TYRO PLUS Spartan3 (EDK) Kit
TYRO PLUS Spartan3 (EDK) Kit
CPLD/FPGA BOARDS TYRO PLUS Spartan3 (EDK) Kit Join the Technical Community Today! http://www.pantechsolutions.net Contents 1. Introduction ............................................................................ 4 Xilinx Spartan3 FPGA: ................................................................... 4 External Peripherals Modules ........................................................ 5 Communication protocols ............................................................. 5 Other Features: ............................................................................ 5 Technical or Customer Support ...................................................... 6 2. Learning Xilinx FPGA and ISE Development Software Basics ...... 6 Components placement .............................................................. 7 Block Diagram ........................................................................... 8 Power Distribution .................................................................... 9 AC Wall Adapter .......................................................................... 9 Voltage Regulators ...................................................................... 9 On-board Peripherals ................................................................ 10 Seven Segment Display .............................................................. 11 Hardware Settings ..................................................................... 13 Digital Inputs Toggle Switch ....................................................... 14 Light Emitting Diodes ................................................................. 15 2x16 Graphical LCD .................................................................... 17 4 Push Buttons .......................................................................... 19 Example Code ............................................................................ 20 Join the Technical Community Today! http://www.pantechsolutions.net RS-232 Serial Port ...................................................................... 20 PS/2 Interface ........................................................................... 21 VGA Display Port ....................................................................... 28 JTAG Programming/Debugging Ports ........................................... 34 Clock Source ............................................................................. 35 SRAM ........................................................................................ 36 SRAM Address Bus Connection ................................................... 37 Write Enable and Output Enable Control Signals ............................. 37 SRAM Data Signals, Chip Enables, and Byte Enables ..................... 38 Spartan3 FPGA .......................................................................... 40 Dedicated Pins .......................................................................... 42 Configuration PROM .................................................................. 44 Join the Technical Community Today! http://www.pantechsolutions.net 1. Introduction The Spartan-3 EDK Board provides a powerful, self-contained development platform for designs targeting the new Spartan-3 FPGA from Xilinx. It features a 200K gate Spartan-3, on-board I/O devices, and 1MB fast asynchronous SRAM, making it the perfect platform to experiment with any new design, from a simple logic circuit to an embedded processor core. The board also contains a Platform Flash JTAG-programmable ROM, so designs can easily be made non-volatile. The Spartan-3 Starter Board is fully compatible with all versions of the Xilinx ISE tools, including the free Web Pack. The board ships with a power supply, and a programming cable. The board features: Xilinx Spartan3 FPGA: 200,000-gate Xilinx Spartan 3 FPGA in a 144-TQFP (XC3S2004TQG144C) 4,320 logic cell equivalents Twelve 18K-bit block RAMs (216K bits) Twelve 18x18 hardware multipliers Four Digital Clock Managers (DCMs) Join the Technical Community Today! http://www.pantechsolutions.net Up to 97 user-defined I/O signals External Peripherals Modules 2x16 LCD with Contrast adjusts 2-Nos. of common anode seven segment display 8-Nos. General purpose point LEDs 8-Nos of Toggle switches (Digital inputs) 4-Nos of Push Button PS/2 Keyboard or Mouse Interface Communication protocols Full Duplex UART (EIA RS232) Other Features: VGA Interface Connector On-board 4 MB Platform Flash Memory (PROM) 8 MB On Board SRAM JTAG Interface Connector for parallel programming