Dicekup ketika ulit pelanggan Tukang urut warga


Dicekup ketika ulit pelanggan Tukang urut warga
Dicekup ketika ulit pelanggan
Tukang urut warga asing tawar khidmat urut batin, seks
SUBANG JAYA — Keghairahan seorang pelanggan yang asyik diulit tukang urut yang memberi khidmat
seks terbantut apabila sebuah premis pusat unit di Bandar Puchong
Jaya, diserbu pihak berkuasa, petang
Dalam serbuan kira-kira jam
4.30 petang itu, tukang urut terbabit
dikatakan cuba melarikan did dalam
keadaan berbogel namun berjaya dicekup anggota penguat kuasa Majlis
Perbandaran Subang Jaya (MPSJ).
Pengarah Jabatan Penguat Kuasa
MPSJ, Mejar (B) Mohd Rasip Rasul
berkata, bertindak atas maklumat
awam yang mendakwa premis itu
menawarkan urutan batin, seks dan
urutan dari badan ke badan (B2B),
premis terletak di Jalan Kenai itu
Ketika diserbu menurutnya, tukang urut dan pelanggan leka melakukan perbuatan tidak bermoral
dalam bilik kecil di premis itu.
Katanya, pihaknya menemui
kondom terpakai di dalam tandas
dan percaya khidmat seks ditawarkan kepada pengunjung pusat unit
dengan kadar bayaran berbeza.
• "Hasil pemeriksaan mendapati,
premis tidak mempunyai lesen perniagaan sah dari MPSJ.
"Tindakan sitaan peralatan unit
dan penutupan premis dikenakan
kepada pengusaha di bawah UUK
3 Undang-undang Kecil Pusat
Kesihatan MPSJ 2007," katanya.
Menurutnya, tiga pekerja warga Vietnam dan seorang penjaga
premis ditahan dan diserahkan kepada polis.
Sebelum itu dalam serbuan berasingan, 20 anggota penguat kuasa
MPSJ diketuai Penolong Pengarah
Penguat Kuasa, Mazrul Zahar Mohd,
menyerbu sebuah pusat rawatan kesihatan Jalan USJ Sentral 1.
Ketika pemeriksaan dijalankan,
seorang tukang urut didapati memberi perkhidmatan urutan bath kepada seorang pelanggan.
"Hasil pemeriksaan mendapati
premis itu juga tidak mempunyai
lesen perniagaan yang sah dari
"Pengusaha premis dikenakan
tindakan sitaan peralatan urut dan
penutupan premis di bawah UUK
3 UUKPK MPSJ 2007 kerana mengendalikan pusat rawatan kesihatan (rumah unit) tanpa lesen MPSJ
dan boleh dikompaun RM1,000:'
// 3
Tiga tukang urut ditahan ketika premis tempatnya bekerja diserbu pihak
berkuasa, petang kelmarin.
MPSJ lantik kontraktor IWK baiki paip
PUCHONG — Majlis
Perbandaran Subang Jaya
(MPSJ) sudah melantik
kontraktor Indah Water
Konsortium (IWK) untuk
menjalankan kerja pembaikan paip pembentung susulan kejadian tanah runtuh di
Apartment Beringin, petang
Dipertuanya, Abdullah
Marjunid berkata, pihaknya
juga sudah melantik Institut
Kerja Raya Malaysia (Ikram)
menjalankan penyiasatan
di tapak bagi menilai tahap
kestabilan struktur bangunan
di lokasi kejadian.
Menurutnya, sementara
menunggu laporan penyiasatan Ikram, penghuni di Blok
B apartmen berkenaan, tidak
dibenarkan pulang ke rumah
rnasing-masing kecuali untuk
mengambil barang keperluan
atau dokumen penting.
Abdullah berkata, hasil siasatan mendapati antara
faktor penyumbang yang di-
bukit runtuh kali kedua
300 penduduk blok B Apartment Beringin diarah berpindah
t n.staZv
kati min melattNan
kl*.e slestla*Or
tgdaan Ont
lain lak irigh Man
del.... &Man tat
mm /en berlonaikllersicn./1111 Sin ,eng...Mis
Keratan Sinar Harlan semalam.
kenalpasti menjadi punca kepada runtuhan disebabkan kerosakan dan kebocoran paip
Jelasnya, paip saluran air
bersih serta sistem pengaliran rain water down pipe
(RWDP) yang tidak sempurna
dan sepatutnya diurus dan diselenggara pengurusan pangsapuri (MC) itu turut menjadi
punca kejadian berlaku.
