21 new beds for Hillel Lodge


21 new beds for Hillel Lodge
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To Remember
• To Congratulate
• To Honour
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Moshe Ya’alon in Ottawa page 4
Ottawa Jewish Bulletin Publishing Co. Ltd. •
volume 75, no. 3
october 25, 2010
21 Nadolny Sachs Private, Ottawa, Ontario K2A 1R9
Publisher: Mitchell Bellman
cheshvan 17, 5771
Editor: Michael Regenstreif $2.00
21 new beds
for Hillel Lodge
By Michael Regenstreif
At long last, the Bess and Moe
Greenberg Family Hillel Lodge,
the Ottawa Jewish community’s
long-term care facility for the
aged, has received approval from
the Ontario Ministry of Health
and Long-Term Care for 21 additional long-term beds. There are
currently 100 beds in operation at
the Lodge.
The approval for the Hillel
Lodge expansion came after more
than three years of ongoing indications from politicians and bu-
reaucrats that authorization was
The acute need for these beds
has been evident for many years
and was anticipated more than a
decade ago when the Lodge building was designed.
“Not enough can be said about
the foresight demonstrated by
our community’s leaders when
they approved the original construction with this extra space,”
said Hillel Lodge Executive Director Stephen Schneiderman,
(Continued on page 2 )
(From left) P2K Ottawa Chair Lisa Rosenkrantz, National Chair Ron Weiss, P2K Committee members
Mitch Miller and Sarah Silverstein at the dedication of the P2K sign on the Jewish Community Campus,
October 11.
(Photo: Jacqueline Shabsove)
Ottawa’s ties with Israel recognized
by new sign and community garden
The hitherto unused space at Hillel Lodge that will be finished,
furnished and equipped to accommodate 21 additional long-term
By Jacqueline Shabsove
The Ottawa Jewish community’s commitment to supporting
and partnering with Israel was
clearly demonstrated Monday,
October 11 by two connected
The first was the dedication of
a sign recognizing the Jewish Federation of Ottawa’s partnership
with Israel’s Galilee Panhandle
through the Partnership 2000
(P2K) program, outside the Joseph
and Rose Ages Family Building.
The second was the unveiling
of a new community vegetable
garden, a collaboration of Ottawa
Social Action Mission participants
and Israelis, on the grounds of the
Jewish Community Campus.
The sign was conceived of by
P2K committee member Sarah
Silverstein after she noticed a sign
in Vaughan, Ontario recognizing
the city’s partnership with Ramla,
Israel. Silverstein felt setting up a
sign would give the Ottawa community an opportunity to learn
more about the Federation’s involvement with P2K.
The P2K program focuses on
creating strong ties between seven
Jewish communities in Canada –
Vancouver, Calgary, Winnipeg,
Edmonton, Halifax, Hamilton and
Ottawa – with five rural communities in the Galilee Panhandle region of Israel that require assis(Continued on page 2)
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Page 2 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – October 25, 2010
Garden reinforces Ottawa’s ties with Northern Israel
(Continued from page 1)
tance after the effects of the 2006
Lebanon war.
“The committee was talking
about ways to improve the visibility of Partnership 2000 to show
how proud we are to have this
partnership,” Silverstein said.
The dedication of the sign, said
Silverstein, would also enable
Israeli visitors to the city to clearly see the Ottawa Jewish community’s commitment to helping Israel.
“We want Israelis to know they
are always in our thoughts,” she
said. “This is a simple, easy way
to demonstrate that, and it’s something that needs to be on the Jewish community campus.”
The event featured speeches
from Federation President and
CEO Mitchell Bellman, P2K Ottawa Chair Lisa Rosenkrantz and
National Chair of Coast-to-Coast
P2K Ron Weiss.
Rosenkrantz emphasized the
success of two P2K trips to Northern Israel involving Ottawa’s
young adult Jewish community
this past June.
One trip had nine Ottawa medical students assist at the Ziv Hospital in Safed. The other, the Social Action Mission, had 16 young
adults build a bike path in Kiryat
The trip had an impact on both
the residents of Kiryat Shmona
and the Ottawa young adults who
visited the area.
As a result of P2K’s emphasis
on a partnership that goes both
ways – for Canadians and Israelis
to be united together and helping
each other – two Kiryat Shmona
residents, architecture students
Ohad Itskovitz and Nir Ben
David, whom Social Action Mission participants met during their
trip, flew to Ottawa to contribute
to the city.
Itskovitz and Ben David collaborated with Social Action Mission participants October 7 to 11
in building a community vegetable garden on the grounds of
the Jewish Community Campus
beside the outdoor swimming
Students at the Ottawa Jewish
Community School will have the
opportunity to learn about ecoJudaism and care for the garden
whose vegetables will be donated
to Miriam’s Well, an initiative of
Jewish Family Services, which
supplies a bimonthly distribution
to Ottawa’s Kosher Food Bank.
Ben David shared his excitement about getting the opportunity to visit Ottawa.
“It’s been a good experience.
Ottawa is a beautiful place and the
Architecture students Ohad Itzkovitz and Nir Ben David of Kiryat Shmona worked with Ottawa Social
Action Mission participants, October 7 to 11, building a community garden on the Jewish Community
Campus. The mission participants worked with Kiryat Shmona residents building a bike path in that
community in June.
Kneeling (from left to right): Lindsey Leipsic, Lindsay Rothenberg, Tamara Fathi; (standing) Ohad
Itzkovitz, Ross Diamond, Nir Ben David, Scott Ship, Ryan Hartman, Jeff Bradshaw.
(Photo: Jacqueline Shabsove)
people are very nice,” he said.
Ben David said the Ottawa Social Action Mission participants’
work had an impact on his town.
“In Kiryat Shmona, the resi-
Waiting list has doubled in two years
(Continued from page 1)
after receiving the approval for the
As of 2007, there was a shortage of 850 long-term beds in the
Ottawa area, and the situation has
only worsened since. A 2009 report concluded that elderly persons in Eastern Ontario in need of
long-term care have the longest
wait in the province for admittance to nursing homes. Province
wide, the report said, waiting
times have doubled in two years.
“The Ministry expects the expansion to contribute towards the
government’s goal of building a
health care system that meets the
growing needs of Ontario residents in the 21sts century,” said
Hillel Lodge President Seymour
“The waiting list for beds has
grown considerably as the population has aged,” added Schneiderman. “This expansion will help us
address the significant increase in
demand for long-term care in Ottawa’s Jewish community.”
Hillel Lodge will now move
ahead with finishing the Joseph
and Inez Zelikovitz Pavilion, then
furnishing and equipping the new
rooms. It is expected that the wing
will be fully operational before the
end of 2011.
While the Ministry will provide
some of the funding necessary for
this expansion, the majority of the
funds will have to be raised via a
capital campaign to be spearheaded by Jeffrey Miller, the Lodge’s
immediate past-president.
“Our community understands
the importance of getting these
new beds without creating a financial burden for the future,” said
“The community appreciates
the necessity of every bed in
today’s world of increased demand, and I am confident they
will come through as they always
dents were excited that people
from other countries came to Israel to help them and connect with
them,” he said.
“A lot of times now after the
project has been completed, people still visit the area [the Ottawa
people worked on] and ask who
did this,” Itskovitz added.
Ross Diamond, co-chair of the
Social Action Mission, expressed
his appreciation that Ben David
and Itskovitz came to visit Ottawa
and participate in an Ottawa Jewish community initiative.
“Ohad and Nir coming to Ottawa has been a great opportunity
to share the experience we had in
Israel here with them,” Diamond
“They allowed us to explore
more about who we are as Jews.”
Social Action Mission participant Hana Shusterman said her
experience on the mission to Israel
was intensely positive.
“It was one of the best things
I’ve ever done,” Shusterman said.
“It’s great to have it on this end
too and have the Israelis here.”
Many young adults on the trip
have become more involved with
the Ottawa Jewish community as a
result of the trip.
The trip, according to Social
Action Mission co-chair Tamara
Fathi, lit a spark in the participants.
“People from the trip are starting to get involved now. They are
joining Federation committees
and other initiatives like jnet,”
Fathi said.
“They are excited to be involved in the Jewish community.”
Overall, the P2K trips to Israel
and the creation of the community
vegetable garden in Ottawa, according to Jeff Bradshaw, senior
director of planning at the Federation, signal “little ways to try to
make a big difference.”
Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – October 25, 2010 – Page 3
Page 4 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – October 25, 2010
Exclusive: Israel’s vice-prime minister discusses
peace process and Iranian threat with the Bulletin
By Michael Regenstreif
Peace between Israel and the
Palestinians will not come until the
Palestinians go beyond the concept
of the two-state solution and accept
“two states for two peoples,” which
explicitly recognizes Israel as the
national homeland of the Jewish
people, said Moshe Ya’alon in a
speech, October 13, during a twoday visit to Ottawa.
Ya’alon, Israel’s vice-prime
minister and minister of strategic
affairs, Likud MK, and a former
chief-of-staff of the Israel Defense
Forces, spoke at the Joseph and
Rose Ages Family Building at an
event organized by the Jewish Federation of Ottawa and the Vered Israel Cultural and Educational Program. He reiterated the point the
next day during an exclusive 45minute interview with the Ottawa
Jewish Bulletin.
The Palestinians, he said, must
recognize Israel as “the nation-state
of the Jewish people,” something
that the Palestinian leadership – first
Yasir Arafat and now Palestinian
Authority President Mahmoud
Abbas and Prime Minister Salam
(From left) Israel’s Vice-Prime Minister Moshe Ya’alon, Jewish Federation of Ottawa President and CEO Mitchell Bellman, Israeli Ambassador Miriam Ziv and Federation Past-Chair Jonathan Freedman.
(Photo: Francie Greenspoon)
Fayyad – has refused to do.
Ya’alon said he supported the
Oslo process because “the sanctity
of life is more important than the
sanctity of Eretz.”
Despite that principle, Ya’alon
said he no longer favours territorial
compromise with the Palestinians
“unless they recognize Israel as the
nation-state of the Jewish people and
unless any final settlement is considered the end of claims.”
Ya’alon said Abbas “denies the
existence of the Jewish people and
claims that Judaism is just a religion.”
When Palestinians talk about
“occupation,” he said, “they don’t
mean occupation since 1967. They
mean occupation since ’48.” Fatah,
he pointed out, was founded in 1964
as “resistance to ‘the Zionist entity,’
before we took over Gaza, Judea and
Ya’alon said Israel does not want
to govern the Palestinians and that it
is in Israel’s interest to have a reliable and responsible Palestinian
partner that is not a threat.
“Abu Mazen (Abbas) is not ready
for any final settlement which is a
two-states-for-two-peoples solution,” said Ya’alon. “He’ll be happy
with any forced solution, either by
the United Nations, or the international community, without giving
anything to us, not recognition or the
finality of claims.”
A final settlement, Ya’alon said,
could be achieved quickly, “in less
than a year,” if only the Palestinians
give Israel the recognition it wants,
declare the settlement to be the end
of claims, and Israel’s security needs
are met.
Referring to Israel’s withdrawals
from Southern Lebanon and Gaza,
which provided Hezbollah and
Hamas with launching pads for terror and rocket campaigns aimed at
Israel, Ya’alon said that could not be
allowed to happen under an agreement leading to withdrawal from
most of the West Bank.
In both his talk and interview,
Ya’alon spoke about the challenges
posed by Iran to the Jewish state;
challenges that go beyond the existential threat of an Iran armed with
nuclear weapons.
“The Iranian regime is the main
instigator of instability in the Middle
East,” he said.
Iran, he said, is behind the unrest
and insurgency in Iraq, Afghanistan,
Yemen and other countries in the region.
On Israel’s borders, Hamas and
Islamic Jihad in the Gaza Strip –
which Ya’alon referred to as
“Hamasastan” – and Hezbollah in
Lebanon are proxies of Iran’s Islamist regime.
(Continued on page 9 )
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Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – October 25, 2010 – Page 5
Sara Greenberg to show
her moving documentary
during Holocaust
Education Week 2010
By Michael Regenstreif
“As the last living link to
survivors of Auschwitz and
the Holocaust, it is my generation’s responsibility to
tell the story of our grandparents.
“No other generation can
ever touch a forearm branded with a numbered tattoo.
No other generation can
walk through the barracks
of Auschwitz accompanied
by the stories of what it
looked like and smelled
“We, the third generation, have the obligation to
transmit our grandparents’
stories to the world and to
future generations. May we
never forget.”
So says Sara Greenberg
near the conclusion of B2247: A Granddaughter’s
Understanding, a short documentary film she made as
a student at Yale University
– she graduated last year –
in lieu of a final paper for a
course called Family in the
Jewish Tradition taught by
Dr. Ruth Westheimer.
In the film, Greenberg
tells how her grandparents,
Reli and Joseph Gringlas,
survived and explains how
she learned about the Holocaust over a period of many
years, beginning at the age
of eight in 1996, when Reli
and Joseph were interviewed for Stephen Spielberg’s Shoah Project.
Much of Greenberg’s
poignant, 12-minute film is
based on video footage shot
by her father and brother in
2005, when the family took
a trip to her grandparents’
home towns in Slovakia and
Poland, and then to
Auschwitz-Birkenau. B2247 is the number the
Nazis tattooed on Joseph
Gringlas’s arm.
The film has been
screened at the United Nations and at several film festivals, and is now being
widely used in Holocaust
education projects.
Greenberg will be in Ottawa when her film is
screened twice at the
Soloway Jewish Community Centre during Holocaust
Education Week; first, at a
screening and discussion,
Saturday, November 13,
7:30 pm, which is open to
the general public; and the
next day, during a workshop
from 9:00 am to 2:30 pm for
second- and third-generation survivors.
In a phone interview
with the Bulletin, Green-
berg explained that she kept
the film short – rather than
delve into her grandparents’
stories in detail – because
her goal is to inspire other
third-generation survivors
to take up the responsibility
of keeping their grandparents’ stories alive for future
The film is now being
used for that purpose by the
Anti-Defamation League’s
Bearing Witness Program
and by the USC Shoah
Foundation for Visual History and Education in their
Greenberg said Holocaust survivors themselves
are recognizing the urgency
of ensuring that their grandchildren are equipped with
the knowledge and tools
they need to carry on the
responsibility of not allowing the world to forget
the Holocaust or to stop
learning from the experience of it.
