsailboats.org Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/268838264195 2 Whisker Pole April 2016 VIEW FROM THE BRIDGE Hooray!! Sailing season is just around the corner! Skippers are busy getting their boats cleaned and polished and ready for crew. Call your favorite skipper and ask if you can help wash, wax or put on sails. Skippers always need a “third hand”. Are you practicing your bowlines? Sign-ups for the spring cruises are available on the club’s Event Calendar on the SOS website. It’s not too soon to consider joining this year’s Extended Cruise, which will incorporate two weekend raft-ups and an exploration of the western shore of the Northern Bay in between. It’s a great, inexpensive way to vacation on the water! Traditionally the first SOS cruise of the season is the IRS cruise (April 16 and 17 this year). The sail is to Pirate’s Cove Marina on the West River and even if you don’t sail, you are welcome to drive in and join the BYO Happy Hour, the Dutch-treat dinner and socializing/dancing in the bar afterwards. New this year are “Yahoo Sails”, which are impromptu day sails (discussed in the March Whisker Pole) to take advantage of good sailing weather. If you are not already a member of singlesonsail.yahoogroups.com, take the time to register so you can take advantage of last-minute sailing opportunities. (See page11 for instructions on how to join.) Spring Training was a great success with new topics and great speakers for an information-filled day. Thank you to Emil Becker, Ursula Skagen and Alan Osterholm for recruiting the speakers, handling the logistics, promoting the event and keeping track of the myriad of details necessary for the smooth running of a major function. I was also pleased to see the return of the nautical flea market, organized by Judy Ryan. Keeping the registration and new member sign-up table organized were Cathy Laws, Rita Svec and Barbara Wise. In addition, there were numerous other volunteers who participated as speakers, room monitors and with other behind the scenes tasks. Thank you, thank you to all of you!! Many of us moved on from Spring Training to the Spring Break Party with dinner and dancing to finish off the day. Kudos to the Social Committee, especially Barbara Shoemaker and Cindy Turner for handling all the organization and Joe Lombardo for arranging for the use of his community club house, for another fun evening with a great band. See ya on the water! Hope WHISKER POLE NEWSLETTER Published Monthly Singles on Sailboats, Inc. Membership Singles on Sailboats, Inc. P.O.Box 5708, Annapolis, MD 21403 410.798.4098 www.singlesonsailboats.org Newsletter Editor: Shirley Brooks Hollendursky [email protected] Proof readers: Pat Nyhan, Perry Brown, Angela Weathers, Barbara Shoemaker 10TH OF MONTH SUBMISSION DEADLINES Fleet Exercises & Shore Leave: Peggy Green [email protected] Classified Ads & Happy Hours: Ed Petersohn [email protected] Scuttlebutt: Carol Coltharp [email protected] 15TH OF MONTH SUBMISSION DEADLINES All articles and photos: Shirley Brooks Hollendursky [email protected] Website admin: [email protected] New Member Inquiry: [email protected] Boat US Discount code #GA80619S INSIDE Fleet Ex Directions Flare Demo Dockside Training New Members Extended Sail Photos BVI Article Directory YAHOO Sails Oyster Gardens Volunteers Finances Happy Hour Classified Contacts 4-6 6 7 7 7 7 8-10 11 11 11 12 12 12 13 14 15 April 2016 Whisker Pole Unofficial notes from March 3, 2016 Board Meeting Official September minutes will be posted on the SOS web site when approved in April by the Board of Directors. Commodore: Vice Commodore: Treasurer: Very busy February with Bareboat responsibilities, snow issues and short month. At this point, no issues. Suggest we offer membership discount for those who join at Spring Training. Bareboat: No new proposals at this time. Brunches: Suzanne Vaughn has agreed to serve as the new Brunch Chair for 2016-17. Cruising: Peggy Green and Laura Gwinn will conduct the Cruising Kick off on Saturday, March 19. Survey Monkey feedback forms have been reviewed and they shall stay the same. Mike Pittinger will plan the summer extended cruise