2015 - Cardinal Glennon
2015 - Cardinal Glennon
SSM Cardinal Glennon Children’s Medical Center A closer look at some of the specialties that make SSM Cardinal Glennon Children’s Medical Center the very best in pediatric patient care PEDIATRICS FOCUS ON TM 2015 cardinalglennon.com Medical news from SSM Cardinal Glennon Children’s Medical Center and SLUCare Physician Group Every one of us is part of an enduring, 143-year heritage of care and compassion. Together through our Mission and healing ministry, SSM Cardinal Glennon Children’s Medical Center continues to provide the best care available, which is one reason why our love for kids just keeps on growing. This past year, we continued to grow both as a hospital and a strong community member. Our team connected with more than 30,000 families at the Boo at the Zoo event at the St. Louis Zoo and we hosted our first drivethru flu shot clinic. We offered complimentary flu shots to more than 450 members of our community in just four hours on a Saturday morning. We continue to press forward with advances in medicine, including 3D heart models, imaging, research and much more. At SSM Cardinal Glennon, we recently finished the new Pediatric Sleep Lab which is able to accommodate more patients. The Knights of Columbus Developmental Center received an Autism Treatment Network designation. We continue to be pediatric leaders in three specialties as ranked by the U.S. News and World Report. 2015 is a very exciting year for SSM Cardinal Glennon. We have additional renovations coming to our atrium to complement our new Costas Center and Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU). Our team will continue to improve our best-in-class imaging services. Outreach to both Missouri and Illinois will be even more robust as we implement new telemedicine opportunities to serve new patients. As always, we will continue to provide exceptional care to all of our patients and their families. It is a year we are excited to share it with you! Sincerely, Kate Becker, President SSM Cardinal Glennon Children’s Medical Center [email protected] Robert Wilmott, MD, Chief of Pediatrics, SLUCare Pulmonologist SSM Cardinal Glennon Children’s Medical Center [email protected] Dennis Vane, MD, Surgeon-in-Chief, SLUCare Surgeon SSM Cardinal Glennon Children’s Medical Center [email protected] Dennis Vane, MD, Surgeon-in-Chief 1 Kate Becker, President Robert Wilmott, MD, Chief of Pediatrics PEDIATRICS FOCUS ON TM Since 1956, SSM Cardinal Glennon Children’s Medical Center has offered the highest level of care as the country’s only free-standing, non-profit Catholic children’s hospital. Located in St. Louis, MO, SSM Cardinal Glennon is a pediatric medical care destination. Every year, the medical center provides hope to thousands of children with complex medical conditions from Missouri, Illinois and beyond. SSM Cardinal Glennon is a 195-bed teaching hospital affiliated with Saint Louis University School of Medicine. In every way, SSM Cardinal Glennon lives out the SSM Health Care mission, “Through our exceptional health care services, we reveal the healing presence of God.” SSM Cardinal Glennon is home to: Physician experts in more than 60 medical specialties Missouri’s first Level I Pediatric Trauma Center, at the Dan Dierdorf Pediatric Emergency and Trauma Center. SSM Cardinal Glennon’s Level I status is granted in both Missouri and Illinois. The Dana Brown Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, a Level IV NICU (the highest level of designation) with a dedicated transport team, private rooms for every family and staffed 24/7 by attending neonatologists The Dorothy and Larry Dallas Heart Center, home to St. Louis’ only pediatric hybrid catheterization suite and the most experienced pediatric cardiothoracic surgery team in the region The Costas Center includes a 16-bed inpatient unit, day hospital and stem cell transplant unit The Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, staffed 24 hours a day by in-house, critical care attending physicians The St. Louis Fetal Care Institute, one of the leading comprehensive fetal care programs in the country, providing diagnosis and treatment from advanced ultrasound to fetoscopic procedures and even open fetal surgery The Missouri Poison Center, which responds to more than 75,000 child and adult poison exposure calls in Missouri each year The St. Louis Cord Blood Bank, one of the world’s largest and one of only five FDA licensed public banks of life-saving and noncontroversial cord blood stem cells (derived from the umbilical cord and placenta) Recognized by The Joint Commission as a “Top Performer in Key Quality Measures” for three years 2015 cardinalglennon.com Medical news from SSM Cardinal Glennon Children’s Medical Center and SLUCare Physician Group Table of Contents Message from Leadership...........................................................1 Hospital Overview.........................................................................2 Procedural Sedation Program .................................................3 Diagnostic Imaging......................................................................4 Cardiology and Cardiothoracic Surgery..........................5–6 Critical Care Medicine (PICU)...............................................7–8 Emergency Medicine............................................................9–10 Endocrinology.........................................................................11–12 Gastroenterology / Hepatology......................................13–14 Hematology / Oncology .....................................................15–16 Neonatology...........................................................................17–18 Nephrology............................................................................19–20 Neurosurgery..............................................................21–22 Nuclear Medicine................................................................23–24 Pulmonology.....................................................................25–26 Surgery...................................................................................27–32 The St. Louis Fetal Care Institute..................................33–34 Transport and Trauma.......................................................35–36 Additional Pediatric Specialties...................................37–38 Modern, Kid-Friendly Facilities....................................39–42 For comments and suggestions, please email [email protected]. 2 Procedural Sedation Program SLUCare Procedural Sedation Physicians Lia Lowrie, MD Director, Pediatric Procedural Sedation Service Professor of Pediatrics at Saint Louis University School of Medicine Gordon Gale, MD Procedural Sedation Christina Mannix, MD Procedural Sedation David Wathen, MD Procedural Sedation and Hospital Medicine Aline Tanios, MD Procedural Sedation and Hospital Medicine Marta King, MD Procedural Sedation and Hospital Medicine Infants and children are often developmentally unable to hold still for long noninvasive tests, such as an MRI or tolerate brief, mildly painful procedures including a simple fracture reduction or lumbar puncture in the same manner as older children or adults. The Procedural Sedation Service at SSM Cardinal Glennon provides sedation services for children undergoing tests and procedures as part of their diagnosis and treatment plan. In conjunction with a specially trained nursing staff, the faculty provide moderate and deep sedation for children undergoing the following procedures on an outpatient and inpatient basis: MRI and CT scanning Nuclear medicine scanning Lumbar puncture Radiation therapy Bone marrow Abscess drainage Solid organ biopsy Simple fracture reduction Botox injections PICC line placement Auditory evoked potential testing The program follows all the myriad safety regulations put forth by the American Academy of Pediatrics, American Society of Anesthesiologists and as mandated by JCAHO, is overseen by the director of pediatric anesthesiology at SSM Cardinal Glennon. The sedation service works closely with Child Life and the SSM Cardinal Glennon pain and palliative care teams as appropriate. The service also works closely with the emergency medicine faculty to provide sedation services under emergency services condition and to ensure availability of scheduled sedation services on some off hours. Highlights of The Procedural Sedation Service In 2013, more than 2,500 children received moderate or deep sedation at SSM Cardinal Glennon in the Department of Radiology, Emergency Room, Costas Center or Special Procedures Unit. Data from the medical literature suggest that 4-5% of sedation events, even when managed by skilled clinicians, include complication. SSM Cardinal Glennon Procedural Sedation Service has a rigorous Quality Improvement program that tracks complications. Only 2.5% of patients experienced a moderate or deep sedation related complication in 2013. Because of increased availability and efficiency of sedation services, the wait time for an MRI with sedation at SSM Cardinal Glennon went from three to four weeks to less than seven days in 2013, despite a large increase in the number of ordered MRI’s. The new CT and MRI Suite was opened in 2013. The risk for complications during sedation is decreased when each child’s specific medical conditions needs are prescreened. Experienced sedation nurses serve as radiology schedulers, allowing a skilled assessment of each child’s needs at the time of scheduling to prevent cancellations or multiple scheduling hassles and to find the appropriate level of sedation or anesthesia services needed for a particular situation. This team of skilled RNs won an SSM Cardinal Glennon exceptional service award within one year of starting the program. 3 Diagnostic Imaging Lowest dose, most advanced technology in diagnostic imaging is at SSM Cardinal Glennon Kid-Friendly Space Interactive suites include personalized lighting, music and image displays that help reduce the need for sedation. Technology 1.5T and 3.0T MRI: Detailed image quality, feet-first imaging and wide bore access for larger and critically ill patients. Two 128-Slice CT Scanners: Lowest dose technology (up to five times less than standard pediatric doses), quicker scan times and spectral imaging. To make an appointment, please call: 314-577-5652, opt. 1 Fax orders to: 314-268-6472 4 Cardiology and Cardiothoracic Surgery 3000 300 2000 200 1000 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 100 0 306 400 289 4000 170 500 160 5000 163 CGCMC Major Cardiac Operations 4,886 survival rate for patients who received treatment for congenital heart defects in 2010 – 2013 CGCMC Outpatient Clinic Visits 4,366 97.3 % 4,242 Most experienced pediatric cardiothoracic surgery team in the St. Louis region All-encompassing cardiac care with special focuses: Cardiothoracic surgery and heart transplantation Fetal echocardiography testing Interventional cardiology and hybrid procedures Transcatheter pulmonary valve placement Electrophysiology - state-of-the-art arrhythmia management including fluoroless ablations and placement of pacemakers and ICDs Cardiac MRI and CT Adult congenital heart disease program Collaboration with obstetrics, maternal-fetal medicine and neonatology to deliver babies with congenital heart defects in need of immediate intervention at SSM Cardinal Glennon 3,852 Only pediatric hybrid cardiac catheterization suite in the St. Louis region The SSM Cardinal Glennon Children’s Medical Center and SLUCare Physician Group’s cardiology and cardiothoracic surgery team is ranked among the country’s top pediatric heart programs in U.S. News & World Report’s 2014-15 Best Children’s Hospitals. The growing group includes 10 pediatric cardiologists and the most experienced cardiothoracic surgery team in the region. 