pembiak aedes
pembiak aedes
l.t,~, Saman serta-merta pembiak aedes KUALA LUMPUR 16 Jun - Kementerian Kesihatan akan mengambil tindakan tegas menyaman serta-merta pemilik rumah atau premis yang didapati menjadi tempat pembiakan nyamuk 'aedes. Menterinya, DatukSeri Liow Tiong Lai I menegaskan, mereka yang didapati bersalah tidak akan diberi sebarang amaran atau na- I sihat lagi berikutan kementerian kini lebih I tegas dalam melaksanakan program membasmi denggi. Katanya, pemeriksaan di kawasan kediaman dan premis kini giat dijalankan oleh pegawai kesihatan. "Bila pegawai kesihatan yang menjalankan tugas nampak jentik-jentik sahaja, mereka akan terus saman, tidak akan beri nasihat lagi. "Sudah cukup kita memberikan nasihat melalui iklan dan media, tetapi orang ramai, masih memandang remeh;' tegas beliau. Beliau berkata demikian kepada pemberita selepas melancarkan Program Komunikasi untuk Perubahan Tingkah Laku (COMBI) Sekolah Peringkat Wilayah Persekutuan anjuran Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur (DBKL) dan Kementerian Pelajaran di sini hari ini. Sementara itu, ditanya mengenaikegagalan doktor-doktor terlatih dan hospital-hospital swasta mengesansimptom awal denggi dalam kalangan pesakit yang dilaporkan pada 11 Jun lalu, Tiong Lai berkata, notisamaran telah dikeluarkan kepada pihak hospital dan klinik terbabit. Katanya, kementerian akan membuat pemeriksaan di hospital-hospital itu dan se, 'kiranya'mereka masih gagal melaporkan kes denggi, pihaknya akan mengenakan kompaun sehingga RM10,OOOatau penjara selama dua tahun. Qalam pada itu, Tiong Lai menyarankan orang ramai membersihkan kawasan kediaman masing-masing bagi menghapuskan tempat pembiakan pyamuk aedes pada musim panas sekarang ini. "Nyamuk aedes tidak dapat membiak apabila panas, bagaimanapun, ia boleh bertahan selama enam bulan walaupun tiada air. "Oleh itu, saya berharap orang ramai segera membersihkan kawasan rumah kerana apabila hujan, bila-bila masa sahaja, nyamuk aedes boleh membiak;' jelasnya. Mengenai COMBI pula, beliau memberitahu, pihaknya mencadangkan kepada Kementerian Pelajaran untuk niewujudkan program COMB! itu di semua sekolah seluruh negara. Beliau berkata, program membabitkan semua peringkat umur iaitu bermula daripada kanak-kanak sekolah itu begitu penting dalam usaha pembasmian denggi. I . UTUSAN MALAYSIA Tarikh: :).'tujttW2tJ09...... - ~--~~~---- \C-hS M0 I Penjawatawam dilarangs~mbang guna Internet Oleh SAIFUL AFFENDY SAPRAN [email protected] KUALA LUMPUR -'Semua penjawat awam di negara ini,dilarang melak1Jkan sebarang aktiyiti yang melanggar tatacarq penggunaan Internet termasukaktiviii sembang, kata PerdanaMenteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak. Beliau berkata, kerajaan telah me- ngeluarkan PekelilingKemajuan Pentadbiran AwamBilangan 1 Tahun 2003 bertajuk Garis Panduan Mengenai Tatacara Penggunaan Internet danMel Elektronikdi Agensi-Agensi Kerajaandall ia boleh dicapai di laman web "(Larigkah) ini sebagai panduan .kepada penjawat a;wam .terhaq,ap penggunaan- Internet," kata Najib dalam jawatan bertulis bagi menjawab pertanyaan Teresa Kok Suh Sim (DAPcSeputeh) di Dewan Rakyat semalam. Antara larangan tatacara penggunaan Internet yang. dijelaskan oleh Perdana Menteriitu merangkumi memuat naik, memuat turun, menyimpan clan menggunakan perisian tidak berlesen. Selain itu, katanya, penjawat awam juga dilarang menyalahgu- ' nakan kemudahan perbincangan awam atas talian seperti newsgroup dan bulletin board. Perdana Menteri juga melarang penja~at ilWWnmenggunakM kemudahaD.sembang, me~ Inter" net untukfujuan' peribadi dan menjalankan aktiviti komersial.~ politik. Perdana Menteri. berkata, seba~ nyak 39 laman web clan blog telah dilarang oleh kerajaan untuk pen. KOSMO . 1 7 JUN",,:,,' Tar,jkh' 2009 \ ?