“It’s really important for
us to use film and other
media to document our
grandparents’ stories while
they’re still around,” she
said, and to then use those
resources to keep their
memories alive.
Both events with Green-
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Filmmaker Sara Greenberg (centre), here with her grandparents, Holocaust survivors
Joseph and Reli Gringlas, will show her film, B-2247: A Granddaughter’s Understanding, twice during Holocaust Education Week.
berg are free of charge, but
pre-registration is required
for the Sunday workshop.
For further information, or
to register for the workshop,
contact Sarah Beutel at
613-798-4696, ext. 253, or
[email protected].
Week is a program of the
Shoah (Holocaust) Committee of Ottawa.
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Page 6 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – October 25, 2010
Some of the myriad activities Federation engages in every day
Lucille Ball once said, “If you want
something done, ask a busy person to do it.
The more things you do, the more you can
I think this saying can be applied to our
Jewish Federation as well. Since becoming
chair of the Federation, I have learned that
the tasks of the Federation management and
staff are varied, and plentiful! I’d like to tell
you some of the myriad activities Federation engages in every day.
First, the Federation is a business, albeit
one with a unique bottom line. Its business
is the successful organization and co-ordination of a plethora of services for a community of 14,000 Jews, and shoulders all of
the attendant responsibilities: day-to-day
challenges, repairs and maintenance, human
resources, to name a few.
Our Campus Management Committee,
chaired by Neil Zaret, and staffed by
Charles Brazeau, manages, as its name implies, our campus and its buildings. All our
on-campus agencies are represented on the
Campus Management Committee, and we
facilitate everyone working together to
maintain and improve the campus.
We fund 24 community beneficiary
agencies through our Allocation Committee,
chaired by Bonnie Merovitz and staffed by
Jeff Bradshaw and Sarah Beutel. We have a
year-long process of application and evaluation for program funding, for Jewish education and community programming.
We also fund several initiatives for Israel. Partnership 2000 is our connection to
Etzbah HaGalil, the very northern tip of Israel, and its people. This committee is
chaired by Lisa Rosenkrantz and staffed by
Jeff Bradshaw. This month, Lisa will be
travelling to Israel for the annual Partnership meetings with our other Canadian partners (Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Winnipeg, Hamilton and Atlantic Canada) and
our partners from the five Israeli communities (Kiryat Shmona, Metulla, Mevo’ot
HaHermon, Yesud Hama’alah and Galil
Elyon Kibbutzim). We invest in the people
and programs in that area of the country
and work together for our mutual benefit.
As well, we fund youth Israel travel. We organize Birthright Israel trips and March of
the Living, and offer modest scholarships
for youth participating in Israel programs.
I recently met someone who was new to
the Ottawa community. I picked up a welcome package from the Jewish Ottawa
InfoCentre, which is staffed by Benita
Siemiatycki, and delivered it to her. I encouraged her to speak to Benita, and find a
way to get involved. She was very grateful.
In addition, the Ottawa Newcomers Committee holds an event twice per year to welcome newcomers. The Jewish Ottawa InfoCentre is also available to help in any matter, and offers an opportunity for the unaffiliated to have Shabbat or holiday meals at
peoples’ homes.
An important part of our mandate this
year at the Federation is engaging the next
generation. As well as the Israel programs I
mentioned above, we fund and facilitate
Hillel Ottawa. We run programs for students
on campus, help them with strategies for
advocacy, run leadership training programs,
and facilitate social functions and holiday
We are in the second year of a revitalized Young Women’s Leadership Council,
having held a well-attended opening event
with many enthusiastic women. Chairs
Gillian Dolansky and Adina Libin, and staff
Lindsay Rothenberg, are excited about this
year’s program, which teaches young
women about our community and gives
them leadership skills that they can use in
their careers and in their volunteer lives.
I haven’t even touched the tip of the iceberg!
Federation maintains the Ottawa Jewish
Archives, which preserves the records and
history of the community, and endeavours
to educate the community about our history.
We work with the police, public schools,
the media and politicians to combat antiSemitism.
Regarding public schools, Federation
facilitates the Shoah Committee, which runs
Holocaust Education Week (coming in November, so mark your calendars!) and Yom
HaShoah observation. As well, survivors
from our community are part of an effort to
educate Ottawa students.
We are part of the Jewish-Christian Dialogue group, and participate in other interfaith activities.
I could go on and on. Of course, all of
these activities are funded through our Annual Campaign, which we are working on
now. Please be generous when our volunteer canvassers call. Our Jewish Federation
is committed to keeping our community
great. We can’t do it without you, though,
and we depend on every one of you to participate in your own way.
Developing Judaism for the 21st century and beyond
In this column, I would like to offer
some reflections on my colleague Rabbi
Steven Garten’s recent Bulletin column on
intermarriage (From the Pulpit, September
6, 2010). Although I agree with much of
what he says, I would like to perhaps challenge some of his remarks with the hope of
engaging all of us in a dialogue on how
we, as a people, can develop Judaism for
the 21st century and beyond.
Rabbi Garten began by pointing out the
distinctive challenges that have faced Judaism in each generation and how we
have, rather successfully, responded to
them. He then says: “In our times, the key
challenge by which history will judge us
revolves around how we will respond to
the impact of intermarriage upon our individual and collective Jewish futures.”
Intermarriage is a very important issue,
and one to which we must seriously and
creatively attend. It is not, however, the
issue which history will use to judge us.
Indeed, I would argue that the problem
of intermarriage is not really the problem;
it is the symptom of the problem. The real
problem is lack of engagement in, and attachment to, Judaism. For too many, Judaism is not a fundamental or even integral
part of their identity.
In previous generations, belonging to a
synagogue and other Jewish institutions,
giving children a solid Jewish education,
Zionism, and contributing to Jewish causes, were all taken for granted. Even if not
From the
Charles Popky
Agudath Israel
all Jews participated in these elements of
Jewish life, they were, nonetheless, seen as
basic and important.
Not so today. Throughout North America, we can see a drop in synagogue affiliation, fewer children enrolled in Jewish
schools, and falling memberships in JCCs
and other Jewish organizations. In the
United States – but, hopefully, not in
Canada – the younger generation feels
much less connection and allegiance to the
State of Israel.
A generation ago, people frequently intermarried because they deliberately wanted to disconnect from Judaism.
Today, many intermarry because Judaism is simply not an important factor in
their lives, and therefore not an issue in
The challenge for our generation – and
it has been a challenge for many generations – is to develop Judaism so that its
wisdom and its values, its beauty and its
power become meaningful and significant
to all Jews.
Now, each of us may define Judaism
somewhat differently, and each of us interprets the authority of the tradition in a different manner. However, this challenge
will demand that all of us recognize and
admit how different the world – and Judaism – is today. It will demand that we be
imaginative and creative. It will also demand that we be courageous – to understand that Judaism has evolved through the
centuries to meet its challenges, and our
generation can be no different.
Rabbi Garten is correct when he notices
those who are not in our sanctuaries on the
holidays and asks, “Why not?” But, it is
not just the intermarried, it is all the Jews
who have been distanced from Judaism.
The new Conservative machzor, Lev
Shalem, begins with the famous words of
Isaiah (57:19), “Shalom to those who are
far off, shalom to those who are near says
Hashem.” We must follow God’s ways to
welcome all Jews in the magnificent mission of Judaism.
I look forward to our ongoing dialogue.
Owned by The Ottawa Jewish Bulletin Publishing Co. Ltd., 21 Nadolny Sachs Private, Ottawa, K2A 1R9.
Tel: (613) 798-4696. Fax: (613) 798-4730. Email: [email protected]. Published 19 times a year.
© copyright 2010
PUBLISHER: The Ottawa Jewish Bulletin Publishing Co. Ltd.
EDITOR: Michael Regenstreif
BUSINESS MANAGER: Rhoda Saslove-Miller
ADVISORY COMMITTEE: Seymour Diener, chair; Anna Bilsky; Stephen Bindman; Mark Buckshon; Jack Cramer; Diane Koven;
Louise Rachlis; Michael Wollock.
The Bulletin cannot vouch for the kashrut of the products or establishments advertised in this publication unless they have the certification of the Ottawa Vaad HaKashrut or other rabbinic authority recognized by the
Ottawa Vaad HaKashrut.
Local subscription $30.00. Out-of-town $36.00. International $50.00. $2.00 per issue.
ISSN: 1196-1929
email: [email protected]
Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – October 25, 2010 – Page 7
Good news, finally, for Hillel Lodge expansion
As noted on page 1, Hillel Lodge has finally won approval from the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care to add
21 additional long-term care beds to the 100
currently in operation.
It’s about time.
The issue of the 21 beds was an important item on the community’s agenda well
before I arrived in Ottawa to work at the
Bulletin during the summer of 2007. The
acute need for many hundreds of additional
long-term care beds in the Ontario system,
and particularly in the Ottawa area, was
well known.
A few weeks after my arrival, I was
covering the Jewish Federation of Ottawa’s
Communications and Community Relations Committee roundtable meetings with
local candidates running in the October 10
provincial election. Representatives of all
of the parties – Liberals, Progressive Conservatives and New Democrats – were universally supportive of the Jewish community’s quest to add the 21 beds at Hillel
Lodge. With the available space, and the
community’s desire to use it, it seemed like
a no-brainer to just approve the beds and
get on with it.
The Liberal Party candidates, including
cabinet ministers Jim Watson and
Madeleine Meilleur, and Yasir Naqvi, running in Ottawa Centre, the riding that includes Hillel Lodge, were particularly supportive of the 21 new beds for the Lodge.
Watson pledged to have the government act
on the beds within the first six months of a
new Liberal mandate.
Six months later, the authorization had
not been received.
About 18 months after the election, Watson and Naqvi brought then-health minister
David Caplan to Hillel Lodge and showed
him the space earmarked for the 21-bed expansion.
Another year-and-a-half passed and Watson, now running to become mayor of Ottawa, was back for another roundtable
meeting with the Communications and
Community Relations Committee.
“I’m embarrassed by this file,” Watson
said when the long-standing question of the
Approval for the Lodge’s
21 beds came on October 5,
just one week after
Watson’s comments appeared
in the September 27 issue
of the Bulletin.
21 additional beds for Hillel Lodge was
raised at the September 16 meeting.
Pledging to keep advocating on behalf of
the Lodge should he win the election, Watson admitted to being deeply frustrated by
his inability to gain approval for the beds,
despite many assurances from two successive ministers of health and the premier’s
The approval for the Lodge’s 21 beds
came on October 5, just one week after
Watson’s comments appeared in the September 27 issue of the Bulletin.
Maybe it was pure coincidence, but the
timing of the ratification, coming during the
mayoralty race, days after a leading candidate talked about being frustrated at not
being able to get it while he was a cabinet
minister, was most curious.
The Lodge will now need our support as
it embarks on a capital campaign to finance
the expansion.
Police chief
on home-grown terrorism
Earlier this month, I was one of several
editors of Ottawa-area community newspapers invited to a roundtable luncheon with
Chief Vern White and other top officials of
the Ottawa Police Service where we were
each encouraged to raise issues of interest.
Concern over terrorism in Ottawa was a
topic I raised with the chief. Since the arrest
of the alleged Ottawa-based terrorist cell
with al-Qaeda links in August, not to mention the Royal Bank firebombing in the
Glebe in May, apprehension over homegrown terrorism has heightened.
White told me such concerns have been
“our reality” since the time of the 9/11 attacks in 2001. Pointing to the August arrests, he said the Ottawa Police, in concert
with other police forces and security agencies work hard – often with officials from
other countries – to stop terrorist activity,
hopefully before plots become actuality.
White lamented that too many Canadians
are complacent about terrorism and said
vigilance was everyone’s responsibility.
Support for the Canadian Forces grows
at the same time it falls for the Afghanistan mission
The poppies beginning to sprout on
lapels are a reminder that, in a few short
weeks, throngs of Canadians will gather in
communities across the country to mark
Remembrance Day.
As usual, the main ceremony will take
place in Ottawa at the National War Memorial, and will include the participation of political leaders, veterans and their families,
and thousands and thousands of onlookers.
Not too many years ago, that annual
event had become something of an afterthought in this country: Thinning crowds,
aging veterans, wars that happened long
ago and far away. Military matters seemed
disconnected to the lives of most of the citizens of our large, peaceful country.
But, in recent years, the crowds have
swelled, due in part to the fact that Canadians have been fighting and dying in
Afghanistan since early 2002. There is an
urgency and immediacy to Remembrance
Day that didn’t exist for many years prior.
Young Canadian combat veterans now
exist in numbers not seen for a few generations.
In that sense, the upcoming Remembrance Day marks an important milestone.
By this time next year, Canadian troops are
supposed to be withdrawing from
Afghanistan, if not largely gone from a military role in that conflict after nine years.
Alan Echenberg
More than 150 Canadian deaths in
Afghanistan, and more than 1,500 injuries,
have taken their toll on Canadian public
opinion about the mission, with recent polls
consistently showing a majority of respondents opposed to our military participation.
But negative opinions about the mission
do not translate into negative feelings about
the military itself. Indeed, it’s hard to recall
a time when the Canadian Forces were so
popular and prominent, and even iconic, in
our society.
From regular Support Our Troops rallies
to appearances on Hockey Night in Canada,
the military is now celebrated and venerated in this country in a way that would have
been unimaginable a decade ago.
At the same time, questions continue to
grow about what we have accomplished
after so many years in Afghanistan. We’ve
paid a great deal in blood, but has our sacrifice – and that of our NATO allies – been
worth it?
The Taliban may be out of power, but
are far from defeated, and will likely still
be around when NATO troops eventually
Democratic institutions are present in
the country in a way they weren’t before
the ousting of the Taliban rulers, but are extremely fragile. And Afghanistan remains
one of the world’s least developed countries.