3,459 Ranked among the country’s top pediatric heart programs in U.S. News & World Report’s 2014-15 Best Children’s Hospitals 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 Diagnostic testing and cardiac imaging Echocardiograms 7,684 Fetal echocardiograms 552 Electrocardiograms 3,775 Holter® monitors 396 Stress tests 52 Total 12,459 2013 Cardiac catheterizations SLUCare Cardiothoracic Surgeons Dr. Charles Huddleston and Dr. Andrew Fiore 5 Interventional cardiac catheterizations 150 Diagnostic cardiac catheterizations 120 Electrophysiology cases 42 Total 312 2010-13 Survival rates at discharge (all operations) catheterizations Interventional cardiac Diagnostic cardiac catheterizations catheterizations 150 120 Diagnostic cardiac cases Electrophysiology catheterizations 120 42 Total Electrophysiology cases 312 42 Total 312 SLUCare Cardiology and Cardiothoracic Surgery Physicians 2010-13 Survival rates at discharge (all operations) 2010-13 Survival rates at discharge (all operations) 100% 100% Kenneth Schowengerdt, MD Director Wieck-Sullivan Professor of Pediatrics at Saint Louis University School of Medicine 50% 50% 97.3% 96.5% 97.3% 96.5% Cardinal Glennon Children’s Medical Center Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS) national averages Cardinal Glennon Children’s Medical Center Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS) national averages 0 Saadeh Al-Jureidini, MD 0 2010-13 Survival rates by discharge (all operations) 2010-13 Survival rates by discharge (all operations) 100% Susan Haynes, MD SD re pa SD 100% A 100% 96% 96% TG 0 A 0 TG 50% 91.5%91.5% re pa ir 100% ir 100% V V SD SD 100%100% re re pa pa ir 100% ir 100% TO TO 99% 99% F F re re pa pa 100% 100% ir ir C C oa oa 98.2%98.2% rc rc t t re ati re ati o on pa n pa100% 100% ir ir 98.5%98.5% (C (C om C om C A A pl VS pl VS et D et100% e) e) D 100% 97% 97% N N or or w w oo oo d 85.7% d 85.7% 84.3%84.3% re S re S se ub se ub ct A ct A io S io100% S 100% n n 99.7%99.7% pr pr oc o ed Ro ced Ro s ur ss u100% re s 100% R Re os os 91% 91% pr s- pr soc Ko oc Ko ed nn ed nn o ur o u100% 100% re e 50% A Andrew Fiore, MD CV Surgeon Jason Garnreiter, MD 100% A Saar Danon, MD Charles Huddleston, MD CV Surgeon Wilson King, MD Renuka Peterson, MD M. Babak Rahimi, MD Cardinal Glennon Children’s Medical Center Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS) national averages Angela Sharkey, MD Cardinal Glennon Children’s Medical Center Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS) national averages Jamie Sutherell, MD Advanced technology in state-of-the-art facilities: SSM Cardinal Glennon is home to St. Louis’ only pediatric hybrid cardiac catheterization suite, where diagnostic tests and surgical procedures are performed in one space. The Dorothy and Larry Dallas Heart Center at SSM Cardinal Glennon enables the team to provide comprehensive care in one location. SSM Cardinal Glennon unveiled the area’s most advanced imaging center that includes a 3.0T MRI for detailed cardiac images interpreted by a dedicated pediatric cardiac radiologist and pediatric cardiologist. Fetal Echocardiogram (ECHO): As early as 18 weeks gestation, doctors at the Fetal Heart Program can accurately detect heart conditions through a fetal echocardiogram (Fetal ECHO). This detailed ultrasound focuses on the intrauterine growth and development of the heart and great vessels. Appointments: 314-577-5674 Service Locations: SSM Cardinal Glennon Child ren’s Med ical Center St. Louis, MO SSM Health St. Mary’s Hospital Jefferson City, MO SSM St. Joseph Hospital West Lake Saint Louis, MO Anderson Hospital Maryville, IL Good Samaritan Regional Health Center Mount Vernon, IL 6 Critical Care Medicine and the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit New state-of-the-art 18 room PICU with extensive family space opened July 2014 Board-certified intensivist in-house 24/7 Advanced technology expertise: Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) Advanced mechanical ventilation techniques Continuous renal replacement therapies Temperature regulation therapies Critical Care expertise for: In 2013, 964 critically ill and injured children received critical care services in the PICU at SSM Cardinal Glennon Children’s Medical Center. The team that ECMO is necessary to provide this high intensity care30includes seven board-certified pediatric intensivists, five nurse practitioners,25more than 80 registered nurses, 27 86 20 more than 40 respiratory therapists, daily presence of Child Life Specialists, 66 60 15 pediatric-trained occupational and physical therapists, pharmacists with special 14 10 family support, palliative care pediatric training, social workers, pastoral care 10 5 personnel, pain treatment team specialists, pediatric nutrition support specialists 0 and the full complement of sub-specialty pediatricians and pediatric surgeons 2013 2011 needed to provide quaternary care pediatric services. ECMO Run2012 Number % Survival to Hospital Discharge Every day in the PICU finds medical students, medical and surgical residents, and students from Nursing, Respiratory Care, Occupational and Physical Therapy, Pharmacy, Social Work and Pastoral Care learning about the allimportant team approach to PICU patient care. SSM Cardinal Glennon is participating in an Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) fellowship training program for physicians wanting to subspecialize in Pediatric Critical Care Medicine.” The PICU Patient (2013) Solid organ and hematologicbased transplant program Complex congenital heart surgery Age Range Acute and chronic kidney disease program 10 Complex airway surgeries 0 Provide education and training in pediatric critical care to pre-professionals, professionals and support staff at SSM Cardinal Glennon and affiliated institutions. 7 4.6 days 15 5 Complex neurosurgical procedures Provide the highest quality, team-based pediatric specialized minute-to-minute monitoring, assessment, technology support, resuscitative and ongoing proactive intervention for infants, children and adults with critical illness from any Patient Program at SSM Cardinal Glennon 33.4% 25 20 PICU Missions: 6 30 Technology-dependent complex care patients Critical endocrinology emergencies Length of Stay 35 18.3% 19.5% 18.9% 1.7 days 6.1% <30 Days 4.2 days 3 3.8% 1-24 2-6 6-13 Months Years Years 13-19 >19 Years Years 0 Average length of stay Median length of stay Predicted LOS adjusted by PRISM severity of illness Admissions 100 61% 50 54% 52% 46% 39% 48% 0 Directly from OR Non-operative Emergent 50% of SSM Cardinal Glennon PICU patients receive care in the PICU after complex surgeries. 50-60% of surgical admissions have undergone complex congenital heart surgery. The other surgical patients have undergone tumor removal, specialized cerebral spinal fluid Pre-scheduled with PICU faculty primary service Mortality 5 0 with PICU faculty concurrent care 3.43% 3.23% PI predicted mortality PRISM predicted mortality 2.18% Observed mortality 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% management surgeries, complex airway surgery, complex spinal stabilization surgeries or operative repair of injuries suffered after major traumatic events. 50% of PICU patients who do not require surgery are admitted for intensive pulmonary support for asthma, bronchiolitis or pneumonia. Other medical reasons for PICU admission or transfer are septic shock, management of prolonged or persistent seizures, severe diabetes ketoacidosis management, dehydration and major electrolyte derangements. Extraordinary Technologies SSM Cardinal Glennon offers ECMO (a prolonged form of cardiopulmonary bypass) support to neonates and children for severe lung and heart failure. Survival after ECMO nationally runs between 40 and 75% depending on the reason the patient needs ECMO support. SSM Cardinal Glennon ECMO survival has continued to match or exceed outcomes reported by the Extracorporeal Life Support Organization. ECMO 30 25 27 86 20 15 10 5 66 60 14 10 0 2011 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 2013 2012 SLUCare Critical Care Physicians and Providers Lia Lowrie, MD, Division Director of Critical Care Medicine Professor of Pediatrics Saint Louis University School of Medicine Robert Ream, MD, PICU Medical Director Teresa Andreone, MD Nandini Calamur, MD Jeremy Garrett, MD Jason Werner, MD Michael Zahra, MD ECMO Run Number % Survival to Hospital Discharge PICU Quality Program Mary Beth Bevirt, CPNP-AC The PICU Quality Improvement Program focuses on weekly interdisciplinary reviews of all admissions and ongoing quality data. Data is pulled from several multicenter databases useful for measuring SSM Cardinal Glennon’s progress toward achieving quality goals and comparing to other PICUs across the country. Mortality, medical device related infection, unintended extubation rate, documentation and treatment of pain, quality of resuscitation processes and The PICUpathway Patientare (2013) development of an ICU asthma all part of our QI Program. Age Range 35 30 15 10 50 Kristina Scherrer, CPNP-PC 6 6.1% <30 Days 4.6 days 0 ventilator associated pneumonia for more than one year 4.2 days 3 19.5% line Only one central 18.9%associated infection for 2013 18.3% Press Ganey satisfaction at 99th percentile days Risk adjusted mortality lower than predicted by two1.7scoring systems 3.8% 1-24 2-6 6-13 Months Years Years New PICU Opened 100 Michele Piole, CPNP-PC 33.4% 20 5 Mary Laffey, CPNP-AC Length of Stay Quality Program highlights: 25 0 Marian Dimovitz, CPNP-AC/PC 13-19 >19 Years Years 0 Average length of stay Median length of stay Predicted LOS adjusted by PRISM severity of illness Our remodeled and expandedAdmissions 18 room, 21 bed PICU has state-of-the-art monitoring capabilities, improved infection control capabilities and new communication technology allowing remote access to real-time patient monitoring and electronic data. This new technology ensures real-time access 61% for the multi-disciplinary team necessary for quality intensive care. Beautiful, 54% 52% 48% comfortable family support facilities provide a more welcoming and healing 46% 39% environment. 0 Directly Non-operative Emergent Pre-scheduled with PICU with PICU Critical Care Medicine Academic Office: 314-577-5395 8 Emergency Medicine 94%tile in patient satisfaction in 2014 78 % of patients seen by an emergency medicine provider in less than 30 minutes from arrival in 2014 While providing exceptional care to more than 53,000 children every year, our top priorities are: quick, easy access to the emergency department and satisfaction for you and your patients. Innovations Input/Access – Call one number to speak with an attending physician 24/7, have your patients seen quickly upon arrival and for emergent transfers. SSM Cardinal Glennon is home to a Level I Pediatric Trauma Center and is a teaching hospital affiliated with Saint Louis University School of Medicine. Compassionate care focusing on the entire patient experience Throughput – Immediate Bedding In November 2011, “Immediate Bedding” was initiated so that patients would have a shorter stay within our ER. The result is exactly that. Patients are walked from the emergency department lobby to patient care rooms where triage assessments are performed at the bedside. We “pull until full” 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Arrival to Room (Mean-Minutes) 20 15 10 5 0 17 7 11 2012 2013 2014 Door to Provider (Percent of patients seen by provider in less than 30 minutes): 100 80 60 40 SLUCare Physician and Emergency Department Division Director Dr. Robert Flood comforts 4-year-old Brandon who has a high fever. 