kad raya cina
kad raya cina
"" .. . . . . naaaunuang- undang yang melarangorangIslam bekerjadi premis hiburansebagaisyarat untuk memperbaharui lesenperniagaandi . Selangor. Sebaliknya ia hanyalahgarispanduan danperingatanyang dimulakantahunlalu." . Menteri Besar TanSri AbdulKhalidIbrahim. MajlisPerbandaran Subang Jaya(MPSJ) tidakpernahlarangpremis pusathiburandi kawasan pentadbirannya menggajipekerjaIslam. .. TUUSAN Al.QU,RAN N2 OJ .\, TE.RPANJANG .. j I ~ MuhdNasir(dua,kiri) menunjukkan al-Quran tulisantanganterpanjangdi durliadipamerkan dalam PameranKebudayaan dan KesenianIslamMasyarakat AsiaTengahdi ruanglegar KompleksKumpulanMedia Karangkraf(KMK),Shah Alam.AI-Quransepanjang 208meterdanlebar1.15 meteritu ditulistanganoleh YousufuXuJundariChina selamaduatahun. 00 ::J ~ -' (/) 0 ac N2 B i ti' .1. SINAR Tarikh:..J~. ..J.~~............... ABIMsokonglarangan Muslimkerjapr~misarak SHAH ALAM- Semua pihak digesa menghormati serta akur dengan setiap.peruntukan yang termaktub dalam Enakmen Jenayah Syariah (Selangor)1995. Timbalan Yang Dipertua, Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM), Khairudin Abas berkata, pihaknya menyokon larangan orang Islam bekerja di premis menjual minuman keras. "BagiABIM perkara ini adalah jelas kepada semua pihak bahawa Islam mengharamkan arak. "Larangan ini tidak terbatas kepada pengambilannya sebagai minuman, bahkanadalahdiharamkan juga bagi seseorang yang beragama Islam untuk membuatnya atau menyediakannya atau meng- hidangkannya atau menjualnya;' katanya dalam safu kenyataan media semalam. Khairudin berkata, sebagai suatu enakmen yang berkuat kuasa, semua pihak sewajarnya menghormati dan akur dengan setiap peruntukan yang dinyatakan di dalamnya. Menurutnya, semua pihak perlu merujUk kepada enakmen tersebut sebelum membuat sebarang keputusan mengenainya. "Pentadbir, pengurusan dan badan terlibat dengan penggubalan dan penguatkuasaan undangundang perluIah merujuk kepada enakmen sebelum memutuskan sesuatu perkara supaya undangundang terus terdaulat;' katanya. ~ ;V\ '-.". /8/1/11 SINAR IMRrAN , Tarikh: t.~Il:~I............... MPSJ .tidal<pernah NiI<AbdufAm callaRg laratng: l(haHd pertemuan tolmltagama ..Bantubuatrumusanisu.Jl:lcli, arak,zina d~H'IpergaoI2:Ui1beb,\& SAPINAH AB GHANI sewajarnyati!iak dibeoerkan. bekeija dj,.MJIDis-premis sedemikilID,yang jelas m atau mio Allah swr. & AZIE YAHAYA BMARU - Mursyidul Am Pas, Datuk NikAbdul Aziz Nik' Mat menca.dangkan pert<m,nJan IIDtara tokoh-tokoh. peJbagai ag'ama di negara: iill diada.kan bagi memhuat romusan mengenai isu judi, ar8.k, zilla da.n pergaulan bebas. Menteri Besar Kelantan KaI'A itu berkata, perremuan tersoou perlu bagimemberikan penjelasankepada masyarakat bahawa bukan hanya Islam yang inengharamkan ketiga-ketiga perkara tersebut. "Saya mengikuti dengan dekat isu larangan terhadap 'oleliito, Saya caila1!kaT1!' mana-inana bada.n bejJas untuk" mengaIijtn:kaD: sato . NIK ABDUL AZIZ orang Isl.:.m untuk OOkmja cIipremis'premis ar8.k di Selangor seperti yang dj\aporkan media bam-bam ioi. "Dalam hal ioi! secara asasnya saya ;,berpendapat bahawa orang-orang Islam Exco .Kerajaan Tempatan Setanior, Ronoie Liu membantalJ,.kB= ..putusan Majlis Perl,andaran SOOang Jaya (MJ>SJ)me- mereka dipremis dan pusat .biburan yarig'menjuiil minumankeJ:!lS., ., ,,/!. HanyaduaperatusbayarzakatkepadaMaik KaI'A BMARU .. Hanya kira-kira dua peratos daripada umat Islam di negeI'i Kelantan yang menjelaskan za.ket masing-masiog kepada MaJus Agama Islam danAdatIstiadat Melayu Kelantan (Maik), manekala selebihnya merijelaskannya secara persendirian. penasihat Khas .kepada Yang Teramat Mulla Tengku Mahkota Kelantan, Tenglrn MOOammad Fa-izPetra Ibni Sultan Ismail Petra. yang juga Yang Dipt'>rtoa (YDp);Mail<,r:>atukWan Moh1onad