Spartan3 FPGA 50 MHz crystal oscillator clock source Join the Technical Community Today! http://www.pantechsolutions.net Technical or Customer Support Post your questions: Pantech forum: www.pantechsolutions.net Website : www.pantechsolutions.net 2. Learning Xilinx FPGA and ISE Development Software Basics The Spartan-3 EDK Board provides a powerful, self-contained development platform for designs targeting the new Spartan-3 FPGA from Xilinx. It features a 200K gate Spartan-3, on-board I/O devices, and 1MB fast asynchronous SRAM, making it the perfect platform to experiment with any new design, from a simple logic circuit to an embedded processor core. The board also contains a Platform Flash JTAG-programmable ROM, so designs can easily be made non-volatile. Join the Technical Community Today! http://www.pantechsolutions.net Components placement Figure 1. PS – TYRO PLUS SPARTAN3 (EDK) Board Components placement top view Join the Technical Community Today! http://www.pantechsolutions.net Block Diagram 8Mb SRAM 8 Nos. of LED Digital Outputs 4Mb serial PROM 8 Slide Switch Digital Outputs JTAG 2Nos of 7segment DISP Port 2x16 Char LCD UART Serial Comm 5V Input 3.3V /2.5V/1.2V 3-bit 8-color VGA Interface 10-pin I/O connector PS/2 connector 50 MHz clock 4 Nos. of PUSH Button Port Figure 2. Xilinx Spartan3Advanced Development Board Block Diagram XC3S200 Join the Technical Community Today! http://www.pantechsolutions.net Power Distribution AC Wall Adapter The Spartan3FPGA Lab Kit includes an international-ready AC wall adapter that produces a +5V DC output. Connect the AC wall adapter to the barrel connector along the left edge of the board, indicated as in Figure 3. To disconnect power, switch off the power switch. The power indicator LED, as shown in Figure 3, lights up when power is properly applied to the board. The AC wall adapter operates from 100V to 240V AC input, at 50 or 60 Hz. Voltage Regulators There are Overall, the 5V DC switching power adapter that connects to AC wall power powers the board. A 3.3V regulator, powered by the 5V DC supply, provides power to the inputs of the 2.5V and 1.2V regulators. Similarly, the 3.3V regulator feeds all the VCCO voltage supply inputs to the FPGA’s I/O banks and powers most of the components on the board. The 2.5V regulator supplies power to the FPGA’s VCCAUX supply inputs. The VCCAUX voltage input supplies power to Digital Clock Managers (DCMs) within the FPGA and supplies some of the I/O structures. In specific, all of the FPGA’s dedicated configuration pins, such as DONE, PROG_B, CCLK, and the FPGA’s JTAG pins, are powered by VCCAUX. The FPGA configuration interface on the board is powered by 3.3V. Consequently, the Join the Technical Community Today! http://www.pantechsolutions.net 2.5V supply has a current shunt resistor to prevent reverse current. Finally, a 1.2V regulator supplies power to the FPGA’s VCCINT voltage inputs, which power the FPGA’s core logic. The board uses three discrete regulators to generate the necessary oltages. However, various power supply vendors are developing integrated solutions specifically for Spartan-3 FPGAs. Figure 3. Power Supply On-board Peripherals The Spartan3FPGA Lab Kit comes with many interfacing options 2 Nos. of Seven-segment display 8-Nos. of Toggle switches (Digital Inputs) 4-Nos. of Push Button (Digital Inputs) 8-Nos. of Point LED’s (Digital Outputs) 2x16 Character LCD UART for serial port communication through PC Join the Technical Community Today! http://www.pantechsolutions.net PS/2 keyboard Interface 3-Bit VGA Interface Seven Segment Display The Spartan3 FPGA Kit has a two-character, seven-segment LED display controlled by FPGA user-I/O pins, as shown in Figure 4. Each digit shares eight common control signals to light individual LED segments. Each individual character has a separate anode control input. The pin number for each FPGA pin connected to the LED display is shown in Table 1. To light an individual signal, drive the individual segment control signal Low along with the associated anode control signal for the individual character. Figure 4. Seven-segment display connections from Spartan3FPGA Lab Kit Join the Technical Community Today! http://www.pantechsolutions.net Table 1. Seven-segment display connections to the FPGA pins S eg m en t FP G A PI N A P82 B P83 C P84 D P85 E P86 F P87 G P89 DP P90 Table 2. Digit Enable (Anode Control) Signals (Active Low) A no d e C on tr o l FP G A PI N AN1 P76 AN0 P77 The LED control signals are time-multiplexed to display data on two characters. Present the value to be displayed on the segment control