Genealogy of the Roll Family
Genealogy of the Roll Family
GENEALOGY OF THE ROLL FAMILY ANCESTRY AND DESCENDANTS OF JOHN ROLL OF ELIZABETHTOWN TOWNSHIP ESSEX COUNTY NEW JERSEY AND ALLIED FAMILIES OF BROTHERTON-BURROWS-CORY-CRANE-EARL NORRIS-SCHOOLEY-SMITH-VREELAND-WADE WILLSON AND WOOLLEY BY RICHARD TIMBROOK WILSON R I D G E W O O D , BERGEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY 1921 WITH ADDITIONS BY RICHARD JOHN FRANZ 3rd PENSACOLA, ESCAMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA TARTING IN 1957, AND INCLUDING DOLAND AND FRANZ FAMILIES 2 ROLL GENEALOGY EXPLANATION The record has been divided into six parts; the first part showing the progenitor of the family, Jan Magelse, his children and their descendents, who appear in the early records, with the exception of those of John Roll 3rd, of Elizabethtown, N.J. who appear in the other five parts, in order that the descendents of the l a t t e r 's f ive ch ildren may be shown independent of each other or in what is known as the "Tribe System". Two indices have been p rs p a r e d , one g iv ing the chr istian names of Roll, the other, names of persons who have intermarried with them, both alphabetically arranged. In searching for a name, unless the branch to which it belongs k n o w n , it will be necessary to examine each index. is The number after the name in the index is the consecutive number assigned to the person in his branch and generally covers the person's family record. If the person had no issue, the number refers to him as a child under the parents' name. If the index does not show the name sought for, find the name of the parent, and search the list of children appearing thereunder. -IThe number prefixed and suffixed by a dash after the name of a parent indicates the number where the person appears as a child. (Jan-1) Names in parenthesis with figures indicate the pedigree of a parent, showing to what generation the name belongs and giving the name back as far as the progenitor. J o h n - 2 The figure after the name of a parent to what generation the name belongs. likewise shows A Roman number preceding the name of a child, indicates relative position to other children of the same parentage. its The following abbreviations have been used: BMUMDBD~ Born Married Unmar r ied Died Buried Where the abbreviation "BIB." was typed in the original manuscript footnotes have been inserted to refer to certain publications which have been a source of information to the compiler and where u s e d , the full name of the publication with other data will be found in the section designated "BIBLIOGRAPHY" . 3 ROLL GENEALOGY PREFACE The object of the compiler of this record has been to show, as completely as possible, the ancestry and descendants of John Roll who is first recorded as being in the Borough of Elizabethtown, Essex County, New Jersey, between the years 1755 and 1761,1 using as a basis the family history shown in Littell's Family Records of the First Settlers of the Passaic valley, N.J., published in 1851. The record was started in the year 1909, while the compiler was residing in Atlanta, Georgia and at which time he found it desireable to seek information in some complete form regarding the progenitor and descendants of his mother's family, but was unable to do so. Since then considerable time has been spent prosecuting the work and he hopes that his readers will appreciate how difficult is the task of collecting material, compiling and presenting a work of this nature, free from inaccuracies. Every effort has been made to avoid errors and wherever different dates or conflicting statements have been received regarding the same event, careful investigation has followed in order to determine, if possible, the correct statement to be used in the w o r k . As other writers have found, the early public records do not offer a very satisfactory field for the searcher after genealogical data and while some of the information has been gleaned from probate and church records and the publications of other writers (to whom due credit is given hereafter) a great part of the information contained herein has been obtained from private sources. The compiler has not only suceeded beyond his expectations, in securing and recording information regarding the ancestry of John Roll of Elizabethtown, N.J., but has also obtained interesting data regarding the children and their descendants of the progenitor of the Roll Family in America, and while it was only intended to incorporate in this record one branch of the family, the early data relating to the other branches has been shown as it not only has a historical bearing on the branch originally recorded, but is far too valuable to be disregarded and may in some future time prove useful to the descendants of the other branches. 1 BIB. 1 - p. 349 4 ROLL GENEALOGY PREFACE It has always been tradition among the descendants of John Roll of Elizabethtown, N.J., that their progenitor in this country was one Johannes M a n g e l , that he came from Holland and settled in the northern part of New York State and that one of his ancestors was a burgomaster in his native city in the Province ofUtrecht which tradition, with the exception of the latter part, is substantiated by facts obtained from the early Dutch Records as will be noted in the pages which follow. That the family did not remain in the vicinity of Albany is evident from the fact that there are no persons named Mangelse or Roll in a list of Freeholders in the city and county of Albany, N.Y., which included C a n o s t i g i o n e , in 17 20 .^ While there are no persons of either these names mentioned in a list of the inhabitants of New York City in 1703® or in a list of the Freemen of New York City between the years of 1633 and 1740,^ or in a History of Land Titles of Hudson County, N . J . 9 (excepting John of Cons table H o o k , N.J. and refer red to hereinafter) or in the Census of Staten Island in 1706® the early Dutch Records of New York City and Staten Island show they settled in New York City and Northern Division (now Port Richmond), Staten Island, after leav i ng Canost ig io n e . It has also been tradition among the members of the family that the surname was originally Mangel and in the course of time and usage, was changed to Roll. That this is true to a certain extent and was due to the peculiar methods and customs of the early Dutch is very clearly shown by D.T. Valentine, a former Clerk of the Common Counc il of New York Ci ty 7 of whom it is said "His love of research and accuracy of details give to his writings a well deserved authority,"® and who after an examination of the subject gives the following as the result:® 2 BIB. 37 - p. 3 BIB. 49 - p. 611 4 BIB. 52 - p. 366 5 BIB. 26; 49 - p. 32 46 6 BIB. 53 - p. 149 7 BIB. 70 - p. 686 3 BIB. 70 - p. 686 9 BIB. 70 - p. 764 ROLL GENEALOGY PREFACE A list of Dutch aliases, prepared by Dr. Purple and published by the Holland Society, New York, show the names of many early immigrants as they appear in Baptismal Records of the Reformed Church of New York from 1639-1756 with the surnames under which they became known later on. The dates at the end of each name denote the years in which the baptism of the children of the person mentioned are recorded, and in which his first n a m e s , or his first and surnames, are given. In this l i s t , M a n g l e , son of Jan Mangelse is shown u n d e r : JANSZEN Mangle Janssen Rol 1694-1711 It will be noted in the records which follow that the is first recorded as Jan Mangelse, thereby indicating Jan, son of Mangle, and his children in turn likewise Johnson or Janse, John, Johnsen, etc., (Jan being the J o h n ) a n d that in following out the custom referred they adopted the surname R o l l .^ progenitor that he was as Mangle Dutch for to above That there was some foundation for its adoption the writer is confident as certain Staten Island Records show in their index "Mangelse, (Mangles, Mangleson see also Ral)*-5 and those which follow show that the children of Jan Mangelse all assumed the surname Roll about the same time and that they appear not only in the records under their first name and surname, but also under their first two names only**** but so far, he has been unable in his researches, to determine the dominating factor. The foregoing also explains the references in the early Dutch records at Albany, Staten Island and New York City to the surname as R a a l , R a l , R a l e , R a i l , R o l , and R o l l , and the spelling of the given name of the individual members in as many different ways. The petition'*'5 of Mangle Johnsen Roll and others 10 BIB. 11 BIB . 25 12 BIB. 103 104 - pp. 13 BIB. 53 14 BIB. 71 15 BIB . 13 104, 107, 133, 240, 402 in 1713, 6 ROLL GENEALOGY PREFACE referred to hereinafter, which clearly shows the relationship between the signers and their progenitor enabled the determining of the proper relationship existing between the early members of the family which was indicated by the marriage and baptismal records of Albany, Staten Island and New York City, but which records did not furnish sufficient information to establish the true relationship between the members therein r eco r d e d . The latter records also enabled the tracing of the movements of the family from Albany County to New York City and Staten Island. About 1890 a meeting was held by the members of the family in Elizabeth, Union County, N.J., at which the writer, then a mere child, was present, to cons ider the establishment of a claim to the tract of land in C an ost i g i o n e , Albany County, {now Niskayuna, Schenectady County) New York, referred to in the petition of 1713 a b o v e , which had been secured by their a n c e s t o r , Jan M a n g e l s e , from the tribe of Mohawk In di ans .^ At this meet ing a committee was appointed to investigate the claim, and they found that owing to the Indian massacre in the Mohawk Valley, Jan Mangelse with his family was c o m p e 1 1 ed to leave all his possessions and flee south for their lives. Not returning again, the state many years after, took over his land and granted patents to it to later settlers, from which time the land had changed ownership many times. Their c o u n s e 1 therefore, advised against taking up the claim as the chances of obtaining title to it were very r e m o t e , and upon the committee so report i n g , the matter was a 1 lowed to drop. The writer has since developed the fact h o w e v e r , that while Jan Mangelse apparently received such a deed from the Mohawk Indians, in 1681/2, and while his heirs in 1713 petitioned the authorities for a patent to the tract, in which they stated he had also presented a similar petition in 1703 without it having been effected, he had, while living on Staten Island, in 1698/9 by deed (hereinafter recorded) signed by both his wife and himself, sold this particular tract of land to his son Peter for the sum of fifty pounds. Any interest, therefore, in this tract of land would have descended to the heirs of Peter, rather than to those of Jan Mangelse, had the latter been successful in obtaining a patent. 15 BIB. 13 - pp. 104, 133 7 ROLL GENEALOGY PREFACE Towards the end of the seventeenth century, when the number of the inhabitants had greatly increased, the necessity of continuing the same surname in successive generations became imperat i v e , and, probably without being r equ i red by any legal enactment, or with any prescribed formality, families generally assumed surnames. In some cases doubtless these names may have been borne by their ancestors in the Nether land; others took names derived from their birthplace or residence, for example, Jan, born in Deventer, became Jan V a n dev en ter ; Jan born in Wyck, became Jan Van Wyck, etc. Still others took names from trades or occupations and Jan, the c o o p e r , became Jan K u y p e r ; and Jan the mason became Jan Metselaer, etc. In most cases we have no means 17 of determ ining the origin of the s u r n a m e ."x ' Tobias A. Wright, in writing of the Dutch Records of the early Staten Island Churches, also states: "In many cases the names of the descendants of these early settlers are not only spelled differently and the pronunciations so changed as to almost defy recognition by those unlearned in the peculiar characteristics of Dutch nomenclature ."^® The baptismal records shown in this work of the Reformed Dutch Church of Port Richmond, Staten Island, New York, from 1696 to 1772 are taken from the original register which is written in the Dutch language.-^ Dur ing the period covered by these statistics the Dutch settlers especially were so closely identified with the Church that the baptismal records contain the names of a majority of the children born to Dutch parents accompanied by the name of many w i t n e s s e s . ^ 17 BIB. 103 18 BIB . 36 19 BIB. 20 53 BIB . 53 8 ROLL GENEALOGY PREFACE Also Prof. Johnathan Pearson of Union College, who, in a key to the names of the persons occuring in the early Dutch records of Albany, N.Y. and vicinity states: "The student who searches the early Dutch Records meets with many difficulties, none of which are more vexatious than their personal n a m e s . The majority of the first settlers ordinarily used no surnames, some evidently had none. In these cases individuals were often distinguished by per sona 1 pecular it ies , tr ades , etc . , bu t wh ile many individuals had no surnames whatever, apparently, a few families had two or more. It was not uncommon for the same individual to have two or more surnames and to use them indifferently. The change in the spelling and pronunciation of names is likewise a source of considerable emb arrassment. The system of nomenclature in common use among the early Dutch settlers consisted in prefixing the child's to the father's Christian name, terminating in SE or SEN; in baptism, but one name was usually given; the patronymic was used by custom in all cases and in the absence of a surname adopted as such. The use of surnames gradually increased among the Dutch from the time the Province was occupied by the Eng 1 ish in 1664 and after the first quarter of the following century few names were written without the addition of a family name." The Holland Society of New York in publishing a list of the early immigrants to New Netherlands also refers to this custom as follows: "It should be mentioned, therefore, that very few of our Dutch a n c e s t o r s , whose names are found on these lists, bore the wh ich th e ir d es family names known ." Family surnan we re not common way of de s ig na L.1 mal name to th e i r o w n , with the ad d it:LO i ng a son o r d au ghter . Thus Jan , son o was known as J . n P ieter sen t J an son of Jan, as J an J an son of Gerr it , as Jan Ge r r it sen e t c . The succe ed ing 9' following the ; ame metho d , us ua lly was known by a SUl:n different from the pr ece ed ing o ne - for example , i f Ja had a son name< He ndr ick r h e wo uld be known, no t as IIe Gerritsen, but a s Hendr ick Ja ns e n . 21 BIB. 32 - p. 84 9 ROLL GENEALOGY PREFACE '’It would appear that among the Dutch peasantry, in ages before the imigration thence to this Colony, the simple Christian name Andrew (Andries) , John (Jan) , Peter (Pieter) , etc. was the distinguishing cognomen. They had not earned a family patronymic which descended through successive generations, and the children, therefore, received at their baptism s imply a Christian n a m e . For instance "Jan" has a son who receives the baptismal name "Andries" and to that is added the distinguishing appellation of "Jensen" signifying the son of "Jan". Andries Jansen in turn had a son christened "Pieter" whose name therefore be comes Pieter Adriesen, e t c . This ancient custom was not wholly eradicated at the time when New Nether land was colonized, and we see not only many instances of prevailing, but one circumstance, denoting that the custom was founded upon a settled and ancient system of n o men cla tu re, is found in the fact that will be observed in our table of marriages among the females names which never end with the "sen" which terminates the names of their brothers. For instance, the name of Annetje, a daughter of Dirck Tomassen, would be Annetje Dircks, while the name of her brother would be Lucas Dircksen. The establishment of a settled surname to families is found to arise in many instances in our colony. The family of the Van Cortlands is descended from Oloff Stevensen, one of the early settlers, that individual having, after some y e a r s 1 residence h e r e , adopted the patronymic Van C o r t l a n d , which was ever after the name of his posterity, and instead of his son be ing called Stephan Oloffsen under the old custom, he was called Stephanus Van Cortland. Several other instances could be cited, and they are found only to occur with families who have attained a certain degree of distinction and superior standing in society, indicating that the recognition of the privilege of assuming a patronymic distinction was one depending upon the public acquiescence. The old custom above merit ion ed s e e m s , however , to have grown into disuse after some years' prevalence in this colony, and the Jeiisens, the Pieter sens, the Roe loff sens, etc. fixed upon a patronymic, such as Jansen, Pieters, Roelofs, etc. which became the settled surname of the f a m i l y ." 10 ROLL GENEALOGY PREFACE At this time the Compiler wishes to express his gratitude to all who have in any way contributed to the work, and especially to the following persons for the part they have taken in its preparat i o n : ANNA M. ROLL WILSON, ELIZABETH, N.J., his mother, for her inspiration and assistance during the time the work has been in progress . CHARLES W. ROLL, NEWARK, N.J. (Deceased) for information regarding the descendants of ISAAC R O L L , and who also placed at the disposal of the compiler an original manuscript record of the descendants of RHODA ROLL WOOLLEY, prepared for him by CHARLES W. WOOLLEY, of BUFFALO, N.Y. during the year of 1890, which has been very helpful and apparently is the result of considerable labor and effort on the part of Mr, WOOLLEY in its preparation. J. MARTIN ROLL, SOUTH ORANGE, N.J. (Deceased) and HAROLD DEPSW, LINDEN, N.J. for the use of manuscript records and information relating to the descendants of ABRAHAM ROLL. HARRY T. COREY, SAN FRANCISCO, C A L ., ORVILLE B. TALLEY, SIOUX CITY , 10 WA and H AN NAB M . SMI TH G AH AG AN , (M r s . W .H . G AH AG A N ) NEW CASTLE, OHIO, for the use of manuscript records and information relating to the descendants of JANE ROLL COREY. GUY MANNING, CINCINNATI, OHIO, who placed at the disposal of the compiler, manuscript records of branches of the ROLL FAMILY throughout the Central Western States, prepared about the year of 1890, by his brother, the late CHARLES W. MANNING, of CINCINNATI, OHIO, which not only gave the compiler data which he would otherwise have been unable to obtain, but has also made possible the preservation in a permanent form the material Mr. MANNING had secured after a great amount of painstaking efforts on his part, the loss of which excellent pioneer work will be appreciated by any who may have endeavored to investigate and produce a work of this kind. 11 ROLL GENEALOGY PREFACE One cannot trace the history of an individual or family, without f o l low in g, as it were, along the trail whi ch they blazed th rough the paths of life, and living, during his researches, in the atmosphere which surrounded the subject of his work. The compiler has been no exception to this rule and while the work has met with many difficulties it has been a pleasure, and he has learned not only to appreciate their efforts, but has also developed a spirit of reverence which commands a tribute he is unable to fulfill. The writer's feelings, however, have been most ably expressed in the following lines reprinted by the Newark, N.J. News, May 31, 1913, from the Journal of the Illinois Historical Society which pr int ed them in connect ion with s ke tches of Revolut ionary Soldiers and were quoted without indicat ion of source. 'FORFATIiERS ' GRAVES Beneath the roots of tangled weeds, Afar in country graveyards lie The sturdy men whose uncrowned deeds Have stamped this nation's d e s t i n y . We praise the present stock and man, But have we ever thought to praise, The strong, still humble lives that ran The deep-cut channels of those days? Beneath these tottering slabs Whose tribute moss and molds Sleeps the calm dust that made The true substratum of our of slate, efface, us great. r a c e .'1 12 ROLL GENEALOGY PREFACE Mr. Arnold J.F. van L a e r , Archivist, New York State Library, A l b a n y , N .Y . , with whom the comp iler has corresponded f reely, and who has suggested sources of information relating to the early members of the family and their activities, which have brought forth very satisfactory results, and has also reviewed the early family data with a view of assisting the comp iler to present a work which would be free of inaccuracies in his references to the early public records. To those who in any manner have assisted in the development of one of the greatest factors in the life of our people -- THE PUBLIC LIBRARY — the compiler is indebted, for without the material and facilities furnished by such institutions and those of a somewhat similar character this work would never have been followed to a completion. Such institutions to which the compiler is indebted for the use of their facilities and the assistance of their employees are as follows: CARNEGIE PUBLIC LIBRARY, Atlantic, Ga.; NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY, the NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY, and the NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY, New York City; LONG ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Brooklyn, N.Y.; NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY, Albany, N.Y.; the CONGRESSIONAL LIBRARY, Washington, D.C.; the NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY, and the FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, Newark, N.J.; and the PUBLIC LIBRARY, Cincinnati, Ohio. The compiler's earnest wish is that this work will create and stimulate a desire for a further research and a continuance of the family records and if such be the result, he will feel amply rewarded for any efforts he has made in bringing forth the commencement of such a w o r k . RICHARD TIMBROOK WILSON Ridgewood, Bergen County , New Jersey . 1921 13 ROLL GENEALOGY First Outline of Probable Relationships - February 14, 1976 I . Jan Mangelse m. Tryntje van Woggolum, daughter of Pieter Adriansen van Woggolum and . Peter Adriansen van Woggolum was the son of Adrian Van Woggolum and Anneke Pieters who married 2nd Jacques Kinnikom and 3rd Barent Janse Bal. A. Antje Jans m . GeraoIdus Kamfoort who mar r ied (16 9 2) and2nd Ariaantje Uldrick, widow of Gerrit Claase van vranken 3. Mangel Janse m. 1692 Anna Hendrix volcx C. Tryntje Jans m. Pieter Van Neste, who had previously been married to Margrietje Croisson (Margaret C r o c h e r o n ) . He was the son of Pieter Pieterse Van Neste and Judith Rapalje D. Pieter Janse ra. J annetje du Chene who married 2nd The unis Egberts. She was the daughter of Anthony du Chene (Sien, Jeen, Scheen, Schoen) and Anna ___________ . Anthony du Chene's will listed the following children: Jerome who married Catalyn Cannon Mic h a e 1 who marr i ed Susannah van der Hoeven Valent ine Anna (Golders) Jannet te {Mang e I s ) Magdelena (Claasen) Francette {Egbert Egbertzsen) E. Johannes m. Margrietje Bar kelo (Grittie) , widow of Jan Harmensen van 14 ROLL GENEALOGY First Outline o£ Probable Relationships - February 14, 1976 ANTJE JANS A-l 1690 Geraldus Comfort who married Catharina Hennejon, of Peter Burger A-l~a A-l-b A-2 1714 1717 widow Annatje Catherina Margrietje (Grietje)Comfort who married Alexander Phenix (Fenix) who married 2nd Elizabeth Burger Bocke (Boke) A - 2-a A-2-a A-2-c a - 2 -a A-2-e A-2-f 1713 1715 1717 1717 1719 1721 Jacobus Ger aldus Anna (twin) Marjtje (twin) Geraldus Th ielman ROLL GENEALOGY First Outline of Probable Relationships - February 14, 1976 MANGEL JANSE B-l 1694 Catharina who married 1st Matthew Forbur {Forher, Forbes) and 2nd Samuel Beekman, who was the son of Charles Beekman and Ytje van Zant B-l-a B-l-b B-l-c B-l-d B-l-e B-2 1697 Suzannah Forber Annatje Beekman Magnus Beekman Johannes Beekman Eyda Beekman Francyntje who married Robert Westgate who married 2nd Deborah Nagel B-2-a B-3 1699 1722 1729 1733 1734 1737 1717 Elizabeth Jan who married Aeltje B-l-a B-l-b B-l-c (Robard Vesgate) (Allida) bars (Bas, Bass, Bos) 1719 Annatje 1721/22 c. Mangel who married Sarah Richardson and had a daughter Allida in 1756 1723/24 c. John B-4 1702 Hendrix B-5 1704 Annatje {called Johannah in her father's will) who marr ied Ph ilip M i n t h o r n , son of Ph ilip Minthorne and Hillegond Webber B-l-a B-l-b B-l-c B-l-d 3-1-e B-l-f B — 1—g B-l-h B-l-i B-l-j B-l-k Ph ilip Philip Annatje Hillegont who married Daniel Waldron Margrietje Geertie and Francyntje (twins) Sara Francyntje Mange 1 Hendrick Johannes B - 6 17 0 6 Ma rg r ie t je B-7 1711 Sara in 1752 16 ROLL GENEALOGY First Outline of Probable Relationships - February 14, 1976 TRYNTJE JANS C-l Judith C-2 Cather ine C-3 P e t e r , who married Mad eleent j en de B o y s , widow of Garret Roosa C-4 1697 Jeronimus who married Susannah C-5 1699 jacomenica who married Jacob Ten Eyck C-6 Jan who married 1st Gerritse and 3rd Knierste de Mothe 1701 C~ 7 1703 Joris C - 8 1705 Hannah C-9 1708 Bernardus who married Cathalyna Bodyn NOTE: f 2nd Mary Bodyn C-l, C-2, and C-3 are probably the children of first wife. 17 ROLL GENEALOGY First Outline of Probable Relationships - February 14, 1976 PIETER JANSE D-l 1700 Marie who married Johannes Preyer D-l-a D-l-b D-l-c D-l-d 1722 1725 1728 1732 Anna Andr ies Jannetje Catherina D-2 17 0 2 Francyntj e D-3 169 _ Anna married 1st Samuel Burnet and Jacob Ryt 2nd D-3-a D~3“b D-3-c Samuel Burnet Maria Ryt Susanna D~4 169_ 1718 1722 1726 Catherine Mange Is Roll m . Mat thys Sweem D-4-a D-4-b D-4-c 1719 1727 1734 Anthony Jannetje Mathias D-5 1707 Margrietje who possibly married Joseph de la Montagne in 1728 D-6 Jannetje who married George Personet 1709 D-6-1 D- 6 -2 D-7 1703, 1731 1735 Jannetje Johannes 1704, or 1706 c. Johannes Mangel (John Roll of Essex county New Jersey) who married Elizabeth ___________ D-7-a D-7-b D-7-c D-7-d D-7-e D-7-f 1733 John who married 1st R ach e1 Van Winkle 2nd Edith Wick 3rd Lydia ___________ 1735c Isaac who married Sarah Cauldwell daughter of James Cauldwell 1743c Jane who married Thomas Cory son of Elnathan Cory 1741c Catron who married ___________ , son of Peter Parse 1 1737 Mary who married John Woolley 1739c Abraham who married 1st Mary Brooks and 2nd Caty Vreeland IS ROLL GENEALOGY First Outline of Probable Relationships - February 14/ 1976 JOHANNES (YON) (E-l, E-2, E-3, first h u s b a n d ) . E-l E-4 are daughters of his wife's Wiilempje m. Joris (George) Nevius Cornelius Nevius and Agatha Joris E-l-a E-l-b E-l-c E-l-d E-l-e E-l-f E-l-g 1711 1715 1715 1719 1721 1.7 2 4 1726 Anna E-3 Ma r ia who married Abraham Zutphen E-4 1726 1727 1729 1731 son of C o r n e 1 iu s Margr ie tj e (twin) Jan (twin) Johannes Margrietje Pieter Aaghje E-2 E-3 — a E-3 -b E-3-c E-3-d (Neefies) Abraham Marie Ant je jannet je jannet je who had a son Abraham Berk' Catrina Ellis. (They had three children: Gerret, Catharine and Cornelius) E-5 1717/18 John Roll who married Fytje van Boskerk, daughter of Laurens van Boskerk and Fytie ___________ , who marr ied 2nd Andr ies Zeegard . E-5-a 1739/40 1788* E-5-a-l E-5-a-2 E-5-a~3 E- 5-a-4 1756 1758 Sophia who married Jacob Mersereau who married 2nd Charity De Groot in 1779. Children: J acob David peter Mary who married Thomas Cubberly John Elizabeth who married Daniel de Hart Soph ia who ina r r ied John Cocheron 19 ROLL GENEALOGY 1 - JAN MANGELSE(N)-1. The ancestor of JOHN ROLL of ELIZABETHTOWN, PROVINCE OF EAST NEW JERSEY, who first settled in this country was one JAN M A N G EL SE( N), an Indian trader who was in BEVERWYCK {the name of the city of ALBANY until 1664),22 ALBANY COUNTY, NEW YORK, as early as 16 56 . 2 2 The fact that he is shown in the early Dutch records of ALBANY, N.Y. as JAN MANGELSE or MANGELSEN indicates that he was JAN, son of MANGLE, and as was the custom in that per iod , was without a s u r n a m e . JAN MANGELSE married a daughter of PETER ADRIAENSEN SOOGEMACKELYCK (VAN WOGGELUM ) , 2 4 by whom he had several children who are entered in the records of the Reformed Dutch Churches of ALBANY and NEW YORK under the name of ROL. (PIETER ADRIAENSEN VAN WOGGELUM, nicknamed SOOGEMACKELYCK '’So E a s y ” , the father-in-law of JAN MANGELSEN, was a tavern keeper RENNSSELAERSWYCK in 1656. in He was generally called "VAN WOGGELUM" probably after the village of that name near ALKMAAR in the PROVINCE OE NORTH HOLLAND.2J PIETER and his brother, JACOB ADRIAENSEN with their mother, were early settlers of BEVERWYCK; both were inn-keepers. In 1660, their mother, ANNA PIETERSE SOEGEMACKELYCK was a widow by the death of her second husband, BARENT JANSE B A L ; she died in December 1669. PIETER ADRIAENSE was apprehended by the revenue officer, JOHAN DE DEKKERE, for refusing to pay the excise on his sales of wine, beer, etc., but escaped; he denied the right of the officer of FORT ORANGE to collect this excise in the Colonie where he lived and in this he was sustained by the Patroon. In 1664 he received a patent for a bouwery and home lot at SCHENECTADY, which he sold in 1670 to HELMER OTTEN for thirtyfive beavers. 