The government of President Hamid
Karzai has a reputation for corruption, and
has connections with warlords, criminals,
and even the Taliban.
Afghans themselves may be wary about
the role of Western military forces in their
country. A survey released this past summer found that 68 per cent of Afghans believe NATO does not protect them, and
that 70 per cent believe recent military actions in their area were bad for the Afghan
Some of those opinions were echoed recently on Canadian soil by a prominent
Afghani politician who embodies the democratic hopes of her country.
At 32 years of age, Malalai Joya is the
youngest person to have been elected to the
Afghan Parliament – although she has been
banned from sitting there for more than
three years because of her brave and outspoken criticisms of fellow representatives,
and her prominent campaign against giving
Afghan warlords a place at the government
table. Time magazine has named her one of
the world’s 100 most influential people.
Joya is also a fierce opponent of both
the Karzai government, which she calls a
“Mafia regime,” and the NATO operation
in Afghanistan. Not surprisingly, perhaps,
she is also a prominent target. She has survived four assassination attempts and is
forced to travel within her own country
under heavy security.
At a speech of hers I attended recently
in Montreal, she caused a bit of a stir
among some audience members by essentially lumping NATO forces with the Taliban as “enemies of my people,” claiming
that Western troops have done more harm
than good and that, when they leave
Afghanistan, there would be one less
enemy to fight.
It’s important to note that Joya’s views
are not necessarily representative of all
Afghan democrats. Babur Mawladin, president of the Canada Afghanistan Solidarity
Committee, for example, said her opinions
“could not be further from the truth.”
But, coming as they do from such a
source, they add another question mark to a
debate over the Afghanistan mission that
will likely continue long after the final
Canadian soldier has come home.
Page 8 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – October 25, 2010
Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – October 25, 2010 – Page 9
Ya’alon optimistic about Israel’s future
More than trees
(Continued from page 4 )
Brian Pearl
Gil Hoffman of the Jerusalem Post
to speak in Ottawa, November 8
Jewish National Fund of Ottawa and Congregation
Machzikei Hadas will be hosting Gil Hoffman, chief political correspondent and analyst for the Jerusalem Post, on
Monday, November 8, 7:30 pm, at the synagogue. The
event is part of JNF’s annual speaker series.
Hoffman is regularly featured on BBC, as well as many
other news outlets, as he has first-hand knowledge of both
Israeli and Palestinian leaders and is an excellent and informative speaker. Hoffman will be speaking on the topic
of Peace, Politics, and Plutonium, an insider’s look at the
efforts to prevent a nuclear-armed Iran and advance
Mideast peace.
Called “the most optimistic man in Israel” by Israel
Television, Gil Hoffman’s frequent television appearances
and popular column provide a behind-the-scenes look at
the intrigue and humour in the Israeli political arena. Hoffman also frequently covers diplomatic issues, travelling
with the prime minister and reporting on efforts to achieve
Mideast peace and other key international developments.
Through speaking engagements, he has talked about Israeli
politics, peace and security, why American Jews should be
confident in Israel, what one can do to help Israel in America PR-wise, and Israel in the eye of the foreign media. We
look forward to your joining us.
JNF projects, such as Blueprint Negev, have started to
realize a visionary plan to transform the Negev Desert –
which represents 60 per cent of Israel’s land mass but
houses only 8 per cent of its population – into an attractive
place for a new generation of Israelis to call home.
The creation of Be’er Sheva River Park, a massive
recreation area and waterfront district twice the size of
New York’s Central Park, is driving the revitalization of
the Negev’s largest city. In the new communities of the
Halutza region, JNF has helped Gaza refugees create new
homes by installing basic infrastructure for housing sites
and agriculture.
Most of us associate JNF with water and trees. For more
than a decade JNF has pioneered innovative solutions to
stretch Israel’s water supply and has established a comprehensive $100 million initiative to increase the supply of
high-quality water by more than 440 billion gallons by
An agreement was signed with Israel’s Ministry of Defense for the development of the country’s largest constructed wetlands at the Ramon Air Force Base in the
Negev. This cutting-edge water treatment system will replace an outdated, inefficient plant that can no longer handle the volume of wastewater generated on the base. The
wetlands will purify the base’s wastewater by duplicating
the biological processes that occur in natural wetlands, a
highly cost-effective technology that requires minimal
electricity and maintenance.
This is but a fraction of our accomplishments in Israel
that, without your support, could not have been achieved.
More to come next month.
On a daily basis you can plant
trees for all occasions. An attractive card is sent to the recipient.
To order, call the JNF office
Iran, he added, is trying to establish
hegemony in the region, which puts
moderate Arab regimes, and Western interests, including oil resources, at great
“We believe the military nuclear project in Iran should be stopped, in one
way or another, in order to avoid this
hegemony,” Ya’alon said.
“We’re talking about stopping the
proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.”
If Iran develops and acquires nuclear
weaponry – which he said could be one
to three years away – other countries in
the region would also feel compelled to
seek them.
Israel, he said, “is considered by the
Iranian regime to be the minor Satan.
The great Satan is Western civilization
led by the United States and includes
Canada and other Western countries.”
Ya’alon said the Iranian regime’s goal
is to challenge the West by imposing
Islam and creating Islamic republics.
“We believe the United States should
lead the Western world in dealing with
this threat.”
Ya’alon said the Iranian regime
should be made to face a stark choice between its pursuit of nuclear weaponry
and its very survivability.
“We believe that, when the Iranian
regime faces this dilemma, their choice
will be to survive.”
Ya’alon said Iran should face political
isolation, crippling economic sanctions
and “a credible military threat.” The
West should also show “moral support, if
not more than that” to the internal opposition in Iran.
Despite the challenges posed by Iran
and the current difficulty in arriving at a
final peace agreement with the Palestinians, Ya’alon said he was very optimistic
about Israel’s future.
“My optimism stems from what we
have achieved in Israel in the last 62
years – which is a miracle – in science,
technology, our sophisticated agriculture, in the military, security, a strong
economy, and our rich cultural life. Our
secret is our brains and our heart, our
knowledge and our spirit.
“This is my source of confidence. We
know how to use the time for our benefit: to develop, to build. Our goal is to
flourish and not to destroy anyone in our
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Page 10 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – October 25, 2010
Ottawa students explore Israel and Jewish identity
during Jerusalem Fellowships trip in August
By Andrea Khanjin
Twenty-one university
students from Ottawa, with
varied Jewish backgrounds
and drawn from various denominations, embarked on a
three-week adventure in August to explore our Jewish
identities and explore Israel.
The Jerusalem Fellowships trip, run from Ottawa
for a second straight summer,
was a project of the Kollel of
Ottawa in partnership with
Hillel Ottawa. To make this
three-week Israel experience
affordable for students, the
program is heavily subsidized, primarily by local
fundraising conducted by the
For months leading up to
the trip, the Kollel staff, with
help and insight from their
Newcomers’ Tea
Do you know any newcomers to Ottawa?
The Ladies’ Reception Committee would like to
welcome new women at our semi-annual tea
Sunday, November 14, 2010
2:30 - 4:30 pm
at the home of Marion Silver
29 Roselawn Court
A wonderful way of meeting others in our community.
If you are a newcomer to the Ottawa Jewish community,
or if you know someone who is, please call
Audrey Kreisman at 613-727-1917
Social get-together • No solicitation
Hillel counterparts, carefully
planned every detail of the
itinerary in order to ensure a
varied and stimulating program.
The Jerusalem Fellowships program gave a whole
new meaning to going to
class. Based mainly in
Jerusalem, we learned about
a variety of engaging topics,
including Torah and Science,
Dating and Romance, Bible
Codes, Why Bad Things
Happen to Good People,
Jewish Philosophy and many
others from Aish HaTorah’s
Every morning, we enjoyed a buffet breakfast followed by a bus ride to the Old
City where we took in the
sights and sounds of Old
Jerusalem on our daily stroll
to the brand new Aish facility
where state-of-the-art classrooms overlook the Kotel.
There, we listened to enthusiastic presenters, who, in addition to being rabbis, boast impressive and varied back-
Participants in Ottawa’s Jerusalem Fellowships trip in the Old City before Shabbat.
grounds as musicians, mountain bikers, surfers, comedians, historians, etc. Each
topic was open for discussion
and debate and provided us
opportunities to think about
our own views and opinions
on the subjects. During
breaks, we went to the roof
and took in the breathtaking
view of the beautiful
Jerusalem landscape.
After a morning of classes,
we were whisked away on adventures such as kayaking on
the Jordan River, camel riding, ATV riding in the Judean
desert, wine tasting, swimming in the Dead Sea and hiking in the Ein Gedi Nature
Reserve. A personal highlight
was travelling to Gush Etzion
where we got to meet Mayor
Shaul Goldstein. After a full
day of classes, food and excursions, we had free time
each evening to explore
Jerusalem in our own way.
All the staff members
were energetic and helpful.
Rabbi Dave Rotenberg of
Hillel Ottawa spent hours
with us during bus rides and
on our free evenings discussing points brought up
during the lectures, and answering all the Jewish questions we had.
Likewise, Rabbi Shaya
Greiniman of the Kollel
led extremely stimulating
schmooze sessions and inspired us to take on leadership projects on campus.
Chavi Greiniman was always there as a positive role
model to talk to and to ask
for advice.
We also had the benefit of
two returning student leaders, Jen Hadad and Sarah
Brantz, both of whom have
been extremely active in
campus leadership and Jewish identity programming
since the previous year’s trip.
They were available to give
insight into what to expect
from lectures and trips, and
were able to advise participants on issues ranging from
the best places to shop to
what to wear.
In addition to much of the
structured learning on the
trip, we were also given opportunities for one-on-one
discussions with students living in Israel. We also joined
different families for each
Shabbat lunch and met people originally from the U.S.,
the U.K., South Africa and
elsewhere. These opportunities enabled us to make connections with other Jews and
with the Israeli community.
We all agreed that this was
the trip of a lifetime. The experience gave us a unique
chance to build lasting friendships and, above all, instilled
in us a real sense of pride
about our Jewish identity.
Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – October 25, 2010 – Page 11
Page 12 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – October 25, 2010
In support
of the Bess and Moe
Greenberg Family
Hillel Lodge
In the Joseph
and Inez Zelikovitz
Long Term Care Centre
Card Donations
Card donations go a long way to improving the
quality of life for our residents. Thank you for considering their needs and contributing to their wellbeing.
On behalf of the residents and their families,
we extend sincere appreciation to the following individuals and families who made card donations to
the Hillel Lodge Long-Term Care Foundation between September 21 and October 6, 2010 inclusive.
Unlike a bequest or gift of life insurance,
which are realized some time in the future, a
named Honour Fund (i.e., endowment fund) is
established during your lifetime.
By making a contribution of $1,000 or
more, you can create a permanent remembrance
for a loved one, honour a family member, declare what the Lodge has meant to you and/or
support a cause that you believe in.
A Hillel Lodge Honour Fund is a permanent pool of capital that earns interest or income each year. This income then supports the
priorities designated by you, the donor.
