Senggarabila adaaduan
Senggarabila adaaduan
Senggarabila adaaduan - MPSJ SUBANGJAYA23Mac - MajlisPerbandaran SubangJaya (MPSJ)hanya akan melakukan penyelenggaraan pada tiang-tiang elektrik di sekitar kawasan pentadbirannya apabila menerima aduan daripada penduduk. timbalan Yang Dipertua MPSJ,Abdullah Marjunid berkata, walaupun pihaknya mempunyai 12 kontraktor untuk menyelenggara lampu jalan dan kabel tetapi mereka tidak mampu untuk memeriksa setiap tiang lampu yang ada kerana jumlahnya terlalu banyak. .Menurutnya, kejadian renjatan elektrik yang telah meragut nyawa seorang kanak-kanak Sabtu lalu adalah kerana tiada admin yang diterima mengenai masalah pada tiang elektrik tersebut. "Ada sesetengah pihak berkata bahawa pihak MPSJ tidak menjalankan penyelenggaraan pada tiang itu, namun pemeriksaan pada sistem aduan kami mendapati tiada aduan diterima sebelum kejadian tersebut. "Kaliterakhir kami mendapat aduan di tempat itu adalah pada Mei 2010 mengenai lampu tidak menyala dan perkara tersebut telah diambil tindakan oleh MPSJ;' katapya. Beliau berkata demikiart ketika ditemui selepas Majlis Mesyuarat Penuh MPSJ,di ibu pejabat MPSJ,Subang Jaya, di sini hari ini. . Abdullah mengulas mengenai seorang budak lelaki, Naquidin Mohd. Marzuki, 11, yang maut selepas terkena renjatan elektrik di sebatang tiang lampu yang terletak di sebuah taman permainan, Taman Batu Tiga. Dalam kejadian itu, Naquidin telah terjatuh ketika bermain dan kaki kanannya terlekat padang tiang lampu tersebut akibat terkena renjatan elektrik. Sementara itu,Ahli Majlis,Keshminder Singh berkata, pihak MpSJakan menyamc paikan sumbangan sebanyak RMs,ooo kepada keluarga terbabit. MeJ1urutnya,walaupun sumbangan itu tidak seberapa jika dibandingkan dengan kehilangan Naquidin, namun sumbangan tersebut diharap dapat meringankan beban mereka. UTUSAN MALAYSIA T "'.'. arl~ll. ;),A la I ~II 1. .................. aduan HARlAN 19fETRO . Tarlkh: ;) 4~,€ \,:)0\\ .............- t~U .~, n'~ '~I.oot. :." ~h:::idi( ' h, ~.. aI I P a,,"I . - ~. . " '. ,.., """.. . 1 -. r ., 1a .. """, ' ''';-'' L ' ) ~ ~'~ -. " , ; .. ~ ~z uerLuasa me1;adai.-a '"', .:auandaropefas.:di sel<ttarkavi/8sanPuchong ,.. eJa~: t:€;'f'ooii ~a PU''''~,",r: ke;ara safa pe"'Cayaterri}dap warga asmg :Pati3 yangberaaa'€Hkawasan Ini. Kehadiran : tanpaiztn rlfh7rv'k n r" n rl e""J;i' e[':I ;r.~ " ...''''''''. ,Q a";j'c a !\ar: . mem ,'I.. beI 1 kesa :I terh.ay ap ' ., ' " " . . . masy<trakat$~ttempat dikawasan berkenaan" ..TANGO SINARHARIAN Tarikh: ...?.1I.!.~.J.-:>'2)..'......... MPSJberikebenaran berniagadi kakilima SUBANG JAYA - Ma- jlis Perbandaran Subang Taya(MPSJ) memberi kebenaran dan mengeluarkan permit kepada penia~ ga atau premis yang ingin beroperasidi kaki lima bermula bulan depan. Mereka hanya boleh m~nggunakan keluasan dua kaki atau S<\tupertiga daripada kawasan kaki lima. Pemangku Yang Dipertua MPSJ, Abdullah Marjunid berkata, kedai yang dibenarkan untuk berQperasi di kawasap. kaki lima adahih perniagaan runcit, serbap.eka, akuarium, perabot, elektrik, bunga, kain dan ke~ dai kasut. Menurutnya, peniaga perlu meI1dapatkan permit berniaga untuk tempoh eham bulan daripada MPSJ deI1gankadar'bayaran yang cW<enakansebanyak RM100. "Selepastempoh enam bulan, peniaga hendak- ~Iv '>- . ~ (3 .... ,"- ~ ''''',- ~ .. ,;. . Abdullah (tiga, !tapan) merasmikan Mega bakti $iswaUMP 2011, sematam. lah mengemas kini permit masing-masing. Tmdakan penguatkuasaan seperti kompaun sebanyak RM1,OOOboleh dikenakan kepada peniagayangtidak mempunyai permit tetapt berniaga di kaki lima. "TmdaJ<an MPSJ memberi kebenaran ber-niaga di kaki lima berikutan pe~taaj,1 daripada peniaga yang t~lah dike~ nakan kompauh;' katanya dalam sidang media, selepas perasmian program proglC!m