Carlos, Gizel making first trip with SHGO
Carlos, Gizel making first trip with SHGO
V O L U M E UPCOMING EVENTS: • 3/31 V I S S U E I I I M A R C H 1 0 , 2 0 1 4 Carlos, Gizel making first trip with SHGO Early Release • 4/4 3rd Quarter Grades Close • 4/21-4/25 April Vacation • 4/28 Early Release WHAT’S INSIDE Staff Spotlight 2 Media Moment 3 Sports Zone 4 High Fives 5 Around Campus 6-10 Express Yourself 11 Just for Fun 12 B Y N IK O I S IGNAL R EPORTER Case Manager Gizel Hampton and Senior Child Care Specialist Carlos Davenport have traveled to the Dominican Republic to help the local community. The trip is part of Seven Hills Global Outreach, which tries to help communities around the world by partnering with local organizations to create sustainable development projects. Carlos and Gizel won’t be alone on the trip. They will be joined by employees of other Seven Hills affiliates, as well as students from Clark University in Worcester. While in La Represa, Carlos and Gizel will participate in a number of activities aimed at helping Two Stetson School staff members are traveling to La Represa, Dominican Republic, to help the community build levees. the community. They will be working to build a levee system to help with flooding issues. They will also partake in activities with the community’s children, and work with nurses involved with the trip to help educate the village in basic first aid, hygiene, and wellness. Carlos said he is very excited to be participating in the outreach trip. He said it will be his first international trip, and he has always wanted to visit (Continued on page 2) Spring full of the promises summer will bring Spring is, by far, my favorite time of year. When the snow starts to melt, and we start to receive reports of the Red Sox spring training, we know that summer is right around the corner. However, this year spring means even more. We are heading into the second year of the Fresh Start Organic Garden. Last year, we did great, but it was a new experience for everyone involved. This year, we have a much better sense of what needs to be done, and we hopefully will be able to plan much better. Even with snow on the ground, we plan to start our first seedlings in just a couple of weeks. Last year, I found a passion for agriculture through our school garden. When it began, I didn’t have any experience with it at all. This can be important lesson for everyone. Get out there and try new things! If I had let my lack of experience keep me from trying, I would have never discovered this new interest, and would have never had the amazing experiences that I did last summer. So, when new things are offered to you, give them a shot. You never know, you might plant a seed that grows into a lifelong interest. Shawn Ilinitch—Editor PAGE 2 Mary looks to introduce activities to her classes Staff Spotlight Mary has also started an incentive box in her classes. Students can earn tickets by New Social Development displaying appropriate behavand Careers teacher Mary iors and participating in class. Byszek says she is always She said she hopes the box open to suggestions from stu- will help to promote good dents and staff to help imbehaviors. prove her classes. Mary said her favorite subWith that being said, she ject is English. She said she already has some activities especially enjoys creative she hopes will make the two writing. Outside of Stetson electives more interesting for School, she works part-time for a newspaper and literary students. First, Mary is introducing an magazine. “extreme couponing” activity Mary also said that her fato some of her social develvorite day of the week is opment classes. Students will Monday because it’s a fresh look through advertisements start to the week. to develop shopping lists, Mary said there have been while using coupons to try to things she has liked about teachsave as much money as possiing Careers. She said she likes ble. She said social developthe computer program students ment is supposed to prepare can use to explore careers and students as they transition to colleges, but it has been tricky the “real world,” and this acto get all of the computers up tivity can help them gain a and running and to get full stuvaluable skill. dent participation. BY ARLYS D SIGNAL REPORTER ...Stetson staff traveling to the DR to give assistance “It’s a sacrifice, but it’s