Forklift Operator, Vol.6 (Issue 11-12)


Forklift Operator, Vol.6 (Issue 11-12)
Issue 11,
Volume 6,
Forklift Operator
Back Pain
Book Review
News Paper Cutting
Issue 11, Volume 6, 2013
As a professional forklift operator, you make judgment
calls all day — each of them geared to keeping your
load and lift truck stable while you work safely and
Each shift, after you inspect your forklift, you deal with
operating conditions and special hazards. These vary with
the work you are doing and can change many times
each day.
Some of the issues you face include surface
conditions, various loads and stability, proper load
manipulation, stacking and unstacking, vehicle and
pedestrian traffic and situations like narrow aisles or
restricted access. Then there are the special hazards
related to locations, activities or the environment, plus
all the rules of operating safety. It is a big job.
This handbook explains how to handle some of the
issues you face as a professional forklift operator.
Coupled with your hands-on training, it will help you
work safely and effectively in many different
Load size and weight affect truck stability. Never
exceed your truck’s rated load capacity. You will
find it on the plate inside the truck. The operator’s
manual describes how load shape, size and carrying
angle affect stability.
You can increase your stability by carrying a smaller
load. You should reduce your load:
• If the load is tall, wide, oddly shaped or if you are
using attachments. If a high lift is involved or if the
route is rough;
• If the load cannot be centered on the pallet or
carried close to your drive wheels;
• If you have to make tight turns or travel on a
ramp or slope.
To keep the load itself stable, you should:
• Space your forks as far apart as possible;
• Make sure the load will not shift while travelling;
• EZ Secure loose or slippery items;
• Transfer loads on broken pallets or containers
to sound ones before picking them up. Wrap or
strap loads made up of individual items.
Issue 11, Volume 6, 2013
To pick up a load:
Square up on its center and approach it straight on.
Stop with the tips of your forks about one foot from
the load.
The traveling position is as close to the floor as possible, usually
an inch or two at the heel of the forks and four to six inches at
the tips, with the load resting against the mast. As you drive,
stay within the floor markings and out of the pedestrian lanes.
Level the forks and slowly drive forward until the load
rests against the mast.
If there is another load in front of the one you are lifting, lift
without tilting. Remember to lift only enough to clear the other
Lift the load high enough to clear whatever is under it
and tilt the mast back slightly to a traveling position.
Look over both shoulders to make sure it is safe to
move in reverse. If it is clear, back out about a foot.
To put down a load down:
Square up and stop about a foot away.
Drive forward until you are about half-way into
the loading area.
Level the forks and drive the rest of the way in.
Lower the load.
Alter the load is seated, lower the forks slightly to
keep from hooking the load on pullout.
Look over both shoulders and back out slowly.
A few points to remember when working with loads:
• Make sure the area is clear of people.
• Stop before raising or lowering forks.
• Look over both shoulders before you back up.
• Never travel or turn with the load elevated.
• Lift a load only high enough to clear obstacles and lower it as soon as possible.
Issue 11, Volume 6, 2013
When you work with high stacks, approach and
travel are the same with one difference: the
higher you go, the less stable your forklift and
your load become.
To remove a load from a high stack:
• Stop straight on and about a foot away
from the stack.
• Raise the mast until the forks are at the
right height. Move forward slowly until the
load is flush with the back of the forks.
• Lift the load high enough to clear the
item below. Look over both shoulders
and back straight out to clear the edge
of the stack.
• Stop and lower the load to the traveling
• Tilt the load back and move out slowly.
To place a load on a stack:
Approach it slowly and squarely.
Stop about a foot away.
Lift the mast high enough to clear the top
of the stack.
Inch forward until the load is square over the stack.
Level the forks and lower the mast until
the load is no longer supported by the
Keep forks level so you do not hook anything.
Look over both shoulders and back straight out.
Issue 11, Volume 6, 2013
Remember these stacking rules:
Set the top load squarely on the stack.
Never raise or lower a load unless you
are at a full stop.
Never attempt to turn with your mast
Always approach the load straight on
and remove it by backing straight
Make sure you have enough overhead
clearance. Watch for electrical lines,
pipes, light fixtures and sprinkler heads.
Many accidents involving forklifts occur
when traveling. When driving a forklift you
• Stay within the vehicle lanes.
• Tilt the load slightly back with forks low.
• Slow down and sound your horn at
corners, intersections and places with
limited view.
• Drive at a slow, steady pace.
• Observe speed limits.
Slow way down for turns.
Drive in reverse if your vision is
Yield to pedestrians — they always
have the right of way, no matter where
they are.
Never drive up to anyone standing in
front of a fixed object. Never allow
anyone to stand on your forks or lift
people without an approved platform.
Never allow anyone to walk or stand
under your forks, loaded or empty.
During your work with the forklift, you may encounter
special hazards. These include hazardous locations,
activities and environments.
All forklift trucks are not created equal. This applies not
only to load capacity and terrain, but also to the kinds of
situations where a truck can operate.
Some trucks cannot be used near food products. Others
cannot be used around chemical vapours, or grain,
metal or fibre dust, which can explode. Only trucks with
special non-sparking and low-heat safeguards can be
used in such areas.
Your employer chooses the appropriate truck for your
work areas. Your job is to understand any restrictions and
never to operate where you could be exposed to
hazardous chemicals, set off a fire or explosion or create
some other problem.
Issue 11, Volume 6, 2013
Hazardous activities also pose special risks to forklift
operators. Among these are operation on ramps or
slopes and operation on docks.
When operating on ramps or slopes:
• Stay well back from the edge.
• Never turn around on the slope.
• Drive with your load on the uphill side. This means you
drive up slopes with your load in front and drive down
slopes in reverse unless you are loading a trailer. When
forks are empty, back up a slope and drive down it
When working on docks:
• Make sure dockboards or bridgeplates are properly
secured and strong enough to handle the combined
weight of your lift and its load.
• Keep the bridge or dock plate as level as possible and
free of oil, dirt, water, ice or snow.
• Make sure rail cars or trailers are secure so they won’t
roll forward when you drive on. Chock the wheels, set
the brakes and use dock locks.
• Make sure the floor is strong enough and that you have
enough overhead clearance.
• Check to see that the trailer or railcar is secured, and
buckle your seatbelt before you enter.
During your certification
training, you will learn about
possible hazardous
environments in your facility.
Some common ones are
chemical exposure, leaks and
other emergencies, pits and
edges. In some cases, you
may need to wear special
personal protective
equipment (PPE), including
hearing protection, eye or
respiratory protection.
system is working properly. Do
not close doors or turn off
ventilation fans because it is
too cold inside or because it is
too noisy.
Because carbon monoxide is
odourless, you can be
overcome without suspecting
that anything is wrong.
Symptoms include feeling
weak, sleepy or dizzy, or
getting a headache. If you
develop symptoms of carbon
monoxide poisoning, turn off
your truck and get to fresh air
You also must be cautious
about fumes and carbon
monoxide that the forklift
creates. When working indoor,
make sure the ventilation
Issue 11, Volume 6, 2013
Being a top-flight forklift operator means you know and follow
basic safety rules in every situation:
• Buckle your seat belt when you are in the truck.
• Never leave the truck until you lower the lifting mechanism,
put controls in neutral and set the brakes. If you’re 25 feet
away or cannot see the truck, turn the truck off.
• Never modify forks or attachments.
• Never give rides or let anyone stand on the forks.
• Keep your arms and hands in the truck.
• Keep the controls and your hands clean and dry. Never block
doors or emergency equipment.
• Never push things with your forks.
• Do not raise, lower or tilt a load while moving.
• Never turn on a slope or ramp.
It takes a lot of work and dedication to be an accomplished forklift
operator. The pros know that every truck, every situation and every
load is different. Take all the training you can get. Watch how the
experts do it, and practice the safe procedures you learn.
Source Info : Coastal Safety and Environmental handbook
Issue 11, Volume 6, 2013
Warning signs
If you have severe pain which gets worse over several weeks,
or if you are unwell with back pain, you should see your
Causes of back pain
Back pain is more common in tasks that involve:
a) lifting heavy or bulky loads;
b) carrying loads awkwardly, possibly one handed;
c) repetitive tasks, packing of products;
d) long distance driving or driving over rough ground,
particularly if the seat is not, or cannot be, properly adjusted;
e) stooping, bending or crouching, including work at PCs (poor
f) pushing, pulling or dragging heavy loads;
g) working beyond normal abilities and limits;
h) working when physically tired;
i) stretching, twisting and reaching;
j) prolonged periods in one position.
Dealing with an attack of back pain
Back pain is not usually due to any serious damage or
disease. The pain usually improves within days or a few
weeks, at least enough to get on with your life. Only a few
people have back pain that is caused by a more serious issue
such as a slipped disc or a trapped nerve and even these
usually get better by themselves.
X-rays and MRI scans can detect serious spinal injuries which
are very rare but they do not usually help in ordinary back
If you do have back pain and suddenly notice any of these
symptoms, which are rare, you should see a doctor straight
difficulty passing or controlling urine
numbness around your back passage or genitals
numbness, pins and needles, or weakness in both legs
unsteadiness on your feet
Sometimes the pain can make you miserable but you should
still take control of the pain by trying to stay active and
continue as normally as possible.
In the early stages:
• Rest may not help. Your back is designed for movement so
the sooner you start doing your ordinary activities the better.
• Use painkillers, heat or cold applied to the sore area may
• A short course of manipulation can help relieve back pain for
some, if done by a qualified professional osteopath,
physiotherapist or chiropractor.
Issue 11, Volume 6, 2013
Next steps:
• Steadily increase your level of activity.
• Do a little bit more each day if the pain has been restricting
your movement.
• Do not stay in one position for too long.
• Get up and stretch regularly.
• Move about and take some walks, building up your activity
as you get stronger.
• Stay at work if you can to keep active and recover from the
pain. If you have a lot of lifting or other risk factors in your
job, talk to your supervisor or boss and tell them about tasks
that will be difficult to begin with.