inputs and select the specified character by driving the associated anode control signal Low. Through persistence of vision, the human brain perceives that all four characters appear simultaneously, similar to the way the brain perceives a TV display. This “scanning” technique reduces the number of I/O pins required for the four characters. In case an FPGA pin were dedicated for each individual segment, then 32 pins are required to drive four 7-segment LED characters. The scanning technique reduces the required I/O down to 12 Join the Technical Community Today! http://www.pantechsolutions.net pins. The drawback to this approach is that the FPGA logic must continuously scan data out to the displays—a small price to save 20 additional I/O pins. Table 3. Display Characters and Resulting LED Segment Control Values Character a b c d e f g 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 4 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 5 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 6 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 A 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 B 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 C 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 D 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 E 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 F 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 Example Code To see the demo result, click inside Seven Segment folder of the CD. Hardware Settings Place Jumper at J5 (7SEG) to enable supply to seven segment display. Join the Technical Community Today! http://www.pantechsolutions.net 7SEG LED J5 J6 LCD J7 Digital Inputs Toggle Switch The Spartan3FPGA Kit has eight slide switches, indicated as in Figure 5 . The switches connect to an associated FPGA pin, as shown in Table 4Error! Reference source not found.. A detailed schematic appears in Figure 5 . Figure 5. Slide switches connections from Spartan3FPGA Lab Kit Join the Technical Community Today! http://www.pantechsolutions.net Table 4. FPGA Connections to Slide Switches S w it c h 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 FP G A pi n P99 P100 P102 P103 P104 P105 P107 P108 When in the UP or ON position, a switch connects the FPGA pin to VCCO, a logic High. When DOWN or in the OFF position, the switch connects the FPGA pin to ground, a logic Low. The switches typically exhibit about 2 ms of mechanical bounce and there is no active debouncing circuitry, although such circuitry could easily be added to the FPGA design programmed on the board. A 10KΩ series resistor provides nominal input protection. Example Code To see the demo result, click inside Digital Input Switch folder of the CD. Light Emitting Diodes Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) are the most commonly used components, usually for displaying pin’s digital states. The Spartan3FPGA Lab Kit has eight LEDs located above the push button switches, indicated by in Figure . Join the Technical Community Today! http://www.pantechsolutions.net Figure 6. Point LED interface from Spartan3FPGA Lab Kit Table 5. FPGA connections to the LEDs LE D D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 FP G A pi n P82 P83 P84 P85 P86 P87 P89 P90 The cathode of each LED connects to ground via a 220 ohm Ω resistor. To light an individual LED, drive the associated FPGA control signal High, which is the opposite polarity from lighting one of the 7-segment LEDs. Example Code Join the Technical Community Today! http://www.pantechsolutions.net To see the demo result, click inside LED folder of the CD. Hardware Settings Place Jumper at J6 (LED) to enable supply to LED. 7SEG LED J5 J6 LCD J7 2x16 Graphical LCD The Spartan3 FPGA Lab Kit prominently features a 2x16 liquid crystal display (LCD).The character LCD is power by +5V. The FPGA I/O signals are powered by 3.3V. However, the FPGA’s output levels are recognized as valid Low or High logic levels by the LCD. The LCD controller accepts 5V TTL signal levels and the 3.3V LVCMOS outputs provided by the FPGA to meet the 5V TTL voltage level requirements. The character LCD drives the data lines when LCD_RW is high. Most applications treat the LCD as a write-only peripheral and never read from the display. Table 6. LCD Connection to FPGA Join the Technical Community Today! http://www.pantechsolutions.net Si gn a l FP G A PI N R/ W P79 RS P78 E P80 D0 P82 D1 P83 D2 P84 D3 P85 D4 P86 D5 P87 D6 P89 D7 P90 Figure 7. LCD connections from Spartan 3 FPGA Kit Example Code To see the demo result, click inside LCD folder of the CD. Hardware Settings