well worth it,” said Gizel. the Dominican Republic. Both Carlos and Gizel Gizel, on the other said they will miss their hand, has been a frequent families while they are traveler, even from a gone. For Carlos, family young age. Like Carlos, she said she is looking for- also means his church, but he said he will be very ward to helping the community of La Represa, but excited to report back to she also wanted to partici- his parishioners about the work he was able to acpate in the trip to honor complish while on the trip. her late uncle, who loved to visit the Dominican ReCarlos said he will also miss the students here at public. Stetson School. To participate in the trip, Carlos and Gizel had “They really inspired me to do this,” he said. “I’m to use vacation days, and they are paying for the going to be really anxious to share the details of this trip themselves. (Continued from page 1) STETSON SIGNAL trip when I get back.” Both Carlos and Gizel said they hope to give back to the community and to give the villagers a better perspective of Americans. One day of the trip will be dedicated to recreation. The group will go on a tour of the colonial area of the Dominican Republic, and will get to spend a few hours on the beach. Carlos and Gizel left for the Dominican Republic on March 1 and returned on March 8. VOLUME V ISSUE III PAGE 3 Media Moment Give electronic music a try BY JOSH F SIGNAL REPORTER Drake’s latest album not a disappointment BY MAURICE W SIGNAL REPORTER I f y o u w e r e a fa n o f D ra k e’ s p r e v i ou s a l b u m s , in c l u di n g T a k e C a r e , y ou w i ll e n j o y h i s l a t e s t e f f o rt , N o t h i n g W a s t h e S a m e . Th e a l b u m , re le a s e d in S ep t e m b e r 2 0 1 3 , f ea tu r e s s on g s su c h a s “ S t a rt e d f ro m th e B ot t o m , ” “ W o r s t Be h a v i o r,” “ H o l d O n , W e ’ r e G oi n g H o m e , ” “ T h e L a n g u a g e,” a n d “ Po u n d C a ke .” Fa n s o f a r t i st s l ik e Li l W a yn e, Bi g S ea n , a n d Tr e y So n g z wi ll p r o b a b l y b e fa n s o f D ra k e a s w el l. H e r eg u l a rl y w o rk s w it h su c h a r t is t s . Th i s a lb u m i s a b l en d o f H ip H op , Bl u e s , a n d R & B. I t i s a b ou t D ra k e’ s li f e a n d th e s t ru g g l e s h e h a s f a c e d. M y fa v o r it e s o n g s in c lu d e d “ F u rt h e st Th i n g ,” “ O w n I t, ” a n d “ Al l M e .” D r a ke in c lu d e d m a n y s a m p l e s o f ol d - s c h oo l s on g s on t h e a lb u m , i n c lu d in g m u s i c f r o m P u f f D a d d y , t h e W u - Ta n g C la n , a n d W h it n e y H o u st on . D ra k e, 2 6 y ea r s o l d, wa s b o r n in T o ro n to , C a n a d a . “ N o th in g W a s t h e Sa m e ” i s h i s f ou r th a l b u m . H i s o th e r s i n c lu d e T a k e C a r e , Thank Me Later, and So Far Gone. EDM (Electronic Dance Music) is one of my favorite genres of music. Nowadays it seems that more and more artists either are putting fusions of this type of music in their songs or are forming collaborations with other artists. Collaborations are very popular at the I-Heart Radio Las Vegas concert that comes around each year. Dubstep is, in a sense, hard to explain. It is somewhat its own genre developed as a sub-genre of other types of music. Dubstep has a fusion of drops and hard beats in some songs. A few good examples of this are featured in songs such as “Animals” by Martin Garix, “Cinema” by Skrillex, and “Turn It Down for What?” by Lil John. Within in these songs are examples of hard beats and techno beats with a fusion of bass and “wub.” Wub is the term given to a specific sound that literally sounds like a deep voice saying wub, wub, wub. Hardstyle (dance) is a genre of its own, but at the same time it’s a subgenre of other styles. Most hardstyle features the same type of sound, but there are differences from artists to artists and songs to songs. Hardstyle features include a mostly continuous deep bass sound with multiple techno and dubstep-fused sounds put together. Singing or other beats may be mixed in. It may sound like its just random sounds mixed up together, but its not. I really do enjoy this type of music. I think it’s cool. I really like artists such as Cedric Gervais, Steve Aoki, Benny Benassi, Krewella, Avicii, Martin Garix, John Martin, CLND, and Swedish House Mafia. I recommend these artists to