Swing Labs Upload Manager Tutorial with Accusport VP
Swing Labs Upload Manager Tutorial with Accusport VP
Swing Labs Training Guide How to perform a fitting using Accusport Vector Pro and Swing Labs’ Upload Manager 3 v1.0 20080116 ii Swing labs | | Table of Contents 1 Installing & Set-up of Upload Manager 3 (UM3) 1 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Set-up. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 Adding New Customers 2 Required Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3 Selecting Control Club & Control Ball 3 Refresh Equipment List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Selecting Equipment Specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Refresh Ball List & Selecting Control Ball. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4 Capturing Shots 5 Live Capture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 . Opening Session Files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5 Performing a Fitting 5 Uploading Shot Data Data Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Club Recommendation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Capturing Comparison Data Club Comparison & Best Club Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Shaft Upgrade Recommendation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Produce a Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 6 Swing Labs User Interface & Overview 5 Fitting History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Purchasing Fitting Credits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 -N ew Features of Swing Labs Upload Manager 3 (UM3) 6. New! Automatic Client & Club Identification in Step The new features and functionality of Upload Man1. The goal is simple -- make it quicker to perform a ager 3 (UM3) were designed to simplify the fitting by reducing the time needed to identify customer overall Swing Labs fitting process reducing the and control club. In UM3, Step 1 in the Driver or Iron amount of steps and overall time in performing a fitting wizards automatically recognizes the last swing fitting. Similar to previous versions of the Upload data uploaded to the server and makes that customer Manager, UM3 is the conduit for collecting shot and the club hit the defaults for the fitting. This will dradata from your launch monitor device, tagging that matically reduce the number of mouse clicks required data with detailed club specifications, and uploadby the fitter and speed up the fitting process. In the case ing to your Swing Labs account. Some of the new where a fitter needs to be able to override the system, features that facilitate this process include: there is the ability to return back to the manual mode. 1. New! Customer Profile. Ability to add or update 7. New! Automatic Shot Selection in Step 2. All uploaded customer profiles from within UM3. In addition, shots are automatically checked by default. The system many of the profile parameters have been switched now assumes that the fitter already performed a filterto pull-down ing of the swings prior to uploading them to the server. 2. New! Club Specification menus. Ability to quickly If the fitter still needs to filter the data further, ehe select and tag the club (make, model, loft, shaft, fitter can still uncheck any shots that he/she deems as shaft flex) during the swing. The change eliminates poor shot data. the need for free form text entry and enables for normalization of naming scheme and streamlining 8. New! Easy Referencing of Selected Stock Clubs in UM3. One of the greatest time-savings in UM3 which the process. fitters will experience is how easy it is to now associ3. New! Data Synchronization. Ability to refresh cusate the corresponding stock club recommendations with tomer, club, and ball data from your Swing Labs the swing data. After the Stock Club Report in Step 4, account on the server. the fitter returns to UM3 and selects GET SELECTED CLUBS. UM3 then retrieves the 1-3 recommended 4. New pull-down menus for club specifications clubs selected by the fitter and displays the clubs in the (make, model, loft, shaft, shaft flex) eliminates top club specification pull-down menu for easy selection. the need for free form text entry and enables for This simplifies the comparison club entry into UM3 by normalization of naming scheme. allowing the fitter to simply click the appropriate club 5. New! UM3 Session Files. Ability to create and from the selected clubs pull-down menu prior to the store Swing Labs UM3 session files from any golfer hitting shots with each new club. launch monitor for later retrieval, upload, and analysis. In the event that your facility loses inter- 9. New! Automatic Stock Club and Swing Data Association. In Step 6 of the Swing Labs fitting process, fitters net access, you can. will dramatically see a time savings. The software is 