({ 10 jawat 'awam melayarinya. Jelas Perdana Menteri, ada antara laman web dan blog juga sedang disiasat oleh polis tetapi masih be-' lum cJjkenakan t~dakan larangan untukcmelayarinya. ~ "Sehingga kini, sembilan sm;pek telah diambil tindakan iaitulapan suspek oleh Surubanjaya K.omuni- ' kasi clan'Multimedia dan satu suspek oleh polis," katanya. ~~",¥r - \"1h New haWkersnotwelcomed .~ .' MPSJ sho~ld give licences to existing traders at Kinrara 1 market By THO XIN VI [email protected] HE Subang jaya Municipal Council's (MPSj)move to bring in new traders to the Taman Kinrara. 1 morning market has not been well-received by existing traders. They insisted that the lots should be given to the existing illegal traders, whQ were not given trading licences despite numerous applica-. tions. "Six new traders came in a few days ago without the approval of our traders association, We feel that these lots should be given to the illegal traderscwho have been trading here for years and trying very hard to get licences from the coun~ cil," the association secretary Irene Pang said. A trader, who wished to be known as Teong, said he had been waiting for a ~icence for 12 years. "1live in the flats right next to the market and I wonder why I have not been given the licence," he said. Another illegal trader, Mohd Izam Halil Zainal, shared his predicament. "I have been selling vegetables and fruits here for three years and I ;# "We also feel that the move to' rearrange the market would create tension among those in the same' trade once they are placed together," she said. MPSjcouncillor Gary Chong, when. contacted, said the council did not' intend to enforce the lot limit and he had informed the traders by letter; "Actually, it is stated in the bylaw that a trader should only be given a maximum of two lots but we are not. enforcingit at the moment.. .';$", . New people: The traders are' unhappy with MPSJ for bringing in new traders to th~ market. receive sumhlonses from the MPSJ as frequent a?twice a month. "I am disappointed that MPSj councillor Gary Chong didn't keep his promise of getting me a lot,"the Puchong14thmile resident said. Togetherwith the presence of fellow traders from morning markets atTaman Kinrara3,TamanWawasan, Puchong Indah and Puchong j<lya, these traders pleaded with the counciLtoreconsider its decision. "How many new traders can you put in this market? The MPSjshoul3 open another market to house the other interested traders," Pang said. She added the traders were also not happy with the council's sugges- tion to rearrange the market and limit the maximumlotsof eachtrader to two. "Currently,I am having three lots for my praying materials business. I wouldn't have enough space if my stall shrinks.The councilshould not bring in the new traders at our expense. STAR. "...... Tarikb: 1 7 JUN 2009 ;; "Similarly, grouping the traders'" together according to their businessesis also inthe bylaw. "Dry and wet items should be separated," he said. He added that the six new traders were chosen with. about 60 interested applicants. "The interview was conducted when the MPSjdiscovered that there, were. 'six empty lots in the market. : We only have so much space and we cannot please everybody. "The traders can consider sharing: the trading licences so that each can! conduct their business on different days," he said. He added that he had promised Mohd Izam Halil that he would try his best to help l1im,but didn't guarantee a lot. . . I~( I ~~ Community - {1i{g . service centre launched Committee plans to address crime, development and dengue issues , I i ' . , dent Datuk Adnan Md Ikhsan, urged the residents to be more active in contributing to their community. "Our society is now more matured. Your HE Zone 2 Subang Jaya municipal councillor's community service centre ,at the participation is very important in deciding how it affects your liv~s arid your community. Balai Masyarakat PJS 7/15 was launched "Channel your concerns and