22 BIB . 37 - p. 22 23 BIB. 101 - pp. 47-378; 32 - pp. 146-167 24 BIB . 101 - pp. 47-378; 32 - pp. 146-167 25 BIB . 99 - pp. 27, 118-277 20 ROLL GENEALOGY He had a least three children; married JAN M A N G E L S E . 2 6 PIETER JAN and a daughter who In a recent publication {1918} the existence of JACOB, brother of PIETER ADRIAENSEN, is questioned in the following manner: "PIETER ADRIAENSEN, alias 'SO E A S Y 1. He was an inn-keeper at BEVERWYCK and came from WOGGELUM, a small place near ALKMAAR, in the province of NORTH HOLLAND. According to notes by PROF. PEARSON in 'Early Records of Albany' I: 230, 234, he had a brother, JACOB ADRIAENSE SOOGEMAC KE LYC K, who was also an inn keeper and in partnrship with him. T h i s , h o w e v e r , is believed to be a mistake, as in the documents printed on these pages the names JACOB and PIETER seem to be used interchangeably and to refer to the same person. See also same volume, page 253, where the name 'SOOGEMACKELYCK' has been supplied, although JACQI3 ADRIAENSEN VAN UTRECHT was probably the man referred to."^' JAN MANGELSE was appointed on July 30, 1657, at FORT ORANGE, NEW YORK. (At one time the center of the present city of ALBANY, N . Y . ) 2 8 with the HON. PHILLIP P I E T E R S E , attorneys for TEUI^S PIETERSEN TEMPELIER, for the collection of certain d e b t s .)"'9 as shown in the following r e c o r d . 26 BIB. 32 - p. 167 27 BIB. 104 -- p. 35 28 BIB . 32 - p . 184 29 BIB . 34 - p. 4 7 21 ROLL GENEALOGY "Appeared before me Johannes LaMontogne in the service, etc. Teunis Pietersen T e m p i i e r , who declared that he had appointed and by these presents does appoint and empower the Honorable Phil ip Pieterse (Schuyler) and Jan M a n g e I s e n , in his name and in his behalf, to ask and to procure all the debts which are due him, according to his account book, for the receipt thereof to pass acquittances, and in the matter to do as if the appointer himself were present, promising to hold for good all that the attorneys (Schuyler and Mangelsen) in this matter shall do, on pledge of his person and estate, personal and real, submitting the same to all laws and judges. Done in Fort Orange the 30th of July A .D . 1657 Loevies Cobessen and Johannes P r o v o o s t . in the presence of Theunes Pietersen Tempiier Loud ivicus Cobes Johannes Provoost, Witness " 3 3 On April 27th., 1658 he appears as a witness in complaint of Pieter Janse Laemacker who "Complained that Evert Nolding had committed violence upon him at his place and drew his knife against him, and afterwards pulled his hair and laughed at him (?) in the presence of Louys Kobes, Arnold Cornelise and Jan Mangelse, (Sd) Pieter J a n s o n ” 30 BIB. 34 - p. 47 31 BIB. 32 - p. 247 T1 22 ROLL GENEALOGY JAN MANGELSEN was one of the signers of a petition recorded in the FORT ORANGE records, dated May 25th, 1650, presented on behalf of the commonalty legally assembled, praying that no Christian brokers be allowed to roam through the woods and that Indian brokers only be allowed in the Indian trade. On August 25th., 1551, he is recorded as being father-in-law as follows: indebted to his "ALBANY COUNTY RECORDS - Appeared before me JOHANNES LA MONTAGNE, in the service etc. in the presence of the HON. RUTGER JACOBSON and FRANZ BARENTSE PASTOOR, Commissaries, etc. the HON. JAN MANGELSEN of said place, who declares and acknowledges by these presents, that he is well, truly and honestly indebted to his father-in-law, PIETER ADRIAESEN (SOOGERMOCKELYCK) dwelling in the Colonie R E N S S E LA ERS WY CK, in the sum of six hundred guilders in seewant and the number of ten good whole beaver skins, for seewant and other goods which he to his content received; which sum he promises to pay in the time of ten days, wherefore he pledges his person and estate, personal and real, present and future, nothing excepted for the payment of said sum, submitting himself to the force of all laws and judges. Done in FORT ORANGE, the 25th day of August, A .D . 1551. JAN M A N GEL SE N " 3 3 On October 26th., 1661, JAN MANGELSEN rented a house, lot and garden in RENSSELAERSWYCK of JOHANNES CLUTE. On the same day the latter had leased the premises of HENDRICK ROER, which transaction was covered by the following contract: "On this day, the 26th of October 1651, HENDRICK REUR has let and JOHANNES KNOET has hired of him the lessor's house, lot and garden heretofore occupied by ANTHONY J A N S Z , standing and lying in the colony of RENSSELAERSWYCK, known to the lessee, for the term of two following years, beginning on the 8 th of November next, for the sum of three hundred guilders in good strungseawan to be paid punctually each year. 32 BIB. 35 - p. 323 33 BIB. 32 - p. 379 23 ROLL GENEALOGY It is furth er stipulated that the lessor shall deliver the said h o u s e , l o t , and garden to the lessee in good condit i o n , w i n d o w , r o o f , and f loor tight, likewise the fence of the garden in good r e p a i r , on the condition that the lessee shall be holden to deliver the same up again at the end of the lease in like condition, Furthermore the lessee shall have the right during the lease t o have someone else use the said h o u s e , lot and garden on condition that he, the lessee, be respons ible for the rent of the same. Finally, in case any repairs on the house be required or anything be made dur ing the lease, the same shall be done with the knowledge of the lessor, who shall b ear half the expense thereof. For the faithful per formance of which the parties hereto mutually bind their respect ive persons and estates, nothing excepted, subject to all courts and judges. Done in the colony of RENSSELAERSV7YCK, dated as above. HENDRICK ROER JOHANNS2 CLUTE Jure Jan Tunsen This mark II was made by Hendrick Jansz Looman, aforenamed. D.V. SCHELLUYNE, Not. P u b . ^ 1661 The transaction between JAN MANGELSEN and JOHANNES CLUTE mentioned in the foregoing contract was covered by the following agreement: "By virtue of the foregoing contract JAN KNOET leases the above mentioned house and lot and JAN MANGELSZ hires the same of him, for which JAN MANGELSZ shall pay to JAN KNOET the aforesaid stipulated rent, every quarter year a just fourth part, punctually each time, and in addition within the term of said 34 BIB. 104 - p. 131 24 ROLL GENEALOGY lease five beavers or the value thereof: for the faithful performance of which and of the terras of the above lease the parties hereto mutually bind their respective persons and estates, nothing excepted, to the authority of all courts and judges. Done in the colony of RENSSELAERSWYCK on the date above written. JOHANNSZ CLUTE JAN MANGELSE In my presence, D .V . SCHELLUYNE, 1651' Not Pub. JAN MANGELSZ in recorded in Vol. II Register of 5ALAM0N LA CHAIR, Notary Public, NEW AMSTERDAM on August 29th., 1662 as being in debt to PIETER JILLESZ to the extent of one beaver, eight guilders.® On March 20th, 1672, JAN MANGELSE promised with others cattle in ALBANY C O U N T Y .3 7 35 BIB. 104 - p. 132 36 BIB. 68 37 B 13. 32 - p. 431 - P. 148 tc herd 25 ROLL GENEALOGY On January 14th, f o llo ws: 1672/3 he purchased of land at Niskayuna as "Contract of sale between CLAES JANSEN van BOCKHOVEN and JAN MANGELSEN of land at NISKAYUNA " 38 On this 14th day of January 1672/3 appeared before me, ADRIAEN van ILPENDAM, notary public residing in N; A L B A N Y , and before the underwritten witnesses, CLAES J A N S 2 van BOECKHOVEN of the first part and JAN M AN GE LS2 of the second part, who acknowledge that in love and friendship they have agreed in manner following, to wit: CLAES JANS2 van BOECKHOVEN acknowledges that he has sold and JAN M A NGE LS2 that he has bought a certain parcel of land situated at CA NA STAGIONE, comprising three morgens, extending from the kill of RYCK C LA ES2'S land to the land which the se H e r keeps to himself, to wit, to a hickory tree whose top is bent d o w n , as has been pointed out to the buyer. The aforesaid distance is the breadth of the parcel and in length it extends backwards so as to contain the said three m o r g e n s , whi ch said p a r c e 1 is a port ion of the land that the seller bought of HARMEN VEDDER and BARENT REYNDERSZ and the seller delivers said land now to the buyer free and unincumbered (saving the lord's right); for which the buyer promises to pay every year three skipples of good winter w h e a t , excepting the two first years, which the buyer or his heirs must pay every year so long as the seller or his wife, named VOLCKIE JANS live, and after the death of the seller and his wife, then the buyer or his heirs shall own it; in addition to this, the buyer promises to make the fence and maintain it constantly in good repair, between said land and the seller's land. The aforesaid contracting parties mutually promise to execute and perform what is hereinbefore written under pledge of their persons and estates, nothing excepted, subject to all courts and judges. In confirmation of which they have subscribed this with their own hands without craft or guile, dated as above. 33 BIB. 104 - p. 402 26 ROLL GENEALOGY This is the mark X of CLAES JANSZ van B O E C K H O V E N , made with his own h a n d . JAN MANGELSZ. As w i t n e s s e s : This is the mark X of BARENT PIETERSZ made by himself MEES PIETERSZ HOOGEBOOM Quod attester ADRIAEN van ILP EN DAM , Not. P u b . ” JAN MANGELSE appears in the "list of those who will carry the corpse of the Hon. Mr, RENSSELAER, Director of the Colony of RENSSELAERSWYCK, D ec eas ed” whose funeral services were held on the 17/7th of Oct. 1674. This referred to the funeral services of JEREMIAH van RENSSELAER and the list of attendants and invited guests is the earliest schedule of the heads of families of ALBANY, SCHENECTADY and RENSSELAERSWYCK among the existing records of that period. Besides the pallbearers others were invited to the interment. The pallbearers naturally were the ones signally honored and apparently included all the magistrates serving at the time, as well as others who then either held some particular position of prominence or had been for some reason close friends of the d e c e a s e d .3 9 It has been impossible to determine at this time the reason for the selection of JAN MANGELSZ for such an honor, but this incident as weII as the fact that he is termed Honorable in 1661, as previously shown herein, indicates the probability of his having held some public office prior to this date, the nature of which, however, has not been developed so far through a search of the early records. On Feb. 13th. 1681/2 JAN MANGELZE appeared as a witness in NEW ALBANY, N.Y. to an indenture of apprenticeship of JEILIS van VORS to JERONIMUS WENDEL to learn the shoemaker's t r a d e .4 9 March 4th., 1681/2, JAN MANGELSEN received from the Indians a gift of land at C A N 0 8 T A G I 0 N E , now NISKAYUNA, for which he sought to obtain a patent in 1703. 39 BIB. 107 “ pp. 236, 238, 40 BIB. 104 - p. 41 BIB. 104 - p. 133 529 240 27 ROLL GENEALOGY The deed from the Mohawk Sachem to JAN MANGELSE for the Wood land at CANOSTAGIONE (NISKAYUNA) is as follows: "On this day the 4th of March 168 1/2 appeared before their honors of the Court of Albany, the following Maquas chiefs, to wit, Rhode, sachem, (Sakamaker) of the first Castle, Sagoddiochquisax of the second Castle and Todarasse who takes the place of Caniachkoo, his grandfather, deceased, who in accordance with the declaration of the Maquas sachem to the proposition made the 2 nd of this month, declared that out of good friendship and affection, they granted, conveyed and made over by way of gift to Jan Mangelse a certain piece of woodland on which some bushes (Stravellen) stand, lying near Canostagione on the other side of the river, extending up the river, beginning from the uppermost end of Ryk Claese's land where the tree is marked with the mark of Harme Vedder and Barent Ryndertse and stretches along the river over a certain kill named by them O tsk on dar ao goo , whi ch they also together with the watercourse convey to him, and further on to a large black bark oak tree on which the mark of the grantors and the mark or name of Jan MangeIse have been put, and stretches northward up into the woods so far as said Jan Mangelse or his heirs shall have occasion to use the same whether for arable or pasture land as he shall think best; which they the grantors, do free and unincumbered as they have possessed the same, with all appurtenances and dependencies thereto belonging, g iv ing him herewith full power to do with and dispose of the aforesaid land and kill as he might do with his own patrimonial estate and effects, relinquishing said land henceforth, now and forever, conveying the same to Jan Mangelse, his heirs, succesors or assigns, promising nevermore to do nor cause anything to be done contrary hereto in any manner, with or without legal process. Thus done and confirmed with our signatures on the date above written in Albany. 23 ROLL GENEALOGY The mark X of Todarasse made with his own hand. In presence of u C o m . van Dyck 2 sz Dirk We; Jobs. Provoost Jan Janse Bleeker snake . The The Mark X of R h o d e , made with his own h a n d . A w o m a n . The mark X of Sagodd iochqu isax made with his own h a n d . The sun Interpreted by Aern's . Cornelise Viele In my presence, Ro't. Livingston, Secretary1', A will dated Janury 11th, 1638/9, proved April 3, 1712, of one Claas Janse Van Beekhover, of the village of SCHENECTADY, ALBANY COUNTY, NEW YORK, refers to his land lying by the land of JAN MANGELSE of CANOSTIGIONE on the North Side of the MAGNOS RIVER. CANOSTIGIONE was a settlement in the COUNTY of ALBANY, which was patented by MARITIE DAMEN prior to June 8 th, 1670.43 In 1870 it was known as N 1 S K A Y U N N E . 44 The earliest maps of the Mohawk Valley, made prior to the settlement of SCHENECTADY in 1661-1663 show an Indian village at a bend in the Mohawk, about half way between SCHENECTADY and the HUDSON RIVER, called NSARCANE (NASKAYUNNE) .4 5 During February 1690, the French and Indians destroyed the settlement of SCHENECTADY, about one-sixth of the settlers escaping to ALBANY, and at which time they also killed eight or ten settlers of CANOSTIGIONE which aroused the whole country in alarm so that the people left their plantations and the majority of the ALBANY woodsmen returned to NEW YORK C I T Y . 4 42 BIB. 40 - p. 43 BIB . 38 “ PP44 BIB . 34 - p. 45 BIB. 572; 41 - p . 14 0 1 1 - 114 lS 6 ; 49 - p . 302 78 - p. 49 46 BIB . 49 - pp. 308 , 311 29 ROLL GENEALOGY Traditions and the early family records which follow indicate that due to the Indian depredations, JAN MANGELSE and his children, with the except ion of A N T J E , who evidently died in ALBANY, N.Y. about 1691 and PETER, who is recorded in the STATEN ISLAND records during 1696/7,8,9 and as living within the limits of the SCHENECTADY patent in 1702 and also appears in the baptismal records of the Reformed Dutch Church, NEW YORK CITY, in 1703, left CANOSTIGIONE and the vicinity of ALBANY after the year 1690 and settled either in NEW YORK CITY or its vicinity; TRYNTJE, in the baptismal records, Dutch Reformed Church, NEVJ YORK CITY, in 1697; MANGLE JANSE married on STATEN ISLAND in 1692, at which time he is referred to as being from ALBANY and then living on STATEN ISLAND, while JOHANNES does not appear in the ALBANY records after his birth, but does appear in the STATEN ISLAND records after the time he had evidently reached his manhood. That after leaving CANOSTIGIONE, JAN MANGELSE resided for a time on STATEN ISLAND is evidenced by the following deed to his son PETER conveying land in CANOSTIGIONE which he had purchased from the Indians in 1681/2. "Richmond County, Staten Island. The following deed os Sale was recorded for Peter Mangelse, the 3rd day of February 1698/9. Joseph Egbert, Clk. 'To all Christian People to whom thes presents shall come: John Mangilson of Staten Island of the County of Richmond & Trynitje his wife-Sendeth Greetings in our Lord God Everlasting. Now know yee that for the sum of Fifty-pounds currant moneys to them in hand paid by Peter Mangilson at or before the signing & ensealing of these presents the receipt whereof the said John Mangilson and Trynitje his wife both hereby acknowledge themselves therewith fully satisfied contented and paid and of every part and parcell thereof, and do hereby Exonerate and discharge the sd Peter Mangilson his heirs, Exs, administrators & assigns has bargoned, sold assignes & sett over and by these presents doe bargon sell assigne and sett over unto the sd Peter Mangilson his heirs & assigns for ever a certain tract or parcell of land lying and being at Sagoddiochquissatt which by deed of gift has been g rant ed unto the said John Mang ilson by the Maqhase Ind ians in the year of 1681/2, the said land running from the marked tree whereon of name of the sd John Mange Ison stands and also the mark of the Maqhase Indians unto the creek that lyeth west ward the line of the sd land running into the woods diveth North lys on a straight line together with all houses, barnes, stables, orchards, fencings, feedings, pastures, or any other premises whatsover, to have and to hold the sd land and premeses with their and every of their appe rtu na nce s. To the only sole and 30 ROLL GENEALOGY proper use behalf and benefit of him, the said Peter Mangelson his heirs & assigns foreever by these presents and the said John Mangelson and Trijntje his wife for themselves their heirs, Exec. A d m . doth covenant & agree to and with the sd Peter Mang ilson his heirs Exec. Adm. and assigns that hee the said John Mangilson at the time of ensealing and delivery of these presents hath good right full power and absolute authority to grant bargon sell and convey the afore mention premses with their and every of their appertunances freed and cleared of & from all manner of and forever other gifts, grants, bargons, soles, leases, toyntunes, dawers or any other incumbrances whatsoever and that the said peter Mang ilson his heirs, E x e c . admini st. & assigns shall and may lawfully & peaceably, and quietly have hold use occupy posses and enjoy the sd land and premises without the lawfull lett suit trouble interuption or molestation of him the said John Mangilson or either of them and that hee the said John Mangilse his heirs, Exec, adminst. shall warrant and forever will defend the said land and premises against any person or persons laying, claiming any estate right, title of in or to the same. In witness whereof the said John Mangilson and Tryntje his wife have hereunto Sett their hands and seals this second day of February in the tenth year of our Souvenign Lord Willira the third by the grace of God King of Eng. Scotland, France & Ireland, Defender of the Faith an lue 10-169/9 Signed Sealed and Delivered in the presence of Tho. Coone Witness Conelis + Eckenson ' 47 BIB. 113 - p. 322; John Mangilson Tryntje Mangilse 114 - p. 133 31 ROLL GENEALOGY That JAN MANGELSE later resided in NEW YORK CITY with his son MANGLE is indicated by the fact that "On Sept. 29, 1701 JAN M A N G E L S E , a taxable inhabitant and MANGLE JANSE ROLL, a Freeman, are recorded as having voted for an Alderman for the East W a r d , New York City, but properly belong to the North Ward."4^ (In the will of MANGLE JANSE ROLL, referred to hereinafter, reference is made to his house in the CITY OF NEW7 YORK fronting the French C h u r c h ) . Also by the fact that in a census of NEW YORK CITY taken about the year 1703, MANGELL RANSEN is shown as a resident of the NORTH WARD and as the Master of a family consisting of 1 male between 15 and 60 years of age, 1 female, 2 male children, 2 female children and 1 male over 60 years of age. This reference apparantly should have read JANSEN instead of RANSEN, as the description follows that of the family of MANGLE JANSEN ROLL which at that time consisted of his wife their four children and his father JAN MANGELS E . 49 Although the date and place of the death of JAN MANGELSE are unknown, as he does not appear in the Calender of Wilis on file and Recorded in the office of the Clerk of Appeals, of the County Clerk at Albany or in the Records of the Secretary of State 16261836, or in Vols* I and II New York Historical Society Abstract of wills 1665-1728, but that he died while living in New York City, with his son MANGLE JANSE ROLL, and between the years 170 31713, however, is indicated by the above records and the petition of MANGLE JOHNSON ROLL and others in 1713,50 which is given in full in the Chapter relating to MANGLE JANSE ROLL and in which they speak of their father as being dead and also that he had presented a similar petition in 1703 .^-L That JAN MANGELSEN died before Sept. 4th. 1705 is indicated by the fact that on this date his son MANGLE JANSEN ROLL and his wife ANTIE sold to RYER SCIIERMERHOORN three morgans of land at NISKAYUNA which JAN MANGELSEN had obtained from CLAES JANSEN van BOCKHOVEN under a contract of sale of Jan. 14th. 1672/3 together with certain rights in land to rear thereof which said CLAES JANSEN purchased from the Indians on March 4th. 1681/2 and in which JAN MANGELSEN had a share. 48 BIB . 77 ~ pp. 175, 178 49 BIB . 49 ~ P • 616; 50 BIB . 13 P • 104 51 BIB . 104 " P- 133 52 BIB . 104 ” P * 133 52 - 32 ROLL GENEALOGY JAN MANGELSE and TRYNTJE (CATHERINE ) 5 3 VAN WOGGELUM had children: 2 - 1 - ANTJE (ANN) 3 - II - MANGLE JANSE 4 - III - TRYNTJE 5 - IV 6 53 BIB. - V - PIETER (G ATH ERINA) (PETER) - JOHANNES 115 - P. 376 (JOHN) 33 ROLL GENEALOGY 7 - ANTJE (ANN ) 5 4 R O L L 5 5 ~2, -2- (Spelled Real in the early records) 5 8 daughter of JAN MANGELSE of ALBANY, was the first wife of GERARDUS or GERALDUS G A ME SFO RT 5 7 (Comfort) who was in SCHENECTADY as early as May 6 th, 1690, as late as 1697 and at NISKAYUNA, May 18th, 1707 to 1720. He owned ten morgens of land, which he had purchased from the Indians, on the North side of the Mohawk river, BOVEM K AQU ARRIONNE" (HOFFMAN'S FERRY) now T O W E R S N N E , which he had contracted to and sold to CAREL HANSEN TOLL on May 8 th 1694. The west bounds of his lands were also the west bounds of the township of SCHENECTADY. His second wife was ANAANTJE U L D R I C K , widow of GERRIT CLAASE VAN VRANKEN of ALBANY, N.Y. whom he married on October 16, 16S2. GERARDUS CAMBEFORT and ANTJE RAAL had ch ild r e n : I - G E R A R D U S , 5 8 bap. in ALBANY 5/11/1690 settled in NEW YORK CITY where he was a cooper. His shop there was burned in 1733 but by the timely aid of the inhabitants and five Indians his house was saved. He was one of the signers of the petition to the Governor's Council, April 2nd 1713, made by MANGLE JANSE RAL and others for land purchased by their ancestor JAN MANGELSE and was evidently one of the grandchildren of JAN MANGELSEN referred to therein. In this petition his name is written and signed as "GERALDUS KAMFOUR." On March 24, 1713 in the reformed Dutch Church, NEW YORK CITY he (GERARDUS COMFORT) married CATIIERINA BURGER.59 C hil d r e n : I - ANNAT1E 8 9 baptised reformed Dutch Church, NEW7 YORK CITY, 9/28/1714. II - CATHERINA 8 4 baptised Reformed Dutch Church, NEW 54 BIB . 26 - p. 99 55 BIB . 32 - p. 50 ; 59 - p . 3 0 56 BIB. 32 - p. 60 ; 59 - p. 30 57 BIB . 32 - p. 60 ; 59 - p. 30 58 BIB. 3 2 - p . 60 ; 59 - p. 30 59 BIB . 62 - p . 119 60 BIB . 32 ~ p. 60 ; 59 - p . 3 0 61 BIB. 32 - p. 60 ; 59 - p . 3 0 34 ROLL GENEALOGY YORK CITY, 8/18/1717. II - MARGARETA COMFORT who married ALEXANDER PHENIX in the Reformed Dutch Church, NEW YORK CITY on 5/30/1712®*" was probably a daughter of GERARDUS CAMBEFORT and ANTJE R A L . 62 BIB. 62 - p. 117 35 ROLL GENEALOGY This statement is substantiated by the fact that the petition to the Governor's Council made in 1713 by MANGLE JANSE RAL and others in connect ion with land purchased by their ancestor JAN MANGELSE, which refers to the latter's children and grandchildren, is signed by one ALEXANDER PHENIX, who evidently represented his w i f e ’s rights in the matter. ALEXANDER PHENIX was baptised in the DUTCH REFORMED CHURCH, NEW YORK CITY, on Dec. 5th 1690, M- 1st MARGARET COMFORT in NEW YORK CITY 30th May, 1712, M- 2nd. ELIZABETH BURGER, widow of JACOB BOCKEE in NEW YORK CITY, 19th July 1723; in 1732 was admitted a Freeman in NEW YORK CITY and in 1738 was a member of the BLUE ARTILLERY COMPANY. His will was proved 20th Sept. 1770: ALEXANDER PHENIX and MARGARET COMFORT had ch ildren who were bapt ised in the REFORMED DUTCH CHURCH, NEW YORK CITY, as follows: I - JACOBUS (JACOB ) 6 4 son of ALEXANDER FENIX and M A R G R E T J 'S CAMFERT Baptised 4/J9/1713. Witness JACOB FENIX and GATHERINA KAMFERT.6j Was admitted a Freeman in NEW YORK CITY in 1737; died before 20th December 1747; M- 29th October 1738 in NEW YORK CITY, MARY R O O M E , Baptised Dutch Church, NEW YORK CITY 9th April, 1718, daughter of JOHN and SUSANNAH (LE CHEVALLIE) ROOME. She married 2nd., 24th February 1748, PETER BOGART. Children of JACOB PHOENIX and MARY ROOME w e r e : 0 6 I » MARGARET, Bap. DUTCH CHURCH, NEW YORK, Augus t , 17 39 . II - JOHN, Bap. DUTCH CHURCH, NEW YORK, 1742 . Ill - SUSANNAH, Bap. DUTCH CHURCH, A u g u s t , 1744 . 63 BIB . 89 64 BIB. 89 65 BIB. 63 - p. 367 66 BIB . 89 31st 13th October, NEW YORK, 15th 36 ROLL GENEALOGY II - GERRARDUS, (GERARD ) , 6 7 son of ALEXANDER FENIX and GRIETJE COMFERDT bap. August 3, 1715 witness GERRARDUS COMFERD, MARIA W A L T O N . Died in i nf an cy . 69 III - ANNA, twin daughter of ALEXANDER FENIX and MARGRIETJE COMFERT B a p . April 4, 1717 witness MANGLE JANSE ANNA SYN HUYS V R O U . Probably died in infancy.7^ IV - MARYTJE (MARY ) 7 2 twin daughter of ALEXANDER FENIX and MARGRIETJE COMFERT Bap. 4th April, 1717. Witness MANGLE JANSE, ANNA SYN HUYS V R O U . 7 3 Her will was proved 6 th April 1784 . M- 16 th June, 1742 in New York City JOHN E X C E E N , who died before 17th Nov. 1765. 7 ^ V - GERRARDUS (GERARD ) 7 5 son of ALEXANDER FENIX and MARGRIETJE COMFORD Bap. 3rd January 1720. Witness HANZ KIERSTEDE, MARIA VON V L I C O . 7 6 Admitted a Freeman in NEW YORK CITY 1743 ; probably died before 14 th May 1768 . 7 VI - THIELMAN (TELAMON ) 7 8 son of ALEXANDER PHENIX and MARGRIETJE COMFERD Bap. 7th Jan. 1722. Witness JACOB PHENIX, ELIZABETH PHENIX. S . h . v . ; 7 9 His will was proved 2nd. June 1769; M- 10th December 1744, in NEW YORK, EFFIE TILIOU or 67 BIB. 89 68 63 - p. 384 BIB. 69 BIB . 89 70 BIB . 63 - p. 396 71 BIB . 89 72 BIB. 89 73 BIB . 63 - p. 396 74 BIB . 89 75 BIB . 89 76 BIB . 63 - p . 416 77 BIB . 89 78 BIB . 89 79 BIB . 63 - p. 431 37 ROLL GENEALOGY q TILLOU, a L S S UG T - ALEXANDER / Bap. DUTCH C H U R C H , NEW YORK CITY, 5th June, 1748; Living in PHILA. 2nd November, 1771. - TELAMON B- In NEW YORK 29th Dec. 1753; Bap. PRESB. CHURCH, NEW YORK CITY, 20th Jan. 1754. Died in childhood. 30 BIB. 89 38 ROLL GENEALOGY 8 - MANGLE JANSE ROLL-2, -3-, (JAN MANGELSE-1) On October 9th 1692, Married on STATEN ISLAND, ANNETJE HENDRICX YOLCX. In the records of the DUTCH RE FORMED CHURCH, NEW YORK CITY, his marriage is recorded in the DUTCH language as follows "den 9 Oct. 1692 , Getrouwt o f ft Staten Eyl't Mangel Janszen Noll, j.m. Van Albanen, en Annetje Hendricx Yolcx j.d. Van B r e u c k e l y n , d'Eerste Wonende o f 1t Staten Eyl't en twede alhier"® The name Noll is evidently a typographical error and the English interpretation of it is as follows:- "October 9th 1692, married on Staten Island Mangle Janszen Roll (young man not before married) of Albany and Annetje Hendricx Yolcx (young maid not before married) of Brooklyn, the first named living on Staten Island and the second living here (New York City)".®^ Annetje Hendricx Yolcx was in all probab ility the daughter of Bender ick or Iierremensen of Flatlands (Brooklyn) , and the child "Annetje Hendrickse'1 referred to as a minor in 1681 in the following r ec o r d :"Hermanse see Vogel. Hendrick or Herremensen M- Egbertje Jans and died prior to 1677. Resided in Flatlands in 1674 as per Church records of said town. April 3rd 1683, Egbertze his widow sold land in Flatlands as per town r e c o r d , on the deed of which his name is written Her remensen R e n d e r y c k : Issue as per page 22 4 of libre C of Flatbush records: Herman Hendrickse; Styntje Hendrickse, who M- Eldert Lucasse Voorhies:®*^ Jannetje Hendr ickse who M- Loutwyens Mattyse: John Hendrickse and Annetje Hendrickse minors in 1681. It will be noted that in the records which follow that while the majority of the references show the wife of Mangle Janse Roll as Anna or Annetje Rendericks or Hendricx, she is also referred to as Annetje Volck, Annetje Volkerts and Antje Hendrix Valk, which, taken together with the reference to her in her marriage record 81 BIB . 62 - p. 73 82 BIB . 79 P* 399 83 BIB . 81 - p. 643 for their children 84 BIB . 