Enerflex Radiant Barrier Brochure
Enerflex Radiant Barrier Brochure
Foils the need to crank up the air.™ • Reduces energy use up to 20%. • Helps maintain consistent indoor comfort. • Easy to install in your attic. No tools needed. • Made in the USA. Enerflex Radiant Barrier reduces your utility usage, saving you money; makes your home more comfortable How will installing a radiant barrier system save me money? When the sun heats your roof, it transfers that heat to your attic. By blocking up to year-round; and is an easy, do-it-yourself home project. radiante! ¡Refleja hasta un 96% de energía energy! Reflects up to 96% of radiant 96 percent of the sun’s radiant energy, the radiant barrier reduces attic temperature as energy! Reflects up to 96% of radiant ● ● Easy to install: No tools necessary an existing home Ideal for adding a radiant barrier to radiante! ¡Refleja hasta un 96% de energía ● much as 30 degrees. It also works to reduce heat loss when it’s cold outside. And that helps lower your energy bills, lower the stress on your heating and cooling systems, and increase your comfort, year-round. ● Fácil de instalar y no necesita herramientas a su casa Ideal para agregar un aislante radiante Notoolsarerequiredformostinstallations Panel sizes: Artículosadicionalesrecomendados: • Cuchillaparamúltiplesusos ientoalrededordelos •Escoba:seutilizaparamoverelaislam alerosoparasacudirelaislamientoacumulado REdUcEs attic temperature in hot weather •Cintaparamedir •Pistoladegrapascongrapasde1/2” •Cintametalizada acolocaratravésde •Piezadecontrachapadode4’x4’par taformadetrabajo lasvigasdemaderacomounapla •Escalerilla ad •Máscaraantipolvoygafasdesegurid aworkingplatform • Ladder • Dustmaskandsafetygoggles althatthisradiantbarrierbe Togetthebestperformance,itisessenti ollowtheinstructionscarefully. installedproperly.Ifyoudoityourself,f lwiring.Planaheadforadequate AvoidcontactofEnerflex™withelectrica lllikelybehigherthantheliving ventilationandlighting.Attictemperatureswi 0°F.Takeprecautionstoavoidrisks areasofyourhomeandcanbeupwardsof16 lwayswearadustmasktoavoid associatedwithprolongedexposuretoheat.A sthatcanaccumulateinattics. inhalingdisturbeddustandinsulationparticle withcareandbeawareofyour Workwithapartnerwheneverpossible.Step surroundings. REdUcE la temperatura del ático en clima caluroso portantequeesteaislante paraobtenerunmejordesempeño,esim uedehacerloustedmismo, radianteseinstalecorrectamente.sinop iteelcontactodeEnerflex™ sigalasinstruccionescuidadosamente.Ev ónventilacióneiluminación concableseléctricos.Diseñeconanticipaci ayoresalasdelasáreashabitables adecuadas.Lastemperaturasdeláticoseránm emedidasdeprevenciónparaevitar desucasaypuedenascenderhasta71ºC.Tom gadaalcalor.Utilicesiempreuna riesgosrelacionadosconlaexposiciónprolon polvoydepartículasdeaislamiento máscaraantipolvoparaevitarlainhalaciónde nalguiensiemprequeseaposible. quepuedenacumularseenelático.Trabajeco lrededores. Camineconcuidadoypresteatenciónasusa 16" x 48" for 16" o.c. rafter spacing and 24" x 48" for 24" o.c. rafter spacing Additionalitemsrecommended: • Utilityknife theeaves • Broom–Usetomoveinsulationaround ortofluffuppackeddowninsulation • Tapemeasure • Staplegunwith1/2”staples • Metalizedtape eraftersas • 4’x4’pieceofplywoodtolayacrossth / Ahorre dinero en sus cuentas Save money on your utility bills yoríadelasinstalaciones. Nonecesitaherramientasparalama allationastrusscrossmembers, Inspectthespacebetweenrafterspriortoinst onditionscaninfluencethe electricalwiring,HVACequipmentandotherc installationmethodforeachpanel. Overlap:Enerflexpanelscanbe overlappedatthetoporbottomedge. Overlappingistherecommendedmethod formultiplepanelinstallation(fig.1). Inspeccioneelespacioentrelasvigasde maderaantesdelainstalación,yaque lasvigasatravesadasdelaménsula,los