"Meski kawasan runtuhan adalah di bawahtanggungjawab pengurusan pangsapuri, MPSJ mengambil tindakan
bagi mengelak kejadian bertambah burule,' katanya.
Beliau berkata, selepas kejadian petang keltnarin, penghuni dari 52 unit pangsapuri
diarah berpindah untuk sementara waktu sebagailangkah
keselamatan sehingga MPSJ
dan agensi teknikal menjalankan penilaian tahap keselamatan di tapak kejadian.
Katanya, sehingga semalam, hanya dua keluarga
berpindah ke lokasi pemindahan sementara manakala yang
lain mengambil keputusan
Tar ikh.
3 /15
tinggal di rumah saudara dan
rakan-rakan mereka.
"Saya nasihatkan penghuni supaya mendaftar di pusat pemindahan sementara
di Dewan Serbaguna MPSJ
Puchong Indah bagi, tujuan
rekod dan kebajikan.
Semalam akhbar melaporkan, kira-kira 300 penduduk
blok B Apartment Beringin,
Taman Industri Puchong diarah berpindah selepas cerun bukit di bahagian belakang rumah mereka runtuh
kali kedua.
Difahamkan, lereng bukit berkenaan pernah runtuh 21 Februari lalu dan pen:
duduk tertnasuk yang tinggal
di di kalci rerun melahirkan kebimbangan mereka sekiranya
kejadian berulang.
Kebimbangan penduduk
itu akhirnya menjadi nyata,
apabila tanah di lereng berkenaan runtuh menyebabkan
jarak pangsapuri lima tingkat
itu hanya 0.3 meter dari lokasi
PENDUDUK memunggah sebahagian barangan keperluan bagi mematuhi arahan
berpindah daripada pihak berkuasa tempatan demi keselamatan.
TEBING di Blok B. Apartment Beringin, Jalan Industi PBP3, Puchong. Selangor ditutup dengan kanvas sebagai langkah
pencegahan sementara mengelakkan kejadian lebih teruk berlaku.
Mangsa tebing runtuh terus bimbang
PUCHONG 27 Mac - Kejadian tebing
runtuh buat kali kedua di Blok B,
Apartment Beringin, Jalan Industri
PBP3, Puchong di sini terus menimbulkan kebimbangan penghuni
Penduduk mendakwa kerja baik
pulih yang lambat disiapkan oleh
pihak bertanggungjawab menyebabkan kejadian sama berulang.
Penghuni, Mohd. Had Mohd.
Shull', 49, berkata, dia dan keluarga
terpaksa mengosongkan kediaman
pada pukul 8 malam semalam selepas diarahkan berbuat demikian
oleh pihak Mails Perbandaran Subang Jaya (MPS-JI.
Menurutnya, dia tidak ada pi-
lihan lain kecuali terpaksa
berpindah ke
pusat pemindahan di Dewan Serbaguna
MPSJ, Puchong
"Saya berharap pihak bertanggungjawab MOHD. HAD
segera menyelesaikan masalah ini kerana kami
sememangnya tidak selesa di sini
disamping bimbangkan keselamatan rumah kami," katanya ketika
ditemui di pusat pemindahan tersebut, di sini, hari ini.
Mohd. Had
merupakan sebahagian daripada lebih 288
penghuni yang
kediaman mereka terjejas
akibat kejadian
tebing runtuh
hirkan kebimbangan, Aruzianati Ahmad, 32.
Katanya, pihak bertanggungjawab perlu mencari penyelesaian untuk jangka masa panjang demi memastikan keselamatan penduduk
Ta r i kh :
"Kami hanya membawa beberapa dokumen penting dan pakaian
sahaja ke sini. Keadaan di dewan
juga kurang selesa memandangkan
kami mempunyai anak-anak kecil,"
Bagi M. Puspa, 50, pula berharap mereka tidak lama berada
lama di pusat pemindahan itu dan
berharap boleh pulang ke rumah
masing-masing dalam tempoh terdekat.
Sementara itu tinjauan Utusan
Malaysia ke lokasi kejadian mendapati langkah-langkah keselamatan telah diambil oleh pihak bertanggungjawab.
Sementara itu, Timbalan Yang
Dipertua MPSJ, Abdullah Marjunid
berkata, kejadian tebing runtuh itu
disebabkan kerosakan dan kebocoran paip pembetungan yang tidak
diselenggara oleh Badan Pengurusan Bersama (JMB) apartmen terlibat.
