Academy Player-Folder+Insert


Academy Player-Folder+Insert
The Sheffield United F.C.
Why is Sheffield United F.C.
the right place for you?
• Sheffield United has a strong tradition of developing home grown players
for its first team - it’s part of our culture
• The club provides a clear pathway for players to progress to its first team we are ‘The Academy of Opportunity’
• The Academy is dedicated to the development of ‘genuine’ home-grown players
• The Academy is central to the football club’s business plan
• We are dedicated to developing good people as well as good players
• We are a family and community Academy
Sheffield United Academy
Firshill Crescent
Shirecliffe, Sheffield
S4 7DR
The Sheffield United F.C.
The Academy
learning environment that maximises the potential of
young footballers. Developing adaptable players that excel in the technical,
tactical, physiological and psychological demands of the modern professional game.”
“Providing a
Any football club that can boast more than 30 graduates progressing to its own first team, over the past decade, has
earned the right to be recognised as successful. Not only have we achieved this at Sheffield United but these players were
‘genuine home-grown’ players born within our city and surrounding areas.
It is part of our clubs culture to regularly field a first team that boasts home grown talent. In most recent times this has been
true of the likes of Michael Tonge, Nick Montgomery, Stephen Quinn Harry Maguire and George Long.
Other notable graduates from the Sheffield United programme include Kyle Walker and Phil Jagielka, who have since gone
on to represent England at senior level.
The likes of Matt Lowton (now at Aston Villa) and Kyle Naughton (now at Spurs), along with several others, have since gone
on to establish themselves as Premier League players.
The club is ranked as the 8th best producer of talent in the country in the last 3 years, having
been consistently ranked within the top 20 over the past 12 years.
Whilst we don’t promise our players professional football we do promise a journey that will be challenging and help them to
achieve their full potential both on and off the football pitch. Our core values (right) have been created with the intention
of ensuring the learning environment at Sheffield united helps our players to enjoy the journey.
The Academy of OPPORTUNITY
Dedicated to the DEVELOPMENT of GENUINE HOMEGROWN talent
Genuine Developers of PLAYERS, genuine Developers of PEOPLE
The HEARTBEAT of our football club
The Academy has been the lifeblood for Sheffield United FC for many years. We hope that you have chosen to ENJOY
THE JOURNEY with us. The information contained within this folder will help you to understand how you can be part of
Pre Academy
Programme (U7 & U8)
Players can formally register with a professional Academy in April of their U9 season. Prior to this date
Sheffield United run a comprehensive development programme for talented young players.
The ‘Pre Academy’ programme is aimed at U7 and U8s and has three main aims:
• Introduce players to the fundamental skills that they will be able to take back to their junior clubs
and school teams
• Enable players to become familiar with the facility, staff and surroundings at Sheffield United FC
• Assess players that might join our full Academy programme at a later date
Training Sessions
Players in the Pre Academy programme will work to a weekly curriculum, similar to that of the full Academy programme, that is designed to develop core skills, physical literacy and game sense.
Fixtures Programme
There will be a programme of regular fixtures against local clubs and other Academies to aid player
development. These small sided developmental fixtures (6v6 and 7v7) are designed to increase contact
time on the ball, encourage players to make lots of decisions and express themselves in a competitive
Registering For The Academy
Players with the most potential will be invited to register as an U9 player at the Academy. However, the
main focus at this age is still on enjoyment, developing skills and being part of the Sheffield United family.
George Long - SUFC & England U21s
“Having an involvement with the Academy from a young age
meant I could appreciate what a friendly community club it is…
I fell in love with the club which made it even more special when
I made my first team debut.”
Foundation Phase
Programme (U9-U11)
Sheffield United FC has devised a long term player development plan that offers talented individuals a
clear development pathway to the first team. Our comprehensive curriculum has been designed by
experts in coaching, child development, sports science and teaching. The programme ensures we
deliver the right type and amount of training at the appropriate time, depending on a player’s age,
position, preferred learning style and ability. The emphasis at this young age is on mastering techniques,
developing good physical literacy and making decisions.
Our Curriculum
Players will train up to 3 times a week with fixtures
at the weekends. The sessions will offer enjoyment
but are designed to challenge the players. Our
youngest boys will be given the opportunity to
develop in a variety of positions with the aim of
giving them all round ball mastery.
Players and parents will be given regular
feedback through 6 and 12 weekly reports.
Players will be assessed against our curriculum
to ensure they are making good progress. Action
plans will outline targets for players to work
towards over the review periods.
The curriculum has several strands including
technical, tactical, physical, psychological, social,
life skills and video analysis etc.