between the DNR cruise and Memorial Day. Database: Of the 154 people registered as of March 1 for Spring Training, 27 out of 59 or 46% (41.5% in 2015) are members who joined since Mar 1, 2015; 9 out of 30 or 30% (63.6% in 2015) are members who joined since Nov 1, 2015. The 2015 Photo Contest winners have been posted on the website Education: No report. First Mates: No report. Membership: Website Navigation Sheet for new members has been updated on the website. Membership FAQ’s and Membership Roles and Responsibilities have been re-written and need approval. Newsletter: Eighty-one copies of the March 24-page Whisker Pole were mailed to 63 members and 18 issues to Happy Hour coordinators at a cost of $309.16 which equals $3.82 per copy. Dunya Hecht has resigned as proof reader and Peggy Green has resigned as Fleet Exercises Editor. Ned Schwartz will take over as Fleet Exercises Editor in April with training by Peggy. Public Relations: No report. Safety: Making arrangements for the 4/9/2016 Flare and Safety Demonstration and activating skippers for sailing with SOS in 2016. Skippers Advisory: No report. Social: We should consider going to DNR for Next Year’s Seafood Festival vs staying at Rock Hall as caterer is willing to go there. NEXT SOS BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING – April 7, 2016 7:00 pm, Common Room, Greenbriar Community Bldg., Greenbelt, MD Meeting is open to all members. 3 4 Whisker Pole April 2016 Fleet Exercises and Shore Leave Please email your questions and request for directions to the coordinator. If you are paying by check for any sailing event, a paper Sailing Registration Form must accompany the check. A copy of this form can be found on the SOS website under Forms and Such – Cruising – Sailing Registration Form. Plan to mail your check early to the event coordinator, not the SOS mail box. Many events have limited capacity; therefore, an event may be filled even before the deadline date. The postmark is the date used as the mail in cutoff/deadline date. All checks are to be made payable to SOS, Inc. Non-members must submit a Sailing Registration Form. April 3 Sunday Northern VA Area Fireside Chat Location: Arlington, VA Cost: $20 by deadline Speakers/Topic Teeja and Dan Meier Sailing the New England Waters Mail: March 25 (postmark) Online: March 29 Host: Susan Jenkins Time: 4 pm Note: Non-members must be accompanied by a member. No smoking, no walk-ins. Limited to 20. Deadline: $25 after deadline Coordinator: Teresa Scofield, [email protected] Please sign up online at www.singlesonsailboats.org April 9 Saturday Flare and Fire Safety Demo Location: Camp Wabanna 101 Likes Road Edgewater, MD 21037 Mail: April 1 (postmark) Online: April 4 Cost: Free for Members Time: 8 am - 10 am Deadline: Coordinator: John Parsons [email protected] Please sign up online at www.singlesonsailboats.org April 9 Saturday Dockside Training Location: Various Skippers’ Boats Cost: $15 – Member by deadline Time: 10 am – all day Deadline: Mail: April 1 (postmark) Online: April 4 Note: Bring your own lunch, beverage, and Basic Skills Checkout Forms Coordinator: Irene Aronian, [email protected] Please sign up online at www.singlesonsailboats.org April 10 Sunday Day Sail Destination: Skipper’s Choice Cost: $17- Member or Non-Member Deadline: Mail: March 30 Online: April 3 Note: Non-member may sail once with a member and must mail a separate registration form with a check to the coordinator. Coordinator: Nancy Bromberg, [email protected] Please sign up online at www.singlesonsailboats.org (postmark) (9 pm) April 2016 Whisker Pole 5 April 16 – 17 Saturday – Sunday IRS Cruise Destination: Pirates Cove, West River Cost: $34 - Member or Non-member Deadline: Mail: March 31 Online: April 5 Note: Non-member may sail once with a member and must mail a separate Registration form with a check to the coordinator. Coordinator: Charlotte O’Conor, [email protected] Please sign up online at www.singlesonsailboats.org April 23 or 24 Saturday or Sunday Day Sails Destination: Skipper’s Choice Cost: Deadline: Mail: April 13 (postmark) Online: April 17 (9 pm) Note: April 30-May 1 Saturday – Sunday Shakedown Cruise