issues through on Saturday, during a simple ceremony that also included the presentation of certificates to your community leaders and councillors, who MPSJJKP (Residents Committee) Zone t comcan then highlig'Qtthem to the re'velant authormittee members. ities like the MPsJ or assemblyman," he said. MPSJ councillor and MPSJJKPZone 2 chairChia said the"JKP Zone 2 committee comman Kel!Chia ~d before the handover tQJKP prised 11 ,members who represented PJS7, Zone 2, the community hall and service centre PJS9,PJSl1 and Taman Sunway Utama. Among the issues the committee plans to buildings were in bad shape. 'The repairs were completed by an MPSJ address are crime, development and dengue. "There has been a number of break-in, maintenance contractor .Just before Chinese snatch theft and-mat rempit cases~"said Chiao New Year;and we began op~rating two months ago. "We have a policing commiriee comprising "Before that, I was working from (Suhang 'representatives of Joint Management Bodies, Jaya assemblyman}, Hannah Yeoh's service residents groups, schools and NGOsthat meets centre and also met the public during the monthly to discuss issues related to crime, and MPSJ'sMesm Rakyat sessions on the first, sec- we work very cfosely with the police." , ond and third Fridaysof the morith,"he said. On dengue, Chia said they were working I Yeoh,KelanaJaya MP Loh Cwo-Burne and closely with developers and coptractors to get l\i1PSJsecretary Slamat Hamzah.were among them to do regular in-house fogging at their construction sites. the guests at the event. Meanwhile, Chia said the MPSJwould hold a Yeoh hoped thar the younger generation would learn administrativeskillsand be active public hearing soon for residents to voice their I in their communities. concerns about a proposed development on a "Ken willingly accepted the opportunity and O.72ha plofinJalan PJS7/4A. The community service centre is located at challenge to serve the community, and he has done a lot to serve those in his zone," she said Balai Masyarakat PSJ7/15, Bandar Sunway. It is of the engineering graduate. open from 9am to 5pm from Tuesdays till Slamat, who was representing MPSJpresi- Thursdays. By..JADE CHAN [email protected] , STAR Tarikh: ..~..?..~.UN.2QIl9...... - --- "" . ; 1k<- f~ t?J1{, Reports by LEE YUK PENG, ZULKIFLI ABD RAHMAN, LOH FOON FONG and LESTER KONG . Civil servants' access to 39 sites den.ied Websites and blogs have seditious issues CIVIL servants are using pirated software, sending information repeatedly. I and causing annoy: blogs containing offen....... sive, obscene or sediance to others, tious elements. !l4J(YA1'XEstEBDAY uploading, downPrime Minister Datuk loading and keeping obscene materials Seri Najib Tun Razak told Teresa Kok (DAP - Seputeh) in a such as texts, images or speeches, issuwritten reply that several websites and ing statements tarnishing the blogs were also being investigated by the Government, and misusing online public discussion facilities such as newsgroups polke. . The Government, added Najib, had and bulletin boards. issued a circular - Guidelines on "They are also not allowed to go into Procedural Use of Internet and Electronic online chat sites and use the Internet for Mail at Government Agencies - to civil their own personal reasons or business servants on Nov 28, 2003. and political activities," said Najib. "Civilservants are forbidden from car"Action has been taken by the Communications and rying out activities violating the policy Malaysian on Internet usage in government depart- Multimedia Commission and the police ments," he said. against nine people in relation to such Among the barred activities were websites," he said. visiting , banned list of 39from websites anda I ~ . STAR Tarikb: ...... 1 7 JUN 2009 11 IfIH 2C 77 (effi'el) .,.....