sistem ePBT
sistem ePBT
. l~~k N~f ~k Khalldstandsby freewaterpledge MPN perkenal sistem ePBT SEREMBAN - Majlis Perbandaran Nilai (MPN) memperkenalkan sistem ePBT dalam usaha meningkatkan kualiti perkhidmatan kepada seluruh masyarakat di dalam kawasan pentadbirannya. Yang Dipertuanya, Datuk Abd. Halim Abd. Latif, berkata, . sistem berkenaan mula beroperasi pada 1 Mac lalu me- ' rangkumi tiga komponen utama iaitu sistem aduan, semakan penyata dan perlesenan boleh dilayari di I "Tiga komponen yang diperkenalkan bersesuaian dengan kehendak penduduk dengan sistem yang mampu me- I mudahkan orang awam menyalurkan aduan kepada MPN dengan pantas. "Malah aduan akan direkodkan mengikut kategori dan akan disalurkan kepada jabatan serta pegawai berkenaan untuk memastikan aduan dapat diatasi dengan segera," katanya dalam satu kenyataan di sini semalam. Tambah beliau, semakan penyata pula dibahagikan kepadatiga iaitu taksiran, sewaandanpelesenan. I Katanya, taksiran bertujuan memudahkan orang awam I untuk membuat semakan penyata cukai taksiran terkini secara online kerana mereka tidak perlu datang ke pejabat dan hanya boleh melakukannya di rumah. I . "Sewaan memberi peluang kepada orang awam membuat semakan bil sewaan gerai dan pasar secara online. "Pelesenan pula bertujuan memudahkan membuat semakan billesen malah pengguna boleh menyemak status! terkini lesen dengan memasukkan nombor akaun lesen mereka," katanya. Ujarnya lagi, melalui semakan kompaun masyarakat I boleh membuat semakan kompaun kenderaan yang di~ I kenakan ke atas kesalahan kompaun kenderaan di kawasan . Nilai Sentral. I Katanya, beliau berharap orang ramai akan meng-: gunakan sistem yang diperkenalkan itu bagi memastikan hasrat masyarakat celik teknologi maklumat tercapai. ; ! . SHAHALAM:The Selangor government will go ahead with its plan to give consumers in the state 20 cubic metres of water free every month from next month and a tariff increase expected next year had no bearing on the matter, said Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim. He said Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor Sdn Bhd (Syabas), the water concessionaire for Selangor, had no powers to determine tariffs and only the Water, Energy and Communications Ministry could make any changes, 'That (water tariff) is something that we will address later. As it is, no decision has been taken on it yet. Wewill go aheadwithwbat we have planned (give the free water)," he told a press conference on Saturday. Abdul Khalid said this is in response to the revelation by Sekinchan assemblyman Ng Suee Lim in the State Assembly on Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim . Wednesday that consumers in the Klang Valley would face a 37 per cent tariff increase for water, whichwouldmake a cubic metre cost RM1.90from next year. Nghad claimed that Syabas recently had briefed some assemblymen about the impending increase. NQw,users pay 57 sen per cubic metre for the first 20 cubic metres, RM1.03 per cubic metre for the next 20 cubic metres followedby RM2per cubic metre thereafter. Ministrycanonlyplaythe S1A~ role of mediator in disputes ,'Is SINCE1990, only 1%of the 2.3 millionunits of residential properties in the country had not been completed. Housing and Local Government Ministry Secretary-General Datuk Ahmad Fuad Ismail (picture) said another 3% were delivered late. He said a high delivery rate was achieved as most of the developers in Malaysia were responsible, and also because they were governed under the Housing DevelopmentAct 1966. The law makes it mandatory for developers to submit a progress report every six months, or face a minimumpenalty of RM50,OOOto a maximumpenalty of RM250,OOO,or three years jail term, or to both. "Besides going through the report, we also do onsite inspections," he said. And if the consultant who prepared