"Bagaimanapun bagi tujuan keselamatan kontraktor Indah Water
Konsortium (IWK) telah dilantik bagi menjalankan kerja-kerja pembaikan, manakala Institut Kerja Raya
Malaysia (Ikram) bertanggungjawab
menjalankan penyiasatan tapak bagi menilai tahap kestabilan struktur
bangunan di lokasi kejadian," katanya dalam kenyataan akhbar lewat petang
Paip pembetung `s{\
rosak, bocor
Kuala Lumpur: Kebocoran
paip dan sistem pengaliran
air hujan tidak sempurna
menjadi punca tebing tanah di belakang Blok B,
Pangsapuri Seri Beringin di
Puchong runtuh, kelmarin.
Kejadian berlaku ketika
hujan lebat awal pagi itu
menyebabkan tanah yang
sudah terhakis sejak sebuIan lalu bertambah teruk
dan runtuh.
Runtuhan dengan keluasari 16.6 meter x 16.6 meter
persegi itu memaksa 60
penghuni blok berkenaan
dipindahkan ke Dewan
Serbaguna MPSJ Puchong
Indah atas faktor kesela matan.
Difahamkan pegawai
Majlis Perhanclaran Snhang
Jaya (MPSI) sudah memeriksa keadaan stniktur tanah terbabit bulan lalu namun ketika itu hakisan ha nya sedikit dan tebing berkenaan masih kukuh.
Timbalan Yang Dipertua
MPSJ Abdullah Marjunid
berkata, hasil siasatan
mendapati berlaku kerosakan pada paip pembetungan dan paip air yang se-
Metro, semaiarn
patutnya diselenggarakan
Badan Pengurusan Bersama (JMB) pangsapuri berkenaan.
"Walaupun kawasan ini
di bawah 1MB pangsapuri,
MPSJ mengambil beberapa
langkah segera bagi mengelalc masalah ini dari pada bertambah buruk,"
Beliau berkata, majlis sudah melantik kontraktor
Indah Water Konsortium
(IWK) untuk menjalankan
kerja pembaikan paip
"MPS). juga melantik Institut Kerja Raya Malaysia
(IKRAM) untuk menjalanlcan penyiasatan bagi menilai tahap kestabilan struktur bangunan di tempat
kejadian," katanya.
Has-rian Metro KHAMIS
28 MAC 2013
Wanita bogel tersentak diserbu
I Terkejut
operasi pihak
ketika buat
seks dengan
Oleh Zaitie Satibi
[email protected]
eorang tukang urut
wanita warga Vietnam yang sedang
melakukan hubungan seks
dengan pelanggannya cuba
melarikan din dalam keadaan bogel ketika pusat rawatan kesihatan tempatnya
bekerja di Bandar Puchong
Jaya diserbu penguat kuasa
Majlis Perbandaran Subang
Jaya (MPSJ), kelmarm.
Pengarah Venguat Kuasa
ANGGOTA penguat kuasa MPSJ memeriksa dokumen pemiagaan di premis diserbu, kelmarin.
MPSJ, Mejar Mohd Rasip wanita warga Vietnam itu.
"Seorang daripadanya diMohd Rasul berkata, wanita
warga Vietnam itu antara cekup ketika sedang meempat yang ditahan, terma- lakukan hubungan seks,
suk seorang penjaga kerana manakala dua lagi melakubekerja sebagai tukang unit, kan mukadimah seks meselain dipercayai menawar- nyebabkan ketiga-tiga wakan khidmat seks kepada nita terbabit yang terkejut
pelanggan di premis yang dengan kehadiran pihak
berkuasa tempatan cuba
tidak berlesen.
melarikan din tanpa
Menurutnya, serbuan dilakukan
sempat memakai
20 anggota pepakaian," kataFAKTA
nguat kuasa
Kondom cuba dipam
MPSJ diketuai
Katanya, siake dalam tandas
satan mendaPenolong Peuntuk hapus bukti
ngarah Penguat
pati premis terkegiatan pelacuran
babit menawarKuasa
kan pelbagai pa Mohd dan dijalankej kepada pelangkan secara bersepadu
gan, antaranya urut
dengan Cawangan
batin, urut badan ke baKongsi Gelap, Maksiat dan dan (B2B) dan perkhidmaPerjudian (D7) dari Ibu Pe- tan seks.
"Pemeriksaan lanjut mejabat Polls Daerah (IPD) Serdang, jam 4.30 petang.
nemui kondom cuba dipam
"Ketika serbuan, terdapat ke dalam tandas bagi meng tiga pelanggan lelaki sedang hapus bukti kegiatan pemendapatkan perkhidma- lacuran dalam premis itu,"
tan daripada tiga pekerja katanya.