79 P* 142 39 ROLL GENEALOGY as ANNA HENDRICX YOLCX, indicates a surname adopted by her family and which was probably '“VOGEL", from the fact that a cross reference is made to the surname in the foregoing reference to her parentage . The reference in the foregoing marriage record to the place of residence of the contracting parties, indicate that MANGLE JANSE ROLL, was born in ALBANY, N.Y., or if not born there, that he 1 ived there pr ior to his mar r i age at whi ch t ime he r es ided on STATEN ISLAND. After his marriage he evidently settled in NEW YORK CITY as on Sept. 29th. 1701, MANGLE JANSE ROLL, a Freeman and JOHN MANGELSE (his father) a taxable inhabitant are recorded "as voting for an Alderman for the East Ward , City of New York, but properly belong to the Nord W a r d " 8 8 and in his will he refers to himself as of TURTLE BAY in the Out Ward of NEW YORK CITY. He also mentions in his w i l l , owning a house and lot in the City (now 23-25 Pine Street)8f^ fronting the French Church. TURTLE or DEUTAL BAY, the outlet of TURTLE CREEK was on the EAST RIVER opposite BLACKWELL'S ISLAND and is now the section of NEW YORK CITY which adjoins the EAST RIVER between EAST 34th. STREET and 55th STREET. In 1738 it was noted for its s h ipy ar ds . 8 7 The following recent newspaper article refering to this locality and his farm is of interest. "In view of the recent migration of many we 11 -known New Yorkers to the Turtle Bay section east of Third Avenue it may be interesting to note that the area was a popular sur burban guar ter of the city 175 years ago. The important development which has recently taken place there involves a row of houses on the north side of 4 8 t h . Street, between Second and Third Avenues, evidently very close to the attractive farm as advertised for sale in the following notice from The New York Weekly Post Boy in June, 1745: 'To be sold, a good small farm or plantation in the Out Ward of the City of New York, containing thirty acres adjoining upon the East River, a little beyond Turtle Bay and opposite to the sign of the Union Flag. It is very conviently situated and has a commodious safe landing place and harbor in a cove sheltered from ice and strong we at her ; it has two houses upon it and a good bearing orchard, 85 BIB. 77 - pp. 175, 178 86 BIB. 15 - p. 424 87 BIB. 28 - pp. 147, 160, 524; - pp. 439-523 52 - p. 384; 66 - p. 199; 67 40 ROLL GENEALOGY a stream of water running through it and the river before it abounds in great plenty of fish, lobsters and crabs; the rear thereon adjoins to the King's Highway. It lately belonged to MANGEL R O L L , deceas e d . Whoever inclines to pur chase the said farm may apply to Mr. Samuel Beekman or to Mr. Philip Minthorn, living next to William Sackerly's in the Bowery Lane and agree on reasonable terms'1^ As a matter of interest the writer has endeavored to locate the site of the foregoing farm and while his research indicates that it ran from the East River to about 2nd. Avenue between 59th and 62nd streets, he has been unable to find a record of its sale, and bases his deduction of its location upon the description of ad jacent lands whi ch appear in the early land records of the city as follows: Under date of Mar. 13th. 1676, Jacobus Fabricius or Fabritius, received a patent for a tract of land upon the Island of Manhattan adjacent to the East River and containing sixty acres, the original lines of which extended from the river to a point between 2nd. and 3rd. A v e n u e s , and between the present 59th. to 64th. Streets inclusive. This tract was in later years divided by conveyances or other instruments into what was known as the William and Abraham Beekman C Q Tract, The Adam Treadwell Tract and the Philip Brasher Tract. In the transactions cover!ng the division of the Fabricius Tract, it appears that the later disposed of his entire holdings to William Wouterse under date of July 18th. 1677.98 In the case of the Beekman Tract whi ch cover ed the upper half of the former Fabricius Tract the record is apparantly clear from Wouterse to the Beekman Fam ily. " In the case of the Brasher Tract, which ran from the river to a point between 1st. and 2nd Avenues and at a former road known as the Eastern Post Road, and the Treadwell Tract which started at the termination of the Brasher Tract and coninued to the end of the former Fabricius Tract, the record of their disposition is not clear to the writer from the information he has at h a n d . 88 BIB. New York Times Feb. 89 BIB. 110 - pp. 110 90 BIB. 110 - pp. 189-209, 91 BIB. 110 - p. 228 6 th. 1921 (map), 189-209, 227 227 lt-L ROLL GENEALOGY After the purchase of these tracts by Wouterse from Fabricius they as appear from the description in the instrument affecting the tracts adjacent this (these) farm(s) became vested subsequently in John Van Zandt and afterwards in his son Peter Pra Van Z a n d t . T h e Brasher Tract which contained about twenty three acres, was, in the opinion of the writer, the farm formerly owned by Mangle Janse Roll and referred to in his will and the foregoing notice of sale, and his conclusion is substantialed by the folIwer ing; lst:-The transactions covering the Brasher Tract Between the t ime it was owned by Wouterse and came into possesion of John Van Z a n d t , do not appear to have been recorded in the early r e c o r d s . 2nd:-The tract be low the original Fabricius Patent was owned by John Danielson, under an original patent dated Mar. 15th. 1676 at which time the Danielson Tract was referred to as adjacent to the Fabricius Tract. The Danielson Tract was later divided by conveyances etc. into so called Thomas C. Pearsall Tract and the Thomas Addis Emmet T r a c t . ^ In a conveyance dated Feb. 25th 1737 covering the Danielson Tract it is referred to as adjacent to the land of Mangle Janse R o l l , ^ while a mortgage dated July 3th 1756 covering the same tract of land refers to it as being adjacent t o r"land formerly owned by Jacobus Fabricius now John Van Zandt. ^ In a Census of New York City taken about the Year 1703 is shown MANGELL RANSEN as a resident of the North Ward and as the Master of a family consisting of 1 Male between 16 and 60 years of age, 1 Female, 2 Male Children, 2 Female Children and 1 Male over 60 years of age. This reference evidently should have read JANSEN instead of RANSEN, as the description of the family follows that of MANGEL JANSEN ROLL, which at that time consisted of his wife their four children and his father JAN MANGELSE, as shown by the preceeding records as well as by the birth records of his children which fo l l o w . ^ 0 92 BIB . 110 - pp. 190, 210 93 BIB . 110 - pp. 179, 199 94 BIB. 110 - pp. 180, 200 95 BIB . 110 - pp. 181, 201 96 BIB . 49 - p . 616; 52 - 42 ROLL GENEALOGY That at one time he owned land in G R E E W I C H , FAIRFIELD C O U N T Y , C O N N . , is indicated by the foliowering early records:Dec. 27th. VOWLS. 7 1711 MANGEL JOHNSON RALL purchased land of JONOTHAN That he had also followed the sea is indicated by the early records of NEW YORK CITY in which he is referred to as follows: On Sept. 22nd. services. ® 1692 payment was made to MANGELL the Boatman for July 14th. 1706 a warrant was issued to MANGLES JANSE ROLL and others to cut sod for the fortifications of NEW YORK CITY. Jan. 27th. 1709 a petition was presented by MANGLE JANSEN ROLL and others, Boatmen of NEW YORK for their pay for carrying sods from the JERSIES to the Fort at NEW YORK with a c c o u n t .1 0 0 In 1713 MANGEL JONSON ROLL, Mariner of NEW YORK, bought landin “Limping Will's Purchase", RYE, WESTCHESTER COUNTY, NEW Y O R K . 1 0 1 97 BIB . 106 - p. 478 98 BIB , 111 - p. 11 99 BIB . 19 - p. 349 100 BIB . 19 - p. 361 101 BIB . 80 - p. 489 43 ROLL GENEALOGY Mangle R o l l , Boatman was the beneficiary and lawful attorney of James Hall under the letter's will dated Dec. 12th 1715/ and probated May 21st 1716. That Mangle Janse Rol and his wife were called upon on numerous occasions to witness the baptism of their kinship and others is indicated by the following records of the Dutch Reformed Church in New York City. 12/14/1707 Mangle Janse; Antjes Huys Vrow witnessed the baptism of Margrietje daughter of Pieter Mange 1se {brother of Mangle Janse) and Jannetje D u s c h a e n . ^ ^ In this record it will be noted that he is referred to as Mangle Janse although at the time of his marriage in 1692, he had, in following out the custom referred to in the preface, adopted the surname of R o l l . 9/2/17 09 Mangle Janse R o l , Antje Syn hs Vrouw witnessed the baptism of The unis, son of The unis Van Pelt and Elsje Hendrix.'L^ 1/28/1712 Mangel and Antje Rol Remse V. dr. Beek witnessed the baptism^of Caleb and Josua twins of Samuel Phillips and Aaltje D a m e . ^^ In the following records he appears without his wife:- 5/2/1697 Mangle Janse Rol, Ante Hooglant witnessed the baptism of Jeronimus son of Pieter Van Nes and Trynide J a n s ^ ^ (sister of Mangle Jans R o 1). 8/18/1697 Mangle Jans baptism of Jan son of Rol, Willemtje Clement witnessed the Hendrik and Jannetje Clement.^®^ 8/4/1700 Mangle Jans Rol, Sussanah Varlefc, huysv Van Jan de Foreest, witnessed the baptism of Francyntje daughter of 102 BIB. 103 BIB. 14 - P* 169 43 - P* 33 104 BIB . 63 - p. 340 105 BIB . 63 P- 365 106 BIB . 63 P- 244 107 BIB. 63 - P- 246 44 ROLL GENEALOGY Theunis Van Pelt and Elssssje H e n d r i x . 1 8 8 10/22/1710 Mangle Jans Rol. Elsje Van Pelt witnessed the baptism of Marytje daughter of Jan Van Pelt and Marytje P e r y n .- p. 348 108 BIB. 63 - p. 268 45 ROLL GENEALOGY On April 2nd. 1713 Mangle Johnsen roll and others presented a petition to the Governor's Council praying for a patent for 2000 acres each out of a tract of land purchased by John Mangle (their ancestor) of the Indians in Albany County, New Y o r k . ^ 9 9 This petition is as follows: "To his Excellentey Coll Robert Hunter Captaine Generali and Governour in Chiefe over her Majestys Provinces of New York, New Jersey and Territories Depending thereon in America and Vice A d mir ai1 of the Same etc. in Councill. The Humble Petition of Mangle Johnsen Rail, John Johnsen Rail, Alexander Pbenix, Geraldus Kamfour and Peter Vannes on behalfe of themselves and John Peterse Rail and John Mangelse Rail, Senior and others the children and grandchildren of John Mangle deceased . Humbly S h o w e t h :That whereas the said John Mangle the father of some and the grandfather of the other of your Excell Petitioners had a deed or grant of a certain parcell of Land from the Sachems or Head Indians who called themseIves and were the reputed owners of the Same Bearing Date of the fourth day of March 158 1/2 which said grant was for a certaine piece of Woodland where Some Small Trees Stand on, being at Canostigione in the County of Albany on the other side of the River stretching up the River Beg inning at the upper end of Rick Claesen Land where the Tree is marked with the Marke of Harman vedder and Barent Reynderts, and stretches along the River over a certain creek called by them Oes ko nd a r a o g o o , together with their Streams and farther to a great Black Oak Tree where they Have their Marks, together with the Marke or name of John MangeIsen and stretches Northward into the woods as farr as the Said John Mangle sen or his Heirs shall have Occation to use it plow land or Pasture Land So as they have possessed the Same; with all and every of its appurtenances and appendances 109 BIB. 13 - p. 104 46 ROLL GENEALOGY thereunto belonging; and the said Deed of Conveyance was attested by the then Magistrate of the County of Albany under whole District of the Said Land Laid and by the then Secretary and Entred on Record while according to the then Usage and Custome of the Country was Esteemed a good Estate of Inheritance, but the Said John Mange Isen being Willing and Desirous to pay the Rents and Dutys Due to the Crown Did in the year 1703 appy tc the then Governor the Lord Clarendon in Counc ill for a Patent for the same and some steps were accordingly taken by the Said Governor in Council! but not Effected. Wherefore your Excelleinteys Petitioners humbly Pray in Consideration that the father of your Excel'ys Petitioners Hath bin at the Expense of Purchasing the Premises and for the Great Charge and Expense that he and your Excellenty's Petitioners have been at in Setting and improving the same and have bin in Possession thereof about Thirty Years. Humbly Pray that your Excellentry will be favowrably Pleased to Grant unto your Excellenteys Petitioners Two Thousand Acres Each of the Land Contained within the bounds and Limits above mentioned, and that your Excell'y would Cause a Survey therefore to be made and that your Excellentey would be pleased to order a Warrant to her Majestys Attorney Generali to prepare a Draft of Leter Pattents accordingly under Sueh Qu i 11 Rents and Restrictions as to your Excelleny Shall Seemineeth. And your Excellenys Petitioners Shall Ever Pray The mark of Mangle Janse Roll Alexander Phenix Geraldus Kamfoour John Rail Peter vanness In the original manuseript record of the minutes of the Governor's Councill, now in the custody of the New York State Archivist, Albany, N.Y. Vol. II page 170 this petition is referred to under date of April 2, 1713, as follows: 47 ROLL GENEALOGY "The Petition of Mangle Johnsen Roll and others was read and referred to the Gentlemen of this Board or any Five of them". No record has been found, however, been t a k e n . of any further action having In his will which follows he refers tc his wife Anne, sons-in-law Philip Mint h o m e and Samue 1 Beekman and 1 ivi ng Children John as Eldest, Catherine and Johanna, and grandchild Susanah Forber. "In the name of God, Amen, August 16th 1732, I Mangle Jansen Roll, Yeoman of Turtle Bay, in the OuWard of New York, being sick, I leave to my son John Roll 25 in full of all claims as my eldest son. All the rest of my estate to my wife Anne Roll during her life or widowhood and then to my children John, Catherina and Johanna. My daughter shall pay her daughter, Susannah Forber 20. My Executors are to sell all my Real Estate. If my son John shall have mind to purchase my house and lot of gound in New York, fronting the French Church, he shall have the preference. I make my wife Anne and my son John and my sons-in law Phillip Minthorne and Samuel Beekman executors". Witnesses John Ten Broeck, H. De Meyer, ^facob Janeway. 4/19/174 4 . The wife Anne was then dead.-^^ Proved Mangle Janse Roll and Anna Hendricks Vogel had children; I - C A T H E R I N A , daugh ter of Mangle Janse Rol and Anna Hendricx baptised in the Dutch Reformed Church, New York City, Oct. 24, 1694. Witness Capt. Gerard Douw, Alegonda Van Her t sbergen . She and her daughter Susannah Furher are mentioned in her father's will, who also names his son-inlav/ Samuel Beekman as one of the Executors of his estate. 110 BIB. 424 111 BIB. 63 - p. 222 43 ROLL GENEALOGY From these facts and the birth records which follow, Catherina was evidently mar r 1ed t iwee; First to Mathew Forbur with who on 5/19/1717 she (Catherina Forbur) is recorded as witnessing as his wife, the baptism in Re fo rmed Dutch Church, New York City, of Elizabeth, daughter of Roberts vesgate and Francyntje R a l . - ^ 2 Issue: I - S us an n a h , daughter of Mathew Forbur and Catherina Ral baptised in Dutch Reformed Church, New York City 5/13/1722. Witness Mangle Ral and Antje Ral. Second to Samuel Beekman, Issue: II - Annastje, daughter of Samuel Beekman and Catherina Rol, baptised 5/15/1729 Witness: Philip Minthorne Jr. Annaatje Rol. s h v II - FRANCYNTJE, daughter of Mangel Janse Rol and Anna Hendricx, baptised in Reformed Dutch Church, New York City, 2/28/1697 Witness Willem Cottineau, Catherina D o w e . D She married Roberd vesgate, Issue: I - Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Vesgate and Francyntje Ral in Reformed Dutch Church, in New York City 5/19/1717 Witness: Mathew F o r b a r , Catherina Forber. s. h v 1 1 6 She evidently died about 17 20 as she is not ment ioned in her father's will dated 8/16/1732 and her husband married again as on April 3rd 1723 in the Reformed Dutch Church, New York City there is recorded the bap, of Roberd, son of Roberd Westgate, and Debora Nagel, witness; Davidt Provost, A e 1j t e R o 11. ^ ^ ^ 112 BIB. 63 - p. 397 113 BIB. 63 - p . 434 114 BIB . 63 - p. 491 115 BIB. 6 116 BIB. 63 - p. 397 117 BIB. 63 - p. 441 3 - p. 242 49 ROLL GENEALOGY III ~ JAN (JOHN) son of Mangle Janse Rol and Anna Hendricx baptised in Reformed Dutch Church, New York City 8/20/1699, witness Gysbert Van i n qb urg , Catalina Rapalje h v van Jeremias W e s t e r h o u t ,-*-1® On March 17, 1719 in the Reformed Dutch Church, New York City he {John Roll) married Aaltje Bas. He is mentioned in his father's will as the eldest son, is given the preference in the purchase of his father's house in New York City opposite the French Church and is named as one of the Executors of the E s t a t e . He is also named as brother-in-law and an executor of the estate in the will of Philip Minthorne dated 8/18/1732 Proved 3/10/1736.1 He is referred to as John Mangelse Rail Senior in the land petition of Mangle Janse Roll dated 4/24/1713 . On 1/26/1726 Jan Ral and Marytje Bas witnessed the baptism in the Reformed Dutch Church, New York City of Arle child of Dirk Dykman and Willemina Bas. ^ A John Roll witnessed will of James Clapp of Rye, Westchester Cty., New York, dated May 20, 1737 Proved March 5, 1755.122 That he owned land in Connecticut is indicated in the will of Abraham Miller of Rye, Westchester Ctv., New York, Dated Sept. 18, 1749 Proved Apr. 15 1750 which refers to land of heirs of John Rail in Greenwich, Conn. This will was witnessed by Mangle R o l 1 ^ J son of the latter. 118 BIB. 63 - p . 260 119 BIB . 62 - p . 130 120 BIB. 33 - p. 97 121 BIB. 63 - p. 463 122 BIB. 33 - p . 4 5 123 BIB . 16 - p . 281 50 ROLL GENEALOGY He is also referred to as a landwoner in Greenwich, in connection with the following transactions; Conn., Dec. 7th. 1729, John Rail purchased land from william Beardsley. ^ June 18th. R ail.125 1739, George Mitchell purchased Feb. 16th. 1750, John Chambers purchased of John R a i l . land from John land from estate Jan. 14th. 1750, William Willett received Executors deed from Estate of John R a l l . ^ ^ That like his father he also followed the sea is indicated by the following Indenture and also by his will: Nov. 2nd 1722 an Indenture was resistered in New York City on behalf of TUNIS VAN PELT, son of TUNIS VAN PELT shere by the former was apprenticed to JOHN ROLL, Mariner, for seven years from Nov. 22nd. 1722, and which provided that the latter ,!w i l l teach or cause him to be taught to write cypher and the Art of Navigation ~~ M^28 124 BIB . 106 " PP . 448 125 BIB. 106 - p. 474 126 BIB . 106 - P* 4 51 127 BIB. 106 “ P. 487 128 BIB . 111 - p. 150 51 ROLL GENEALOGY His will, is as follows: "In the name of G o d , Amen, I, John Roll of Turtle Bay in the outward of New York, Mariner being sick, I leave to my son Mangle Roll in full of all damages as eldest son and heir. I leave my wife Allida and to my Children Mangle Ro l 1 and John Rol1 all my Estate when they are of a g e . My executors are to have full power to sell land. My will is that my vessell be kept going for the better maintenance of my children if my wife thinks p r o p e r , and it is not to be sold. I make my wife and Isaac Bragaw Sr. of Newtown and John Carhart of Rye, E x e c u t o r s " . Witness Isaac Brackow, John Dykman. Jacobus Kip. Dated May 17th, 1744 Proved July 13 , 1744 .12-; His will also indicates that he died during 1744 a few months after his father and at which time his living children were minors. Jan Rol and Aaltje (Allida) Bas had ch ildren:I - Annatje, daughter of Johannes Rail and Aeltje Bars, baptised in Reformed Dutch Church, New York City, Oct. 25, 1719. Witness: Mangle Janse R a l , Ant je Bars. She evidently died prior to 1744 as she is not mentioned in her father's will proved during that year. II - Mangle, mentioned in his father's will in 1744, as eldest son but evidently a minor at that time. Is probably the Mansell Roll who witnessed will of Ebenzer T. Healy of Rye, Westchester Cty., New York dated 5/27/1747 and proved 6/13/1747 .^ O n Sept. 18, 1749 Mangle Rol1 witnessed will of Abraham Miller of R y e , Westchester Cty., New Y o r k .^-2 2 June 13th. 1747 MANGELL ROLL witnessed will of EBENEZER THEALL of RYE, WESTCHESTER CTY., N .Y . 1 3 3 129 BIB . 16 - p. 12 130 BIB. 63 - P- 415 131 BIB. 16 - P- 129; 132 BIB. 16 - P* 281 133 BIB . 112 -- P* 16 4 80 52 ROLL GENEALOGY He evidently married Sara Richardson, as:- I - Alida, daughter of Mangle Rol and Sara Richardson was Baptised in the Reformed Church, New York City, 2/5/1746. Witness: Willem Richardson, Alida Pieters huis v. van John K e t h a r .-^-3 ^ III ~ Johannes, son of Johannes Rol and Aaltje Bass, Baptised in Reformed Dutch Church, New York City 4/7/1734. Witness: Jan Bass, Tanneke Waldron h.v.v. Jan A d r i a a n s e . 3 3 3 He is also referred to as John and a minor in his father's will. He is probably the John Roll who was named as executor in will of John Conklin of B e d o r d , Westchester County, New York, dated August 30th., 1773 and proved Jan. 18 , 1774 . 1 3 6 IV - Hendrick, son of Mangle Janse Rol and Annetje Volck, baptised in the Reformed Dutch Church, New York City 3/18/1702. Witness: Abraham Meiser Jannetje Van Inburgs Suster. 33 As he is not mentioned in his f ather’s will he probably died in ch ildhood . 134 BIB . 64 - p. 122 135 BIB . 64 - p. 33 136 BIB . 58 - p. 166 137 BIB . 63 - p. 282 ROLL GENEALOGY V - Annatje, daughter of Mangle Janse Rol (in the baptismal record he is referred to as Mangle Janse without the surname R o l ) ^ ® and Antie Menderix was baptised in the Reformed Dutch Church, New York City on 6/25/1704 witness Edward Blagg and Jannetie Ficcus s h v . ^ ^ On February 9th 1723 in the Dutch Reformed Church, New York City, she mar r ied P h i 11 ip Min tborne at wh i ch t ime she appear s in the marriage record as Johanna R a i l . ^ Both are mentioned in her father's will Proved 4/19/1744 which named his son-inlaw Phillip Minthorne as one of the executors of the estate. Phillip Minthorne was a farmer and from 1718 to 1742 served as Assistant Alderman of New York from the Out Ward. The baptismal records of the Reformed Dutch Church, New York City shows that Phillip Minthorne and his wife witnessed baptisms as follows: 4/11/1731 Phillip Minthorne, Annaatje Roll, Syn. H.V. witnessed the baptism of Hillegond, daughter of Johannes Van Deursen and Giertje M i n t h o r n e . ^ 9/15/1736 Phiilipus Minthorn, Annatje Rol, Syn. H.V. witnessed baptism of Jannetje, daughter of Johannes Minthorne and Jannetje E l s w o r t h . ^ 138 BIB . 63 - p. 299 139 BIB . 63 - P* 299 140 BIB . 62 - p. 139 141 BIB . 15 ” p. 424 142 BIB . 70 “ P* 476 143 BIB. 64 - p. 12 144 BIB . 64 - P* 52 54 ROLL GENEALOGY 11/28/1736 Phillip Minthorne and Annetje Ral syn. h.V. witnessed the bapti sm of H illegonda , daughter of Aarnont Wibber and Sara M i n t h o r n e . ^ In his will dated 8/18/1732 Proved 3/10/1756 Philip Minthorne, in the Bowery in the Out Ward of New York, yeoman names his brother-in-law John Roll as one of the Executors of the Estate and names his wife Johana and children, Phillip, Johana, H illeg arde and M a r g a r e t . ^ ® They had ch ildren who were bapt ised in the Reformed Dutch Church, New York City, as follows: I - P h i l i p p u s , son of Ph ilip Menthorne Jr . and Annatje Roll baptised 10/13/1723. Witness: Phillip Menthorne s.h. VR. II - Phillipus, son of Philip Menthorne and Anatje Roll, baptised 10/7/1724. Witness P h i 1 ipus Menthorne S r . H illegond Menthorne . III - Annatje, daughter of Philip Menthorne and Annatje R ol1 baptised 3/2 6/17 27 . W i t n e s s , Mangle Janse Roll, Annatje volkerts s.h.s. v r #14 9 IV - Hillegont, daughter of Philip Minthorne and Annaatje Roll, bap. 9/23/17J9 witness Johannes Mi n t h o r n e , Catherina R o l l .^ V - M a r g r e i t j e , daughter of Philip Minthorn and Annaatje Roll, bap. 1/9/1732 witness Johannes Van Deursen Geertje Minthorn, syn h.v. ^ 145 BIB . 63 - p. 54; 65 146 BIB . 33 - p. 97 147 BIB . 63 - p. 445 148 BIB . 63 - p. 451 149 BIB . 63 - p. 473 150 BIB . 63 - p. 494 151 BIB . 64 - p. 17 55 ROLL GENEALOGY VI - Geertje, daughters of Philip Minthorne and Johanna Ral baptised 6/19/1734 witness Arenout Webbers shv Sara Minthorn, Jan Man Jr., and h.v. 1V Anna M i n t h o r n . J~ VII - Francytje, (same as above) VIII - Sara, daughter of Phillpus Minthorne and Anna Rail baptised 10/22/1735 witness Aarnond W e b b e r s , Sara Minthorn z h v . IX - Francytje, daughter of Phi ip Minthorne and Annatje Ral baptised 1/25/1738, witness John Minthorn, Jannetje Elsworth zhv.^~*^ Died 3/13/1821, married in New York 6/5/1765 Paulas Banta who died 10/18/1791. They were the parents of ten children, for a record of whom the reader is referred to Page 6 6 Banta's Frisian Fam ilies . X - Mangle (Mangenes), son of Philippus Minthorn and Johanna Ral, baptised 8/20/1740, witness Johannes V. Deursen, Gerrit Minthorn zhv . Mangle Minthorn was one of the "City F a t h e r s " of New Y o r k ^ ^ and served as Assistant Alderman 152 BIB . 6 153 BIB. 64 - p. 46 154 BIB . 6 4 - p . 62 155 BIB . 6 4 156 BIB. 90 - p. CO i 4 - p. 34 574 56 ROLL GENEALOGY 7th Ward front 1792 to 1799 , Alderman 7th Ward from 180G to 1804 and Alderman 9th Ward 18089.157 He was also known as one of New Yorks Merchant Princes.-*-^® He was an energetic member of the "Martling Men'', {So called from the fact that they held their meetings in M a r t l i n g 1s Long Room, Tammany Hall, opposite City Hall Park) 59 an organization of REPUBLICANS also called MADISON REPUBLICANS, (afterwards the TAMMANY PARTY) and who were antagonistic to DE WITT CLINTON, Mayor of New York City which eventually sapped the la t t e r 1s political status with many Republicans, ®-1- and presided at their meeting in 1810 when they met to organize fpjj CLINTON'S defeat for LIEUTENANT GO VERNOR.lo“ As a result of these meetings he was attacked by ROBERT M A C O M B , in a publication entitled , "REPLY TO RESOLUTION AND ADDRESS OF MEETING CONVENED AT MA R T L I N G 1 S , NEW YORK CITY 1811" which contained a copy of the proceedings of the COMMITTEE OF SAFETY in 1776 against MANGLE MINTHORN. 157 BIB. 70 - p. 476 158 BIB. 92 ~ P * 358 159 BIB . 90 “ P* 572 160 BIB. 16 1 90 - p. 572 BIB . 91 “ P. 17 162 BIB . 90 - p. 572 57 ROLL GENEALOGY MANGLE MINTHORN'S daughter HANNAH married DANIEL D. TOMPKINS, Governor of New York and vice President of the United States. j^er picture appears as the front piece in the Publie Papers of Gov. Tompkins Vol. Ill, War of 1812 Series. GO VERNOR TOMPKINS is buried in the family vault of his fa ther-in-law, MANGLE MINTHORN in SAINT MARKS CHURCHYARD, in the BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, NEW YORK CITY. He owned many acres of land on Staten Island and founded the Village of Tompkinsville. He entertained Marquis de Lafayette on the Island, on his private estate, in 1824. His spacious mansion was the resort of many of the most famous people of the d a y . ^ 163 BIB. 92 - p. 358; 16 4 BIB. 108 - p. 285 165 BIB. 122 - p. 28 90 - p. 575 58 ROLL GENEALOGY XI - JOHANNES, son of PHILIP MINTHORNE and JOHANNA RAL, baptised 7/3/1743; witness JOHANNES RAL, AALTJE BASS syn h . v . 1 6 6 XII - HENDRICK, son of PHILIPPUS MINTHORN and ANNATJE ROL; Baptised 2/5/1746,^ Witness: WIERT B O N T E , HANNA M I N T H O R N , z .h .v .1 6 7 VI - MARGORINTJE, daughter of Mangle Janse Rol and Antje Hendricks baptised in the Reformed Dutch Church, New York City, 11/20/1706. Witness Abraham Masier and Elizabeth s.h. vrow. ® VII - SARA, daughter of Mangle Janse Rol and Antje Hendrix, Valk, baptised in the Reformed Dutch Church, New York City, 9/12/1711, witness Samuel Filipz, Elsje Van pelt. 16 6 BIB . 64 - p. 103 167 BIB . 64 - p. 122 168 BIB. 63 - p. 320 16 G BIB . 63 ~ p. 355 53 ROLL GENEALOGY 9 - T R Y N T J E , "CATHERINE ” 1 7 0 ROLL-2, -4-, (JAN MANGELSE-1) Was undoubtedly a daughter of Jan Mangelse of Albany, N.Y. That this true is indicated by the fact that in the petition of Mangle Johnsen Roll and others in 1713,171 one of the signers was Peter Vanness, who evidently represented his wife's rights in the matter. Also the following baptisnial record shows her second name as Jans, indicating that her father's name was Jan, and one of the witnesses was Mangle Janse Roll, son of Jan Maglese presumably her brother and previously referred to in this record: I - Jeronimus, son of Pieter Van Nes and Tryntje Jans was baptised in the Reformed Dutch Church, New York City 5/2/16 97 , witness Mangle Janse R o l , Ante Hoogiant. 170 BIB. 26 - p. 99 171 BIB. 26 ~ p. 99 172 BIB. 63 - p. 244 60 ROLL GENEALOGY 10 - PIETER (PETER ) 1 7 3 MANGELSE R O L L - 2 , -5-, (JAN MA NGE L S E - l ) (also referred to in the records as early as 1700 as„Pieter R al 1 7 4 and as son of Jan Mangelse of Albany, N . Y . ) 1 7 3 married jannetie Du S c h e e n . 1 7 3 He evidently left the vicinity of Canostigione, where apparently he had been r a i s e d , with other members of the family after the Indian depredations of 1590 and settled on Staten Island as indicated by the following recrods:2/11/1695-7. Cattle Mark Records of Richmond County shows "Peter M a n g 1sones with two slites right downe the left yeare and won slitt down the top of the yea re 1’.1 7 ' 4/6/1698. Peter Manglesone referred to as Constable of Richmond County in connection with inventory of property of Jacob Recount d e s c e a s e d .173 peter Mangelson of Staten Island and wife Yondfoa Mangelson deeded to John Woblone of the County of Richmond 23rd day of March lot and parcel of woodland north field of Staten 1 sland . In 1700 he is recorded in the list of members of the First Reformed Church at Schenectady New Y o r k ,1 3 3 but his name does not again appear in the records of this church after 1702.131 That he had his wife returned after 1702 to New York City or its vicinity is indicated by the records of Dutch Reformed Church at that p l a c e . 