Join the Technical Community Today! http://www.pantechsolutions.net Place Jumper at J7 (LCD) to enable supply to LCD. 7SEG LED J5 J6 LCD J7 4 Push Buttons The Spartan3 FPGA Kit has four contact push button switches, indicated as in Figure . Figure 8. Push Button interface from Spartan3 FPGA Kit Table 7. FPGA Connections to Push Button S w it c h Sw3 Sw5 Sw6 Sw7 (Soft Reset) FP G A pi n P68 P69 P70 P98 Join the Technical Community Today! http://www.pantechsolutions.net Example Code To see the demo result, click inside Push Button folder of the CD. RS-232 Serial Port UART stands for Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter. The FPGA Kit provides an RS232 port that can be driven by the Spartan3 FPGA. A subset of the RS232 signals is used on the Spartan3 FPGA Lab Kit to implement this interface (RD and TD signals). The FPGA Kit provides female DB-9 connector, labeled P2. This board utilizes the Maxim Instruments MAX3232 RS232 driver for driving the RD and TD signals. The user provides the RS232 UART code, which resides in the Spartan3 FPGA. Table 8. RS232 signals and their pin assignments to the Spartan3 FPGA Co nn e ct or N a m e Si gn a l s FP G A PI N P 2 (D T E ) TXD P63 P 2 (D T E ) RXD P60 Join the Technical Community Today! http://www.pantechsolutions.net Figure 9. Detailed schematic of FPGA Interface with RS232 Example Code To see the demo result, click inside RS232 folder of the CD. PS/2 Interface The Spartan3 FPGA Kit includes PS/2 port for mouse/keyboard interface and it is the standard 6-pin mini-DIN connector, labeled U12 on the board. Figure 6 shows the PS/2 connector, and Table shows the signals on the connector. Only pins 1 and 5 of the connector attach to the FPGA. Join the Technical Community Today! http://www.pantechsolutions.net Table 9. PS/2 Interface with Spartan3FPGA Co nn e ct or N a m e Si gn a l s FP G A PI N PS2 DA T A P73 PS2 CL K P74 Table 10. PS/2 Bus Timing Sy mb o l P ar am e t er MI N MA X Tc k Clo ck H ig h o r Lo w 30us 50us 5us 20us 5us 20us Ti m e Tsu Da t a t o Cl oc k Se t u p Ti m e Th ld Clo ck t o d at a H ol d Ti m e Figure 5. PS/2 Bus Timing Waveforms Join the Technical Community Today! http://www.pantechsolutions.net Figure 6. PS/2 Interface with Spartan3FPGA Both the PC mouse and the keyboard uses the two-wire PS/2 serial bus to communicate with a host device, the Spartan3 FPGA in this case. The PS/2 bus includes both clock and data. Both the mouse and the keyboard drive the bus with identical signal timings and both use 11-bit words that include a start, stop and odd parity bit. However, the data packets are organized differently for a mouse and keyboard. Furthermore, the keyboard interface allows bidirectional data transfers so the host device can illuminate state LEDs on the keyboard. The PS/2 bus timing appears in Table and Figure 5 the clock and data signals are only driven when data transfers occur; otherwise they are held in the idle state at logic High. The timing defines signal requirements for mouse-to-host communications and bidirectional keyboard communications. As shown in Figure 6, the attached keyboard or mouse writes a bit on the data line when the clock signal is High, and the host reads the data line when the clock signal is Low. Join the Technical Community Today! http://www.pantechsolutions.net Keyboard The keyboard uses open-collector drivers so that either the keyboard or the host can drive the two-wire bus. If the host never sends data to the keyboard, then the host can use simple input pins. A ps/2-style keyboard uses scan-codes to communicate key press data. Nearly all keyboards in use today are ps/2 style. Each key has a single, unique scancode that is sent whenever the corresponding key is pressed. The scancodes for most keys appear in Figure 1. If the key is pressed and held, the keyboard repeatedly sends the scan-code every 100 ms or so. When a key is released, the keyboard sends an “f0” key-up code, followed by the scan code of the released key. The keyboard sends the same scan code, regardless if a key has different SHIFT and non-SHIFT characters and regardless whether the SHIFT key is pressed or not. The host determines which character is intended. Some keys, called extended keys, send an “e0” ahead of the scan-code and furthermore, they might send more than one scan code. When an extended key is released, an “e0 f0” key-up code is sent, followed by the scan code. Join the Technical Community Today! http://www.pantechsolutions.net Figure 11. PS\2 style scan-code keyboard The host can also send commands and data to the keyboard. Table provides a