Wan Konokberkllta,25,OOO daripada jumlah.keseluruhan penduduk membayar zekat selain. zekat fitrah, berbariding 30,826 yang layak menerimanya. "Ini tennasuk zakat harta., zakat pendapatan, zekat perniagaand,an za- kat emas serta perak; katanya kepada pamberiia pada'sidang media khas, di sioi, semalam. ' Wan Mohamad berl<ata, .sebaba.. gian iodividu, bada.n-badall korporat, swasta da.n m;utusi persendirian memilih untuJ;:'menjelaskan s";"diri bayaranzakatmerek!Ltanpam~ Maik selekUbada.n tunggal di Ijeg~ ito yang berhek menerl1na zakat. "Sebenarnya tidek boleb begituk~ rana Maik sudah ada ,sebagai institusi yang dipertanggungjawabkan untuk menjalankaIj kUtipan zakat, jadi saya menyeru agar orang ramai membayar zekat kepada Maik,"katanya. Sementara it!>, Timbalan Yang Dipertoanya, Datuk Kamamddin Mohd Zin OOrkata, sepanjang tah,un lalu, sebanyakRM70.3 juta bayaran zekat. beIjaya dipungut Maik dan S~lm",h. RM63,909,067' '~untuk! .pelaksana8.l\ p 'imtuk asnaf. .. . tak' a.kaI1 diperlJaharui jika tak mE!l11atobiaram!I"'tida.k menggaji pekerja Islam ta.k betul,mala1J, takadaundeng-, .' undaDg tanili8ban cWam PBT. Bagaimanapun peringatan herkenaan hanya melliiatkap, Jrurripulan pekerja Islam~ bekerja sOOagai Dipertua NDP),maj!JS tem];>atan dan Datuk;§,midar di setangor, di sioi; semaJinn. an, ma&jid-masjid dib serta pelliagai bentt arahmembantu gol, geriioi,"k;!taIjya. langan;tukang cuci adajuga pekerja Islam," katanya. Abdul Khalid beikata, tiada undang-undeng yang melarang otang !slam 00kerja di premisbilmran s~bagaisyarat untuk memperbaharui Jesen pemiagaancli Selangor, sOOaliknya ia hanyIDah garispanduan da.n peringatan y8.ng dium1a.kan sE!iaktahun lalu. "Garispanduan da.n pe1ingatan itosebagai nasi1;18.tkepada pemilikpremis biburan yangberoperasi di Selangor supaya menghormati penniotaan kerajaqn negeri un1;l.Jk tidek men" gambilpekerjadi kalangan orang Islam. "Kami, sedang dalam kajian se.jaqli mana garis panduandaD. peringatan ini dapat dileksanekan denganpwmperi kesanl'°sitif 'kepiaa "einua plha.k tarma.~oran,gbukan 'Islam; katanya. K'erajaarrNegerijuga menyerahkan isupekerja Islam menyajibio. minuman keras kepada JahatenAgama Islam Selangor (Jais)keraoa ia bukan bidang kuasa PBT. ..~ KMKpamera~Ql!lran;tulisan.tangali1'terpaniang!;d't\dul1ia, .NASIR HAMZAH SHAH ALAM .. Al-Quran dipercayai teIpanjang di dunia adalah antara tarikan ut;!ma yang ekan dipaparkan menetusiPameran Kebudayaen den Kesenian Islam Masyarakat Asia Tengah yang berlangsung di ruang legar Kompleks Kumpulan Media. Karangkraf (KMK),di sini, sejek semalam hingga 30Januari info Timbalan.Pellgarah Urusan KMK, Mood Nasir Harnzah berkata,al.Quran separijang208met!Jr,da.nlebar ;]..15 meteritu berasal dari China da.nia di- kita,~'katanya kepada Sinar :ijarian. miliki keraja8.l\KelantaIl. Muhd Nasir berl<ata, pameran, ito Al.Quran ioi ditulls tangan oleh Yousufu Xu .!un dari .China da.n jnga lllemheri pelnang 'kepada pemengam,bil masa dua tahrin'unti1k. ',ngunjung rnengbayati serta,menguasai disiapkan. seni penulisan al-QuraD.JI!;au seni khat dengan baik . "Saya berharap pengunjungyang Pameran yang betlangsung dan"'11 ltaqir ke pamerpnioi dapat menghayati dan, mendalami perkara ter- pagi hingga 9 malatp. jug,,;m~pilsurat.yang terdapatdi dalam al"Qur- kan lima al-Quran rOruk'koleksiperi.. an tersebnt. badi Mood Nasir. Pameran tersebut'niemh!J.wa le,bili 'Secara tida.k langsung, ia toIUt IUembioakemajuen dan tamadun, di 50 hasil seni;.rennasuj<: daripada'pelj,1kisUzbekistan. sampiogIUengekalJ<anidentitibangs" SlNAR HAJUAl~ . \81,'\\ Tarlkh: ..... PAMERAN Kebuda- yaan da.n Kesenian Islam )IIIasyarakat Asia Tengah 17"ao Januari 2011 11 pagi - 9 malam Ruang legar, Komp!eks Kumpulan Me, cIiaKerangkraf Pedestrian crossing