Other Sports
Our youngsters are encouraged to take up other
sports. At a young age it is vital that players are
exposed to a broad spectrum of sports in order to
help them develop physical literacy. Involvement
in a variety of sports is crucial for ‘lifelong learning,
a healthy lifestyle and prevention of overuse
Personal Improvement Plans (PIPs)
Players will be provided with regular feedback
from staff that identifies areas for improvement
that are specific to them. The training schedule
will include time-dedicated to specific individual
development, either led by the coach or
sometimes driven by the individual.
Fixtures Programme
Players from U9 to U11 will regularly play against
other professional Academies in the region. The
format for the games will vary from 6v6 to 9v9.
The formats are designed to develop skill, increase
contact time with the ball, develop decisionmaking and encourage creativity. The programme
will help to instil a competitive mentality, but the
emphasis will be largely on a player’s development
ahead of winning at all costs.
Players will have exclusive access to the
Academy website that contains, updates,
features and information about the Academy.
Diego DeGirolamo - SUFC & Italy U18s
“Being allowed to enjoy my football and
express myself in a fun environment at
a young age was great preparation
for my time within the Academy and
helped me progress through to making
my first team debut.”
Youth Development
Phase Programme (U12-U16)
Sheffield United FC has devised a long-term player development plan that offers talented individuals a
clear development pathway to the first team. Our comprehensive curriculum has been designed by
experts in coaching, child development, sports science and teaching. The programme ensures we deliver
the right type and amount of training at the appropriate time, depending on a player’s age, position,
preferred learning style and ability. The emphasis at this young age is on mastering techniques,
developing good physical literacy and making decisions.
Our Curriculum
Players will train a minimum of 4 times a week with
fixtures at the weekends. The sessions will offer
enjoyment but are designed to challenge the
players. Coaches will start to instil a practice
mentality at this age.
As boys reach the older age groups, the emphasis
on tactical development becomes greater.
However, technical development will still underpin
the training programme.
Position-specific master classes are introduced in
this phase as players start to hone their skills to
focus on one or two positions.
Through training sessions, workshops, and video
analysis sessions players will be able to excel with
the demands of the modern professional game.
Day Release Programme
The annual programme is designed in such a way
that the need to impact on player’s education is
significantly reduced compared to other clubs.
Younger players will have opportunities to train in
the day time once every 6 weeks while for older
players this may become more regular. While we
want to increase contact time with our players the
day release programme will also include life skills
sessions and informal education. The day release
programme will be delivered with the support of
schools especially with regards to discipline and
Personal Improvement Plans (PIPs)
Players will be provided with regular feedback
from staff that identifies areas for improvement
that are specific to them. The training schedule
will include time dedicated to specific individual
development either lead by the coach or
sometimes driven by the individual.
Video Analysis
Video analysis sessions will be incorporated in to
the programme to help players identify strengths
and weaknesses as an individual and team.
Fixtures Programme
Players in this phase start to prepare for 11 a side
football, although 12s and 13s may still be
exposed to the benefits of smaller sided games.
Regular games against Academies in the region
will be organised. There will be an increased
emphasis on competition and learning how to
win. However the emphasis is still, firmly on player
development and demonstrating the club’s
preferred playing style in a competitive environment.
Players and parents will be given regular feedback
through 6 and 12 weekly reports. Players will be
assessed against our curriculum to ensure they are
making good progress. Action plans will outline
targets for players to work towards over the review
Players will have exclusive access to the Academy
website that contains, updates, features and
information about the Academy.
Professional Development
Phase (U17 to U21)
Scholarship Programme
On leaving compulsory education the most
talented players are given an opportunity to
embark upon a two year scholarship (also referred
to as an apprenticeship).
Players will represent the Youth Team (U18s) with
the ultimate aim of gaining a professional
contract, ideally, at Sheffield United but those that
fall short will be well prepared to gain a contract
at another club.
The Youth Team programme will mirror many
aspects of the first team squad as the youth team
players work alongside senior players at Shirecliffe.
Players that excel in the Youth Team are quickly
accelerated to the U21 squad where they will
play in order to challenge them further.
Games Programme
The Youth Team will compete in the Professional
Development League (North) on a weekly basis
and also compete in the prestigious FA Youth Cup
Sheffield United can proudly boast a strong track
record of producing first team players. However,
the dropout rate is still huge for players of this age
within the industry. Education, therefore, must still
play a role in a youngster’s life to prepare them
for life away from the football industry.
Scholars will undertake a two-year government
funded scheme that will not only develop football
ability but also ensure academic success.