• Even if the pain is particularly severe and you are off work,
you can still try to do most daily
activities or hobbies.
• Do not do one thing for too long. Keep changing your
activities so that you are changing position and moving
around from time to time
Source info: NIOSH publication
Issue 11, Volume 6, 2013
Assessing Nanoparticle Risks to Human Health
Author: Gurumurthy Ramachandran
Editorial Reviews
"This is a very thought-provoking and knowledgeable book for all
those interested in how exposure risks may be assessed and
managed, particularly of materials which are so widely used, but the
safety of which, so little is known."--BTS Winter 2012, Issue 41, page 3233
Book Description
Publication Date: August 5, 2011
The book will take a systematic look at nanoparticle risks within
the paradigm of risk assessment, consider the limitations of this
paradigm in dealing with the extreme uncertainties regarding
many aspects of nanoparticle exposure and toxicity, and
suggest new methods for assessing and managing risks in this
context. It will consider the occupational environment where the
potential for human exposure is the greatest as well as the issues
relevant to occupational exposure assessment (e.g., the
exposure metric) and the evidence from toxicological and
epidemiological studies. A chapter will be devoted to how
conventional risk assessment can be carried out for a candidate
nanoparticle (e.g., carbon nanotubes), and the limitations that
arise from this approach. We will propose several alternate
methods in another chapter including screening assessments
and adapting the rich methodological literature on the use of
experts for risk assessment. Another chapter will deal with nonoccupational populations, their susceptibilities, and life-cycle risk
assessments. There will be a chapter on current risk
management and regulatory oversight frameworks and their
adequacy. This chapter will also include a discussion of US and
EU approaches to risk assessment, as well as corporate
About the Author
Gurumurthy Ramachandran is a Professor in the Division of
Environmental and Occupational Health, University
Product Details
File Size: 1201 KB
Print Length: 280 pages
Publisher: William Andrew; 1 Edition (August 5, 2011)
Language: English
ASIN: B005I49M0W
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
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Issue 11, Volume 6, 2013
Byline / Author
: 30/05/2013
: 018
: Maut Ditimpa Rangka Besi
: Muhammad Mustakim Ramli
Petaling Jaya: Seorang pemuda
maut, manakala rakan sekerjanya
yang juga seorang wanita parah
apabila kereta dinaiki mereka
ditimpa besi kren yang jatuh dari
sebuah treler, di sini, semalam.
Kejadian kira-kira jam 4.20 petang
itu berlaku ketika kereta yang
dinaiki mangsa berusia 26 tahun
dari Jalan Lapangan Terbang
Subang menghala ke Lebuh Raya
Persekutuan memintas treler
terbabit apabila tiba-tiba kerangka
besi terbabit yang sepanjang
hampir 10 meter terjatuh lalu
menghempap kenderaan dinaiki
Jurucakap bomba berkata,
kerangka besi berkenaan
dipercayai terjatuh ketika melalui
jalan berselekoh lalu menimpa
kereta dipandu wanita berusia 46
tahun itu yang berada di
Kesan daripada dihempap
kerangka besi yang dipercayai
untuk projek Mass Rapid Transit
(MRT) itu, kereta jenis Peugeot 3008
dinaiki mangsa remuk
menyebabkan mereka tersepit
selama setengah jam.
20 minit keluarkan mangsa
Pihak bomba menerima panggilan
pada jam 4.27 petang dan tiba di
lokasi kejadian kira-kira 15 minit
kemudian. Operasi menyelamat
mengambil masa 20 minit untuk
mengeluarkan kedua-dua mangsa,
Sementara itu, Penolong Pengarah
Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat
Selangor, Mohd Sani Harul yang
dihubungi berkata, mangsa
pertama, iaitu pemandu wanita
terbabit berjaya dikeluarkan pada
jam 5.00 petang, manakala mayat
mangsa berjaya dibawa keluar
pada jam 5.08 petang.
Mangsa kedua disahkan mati di
tempat kejadian, manakala
rakannya yang memandu
kenderaan berkenaan cedera
parah dan dibawa ke Pusat
Perubatan Universiti Malaya (PPUM),
di sini untuk rawatan, katanya.
Sementara itu, jurucakap polis
berkata, pemandu treler terbabit
ditahan untuk membantu siasatan.
Ensure Safety of Passengers
We are all saddened by the
Belaga boat tragedy. The boat
was reported to have carried 204
passengers but its capacity was
only 74.
The main cause of the incident
was clearly overloading. The other
reason was perhaps the boat was
racing past rapids and dangerous
torrents in the raging river.
In October 2010, an expressboat
tragedy in Tatau, Bintulu claimed
13 lives. Obviously, safety issues
and the lessons from that incident
had not been taken seriously by
boat operators.
Overloading of passengers and
goods is a perennial problem in
the express boat service, which is
a popular mode of transport in
I send my deepest condolences to
the families of those who perished,
while I hope those reported
missing will be found.
Steps have to be taken to prevent
another tragedy. There should be
more patrolling by the Sarawak
Rivers Board along the waterways
to enforce regulations and safety
laws on passengers load and other
There should be more efforts to
educate passenger to avoid
boarding crowded boats.
The other safety measure is to
ensure all passengers wear life
jackets throughout the journey.
What is also important is self
regulation for one's own safety.
We must always be mindful of
Boat operators must always be
conscious of the safety of their
Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye,
passengers. They must never
Chairman, National Institute of
compromise safety for profit as
Occupational Safety and Health
they have a duty to all passengers.
The passengers themselves are
also responsible for their safety.
They should not get into the boat if
it has exceeded its capacity.
Issue 11, Volume 6, 2013
Byline / Author
Nahas Dihempap kKntena
Ekhwan Haque Fazlul Haque
Pelabuhan Klang: Seorang warga
Myanmar yang memandu kenderaan
pengangkut barang (forklift) maut
selepas dihempap kontena dibawa
sebuah kren di stor penyimpanan
kontena di kawasan perindustrian
Pelabuhan Barat, di sini, pagi
kontena sebelum besi forklift yang
menghempap mangsa dapat
Byline / Author
Bomba mengambil masa 10 minit
untuk memotong besi yang
menghempap mangsa sebelum
A number of state and federal representatives, who were elected in
the 13th General Election, may fall into the unhealthy category.
Dalam kejadian jam 4.20 pagi,
mangsa berusia 31 tahun mati di
tempat kejadian selepas parah di
kepala dan beberapa bahagian
badan lain.
Mangsa disahkan meninggal dunia di
tempat kejadian akibat cedera parah
di kepala kerana dihempap besi,
It seems that winning an election tends to overshadow many other
more important considerations. Candidates with tainted medical
records claimed that they were fit and healthy, so that voters would
elect them.
Ahmad Zaidi berkata, siasatan awal
pihaknya mendapati mangsa dan
pemandu kren berkenaan
menyiapkan kerja memunggah
sebelum kren membawa kontena itu
tiba-tiba membrek secara mengejut
menyebabkan kontena dibawanya
berayun dan jatuh lalu menghempap
forklift dipandu mangsa yang
kebetulan berada di depannya.
Conducting a by-election is a costly exercise.
Namun, pemandu kren yang
membawa kontena berkenaan
dilaporkan tidak mengalami
kecederaan serius akibat kejadian itu.
Ketua Bomba dan Penyelamat Zon
Klang Penguasa Kanan Bomba II
Ahmad Zaidi Safuan berkata,
pihaknya menerima panggilan
kecemasan daripada orang awam
pada jam 4.30 pagi sebelum
sepasukan pegawai dan anggota
dari Balai Bomba dan Penyelamat
Pelabuhan Klang bergegas ke tempat
Menurutnya, pihaknya sukar
mengangkat kontena yang
menghempap mangsa berikutan
melebihi had berat yang mampu
ditampung jentera bomba yang
dikejarkan ke tempat kejadian.
Muatan kontena yang berat
menghempap bumbung forklift
menyebabkan mangsa tersepit di
bahagian pemandu.
Operasi mengeluarkan mangsa tamat
sepenuhnya jam 7.05 pagi dan mayat
dibawa ke Hospital Tengku Ampuan
Rahimah (HTAR), Klang untuk bedah
: 03/06/2013
: 019
: Politicians Should Not Overstay Welcome
: Patrick Teh
There were 16 by-elections between the 2008 and the recent general
election. The majority of these seats fell vacant following the elected
representatives' deaths. Will there be fewer by-elections in the next
five years?
Amazingly, politicians are the most diligent group of people in society.
Retirement is the last thing on their minds. Even when their physical
and mental capacities require them to slow down and spend more
time with their families at home, they still continue to slog away.
Local political leaders should learn from Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye, who was
wise enough not to overstay his welcome. He retired as a member of
parliament in 1990 at age 44. He had served as a state and federal
representative in the Federal Territory for 21 years.
A diligent and healthy person, he forged ahead to chart a new
journey in his life to become a social activist after his retirement from
politics. He is the vice-chairman of the Malaysia Crime Prevention
Foundation and chairman of the National Institute of Occupational
Safety and Health.
Patrick Teh, Ipoh, Perak
Pihak bomba terpaksa menggunakan
kren pihak swasta untuk mengangkat
Issue 11, Volume 6, 2013
Perbaiki Laluan Motosikal Sedia Ada: NIOSH
Kuala Lumpur: Institut Keselamatan dan Kesihatan
Pekerjaan Negara (NIOSH) mahu Kementerian Kerja
Raya memperbaiki keadaan lorong motosikal sedia
ada di seluruh negara supaya lebih selesa dan
selamat buat pengguna.
Pengerusinya, Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye, berkata kadar
kematian membabitkan pengguna motosikal adalah
tinggi, menyumbang kira-kira 70 peratus kepada 6,000
kematian akibat kemalangan jalan raya di seluruh
negara setiap tahun.