signalswill be installedafter study ~ ,r\, I READthe article in Streets about the guardrails that were installed around SS15 to deter snatch theft and ensure the safety of the public. Kudos to the council and police for selecting SS15 to benefit from the Federal Government project. The guard rails are muchneeded, contrary to the criticisms from some quarters. I livein SS17 and I cross over to SS15 two or three times a week to run errands and go to the morning market. I cross near Restoran Pelita. Datuk, there is no pedestrian crossing along the stretch. Will MPSJ be able to provide a few pedestrian crossings in between? Now,thoselivinginSS17 are risking their lives to cross the road and motorists are trav- Z>~ Z>~... Share your concerns about Subang Jaya with the municipal council. president. Send us your letter in not more than 100 words and they will be answered by Datuk Adnan Md Ikshan. Email your letters to [email protected], fax to 03-22823001 or send to Dear Datuk, c/o Streets, New Straits Times, 31 Jalan Riong, 59100 Kuala Lumpur. Include your full name, MyKad no, address and telephone number. . eIling at high speed on that long straight stretch of road. I hope you will consider providing the pedestrian crossings. This is in line with the Safe City programme as it.will prevent the public from falling victim to crime and getting involved in accidents. " FAHMI FARIZALI 5517 DatukAdnan Md Ikshan: MPSJ implemented the Safe City programme, which was recommended to be the main foundation to help combat street crime in 2004. The implementation of the programme is in line with the vision and mission of MPSJ to make the municipality a peaceful 'and intelligent place for residents. ,NEVi Tarikh: ~:L... U C) ~. f' - . . ... ... . c .." . iL.h. Therefore, to realise the ambition, the strategies taken to ensure that the Safe City programme achieve its objectives include the redesigningof the physicalsurroundings, strengtheningtarget areas, managing community participation and public awareness. Last year, MPSJ successfully implemented five quick Safe 1.j, '1 EviES \~~'l.~. """'"'''''' City programme steps under the National Key Results Area (NKRA)allocation. It was carried out in areas that were identified as crime hotspots. The steps are: . . Install and upgrade the lighting system in SS15, Subang Jaya, and Batu 3, Shah Alam, to reduce street crime; Build pedestrian walkways, rail barriers and safety mirrors to reduce street crime in SS15, Subang Jaya, and Batu 3, Shah Alam; . Build pedestrian walkways, rail barriers and safetymirrors toreduce street crime in BandaI' Bukit Puchong and Bandar Puteri Puchong; Install and upgrade the lighting system to reduce street crime in Bandar Bukit . Puchong and Bandar Puteri; and . Prune trees in SS15, Batu 3, BandaI' Puteri Puchong, and BandaI' Bukit Puchong. With regards to the request for pedestrian crossings, MPSJ will list it down as part of the allocation this year. However, several criteda need to be taken into account, such as the installation of pedestrian crossing signals and a study on the flow oftrafficoThis is to ensure that the pedestrian crossing signals do not affect the area's traffic flow. We would like to thank the public and express our appreciation for the attention given by society towards the peace and safety of the local community. Councillor:. Guidelineisto educateentertainment~~~:tI11rs . By JADE CHAN jade@thestar,com.my THE Subang jaya Municipal Council's (MPSj) . directive to ban Muslims from working in entertainment outlets serving liquor is merely the local authority's move to introduce a new guideline to an existing ruling. MPSj councillor Roslan Shahir Mohd Shahir said there was an existing Syariah Criminal Enactment since 