Nell Gluck Memorial Fund
In Honour of:
Ted Overton and Julia Gluck Mazal tov
on the birth of your first great grandchild with
love by Henry and Maureen Molot
Moe Greenberg
and Elissa Greenberg Iny Fund
In Memory of:
Edith Sporn by Elissa and Avraham Iny
Rita Wanless by Elissa and Avraham
Esther Goldstein Elissa and Avraham
In Honour of:
Ray and Ernie Goldstein Mazal tov on
your daughter Lauren’s engagement by Elissa
and Avraham Iny
Gunner Family Fund
In Honour of:
Estelle and Ian Melzer Mazal tov on the
birth of your twin grandchildren by Sol and
Estelle Gunner
R’fuah Shlema:
Ilan Rumstein by Sol and Estelle Gunner
Max Lieff Endowment Fund
In Memory of:
Lil Tonchin by Dorothy Lieff
Ruth Baron by Dorothy Lieff
Pencer Family Fund
In Memory of:
Moses Claener by Marcia and Irwin
Stephen and Debra Schneiderman
Family Fund
In Honour of:
Stephen and Debra Schneiderman Congratulations on your daughter Stacey’s engagement to Stephen Rich by Bunny Cogan
In Memory of:
Corinne Gossack by Debra and Stephen
Harold and Lillian Shoihet
Memorial fund
In Observance of the Yahrzeit of:
Lillian Shoihet 1st of MarCheshvan by
David Shoihet
Label and Leona Silver
Family Fund
In appreciation of:
Shimon Fogel by Stephen, Jeffrey and
David Silver
Milton and Mary (Terry) Viner
Family Fund
In Observance of the Yahrzeit of:
Arthur Viner by Millie Schanefield and
Dorothy and Maurie Karp
Endowment Fund
In Memory of:
Lenny Karp by Dorothy Karp; by Jeff,
Janet, Olivia and Sammy Karp; by Darrell,
Courtney, Stephen and Katey Karp; by Joanna
Karp; by Deb and Debbie Karp; and by Carol
and Harvey Goodman and family
R’fuah Shlema:
Claire Bercovitch by Dorothy Karp
Roslyn Raskin by Dorothy Karp
Noreen Bosloy by Dorothy Karp
Eric Weiner and Arlene Godfrey
Family Fund
In Memory of:
Louis Bernstein by Arlene Godfrey, Eric,
Melissa and Laura Weiner
Friedberg and Dale Families Fund
In Memory of:
Ruth Goldberg by Elaine Friedberg and
Bob Dale
Morris and Lillian Kimmel
Family Fund
In Observance of the Yahrzeit of:
Yehoshua Heilman by Janet Kaiman
In Honour of:
Steven Kimmel Good job - blowing the
shofar at Yom Tov by Raoul and Sandi
Janet Kaiman Congratulations on your appointment as Principal of Ottawa Modern by
Raoul and Sandi Korngold
Malcolm and Vera Glube
Endowment Fund
In Memory of:
Esther Goldstein by Vera and Malcolm
Joan and Russell Kronick
Family Fund
In Memory of:
Esther Goldstein by Joan and Russell
Auxiliary of Hillel Lodge Fund
R’fuah Shlema:
Ernie Brodo by Ruth Mendell
Elsie Baker Endowment Fund
In Honour of:
Patty and Richard Levitan Mazal tov on
celebrating their 25th anniversary by Polly,
Jackie and Sammy Moran
Bella Altman Leikin
Memorial Fund
In Memory of:
Bella Altman Leikin by Helen Hochberg
Jenny and Murray Citron
Endowment Fund
R’fuah Shlema:
Ruth Soloway by Murray Citron
Carole and Norman Zagerman
Family Fund
R’fuah Shlema:
Norman Slover by Carole and
Noreen Bosloy by Carole and
Judi Kerzner by Carole and
Beverley Cantor by Carole and
Feeding Program Fund
In Memory of:
Louis Bernstein by Carol and Larry Gradus
Esther Goldstein by Dee and Yale Gaffen
Ruth Goldberg by Mara and Isaac
Muzikansky and family
Issie Scarowsky In appreciation for your
tireless efforts at religious services by Morris
Rabbi Teitlebaum In appreciation of your
inspiration and leadership during the High
Holidays by Morris Schachnow
Therapeutics Fund
In Memory of:
Helen Rosenthal by Ruth Silbert and
Shannon Conway
Issie and Leah Scarowsky Mazal tov on
the birth of another granddaughter by Ruth and
Rabbi and Mrs. Simes Mazal tov on the
birth of your son by Ruth and Dale Fyman
Annabelle and Steven Taylor Shana Tova
and best wishes for the best of everything in the
New Year by Anna and Ron Cantor
Adam Cantor Happy 40th birthday by
Zahava, Barry, Miriam and Asher Farber
Shirley Kossman Wishing you all the best
on your special birthday by Anna and Ron
Buddy Steinberg Thank you for your gracious donation by the Ottawa Jewish War
Aviva Kriger by Anna and Ron Cantor
Judi Kerzner by Anna and Ron Cantor
Kaysa Friedman by Anna and Ron
Elanie Lowen’s father by Ruth and Dale
Esther Goldstein by Bev and Bryan Glube
and family; and by Arlene and Norman
Irving Adessky by Zahava, Barry, Miriam
and Asher Farber; and by Bonnie, Bruce, Matt,
Hana and Sabrina Engel
Kay Miller by Arlene and Norman Glube
Florence Weisz by Eleanor Mintz
Esther Malka Bruner by Al and Elly
Bruner and family
Gerry Levitz by Arlene and Gary Bonn and
Ritual Supplies Fund
In Honour of:
Debi Shore For your dedication to the wellbeing of Hillel Lodge by Morris and Shelley
Here’s a good opportunity to recognize an event or convey the appropriate sentiment to someone important to you and at the same time support the Lodge. Card orders may
be given to Bev at 613-728-3900, extension 111, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday to Thursday, 8:30 am to 3:30 pm Friday. You may also e-mail your orders to
[email protected]. E-mail orders must include name, address, postal code, and any message to person receiving the card; and, amount of donation, name, address and
postal code of the person making the donation. Cards may be paid for by Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Cheque or Cash. Contributions are tax deductible.
Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – October 25, 2010 – Page 13
(formerly Central Park Lodge)
Orit Fogel-Shafran, founder and general manager of the Raanana Symphonette Orchestra of Israel, during a visit to Ottawa in September.
(Photo: Francie Greenspoon)
By Benita Baker
The Raanana Symphonette Orchestra of Israel will launch Holocaust Education Week in
Ottawa, November 9 at the Shenkman Centre,
with a performance of Alma Rosé: From Vienna to Auschwitz. This piece, specially commissioned by the orchestra, is a tribute to
Alma Rosé, a virtuoso violinist and Holocaust
If you are planning to attend this concert,
and you should not miss it, expect more than
a performance of beautiful and poignant
music played by world-class musicians. This
will also be an evening of stories that celebrate the power of music and the strength of
the human spirit, stories about the music
being played and about the musicians playing
the music.
Alma Rosé was born in 1906 to a Viennese
musical dynasty. Her father, Arnold Rosé, was
a violinist and the concertmaster of the Vienna Philharmonic and Opera orchestras; her
mother, Justine Mahler, was the younger sister
of composer Gustav Mahler.
“I believe that people who see and hear her
story will find a way to be better people,” said
Orit Fogel-Shafran, the Raanana Symphonette
Orchestra’s general manager, during an interview with the Bulletin while she was visiting
Ottawa on September 27. “I want to believe it.
Maybe I am naïve, but I can see how it affects
people who work with me.”
Alma became an accomplished violinist in
her own right and established the Waltzing
Girls of Vienna, an orchestra of young women
dressed in gowns, who became famous
throughout Europe. After Austria was annexed by Germany, Alma and her father managed to flee to London, but Alma decided to
return to Europe and continue performing in
order to financially support her father.
In 1942, she was captured in France and
sent to Auschwitz. Sure that she was to be put
to death, she asked to play the violin one last
time. News spread throughout the camp that
the famous violinist had arrived, and the SS
put Alma in charge of a women’s orchestra.
She was able to take a group of young, frightened women, some professionals and some
with only rudimentary musical knowledge,
and turn them into quality musicians whose
performances became their only hope of survival.
They played classical pieces with whatever instruments were available, including
flutes, guitars, mandolins and accordions.
They played at the gates to the camp as prisoners were marched to work. They played in
the bitter cold. They played private concerts
for the infamous Dr. Josef Mengele. The
music was their key to remaining alive and
Alma recognized this, so, whenever she encountered a female prisoner with the least bit
of musical ability, she would adapt a piece to
include her and her instrument. Ultimately, all
of the 50 women in the orchestra survived, except for Alma. She died in Auschwitz, most
likely from food poisoning.
“I don’t know where they took their
(Continued on page 14)
Special concert by
Israeli orchestra
to launch Holocaust
Education Week, Nov. 9
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Page 14 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – October 25, 2010
The Raanana Symphonette Orchestra of Israel will perform, Tuesday, November 9 at the Shenkman Centre in Orleans.
Ottawa concert will be Israeli orchestra’s first in Canada
(Continued from page 13)
strength from,” said Fogel-Shafran.
“You are playing the most delicate piece in the world on a cello to
save your life. Alma could have
saved herself, being who she was,
so known and so admired, but she
didn’t. She saved the others. You
know Christian people have saints.
If we had saints, Alma could have
been a saint. She was born spoiled.
She had everything. She was really
Altruism is a word that can also
describe Fogel-Shafran because, if
not for her, this homage to Alma
Rosé, and, in fact, the very existence
of the Raanana Symphonette Orchestra, would not have been possible.
In 1984, after living in Paris for
two years, Fogel-Shafran, an Israeli,
returned to Israel and joined a group
called the Israel Forum.
“My drive is to have a stronger
Israel,” she said. “I think that a land
without culture is not a land. A land
that does not recognize its own culture doesn’t have an existence.”
It was a time of massive immigration of Soviet Jews to Israel. By
chance, a piano tuner she hired
asked her to help his friend, a violinist, immigrate to Israel. She did
and, through him, met many gifted
Russian musicians who wanted
nothing more than to continue being
musicians in their new lives.
“[Being a] musician is not something you just try,” said FogelShafran. “If someone is a true musician, he has only two options. He
can be a musician or a depressed
person. He cannot be anything else.
I thought it was not right to not take
this unbelievable gift we got from
the former Soviet Union, in culture,
education and willingness, and
transform it into what is so needed
in our county: education, experience
and culture.”
In 1990, along with a handful of
fellow Israel Forum members,
Fogel-Shafran established the
Raanana Symphonette Orchestra,
with the special goal of not just
playing music, but also relaying Israeli cultural history.
“Part of our heritage is Jewish
heritage and part of our heritage is
the Holocaust,” she said. “This is
why this orchestra that I started 20
years ago ‘wrote on a flag,’ as we
say in Israel. From day one, we focused on education, Jewish heritage
and Holocaust memory.”
Word was spread through advertising on Russian-language radio
programs and Russian-language
newspapers. Fogel-Shafran set up
phone lines in her house to schedule
auditions and enlisted her Russian
babysitter, and even her young son,
to answer the calls.
“Mother, another Boris is on the
phone,” her son repeatedly told her.
They held 600 auditions over
three weeks and selected 42 musicians. Now, 20 years later, the orchestra is thriving. It performs its
unique blend of classical music and
original cultural and historical
pieces like Alma Rosé: From Vienna to Auschwitz at more than 400
concerts annually in Israel and
around the world. Many of the concerts are performed for children.
The orchestra has hosted prominent international classical musicians and vocalists, and has also
played with such contemporary
artists as Ray Charles, Stevie Wonder and the Manhattan Transfer. The
Ottawa concert will be the first time
the orchestra has performed in
“If you look at cultural life in Israel 20 years ago, you will see how
everything was enriched unbelievably from this aliyah,” said FogelShafran about the influx of Russians. “This aliyah was one of our
biggest blessings. You feel a better
person when you are exposed to
these unbelievable people.”
The Raanana Symphonette Orchestra of Israel’s performance of
Alma Rose: From Vienna to
Auschwitz takes place Tuesday, November 9, 7:30 pm at the Shenkman
Centre, 245 Centrum Boulevard in
Orleans. Tickets are $18.
Call 613-580-2700 for tickets or
The story behind the story of Alma Rosé
By Benita Baker
In 1946, Canadian music critic
Richard Newman met and befriended an Austrian musician who later
became a music professor at the
University of Western Ontario. His
name was Alfred Rosé and he was
Alma’s brother. Although Rosé
talked about his impressive musical
family and his escape from the
Nazis, he rarely mentioned his sister Alma.
Rosé asked Newman to serve as
co-executor of his estate, which
contained a large collection of
Mahler and Rosé memorabilia, including more than 60 letters sent
from Alma to her brother. When Alfred died in 1975, the collection
was donated to the University of
Western Ontario Music Library
and, while helping to organize it,
Newman uncovered Alma’s letters.
Intrigued by her spirit, he spent the
next 22 years researching Alma’s
life. In 2000, he published a biography Alma Rosé: Vienna to
Orit Fogel-Shafran came across
the book in an airport bookstore.
She knew immediately that the orchestra should honour Alma’s memory. Even before it was clear what
that would be, she inserted Alma’s
photo, with the caption “Homage to
Alma Rosé,” in the orchestra’s program for the upcoming year.
This announcement prompted a
phone call from a man who told
Fogel-Shafran that his mother, who
had just died, was a musician in
Alma’s orchestra in Auschwitz. He
introduced Fogel-Shafran to another of Alma’s musicians, Hilde
Grunbaum-Zimche, who copied the
notes every time Alma revised a
piece to accommodate a new member and a new instrument.
Hilde spent her days at the bedside of her sick husband. The orchestra had, by now, retained a
young composer to create the
homage to Alma, so the composer
sat with Hilde in the hospital and
listened while Hilde reconstructed
from memory the music played in
At the same time, Fogel-Shafran
was contacted by Amnon Weinstein, an Israeli violinmaker and
collector, who took her to a vault
that stored his collection of violins
that were played by concentration
camp inmates.
“When you do this concert, I
want the first violinist to play one of
these,” he said. Fogel-Shafran
hopes the violin will make the journey to Ottawa, but is unsure if it
The Canadian connection to
Alma Rosé is very meaningful to
“It’s much more than just a concert,” she said. “It is part of the
The Israeli Embassy has invited
author Richard Newman to attend
the Ottawa concert, although his
health may not allow him to make
the journey here.
The Embassy is also in discussions with the University of Western Ontario Music Library to have
copies of some of the Mahler-Rosé
memorabilia, including Alma’s letters, on display.
Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – October 25, 2010 – Page 15
Page 16 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – October 25, 2010
SJCC indoor pool reopens after extensive renovations
By Pamela Rosenberg
Soloway JCC
The indoor saltwater pool at
the Soloway Jewish Community
Centre (JCC) reopened at 6:00 am
on October 13 after being closed
for the summer while it was repaired and retiled.
The pool had been closed since
mid-June to fix the continuous
problem of lifting tiles. While
maintenance and pool staff did
their best to fix problem spots as
they happened and avoid a full
closure, there was a limit to what
could be done while the pool was
open and filled.
Once the decision was made
that a major renovation was best
for the longevity of the pool, and
for the well-being of our members, the pool was drained, tiles
were removed, the concrete blasted, patched and repaired, and a
new membrane was applied.
In addition to all the necessary
repairs, the shutdown was an opportunity to make some improvements. The pool repair crew added
expansion joints between the tiles
that will help prevent tiles from
lifting in the future, and smaller,
textured tiles were added to the
steps, ramp and whirlpool for traction. The pole in the pool was
retiled, mostly in black, making it
much more visible to swimmers.
The pool now has dark lines at
the bottom of the ramp and anywhere the depth changes to indicate where the pool drops off.
The Soloway JCC indoor pool welcomes swimmers back to the water after four months of extensive renovations.
(Photo: Pamela Rosenberg)
Aquatics Manager Robin Jordan
says this is a “fabulous idea and it
is great for the lifeguards to point
out to swimmers, especially kids,
where the drop-off is and let them
know what areas to avoid or be
aware of.”
And, while the pool was get-
ting a facelift, the whirlpool was
also upgraded with new jets and
pumps, which will make more
bubbles in the water.
Aside from some hotel pools,
the Soloway JCC still has the only
saltwater pool in the city. The saltwater makes for a better swim-
ming experience without the dry
itchy skin, red eyes and smell associated with chlorine.
Now, with what essentially is a
brand new pool, the aquatics department is back in business,
swimming lessons are in full
swing, and Aquafit participants
Wounded Israeli soldiers visit Ottawa
A group of disabled Israeli army veterans
toured Ottawa, October 7, during their twoweek visit to Canada.
Every year, a group of wounded veterans
who have been rehabilitated at the Beit
Halochem centres in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv,
Israeli Ambassador Miriam Ziv chats with several of the disabled Israeli army vet(Photo: Robin Chernick)
erans during a luncheon at her residence.
