November 2003 - St. John`s Lutheran Church Dover
November 2003 - St. John`s Lutheran Church Dover
Monthly Newsletter November 2003 WHEAT RIDGE CHRISTMAS SEALS In this mailing you received your Wheat Ridge Christmas Seals. Inside this issue: Fall Fest 2 Letter from Elders 3 ELC News 6 Home Visits 9 School & Family Life 10 Calendar 12 Sunday School 14 Meet a Member 15 Social Concerns 17 Bulletin Board 18 Recipients and Custodians 20 From Wesley UMC 21 Church Directory 22 PLEASE MAKE YOUR CHECK PAYABLE TO “WHEAT RIDGE” AND MAIL IT DIRECTLY TO THEM. ATTENTION ALL YOUTH AGES 10 AND OLDER! Youth Groups will be on the first and third Fridays of the month. We will begin by meeting 5:30 in the Church Basement. Come hungry and ready to share in some fun as we find new ways to study God’s word and apply that Word in our lives today! ( we will feed you real food too) All adults interested in helping are encouraged to join us at any time. We will need your help!! We hope to get two groups going– Confirmation and Junior / Senior High Plan on staying right on through Prayer and Praise! If anyone is in need of a ride please call Sharon and Don Petersen @ 674-3738 (leave a message) Page 2 Saturday, November 8th Dinner at 6pm Please come for an evening of delicious food, fun games and great fellowship! Cameras will be available to have your new directory pictures taken. From the Chairman, of the Elders Page 3 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday I invite all of you to include thanks to God for the work He is doing at St John’s and for the opportunity we have to join Him in that work. I cannot emphasize enough how awesome it is to see God’s love radiate from the staff and children involved in our daycare and school. At the same time I see other areas of ministry gaining momentum at St. John’s. Our social ministry staff has been actively working and praying to help needy members both within our congregation and our local community. Many of you have already filled out the Spiritual Gifts’ Surveys that are available in the back of the Church. We thank Will Bartz for the fine presentation on Spiritual gifts the Sunday Pastor Art was away. In the next few weeks Will is spearheading a drive to recruit members to join areas of ministry @ St Johns where their spiritual gifts might best be utilized for the glory of God. Please be in prayer during these next few weeks about where you might best be able to serve God. If you have not yet taken the spiritual gifts survey please do so, it can be quite interesting, and may surprise you. At the October 5 congregational meeting it was decided to pursue a new capital campaign, with the assistance of the Lutheran Church Extension Fund. The current campaign is due to end the beginning of December. Yes, it has been three years already since we embarked on this adventure with God. The general thrust of the new campaign would be more directed at providing financial support for all of the areas of ministry for St John’s. The committee to be formed for the campaign, with the assistance of the LCEF advisor, will finalize the full range and specifics of the campaign goals. The new campaign will take several months to come to fruition. I can’t speak for everyone, so I will only speak for myself in saying that Karen and I have become accustomed to contributing to both the churches current expenses and the capital campaign. Over these last three years our budget has been adjusted to include both. While we could definitely find some uses for that extra money, we also now know that we can survive without it. God is meeting our needs. As St John’s ends one campaign and awaits the startup of a new campaign there will be a huge void in financial resources if we all stop contributing. We are currently paying $3,600.00 per month of the church mortgage payments from monies donated through the capital campaign. If that revenue source dries up we will be hard pressed to continue this ministry. Karen and I have committed to continuing our current capital campaign contribution toward these new goals and I would ask each of you to prayerfully consider continuing your capital campaign contributions toward a fund, which would be used to offset the mortgage cost of the property at Walker Road and support our additional ministries at St John’s during this interim period. When the new campaign is rolled out we will once again be asked to review in prayer and with God’s help how we can support all of our ministries. I thank you for your most gracious consideration of this request. Page 4 From the Chairman, of the Elders, cont. We have found the Lutheran Church Extension Fund to be extremely cooperative