9 20 10 0 64% 84% 78% 2012 2013 2014 SLUCare Emergency Medicine Physicians Total Volumes 60,000 Robert Flood, MD, Division Director, Professor of Pediatrics, Saint Louis University School of Medicine 45,000 30,000 15,000 0 53,200 50,200 53,984 2012 2013 2014 Hemina Bailey, MD Colleen Braun, DO Rachel Charney, MD Patient Satisfaction Press Ganey Likelihood to Recommend (National %tile) 100 Kristen Covert, MD Ann DiMaio, MD Faye Doerhoff, MD 75 Jim Gerard, MD 50 Steve Laffey, MD 25 Renee Manley-Markowski, MD 0 71% 85% 94% Al Nakanishi, MD, MPH 2012 2013 2014 John Peter, MD Nadeem Qureshi, MD Anthony Scalzo, MD Teresa Schiff, MD Trevor Tredway, MD, PhD Jamie Velasco, MD SSM Cardinal Glennon pediatricians are close to home in the ER at: SSM DePaul Health Center Bridgeton, MO SSM St. Clare Health Center Fenton, MO SSM St. Joseph Health Center St. Charles, MO SSM St. Joseph Hospital West Lake Saint Louis, MO St. Anthony’s Medical Center St. Louis, MO The Dan Dierdorf Emergency and Trauma Center Missouri’s Longest Standing Level I Pediatric Trauma Center Anderson Hospital Maryville, Ill. 10 Endocrinology Comprehensive care of patients with growth and complex endocrine system disorders One of 15 sites participating in the NIH-funded TODAY (Treatment Options for type 2 Diabetes in Adolescents and Youth) Study Structured educational program for high school seniors with diabetes transitioning to adult care Focused clinical care and research in Prader-Willi syndrome Multidisciplinary clinics for patients with Turner syndrome and lipid disorders 7,000 outpatient visits annually at SSM Cardinal Glennon Children’s Medical Center and four outreach clinic locations 11 Growth Disorders Children with a wide variety of growth disorders are evaluated by the endocrinologists at SSM Cardinal Glennon and discussed in depth at the Endocrinology Division’s weekly case conference. A full-time clinical nurse performs specialized endocrine function testing and provides education in endocrine disorders and instruction in rhGH therapy. For three decades, members of the Endocrinology Division have participated in multi-center clinical trials of growth hormone therapy and have contributed patient information to post-marketing surveillance programs. Turner Syndrome The Way to Grow Turner Syndrome Clinic opened in June 2014 and provides coordinated subspecialty care for girls in a centralized location. Meet and Greet events are an important component of the clinic, offering girls and their families opportunities to socialize, network and focus on topics of mutual interest. Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS) Dr. Susan Myers in the Endocrinology Division and Barbara Whitman, PhD, have collaborated for more than 20 years to study the effects of growth hormone therapy in infants, children and adults with Prader-Willi Syndrome. Affected individuals from newborns to adults are treated in a monthly, multidisciplinary PWS Clinic. Current research focuses on the effects of modern medical management, including growth hormone therapy, on gonadal function in adolescents with PWS. Drs. Myers and Whitman are active in the PraderWilli Syndrome Association USA, serving on the Clinical and Scientific Advisory Committees. Lipid Disorders In 2012, the NIH-sponsored Expert Panel on Integrated Guidelines for Cardiovascular Health and Risk Reduction in Children and Adolescents and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended universal screening of children for lipid disorders to reduce risk of cardiovascular disease in adulthood. In response to the increasing number of children screened for lipid disorders at their wellchild visits, the Endocrinology Division reviews records of patients with abnormal blood lipids and recommends further testing and/or refers patients for evaluation and intervention in the Lipid Disorders Clinic. There, the child and his/her parent are seen by an experienced dietitian and Division faculty member or PNP and receive recommendations on dietary changes and other lifestyle interventions. Some cases then are prescribed medications and monitored. Diabetes The Diabetes Service at SSM Cardinal Glennon has grown rapidly in the last few years. Currently, an average of ~125 patients/year with new onset diabetes are referred for care and ~40 patients/year transfer their care to the Endocrinology Division. Most of these children have type 1 diabetes, but ~15% have type 2 diabetes and 6% have cystic fibrosis related diabetes. Clinical nurse educators and dietitians provide in- and out-patient diabetes education and instruct patients in intensive regimens including CSII (insulin-pump) therapy and continuous glucose monitoring programs. In addition, they maintain a high level of in-patient diabetic care through education of the hospital nursing staff. A dedicated social worker and a child psychologist are available to offer psychosocial evaluation and therapy. SLUCare Endocrinology Physicians and Providers The Diabetes Team at SSM Cardinal Glennon initiated a state-of-the art Diabetes Transition Program for high school seniors transitioning to adult care in 2011. Seniors attend several education sessions with a diabetes nurse educator, dietitian and, if needed, social worker. Many important topics are reviewed, such as preparing for college life, handling sick days, safe driving and refilling prescriptions. A binder with relevant handouts and websites is provided to each senior. Sherida E. Tollefsen, MD Director Type 2 Diabetes In response to the growing epidemic of type 2 diabetes in childhood, the Endocrinology Division is participating in industry-sponsored trials investigating drugs for type 2 diabetes and in the NIH-funded, multi-center TODAY (Treatment Options for type 2 Diabetes in Adolescents and Youth) Study. David P. Dempsher, MD, PhD Mark C. Eddy, MD Susan E. Myers, MD Margaret K. Siska, MD Matt Lunneen, PNP-BC, CDE Bonnie Wolff, PNP, CDE 1 of 15 centers in the TODAY Study The Saint Louis University site is led by Dr. Sherida Tollefsen, PI, and Dr. David Dempsher, co-investigator. The research protocol was designed to evaluate the efficacy of three treatment regimens (metformin alone, metformin plus rosiglitazone and metformin, plus intensive lifestyle intervention) on time to treatment failure based on glycemic control. Nationwide, 1,211 subjects were screened, 927 subjects proceeded to run-in and 699 subjects were randomized into one of the treatment regimens and were treated for at least two years. The figure below compares the performance of the SLU site with the entire TODAY Study group. The percentages of screened participants entering run-in, of participants successfully completing run-in and of randomized participants that have been retained were higher at the SLU site. Overall, 72.2% of screened participants were randomized at SLU (compared to 57.7% study-wide) and 94.9% of randomized participants have been retained (compared to 80.4% study-wide). SLU Site Comparison with TODAY Study Group Study Group Appointments: 314-577-5648 CGCMC/SLU 100 Service Locations: SSM Cardinal Glennon St. Louis, MO 80 St. Luke’s Hospital Chesterfield, MO 40 St. Anthony’s Medical Center South St. Louis 0 Screened participants entering run-in Participants successfully completing run-in and randomized Randomized participants retained 94.9 80.4 81.2 75.4 10 88.9 20 76.5 Percent 60 Southeast Missouri Hospital Cape Girardeau, MO Anderson Hospital Maryville, IL 12 Gastroenterology and Hepatology One of seven pediatric hospitals taking part in the Non-alcoholic Steatohepatitis Clinical Research Network to find treatments for obesityrelated liver disease. Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) – Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis Multidisciplinary team includes two dedicated GI PNPs, adolescent psychologists, dietitians, and feeding and weight management specialists. Alpha-1-Antritrypsin Deficiency Active celiac disease program with diagnostic, patient care, and educational programs. Focused clinical care and research in eosinophilic esophagitis and other aspects of food allergy. 3 year graft survival and patient survival rate of liver transplant patients has been 100%. The gastroenterology and hepatology team includes a dedicated IBD coordinator and follows more than 200 patients with IBD. An IBD diagnosis involves an indepth evaluation when one or more signs are present. The department is an active member of ICN, a national database registry of IBD patients. For two decades, Department Director Dr. Jeffrey Teckman has studied basic liver chemistry and led Alpha-1 research efforts. SSM Cardinal Glennon and Saint Louis University are part of a leading network of pediatric hospitals across North America sponsored by the National Institutes of Health to study and develop treatments and cures for a range of cholestatic liver diseases including Alpha-1. Due to the common misdiagnosis of Alpha-1, the GI team tests for Alpha-1 during all liver evaluations and sometimes even when evaluating failure to thrive or poor growth. Fatty Liver Disease With funds from the National Institutes of Health, SSM Cardinal Glennon and Saint Louis University are one of seven pediatric hospitals taking part in the nationwide Non-alcoholic Steatohepatitis Clinical Research Network to find treatments and diagnostic modalities for pediatric non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Liver Transplant For more than 20 years, pediatric liver transplant outcomes at SSM Cardinal Glennon have been consistent with or above national transplant benchmarks. This successful program is staffed by physicians UNOS-certified in transplant medicine and specialized nurse coordinators with national accreditation. The transplant program is CMS certified and is a member of the United Network for Organ Sharing. Waiting list mortality rates (Jan. 2013-Dec. 2013) SLUCare Physician and GI Division Director Dr. Jeffrey Teckman visits with his patient Gabe Heller who is receiving a Remicade infusion for Inflammatory Bowel Disease. 13 Rate per 100 Person Years 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 SSM Cardinal Glennon 1.6 Scientific Registry of Transplant Participants First-year pediatric graft and patient survival (Jan. 2011-June 2013) 100% 80% Rate Pers 0.5 0.0 0.0 1.6 SSM Cardinal Glennon Scientific Registry of Transplant Participants First-year pediatric graft and patient survival (Jan. 2011-June 2013) 100% 80% 0% Graft Survival (7 transplants) Hepatitis B SSM Cardinal Glennon 87.30% 20% 100% 100% 40% 87.88% 60% Patient Survival (6 transplants) Scientific Registry of Transplant Participants In an effort to better diagnose and treat pediatric patients with Hepatitis B, SSM Cardinal Glennon and Saint Louis University are part of the national Hepatitis B Research Network (HBRN), which consists of seven leading pediatric hospitals and is funded by the National Institutes of Health. SLUCare Gastroenterology and Hepatology Physicians and Providers Jeffrey H. Teckman, MD Professor of Pediatrics and Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Director Thomas M. Foy, MD Professor of Pediatrics Ajay Jain, MD Assistant Professor of Pediatrics Nisha Mangalat, MD Assistant Professor of Pediatrics Helen Pappa, MD, MPH Assistant Professor of Pediatrics Short Bowel Syndrome SSM Cardinal Glennon has a multidisciplinary team of GI physicians, surgeons and therapists who provide intestinal rehabilitation, bowel lengthening and nutritional management as well as home nutrition technology and appliance placement for pediatric patients with short bowel syndrome. Neurogastroenterology The department addresses the “gut-brain connection” through guided imagery with specially trained staff, availability of dedicated psychologists and special consultations for pediatric motility. Hepatitis C The only pediatric center in Missouri offering updated Gilead during trials. There has been a revolution in the treatment of hepatitis C infection, however, some new medications are not available to all children. Our center offers access to the newest treatments, which in many cases are available at no other pediatric center in Missouri. Jerry Rosenblum, MD, MPH, MBA Professor of Pediatrics Laura Hotle, RN, CPNP Kathleen Spranaitis, RN, CPNP 1 of 7 pediatric hospitals taking part in the nationwide Non-alcoholic Steatohepatitis Clinical Research Network Appointments: 314-268-4010 Service Locations: SSM Card inal Glennon St. Louis, MO St. Luke’s Hospital Chesterfield, MO SSM St. Joseph Hospital West Lake Saint Louis, MO The gastroenterology and hepatology team at SSM Cardinal Glennon St. Anthony’s Medical Center South St. Louis Anderson Hospital Maryville, IL 14 Hematology/Oncology Serves as a sickle cell treatment center for both Missouri and Illinois First federally designated pediatric Comprehensive Hemophilia Treatment Center in the St. Louis area 89% survival rate for blood and marrow transplant procedures The hematology-oncology team treats children and adolescents with a wide variety of malignant tumors. We also have a large sickle cell/hemoglobinopathy program and the oldest federally-designated