people who want to try this type of music out. On the other hand, if you already like this type of music such as hardstyle, I recommend the artists Headhunterz, Bass Modulators, and Techno Boyz. GET INVOLVED WITH THE STETSON SIGNAL! TALK TO SHAWN TODAY! PAGE Sports Zone 4 Stingers finish successful season The highlight of our season may have been our first game against RFK. We started off doing well, The Stingers basketball team taking a lead in the first quarter. In recently wrapped another sucthe second quarter, however, we cessful season that included only a began to slack and RFK was up by single loss. 12 points at half-time. Coach Kyle This season was all about learn- kept his calm and gave us motivaing. Coach Kyle Johnson did a tion. We slowly worked our way great job of teaching us and allow- back and ended up with the vicing us to have fun along the way. tory. The best part of our practices The Stingers had an awesome was the camaraderie that develtime this season, learning a lot and oped. Over the course of the having fun along the way. Thanks season, we became a real team to Kyle and Recreation CoordinaThe Stingers were led by coach with players that motivated each tor Abby Day for setting up our Kyle Johnson this season. other to always do our best. season. BY OVIDIO J SIGNAL REPORTER March madness comes to REC gymnasium game will include four, eight-minute quarters, and will be held on Wednesdays and Sundays. Abby said teams will also be rated on a sportsThe Sixth Annual Unit Basketball Tournament manship system from 0-4. She said teams need to kicked off over the weekend. average at least two sportsmanship points to be The tournament, coordinated by Recreational eligible to play in the championship game. Coordinator Abby Day and Residential Supervisor Abby said teams will be coached by their residenKyle Johnson, was held up because of student moves tial staff. on residential units. They decided to wait until the “I’m excited,” said Abby. “The teams are very moves were complete to make the teams. good this year and this is a very popular tournaEach team will play three guaranteed games, Each ment.” BY MAURICE W SIGNAL REPORTER Bowling Leaders STETSON Players Unit Score 1 Juan O., Chris H., Kameron B. Cutting Lower North 75.33 2 Alex C., Damani B., Cristian S. BDT 73.55 3 Xavier W., Kevin B., Joseph I., James H. Cutting Lower South 71.5 4 Arlys D., Justin R., Nick D. Cutting Upper North 65.57 5 Maurice W., Braeden M., Dante K., Srdjan M. Cutting Lower South 63.75 SIGNAL HIGH FIVES High Five to Luis C for his polite behavior and diligent work ethic! (Mary B) High Fives to all students for waiting patiently for the unit basketball league to start! (Abby D) High Five to Rashaad S for starting to participate in class! (Mary B) High Five to Juan O for great effort and focus in Rec Group! (Abby D) High Five to Angel M.R. for making huge connections in reading! (Carrie L) High Fives to my service learning class for starting a program to recycle water bottles on the residential units! (Kevin S) High Five to Paul L for making it to class and completing assignments! (Mary B) High Fives to the group home students who did a great job helping the maintenance department with snow removal! (Joe A) High Five to Jose B-V for doing a great job in your ISP! Remember, consistency is key! (Beckey G) High Fives to the BDT clinical group for its continued hard work in group sessions! (Nicole C) High Five to the Stingers basketball team for a great season and for showing great sportsmanship! (Abby D) High Five to Damani B for being polite and appropriate in class and not giving in to peer negativity! (Mary B) High Fives to Arlys D and Braeden M for their dedication to Social Development High Five to Niko and great project presentations! (Mary B) I for all your great High Fives to Damani B and work in treatment! Alex C for doing a great job (Beckey G) bowling as a team! (Abby D) High Fives to Ovidio J and Roy W for doing a great job delivering supplies! High Five to Joseph I for participating and (Dannie P) getting involved in Student Council and basketball! (Nicole L) Second Quarter Honor Roll List Principal’s List Quantrae C Luis C Juan O High Honors Alex C Josh F Niko I Dante K Jonathan K Johnny M Braeden M Srdjan M James R David W Honors Matthew B Arlys D PAGE Around Campus 6 Shawn named Employee of the Year BY