Exploria MPSJ dan Exploria MPSJ, semalam. K?tanya, peniaga,yang ingin mendapat maklu.mat lanjut berkenaan permit penliagaan kaki lima diminta menghubungi Jabatan Pelesenan MPSJ di talian 80263173 Beliau berkata, bagi premis menjual makanan pula, mereka dibenarkan untuk menggunakan kawasan kaki lima bagi tempoh yang telah ditetapkaIl iaitu antara jam 6 petang hingga 12 malam. SINAR HARlAN . ............................... .1LJ 18-1 ~O1\ Tarlkh: SINAR HARlAN LarihanYS.'beneloardal 30 GROwargaasingdiberkas,ttijuhdigaridalamOpsSayang NURULRIDUANNORASHAHA PUCHONG- Akibat takut diberkas, seorang pelayan pelanggan (GRO) lari dengan hanyamemakai seluar dalam, sementara tujuh lagi bergari, ketika penguat kuasa Jabatan Imigresen Selangor menyerbu sebuah pusat karaoke, Bandar Puteri, di silli, pagi semalam. Bagaimanapun,percubaan wanita itu meloloskan diri gagal kerana diberkas di lorong belakang premis tiga tingkat berkenaan. Mereka adalah antara 30 wanita dari China, Vietnam, Thailand dan Myanmar yang ditahan kerana menyalahgunakan pas lawatan dengan bekeIja sebagai GRO. Sebelum itu, dalam serbuan kira-kirajam 12.30 malam, pintu depan premis tiga tingkat itu ditutup. Rupanya, semua wanita . Biarpuntangan bergari,tujuh GROini masihcuba melarikan diri sebelum berjaya diberkassemuladalam OpsSayangdi pusatkaraoke,semalam. warga asing yang berusia antara 20 dan 30 tahun itu melarikan diri melalui pintu belakang. Beberapa wanita dapat meliuikan diri, tetapi ada juga yang gagal. Sinar Harlan yang mengi" ku{i operasi itu mendapati ada GRO yang cedera di belakang badan dan lutut kerana teIja- tub ketika melarikan diri. .~ Dua jam kemudian, tujuh GRO cuba melarikan diri, wa- laupun tangan sudah digari. Usaha mereka, bagaimanapun,tidakbeIjayakeranahanya sell1pat larl sejauh GOmeter sebelmn diberkas semula. Timbalan Pengarah ImigresenSelangor, Abdillah Azizudin berkata, qps Sayang illi dilak1:ikct:rrselepaspill~ya melakukan msikcID, 'b~dasarkan makll1111at'Wlngi&i'peroleh. "Kaf:W.petcaya premis itu menawarkan.. aktiviti tidak bermorall\;:e:rap.akem1.ldahan .itu tersedia qlalampremis. "Wanita itu mengakui bekeija di silli dan kami sedang mengesan pemilik premis," katanya ketika ditemui di lokasi Serbuan, semalam. Beliau berkata, dalam serbuan itu, enam lelaki warga Bangladesh yang bekeIja pelayan tetamu, turut ditahan. "Kami bawa semua tahanan illi ke ibu pejabat untuk proses dokumentasi,"katanya. KaunterbayarsamanIPDSerdangdibukasemula 1;f f~ , - --- c,;t~~~f~C:!~ . ~, ,,,_1<,,, ,,,. . j;;,ft ..... .' . zziJ""!' 'f, .~ 1\1Pian Hon (tiga,kanan) ketika rneninjau kaunter sarnan di Cawangan Trafik Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah (lPD) Serdang, sernalarn. - Kaunter bayaran saman yang beroperasi semula di Cawangan Trafik Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah (IPD) Serdang memberi kemudahan kepada masyarakat sekitar membayar saman tanpa perlu ke kawasan yangjauh. Ketua Pusat Perkhidmatan dan Penyelarasan Kawasan Parlimen Serdang, Datuk Yap Pian Hon berkata, kaunter bayaran saman itu beroperasi dengan lancar sejak pertengahan SERDANG . tahun 2009. Bagaimanapun, menurutnya kemudahan itu dihentikan apabila IPD Subang Jaya mula berpecah sempadan. "Kaunteroperasi di IPD Serdang yang diwujudkan terpaksa dihentikan sementara waktu sejak Julai tahun lalu sebelum mendapat kebenaranmenerima bayaran saman trafik. "Melaluibeberapa perbincangan dengan Ketua Polis Daerah Serdang, gesaan dilakukan supaya kaunter itu dapat dibuka SINAR HARIAN ..)Lt\.s J.lC n Tarlkh: ...................... semula;'katanya. Beliqu berkata, ia berikutan keluhan masyarakat yang mendakwa menghadapi kesulitan untuk membayar saman dengan segera. "Saya berasa lega terhadap usaha IPD Serdang untuk memulihkan perkhidmatan kaunter ini. "Ia sememahgnya disambut bail<masyarakat di Serdang kerana memberi kemudahan memeril<sa rekod saman dan dapat membuat bayaran dengan mudah;' katanya. ~ .