1995 that prevented Muslims from selling, serving or promoting intoxicating' drinks. "If found guilty, the person can be fined up to RM5,OOOor jailed three years. In 2009, the MPSJ'sLicensing Committee set up a sub-com- mittee which I chaired to review the licensing guidelines for entertainment outlets, health outlets and cybercafes," said Roslan, adding that it is a normal procedure to review council guidelines from time to time. "Based on the sub-committee's recommendations, the council decided to introduce some new licensing guidelines last year. "By introducing the guidelin~s, the MPSj is educating entertainment outlets to not hire Muslims. The entertainment outlet operators are informed of the guidelines at the end of every year when they renew their licences:' Roslan said the guideline was to educate the entertainment operators rather than enforcement. "Even without this guideline, jais (Selangor Islamic Religious Department). canlaid such outlets under the Syariah law," he said. Roslan said the directive to bal1 Muslims from serving liquor affected those working in karaoke outlets, pubs and nightclubs, not those in restaurants and hotels. "Based on feedback, the MPSJ's directive does not involve a significant number of Muslims," he said. Roslan noted the Selangor government's move to establish a special fund to help MugJim workers who had to resign from their jobs at entertainment outlets serving liquor was suppOI.tive of the action that the MPSj was taking. STA~ Tarikh: .\r.l.~J~~...... A public outcry erupted last week following the MPSJ'smove to ban Muslims from working at entertainment outlets with liquor licences. The move has also caused some confusion as state local government chairman Ronnie Liusaid in a statement that the state government had advised the MPSJpresident to withdraw the new condition, but state executive councillor for Islamic affairs Datuk Dr Hasan Ali said he supported the ruling and described it as fair. . SelangorMentriBesarTanSriKhalidIbrahim was scheduled to meet all the mayors and presidents of local authorities yesterday to discussthe enforcement of the enactment. Councilto buildcrematoriumin Puchong . SUBANGJAVA:The SubangJaya Municipal Council (MPSJ) will soonbe buildinga crematoriumat 14thMile,Puchong. MPSJ president Datuk Adnan MdIkshanconfIrmedthat the project, the fIrst of its kind for the municipalitywillbe starting soon. "Wedo not have a crematorium here. This will be the fIrst. The project costing RM1.2 million shouldbe ready by the end of the year," he said at the MPSJheadquarters. Adnan also said the cOWlcilis also looking at building a multipurpose communityhall at SS15 SubangJaya. "The current hall is too small and can't accommodate many people. The new hall that we are proposingwillbe builton a 0.85ha land and there will be 2,000 car park bays,"he said. Adnan said the multipurpose hallwillcostoverRM50million. "The project is stillin the planningstages.Weare stilllookingfor fInances and we have yet to en gage an architect to design the hall,"he said. Adnan also said the cOWlcii will be focusing on several areas to beautify the municipalityas part \\5""\\ ~1 \ of its COWlcilKey Result Areas "Wehopeto collectRM80.2mil2011. lionin the fIrstsixmonths and the "Wewill be lookinginto beau- rest by the end of the year," he tifying the mWlicipalityby en-said. hancing the landscaping.Wewill Property owners can pay their also be focusingon providingbet- billsat the mobilecOWlterin front ter maintenance of roads, ofSurauAs-SyakirinatPinggiran drainage, garbage collection, USJ3/9,TamanPinggiranUSJthis street lightsandefficientcustomer Saturdayand SWlday: service,"he said. The mobile cOWlterwill then Adnan alsosaid cOWltersto col- moveto BalaiMasyarakat,Batu 3 lectassessmentfeesare now open Shah' Alam from Jan 29 to 30. at selectedareas. Property owners can pay their "This year, about 260,000 bills bills at selected shopping malls, have been distributedto property online, or at the cOWlcil'sdriveowners.Our target for this year is through counters. - By Noel RM167million. Achariam NEW STRAITS TIMES Tarikh: ~.