Tidak diselenggara dengan baik
Katanya, pengguna motosikal juga enggan
menggunakan laluan berkenaan kerana tidak
diselenggara dengan baik dan tidak begitu selamat,
lalu berkongsi lebuh raya bersama kenderaan lain
yang meningkatkan lagi risiko mereka terbabit
Beliau juga menyarankan pembangunan program
khas untuk mengubah sikap pengguna kenderaan
supaya mengamalkan pemanduan selamat dan
Byline / Author
Fakulti Kejuruteraan Kimia Universiti Teknologi
Mara (FKK UiTM) menjadi fakulti pertama di
negara ini memperoleh sijil bersepadu Sistem
Pengurusan Keselamatan dan Kesihatan
(KKP) Standard OHSAS bertaraf
Timbalan Naib Canselor Jaringan Industri,
Masyarakat dan Alumni, Prof Dr Norsaadah
Ismail, berkata UiTM memperoleh sijil
bersepadu OHSAS 18001:2007 dan MS
1722:2011 bagi Skop Makmal Kejuruteraan
Kimia, suatu piawaian terkemuka peringkat
antarabangsa bagi sistem pengurusan dan
keselamatan serta kesihatan setiap pekerja
dan pelajar.
Amat wajar sekiranya aspek persekitaran
kondusif dan selamat dititikberatkan sebagai
antara prosedur urus tadbir terpenting di
universiti ini.
Jadi, warga UiTM harus mentransformasikan
budaya dan cara kerja yang selamat dalam
melaksanakan tugasan dan tanggungjawab
membabitkan penyelidikan dan pengajian
di dalam makmal, katanya.
Beliau berkata demikian ketika berucap
pada majlis penyerahan sijil OHSAS terbabit
yang disampaikan Pengerusi Institut
Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan
(NIOSH), Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye, di Shah Alam,
FKK UiTM Penuhi Piawaian Keselamatan
Nurul Fhatihah Zakinan
baru-baru ini.
Sementara itu, Lee berkata, kesungguhan
FKK dalam melaksanakan skop pensijilan
sistem berkenaan diharap dapat menjadi
pendorong dan diperluas kepada fakulti
Jimat kos operasi
Antara kepentingan sistem ini dapat
menjimatkan kos operasi sesebuah
organisasi, juga mengawal risiko
keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerjaan di
tempat kerja.
Ia dapat memupuk budaya kerja selamat
melalui peningkatan berterusan dan
mengukuhkan tanggungjawab serta
meningkatkan hubungan baik dengan
pelanggan dan masyarakat luar, katanya.
Mengambil contoh dua buah sekolah di
ibu negara dan Kuala Kedah yang
terbabit dalam insiden kemalangan
membabitkan bahan letupan dan terhidu
gas beracun baru-baru ini, Lee
menyarankan semua industri
melaksanakan program pensijilan terbabit.
Issue 11, Volume 6, 2013
Byline / Author
: 05/06/2013
: 007
: Kaji Pemberian Lesen Pengangkutan Air
: Zanariah Abd Mutalib
Putrajaya: Kementerian Pengangkutan
akan mengkaji aspek
penambahbaikan pengangkutan air
di Sarawak termasuk meneliti prosedur
pelesenan yang diberikan kepada
pengendali perkhidmatan berkenaan.
khas motosikal.
Pemangku Menterinya, Datuk Seri
Hishammuddin Hussein, berkata
walaupun perkara itu berada di
bawah bidang kuasa Lembaga
Sungai-Sungai Sarawak (LLS),
kementerian melalui Jabatan Laut
boleh membantu bagi memastikan
tragedi bot karam di Belaga yang
meragut nyawa penumpang tidak
“Timbalan saya akan turun padang
bersama dengan pihak Institut
Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan
Negara (NIOSH), Kementerian Kerja
Raya dan juga polis tidak lama lagi
untuk melihat perkara berkaitan,”
Kita boleh mengambil iktibar daripada
tragedi ini untuk melihat aspek
berkaitan secara menyeluruh. Bagi
kementerian, ia adalah titik sentuh
untuk kita yang membabitkan agensi
lain di peringkat negeri, katanya
selepas mesyuarat di Kementerian
Pengangkutan di sini, semalam.
Ditanya sama ada ia turut
membabitkan latihan kepada
pengendali bot, Hishammuddin
berkata, semuanya bergantung
kepada hasil pertemuan antara
Timbalannya, Datuk Abdul Aziz
Kaprawi dengan Jabatan Laut dan
Isu laluan khas motosikal
Selain itu, Hishammuddin berkata,
kementerian juga akan turut serta
dalam perbincangan dengan pihak
berkepentingan berhubung isu laluan
Laluan khas itu dalam bidang kuasa
Kementerian Kerja Raya, namun
kementerian boleh memberi bantuan
dalam menangani isu berkenaan.
Ahad lalu, Pengerusi NIOSH, Tan Sri Lee
Lam Thye dilaporkan meminta
Kementerian Kerja Raya membaiki
lorong khas motosikal agar lebih selesa
dan selamat kepada pengguna
selepas mendengar rungutan
penunggang bahawa ia kurang
diselenggara serta tidak begitu
Keselamatan Jejantas Perlu Dipertingkat
Kuala Lumpur: Pihak berkuasa tempatan (PBT) diminta meningkatkan
penyelenggaraan jejantas dan memperketatkan undang-undang bagi
memastikan jejantas tidak lagi menjadi lokasi kejadian jenayah.
Pengerusi Institut Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan Negara
(NIOSH), Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye, berkata penyelenggaraan yang baik
dapat meyakinkan pengguna agar menggunakan jejantas sebagai
jalan alternatif apabila melintas jalan.
Langkah drastik perlu diambil bagi memastikan tahap keselamatan
pengguna turut meningkat sekali gus mengurangkan ketakutan
pengguna yang ingin menggunakan jejantas,
Keadaan kebanyakan jejantas yang gelap dan kurang selamat serta
tidak mesra pengguna membuat orang ramai lebih rela meredah
kesibukan lalu lintas untuk melintas jalan, katanya ketika dihubungi BH
Beliau mengulas laporan BH semalam mengenai sikap malas dan
buang masa yang menjadi antara alasan pejalan kaki enggan
menggunakan jejantas ketika hendak melintas jalan.
Dalam pada itu, Lam Thye mencadangkan pembinaan jejantas dibuat
di lokasi yang betul dan bersesuaian dengan kadar penggunaan
perjalanan pengguna.
Pembinaan jejantas di kawasan yang tidak terlalu jauh akan
memudahkan pejalan kaki menggunakannya.
Selain itu, jejantas yang mesra pengguna seperti dilengkapi
kemudahan tangga bergerak dan lif perlu diambil kira bagi
memudahkan golongan kurang upaya dan warga emas, katanya.
Beliau turut menyarankan kerajaan supaya mengadakan lebih banyak
kempen kesedaran mengenai kepentingan jejantas kepada pejalan
kaki bagi mengurangkan kemalangan.
Issue 11, Volume 6, 2013
Pekerja Kontrak Maut Terjatuh Dari Bumbung
Georgetown: Akibat tidak
kemudiannya pecah
menggunakan peralatan keselamatan, menyebabkannya jatuh.
seorang pekerja kontrak maut selepas
terjatuh dari bumbung sebuah rumah Jurucakap polis berkata, mangsa
setinggi kira-kira tiga meter ketika
mengalami kecederaan teruk pada
membaiki alat penghawa dingin di
anggota badan dan meninggal dunia
Jalan Paya Terubong, Air Itam di sini,
di tempat kejadian. Mayat mangsa
dihantar ke Hospital Pulau Pinang
Kejadian berlaku kira-kira jam 5.30
petang ketika mangsa Elvin Hor, 33,
Menurutnya, mangsa maut akibat
melakukan kerja pembaikan alat
kecederaan parah dan kes
penghawa dingin di rumah berkenaan diklasifikasikan sebagai kematian
dan ketika melalui belakang rumah itu mengejut (SDR) dan mayatnya sudah
dia terpijak kepingan asbestos yang
dituntut ahli keluarga untuk urusan
Kejadian berlaku jam 5 pagi ketika
Lelaki ini sudah berkahwin dan
mangsa menunggang motosikal
mempunyai dua anak yang masih kecil seorang diri sebelum datang dua lelaki
dan isterinya masih berpantang
berusia 20-an dari arah belakang terus
selepas melahirkan anak kedua baru- menarik beg silang yang dibawanya
baru ini, katanya.
lalu melarikan diri.
Sementara itu, dalam kejadian
berasingan, seorang kerani wanita
berusia 24 tahun kerugian kira-kira
RM4,000 selepas beg miliknya disamun
dua lelaki bermotosikal ketika dalam
perjalanan pulang ke rumah di Jalan
Lembah, Gelugor di sini kelmarin.
Sementara itu, Ketua Polis Daerah Timur
Laut, Asisten Komisioner Gan Kong
Meng ketika dihubungi mengesahkan
kedua-dua kejadian itu
Get Rid Of That Malaise
I have observed many civic-minded Malaysians
writing in and expressing their dissatisfaction over a Public toilets, which are not properly maintained,
myriad of problems, ranging from potholes to
can cause public inconvenience. Roads and public
clogged drains and poor public amenities, which
drains not maintained can also cause flash floods.
give rise to public inconvenience and safety issues.
Potholes, which are not fixed for weeks, have
The contents of the letters concerned reflect shoddy inconvenienced motorists.
work and a poor maintenance culture in the
Failure to prune tree branches and leaves that
obstruct road signs on our highways, federal, state
Malaysia is known as a country which prides itself in and town roads has also inconvenienced motorists.
the provision of First-World infrastructure but not in
terms of its maintenance of these infrastructures.
Lack of supervision and lack of funds are the two
major reasons given for the lack of maintenance in
Incidences of defects and accidents in new
our cities.
government buildings, hospitals, stadiums, mosque
and other infrastructures are still fresh in our minds. These occurrences are a reflection of a Malaysian
malaise manifested in inferior quality work, poor
Problems of such nature are embarrassing and far execution, inept management, poor maintenance
too serious to be ignored.
and a lack of ethics.
Shoddy work and poor maintenance of public
infrastructure and buildings can lead to accidents
and injuries.
country's forte.