-- Laranganlayari t[1 39webdi pejabat h Penjawat awam elak unsur seks, hasutan: PM Oleh Anwar Hussin, Nazura Ngah, Norliza Wasilan dan Fatin Hafjzah Mohd Shahar [email protected] UALA LUMPUR:Datuk Seri Najib Razak berkata, sebanyak 39 laman webdan blogyangberunsur lucah dan berbaur hasutan dilarang dilayari oleh pegawai dan kakitangan kerajaan di pejabal. Perdana Menteri berkata, kakitangan awam juga dilarang melakukan 15' aktiviti yang melanggar tatacara penggunaan internet seperti termaktub dalamPekeliling Kemajuan Pentadbiran Awam Bilang 1 Tahun 2003 bertajuk Garis Panduan Mengenai Tatacara Penggunaan Internet dan Met Elektronik di Agensi kerajaan. Ia termasuk menggunakan kemudahan modem untuk membuat capaian terus ke internet di pejabat kerana ia melanggar tatacara penggunaan internet; merosak dan mengancam keselamatan dengan menggunakan hak akses .pengguna lain untuk mencapai sistem komputer K dan mendapatkan maklumat serta mengubah komponen sistem tanpa kebenaran. Selain itu memuat naik,. memuat turun, menyimpan dan menggunakan perisian tidak berlesen; menyedia.-dan menghantar maklumat berulang adalah garigguan juga disenaraikan. "Aktiviti mEmyedia, memuat naik, memuat turun dan menyimpan material, teks, ucapan, imej atau bahan yang mengandungi unsur lucah selain menyedia, memuat naik, memuat turun dan menyimpan maklumat internet yang membabitkan sebarang pernyataan fitnah atau hasutan yang boleh memburuk dan menjatuhkan imej.kerajaan juga melanggartatacarapenggunaan internet," katanya menjawab soalan bertulis Teresa Kok Suh Sim (DAP-Seputeh). Kok mahu mengetahui sarna ada kakitangan kerajaan mempunyai kod etika penggunaan laman web kerajaan . di pejabat. Najib berkata, aktivitilain dilarang ialah menyalah gu-' %@ I na kemudahan perbincangan awam atas talian; memuat naik, turun meriyimpan gambar, lagudan atau teks bercorak penentangan yang boleh membawa huru-hara. "Memuat turun, menyimpan dan menggunakan perisian berbentuk hiburan, menggunakan kemudahanl sembang, menggunakan internet untuk tujuan peribadi, menjalankan aktiviti komer-I sial dan politik," katanya. Najib berkata, pekeliling mengenai perkara itu boleh dicapai di laman web Unit Pemodenan Tadbiran dan Perancangan Pengurusan Ma-1 laysia (Mampli) di http:// web dan blog berunsur hasutan termasuk fitnah ialah www.shilesjack.comdisekat. "Ada beberapa laman web dan blogyang dalam siasatan polis, tetapi masih belum di- I kenakan tindakan larangan melayari. Sehinggakini sem- \ bilan suspek diambil tindakan, iaitu lapan oleh Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia dan seorang oleh polis," katanya. ." BERITA HARIA N Tarikb...1..7.. ~~~..?~q~........... , .. Rehdakickedoutof MPSJ'splan~:~ by Llew-Ann Phang newsdesk@tl, . PETAL/NGJAVA:The Real Estate Housing Developers Association (Rehda)has been removed from the subang Jaya Municipal Council's (MPSJ)Draft plan public hearing committee after protests of conflict of interest from residents and politiciansalike. State executive councillor for tourism and environment Elizabeth Wong, one of the three excos on the public hearing committee, said Rehda has been asked to withdraw its representative (Selangor branch committee member Datuk DavidTanof '0' Properties) as it was inappropriate to have a housing developer at the hearing. Wong said she had no idea that Rehda SUN 'rl\fikb "'''''''''' 17 JUN 2009 ... n"11IIIIff was on the committee until much later. "Ihave nothing against them personallybut these are housing developers with projects in subang Jayaso their presence on the committee willdefinitelygive rise to perceived vested and conflict of interest." she said when contacted. The two other excos on the committee are exco for local government, research and development RonnieLiuand exco for housing, building management and squatters Iskandar Abdul Samad, who chairs the committee. The public hearing began with protests from several residents, includingsubang Jayaassemblywoman