/ 13
Apartment threatened by landslide m n1A-41
ABOUT 300 residents of an
apartment block, Pangsapuri
Beringin, here had to vacate their units today when
a hillslope nearby collapsed
for the second time.
The first incident occurred
on Feb 19 but the residents
claimed that repair works
were completed late which
resulted in a recurrence
of the landslide at about
4.30pm yesterday.
They said that a spokesman
of the
pal Council had directed residents of the Block B apartment to evacuate to a hall
nearby as a safety measure.
A resident, Siti Zaleha Dalli, 38, described the incident
this time as even worse than
the first one.
"I was told about the incident at about 4.30pm by
my son before I noticed that
a major section of the hill
slope next to the building
had collapsed," she told Bernama.
"I was made to understand that a sewage pipe
and a water pipe had burst
which aggravated the situation. The landslide was very
near to my unit," said Siti
Zaleha who expressed her
PERILOUS: Bird's eye view of landslip seen from a unit in Apartment Beringin - Mc: FIRDAUS LATIF
disappointment at the repair
works following the first incident which she claimed
was rather slow.
"When such things happen,
we cannot sleep peacefully
for fear that the situation
could endanger our lives.
If it rains, we will be more
worried because the soil will
sink," she said.
L.Vijayan, 31, also expressed
disappointment because the
repair works on the temporary retaining wall were
merely a short-term solution.
"At about 2am, I came to
learn that there was a burst
pipe. It was raining heavily
then, but I did not expect
the situation to turn this bad
because I thought the temporary retaining wall could
sustain the pressure, but this
wasnot the case," he said.
A check by Bernama re-
vealed that a section of the
landslide had entered the
back portion of a row of terrace-houses located near the
Block B apartment.
Assistant Director of Operations of the Selangor Fire
and Rescue Department,
Mohd Sani Harul confirmed
the incident and reported
that there was no casualty.
The cause of the incident
was still being investigated.
Landslide threatens
Pangsapuri Beringin
residents \\,e, tei $
About 30o residents
of Pangsapuri Beringin had to
vacate their units on Tuesday
when a hill slope near the
apartment collapsed for the
second time.
The first incident occurred
on Feb 19 but residents claim
repair works which were not
conducted immediately after the
incident resulted in another
landslide at about 4.3opm on
A Subang Jaya Municipal
directed Block B residents of the
apartment to evacuate to a hall
nearby as a safety measure.
Resident Siti Zaleha Dalli, 38,
said the latest incident was
worse than the first one.
"I was told about it at about
4.3opm by my son before I
noticed that a major section of
the hill slope next to the building
had collapsed," she said.
"I understand that a sewage
pipe and a water pipe had burst
which aggravated the situation.
The landslide was very near my
unit," said Siti Zaleha.
"When such things happen,
we cannot sleep peacefully for
fear of our lives. If it rains we
will be more worried because
the soil sinks," she said.
Another resident, L.Vijayan,
31, also expressed
disappointment because repair
work on the temporary retaining
wall had been a short-term
solution. "A t about zam, I learnt
that there was a burst pipe. It
had been raining heavily then
but I did not expect the situation
to get worse because I thought
the temporary retaining wall
could sustain the pressure but
this was not the case," he said.
Selangor Fire and Rescue
Department (Operations)
assistant director Mohd Sani
Harul confirmed the incident
but reported no casualties. The
cause of the incident is still being
investigated. - Bernama
Applications are open id
Malaysian citizens who wish to
trade at the Subang Jaya Municipal
Council (MPSJ) Ramadan Bazaar
2013. The forms will be issued in
stages and according to trading
areas: April 9 for Puchong
Kinrara areas; April 10 for Serdang
/ Seri Kembangan areas; April 11
for Subang Jaya. The submission
date is between April 12 - 19.
Applicants are required to take
their own form and bring their IC
along. For details, call 03-8026
4324 orvisit bit.Iy/WYnGGv.
Z el
/I 3
Evacuees return home
to collect belongings
By sHAuN Ho
[email protected]
PUCHONG: Residents of Beringin
Apartment here who were earlier
evacuated after the slope behind
their building collapsed have
returned to take their belongings.
They were allowed to return
home yesterday to take items like
clothing, while policemen were
seen manning the control post at
the apartment.
A statement posted on the
MPJ's Facebook page said the
council and Ikram were conducting investigations to determine
the building's stability and that
residents were not allowed to
return home until further notice.