Haifa and Nahariya visits Canada under the
auspices Aid to Disabled Veterans of Israel
(ADVI): Beit Halochem Canada.
are back in the water.
For more information on
everything happening in the
Soloway JCC Aquatics Department, contact Robin Jordan
at 613-798-9818, ext. 377, or
[email protected], or visit
The day in Ottawa included a luncheon
hosted by Israeli Ambassador Miriam Ziv at
her residence and dinner at the home of
Dorothy Nadolny.
A group of the veterans congratulates Ruth Aaron who has organized the Ottawa
(Photo: Robin Chernick)
leg of the ADVI visits for 25 years.
Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – October 25, 2010 – Page 17
‘Status quo not an option,’
Tzipi Livni says in Toronto
By Sheldon Kirshner
Canadian Jewish News
Toronto – Israel should
pursue peace talks with the
Palestinian Authority so that
its future as a Jewish democratic state can be assured, said
Israeli Opposition Leader
Tzipi Livni at a Toronto UJA
event, October 6.
“This process must be
continued,” declared Livni,
who as deputy prime minister and foreign minister in Israel’s previous government,
led talks with the Palestinian
Authority for nine months
until they collapsed after Israel’s invasion of the Gaza
Strip in January 2009.
“The status quo is not an
option,” she added in an implicit critique of Israel’s current government, led by
Prime Minister Benjamin
A peaceful resolution of
Israel’s conflict with the
Palestinians is in Israel’s national self-interest, said
Livni, leader of the centrist
Kadima party.
Only peace can ensure
that Israel will remain Jewish
as well as democratic, she
Livni, who left Likud in
2005 along with former
prime minister Ariel Sharon,
pledged to give Netanyahu
political support if he takes
the “right steps” toward
“Time is of the essence,”
she noted. “We have to make
tough decisions.”
On a speaking tour in the
United States prior to her
visit to Toronto, Livni urged
Netanyahu to make “the necessary decisions” required to
keep talks with the Palestinians going, and warned that a
“blow up” of negotiations
would have grave consequences for Israel.
Livni said two diametrically opposing “visions” of
Israel’s future are in play in
Israel today.
The first envisages Jews
living in the entire Land of
Israel, including the West
Bank, while the second envisages Israel as a Jewish and
a democratic state.
“These are two different
visions,” she said, defining
the debate that has raged in
Israel since the Six Day War.
“We have to decide what vision we want.”
“In my vision, Israel
should be a Jewish and a democratic state,” she asserted,
suggesting that an absence of
peace would transform Israel
into a binational state, the
worst-case scenario.
Fleshing out her definition of a Jewish state, Livni
said it should hew to Jewish
values, traditions, symbols
and holidays without becoming a theocracy, respect differences, uphold the importance of diversity and make it
possible for non-Jews to become part of the Jewish people through conversion to Judaism.
In an apparent dig at the
Orthodox rabbinic establishment in Israel, which takes a
dim view of Reform and
Conservative Judaism, Livni
said, “Israel has to respect
Jewish life outside Israel.”
She added that the Orthodox in Israel, “unfortunately,” are unwilling to respect
“the diversity of the Jewish
Saying she came to
Toronto as “a Jew,” and “a
Jewish mother,” rather than
as a politician, Livni thanked
Canadian Jews for supporting Israel during these “difficult times.”
She said her reason for
entering politics was to leave
her children the legacy of a
secure Israel, with democratic values, living at peace with
its Arab neighbours.
Surveying the current political landscape, she said a
“huge gap” has opened up
between Israel and its image
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abroad, a gap that must be
Livni said Israel is being
subjected to “a process of
delegitimization,” a phenomenon that affected her directly more than a year ago,
when she was forced to cancel a trip to Britain or face
the prospect of being arrested
as an alleged war criminal.
Saying that Israel must
confront this challenge to its
existence, Livni warned that
delegitimization affects its
ability to defend itself.
In a reference to an incident last May, during which
Israeli commandos killed
nine Turkish activists aboard
a Turkish ship trying to break
Israel’s siege of the Gaza
Strip, Livni claimed they
were acting in self-defence.
Israel does not deliberately target civilians, she said.
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Tamir acknowledges with sincere thanks the following donations,
which were received as of September 29, 2010.
Mazeltov to:
Mrs. Wendy Green on her birthday by
Debbie, Norm and Vicky Ferkin
Mr. Eddie Kerzner on his 75th birthday
by Debbie, Norm and Vicky Ferkin and by
Rachel, Howard, Davida and Josh Schachter
Mrs. Blanche Osterer on being awarded
the Shem Tov Community Volunteer Award
by Irene Waxman, Sandy, Gerry, Chad, Ruth
and Rian Bayne
Mr. Jay Dover on his 80th birthday by
Roz and Lee Raskin
Judith and Gerald Goldstein on the
marriage of Sarah and Grant by Margaret
and David Delicate
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Levitan on the birth
of their grandson by Marcia and Stephen
Mr. and Mrs. W. Cleiman on the birth
of their grandson by Marcia and Stephen
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Katz on their
60th wedding anniversary by Evelyn and
Norman Potechin and by Debbie, Norm and
Vicky Ferkin
Zelaine and Sol Shinder on their 50th
wedding anniversary by Debbie and Norm
Ferkin and by Sharon and Paul Finn
Marcia and Barry Cantor on Jeremy’s
wedding by Sharon and Paul Finn and family
Rita and Ben Gerstein on their 40th
wedding anniversary by Sharon, Sol, Noah
and Kayla Reichstein
Mrs. Phyllis Sadowski on her special
birthday by Irene Waxman
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Benovoy on
David’s marriage by Judi and Ed Kerzner
Linda and Stephen Weiner on their
45th wedding anniversary and their birthdays by Deb, Norm and Vicky Ferkin
Brian and Lynn Keller on the birth of
their grandson Sawyer by Sally Taller
Burt and Jackie Gorenstein on their
50th wedding anniversary by Lily and Jerry
Rae and Ernie Goldstein on Lauren’s
engagement by Sharon and Paul Finn
Mrs. Libby Katz on her special birthday
by Evelyn and Norman Potechin
Refuah Shlemah to:
Mrs. Dorothy Hymes by Judi and Eddie
Mrs. Claire Johnson by Lois and Jerry
In Memory of:
Uncle of Potechin Family by Debbie
and Norm Ferkin and by Gdalyah and Florence Rosenfeld
Don Heaslip by Participants, Staff and
Board of Directors of Tamir; by Ruby and
Wes Shortt; by Betty and Rod Newkirk; by
Orval and Aletha Brown; by Irene and Roy
Sletcher; by William and Heather Smith; by
Margaret Jones; by Suzanne and Paul Scott;
and by Gail and Charles Wendell
Donald Hyman by Brian Gorman and
Family; by Deborah and Louis Davis; by Nita
and Simon Jacobson; and by Betty Landes
Reuben Lightstone by Miriam and
Michael Leber and Family
Carolyn Bercusson by Sharon, Sol,
Noah and Kayla Reichstein and by Caroline
and David Buchler and Family
Abraham Davis by Lily and Jerry
Penso; by Marcia and Stephen Aronson; and
by Sharon and Paul Finn
Michael Broitman by Nancy and Sharon
Rosenberg and family
Sister of Yossi Amor by Yvette and
Henry Dahan; and by Paul and Sharon Finn
Paul Zittell by Harris and Siobhan Stein
Mother of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gottlieb
by Sharon, Sol, Noah and Kayla Reichstein
Brother of Linda and Ron Rowat by
Debbie, Norm and Vicky Ferkin
Mother of Maxine Rabinovitch by
Seline and Howard Yegendorf
Lilliane Rose by Faye and Arnold
Al Moss by Leslie Perley and Selma
Tennenhouse and by Faye and Arnold
Edith Sporn by Sharon and Paul Finn
Father of Liz Vered by Sharon and Paul
Finn and Family
In appreciation to Mrs. Ruth Frisch for
hosting the cousins’ reunion by Sharon, Sol,
Noah and Kayla Reichstein
In observance of the yartzeit of a beloved
mother Anna Lazear Saslove by Sonia and
Sheldon Shaffer
Wishing Judy and Eddie Kerzner good
health and a Happy New Year by Lois and
Jerry Nudelman and by Lisa and Sam
In appreciation to Norm and Evelyn
Potechin by Florence, Gdalyah, Anita and
Congratulations to Debbie and Norm
Ferkin for the great job on the Tamir golf
tournament and wishing them a Happy New
Year by Lois and Jerry Nudelman
Wishing Betty Baylin, Carol and Norman
Zagerman, and Evelyn and Joseph Lieff a
Happy and Healthy New Year by Isabel and
Norm Lesh
In appreciation and with best wishes for a
Happy and Healthy New Year to Barbara
Kagedan and to Evelyn Cooperstein by Jerry
and Lily Penso
Donation cards can be purchased for a minimum charge of $18.00 by contacting the Tamir office at 613-7253519, 11 Nadolny Sachs Private, Suite 218, Ottawa, Ontario, K2A 1R9, or by e-mail to [email protected].
Page 18 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – October 25, 2010
Author Elan Divon compares
Biblical and Hindu traditions
By Jane Gordon
for CICF
Elan Divon, author of the
groundbreaking new book,
Reaching Beyond the Religious, spoke at the Soloway
Jewish Community Centre,
on September 26, at an event
co-sponsored by the Canada-Israel Cultural Foundation (CICF) and the Vered
Israel Cultural and Educational Program.
Divon, the son of Chaim
Divon, Israel’s former ambassador to Canada, lives in
Toronto with his wife, Jordana, and is a religious
scholar and entrepreneur in
the field of conflict resolution. He is a co-founder of
Peace Camp Canada, which
annually brings Israeli and
Palestinian teens to Ottawa
for a program aimed at
Elan explained that his
new book is a comparison
between the Biblical and
Hindu traditions. Weaving
between mythology and reality, East and West, the
book unearths seven universal themes from across the
religious spectrum and applies them to the complexities of modern day life.
From Genesis, Job and
the story of the Hindu god,
Shiva, to the dramatic presidential primary campaign
between Hillary Clinton and
Barack Obama; from the life
(From left) Jordana Divon, Norm Barwin of the CICF
and Maxine Miska of the Soloway JCC watch as Elan
Divon signs copies of his new book following his presentation, September 26.
stories of Biblical patriarchs
and Hindu icons to those of
such contemporary personalities as J.K. Rowling,
Michael Jordan and Warren
Buffett, the book applies the
teachings of the past to the
present, while exploring humankind’s most pressing
and difficult questions.
Further information on
Divon and his book is available at elandivon.com.
The evening began with a
welcome from Norman Barwin, president of the Ottawa
Chapter of the CICF.
CICF has a distinct role
to play in the Ottawa Jewish
Community, serving as a
cultural bridge between
Canada and Israel. CICF,
with the Embassy of Israel,
seeks to present to Canadians the cultural activities of
Israel and provide a forum
for Canadian artists to present to Israelis. We support
music, literature, graphic
and performing arts, and
provide funds and scholarships to enable young people
to study in Israel, the U.S.A.
and Canada. As well, we
offer a variety of quality
programs to our members in
For more information
about CICF or to become a
member, contact Tova Clark
at 613-722-4645 or Ruth
Calof at 613-523-1600.
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Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – October 25, 2010 – Page 19
ANADA invi
ites you to a special
special event
ng the F
acee of Critical
Criitical Illness
Imagin e tthe
h e world’s
world ’s ssmallest
m a ll e s t c
om pute r tthat
hat identifies
i d e n ti fi e s
ha nges in
in molecules,
molecules , programmed
program m e d with
with medical
m e dic al
nowle dge tto
iagn ose d
if f e re n t d
iseases a
nd d
elive r tthe
e q uisite drugs.
drugs .
rof. Ehud
E h u d Shapiro
S h a pi ro a world-renowned
world - re nown e d scientist
scie ntist from
f ro m
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Weizma nn IInstitute
nstitute of
of Science
S cie nce and
and h
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such a prototype.
protot ype . They
Th ey have
have also
also developed
d e ve l o p e d a
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ethod ffor
or rreconstructing
e construc ting a cell’s
cell ’s family
family tree,
tre e , which
wh ich
h ey believe
believe can
c a n eventually
eve ntually lead
lead us
us to
to the
the root
root of
of cancer.
c a nce r.
Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz has spent 45 years translating and writing commentary on the
entire Talmud.
Global Day of Jewish
Learning, November 7
By Maxine Miska
Soloway JCC
On Sunday, November 7, the Ottawa
Jewish community will have the opportunity to participate in the Global Day of Jewish Learning with 150 communities across
the world via a live satellite transmission.
The program runs from 2:00 to 5:00 pm at
the Soloway Jewish Community Centre
(JCC) and features live panel discussions in
New York City with prominent scholars including Rabbi Harold Kushner, Dr. Ruth
Westheimer and Rabbi Arthur Wascow.
The Global Day of Jewish Learning celebrates the culmination of Rabbi Adin
Steinsaltz’s 45-year quest to translate the
Talmud and unlock its wisdom for modern
Jews. The November 7 date was selected to
coincide with Rabbi Steinsaltz’s completion
of the 45th and final volume of his transla-
tion and commentary on the Talmud, a
monumental task he began in 1965, at age
27. A siyyum (completion ceremony) will
be broadcast live from Jerusalem at 2:15
Rabbi Steinsaltz is a distinguished scholar, teacher, mystic and social critic. He has
written some 60 books and hundreds of articles on the Talmud, Kabbalah and
Chasidut. In addition to his full Modern Hebrew translation, Rabbi Steinsaltz has translated parts of the Talmud into English,
Spanish, French and Russian. His own
works have been translated into English,
Russian, French, Portuguese, Spanish,
Swedish, Italian, Chinese and Japanese.
There is no charge for this program. For
more information, contact me at
[email protected] or 613-798-9818,
ext. 263.