173 BIB . 26 P* 99 174 BIB. 60 - p. 14 9; 61 - p. 138 175 BIB. 60 - p. 113; 61 - p . 128 176 BIB. 60 - p. 61 - p . 128 177 BIB . 53 P* 113; 26 178 BIB. 117 - p . 289;; 14 - p . 31 179 BIB. 113 ” P . 270 180 BIB. 60 - P- 149 ; 61 - p . 138 181 BIB . 60 - p. 149; 61 - p . 133 61 ROLL GENEALOGY In view of the facts, however, that he does not appear in the census of New York City in 1703 , 3 8 2 but had lived and had family connect ions near Port Ri c h m o n d , Staten Is l a n d , th rough his brothers, Mangle and Johannes, his father-in-law and his son and daughters who married and settled there, it is believed that he and his family again located in or near the latter place. It may be, h o w e v e r , that from the fact that two of bis children were baptised in New York City that he located there after 1703 and his children only settled on Staten Island. Janette Mangles is referred to as the daughter of Anthony Du Chene of Staten Island in the l a t t e r 's will dated 4/3/1711 and proved 5/12/1712.383 In the records of the Reformed Dutch Church in New York City, Pieter Mangelse and Jannetje s h s vrow on 3/30/1709 witnessed the baptism of Jannetje, daughter of Jan Clase Van Spare and Marytje Du Chane-1-0^ the latter probably being a sister of Jannetje Du Scheen wife of Pieter Mangelse. 182 BIB. 49 - p. 611 183 BIB. 14 - p. 121 184 BIB. 48 - p. 115 62 ROLL GENEALOGY That Pieter Mangelse (Ral) died prior to 1713 is indicated by the fact that the land petition of Mangle Johnson Roll and others presented in 1713 is signed on behalf of John son of Peter Rail. Pieter Mangelse and Jannetje Du Scheen had children:I - MARIA (or Mary) baptised 9/1/1700 in the First Reformed Church Schenectady, N .Y . She is not mentioned in the records of this church after this d a t e 1 ^J and evidently married Johannes preyer and lived on Staten Island as the Dutch Reformed Church in Port Richmond shows: Maria Ral (or Rale) and Johannes Preyer witnessed the baptism of Anna daughter Ary Van Woggelum and Celia Preyer on 6/3/1722, also on 3/14/1732 Marytje Manglese Rol and Johannes Preyer witnessed the baptism of Pieter son of Jacob Preyer and Lea Beekman."-87 The records of this church also show their children as follows: I - ANNA, daughter of Maria Ral and Johannes Preyer, bap. 5/20/1722, witnesses Ary Van Woggelum and Catherina Sween. II - ANDRIES, son of Maria Ral and Johannes Preyer, bap, 12/12/1725, witnesses Jacob Preyer and Lea Bee k m a n .1 III - JANNETJE, daugher of Maria Ral and Johannes Preyer, bap. 10/20/1728, witnessed Hans Ral and Elizabth Strikhouse. *"0 185 BIB. CT\ o t IV - CATHERINA, daughter of Marytje Ral and Johannes preyer, bap. 3/18/1732/3, witness Celia 1Q1 Preyer. 113; 186 BIB . 3 6 - p. 27 187 BIB . 36 - p. 42 188 BIB . 36 - p. 27 189 BIB . 36 - p. 32 190 BIB. 36 - p. 37 191 BIB. 36 - p. 44 6.1 63 ROLL GENEALOGY II - F R A N S Y N A , baptised 10/18/1702 in the First Reform Church, Schenectady, N .Y . , bu t is not mentioned in the records of 1Q9 this church after that date. That she also lived near Port Richmond, Staten island is indicated by the records of the Dutch Reformed Church at that place as on 4/10/1720 Francyntje Mangles Ral and Thomas Kasper witnessed the baptism of Isaak son of Egbert Egber tse and Francyntje de C h e n e . 9 9 III - MARGRIETJE, daughter of Jannetje Duschaen and Pieter Mangelse was baptised in the Reformed Dutch Church, New York City, 12/14/1707, witness Mangel Janse (brother of Pieter) and Antje s huys v r o w , ^ : ^ IV ~ JANNEKE, daughter of Janneke was baptised in the Reformed 10/16/1709, witness Nicholas She evidently married George island as the records of the du sjanne and Pieter Manglese Dutch Church, New York City Daleyand Fitje Van Pelt. 9^ Personnet and lived on Staten Dutch Reformed Church shows: I - JANNETJE, daughter of Jannetje Mangels and George personet was baptised 6/13/1731, witness Jannetje Duchene.^9 ^ The latter was evidently the grandmother of the children baptised. II - JOHANNES, son of Jannetje Mangels and George Personet was bap. 8/17/1735. No w i t n e s s e s . 192 BIB . 60 " P. 113; 193 BIB . 36 ~ P • 23 194 BIB . 48 - p. 38 195 BIB . 48 - p. 119 196 BIB. 21 - p. 130 197 BIB. 21 “ P • 19 4 61 64 ROLL GENEALOGY V - JOHN (PETER MAN G E L S - 2, JAN MANGELSE-1), referred to in the land Petition of MANGLE JOHNSON ROLL and others as JOHN PETERSE R A L L , at which time he was evidently a minor, was probably born about 1708, on STATEN ISLAND, where he appears in a number of early DUTCH RECORD3. In a number of these records which follow it will be noted that he is referred to as JOHN ROLL JR. which title was evidently used to distinguish him from his uncle JOHN ROL, also a resident of STATEN ISLAND and referred to h e r e in aft er. 65 ROLL GENEALOGY The reader should not confuse him with JOHN R O L , son of JOHN ROLL , who also appears in the early Dutch records of STATEN IS LA N D , during the same period, and who was apparently about the same age. The only explanation that the compiler can make as to their being of the same name i: that their parents evidently followed a custom of naming 1Q Q their children after their grandparents. On 10/20/17 28 , IIANS (JOHN) 1 9 9 RAL & ELISABET STRIKHOUSE witnessed the baptism of JANNETJE daughter of JOHANNES PREYER and MARIA R A L L . 2 0 0 He is recorded as be ing among the second lot of settlers of TURKEY, on LONG HILL, ELIZABETHTOWN TOWNSHIP, ESSEX COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, {which in 1809 was changed to NEW PROVIDENCE) ESSEX (now UNION) C O U N T Y , 2 0 2 and that he settled between SPRINGFIELD and WESTFIELD near the MOUNTAINS. 3 The early settlement of NEW PROVIDENCE proper was in 1736/8 and those who followed came within the next forty years. 0 Family tradition states that he settled in NEW JERSEY in 1742 and as he is referred to in the deed from his uncle for land in NEW JERSEY dated in 1754, which f o l l o w s , as of ELIZABETHTOWN, it is evident that he removed from STATEN ISLAND to NEW JERSEY, prior to 1754. LITTELL in his records of the First Settlers of the PASSAIC VALLEY, states, "JOHN ROL {called in German JOHANNIS 198 BIB. 76 ~ p. VII 199 BIB. 115 - p. 378 200 BIB. 120 - p . 69 201 BIB. 20 - p. 571; 57 - p . 63 6 2 3 - p . 345; 27 - p . 449; 56 p. 431; 202 BIB. 20 - p. 571; 5 7 - p . 636 23 - p. 345; 27 - p . 449; 56 - p . 431; 23 - p. 27 - p . 449; 56 - p. 431; 203 BIB. 1 - p. 349 204 BIB. 20 - p. 571; 57 ~ p. 636 345; 66 ROLL GENEALOGY MONGLE) came from GERMANY''.205 This is an error as he was no doubt born on STATEN I S L A N D , a bout 170 8 , his father being mentioned in the early Dutch records of RICHMOND C O U N T Y , nor is he shown in CHAMBER'S Records of the Early Germans of NEW J E R S E Y . 2 0 5 205 BIB. 1 - p. 349 206 BIB. 9 67 ROLL GENEALOGY VI - CATHERINA. No records have been obtained to determine her relationship to the other members of the family, but as it will be noted in the following STATEN ISLAND records that her name is shown as CATHERINA MANGLES ROL and as she witnessed the baptism of a child of MARIA RAL and in turn the baptism of one of her children was witnessed by MICHIEL DU C H E N E , it is taken by the compiler that the subject of the first event was a daughter of her sister MARIA while the latter event was witnessed by a cousin, (CATHERINA definitly was the daughter of PETER MANGELSE and his wife JANNETJE DU CHENE) . On the 20th May 1722, CATHERINA SWEEM and ARY VAN WOGGELUM, in the DUTCH REFORMED CHURCH in PORT RICHMOND, STATEN ISLAND, witnessed the baptism of ANNA, daughter of JOHANNES PREYER and maria r a l . 2 0 7 The following batismal records of the same church indicate that she married MATTHYS SWEEM that they lived on STATEN ISLAND and had issue: I - ANTHONY, son of MATTHYS SWEEM and CATHERINA MANGLES RAL, bap. 19th April 1719. Witnesses ANTHONY TIIYSS SWEEM and NEELTJE J A N S Z . 2 0 8 XI - JANNETJE, daughter of MATTIIYS SWEEM and CATHERINA MANGLES ROL, bag. 22nd October Witness JOHANNES SWEEM.20^ 1727. III - MATTHIAS, son of MATTHYS SWEEM and CATHERINA MANGLES ROL, bap. 21st April 1734, witnesses MICHIEL DU CHENE and HESTER C O N N O N . 2 1 0 VII - ANNA. As with CATHERINA no records have been obtained as to her relationship with the other members of the family, but as she appears in the STATEN ISLAND records and as the baptism of her daughter MARIA was witnessed by JANNETJE DU CHENE it is taken that the latter was her mother. 207 BIB. 3 6 “ p . 27 208 BIB. 36 “ p . 209 BIB . 36 - p. 210 BIB. 21 35 36 - p. 45 68 ROLL GENEALOGY The following batismai records of the Dutch Reformed Church, in PORT RICHMOND, STATEN ISLAND, indicates that she married JACOB WRIGHT, that they lived on STATEN ISLAND and had iss u e : I - MARIA, daughter of JACOB RYT and ANNA RAL, bap. 20th May 1722, witness JANNETJE DU C H E N E . i'1 1 II - SUSANNA, daughter of JACOB WRIGHT and ANTJE ROL, baptised 29th May 1726 . 211 BIB. 36 - p. 27 212 B 13. 36 - p. 33 69 ROLL GENEALOGY 11 - JOHANNES ROLL-2, - 6 -, (JAN MANGELSE-1) Was baptised as son of Jan Mangelsen in the Reformed Protestent Dutch Church, Albany, N.Y. on January 27th, 1686, his sponsors being Geertruy Lansing and Johannes L a n s i n g .2 1 2 John Roll married Grittie widow of Jan I-Iarmensen van Barkelo who had four daughters by her first marriage. She had only one child by John Roll, a son John, who married Fytje Van Bus kirk. He was one of the signers of the land petition presented by Mangle Jansen Roll in 1713 in which he is shown as John Johnsen Ro ll .214 That he also lef t Canost ig i o n e , Albany C o u n t y , N .Y ., and settled in the Northern Division (now Port Richmond) Staten Island is indicated by the facts previously presented in this work and the early Dutch Records of Richmond County, which follow: In 1713 or 1715 one Jan Mangelsen and Tryntjie Nevins witnessed the baptism of Maryrietie, daughter of Jorris N e v i n s . 21-* The first references to his following the custom outlined in the Preface, and adopting the surname of Roll is in 1713, when he signed the land petition referred to above, and in 1719 when on Sept. 13th of that year Jan Mangels Ral and Sara Neefjes witnessed the baptism of Johannes, son of Joris Neefjes and Willempje Borkelo.21^ On April 24th. 1722 Mattys and Catherine Sween conveyed to John Ral, yoeman of County of Richmond, Province of New York, 80 acres and 4 acres of meadow land on South Side of Staten Island, County of Richmond, Province of New Yor k . ^ 1 ' On Feb. 22nd 1727 John Ral of Staten Island, County of R ic h m o n d , Planter and his wife Grittue sold to Abraham Sitfon certain track of land and meadow on South Side of Staten I s l a n d , consisting of 80 acres and 4 acres salt m e a d o w , bounded on east by land of 213 BIB . 27 P* 36; 3 2 -- p . 14 6 ; 73 - p. 38 ; 214 BIB . 13 - p. 104 215 BIB. 36 - P- 16 ; 47 - p. 184; 216 BIB . 36 - P . 22 217 BIB . 118 - p . 90 56 - p. 115 70 ROLL GENEALOGY Saraue 1 Curtis, on west by Coule t Roger son. (The two foregoing 218 BIB. o1 o transactions evidently covered 118 - p. 280 the same land). 71 ROLL GENEALOGY On 7/30/1732 Jan Rol and Jannetje Barkelo witnessed the baptism in the Reformed Dutch Church of Port Richmond, Staten Island, of /1 Q Charles, son of Charles Morgan and Sarah Rutan . x ^ On 6/27/1736 Jan Mangel Rol and Christina Van Woglum witnessed the baptism of Catherina daughter of Douwe Van Woglum and Jannetje St aat s. 22^ The fact that his mother's name having been Van Woglum indicates in the latter record that a relationship existed be tween Jan Mangel Rol, Christina Van Woglum and Douwe van Woglum the father of the child baptised, and who in all probability also moved from Albany County tc Staten Island during the general exodus following the Indian Massacre. In the year 1739 John Rail is recorded as serving as Quartermaster in the Richmond County, New York Mil it ia. 223On 4/13/1739, Jan Ral witnessed the will of Phillip Merril of Staten Island, which was proved April 18th. 1740 . On 10/13/1717, Jan Rol and Jannetje Berkeleau witnessed the baptism in the Reformed Dutch Church of Port Richmond, Staten Island , of C o r n e 1 ius , son of Abraham Ber kelau and Ca tr ina E l l i s .2 2 3 219 BIB. 36 - p. 43 220 BIB . 36 - p . 4 8 221 BIB . 54 - p . 499 222 BIB. 223 BIB. 15 - p. 294 36 - p . 57 72 ROLL GENEALOGY During Feb. 1745 John Roll of Richmond conveyed to Jannetje Berkelau (Barkalow) and her son Abraham Berkelau, both of Richmond, land on North Side of (Staten) Island. In consideration of his natural love for his d a u g h t e r - i n ~ l a w ,22^ and on July 3rd. 1749 John Rol coveyed to Jannetje Berkeleau, Spinster, his beloved step-daughter, certain slaves etc. 2 5 The two foregoing documents are clearly signed "Yon ral", which signatures correspond to John Roll's signature on deed to his nephew for land in Elizabethtown, referred to hereinafter, except on the latter deed, his given name was first written "Yon" and was apparently changed to "John". The writer has been unable to determine the exact family relationship between John Roll and jannetje Barkeleau, but is inclined to feel that she was probably a step-daughter. In a census of the North Division, Staten Island, the year of 1755, ^ohn Roll is recorded as owning one female s l a v e s . " ^ taken during three male and In a list of the members and sea t- h o l d e r s , dated Sept. 30th. 1761 of the Reformed Dutch Church of Port Richmond, Staten Island, Jan Roll is shown as holding seat 40. This church was built about 1714 and partially destroyed by the British during the Revolutionary W a r . 2 2 2 A deed dated May 10th. 1754 and acknowledged Oct. 14th. 1757 in which John Rol of Richmond County, Province of New York, transfers a certain piece of land in the western portion of Elizabethtown, Essex County (now Union) County, Province of East Jersey (now New Jersey) to John Rol, Jr. of that place, has been in the possession of his descendants sinee that t ime to the present day and is given in detail in the Chapter which follows. 224 BIB. 119 - p. 153 225 BIB . 119 - P. 315 226 BIB . 31 - p. 867; 227 BIB. 36 - P* 57; 50 - p. 71 50 - I?. 4 53 73 ROLL GENEALOGY In the records of the Reformed Dutch Church of PORT R I C H M O N D , STATEN ISLAND, JOHN ROLL JR. is recorded on Sept. 24th 1732 with _______________ MERRILL as witnessing the baptism of CORNELIUS, son of JACOB BENMET and ELIZABETH BROUWER.2z8 On November 27th, 1745, JOHN ROLL JR. witnessed the will of PETER HAZEWORTH of STATEN ISLAND which was proved April Sth 1746 .2 2 9 On September 3 0th, 1751, JOHN ROLL JR. is shown as be ing a member of and occupy ing seat #34 of the Christian Low Dutch Church of STATEN ISLAND (Reformed Dutch Church in PORT R ICHMOND).23° In 1755 JOHN ROLL JR. in a census of the North Division, STATEN ISLAND, is shown as the owner of one male and one female i 231 slave .“ J-L On November 3rd, 1738, JOHN ROLL, unmarried man of RICHMOND COUNTY and FYTJE VAN BOSKERK unmarried woman daughter of LAURENS ANDRESEN V. BOSKERK, were married at the bride's father's i house 2 3 2 CA 229 BIB. 36 *- p. 43 |_ j 228 BIB. P • 77 230 BIB. 50 -- p. 453 231 BIB. 50 -- p. 71; 232 BIB. 73 -- P* 18 74 ROLL GENEALOGY O IT The date of the marriage is also given as Oct. 14th, 1733 (WINFIELD in his History of Hudson County, N.J., also shows this date as of Oct. 14, 1758, which is an error as indicated by the birth of their daughter and other facts which f oll ow ).234 She was the daughter of LAWRENCE VAN BUSKIRK, of BERGEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, who died Dec. 13th, 1752 and FITJE VREELAND baptised July 22nd., 1683. Married Sept. 13th, 1709, died Oct. 19, 1756. While WINFIELD in his History of Hudson C o u n t y , Land Title s refers to JOHN ROLL of CONSTABLE HOOK in that County, he also refers to him in his History of Hudson County, N.J. as of STATEN ISLAND23-* and his COUNSTABLE HOOK reference is probably due to the fact that FYTJE ROLL owned considerable property at that place received through inheritance from her father, a portion of which she and JOHN ROLL sold on June 5th 1758 .2 3 ^ He died on Feb. 2nd, 176lz37 and was buried Feb. 4th at CONSTABLE HOOK .2 ^ Letters for the administration for the estate of JOHN ROLL of STATEN ISLAND were granted to JOHN MERSEREAU on Jan. 21st 1763 .2 3 9 After his death FYTJE VAN BOSKERK married ANDRIES SEGEARD a mar iner . 4 ^ On November 14th 1761, a license was issued by the Luthren Church, New York City for the marriage of Capt. ANDREAS 2EEGAERD and SOPHIA M AN GLE S 2 (WINFIELD in his History of Hudson County, N.J. states that FYTJE VAN BUSKIRK had a daughter FYTJE who married first JOHN MERSEREAU (see note below) , second ANDREW 233 BIB. 18 - P • 21; 25 ~ p. 327; 234 BIB. 51 - P • 431 235 BIB. 46 - P* 447; 236 BIB. 46 - P* 60 237 BIB . 46 P* 408 238 BIB. 100 239 BIB . 22 240 BIB. 46 - P* 61 241 BIB. 73 - P* 31 - p . 45 - P- 447 51 - p. 491 75 ROLL GENEALOGY SEGORT a mariner, this is evidently an error 24 2 N O T E : : his should have been ROLL instead Of MERSEREAU. 242 BIB. 51 - p. 491 76 ROLL GENEALOGY She lived until February 28th, 1801245 at which time by her will dated July 14th. 1784, Proved April 7th., 1801 her property passed to her granddaughter MARY wife of THOMAS CUBBERLY during her life and included the land where the GREENVILLE, HUDSON C O U N T Y , NEW JERSEY RaiIroad Station now s t a n d s , and which she had inherited from her father LAWRENCE VAN B O S K E R K . 2 4 4 JOHN ROLL and FYTJE VAN BUSKIRK had Issue: I - FYTJE (SOPHIA)2 4 5 , daughter of JAN RALE JR. and FYTJE VAN BUSKIRK, bap. May 26th. 1740, in the Dutch Reformed Church of Staten Island, witnesses DOUWE VAN WOGGELUM and JANNETJE STAATS. 6 In the will of CORNELIUS VAN BOSKERK dated Jan. 29th. 1753, Proved Nov. 13th. 1753, FYT1E ROLL, daughter of FYTIE sister of CORNELIUS VAN BOSKERK of BERGEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, the ^ife of JOHN ROLL JR. is recorded as a be n e f i c i a r y ."'4 7 She married JACOB MERSEREAU (MARSEO) , which is shown in the early records in the following form: FIANKEA MONGAL and JACOB MOSHAROW, both of Staten Island, married 1752-5-6.2 He was born on Staten Island, April 25th. 1730, died Sept. 2nd. 1804 and was engaged in the Patriot Service during the Revolution. Their decendants remained on the Island or in New Jersey after the W a r . 2 4 5 243 BIB . 46 P* 408 244 BIB . 46 - p. 61 245 BIB. 75 - pp. 246 BIB. 36 - P. 31 247 BIB. 16 ~ p. 456 248 BIB. 12 2 5- ■ ” P. 31 249 BIB . 74 P. 197 77 ROLL GENEALOGY JACOB MERSEREAU and FYTIE ROLL had Issue: I - MAREJ A (MARY} 2 5 0 , da u gh e r of JACOB MARS E 0 and FITJE ROLL was bap. Oct. 31st. 1756 in the Dutch Reformed Church of STATEN ISLAND, witnesses JESERVA MARSERO and MAREYA C A R S O N . 2 5 1 She married in 1778, THOMAS C U 3 B E R L Y . II III - JOHN, born - ELIZABETH, H A R T .2 5 3 1758 .252 married Nov. 7th. IV - SOPHIA, married JOHN C O C H E R N . 2 5 4 250 BIB . 75 ~ PP . 5“ 251 BIB. 36 - p. 59 252 BIB . 7 4 - p. 197 253 BIB. 74 - p. 197 254 BIB. 74 - p. 197 179_,DANIEL DE 78 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEVJ JERSEY The house occupied by John Roll, son of Peter Mangelse-2, and grandson of Jan M a n e l s e , stood on the South-east s ide of the first mountain in the Viestern por t ion of EL IZABETHTOWN on the old stage route leading from the settlement of ELIZABETHTOWN to NEW PROVIDENCE. The section of the road which runs by the old homestead location is no longer us ed and is washed out into the deep gullies, in some places as deeply as twenty feet, and the homestead site is now right in the heart of the woods with only a pile of stones to mark its location. The land is now owned by JOHN B. ROLL of MOUNTAINSIDE, UNION C O U N T Y , NEW J E R S E Y , one of the descendants , it having been handed down from generation to generation. {See Appendix I ) . The home of BALTUS R O L L , (See #3065) which is still standing is about a quarter of a mile up the old road and near the top of the mountain. A deed by JOHN ROLL, of RICHMOND COUNTY, PROVINCE of NEW YORK to JOHN ROLL, JR. of ELIZABETHTOWN TOWNSHIP, ESSEX COUNTY, PROVINCE OF EAST NEW JERSEY, dated May 10, 1754, acknowledged October 14, 1757 covering a portion of his homestead land is as follows: "Know All Men By These Presents, That I John Roll of Richmond County, in the Province of New York, Yeoman for divers good cause and consideration me thereunto moving but more especially for the sum of Thirty five pounds in good and lawful money of the Province of New York, to me in hand already paid by John Rol of the Borough of Elisabeth in the Province of East New Jersey the receipt thereof I do hereby acknowledge myself therewith 9 fully tr r J satisfied contented and Lpaid thereof and therefrom 4''33 part and parcel thereof do fully and clearly acquit and exonerate and discharge him, the said John Roll of the Borough aforesaid, his heirs and assigns forever, by these Presents have given granted bargained and sold and by these Presents do fully and clearly give grant, bargain, sell and confirm unto the said John Roll and to his heirs and assigns forever all that tract of land situate lying and being within bounds of Elizabethtown aforesaid beginning at a white oak tree number 2 standing at the foot of the mountain from thence 255 BIB. 30 - p. 7 256 BIB. 30 - p. 7 79 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY south-east Twenty five Chains to the land of Joseph Halsey, thence, Northeast forty chains to a small heap of stones in the line of Elijah Stites thence Northwest Twelve Chains and a half Chain to the foot of the mountain thence a direct course to the first mentioned white oak tree, lying for seventy acres be it the same be it more or less and bounded on the Southwest by a highway and on the Southeast by land of Joseph Halsey and the Northeast by land of Elijah Stites and on the Northwest by the land in part belonging to the said John Rol of Elizabethtown and along the foot of the mountain togeather with all manner of mesuages, cottages, barns, stables, outhouses, gardens, orchards, gardens, fieldings, pastures, feedings, fences, trees, woods, ways, passages, waters, watercourses, pools, ponds, pits, easements, profits, commodities, and ail other appurtenances whatsoever to the said tract of land be longing or in any manner of ways appertaining. To have and to hold the said tract of land and premises with their and every of their appurtenance onto him the said John Roll of the Borough of Elizabeth his heirs and assigns forever to the only use benefit and behalf of him the said John Roll his heirs and assigns forever, I the said John Rol of Richmond County in the Province of New York, for myself my heirs Executors and administrators do hereby c o v e n a n t , g r a n t , promise and sell to, and with, The said John Rol Jr. his heirs and assigns in manner following, that is to say, I the said John Rol of Richmond County at the time of the unsealing hereof am lawfully seazed to my own proper use of the above said premesis of a good safe perfect Estate of inheritance in fee simple without any condition or limitation of any use to alter change or defeat these presents and the said tract is free from any former grant, bargain seal or mortage judgement or any other incumberance whatsoever and X the said John Rol have full power good right lawful and absolute authority to grant bargain 80 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY and assign the said tract of land and pr ernes is with the appurtenances in manner above said and I the said John Rol for myself my heirs do covenant and grant to, and with the said John Rol Jr. his heirs and assigns that he shall and may from henceforth forever hereafter, peaceably, quietly have hold possess and enjoy all the said bargained prernes is without any let or molestance of any person or persons claiming or to claim by force and virture of Elizabethtown purchases right and grant, shall and will warrant and defend him the said John Rol his heirs and assigns in quiet and peaceful possession and enjoyment forever. In witness whereof I the said John Rol have here unto set my hand and seal the tenth day of May in the year of Our Lord Christ one thousand seven hundred fifty and four and in the reign of our sovereign King 28Signed, Sealed and Delivered in presence of us Franz Gerbrantz Christian Gerbrantz John Rol Province of New Jersey (LS) October 14, 1757 Per sonally appear ed before m e , Saraue1 Woodruff one of his Majesties Council for Ye Province aforesaid: John Rail grantor of the within instrument and acknowledged he signed sealed and d e 1 ivered the same of his own volintary act and d e e d , acknowledged before me. The Day and Year above wr i t t e n . Samuel Woodruff." The above deed upon the death of John Roll of Eli zabethtown passed into the possession of his descendants and has thus been transmitted from generation to generation it is now held by Mrs. Maur ice H . St ratemyer (see Annie L. Roll-1287) of Eliza beth, Union County, New Jersey. 81 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 82 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY He and his wife are shown in a list of members of the Turkey Presbyterian Church recorded by the P a s t o r , Rev- Jonathan Elmer between 1737 and January 5th 1768 . 2 The name of this Church was chanced to the Presbyterian Church of New Pr ovi d e n e e , N.J. in 1778.258 He was evidently closely connected with this Church as he shown in its records as follows: is May 30th 1765# appointed as a member of a committee to confer with Rev. Jonathan Elmer regarding the Church Pastorate (the latter was installed as Pastor on Nov. 13, 1 7 6 5 ) and also a member of the committee elected to finish the Church meeting H o u s e , ^ ^ Aug. 13 , 17 6 6 he was one of the four authorized to collect assessments from the Church membership for the payment of the Pastor's salary, in which capacity he served for one y e a r ^ ^ and was again elected on Nov. 3, 177 3. R e v , Jonathan E l m e r , in two ledger s in whi ch a c c o u n t s ^ ^ shows that John R o l 1 on N o v . 30, with 20 1/2 pounds of beef whi ch he cred ited 9 &A Church account as five s h i l l i n g s 0 and that 1769, John Roll contributed 17 shillings. he kept the Church 1761 presented him to the letter's during the year Oct. 12, 1781, he was given permission to build a new pew next to a Mr. Lacy ,26 6 During the Revoluntionary War he served as a private and later as a Sargeant in Captain Peter L a y t o n ’s C o m p a n y , Eastern Battalion, 257 BIB. 30 - p. 60 258 BIB . 23 “ P* 356 259 BIB, 30 - P- 6 260 N .P . Ch , . reads, 261 BIB. 30 - p . 7 262 BIB . 30 - p. 11 263 BIB. 24 - p . 37 264 BIB. 24 “ P- 173 265 BIB. 2 4 - p. 174 266 BIB . 30 - P. 11 83 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY Morris County, 267 BIB. New Jersey Militia. 267 2 - pp. 398, 470, 738; 3 - p. 222 84 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY His will, probated in 1782 and recorded in Wills, Folio 5 etc. #5507-5510 follows:268 24, Essex County "IN THE NAME OF GOD, AMEN, The Thirteenth day of March in the third Year of his Majesties Reign George the third, by the Grace of God King Defender of the Faith Ano D o n . One thousand seven Hundred Sixty arid three I John Roll of the Borough of Elizabeth County of Essex and province of East New Jersey Yeoman beign very sick and weak of Body, but of Perfect mind and memory thank be given to Almighty God therefore and c a l 1 ing to mind the Mortality of My Dody and knowing that it is appointed for all men Once to die do make and Ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following that is to say. Principally and first of all I surrender and committ my Soul into the hand of God that Gave i t and as for my Body I recommend it to the Ear th to be bur ied in a Chr is t ian Like and decent manner at the d iscrest ion of my Executors hereafter Named nothing doubting, but at the General Resurrection I shall receive the same by the Mighty power of God- and touching such Worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased Almight God to bless me with in this life I give devise and dispose of the same in the following manner. FIRST my Will i u 11£ 11.1 ch rsgo s dg is shat all my just and lawful Debts ana pa ic our. of my ijoveable Es t a t c * iHPElMiG i Give ano begueaeh unro my cearly oelovea wire E 1iza beth the use and pos session of One eq ua1 th ird par t of all my Lanas ana Tenements a uring he r Natural xxf e ano 1 Give uneo 11y said Wife all ny Moveable Estate excepting such debts and Legac ies as is herein m e n t i o n e d . ITEi 1 I give and beq u e a th unto m y Loving son J oh n R o o 1 t h e sum of Ten pounds Current Money at 8 /. p o z . ITEM I give and bequeath unto my my Janie Cooly the sum of Five P o u n d s . (sic) leving Daughter ITEM I give and b eq uea th unto my loving Daughter Catron Parsel the sum of Twenty Shi1 1 ing s . ITEM I give and beq uea th un to my lov ing Daughter t h e s un o f Twon t y S h i111ng s . Mary VTooley ITEM I g ive ana' bequeath untc my lov ing son Isaac Rool the sum of Twe-n t y Shillings, To get her with all those several Sums wh ich each o f my said Ch iId r ing s has received f ror me . 