HannahYeoh,who had attended the meeting as an observer and heard that Rehda members were in attendance. "ASobservers, we were not allowedto speak so, checked with the PlanningDepartmentwho said these members had dual roles in the hearing (as advisers and panelists). '" raisedthe issuewiththe councilorswho contac..tedthe MPSJpresident but j'veyet to get an officialreply,"she said when contacted. Liu,meanwhile, said subang Jaya residents should not be irked by the presence of Rehda members at the public hearing as they were not on the committee and attended as "invited guests". . '" don't knowwhythere isan issue... they are there because they are sound in development and housing issues," he said when contacted, adding that Rehda could chip in with consultative advice on issues and opinions concerning the DraftPlan. Asked on the possibilityof adding relevant stakeholders to the panel such as architects, NGOsand residents' associations, which would dispel accusations of conflict of interest, Liu said: ",'m not sure what kind of people should be enlisted for consultation purposes but Iwill put the question to the chairman (Iskandar) because the decision is his." However,Liureiterated that there should be no issue with Rehda members' presence since they were not involved in local development and could not influence decisions in the local plan. "It is the exco members who, with feedback from. the hearings, decide if the plan should be unchanged or revised," he said. ",..n ,. ...~ ~... ........-... , - 38 porn sites off limits to civil servants NU GOVERNMENTservants are barred from visiting .38 sites on the Internet, which are deemed to' contain pornographic material. Among these are; www. bilikmandi..ning.cQm; www. --; www.;and www.3gpsyok. com. . . J She also sought ~ list of I banned websites.j . NajibsaidseveralQtheroth'- 1 erweb&ites and'blogspots we~e beinginvestigate9- by tPe. . police but had ,not be~n d~sfgnated restricted sites yet.taken' , Action had also been . 1 against niile blog and website \ vvriters. ! Najib said the government I Prime Minister Datuk Seri had issued a circular ~ "GuideNajib Razaksaid this ill a writ- lInes on Internetand Electronten reply. tQ a- question from ic Mail Usage in Government Teresa ](ok ODAUP-Seputeh)Agencies", ill 2003. about whether there was a The doS"and dont's of Intercode of ethics for government net use may be downloaded at servants on Internet use. NEW STRAI~ Tarikh: ...~~.1..~... ~~MES ". ' \ -- - -- KespJ b~i~ik~e~"~~n, k{\airat k~ij;i~~.'i~ ,.-<: > "fF.f,.t BANDAR..~ .,;g~~kut '~',~~;_T, ,-- -[ilili" '. . ~;I; I I tiIidak<w.Ydiambil tanpa di- kami mengosongkankawa- I\eqlatian Bandar Kinrara BKKBK. . ia dibinadiatastanahpemaju ' (BKKBKjdi sini melahirkan ketidakpuasan hati mereka berhubung tindakan Majlis Perbandaran Subang Jaya (MPSJ) yang nyaris Menurutnya, -kabin ber~ kenaan tidak digunakan ,untuk tujuan politik kerana ia menjadi bilik gerakan untuk tujuan pengurusan khairat dan kami hanya berunding I, dengan pihak itu sahaja. "Namun secara tiba-tiba ! hariini(semalam)wakilMPSJ datang memotong kunci ka- mengangkatkabinkepunyaan pertubuhan itu di Jalan BK 5A/l di sini, pagi semalam. Difahamkan, bagaimanapun kabin berkenaan akhirnya tidak diangkat MPSJ selepas perbincangan dilakukandenganpemiliktanah kira-kira 20 minit selepas itu. Ketua Penerangan BKKBK, Hamlay ,Othman berkata, apa yang dikesalkan adalah kabin kematian di Bandar Kinrara. "Kabin ini dibina di atas tanah milik persendiriandan mendapat kebenaran pemilik bukannya di atas tanah milik kerajaan negeri atau MPS.;T. "Kami kecewa kerana MPSJ tidak membuat pemeriksaah terlebih dahulu sebelum mengambil tindakan ke atas bilik opernsi yang digunakan 0100 masyarakat bin dan mengeluarkan peralatan di dalamnya termasuk almari yang menempatkan kain kapan dan sebagainya dengan diletakkan di luar," katanya. Dalam