cableseléctricos,elequipodelsistema deaireacondicionado,lacalefacción ylaventilaciónyotrascondiciones puedeninterferirenelmétodode instalaciónparacadapanel. End-to-end:PlaceEnerflexpanels end-to-endwithnooverlap(fig.2). Installs easily between rafters fig.1 Superposición: lospaneles Enerflexpuedensuperponerse enelbordesuperioroinferior. Lasuperposicióneselmétodo recomendadoparalainstalación depanelesmúltiples(fig.1). fig.1 Theinstallermayneedtouse acombinationoftheabove dependingonindividual rafterandroofconfigurations, HVACequipment,hanging straps,pipes,etc. cil entre una viga Instalado fácil De extremo a extremo: coloquelospanelesEnerflex deextremoaextremosin fig.2 superposición(fig.2). nacióndeloanterior,segúnlas Elinstaladortalveznecesiteutilizarunacombi o,elequipodeaireacondicionado, configuracionesdelavigaindividualydeltech ntes,lastuberías,etc. lacalefacciónylaventilación,lascorreascolga fig.2 Thingstoconsider herverticalsurfacesintheattic, • Forbestresults,coverallgableendwallsandot ng.WerecommendusingEnerflex inadditiontotheundersideoftheroofsheathi rollontheverticalsurfacesofyourattic. essthanonesquarefootofvent • Provideaminimumfreeventilationareaofnotl . areaforeach150squarefeetofatticfloorarea ntsorgableendventsare • Providenolessthan30%uppervents.Ridgeve ce.Nevercoveranyventswith recommendedtoachievethebestperforman EnerflexRadiantBarrier. oftheroofdeckingandthe • Leaveaminimumgapof3.5”betweenthetop paratenerencuenta: osmuroshastíalesyotras •Paraobtenermejoresresultados,cubratodosl evestimientodeltecho. superficiesenelático,ytambiéndebajodelr superficiesverticalesdesuático. RecomendamosutilizarelrolloEnerflexenlas oraunpiecuadradodelárea •Dejeunespaciomínimodeventilaciónnomen delpisodelático. partesuperior.Serecomiendapara •Dejenomenosdeun30%deventilaciónenla sderebordesodemurohastial. lograrelmejordesempeñoenlasventilacione teradianteEnerflex. Nuncacubraningunaventilaciónconelaislan ciedelaplataformadeltecho •Dejeunespaciomínimode3.5”entrelasuperfi 3). yeltablerodelaislanteradianteEnerflex(fig. adeltechoparapermitirqueel •Dejeunmínimodeseis(6)pulgadasenlapunt ntrelaplataformadeltechoyel airecalientesalgaporeseespacioextractore aislanteradiante. radiantbarrierbackboard(fig.3). eaktoallowhotairtoescape • L eaveaminimumofsix(6)inchesattheroofp gandtheradiantbarrier. fromthebafflespacebetweentheroofdeckin Ridge Vent 6” 3.5” Soffit Vent Ventilación de Reborde Enerflex 3.5” Cross section of attic showing ventilation paths 6” Ventilación para Sobretecho 3.5” Enerflex 3.5” InstallinganEnerflexpanel Two simple steps: Step 1 • Inserttheedgeofonesideofthe Enerflexpanelagainsttheinsideof thefirstrafterwhereitmeetstheroof sheathing(fig.4). Step 2 • Withtheinsertededgesecured againsttheintersectionoftherafter andtheroofsheathing,manuallyflex theEnerflexpanel,creatingabow thatallowstheoppositepaneledge tobeinsertedattheintersectionof theroofsheathingandadjacentrafter (fig.5). fig.3 un aislamiento existente en el lugar. Esta aplicación ** No coloque Enerflex en el piso del ático sobre la pérdida de desarrollo con el paso del tiempo. puede sufrir acumulación de polvo, lo que provoca profesional de ilustrar y no la intención de reemplazar a un Diagramas e instrucciones tienen el propósito debe cumplir con todos los códigos locales y/o con licencia. La construcción o el uso del producto y la responsabilidad asociada a la construcción de construcción. El cliente asume todos los riesgos debe tomar todas las medidas necesarias para o al uso de este producto. El cliente o el contratista no se que participen del proyecto, que incluyen pero garantizar la seguridad de todas las personas coNExcEpcIóNdEloqUEsEINclUyE limitan a, usar el equipo adecuado de seguridad. ForEsTprodUcTs,INc.No ENlAgArANTíAlImITAdAEscrITA,UNIvErsAl EAExprEsAoImplícITA,yNosE