short list of some often-used commands. Table 11. Common PS/2 Keyboard Commands Command Description ED Turn on/ off Num Lock, Caps Lock, and Scroll Lock LEDs EE Echo. Upon receiving an echo command, the keyboard replies w ith the same scan code “EE”. F3 Set scan code repeat rate. The keyboard acknow ledges receipt of an “F3” by returning an “FA” , after w hich the host sends a second byte to set the repeat rate. FE Resend. Upon receiving a resend comm and, the keyboard resends the last scan code sent FF Reset. Resets the keyboard The keyboard sends commands or data to the host only when both the data and clock lines are High, the Idle state, because the host is the bus master, and the keyboard checks whether the host is sending data before driving the bus. The clock line can be used as a clear to send signal. If the host pulls the clock line Low, the keyboard must not send any data until the clock is released. The keyboard sends data to the host in 11-bit words that contain a ‘0’ start bit, followed by eight bits of scan code (LSB first), followed by an odd parity bit and terminated with a ‘1’ stop bit. When the Join the Technical Community Today! http://www.pantechsolutions.net keyboard sends data, it generates 11 clock transitions at around 20 to 30 kHz, and data is valid on the falling edge of the clock as shown in Figure 5. Mouse A mouse generates a clock and data signal when moved; otherwise, these signals remain High, indicating the idle state. Each time the mouse is moved, the mouse sends three 11-bit words to the host. Each of the 11-bit words contains a ‘0’ start bit, followed by 8 data bits (LSB first), followed by an odd parity bit, and terminated with a ‘1’ stop bit. Each data transmission contains 33 total bits, where bits 0, 11, and 22 are ‘0’ start bits, and bits 10, 21, and 32 are ‘1’ stop bits. The three 8-bit data fields contain movement data as shown in Figure 7. Data is valid at the falling edge of the clock, and the clock period is 20 to 30 kHz. Figure 7. PS/2 Mouse Transaction A PS/2-style mouse employs a relative coordinate system (see Figure ), wherein moving the mouse to the right generates a positive value in the X field, and moving to the left generates a negative value. Likewise, Join the Technical Community Today! http://www.pantechsolutions.net moving the mouse up generates a positive value in the Y field, and moving it down represents a negative value. The XS and YS bits in the status byte define the sign of each value, where a ‘1’ indicates a negative value. Figure 13. The Mouse Uses a Relative Coordinate System to Track Movement The magnitude of the X and Y values represent the rate of mouse movement. The larger the value, the faster the mouse is moving. The XV and YV bits in the status byte indicate when the X or Y values exceed their maximum value, an overflow condition. A ‘1’ indicates when an overflow occurs. If the mouse moves continuously, the 33-bit transmissions repeats approximately every 50 ms. The L and R fields in the status byte indicate Left and Right button presses. A ‘1’ indicates that the associated mouse button is being pressed. Join the Technical Community Today! http://www.pantechsolutions.net Voltage Supply The PS/2 port on the Spartan3FPGA Lab Kit is powered by 5V. Although the Spartan3FPGA is not a 5V-tolerant device, it can communicate with a 5V device using series current-limiting resistors, as shown in Figure 6. Example Code To see the demo result, click inside PS/2 folder of the CD. VGA Display Port The Spartan3 FPGA Kit includes a VGA display port and DB15 connector, as indicated in Figure . You can connect this port directly to most PC monitors or flat-panel LCD displays using a standard monitor cable. Join the Technical Community Today! http://www.pantechsolutions.net Figure 14. VGA interface from Spartan3 kit As shown in Figure , the Spartan3FPGA controls five VGA signals: Red (R) its 1st pin in connector, Green (G) its 2nd pin, Blue (B) its 3rd pin, Horizontal Sync (HS) 13th pin, and Vertical Sync (VS) its 14th pin, all available on the VGA connector. The FPGA pins that drive the VGA port appear in Table . A detailed schematic is in Figure . Join the Technical Community Today! http://www.pantechsolutions.net Table 12. FPGA connections to the VGA Si gn a l s FP G A PI N H or i zo nt al Sy nc ( H s ) P93 Ve rt ic a l Syn c (V s ) P92 Re d P97 Gr e e n P96 Bl ue P95 Each color line has a series resistor to provide 3-bit color, with one bit each for Red, Green, and Blue. The series resistor uses the 75 ohm VGA cable termination to ensure that the color signals remain in the VGAspecified 0V to 0.7V range. The HS and VS signals are TTL level. Drive the R, G, and B signals High or Low to generate the eight possible colors shown in Table . Table 13. 