We are good at providing state-of-the-art buildings
and equipment but when it comes to maintaining
them and making them function properly, we have
many shortcomings and weaknesses.
All authorities and every Malaysian must imbibe the
culture of strong maintenance and make it a way of
The time has come for the government and private
sector to see the emergence of a new mindset,
which emphasises a strong maintenance and safety
The authorities should be accountable and give
their respective response.
Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye, Chairman,
It is time for everyone to curb this Malaysian malaise. National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
Maintenance and service has never been the
Issue 11, Volume 6, 2013
Kenal Pasti Segera Punca Runtuhan
Kuching: Menteri Kerja Raya, Datuk Fadillah Yusof,
berkata punca sebenar insiden runtuhan tanjakan
konkrit di susur masuk Jambatan Kedua Pulau
Pinang (JPP2) malam kelmarin perlu dikenal pasti
segera bagi mengelak kejadian itu daripada
Tidak kira sama ada jambatan itu projek kerajaan
atau swasta, keselamatan adalah fokus utama.
Pihak kontraktor kena patuh kepada segala
standard serta sistem yang kita tentukan, katanya
ketika ditemui pada perasmian Persidangan dan
Ekspo Kayu Sarawak, di sini, semalam.
Beliau berkata sebuah pasukan penyiasat bebas
terdiri kumpulan pakar akan diwujudkan untuk
mengenal pasti sama ada runtuhan itu disebabkan
pemaju tidak mematuhi Prosedur Operasi Standard
(SOP), kompetensi pekerja atau kecuaian.
Fadillah berkata, kementeriannya tiada kuasa
dalam projek berkenaan kerana ia di bawah konsesi Sementara itu, Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian Kerja
itu sendiri dan mereka ada badan profesional yang Raya, Datuk Himmat Singh, berkata pasukan itu
memantau pelaksanaan sesuatu projek.
akan mengenal pasti faktor runtuhan, kompetensi
pekerja dan kontraktor sama ada mematuhi
Namun katanya, kementerian itu menerusi Jabatan tatacara kerja.
Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan (DOSH)
mampu mengambil tindakan dengan
mengeluarkan arahan pemberhentian kerja.
Patuh standard ditetapkan
dari arah Batu Maung runtuh.
Dalam kejadian jam 7 malam itu, kedua-dua arah
dikatakan sibuk berikutan waktu pulang bekerja dan
ada kenderaan terperangkap di bawah sisa
jambatan seberat 200 tan itu di Lebuh Raya Tun Dr
Lim Chong Eu.
Kita kena kaji keseluruhan insiden untuk dijadikan
rujukan jangka panjang. Kalau libatkan kelemahan
daripada segi SOP, maka kita kena cari jalan untuk Sehingga malam tadi seorang dikatakan maut,
tambah baik.
manakala tiga cedera parah selepas sebahagian
penyambung susur keluar JPP2 sepanjang 50 meter
Experts To Probe Ramp Collapse
KUALA LUMPUR: The Works Ministry is roping in experts The ministry will wait for the investigation team's
to investigate the Penang Second Bridge ramp
report, and suggest to DOSH and relevant authorities
for this (traffic diversion) to be included in their
guidelines and regulations.
The Occupational Safety and Health Department
has also sent a forensics team to conduct their
DOSH Director-General Datuk Dr Johari Basri said the
investigation into the incident.
forensics team at the scene would not be able to
begin its probe until the search and rescue
Works Minister Datuk Fadillah Yusof said the team
operation was completed.
would investigate the cause of the collapse and also
provide recommendations to prevent similar
Investigations would start immediately after the
incidents from recurring.
rescuers conclude their mission.
Johari said the forensics experts would also assess
We expect to announce the members of this team the construction plans to find the cause of the
and the start of their probe by Monday, he told the incident.
New Straits Times yesterday.
On overpass projects that have roads below them,
He said the ministry would also study the need to
Johari said contractors were responsible to assess
divert traffic beneath construction overpasses to
whether there was a need to divert traffic and notify
prevent similar tragedies.
relevant authorities.
Ministry secretary-general Datuk Himmat Singh said
in a statement that a stop-work order had been
On the investigations, he said they would look into
three aspects - to identify the factors that led to the
collapse, workers' competency and contractor's
work ethics.
The statement said the project's overall progress had
reached 95.08 per cent completion on May 31,
ahead of the scheduled 94.86 per cent.
The progress of Package 3A as of May 31, however,
was slightly behind schedule with 87.29 per cent
compared with the target of 88.13 per cent.
Section heading
RHB Peka Isu Keselamatan, Kesihatan Pekerja
Kuala Lumpur: Kumpulan Perbankan RHB
melancarkan Kempen Keselamatan dan
Kesihatan Pekerjaan 2013 bagi meningkatkan lagi
kesedaran kakitangan mengenai aspek
keselamatan dan kesihatan di tempat kerja.
Pengarah Urusan, Kellee Kam, berkata
pelaksanaan kempen itu juga bertujuan
mewujudkan persekitaran kerja yang sihat serta
mengurangkan kes kemalangan di tempat kerja.
Katanya, sistem keselamatan dan kesihatan yang
berkesan di tempat kerja akan membantu
kumpulan perbankan itu meningkatkan tahap
produktiviti dalam kalangan kakitangannya.
Walaupun risiko kecederaan fizikal adalah rendah
dalam industri kewangan berbanding
pembuatan, masih ada isu berkaitan kesedaran
keselamatan dan kesihatan di tempat kerja yang
perlu diselesaikan.
Berdasarkan kajian dalaman, kebanyakan kes
memburu berita serta membuat
liputan, pengamal media negara ini
mengutamakan aspek kesihatan
dan keselamatan ketika berada
pada lokasi tugasan masing masing.
Pengerusi Institut Keselamatan dan
(NIOSH), Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye,
pengamal media sentiasa bergerak
pantas dalam usaha mencari
bahan berita tanpa mengira masa
kemalangan tidak harus diabaikan.
Issue 11, Volume 6, 2013
kesi-hatan yang dialami kakitangan kami ialah
tekanan berkaitan tempat kerja dan kecederaan
ortopedik seperti sakit bahu, tangan atau
pergelangan tangan, katanya pada perasmian
kempen itu di sini, semalam.
Hadir sama, Pengerusi Institut Keselamatan dan
Kesihatan Pekerjaan Negara (NIOSH), Tan Sri Lee
Lam Thye; Pengerusi RHB Bank Bhd, Tan Sri Azlan
Zainol dan Pengarah Urusan RHB Bank, Johari
Abdul Muid.
Kam berkata, Kumpulan Perbankan RHB juga
menerbitkan Buku Panduan Keselamatan dan
Kesihatan yang diedarkan kepada semua
pekerjanya bagi meningkat kesedaran mengenai
pelbagai aspek keselamatan dan kesihatan
termasuk keselamatan elektrik, rawatan
pertolongan cemas dan prosedur
menyelamatkan diri ketika kebakaran.
Tangani tekanan kerja
Beliau berkata, kumpulan perbankan itu juga
Tugas sebagai wartawan adalah
untuk melaporkan sesuatu kejadian
kepada orang ramai dan bukan
menjadi antara mangsa dalam
paparan berita yang mereka buat
liputan itu.
Risiko kemalangan bukan hanya
timbul di tempat bahaya seperti zon
perang, bahkan situasi seperti
bencana alam. Seorang wartawan
yang secara sia-sia meletakkan
dirinya dalam risiko adalah tidak
profesional, kerana ia akhirnya
boleh menghalang cerita atau
berita daripada diberitahu atau
dilihat masyarakat lain, katanya.
menyediakan gimnasium untuk kakitangannya
bersenam dalam usaha menangani tekanan
Sementara itu, Lee berkata isu kesihatan mental di
tempat kerja turut perlu diberi perhatian
sewajarnya kerana tahap produktiviti pekerja di
sesebuah organisasi bergantung pada aspek itu.
Beliau berkata, kesan penyakit mental pada
keluarga dan masyarakat adalah besar dari segi
kehilangan produktiviti, masalah undang-undang
dan kos ekonomi.
Katanya, kos langsung gangguan mental adalah
tinggi tetapi kos tidak langsung dianggarkan lebih
Section heading
Beliau berkata demikian selepas
Keselamatan Pekerjaan (OSH) untuk
pengamal media Johor di The
Ledang Nusajaya, di sini, semalam
yang dihadiri kira-kira 50 pengamal
media dan perhubungan awam
serta komunikasi strategik di Johor.
Main Section
Tingkat Keselamatan Petugas Media
Seminar OSH kepada pengamal
pengetahuan keselamatan dan
tugasan, peralatan perlindungan
dan langkah bersesuaian.
keselamatan Garis panduan disediakan JKKP
kepada pengamal media tahun
Pengarah Jabatan Keselamatan lalu
dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan Negara kakitangan
(JKKP) Johor, Omar Mat Piah dan mengenai amalan keselamatan
Kecemerlangan ketika
Ergonomik NIOSH Johor, Raemy Md katanya.
Zein membentangkan kertas kerja.
Issue 12,
Volume 6,
Stress di tempat kerja
Hearing Protection
Hearing Loss
Book Review
News Paper Cutting
Issue 12, Volume 6, 2013
Definisi ‘Stress’
Applikasi Teknik IDEAL
Stress‘ atau tekanan melibatkan penggunaan semua sistem yang
ada dalam badan yang melampau keupayaan. Individu
berkenaan mendapati sukar menyesuaikan din dengan keadaan
dan memerlukan usaha yang lebih untuk mencapai
keseimbangan dalam dirinya dan dengan alam sekitar.