proporcIoNANINgUNAoTrAgArANTíA,yAs ENdodAñossEcUNdArIos. rEspoNsAbIlIzAráporNINgúNdAño,INclUy Save on your utility bills with Enerflex™ Radiant Barrier of your home energy bills and increases the comfort Enerflex Radiant Barrier reduces your hot weather and heat away from your home during year-round. It works by reflecting radiant escaping during cold weather. helping to minimize radiant heat from the air space transfer by thermal radiation across Enerflex Radiant Barrier reduces heat emit radiant where insulation is installed. All materials between your roof and the attic floor, day, solar heat is their surface temperature. On a hot heat to varying degrees, based on toward the attic floor the sheathing, which radiates heat absorbed by the roof and warms up Barrier will However, installing Enerflex Radiant where conventional insulation is installed. The top surface away from your home. The result: reflect up to 96% of this radiant energy of heat that have been, which reduces the amount of the insulation is cooler than it would living areas below. moves through the insulation to the Roll sizes: año. Refleja el calor la comodidad de su hogar todo el sus facturas de energía y aumenta El aislante radiante Enerflex reduce el clima frío. el escape de calor radiante durante el clima caluroso y ayuda a minimizar radiante fuera de su casa durante del ático, espacio aéreo entre su techo y el piso la transferencia de calor a través del El aislante radiante Enerflex reduce radiante a varios grados según la temperatura Todos los materiales emiten calor donde generalmente se instala el aislamiento. hacia el piso del el revestimiento, que irradia calor el techo absorbe el calor solar y calienta de la superficie. En un día caluroso, 96% de esta radiante Enerflex reflejará hasta un Sin embargo, la instalación del aislante ático y el aislamiento convencional. está más fría de lo de la parte superior del aislamiento el techo. El resultado: la superficie energía radiante nuevamente hacia debajo. el aislamiento hasta las áreas habitables la cantidad de calor que circula por que hubiera estado, lo que reduce de la carga de trabajo en el acondicionador y del conducto, y la disminución de El aumento de desempeño del aislamiento sus Enerflex se reflejará en el ahorro de que el desempeño del aislante radiante aire y otros electrodomésticos, significa EnerflexFoil.com workload on insulation and ductwork and decreased The increased performance of your pay for itself means Enerflex Radiant Barrier will your air conditioner and other appliances in utility bill savings. 5582 10/09 fibre reciclado. Este paquete esta hecho de 100% EnerflexFoil.com 115361 fiber. This package made of 100% recycled 12' x 48" and 250 ' x 48" on-center. de 60.9 cm en el centro. de madera o ménsulas con un espacio cm en panales. Diseñado para vigas de instalación. Contenido : 10 - 60.9 cm x 121.9 Puede ser menos, depende del método Cobertura : hasta 80 pies cuadrados. the Enerflex brochure. savings vary: Find out why in • Reflective Insulation Manufacturers Association www.rimainternational.org fig.6 inches for rafters or trusses spaced 24 cm x 121.9 cm) panels. Designed Contents: 10 - 24 in x 48 in (60.9 installation method. m2). May be less depending on Coverage: Up to 80 sq ft (7.43 fig.7 métodoalternativodeinstalación odelasvigasdemaderacon • LospanelesEnerflexpuedenengraparsedebaj grapasde1/2”cadacuatrooseispulgadas. por qué en el folleto de Enerflex. Los ahorros varían: descubra • Oak Ridge National Laboratory - www.ornl.gov • Florida Solar Energy Center - www.fsec.ucf.edu fig.5 araajustarloalsistemadeaire Cuandoseanecesario,corteelpanelEnerflexp asobstruccionesdelosservicios acondicionado,calefacciónyventilaciónyaotr fig.6yfig.7).Lospaneles