League Football Education is responsible for
ensuring the Apprenticeship in Sporting Excellence
is delivered to all players. This is made up of
• On the job experience
• BTEC or technical certificate
• Key skills
• Level 2 certificate in football coaching
There is an opportunity for scholars to access
accommodation where they will be looked after
by one of our fully screened and experienced
host families. Our hosts will offer a safe comfortable
environment for our players to rest and relax.
Harry Maguire - SUFC & England U20s
“Sheffield United is a great place to be as a young player... I don’t think you
get the same opportunity at some of the bigger clubs. Reaching the FA
Youth Cup Final against Manchester United will stay with me as a great
memory for the rest of my life. The experience helped accelerate my
development and go on to make the first team.”
Sports Science and
Medical Department
Our sports science department is made up of a multi-discipline team of experts who have designed a
programme to ensure that players are physically and mentally prepared for the demands of the game at
all stages of their development. The programme not only helps to ensure maximum performance but is
designed to develop robust players who stay injury free.
Foundation Phase
Our youngest players will be encouraged to
develop physical literacy eg agility, balance,
co-ordination and speed (ABCs) through warm
up activities and on occasions a multi-sport
Youth Development Phase
Players in the development phase of our
programme will start to focus on pre-habilitation
work, movement patterns, functional strength,
lifting technique preparation, aerobic capacity
and mobility. Players will continue to maintain
The programme is designed to prepare young
athletes for the transition to youth team and senior
Where possible the sports science content will be
integrated into the regular football training
programme and will involve the ball.
Professional Development Phase
Scholars continue their physical development by
adding additional strength and power work to
their weekly schedule.
Workshops will be used to educate players on
areas such as recovery, nutrition and hydration.
All players will undergo height and weight testing
throughout the season in order to identify growth
Players will also undergo extensive screening
process that will assess functional movement,
speed, power and aerobic capacity. Tests results
will be used to monitor physical development and
identify areas for improvement. Every player will
be set individual development targets set against
the academy assessment criteria.
All players will be medically screened on joining
the club and will be given expert support during
their time with us. Staff trained in emergency aid
will attend every Academy game and training
session. Clinics will be held regularly each week for
players who require more extensive rehabilitation.
Our qualified sports psychologists have designed
a programme of practical sessions and workshops
to develop concentration, commitment, control,
communication and concentration – the 5 C’s.
Education and Welfare
The Academy recognises that we have a responsibility to youngsters that extends beyond giving them a
football education. Nationally 85 per cent of boys involved with a professional club at 17 are no longer in
professional football at 21.
Sheffield United is proud to boast a better record than this but still we are mindful that a large number of
our players will have to find a career away from playing football. The Academy provides a fantastic
opportunity but there is no guarantee of professional football. We must, therefore, support our players
academically and socially in order to help them become well rounded individuals, equipped for life away
from the playing football.
Informal Education
Football is a huge industry that offers many career
paths. If boys don’t make it as a player they might
reach the top level of the game as a journalist,
coach, doctor or groundsman etc. The Academy
experience provides a great insight in to the
Life Skills Programme
A programme of workshops will be delivered
throughout the season that gives boys an education in areas that aren’t directly linked to the
industry such as bullying, misuse of drugs and
alcohol and social networking etc.
School Liaisons
A harmonious relationship between player,
parents/guardians and a player’s school is
essential in a player’s development. Our Head of
Education is on hand to visit schools to ensure this
relationship is in place.
Formal Education
Players that embark on a scholarship will
complete a formal education programme to
ensure they have an academic safety net should
they not go on to sign a professional contract.
Parent Education
Parent education workshops are designed to
equip parents with the knowledge to support their
son in his quest to achieve excellence. Parents
will be provided with information on areas such as
nutrition, overuse injuries and recovery.
Players have the right to expect a safe and
supportive learning environment. Our child
protection officer will ensure this is the case.
Exit and Progression
The club is dedicated to offering support to
players that are released from the programme at
any stage. Staff will try to ensure a player reaches
a positive destination either in or out of the
football industry. Players have previously gone on
to become successful teachers, coaches and
sports scientists etc.
Tours and Tournaments
Tours and tournaments are an important element of our development programme.
Where possible every age group will have some involvement with a tour or tournament each season.
In the past teams have competed in competitions not only in England but abroad.
Being part of a touring squad has many benefits for our players.
On the pitch:
• Exposure to different styles of football and opponents
• Exposure to the demands of a tournament (crowds, penalty shoot outs, suspensions,
recovery between games etc.)
• Development of psychological skills – dealing with pressure
• Preparation for life as a professional footballer
Off the pitch:
• Experience of being away from home.