~~. I.!.L....... newsaesK(G'tnesunaa us uo I'Y-com HAHAlAM: The Selangor government will conduct a tudy into whether local councilshavethe jurisdiction to enforce the Syariah Criminal Enactment which forbids Muslims from serving alcohol at entertainment outlets, through their guidelines or by-laws. Mentri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim said yesterday that whilethe studywasbeingconducted, r-- -'-'=operators of entertainment outlets who employed Muslims could still renew their business licences. "Afterthe studyis conducted and discussed, we will make a decision I! on whether localcouncilscanimplement such a requirement," he said after meeting local council heads yesterday afternoon to discuss the issue. . if local authorities can enforce s fro~ ~rving alcohol ..-- .--~~ - ""= - ~-~~ ---~.- ----- ment involving the Syariah en; ment to be implemented by Ie councils under their by-law~ guidelines will need to be discus and approved by the st government due to the sensitivit the matter. He said in the meantime the s government will continue to en~ Withthe Selangor Zakat BoardoD establishment of a fund to h Muslims who intended to leave Ii jobs at such entertainment outle He said that according to M president Datuk Adnan Md IksJ out of 170 entertainment outlet the municipality, only 13 had agreed to the licensing guide: requirement which forbade emp , ers of entertainment outlets fl hiring Muslims. Abdul Khalid : the 13premises, which will be m tored, employed about 14° Mus] but the number who served alce I I SUN I Tarikh ~ij~L~ u'uu~ "We cannot have an action that willhave a negativeeffect on non-Muslims in our effort to ensure Muslims abide by the ; _uCl ~.'1 Syariah law, but at the same time, we also want to reduce the number of MuslimsworkS ing at these premises," he said Las t Wednesday, the Subang Jaya MUnicipal Council - Khalid (MPSJ)caused an uproar when it introduced a licensing guideline banning establishments serving alcohol from hiring Muslims. It was reported that the additional condition was included in guidelines last year as part of its "self-initiated improvements", because the emploYQlent of Muslim workers is deemed to contravene Section 18(2)of the Syariah Criminal Enactment ofSelangor. was not specified He also saidif the requiremeI ensure employers of entertainn outlets did not hire Muslims found to be feasible, it wil: , extended to all local councils. ~ confirms theSun'sfront page reJ yesterdaywhichsaidthat the Sut Jaya municipality was a tesi . ground to widen the ruling. Sourcessaidthe initialattem] implement the enactment by MPSJ was merely a testing gro before the 20-year-oldlawis apI statewide. There are fears that a from entertainment establishmE ment, it can ask the local councils," breweries, hypermarkets and he said, adding that the study will hour conveniencestoresmay als affected. also focus on the effects of having - I ~--~'-~-~ However, the state government reversed the ban on Thursday. Executive councillor for local goveriunent Ronnie Liu said MPSJ had not consulted the state. Yesterday, Abdul Khalid said the _. Selangor Islamic Affairs Department (JAIS) had the jurisdiction to take action against Muslim workers who served alcohol at entertainment outlets. "If JAIS needs help in enforce- - -- such a requirement on the livelihood of Muslims. Abdul Khalid said any