Destination: Harness Creek, South River Cost: $34 - Member or Non-member Deadline: Mail: April 14 (postmark) Online: April 19 Note: Non-member may sail once with a member and must mail a separate Registration form with a check to the coordinator. Coordinator: Bill Small, [email protected] Please sign up online at www.singlesonsailboats.org May 7 Saturday Day Sail Destination: Skipper’s Choice Cost: $17- Member or Non-Member Deadline: Mail: April 27 (postmark) Online: May 1 (9 pm) Note: Non-member may sail once with a member and must mail a separate registration form with a check to the coordinator. Coordinator: Ruth Moore, [email protected] Please sign up online at www.singlesonsailboats.org May 8 Sunday Coordinator: (postmark) $17 - Member or Non-member Register for each day separately. Non-member may sail once with a member and must mail a separate registration form with a check to the coordinator. Shirley Brooks-Hollendursky, [email protected] Please sign up online at www.singlesonsailboats.org Yahoo Day Sail NEW !! Skippers - if you are planning to sail on this date, post a notice requesting crew on the SOS Yahoo Group [email protected]. Crew - reply directly to a skipper’s request for crew if you would like to sail. Include your skills and experience. May 11 Wednesday Mid-Week Day Sail Destination: Skipper’s Choice Cost: Deadline: Mail and Online registrations must Note: be received by May 4. Coordinator: $17- Member or Non-Member Non-member may sail once with a member and must mail a separate registration form with a check to the coordinator. Barbara Wingrove, [email protected] Please sign up online at www.singlesonsailboats.org 6 Whisker Pole April 2016 May 14 Saturday Day Sail Destination: Skipper’s Choice Cost: $17- Member or Non-Member Deadline: Mail: May 4 (postmark) Online: May 8 (9 pm) Note: Non-member may sail once with a member and must mail a separate registration form with a check to the coordinator. Coordinator: Darlene Frieman, [email protected] Please sign up online at www.singlesonsailboats.org May 15 Sunday Yahoo Day Sail NEW !! Skippers - if you are planning to sail on this date, post a notice requesting crew on the SOS Yahoo Group [email protected]. Crew - reply directly to a skipper’s request for crew if you would like to sail. Include your skills and experience. May 21-22 Saturday – Sunday DNR Cruise & Howdy Partner Party Destination: DNR, Wye Island Granary Creek Cost: Mail: May 6 (postmark) Deadlines: Cruise & Party: Online: May 10 Party only: Notes: Mail: May 13 (postmark) Online: May 15 Coordinator: Barbara Peterson, [email protected] Event Manager: Bob Lucas, [email protected] $89 - Cruise & Party $55 - Party only $60 - Party after deadline and walk-ins Raft in pods & dinghy ashore Limited number of bunks available for overnight lodging - $25. Contact Mary Chevalier at [email protected] for inquiries and to reserve a bunk. Please sign up online for Cruise and Party or for Party only at www.singlesonsailboats.org Stay Tuned for more Details May 21-30 Saturday – Monday 10 Day Northern Bay Extended Cruise Itinerary: TBD Cost: Coordinator: Mike Pittinger [email protected] May 24 Tuesday Mid-Week Day Sail Destination: Skipper’s Choice Cost: Deadline: Mail and Online registrations must Note: be received by May 18. Coordinator: TBD $17- Member or Non-Member Non-member may sail once with a member and must mail a separate registration form with a check to the coordinator. Shirley Brooks-Hollendursky, [email protected] Please sign up online at www.singlesonsailboats.org DIRECTIONS: Wabanna Camp & Conference Center,101 Likes Rd., Edgewater, MD 21037 From Washington, D.C.: Take Capital Beltway to Exit 15A MD 214, Central Avenue east. Follow Route 214 about 20 miles, through Mayo to Beverly Beach, passing an “Entering Beverly Beach Community” sign. Turn right on Beverly Place. Turn left on Maryland Avenue. Follow Maryland Avenue to the left. Turn right on Elm Street. Turn left on Likes Road and follow signs to the camp. From Baltimore and Annapolis: From Aris T. Allen Blvd. take Route 2 south about 3 miles to the Route 214 (Central Avenue) intersection (at a light), and turn left onto Route 