públicos.Selleloscortesconcintametalizada( vigasdemaderade16"o24” Enerflexestándiseñadosparaunespacioentre emaderaesinconsistente,será enelcentro.Dondeelespaciadodelasvigasd rapelospanelesdebajodelas necesarioengraparlospanelesenellugar.Eng oseispulgadas. vigasdemaderacongrapasde½”cadacuatro fig.6 fig.4 fig.5 dotherutilityobstructions.Seal Asneeded,cutEnerflextofitaroundHVACan Enerflexpanelsaredesigned thecutswithmetalizedtape(fig.6andfig.7). enter.Whererafterspacingis forrafterspacingof16”on-centeror24”on-c toplace.Staplepanelstothe inconsistent,panelsmayneedtobestapledin ryfourtosixinches. undersideoftheraftersusing1/2”stapleseve MI 49525 All rights reserved. Grand Rapids, ©2009 Universal Forest Products. Forest Products, Inc., in the U.S. Enerflex is a trademark of Universal For more information, visit these Web sites: fig.4 Rapids, MI 49525 Todos los Derechos Reservados. Grand ©2009 Universal Forest Products. Forest Products, Inc., en los EE.UU. Enerflex es una marca de Universal merits of installing a radiant barrier system. InstalacióndeunpanelEnerflex Dos pasos sencillos: Paso 1 • Introduzcaelbordedeunladodel panelEnerflexcontralaparteinterior delaprimeravigademadera, dondeseuneconelrevestimiento deltecho(fig.4). Paso 2 • Unavezintroducidoelbordey aseguradocontralaintersecciónde lavigademaderayelrevestimiento deltecho,flexionemanualmenteel panelEnerflexparacrearunarcoque permitaqueelbordeelpanelopuesto seintroduzcaenlainterseccióndel revestimientodeltechoylavigade maderaadyacente(fig.5). Hecho en EE.UU. Multiple studies and tests have proven the Soffit Vent fig.3 Ventilación para Sobretecho La sección transversal del ático con rutas de ventilación fig.7 Alternativeinstallationmethod rafters • Enerflexcanbestapledtotheundersideofthe hes. using1/2”staplesspacedeveryfourtosixinc to of existing attic insulation. This application is susceptible ** Do not lay Enerflex on the attic floor on top over time. dust accumulation, which will cause loss of performance purposes only and are not meant to replace a These diagrams and instructions are for illustration local zoning of the product must be in accordance with all licensed professional. Any construction or use all risks and liability associated with the construction and/or building codes. The consumer assumes should take all necessary steps to ensure the or use of this product. The consumer or contractor but not limited to, wearing the appropriate safety safety of everyone involved in the project, including, wArrANTy,UNIvErsAl equipment. ExcEpTAscoNTAINEdINThEwrITTENlImITEd yoThErwArrANTy,EIThEr ForEsTprodUcTs,INc.,doEsNoTprovIdEAN ForANydAmAgEs,INclUdINg ExprEssorImplIEd,ANdshAllNoTbElIAblE coNsEqUENTIAldAmAgEs. Why Enerflex Radiant Barrier? Enerflex is worlds apart from other radiant barrier products. Made from two layers of tear-resistant metalized film, it is laminated and reinforced with a poly scrim for tear and puncture resistance. When installed to the underside of a roof and the inside of the gable ends and other vertical surfaces in an attic, it is the most effective at reducing energy consumption and making your home more comfortable, year-round. An easy, do-it-yourself project. Enerflex products are available in two styles: panels and rolls. Both are double-sided for efficiency and ease of installation. There is no "up" or "down" side. Panels are used to retrofit an existing home and, using a unique tension-fit design, simply “flex" into place between the roof’s rafters or trusses. No tools needed! Rolls are ideal for new construction and for covering the vertical surfaces in an existing home, such as gable ends and knee walls. A staple gun is the only tool required for rolls. With Enerflex Without Enerflex Up to 30º cooler Reduces energy use up to 20%. Save energy and money with Enerflex Radiant Barrier. The increased performance