3-Bit Display Color Codes RE D G RE E N B L UE RE S UL T I N G C O L O R 0 0 0 BL A C K 0 0 1 BL U E 0 1 0 G R EE N 0 1 1 C YA N 1 0 0 R ED 1 0 1 M A GE N T A 1 1 0 Y EL L OW 1 1 1 W H IT E Join the Technical Community Today! http://www.pantechsolutions.net VGA signal timing is specified, published, copyrighted, and sold by the Video Electronics Standards Association (VESA). The following VGA system and timing information is provided as an example of how the FPGA might drive VGA monitor in 640 by 480 modes. For more precise information or for information on higher VGA frequencies, refer to documents available on the VESA website or other electronics Websites: Video Electronics Standards Association http://www.vesa.org VGA Timing Information http://www.epanorama.net/documents/pc/vga_timing.html Signal Timing for a 60Hz, 640x480 VGA Display CRT-based VGA displays use amplitude-modulated, moving electron beams to display information on a phosphor-coated screen. LCD displays use an array of switches that can impose a voltage across a small amount of liquid crystal, thereby changing light permittivity through the crystal on a pixel by-pixel basis. Although the following description is limited to CRT displays, LCD displays have evolved to use the same signal timings as CRT displays. Consequently, the following discussion pertains to both CRTs and LCD displays. Within a CRT display, current waveforms pass through the coils to produce magnetic fields that deflect electron beams to transverse Join the Technical Community Today! http://www.pantechsolutions.net the display surface in a “raster” pattern, horizontally from left to right and vertically from top to bottom. As shown in Figure , information is only displayed when the beam is moving in the “forward” direction—left to right and top to bottom—and not during the time the beam returns back to the left or top edge of the display. Much of the potential display time is therefore lost in “blanking” periods when the beam is reset and stabilized to begin a new horizontal or vertical display pass. Figure 15. Illustration of the working of a VGA display The size of the beams, the frequency at which the beam traces across the display, and the frequency at which the electron beam is Join the Technical Community Today! http://www.pantechsolutions.net modulated determine the display resolution. Modern VGA displays support multiple display resolutions, and the VGA controller indicates the resolution by producing timing signals to control the raster patterns. The controller produces TTL-level synchronizing pulses that set the frequency at which current flows through the deflection coils and it ensures that pixel or video data is applied to the electron guns at the correct time. Video data typically comes from a video refresh memory with one or more bytes assigned to each pixel location. The Spartan3Starter Kit board uses three bits per pixel, producing one of the eight possible colors shown in Table . The controller indexes into the video data buffer as the beams move across the display. The controller then retrieves and applies video data to the display at precisely the time the electron beam is moving across a given pixel. As shown in Figure , the VGA controller generates the HS (horizontal sync) and VS (vertical sync) timings signals and coordinates the delivery of video data on each pixel clock. The pixel clock defines the time available to display one pixel of information. The VS signal defines the “refresh” frequency of the display, or the frequency at which all information on the display is redrawn. The minimum refresh frequency is a function of the display’s phosphor and electron beam intensity, with practical refresh frequencies in the 60 Hz to 120 Hz range. The number of horizontal lines displayed at a given refresh frequency defines the horizontal “retrace” frequency. Example Code Join the Technical Community Today! http://www.pantechsolutions.net To see the demo result, click inside VGA folder of the CD. JTAG Programming/Debugging Ports The Spartan3FPGA Lab kit includes a JTAG programming and debugging chain. Additionally, there are two JTAG headers for driving the JTAG signals from various supported JTAG download and debugging cables. A PANTECH JTAG3 low-cost parallel to JTAG cable is included as part of the kit and connects to the JTAG header. DB-25 parallel port connector connects to the 6-pin female header