pediatric Comprehensive Hemophilia Treatment Center in the St. Louis area. Because of continued improvement in the treatment of children with cancer, their cure rate now approaches 90%. Especially for children with solid tumors, this success is dependent upon the coordinated efforts of multiple medical specialties, and recent recruitments have allowed us to increase the breadth of our multi-disciplinary treatment teams. Higher cure rates also bring new challenges: currently more than 1 in 640 young adults is a cancer survivor, and these individuals have a higher rate of medical problems than the population at large. Our Long-Term Follow-Up program is designed to help these individuals transition their medical care as they enter adulthood, and has expanded to include special clinics to help survivors of brain tumors and those who have undergone stem cell transplantation. Bone and Soft Tissue Sarcomas Children with bone tumors or soft tissue sarcomas benefit from a treatment team that can focus on both maximizing the chance of cure as well as optimizing future function. Dr. William Ferguson has been active in the design and implementation of national protocols for the treatment of bone tumors for over 25 years and has participated in many of the trailblazing clinical trials in this field. Working closely with Dr. David Greenberg (Orthopedic Oncology) and Dr. John Dombrowski (Radiation Oncology), this team provides a highly integrated approach to treating these complex patients. Neuro-Oncology Children with brain tumors often present unique challenges since both disease and treatment can place them at risk for long-term cognitive issues. Implementing a highly coordinated multi-disciplinary approach is essential for helping these children not only survive, but thrive. Dr. Mohamed Abdel-Baki recently joined SSM Cardinal Glennon from Texas Children’s/Baylor School of Medicine, which has one of the largest brain tumor training programs in the country. Drs. Samar Elbabaa of Neurosurgery, John Dombrowski of Radiation Oncology, and Thomas Geller of Neurology are primary members of this team, which also draws heavily on the expertise provided by highly experienced providers in physical therapy, occupational therapy, developmental pediatrics, and stem cell transplantation. SLUCare Physician and Hematology/Oncology Division Director Dr. William Ferguson jokes with Lauren Lee during a checkup and chemotherapy treatment. 15 Blood and Marrow Transplant Program The transplant program continues to grow and maintain one of the highest survival rates among similarly sized centers. The program is accredited by the Foundation for Accreditation of Cellular Therapy (FACT) and is an approved transplant center for the Children’s Oncology Group. We are also active in the Pediatric Blood and Marrow Transplant Consortium research group. Personalized Medicine Despite having achieved high cure rates, there are still children whose tumors relapse and for whom curative treatment is often elusive. As part of the Neuroblastoma and Medulloblastoma Translational Research Consortium, SSM Cardinal Glennon is one of a handful of centers in the United States offering an innovative clinical trial that utilizes genomic analysis of tumors to guide therapy. Part of a larger research program funded by Dell Computer, this study is designed to help develop more individualized approaches to cancer treatment. S 20ep 14 t., A u 20 gu 14 st, J 20 uly 14 , J 20un 14 e, M 20 ay 14 , A 20 pr 14 il, M 20arc 14 h, Chemotherapy Safety Initiative SSM Cardinal Glennon has a multi-step process for writing and verifying chemotherapy orders that has almost eliminated the incidence of errors that actually reach the patient (high-impact errors). However, we felt that lowimpact errors (such as clerical errors that would not cause an adverse effect on a patient) and intermediate-impact errors (those that might have had an impact if not corrected during the verification process) provide a window into process issues that might increase the risk of high-risk errors reaching patients. Thus, we instituted a program to meticulously review all orders and to flag all errors and omissions, regardless of how minor, with feedback to the clinicians. As shown in figure 1, after just 6 months this Figure 1 has resulted in a greater than Low Intermediate Low 80% decrease in the number of 35 low- and intermediate-impact 30 5 errors; during that time, the 25 20 only potentially high-impact 1 15 5 error was an inadvertent 2-day 3 2 1 3 7 10 delay in therapy that had no 5 28 14 9 9 10 4 5 adverse effect on the patient. 0 SLUCare Hematology/ Oncology Physicians and Providers William Ferguson, MD Director Professor of Pediatrics at Saint Louis University School of Medicine Deepika Bhatla, MD Christopher Hugge, MD John Puetz, MD Shermini Saini, MD Mohamed Abdel-Baki, MD Leili Dolatshahi, MD Aleksandar Babic, MD, PhD Abigail Sharamitaro, RN, MSN, CPNP, CPON Lindsay Brefeld, RN, MSN, CPNP Lauren Delaschmit, RN, MSN, CPNP Robert Parker, RN, MSN, CPNP We strive to provide a friendly, comforting environment where patients and families are not only treated as individuals, but as partners in working toward a cure. The Costas Center opened in 1998 and uses a team approach to diagnose and treat children with cancer and blood disorders. It provides a comfortable setting for children to receive prolonged treatments, such as chemotherapy and transfusions without having to be admitted to the hospital. Our physicians are leaders in the use of umbilical cord blood stem cell transplants for cancer and lifethreatening blood and immune disorders. - Dr. William Ferguson Division Director Appointments: 314-268-4000 16 Neonatology Level IV Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (the highest level of designation) Extra Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) availability 24/7 In-house Neonatal Attendings 24/7 Private room for every baby Recognized as a Neonatal Center of Excellence by the American Accreditation Healthcare Commisison, the Dana Brown Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at SSM Cardinal Glennon Children’s Medical Center provides tertiary and quaternary levels of care for the most acute patients. The neonatology team includes 18 board-certified neonatologists as well as dedicated, specialty-trained neonatal nurses. Patients and their families benefit from the comfort of the NICU’s 65 private rooms, personalized care guaranteed with a low patient-to-nurse ratio and attending neonatologists in-house 24/7. Multidisciplinary teams of pediatric specialists, including a skilled Extra Corporal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) group, are also available around-the-clock to provide the highest level of care for the most complex diagnoses. In addition, ongoing support is offered to families and NICU graduates. Mortality in babies ≤1000 gm (compared to Vermont Oxford Network (VON) average) 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 22% 26% 2009 21% 26% 2010 19% 26% 2011 SSM Cardinal Glennon 20% 26% 22% 2012 32% 2013 VON Average Length of stay for babies <1000 gm (compared to Vermont Oxford Network (VON) average) 112 Length of Stay (days) 110 108 106 104 102 100 98 96 94 105 92 111 112 2012 SLUCare Physician and Neonatology Division Director Dr. Farouk Sadiq and SLUCare Physician and Division Director of Cardiothoracic Surgery Dr. Andrew Fiore visit with Baby Cosmo who is recovering from pacemaker placement surgery. 17 SSM Cardinal Glennon VON Average Dedicated Neonatal Transport Team The specially trained neonatal transport team is available 24/7 to stabilize and transport critically ill newborns from around the region to the Level IV NICU at SSM Cardinal Glennon. A registered nurse and respiratory therapist, both with extensive training in the stabilization, treatment and transport of neonates, staff each transport. Physicians also accompany the transport team when appropriate or requested. Each member of the team has completed advanced training, such as: Two years of critical care pediatric nursing in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit or Emergency Department Classroom training and eight to ten weeks of mentor/preceptor training with an SSM Cardinal Glennon transport nurse PACTS (Pediatric Advanced Life Cardiorespiratory and Trauma Support) for Life and PALS (Pediatric Advanced Life Support) courses SLUCare Neonatology Physicians Farouk Sadiq, MD, Director Associate Professor of Pediatrics at Saint Louis University School of Medicine Mohamad Al-Hosni, MD A minimum of eight hours of continuing education in trauma nursing per year Ayoob Ali, MD One pediatric intubation per quarter Thomas Bender, MD Neonatal resuscitation Connie Anderson, MD Robert Brooker, MD Laura Cerny, MD The neonatal transport fleet includes a dedicated ambulance and helicopter, “Cardinal Glennon Air.” Sole access to these mobile ICUs allows the most critical patients to travel with the care they need, as quickly as possible. Cathy Cibulskis, MD SSM Cardinal Glennon NICU features privacy, comfort and access to resources: Unrestricted visiting hours for parents, siblings and family Noah Hillman, MD Colleen Claassen, MD Robert Fleming, MD Justin Josephsen, MD Private in-suite nursing areas, breast pumps, lactation consultants and personal refrigerators in each suite for nursing moms William Keenan, MD In-hospital Ronald McDonald Room and nearby Ronald McDonald House for families and guests Shakir Mohamed, MD Dedicated social workers, pastoral services and mental health services available for families Kimberly Spence, MD NICU Benchmarking Collaborate Each year, the NICU actively participates in a number of benchmarking collaborative and data sharing organizations which guide our quality initiatives and allow for benchmarking with similar NICUs to improve key outcome measures. The NICU participates in the following: Vermont Oxford Database: This is an international database that collects and analyses data from almost 90% of low birth weight babies born in the U.S. and 27 countries around the world. The Illinois Perinatal Collaborative is focused on measures to improve the care delivered to babies during the “Golden Hour” after birth. The Perinatal Quality Collaborative North Carolina is focused on improving care given to babies with neonatal abstinence and their families. Solutions for Patient Safety is a data sharing and collaborative that studies re-admissions, central line associated bloodstream infections (CLABSI), catheter associated urinary tract infections, ventilator associated pneumonia and pressure ulcers. Research The SSM Cardinal Glennon neonatology team continues to expand its research with NIH-funded researchers in the fields of neonatal immunity, iron metabolism, preterm lung injury, inborn errors of metabolism and liver disease. Joyce Koenig, MD Akihiko Noguchi, MD Marya Strand, MD Contact: 314-577-5663 Service Locations: SSM Cardinal Glennon St. Louis, MO SSM DePaul Health Center Bridgeton, MO SSM St. Clare Health Center Fenton, MO SSM St. Joseph Hospital West Lake Saint Louis, MO SSM St. Joseph Health Center St. Charles, MO SSM St. Mary’s Health Center Clayton, MO St. Anthony’s Medical Center South St. Louis Memorial Hospital Belleville, IL 18 Nephrology Comprehensive care of patients with Kidney Disease, including a dedicated Pediatric Dialysis Unit and active Renal Transplant program Comprehensive Hypertension Program Participation in Multidisciplinary Fetal Care Consultation for Serious Kidney Disease One of 32 Pediatric Centers participating in the NIH funded Cure GN Study (Cure Glomerulopathy Network) The Renal Team is specially trained to treat a variety of conditions from Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections to Hypertension to Acute and Chronic Kidney Failure requiring dialysis and/or transplantation. This multidisciplinary team includes physicians, renal nursing, dialysis nursing, a renal dietician, renal social worker, play therapist and school teacher. Our team works closely with other specialists, particularly Pediatric Urology, Radiology, Pediatric Surgery and the Surgical Transplant team from Saint Louis University. Hypertension As obesity rates in the US have increased, so has the frequency of hypertension related to this major public health issue. The Renal Division is fortunate to have the expertise of Dr. Craig Belsha, to lead the Comprehensive Hypertension program at SSM Cardinal Glennon. Dr. Belsha has a weekly hyptertension clinic located in the Dorothy and Larry Dallas Heart Center and leads the ambulatory BP monitoring (ABPM) program. Fetal Care, Nephrology SSM Cardinal Glennon has a multidisciplinary team of high-risk obstetrical specialists, pediatric nephrologists and pediatric urologists that provide care to mothers in the St. Louis Fetal Care Institute. In the St. Louis Fetal Care Institute, Dr. Rich Feldenberg, pediatric nephrologist, evaluates unborn babies with congenital, structural and genetic defects of the kidneys and urinary tract, and is able to better determine which babies will require a higher level of care immediately following delivery. Common problems managed in the St. Louis Fetal Care Institute include bladder outlet obstruction, hydronephrosis, renal dysplasia and Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease. Babies born with kidney failure can often be offered life-saving therapies, including dialysis and eventually kidney transplantation, both of which are offered by the SSM Cardinal Glennon Nephrology team. Pediatric Nephrology was ranked among the Top 50 Centers providing Nephrology Care in 2014 by US News and World Report. SLUCare Physician Dr. Elizabeth Abraham, Director of Continuous Acute Dialysis Treatments, leads the team for continuous venovenous hemofiltration with or without dialysis. 