I: Identify the Problem (Kenal pasti masalah)
D: Describe Possible Option (Huraikan pilihan yang ada)
E: Evaluate Pros and Cons (Nilaikan akibat setiap pilihan,
kelebihan dan kelemahan)
A: Act Based On The Best Possible Action (Bertindak berdasarkan
pilihan yang paling baik)
L: Learn (Belajar dan semak semula)
Secara keseluruhannya ‘stress’ adalah:
•Ketidakupayaan memenuhi tuntutan persekitaran
Jika anda menganggap sesuatu situasi itu tidak boleh diubah,
•Gangguan fungsi kehidupan
kendalikan emosi anda secara positif dengan berkongsi
•Perubahan dinamik yang menyebabkan individu
perasaan dengan orang yang dipercayai, berdoa dan lain-lain.
berdepan dengan masalab, kekangan dan desakan hidup
•Peristiwa atau keadaan persekitaran yang mendatangkan
akibat yang negatif
•Tekanan yang mengakibatkan kebimbingan, keletihan dan
ketegangan kepada individu
•Tindak balas luaran yang mengganggu mental dan fizikal atau
tindak balas kimia dalam tubuh
Hakikatnya ‗stress‘ itu normal dan berlaku kepada setiap insan.
Kita memerlukan ‗stress‘ sebagai perangsang. Namun apabila
stress itu tidak boleh dikendalikan ia akan membebankan kita.
Issue 12, Volume 6, 2013
Bersikap Realistik Terhadap Pekerjaan Anda
Akui kekuatan dan kelemahan dalam diri anda
Bersikap positif semasa melakukan anda
Lakukan yang terbaik dalam pekerjaan anda
Merasa seronok bekerja
Rancang Kerja Anda
Kendali masa anda dengan bijak
Ben keutamaan pada kerja yang penting
Jangan bertangguh
Elakkan membawa sebarang tugasan balik ke rumah
Tingkatkan Kemahiran Penyelesaian Masalah
• Lihat masalah dengan rasional dan rancang penyelesaian secara
• Senaraikan masalah-masalah mengikut keutamaan serta langkahlangkah menanganinya
• Nilaikan kesesuaian pada setiap langkah penyelesaian
• Ambil tindakan secana wajar
Amalkan Komunikasi Berkesan Di Tempat Kerja
• Amalkan sifat tegas (assertive) bukan garang (aggressive)
• Luahkan pendapat anda secana sopan, tegas dan jelas
• Hormati pandangan rakan sekerja anda
Tingkatkan Sokongan Sosial Di Tempat Kerja
• Wujudkan ikatan persahabatan sesama rakan sekerja
• Senaraikan individu dan organisasi yang dapat
membantu anda dan nakan sekerja di dalam
menangani sebarang masalah
• Benkongsi masalah dengan mereka yang sedia
• Luangkan masa anda untuk membantu rakan yang
Amalkan Cara Hidup Sihat
Luangkan masa untuk beribadah
Dapatkan tidur yang mencukupi
Bersenam selalu
Adakan aktiviti/hobi yang menyeronokkan
Jauhi din dan arak, rokok dan dadah
Amalkan nilai-nilai murni dan berpegang teguh pada
ajanan agama
Bersikap Positif Terhadap Perubahan Dalam Kerja
• Sentiasa bersikap terbuka, bertolak ansur dan realistik terhadap apa
jua perubahan yang berlaku
• Rancang perubahan secara teratur
Source info: NIOSH publication
Issue 12, Volume 6, 2013
Effects of Noise
Take a moment and listen to your surroundings,
either at work or at home. Are the sounds loud or
soft? Are you exposed to the same sounds day
after day, or do they vary? Are the sounds
continuous or impulse noises? Continuous noise is
found in grinders or lathes while impulse noises are
sharp outbursts of sound, such as punch presses or
pile drivers.
Off-the-job activities can also be noisy. You may
encounter continuous noises while boating,
woodworking, or attending rock concerts, air
shows and car races. You may also experience
impulse noises such as gunfire when hunting or
explosions when setting off fireworks.
Exposure to noise can cause:
• Fatigue
• Elevated blood pressure
• Tension and nervousness
• Hearing loss
The effect noise has on you depends on how long you are exposed — and
how loud the sound is. Sound intensity is measured in decibels. For example,
at 20 decibels, a ticking watch is barely audible. From 130 to 160 decibels, a
jet engine is painful. But between 85 and 120 decibels, many noises may not
be painful. Being exposed to these levels of noise will almost certainly
damage your hearing over time. Several steps must take place in order for
you to hear a sound. First, the outer ear must channel sound waves down the
ear canal. The waves hit the eardrum and cause it to vibrate. The vibrations
pass through three tiny connected bones in the middle ear and on to the
fluid-filled cochlea of the inner ear. Tiny hair cells in the cochlea change the
vibrations to nerve impulses that are transmitted to the brain.
When the hair cells are repeatedly exposed to excessive noise and lose
some of their resilience, sensorineural or noise-induced hearing loss occurs.
You may experience only minor symptoms after periods of loud noise
exposure, such as:
Tinnitus or ringing or buzzing in your ears.
Muffled hearing for a few hours after leaving work.
Repeated exposure to loud noise may cause permanent hearing loss. Even if
you have no symptoms at all and feel no pain, your hearing may begin to
deteriorate. First, you may have trouble hearing high-frequency sounds like
phones ringing. Next, you may lose speech frequencies, consonants, and
then vowels. Finally, all spoken communication, including television,
telephone conversations and even listening to music may become difficult
or impossible to hear.
Whether you are on or off the job, this handbook
will help you understand how noise affects your
ability to hear. It will provide ways you and your
employer can work together to safeguard a
sense you may be taking for granted — your
hearing. By monitoring your work area, testing
your hearing regularly and wearing personal
protective equipment, you can preserve your
Issue 12, Volume 6, 2013
Prevention is Possible
Fortunately you and your employer can work together to
protect your hearing in the following ways:
In fact, OSHA‘s Hearing Conservation Standard requires that your employer implement a
hearing conservation program if your noise exposure meets or exceeds and eight-hour timeweighted average of 85 decibels.
Under the programme:
•Noise in your work area must be monitored.
• You must receive an annual hearing test.
•You must be provided with hearing protection.
• You must receive annual training on the effects of noise, as well as use and care of hearing
Engineering controls
Administrative controls
Personal protective equipment (PPE)
By periodically checking the decibel levels in your work area, your employer will be alerted to
levels that may harm you. Accurate monitoring of noise in your work area will be done with
one of these instruments:
 Sound level meter:
Identifies work areas where employee exposure exceeds permissible exposure level.
 Noise dosimeter:
When worn on the body, a dosimeter
measures employee‘s noise exposure during a work shift. The results can represent exposure
of others working in the same area or at similar jobs.
Audiometric Testing
An audiogram is a simple, painless test to detect hearing loss. You will receive a baseline audiogram which establishes the threshold
or softest levels of noise you can hear in each ear within six months after you start working in a noisy area. If your employer uses a
mobile test van, you may work for up to a year before being tested, during which time you must wear hearing protection if the
noise level is at or above 85 decibels.
• Don‘t expose your hearing to high noise levels at home or at work for 14 hours before the baseline hearing test. Use hearing
protection if necessary.
• Tell the test administrator about past or present hearing conditions and any exposure to loud noise on or off the job.
• If you don‘t understand test procedures, ask for further explanation.
After the baseline, annual audiograms will be performed to determine any change in your hearing. A significant change is usually
called a Standard Threshold Shift (STS). If you should experience an STS, you will be notified in writing within 21 days. If you were not
wearing hearing protection, you will be fitted with hearing protection and trained in its use. If you were already using hearing
protection, you will be refitted and retrained.
Issue 12, Volume 6, 2013
Engineering and Administrative controls
Workplace noise can be reduced and even eliminated through
administrative and engineering controls.
Administrative controls include:
 Operating noisy machinery on shifts when fewer employees are
 Rotating employees out of noisy areas for part of a shift.
Engineering controls
Change equipment or physical structure to reduce noise. For
Enclosing noisy processes in sound-absorbing rooms.
Using carpet, resilient flooring and sound-dampening walls.
Using rubber cushions or cardboard at the end of line chutes.
Replacing noisy metal parts with quieter plastic or rubber
Eliminating vibration noise by placing heavy equipment on resilient
Ensuring equipment is properly maintained.
At home, making sure equipment such as chainsaws and
lawnmowers have built-in noise reduction systems
Personal Protective Equipment
Hearing protection reduces your exposure to harmful
noise while letting you hear machine warnings and
conversation. Your employer will provide hearing
protection and train you on its correct use.
Earplug Basics
 Most earplugs are made of soft fibers or foam and conform
to fit the ear canal.
 Available in disposable and reusable.
 Available in pre-molded and custom-molded.
 All types must be positioned well into the ear canal to seal it
 Canal caps are earplugs attached to a flexible headband.
They are good if you enter and exit high-noise areas
because they can be draped around your neck in quiet
To insert foam earplugs:
 Make sure hands and earplugs are clean and dry. Dirt and
moisture in your ear canal may
 cause infection.
 Roll plug between thumb and forefinger until completely
 With opposite hand, pull outer ear upward and back, then
insert plug as far into ear as
 possible.
 Hold finger against plug until it starts to expand.
 Switch hands and insert the other plug into: the other ear in
the same manner.
 For preformed plugs, pull outer ear upward and back. Insert
plug by twisting and pushing until it fits snugly and you feel a
vacuum-like seal.
The type of protection you select depends on noise
level, your personal comfort and the job you are
performing. The many varieties fall into two broad
• Earplugs which are lightweight and comfortable
over long periods of time.
• Earmuffs which can be put on and removed easily.
• You‘ll probably need to try different types until you
find the right kind for you. For maximum protection
against noise, dirt, sparks and weld spatter, it may
be necessary to wear both earplugs and earmuffs.
Issue 12, Volume 6, 2013
Earmuff Basics
Earmuffs are ear cushions and cups attached to a
headband. Remember:
 Entire ear must fit within cup. Headband should fit snugly
against the top of your head.
 Push aside or remove anything that may interfere with seal
— hair, beard, hair clips, earrings.
 Glasses or goggles can affect the seal.
 Some muffs are designed to be worn with hardhats.
Maintenance & Disposal
 Wash reusable earplugs with soap and water after use.
 Don‘t wash disposable earplugs. Wear only as long as
 Replace earplugs when cracked or no longer soft and
 Wipe earmuffs clean when necessary. Wash foam inserts
and rubber cushions with soap and water when soiled.