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SVP: [email protected]
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Page 20 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – October 25, 2010
An entertaining look
at Middle East peacemaking
How to Make Peace in the Middle East
in Six Months or Less Without Leaving Your Apartment
By Gregory Levey
Free Press
270 pages
The longstanding strife in the Middle East is a clear preoccupation of many a global citizen including Gregory Levey,
the Canadian who served as a speechwriter in the offices of Israeli prime ministers Ariel Sharon and Ehud Olmert, and
whose previous book is Shut Up, I’m Talking: And Other
Diplomacy Lessons I Learned in the Israeli Government. In
claiming that his goal is to bring peace to the region in six
months “without leaving his apartment,” Levey takes us on a
lighthearted romp through the landscape of Israeli-Palestinian
Anyone who follows the politics of the conflict fairly
closely won’t learn a whole lot from this book. Levey’s main
aim seems to be to entertain, while gently, but laudably, forcing himself and his readers to publicly examine some of their
political and emotional assumptions. His sometimes inconsistent reactions to different points of view – something he acknowledges – speak to the natural human tendency to mentally play devil’s advocate.
In the entertainment category, Levey – now teaching professional communication at Ryerson University – delivers.
The writing is jaunty. The anecdotes are humorous, with
Levey casting himself as the butt of many jokes.
Levey does leave his apartment, of course, with his main
strategy being to speak to as many of the conflict actors and
stakeholders as he can. This takes him from unanswered calls
to American diplomats (though he does play e-mail tag with a
White House contact, at least), to AIPAC to J Street to the International Solidarity Movement to the Palestinian Mission to
the fringe-right Jewish Defense League. Towards the end of
the book, he acknowledges that he managed to reach more Israeli and Jewish groups than those on the Palestinian side.
This is indeed a shortcoming, though not a fatal one.
In trying to present a crisply humorous narrative, the book
relies on a fairly superficial presentation of events. Young Diaspora Jews, in particular, very well may relate to his earnest
attempt to learn more about the other side, and even more
about his own. But the reader is left bereft of context in some
places. For example, the Israeli policy of demolishing Palestinian houses suspected of “aiding in terrorism” is not quite
right: while Israel’s house demolition policy is arguably a
form of deterrence, it is post-hoc. It is meant to destroy the
house of the attacker’s family – whether or not the house itself was being used as a terrorism “aid” – a form of collective
The book was written at a crucial time in the American
Middle East lobby landscape: that of the arrival of the more
left-wing J Street on the scene. This section is particularly
good in reminding the reader of the genesis of that group, and
in fleshing out the breadth of Diaspora Jewish views on Israel.
The back-to-back interviews with one of the authors of the
controversial book The Israel Lobby, and Anti-Defamation
League head Abe Foxman, is particularly illuminating for
newcomers to the debate on the role and perception of lobbying for Israel. The book might have been more successful had
it relied on the Diaspora lens alone (either Jewish or both Jewish and Palestinian), to allow for more depth, even if a narrower scope.
There is plenty of lightness to accompany the political descriptions. Levey sends away for “peacemaker” boxer shorts
that he longs for like a mediator’s Holy Grail. He attempts to
find success at the PeaceMaker and Second Life video games
(the discussion of the latter is brief, but particularly intriguing)
Book Review
before he sets out on his real-life quest. He describes his relationship with his long-suffering but good-humoured wife, and
tries to get his Lebanese grocer to open up about politics while
he buys copious amounts of second-rate produce.
A more analytically ambitious book might have taken the
reader through some of the “theories” of peacemaking that the
book jacket promises. The “why” of the conflict question is
not really addressed.
Still, I may very well assign the book to students taking my
undergraduate course in Israeli-Palestinian relations at Carleton University. If you can master this spare text and manage
to learn more of the context surrounding these issues through
outside observation, you can have a pretty good time with
Levey’s amusing offering.
Will it help you make peace in that troubled region? Probably not.
But, it may be a start in thinking about how to understand
the perspectives coming from each corner of the war-ofwords, at least, and add a little more clarity to the stories each
actor is trying desperately to convey to the other.
What I learned early on
about being a Christian
I have the outward veneer of being Jewish. But, underneath it all, after growing up with Christians and Christian
symbols all around me, I think I might have a Christian cultural base, which occasionally emerges. I know this because every time I’ve hit my thumb with a hammer or
burned my tongue on hot tea, I did not scream out, “Holy
No, when I feel great pain or surprise, I yell, “Jesus
This is almost automatic. I sometimes wonder if rabbis
who grew up in downtown Toronto might not yell out the
same thing. This would be highly embarrassing, especially
in front of members of the congregation, but I can already
feel some of you imagining it.
I learned early on that Jesus was a nice guy. I even
picked up that he was Jewish. The teachers and preachers
at our public school tried to convince me that some baby in
a manger was God, but I was having none of it. All that
seemed very girly to me, and to my friends who were all
Christian. If there had been action figures, we would have
preferred the angry Jesus who went around turning over tables, or the miraculous Jesus who could walk on water. It
fed my secret rebelliousness to picture his mother trying to
make Jesus take a bath. “Stop staying on top of the water!”
When I told my mother the story of Jesus surprising all
the rabbis with his learning around his Bar Mitzvah, all she
said was, “See. You could do that too, if you went to cheder instead of playing hooky with your friends.”
I learned “Jesus Loves Me” in Grade 1, but the tune was
too namby-pamby. I preferred “Onward Christian Soldiers.”
We learned the Lord’s Prayer and, when my parents
heard what I had to say, they were not particularly upset – it
sounded a lot like the English translation of Jewish prayers
we said in synagogue. It was the teachers themselves who
started to be very concerned that I was feeling uncomfortable, so they offered to excuse me. But, I hated being singled out, so I just stayed and mumbled the thing just loud
Humour me,
Rubin Friedman
enough for the other kids to hear me saying something.
I learned other tricks as I grew older. “God Rest Ye
Merry Gentlemen” now had the line “Remember what’s his
name was born on Christmas Day.” As long I didn’t say it
too loud, no one noticed.
The great thing about being Christian was you got all
those presents at Christmas time – actual toys instead of a
silver dollar for Chanukah gelt. This is called comparative
religion. I loved to go out carolling because you got more
chocolate than at Halloween. And, I learned later, Halloween wasn’t even Christian! None of my Christian buddies would have believed it! My great moral lesson from
carolling in winter was never to eat yellow snow because it
could make you sick.
My neighbour, my older brother’s best friend, took me
to Sunday school a few times, where I learned more hymns
from the United Church song book. I remember being fascinated by “Bringing in the Sheaves” because I had no idea
what sheaves were or why you would want to bring them
in. And, it was good to know that we had a friend in Jesus. I
thought I would rather be his friend when he started getting
angry and throwing around some of those miracles. Ah,
such innocence!
I cannot help knowing these things. When I was four
and the rabbi asked what my favourite song was, I said
“Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.” So, if you ever hear
me yell “Jesus Christ,” just turn the other cheek, and ear,
and pretend you didn’t hear it.
Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – October 25, 2010 – Page 21
To my fellow progressives
A letter to my fellow progressives, whoever you are, and
however defined:
Do you feel there is a place for you in your local Jewish
community? How do you try to effect change? We hear a lot
about tensions between different ethnic, religious or political
communities. But, lately, I’ve been seeing dynamics between
subgroups within our local communities that threaten to be
just as toxic in their effects on identity and belonging.
A community, of course, is a collection of people and institutions dedicated to a common goal and linked by a shared
identity. Healthy communities, like healthy executive bodies,
encourage diversity of opinion. Allowing for constructive criticism means decisions are less likely to fall prey to groupthink, a pathology that can lead to dangerous outcomes.
Ottawa’s Jewish community is happily diverse. Almost
every theological denomination is represented in our array of
synagogues. By my count, only Jewish Renewal is missing.
The Soloway Jewish Community Centre (SJCC) plays host to
Orthodox and secular Jews – and everyone in between – enjoying leisure time together (not to mention the many nonJews who are SJCC members). In Ottawa, there are Jews from
different parts of the world, with different sexual orientations,
different material proclivities, different family configurations
and different political views.
Political philosopher Charles Taylor recently wrote in the
Globe and Mail (All for one, and one for all, September 30)
about the important challenge that democracies have in counting all subgroups as their own. Importantly, he also notes that
each subgroup must embrace the country as central to its own
mission and identity.
The Tea Party movement currently animating the American right engages in the kinds of tactics that Taylor and many
other thoughtful commentators warn against: casting stones at
the “establishment” behind entrenchments, rather than building bridges toward common solutions. Are progressives here
becoming like Tea Partiers?
Those who feel disenfranchised claim alienation from a
homogeneous – perhaps a code word for conservative – mainstream. But, just as often, those who feel on the margins unhelpfully perpetuate a bogeyman version of the so-called middle.
“The Jewish papers don’t represent me.” To which I ask
whether these individuals and organizations actually advertise
and send press releases about their activities and events.
“The parent body at a given community school isn’t like
me.” To which I ask whether these individuals have actually
engaged these parents in conversation.
Another area is in discussions of affiliation. “Our organization serves the unaffiliated,” I have heard some say. Curious
– I would think that any Jewish institution should consider
that its clients are as Jewishly affiliated as those of any other.
In fact, perhaps we should consider doing away with the
affiliation label altogether and, instead, talk in terms of service
provision. How many clients are we educating, informing or
providing a spiritual home? And, how many of those clients
are making donations or volunteering? Whether or not our
donors are members of any particular institution, their contribution of time or money, or simply availing themselves of a
program, should grant them the coveted label of the affiliated.
On the positive side, a recent example is a conversation I
had with a friendly gym acquaintance. We are both fans of the
novels of Philip Roth. But, it seems we don’t agree on a certain issue about which I’ve been vocal. Last week, he approached me to talk about it. As the conversation progressed,
Values, Ethics,
I realized the difference was more of perspective rather than
merely attitude. This was an important insight that might provide traction in breaking the impasse.
Naturally, I was disappointed that not everyone in my community sees things the way I do. But, more than that, I was
heartened that we were actually discussing these differences.
By airing disparate views, we were affirming our joint partnership in building and maintaining community.
In dysfunctional systems, individuals with different perspectives ignore or vilify each other. In healthy communities,
such individuals look each other in the eye. “Talk to the hand,
because the face ain’t listening!” sings a character in The
Jerry Springer Opera, the musical send-up of the polarized
culture of discourse that defines contemporary society.
As I have written before, we progressives – as fraught and
imperfect a label as that is – do not have a monopoly on tolerance and open-mindedness. The establishment, what we
might think of in 1960s terms as the man – or, in Jewish terms,
as the mensch – might just have something to offer.
But, first, we each have to stake out our place in this community, rather than pre-emptively deciding it’s not for us because we assume others hold different views. There is a chair
at the table waiting for each of us. Then we must thoughtfully and deliberately talk and listen, as we help to shape that
mensch in our own image.
Suddenly Jewish: The Roma Baran story
What do the following people have in common: the president of Air Canada; the owners of the Ringling Brothers Circus and Disney on Ice; an alleged mistress of Tiger Woods;
the Hungarian-born Jew who fled Vienna before the war and
became wealthy, introducing Levis jeans to Europe; and the
current United States assistant secretary of the Treasury for
economic policy?
If you guessed they are the next contestants on Dancing
with the Stars or American Idol, you are incorrect. The right
answer is that they all appear on my family tree, some of the
many discoveries I’ve made in the course of my research.
While I was surprised to uncover these things, they are all
about other people, not about me. I know who I am, where my
parents and I were born and live, as most of us living here in
Ottawa in 2010 do. What if the surprises you discover are not
only about your relatives, but, more importantly, about who
you are? The following story illustrates that point.
I first heard about Roma Baran at the 2009 Jewish Genealogical Conference in Philadelphia. I was attending a luncheon put on by the Gesher Galicia group, an international organization that unites those researching their Jewish roots in
Galicia. Galicia today encompasses parts of Eastern Poland
and Western Ukraine. The main speaker at the luncheon was
someone I had never heard of, but her story was one of the
most moving things I have experienced since I began doing
genealogy. The presentation was what I remember the most
from the many sessions I attended at the conference. When
she spoke, the 150-plus people were silent, as everyone was
affected greatly by her tale.
In August of 2008, the year before the conference, Roma
Baran was 61 years old. She was born in Poland, and came to
Canada with her parents at a very young age. Roma grew up
Catholic in Montreal and is an accomplished musician and an
attorney. In her early years in the music industry, she played
with Penny Lang, Kate and Anna McGarrigle, and Bill Garrett. Later, she moved to New York City, where, for the past
the branches
John Diener
couple of decades, she has enjoyed a successful career as a
music producer. Several albums she’s produced have received
Grammy nominations. As well, a documentary film she produced was nominated for an Academy Award.
On that day, Roma received an e-mail from a genealogist
that changed her life forever.
The e-mail didn’t make any sense to her at first as it talked
about her being Jewish. While she initially thought that maybe
the writer had her confused with someone else, there was
enough in it that was correct to make her want to find out
more. In the e-mail, the researcher was looking for heirs to a
small estate of a Holocaust survivor. By this time, her parents
had passed away, so the intrigued Roma hopped a plane to
Montreal to visit her old Uncle Zygmunt.
In Montreal, Roma showed the e-mail to her uncle. After a
little persuasion, the truth was revealed to her.
Roma’s parents were both Jewish, from prominent Jewish
Polish families, and had survived the Holocaust by changing
their identities. In 1949, the family moved to Israel and reverted to their Jewish surname. But two years later, they decided to immigrate to Canada and settle in Montreal. Perhaps
the experiences of wartime Poland and the Holocaust caused
Roma’s parents to feel anxious about living as Jews in Quebec, so, once again, they took on the role of Polish Catholics
that had enabled them to survive the Shoah.
Obviously, Roma was shocked. She had lived virtually her
whole life as a Catholic. She wasn’t religious; nevertheless,
she had celebrated six decades of Christmases. How could her
parents have done this to her? Uncle Zygmunt told Roma he
promised them he would never reveal the truth to her, and, of
course, he now felt uneasy about confessing.