19 Diabetes Dr. Ellen Wood, Medical Director of the SSM Cardinal Glennon Pediatric Dialysis Unit, leads a staff of specially trained pediatric dialysis doctors and nurses. Additionally, the team is supported by a social worker, dietician, child life therapist and in-house school teacher. The team provides Hemodialysis and Peritoneal dialysis, including a CMS-certified PD training program. The desired treatment plan for HD patients is to surgically create an AV fistula, if at all possible. However, babies and young children as well as patients presenting with renal failure often do not have that option. For that reason, dialysis catheters are often needed in this population and infection is a complication of these lines, just like any central line. We monitor infection rates monthly: SLUCare Nephrology Physicians and Providers HD Catheter associated BSI/patient months 2.0 Ellen G. Wood, MDr Professor of Pediatrics, Division Director Pediatric Nephrology, Medical Director of Pediatric Dialysis and Renal Transplantation 1.5 1.0 0.5 1.2 100 1.35 100 2011 2012 0 100 0 100 2013 2014 0.0 Craig W. Belsha, MD Professor of Pediatrics, Director Hypertension Program The Division received a $200,000 Grant from the Deaconess FoundationHD over the next five yearsBSI/patient to provide months needed dialysis Catheter associated equipment for better treatment of our dialysis patients. 2.0 1.5 Transplant 1.0 1.2 1.35 0 transplant in 0 the state of In 1984, the0.5 youngest 100 child ever to 100 receive a kidney 100 100 Missouri to date was transplanted at SSM Cardinal Glennon. The following 0.0 KidneyGlennon Graft Survival Patient year, SSM Cardinal dialyzed the first babyKidney from birth whoSurvival received a Living Donor and Deceased Donors Living Donor and Deceased Donors 2014 2012 2011 2013 kidney transplant at 10 months old. Since the 1980’s, SSM Cardinal Glennon 1/1/2011-6/30/2013 1/1/2011-6/30/2013 has had an active Kidney Transplant program and includes combined Liver-Kid100% ney100% Transplant in collaboration with our GI team led by Dr. Jeff Teckman and Dr. 75% AJ Jain and our Organ Transplant team75% led by Dr. Betsy Tuttle-Newhall. This50% multidisciplinary team also includes Transplant Coordinators, a Transplant 50% Pharmacist, Social Worker, Dietician, Play Therapist and School Teacher. Our 25% 25% current patient and90graft survival are comparable to100national data. 99.6 The program 93.3 96.9 88.2 100 98.3 is CMS 0 Network for Organ Sharing 0 certified and is a member of the United 1 year 3 years 1 year 3 years 1 year 3 years 1 year 3 years (UNOS). CG US-SRTR DATA* CG US-SRTR DATA* Kidney Graft Survival Kidney Patient Survival 1/1/2011-6/30/2013 1/1/2011-6/30/2013 *SRTR- Scientific Registry of Transplant recipients Living Donor and Deceased Donors Living Donor and Deceased Donors 100% 100% 75% 75% 50% 50% 25% 25% 0 93.3 1 year 90 3 years CG 96.9 1 year 88.2 3 years US-SRTR DATA* 0 Elizabeth Abraham, MD Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Director of Acute Renal Replacement Therapies Renal/Hypertension Nursing: Kathy Leible, RN Amy Stultz, RN Amy Weston, RN Dialysis Nursing: Pam Brouder,RN; Director PICU, TCU and Dialysis Services Lynn Yates, RN, Head Nurse Jacque Tanquary, RN, Vascular Access Coordinator Francine Graham, RN Carolyn Berwin, RN Susan Fleming, RN Mary Huffman, RN 100 100 99.6 98.3 1 year 3 years 1 year 3 years CG L. Richard Feldenberg, MD Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Primary Nephrologist for the St. Louis Fetal Care Institute US-SRTR DATA* *SRTR- Scientific Registry of Transplant recipients Clinical Research Studies The division is participating in several multi-center studies with the Midwest Pediatric Nephrology Consortium Study Group as well as pharmaceutical trials. As a division, it is also participating in two multi-center NIH studies including the CKID Study and Cure GN Study. Transplant Coordinators: Michelle Romano, RN, Director of Transplant Services Erin Foristal, RN, Head Coordinator Julie Feldenberg, RN Kate Hoerchler, Financial Coordinator Contact: 314-577-5306 20 Neurosurgery Experts in minimally invasive neurosurgery One of the fastest growing fetal myelomeningocele repair programs in the United States The Pediatric Neurosurgery Department at SSM Cardinal Glennon Children’s Medical Center is equipped with state-of-the-art technology, providing specialized care for patients near and far. Our team of physicians are trained to provide exceptional care for problems related to a child’s brain, spinal cord or central nervous system. Excellent outcomes are dependent on surgical planning, coordination and collaboration. The neurosurgery team at SSM Cardinal Glennon Children’s Medical Center works tirelessly, collaborating with multiple pediatric subspecialties in preparation for surgery to achieve the best outcomes for patients and their families. Pediatric Brain Tumor Clinic This multidisciplinary clinic meets bi-monthly to continue care of patients who have had brain tumors removed. Following diagnosis and surgery, patients are typically seen once every three months for a year, depending on the patient. Specialists from a variety of fields are available to help care for our patients with brain tumors, including: Neurosurgery Neurology Neuro-Psychology Radiation-Oncology AudiologySocial Services Neuro-Oncology Endocrinology Minimally invasive neurosurgery In the last 10-15 years, the practice of minimally invasive neurosurgery has grown and become standard of care for the management of certain conditions at institutions with proper surgical expertise and technology. SLUCare Physician and Neurosurgery Division Director Dr. Samer Elbabaa removes a posterior fossa cerebellar tumor from a 16-year-old boy. 21 In contrast to an open neurosurgical procedure, minimally invasive neurosurgery requires just a few small incisions, shortens recovery time and reduces pain, blood loss and scarring. The surgery, which typically lasts only 30-60 minutes, requires a tiny endoscope, small pump, video camera and a special light source. Dr. Elbabaa’s clinical and research specialties involve the practice of minimally invasive neurosurgery. Endoscopic applications performed by the team include: Endoscopic third ventriculostomy (ETV) for obstructive hydrocephalus SLUCare Neurosurgery Physicians and Providers Endoscopic tumor biopsy and removal for intraventricular tumors Endoscopic fenestration of arachnoid cysts Endoscopic placement of ventricular catheters in shunts Samer Elbabaa, MD, FAANS, FACS Director Associate Professor of Neurosurgery at Saint Louis University School of Medicine Endoscopic trans-sphenoidal surgery for sellar and supra-sellar tumors Saleem Abdulrauf, MD, FACS Endoscope-assisted microsurgery Richard Bucholz, MD, FACS Endoscopic resection of colloid cysts Endoscopic simplification of multi-loculated hydrocephalus Endoscopic strip craniectomy for craniosynostosis Endoscopic choroid plexectomy Anne Gildehaus, RN, MSN, CPNP-AC Endoscopic aqueductoplasty Theresa Willard, RN, BSN Endoscopic spinal surgery Fetal Myelomeningocele Repair In partnership with the St. Louis Fetal Care Institute at SSM Cardinal Glennon, Dr. Elbabaa performs open fetal operations on babies with the most severe form of spina bifida. Prenatal treatment helps reduce, or even eliminate, the major complications of Myelomeningocele, which include hydrocephalus, Chiari malformation and lack of movement in the lower extremities. The St. Louis Fetal Care Institute has one of the fastest growing fetal myelomeningocele repair programs in the country. See page 31 for more information. Our skills and specialized training allows our pediatric neurosurgery team to successfully perform complex surgeries others won’t attempt. -Dr. Samer Elbabaa Division Director Contact: 314-577-5306 22 Nuclear Medicine New $1.6 million Nuclear Medicine Suite Ambient lighting and Child Life Specialist help make the experience more enjoyable for the patient Pediatric Nuclear Medicine helps diagnose childhood disorders that are congenital or develop through childhood In March 2015, SSM Cardinal Glennon Children’s Medical Center built a new $1.6 million Nuclear Medicine Suite featuring the newest technology available in Nuclear Medicine. This state-of-the-art technology allows the nuclear medicine images and computed tomography (SPECT/CT) imaging to be performed at the same time. With this equipment, the information from two different exams can be correlated and interpreted on one image, therefore leading to precise information for diagnoses. Nuclear medicine procedures are able to pinpoint molecular activity within the body, offering the potential to identify disease in its earliest stages as well as a patient’s immediate response to therapeutic interventions. Nuclear medicine imaging procedures are noninvasive and, with the exception of intravenous injections, are usually painless medical tests that help physicians diagnose and evaluate medical conditions. Our ambient lighting and dedicated staff help make your child’s experience as enjoyable as possible. Our Child Life Specialist is available and provides age-appropriate distraction techniques to help ease anxiety and avoid sedation whenever possible. The new Nuclear Medicine suite helps ease the fears of patients with the help of the Child Life Team. 23 Pediatric nuclear medicine imaging can be performed to help diagnose childhood disorders that are congenital (present at birth) or that develop during childhood. Physicians use nuclear medicine imaging to evaluate organ systems, including the: Kidneys and bladder Bones Liver and gallbladder Gastrointestinal tract Heart Lungs Brain Thyroid Nuclear medicine scans are typically used to help diagnose and evaluate: Urinary blockage in the kidney SLUCare Nuclear Medicine Physicians Medhat M. Osman, M.D., Sc.M, Ph.D. Professor of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine at Saint Louis University School of Medicine Director of Nuclear Medicine and PET/CT Razi Muzaffar, DO Assistant Professor of Radiology at Saint Louis University School of Medicine Director of Pediatric Nuclear Medicine Jeffrey J. Brown, M.D., F.A.C.R. Chair, Department of Radiology Professor of Radiology at Saint Louis University School of Medicine Shannon Farmakis, M.D. Assistant Professor of Radiology at Saint Louis University School of Medicine Director of Pediatric Radiology Backflow of urine from the bladder into the kidney (reflux) Bone cancer, infections and trauma Gastrointestinal bleeding and motility Tumors and the spread of cancerous cells in the body Jaundice in newborns and older children Epilepsy Location, anatomy and function of the thyroid gland Contact: 314-268-5652 24 Pulmonology Asthma core measures above 99% in 2014 Nationally recognized and accredited care center by the Cystic Fibrosis Center Accredited pediatricfocused sleep lab since 2009 National Quality Award from the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation recognizing outstanding QI processes and accomplishments Partnership with Ranken Jordan consisting of monthly multidisciplinary rounding At SSM Cardinal Glennon, our experienced pulmonology specialists provide expert treatment for all pulmonary disorders from asthma to cystic fibrosis to sleep disorders. No matter the severity, our specialists take the time to connect with each patient at their routine checkups, making for lifelong bonds between patient and caregiver. 