6. New! Tagging Shots/Swings. The ability to SET, able to a) automatically check the boxes of each uploadtag, or change/re-tag a shot whose equipment ed swing associated with the fitting thereby reducing specifications linked to a particular shot or group the number of mouse clicks, and b) match each swing of shots may not have been labeled or even mis(shot) with the correct stock club which was used to labeled has been added to UM3. Simply check the hit the swing. The fitter is still able to uncheck any shot boxes of the swing(s) that you want to tag, select data which may be poor,and can reassign a specific club the appropriate club specifications, then select to a specific shot if the fitter mislabeled prior to uploadSET and UM3 will correctly tag the selected shot ing the data from UM3 to his/her Swing Labs web site. data with the specifications you chose. iv | iv 1. Setup - enables the setting of your account information so your launch data & customer data goes to your Swing Labs site. 2. Refresh Golfer List - pulls your updated customer list from your Swing Labs site to eliminate dulpicate entries 3. New / Edit - enables the creation or editing of a Customer Account 4. Refresh Club List & Get Selected Clubs - pulls updated equipment inventory from your Swing Labs site. Use ‘Get Selected Clubs’ after you have selected up to 3 comparison clubs from the recommended club list when you reach step 5 in the Swing Labs overall fitting process 5. X - Clears the ‘Get Selected Clubs’ list 6. Set - Check the box of a particular swing and click ‘Set’ when you want to tag or change a shot’s tagged equipment 7. Refresh Ball List - Pulls the latest ball inventory from the Swing Labs database 8. Catch Vector Pro Swings allows for live capture of shot data 9. Save / Open - Allows you to create and save Swing Labs UM3 Session files with various launch monitor devices for easy recall and upload 10. Upload - allows for the sending of selected shots to your Swing Labs site 5 | | 1 Installation and Setup of Swing Labs Upload Manager 3 (UM3) After reading the rest of this guide, click the button below to download and install UM3: http://www.swinglabs.com/software/um3/publish.htm Click the Setup button and perform the following steps: 1. Enter your Username and Password (provided to you from Swing Labs or your sales representative) 2. Click ‘Get Settings from Swing Labs’ which will automatically fill in your Account number and retrieve your available launch monitor devices information The Setup Wizard should guide you through the process relatively easily. If you have difficulties installing, you may need to temporarily disable your anti-virus software. Once installed, you will need to go through what should be a one time Setup process to tell UM3 what account site location to send all captured data. 3. Select your desired launch monitor device; Swing Labs will automatically fill in the system ID. Click Done * Note: If you do not see your desired launch monitor device in the device pulldown menu, you will need to add your desired device within Swing Labs software. Follow the following steps: 1. Launch Internet Explorer and go to: www.swinglabs.com 2. Sign on with your Username and Password 3. Go to the Settings tab and select Store Launch Monitors 4. Select Add Launch Monitor 5. Name the device (ie. Hitting Bay 1) and select the appropriate device from the pulldown menu 6. Click Add (Swing Labs will automatically assign a device ID to your selected device 7) In UM3, Click Get Settings from Swing Labs inside Settings and the devices will refresh 5 6 6 | 2 Adding New Customer Accounts When getting ready to perform a fitting, you will need to create a new customer account or select a customer who has already been entered. To perform a fitting using a customer who has previously been entered into the system, follow the following steps: Adding New Customer Accounts: 1. Click Refresh Golfer List to retrieve your site’s complete list of customer accounts. 2. Select desired customer from the list of available customers 3. Click Add 4. Enter as much information as possible about the new customer. While some of this information may not seem important at the time, much of this information may be valuable to you later. 5. Enter all the green (required) fields before proceeding. 6. Swing Labs requires a unique identification to distinguish between two or more customers with the same first and last. An email address is a unique variable since no two people can have the same email address. Therefore, you must enter and confirm an email address. This is also important for sending Fitting Reports to your customers. In the event a customer does not have an email address, make up an email address with your company’s domain extension. Click Create Account. 