214 east. Follow Route 214 about 5 miles, through Mayo to Beverly Beach, passing an “Entering Beverly Beach Community” sign. Then same as above April 2016 Whisker Pole 7 New Member Dockside Training Saturday April 9th Dockside Training is an all-day event held on a member’s boat after the Flare Demo. A great opportunity to learn many things you need to know to participate as SOS crew. And when the sun starts setting and the air gets chilly, you will do what sailors always do: socialize at a local Annapolis watering hole where all the Dockside Training crews and skippers, along with any local members, will gather for food and libation. Welcome New Members Flare and Fire Safety Demonstration And Flare Exchange Saturday April 9th - 8 AM to 10 AM. Camp Wabanna at 101 Likes Rd, Edgewater • • • • Fire aerial flares Set off hand-held flares Extinguish a controlled fire Heave lines Kathy Kate Nancy Daniel MaryPat Phyllis Lezlee Glenn Sally Linda Christopher Debra Christiane Marina Margaret Ruth Bateman Behler Brown Cesarone Daskal Gilbert Kramer Marvin Middlebrooks Perkins Poulouin Randall Roehler Soutorikhina Stephens Surovick Jim Christina Karen Wilton Young Zienkiewicz Vienna VA Paoli PA Alexandria VA Elkton MD Annapolis MD Annapolis MD Edgewater MD Mount Airy MD Hyattsville MD Annapolis MD Newark DE Vienna VA Arlington VA Pottstown PA Philadelphia PA Westville NJ Chesterbrook PA Mount Airy MD Chester MD 8 Whisker Pole April 2016 Spring Training Photos by John Parsons Cape Coral Spring Training Ned Schwartz, Pat Clarke, John Halstead, Nancy Briggs, Herb Pierson, Molly Harrison Instructor, Jeff Jordan Advanced Sail Trim Registration Desk Cathy Laws, Rita Svec Instructor, Andrew Fegley Yacht Electrical Systems Students in class “The Not To Be Sailed” Demonstration boat Lunch time! Instructor, Karl Allen Diesel Engines Judy Ryan Nautical Flea Market April 2016 Whisker Pole 9 March Brunch John Parsons, Peggy Green Photo by Samia AbdelWahed Laura Gwinn, Kristine Hartley, John Murray & Debra Roane Dan Meier & Mike Swift Meeps Yox & Harry Keith Photo by Samia AbdelWahed Photo by Samia AbdelWahed Photo by Samia AbdelWahed Sock Burning in The Rain Photos by Sandy Huberfeld George Hollendursky Master of the Fire Pit kept the fire burning in spite of the rain Harry Keith & Jerry Axler Preparing their socks for the burning One sock among many to burn in hot fire during drizzling rain Pete Stogis is presented the Ellie Abramson Award by Commodore Hope Andruss Photo by Emil Becker Harry Keith, Jerry Axler, Brian Hanks, Julia Oravecz, Judy Crews-Hanks, Carol Cronin-Williams, Laura Gwinn, Bill Small, Hope Andruss Bburn their socks sheltered from rain under deck umbrella Brian Hanks & Julia Oravecz with fire reflected in their eye glasses 10 Whisker Pole April 2016 CPR/First Aid Class SOS members in First Aid Class First/CPR Instructors Photos by Sue Donaldson Ursula Skagen & Lynne Winkler Fireside Chat So Barbara Mistrik Ben Kauffman Great meal, good company Photo by Richard Green Photo by Richard Green Photo by Richard Green After Spring Training Party Julia Oravecz, David O Hara, Carol Williams Jody Drayton, Glenn Marvin, John McDonald Rita Svec, Christine Niska, Bob Pyle Photo by Samia AbdelWahed Photo by Samia AbdelWahed Photo by Samia AbdelWahed Nancy Pond, Irene Aronian Photo by Samia AbdelWahed April 2016 Whisker Pole British Virgin Islands: A sailor’s playground Every winter SOS has a warm weather destination bareboat trip. Every two to three years that destination seems to be the British Virgin Islands. You might ask why we keep going back to the BVIs when there are so many other places to sail. What’s not to love? Great sailing, mooring balls at anchorages, so no anchor watches, great wind, many islands in a protected circle, you can eat ashore every night or use the grill on the boat for dinner. And the Pain Killers (BVI’s answer to the Pina Colada) are great! This year we had ten boats and 51 people participating. Some sailed for one week, some for 10 days. Eight boats came to the Bitter End for a party and quite a few made it to Anegada (three of the four one-week boats were there – quite an accomplishment for