the report was found to have falsified the details, the architect or engineer concerned would face a RMIOO,OOO penaltyor imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years, or to both. Ahmad Fuad said it was also mandatory for developers to submit a financial report annually, or face-a maximumRM250,OOOfine. II- The Ministry is also empowered to freeze the account of errant developers. -"We have to, because by the time we want to freeze their account, the money would have been taken out from the account. Even the board of directors would have changed." AhmadFuad advised buyers to do their research before purchasing property. He said the contract is between the developer and the house buyer, and the Ministry is not a party to the agreement. "Anyonecan be a buyer, sign the sales and purchase agreement (SPA), pay 10%,arrange for a bank loan and own a house. The Ministry is not involved. "They don't ask if their (the developers') business is viable or not. Buyers are expected to know what they are doing. If they don't know, (then) they should ask. "Buyers come to us and ask, 'What is the Ministry doing?' But our powers are limited (in issues relating to abandoned projects). The Ministry can only play the role of a mediator. We do not want to frustrate the buyers. r We want to facilitate matters so that there is a good outcome for them," he said. I --- ---- Oleh sm AlRUNNISA ALAUI ~, ...i..~ltiPU~ 25 Mei - Projek Plaza Rakyat yang terbengkalai sejak 10 tahun lalu tetap akan diteruskan pembinaannya, kata Pengarah Hal Ehwal Undang-Undang Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur (DBKL), Rohayah Karim. Beliau berkata, walaupun projek itu telah lama terbengkalai, namun pembinaannya ia tetap akan diteruskan kerana lokasinya yang strategik iaitu di tengah-tengah ibu kota serta pembinaan bertujuan memberi kemudahan kepada semua pihak. . Sehubungan itu, kata beliau, satu memorandum persefallaman (MoU) akan ditandatahgani oleh DBKL, Kementerian Wilayah Persekutuan dan pemajunya, Plaza Rakyat Sdn. Bhd. pada awal Julai ini. "Projek ini akan diteruskan walaupun sebelum ini ia terbengkalai agak lama disebabkan pemaju asal menghadapi masalah kewangan akibat kegawatan ekonomi pada 1997," katanya pada Program Bertemu Media di sini baru-baru ini. Rohayah berkata, memandangkan Plaza Rakyat merupakan salah satu projek penswastaan yang dilaksanakan oleh DBKL,maka tidak tinibul soal ia akan dihentikan. Tambahan pula, katanya, struktur asas ba- ngunan itu telah siap dan hanya memerlukan keIja-keIja untuk menyempurnakan bangunan itu sahaja. Beliau menambah, walaupun projek tersebut telah terbengkalai, namun pemantauan dilaksanakan setiap maSa bagi mengelakkan sebarang kejadian yang tidak diingini berlaku di situ. Beliau turut menafikan berlaku pencerobohan oleh orang awam atau penagih dadah ke kawasan pembinaan tersebut. "Kawasan itu dip agar dan dikawal oleh pengawal setiap masa dan orang awam tidak dibenarkan sarna sekali berkeliaran di kawasan itu. "Selain itu, pemaju turut melakukan penyemburan kabus di kawasan berkenaan bagi mengelakkan kawasan binaan tersebut menjadi temp at pembiakan nyamuk aedes," katanya. Sehubungan itu, beliau meminta orang ra... mai supaya tidak menyalah tafsir sekiranya melihat orang keluar masuk ke kawasan berkenaan kerana mereka adalah pekeIja yang sedang melaksanakan tugas. Baru-baru ini, Utusan Malaysia melaporkan mengenai desakan orang ramai supaya projek Plaza Rakyat dipulilikan kerana ia bukan sahaja mencacatkan landskap Kuala Lumpur malah diperlukan bagi menggantikan Hentian Puduraya yang sesak. "'NGKAUIL"""P""".",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..""''''''''' -" "'."'_di""'&'_"""P""'.. ,~ 10 tahun menanti Plaza Rakyat _''''',,"MUlA 1.1 "","''''''-'''''-'''' , Tanpa dlsedari., .udah leblh 10 tahun panung9uan,orang raro' 1II.,*",,"1.