7. Once the system provides confirmation that the new customer account has been successfully created, click Done. Editing Customer Accounts: 1. If you want to add or midify the details of a customer’s profile, select EDIT 2. Modify whatever customer details are required and select UPDATE. 3. Once you receive confirmation that the customer account has been updated, click DONE. 7 7 | 3 Selecting a Control Club Selecting a Control Club: 1. Refresh the club list 2. Select the TYPE of fitting you want to perform: 3. Select the club MAKE 4. Select the club MODEL 5. Select the club LOFT 6. Select the shaft MODEL 7. Select the shaft FLEX 8 8 | Selecting a Control Club Continued... Selecting a Control Ball: 1. Refresh the ball list 2. Select a MAKE and MODEL of golf ball There are two ways to acquire data from FlightScope ball tracking devices: 1. Live Fitting - Select the START FLIGHTSCOPE button and operate Vector Pro as normal. After each shot, the data will appear in UM3. Swing Labs recommends between 3-5 2. Shots for each club. Select the shot data boxes on the left side of the data in UM3 you want Swing Labs to analyze and click UPLOAD. 3. Opening Session Files - You can capture live shots and save data from UM3 as session files. You can then Open stored session files at some later time, inport the data and Upload for analysis. 4 | Capturing Shots Once you have created the customer profile, selected the Control Club and Control Ball, you are now ready to begin capturing shots. For Live capturing, you muct select the button CATCH VECTOR PRO SWINGS. This initiates the communication with your Accuspoort device. Each time you take a swing, the data captured by Vector Pro is collected in Swing Labs’ UM3. Simply select the check boxes of all representative shots you want Swing Labs to analyze and click the UPLOAD button. Once UM3 displays ‘Upload Successful’, the profile information of the customer and the selected shots have then be uploaded to your Swing Labs Account and can be used in a fitting. * Note: You can re-send data from Vector Pro to UM3 by clicking on the magnifying glass icon on Vector Pro. This will launch another window where you can then left mouse-click on each end of the linear markings on each golf ball. This will redraw the digital red stripe along the correct axis and re-send the data to Swing Labs UM3. You can select different rows of data within Vector Pro to display different shots and repeat the above process to re-send data to UM3. 9 10 |10 5 Performing a Fitting Swing Labs Site After you have uploaded Control Club data from UM3, go to Internet Explorer, go to www.swinglabs.com, and enter your Username and password to access you Swing Labs site. From the Home Screen/ Quick tasks menu, select Driver Fitting Wizard. Step 1: Customer and Control Club. With the new UM3 software, Swing Labs software is able to recognize the fitter’s selection of control club specifications. This enables fewer mouse clicks and faster fittings! In addition, Step 1 automatically shows the fitter the most recent customers and control clubs used. There is no need to manually re-enter the control club information. Simply select the customer whom you are fitting, and confirm that the control club displayed was the one identified in UM3. Next, identify the customer preferences. 102 Note: should there be a discrepancy with the control club displayed and the one identified in UM3, a) either select Manual Mode in step 1 and properly identify the control club, or b) change the club specifications in UM3 and re-upload the shot data. Then, go back to the home screen and select Driver fitting. 11 | 11 Step 2: Acquire Launch Data Next, acquire the launch data by selecting all of the swings you just uploaded. By default, the the swings are automatically selected. You may uncheck any shot data that is not representative and that you do not want to analyze. Once you have selected the swings, click on the “Next” button to continue. Step 3: Review Analysis due to what is currently available in your inventory at the time of the fitting or due to player preferences toward one brand. Stars indicate what is designated as “In Inventory”. A Swing Labs rating score is shown at the far right. You can also override and choose a different club for the golfer to hit other than what was recommended for analysis. B). Overrides can be selected if your customer had a one or more particular clubs he/she wanted to hit in addition to the Control Club used, but were not recommended by Swing Labs. At a minimum, Swing Labs will objectively assess the performance of each club hit, even if the fitter does not choose to take advantage of Swing Labs recommendations. Choose the Make, Model, Loft, Shaft Model and Flex. Click “Next”. Step 4: Stock Club Report The Stock Club Recommendation Report is thengenerated from the control club data, and the top 3 clubs which the golfer should now test are displayed. A) The “Review Driver Analysis” screen shows the average of Control Club swing data and the optimal values for the golfer. The recommended clubs are the best stock clubs based on the optimal data and the profiled club configurations. The best matching clubs are ranked according to their performance criteria. Proximity matches may be shown if insufficient Best Matches are returned. These are the next best choices based upon performance test data. Swing Labs’ goal is to help recommend equipment that will help make up the difference between the golfer’s Actual and Optimal shot data by selecting clubs with various performance characteristics. You may decide not to select from the best order 12 | Capturing Stock Comparison Club Data: 1. Go Back to UM3 2. Delete all previous shot data by selecting the button “Delete All Swings” at the bottom of the UM3 window. 3. Click ‘Get Selected Clubs’ - This will retrieve the club specifications from your selected stock comparison clubs so you do not have to manually re-enter make, model, loft, etc. If there are additional clubs in the pulldown menu, click the ‘X’ button to clear, then select ‘Get Selected Clus’ again to retrieve your selected comparison clubs. 4. Select the correct club specification for each of the stock comparison clubs. Instruct the customer to hit shots with each of the selected clubs, making sure to change the selected club from the pulldown menu prior to hitting shots with that club. 5. After 3-5 representative shots have been captured with each club, check the boxes of the shots you want to analyze and select UPLOAD 6. If using data from a session file, check the boxes of the swing data that correspond to the selected club specifications and click ‘SET’ button in the club section to tag the shots. Step 5: Acquire Stock Club Data 1. Similar to Step 1, check all swing data from the comparison clubs which you want to include in the analysis of the best club. With UM3, Swing Labs automatically matches the shot data with each club specifications. Un-check any bad shot data. In the list that appears, you will see your client’s fitting session. If not, select “Past 7 Days”, or use the other filters and the latest swings will appear. Make sure that each of the uploaded swings maps to the correct comparison club recommended. Select “Next”. 12 13 | Step 6: Best Club Report 1. The Best Club Report shows which of the 4 clubs (Control Club versus 1, 2, or 3 Stock Comparison Clubs) performed best for the user. The information is returned in a easy-to-read format showing how each clubs ranks relative to one another for this user. 2. The objective is to get as many FULL/ WHOLE Circles as possible. The results are shown below as an average for each club in a number of different parameters. Swing Labs provides its analysis of all the clubs and displays the overall best performing club in each of these categories depicted by the highest point total out of 100 points. 3. **Note –In cases of ties or close performing clubs, the fitter can override Swing Labs selection of Best Performing club by selecting the open circle in the column of the desired Best Club. The report will then show the modified selection. The next step involving Equipment Optimization with aftermarket shaft upgrades will then use the data from the modified selection. 4. Each major parameter (Total Distance, Carry Distance, Ball Speed, Launch Angle, Backspin) are displayed on the left side along with sub categories such as: Hi/Low, Average, Standard Deviation etc. Swing Labs displays the ranking 1-4th place for each major parameter. 5. Pay close attention to the Direction/Deviation parameter. This is particularly important for iron fitting as it shows horizontal dispersion of shots as well as distance control. A club that travels the farthest is not always the best performing club and depends upon accuracy. If the customer’s preference in Step 1 was for distance, Deviation will have less of an effect on the final recommendation. 13 14 | 14 Step 7: Review Shaft Analysis 1. Shafts are profiled based upon testing with Golf Labs according to their physical properties, performance characteristics and manufacturers specifications. The Shaft Analysis screen shows: The key factors which influenced the selection of the after-market shafts for this customer, based on how the BEST CLUB performed compared to the OPTIMALS for that person. The returned shafts are additionally sorted based on customer preferences for distance, accuracy, and or feel. The returned clubs will be based upon your store INVENTORY and STORE SETTINGS, and will be the best matches to help OPTIMIZE the performance of the BEST club. 2. Optimization may include: o Modifications to shaft Weight o Modifications to shaft Kick-Point o Modifications to shaft Torque 3. The score for each shaft is shown visually to the right of the listing. As