TYREIK H SIGNAL REPORTER Teacher Shawn Ilinitch was recently recognized as Stetson School’s “Employee of the Year.” the chance to learn about where their food comes from. She said staff have also been able to purchase fresh produce. Furthermore, the garden has helped to establish relationships in the community. Vice-President Kathleen Shawn also serves as an Lovenbury said Shawn received advisor to the Student Council, the award because of all of the according to Kathleen, and he things he is involved in around helped with another major campus. project in that role. Kathleen said one of the The Student Council raised major projects Shawn created more than $1,000 to help was the Fresh Start Organic Seven Hills Global Outreach. Garden here on campus. She The money will help to build a said it was particularly impressanitary bathroom facility in sive because Shawn had no Sierra Leone. gardening experience when he Shawn also created and started the project, but was edits the school newspaper, able to learn a lot during his The Stetson Signal, in addition first season. to his regular teaching job. Kathleen said the garden Shawn said he was proud has been a great asset to camwhen he learned he would be pus because students have had Shawn Ilinitch displays the plaque he received in his classroom. receiving the award. “It’s always great to be recognized for the work that you do,” he said. Shawn said he loves his job. He said the best part is when he sees students improving and starting to make better choices. Service learning class aims to recycle water bottles BY QUENTRAE C SIGNAL REPORTER tles into the landfill per week. To prevent this, Kevin Snyder’s class has joined the Green Team, a Did you know that every hour program of the Massachusetts De2.5 million recyclable bottles are partment of Environmental Protecbeing thrown in the trash and that tion. The Mass DEP has started the one ton of paper can save up to 17 Statewide School Environmental trees? Education Effort to protect the At Stetson School, most students environment from all of the terrible tend to throw away the plastic wa- pollution it has been undergoing. ter bottles that they receive from Kevin said he hopes his service the café. Often, we see water botlearning class can help Stetson “to tles and other recyclable objects in go a little greener. His class’s Green trashcans more than they we do in Team has been going on since last recycling bins. spring, when it started a compostIf students on campus drink an ing program on campus. The effort average of three bottles of water was expanded this quarter to try to per day on campus, we are putting recycle water bottles here on cammore than 1,000 plastic water bot- pus. STETSON SIGNAL Teacher Shawn Ilinitch, who coordinates the Fresh Start Organic Garden here on campus, said the composting program will be a huge help. “Compost can be really valuable to gardens,” Shawn said. “Some crops even require the rich soil that compost can provide.” The Green Team has placed blue recycling bins on every unit. These bins should be used for water bottles only. Please do not put any bottles that have deposits. The Green Team is also always open to suggestions from other students and staff for other ways to make the campus greener. PAGE 7 Plans for new admin building in the works BY TYREIK H SIGNAL REPORTER Plans are currently underway to construct a new administration building here on campus. The new building would be located across from the current Main Building, and would face the school building. Eventually, the Main Building will probably be demolished, but the hope is to keep the clock tower somewhere on campus. Vice-President Kathleen Lovenbury said the goal is to bring the entire campus together. Currently, many offices are scattered throughout campus, including some down the road at the Sykes Building. Kathleen said the new building would include offices for business, admissions, marketing, nursing, information technology, human resources, the program director, and for herself, among others. Furthermore, said Kathleen, the new administration building will be a welcoming place for all visitors to campus. Right now, there are no set dates for construction of the new building, but the hope is that it will be started sometime this year. Staff Shout Outs Shout Out to all campus staff for all of their hard work as we