to us in the area of loan origination and adjustments. They recently allowed us to adjust our monthly payment to take advantage of the lower interest rates now available, thereby improving our cash flow. All this was accomplished at no cost. As we gave thanks for what they were able to do for us in the area of loans we also realized that we had very little investments in the LCEF. The LCEF mission is “to provide opportunity to make funds and services available in support of the Great Commission through the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod.” They accomplish this by utilizing investment funds from LCMS members to provide LCMS churches, schools, and other ministries with the funds necessary to establish and/or grow their missions. We thought that as we capitalized on the benefits the LCEF offered us in capital resources we should give thought to moving our resources from secular investments to an area where they could have a greater impact on God’s kingdom. On exploring their offerings we learned that not only could we support other LCMS congregations by moving our capital investments to LCEF, but also we could earn 2.25% interest on our money instead of the .54% we were earning in a similar secular account. God once again blesses us for being obedient and mindful of his leading. As I reviewed this information I realized that the LCEF Steward Account is available to all LCMS members, individuals as well as congregations. It occurred to me that many of us may currently have money sitting in low paying savings accounts that would better serve both us and God were it earning 2.25% or more in an LCEF steward account. As an added bonus, if our aggregate congregational investment in the LCEF steward Account program equals our indebtedness to LCEF we can receive a rebate on a portion of our loan interest. These accounts are very liquid and offer such tools as debit cards, check writing, and electronic transfers. Information on the accounts can be found in the back of the church. We are still doing some fine-tuning to our budget and financial statements to improve their readability and understandability, but the most recent draft I have seen clearly demonstrate the work that Ken Richter and others have put in to this project. Thank you for the investment of time in reading this letter, and I hope we are succeeding in some small way in improving the overall communications within our church body. “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the lord will do amazing things among you!” Joshua 3:5 Rick Murphy Chairman, of the Elders Page 5 Dear Friends in Christ, I want to thank everyone who filled out and returned the Spiritual Gifts survey and if you have not completed your survey, please fill it out and return it to Pastor Art as soon as possible. I'm sure several of you were surprised at the results, but make sure that you discuss your results with other Christians that know you. Please don't just rely on just the survey, but try to get several opinions to get a more accurate finding. Now that you are aware of your Spiritual Gift, its now time to put it into action. For the next several Sundays we will have a Ministry sign up sheet at the entrance to the church. We have many ministries at St. Johns that need help or assistance. Several ministries are: Youth & Adult education, Finance Ministry, Evangelism, Stewardship ministry, Music Ministry which includes Choir, Bells and Praise Band, Multi-media ministry which includes video and audio and printed material. These are just a few , so please take some time to look these over on Sunday morning. If you can't sign up on Sunday, don't worry, we will have someone call you in several weeks. There are many new and exiting things that are happening at St. Johns, and I would like for everyone to share the Joy of doing Gods work. Will Page 6 Early Learning Center We now have 120 children with room for one more afternoon, four-year-old, two more full-time threes and one more part-time three-year-old. Two children just enrolled this past week. Thank God that He keeps sending us additional children even after the school year has started. We have many children on our toddler waiting list. Perhaps next year we should consider having two classrooms for two-year-olds. Two weeks ago a little, three-year-old Chinese girl started with us who speaks no English. It has been a difficult adjustment for her, but she's making progress. Pray that she will quickly learn to feel comfortable and loved even though she doesn't speak our language. November Activities: In November we focus on being grateful for God's bountiful providence. During this time of fall