require- DOWN2EARTH: KEEP POU' OUTOFREUGIONPAGEI -- - - -Keep politICS outof~eiigi~~- . - - I comprehensive There were fears that dl,leto the wording of the enanctment, ' T SEEMSthat one issue or another keeps dodging the "most developed state". Ifit isn't sand, it's water, ifit isn't opening UiTM to non-bumiputras, it's the appointment of the state secretary and other senior appointments of state subsidiaries. lfit isil't executive councillors interfering in the running oflocal councils, it is local councils which are a law onto theIDSelves. This past week, it was the Subang Jaya Municipal Council (MPSJ)'sturn to be the thorn in the side of the state government when it decided to enforce the Syariah Criminal Enactment ofSe1angor which makes it unlawful for MusliIns to work in establishments which sell or serve alcohoL I I SUN Tarikh ...\~:1.~11~ " I I I all establishments - entertainment outlets, restaurants, hotels, 24-hour convenience stores, hypermarkets and breweries - could be affected. Section 18(2) of the 1995enactment states: "Anyone who manufactures, sells, offers to sell, displays for sale, stores, or purchases any alcoholic beverage is committing an offence and is subject to a fine of not more than RM5,000or a jail term of not more than three years or both." One respects the views of those who drafted and passed the enactment (based on their faith) that allowing their fellow MusliIns to work in these establishments would contravene the teachings ofIslaIn. But what I! ation a testing ground for a statewide implementof the ruling. I Of course we are now treading on dangerous territory as the religious sensitivities of one I people's money - be it taxes or zakat - be m to subsidise state-induced unemployment? group has now been brought to the forefront There have been many fingers pointed a But the core issue is, why put so many different parties over this latest Selangor people out of work? conundrum - MPSJpresident Datuk Adnan A reading of the enactment tells you that the Md Ikhsan, executive councillor for religiou restriction encompasses all aspects of alcohol affairs and Selangor Islamic Affairs Council manWacturing, sale and distribution. This member Datuk Hassan Ali,Islamic Affairs means even directors ofbreweries and hyperDepartment director Marzuki Hussin and markets or hotels InaYneed to quit their jobs! I even new state secretary Datuk Mohd Khus: If the Petaling Jaya City Council (MBPJ), Munawi. for instance, chooses to widen the ban to It is unfortunate that the motivation for hotels, it will put 90% of the staff at PJ Hilton out of work. If the Shah Alam City Council implementing this enactment now is veerinj (MBSA)decides that breweries are not on political- Umno plants in the civil servic, exempted, CarlsbergInaY have to relocate as it i out sabotageitsthe PR state on government or PAStoasserting Inanifesto secular socie1 employs a large number of Muslim staff. I I , I ! we don't understand is why now - 16y~ after it was enacted and eight years after it was amended - there are suddenly passionate Again, is it wiSe?From a religious attempts to enforce this ruling. standpoint I am ill-equipped to debate this; MPSJ councillor and chairman of the but from a socio-econOInicview, this is not the council's sub-committee on licensing Roslan best time to ask people to leave their jobs. Is Shahir Mohd Shahir insists that the ruling has MPSJgoing to find jobs for all these families been enforced at council level since Jan Ilast affected by the implementation of the ruling? year. Se1angorboasts a healthy unemployment He also said the ruling was restricted to I rate of 3.5%.Does it need to mar its record by entertainment joints. I throwiIig sand into people's rice bowls? Will