 Replace worn cushions, bent headbands and flaking foam
 Don‘t share hearing protection with others.
 Never remove hearing protection in a high noise area.
Move to a quiet area before removing or adjusting.
Don‘t take your ability to hear for granted! With effective
monitoring, testing, administrative controls and engineering
controls, you will be able to protect your hearing. But wearing
the appropriate personal protective equipment is most
important. After all, you will be exposed to many sounds on
the job and off. So make sure you wear hearing protection
whenever you are around excessive noise. It makes sense.
Sources Info: Coastal Safety & Environmental handbook
Issue 12, Volume 6, 2013
Keys to Successful Hearing Protection with Earplug
Read and follow all earplug fitting instructions.
Am I at risk?
You are at risk if you can answer ‗yes‘ to any of these questions about the
noise where you work:
 Is the noise intrusive - like a busy street, a vacuum cleaner or a
crowded restaurant - for most of the working day?
 Do you have to raise your voice to have a normal conversation when
about 2m apart for at least part of the day?
 Do you use noisy powered tools or machinery for over half an hour a
 Do you work in a noisy industry, eg. construction, demolition or road
repair; woodworking; plastics processing; engineering; textile
manufacture; general fabrication; forging, pressing or stamping;
paper or board making; canning or bottling; foundries?
 Are there noises because of impacts (eg. hammering, drop forging,
pneumatic impact tools etc), explosive sources such as cartridgeoperated tools or detonators, or guns?
 Do you have muffled hearing at the end of the day, even if it is better
by the next morning?
Symptoms and early signs of hearing loss
Conversation becomes difficult or impossible
Your family complains about the television being too loud
You have trouble using the telephone
You find it difficult to catch sounds like ‗t‘, ‗d‘ and ‗s‘, so you confuse
similar words
 Permanent tinnitus (ringing, whistling, buzzing or humming in the ears)
can also be caused
Generally hearing loss is gradual. By the time you notice it, it is probably
too late. We want to prevent hearing loss before it happens. You can
also suffer instant damage from very loud or explosive noises.
Avoid over protection in minimal noise environments - in selecting the best earplug
for your situation, consider noise level and your need to communicate with coworkers or hear warning signals on the job.
• Inspect earplug prior to wear for dirt, damage or hardness - discard immediately if
• For proper hygiene, discard Single-Use earplugs after use.
• With proper maintenance, Multiple-Use earplugs can last for 2-4 weeks; clean with
mild soap/water and store in a case when not in use.
• Clean and replace pods on Banded earplugs regularly.
How do I protect myself?
Co-operate. Help your employer to do what is needed to protect your hearing.
Make sure you use properly any noise control devices (eg. noise enclosures), and
follow any working methods that are put in place. Also attend hearing checks. This
means you need to take some responsibility for your hearing.
Wear any hearing protection you are given. Wear it properly (you should be trained
how to do this), and make sure you wear it all the time when you are doing noisy
work, and when you are in hearing protection areas. Taking it off even for a short
while means that your hearing could still be damaged. Remember that there is no
cure for deafness.
Look after your hearing protection. Your employer should tell you how to look after it
and where you can get it from. Make sure you understand what you need to do.
Report any problems with your hearing protection or noise control devices straight
away. Let your employer or safety representative know. If you have any ear trouble,
let your employer know.
Source Info: NIOSH Publication
Issue 12, Volume 6, 2013
Handbook of Safety and Health for the Service Industry - 4
Volume Set [Hardcover]
Charles D. Reese (Author)
About the Author:
For 30 years, Charles D. Reese, PhD, has been involved with occupational
safety and health as an educator, manager, and consultant. In his early
career, he was an industrial hygienist at the National Mine Health and
Safety Academy. He later became manager for the nation‘s
occupational trauma research initiative at the National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health‘s Division of Safety Research.
Editorial Reviews
About the Author
University of Connecticut, Storrs, USA (retired)
Product Detail:
Book Description
Publication Date: November 19, 2008 | ISBN-10: 1420053779 | ISBN-13: 9781420053777 | Edition: 1
Each of the four volumes in the Handbook of Safety and Health for the Service
Industry demonstrates how to tackle particular safety and health dangers in
sub sectors of the service industry. They cover materials and goods services,
infrastructure services, administrative services, and people-oriented services.
Closely examining hazard identification, intervention, and prevention, the
books provide readers with the practical information and tools necessary to
assess and address the specific occupational safety and health issues of their
industry sector while adhering to OSHA guidelines and regulations. This allinclusive set is a sturdy and complete reference for safety managers
throughout the industry.
The four set:
• Industrial Safety and Health for Goods and Materials Services
• Industrial Safety and Health for Infrastructure Services
• Industrial Safety and Health for Administrative Services
• Industrial Safety and Health for People-Oriented Services
Hard cover: 1890 pages
Publisher: CRC Press; 1 Edition (November 19, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1420053779
ISBN-13: 978-1420053777
Product Dimensions: 6.1 x 5.7 x 9.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 7.8 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: Be the first to review this item
Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #5,748,703 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
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Issue 12, Volume 6, 2013
Publication: Berita Harian
Date of publication: Jun 15, 2013
Page number: 010
Headline: LMBT Ganti Lesen Memandu Lama
Kuala Lumpur: Mulai 15 Julai ini, lesen memandu sedia ada, Lesen
Memandu Percubaan (PDL) dan Lesen Memandu Kompeten (CDL) akan
digantikan dengan Lesen Memandu Bersekuriti Tinggi (LMBT).
Penukaran lesen sedia ada boleh dilakukan di semua pejabat Jabatan
Pengangkutan Jalan (JPJ) seluruh negara sebelum proses berkenaan
diperluaskan ke pejabat pos, November depan.
Pemangku Menteri Pengangkutan, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein,
berkata langkah memperkenalkan lesen memandu dengan ciri
keselamatan tinggi itu berikutan lesen sedia ada sudah digunakan sejak
1989 dan tidak pernah dinaik taraf, mudah rosak serta dipalsukan.
Melalui pembaharuan ini, saya berharap kita (Kementerian Pengangkutan)
dapat meyakinkan orang ramai bahawa kementerian proaktif menangani
masalah seperti ini, katanya selepas melakukan lawatan rasmi ke pejabat
JPJ Wilayah Persekutuan, di sini, semalam.
Mengenai perkembangan Sistem Penguatkuasaan Automatik (AES) pula,
beliau berkata, perkara itu akan dibincangkan secara mendalam bersama
JPJ, Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) dan syarikat pembekal sistem terbabit
sebelum penjelasan mengenainya dikemukakan pada persidangan
Dewan Rakyat akan datang.
Sementara itu, Hishammuddin yang juga Menteri Pertahanan, berkata
Kabinet turut membincangkan tragedi bot karam di Belaga, Sarawak dan
mahu pendekatan berkesan diambil bagi mengelakkan insiden
sedemikian berulang.
Dalam perkembangan lain, Hishammuddin berkata, beliau bersama
Pengerusi Institut Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan Negara (NIOSH),
Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye, akan meninjau keadaan laluan motosikal yang tidak
selamat kepada pengguna jalan raya, Selasa ini.
Mengenai kelewatan projek pembinaan Lapangan Terbang
Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur 2 (KLIA2), Hishammuddin berkata, beliau
sudah diberi taklimat berhubung perkara itu dan akan berjumpa pihak
berkepentingan seperti kontraktor untuk melihat komitmen mereka dalam
projek terbabit.
AES akan dibincang
Saya juga akan berjumpa Tan Sri Tony Fernandes (Ketua Eksekutif
Kumpulan AirAsia) untuk membincangkan perkara ini minggu depan,
termasuk cadangan syarikat berkenaan supaya menubuhkan badan
bebas bagi menyiasat kelewatan projek ini, katanya.
Issue 12, Volume 6, 2013
Publication: Harian Metro
Date of publication: Jun 15, 2013
Page number: 016
Headline: Lesen Baru Mulai 15 Julai
Byline / Author: Intan Mas Ayu Shahimi
Kuala Lumpur: Kementerian
Pengangkutan akan melaksanakan
Lesen Memandu Bersekuriti Tinggi
(LMBT) serentak di semua pejabat dan
cawangan Jabatan Pengangkutan
Jalan (JPJ) seluruh negara, bermula 15
Julai depan.
Pemangku Menteri Pengangkutan
Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein
berkata, inisiatif itu sebagai langkah
menaik taraf lesen memandu sedia
ada yang digunakan sejak 1989.
Mengikut United Nations Conference
on Road and Motor Transport Geneva
1949 dan1968, lesen memandu
Malaysia diiktiraf lebih 150 negara lain.
Namun, teknologi pembuatan lesen
sedia ada terlalu lama, mudah rosak
dan dipalsukan.
Justeru, kerajaan perlu memelihara
integriti lesen memandu Malaysia
dengan meningkatkan ciri keselamatan
mengikut teknologi terkini, setanding
negara maju, katanya selepas
mengadakan lawatan rasmi JPJ
Wilayah Persekutuan, Jalan Genting
Kelang di sini, semalam.
Menjelas lanjut, Hishammuddin
berkata, LMBT dilengkapkan empat ciri
utama termasuk reka bentuk sekuriti
tinggi, mempunyai lapisan hologram,
menggunakan mesin pencetak
teknologi pemindahan terma serta
bersaiz kad kredit.
Sementara kategori lesen yang terbabit
dalam pelaksanaan ini adalah Lesen
Memandu Percubaan (PDL) dan Lesen
Memandu Kompeten (CDL).
Kami yakin pelaksanaan ini nanti bukan
saja mampu meningkatkan integriti
dokumen berkenaan, tetapi berupaya
mengelak kegiatan pemalsuan
sekaligus meningkatkan keberkesanan
penguatkuasaan, katanya.
Jun 17, 2013
Hak Pejalan Kaki Kurang Diberi Perhatian
Kota Kinabalu: Langkah drastik perlu dilakukan bagi memberi
kesedaran serta penguatkuasaan undang-undang lebih ketat
kepada pengguna jalan raya supaya bertanggungjawab dan
mengutamakan keselamatan pejalan kaki.