connector. The JTAG cable connects directly to the parallel port of a PC and to a standard 6-pin JTAG programming header in the kit that can program a devices that have a JTAG voltage of 1.8v or greater. Join the Technical Community Today! http://www.pantechsolutions.net Figure 16. JTAG connection with Spartan3FPGA This JTAG header consists of 0.1-inch stake pins, located toward the top edge of the board, directly below the two expansion connectors. The Pantech low-cost parallel port to JTAG cable fits directly over the header stake pins, as shown in Figure . When properly fitted, the cable is perpendicular to the board. You must make sure that the signals at the end of the JTAG cable align with the labels listed on the board. The other end of the Pantech cable connects to the PC’s parallel port. The Pantech cable is directly compatible with the Xilinx impact software. Clock Source The Spartan3FPGA Lab Kit has two dedicated 50 MHz series clock oscillator source and an optional socket for another clock oscillator source. Figure provides a detailed schematic for the clock sources. The oscillator socket, indicated as in Figure , accepts oscillators in an 8-pin DIP footprint. Join the Technical Community Today! http://www.pantechsolutions.net R Table 20. Clock Oscillator Sources Co nn e ct or N a m e Si gn a l s FP G A PI N Clo ck DA T A P55 Figure 17. Clock source connections from Spartan3FPGA Lab Kit SRAM Synchronous The Spartan®-3 FPGA board has a megabyte of fast asynchronous SRAM, surface-mounted to the backside of the board. The memory array includes two 256Kx16 SRAM devices, as shown in Figure 2-1. The SRAM array forms either a single 256Kx32 SRAM memory or two independent 256Kx16 arrays. Both SRAM devices share common writeenable (WE#), output-enable (OE#), and address (A[17:0]) signals. However, each device has a separate chip select enable (CE#) control and individual byte-enable controls to select the high or low byte in the 16-bit data word, UB and LB, respectively. The 256Kx32 configuration is ideally suited to hold MicroBlaze instructions. However, it alternately provides high-density data storage for Join the Technical Community Today! http://www.pantechsolutions.net a variety of applications, such as digital signal processing (DSP), large data FIFOs, and graphics buffers. SRAM Address Bus Connection Si gn a l s FP G A P in s A0 P1 A1 P2 A2 P4 A3 P5 A4 P6 A5 P7 A6 P8 A7 P10 A8 P11 A9 P12 A10 P13 A11 P14 A12 P15 A13 P17 A14 P18 A15 P20 A16 P21 A17 P23 Write Enable and Output Enable Control Signals Join the Technical Community Today! http://www.pantechsolutions.net Si gn a l s FP G A P in s OE # P24 W E# P25 SRAM Data Signals, Chip Enables, and Byte Enables The data signals, chip enables, and byte enables are dedicated connections between the FPGA and SRAM. Table 2-3 shows the FPGA pin connections to the SRAM designated IC10 in Figure A-8. Table 2-4 shows the FPGA pin connections to SRAM IC11. To disable an SRAM, drive the associated chip enable pin High. Si gn a l s FP G A P in s D0 P27 D1 P28 D2 P30 D3 P31 D4 P32 D5 P33 D6 P35 D7 P36 D8 P41 D9 P44 D1 0 P46 D1 1 P47 D1 2 P50 D1 3 P51 D1 4 P52 D1 5 P53 CE 1 P56 Join the Technical Community Today! http://www.pantechsolutions.net CE 2 P137 U B1 P57 LB 1 P59 U B2 P140 LB 2 P141 Figure 24. SRAM Interface with Spartan3FPGA Join the Technical Community Today! http://www.pantechsolutions.net Example Code To see the demo result, click inside SRAM folder of the CD. Spartan3 FPGA Introduction The purpose of this daughter board is to integrate all the necessary components for using a FPGA, but without being targeted on a special application. The board provides 138 data pins to the user, who can use them as inputs, outputs or both. The main component of the daughter board is Spartan 3 or Spartan 3E FPGA. The following figure elaborates the denotation. Device Part Marking Join the Technical Community Today! http://www.pantechsolutions.net The second important component on this board is the XCF04SPROM, in which you can store a bit-file. The FPGA can be programmed directly from the PROM or through the JTAG connection. If the PROM-Boot option is enabled, the FPGA will be programmed out of the PROM when the power is turned on. The input voltage (VCC) of the board is 3.3V. The voltage converter LT1086CT from Linear Technology provides the 1.8V Core-Voltage for the FPGA. Also located on the board are: push buttons (Reset, Program, and User), 1 oscillator inputs from base board and the JTAG connector. With jumpers, you can enable or disable the PROM-Boot option and the preconfiguration pull-ups. An