- - - - AllowancEi~juj) ~11g, 5~v , Good news for councillors - the Selangor government has raised their fixed allowance from RM750 to RMI,OOO.This is the second increase in less that two and a half years. >M3 J Good news for councillors . .~ HANGaRhas raised the fixed allowance of councillors in ."'local authorities from RM7S0 to RM1.000 making it the second raise in less that two and a half years. Petaling ]aya City Council (MBP]) mayor Datuk Mohamad Roslan Sakiman announced the raise in allowance at the council's full board meeting yesterday. He said the raise. which takes effect from Feb 1. 2011. is for all councillors seIVing in the municipal and city councils in the state. "Based on the state's circular issued on March 11, 2011 under the Local Government Act the 34% increase is for the municipal and city councillors. "Over and above this. the district councillors will also enjoy a raise. Their allowances have been raised by RMSOO- from RM2S0to RM7S0. In addition, the councillors will also get RM1S0 each for attending subcommittee meetings while the district councillors would be given RM100 each," he said. On an average a councillor attends six meetings. »In addition, the councillors will also get RMI50 II each for attending subI committee meetings< DATUK MOHAMAD.. ROSLAN ~." a <' , I ,: : '-, ""., "~ Roslan said the councillors' last increase was in August 2008. "Most of these councillors are fulltime and are unable to manage their work with the low allowance. Even Selangor's poverty line is below RM1,lS0. so, it augurs well for the councillors:' he said. According to an MBP] councillor, I the Selangor government had intended to approve RM2,SOO as the new fixed allowance but received stiff objectionsand fearof the repercussions that could upset Selangor residents. ~:=:;: .)-....._- Councillors to seek t.:~~ raise in allowance again ~~~b= --~-- RM750 not enough SothestateagreedonRM1,000. On Feb 9, StarMetro front-paged a report that MBPj councillors had submitted a proposal to the State Economic Planning UJ1it raise their allowance from (MTES) RM7S0 to to RM3,OOOdue to the increase in cost of living. The report also stated that Senator S. Ramakrishnan, who had served as a councillor in MBPj, said the allowance was increased from RMSOOto RM7S0 in August 2008, as the Pakatan government found it to be a pittance. "I was one of the councillors who had submitted a working paper to MTES for the allowance review. But the proposal was rejected. "Each new councillor appointed gets RMS,OOOto buy a camera and a laptop, given an office space at Menara MBP] and RM1,SOOis paid monthly to an assistant who helps the councillor in clerical work," he said in the interview. Yesterday, Ramakrishnan lauded the raise but he added that the peo- . T~ikh. :2.0/15. J State government raises their fixed allowance by RM250 B) EDWARD R. HENRY ~tz:v as cost ofJiving has gone up '1:".:=::'... ~,.- ~'""T~; ...."., aE"' " ~=: - - -. Requestmet:The story thatappeared pie should receive better seIVices from the councillors. All-Petaling ]aya Selangor Residents Association Coalition (Apac)adviser MohamedUmar Peer Mohamed said he hoped the increase would help make the councillors seIVice-oriented. Councillor ]eyaseelen Anthony said the increase does not matter to him as he had a full-time job as a legal practioner and added that he STA '- ~ 6 ~\I '''", (f..J~~..~..... 