0U 4 - 46 5 85 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY ITEM I give and bequeath unto my lov ing son Abraham Rool to his Heirs and Assigns all and singular my lands and Tenements as may and will more fully appear by those several Deeds of Sale which I have for my Lands Recourse thereunto being had. And I do hereby make and ordain well beloved wife Eliza beth Executrix and my loving Son John rool Executor of this my last Will and Testament and I do hereby utterly disallow Revoke and disanul all and every other former will and Testament, Ratifying and allowing this and no other to be my last Will and Testament in Witness thereof I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal the Day Month and Month and Year first above Written. h is John X Roll mar k (LS) Signed Sealed Published pronounced and declared to be the last will and Testa ment of him the Testator in Presence o f , James Osbourn Keziah Denman John Stils Keziah Denman one of the Witnesses to the within will being duly Sworn on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty G o d , did depose and say that she saw John Roll the Testator therein Named Sign and Seal the same and heard him Publish pronounce and declare the within writing to be his last will and Testament and that at the doing thereof the said Testator was of sound and disposing mind and memory as far as this Deponent knows and as she believes and that James Osburn and John Stiles the other subscribing evidences were present at the same time and Signed their Names as Witnessess to the within Will together with this Deponent in the presence of the said Testator Sworn at Turky Feby 12th 1782 before R o b t . Ogden, Junr. Surrog. The foregoing will being proved Probate was granted by his Excellency William Livingston Esqr,, unto John Roll one of the Executors in the within V-/ill named 86 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY being first duly sworn Well and truly to perforin the same exhibit a True Inventory and Re ride r a just and true Account when thereunto Lawfully required Given under the Prerogative Seal the date above said. Rowes Reed, Register." It will be noted that besides clearly setting forth his children, at the time it was signed in 1763, it also designated his wife Elizabeth as one of the executors of his estate. As his son John only qualified apparently his wife had either passed on before his death in 1782 or the infirmities of her age prevented her also act ing as s u c h . John R o l 1 and Elizabeth had issue: 14-1 -ISAAC 15-11 -JOHN 16 - III -ABRAHAM 17 - IV -RHODA or "MOLLY" 18 - V -JANE or - VI "JEAN" - CATHERINE (CATRON) 87 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 88 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY HOMESTEAD LOCATIONS KEY Refe re nce s: O o = Personal vists. = Topographical Map of Union County, New Jersey, By E.L. Myer and p. Wetzel 1862 (N.J.H. Soc.) - Topographica1 Map From Newark Bay to Washington Rock, New Jersey, By M. Hughes 1868. (N.J. Hist. S o c . Files). HOMESTEADS A = JOHN ROLL # B = ISAAC ROLL # C = JOHN ROLL # D = WESLEY ROLL # E = ABRAHAM ROLL I F r- BROOKS ROLL # G = BALTUS ROLL # H = BALTUSROL GOLF CLUE I = AMOS ROLL # r — u~ ~ JOHN B ROLL # K = R O L L ’S HILL L = J W ROLL # 89 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY ■^ i I* 4F f*I James Caldwell /tf By Marie Mantre Chapman I > D .Q .M .C , (Deputy Quarterm aster G eneral), were th e mission. His ard ent pleat from pulpit o r hall rallied initials bestowed upon the Rev. jatn cs Caldwell by G en. support for the Continental cause. It set him up as a ta rg e t, G eorge Washington indicated, but some o f his friends and fo r the British. a great many of his enemies interpreted them as "Darned T h e deputy q u arterm aster genera! perfom ed his duties Q u eer M inister o f the Gospel (D .Q .M .C .)* with wisdom and dispatch. Above and beyond the call o f For a m an ordained to preach the Gospel o f "peace with duty, however, was his self-imposed m aintenance o f a system o f beacon fires which signalled necessary im G od," Caldwell was somewhat unorthodox. His methods mediate action by the patriots. At th e sam e time, h e kept and message labelled him second on the British list o f "most-wanted colonists" — the first was New jersey 's Gov. challenging his Presbyterian congregation m em bers to give Livingston. their best for th eir coun iry. Small wonder there was a T h e Virginia-born Springfield, N .J., Presbyterian pastor price on his h ea d ; began his ascent to renown when, after graduating from V engeance was wreaked by the enem y in dastardly Princeton (then in Newark) in 1759, he was ordained as fashion Ju n e 7, 1780, when Mrs. Caldwell was shot and pastor o f First Presbyterian Church in Elizabethtown, N .J. killed by a British soldier at the parsonage near the site o f “ E m o tio n a l," some folks described his preaching. th e present Presbyterian Church in Springfield. “ Fervent" m ore accurately pictured the spirit o f the W hen the British tried to advam e on W ashington’s medium-built, powerful speaker. “H e could be both lion headquarters at Morristown later that m onth, their path and Iam b," his lis te n e rs testified. T h e lion quality led to led near th e ch urch of th e “Fighting Parson." Caildweil was his renown and prem atuTt death. What Caldwell believed, a person torn inside with grief for his slain wife and the he voiced in no uncertain terms. Since “the persuaded helplessness o f th eir nine m otherless children, all under persuade." h e attracted an increasing num ber o f patriots the ag e o f 16. H e led his neighbors and congregation in to the cause of freedom , repelling that advance. W hen his forces ran out o f “You are hereby appointed as chaplain o f the T hird g u n w ad d in g , Ja m e s C ald w ell. D .Q .M .G ,, dashed Battalion o f the New jersey in to th e ch urch fo r armloads Continentals," his instructions, Firw Prcihyierian Church. Springfield. N .J.. where P Q M,G. o f hymnals and ripped out th e jam es Caldwell rallied hi* Revolutionary War *o!d ien with read in spring. 1776. While his pages to supply the need, sh “Give 'em Wans, boyt!” wa* organized in 1745. T h e present w ife , H a n n a h , was h om e o u t i n g , " G iv e 'em W a tts, structure was buih in 1791. taking care o f the children, boys!" Caldwell m arched jo Quebec C a l d w e l l 's c h u r c h w as , with the T hird Battalion, with burned to the ground, but the chaplain doing more than within a few m onths it was preaching. T h e battalion re replaced by the o n e still stand turned hom e in November, ing in Springfield as a m onu unsuccessful in trying to make ment to a unique com bination Q uebec the Fourteenth Col o f preacher and patriot. ony. W hile no longer an offi No one knows for sure how cial chaplain, Caldwell served Jam es Caldwell was shot at volu ntarily in that capacity Elizabeth town-point. Nov. 2 4 , during the rest o f the Re 1781. Most p refer to think it vo) utinttary W ar years. was a sentry who failed to As unpopular with the Tory identify the m tce-bcaring par sympathizers as Zarchaeus was son licfore he fired. O thers with the jew s, Caldwell re believe it was an enem y seek ceived another dubious honor ■ ing to destroy one of the most in 1778 w hen h e became powerful figures in the em ergchairman of the county's Com itig n a tio n . A lth o u g h th e m ittee o f C o rresp on d en ce. Fighting Parson died a few “You will supervise collection weeks later, the cause he es of taxes for the conduct of the poused changed th e course o f W ar," said the governor's com history. . 90 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1000 - ISAAC ROLL-4, - 1 4 - f (JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN M A N G E L S E - 1) First child of JOHN ROLL and ELIZABETH ___________ married SARAH eight and youngest child of JAMES CAULDWELL. They lived and kept a tavern for many years in SPRINGFIELD, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. 9 On July 4th 1795 a number of the inhabitants of SPRINGFIELD and its vicinity assembled at his house in celebration of the ninettenth anniversary of the Amer ican Independence an account of which contained in the issue of July 3th, 1795 of the New Jersey Journal printed at ELIZABETHTOWN is as f o l l o w s : ''Saturday last being the fourth of July, a number of the inhabitants of SPRINGFIELD and its vicinity assembled at the house of ISAAC ROLL, in order to celebrate the nineteenth ann ivarsary of American Independence. The day was opened by the display of the Amer ican Flag on the tree of Liberty and a discharge of 15 guns, at three o'clock they sat down to a dinner prepared for the occasion, when the following toasts were drank, accompan ied by a discharge of c a n n o n ------------------------------ . The day was spent in that harmony and conviviality which characterize free and happy citizens and at sundown each man returned to his own vine and fig tree with hearts filled with gratitude to God and benevolence to m a n ." ISAAC ROLL is recorded as being the Collector of SPRINGFIELD TOWNSHIP 1793 - 1801. 2 7 0 7 7 1 His will was probated in 1809" and he is buried m the Presbyterian Church ground in SPRINGFIELD, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. 269 BIB. I - p. 349 270 BIB. 23 - p. 365 271 BIB. 5 - p. 112 91 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY JAMES CAULDWELL father of SARAH wife of ISAAC ROLL, was one of the earliest„settlers of NEW PROVIDENCE, TURKEY, UNION COUNTY, NEW J E R S E Y .2 /2 an g ^is w j_fe A R Y emigrated from IRELAND about 1732, when his son WILLIAM was six years old and settled on LONG HILL (NEW PROVIDENCE) on lot #30 addition of the ELISABETHTOWN lots which he drew. From traditions among the families his wife was MARY GASTON sister of the father of IIUGH GASTON of P E A P A C K , SOMERSET COUNTY, NEW J E R S E Y . 2 7 3 (For further information regarding their children, the reader is referred to Vol. XIX page 41, Genealogical Collections, 1665 1800; a manuscript record in the files of the New Jersey Historical Society, Newark, N.J.). ISAAC and SARAH CAULDWELL ROLL had issue: 1001-1 - JOHN 1002- II - MARY, 1003 - III - JAMES 1004 -IV - ELISABETH, baptised 21st. July 1771, 1005 -V - A B R A H A M , went West and died there. 1006 - VI - JACOB C. 1007 - VII “ CATHERINA, M - ABNER WOODRUFF of SPRINGFIELD, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY and moved to RED STONE, FAYETTE COUNTY, PENN. He was brother to CATY WOOD U R F F , the wife of Colonel A3 RAH AM WOOD R U F F , of SPRINGFIELD, UNION COUNTY. baptised 14, June, 1767, D- Young. 1008 - VIII 1009 - IX 1010 - X - BETSY - SALLY, M — JACOB THOMPSON. 272 BIB. 1 - p. 571; 273 BIB. 1 - p. 68 27 4 BIB. 1 - p. 571; 23 — p . 345 ; 23 - pp. 346, 23 ~ P. 345 348 D 274- Young. 92 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1011 - JOHN ROLL-5, -1001-, MA NG ELSE-1) . (ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN First child of ISAAC; B- 28th August 1765; D- 1810 aged 45 years; ^ his will is recorded in Book A, Essex County Wills, pages 343-344, M- 13th December 1785, MARY, B- 21st August 1768, daughter of JOHN E A R L 2 7 6 of MIDDLEVILLE, ESSEX COUNTY, NEW J E R S E Y , 2 ' 7 D- at the home of her son WESLEY ROLL in WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, 31st January 1 852 .278 Both are buried in the old PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ground SPRINGFIELD, NgW J E R S E Y . 2 7 9 She married after JOHN ROLL'S death - JOEL S E A R I N G . 2 u 0 Issue: - WILLI , B- 16th. Oct. 1013 - II - NANCY •) _ 1014 - Ill - JAMES 1015 - IV - ISAAC, ISAAC 1016 - V - JOHN, 1012 - I i r.f Vi m -.-.i- B- 14th. Oct. 1786 .2 8 1 1 t o o 282 1791.284 B- 14th Oct. 1793, D- 2nd April, 1794.285 275 BIB. 6 27 6 BIB. 123 ~ P* 601; 277 BIB. 1 - P . 349 278 BIB. 6 - P . 50 ; Earl Family Records , Gardner Manuseript N. J . Historical Society Archives. 273 BIB. 6 - P . 50 ; Ear 1 Family Records, Gardner Manuscript N.J. Historical Society Archives. 280 BIB. 123 - P* 601 281 BIB. 123 - P* 602 282 BIB. 123 _ P- 283 BIB. 123 _ P • 602 284 BIB. 123 - P* 285 BIB. 123 - P . 50 ; Earl Family Records, Gardner Manuscript N. J . Historical Society Archives. _ 602 602 P- 602 For the ancestors of Mary Earl, see Appendice II and III. 93 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1017 - V I - JOHN , B- 11th. July, 1795. 1018 - VII - LUTHER, 1019 - VIII - CHARLES, 1020 - I X - WESLEY 1021 - X - MARY, referred to as Polly, B- 21st. Jan. 1804 .2 8 9 1022 - X I - JACOB, B- 11th, Jan. 1808, removed to AUGUSTA, RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA. Was married three times, hut left no issue. 3- 29th. July, 3- 286 BIB. 123 - p. 602 287 BIB. 123 - p. 602 288 BIB. 123 - p. 289 BIB. 123 - p . 602 602 5 th. 285 1797 , D~ 7th. Aug.1869 .2 8 7 May 1799 .2 8 8 also in father's will, 94 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1023 - JAMES ROLL-5, MANGELSE-1) -1003-, (ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN Third child of ISAAC and SARAH CAULDWELL ROLL, M- twice: JOANNA EARL, sister of his brother JOHN'S wife. Issue: 1st 1024 - I - JOANNA, M- GEORGE, son of GEORGE FRA2ER, SR. of WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. 2nd. ABBY , daughter of BENJAMIN MEEKER. 1025-11 - PHEBE 1026 - Ill - SALLY 95 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1027 - JACOB C. ROLL-5, MANGELSE-1) -1006-, (ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN Sixth child of ISAAC and SARAH CAULDWELL ROLL, B~ 4th Apr. 1782 in SPRINGFIELD, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, D- 25th. Jan. 1849 in GARDNER TOWNSHIP, SANGAMON COUNTY, ILL., M- in SPRINGFIELD, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, 9th Oct. 1810, SARAH, daughter of SAMUEL PIERSON, B- 23rd. of July 1786 in SPRINGFIELD, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, D- 28th January 1361, in GARDNER TOWNSHIP, SANGAMON COUNTY, ILL. Issue; 1028 - I - PIERSON 1029 - II - CHARLES, B~ 23th August, 1818 in CINCINNATI, HAMILTON COUNTY, OHIO, D- 21st of June 13 39 in GARDNER TOWNSHIP, SANGAMON COUNTY, ILL. In 1313, two years after the birth of his son, PIERSON, JACOB C. ROLL and his family moved to CINCINNATI, HAMILTON COUNTY, OHIO where their second child was b o r n . In the summer of 1825, he loaded a keel boat at that place and with his family and merchandise star ted down the Oh io River to its m o u t h . Here he went up the Mississippi River and when he had ascended about thirty miles he met with an accident, sinking his boat and loosing the principal part of his goods. Securing what he could from the wreck, he continued to ascend the rivers until he reached SANGAMON, SANGAMON COUNTY, ILL., on the 10th of October 1825. At that place and in connection with EBENZER BRIGHAM he commenced merchandizing and at the same time began to improve some l a n d . One eighty acre lot whi ch he broke and f enc e d , fo iled some other man, who was evil disposed and his fences were destroyed , hay burned and other depredat ions conuni tted . The parties who were responsible, however, did not continue their depredations and he enjoyed the land in peace for many years fViO r o n f f o r £.9 0 290 BIB. 7 - pp. 627-628 96 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1030 - BETSY ROLL AYERS-5 , -10 09-, MANGELSE-l) (ISAAC-4, J OHN -3, P E T E R - 2, JAN Ninth child of ISAAC AND SARAH CAULDWELL ROLL, M- DANIEL AYRES of SPRINGFIELD, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, E- 1873, son of BENJAMIN AYERS of LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK, who married ELIZABETH, youngest daughter of JOHN DENMAN, 2nd of NEWTOWN, QUEENS COUNTY, NEW YORK, who died there in December 1713. 1031 - I 1032 -II - JAMES, who went to CINCINNATI, HAMILTON COUNTY, OH 10 and there married. - ISAAC, M- ELSIE ALLEN, of MILLEVILLK COUNTY, JERSEY and went to MICHIGAN to live. NEW After BETSY'S death, DANIEL AYERS married ABBY DENMAN, daughter of JACOB by his first wife, and had children: I - JACOB DENMAN, M- MARY ANNE DENFER, daughter of STEPHEN DENFER of FRANCE. II - WILLIAM, III - ELIZA, B- 1803, M- SAMUEL C., (a tailor) son of MOSES SMITH, of SPRINGFIELD, UNION COUNTY, NEW J E R S E Y , and had children as f o l l o w s : married PHEBE BEDELL, of NEW VERNON. I - MARY ELIZABETH, M~ WILLIAM WADE. II - EMMA III - HENRY C. IV ~ PHEBE, M- JACOB, THOMPSON. son of MOSES, V - DANIEL, VI - M A R I A H , M- NATHAN ROBINS, YORK . VII - BENJAMIN, son of HEZERIAH D- age nine years. and went to OSWEGO, NEW D- in youth. NOTE: JACOB DENMAN'S 2nd, wife was ELIZABETH, daughter of ROBERT CAULDWELL. 97 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1033 - WILLIAM R OL L - 6 , -1012-, JAN M ANG ELSE-1) (JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, First child of JOHN and MARY EARL ROLL, E- 1.6 Oct. 1786 in SPRING IF LED , UNION C O U N T Y , NEK JERSEY, D- 11 Aug. 1844 in SANGAMON COUNTY, ILLINOIS, M- 9 Feb. 1809 in GREEN VILLAGE, MORRIS COUNTY, HEW JERSEY. Mary, B- 18 Feb. 1793, daughter of JOHN and MARY (WARD) EDDY of GREEN VILLAGE, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, In 1896 MARY EDDY ROLL resided with her daughter NANCY ROLL RIGGINS in MASON CITY, MASON COUNTY, I LL I N O I S . 2 ^ 1 Issue: 1034 - I - ANN PIERSON ROLL who M- ALFRED RILEY. I - WILLIAM RILEY II - LUTHER RILEY III - HARRIET RILEY IV - CHILD who D- y o u n g . Children; 1035 - II “ PHEBE LINDSLEY ROLL who M- THOMAS S. EDWARDS. 1036 - Ill - JOHN EDDY ROLL who M- HARRIET VANDYKE. T - WILLIAM V. ROLL II - FRANK P. ROLL III - JOHN L. ROLL Children 1037 - IV - MARY CAROLINE ROLL who M- JOHN B A G B Y . 1038 - V - ELIZABETH WARD ROLL who M- ISAAC H. SMITH. Ch ildren; 1039 - VI T_ u ~ WILLIAM SMITH who M- ESTHER R. BROKAW. II - JOHN SMITH who D- in childhood. III - ELIZA P. SMITH who M- GEORGE E. MOTT. IV - JAMES SMITH V - EDWARD SMITH - WILLIAM EDDY ROLL 291 BIB. 7 - p. 627 (twin to SAR AH ) who died young 98 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1040 - VII SARAH CROWELL ROLL who M- WILLIAM P. SHORT and had seven children, all of whom died young. 1041 - VIII - JAMES M. ROLL 1042 - IX - NANCY EARL ROLL who M- JEREMIAH RIGGINS who had five children. 1043 - ALPHEUS PIERSON ROLL who M- (1) MARY EVAN MOSLANDER and (2) CORDELIA ALVARETTA MOSLANDER, widow of MR. THOMPSON. WILLIAM ROLL, first engaged in school teaching in GREEN VILLAGE, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, but after his ninth child was born, moved with his family to SANGAMON COUNTY, ILLINOIS, first arriving on the 7th of June 1.3 3 0 at the home of his uncle JACOB C . ROLL near the town of S A N G A M O N , SA NGAMON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. A few weeks later he moved with his family into town where ALPHEUS PIERSON ROLL was born. 99 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1044 - NANCY ROLL ROBERTSON- 6 , -1013-, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) (JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, Second child of JOHN and MARY EARL ROLL, and named in her father's will. B- Ififch October 1788 , D- 9th May 1819, 14- 13th. Nov. 1803, W I L L I A M , 2 9 2 son of WILLIAM ROBERTSON (sometimes called ROBINSON) the "Father of METHODISM" of NEW PROVIDENCE (STONY MILL) UNION COUNTY, MEW J E R S E Y . 2 9 3 Issue: 1045-1 - JOHN 1046-11 - JAMES 1047 - III - ISAAC, 1048 - IV - CAROLINE, B~ 1stJanuary 1810, D- 16 th April 1897, M- twice, 1st to OLIVER ROWLAND, no issue. Second, WILLIAM W . M A W B E Y , formerly of BEDFORDSHIRE, ENGLAND. B- 18th Nov. 1807, D- 22nd Oct. 1870. They lived in WOODBRIDGE, MIDDLESEX COUNTY, NEW J E R S E Y , where their children were born and where they and their children (except WILLIAM H.) are buried in the family plot in the EPISCOPAL CEMETERY. Issue: I D- 18 years old, unmarried. - CAROLINE VICTORIA, B- Oct. 1338, (in 1914 was still living), M~ ALBERT D. B R O W N , 2 9 4 B29th Oct. 1829, D- 5th May 1904. They lived in WOODBRIDGE MIDDLESEX COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, where all their children were born. Issue: T - WILLIAM MAWBEY (twin with D A V I D ) , MMINNIE HALLECK. Issue: I - WILLIAM HALLECK - DAVID ALBERT, in 1914 UM. 292 BIB. 116 P • 33 29 3 BIB . 23 - pp. 344 , 38 9 294 BIB . 23 f P * 344, 38 9 (twin with WILLIAM M.) 100 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY III IV - CHARLES ROBERTSON, M- MARY ADELADE VALENTINE. I ssu e: I - VALENTINE II - VICTORIA ADELADE III - FLORENCE MAY - GEORGS HENRY, M- ELIZABETH HADDEN GARDNER, daughter of CHARLES HENRY and MARY GILMORE (BARREN) GARDNER. Issue: I — ALFRED WAITH II - GRACE VICTORIA III - JOHN HENRY GEORGE FREDERICK IV V - HOWARD GARDNER ARTHUR GRANT, VI II - FREDERICK VICTOR, UM. D- 23 years old, - WILLIAM H., B- 21st August 1839, D~ 4th March 1882, M- ELIZABETH T A P P E N , B- 23rd April 1840, D- 3rd November 1868. He and his wife and child are buried in the PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH YARD, W O O D B R I D G E , MIDDLESEX COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Issue: I III in 1914 U - WILLIAM TAPPEN, - WESLEY ROBERTSON, 20th March 1841. died in childhood. B- 16th Sept. 1840, D~ IV - ALFRED WALLER, March 1342. B- 7th February 1842, D- 26th V - MARGARET EMMA, March 1843. B- 7th March 1843, D~ 30th VI - C. FREDERICK, B- 16th June 1844, D- 2nd July 1876 at JACKSONVILLE, FLA. 101 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1049 - V - WESLEY , B- 1811, D- 2nd November 1869, M- MARGARET THOWELL WORTH, B- 1809, D- 17th Dec. 1880, daughter of TILLMAN and RUTH (THOWELL?) WORTH of RAHWAY, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. He was a Methodist minister, and with his wife is buried in the MOUNT PLEASANT CEMETERY, NEWARK, ESSEX COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. issue; - DAUGHTER 102 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1050 - JAMES ROLL- 6 , -1014-, JAN MANGELSE-1} (JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, Third child of JOHN and MARY EARL ROLL, B- 10th Oct. 1789, Mth re e times: 1st MA R Y , daughter of ABRAH AM C L A R K , o f MON R O E , MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. During his life he lived near MADISON, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Issue: 1051 - I - JOHN, D- in 22nd year. 2nd wife JULIA, daughter of JACOB, MONROE, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. son of ABRAHAM SHIPMAN of 1052 - II - JAMES MADISON, drowned on his way to ILLINOIS, 2 1 years. 1053 - III - STEPHEN BUCKLEY, M- 1054 - IV - CHANCELLOR LIVINGSTON, 1055 -V - PHILELLA HICKS, twin sister to CHANCELLOR LIVINGSTON, M- WILLIAM LANG of PLAINFIELD, COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. 1056 - V I - HENRIETTA 1057 - VII -MANNING RUTAN age M- 3rd w if e was CH A RITY H EDGE S , no issue. UNION 103 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 10 58 - ISAAC ROLL-6 , -1015-, JAN M A NGelse-1} (JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, J01IN-3, PETER-2, Fourth child of JOHN and MARY EARL ROLL, B- in SPRINGFIELD, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, 14th October, 1791, D- 14th Sept. 1853 , 14tv;ice, 1st, REBECCA, 3- 1793, D- 25th December 1836, daughter of J AMES HIGGINS. Is s u e : 1059 - I HANNAH ELIZA, M- DAV ID J . son of BENJAMIN CRA N E . 2 9 1060 - II JAMES HIGGINS 1061 - III MARY EARL, M- twice, 1st OLIVER DE CAMP, second, 29o Qf PHILEMON, son of PHILEMON DICKERSON, ESQ.""^ SPRINGFIELD, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. 106: - ELLEN, M- JOHN, also son of PHILEMON D I C K E R S O N , 2 9 7 Of SPRINGFIELD, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. IV 1063 - V - JOHN 1064 - VI - NANCY JANE, M- ISAAC, son of CALEB BEOKAW, BROOK, SOMERSET COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. 1065 - VII - DAVID ELMER BIB. 96 BIB. 9Q7 5 BIB. 869 of BOUND p. 514; Vol. II, Crane Genealogy by Ellery Be c k n e 11 Crane, Worcester, M a s s . 1900 for de s c e n d a n t s . - In the official register of the Officers and Men of New Jersey in the Revolutionary War, by William S. Stryker, Adjudant General, published in Trenton, N.J. 1872, pages 338 and 349, Philemon D i c k e r s o n ’s record is shown as follows: Major General Commanding State Militia, October 19th 1775; resigned February 15, 1777, Major General Militia June 6 , 1777. - In the official register of the Officers and Men of Nev; Jersey in the Revolutionary War, by William S. Stryker, Adjudant General, published in Trenton, N.J. 1872, pages 338 and 349, Philemon D i c k e r s o n ’s record is shown as follows: Major General Command ing State M ilitia, October 19th 1775; resigned February 15, 1777, Major General Militia June 6 , 19777. 10 4 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2 nd wife MARY CLARK, widow of HENRY STITES, F A N W O O D , UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. No issue. of SCOTH PLAINS , now 105 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1066 - JOHN ROLL-6, -1017-, JAN M A N G E L S E - 1) (JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, Sixth child and second son named JOHN of JOHN and MARY EARL ROLL, B- 11th July, 1795, M- 20th May 1813, PHEBE, daughter of JOSEPH SUTTON, of HA C K E T T S T O W N , WARREN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. He lived in NEWARK, ESSEX COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Issue: 1067 - I - JACOB 1063 - II ~ JOSEPH 1069 - Ill - LUTHER 1070 - IV - ARCHIBALD 1071 - v - GEORGE VAN 107 2 - VI - ALBERT 106 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1073 “ LUTHER ROLL-6 , -1018-, JAN M A N G E L S E - 1) (JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, Seventh child of JOHN and MARY EARL ROLL, B- 29th July 1797, Mtwice, 1st SUSANNAH ELIZA TORRANCE, 6 th November 1027 in EDGEFIELD DISTRICT, SOUTH CAROLINA, 2nd ELIZABETH JOHNSTON EARL BRANT, 16th August 1849 in AUGUSTA, RICHMOND COUNTY, {JEORGIA, who was born 3rd January 1805, married first JACOB BRANT." The second marriage took place in his late life just before which he had moved from New Jersey tc AUGUSTA, RICHMOND COUNTY, where for a long time he was in the carriage business on Washington Street. After the war, he and his wife returned NORTH, settling in NEWARK, ESSEX COUNTY, NEW J E R S E Y , where they both lived at the time of their death. LUTHER ROLL, D~ 7th August 1869, age 72 years and 9 days, and his wife ELISABETH J. EARL, (daughter of EDWARD EARL and PHEBE) D- 9th April 1884, age 79 years 3 months and 6 days* Both are buried in the CONNETICUT FARMS (now UNION) CEMETERY, UNION COUNTY, NEW J E R S E Y . 2 9 9 Issue by his first wife: 10 7 4 T X - WILLIAM AUGUSTUS 10 7 5 - II - MARY FRANCES 1076 - Ill - LUTHER CLAYTON 1077 - IV - EMILY ELIZABETH 1078 - V - SARAH ANN 1079 - VI - TORRANCE CLAY 1080 - VII - ROBERT TORRANCE, a very young age 298 BIB. 123 - p. 601 299 BIB. 124 - p. 61 107 ROLL GENEALOGY ~ NEW JERSEY 1031 - CHARLES ROLL-6 , -1019-, JAN M A N G E L S E - 1} (JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, Eighth child of JOHN and MARY EARL R O L L , B- 5th May, twice, 1st PHEBE, daughter of ENOCH T E R R I L L .Issue: 1082 - I 1083-11 PETER-2, 1799 , M- - ALBERT - JAMES HENRY, D- six years old. 1034 - III - ANN ELIZA, M- ___________ STURTEVANT and lived in PLAINFIELD, NEW JERSEY. 1035 - IV - CECELIA, M- 1st MILES LAFORGE, ROSSETTA . 2nd 2nd, NANCY, a daughter of ANDREW, and SUSANNAH DENMAN CORY of WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, who was a daughter of JOHN DENHAM, 3rd of WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, who was the eldest son of JOHN, 2nd of NEWTON QUEENS COUNTY, LONG ISLAND, who was eldest son of JOHN 1st of DORCHESTER, SUFFOLK COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS . 1086 - V - MARY SARAH, M- JOHN TEN EYCK. She died March, 17th, 1926 in PLAINFIELD, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY During the month of November, prior to her death, the following article appeared in a local paper in PLAINFIELD. "In an interview Saturday at the age of eighttwo and with a clear memory, excellent hearing and eyesight, Mrs. Mary Ten Eycke of 18 Elm Place, related some of her early recollections of Plainfield, where she has always lived. The changes in this city today, from the Plainfield of her girlhood days, make it seem like another town. Mrs. Ten Eyck was the daughter of Charles Roll, and was born near the old Jackson Schooihouse, 108 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY over the Plainfield line in Fanwood near the Netherwood section on Terrill Road. Her fa th e r ’s first wife was Miss Terrill, whose family name is still perpetuated in the name of Terrill Road, the boundary line of Plainfield and Fanwood T o w n s h i p . Her father Charles Roll, was a native of Springfield, N.J., and came to Plainfield in 1829 the year Jackson School was built. The name was given the school in honor of "Old H i c k o r y " , Andrew Jackson, the Democratic war horse who took his office the first time for president, March 4 of that year, M r s . Ten Eyck is the last survivor of eight children. She grew up in the neighborhood of the Jackson School, and acquired her education there, along with several who later made names for themseIves in the big outer w o r I d . Among her schoolmates she recalls the children of Hand and Doane Families, who remained here the rest of their l i v e s . Also a schoolmate of hers was Aaron Lines , who is now living at Riverside, California at the age of 88 y e a r s . In 1866 the family moved from the old homestead to peace Street, now Watchung Avenue and located their home where the Elks' Club house now is. Theirs was one of the old homesteads torn down for a site of the Elks' Club in 1905. Mrs. Ten Eyck was married in this old homes tead . The f a mi1y owned a property nearly across the street at 127 Watchung Avenue and moved to it when the old homestead was sold, and remained there until five years ago when Mrs. Ten Eyck and her niece and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore J. Mason, Jr., moved to their present home 18 Elm P l a c e ," ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1087 - VI - PARKHURST CORY, D- 1088 - VII - LUCY JANE 1089 -VIII -__________ a in an Asylum. son died in infancy. 