3.2% Asthma Strict adherence to asthma protocols and admission order set ensures quality care for pediatric patients. Asthma Readmission Rate Inpatient Asthma Core Measures 100 2.0 75 1.5 50 1.0 25 0 .5 99.4% 99.6% 97.87% 99.58% 2011 2012 2013 2014 0 0.82% 1.0% 1.8% 2011 2012 2013 1.9% 2014 (through July 4) Asthma Pathway In July 2012, an asthma pathway project was implemented to standardize care and provide 3.2% efficient weaning of beta-agonists. Based on standard analysis utilizing control charts, the pathway significantly decreased the length of stay and decreased the variation in care for asthma patients. With this decrease in the length of stay, the asthma patient readmission rate has remained essentially zero and the assessment score has improved communications between physicians and respiratory therapists. 50 37.5 25 12.5 43.4 hours 33.3 hours 0 Mean length of stay before pathway implementation Mean length of stay after pathway implementation Cystic Fibrosis The pulmonology team is accredited by the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and has been recognized twice in the past five years for “Outstanding QI Processes and Accomplishments.” SLUCare Physician and Division Director Dr. Blakeslee Noyes with cystic fibrosis patient, Kyle Stewart 25 Quarterly visits are recommended as part of the CF national care guidelines. Our goal is to establish consistent quarterly clinic visits for our CF patients. Percent Quarterly CF Visits 100 75 50 25 0 60% 69% 88% 2012 2013 2014 Mean BMI percentile for patients 2-19 years 3.2% 60 OGTT Screening in Non-Diabetic Patients 10 to 17 Years 55 Influenza Vaccination in Patients 6 months to 17 years 100 100 75 75 50 50 25 25 0 54 41 2011 55 43 2012 87 50 0 50 92 2010 2013 2% 2011 2010 95 SSM Cardinal Glennon Children’s Medical Center Average 100National 93 100 96 99 2011 2012 SLUCare Pulmonology Physicians and Providers 97 2013 National Average Median weight percentile 2-19 years Blakeslee Noyes, MD SSM Cardinal Glennon Director Children’s Medicalof Center Professor Pediatrics at Saint Louis University School of Medicine Gary Albers, MD 50 Shalini Paruthi, MD Director of Sleep Medicine 37.5 25 12.5 47.5 43.1 0 SSM Cardinal Glennon Children’s Medical Center National Average Supplemental feedings (oral or via gastrostomy tube) for children 2-19 years of age with BMI <50th percentile Kurt Sobush, MD Robert Wilmott, MD Chief of Pediatrics Jamie Wooldridge, MD Angela Orlando, PNP 84.4% 77% National Average 2013 SSM Cardinal Glennon Children’s Medical Center The Pediatric Sleep and Research Center is accredited by The American Academy of Sleep Medicine, providing the highest level of sleep care. Clinicians who specialize in sleep medicine, neurology, otolaryngology (ear, nose and throat), pulmonary medicine, psychiatry, psychology and urology bring a team approach to caring for your child’s sleep disorder. Sleep medicine clinic evaluations can be arranged through any of these specialties or your pediatrician/ family physician. A pediatric clinical nurse coordinates outpatient care. Specially trained sleep technicians conduct the sleep tests using state-of-the-art equipment in the sleep laboratory, similar to a home-like setting. Appointments: 314-678-2173 Service Locations: SSM Cardinal Glennon St. Louis, MO SSM St. Mary’s Pediatrics Jefferson City, MO The Pediatric Sleep and Research Center at SSM Cardinal Glennon was expanded in 2014 and designed for children from infancy to 21 years old. SSM St. Joseph Hospital West Lake Saint Louis, MO And erson Hospital Maryville, IL Southern IL HealthcareFound ation Belleville, IL 26 Surgery Skilled surgeons in general, minimally invasive and 16 pediatric subspecialties Interdisciplinary approach to patient care Kid-friendly, state-of-theart operating rooms 10 high-definition operating suites 6 Board Certified Pediatric Surgeons At SSM Cardinal Glennon Children’s Medical Center, we know surgery can’t always wait. Patients in the womb through young adulthood have immediate access to our team of pediatric surgeons, who are trained in a wide range of state-of-the-art procedures and perform surgery in some of the nation’s most advanced operating suites. Our expert surgeons specialize in 16 pediatrics subspecialties. With an interdisciplinary approach, expertise from across specialties is combined to provide personalized, patient-focused care. Designed with Kids in Mind Our 10 high-definition operating suites are both physician- and patientfriendly. With the only operating rooms in the region capable of real-time consultation with pediatric surgery expertise anywhere in the world, our surgeons can provide services not available anywhere else. Each 700-squarefoot OR provides increased mobility with portable monitors, and improved traffic flow with equipment booms that are attached to the ceiling, keeping floors clean and clear. Large flat-panel televisions that double as monitors let patients fall asleep to a movie or program of their choosing and provide surgeons imaging to navigate through three-mm incisions and provide educational resources to any location of their choosing. Parents are able to be with their child until the last moments before surgery. During surgery, families wait comfortably in the brand new waiting room with access to a surgery concierge and refreshments. Television screens securely track patient progress and individual text messaging updates parents throughout the procedure. Cutting Edge Procedures Fertility Preservation: Certain inherited medical conditions can slowly damage a child’s reproductive organs, leaving them infertile before reaching adulthood. Likewise, the treatment of other medical conditions, like cancer or rheumatoid arthritis, can also impair a child’s fertility leaving them incapable of reproduction later in life. In many conditions, there is a window of opportunity to remove and preserve ovarian and testicular tissue and make this available to the child in the future should they so desire. SSM Cardinal Glennon offers these procedures to our patients, allowing young adult patients to potentially conceive a child after defeating their condition, while conforming to Catholic Ethical Teachings. Young patients who are eligible for the fertility preservation treatment will have reproductive tissue removed in a safe procedure by specially trained pediatric surgeons. This procedure occurs prior to beginning treatment for their medical condition. The tissue will be stored until the patient finishes treatment when it can safely be placed back into the body. 27 Commitment to surgical quality and patient safety In 2014, SSM Cardinal Glennon joined the American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (ACS NSQIP). ACS NSQIP is a nationally benchmarked program that uses risk-adjusted clinical data to improve surgical quality and patient safety. It has been shown in peer-reviewed studies to improve outcomes, reduce complications, and as a result, reduce costs. Participation in ACS NSQIP is one way in which SSM Cardinal Glennon demonstrates its commitment to providing the highest quality of surgical care above our already exceptional standards. Less Pain, Quicker Healing Procedures that once required six-inch incisions can now be completed with a half-inch incision thanks to minimally invasive surgical procedures like single-port splenectomy, laparoscopic cholecystectomy and pyloromyotomy. Pediatric patients who are candidates for this type of surgery have less pain, less blood loss, less scarring and recover quicker. Many patients leave SSM Cardinal Glennon the next day. SLUCare Surgery Physicians Dennis Vane, MD, MBA, FACS, FAAP, Surgeon-in-Chief, Professor of Surgery at Saint Louis University School of Medicine Colleen Fitzpatrick, MD, FACS, FAAP, Division Chief of Pediatric Surgery, Assistant Professor of Surgery at Saint Louis University School of Medicine Richard Bower, MD, FACS Assistant Professor of Surgery at Saint Louis University School of Medicine Kaveer Chatoorgoon, MD Assistant Professor of Surgery at Saint Louis University School of Medicine Y. Jose Greenspon, MD, FAAP Assistant Professor of Surgery at Saint Louis University School of Medicine Gustavo Villalona*, MD Assistant Professor of Surgery at Saint Louis University School of Medicine *Joining Fall 2015 Appointments: 314-678-2180 Service Locations: SSM Cardinal Glennon St. Louis, MO The ten OR Suites are equipped with the latest surgical technology, specifically installed for minimally invasive procedures. St. Anthony’s Med ical Center South St. Louis Anderson Hospital Maryville, IL 28 Surgery General Surgery The Pediatric Surgery Department at SSM Cardinal Glennon is made up of six Board Certified Pediatric Surgeons and provides comprehensive care for pediatric patients from the newborn to teenage years. Newborn surgeries include the repair of congenital disorders such as tracheoesophageal fistula, congenital diaphragmatic hernia, congenital cystic lung anomalies, pyloric stenosis, intestinal atresias, abdominal wall defects like gastroschisis and omphalocele, imperforate anus and Hirschsprung’s disease among other problems. Additionally, our surgeons provide fetal consultation to parents who are expecting a baby identified with a developmental anomaly before birth. This prenatal consultation helps parents to have a better understanding of their baby’s problem and helps them to understand what to expect once their baby is born. This reduces the anxiety and uncertainty of a complicated pregnancy. Our older pediatric patients also benefit from the expertise of our surgeons who understand the unique needs of children and teens. Common surgeries performed by our surgeons on older patients include hernia repairs, appendectomy, cholecystectomy, surgery for intussusception, correction of chest wall anomalies including pectus excavatum and pectus carinatum and the surgical management of inflammatory bowel disease including Crohns disease and ulcerative colitis. Additionally, our surgeons provide expert care for our cancer patients removing tumors that are unique to pediatric patients and providing access for the administration of chemotherapy. Many of the operations performed by our surgeons can be done through a minimally invasive or laparoscopic approach. Often times the incisions are no bigger than 3 mm and the minimally invasive approach can even by used on newborn patients. This cutting edge approach minimizes pain, accelerates recovery and minimizes the cosmetic impact of surgery. Our surgeons provide coverage 24-hours a day, 7-days a week and are responsible for covering our very busy Level I Pediatric Trauma Center ensuring our patients receive the best possible care even under emergency circumstances. Surgical Subspecialties Our surgical subspecialists utilize the most advanced intraoperative imaging techniques and minimally invasive procedures to provide the most advanced surgical care available in the region. Our surgeons manage issues of reconstruction, injury and advanced diseases in ways that not only provide surgical access to areas thought previously to be inaccessible, but also minimize discomfort for children. SLUCare Physician and Surgeon-in-Chief Dr. Dennis Vane performs a laparoscopic cholecystectomy to remove two-year-old Corwin’s gallbladder. 