continue to grow our census! (Joe A) Shout Out to Rick D for keeping the school safe and for being kind and caring to staff and students! (Rachel H) Shout Out to Kyle J for coaching the basketball team! (Abby D) Shout Out to Taylor P for running her groups in a way that inspires her students to be open and honest! (Mary H) Shout Out to Vince K for his continued help in creating a sensory integrated space! (Rachel H) Shout to Vance H and the ABCs working to establish the intake classroom! (Shawn I) Shout Out to Mary B for being so proactive and positive! (Nicole L) STETSON SIGNAL Salute to Benard K for refereeing the basketball games! (Abby D) Shout Out to Shannon M for keeping the school running! (Nancy B) Shout Outs to the staff involved in the basketball season for boosting students’ self-worth and having a wonderful impact! (Mary H) PAGE 8 Welcome to the team! Donna Williams INTERVIEWED BY DAVID W How long have you been teaching, and what influences you to become a teacher? I’ve been teaching on and off for more than 20 years. It’s in my blood. Everyone in my family was a teacher and all my friends are teachers. What is your favorite subject to teach? I love teaching good literature. Nothing beats a good story. What do you find to be most challenging about your job? It is hard knowing that I can’t accomplish everything I want to for my students each day. What do you like most about teaching here? I enjoy getting to know my students. How do you plan to help kids change? I will try to point them in the right direction to make the right choices and to meet them where they are at. How long have you been teaching? I have been teaching for four years: one year in a high school severe special needs classroom and three years in a collaborative high school behavior program. This is my first experience teaching at a residential school setting. What is your favorite subject to teach? I have my bachelor’s degree in history, so my favorite subject is history. I feel history is so important because it never stops living and breathing and our youth has the power to change or create history. What do you find most challenging about your job? It’s difficult having students on different academic levels. It’s also challenging to motivate students to see the importance of their education. What do you like most about teaching here? I enjoy how every staff person here at Stetson School works collaboratively to help students academically, socially, and emotionally, and to give them the tools they need to become successful adults. STETSON SIGNAL Kaitlin Morris INTERVIEWED BY JONATHAN K PAGE Around Campus 9 Neil teaching math, social skills through table tennis BY ARLYS D SIGNAL REPORTER Teacher Neil Bresky is teaching one of the more creative Friday afternoon vocational courses this quarter – Math and Social Skills through Table Tennis. The class has two components. Students spend part of the class in Neil’s classroom. It is here that they learn about some of the mathematical concepts related to table tennis. They also learn about the history of the sport, the rules, accomplishments of famous players, the types of rubber on paddles, and different spins and styles. Teacher Neil Bresky plays a game of table tennis during his Neil also stresses the importance of good sportsman- Friday afternoon class. ship in the classroom before that gets you moving. He said students move to the gym to most importantly good he started playing table tenplay their matches. They play sportsmanship. games according to the rules Neil said he likes ping-pong nis when he was 15 years old. while practicing the concepts because it’s an active sport learned in the classroom, Snow Sculptures Congratulations to the Group Home (left) and Intake (below) units—the winner’s of the snow sculpture contest held over February Vacation. STETSON SIGNAL PAGE Around Campus 10 Fresh Start Organic Garden preparing for year two BY MAURICE W SIGNAL REPORTER After an exciting first season, Fresh Start Organic Garden is ready for a bigger and better year two. The garden was started by Teacher Shawn Ilinitch’s service learning class. Last year, the class maintained the large garden near the softball field, raising more than $1,150 through sales of its fruits, vegetables, flowers, and herbs. Shawn said this year the garden will be expanding. He said his class will also maintain