110 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1090 - WESLEY ROLL-6 , -1020-, JAN MANGELSE-1) (JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, Ninth child of JOHN and MARY EARL ROLL, B- 10th October 1801, )- 3rd October 1855 , SPRINGFIELD, UNION COUNTY, NSW JERSEY WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, - FRIEND'S CEMETERY, _ O trt-U 1 OO A 300 PLAINFIELD, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, A N N , 3 0 1 only child of JONATHAN and EL SCOTCH PLAINS, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERS: 4th May, 1872 in NEWARK, ESSEX COUNTY in F R I E N D ’S CEMETERY, PLAINFIELD, U N P Issue : 1091 - I - ELIZA JANE 1092 - II - MARTIN LUTHER 1093 - III - JONATHAN SMITH 109 4 - IV _ MARY 1095 - V - WILLIAM HENRY 1096 - VI - ECCELLANN 1097 - VII _ ALMIRA LOUISA SUSAN 1098 - VIII - JACOB EARL “ SARAH EMILY 1099 - IX “ JOHN JAMES, D- U M , BD- : PLAINFIELD, UNION COUNT' 1100 - X 1101 - XI _ 1102 - XII - CHARLES WESLEY 1103 - XIII JOSEPHINE, — ANNA D- 2 years o ELIZABETH WESLEY ROLL was a farmer by vocation and lived on the old SMITH homestead lying on the old SPRINGFIELD ROAD, between SPRINGFIELD and SCOTCH PLAINS. The property passed out of the possession of the family in the early seventies and is now the well known "Cook F a r m " . The original house in which his wife and his children BIB. 87 - Marriage records old ’Westfield Church. BIB. - For ancestry of Ann Smith, see Appendix IV. Ill ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY pr ior to CHARLES W. were b o r n , was torn down and the present one erected during the life of WESLEY ROLL. The latter house is also the birthplace of ANNA MARY ROLL WILSON, the only grandchild born in the old h o m e s t e a d . His land is intersected by the boundary line between FANWOOD an d WESTFIELD T O W N S H I P S . 3 0 2 302 BIB. 23 - p. 411 112 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY Dur ing his life, WESLEY ROLL owned and wor ked negro slaves, one of whom was known as HENRY VANDERVEER, who just previous to the Civil War, ran away to ELIZABETHTOWN, but as the great question of abolition was then at its height, no effort was made to reclaim him. One of the latter*s descendants of the same name was for a long time a truckman in ELIZABETH, N.J. WESLEY ROLL dur ing^ his wh i ch name 1 A O life was also known as V E S L E Y , * he used m his wi 1 1 , 303 BIB. 38 - p. 465 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1104 - MARY ROLL-CAMP-ROLL- 6 , -1021-, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) (JOHN-5, Tenth child of JOHN and MARY EARL ROLL, twice, 1st DAVID C A M P . Issue: B- 21st January 1804, 1105-1 - DAVID WHEELER CAMP 1106 - II - CAROLINE CAMP, D- six years old. 2nd, CHARLES her cousin, ABRAHAM. (See #3106) 1107 - III - MARY AUGUSTA ROLL 1108 - IV - CAROLINE VIRGINIA ROLL 1109 -V - CHARLES ROLL 1110 - VI - SIDNEY ROLL ISAAC-4, JOHN-3 son of PETER ROLL, son of ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1111 - PHEBE ROLL BALDWIN - 6 , -102 5-, P E T E R - 2 , JAN MANGELSE-l) (JAMES-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN- First child of JAMES and A33BY MEEKER ROLL r M~ C L A R K , son of STEPHEN BALDWIN of C H E A P S I D E . Issue: 112 - I - SARAH 113 - II - EMILY 114 - Ill - MAR IAH 115 - IV - ABBY 115 - V - STEPHEN 115 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1117 - SALLY ROLL SMITH-6 , -1026-, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1} (JAMES-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3 , Second child of JAMES and ABBY MEEKER ROLL , M- W A L T E R , son of WILLIAM . SMITH of SPRINGFIELD, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Issue: 1118 - I - MARY A. 1119 - II - ABBY L. 1120 - III - EDWARD C. 1121 - IV - ALBERT 1122 - V - ELLEN 116 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1123 - PIERSON ROLL-6 , -1028-, {JACOB C.-5, PETER-2 , JAN MAN GELSE-1) ISAAC-4f JOHN-3 , First child of JACOB C. and SARAH PIERSON R O L L , B- 31st July, 1811 in SPRINGFIELD, UNION C O U N T Y , NEW JERSEY. M- twice, 1st 12th October 1837 inSANGAMON COUNTY, ILL., RACHEL CARMEN, B~ 19thFebruary 1814 in NEW YORK or PENNSYLVANIA, D- 19th October 1841. PIERSON ROLL and his family in 1876 lived in SANGAMON C O U N T Y , ILL., north of the SAGAMON RIVER and about six miles Mort-West of SPRINGFIELD, SANGAMON COUNTY, ILL., where all his children were born, ^ Issue: 112 4 AMELIA II. _L MARY M. 1125 ~ II 2 nd , 8 th May 1845, CATHERINE SPENCER. 1126 " 1 D- y o u n g . 1127 - II D- y o u n g . 1128 - I I I - D- y o u n g . 1129 - IV D- young. 1130 - V MARGARET A. 1131 - VI SARAH P. 1132 - VII - JACOB C., UM- in 1876, lives with parents. 1133 - VIII - JAMES B , r UM- in 1876, lives with parents. 1134 - IX PHEBE D., M- 18th January 1876 JOHN E. ROLL #126 5) . 1135 - X ROMOLD, UM- 1136 - X I JUDY, 1137 - X 1 1 in 1876, UM- in 1876, - WILLIAM N., UM- 1138 - XIII - JOHN S. 304 BIB. 7 - p. 627 lives with parents. lives with parents. in 1876, lives with parents. (See 117 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1139 * ANNE P. ROLL RILEY-7 , -1034-, (WILLIAM- 6 , JOIIN-5, J O H N -3, P ETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-l) ISAAC-4, First child of WILLIAM and MARY EDDY ROLL, B~ 11th August 1810, M- in SANGAMON COUNTY, ILL., ALFRED RILEY, who was run over by a train in the streets of SPRINGFIELD, ILL., and after two days of suffering died, 23rd November 1870. In 1876 his widow was living in SPRINGFIELD, SANGAMON COUNTY, I L L . 3 0 5 Issue: 1140 -I - WILLIAM, B- 11th April 1335, M- (and in SPRINGFIELD, SAGAMON COUNTY, ILL. 1141 - II - LUTHER, 1142 - III - HARRIETT, UM- ditto with her mother. 1143 - IV -____________ , died aged 15 years . 30 D BIB. in 1876) B- 10th October 1336, M- ditto. 7 - p. 628 lives 118 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1144 - PHEBE L. ROLL EDWARDS-7, -1035-, (WILLIAM- 6 , JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Second child of WILLIAM and MARY EDDY ROLL, B- 1st March 1812, MTHOMAS S. EDWARDS who died in BUREAU COUNTY, ILL. In 1876 she lives with her brother, JOHN E. ROLL (#1145). 119 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1145 - JOHN E. R OLL -7 , -1036-, (WILLIAM- 6 , JOIIN-5, 3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) ISAAC-4, JOHN- Third child of WILLIAM and MARY EDDY ROLL, B- 9th June 1814, M31st Jan. 1339, HARRIET VAN DYKE, B- 29th January 1815 in NEW YORK CITY. Issue: 1146 - I - WILLIAM V., B- 6 th Nov. 1839. 1147 - II - FRANK P., B- 7th March 1852. 1148 - III - JOHN L., B- 25th June 1854. In coming from NEW JERSEY in 1830 to ILLINOIS, JOHN E. ROLL with CLAWSON LACY and ALFRED RILEY, walked from ST. LOUIS to SANGAMON COUNTY, ILL. While the family lived in SANGAMO, SANGAMON COUNTY, ILL., ABRAHAM LINCOLN built the boat spoken of in his biography for which JOHN E. ROLL made the pins with which the boat was fastened together. The boat was begun during March 1331 just as the deep snows went off. They made a canoe to go with it as a yawl and JOHN SEAMAN and WALTER CARMAN got into it to take the first ride.It upset with them and floated away while they took refuge in a tree. LINCGLN saved them by swiraming to the tree with alog, to which a rope was attached and after getting ail on, those on shore drew it in. JOHN E . but for dealing his own ROLL learned the trade of a plasterer and brick mason, thirty years followed the buisiness of building' and in Pveal Estate, having built about one hundred housed on account in SPRINGFIELD, SANGAMON COUNTY, ILL. He had been in the boot and shoe trade for seventeen years and in 1876 he and his family resided in SPRINGFIELD, SANGAMON COUNTY, I L L . 306 305 BIB. 7 - p. 628 120 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1149 - MAY CAROLINE ROLL 3AGBY-7 , -1037-, (WILLIAM- 6 , JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-.!) Fourth child of WILLIAM and MARY EDDY ROLL, B- 29th November 1816, M- in SANGAMON COUNTY, ILL., 2nd May 1§40, JOHN B A G B Y . 1836 they resided near MARION CENTRE, K A S . 7 Issue: 1150 - I 1151 - II 1152 - III 1153 ~ IV 307 BIB. 7 - p. 628 In 121 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1154 - ELIZABETH W. ROLL SMITH-7, -1038-, (WILLIAM- 6 , JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAM MA NGELSE-1} Fifth child of WILLIAM and MARY EDDY ROLL, B- 22nd April 1819, Min SANGAMON COUNTY, ILL., ISAAC H. SMITH, born either in North or South Carolina and who died in 1851 in SPRINGFIELD, SANGAMON COUNTY, I L L . where (in 18 76) his widow r e s i d e s A ^ Issue; 1155 - 1 - WILLIAM 1156 - II - JOHN, 1157 - Ill - ELIZA P * 1158 - IV - JAMES, in 1876 resides COUNTY, ILL. 1159 - V - E D W A R D , in 1876 resides C O U N T Y , ILL . 308 BIB. killed by train in c h i l d h o o d . 7 - p, 628 in SPRINGFIELD, in SPRINGFIELD, SANGAMON SANGAMON 122 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 116 0 - SARAH ROLL SHORT-7 , ~ 1040- , (WILLIAM-6, J O H N - 5, ISAAC-4, J O H N -3 f PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1} Seventh child of WILLIAM and MARY EDDY ROLL, and tv;in sister WILLIAM, B- 19th August 1822, M- in SANGAMON COUNTY, ILL., WILLIAM P. SHORT. In 1376 he and his family resided near T E H E R A N , MASON COUNTY, I L L . 3 0 9 Issue: 1161-1 - WILL I A M , died in Union A r m y . 1162 - II 1163 - III 1164 - IV 1165 - V 1166 - VI 1167 - VII 309 BIB. 7 - p. 628 to 123 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 116 8 “ NANCY ROLL RIGGINS-7, -104 2-, {WILLIAM-6, JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Ninth child of WILLIAM and MARY EDDY ROLL, B- 13th March 1828, Min SANGAMON COUNTY, ILL., JEREMIAH RIGGINS, and (in 1876) resides in MASON CITY, MASON COUNTY, ILL. 1 0 Issue: 1169 - I 1170 - II 1171 - III 1172 - IV 1173 - V 310 BIB. 7 - p. 628 124 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1174 - ALPHEUS P. ROLL-7, -1043-, (WILLIAM-6, JOHN-5, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELS E-1) ISAAC-4, Tenth child of W I L L I A M and MARY EDDY ROLL, B- 17 Sept. 1830 in SANGAMON, SAGAMON COUNTY, ILLINOIS, D- 25 Feb. 1908 in MASON COUNTY, ILLINOIS, M- (1) M A R Y EVAN MOSLANDER, who was the m o ther of all of his c h i l d r e n and the daughter of JAMES and E L I Z A B E T H __ _________ MOSLANDER, 6 April 1850, and M- (2) CO R D E L I A A L V A R E T T A MOSLANDER, w i d o w of MR. THOMPSON and da u g h t e r of THOMAS and M A R T H A CASE MOSLANDER, in 1898 in M A SON CITY, M A SON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. Issue: 1175 -I - L E O N O R A GIBNEY ROLL who 1176 - II - JAMES 1177 - III - JOHN EDDY ROLL who M- (1) PHEBE D. ROLL, daughter of PIERSON ROLL, they h a d two chi l d r e n b e fore she died in 1782. Issue: M U LFORD ROLL who died young. died young. I - NELLIE ROLL who M- J.M. II - J O S EPHINE ROLL who CHICAGO. P U RCELL of CHICAGO. M- A L D O L P H BUENNEKE of (2) CATHERINE THEOBALD (SCHUSTER), w i dow of MR. SC H U S T E R who had two c h i l d r e n before she died in 27 N o v . 19 3 3. Is s u e : I II - ROY L. ROLL who M- N E L L I E CLAFTON two infants who died young. - LILLIAN ROLL who Mdaughter: I 1178 - IV - CHARLES KATHRYN who M- - ROSIE who M- MR. II - EARL PIERSON P E T ERSON CORBIN and ha d a . - M A R Y E L I ZABETH ROLL who M- W I L L I A M Issue: I and had PETERSON. HAWKES. NOTE: The family of Alpheus Pierson Roll c o n s i s t e d of three more c h i l d r e n than W i l s o n included in his manuscript. M a r g u e r i t e Roll has given the three a dditional as: 1178A- V ROSA R. ROLL who died young. 125 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1178B- VI - CHARLES H E NRY ROLL who M- EVA HOWELL. 1178C- VII - SIDNEY RACKET ROLL who M- M A R G A R E T JOHN EDDY ROLL-8, -1177- , M- PHEBE D. ROLL, h ad two children before she died in 1782. NE L L I E ROLL who M- J.M. He M- (2) CATHERINE THEOBALD (SCHUSTER) before she died, 27 Nov. 1933. ROY L. ROLL who M- N E L L I E died young. CHARLES H E NRY ROLL-8, children. G LENN ROLL who 18 Jan. 1876. They P U R CELL of Chicago. J O S E P H I N E ROLL who M- A D O L P H BUENNEKE L I L L I A N ROLL who MK A T H R Y N who M - . E L S B E R R Y HURLEY. who h ad CLAFTON and h ad CHARLES -1178B-, of Chicago. M- two c h i l d r e n two infants who CORBIN and h ad a daughter, EVA H O W E L L and ha d two died young. L ENA ROLL who M- FRANK M E H A N . SIDNEY R A C K E T ROLL-8, -1178C-, M- MARGARET (MAGGIE) E L S BERRY HURLEY, 27 Nov. 1890 at Teheran, Illinois. She was the daughter of JAMES I. and EMMA J. RIGGS HURLEY, B- 17 Feb. 1870, D- 28 July 1948. He was B- 19 Mar. 1866, D- 11 Dec. 1936 in Salt Creek t o w n s h i p , Mas on c o u n t y , Illinois on the family h o m e s t e a d near Easton, Illinois. R A LPH PIERSON ROLL who M- MILDRED LOUISE KOCH. D E LLA MAE ROLL who M- W I L L I A M ELMER D- 1987. RAY H A R O L D ROLL who M- SHANKLIN, 26 Aug. 1926, SHARLINE WATSON. O R V I L L E HOWARD ROLL who M- LUCILLE PAPINEAU. GUY SIDNEY ROLL who died young. LYLE CHARLES ROLL who M- (1) MARTHA A N G E L A BARRETT, in 1970, and M- (2) M A R G U E R I T E ANNE S W A L L E N . who JOHN W I L B U R ROLL who ML. RENO. EILEEN (1) HELEN FORBES and M- (2) died 126 ROLL G E N E A L O G Y - NEW J E R S E Y Ch i l d r e n of SIDNEY RACKET ROLL: RALPH P I E R S O N ROLL-9, LOUISE KOCH. B- 1 Oct. L O U I S E M A R G A R E T ROLL-10, JAMES Force 1891, who D- 12 June 1969, M - MILDRED died young. EDWARD R O L L -10, who was a first 1 ieutenant and died in Italy during W o rld War II. in the Air RAY H A R O L D ROLL-9, B- 16 Jun. 1900, D- 26 Aug. 1969, M- 21 Nov. 1938 SH A R L I N E WATSON, daughter of JOHN and M A B E L WATSON. S H I R L E Y RAE ROLL-10 who M- BRUCE BARROW. JOHN L I N D E N ROLL-10 who M- SARAH ANN STAACK. J A N I C E LEE ROLL-10. ORVILLE H O W A R D ROLL-9, 1927 L U C I L L E PAPINEAU. B- 7 Nov. 1901, D- 28 Jan. 1968, M- 6 Jun. A<ioST>AJ0 BE T T Y JEAN ROLL-10 who M- & & & 5 R9 FERRI, B A R B A R A R O LL-10 who M- (1) M- (2) G E O R G E DAFNIS. JOHN W I L B U R ROLL-9, B- 13 Jul. 1910, D- 21Nov. 1971, M- (1) HELEN FORBES and M- (2) EILEEN L. RENO. All of his daughters were by the first wife. PEGGY R O L L who M- _____ WILSON. C A ROL R O L L who M- _____ MCCONNELL. B O N N I E R O L L who M- DALE ROWLEE. J A NET R O L L who M- (1) „ GROOM and M- (2) IRA JOHN CREE. JOHN L I N D E N ROLL-10, (RAY-9, SIDNEY-8, ALPHEUS-7, WILLIAM-6, JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PIETER-2, JAN M A N G E L S E N -1) , B- 8 Jan. 1948, M- SARAH ANN STAACK, da u g h t e r of JULIUS A R T H U R and E L I Z A B E T H SOHNER STAACK 18 May 1974. EMMA E L I Z A B E T H ROLL, B- M A R I A N M A R G U E R I T E ROLL, D E L L A K A T H R Y N ROLL, B- 5 Mar. B- 1976, 16 Aug. 14 Aug. 1977. 1979. 127 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY U CO 1187 - DAVID ELMER RO LL- 7, -106 5-, (ISAAC-6, J O H N - 5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MA NG ELSE-1) eventh child of ISAAC and REBECCA HIGGINS ROLL. ec. 1909 in SPRINGFIELD, ILL. Issue: 1183 - - ISAAC ELMER, residing in Dec. 1909 Residing in in CHICAGO, ILL. 128 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1189 - SARAH ANN ROLL W AV E R - 7, -1078-, (LUTHER- 6 , JO H N - 5, ISAAC4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAM MAN GELSE-1) Fifth child of LUTHER and SUSANNAH ELIZA TORRANCE ROLL, MALEXANDSR H. WAVER of SAVANNAH, CHATHAM COUNTY, GEORGIA. Has lived in State of FLORIDA over thrity years. In 1912 residence address is 32 West Monroe Street, JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA. Issue: 1190 - I - ALBERTA 1191-11 - ALICE I-I. 1192 - Ill - LUTHER R, 129 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 119 3 - ALBERT R O L L - 7 / -1082-, {CHARLES-6, 3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN- First child of CHARLES and his first wife PHEBE TERRILL ROLL. one time ALBERT ROL 3^ was Postmaster at SOUTH AMBOY, MIDDLESEX COUNTY, NEW J E R S E Y . J 1 2 M- ELISABETH N. . He died 3/23/1893.313 Issue: 1194 - I - MILTON N., in 1909 Editor of the "Citizen" SOUTH AMBOY, MIDDLESEX COUNTY, N.J. 1195 - II - CELIA A., wife of AMI. 1196 - III 3ERGAN. - EDITH S., wife of C.J. BERGAN. 312 BIB. 23 - p. 329 333 BIB. 228 - New Jersey Equity Reports At 130 ROLL GENEALOGY - NSW JERSEY 1197 - LUCY JANE ROLL C O N N E T T - 7 , -1088-, (CHARLES- 6 , JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN M ANGELSE-1) Third child of CHARLES and his second wife NANCY COREY ROLL, CONNETT. issue; 1198 -I - ETTA 1199 - II - WILLIAM 1200 - III - IDA M- 131 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1201 - ELIZA JANE ROLL TAYLOR-7, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, -1091-, (WESLEY- 6 , JOHN-5, JAN MANGELSE-1) First child of WESLEY and ANN SMITH ROLL, B- near WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, M - EDWARD TAYL0 R , son of JAMES TAYLOR, of SPRINGFIELD, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. They moved and lived the greater part of life and died in SAINT LOUIS, SAINT LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI. Issue: 1202-1 - JAMES MARO 1203 - II - EMILY (WILBUR) DENMAN, M- and had one son EUGENE, but no record of her h u s b a n d 's n a m e . 132 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 120 4 - MARTIN LUTHER ROLL-7 , - 1 0 9 2 - , (WESLEY- 6 , JOIIN-5, I SAAC- 4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Second child of WESLEY and ANN SMITH ROLL, B- near W E S T F I E L D , UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, D- in ELMIRA, CHEMUNG COUNTY, NEW YORK, where he lived the greater part of his life, at one time he ing in the hote1 business in that city. He is buried in the BAPTIST CHURCH CEMETERY in that city, M- ELLEN, but had no issue. 133 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1205 - JONATHAN SMITH ROLL-7, -1093-, {WESLEY- 6 , JOHN-5, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) ISAAC-4, Third child of WESLEY and ANN SMITH ROLL, B- 3/3/1828 near WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, D- 3/10/1904 in ELISABETH, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, BD- in EVERGREEN CEMETERY of that city. M- 9/4/1851 LUCINDA, daughter of CAPT. KIDD, B- 1/16/1834 and D12/6/1902 in ELIZABETH, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, and is buried in EVERGREEN CEMETERY of that city. They lived in E L I Z A B E T H , UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, the greater part of their lives with the exception when they resided in OVID, SENACA COUNTY, NEW YORK. During his life JONATHAN SMITH ROLL followed the trade of a stone m a s o n . Iss u e : 1206 - I - JOHN, D- in infancy. 1207 - II - JOSEPH HEDGES 1208 - III - ANNIE LUCINDA 1209 - IV - WILLIAM HENRY 134 ROLL GENEALOGY ~ NEW JERSEY 1210 - MARY LOUISA ROLL FARLEY-7, -1094-, (WESLEY-6, JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Fourth child of WESLEY and ANN SMITH ROLL, B- near WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, D- 5th April, 1917, M- as his second wife, ANTHONY FARLEY of FANWOOD, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, their place of residence. His first wife was HARRIET LYONS. Issue: 1211 - I - WESLEY 1212 - II - WILLIAM, mar r ied and has two children 1213 - Ill - EMMA 1214 - IV - DAVID, married and has four children. 1215 - V - ANNIE 314 BIB. 9 - p. 354 135 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1216 - WILLIAM HENRY ROLL-7, -1095-, {WESLEY- 6 , JOHN-5, J O H N -3 , PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) ISAAC-4, Fifth child of WESLEY and ANN SMITH ROLL, B- 3rd November 1830, near WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, D- 6 th July 1868 in ELIZABETH, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, BD- in EVERGREEN CEMETERY, in that city. Married twice, 1st NEWARK, ESSEX COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, 1st January 1854, ABBY SCOTT C R A N E , 3 1 5 B- 28th April 1832, D- 29th January 1866, BD- EVERGREEN CEMETERY, ELIZABETH, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Issue: 1217 - I - SARAH ALICE 1218-11 - ANNA MARY 1219 - III - DAVID WILLIAMS, D- in infancy. 2nd EMMA A. GOODWIN of BATH, NEW HAMPSHIRE, who after his death, married SHERMAN. She D- 18th September 1908, MADISON, ___________ COUNTY, WISCONSIN, BD- WINDSOR, DANE COUNTY, WISCONSIN. After his first marriage, he lived in NEWARK, ESSEX COUNTY, NEW JERSEY for about one year when he returned to the old farm then occupied by his widowed mother. He stayed there for about two years and then moved to and built the first house on William Stree (now #1061) , ELIZABETH, NEW JERSEY, and where he lived the rest of his life and followed the trade of a stone mason. When he left the old farm it was let out on shares tc one JACOB DRAKE and later sold in 183 3 by the Heirs th rough their brother CHARLES W. ROLL to WARREN A C K E R M A N N . It is now owned by VMM. COOK & CO., breeders of high grade poultry and rare birds. 315 BIB. For the ancestry of ABBY SCOTT CRANE, Appendicies V 6 VI see 136 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1220 - ECCELLANN ROLL DECAMP-7, -1096-, (WESLEY-6, JOHN-3, 4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) ISAAC- Sixth child of WESLEY and ANN SMITH ROLL, B- Aug. 31, 1833, DJan. 28th, 1923, M- May 30th, 1355, CALEB DECAMP, D- Oct. 1898. At the time of her death the following article appeared in one of the local papers of PLAINFIELD, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, where she had lived most of her life: "At the ripe age of nearly ninety years, Mr s . Eccellann DeCamp, formerly of this city, died yesterday morning at the home of her d a u g h t e r , M r s . Fanny S p e n c e r , of E d g e m e r e , Long Island. The funeral will be held tomorrow, January 30, 1923 at 1 o'clock, from the funeral parlors of James N. Pettit, Rahway, and interment will be made in Haslewood Ceraetray , R a h w a y , N .J . Surviving are her d a u g h t e r , M r s . Spencer and a son LeRoy DeCamp of 45 Mountain A v e , North Plainfield. M r s . DeCamp was born in the R ol1 homestead on the Springfield Road near Scotch Plains now the Cook Farm, August 3, 1833, the daughter of Weslie and Ann Roll who were of an old f amily in that vicinity. Both were bur ied in the old cemetary back of the Friends' Meeting House, Watchung Ave. and East Third Street, this City. As a girl, M r s . DeCamp attended the old meet ing house with her parents until her mar r iage tc Caleb D e C a m p , of R a h w a y . Her husband died more than thirty years a g o . After his death she came to Plainfield to live, her two children m a k ing t he ir home wi t h her. When her daughter married and went to Edgemore to 1 ive, the mother accoiapan ied her . M r s . DeCamp was mar ried sixtynine years ago to Caleb DeCamp, and took up their abode at the DeCamp homestead in Clark Township near R a h w a y , near the present, reservoir now the site of the Lambert Dairy and which had been the home of Mr. DeCamp's ancestors from the time of the Re vo l u t i o n . 137 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY After mar r iage , Mr . and Mr s , DeCamp attended the old Methodist Church in W e s t f l e I d . M r s . DeCamp was present at the dedication of the old frame structure and also at the dedication of the present stone edifice. Besides herself, there was only one other who had attended both dedications. Since going to Edgemere she had attended the Union Denominational Church, under Presbyter ian a u s p i c e s . In Haze iwood C e m e t e r y , where she will be bur i e d , two of her children were buried in the days of the Civil W a r , and her husband a bout thirty years ago .v x3 s ue : T X 1221 - 1222 - I1 - IMOGENE - SARAH 1223 - III - ELLA, 1224 - FANNY, M- HARRY SPENCER of PLAINFIELD, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, he died without issue and in 1923 she resided in EDGEMERE, LONG ISLAND. - IV 1225 - V - LEROY D- in youth. 133 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 12 26 - AIMIRA SUSAN ROLL DOLAND-7 , -1097-, (WESLEY-6, JOHN-5 , ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Seventh child of WESLEY and ANN SMITH ROLL, B- 30th November 1335, near WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, D- 13th April 1919 at the residence of her daughter, MRS. RICHARD J. FRANZ, 34 WA S HINGTON AVE HUE, N E W A R K , N.J., B D - in FRAN Z family plot, WOODLAND CEMETERY, NEWARK, ESSEX COUNTY, N.J., M- 30th Jan. 1856, JOHN H. D O L A N D , B- 15th August 1334, D- 21st March 1912. Issue: (See Appendix X ) . 1227 - I - LAURA, B- 14th Sept., 1860. 139 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1228 - JACOB EARL ROLL-7 , -1098-, {WESLEY- 6 , JOHN-5, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN M ANG ELSE-1) ISAAC-4, Eighth child of WESLEY and ANN SMITH ROLL, B- near WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Understand he went to live with his uncle in AUGUSTA, RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA and died there without ever being marr i e d . 140 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1229 - SARAH EMILY ROLL M ITC HELL-7 , -1099-, (WESLEY- 6 , JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN M A NG ELS E-1} Ninth child of WESLEY and WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY, GEORGE CEMETERY, R A H W A Y , 1860, JOSEPH MITCHELL, B1230-1 123.1 - II 1232 - I I I ANN SMITH ROLL, E- 21st Oct. 1839, near NEW JERSEY, D- 12th March 1916, BD- ST. UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, M-3rd July 16th May 1338, D- May 5th 1885. Issue: - GEORGE L. - FREDERICK, D- in childhood. - CARRIE 141 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1233 - CHARLES WESLEY ROLL-7, -1102-, (WESLEY-6, JOHN-3, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MAN GELSE-1) Twe1fth child of WESLEY and ANN SMITH R O L L , B- 2 4 th J a n . 1845 near WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, D~ 18th Dec. 1915,M~ 24th Dec. 1868, MARY CORDELIA DE BAUM, B- 16th Sept. 1349, D- 3rd Nov. 1905. Both are buried in EVERGREEN CEMETERY, ELIZABETH, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. During the greater part of his life, he and his wife lived at 79 BLEECKER STREET, NEWARK, ESSEX COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Issue: 1234 - I - JACOB LUTHER, 3- 19th Nov. 1369 in NEWARK, ESSEX COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Died unmarried at BOSTON, MASS., 12th Feb. 1929, BD- EVERGREEN CEMETERY, ELIZABETH, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. 1235 - II - CHARLED EDWIN 1236 - III - MABEL ESTELLE, B- 26th Feb. 1381, M- 27th Nov. 1924, REV. ERNEST EINDEN WHITCOMB, and lived in SCRANTON, PENN. 142 ROLL GENEALOGY » NEW JERSEY 1237 - ANNA ELIZABETH ROLL F E R G O S O N - 7 , -1103-, (WESLEY- 6 , JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, P S T E R - 2 , JAM MANGELSE-1) Thirteenth child of WESLEY and ANN SMITH ROLL, B- 20th Oct. 1847 near WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY, N.J. Died 4/21/1913 in NEWARK, ESSEX COUNTY, N.J., M- 22nd Sept. 1869, JOSEPH W. FERGUSON, B- 26 Sept. 1843, D- 1st Feb. 1910. Both are buried in EVERGREEN CEME T E R Y , EL I Z A B E T H , N.J. Issue: 1238 - I - HARRY M O R T I M E R , B- 9th July 1870, M- 26th Sept. 1894, ANNA MAY WILLIS, B- 1st May 1870. In 1929 resided in BRANFORD, CONN. 1239 - II - CHARLOTTE 143 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1240 - AMELIA H. ROLL SHOEMAKER-7, -1124-, (PIERSON-6, JACOB-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) First child of PIERSON and RACHEL CARMEN ROLL, B- 29th March 1338, M- 7th June 1855, HENRY SHOEMAKER and (in 1376) resided in GARDNER T O W N S ^ I P , six miles North-West of SPRINGFIELD, SANGAMON C O U N T Y , I L L . 16 Issue: 1241 - I - CHARLES P. 1242 - II - SARAH 1243 - III - CHRISTOPHER 1244 - IV - MARY 1245 - V - CATHERINE 1246 - VI - JACOB 1247 - VII - MARGARET A . 316 BIB. 7 - p. 627 144 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1248 - MARY M. ROLL MOYER-7, -1125-, (PIERSON- 6 , JACOB-5, 4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) ISAAC- Second child of PIERSON and RACHEL CARMAN ROLL, B- 10th November 1339, M- 3rd March 1359, JAMES MOYER, B- 19th Sept. 1338 in LANCASTER C O U N T Y , PA., and (in 1876) resided in GARDNER TOWNSHIP, SANGAMON COUNTY, ILL., north of the R i v e r . 