such a short cruise!) We had two last minute skipper cancellations; John Dombach and Martha Wagner took the helms and had a wonderful sailing. Many thanks to the two of them and to all the great skippers who took responsibility for their individual boats. Most days we had 15 to 20 knots of wind. The 10 day group had one day of flat seas followed by a day of 3040 knot winds and waves - and still had an amazing time. We all came back energized and ready for spring sailing. We were lucky enough to sail during the full moon and at least five boats made it to the Trellis Bay Full Moon Party, complete with fire-filled sculptures and stilt dance/walkers (Moko Jumbies). So if you are a relative beginner to bare boating and see a BVI cruise advertised, sign up. If you are interested in bare boating get on the water and get to know sailors and skippers in the club. The better known you are, the more likely to be invited on one of the boats. SOS Bareboat continues to plan great trips and, if you saw the retrospective in March, you saw some of the wonderful pictures from our adventures. The Greece trip this fall is full, but the wait list is not long, so consider signing up. Look for more information about next winter’s trip, which is still in the planning stages. And get on the water!!!! 11 Membership Directory 2016 In preparation for the next membership directory, we ask that all SOS Members verify their personal information on the SOS website by May 1st, 2016. Please go to the SOS website, log onto your Profile and make sure everything is up to date. If you have any problems or questions, do not hesitate to contact the web administrator for assistance. We’d like to have the most current information available. We are also looking for new cover art for the directory. Use your artistic talent to depict some aspect of Singles On Sailboats and sailing to adorn the cover. The cover art may be designed in pencil, pen, paint or by computer, must be one color, fit within 5.5 and 8.5 inches, and be in portrait orientation. A larger piece is acceptable if it can be sized down to fit these dimensions. The winning artist agrees to give SOS the right to use the art on the cover. Entry Deadline is May 1st, 2016. Send submissions to [email protected] or snail mail to Linda Casucci, at 14505 Creek Branch Court, Centreville VA 20120. Yahoo Sails New This Year There are 3 "Yahoo sails" on the cruising calendar for Skippers to use the Yahoo site to ask for Day Sail crew once they have determined the wind will be good for a sail. There will be no charge to crew. We anticipate that a yahoo request for crew would go out Wed-Fri for the upcoming weekend. Crew who respond should note their skills/experience. To subscribe, send an email to: [email protected] (note that it will take some time for your subscription to be approved) To unsubscribe, send an email to: [email protected] To post a message, send an email with your details to: [email protected] 12 Whisker Pole April 2016 Oyster Gardening Dennis Krizek, Skippers' Advisory Chairman and Oyster Gardener Life Stages of a Sailor As Interpreted by Beth Dumesco Bathtub boat Dinghy Daysailer Sailboat Bigger Sailboat Trawler Land Yacht Condo Nursing home Funeral home Drifting on the tides At the January Brunch, Terry Cummings, Manager of Advocacy for the Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF), presented an engaging talk about the water quality and health of the Chesapeake Bay. Several SOS members questioned what we as boaters can do to improve the water quality of the Bay, either as individuals or as an organization. One of the ideas offered by Mr. Cummings for consideration was Oyster Gardening. Oyster Gardening is a program of the CBF that encourages anyone with access to the water to grow "Baby Oysters" in the relative safety of wire cages. Participants in the program build wire cages and receive several thousand oyster spat (baby oysters) to be placed in the cages. The cages are hung in the water from piers/docks or bulkheads. After a year, the baby oysters grow to the size of a silver dollar and are mature enough to be placed on a reef. The oysters are removed from the