\'!ta..1parhenlian ba,. yang baru d. Plaza ~~'~;;"''q' .Ra~at," :::&':,~';:'J:,;'~.::::}:;~,:,::;';,~:;;;1t "".,Ii"',,,,,,,. oJ' '" .r.h~raJ"'n"".""" KERATANakhbar Utusan Malaysia 21 Mei 2008. - ;"1;" ""ll",,,ul, - ---- - - - ~. ~b/~ -- Samandua kalisemin u II Setiaphari ada peningkatankejadian kecurianbesiburuk di Selangor.Tindakan drastikini langkah wajarmenyelamatkan Arahanpolisatasikecurianbesidi Selangor keadaandaripada MdFuziAbdLateh (MDHS), Tukiman Nail. sebaliknya. terus menjadiserius" »Oleh [email protected] "Tidakperlu menunggu laTerdahulu, Khalid menja>DatukKhalidAbuBakar KetuaPoI~Selangor gi, saya mahu ketua polis ATANG KALI: Semuadaerah menurunkan kuasa ketua polis daerah di kepada anggota mereka meSelangor diarahkan. nyaman kedai besi buruk mengeluarkan saman ...yang tumbuh b~gaikan cenduakali seminggu terhadap \4a:wan se1epashujanini. premis pembeliilllbarangan '~Aduan diterima pendulusuh dan terpakai yang duk tempatan bahawa bamembeli besi buruk curi dan nyak barangan curi seperti melanggar undang-undang barangan elektrik terpakai, bagi membendung kegiatan besi dan keluli dijual secara jenayah yang semakin ber- terbuka kepada pemilik preleluasa, berkuat kuasa ser- mis barangan itu," katanya ta-merta. pada program dialog berKetua PolisSelangor,Datuk sarna jawatankuasa penduKhalid Abu Bakar, berkata duk dan program Kembara ketua balai polis juga digesa Bermotosikal Kempen Penmengerahkan anggotanyale- cegahan Jenayah dan Kesebib kerap menggeledahkedai lamatan Jalan raya Selangor besi buruk. di sini, kelmarin. Di samping itu, katanya, Hadir sama, PegawaiDaepolis akan meningkatkan arah Hulu Selangor, Nor kerjasaina dengan pihak Hisham Ahmad Dahlan, Keberkuasa temp atan (PBT) tua Polis Daerah Hulu Sebagi mengesan premis langor, Superintendan Norel yang menjalankan pernia- Azmi Yahya Affandi dan B , . gaan membeli barangan terpakai itu secara sah atau wab .pertanyaan mengenai isu kecurian yang semakin berleluasa di Hulu Selangor yang dikemukakan Ketua Kampung Sungai Masindi sini, ketika sesiraniah mesra bersama wakil Jawatankuasa Keselamatan dan Kemajuan Kampung OKKK) dan Kawasan Rukun Tetangga (KRT). Katanya,penjualanbesi buruk yang dicuri dari masjid, taman perumahan dan kampung itu dilakukan penjenayah terdiri 'warga tempatan dan asingsetiap hari tanpa bimbang dan takut. "Kegiatan jenayah ini dilakukan penagih dadah dan warga asing yang mencari jalan mudah mendapatkan wang dengan menjual barangan curi di kedai berkenaan. Mereka yang disabitkan dengan kes itu perlu Yang Dipertua Majlis Da- disaman dan ditangkap seerah Hulu Selangor kiranya terbukti bersalah. "Setiap hari ada peningkatan kejadian kecurian besi buruk di Selangor.Tindakan drastik ini langkahwajarmenyelamatkan keadaan daripada terus menjadi serius," katanya. Khalid berkata, polis mengesan sindik~tmenjual besi buruk didaJarigipemilik premis berkenaan yang sentiasa memberikan kerjasama kepada penjenayah. "Apabila siasatan (sesuatu kes kecuriap) dilakukan, polis mendapati barangan yang hilang itu dapat ditemui semula di premis yang disyaki itu. Pemiliknya tidak serik melakukan kesalahan sama itu. "Di Hulu Selangor,tiga kawasan mencatatpeningkatan kes kecurian besi buruk iaitu Serendah, Bukit Beruntung dan Bandar Barn Batang Kali. Banyak rumah dan lot kedai yang kosong disewa pengusaha perniagaan ini," katanya. -.