3 1 7 Issue: 1249 - T - SARAH E. 1250 - II - CATHERINE 1251 - III - MARY 1252 - IV - DRUZILLA 317 BIB. 7 - p. 627 145 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1253 - MARGARET A. ROLL JONES-7, -1130-, {PIERSON-6, JACOB-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Fifth child of PIERSON and CATHERINE SPENCER ROLL, B- 17th Aug. 1846, married 20th April 1S63, JOSHUA JONES, B- 20th Dec. 1840 in FRANKLIN COUNTY, OHIO and (in 1876) reside east of the river in SALESBURY TOWNSHIP, SANGAMON COUNTY, I L L .3 1 8 Issue: 1254 - I - WILLIAM P. 1255 - II - JAMES B. 1256 ~ III - WILLARD M. 1257 - IV - PERCY MELVILLE, 318 BIB. 7 - p. 627 D- age 146 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1258 - SARAH P. ROLL S H R O Y E R - 7 , -1131“ , {PIERSON-6, JACOB-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Sixth child of PIERSON and CATHERINE SPENCER ROLL, B- 19 th S e p t . 1848, M- 24th May 1866, WILLIAM J. SHROYER, B- 7th Jan. 1336 in FAYETTE COUNTY, PENN, arid {in 1876) lived with her parents , 33 313 BIB. 7 - p. 627 147 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1259 - WILLIAM SM ITH- 8 , -1155-, (ELIZABETH W.-7, WI LL I A M - 6 , JOHN5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) First child of ISAAC H. and ELIZABETH W. ROLL SMITH, M- ESTHER R. BROKAW and (in 1376) resides in MASON CITY, MASON COUNTY, ILL. with his family. 2 0 Issue: 1260 - I - ADA 1261 - II - IDA 1262 - III - LILLIE 320 BIB. 7 - p. 628 148 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1263 » ELIZA P. SMITH MOTT- 8 , -1157-, {ELIZABETH W.-7, W ILL I A M - 6 , JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Third child of ISAAC H. and ELIZABETH W. ROLL SMITH, B- 26th July 1848, M- GEORGE E. M O T T . 3 2 1 Issue: 1264 - I - HARRY W., D- 27th August 1876, age months. 321 BIB. 7 - p. 628 6 years, five 149 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1265 - JOHN E. ROLL-8, -1175-, (ALPHEUS P.-7, WILLIAM-6, JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) First child of ALPHEUS P. and MARY MOSSLANDER ROLL, M- 18th January 1875, in SANGAMON COUNTY, ILL., PHOEBE, daughter of PIERSON ROLL (see #1134) and (in 1876) reside near TEHERAN, MASON COUNTY, I L L . 3 2 2 322 BIB. 7 - p. 628 150 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1266 - JAMES MARTIN ROLL-8/ -1180-, (JAMES HIGGINS-7, ISAAC-6, JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) First child of JAMES HIGGINS and HANNAH MARIA SMITH ROLL. BAugust 29th 1843, in SPRINGFIELD, UNION COUNTY, N.J., D - 8/11/16 at his home in WASHINGTON, WARREN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Until one month before his death, he resided in SOUTH ORANGE, ESSEX COUNTY, N.J. He was at one time a member of the Legislature of New Jersey. At the time of his death the following obituary appeared in the ELIZABETH, N.J. Daily Journal under date of August 12, 1916: J. MARTIN ROLL Springfield, Aug. 12 In failing health for more than a year, former Police Justice J. Martin Roll, who resided in South Orange Village until a month ago, died yesterday at his home in Washington, N.J. Although in bad health, Mr, Roll, who at one time was a member of the Legislature and the Board of Freeholders of Essex County, attended to his business until recently. During the past few weeks his health broke down rapidly and ten days ago he was forced to take to his bed. Death was due to an acute attack of Bright's disease. Mr. Roll was a native of Springfield where he was born August 29th, 1843. His ancestors were among the early Dutch settlers of the Mohawk, and in 1743 they settled in Plainfield. Besides the State and County office he held, Mr. Roll served as a member of the Springfield Township Committee and the Board of Health of this Municipality, being president of the latter several years. In South Orange Village politics he was a strong adherent for the Citizens party. He was a Republ ic an. ” 1267-1 - WILLIAM M. In December 1909 residing MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. in CHATHAM, ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1268 - A L B E R T A H. W A V E R D E L E G A L - 8 , -1190-, (SARAH ANN ROLL WAVER7, L U T H E R - 6 , J O H N - 5, I S A A C - 4 , JOHN-3, P E T E R - 2 , JAN MANGELSE-1) First child of A L E X A N D E R H. DELEGAL. Issue: 1269 - I 1270 - II 1271 - III 1272 - IV 1273 - V 1274 - VI 1275 - VII 1276 - VIII 1277 — IX THOMAS, M- LI S A RAH E ., M- EDWARD W A V E R L U T H E R R. R O B E R T E. LOUIS H * - JOHN L. - CARL W. M I L D R E D V. and SARAH ANN ROLL WAVER, M- PERCIVAL 152 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1278 - ALICE II. WAVER BRINSON - 8 , -1191-, (SARAH ANN ROLL W A V E R - 7, LUTHER- 6 , JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE1) Second child of ALEXANDER H. and SARAH ANN ROLL WAVER, M- P.P. BRINSON. issue: 1279 - I - ARTHUR B, 1280 - II - NETTIE MAI 153 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1281 - LUTHER R. WAVE R- 8 , -1192-, (SARAH ANN ROLL WA V E R - 7, LUTHER- 6 , JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE1) Third child of ALEXANDER H. and SARAH ANN ROLL WAVER. In 1912 engaged in livery business, in PLANT CITY, HILLSBORO COUNTY, FLA. M- MINNIE EVAS. Issue: 1282 - I - L O RENE R. 154 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1283 - JOSEPH HEDGES ROLL- 8 , -1207-, (JONATHAN SMITH-7, W ES LEY - 6 , J O H N - 5, ISAAC-4, J O H N -3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) second child of JONATHAN SMITH and LUCINDA KIDD ROLL, B- 21st April 1854, M- 2nd Apr. 1895, ANNA LOUISE LARSEN, B- 16th Dec. 1857, D- 2nd Feb. 1930. Joseph Hedges Roll enlisted at the age of 27 and served as a Pvt. in the American Indian W a r . He was a stone mason like his father. In 1930 had resided for some years at 22 Hamilton St., SOMERVILLE, SOMERSET COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Joseph D- 26th May, 1937, BD- in SOMERVILLE, N.J. Issue: 1284 - I - JOSEPH S M I T H , B- 22nd Mar. 1896. 1285 - II - GUSTAVOUS ADOLPHUS, 1286 - III - MARGARET ALICE, B~ 1st August 1901. B- 16th May 1898. 155 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1287 - ANNIE LUCINDA ROLL STRATEMEYER - 8 , -1208-, (JONATHAN SMITH7, WESLEY- 6 , JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Third child of JONATHAN and LUCINDA KIDD ROLL, B- 9/23/1860 in OVID, SENECA COUNTY, NEW YORK, resided in ELIZABETH, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, D- 10/21/1957, BD- EVERGREEN CEMETERY, ELIZABETH, M- 10/18/1881, MAURICE H. STRATEMEYER of ELIZABETH, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, B- 10/10/1854, D- 5/27/1920. Issue: 1288 - I - MAURICE H. JR., D- in childhood, BD- in EVERGREEN CEMETERY, ELIZABETH, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. 1289 - II - IRVING R O L L , B- 10/21/1885 in ELIZABETH, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, D- 2/22/1974 in ST. PETERSBURG FLORIDA. 1290 - III - ALICE MARGARET, B- 2/7/1889, D- 8/29/1969 at ST. PETERSBURG, FLORIDA, BD- MEMORIAL PARK, ST. PETERSBURG. M- 10/5/1910 in ELIZABETH, NEW JERSEY, HERBERT CLARKE HILL of EAST ORANGE, ESSEX COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, B- 4/17/1887, D- 10/2/1956, BDMEMORIAL PARK, ST. PETERSBURG, FLORIDA. 156 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1291 - WILLIAM HENRY ROLL- 8 , -1209-, {JONATHAN SMITH-7, WES LE Y- 6 , JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Fourth child of JONATHAN and LUCINDA KIDD ROLL, B- OVID, SENECA COUNTY, NEW YORK. D- in E L I X A B E T H , UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY as a result of a railroad accident, and is BD- in EVERGREEN CEMETERY, that city. M- SARAH SHIPMAN of ELIZABETH, UNION COUNTY, NEW J E R S E Y . I ssue 1292 - I Died 1293 - II WILLIAM HENRY 1294 - III 1295 - IV in childhood. - HOWARD RUSSELL, JOSEPH HEDGES, B- 10th April 1887 B- 13th Feb. 1892. 157 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1296 - SARAH ALICE ROLL CHASE- 8 , -1217-, (WILLIAM HE NR Y - 7, W E SLE Y- 6 , JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, P E T E R - 2 , JAN MANGELES1) First child of WILLIAM HENRY and ABBY SCOTT CRANE ROLL, B- near WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, D- ELIZABETH, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, BD- EVERGREEN CEMETERY, that city, M- WINFIELD SCOTT CHASE, 2nd. Until shortly before her death she had lived during most of her married life in PLAINFIELD, UNION COUNTY, N.J. Her husband died Dec. 17/13 in BROOKLYN, NEW YORK. Issue: 1297 - I - WILLIAM HENRY 1293 - II - AMY BELL 1299 - Ill - CLARA, died in childhood. 1300 - IV - EDWARD, died in childhood 1301 - - WINFIELD SCOTT, v 3RD 158 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1302 - ANNA MARY ROLL WILSON- 8 , -1218-, {WILLIAM HENRY-7, WESLEY6 , JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Second child of WILLIAM HENRY and ABBY SCOTT CRANE ROLL, B- near WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, M- CHARLES LEGRAND WILSON, D- 9th March 1915. BD- 2870 Rustic Fence, EVERGREEN CEMETERY, BROOKLYN, N.Y. of LEGRAND MOREHOUSE and MARION CULVER WILSON of ELIJAH and SUSAN P. OAKLEY WILSON. She is a member of the D.A.R. #101407. Issue: 1303 - I 1304 - II - RICHARD TIMBROOK WILSON - WILLIAM WALLACE WILSON, B- 6 th June 1885, D- in ELIZABETH, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY and is buried in EVERGREEN CEMETERY, that city. ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1305 - IMOGENE DECAMP FRENCH- 8 , -1221-, (ECCELLANNE-7, W E S L E Y - 6 , JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) First child of CALEB and ECCELLANNE ROLL DECAMP, B- 4th Sept. 1857, D- 21st Jan. 1921, M- 28th Apr. 1880, CHARLES H. FRENCH, B~ 23rd Jan. 1852, D- 21st Aug. 1920. At the time of his death, the following article appeared in the ELIZABETH (N.J.) DAILY JOURNAL, "CHARLES H. FRENCH, the pioneer mason and builder of WESTFIELD (UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY) whose home was in West Broad Street just over the town line in SCOTCH PLAINS, died in Muhlenberg Hospital, PLAINFIELD, soon after his arrival there for treatment of intestinal trouble. Mr. French came here (WESTFIELD) from KANSAS CITY, MO. forty years ago. He was in his 6 8 th year and his death occurred on the birthday anniversary of his mother, MRS. JACOB FRENCH, who was 98 years old yesterday. Mr. French was once Chief Engineer of the Westfield Fire Department and a member of the old Hook and Ladder Company in the days of the Volunteer Firemen. He was a member of the Exempt Firemen and also a member of Atlas Lodge, F. and A.M. of WESTFIELD. A few years ago he served as Tax Collector of SCOTCH PLAINS." issue: B- 25th Feb. 1881 , D- 1st May 1306 - I - ETHEL, 1307 - II - ERNEST, B- 1308 - III - VICTOR, B- 24th May 1886 . 1309 - IV - CLIFFORD JACOB 1310 - V - ISAAC HOWARD, B- 17th Apr . 1898. 6 th July 1882 , D- 1896. 160 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1311 - SARAH DECAMP THOMAS- 8 , -1222-, (ECCELLANNE-7, W E SLE Y- 6 , JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Second child of CALEB and ECCELLANNE ROLL DECAMP, M- CHARLES THOMAS of RAHWAY, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. After her death, he married her cousin CARRIE MITCHELL, widow of EMIL FRANZ (#1323). Iss u e : 1312-1 - GRACE 1313 - II - EDWARD 1314 - Ill - SARAH ELSIE ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1315 - LEROY D E C A M P - 8 , -1225-, ( E C C E L L A N N E - 7 , W E S LEY-6, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) JOHN- Fifth child of CALEB and ECCELLANNE ROLL DECAMP, M- CLARA HOLCOMBE of PLAINFIELD, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Issue: 1316 - I - BEATRICE, M- W I L B E R T L. ROSS 162 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1317 - LAURA DOLAND FRANZ - 8 , -1227-, (ALMIRA SUSAN-7, W E S L E Y - 6 , JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Only child of JOHN HENRY and ALMIRA SUSAN ROLL DOLAND, B- 14th Sept. 1860, 476 Mulberry St., NEWARK, N.J., D- 3rd Aug. 1946, MEDFORD, MASS., M- 6 th Nov. 1883 at 462 Washington St., NEWARK, N.J. RICHARD JOHN FRANZ, son of GEORG CARL FRANZ of NEWARK, N.J. (see Appendix XI). Issue: 1318 - I - WALTER CARL, B- 1st Jan. 1886 at 153 Garside St., NEWARK, N.J., M- GERTRUDE WINIFRED W A L S H , 1st Aug. 1919 at NEWARK, N.J., B- 25th Dec. 1890, BUTLER, N.J. M- II 28th March, 1931, NEW JERSEY, MARGARET A. BLANEY, B- 22nd April, 1885, UNION, N.J., D- 14th March, 1951, ELBERON, N.J. 1319 - II - RICHARD JOHN, JR., B- 2nd Dec. Ave., N E W A R K , N.J. 1890, 75 Bloomfield 16 3 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1320 - GEORGE L. MITCHELL - 8 , -1230-, (SARAH EMILY-7, W E S L E Y - 6 , JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) First child of JOSEPH and SARAH EMILY ROLL MITCHELL, 1861, M- LAVINIA GARDNER. Issue" 1321 - I - GEORGE 1322 - II - ELIZABETH B- 4th March 16 4 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1323 - CARRIE MITCHELL FRANZ-THOMAS - 8 , -1232-, (SARAH EMILY-7, WESLEY- 6 , JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE1_ Third child of JOSEPH and SARAH EMILY ROLL MITCHELL, B- 10th Sept. 1863, D- 10th Jan. 1920, BD- HAZELWOOD CEMETERY, RAHWAY, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, M- twice, 1st; EMIL FRANZ, brother of RICHARD, husband of LAURA DOLAND (#1317). Issue; 1324-1 - CLARENCE GROVER FRANZ 1325 - II - HELEN EDITH FRANZ, B- July 17, 1891, D- 10/4/1891, NEWARK, N.J., BD- WOODLAND CEMETERY. 2nd, CHARLES THOMAS of RAHWAY, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, after the death of his wife SARAH DECAMP (#1311) . 1326 - III - CHARLES HAROLD THOMAS, 1327 - IV - GLADYS EMILY THOMAS B- 5th Jan, 1896. 165 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1328 - CHARLES EDWIN ROLL - 8 , -1235-, (CHARLES WESLEY-7, W ESLEY- 6 , JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Second child of CHARLES WESLEY and MARY CORDELIA DEBAUN ROLL, BNEWARK, ESSEX COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, 5th Feb. 1871, M- 15th May 1895, NELLIE EVALINE M C L O R I N A N , B- 15th Jan. 1873. Residence in 1921, SHERMAN PLACE, SOUTH ORANGE, ESSEX COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Issue: 1329 - I - ELEANOR SOMERVILLE, 1928 . B- 30th Nov. 1330 - II - EDWIN DEBAUN, B- 24th Aug. 1906. 1903, M- 10th Feb. 166 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1331- CHARLOTTE FERGUSON RANDALL- 8 , -1239“ , {ANNE ELIZABETH-7, WE SL EY- 6 , JOHN-5, I S AAC -4 , JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE1} econd child of JOSEPH and ANNA ELIZABETH ROLL FERGUSON, B- 25th an. 1375, M- 30th Jan. 1900, HENRY LITTELL RANDALL. Residence m 1919, 572 SUMMER AVENUE, NEWARK, ESSEX COUNTY, N.J. In 1929 resided in BRANFORD, CONN. issue: 1332 - I - MARGARET LOUISE, B- 28th Nov. 1903. 16 7 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1333 “ NETTIE MAE BRINSON MO LKE N T I N E - 9 , -1280-, (ALICE H. WAVER BRINSON-3, SARAH ANN ROLL W AVER-7, LUTHER- 6 , JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Second child of ALICE H. WAVER and P.P. BRINSON, M- E .A . MOLKENTINE. In 1912 are residing in ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. 1334 - ALICE THERISA, March 1912, age 7 months. Issue: 16 8 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 133 5 - JOSEPH SMITH ROLL-9 , -1284-, {JOSEPH HEDGES- 8 , JONATHAN SMITH-7, WESLEY- 6 , JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) First child of JOSEPH HEDGES and ANNA L. LARSEN ROLL, B- 22nd Mar. 1896, M- 5th Sept. 1922, STELLA MESSENGER. Joseph Smith Roll, D- 26th May 1935; fought in World War I; worked for prudential Ins. Co. Issue; 1336 - I II - ROBERT - MARILYN, M- MOORE, 2 children. 169 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1337 - GUSTAVOUS ADOLPHUS ROLL-9, -1285-, (JOSEPH HEDGES- 8 , JONATHAN SMITH-7, WESLEY- 6 , JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, P E T E R - 2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Second child of JOSEPH HEDGES and ANNA L. LARSEN ROLL, B- 16th May 1898, M- 24th Sept. 1924, HAZEL MAY HIGGINS, B- 15th Jan. 19 05. Issue: 1338 - I - BETTY ANN, B- 20th Jan. 1930. GUSTAVOUS ADOLPHUS ROLL was born at ITHACA, N.Y., moved to SOMERVILLE, N.J. when a child. Was an accountant in N.Y.C.j retired and living in 1967. HAZEL MAY HIGGINS was born at THREE BRIDGES, N.J., her family traced to JACOB JANSEN S T O L , B- ca 1610-1620 AMSTERDAM, HOLLAND, D- Oct. 1659; murdered by Indians in ULSTER CO., N.Y.; M~ ca 1648, GEERTRUYT ANDRIESEN VAN DOESBURGH, B- ca 1619 at DOESBURGH, HOLLAND. JACOB JANSEN STOL came to American prior to 1645; ran a ferry and had a farm around FORT ORANGE, N.Y. His son, JAN JACOBSEN STOL, B- 1658 at ESOPUS, N.Y. moved to SOMERSET COUNTY, N.J. ca 1710 with wife and 6 children. 170 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1339 - MARGARET ALICE ROLL CRAMER-9 , -1286-, (JOSEPH HEDGES ROLL8 , JONATHAN SMITH ROLL-7, WESLEY- 6 , JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Third child of JOSEPH HEDGES and ANNA L. LARSEN ROLL, B- 1st Aug. 1901, M- 1st Oct. 1921, FRANK D. CRAMER, B- 6 th July 1897. Residence in 1930, #608 E. 7th Street, PLAINFIELD, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Issue: 1340 - I - FRANK DAYTON CRAMER, JR., ch ildren. B- 2nd June 1922, 1341 - II - LOUISE MAY CRAMER, B- 4th May 1929, 2 4 children. 171 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1342 - WILLIAM HENRY ROLL-9, -1293-, (WILIIAM HENRY- 8 , JONATHAN SMITH-7, WE SLE Y- 6 , JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Second child of WILLIAM HENRY and SARAH SHIPMAN ROLL, MMARGARET. Issue: 1343-1 - WILLIAM, Madison Road, P A R S I P P A N Y , N.J. 1344 - II - DAVID HEDGES, 1411 Thomas Ave., SAN DIEGO, CALIF. ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 134 5 - HOWARD RUSSEL ROLL-9, -129 4-, (WILLIAM HENRY-8, JONATHAN SMITH-7, WESLEY-6, JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Third child of WILLIAM HENRY and SARAH SHIPMAN ROLL, B- 10th April 1887, D- 13th June 1946, M- 10th Jan. 1910, VEVA DEANE CRIPE, address in 1963, 610 S. 6th St., GOSHEN, INDIANA. Issue 1346 - I - Died in infancy. 1347 - II - MARY ADELINE, 1348 - III - MARTHA ABIGALE, B- 1st March, 1349 - IV - MYRON JAMES, B- 7th July, B- 2nd March, 1914. 1916. 1928. 173 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1350 - JOSEPH HEDGES ROLL-9, -1295-, (WILLIAM HENRY-8, JONATHAN SMITH-7, WESLEY-6, JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Fourth child of WILLIAM HENRY and SARAH SHIPMAN ROLL, B- 13th Feb. 1892, M- 13th Nov. 1912, RUTH WILT, address in 1963 was 218 Middle Street, THREE RIVERS, MICH. Issue: 1351 - I - VIRGINIA, 1352 - II - KATHRYN, B- 22nd Jan. 1353 - III - JOSEPH E., B- 5th Jan. 1354 - IV B- 16th Feb. 1914. 1917. 1918. - D O U G L A S E., B- 13th May, 1924. 174 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1355 - WILLIAM HENRY CHASE-9 , -1297-, (SARAH ALICE-8, WILLIAM H E N R Y - 7, WESL E Y - 6, J O H N - 5, ISAAC-4, J O H N -3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) First child of WINFIELD SCOTT, 2ND, and SARAH ALICE ROLL CHASE, M- WILHEMENA WHITEMAN, D- PLAINFIELD, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, BD- EVERGREEN CEMETERY, ELIZABETH, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Iss u e : 1356 - I - CLARA MATILDA 1357 - II - MAY 1358 - III - Died in c h i l d h o o d . 175 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1359 - AMY BELL CHASE WARD-9, -1298-, (SARAH ALICE-8, WILLIAM HENRY-7, WESLEY-6, JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) second child of WINFIELD SCOTT, 2ND, and ALICE ROLL CHASE, BP L A I N F I E L D , UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, M- EUGENE CLINTON WARD of NROTH F I E L D , ESSEX COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, D- 11th May 1928, BDEVERGREEN CEMETERY, ELIZABETH, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. She lived the greater part of her married life at 90 STATE ST. PERTH AMBOY, MIDDLESEX COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Issue: 1360-1 - HELEN ALICE 176 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1361 - WINFIELD SCOTT CHASE, 3RD-9, -1301-, (SARAH ALICE-8, WILLIAM HENRY-7, WESLEY-6, JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Fifth Child of WINFIELD SCOTT, 2ND and SARAH ALICE ROLL CHASE, 325th Apr. 1883 in PLAINFIELD, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, M- 24th Sept. 1906, MARGARET ANNA M O R L E Y , B- 23rd Nov. 1889. In 1921, resided in PLAINFIELD, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Issue: 4 T H , D- infancy. 1362 - I - WINFIELD SCOTT, 1363 - II - MARGARET AMY, B - 23rd June 1909. 1364 - III - WALTER WILLIAM, B- 26th July 1910. 1365 - IV - RICHARD WILSON, B- 5th June 1912. 1366 - V - HELEN ELIZABETH , B- 24th Oct. 1914 177 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1367 - RICHARD TIMBROOK WILSON-9, -1303-, (ANNA MARY-8, WILLIAM HENRY-7, WESLEY-6, JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) First child of CHARLES LEGRAND WILSON and LEGRAND MOREHOUSE, and MARION CULVER HUTCHINSON WILSON, of ELIJAH and SUSAN P. OAKLEY WILSON, and ANNA MARY ROLL, of WILLIAM HENRY and ABBY SCOTT CRANE ROLL, B- 3rd March 1380, in ELIZABETH, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, M- 23rd Nov. 1904, in BROOKLYN, KINGS COUNTY, NEW YORK, BERTHA BROAD, eighth child of JOHN and MARY BROAD BERRY. Is the compiler of this genealogy, which was started, November 1909, while he and his wife were living in ATLANTA, FULTON COUNTY, GEORGIA. 178 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1368 - CLIFFORD JACOB FRENCH-9 , -1309-, (IMOGENS DECAMP FRENCH-8, ECCILLANNE-7 , WESLEY-6, JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Fourth child of CHARLES H. and IMOGENE DECAMP FRENCH, B- 23rd Feb. 1896, M- 7th Sept. 1918, EDYTHE MAE JONES, of ANNAPOLIS, MARYLAND. Issue: 1369 - I - KATHERYNE LORRAINE, B- 26th Jan. 1370 - II - JACQUELAIN, B- 4th Aug. 1371 - III - MARY LOUISE, B- lst March 1924. 1922. 1920. 179 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 137 2 - GRACE THOMAS TRAVIS-9, -131-, {SARAH DECAMP THOMAS-8, E C C E L L A N N E - 7 , WESLEY-6, JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) First child of CHARLES and SARAH DECAMP THOMAS, B- 17th May 1886, MTRAVIS. In 1920 resided in HILLSDALE, BERGEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Issue: 1373 - I 1374-11 1375 - - MARJORIE ESTELLE, - HOWARD M E R T I N A , B- Nov. 1910. 1912 EDWARD THOMAS-9, -1313-, (SARAH DECAMP THOMAS-8, ECCELLANNE-7, WESLEY-6, JOIiN-5, ISAAC-4 , JOHN-3, JAN MANGELSE-1) Second child of CHARLES and 1888, M- NELLIE KROMES. In COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Issue: 1376 - B- Oct. I - KENNETH, PETER-2, SARAH DECAMP THOMAS, B-8th Mar. 1920, resided inRAHWAY, UNION B- 26th Mar. 1911. 1377 - SARAH ELSIE THOMAS S C H M E Y E R - 9 , -1314-, {SARAH DECAMP THOMAS-8, ECCELLANNE-7, WESLEY-6, JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Third child of CHARLES and SARAH DECAMP THOMAS, B- 15th Dec. 1889, M- ALMOND SCHMEYER. She died 1918 in PLAINFIELD, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Issue: 1378 - I - DORIS, b- 23RD a U G . 1913. 180 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1379 ~ RICHARD J. FRANZ, J R . -9, -1319-, (LAURA DOLAND FRANZ-8, SUSAN ALMIRA ROLL-7, WESLEY-6, JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Second child of RICHARD J. and LAURA DOLAND ROLL FRANZ, B- 2nd Dec. 1890, D- 11th July 1958, M- 26th April 1917, HAZEL IRENE SMITH, B- 2nd Feb. 1893, BD- MEMORIAL PARK, ST. PETERSBURG, FLA. Iss u e : 1380 -I - RICHARD JOHN, 1381 - II - ROBERT KENNETH, B- 29th Feb. 138 2 - III III, B- 8th Sept. - LAURA FERN, B- 3rd Jan. 1928. 1919. 1924. 181 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1383 - ELIZABETH MITCHELL GREGORY-9, -1322-, {GEORGE L. MITCHELL8, SARAH EMILY-7, WESLEY-6, JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) First child of GEORGE L. and VINIE GARDNER MITCHELL, 1831, M- WILLIAM H. GREGORY. Issue: 1384 - I - ELIZABETH 1385 - II - WILLIAM 1386 - III - GEORGE MITCHELL B- 7th June 182 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1387 - CLARENCE G. FRANZ-9, -1324-, (CARRIE MITCHELL FRANZTHOMAS-8, SARAH EMILY-7, WESLEY-6, JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) First child of EMIL and CARRIE MITCHELL FRANZ, B~ 18th Sept. 1889, M- ANGELA EVELYN W A N K E L , B- 6th Nov. 1889, D- 30th May 1920 in UTICA, NEW YORK, their place of residence at that time. Clarence D- 19th June 1966. Issue: 1388 -I - MARY ANGELA FRANZ, B- 21st Sept. 1389 - II - CAROLINE ROLL FRANZ, 1390 - III - EUGENIE FRANZ, B- 13th Dec. B- 2nd Jan. 1914. 1916. 1919. 2nd, M- 4th June 1921, SUSANNE Q U I N L I V E N , B- 10th Dec. 1898 . Residence in 1958 was 360 YERBA BUENA AVE., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. Issue : 1391 - IV - PATRICIA ANNE FRANZ, B- 17th Mar. 1935. 183 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1392 - GLADYS EMILY THOMAS BOULTON-9 , -1327-, (CARRIE MITCHELL FR A N 2-THOMAS-8, SARAH EMILY-7, WESLEY-6, JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Second child of CHARLES THOMAS and CARRIE MITCHELL F R A N Z - T H O M A S , B- 26th Sept. 1900, M- 22nd Aug. 1921, ARTHUR L. BOULTON of RAHWAY, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Issue: 1393 - I - GILBERT RAY, B- 10th Dec. 1922. 184 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1394 - MARGARET LOUISE RANDALL R OGERS-9 , -1332- , (CHARLOTTE FERGUSON RANDALL-8, ANN ELIZABETH ROLL-7, W E S L E Y - 6 , JOHN5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Child of HENRY LITTELL and CHARLOTTE FERGUSON RANDALL, B- 26th Nov. 1903, M- CLARENCE DEWITT ROGERS, JR. In 1922 they were residing in NEW ROCHELLE, NEW YORK. Issue: 1395 - I - PEGGY ANN, B- 11th July 1920. 185 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1396 - BETTY ANN ROLL DUCKWORTH-10 , -1338-, (GUSTAVOUS ADOLPHUS9, JOSEPH H E D G E S - 8 , JONATHAN SMITH-7, WESLEY-6, JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Only child of GUSTAVOUS ADOLPHUS and HAZEL MAY HIGGINS ROLL, B20th Jan. 1930 at PLAINFIELD, N.J., M- 23rd Sept. 1950 CLARK JOHN DUCKWORTH, B- 15th Jan. 1926. Residence in 1967, 14 WADSWORTH TERR,, CRANFORD, N.J., 07016. Issue: 1397 -I - LAUREL ANN, B- 9th Dec. 1398 - II - LINDA LEE, 1956. B- 9th June 1958. 186 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1399 - MARY ADELINE ROLL NOWELSKY-10, -1347-, (HOWARD RUSSEL-9, WILLIAM HENRY-8, JONATHAN SMITH-7, WESLEY-6, JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Second child of HOWARD RUSSEL and VEVA DEANE CRIPE ROLL, B- 2nd March, 1914, M- 5th March, 1941, JOHN NOWELSKY; address in 1967, 1622 EDMUND TERR., UNION, NEW JERSEY. Issue: 1400 1401 1402 - I - THOMAS DEAN, B- II - MARLENE, - III - 28th Sept, B- 10th Feb. LINDA JEANE, 1942. 1945. B-15th Sept. 1950. 187 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1403 - MARTHA AEIGALE ROLL KILE-10 , -1348-, (HOWARD RUSSEL-9, WILLIAM HENRY-8, JONATHAN SMITH-7, WESLEY-6, JOIIN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Third child of HOWARD RUSSEL and VEVA DEANE CRIPE ROLL, B- 1st March, 1916, M~ 1943, ROBERT KILE, address in 1963 was 415 N. 1ST STREET, GOSHEN, INDIANA. Issue: 1404 - I - ROBERT KILE, 1405 - II - NONA, 1406 - III - NANCY, B- 12th July, 1943. twin #1, E- 21st Dec. twin #2, B- 21st Dec. 1944. 1944. 188 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1407 - MYRON JAMES ROLL-10, -1349- , (HOWARD RUSSEL-9, WILLIAM HENRY-8, JONATHAN SMITH-7, WESLEY-6, JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Fourth child of HOWARD RUSSEL and VEVA DEANE CRIPE ROLL, B- 7th July, 1928, M- 1st August, 1954, THELMA ACKERSON, address in 1963 was 610 S. 6TB ST., GOSHEN, I N D I A N A . Issue: 1408 - I - JENNIFER GAIL, B- 12th Nov. 1409 - II - JED ADAM, B- 16th Aug. 1961. 1957. 189 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1410 - VIRGINIA ROLL R E Y N O L D S - 1 0 , -1351-, (JOSEPH HEDGES-9, WILLIAM HENRY-8, JONATHAN SMITII-7, WESLEY-6, JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) First child of JOSEPH HEDGES and RUTH WILT ROLL, B- 16th Feb., 1914, D- 22nd Feb., 1959, M- WILLIAM B. REYNOLDS. Issue: 1411 - I - MARCIA 1412 - II - MARILYN 1413 - III - WILLIAM B., JR. 190 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1414 - KATHRYN ROLL REICHERT-10 , -1352-, (JOSEPH HEDGES-9, WILLIAM HENRY-8, JONATHAN SMITH-7, WESLEY-6, JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Second child of JOSEPH HEDGES and RUTH WILT ROLL, Issue 1917; M- CARL REICHERT. 1415 - I CAROLYN SUE 1416 - I I FREDERICK ALLEN 1417 - Ill - JOEL LEE 1418 - I V JUDITH KAY 1419 - V MARY LOU 1420 - V I JOHN MICHAEL B- 22nd Jan., ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1421 - JOSEPH E. ROLL-10, -1353-, {JOSEPH HEDGES-9 , WILLIAM HENRY-8, JONATHAN SMITH-7, WESLEY-6, JOHN-5 , ISAAC-4 JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Third child of JOSEPH HEDGES and RUTH WILT ROLL, B - 5th Jan 1918; M- VIDA CARLISLE. Issue: 1422-1 - JOHN DENNIS 1423 - II - RICHARD CARLISLE 192 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1424 - DOUGLAS E. ROLL-10, -1354-, (JOSEPH HEDGES- 9, WILLIAM HENRY-8, JONATHAN SMITH-7, WESLEY-6, JOHN-5 , ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Fourth child of JOSEPH HEDGES and RUTH WILT ROLL, B- 13th May, 1924; M- MARIAN WEISS; living in ANN ARBOR, MICH., in 1967. Iss u e : 1425 - I - KYLE ANN 1426 - II - KURT DOUGLAS ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1427 - CLARA MATILDA CHASE KEARNEY-10, -1356-, (WILLIAM HENRY CHASE-9, SARAH ALICE R O L L - 8, WILLIAM HENRY-7, WESLEY-6, JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) First child of WILLIAM HENRY and WILHEMENA WHITEMAN CHASE, B11th Sept. 1896, M- 11th Mar. 1918, GEORGE JOHN KEARNEY, B- 7th Oct. 1898. Residence in 1930 was #15 RENWICK AVE., WEST NEW BRIGHTON, NEW YORK. Issue: 1428 - I - GEORGE JOHN KEARNEY, ch ildhood. 