of your insulation and duct work, and the decreased workload on your air conditioner and other appliances, means Enerflex will pay for itself in utility bill savings over time. The payback period and exact amount of savings per month will vary based on individual circumstances, including home location, weather conditions, local utility costs, roof type and home size. Class A/1 fire rated. With its class A/1 rating for fire and smoke, Enerflex also meets the new mounting requirements for ASTM – E84 under E2599. ASTM E2599 is the new industry standard that will be reflected in the 2012 building codes. ASTM standards are adopted by organizations such as IECC, IBC, IRC, and ICC. EnerflexFoil.com Frequently Asked Questions How does radiant barrier work? On a The increased performance of your insulation and duct work, and the decreased workload on your heating and cooling system means Enerflex will pay for itself in utility savings. My home is insulated. Do I also need a radiant barrier? Yes. Conventional insulation and Enerflex work together by reducing different forms of heat flow. Insulation slows the movement of heat by conduction. Enerflex reduces the movement of heat by radiation. Enerflex improves the performance of your existing insulation by limiting the flow of radiant heat from the roof to the attic floor, making the top surface of the insulation cooler. How how much Enerflex do I need? Enerflex comes in flat panels and in rolls, to meet your specific needs. Visit EnerflexFoil.com and click on the materials calculator to quickly estimate the number of panels you will need. Do I need special tools to install Enerflex? No. Enerflex panels simply "flex" into place. Enerflex rolls are simply stapled. Recommended tools and safety equipment are listed in the installation instructions, to make your installation go smoothly. Does Enerflex need to be taped? We recommend overlapping the radiant barrier edges by 1" to 2", which does not require taping. While not required for cut edges or seams that butt together, the best results will be achieved by taping with reflective tape. How much space is required for proper ventilation? Check with your local build code official for ventilation requirements in your area. The unique design of Enerflex will allow an unobstructed space for airflow from the soffit vents to the wind ventilators or ridge vent. A minimum gap of 3.5" is required between the top of the roof decking and Enerflex. Leave a minimum of 6" from the peak of the roof, or 6" in all directions from any turbine, turtle back, gable or mushroom vent. Never cover any vents with Enerflex, regardless of where they are located. Is there a warranty? Yes. Enerflex Radiant Barrier is covered under a 15-Year Limited Warranty. Will a radiant barrier harm my shingles? No. Typically, a radiant barrier will increase the temperature of your shingles 2 to 5 degrees. This minor elevation in temperature will not affect the life of your shingles. 5582_1/12 EnerflexFoil.com hot day, your roof shingles absorb solar heat and warm up the sheathing below, which radiates heat towards the attic floor where conventional insulation is typically installed. A radiant barrier blocks up to 96% of this radiant energy. It reduces heat transfer by thermal radiation across the air space between your roof and the attic floor, keeping your attic cooler. In cool weather, it helps keep radiant energy from leaving the home, reducing heat loss. To watch install videos and to learn more, scan this QR code using your smartphone. Get the free mobile app at http://gettag.mobi ©2009-2012 Universal Forest Products. All rights reserved. Enerflex is a trademark of Universal Forest Products, Inc., in the U.S. 2801 E. Beltline NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49525