the smaller garden plot near the Alden Field. He said this plot will focus on perennials, including more berries, flowers, and herbs. He said raspberries, black raspberries, and strawberries have already been planted. The bulletin board outside of Shawn’s classroom explains the efforts Fresh Start Organic Garden’s second season. another greenhouse or hoop house als and equipment. closer to the large garden plot. Shawn said he is really looking forward to getting started this Shawn said the garden also year. He said he hopes to get many received cash grants from Whole Shawn said the field near the more students involved, as more Foods Market and the Wal-Mart softball field will continue to be Community Foundation for $2,000 help will definitely be needed. He used mostly for fruits and vegetasaid he also hopes to provide more and $250 respectively. He said bles, including many of the crops some of these funds will be used to produce to the cafeteria and to that were grown last year. purchase seeds and equipment, and classrooms as healthy snacks. Shawn said the garden has been his class is still figuring out how it Finally, Shawn said he hopes very fortunate to receive a number would like to spend the remaining that residential units might be able funds. of grants over the winter. to use some of the produce to First, the garden received $2,500 from the Greater Worcester Improvement Foundation. This grant will allow the garden to purchase its own rototiller, install a drip irrigation system, and to build The final grant received by the garden the Healthy Sprouts Award from Subaru and Kids Gardening. He said this grant totaled $500, and included some cash. It also included some educational materi- learn how to cook healthy meals. However, he wants those residential units who get produce to perform some garden tasks so they can really appreciate where their food comes from. Get your garden t-shirt! Get Involved! The Fresh Start Organic Garden is selling 100% organic cotton t-shirts! They cost $15 for students and $20 for staff. We have gray in stock, and can special order pink, yellow, and blue, as well as hooded sweatshirts ($35) STETSON SIGNAL PAGE 11 Express Yourself! Hollow BY KAMERON B As I wake up I feel hollow, as I push away there goes tomorrow. With no memory, such as you, I look into the sky, crying, thinking about you. With no memory of you, only makes me hollow, as I search into the sky, hoping to see you tomorrow. Pain is petty, memories are morals. Death is departed for life to take. My memory of you will fade every week. Arlys D As I fall asleep, I become departed. Memories lost, nothing such as you, as tomorrow comes, I create new memories. Jonathan K Luis C STETSON SIGNAL Paul L PAGE 12 Just for Fun What animal is best at hitting a baseball? A Bat Rebus Puzzles Why did the police officer go to the baseball game? He heard someone had stole second base What did the baseball glove say to the baseball? Catch you later SUDOKU Upcoming Menu Monday, March 10 Breakfast: Pancakes Lunch: Sausage Pizza Dinner: Rib-A-Que Friday, March 14 Breakfast: English Muffins Lunch: Ham and Cheese Wrap Dinner: Meatloaf Tuesday, March 18 Breakfast: Oatmeal Lunch: Chicken Burrito Dinner: Shepherd’s Pie Saturday, March 22 Breakfast: Raisin Bread Lunch: Ham and Cheese Sandwich Dinner: BLT Toritilla Wrap Tuesday, March 11 Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs Lunch: Spaghetti and Meatballs Dinner: Baked Cod Saturday, March 15 Breakfast: Waffles Lunch: Chicken Quesadilla Dinner: Turkey Sub Wednesday, March 19 Breakfast: Blueberry Muffins Lunch: Grilled Chicken Dinner: Pastrami on Rye Sunday, March 23 Breakfast: TBD Lunch: TBD Dinner: TBD Wednesday, March 12 Breakfast: Blueberry Muffins Lunch: Cheeseburger Dinner: Macaroni and Cheese Sunday, March 16 Breakfast: Bagels Lunch: Chicken Caesar Roll-Up Dinner: Turkey Burgers Thursday, March 20 Breakfast: Danish Lunch: Taco Meatballs Dinner: Kielbasa Thursday, March 13 Breakfast: Bagels Lunch: Baked Chicken Dinner: Taco Salad Monday, March 17 Breakfast: Omelet Lunch: Lasagna Roll Dinner: Italian Grinder Friday, March 21 Breakfast: Breakfast Casserole Lunch: Chicken Wings Dinner: Ham and Cheese Sandwich STETSON SIGNAL All Meals Subject to Change REBUS ANSWERS: 1. For Instance 2. Back to square one 3. A cut above the rest 4. small talk 5. two left feet 6. Get up and go