Pengerusi Institut Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan Negara
(NIOSH), Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye, berkata beliau kerap melihat pejalan
kaki berisiko tinggi apabila melintas jalan yang sesak.
Dalam perkembangan lain,
Hishammuddin turut mengulas tragedi
bot karam di Belaga, Sarawak.
Adalah jelas hak pejalan kaki kurang diberi penghormatan di negara
ini berbanding kebanyakan negara maju.
Katanya, Kabinet ada
membincangkan perkara itu dan
mengenal pasti punca serta kaedah
mengatasi supaya kejadian sama tidak
Sudah tiba masanya langkah lebih drastik dilaksanakan bagi
menangani isu ini bukan saja melalui pendidikan, malah perlu seiring
dengan penguatkuasaan undang-undang lebih ketat serta hukuman
lebih berat ke atas kecuaian mereka yang menyebabkan kematian
pejalan kaki, katanya.
Dalam konteks pengangkutan di
sungai, saya harap Lembaga Sungai
Sarawak dapat mengemukakan
laporan semakan lengkap berkaitan
syarikat yang menjalankan operasi di
sungai terbabit.
Rekod ketiga tertinggi
Selepas apa yang berlaku, kami mahu
pengusaha mengutamakan isu
keselamatan penumpang, katanya.
Seramai 530 orang terbunuh di jalan raya, termasuk 25 kes pejalan
Mengenai isu laluan motosikal yang
tidak selamat, Hishammuddin berkata,
beliau bersama Pengerusi Institut
Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan
Negara (NIOSH) Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye
akan turun padang untuk menilai
sendiri pandangan pelbagai pihak,
Selasa ini.
Lam Thye berkata, perangkaan Institut Penyelidikan Keselamatan
Jalan Raya (IPKJR) menunjukkan kemalangan maut pejalan kaki
adalah ketiga tertinggi daripada jumlah kemalangan jalan raya
direkodkan pada 2011.
Berdasarkan Seksyen 75 Akta Pengangkutan Jalan 1987, di bawah
Laluan Pejalan-pejalan Kaki, ada peruntukan menyatakan
kenderaan hendaklah memberi keutamaan dan laluan kepada
pejalan kaki, sama ada di jalan raya mahupun di laluan pejalan kaki.
Bagaimanapun, realitinya ramai pejalan kaki seolah-olah menempah
maut apabila cuba menyeberangi jalan raya. Oleh itu, saya
cadangkan Jabatan Keselamatan Jalan Raya (JKJR) dan pihak
berkuasa tempatan (PBT) merancang serta melaksanakan kempen
dan aktiviti berterusan mendidik pengguna jalan raya
mengutamakan hak pejalan kaki, katanya.
Issue 12, Volume 6, 2013
Byline / Author
June 19, 2013
Time To Push Safety At Work Message To Workers
Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye
The recent spate of accidents involving the
construction industry is worrying. Steps must be
taken to ensure a good image for the industry,
especially in respect of contractors, sub-contractors
and their employees.
The industry plays a vital role in a country's
development. A skilful and professional workforce is
needed to ensure Malaysia continues to develop
and grow.
Prevention of workplace accidents will be effective
if employers and employees are aware of the
importance of having a safe and healthy
workplace and culture. We need to enhance our
efforts to curb workplace accidents. Everyone's
involvement is crucial if we want to achieve total
safety culture in the construction industry.
An effective occupational, safety and health (OSH)
management system will contribute towards
achieving a total safety culture in the industry. It is
necessary to inculcate the behavioural-based
safety concept to the construction industry so that
everyone will regard safety as his responsibility.
If accidents happen because of mechanical failure
or natural occurrences it is understandable, but the
least we can do is to overcome the number of
accidents that are caused by professional
negligence, ineptitude and carelessness.
Accidents can be reduced if we make prudent
and cautious work practices part of our culture.
Meticulousness about safety must be a core value
for all those involved in the industry. Every person is
vulnerable and can potentially be involved in
accidents. This reality must be driven into the minds
of every person in every workplace so that safety is
never compromised.
To avoid mishaps at construction sites, attention
and priority must be given to safety at the
conception of the project. OSH management must
be practised at all levels of the industry from the
top management to the labourer at the work site.
Developers have a responsibility to choose
competent and safety-conscious contractors.
Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye, Chairman,
National Institute of Occupational Safety and
Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor
18 June2013
NIOSH Yakin Akan Wujud Kerjasama Dengan KKIP
KOTA KINABALU: Institut Keselamatan Dan Kesihatan
Pekerjaan Negara (NIOSH), yakin akan wujud jalinan
kerjasama dengan Taman Perindustrian Kota
Kinabalu (KKIP).
Pengerusinya, Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye berkata KKIP
merupakan satu kawasan perindustrian yang paling
pesat pembangunannya di negeri ini. pasti akan
lebih banyak pekerjaan akan diwujudkan dan NIOSH
yakin satu kerjasama dengan KKIP juga akan wujud.
Lee berkata demikian dalam sidang media selepas
merasmikan Majlis Persidangan 3rd Borneo
Conference And Exhibition On Occupational Safety
And Health (BOSH) – A Global Strategy : Optimizing
Productivity Through Accident Prevention, di sini,
Persidangan itu akan berlangsung selama 2 hari iaitu
bermula pada 17 – 18 Jun 2013.
Ketua Menteri, Datuk Seri Musa Aman dalam
ucapannnya yang disampaikan oleh Menteri
Pembangunan Masyarakat dan Hal Ehwal
Pengguna, Datuk Jainab Ahmad Ayid sebelum ini
memberitahu KKIP setakat ini telah berjaya menarik
pelaburan bernilai RM2 bilion dalam pelbagai
industri yang kebanyakannya daripada industri
kecil dan sederhana (PKS).
Sementara itu, Lee berkata BOSH diadakan
sebagai langkah tambahan untuk para peserta
diberi peluang dan kesempatan dalam
meningkatkan lagi ilmu pengetahuan serta
mengemas kini maklumat mereka mengenai
Keselamatan Dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan
(Occupational Safety and Health – OSH).
Beliau menyeru agar setiap pihak yang berkaitan
untuk terus sedar akan betapa pentingnya
peranan OSH serta menyarankan agar ia
―Banyak orang yang tidak sedar akan pentingnya
keselamatan dan kesihatan (OSH) sehingga
berlaku kecederaan, kemalangan atau kematian.
―Sungguhpun kesedaran tentang OSH dari tahun
ke tahun meningkat di Malaysia, hanya dengan
pengamalan dan komitmen yang berterusan untuk
sistem pengurusan OSH akan mencapai budaya
OSH dalam organisasi.
―Syarikat mesti berusaha untuk mewujudkan
budaya kerja selamat dan berbuat lebih banyak
untuk mencegah atau meminimumkan
kemalangan industri melalui amalan OSH yang
baik,‖ jelasnya.
Beliau turut menggesa agar semua pihak agar
menganggap OSH sebagai pelaburan dan bukan
beban dan ini selaras dengan pepatah bahawa
‗Keselamatan Baik Untuk Perniagaan‘.
Tambahnya, sebuah strategi pencegahan
kemalangan harus diterima oleh semua syarikat
untuk mencapai keseluruhan promosi keselamatan
dan kesihatan di tempat kerja,
―Dalam persaingan global dan perubahan besar,
tidak cukup bagi syarikat untuk membuat
keselamatan sebagai keutamaan. Keutamaan
boleh berubah tetapi budaya bertahan dalam
ujian masa. Keselamatan harus menjadi budaya
dan nilai teras di tempat kerja,‖ jelasnya.
Turut hadir adalah, Pengarah Eksekutif NIOSH
Malaysia, Ir Hj Rosli Hussin, Ketua Pengarah Jabatan
Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan (DOSH)
Kementerian Sumber Manusia, Dato‘ Ir. Dr. Johari
Basri dan lain-lain.
Issue 12, Volume 6, 2013
Byline / Author
19 June 2013
Maut Gelongsor Tangga Sekolah
Hafidzul Hilmi Mohd Noor
Batu Pahat: Seorang murid lelaki tahun dua Sekolah
Kebangsaan Parit Raja di sini, meninggal dunia
selepas terjatuh akibat menuruni tangga dengan
cara menggelongsor pada pemegang tangan di
tangga tingkat dua Blok A sekolah itu, kelmarin.
Dalam kejadian jam 1 tengah hari itu, mangsa,
Muhammad Khairul Hakimi Ab Ghani, 8, dikatakan
menghembuskan nafas terakhir ketika dalam
perjalanan ke pusat perubatan berhampiran untuk
rawatan kecemasan.
dengan menggelongsor pada pemegang tangan
di tangga itu sebelum terjatuh di bahagian tengah
tangga antara tingkat dua dan tingkat satu.
Mangsa jatuh terhentak lalu tidak sedarkan diri. Dia
dipercayai mengalami pendarahan dalaman
sebelum disahkan meninggal dunia di Hospital
Sultanah Nora Ismail (HSNI) di sini.
Hasil laporan bedah siasat mendapati tempurung
kepala mangsa pecah menyebabkannya
meninggal dunia. Mangsa bagaimanapun tidak
mengalami sebarang kecederaan luaran, katanya.
saja kerana kemalangan boleh berlaku tanpa
mengira masa.
Dalam kes ini, tidak ada sebarang unsur jenayah
dan mangsa juga tidak ditolak mana-mana individu
atau murid lain, katanya.
Menurutnya, kes diklasifikasikan mati mengejut,
namun siasatan lanjut masih dijalankan.
Timbalan Ketua Polis Daerah Batu Pahat
Superintendan Mat Razali Awang berkata, kejadian
berlaku ketika mangsa dalam perjalanan pulang ke Beliau berkata, kejadian disaksikan beberapa
rumahnya selepas selesai waktu persekolahan.
individu termasuk guru sekolah berkenaan.