harvest we plan activities around nutrition, harmony between cultures the settlement of America and sharing our blessings. Each week this month the children bring canned foods and staples to chapel, which will be shared with a school family and the local food pantry at Holy Cross. If you know of someone who has a special need, please let us know. One of our families is a set of grandparents who are raising their five grandchildren. The youngest two are a set of two-year-old twins. The grandparents have recently experienced serious health problems. It is likely that the grandfather will no longer be able to work. They are in need of food and clothes. We sent a note to one of our 4-year-old classes and lavish support was immediate! God truly moves in the hearts of His people! It is heart-warming to work with and for people who are so generous! All of our classes will again be participating in Operation Christmas Child. They will be bringing in small gifts which children need and sending them in shoe boxes to the world's most remote regions. Included in each box will be a Gospel story book and a St. John's T-shirt. School Closings: All schools closed for November 27 & 28 for Thanksgiving Walker Rd is closed November 5,6,7 for teacher’s conference( Walker only) and November 10 for Parent Conferences (Walker only) The Mast November 2003 Page 7 Early Learning Center cont. Thanksgiving Feasts: Each class will have a Thanksgiving Feast the week before Thanksgiving. The school will provide the turkey, gravy and apple juice and each class will make one entree. Parents bring in the side dishes. If anyone is able to get an extra free turkey or a turkey at a reduced price, which you won't need, please consider donating it to the children! We need at least 5 turkeys. We also need a few volunteers on Monday and Tuesday morning of that week to help with the food warm up, serving and clean up. Also if anyone would be willing to bake a turkey the day before a feast and carve it for us, that would really be a big help! Call Dottie if you can help in any way. Fund-raisers-Fund-raisers! Why so many Fund-raisers? It might be helpful to look at it this way. When you go to a department store to purchase one item, there are many other options available in other departments in which you may have no interest at the present time, but the shopper next to you does. Especially as the Christmas season approaches we know most people purchase seasonal items, ie. Christmas cards, candles and assorted gifts, wreaths, fruit baskets, etc. We would like to provide an assortment of opportunities for people to be able to meet their varied needs and also support the mission of our schools. People eat cookies and pizza all year long! We had fabulous support for our Scholarship Fund-raiser. We made a profit of $ 2,700.00! One member of our church family called the day after the pizzas went home just to tell us that the Cheezy bread and molasses cookies were delicious! On behalf of the children who would otherwise not be able to attend St. John's, we thank you for your support and for your words of encouragement! We have promised $7000.00 worth of scholarship support for this year, so God expects us to work hard to raise money and so we do! A special word of thanks to Nancy Hazzard who organized this fund-raiser as well as the Christmas Card orders! She worked very hard and did an excellent job. Thanks also to the We do raise tuitions every year, but there is a fine line we must walk so that parents can still afford to send their children. It's important that we have full classrooms! The financial challenge of our schools will always be great; however it should ease up a bit when we are able to fill up our elementary school classrooms. We're only into our third year of elementary grades and we're still building our reputation and becoming known in the community for a school that's truly Christ-centered. The real purpose for all of this is to get the Gospel into the hearts and lives of the children and the families we serve in our school community! That puts everything we do on a higher plain. It consecrates even the oranges we buy for His Service. It's important that we remember that whatever we do, "we do unto the Lord!" Page 8 Early Learning Center cont. LEMEL CAKE CANDLES-see insert for samples- If you would like to purchase candles, you may pick up a white order sheet from the table in back of the church or you can pick one up from one of the school offices. You total your order on the white sheet and turn it in with a check made out to St. John's Lutheran School, no later than Sunday, November 23. The candles as well as the glass holders are $14.00 each. You can receive one free candle for every 20 that you sell, in case you want to sell them at work. Colored flyers will be in the bulletins on Nov. 16 and 23. EVERGREEN WREATHS, GARLANDS, AND HOLIDAY SWAGS-all orders must be turned in to the school offices no later than Tuesday, November 4, so we have them for you the first week of December. There are more order blanks and flyers in back of the church or you can pick some up from the school offices. The Mast November 2003 Page 9 Support for our Schools. FLORIDA ORANGES AND GRAPEFRUIT-sale will begin on November 10 and orders will need to be turned in by Tues., Nov. 25! ENTERTAINMENT BOOKS-we still have 3 books available. RECYCLING INK JET AND LASER JET CARTRIDGES-put your old cartridges in the box a new cartridge comes in or in a zip lock bag and put them in the box in back of the church or bring them to one of the school offices. IF YOU SHOP AT FOOD LION-go to and sign up under St. John's Lutheran Early Learning Center or call 1-800-210-9569. THANKS FOR YOUR CONTINUAL SUPPORT! Visitation Planning Meeting We’d like to develop a plan for visitations within our church family and in our extended school family. If you have any interest or insight in this area, please call Dottie Kringel at 734-1211 and join us for pizza in the church basement on Sunday, November 23 at 6;00. We’ve already developed a plan for visiting school families who are looking for a church or are unchurched. We’d also like to visit Sunday morning visitors on a regular basis as well as people within our church family who haven’t worshiped with us for a long time but might appreciate a visit. Page 10 What’s Happening?! From the Office of the Principal & Director of Family Life Ministry November 2003 “O give thanks to the Lord for He is good…” November already!?!?!?! WOW. November is the month for so many things… clearer skies, crisp air, fall colors, pumpkins and gourds, Veterans’ Day, All Saints Day, pilgrims, apple pie, pumpkin pie, Thanksgiving… at St. John’s we are finding ourselves with so many reasons to give thanks to God. He has truly been good to us. Besides all the every day, ordinary things like waking us up each day and enabling us to breathe in and out all day and allowing our heart to beat, He has also blessed us with a terrific start to the school year, a vision and a mission, and an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of many people. He has called us together as a church and school community to praise His name and proclaim His truth. He has been a light to our darkness and has called us – you and me – to carry that light into the world. And we are thankful!!! As I work each day with the little ones that He’s brought us and with the staff that He’s provided, I am astounded by the potential that I see. We have a unique opportunity here in Dover to provide a place of learning and growth for God’s people – all done in the context of how much He loves us! Amazing! “O give thanks to the Lord for He is Good – and His mercy endures FOREVER!” ☺ Now for all the latest… 1. The week of Oct. 6 – 10 was Fire Prevention week – this brought some excitement to Walker Road. Smokey the Bear visited the 1st grade, the Fire Truck came for the whole school, and we had a fire drill! Whew! Anyone in the building can easily tell you at least two things that they learned: “Don’t play with matches!” and “Stop! Drop! & Roll!” 2. The whole school took a field trip on Friday, Oct. 3, to the Wicked R Western Production Ranch. It was really a blast! Everyone had a terrific time learning about life on a ranch, all about the animals, and how to win at TUG of War. It was a wonderful experience. From the Office of the Principal & Director of Family Life Ministry, cont. Page 11 3. Enrollment Update: Pre K: 21 K: 17 1: 10 2: 6 3: 6 Total: 60 We actually just accepted a new student who will be starting in Kindergarten on Monday, Oct. 13. You’ll notice that the count will stay the same… because I miscounted Kindergarteners on the last report… sorry! 4. I attended my second session with the Leadership of Central Delaware class on Thursday, October 9th. It was a very interesting, informative, and exciting day! We left the Chamber office at 7:15 am aboard a tour bus and didn’t return until 5 pm. Our day was filled with visits to place all over Kent County. Our trip included Smyrna (Kent County’s oldest town), Bombay Hook, The John Dickinson Plantation, the Air Force Museum, the Waste Water Management plant, Barrett’s Chapel, Mr. Yoder’s furniture shop in Amish country, and the Green in downtown Dover. We saw a lot and learned a lot… I hope I remember at least some of it! The tour was guided by a historian who works for the Delaware State Museum system and by Tom Worley, head of Comcast. There’s definitely a lot of history here in Central Delaware! Our next meeting is the third Thursday of November and the topic will be “Government & Politics.” 