"The council has appointed
contractors to carry out repairs to
the sewer line," said Subang Jaya
Municipal Council (MPSJ) deputy
president Abdullah Marjunid.
The slope behind Block B was
being repaired by MPSJ since Feb
22 after signs of a landslip were
detected. However, heavy rain
and an unfixed sewage leak weakened soil on the exposed slope,
leading to its collapse on Tuesday.
Housewife Aruzianati Ahmad,
32, had just cooked dinner on
Tuesday when she heard shouts
calling for people to come down.
"I gathered my three children
and grabbed a bag containing
important documents and ran
out," she said at the Puchong
Indah community hall yesterday.
Fellow resident R. Balasanmugam, 40, who had lived in the
apartment for about 10 years,
hoped that the problem would be
solved soon.
/ 13
v ?-g-/3
9-s /3 / 3
Holiday activities
for children
The Sultans
of Science,
Islam is
is held in
Many events have been lined up for
school kids to keep them busy this week
[email protected]
ARENTS no longer need to
drag their children to their
workplaces during the school
break as many programmes have
been lined up for the school holidays.
At Aquaria KLCC, children can
learn about the mysterious snakes in
a safe and fun way in a Snakes Workshop.
Participants will get to learn more
about snakes through multimedia
presentations and observe how
snakes are bathed.
Children will also get hands-on experience with the reptiles as they are
allowed to hold the snakes and build
habitats for them.
A special school holidays rate of
RM99 for two adults and two children is available until Sunday.
Children can also learn how to save
the world in Petrosains' Our Earth,
Our Home programme.
This is Petrosains's first thematic
event of the year where participants
get to explore the Earth through environmental activities.
The Sultans of Science, Islamic Science Rediscovered exhibition is still
on in Petrosains.
Growing up in a hi-tech era where
everything is on the tips of their fingers, children will be awed to learn
how elaborate and manual technology used to be during the Golden age
of the Islamic World (700-1700 CE).
Children and adults alike can engage with the interactive exhibition
and be inspired by the amazing ancient Islamic inventions like the
combination lock and the beaker
water clock.
Back by popular demand, the National Planetarium's Kem Alami is
where children aged 10 to 12 learn
about the Earth, the outer space and
everything in between.
To ensure comfort and full enjoyment of this three-day camp, it is
only limited to 60 participants on a
first-come, first-served basis.
Shopping malls are also offering
activities that focus on the environment this week.
Sunway Pyramid is paying a tribute to the deaths of the Borneo
pygmy elephants in Sabah last
month with Elefun Holiday: A
Pygmy Elephant Project.
In Colour A Pygmy, children can
decorate their own elephant sculptures and those painted by local independent artists will be displayed.
Other workshops and activities include Go Green with Leo and
Friends, Pot-a-Plant, Forest Talk and
Save Energy workshops.
As they tag along with their parents on a shopping spree at Mid Valley Megamall, children can have
some fun by completing a crossword
puzzle on maps which are available
around the mall.
Clues are located on information
boards along the path leading to
, Beautiful Earth.
Upon completion, participants
will take home a plant.
A series of fun-filled art and craft
workshops are also available for children aged 5 to 12 at the mall.
Parents who spend RM50 in a single receipt can enrol two children for
one of the workshops.
There they will make decorative
items and flower pots with papiermache and other recyclable items.
Parents-nowadays also like to expose their children to the culture of
performing arts.
A children theatre entitled My SoCalled Diary (That You Are Not Supposed To Read) will be played in the
Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre (KLPac) at noon on Saturday and
With 11 young talents, this play
tells the story of stumbling upon
other people's diaries and reading
their deepest and darkest secrets.
At PJ Live Arts, an acclaimed
children's theatre company from
the United Kingdom, Blunderbus,
returns with a funny and gentle
stage adaptation of How to Catch a
The story by award-winning Oliver Jeffer tells of a boy who loves stars
so much that he decided to try and
Mt Sal 1411411W4
catch one.
This show comes to life with a
combination of music, puppetry
and storytelling.
Suitable for children aged 4 to 7
and grown-up stargazers.
Local councils have also lined up a
few activities for the children in
their communities.
. .__113agra.lauaicipalCsauaSi
cit huorganisthicupcakes, pastries_
and music workshops for the school
the Petaling Jaya City
Council, in collaboration with The
Japan Foundation of Kuala Lumpur
is having The Kokeshi Dolls exhibition at the Petaling Jaya museum
in Section 10.
The Selangor Public Library Corporation will be holding Info Hunt
today for teenagers from 13 to 18.
In this hunt, participants will test
their information-gathering skills
through various sources.