overview of the Daughter Board SPARTAN-3 is presented in the following table. Table 2. An overview of the Daughter Board SPARTAN-3 Device XC3S200ETQ1 44 XC3S500EPQ2 08 Logic Cells Typica l Syste m Gate Range 4,320 200K 10,47 500K 6 CLB Tota Array l (R X C) CLBs Maximum Available User I/O Pins Distribut ed RAM Bits K = 1024 Bloc k Ram Bits DC Ms 24 X 20 46 X 34 480 97 30K 4 1,16 4 158 73K 216 K 360 K 4 Join the Technical Community Today! http://www.pantechsolutions.net A general overview of the FPGA architecture is presented in the following figure. Figure 8. A general overview of the FPGA architecture Dedicated Pins The complete pin-out table of the Spartan 3 is described in Table 3. The following tables describe about the dedicated pins of the FPGA. Join the Technical Community Today! http://www.pantechsolutions.net Table 3. Pin out table of Spartan3: XC3S200TQ144 Pin Function 71 DONE 143 PROGRAM# 58 INIT# 72 CCLK 109 TDO 110 TCK 111 TMS 144 TDI 142 HSWAP_ENABLE 65 DO 38 M0 37 M1 39 M2 Table 4. Supply pins of Spartan3: XC3S200TQ144 GND 94,88,9,16,22,29,45,42,81,101,114,136,139,117,64,69 VCC (3.3V) 75,91,106,3,19,34,138,126,115,54,43,66 VCCINT (1.8V) 133,49,121,61 VCCAUX (2.5V) 48,62,134,120 Join the Technical Community Today! http://www.pantechsolutions.net Table 5. Pin description of Spartan3: XC3S200TQ144 Pin Function DONE High when programming of the FPGA was successful CCLK Configuration Clock Pin TCK, TDI, JTAG signals TDO, TMS M0, M1, M2 Define the configuration mode. With this board the user can choose between Boundary -Scan Mode and Master Serial Mode (PROM -Boot enabled) or only Boundary-Scan Mode (PROMBoot disabled) INIT# Low while clearing the configuration memory Configuration PROM The Spartan-3 FPGA Lab Kit has an XCF04S serial configuration Flash PROM to store FPGA configuration data and potentially additional nonvolatile data, including Micro Blaze application code. Table 6. Pin description of Spartan3: XC3S200TQ144 Jumper Setting Description JTAG The FPGA boots from Platform Flash. No additional data storage is available PROM The FPGA boots from Platform Flash, which is permanently enabled. The FPGA can read additional data from Platform Flash. Join the Technical Community Today! http://www.pantechsolutions.net JTAG OPTION For most applications, this is the default jumper setting. As shown in Figure 9, the Platform Flash is enabled only during configuration when the FPGA’s DONE pin is Low. When the DONE pin goes high at the end of configuration, the Platform Flash is disabled and placed in low-power mode. Figure 9. Enabling Platform Flash PROM READ OPTION The Spartan-3 FPGA Lab Kit includes a 4Mbit Platform Flash configuration PROM. The XC3S400 FPGA on the board only requires slightly less than 1Mbit for configuration data. The remainder of the Platform Flash is available to store other non-volatile data, such as revision codes, serial numbers and coefficients. To allow the FPGA to read from Platform Flash after configuration, the JP3 jumper must be properly positioned as shown in Figure 10. When the jumper is in this position, the Platform Flash is always enabled. Join the Technical Community Today! http://www.pantechsolutions.net Figure 10. Enabling Platform Flash NONE OPTION If the JP3 jumper is removed, then the Platform Flash and FPGA are disabled. PROG RST Push Button The PROG RST push button forces the FPGA to reconfigure from the selected configuration memory source. Press and release this button to restart the FPGA configuration process at any time. DONE Pin LED The DONE pin LED lights whenever the FPGA is successfully configured. If this LED is not lit, then the FPGA is not configured. Join the Technical Community Today! http://www.pantechsolutions.net Did you enjoy the read? Pantech solutions creates information packed technical documents like this one every month. And our website is a rich and trusted resource used by a vibrant online community of more than 1, 00,000 members from organization of all shapes and sizes. Join the Technical Community Today! http://www.pantechsolutions.net What do we sell? Our products range from Various Microcontroller development boards, DSP Boards, FPGA/CPLD boards, Communication Kits, Power electronics, Basic electronics, Robotics, Sensors, Electronic components and much more . Our goal is to make finding the parts and information you need easier and affordable so you can create awesome projects and training from Basic to Cutting edge technology. Join the Technical Community Today! http://www.pantechsolutions.net
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