However, ifit is contained within the the time frame of a grace period for these affected workers to look for alternative Subang Jaya municipality, why had the mentri besar conven~ a meeting with all heads of employment be sufficient? local councils yesterday? The mentri besar had said the state will set Perhaps, as mentioned in theSun's front up a fund to help those who had lost jobs due page story yesterday, SubangJaya was merely i .to the ruling. Does this mean Selangor can I I . I I 1 I I I I I I i --- claim to be the country's fIrst welfare state? I What guarantees are there that this incenth will not be abused by a few?And why must I Let's not forget that while hundreds of MusliIns will be out of a job, there will also b many non-Muslim licence holders who willi affected. The delicate task now is to find a balance protect the rights of all parties and to ensure that religion is not abused for sinister politic; purposes. Now that -- will-be- a real sin. - Terence is against mixing politics ar religion but admits that in reality this impossible. Feedback: terence@thesundail COI -- -- Kadar sewa baru di pasar Puchong bagaimanapun ditangguh kerana bantahan 1«6M.CI l Y( { { :k Sewa gerai naik di seluruh Selangor Oleh JUNHAIRI ALYASA [email protected] SUBANG JAYA - Isu kenaikan sewa tapak gerai sebanyak empat kali ganda yang didakwa membebankan para peniaga dan penjaja keeil di Taman Puehong Indah de".;,,;!C..;"",..':'i"',,,,,,,,,,!!, . kat sini ,jKecewa sewa tapak rupa-ru"gerai ~''"' naik berganda panya i;. berlaku - <Ii selu- ruh negeri SeKERATAN Kosmo! semalam. langoI'. .Jika sebelum ini semua penjaja di pasar pagi dan pasar malam hanya perlu membayar sewa gerai sebanyak RM1 sehari tetapi kini jumlah yang perlu dibayar ialah sebanyak RM4 sehari atau bersamaan dengan RMl,490 setahun. Difahamkan tujuan utam:a kenaikan tersebut bertujuan untuk membayar kos pengurusan sampah termasuk membaik pulih jaIan yang digunakan oleh penjaja terbabit. Bagaimanapun, sehingga kini hanya Majlis Perbandaran Subang Jaya (MPSJ) belum melaksanakan kenaikan tersebut. Perkara tersebut diakui oleh Exeo Pelaburan, Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Kerajaan SelangoI', Teresa Kok yang mengesahkan mengenai kenaikan tersebut. "Ya,memang seluruh negeri sudah naik RM4 untuk satu petak," katanya pada sidang akhbar selepas mengadakan perjumpaan ... Apa kata pengunjung pasar 'SEKARANG harga barang naik, kami pula tidak baleh jual mahal daripada pasar raya. Jika sewa naik, pendapatan kami terjejas. FaNG SEA KEN Pengerusi Pasar Pagi Seksyen 3, KJnrara ~ ~ I" dengan wakil penjaja pasar pagi kawasan Puehong di sini semalam. Sebanyak tujuh persatuan penjaja di kawasan tersebut yang mewakili seramai 803 orang ahli hadir pada perjumpaan itu bagi membantah kenaikan tersebut. Perjumpaan itu dibuat ekoran laporan Kosmo! semalam yang melaporkan pendedahan Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri Sed Serdang, Datuk Dr. Mohamed Satim Diman mengenai nasib 150 penjaja di pasar pagi Taman Puehong Indah. Para peniaga itu hlenerima notis kenaikan sewa daripada RM360 setahun kepada RMl,490 berkuat kuasa 5 Januari lalu. Pada perjumpaan itu, ekoran desakan wakil penjaja terbabit, MPSJ memutuskan menangguhkan hasrat menaikkan kadar sewa itu dan satu perbineangan semula akan diadakan selepas perayaan Tahun Baru Cina nanti. Kesemua persatuan mewakili penjaja pula dikehendaki mengemukakan satu eadangan baru dan jumlah yang difikirkan sesuai serta mampu dibayar penjaja bagi menampung kos penyelenggaraan pasar terbabit. Ketika ditanya mengapa keputusan itu dibuat tanpa mendapat pandangan daripada pihak penjaja, Yang Dipertua MPSJ, Datuk Adnan Md. Ikshan menjelaskan, pihaknya hanya ingin melaksanakan kenaikan seperti yang ditetapkan oleh kerajaan negeri. "Kita hendak laksana tetapi ... KOSMO ~ri"'" ~~.