5. The Walker Road Staff was involved in an In Service day on Friday, October 17th. We hosted some very interesting and informative speakers. Martha Brooks from the Delaware Dept. of Ed. was supposed to be with us to start our day. She, however, had to cancel but sent another representative of the DOE to be with us early in the morning to discuss the kinds of special services that are available to our students through the state even though they don’t attend public school (testings, therapy, paraprofessional helpers, etc.). Dorothy Carey of the Chamber of Commerce talked about the benefits of being the employees of a chamber member and about how our membership will assist us in partnering with the community. Alice Moore (principal of Bethlehem School in Balto. and one of the District’s experts on Accreditation) came and spoke about why accreditation is a valuable process and what is involved in becoming an accredited school. It was an informative and very worthwhile day of training for all of us. 6. Our teachers will be attending the East Coast Lutheran Educators’ Conference in Hershey, PA, on November 5, 6, & 7. There will be other educators from Lutheran Schools all up and down the East coast at this conference and many wonderful workshops, speakers, and worship opportunities. We are looking forward to a great time! 7. I led a retreat for the women of Concordia Lutheran Church, Wilmington, on the weekend of Oct. 10th. About 35 women attended the event and had a terrific time of growth and fun! The retreat was held at Drayton Manor in Worton, Maryland. The topic was “Grace Alone.” 8. I will be leading the music for an LWML retreat this weekend in Natural Bridge, VA. Carol Stano is the retreat leader for this event and we will be working together. 9. Prayer Requests: thanks for all of our blessings, continued prayers for the safety of our teachers who travel a long way every day, prayers that we will continue to find ways to impact the Dover community with the Gospel of Jesus, prayers for one of our Pre K students whose Daddy has been deployed to Afghanistan for 4 months, prayers for one of our Kindergarteners whose parents are going through a difficult time, thanks for being called together to be part of this incredible mission called “school.” EACH SUNDAY 8:00 a.m.—Worship Service 9:15 a.m.— Early Service Choir 9:15-10:15 a.m.— Sunday School 10:30 a.m.—Worship Service Sun Mon November 2003 Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Every Wed. Evening 7—9 2 Small Group Hartz 3 Small Group Goriup 9 10 4 Bells 5:30 & 6:15 Late Service Choir 7:30 11 Bells 5:30 & 6:15 Late Service Choir 7:30 16 Small Group Hartz 17 Small Group Goriup School Board Meeting 7:00 23 Early Learning Center Children Sing @ 10:30 Visitation Committee 6:00 pm and pizza 30 24 18 Bells 5:30 & 6:15 Late Service Choir 7:30 Early Learning Center Staff Meeting 7:00 25 Bells 5:30 & 6:15 Late Service Choir 7:30 Page 12 5 Small Group Murphy Women’s Group 4—5 12 Small Group Murphy Women’s Group 4—5 19 Small Group Murphy Women’s Group 4—5 26 Women’s Group 4—5 6 Mid-Week School 5:30 in the fellowship hall 13 Social Concerns 7 8 14 15 21 22 28 29 Youth Gathering 5:30—7:00 (basement) Prayer & Praise 7:00 3:30/basement Mid-Week School 5:30 in the fellowship hall 20 Mid-Week School 5:30 in the fellowship hall 27 Youth Gathering 5:30—7:00 (basement) Prayer & Praise 7:00 DAY 21st SUNDAY after Pentecost 22nd SUNDAY after Pentecost 23rd SUNDAY after Pentecost 24th SUNDAY after Pentecost 25th Sunday After Pentecost DATE Nov. 2 Nov. 9 Nov. 16 Nov. 23 Nov. 30 FIRST LESSON Amos 5:6-7,10-15 Isaiah 53:10-12 Jeremiah 31:7-9 Deuteronomy 6:1-9 1 Kings 17:8-16 SECOND LESSON Hebrews 3:1-6 Hebrews 4:9-16 Hebrews 5:1-10 Hebrews 7:23-28 Hebrews 9:24-28 GOSPEL Mark 10:17-27 (28-30) Mark 10:35-45 Mark 10:46-52 Mark 12:28-34 (35-37) Mark 12:41-44 EARLY USHERS Chris Moore Mervin Richard Lois Driftmyer Richard Driftmyer Linda Barlow Richard Barlow Charles Hadley Ray Richter LATE USHERS Donn Paulin Betty Paulin Don Petersen Sharon Petersen Emil Tetzner Shaun Tetzner Eric Stephens Rob Hannum Donn Paulin Betty Paulin Don Petersen Sharon Petersen ACOLYTES Early service Rebekah Gossman Samantha Weiss Rebekah Gossman Samantha Weiss Rebekah Gossman ACOLYTES Late service Daniel Bartz Cody or Morgan Brown Kayleigh Stephens Chelsea Stephens Samantha Mild Andrew Mild Laura Phillips Deanne Bray Kayleigh Stephens Chelsea Stephens R. Hazzard * Joyce Gossman * D. Paulin B. Paulin R. Hazzard * Jn. Gossman * J. Hartz D. Vendetti J. McKee* R. Goriup* K. Richter R. Welch LECTORS COMMUNON Jn. Gossman * ASSISTANTS J. McKee * S. Petersen D. Petersen Children’s Sermon Date Early Service Late Service Nov. 2 Tim Krone same Nov. 9 Will Bartz same Nov. 16 Raymond Richter Dee Dee Brown Nov. 23 Joyce Gossman Jerri Lynn Patriquin Nov. 30 Dina Vendetti Dina Vendetti Page 14 Sunday School News! Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, We are soon going to begin our third month of Sunday School. Approximately 40 children have enrolled for Sunday School. I know the kids are out there, however we are only seeing about 10—15 children each week. I don’t know what causes so many to miss. I would like you all to know that I am praying that we become passionate about the Christian education of our youth. I would like to thank all the people that have agreed to teach and have been faithful in their commitments to be here every week. Total Family Sunday School will be November 23 at 9:15. This is a time for both adults and youth to come together for fun and fellowship- to share in the word of our Lord. If you have never tried this we strongly suggest you don’t miss this one! Dina will be leading this special morning! From November 30—December 21 the children will prepare for a special Christmas Pageant. All those interested in possible parts in the presentation should plan on attending Sunday School during these weeks. Joyce Gossman has graciously agreed to be our pageant leader. Many of our children worked with her with the Ultimate Gift! Joyce also leads St. John’s mid-week school program every Thursday night at 5:30. • Costumes will probably be needed for what ever is selected as our Christmas program. If you like to sew and would like to share that gift– please contact Joyce Gossman. In Service to Christ, Sharon Petersen I've noticed on many occasions that lights are being left on in all the buildings. Lights are on in rooms in the Church, and the other two buildings when no one is even there. Utility costs are "Very high" In the interest of saving the Church and School (Us) money; Please do just one simple thing : Turn off all lights when you are done, or if no one is using that area. Many of these light fixtures use 300 watt bulbs, so multiply that by all the lights in the Sanctuary, rows of florescent lights( each fixture has 4 bulbs! ) and you'll see the savings will be "Very" significant.. Thanks for helping, Barry (the maintenance guy) P Pa ag ge e 1 15 5 Meet A Member Page Meet Amanda and Rob Hawkins Bobby and Becca What a wonderful family! Amanda and Rob were both born and raised in the Dover area. They graduated from Lake Forest High School and continue to live in the Lake Forest District in a lovely cape cod home on 3 acres near Felton. They have been blessed with two wonderful children, Bobby age 5 and Becca age 3. Bobby attends the Saint John’s Kindergarten. Rob loves the outdoors and nature. He especially likes hunting white tail deer on the 800-acre tree farm near Delmar, which he owns and manages with his father and brother. It is called the Kettle Creek Club and is know for its BIG deer. In his spare time Rob sells John Deer farm equipment. You should see his garage, it is full of brand new John Deer tractors and mowers and on the wall you will see displayed many trophy bucks. Amanda is not into hunting. She graduated from Wesley College with a degree in Management and from Del Tech with a degree in Accounting. Presently Amanda has chosen to take a break in her career to be at home with her children. She loves to cook and putter around the house. Currently she is redoing the computer room. This means stripping off the wallpaper, painting, etc. Her little helper is her daughter Becca. Amanda’s love of cooking includes preparing meals on “special occasions” for their extended family. Like Thanksgiving in July! These meals are usually topped off with some of her famous desserts. She also mows those three acres of grass with, guess what? A big shiny new “green machine”. The Hawkins family attended the Life with God Class in 2002 and 03 and joined St John’s in the spring of 2003. They joined Saint John’s because of our friendly congregation and the fact that we have a school. Amanda is a ringer in the bell choir and Rob is a member of the late service choir. Since both groups practice on Tuesday evenings they have devised what they call the “Tuesday night swap”. (You can ask them how they do this). Rob also mows the grass on our church grounds. We thank God for sending the Hawkins family to us. We ask that by the grace of God his Holy Spirit will work through our church family to provide for the enrichment of their lives. Page 16 The Mast November Page 17 Social Concerns... The Social Concerns Group met on Tuesday, October 21. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss future outreach projects both within and outside the congregation. Plans are being made for our Holiday giving, food drive, and much, much more. In light of all this we have discovered that if just a few women could do such great work for the Lord imagine what could happen if we expanded our numbers! So we are looking for anyone who would like to help bless those that are less fortunate than themselves. Our next meeting will be on Thursday, November 13 at 3:30 p.m. in the church basement. Please plan on joining us. If you have any question or know of a social concern– please call Nancy Hazzard or Marcy Catalino. ( Call the church office for phone #’s 734-7078) 2nd Annual Food Drive!! Social Concerns will be leading a food drive beginning the first week of November and ending Wednesday before Thanksgiving. Canned goods and non-perishable items may be put in the box in the narthex of the church. Items collected will benefit either a needy church family and/or a local food pantry. Page 18 The Mast November SMALL GROUPS If you would like more information and are interested in joining a small group please call Dick Goriup at 674-0145. Acolytes and Ushers If you are interested in serving in either capacity please contact Betty or Donn Paulin 678-2340 You have the right number if you hear “Home Handy Man” SOCIAL CONCERNS MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13 3:30 Sunday School Adult and Youth classes 9:15 in the fellowship hall. Walk to Emmaus Gathering every second Friday of the month at Asbury United Methodist Church in Smyrna. 7:30 p.m. For directions call Sharon or Don Petersen Youth Gathering 1st and 3rd Friday’s Beginning this month. November 7 and 21. 1 small ( less than half will do ) pickup truck size load of clean topsoil to repair holes and low spots on the Church/School property....If someone could drop it off in the corner of the parking lot; I will see it gets to where it is needed. The Mast November 2003 Page 19 Page 20 Recipients and Custodians There is not a thing that we can give to God that He has not first given to us. We only are recipients and custodians, but the Father seem s to wart us to manifest how much we trust Him and how truly grateful we are for His blessings. Having received from His timid freely and bountifully, 'how will we give? The, cup He presents us is always running over. He does not give just a calf; it is the fatted calf. The robe He puts on us is the best robe. The joy is unspeakable and full of glory; the peace is that which passeth understanding: the love passeth knowledge; His grace superabounds. Now all the Father wants from us is a heart overflows in gratitude and does for others as it has received itself. Someone has well said: "Giving is not just a way of raising money; it is a way of raising men. The late R C. LeTourneau wrote: “I kept saying to myself, Next year I will have a lot of money for the Lord. I will be true to Him later.' I did not know that NOW is the Lord's time. So the question is not, ‘How much of my money do I give to God' but 'How much of His money do I keep for myself?’” “It’s not what I'd do with a million. If riches e’er fell to my lot, But it's what I will do at the present With the ten dollar bill that I’ve got.” "Now, you will find that generous people are happy people, and get more enjoyment out of what they have than miserly folks. Misers never rest till they are dead: they often get so wretched that they would hang themselves only grudge the expense of a rope. Generous souls are happy by the happiness of others. The money they give to the poor buys them more pleasure than any other that they spend. When Charles I. Spurgeon wrote, he used the pen name of John Ploughman. I want to conclude this study with a shortened version of his work entitled, Scatter and Increase which emphasized this truth vividly. "People will not believe it, and yet it is true as the gospel, that giving leads to thriving. John Bunyan said, There was a man, and some did count him mad, The more he gave away, the more he had. He had an old saying to back him, one which is as old as the hills, as good as gold— Give and spend And God will send The Mast November 2003 Page 21 Wesley United Methodist Church 209 South State Street Dove, Delaware 19901 September 15, 2003 Dear Christian colleagues and co-workers: I am writing this letter now that fall is here. Soon, the temperatures will