the fitter, you can select 1, 2 or 3 shafts for the After-Market Shaft report. The 3 shafts can be selected from the returned recommendations or from one or more override shafts. Click “Next” to go to the final step. Step 8: After-Market Shaft Report 1. The After-Market Shaft report takes the selected shafts and generates a report with the specific details for each of the shafts. Completed Fittings (Editing/Producing Reports) 1. After you click FINISHED, the most recent fitting will be displayed at the top of the Completed Fittings list. You can return to this screen at any time by going to the FITTINGS 15 | 15 pull-down menu and selecting COMPLETED DRIVER FITTINGS. Here you have two options: 1) EDIT an existing fitting, whereby you can amend any choices to the fitting for the purposes of producing a report for up to 30 days. Simply click on the EDIT link. 2) Produce a REPORT allows you to customize the elements included in a report. You can also choose to email the report. Simply click on the REPORT link. Generate Fitting Report 1. Check the boxes of the components you want included in your Report. 2. If you have enabled the inclusion of a COVER PAGE and/or a PROMOTIONAL PAGE from within the STORE SETTINGS, you will see those options enabled. 3. * Promotional Page is Swing Labs’ first marketing initiative to help the retailer pull the consumer back into the store once they have left the store after their fitting. The Promotional Page can be a coupon for additional services or some discount toward hard or soft goods added to the end of the report. This should be set-up within the Store Settings area. 4. Check the Email Fitting Report box and select GENERATE FITTING REPORT (PDF) to automatically email the report to the customer based upon the email address in the field. If you only want to show the report for demonstration or review purposes only, select DISPLAY REPORT IN BROWSER and the final report will be visible in your screen. 5. Reports, including ball recommendation (for driver fittings) can be generated and emailed to the customer. To email, check the email box and click the generate .pdf button. 16 | 16 How to purchase Fitting Credits: 1. Click Fittings>Fitting Credits>Purchase Fitting Credits 2. Swing Labs operates on a credit-debit model similar to a pre-paid phone card. There is no minimum purchase requirement and fitting credits never expire. 3. Type into the field how many fitting credits you want to purchase. Your purchase price is based upon volume discount and how many fitting credits you purchase at one time. Your annual license fee is pro-rated based upon the number of credits you purchase your first time. 4. Enter in any promotional code you may have received 5. Proceed to the check-out and enter all the required information 102 17 | 17 Online Help 1. Go to the Online Help tab to view the various resources pertaining to the features contained within the Swing Labs software 2. If you call or email Swing Labs support to schedule a training session or support session, they will provide you with a PIN code to enter into the support field. Go to Remote Support & Assistance and enter the code that the operator gives you. - Click Connect to Technician - Click Download software 102 Create Easy Access Shortcuts On Your Desktop 1. Click and hold the left mouse button down while on the ‘e’ symbol of your Internet Explorer address bar and drag it over to the desktop. This will create a shortcut to www. SwingLabs.com on your desktop. 2. Go to Start Menu >Program Files and fild Swing Labs, LLC. Place the cursor over the UM3 icon and RIGHT mouse click. This will bring up a window of options. 3. Select SENT TO > DESKTOP (create Shortcut) 4. This will place an icon on your desktop that will quickly and easily launch UM3. 3 18 | |18 Setting s & Equipment Inventory 1. Click Settings>Store Inventory>Quick Inventory 2. Checked boxes designate Clubheads and all lofts in that model as ‘in inventory’. Uncheck boxes to turn off all lofts in a particular model. 3. Go to Settings>Store Inventory>Detailed Inventory to turn on/off various lofts in a particular model 4. For Detailed inventory, select the make/brand 5. After making any changes to your store inventory, click UPDATE to save your changes. Store Settings 1. Change your branding, number of clubs and shaft are recommended, Imperial/Metric etc. 2. Swing Labs recommends settings of between 5-10 clubs and shafts to give you flexibility as a fitter and not restrict yourself during a fitting. More choice means you can see the recommendations and select comparison clubs based upon brand preference of the customer, or depending upon inventory changes that happen on a daily basis. 102 Swing Labs P.O. Box 32158 Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33420 561-626-0771 [email protected] (C) 2004-2008. Swing Labs, LLC. All Rights Reserved.