cages, taken to a collection site for distribution and are traded in for more baby oysters. The cages require very little attention other than a weekly shake to wash away any sediment and maybe a mid-summer brushing to remove vegetative growth on the wire cages. Terry Cummings volunteered that oysters don't require feeding, they don't bark and they make excellent pets. Oyster Gardening would be an excellent altruistic project for individual Skippers or for SOS as an organization to consider. SOS members without boats could help with the construction of wire cages and offer to help shake the cages. Oyster Gardening, by either an individual or an organization, is not going to have a measurable impact on the water quality of the Chesapeake Bay. However, it will introduce the seed of environmental awareness to our members and to other boating organizations on the Bay. Environmental awareness would benefit Membership Recruitment and provide Publicity with another facet of SOS to highlight. Alice Christman, Senior Manager of Community Engagement, CBF, would be pleased to assist SOS in such a project. Please contact Dennis Krizek ([email protected]) if you are interested or if you have any questions. SOS Bank Balance – Feb 29 Bareboat Escrow Checking Savings Credit Card End of month total $ 89,985 $ 48,033 $ 73,211 $ (10,446) $ 110,798 RESOLVE TO GET INVOLVED The Social Committee is looking for new members! You get to help plan events and it is a great opportunity to meet new people, both on the committee and the members at large. The committee meets monthly at Bob Lucas' home at 6:30 pm. A lovely appetizer (often shrimp!), wine, water, soda and dinner are served. Contact Bob at [email protected]. Cruising Committee coordinator helpers needed! Learn how weekend sail coordinations work, meet new people, enjoy a nosh. This is a one evening commitment. Upcoming coordinations: April 6 or 7 in northern Virginia (Charlotte O'Conor); April 21, Columbia (Bill Small, [email protected]); May 11 or 12, Annapolis (Barbara Peterson, [email protected]); May 18 or 19, Pennsylvania (CherieComly; [email protected]). Contact coordinators for details and to confirm dates. April 2016 Whisker Pole 13 st SOUTH-CENTRAL PA:1 Thursday - April 7th - – 6:30-9 pm HERITAGE HILLS Golf Resort, 2700 Mt. Rose Ave. PA-124, York, Pa.on the lower level of Knickers Pub. Contact : BOB - [email protected] Happy Hours are not official SOS functions. Hours are in chronological order. Check below or SOS website for locations. KEY WEST, FL: SOS HAPPY HOUR place and time to be determined.. Contact: TERRI AND KARL. 410-707-4319 or 267-221-6312 NORTH BALTIMORE: 2nd Thursday- April 14th - - 5 pm. MICHAEL’S Cafe Restaurant & Lounge (in the bar area) 2119 York Road, Timonium (opp Fairgrounds) MD 21220. 410-252-2022, michaelscafe.com. Free parking, great food, drinks and Happy Hour prices. Food service until 11 pm. Cozy atmosphere, friendly staff. Contact: Barb O’Brien [email protected] WILMINGTON, DE: 3rd Wednesday – - April 20th - 5:30 pm. TIMOTHY’S Restaurant and Bar, Wilmington Riverfront by Blue Rock Stadium, facing the waterfront. 930 Justison Street, (19801) 302-429-RIBS (7427). timothysontheriverfront.com Drink specials ‘til 7pm Contact: GERI - [email protected] ROCKVILLE, MD: 3rd Thursday - April 21st – 5 - 7pm THE MARRIOTT Hotel, 5701 Marinelli Road, North Bethesda. (near the White Flint Metro station). Meet in the bar area or outside patio as weather permits. Contact: Darlene- [email protected] SE PA: 3rd Thursday - - April 21st 6-10 pm (our 2nd HH) at AZIE ON MAIN- - 789 East Lancaster Ave., Villanova, near the Blue Route, 1 block West of Rt. 320, Mall area behind FedEx. In back of mall, w/lg bar area and outside Fire Pit Patio, super low long HH prices Meet a great group of sailing people! Contact: PATTI - [email protected] SE PA: - 1st Tuesday – April 5th - 6 pm. MCKENZIE’S Brew House– 324 W Swedesford Road, Berwyn, (610) 407 4300. Our first of two Happy Hours. This is South of Trader Joe's (Gateway Shopping Ctr). off Rt. 202. Meet a great group of social people who like sailing , conversation & great food! Contact: PATTI - [email protected] NVA/DC: Our first of two NVA/DC Happy Hours - 5 pm. 1st Wednesday - April 6th - MYLOS GRILL, (in the bar area) mylosgrill.com Old Dominion Dr, McLean, VA in the McLean/ Chesterbrook shopping center. Free parking, great food! Contact: CHARLOTTE: [email protected] ELLICOTT CITY, MD:1st Thursday - April 7th - 5:30-7:30 pm BARE BONES Grill & Brewery 9150-22 Baltimore Natl. Pike, 410-461-0770 barebonesgrill.com. Corner of St. Johns Lane & Rte 40, Ellicott City, MD 21042 Contact: JILL- [email protected] NVA/DC: - 3rd Friday bar. SUR la PLACE, MacArthur Blvd. (Site surlaplaceindc.com Contact: - April 15th - meet at 5 pm at the Our second Happy Hour - 5105 of the old L'Appetito) Wash. DC. CHARLOTTE: [email protected] ANNAPOLIS, MD: 4th Thursday - April 28th - 5-7 pm and later at Coconut Joe's, 48 South River Rd, Edgewater, MD, 21037. 443-837-6057. [email protected] .From Annapolis, so south on Rte 2. Cross over the South River Bridge in the left lane. The first left turn after the bridge then another left leads you back to the waterfront restaurant. Happy hour food / drinks. Contact: 301-717-2770 [email protected] PLEASE E-MAIL Happy Hour CHANGES TO: [email protected] BEFORE THE 12TH OF THE MONTH. Sailors like great food – Check the website to order yourSOS Galley COOKBOOK 14 Whisker Pole Just E-MAIL your CLASSIFIED AD to [email protected] SUBJECT ► WP CLASSIFIED AD ◄ (otherwise it goes to JUNK file). Please SEND A CANCELLATION (Subject ► CL ADS) when your ad has been fulfilled. Dormant ads— those that have appeared for three months with no word from their “owners”—will be dropped unless you specifically ask that they continue to run. If you would like to reinstate an ad please e-mail Ed. DEADLINE is the 15th BOATS -- CATALINA 25’ 1980. Good condition. Poptop, fixed keel. Sails cleaned and repaired in 2014. New batteries and bottom painted in 2015. 9.9 hp outboard. Docked at White Rocks Marina in Pasadena MD. [email protected] 4-16 AQUILA III, 37'2" CUTTER SLOOP, tall rig. Sleeps six, 50hp Perkins 4-108 diesel. upgraded sails & electronics, 10' Avon dingy /w/ 5hp four stroke Honda. Elec Windlass w/ washdown. A very comfortable live aboard or take offshore. Not a project vessel but sail away ready. All systems have been professionally maintained. Maintenance & boatyard records available. $59K. Call Bernie @ 443-5701333 or [email protected] 3-16 SHARE COSTS / USE BOAT. Boat owner looking for person(s) to share maintenance and dockage costs on a Vega 27 sailboat w/inboard diesel in exchange for use of boat for daysails/weekends. Total shared cost approx. $1200-$1500 per year. If interested please call Bob at 410643-4764. 4-16 BRISTOL 29.9 1981 built by Bristol Yachts of Rhode Island (Herreshoff design). Beam 10'2", Max draft 4’4", 8650 lbs. Fuel Plastic- 16 gallons / Water – Fiberglass. 16HP diesel IB hours - 2407.2 1981 Universal/medalist/atomic - uses 1 Qt fuel /hour. Lead Ballast 3600 lbs. encapsulated keel , rudder fully supported Documented # 643717 up to 2015. Fiberglass Water Tanks - held a total of 75 gallons. Sail are: equipped for cruising - fully battened main with 2 reef pts. - rigged for reefing along boom, Dutchman rigged for easy control Genoa 120% self furling with weather strip, working jib - used very little, storm jib unused, spinnaker cruising style w launching sock - in multiple colors very good condition , Also have spinnaker pole. All sheets and halyards go back to cockpit (spinnaker halyard on port side of mast). Mast is 35ft. aluminum-keel stepped. $19,900 The boat is on Cockey's Creek off the Magothy in Pasadena. Ask for Nancy or Geoff: 410 255 0699 or 410 852 7632. 