The journey had begun. Roma had to find out more about
herself, and about her family’s past. Immediately, she began to
use the Internet and, through JewishGen, actually found
cousins. This was fantastic as she had grown up thinking there
was no extended family. She also connected with genealogical researcher David Semmel, who was moved by her story,
and began to help her untangle the mystery.
Over the next few months, with the assistance of Jewish
genealogists, and by visiting Israel, Roma was able to discover a wealth of information about the two Jewish sides of her
family. She discovered that childhood pictures of her she possessed all of her life, supposedly taken in Europe, were actually taken in Israel. She also discovered that she was related to
a prominent Polish rabbi, as well as to one of the leaders of the
Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.
Roma Baran in Ottawa
The Jewish Genealogical Society of Ottawa has announced
that Roma has agreed to come to Ottawa to tell her very moving story. Her powerful presentation is filled with pictures,
maps and documents that demonstrate how she figured out
who she actually is. She will trace her parents’ war-time escape from the Przemysl Ghetto to Tarnawa, Krakow, and other
towns, and their post-war journeys to Israel and Canada. She
will also examine the emotional consequences of uncovering
family secrets of such staggering proportions.
Roma will be speaking at the Soloway Jewish Community
Centre on Monday, November 8, 7:30 pm. For further information on her story, or for anything related to Jewish genealogy, contact Hymie Reichstein at [email protected] or
me at [email protected]..
Page 22 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – October 25, 2010
Farro and Pine Nut
This recipe was created by Chef Max Mackissock
of the Squeaky Bean in Denver.
I discovered it on epicurious.com and made it
when my family visited at the cottage this summer.
I had lots of help from my niece Kailey, who, by
the way, has unbelievable knife skills for a nine-yearold!
As an added bonus, the recipe calls for the addition of chick peas, which my sister Bonnie believes
makes everything taste better. In this instance, I have
to agree with her.
2 tablespoons pine nuts
1 cup farro, rinsed and drained
1 teaspoon kosher salt
2 large heirloom or beefsteak tomatoes
1 small cucumber
1 clove garlic, finely minced
1/2 small red onion, cut into 1/2-inch pieces
1 cup canned chickpeas, rinsed and drained
3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
Juice from 1 lemon
3/4 cup chopped fresh Italian parsley
1/2 small jalapeño chile, seeded
and finely chopped
Preheat oven to 350 F. Toast pine nuts on baking
sheet until golden brown, about 6 minutes.
Set aside.
Combine 4 cups cold water, 1 teaspoon kosher salt
and 1 cup farro in a large saucepan. Bring to a boil
and then turn the heat down to a simmer so that the
mixture bubbles gently.
Taste after about 20 minutes. The grains should be
cooked until al dente or chewy. If they still seem too
hard cook for another 5-10 minutes until desired texture is reached. If the farro is done and any liquid remains in the pot, just drain.
Cut tomatoes into 1/4 inch dice and place in large
bowl. Dice cucumber into 1/4 inch pieces and add to
Add garlic, onion, chickpeas and cooked farro.
Add olive oil, lemon juice, parsley and jalapeno and
stir to combine. Add salt and pepper to taste. Just before serving, sprinkle on toasted pine nuts.
Can’t help falling for farro
No, not that Pharaoh! Farro is a Roman grain, cultivated originally by European farmers as far back as 5,000
BCE. Although it is ancient, it seems to be the new darling
of the culinary world and is making a big-time comeback.
I accidentally stumbled across it when I was doing a
search for tabbouleh on epicurious.com and found a recipe
for Farro and Pine Nut Tabbouleh. Intrigued, I printed it
out and put it in my ‘to try’ pile.
The next week, I was watching Giada De Laurentiis on
the Food Network and she made Cheesy Baked Farro, essentially macaroni and cheese, but with farro instead of
Now my curiosity was definitely piqued. I had to try
this grain. However, getting hold of farro was no simple
task. I called around to Bulk Barn, Rainbow Foods, Natural Food Pantry and Kardish Bulk Food. Two of them
said they had never heard of farro, while the other two said
that, in Canada, farro was sold under the name ‘spelt.’
Then, remembering that farro was Italian, I called Nicastros. Yes, they told me, they sell ‘farro in chichi.’
I came back from Nicastros with two boxes of farro.
Both were imported from Italy. One is made by Martelli
and the other by Pantanella.
Interestingly, on the ingredient list of one box, it says,
“100% Spelt.” On the other box it says, “100% Farro,
Spelt, Epautre.”
with Love
Cindy Feingold
What? No wonder people are confused. I decided to
consult Mark Bittman (or Bitty, as Gwyneth Paltrow calls
him in Spain, on the Road Again on PBS), author of How
to Cook Everything and How to Cook Everything Vegetarian. These books are the modern day equivalent of Joy of
Of course, Bitty cleared things up for me. Farro and
spelt are often confused with each other. Both are ancient
grains from the wheat family. Farro cooks in about 20 to
30 minutes and retains a chewy, toothsome texture, while
spelt takes 60 to 90 minutes to cook and has the tendency
to turn gummy or mushy.
Farro is extremely versatile and can be used in soups,
pilafs, risottos or cold grain salads. It has become my new
comfort food. Plus, it is low in gluten, high in protein,
helps fight insomnia and regulates cholesterol levels. How
could I not fall for farro?
Cheesy Baked Farro
This recipe was created by Giada De Laurentiis on the
Food Network show, Giada at Home.
1/2 stick (1/4 cup) unsalted butter
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
2 cups warm whole milk
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
2 1/2 cups grated Parmesan
1 cup grated Gruyere
1/2 cup Fontina cheese, grated
8 cups water
2 cups farro rinsed and drained
1 teaspoon chopped fresh thyme leaves
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
1/2 cup plain dried bread crumbs
Olive oil, for drizzling
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Spray a 13- by-9
inch baking dish with cooking spray.
For the sauce: In a 2-quart saucepan, melt the butter
over medium heat. Add the flour and whisk until smooth.
Gradually add the warm milk, whisking constantly to
prevent lumps. Simmer over medium heat, whisking constantly, until the sauce is thick and smooth, about 8 minutes (do not allow the mixture to boil). Remove from the
heat and season with salt and pepper, to taste.
In a large bowl, add the cheeses and stir to combine.
Remove 1/2 cup of the mixture and reserve.
In a large stock pot, add the water and bring to a boil
over medium-high heat. Add the farro, reduce heat and
simmer, stirring occasionally, until the farro is tender,
about 25 minutes. Drain, if necessary.
Add the farro, thyme, and sauce to the bowl with the
cheese. Stir until combined and season with salt and pepper, to taste. Pour the mixture into the prepared baking
dish and top with the reserved 1/2 cup of cheese. Sprinkle the top with bread crumbs and drizzle with olive oil.
Bake until the top is golden brown and forms a crust,
about 25 to 30 minutes. Remove from oven and let stand
for 5 minutes before serving.
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Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – October 25, 2010 – Page 23
Our future is in your hands
Ottawa Jewish
In memory of:
Sarah Abrahamson by Roy Abrahamson and Carol
To make a donation and/or send a tribute card,
call Erin Bolling (613-798-4696 ext. 232)
e-mail: [email protected] • website: www.OJCF.ca
Join us in building our community
by supporting these local agencies
In appreciation to:
Robert Greenberg by Solly and Felice
In appreciation to:
Steven and Cindy Poplove by Sarah and
Steven Morgan and family.
Mazal Tov to:
Rabbi and Mrs. Simes on the birth of their
son by Randi, Ian, Jonathan, Matthew and
Adam Sherman.
Thinking of you to:
Noreen Bosloy by Shirley Strean-Hartman.
Birthday wishes to:
Shawna Miller by Dahlia Shabsove.
In memory of:
Irving Adessky by Randi, Ian, Jonathan,
Matthew and Adam Sherman.
The Board of Directors of the Ottawa
Jewish Community Foundation acknowledges with thanks contributions to the following funds as of October 6, 2010.
Mazal Tov to:
Rabbi and Mrs. Fine on the engagement of their
granddaughter by Larry and Sheila Hartman.
Speedy recovery to:
Alan Abelson by Beverley and Irving Swedko.
In memory of:
Zygmund Schipper by the Howard and Sharron and
David and Sharon Appotive families.
R’fuah Sh’lemah to:
Sarah Resnick by Daphne and Stanley Arron.
Birthday wishes to:
Allan Baker on his special birthday by Judi Hoffman.
Thinking of you to:
Claire Bercovitch by Ingrid Levitz and family.
New Year wishes to:
Richard Addelman by Joy Rosenstein.
Jacques and Huguette Acher by Joy Rosenstein.
Birthday wishes to:
Joy Rosenstein by Bonnie, Ronald, Lorraine,
Alexander-Matthew and K.C.
Birthday wishes to:
Donald Cherm by Susan Hart, and by Sylvia and Sol
Birthday wishes to:
Danny Greenberg by Noreen Slack and Gerald
R’fuah Sh’lemah to:
Beverley Cantor by Cynthia Engel.
In memory of:
Irving Adessky by Tal Gilboa, Rob Steiner, Paz,
Ryan, Eitan, Alexandra and Hadar.
Mazal Tov to:
Evelyn and Clifford Silvers on their 50th wedding anniversary by David Waserman and Nancy Trudel.
In appreciation to:
Blanche Shaftel by Susan and Maury Kleinman.
Birthday wishes to:
David Waserman by Susan and Maury Kleinman.
Alex Kurgatnikov by Susan and Maury Kleinman.
In memory of:
Sheldon Shaul by Anita and Ed Landis and family.
Birthday wishes to:
Jeffrey Gould on his special birthday by Judi
Birthday wishes to:
Rose Konick by Stan and Libby Katz.
In memory of:
Irving Adessky by Murray and Linda Greenberg and
George Cohen by Murray and Linda Greenberg.
Mazal Tov to:
Larry and Sheila Hartman on the birth of their grandson by Shirley Strean-Hartman.
R’fuah Sh’lemah to:
Evelyn Lieff by Larry and Sheila Hartman.
In memory of:
Irving Adessky by Dorothy and Hy Hymes.
Speedy recovery to:
Beverley Cantor by Lou and Evelyn Eisenberg.
Mazal Tov to:
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Rothman on the birth of their
twin grandchildren by Lou and Evelyn Eisenberg.
Speedy recovery to:
Noreen Bosloy by Anita and Mike Roodman.
Mazal Tov to:
Allan and Andrea Soloman on the birth of their twin
grandsons by Anita and Mike Roodman.
In memory of:
Esther Goldstein by Paula and Robert Smith.
In memory of:
Esther Goldstein by Arnold and Roslyn Kimmel and
Irving Adessky by Arnold and Roslyn Kimmel.
In observance of the Yahrzeit of:
Harry Florence, a dear uncle by A.L., Ann and
Leanne Smith.
In memory of:
Leonard Michael Karp by Stan Kimmel.
In memory of:
Leonard Karp by Jonathan, Matthew and Adam
In appreciation to:
John L. Zagerman by Myra and Sam Krane.
Continued on page 24
Page 24 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – October 25, 2010
R’fuah Sh’lemah to:
Claire Bercovitch by Norman and Isabel Lesh.
Irma Sachs by Norman and Isabel Lesh.
Roslyn Raskin by Norman and Isabel Lesh.
Noreen Bosloy by Norman and Isabel Lesh.
In memory of:
Sheldon Kert by Jacie and Sandra Levinson.
Anniversary wishes to:
Jamie and Doreen Levitz by Ingrid Levitz and
In memory of:
Irving Adessky by John and Estelle Liberman.
Gloria Singer by John and Estelle Liberman.
Mazal Tov to:
Elliott and Sally Levitan on the marriage of their
daughter and the engagement of their grandson by Joseph
and Evelyn Lieff.
R’fuah Sh’lemah to:
Claire Bercovitch by Joseph and Evelyn Lieff.
Noreen Bosloy by Joseph and Evelyn Lieff.
Beverley Cantor by Joseph and Evelyn Lieff.
In memory of:
Carol Spiro by Yvonne and Harvey Lithwick and
Speedy recovery to:
Noreen Bosloy by Diana and Alvin Malomet.
In memory of:
Esther Goldstein by Chuck and Bonnie Merovitz.
In memory of:
Morton Roodman by Nelson Beveredge.
In memory of:
Irving Adessky to Rhoda and Jeffrey Miller and
Felicia Saslove by Rhoda and Jeffrey Miller and
Marion Atwell by Rhoda and Jeffrey Miller.
Mazal Tov to:
Sally and Elliot Levitan on the engagement of their
grandson by Miriam Pleet.
Birthday wishes to:
Allan Baker by Mary-Belle and Gerry Pulvermacher.
Mazal Tov to:
Ray and Ernie Goldstein on Lauren’s engagement by
Mary-Belle and Gerry Pulvermacher.
Trudy and Sheldon Wiseman on the birth of their
newest grandchild, Emma Wiseman by Mary-Belle and
Gerry Pulvermacher.
Barbara and David Slipacoff on the birth of their
newest grandchild, Lyla Faith by Mary-Belle and Gerry
Marcy and Tony Manne on the birth of their newest
granddaughter, Layla by Mary-Belle and Gerry Pulvermacher.
Liz and Allan Schwartz on the birth of their new
grandson, Cale Isaac Schwartz by Mary-Belle and Gerry
Speedy recovery to:
Louise Tylbor by Mary-Belle and Gerry Pulvermacher.
Mazal Tov to:
David and Rita Fuchs on the forthcoming marriage of
Judith and Zvi by Alti and Berel Rodal.
David and Rachel Stern on the Bat Mitzvah of
Nechama by Alti and Berel Rodal.
In Memory of:
Irving Adessky by Alti and Berel Rodal.
Karla Goldberg by Alti and Berel Rodal.
In appreciation to:
Karen Palayew and Lorne Segal by Richard and Jared
Roth and Riva Levitan.
Rhoda and Joe Levitan by Richard and Jared Roth
and Riva Levitan.
In memory of:
Esther Goldstein by Richard Roth, Riva Levitan and
In memory of:
Irving Adessky by Rickie and Martin Saslove.