--- ---N>:.f .x.k Seeingred over shoddyjob . By Halim Said [email protected],my SUBANG JAYA: The Mutiara Perdana Apartments in PJS7 Bandar Sunway are l~eady for occupancy, hut housebuyers are seeing red over the failure ofits developer to deliver units in good condition, "Most of the lmits are in really had shape, The electrical fittings are poorly instaUed and some do not even have any wiring, "The same can be said for the pipeworks," said ZainJ Yahya, ti1e housing scheme's residents' represental;ve if II! ~ ~~ rf Zaini Vahya: Residents are suffering due to shoddy job, ' The apartments, which were latmched in 2002, coml>rise four blocks 01'232 units, In spite of the incomplete condition of the flats, househuyers were appalled to learn that the Subang Jaya Mwucipal Council (MPSJ) bad neverthless granted Ille development a Certificate of Fiiness of Occupation (CF), "The CF was awarded in April last year, but the utilities are stili not in order," said Zai' IU, adding that the developer was also a year late in meeting the delivery date of tile units, as stipulated in the sales and purchase agreement. hI fact, the developer, for all intents and pmposes, no longer exists, "The developer, Westcomt Corporation Sdn Bhd, wluch managed tlus property, was dissolved fow' months after the CFwas issued," he said, Zailu's ll'ustration echoed the sentiments of many fellow house buyers, ,..."!ft" t "As housebuyers, we ,never failed to pay the instalments, But look at what tile developer did to ow' dream house," he said, That ITustration is shared by Jessica Tan, 36, who said that she has live in a rented place elsewhere, as her Mutiara t:J Electric~1 wires poking out from the wall, Perdana flat lacks electrical wirings and pipeworks, "It is a bmden for us having to pay the instaIments for the apartment and also om rentals elsewhere, said Tan, She said the residents had forwarded their complaints to the Local Goverll1l1ent and Housing Ministry several times, and also met up with MPSJ president Datuk Adnan Md lkhsan to air their grievances, but to no avail, "WJ've been told by ministry officials that tlley are reviewing om five per cent rectification claim in case of developer default and the S&P contract is to be subnlitted to the Malaysia msolvency Department. "The claJms comprise residents' fimds to repair their units, but if they are renlitted by the department, they would not be retll1'ned to us, They would only go to the developer and its creditors," said Tan, Jessica T~n: Complaints forwarded to local Government and Housing Ministry But the residents' complaints have not gone unheard, as Subang Jaya assemblyman Hannah Yeoh and Kelana Jaya member of Parliament Loh' Gwo Bmne visited the housebuyers recently to listen to their grievances, Following the meeting, Yeoh said that she will discuss the residents' issues with MPSJ soon, "I've been told that some of them had to take matters into their own hands and fork out at least RM7,OOOto get their unit's electricity and water systems in order, "That is for occnpants who can afford to pay such an amount. But what ahont those who camlot afford the rectification fee at all?," she said, Yeoh said she hopes that the Ghazali said he was aware of state goverll1l1ent will scrutinise the developer, which still the residents' problems and conducts business under a dif- was working on its solution, ferent name, "We have dealt with the de"The company history must veloper before and they be checked throughly, If it is pronlised three months ago to deternlined that they failed to sort out the issue in phases," complete a housing project, . he said, then they shouldnot be given a "On the issuance of the CF, license for other projects, as we had only granted a tempothis will only create more rary CF, as opposed to a full one, Om decision was based problems for the people," she said, on a report from the technical Meanwhile, Loh said he will department, and inspections highlight the housing issue in by the Fire and Rescue deParliament. He said'developpartment and Syahas, ers who flouted their contracts "This temporary CF is remust be blacklisted, newed every year," he said, When contacted by Streets, adding that it was issued after MPSJ deputy president Yusof the residents had demanded it.
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