29 Cancer Cardiac Chest wall deformities Cleft lip-nose-palate and craniofacial Ear, nose and throat Fetal Minimally invasive Neonatal Neurosurgery Ophthalmology Orthopaedic Plastic Surgery Solid organ transplant Trauma Urology ENT/Otolaryngology The Pediatric Otolaryngology/ENT Department at SSM Cardinal Glennon offers medical and surgical care for ear, nose and throat problems in children. The team of surgeons and advanced practice nurses perform over 3,000 operations each year. Minor procedures in the office include removing earwax from the ears, clipping tongue tie in an infant or cauterizing a nose that bleeds too often. Other operations require expertise and extensive planning and with our team of airway surgeons, fetal care doctors, pediatricians, and anesthesiologists. Treating children with airway problems require an understanding of the individual patient and all available treatment options. Our surgeons use a comprehensive approach including minimally invasive endoscopic techniques and the latest technology to avoid large operations when possible. Surgery to place tubes in ears and remove tonsils can greatly improve quality of life for children and families. The high-volume ENT center at SSM Cardinal Glennon ensures the very best care for all children. The care providers are passionate about making decisions that are in the best interest of the patient. Our team also has experience treating thyroid nodules, neck masses, and chronic rhinosinusitis. The surgeons work closely with audiologists to care for children with hearing loss. Some children who are born deaf or develop severe hearing loss over time may be candidates for a cochlear implant. When possible, we use the latest techniques to attempt preservation of natural hearing in children undergoing cochlear implants. Ophthalmology The Division of Pediatric Ophthalmology at SSM Cardinal Glennon currently provides a full range of ophthalmologic services for children. Three pediatric ophthalmologists, a pediatric optometrist, and an orthoptist care for children with numerous complex conditions including strabismus, amblyopia, nasolacrimal duct problems, and refractive errors. Subspecialty care in pediatric retina, oculoplastics, cornea, and glaucoma is also available. The Division of Pediatric Ophthalmology coordinates appointments with other services in order to provide more convenient care for children and their families. Patients requiring retinopathy of prematurity screening are seen in Neonatology’s nursery follow-up clinic. Children with rheumatologic conditions are able to be screened for uveitis and other complications of immunosuppressive therapy on the same day that they see their rheumatologist. During the past year, as a result of generous support from the Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital Foundation, a new operating microscope allows for state of the art anterior segment and vitreoretinal surgery. A new photography unit, the Retcam, will also allow documentation and expansion of research in pediatric retinal disease and child abuse. 30 Surgery Plastic Surgery The Division of Plastic Surgery and the St. Louis Cleft-Craniofacial Center at SSM Cardinal Glennon specializes in interventions designed to take the most complex deformities and return the child to as normal a life as possible. Plastic Surgery is the field that repairs the features that make us human: our speech (involving the palate), our hands, and our faces. Each of these human functions allow us to communicate: by speaking, by interacting with hands, and by looking at each other’s faces -- and children need to communicate to grow. Our surgeries range from intraoral surgery (palate, tongue, alveolus), hand surgery (syndactyly or fused fingers, extra fingers, trauma to tendons and nerves and finger fractures), body reconstruction and soft tissue surgery (breast, lesions, hemangiomas, vascular malformations, trauma, tumor), Cleft lip-nose-palate and craniofacial, craniofacial surgery (craniosynostosis, orbital repositioning, cranioplasty), babies with small jaws with breathing problems (Pierre Robin sequence), facial surgery (ears, eyelids, nose, lips), facial fractures and bone reconstruction (forehead, orbits, cheeks, jaws). Plastic Surgery is about innovation and solving complex problems, and the latest technological advances are used to minimize surgery when the situation safely allows. In patients with facial trauma, resorbable plates that slowly absorb in the body are used when possible, rather than using permanent titanium plates in a child who is still growing. Certain patients undergoing craniosynostosis skull reconstruction are eligible for a limited incision endoscopic technique that reduces operation time, blood loss, and hospital stay. For face and jaw surgery, advanced orthodontic splinting systems can eliminate the need for incisions on the face. Off-the-shelf manufactured tissue grafts are used in certain reconstructions that can eliminate the need to take tissue from elsewhere in the body. For patients with complex anatomy, we have been creating sterilized 3D surgical models from patients’ own CT scans to use in the operating room to improve safety and results. While these technologies are appropriate only for specific situations, the team strives to use minimal surgery to achieve the best reconstructions. Urology Children are diagnosed with vastly different urologic conditions than adults, and they respond differently to anesthesia and surgical procedures. For these and many other reasons, they deserve to be cared for by pediatric specialists. The urology team at SSM Cardinal Glennon specializes exclusively in the urologic care of children while providing the most innovative care in a child-friendly setting. Our surgeons are experienced in laparoscopic and endoscopic surgery, using miniature instruments and cameras inserted through tiny openings. These techniques, used to repair obstructed kidneys and undescended testicles, allow faster, less painful recovery from surgeries with virtually invisible scars. Using advanced endourology, many problems can be treated by passing telescopes into the bladder and kidney, avoiding the need to even make an incision. 31 In addition to surgical problems, urinary incontinence is common, but seldomdiscussed problem in children. While not a dangerous condition, wetting can be terribly damaging to a child’s self-esteem and social standing. Our nurse practitioners, in association with Dr. Barry Duel, lead the continence program with treatments that include behavior modification, medications and St. Louis’ first dedicated urologic biofeedback program. The first step in treating these problems is understanding the underlying causes, and we are able to achieve dryness in just about every child we see. Some of our patients are even diagnosed with urologic problems long before they’re even born. In these cases, the urology team works closely with the St. Louis Fetal Care Institute. Dr. Barry Duel, as part of the Fetal Care Institute, is able to meet with parents before the child is born, answer their questions and outline a treatment plan. In some cases, our specialists even intervene prenatally, as in children with urinary bladder obstruction. Orthopedic Surgery The Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery Service at SSM Cardinal Glennon provides comprehensive care to children with the full spectrum of musculoskeletal disorders. Whether the child has a simple fracture or a complex congenital deformity, our surgeons and their teams are dedicated to providing the highest quality of care to successfully manage the condition. Our four pediatric orthopedic surgeons care for children with spinal deformity, traumatic injuries, neuromuscular diseases, congenital deformities, bone dysplasia’s, limb deficiencies and infection. We have additional surgeons who provide specialization in orthopedic oncology, pediatric hand disorders and sports-related injuries. Our orthopedic surgeons see over 15,000 outpatients, perform 800 surgeries and about 200 sedated procedures per year. They follow the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons Clinical Guidelines for the treatment of pediatric femur and supracondylar humerus fractures. The orthopedic service participates in multidisciplinary clinics for patients with neurofibromatosis, cerebral palsy and myelomeningocoele. These clinics are staffed by physicians from multiple subspecialties and provide coordinated care for these complex patients. Rather than having separate appointments for each doctor, the patient sees all of their doctors during one visit, in the same office. SLUCare Physician and Orthopedic Surgeon, Dr. Margaret Grisell meets with a patient after her surgery. 32 The St. Louis Fetal Care Institute One of the only comprehensive fetal care centers in the country One of the fastest growing fetal myelomeningocele repair programs in the United States The area’s leading center for the screening and monitoring of highrisk twin and multiple pregnancies. More than 1,000 families served since 2009 The St. Louis Fetal Care Institute (FCI) at SSM Cardinal Glennon Children’s Medical Center is one of the leading comprehensive fetal care programs in the country. Since 2009, SLUCare high-risk obstetrical specialists at SSM St. Mary’s Health Center and pediatric subspecialists at SSM Cardinal Glennon have worked together to provide the most well-rounded, compassionate and innovative care to mothers whose unborn babies have congenital, structural and genetic anomalies. The FCI clinical suite at SSM Cardinal Glennon offers patient-centered care with three nesting rooms, an ultrasound examination and treatment room, and a large conference/consultation room to allow the family to meet with a larger care team. Deliveries at SSM Cardinal Glennon are available for patients who require immediate specialized pediatric services that may only be accessible at our main campus. The FCI is proud to offer needle-based fetal interventions, fetoscopy and open fetal surgery procedures including: Fetoscopic laser photocoagulation of placental vessels for twin to twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS), selective intrauterine growth restriction (sIUGR), and twin reversed arterial perfusion (TRAP) sequence Open fetal repair for myelomeningocele Minimally invasive laser ablation for fetal tumors Prenatal surgery for bladder outlet obstruction Fetoscopic amniotic band release Open fetal resection for sacrococcygeal teratoma EXIT (Ex Utero Intrapartum Treatment procedure) deliveries 423 Fetal Interventions Performed since 2009 80 80 56 60 SLUCare Physician and St. Louis Fetal Care Institute Director Dr. Mike Vlastos with baby Caroline, congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation survivor 33 20 0 37 37 38 36 40 26 20 4 7 1 2009 8 3 2010 18 14 7 4 2011 Needle Based Intervention Fetoscopic Surgery 4 2012 8 1 2013 13 1 2014 Open Fetal Surgery EXIT/Deliveries at Glennon 12 An Advanced Fetal Heart Program The Fetal Heart Program at the St. Louis Fetal Care Institute provides a gateway to the two most experienced pediatric cardiothoracic surgeons in the region, nationally recognized pediatric cardiology and neonatology departments and a renowned fetal medicine program. Collaborating with referring physicians, the Fetal Heart Program’s team coordinates care for babies amongst maternal fetal medicine specialists, cardiologists, cardiothoracic surgeons, neonatologists, genetic counselors, and social services to create a delivery and care plan for each baby’s unique situation, which may or may not require surgery after birth. Many mothers who visit with the Fetal Heart Program can continue care with their selected obstetrician and pediatric cardiologist. Referrals by Diagnosis 200 63 52 37 27 29 31 30 Amanda Denny, RN, BSN Nurse Coordinator 38 19 18 14 6 6 U Following the MOMS protocols, exclusion and inclusion criteria and ACOG recommended counseling guidelines, the Fetal Care Institute performs this open fetal surgery on qualified patients between 19 and 26 weeks gestation. l na I er G es e m at ro M nd Sy Kate Koenen RN, BSN Nurse Coordinator ic en Experienced Fetal Myelomeningocele Repair Team Within weeks of the release