Mazal Tov to:
Sol and Zelaine Shinder on their 50th wedding anniversary by Elliott and Sally Levitan.
In memory of:
Esther Goldstein by Shirley Steinberg.
Mazal Tov to:
Elliott and Melanie Greenberg on the birth of their
daughter Julia by Shirley Steinberg.
In memory of:
Irving Adessky by Edith Landau; Sandra Zagon;
Sally and Elliot Levitan; Bernie and Donna Dolansky;
Jack and Sarah Silverstein; Felice and Jeffrey Pleet;
In appreciation to:
Arnie Vered by Solly and Felice Patrontasch.
In appreciation to:
Lisa Rosenkrantz by Aviva Hofmann Shaw and
Aaron Shaw.
In memory of:
Leonard Karp by Miriam and Louis Weiner.
In memory of:
Irving Adessky by Neil and Debi Zaret.
Zygmund Schipper by Neil and Debi Zaret.
In memory of:
Irving Adessky by Cybele and Lyon Hamburg and
In memory of:
Irving Adessky by Joany and Andy Katz and family.
Howard Isman by Joany and Andy Katz and family.
In memory of:
Irving Adessky by Francie Greenspoon and Norman
Contributions may be made online at
www.OJCF.ca or by contacting Erin Bolling
at 613-798-4696 extension 232, Monday to
Friday or by email at [email protected]. Attractive cards are sent to convey the appropriate sentiments. All donations are acknowledged with a charitable receipt. We
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Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – October 25, 2010 – Page 25
Jewish poverty and villains in prewar Poland
The Orphan Rescue
By Anne Dublin
Second Story Press
124 pages. Ages 9-13.
Kid Lit
Thinking about a recent conversation with an acquaintance about her efforts to write Jewish kid lit based on her
family’s stories about life in the Old Country before the
First and Second World Wars, I realized that most Jewish
kid lit stories about the Old Country emphasized humour
rather than bleak reality and that I couldn’t remember a
Jewish kid lit story featuring Jewish bad guys.
So, you can imagine my surprise when I sat down to
read Anne Dublin’s The Orphan Rescue. Though a work
of fiction, it is based on a family story her father had told
her many years ago. And, yes indeed, it has two Jewish
“Hmmm,” I wondered. “Will it communicate with
today’s youth?”
Although I’ve obviously decided The Orphan Rescue is
worth reviewing, I’m still worrying about that question.
Primarily because the story is mainly written in a
straight forward style with a minimum of explanations –
like what an orphanage is, and why a small child has to lie
under a weaving machine to brush away scraps – and involves a timeline and motivation for a key secondary character, Ben, that I found nebulous.
Essentially, The Orphan Rescue is an easy-to-read
chapter book with one heck of a message that the author
wants our kids to pounce on: the evil of child poverty and
child labour – then, and by implication, now.
Set in 1937 in the small industrial town of Sosnowiec,
Poland, the story revolves around the increasing poverty
and hardships experienced by the Goldstein children, 12year-old Miriam and seven-year-old David, after their father and then their mother die. Although their sick, elderly grandparents try to support the family, they can’t.
They are forced to make two decisions affecting their
grandchildren. Miriam, a budding scholar, must leave
school and work for the butcher. David, a budding artist,
must be placed in the local Jewish orphanage run by Mr.
Reznitsky and supported by a board of wealthy Jewish
Miriam and David are appalled. But what can they do?
Nothing at first. But, as the plot develops, Miriam,
David and Ben, a 14-year-old orphan who resents the fact
that David has a family, join forces to take on Mr. Sharf,
owner of a textile factory who has a secret arrangement
with Reznitsky to supply the factory with very small boys
for dangerous work; Sharf’s brutish foreman, George; and
Reznitsky himself.
All ends well for everyone but the villains.
Unfortunately, at times, my credulity was stretched beyond my comfort zone.
For example, exactly how long did David live in the orphanage before he was handed over to Sharf? And why
would Reznitsky choose David since his family came to
visit him each Shabbat?
The routine story about other boys missing from the orphanage having been “adopted” clearly couldn’t apply to
As for Ben, true he was jealous of David’s family, and
constantly reminded David that he wasn’t a real orphan,
but that hardly constitutes badly mistreating David.
And why is Ben able to come and go as he pleases?
Surely the orphanage’s rules applied to him too.
Nevertheless, despite these and a few other credulity
gaps, The Orphan Rescue is well worth reading, thinking
about and discussing, both
as an adventure story and
for its moral message. Surely, we must all do more to
alleviate child poverty and
exploitation in Canada and
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Readers are advised
that In Appreciation notices
may not
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Page 26 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – October 25, 2010
Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – October 25, 2010 – Page 27
Curator of the Dead Sea Scrolls presents study sessions in Ottawa
By Annette Paquin
for Temple Israel
Dr. Adolfo Roitman, curator of
the Dead Sea Scrolls and head of
the Shrine of the Book at the Israel
Museum in Jerusalem, was in Ottawa presenting study sessions organized by Temple Israel during
Simchat Torah at Temple Israel
Temple Israel celebrated Simchat Torah with the consecration
of new students in kindergarten and Grade 1. Students received
their own mini-Torah and joined the first hakafah, ate minichallahs in the shape of an aleph dipped in honey, received their
consecration certificates and had a special table for the Torah
(Photo): Anna and Isaac Lavan receive their mini-Torahs from
Rabbi Steven Garten and School Supervisor Penny Giaccone.
Sukkot. It was the third time Temple Israel has brought Roitman to
A native of Argentina, Roitman
is author of numerous books including The Bible in the Shrine of
the Book: From the Dead Sea
Scrolls to the Aleppo Codex.
Roitman’s visit included a public presentation on the Dead Sea
Scrolls at St. Paul’s University.
Roitman assumes his audience has
little or no experience with the
Scrolls, yet his enthusiasm, visuals and interaction with the audience ensure that even those who
are well versed in the subject are
captivated by his presentations.
The audience, consisting mainly of students from the university,
was introduced to the history of
the Dead Sea Scrolls, the importance of their discovery to scholarship and the meaning of the Dead
Sea Scrolls to Jews and Christians
Following Shabbat services on
September 25, Roitman addressed
the congregation at Temple Israel.
His topic, The Sukkot Festival, the
Temple of Jerusalem and the
Wilderness: Sacred Time and Sacred Place in Jewish Faith, offered fascinating insights into the
development of Sukkot and its
Jewish War Veterans hold
annual general meeting and luncheon
(Right) Post Commander Phil Pinkus with Ottawa Citizen reporter Dave Brown, the guest speaker at
the annual general meeting and luncheon, of the Jewish War Veterans of Canada, Ottawa Post,
October 3, at Agudath Israel Congregation. Brown spoke about freedom of the press.
Ilan Fellus, a first-year student at the University of Ottawa who hopes to be become a doctor, accepts
one of the two student scholarships awarded by the Jewish War Veterans of Canada, Ottawa Post, at
the annual general meeting and luncheon. The other recipient, Danielle Klein, was unable to attend.
(Photos: Elly Bollegraaf)
Michael Walsh, Maxine Miska, Adolfo Roitman and Rabbi Steven
Garten at the Soloway JCC following Roitman’s lecture comparing
the Book of Esther with the Book of Judith.
close relationship with the Temple
in Jerusalem. He demonstrated the
link between Sukkot and Chanukah and the close, if not always
recognized, link between the Jewish people of today and the Temple of Jerusalem.
Roitman’s final presentation
took place following Shabbat at
the Soloway Jewish Community
Centre. His talk, Esther and Judith: Two Models of Women in
Ancient Israel, compared the Book
of Esther with the Book of Judith
and challenged the audience to
consider what it is to be a true
hero. He also talked about how Judith became embedded in Christianity while remaining obscure in
Roitman will give a guided
tour of the Shrine of the Book in
Jerusalem in November to a group
from Ottawa under the leadership
of Rabbi Steven Garten of Temple
Chabad Student Network
celebrates Sukkot
Student Jordan Adler (left) and Rabbi Chaim Boyarsky during
Sukkot in the Chabad Student Network’s sukkah at Carleton
University. Chabad erected sukkahs at both Carleton and the
University of Ottawa.
Page 28 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – October 25, 2010
October 25 to November 7, 2010
Motorin’ Munchkins Drop-In
for ages 5 and under, sponsored
by the SJCC Family Life Centre.
All children must be accompanied
and supervised by an adult, 9 am
to 12 pm. Info: 613-798-9818,
ext. 294.
Shabbat Shalom Drop-In for
ages 5 and under, sponsored by
the JCC Family Life Centre, welcomes Shabbat through crafts,
songs, stories and games.
Bracha Bear will be there! All children must be accompanied by an
adult, 9:30 to 11 am.
Israeli Folkdancing, learn
dances, have fun, no experience
or partner necessary, Hillel Academy, 31 Nadolny Sachs Private,
7:00 pm. Info: 613-722-9323.
Doctor in a Cell, a talk given by
Dr. Ehud Shapiro of the Weizmann Institute of Science, who
will describe ground-breaking his
research looking for changes in
molecules which can indicate the
presence of certain cancers and
other diseases, Canadian Blood
Services, 1800 Alta Vista Road,
7:30 pm. Reservations required.
Info: 613-236-3391.
13th Annual Celebrity
Sports Dinner, in support of the
SJCC and the QueenswayCarleton Hospital’s Care Grows
West campaign, Hampton Inn &
Baby Play Group, sponsored
by JCC Family Life Centre, 9:00
am. Info: 613-798-9818, ext. 294.
Oct 29
5:38 pm
Nov 5
5:28 pm
Conference Centre. Sold out.
30th Annual General Meeting of the Executive and Board of
Directors of Jewish Family Services of Ottawa, honouring Steve
Aronson, Elaine Rabin Award recipient, and Brenda Wolf, Volunteer of the Year, 1400 Coldrey Avenue, 7:00 pm.
Author Talks Series, presented by the Greenberg Families Library, featuring Ottawa author
Gabriella Goliger reading from Girl
Unwrapped, 7:00 pm. Info: 613798-9818, ext. 245.
Wonderful Wednesday sponsored by Jewish Family Services
and Congregation Machzikei
Hadas. Lunch, featuring Fortunée
Shugar. 2310 Virginia Drive, 12:00
pm. Info: 613-521-9700.
Shalom Ottawa, community
For more community listings,
visit ottawa.jewishottawa.com
Select Calendar/Upcoming Events
and Click to See More
tv show on Rogers 22, 6:00 pm.
Repeats Oct. 30th at noon.
CHOICES, sponsored by the
Women’s Division of the Jewish
Federation of Ottawa, dinner featuring guest speaker Karen
James, a Jewish Olympian at the
1972 Munich Olympics, 1400
Coldrey Avenue, 6:00 pm. Info:
613-798-4696, ext. 270.
Yiddish and Hebrew in Canada Today, presented by author
and academic Leo Davids, and put
on by the University of Ottawa’s
Vered Jewish Canadian Studies
Program, Desmarais Hall, room
8120, 55 Laurier Avenue East, 5:45
pm. Info: 613-562-5800.
Malca Pass Library Book
Club, sponsored by Congregation Agudath Israel, with Deborah
Saginur reviewing Cutting for
Stone, by Abraham Verghese,
1400 Coldrey Avenue, 7:30 pm.
Info: 613-829-2455.
Jewish Federation of Ottawa
Members Meeting, open to the
public, 7:00 pm. Info: 613-7984696, ext. 236.
jnet Ottawa Gala, elegant
gala for Jewish young adults. A
portion of proceeds goes to Tamir
Foundation, Koyman Galleries,
1771 St. Laurent Blvd., 8:00 pm.
Info: [email protected].
Ceremony to unveil new honour roll for members of the Ottawa Jewish community who
served in the First and Second
World Wars and the Korean War,
presented by Jewish Federation
of Ottawa and Jewish War Veterans of Canada, Ottawa Post,
10:00 am. Info: 613-798-4696,
ext. 236.
Woman’s Day for Body and
Soul with Sarah Chana Radcliffe,
sponsored by JET, Spa Day Re-
treat, 26 Castlefrank Road, 11:00
am. Info: 613-798-9818, ext. 247.
Emunah Women Membership Drive presents a lecture
by enthnomusicologist and York
University professor Dr. Judith
Cohen on women’s music from
the Middle Ages, 12:00 pm. Info:
613-241-5613. Call for location.
Global Day of Jewish
Learning, featuring panel discussions live via satellite from
NYC with prominent scholars
and celebrating the culmination
of Rabbi Adin Steinsatz’s 45year quest to translate the Talmud, 2:00 pm. Info: 613-7989818, ext. 263.
Twenty Years of Music as
Resistance and Memory (19321952) by Prof. Jean-Jacques van
Vlasselaer. Lead-in event to
Holocaust Education Week organized by the Shoah Committee
of Ottawa, Congregation Machzikei Hadas, 2310 Virginia Drive,
7:00 pm. Info: 613-798-4696,
ext. 253
Unless otherwise noted, activities take place at The Joseph and Rose Ages Family Building, 21 Nadolny Sachs Private.
This information is taken from the community calendar maintained by the Jewish Ottawa InfoCentre. Organizations which would like their events to be listed, no matter where they are to be held, should send the information to InfoCentre coordinator Benita Siemiatycki via e-mail at [email protected] or fax at 613-798-4695. She can also be reached by telephone at 613-798-4644. Accurate details must be provided and all events must be open to the Jewish public.
Condolences are extended to the families of:
Avner Azuelos, Israel (brother of Yehuda Azuelos)
Mavis Dover
Beryl Jacobson, Florida (mother of Helen Gilman)
Evelyn “Toni” Linowitz, Washington, D.C.
(mother of Anne Mozersky)
Fred Saul Schwartz, Montreal
(brother of Bryna Rumstein)
Miriam Sussman
May their memory be a blessing always.
is offered
as a public service
to the community.
There is no charge.
For a listing
in this column,
please call
ext. 232.
Voice mail is available.
* Community-wide Issue (all dates subject to change)
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