• Experience of new cultures and languages.
• Dealing with the media.
• Social interaction.
• Representing a professional organisation as an appropriate role model.
Callum McFadzean
“Playing in a high profile tournament is great preparation for life as a
professional. It was a great achievement to play in the FA Youth Cup
final in 2011. Although we were narrowly beaten 7 of the squad members
have gone on to play in the first team.”
Academy Recruitment
The Academy is always looking for potential talent that will improve the standard of players within the
The recruitment team and coaching staff will assess players at junior clubs, school teams, representative
sides and community programmes.
Open Trials
Boys will normally be selected to trial having been
assessed by our recruitment team. However, there
will be occasions throughout the season where
players will be given the opportunity to enter
themselves for an open trial.
If you would like to be put on a waiting list for an
open trial, please send a Football CV and a letter
to [email protected]
To be considered for a trial a boy will ordinarily be
playing regularly for a school or junior team and
have had some involvement with a representative
side or another professional club.
Development Centres
The Academy has its own development centres in
the city and surrounding areas. These centres are
used to assess potential trialists but also to prepare
players for a trial with the Academy at a later
date. The curriculum will mirror the Academy
programme and there will be games throughout
the season. The programme is designed to
complement the training players will be doing
with their school or junior team.
Pre Trial Sessions
Players that are excelling at the Development
Centres will be invited to attend the Academy for
one off training sessions and fixtures to give them
a taste of the Academy experience in order to
make the transition to the full Academy
programme smooth.
Trial Windows
The Academy runs regular trial windows throughout the season. Players of all ages will be invited to
join the full Academy programme for a period of 6
weeks where they will be assessed by staff, but
more importantly, will be exposed to a training
schedule that will develop and improve their skills.
At the end of the trial players will be given
detailed feedback on how they are progressing.
A small number of players might be asked to
register with the Academy.
Fast Track
Boys of exceptional talent will be fast-tracked
directly to a trial period and may be offered the
opportunity to sign for the Academy after just a
few sessions.
Catchment for 8 to 11s
One hour from the Academy
Catchment for 12 to 16s
One and a half hours from the Academy
Catchment for post 16s
No restrictions
Home of the first team and Academy, the Redtooth Academy’s impressive facility provides a fantastic
environment for young players to develop.
Sheffield United Redtooth Academy, Firshill Crescent, Shirecliffe, S4 7DR.
Facilities Include:
• 4 grass pitches
• GK training area
• Grass training area
• Full size astroturf
• Indoor training centre
• Medical room
• Sports science room
• Gymnasium
• Parent room/canteen
• Viewing gallery
• 8 changing rooms
• Video analysis suite
• Classrooms
• Team meeting room
Sheffield United F.C.
Community Foundation
Inspiring Your Future Through Sport
The Sheffield United Community Foundation is a charity working in the areas of sport participation,
education, health and social inclusion. Its key aim is to build links between the football club and the
community using the appeal of football and sport in general. Sport is a highly motivational tool and
can encourage, motivate and inspire individuals regardless of background to achieve their potential.
The Foundation run a series of activities ranging from curriculum PE sessions, after school clubs, holiday
courses, and inclusion projects.
The Academy works closely with the Community Foundation to share best practice methods in
coaching and working with young people. The two organisations will also work closely together to
identify the best talent across the city and provide appropriate opportunities.
Our team have a range of skills, experience and backgrounds and are totally committed to making
Sheffield United a true family and community club.
Our Vision:
A more active, healthy, educated, respectful and integrated society in Sheffield
Our mission:
To provide appropriate and high quality interventions that supports people’s ability to make informed
choices about their future and has a positive impact on all those who interact with the Community
The Sheffield United Community Foundation engage with people regardless of age, ability, race,
religion, gender, sexual orientation or disability.
Roll of
The list below includes every player that has progressed
from our famous youth system in to the first team in the
past 15 years.
Jordan Chapell
Callum McFazdean
Colin Cryan
Kyle McFazdean
Diego DeGirolamo
Nick Montgomery
Jonathan Forte
Kyle Naughton
Matt Harriott
Stephen Quinn
Evan Horwood
Jordan Robertson
Kevan Hurst
Phil Roe
Joe Ironside
Ian Ross
Phil Jagielka
Billy Sharp
Kingsley James
Jordan Slew
Terry Kennedy
Aymen Tahar
Nicky Law
Tyrone Thompson
George Long
Michael Tonge
Matthew Lowton
Kyle Walker
Harry Maguire
Mark Ward
Collin Marrison
Elliott Whitehouse
Who’s next?