4-16 BOAT SLIPS -RENTAL ON “C” DOCK, Anchorage Marina; 50 ft deep water slip, $250 a month through April 2016. I have a friend who is very close to selling a 40 ft Co-op slip, Way, I mean April 2016 way- below-market. If you are or may be interested, please let me know. Brian Guptil ... [email protected] 4-16 ANNAPOLIS - just a mile from downtown Annapolis, 35' Boat Slip available on Back Creek. Special rate of $1800 for 8 month lease. Rent includes electricity, water and dock box. Slip can fit boat with 13' beam and 5'5" draft. Please call Sailor Sara with questions 571-723-3196 4-16 SLIP FOR: deep water slip in protected cove off MILL CREEK (SEVERN RIVER). Newly rebuilt, rewired pier. Water and electricity available at pier. Plenty of car parking. Easy access to the Chesapeake Bay. Contact Bev Nash, 410-349-1467 or [email protected] 4-16 BOAT EQUIPMENT & MISC— TWO (2) SLEEPING BAGS (1 mummy) - $20 each; ladies dinghy boots, size 10 - $20; Camelbak back pack - $20; Navigation Parallel Plotter and compass - $10 for both; 4-16 410-897-0148; [email protected] FOUL WEATHER GEAR & SAFETY EQUIP. Highest quality gear, always stored at home. Used by tall women. HENRY LLOYD Blue/white jacket with internal harness & red high-waist pants, Medium (men’s sizing?), like new $150. MUSTO Red/white jacket and high-waist pants, men’s Small, (spring/fall use by First Mate provide a “patina” of sailing experience plus great weather protection) $125. GILL black hightop deck boots, fit women’s size 9 foot, $20. Yellow hightop deck boots, men’s size 9, $20. 4-16 Other Stuff: Double tether with heavy duty carabineers & safety hook. Two harnesses with single tethers. Crew strobe light . CREWSAVER CREWFIT inflatable harness. Red SouWester hat. WEEMS & PLATH navigation tools in classy packet. Plastic sextant. And just for fun – a 50’s vintage set of HENRY LLOYD yellow oilskin slicker/pants, Ladies Large (men’s small). Contact [email protected] for full pricing, info & view/fittings. 4-16 REAL ESTATE KITCHEN & BATHROOMS: Upgrade or Repairs for your Home or Vessel, [email protected] or call Mark Rybas: 610-585-9037. 6-16 DEWEY BEACH VACATION RENTAL - Lynn Winkler has a new house in Dewey Beach, DE on New Orleans Street bayside. Since it is new to her she has weeks available for vacations this summer. Well equipped , all appliances you could want, AC, high speed wifi, cable TV , parking. You provide bedding and towels. She is offering SOS members good discounted prices for a Sun night to Friday evening 2016 weekly rentals. This house has 3 B/R, (2 with queens and 1 with 2 singles) , 2 1/2 baths , screened porch, rear deck, master suite balcony, and outside shower. It is an easy 1 block walk to beach and all downtown Dewey Beach stores and restaurants. Contact Jill Gaumer [email protected], 302 354 0074 for availability.. 8-16 April 2016 Whisker Pole Office Commodore Vice Commodore Treasurer Secretary Name Hope Andruss Laura Gwinn Rita Svec Joan Tannen Janet Gonski Brian Guptil Harry Keith Cathy Laws Jim Randall Committee Bareboat Cruising Brunches Cruising Co-Chairs Database Internet Education First Mate’s Advisory Membership Co-Chairs Newsletter Public Relations Safety Skippers’ Advisory Social Zip Code 17000 to 17999 18000 to 19699 19700 to 19999 20000 to 20099 20010 to 23700 20500 to 20799 20800 to 20874 21031 to 21039 21200 to 21399 21400 to 21599 21600 to 21999 YOUR BOARD OF DIRECTORS Liaison To Committee: Cruising Newsletter Bareboat, Education Safety, Skippers’ Advisory Database, First Mates Brunch, Membership Social, Public Relations YOUR COMMITTEE CHAIRS Name Sandra Rosswork Suzanne Vaughn Meeps Yox & Carole Jordan Teresa Scofield Emil Becker Open Linda Casucci Ellie Kallins Shirley Brooks Hollendursky Ursula Skagen John Parsons Open Bob Lucas (until May) Geographic Area Central PA Philadelphia & Suburbs Delaware Washington, DC Virginia Laurel, Greenbelt Montgomery County Crownsville, Edgewater Baltimore Annapolis Eastern Shore, North East Singles on Sailboats, Inc E-mail Address [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] E-mail Address [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] YOUR AREA CONTACTS Area Contact Bob Morrow Ed Petersohn Chuck Fort Pat Nyhan Linda Casucci Open Debbie Goldberg Ruth Moore Open Ruth Moore Chuck Fort 410-798-4098 15 E-mail Address [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.singlesonsailboats.org Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/268838264195 Singles On Sailboats INCORPORATED P. O. Box 5708 Annapolis, MD 21403 Sailing Season Begins April 10, 23, & 24 – Day Sails April 16-17 – IRS Cruise April 30-May 1 – Shakedown Cruise
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