Polis mengingatkan orang ramai terutama ibu bapa
Menurutnya, mangsa difahamkan menuruni tangga menasihati anak mereka lebih berhati-hati di mana
21 June 2013
Promoting Workplace Safety
KUALA LUMPUR: RHB Bank recently launched the
Occupational Safety and Health Campaign 2013 to
promote a safe and healthy working environment
for its employees and a better understanding of the
importance of safety and health issues at the
The campaign will help to reduce work place
accidents for employees and visitors alike.
Making the workplace safe is a joint responsibility of
both employer and employees, said RHB Banking
Group managing director Kellee Kam.
An effective health and safety system in the
workplace can have a significant positive effect on
productivity, and therefore on an organisation's
climb Mount Kinabalu will be organised.
He also added that, based on internal findings,
most health cases that affected staff were work
The three-day campaign was launched by National
stress-related and orthopedic injuries to the hands or Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
wrists and shoulders.
chairman Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye. Also present was
RHB Bank Bhd chairman Tan Sri Azlan Zainol.
The RHB Banking Group has put in place various
measures to assist its staff in managing work-related A series of activities including a training session, talks
health and safety issues. These include setting up a
and a blood donation drive took place at the RHB
gym at the RHB Centre and producing a handbook Centre in partnership with various organisations and
to educate and raise awareness among staff
authorities. These included NIOSH, Department of
related to health and safety issues.
Occupational Safety and Health, Road Safety
Department, Royal Malaysian Police, Social Security
Health awareness programmes including talks and
Organisation, Fire and Rescue Services Department,
training sessions are also held and employees are
National Anti-Drug Agency Malaysia, Red Crescent
encouraged to participate in extraSociety, National Blood Bank, Lourdes Medical
curricular/outdoor activities. This year, in conjunction Centre and TAGS Spine and Joint Specialists.
with RHB Bank's 100th anniversary, an expedition to
Issue 12, Volume 6, 2013
Byline / Author
25 June 2013
Pilih Kontraktor Utama Keselamatan Tempat Kerja
Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye
Peristiwa kemalangan baru-baru ini
membabitkan industri pembinaan
adalah perkara yang
membimbangkan rakyat Malaysia
dan langkah-langkah perlu diambil
untuk menangani isu berkenaan serta
memastikan imej yang baik bagi
industri terutama berkenaan dengan
kontraktor, sub kontraktor dan
Industri pembinaan memainkan
peranan penting dalam
pembangunan dan kemajuan
sesebuah negara. Tenaga pekerja
mahir serta profesional diperlukan
bagi memastikan industri pembinaan
terus berkembang.
Cegah kemalangan di tempat kerja
Pencegahan kemalangan di tempat
kerja akan lebih berkesan sekiranya
majikan dan pekerja sedar
kepentingan budaya selamat dan
sihat di tempat kerja. Kita seharusnya
meningkatkan usaha membendung
kemalangan di tempat kerja.
Penglibatan setiap individu penting
bagi memastikan budaya
keselamatan yang menyeluruh
dalam industri pembinaan ini dapat
Sistem pengurusan Keselamatan dan
Kesihatan Pekerjaan yang efektif
akan menyumbang ke arah
mencapai budaya keselamatan
yang menyeluruh dalam industri.
Konsep Keselamatan Berasaskan
Tingkah Laku perlu dipupuk dalam
industri pembinaan agar setiap
individu dapat menganggap
keselamatan sebagai
tanggungjawab mereka.
Jika kemalangan berlaku disebabkan
masalah mekanikal atau kejadian
semula jadi, ia masih patut diterima
tetapi apa yang kita boleh lakukan
ialah mengurangkan jumlah
kemalangan disebabkan kecuaian,
ketidakcekapan dan kelalaian.
Walaupun kemalangan boleh
berlaku, ada pelbagai langkahboleh diambil bagi mengawal
kemalangan daripada berlaku.
Kemalangan boleh dikurangkan jika
kita sentiasa memupuk serta
mengamalkan budaya kerja yang
berhemah dan sentiasa berwaspada.
Bagi mereka yang terlibat dalam
industri pembinaan, sifat ketelitian
terhadap aspek keselamatan harus
dijadikan nilai teras dalam diri.
kepada pekerja di tapak pembinaan. prosedur dan peraturan keselamatan
dipatuhi sepenuhnya serta adanya
Pilih kontraktor peka keselamatan
penyeliaan efektif, saya pasti
kemalangan dan kehilangan nyawa
Pemaju mempunyai tanggungjawab boleh dielakkan.
memilih kontraktor yang kompeten
dan peka terhadap aspek
Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye
keselamatan. Ketika peringkat
Pengerusi Institut Keselamatan Dan
mengemukakan tender, perlu
Kesihatan Pekerjaan Negara (NIOSH)
ditegaskan penerimaan pembida
bukanlah hanya berdasarkan pada
harga terendah, tetapi keutamaan
seharusnya diberikan terhadap aspek
keselamatan dan kesihatan.
Sudah tiba masanya bagi kontraktor
yang membida mana-mana kontrak
perlu menyediakan polisi
keselamatan dan kesihatan
pekerjaan, sistem pengenalpastian
hazard, penaksiran risiko dan kawalan
risiko (HIRARC) serta maklumat
berkaitan pengalaman dan latihan
keselamatan kepada pekerja
Setiap individu berpotensi terlibat
dalam kemalangan. Realiti ini mesti
diterap dalam minda setiap individu
di setiap tempat kerja, agar kecuaian
dan keselamatan tidak
Meskipun pihak berkuasa menggubal
dan menguatkuasakan undangundang, tanggungjawab bagi
melaksanakan sistem keselamatan di
tapak pembinaan terletak pada
kontraktor utama dan subkontraktor.
Perhatian dan keutamaan
keselamatan pada permulaan projek
bagi mengelakkan kejadian yang
tidak diingini daripada berlaku di
tapak pembinaan. Pengurusan
Keselamatan dan Kesihatan
Pekerjaan mesti dipraktikkan di
semua peringkat industri pembinaan
dari pengurusan atasan hingga
Dengan itu, kontraktor atau
subkontraktor perlu
bertanggungjawab dan komited
sepenuhnya terhadap kerja yang
berkualiti serta piawaian dan amalan
Jika piawaian keselamatan
mencukupi ditetapkan dengan
Issue 12, Volume 6, 2013
25 June 2013
Majikan Perlu Ambil Langkah Pencegahan
Kuala Lumpur: Institut Keselamatan dan Kesihatan
Pekerjaan Negara (NIOSH) menasihatkan majikan
dan pekerja supaya mengambil langkah
pencegahan bagi mengurangkan kesan
kesihatan akibat jerebu terutama pekerja di sektor
pekerjaan membabitkan aktiviti luar.
Pengerusinya Tan Sri Sri Lee Lam Thye berkata,
keadaan jerebu yang melanda beberapa
kawasan hingga melepasi paras bahaya boleh
menjejaskan kesihatan dan langkah pencegahan
wajar diambil termasuk mengurangkan atau
menangguhkan aktiviti luar sehingga paras
pencemaran udara disahkan selamat.
Selain itu, kita menggalakkan aktiviti dilakukan
dalam bangunan dan memastikan pemakaian
alat pelindung pernafasan sesuai jika perlu
Byline / Author
melakukan aktiviti di luar.
Di samping itu, majikan dan pekerja dinasihatkan
memastikan keadaan udara dalam bangunan
adalah bersih dengan mengurangkan punca
pencemaran udara dalam bangunan serta
memastikan sistem pengudaraan bangunan
berfungsi dengan baik, katanya dalam satu
kenyataan, semalam.
Beliau berkata, majikan dan pekerja disarankan
mengamalkan langkah kesihatan termasuk
mengamalkan pengambilan air mencukupi,
membersihkan diri (tangan dan muka) selepas
menjalankan aktiviti luar serta mendapatkan
rawatan perubatan jika mengalami kesan
pendedahan kepada pencemaran udara seperti
sakit tekak, batuk serta sakit mata.
Majikan juga digesa memberikan kelonggaran
kepada pekerja yang mengalami penyakit kronik
seperti asma dan jantung jika situasi jerebu pada
paras bahaya. Majikan juga digesa membekalkan
alat pelindung pernafasan untuk kegunaan
Langkah itu dapat memastikan keselamatan,
kesihatan dan kebajikan pekerja terjamin selaras
kehendak Akta Keselamatan dan Kesihatan
Pekerjaan 1994, katanya.
27 June 2013
NIOSH Gesa Kurangkan Aktiviti Luar
Halina Mohd Noor; Junita Mat Rasid; Ifwan Tun Tuah; Haika Khazi;
Norrasyidah Arshad; Mohd Khairie Khalid; Hamid Karim
Kuala Lumpur: Institut Keselamatan dan Kesihatan
Pekerjaan Negara (NIOSH) menasihatkan majikan
dan pekerja mengurangkan aktiviti luar sepanjang
jerebu sehingga paras pencemaran udara
disahkan selamat.
muka) selepas menjalankan aktiviti luar.
Kesihatan Pekerjaan 1994.
Dapatkan rawatan perubatan jika mengalami
kesan pendedahan kepada pencemaran udara
seperti sakit tekak, batuk serta sakit mata, katanya
dalam kenyataan di sini, semalam.
Langkah ini adalah sebagai pencegahan bagi
mengurangkan kesan kesihatan ke atas pekerja Majikan juga digesa supaya memberikan
akibat jerebu yang melanda negara sejak kelonggaran kepada pekerja yang mengalami
seminggu lalu.
penyakit kronik seperti penyakit asma dan jantung
jika situasi jerebu berada pada paras bahaya
Pengerusi NIOSH, Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye, berkata selain membekalkan alat pelindung pernafasan
pekerja yang melakukan aktiviti luar perlu bersesuaian.
dibekalkan tepeng penutup hidung dan mulut.
Langkah ini dapat memastikan keselamatan,
Majikan dan pekerja perlu meminum air kesihatan dan kebajikan pekerja adalah terjamin
mencukupi serta membersihkan diri (tangan dan selaras dengan kehendak Akta Keselamatan dan

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