be falling and autumn will turn into the winter of 2004. I would like for you and your congregation to join me and Wesley United Methodist Church in being "proactive" as we anticipate the need for emergency shelter in the Greater Dover area this coming winter season. Let me express appreciation to those of you who contributed financially and/or “physically" (helped to assist at the shelter) during this past winter. The shelter was open 53 nights and many different volunteers assisted Preston, our paid supervisor, during the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. I paid the Salvation Army $5,991.76 from the donations received from both individuals and congregations who responded to this ministry. As we approach this coming winter, I have a balance of $ 768.24. We need to begin to contribute to the fund to be prepared for this winter's program. Please pray about your contributions and your participation in this Local ministry. I am committed to helping to coordinate this joint ministry with The Salvation Army. Remember to seek funds now for this Emergency Shelter Project in your 2004 church budgets, as well as solicit contributions through your bulletin announcements and newsletters. Housing persons in this way during the winter is good stewardship of the limited financial resources that most of our congregations have for this type of ministry— $100 a night can shelter and feed 5, 10, 20 persons in the Salvation Army gym. (Motel rates would be $39 a night for each person.) Remember that each right that the shelter is open we need 'human" resources to assist Preston, our paid supervisor. If you have any questions about this ministry, call Jack Willis (736-7724) or me (676-9626). We began this cooperative ministry with the Salvation Army on December St 1997. Persons in need have been housed and fed during the coldest winter nights because of your faithfulness (See enclosed statistics). Last year's weather necessitated opening the shelter on December 3, 2002 and the last night of our winter 2003 season was March 14, 2003. Let us hear from you row rather than in the midst of the winter. Remember to bake your cheeks payable to Wesley UMC Special Fund and note on the check Homeless MinistryWinter 2004. I hope to hear from you soon. William M Fitzhugh, Pastor Page 22 From the Desk of Donn Paulin 840 Wilson Drive Dover, DE 19904 678-2340 The Mast November 2003 I am currently working on a new church phone directory that will have the ability to be updated as the need arises. This directory will be in a 5 ½ by 8 ½ 3 ring binder that can have pages added or removed as needed. Each family will have one page with a photo and all the information as shown on the sample. Your picture can be a new one that you have at home, the same one that is now in the directory, or we can take a new picture for you and your family. Other members of St. Johns are helping me with this project (especially those with digital cameras). If you would like to be in this directory, please fill out the sample form with all the information you wish to share and return it to me. You can e-mail it to me at [email protected], or mail it to me at my current address, or leave it in the narthex at church with a note addressed to me. If you would rather call me, that would be fine also. In Christ Donn Paulin Donn & Betty Paulin 840 Wilson Drive Dover, DE 19904 302-678-2340 E-Mail [email protected] Lorie Paulin 123 Some Street Your Town , DE 19999 123-456-7890 Nancy Paulin 456 Home Run Atown, DE 18888 456-789-1230 Anniversary: Donn & Betty – Octomber 41, 1873 Birthdays: Donn – Danuary 30 Betty – Sanuary 11 Lorie – Artuary 41 Nancy – Nay 14 Notes: The Mast November 2003 Page 23 Name: Address: Your photo will go here Phone #: E-Mail: Children's Name: Address if different from above: Phone # if different from above: E-Mail if different from above: Anniversary: Names - Month / Day / Year Birthdays: Name – Month & day Notes: THE MAST St. John’s Lutheran Church The ship is the symbol of St. John’s Lutheran Church. The symbol of the ship with a cross on the sail represents the church. The word “nave” is derived from the Latin word meaning ship. As all in the ark of Noah were saved from the flood, so the ship of the church carries men to salvation in Christ (1 Peter 3: 18-21). The eagle on the bow of the ship is symbolic of St. John the Evangelist St. John’s Lutheran Church 113 Lotus St. Dover DE 19902 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED We’re on the web Arthur D. Kringel, Pastor Office Phone: (302) 734-7078 Parsonage Phone: (302) 736-0744 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID DOVER, DELAWARE PERMIT NO. 150