~.~1~... ". I , ! 6SUDAH 17 tahun saya berniaga, sewa tidak pernah naik sebanyak ini. Mengapa sewa penjaja di bawah Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur lebih murah? .*, 'J SEBAHAGIAN daripada penjaja pasar pagi yang tidak berpuas hati dengan MPSJ yang menaikkan kadar sewa pada sidang akhbar di Majlis Perbandaran Subang Jaya semalam. -, TEE HUAT HOCK Pengerusi Pasar Pagi Seksyen 1. Kinrara 'WALAUPUN kami berniaga apabila susetiap hari tetapi kami euma dah banyak isu kita terberniaga tiga hingga empat jam. paksa duduk NG KIAT MING berbincang Pengerusi Taman Wawasan dan bagi pef ~ Puchong luang terakhir kepada Dalam pada itu, Penasihat Perpenjaja," satuan Penjaja Puchong, Dr. Kow ujarnya. Tambah beliau, MPSJ sebelum Cheong Wei memillta MPS.J meini terpaksa mengeluarkan sub- llgambil kira pelbagai faktor sesidi sebanyak RM600,OOOseta- belu111membuat keputusan terhun bagi menampung pelbagai buru-buru. "Mereka perlu dellgar pandaperbelanjaan bagi menguruskan ngall daripada pelljaja-penjaja pasar tersebut. "Sewa ini sudah lama tidak di- dan melakukan kajiall yang 111ennaikkan sejak berbelas-belas ta- dalam. Jika ini diambil kira saya hun lalu, jadi saya harap penjaja yakin kita akan mendapat kepubersikap munasabah dan adil ke- tusan yang adil kepada semua pihak," tegasnya. pada pembayar cukai," katanya. Programsullll1B .sejaka tahun Pendudukadakangotong-royongbersih kawasanbasmidenggj PUCH~NG PERMAI - Setelah 13 tahun meqdiami pangsaputi kos rendah di Taman PuehongP"rm;i1 di sini, pend\.!duk di beberapa blok dLsituakhirnya sebulat suara tnenganj\.!rkanprogram gotong-royong pertama membabitkan penghuninya. Sejajar dengan itti saw Ja~ watankuasa Bettindak Gotong-royong ditubuhkan untuk memastikan kebersIhaI1di pangsapuri terjaga selain berfungsi menyelami .riiasaJah ber!<aItaI1 penduduk. Pengerusinya, Mohd.I<;halid Abdtill'lli ber!<ata, pihaknya menganjurkan gptong-royong dalam usaha membasmi pembjakan nyamukyang boleh mengundang penyakit. .. ~ Programini mendapa! penyertaan klra-kira 60 orang penduduk don ia membu~&ansambumn daripada penduduk . kawasan berkenaan amat baik." -MohdKho/id "Sayatidak past! sama ada kawasan in! lokasi panas demam denggiatau tidak Mapi kita mahu meneegah s.ebelumia berlaku. "Program in! mendapat pe~ nyertaan kira-kira 60 orang penduduk dan ia membuktlkan ,- ~. -~ " . . Sebahagian\penduduk ~ng. ,,!!,,:,jayakangotong-royong dl pangsapuri, ko. rendah Taman !",chong Pennai. sambutan daripada penduduk kawasan itruamat balk; katanya. Mcihp' Khalid oorkata, sebelum in! memang ada gotongroyong diadakan namun ia seeara umum dan tidak dikhususkan.di " ." blok-blok tertentu. "I;!ariin! (kelmarin) Waroorgotong-rdyong di empat .blok ialtu blok' AIr Nngga A20. Harapan kaill,ih&Upaya matlamat membersihkan kawasan per- sekitaran dapat dieapai. ':Aktiviti turut mendapat sokongan Alam Flora yang rnembantu mengangkatsampah,~ap yang dikumpUlkan penduduk; katanya kepadaSinar Harlan. Berita ringkas SINAR HARIAN Tarikh.. \ g<\61J :" ,... fc dicari " ,. Wari$kanak~kanak SliJBAI'!GJAVA - JabatanKeb3jika~M~syarakat(JKM)s~dang mencariwaris'kanak,~anakyang;ditlnggalkan ibuibapa L r1]erekaclan kini diberiperlind~i'1gan di agensi itll. peliOdu~gJ(anak,kanak Daerah,Peta.li~g, Nor'Asmanizah Ah",adberkata, NazzatulAthirahDin, 12,(ga/7Jbalj ditinggalkan ~~jaktigat;lhun lal,~di rumah;kanak;kanak. ,M~nur!!tnya1,perint~hmahki!mah kanak-kanak itysudah t!lffiat sejali 0.ktober tahu,n lalu. "Kaniitllb.a mengesan:ibubapaatau waris kan~k.kanak beikeriaan~nt~k tin(!~~an!lanjut.,. "Mereka yang berke~aan:.boletiberhubun:gdengan.saya sendiri dengan me"ghubun:9i tali~~ QnB,!22584 :'katany~.