pada itu kebanyakan AJK yang ditemui Sinar Harian juga hampa kerana wakil MPSJ yang mengeluar- I kan barang dalam kabin tidak I meletakkan kembali ia ke da- berkenaan bukan dibina di Islamdi sini,"katanya. JatvatankuasaBiilian Khairat ketahuf itili jawatankuasa sanlapimgitunamunkerana , tanah Majlis atau kerajaan Hamlay berkata, beliau ke- I i lam bilik gerakanitu malah beredar begitu sahaja selepas ' I negerinamun ia adalah hak salkeranaMPSJtidakpernah milikpemaju: memaklumkan atau mengDakwanya,pihakber.Irnasa hautar sebarang n9tis me- keputusandiambil. . AJKBKKBK. Yusuf Embi . berkapl,beliau kesal kerana ' ~patan (PET)itu tidak perngatakaft kabin -berkenaan nah mengeluarkan notifiun- .akiin diangkut. MPSJ datang secara mengejut tanpa menghubungi seorang tuk merobohkankabi1l"ber- pun daripada ahli jawatan- "SebeluminiMajlishanya ~ kenaaIi malah kesal apabila ;meIighantar notis meminta , ~Ii' . ; "~ Ji... " . . Hamlay (kanan) menunjukkan peralatan mengutuskan jenazah yang dibawa keluar oleh anggota penguat kuasa MPSJ dari dalam kabin berkenaan di Jalan BK SAIl- pagi semal,am. - SINAR HARlAN Tarikh: ?!.¥:"~~"'''H kuasa untuk memaklumkan hal itu sedangkan !liluar kabin ada tertera nombor AJK yang boleh dihubungi. "Nasib baTh:ada salah seorang AJK yang ternampak mereka memotong kunci bilik gerakan sebelum memaklumkan kepada~. "Namun aklJirpya mereka tidak ja.dimengangkut kabin ' itu selepahaIdl pemaju menyatakan ia dibina di atas tanah mereka,"katanya., Yusuf berkata, pihaknya i tidak sesekali membaJitah araban dikeluarkan, namun , cara dan tindakan pihak ber- ' . wajib itu dianggap menggun!'lkankekerasan. ~...~ - I';f{"-'I Penjawatawamdilarang, \ guna,modemcapai~Il1ter'net KUALA LuMPUR - Datuk :, SeriN.:ajiliThnRazakberkata, penjawat dilarang , ~c 'awcnn / menggghakan" menernsi jawapan Bertulis kepada soalan Teresa; Kok (DAJ?-SepJiteh), senWam. \ Beliaul?etkata,pergawat keml.lp.aJj- . an modem unttIk membliat awam Nga dil8rang" meeapaian terns ke Internet nyalahgunakan kemudahan kerana ia.::q1elanggat Garis perbmcangan, awam s~cara Panduan Mengenm Thtacara 'online' seperti 'newsgroup' Penggunaan Internet dan '~'~11,:~~~!¥\~B9~~ ~~g~ M~I Elektronik di jabatpn - 'gun8kan' KeInudah1m/chatdan agensikerajaan. tiilg",tuNan periliadi "d8!l "Garis panduan itu yang mei1ja1abkanaktiviti ko1iletilikeluarkan pada f003,'kda~dan p61itik ',~ .~ . \. '1 !~ ( I. , ,lah sebagai p8Il.~l1ankepada ~i;r~1:>,aJ.amjawapan BE~]. "i~. ' . '. . ',', p~njawata.wamdalmnp~nglcep&da Wee Choo J(€ ..<,.gunaan Internet, Akt;iviti '~KR-Wangsa MaN), Na~1' '''if'''.' ,. ','. '.' lain yang melanggar tata-c gg:rtl@ta, Bank N"~gara eara pengguna. InteJJi~t di Leniantau.Ilemat . pejabat kefajaan teIJ1l8$11k pandnan kepad~i;~;;";[ ., .., menyedia,;memuatnaik,'memuatturun dan.IA~yfinpaP gambar, lagu..atclnteks yang bercorak penentangan ~g boleh meinbawa keadaan hum-hara dan me~aJrut;, Wflg. k8n penggu;n!l!nteriiet Iai4," kata Perdana Menteri " r . ~t~~ kad krernt. " ;~!'SeId:tan: ya teI1 1{eff~a:t,uha);1, , . .+, '" ~dakah kepada syarikatkad . ~,diambil i . ;.' ;mengiku~ kuq~ '; SINAR HARlAN . 1 1 J U\II 2009 Tarlkh: :313" ... ! kredit sa +xaPg terilla!dW>-dalfupj AIda. SisU,ml Pem:bcmnan 2003 -Bernama , ~ J . . I PiIsat cud kenderaan haram: PBT perlu contohi MPS ~~ TAHNIAH MajlisP~fQancla"'rAk' I Selayang (MPS) kerana menyita pUS9tmenG~cikerefu . tanpa lesen yal1gJDergiataktif di kawasah mereka, Namun \ I . . bagaimqnapula pihak j berkuasa t~mpa~n (PST) lain terutama dl lDetahngJaya, SubangJ~a4Klang dan Shah A1a~~,~i S!~j::,sayp. na.rap£~~[ " I . . .. 1 {TJ~~rL~p'jelasalimeng~Dai-' smratyaogsepatutnya<dip~tuhi ; I -'. ". >~~ ~'<" .'. ...' o1~~Jef(a'yaRgtdgin I .~" . m~buka perniagaanrnencuci \ . kereta",,"l'ELA RENJ"~'2.~-l~e.~ . \ .. ~ J SINAR HARlAN Tarikh'. ............................... 1 7 JUN2009
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