1 on Feb 9 in StarMetro. would continue to serve the people. "We want to see the councillors in our neighbourhoods attending to the people's woes." he said. Selangor MCA deputy chairman Datuk Teh Kim Poo said: "The raise given to councillors is too quick. Lessthan two and a half years the councillors are getting a second increase, it is absurd as a number of them throughout Selangor are inefficient and not seIVice-oriented:' NEWS STARMETRO. THURSDAY STAR 1'adkh: ~i.!~.!::~~- 24 MARCH 2011 'No complaints filed' " MPSJ denies receiving letters about faulty lamppost By LIM CHIA YING HE Subang jaya Municipal Council (MPSjJ has denied claims about receiving complaints on alleged defects inside a lamppost at the Taman Batu Tiga playground in Shah Alam where a IO-year-old boy was electrocuted. MPSj engineering department director Ismail Shafie told reporters after the council's full board meeting yesterday that there had been no complaints received despite allegations by some residents that they had sent those letters but no action was taken. 'We would carry out maintenance works or checks upon receiving complaints. 'There are about 17,000 streetlights within MPSJ's areas and this does not include the ones at parks. so it is just not possible for us to go down to check one by one," said Ismail. He said there were complaints received in February and May last year from residents in Taman Perumahan Batu Tiga area on faulty streetlights. 'We have 12 appointed contractors who carry out maintenance for all of MPSJ's four zones. "But following this incident, we have immediately ordered the contractor to conduct checks especially for lampposts around thearea,"saidIsmail. . leakage underground which travelled upwards to the aluminium lamppost and electrocuted the boy when he slipped and held on Commenting on the case of Muhammad Naqiuddin Mohd to the post. Marzuki who was electrocuted Ismail said they also found no after playing football with his such problem during the launchfriends at about 6.50pm last ing of the area's Oean ZonecamSaturday, he said it was rather paign in january this year and difficult for the council to detect neither was the issue brought up that there was current at the to them. MPSjhas since cut offelectriclamppost because the connecting cables were located under- ity supply to all public facilities in the park and is coordinating' ground. "Itisonlywhen there isa down- compensation claims under pour that the current could be insurance for the boy's family. The' councillors have also coldetected and it happened to be lected RM6.000for the family so raining at that time," he said. far. The suspected cause is a power II I I I 1 I Bus:l"oaa:7. e road hum~ outsidethe ajJartr.: e t,. will be relocated;- J I I~ '0' " '" Road hump to be moved THE road hump in front of the Kiambang apartments in Seri Kembangan will be relocated following complaints by several apartment dwellers and inspection by Subang Jaya Municipal Council (MPSJ)officers. ' MPSJassistant public relations director AzfarizalAbdulRashidsaid this in response to StarMetro's story on March 10 on the apartment residents' complaint that it was situated too close to the apartment, hence causinginconvenienceand accidents. "We visited the site on March 11 and found that the hump was built accorc1ingto specification, complete with yellow lines and a sign to alert motorists that there is a hump ahead. "It was built to reduce the speed of oncoming vehicles from Jalan Arnan(to the' apartment along Jalan SK 13/5) to enable vehicles to access and exit the apartment. "Basedon requests from residents-torelocate the road hump further, the councilhas decided that it needs to be relocated and a discussionwill be carried out soon with the relevant parties for a new road hump," said I Azfarizal. I t) 1"AK. . Tarikb: ~tI'~\~OI\ 1'.~." Mi16 IJ-'¥15 ~ .