of the nine-year-long Management of Myelomeningocele (MOMS) Trial results, the Fetal Care Institute’s team was performing the fetal myelomeningocele repair operation. Four years later, the Fetal Care Institute is one of the fastestgrowing centers in the country. Julie Vertodoulos RN, BSN Nurse Coordinator Suzanne Pyle RN, BSN Nurse Coordinator G C et O m ph al oc el ns e io at rm fo N S M al ft lip /p al at cs s di pe C le rt ho as O k ec N se M as M Tu s/ tr as se s or m C os ch is D H is s le ds tip /M ul G s TT TS ot ic B an on y ni m A Lu ng Le si og le ol ce gy /N ep hr di ar ro lo ye lo m en in C go ac 0 M Samer Elbabaa, MD, FAANS, FACS Neurosurgeon Katie Francis, RNC-NIC, MSN, CPNP Program Coordinator 97 100 50 Dr. Suwan Mehra, MD, FACOG Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialist Rachael Bradshaw, MS, CGC Genetic Counselor 136 129 Mike Vlastos, MD, FACOG St. Louis Fetal Care Institute Director Cathy Cibulskis, MD Neonatologist 166 150 The St. Louis Fetal Care Institute SLUCare Physicians and Providers Fetal Myelomeningocele repair evaluations and surgeries at the St. Louis Fetal Care Institute 70 Betty June, RNC-NIC, BSN Database & Research Coordinator Cindy Jansen, RDMS Sonographer Shatahr Levin, RDMS Sonographer Valerie Akerson, MSW Social Worker 35 0 39 42 67 Number of patients who received surgery Number of patients offered surgery Number of patients screened for fetal myelomeningocele repair surgery through 10/31/14 Following a short stay in St. Louis, many of our mothers return home and deliver via c-section at their local hospital with their original OB/GYN or MFM. Contact: 314-268-4037 or 877-776-3385 E-mail: [email protected] www.stlouisfetalcare.com 34 Transport & Trauma Dedicated ambulance and helicopter equipped for pediatric and neonatal patients Level I Pediatric Trauma Center designated by Missouri and Illinois Staff certifications include PALS, NRP, ACLS and BLS Transport Services Our neonatal and pediatric transport team of attending physicians, fellows, registered nurses, respiratory therapists and paramedics have advanced training in the stabilization, treatment and transport of small infants and children of all ages. Our team has a regional footprint with crews stationed 24/7 in Hannibal and Cape Girardeau, MO, in addition to the home base at SSM Cardinal Glennon in St. Louis. In the cases of very critical patients, time is of the essence. With our team of experts dispersed to areas north and south of St. Louis, children all over the region – including central and eastern Missouri, west central and southern Illinois as well as western Kentucky and Tennessee – have faster access to the highest level of care. 1 st Service Locations: SSM Cardinal Glennon St. Louis, MO SSM Cardinal Glennon’s Transport Team was the first to staff a satellite base in Cape Girardeau, MO and Hannibal, MO with a total of 460 transfers in the past three years. Cape Girardeau, MO Hannibal, MO Trauma Services: 314-577-5629 Dan Dierdorf Emergency and Trauma Center SSM Cardinal Glennon Children’s Medical Center is designated a Level I Pediatric Trauma Center by Missouri and Illinois. As a state-of-the-art pediatric medical center, we are prepared for the most critical child health emergencies. We know that children are not just small adults, but they require special physical, developmental, pharmacological and psychological needs. Call to arrange a transport: Experienced transport nurses answer the Access Center line 24/7! 35 Specialists in Pediatric Trauma All members of our trauma team are board-certified specialists in pediatric care. This multidisciplinary team includes surgeons, emergency medicine physicians, child protection physicians, emergency and critical care nurses, respiratory therapists, pharmacists, radiologists, child life specialists, social services, laboratory technicians and pastoral care representatives. Experts in the following subspecialties are also trained in trauma and available 24 hours a day: neurosurgery, orthopedic surgery, plastic surgery, cardiothoracic surgery, genitourinary surgery, ophthalmology, otolaryngology and anesthesia. Our medical staff is certified in Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) and Pediatric Advanced Cardiac & Trauma Support (PACTS) for Life. Our anesthesiologists specialize in pediatric sedation for our young patients. The GlennonKids Safety Program at SSM Cardinal Glennon is not only dedicated to caring for children with traumatic injury, our mission is the prevention of childhood injuries. Since its inception over 20 years ago, the GlennonKids Safety Program has contributed to a 45 percent national reduction in child fatalities resulting from unintentional injuries, saving more than 38,000 lives. The GlennonKids Safety Program partners with KohlsCares to provide free car seat inspections/installations by certified child passenger safety (CPS) technicians and the distribution of properly fitted free bicycle helmets. We are also the lead agency for the SafeKids St. Louis coalition; the many services we offer include infant and child CPR classes, home safety equipment and education to ensure our children’s safety. Trauma team is at the bedside 100 percent of the time when patient arrives (within five minutes with no prior notification.) Full gamut of specialists ready/available 24/7 Level I Pediatric Trauma Center in Missouri and Illinois 36 Additional Pediatric Specialties SSM Cardinal Glennon Children’s Medical Center is a teaching hospital affiliated with Saint Louis University School of Medicine. Our team of experienced experts from SLUCare Physician Group provides exceptional care for patients and their families in a kid-friendly environment. Adolescent Medicine Victoria Cornelius, MD Marianne Dunstan, MD Allergy/Immunology Alan Knutsen, MD, Director Bradley Becker, MD Manoj Warrier, MD Anesthesiology Brenda McClain, MD, Director Naila Ahmad, MD Farid Azzam, MD Vipin Bansal, MD James DeBoard, MD Tatyana Demidovich, MD Orlando Perez-Franco, MD Marion Svendrowski, MD Child Protection Timothy Kutz, MD, Director Linda Shaw, MD, MSSW Dermatology Elaine Siegfried, MD, Director Developmental Pediatrics Rolanda Maxim Gott, MD, Director Shula Portnoy, MD Petra Swidler, MD Cristiana Teodorescu, MD Kimberly Twyman, MD Barbara Braddock, PhD Michael Bunis, PhD Sarah Grafeman, PhD Debra Zand, PhD 37 General Academic Pediatrics M. Susan Heaney, MD, MPH, Division Director Shahnaz Ahmad, MD Josh Arthur, MD Matthew Broom, MD Mark Eddy, MD Kenneth Haller, MD Donna Halloran, MD, MSPH Tim Kutz, MD Gene LaBarge, MD Jennifer Ladage, MD Shahida Naseer, MD Jay Noffsinger, MD Elisa Pincus, MD Tim Rice, MD Heidi Sallee, MD Michelle Sineff, MD Marianne Dunstan, MD Victoria Cornelius, MD Chris Sallee, MD David Wathen, DO Marta King, MD Aline Tanios, MD Aaron Miller, MD Genetics Stephen Braddock, MD, Director Amelia Kirby, MD Jacqueline Batanian, PhD James Shoemaker, MD, PhD Gynecology Jill Powell, MD, Director Hospital Medicine Chris Sallee, MD, Section Chief Marta King, MD Aaron Miller, MD Aline Tanios, MD David Wathen, DO Infectious Disease Stephen Barenkamp, MD, Director Ed Anderson, MD Aaron Miller, MD Dennis O’Connor, MD Missouri Poison Center Rebecca Tominack, MD, Medical Director Neurology Sean Goretzke, MD, Director Deepa Arun, MD Thomas Geller, MD Vincent Gibbons, MD Shubhangi Peche, MD Mary Rickard, MD Ophthalmology Bradley Davitt, MD, Director Oscar Cruz, MD Gabriela Espinoza, MD Rafif Ghadban, MD Michelle Beck, OD Orthopedics Elizabeth Engel, MD, Director John Boudreau, MD David Greenberg, MD Meg Grisell, MD Scott Kaar, MD Jasmin McGinty, MD Joao Panattoni, MD Howard Place, MD Aki Puryear, MD Otolaryngology/ENT Dary Costa, MD, Director Jennifer Brinkmeier, MD John Eisenbeis, MD Josh Hentzelman, MD Anthony Mikulec, MD Thomas Sanford, MD John Stith, MD Scott G. Walen, MD Alan Wild, MD Pathology Carole Vogler, MD – Interim Director Ashima Agarwal, MD David S. Brink, MD Susan Crawford, DO Judy Grishaber, DO Miguel Guzman, MD T. Scott Isbell, PhD Karen Moser, MD Cirilo Sotelo-Avila, MD Jacqueline Batanian, PhD Katherine Robbins, MD Ella Swierkosz, PhD Plastic Surgery Alexander Lin, MD, Director Christina Plikaitis, MD Psychiatry Zafar Rehmani, MD, Medical Director Donna Gfeller, PhD, Director Annmarie Loth, MD Psychology Donna Gfeller, PhD, Director Barbara Barnes, PhD Sarah Hanly, PhD Michael Kenney, PhD Joel Nadler, PhD Jaimi Ramsey, PhD Karen Snyder, MS Mary Weatherford, PhD Stacey Woodrome, PhD Radiology Karen Caudill, MD Shannon Farmakis, MD Stephen Huebner, MD Martin Reis, MD Vilaas Shetty, MD Ting Tao, MD Joan Zawin, MD Yihua Zhou, MD Rheumatology Terry Moore, MD, Director Peri Hickman Pepmueller, MD Reema Syed, MD Sleep Medicine Shalini Paruthi, MD, Director Raman Malhotra, MD, Co-Director Sports Medicine Scott Kaar, MD Toxicology Anthony Scalzo, MD, Director Urology Barry Duel, MD, Director 38 Modern, Kid-Friendly Facilities The Dorothy and Larry Dallas Heart Center is a comprehensive care center with advanced technology including electrocardiogram, echocardiogram, cardiac MRI, oximetry and stress testing. The center makes cardiac care more convenient and accessible for the more than 23,000 patients treated annually. SSM Cardinal Glennon has the region’s only pediatric hybrid cardiac catheterization suite, a unique space that allows a pediatric cardiologist to work alongside the region’s top pediatric cardiac surgeons to find and fix a patient’s congenital heart defect in the same space. Having the ability to diagnose and treat problems at the same time means safer care, faster healing and a better recovery process for our young patients. 39 The Level IV Dana Brown Neonatal Intensive Care Unit offers 65 private rooms, in-suite nursing areas, breast pumps, personal refrigerators and unlimited visiting hours for families. The St. Louis Fetal Care Institute clinical suite offers patientcentered care with three nesting rooms, an ultrasound examination and treatment room and a large conference/ consultation room for families to meet with a larger care team. 40 Modern, Kid-Friendly Facilities Our Imaging Center combines the most advanced pediatric diagnostic imaging in the region with a focus on comfort for children. The kid-friendly CT and MRI suites allows patients select a color theme for their room and a movie to view during their exam. The ten technologically integrated, 700 square foot operating suites allow for increased mobility with portable monitors and improved traffic flow with equipment booms that are attached to the ceiling, keeping the floors clean and clear. The suites are equipped with the latest surgical technology, specifically installed for minimally invasive procedures. Large flat panel televisions that double as monitors let patients fall asleep to a DVD of their choosing and provide surgeons imaging to navigate through 3-mm incisions. Our specially-trained pediatric anesthesiologists maintain a safe and relaxed state for children during surgery. Following the procedure, children wake up next to their family in the newly remodeled post anesthesia care unit. 41 The Costas Center provides a comfortable setting for children to receive prolonged treatment in quiet, private accommodations welcome to family and friends. The Knights of Columbus Developmental Center moved to a brand new space next to SSM Cardinal Glennon in 2013. The comprehensive center’s new observation rooms are equipped with two-way mirrors for parents to observe their children during treatment and advanced video equipment that allows for recording of behavioral changes in patients, valuable for training and research. The Ronald McDonald Room offers a comforting environment with some of the amenities of home, including a full kitchen, dining area, computers, internet access, shower, laundry facility, cozy couches and television. 42 Non Profit Org Marketing and Public Relations Department 1465 South Grand Blvd. Saint Louis, Missouri 63104-1095 24/7 attending physician consultations Emergent transfers Urgent appointments Direct admissions All calls answered 24/7 by pediatric transport nurses U.S. Postage PAID St. Louis, MO Permit No. 2412
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