1429 - II - WILLIAM CHASE KEARNEY, 1430 - III - RICHARD CARROLL KEARNEY, 1431 - IV - JEAN MARIE KEARNEY, B~ 3rd M a r . 1921, D- in B- 4th Nov. 1922. B- 5th Nov. B- 14th Apr. 1924. 1926. 194 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1432 - MAY CHASE HUTCHISON-10, -1357-, (WILLIAM HENRY CHASE-9 SARAH ALICE ROLL-8, WILLIAM HENRY-7, WESLEY-6, JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) 9 second child of WILLIAM HENRY and WILHEMENA WHITEMAN CHASE, B 1st May 1899, M- 22nd July 1922, JAMES ANDERSON HUTCHISON, B- 8th Apr. 1897. Residence in 1930 was #17 RENWICK AVE., WEST NEW BRIGHTON, NEW YORK. Issue: 1433 - I - MARGARET MAE HUTCHISON, B- 10th June 1924. 1434 - II - JOAN BELLE HUTCHISON, B- 27th Sept. 1927. 195 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1435 - RICHARD JOHN FRANZ, 111-10, -1380-, (RICHARD J. F R A N Z , J R.-9, LAURA DOLAND FRANZ-8, SUSAN ALMIRA ROLL-7, WESLEY6, JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) First child of RICHARD J., JR. and HAZEL IRENE SMITH, B- 8th Sept. 1919, M- 7th Dec. 1943, MURIEL JEANNE U D E N , B- 19th Dec. 1922. Residence in 1957 was R.D. #5, HARDING RD., SOMERVILLE, N.J. Residence in 1969 was 600 TANGLEWOOD DR., PENSACOLA, FLA. Iss ue: 1436 - I - JOHN DOUGLAS, B- 21st May 1951. 1437 - II - MARCIA JEANNE, B- 17th Dec. 1954, M- 30th Nov. 1974, KEITH RAY BAKER, son of Rev. and Mrs. Clayton Baker . 196 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1438 - ROBERT KENNETH FRANZ-10, -1381-, (RICHARD J. FRANZ, J R . -9, LAURA DOLAND FRANZ-8, SUSAN ALMIRA ROLL-7, WESLEY-6, JOHN5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Second ch ild of RICHARD J., JR. and HAZEL IRENE SMITH , B- 29th Feb. 1924, M- 3rd Sept. 1946, JOAN G R E E N W O O D , B- 15th Jan. 1926. Iss u e : 1439 - I DAVEE SHERRILL, 1440 - II KENNETH CLINTON, 1441 - III B- 8th August, B- 2nd Nov., - DANA SCOTT, B- 28th April, 1442 - IV ROBIN LEE, B- 22nd Jan., 1443 - V GREGG PETER, 1949. 1951. 1954. 1956. B- 25th Feb., 1959. 197 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1444 - LAURA FERN FRANZ EAGAN-10, -1382-, (RICHARD J. FRANZ, JR.9, LAURA DOLAND FRANZ-8, ALMIRA SUSAN ROLL-7, WESLEY-6, JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Third child of RICHARD J., JR. and HAZEL IRENE SMITH, B- 3rd Jan. 1928, M- 19th Sept. 1953, RICHARD EDWARD EAGAN, B- 6th October, 1928; residence in 1967 was 164 OXBOW ROAD, WAYLAND, MASS. I ssue: 1445 -I - PATRICIA ANNE, B- 14th July, 1954. 1446 - II - MICHAEL KEVIN, B- 14th July, 1955. 1447 - III - CHRISTINE MARIE, B- 25th Aug. 1448 - IV - RICHARD EDWARD, JR., 1449 -V - THOMAS WILLIAM, 1450 - VI - CAROL JOY, B- 9th May, 1451 - VII - BRIAN PATRICK, B- 14th B- 25th Aug. 1956. Feb. 1959. 1960. 1962. B- 6th Oct., 1964. VIII - TRACY ELIZABETH, B- 2nd Sept., 1970, 198 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1452 - CAROLINE ROLL FRANZ B U T L E R - 1 0 , -1389-, (CLARENCE G. FRANZ9, CARRIE MITCHELL F R A N Z - T H O M A S - 8 , SARAH EMILY-7, WESLEY6, JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1} second child of CLARENCE G . FRANZ and ANGELA EVELYN WANKEL, B13th Dec. 1916, M- 12th Oct. 1939, VINCENT S. BUTLER, B- 12th Jan. 1914 in SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. Issue; 1453 - I - PAUL VINCENT BUTLER, B- 26th Jan. 1941. 199 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1454 - EUGENIE FRANZ HUFF-10 , -1390-, (CLARENCE G. FRANZ-9, CARRIE MITCHELL F R A NZ-THOMAS-8, SARAH EMILY-7, WESLEYJOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) / Third Child of CLARENCE G, FRANZ and ANGELA EVELYN WANKEL, B- 2nd Jan. 1919, M- 19th Aug. 1944, ROBERT SAMUEL HUFF, B- 27th Feb 1919 at BELLINGHAM, W A S H . Issue: 1455 - I - PENELOPE ANN HUFF, B- 19th Aug. CALIF. 1945 at OAKLAND 1456 - II - PAMELA HUFF, B- 14th July 1952 at SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 200 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1457 - PATRICIA ANNE FRANZ LUCHESSA-10, -1391-, (CLARENCE G. FRANZ-9, CARRIE MITCHELL F R A N Z - T H O M A S - 8 , SARAH EMILY-7, WESLEY-6, JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE1) Only child of CLARENCE G. FRANZ and SUSANNE QUINLIVEN, B- 17th March 1934, M- 18th Sept. 1954, CHARLES E. LUCHESSA, B- 14th Oct. 1932. Residence in 1958, 149 CALUMET AVE., SAN ANSELME, CALIF. Iss ue: 1458 - I - EDWARD FRANZ LUCHESSA, B- 24th Nov. OAKLAND, CALIF. 1459 - II - LINDA ANNE LUCHESSA, B- 22nd Sept. CALIF. 1955 at 1957 at OAKLAND, 201 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1460 - MARCIA REYNOLDS S T A L T HRET-11, -1411-, (VIRGINIA ROLL REYNOLDS-10, JOSEPH HEDGES-9, WILLIAM HENRY-3, JONATHAN SMITH-7, WESLEY-6, JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) First child of WILLIAM B. and VIRGINIA ROLL REYNOLDS, M- WILLARD STALTHRET. Issue: 1461-1 - DEBRA 1462 - II - DOUGLAS 202 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 14 6 3 - MARILYN REYNOLDS G O C H E N O U R - 1 1 , -1412-, (VIRGINIA ROLL REYNOLDS-10, JOSEPH H E D G E S - 9, WILLIAM HENRY-8, JONATHAN SMITH-7, WESLEY-6, JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Second child of WILLIAM B. and VIRGINIA ROLL REYNOLDS, M- LOREN GOCHENOUR. Is s u e ; 1464 - I - LAUREL 1465 - II - TIMOTHY 1466 - III - DANIEL 203 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1467 - WILLIAM B. REYNOLDS, J R.-11, -1413-, (VIRGINIA ROLL R E Y N O L D S - 1 0 , JOSEPH H E D G E S - 9 , WILLIAM H E N R Y - 8 , JONATHAN SMITH-7, WESLEY-6, JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Third child of WILLIAM B. and VIRGINIA ROLL REYNOLDS, M- ______ Is s ue : 1468 - I - WILLIAM B., 1469 - II - DAWN Ill 204 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1470 - CAROLYN SUE REICHERT KULAS-11, -1415-, (KATHRYN ROLL REICHERT-10, JOSEPH H EDGES-9, WILLIAM HENR Y - 8, JONATHAN SMITH-7, WESLEY-6, JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) First child of CARL and KATHRYN ROLL REICHERT, Issue: 1471-1 - STEPHEN 1472 - II - TERI LYNN 1473 - III - BRIAN 1474 - IV - LORI M- AL K U L A S . 205 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 14 75 - FREDERICK ALLEN REICHERT-11, -1416-, (KATHRYN ROLL REICHERT-10, JOSEPH HEDGES-9, WILLIAM HENRY-8, JONATHAN SMITH-7, WESLEY-6, JOHN-5, I S A A C - 4 , JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Second child of CARL and KATHRYN ROLL REICHERT, M- BONNIE UNDERWOOD. Is s u e : 206 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 14 76 » JOEL LEE REICHERT-11, -1417-, (KATHRYN ROLL REICHERT-10, JOSEPH HEDGES-9, WILLIAM HENRY-3, JONATHAN SMITH-7, W E S L E Y - 6, JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE1) Third child of CARL and KATHRYN ROLL REICHERT, M- KAREN LACOUNT. Issue : 207 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1477 - JUDITH KAY REICHERT CORL-11, -1418-, (KATHRYN ROLL REICHERT-10, JOSEPH HEDGES-9, WILLIAM HENRY-8, JONATHAN SMITH-7, W E S L E Y - 6 , JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Fourth child of CARL and KATHRYN ROLL RIECHERT, Iss u e : 1478-1 - KELLY ANN 1479 - II - SCOTT ALLEN M- RAY CORL. 208 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1480 - SIDNEY RACKET ROLL-8, -1181- M- MARGARET (MAGGIE) ELSBERRY HURLEY, 27 Nov. 1890 at TEHERAN, ILLINOIS. She was the daughter of JAMES I. and EMMA J. RIGGS HURLEY, B- 17 Feb. 1870, D- 28 July 1948. He was B- 19 Mar. 1866, D- 11 Dec. 1936 in SALT CREEK TOWNSHIP, MASON COUNTY, ILLINOIS on the family homestead near EASTON, ILLINOIS. 1481 - RALPH PIERSON ROLL-9 B- 1 Oct. 1891, D- 12 June 1969, M- MILDRED LOUISE KOCH. Issue: I - LOUISE MARGARET TOLL-10 who died young. II - JAMES EDWARD ROLL-10 who was a first lieutenant in the Air Force and died in Italy during WorId War II. 1482 - DELLA MAE ROLL M- WILLIAM ELMER SHANKLIN, 26 Aug. 1926. 1483 - RAY HAROLD ROLL-9 B- 16 Jun. 1900, D- 26 Aug. 1969, M- 21 Nov. 1938, WATSON, daughter of JOHN and MABEL WATSON. Issue: SHARLINE I - SHIRLEY RAE ROLL-10 who M- BRUCE BARROW. II - JOHN LINDEN ROLL-10, -________ R A Y - 9 , SIDNEY-8, A L P H E U S - 7, WILLIAM-6, JOHN-5, ISAAC-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) B- 8 Jan. 1948, M- SARAH ANN STAACK, daughter of JULIUS ARTHUR and ELIZABETH (SOHNER) STAACK, 18 May 1974. Issue: I - EMMA ELIZABETH II - MARIAN MARGUERITE 1977 . III Ill - DELLA ______ - JANICE LEE ROLL-10. (BETSY) ROLL, B~ 5 Mar. (MAGGIE) (KATY) ROLL, 1976. ROLL, B- 16 Aug. B- 14 Aug. 1979. ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 1484 - ORVILLE HOWARD ROLL-9 B- 7 Nov. PAPINEAU. 1901, D- 28 Jan. Issue: 1968, M- 6 June 1927, LUCILLE I - BETTY JEAN ROLL-10 who M- ROBERT F E R R I . II - BARBARA ROLL-10 who MDAFNIS. (1) and M- (2) GEORGE 1485 - GUY SIDNEY ROLL D- young . 1486 - LYLE CHARLES ROLL M- (1) MARTHA ANGELA BARRETT, MARGUERITE ANNE S W A L L E N . who died in 1970, and M- (2) 1487 - JOHN WILBUR ROLL-9 B- 13 July 1910, D- 21 Nov. 1971, M- (1) HELEN FORBES and M- ( EILEEN L. RENO. All of his daughters were by the first wife. Issue: I - PEGGY ROLL who M- DONALD WILSON. II - CAROL ROLL who M- _____ III - BONNIE ROLL who M- DALE ROWLEE. IV - JANET ROLL who MJOHN CREE. (1) MCCONNELL. GROOM and M- (2) IRA 210 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2000 JOHN ROLL-4, -15-, (JOHN-3, JOHANNES-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Second child of JOHN ROLL and E L I Z A B E T H , B- 17th O c t o b e r 1733; lived on the n o rth side of LONG HILL, near SPRINGFIELD, U N I O N COUNTY, N EW JERSEY; sold his farm to JOHN WILLIAMS and m o v e d to C I N C I N N A T I , H A M I L T O N COUNTY, OHIO, where he died; m a r r i e d three t i m e s ; 1st, R A C H E L VAN WINKLE who died 21st May 1768 at the age of 30 years and is b u r i e d in the grounds of the P R E S B Y T E R I A N CHURCH, NEW PROVIDENCE, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. 323 He served as a M I NUTE MAN in the WAR OF 17 7 6 . 32 ^ Issue : 2 001 - I - JOHN 2002 - II - ABRAHAM 2003 - III - M A T THIAS 2004 - IV ISAAC, B- 9th Aug. 1766, D- 11th Mar. 1787 years of a g e . 325 BD- Grounds P R E S B Y T E R I A N NEW PROVIDENCE, U N ION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. 2005 - V ABAGAIL 2006 - VI ISAAC, 2ND, M- PRUDENCE V A NCE of M E N D H A M , MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, a sister of A B R A H A M ' S wife. 2007 -VII 2nd wife, 2008 at 21 CHURCH, - R A CHEL EDITH WICK, - VIII M- 1769. - WICK, B- 5th Aug. 1770, D- 28th Jan. 1 7 9 0 , 326 age 20 years, BD- Grounds P R E S B Y T E R I A N CHURCH, NEW PROVIDENCE, U N ION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. 2009 -IX - EDWARD 2010 -X - JACOB, B- 28th Jan. 1775, k i l l e d by l i g h t n i n g on 14 Aug. 1793 at age 18years, BD-P R E S B Y T E R I A N CHURCH, NEW PROVIDENCE, U N I O N COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. 3rd w i f e , Lydia 323 BIB . 6 - pp . 214324 BIB . 2 - pp . 398 , 325 BIB . 6 - pp. 214- 326 BIB . 6 - pp . 214- 211 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2011 - JOHN ROLL-5 , -2001-, MANGELSE-1) (JOHN-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN First child of JOHN and RACHEL VAN WINKLE ROLL, B- 10th Oct. 1757, M- MARTHA (PATTY) FORCE of HORSE NECK, CALDWELL TOWNSHIP, C O U N T Y , NEW JERSEY 2013 I MATTHIAS, i II HANNAH III 2015 2018 - RACHEL, M- IV ISAAC v ABIGAIL, VI JOHN VII - MARY VIII - LYDIA IX JACOB W. X MARTHA XI ABRAHAM XII 2024 - JAMES XIII - CHARITY M- 212 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2025 - ABRAHAM ROLL-5, -2003-, MANGELSE-1) (JOHN-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN Second child of JOHN and RACHEL VAN WINKLE ROLL, B- 11th Aug. 1759, i D- 21st Aug. 1827, M- PRUDENCE (PATTY) VANCE of MENDI1AM, MOREIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, B- 24th Jan. 1763, D- 16th Feb. 1849 Iss u e : 2026 - I - SARAH, 2027 - II - SAMUEL V 2028 - III - SARAH 2029 - IV - WICK 2030 - V - ELIZABETH, 2031 - VI - RACHAEL 2032 - VII - JOHN 2033 - VIII - ISAAC 2034 - IX - MARTHA B- 29th Dec. 1785, D- young. B- 12th Feb. 1893, M- REUBEN R A Y M O N D . 213 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2035 - MATTHIAS ROLL-5, -2003-, MANGELSE-1) (JOHN-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN Third child of JOHN and RACHEL VAN WINKLE ROLL, B- 22nd Aug. 1760, M- 7th Apr. 1785, MARY, B- 16th Sept, 1763, daughter of ABRAHAM RUTAN and moved to OHIO. He served as a private in 1st Regiment, New Jersey Troops in the War of 1776 .3 He died 7th Oct. 1831, while his wife died 9th Feb. 1836. He received a pension during the latter part of his life from the U.S. Gov. for his Rev. War Services. **8 Issue: 2036 - I - CHARITY 2037 - II - JOSEPH, B- 24th Sept. REBECCA JOHNSTON. 1789, M- 12th Feb. 2033 - III - A B A G A I L , B- 15th July 1791, D- 17th Jan. 14th Feb. 1809, REUBEN BLACKFORD. 2039 - IV - RACHEL, B- 16th June 1783, D- 3rd Sept. 6th Apr. 1810, WILLIAM STEWART. 2040 - ANNA, B- 15th May 1795, D- 11th Jan. Feb. 1813, CHRISTOPHER LINTNER. -V 1811, 1859, M- 1835, M- 1873, M- 9th 2041 - VI - ISAAC, B- 18th May 1797, M- 19th Sept. HAWKINS. 2042 - VII - MARY (POLLY), B- 16th June 1799, D- 20th June 1834, M- 15th Dec. 1816, DAVID BAKER. 2043 - VIII - JOHN 2044 - IX - ISRAEL 2045 -X - MATTHIAS 2046 - XI - SAMUEL 2047 - XII - SILAS 327 BIB. 2 - p. 275 328 BIB. 121 - p. 89 1821, HANNAH ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2048 - ABIGAIL ROLL MILLER-5 , -2005-, JAN MANGELSE-1) (JOHN-4, JOHN-3, PETER- Fifth child of JOHN and RACHEL VAN WINKLE ROLL, B- 11th July 1764, M- 7th Apr. 1785, SAMUEL MILLER, a grandson of JAMES CAULDWELL, 1ST. Issue: 2049-1 - JOHN ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2050 - RACHEL ROLL B A D G ELY-5, -2007-, JAN MANGELSE-1) (JOHN-4, JOHN-3, PETER- Seventh child of JOHN and RACHEL VAN WINKLE ROLL, B- 21st May 1768, M- ROBERT B A D G E L Y , of CINCINNATI, HAMILTON COUNTY, OHIO Issue: 2051 - I - WILLIAM 2052 - II - JACOB 216 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2053 ~ EDWARD ROLL-5, MANGELSE-1) -2009-, (JOHN-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN Ninth child of JOHN ROLL and second by his second wife EDITH WICK, B- 14th July 1772, Mand lived in CINCINNATI, HAMILTON COUNTY, OHIO. Issue: 2054-1 - ISAAC 2055 - II - WICK, 2056 - III D- young. - EDWARD C. 217 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2057 - ISAAC ROLL-6, -2015-, MANGELSE-1) (JOHN-5, JOHN-4, PETER-2, JAN Fourth Child of JOHN and MARTHA THOMPSON. Issue: 2058-1 FORCE ROLL, M- ELIZABETH - EDWARD 2059 -II - PHEBE, 2060 - III - JOHN, B- 23rd Nov. COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 2061 - IV - AARON T., 2062 -V - HANNAH 2063 - VI - ABIGAIL 2064 - VII - CYNTHIA B- 2065 - VIII - JAMES A., INDIANA. 2066 - IX (PATTY) 1817, D- unmarried. 1818. Lived in PEORIA, PEORIA B~ 1821, D- 1852, UM. lived - MILTON OWEN, in TERRE HAUTE, VIGO COUNTY, lived in ST. LOUIS, MO. 218 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2067 - JACOB W. ROLL-6 , -2020-, JAN MANGELSE-1) (JOHN-5, JOIIN-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, Ninth child of JOHN and MARTHA (PATTY) FORCE ROLL, 1800, M- JANE MCCLURE. They resided in WELLSFORD, KANSAS. Issue: B- 6th Feb. KIOWA COUNTY, 2068 - I - U ______ G _____ M _____ , B- 4th Nov. 1827 , M- ELIZA JANE CLOUD. They resided in EFFNER, ILLINOIS. 2069 - II - 2070 - III - 2071 - IV - HARVEY, B- 17th May 1834, D- 1856. ORLEANS, ORLEANS COUNTY, LOUISIANA. 2072 - V - GEORGE W . , B- 19th Oct. 1867, NANCY E , ASHLEY. KANSAS. 2073 - VI - EDWIN M . , B- 10th May 1839, D- 1882, M- 1876, ANNA R U D X S I L L . Resided in LOGAN, DEARBORN COUNTY, INDIANA. 2074 - VII - RICHARD E., B- 14th Feb. 1841, M- twice, 1st, 1870 to ELIZABETH JUDD; 2nd, 1833 to MATTIE DAVIDSON. Resided in WELLSFORD, KIOWA COUNTY, KANSAS. J A M E S , B- 26th Nov. 1829, D- young. JACOB, B- 2nd Dec. 1831, D- 1877, M- 1863, HORNER. Resided in INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Resided BELLE in NEW 1836, D- Aug. 1885, MResided in PELLSBURG, 2075 - VIII - LOUIS R . , B- 16th July 1843, M- DELISLE CLEPNER. Resided in EFFNER, ILLINOIS. 2076 - IX - THOMAS J. 2077 - X - A L I C E J., SHIELDS. INDIANA. B- 27th May 1848, Resided in LOGAN, M- 1880 to G E O R G E D E A R B O R N COUNTY, 219 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2078 - MARTHA ROLL PRESTON-6 , -2021-, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Tenth child of JOHN and MARTHA 1818, WILLIAM PRESTON. Issue: (PATTY) (JOHN-5, JOHN-4, JOHN-3, FORCE ROLL, M- 13th Sept. 2079 - I - MARY R . , B- 27th June 1819, M- 30th Nov. ABRAHAM ROLL (#2280). 1831, 2080 -II - JOHN B., B- 11th Jan. 1822. 2081 -III - W I L L I A M B., B- 13th Jan. 2082 -IV - ISAAC R . , B- 6th Nov. RUDISILL. 1821, D- 1823, 1824, M- 2083 - V - MARTHA A., B- 14th Dec. WILLIAM COX. 2084 -VI - ROBERT B., B- 2nd M ay 1829, D- 2085 -VII - LYDIA, B- 2nd Sept. RUDISILL. 27th Mar. D- 5th May 1824. 8th Apr. 1826, M- 19th Jan. 12th Apr. 1834, M- 9th Oct. - SARAH, B- 13th Sept. 1873, ABE LEMON. 1838, 1844, 1849. 1850, JERRY 2086 - VIII - A B I G A L , B- 9th Sept. 1836, M- 18th Apr. M .V .B . ROLL (#2301) . 2087 - IX 1857, E. 1855, D- 26th May 1881, M- May 220 ROLL GENEALOGY » NEW JERSEY 2088 - SAMUEL V. ROLL-6, -2027-, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) (ABRAHAM-5, JOHN-4, JOHN-3, Second child of ABRAHAM and PRUDENCE (PATTY) VANCE ROLL, B- 21st Jan. 1788, M- twice, 1st in 1809 to KESIAH HIGGINS, B- 12th Nov. 1788, D- 10th Oct. 1833. Issue: 2089 - I — SARAH, B- 1st Nov. 2090 - II “ MARIAH, B- 20th June 1813. 2091 - Ill - JANE, 2092 - IV - ABBY, B- 11th May 1818. 2093 - v - J O S I A H , B- 15th Aug. 2094 - VI - ANNA, 2095 - VII - ELIZA, 1810, D- 25th Oct. B- 17th May 1815, D- 28th Mar. B- 23rd Mar. 2096 - VIII - KESIAH, 1825. 1826, M- 1846. B- 17th Feb. 1829, D- 10th Mar. 2nd ' wife, NANCY WHALEN KNOX, M- 2nd Oct. 1834. 2097 - IX - JAMES W. 2098 - X - LEVINA, B- 17th Mar. 2099 - XI - JOHN, 2100 - XII - NANCY A., B- 17th Oct. 1842. 2101 - XIII - BENJAMIN, B- 25th Oct. 1844. B- 22nd Dec. 1875. 1820. 1823, D- 22nd Mar. B- 24th Nov. 1825. 1839. 1840. 1829 221 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2102 - SARAH ROLL BROKAW-6 , -2028-, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) (ABRAHAM-5, JOHN-4 , JOHN-3, Third child of ABRAHAM and PRUDENCE (PATTY) VANCE ROLL , B- 28th Sept. 1789, D- 25th May 1882, M- ISAAC B R O K A W , B- Aug. 1733, D19th June 1830. They resided in CINCINNATI, HAMILTON C O U N T Y , OHIO. Issue: 2103 - I - CAROLINE 2104 - II - HARRIET, B- 12th June 1811. 1205 - III - ABRAHAM, B- 5th Oct. 1206 - IV - JOHN 1207 - V - ISAAC 1208 - VI - PRUDENCE 1813, D 222 ROLL GENEALOGY ~ NEW JERSEY 2109 - WICK ROLL-6, -2029-, JAN MANGELSE-1) (ABRAHAM-5, JOHN-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, Fourth child of ABRAHAM and PRUDENCE (PATTY) VANCE ROLL, B- 21st Mar. 1791, D- 19th June 1863, M- three times; 1st, BATY VAN SANT, B- 2nd Feb. 1797, M- 26th Jan. 1815, D- 3rd Oct. 1821. Issue: 2110 - I - HENRY, B- 11th Aug. E. WELLS. 2111 - II - ABRAHAM 2112 - III - REUBEN 2113 - IV 1815, D- 9th Apr. 1393, - D- at birth, 2nd wife, MARY JONES, B- 21st May 1805, M- 6th Mar. Aug. 1334. 2114 - V - D- at birth, 2115 - VI - BATY 2116 - VII M- ANNA - ROBERT S., B- 13th June 1827, 1823, D- 2nd D- 14th Oct. 1835. 2117 - VIII - REBECCA J., B- 16th Feb. 1330, D- 17th June M- 7th Jan. 1861, JOHN ADAMS, (no issue). 2118 - IX - MARTIN V.B. 3rd wife, ELIZABETH VAN DYKE, B- 5th May 1811, M- 4th Feb. D- 30th A p r . 1849. 2119 - X - EDWARD C., B- 10th Jan. A.C. OTTE. 2120 - XI 2121 - XII - WILLIAM, 2122 - XIII - THOMAS, 2123 - XIV - JOHN B. 2124 - XV 1913, - WICK, 1837, D- 20th May 1896, M- B- 10th June 1839, D- 26th Apr. B- 6th Aug. 1843. 1842, D- 26th Apr. B- 16th May 1844, D- 26th May - THEODORE, B- 12th Apr. 1836, 1849, 1843. 1847. D- 4th July 1849. 223 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2125 - RACHAEL ROLL PRESTON-6 , -2031-, 3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) (ABRAHAM-5, JOHN-4 , JOHN- Sixth child of ABRAHAM and PRUDENCE (PATTY) Oct. 1794, M- ROBERT PRESTON. Issue: 2126 - I - MIRIAH 2127-11 - SARAH 2128 - III - ABIGAIL 2129 - IV - MARTHA 2130 - V - PRUDENCE 2131 - VI - JARVIS 2132 - VII - MARGARET 2133 - VIII - ROBERT 2134 - IX - CAROLINE 2135 - X - MATILDA 2136 - XI - WILLIAM VANCE ROLL, B - 8th 224 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2137 - JOHN ROLL-6, -2032-, JAN MANGELSE-1) (ABRAHAM-5, JOHN-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, Seventh child of ABRAHAM and PRUDENCE (PATTY) VANCE ROLL, B- 9th Oct. 1796, D- 2nd July 1876, M~ twice, 1st, 13th Mar. 1823, SARAH WHALEN, B- 9th Aug. 1795, D- 22nd Dec. 1841. Issue: 2138-1 - JAMES 2139-11 - THOMAS W. 2nd wife, DIANTHA CRANSTON, D- 25th Mar. 1884. B- 5th June 1813, M- 29th Feb. 2140 - I I I - PHEBE ANN, B- 6th Feb. iss ue) . 2141 - IV - ELIZABETH 1845, M- THOMAS MOORE. 1844, (No 225 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2142 - ISAAC ROLL-6 , -2033-, JAN MANGELSE-1) (ABRAHAM-5, JOIIN-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, Eighth child Of ABRAHAM and PRUDENCE (PATTY) VANCE ROLL, B - 31st May 1799, D- 14th Feb. 1875, M- CATHERINE (KATY) VAN DYKE. Issue: 2143 - I WILLIAM C. 2144 - II PHEBE VAN DYKE 2145 - III - EMELINE, B- 12th May 1827, D- 12th Apr. 2146 - IV MARANDA 2147 - V SILAS P. 2148 - VI ELIZABETH V., B- 3rd Oct. 2149 - VII 1838 * 1834, D- 23th Jan. - JOHN P ,, B- 9th Oct. 1337, D- 2nd Aug. CLARA WILLIAMS (no issue) . 1918. 1888, M- 2150 - VIII - ISAAC 2151 - IX CATHERINE, B- 26th Oct. 1842. 2152 - X DOMINICIES V., B- 25th Dec. UM. 1844, D- 8th Nov . 1865 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2153 - MARTHA ROLL RICH-6, -2034-, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) (ABRAHAM-5, JOHN-4, JOHN-3 Ninth child of ABRAHAM and PRUDENCE (PATTY) VANCE ROLL, Dec. 1800, M- 25th Feb. 1819, JAIRUS RICH, B- 15th Feb. Issue: 2154 - I - SARAH, B- Nov. 2155 - II - ROBERT P. 1819, D- infancy. B- 31 1797, 227 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2156 - CHARITY ROLL TRUSDA L E - A Y R E S - 6 , -2036“ , (MATTHIAS-5, JOHN4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) First child of MATTHIAS and MARY RUTAN ROLL, B- 16th June 1787, D- 11th Nov. 1854 , M- tv/ice, 1st, 27th Aug. 1806 , SAMUEL TRUSDALE. Issue: 2157 - I - JANE 2158 - II - MARY 2159 - III - LYDIA 2nd husband, JOHN AYRES, M- 10th Aug. 2160 - IV - ELIZABETH C. 1824. 228 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2161 - JOHN ROLL-6, -2043-, JAN MANGELSE-1) (MATTHIAS-5, JOHN-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, Eighth child of MATTHIAS and MARY RUTAN ROLL, B- 22nd Mar. 1801, D- 26th May 1851, M- 20th Jan. 1823, ELIZABETH DODDS, D- 23rd Oct. 1883. Issue: 2162-1 2163 - II - JOHN - ANDREW, B- 11th Oct. 1827, D- 12th Oct. 1886, M31st Oct. 1854, SARAH A. MCCONNELL, of JENNINGS COUNTY, INDIANA, D- 28th July 1888. They lived in SANDERVAL, MARION COUNTY, ILLINOIS, and died without issue. 2164 - III - WILLIAM, 2165 - IV - WILLIAM 2166 -V - DAVID 2167 - VI - SILAS D. 2168 - VII B- 10th Jan. - JOSEPH, B- 19th Jan. 1830, D- 20th June 1832. 1846, D- 12th Feb. 1851. 229 ROLL GENEALOGY 2169 - ISRAEL ROLL-6, -2044-, 2, JAN MANGELSE-1) NEW JERSEY (MATTHIAS-5, JOHN-4, JOHN-3, PETER- Ninth child of MATTHIAS and MARY RUTAN ROLL, B- 17th Aug. 1803, D- 16th Sept. 1883, M- 17th Nov. 1836, MARY L. JONES, B- 7th Aug. Issue: 1811. 2170 - I - FRANCIS M. 2171 - II - WILLIAM W. 2172 - III - ELIAS 2173 - IV - JAMES H. 2174 - V - MARTHA, B1879, HENRY DONAR, KUMLER. 2175 - VI 2nd, 4th Jan. - (SON), B- 14th Sept. BOURNAN. 1888, B E N J . F. 1851, M- 23rd Oct. 1877, ALICE ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2176 - MATTHIAS ROLL-6, -2045-, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) (MATTHIAS-5, JOHN-4, JOHN-3, Tenth child of MATTHIAS and MARY RUTAN ROLL, B- 20th Aug. M- twice, 1st, 20th Nov. 1825, JANE STEWART. Issue: 1805 2177 - I - WILLIAM S., B- 10th Oct. 2178 - II - SILAS S., B- 18th Jan. SARAH A. REES. 2179 - III - MARY, B- 19th June 1833, D- 12th May 1875, MBENJAMIN GARDNER. 2180 - IV - ISRAEL, 2nd wife, B- 22nd Nov. WILLIAMS. 1829, M- EDNA FOSTER. 1331, M- 20th May 1857, 1834, M- MARTHA L. EARHARDT 231 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2181 - SAMUEL ROLL-6f “2046-, 2, JAN MANGELSE-1) {MATTHIAS-5, JOHN-4, JOHN-3, PETER- Eleventh child of MATTHIAS and MARY RUTAN ROLL, B- 10th Dec. 1808, D- 26th July 1845, M- 6th Mar. 1828, FRANCIS JONES, B- 12th May 1806, D- 4th Sept. 1873. Both were born, lived and died in MCGOINGLE, BUTLER COUNTY, OHIO. Issue: 2182 - I - SYLVENDER 218 3 - II - FRANCIS MARION 2184 - III - MARY J., B- 29th Dec. 1832, M- JAMES SIZELOVE. They resided in HAMILTON, BUTLER COUNTY, OHIO. 2185 - IV - NICHOLAS S. 2186 -V - SUSANNA, B- 23rd Apr. 2187 - VI - HUGH 2188 - VII - CICERO L. 1838, M- LON H. CLOUD. 2189 - VIII - JEFFERSON, B- 11th Jan. 1845, D- 21st July 1864, BD- SOLDIERS CEMETERY, 2ND DIVISION, GRAVE #170, CHATTANOOGA, HAMILTON COUNTY, TENNESSE. 232 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2190 - SILAS ROLL-6, -2047-, 2, JAN MANGELSE-1) (MATTHIAS-5, JOHN-4, JOHN-3, PETER- Twelfth child of MATTHIAS and MARY RUTAN ROLL, B- 6th Dec. 1810, D- 30th May 1871, M- twice, 1st, Apr. 3rd 1832, FANNY WILSON, DMarch 1839. They resided in M C G O I N G L E , BUTLER COUNTY, OHIO. Iss u e : 2191 - I - JOHN W. 2192-11 - WILLIAM T. 2nd wife, MARTHA MOORE, D- 26th Nov. 1883. 2193 - III - ANNA ELIZA, B- 3rd Jan. 1847, 20th Feb. 1860, _____ MOORE. 2194 - IV - WINFIELD SCOTT 2195 - V - MARGARET ELLEN D- 10th Apr. 1868, M- ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2196 - WILLIAM BADGELY-6, -2051-, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) (RACHEL-5, JOHN-4, JOHN' First child of ROBERT and RACHEL ROLL BADGELY. 2197 ~ I - ROBERT, resided 2198 - II - HOWELL 2199 - Ill - ELIZA 2200 - IV - ELIZABETH 2201 - V - HARRIETT in HAMILTON, Issue: BUTLER COUNTY, ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2202 - JACOB BADGELY-6, -2052-, 2, JAN MANGELSE-1) (RACHEL-5, JOHN-4, JOHN-3, PETER- Second child of ROBERT and RACHEL ROLL B A D G E L Y . 2203 - I - JAMES 2204 - II - ROBERT 2205 - III - JOHN* 2206 - IV - JOSEPH* 2207 - V 2208 - VI 2209 - VII - GEORGE WASHINGTON* - FRANK* - ELIZABETH, M- H A M M I L L .* 2210 - VIII - RACHEL, M- LIGE GRAHAM.* 2211 - IX - REBECCA, M- WILLIAM D O U T H W A R T .* * Resided in ANDERSON, MADISON COUNTY, INDIANA. 235 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2212 - ISAAC ROLL-6, -2054-, JAN MANGELSE-1) {EDWARD-5, JOHN-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, First child of EDWARD ROLL and ___________ , B- 1802 in CINCINNATI, HAMILTON COUNTY, OHIO, D- 5th Dec. 1882, in BONNE TERRE, ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MISSOURI, M- SUSAN H. OVERFIELD, B- TROY, MIAMI COUNTY, OHIO, in 1804, D- 22nd Nov. 1882, in BONNE TERRE, ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MISSOURI. Issue: 2213 - I - EMANUEL, B- 1828, D- TROY, MIAMI COUNTY, OHIO, Sept. 1845. 2214 - II 2215 -III 2216 - IV 2217 - V - AURELIA B. - EDWARD C. - SARAH - JOHN W . , B- 3rd Apr. 1846. In 1890 unmarried. Resided in BONNE TERR, ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MISSOURI. 1st 236 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2218 - EDWARD C. ROLL-6, -2056-, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) (EDWARD-5, JOHN-4, JOHN-3, Third child of EDWARD ROLL and ___________ . Resided in CINCINNATI, HAMILTON C O U N T Y , OHIO, M~ twice, 1st, JULIA ANN KELLY. issue: 2219 - I - ISAAC, D- young. 2220 - II - ISAAC, D- young. 2221 - III - EDWARD C., resided inASHLAND, KENTUCKY. 2222 - IV - PHEBE, resided TENNESSEE. 2nd wife, ELIZA JANE RIDDLE. 2223 - V in MEMPHIS, BOYD COUNTY, SHELBY COUNTY, - JOHN R . , resided inCINCINNATI, OHIO. HAMILTON COUNTY, - JULIA, D- young. 2225 - VII - ELIZABETH J., MB E R E S F O R D . Resided in LOS ANGELES, LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. _ 2224 - VI 2226 - VIII - WASHINGTON MCLEAN, COUNTY, OHIO. 2227 - IX - ADAM R. resided in CINCINNATI, HAMILTON ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2228 - EDWARD ROLL-7, -2058-, JAN MANGELSE-1) (ISAAC-6, JOHN-5, JOHN-3, PETER First child of ISAAC and ELIXABETH THOMPSON ROLL, B- 1st Jan. 1814, M- NANCY BEARD. They resided in RILEY, VIGO COUNTY, I N D I A N A . Is s u e : 2229 - I - ELIZABETH JANE, M- ANDERSON WARD. 2230 - II - CYNTHIA ELLEN, M- JESSE WILSON. 2231 - Ill - JAMES WILLIAMS 2232 - IV - MARY ELLEN, M- ISRAEL LAKE. 2233 - V - JOHN AARON, M~ MARY SHAW. 2234 - VI - STEPHEN OWEN, M - JENNIE NEAT. 2235 - VII - FELIX, M- twice , 1st, JOSEPHINE WILLIAMS Oct. 1886, NANCY JANE GARDNER. No issue. 238 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2236 - HANNAH ROLL A D A M S - L A N H A M - 7 , -2062-, (ISAAC-6, JOHN-5, JOHN-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Fifth child of ISAAC and ELIZABETH THOMPSON ROLL, B- 26th Mar. 1825. Resided in ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI. M- twice, 1st, A D A M S . Issue: 2237-1 - CELINA, M- _____ 2238 - II - MARTHA ABIGAIL, M- _____ WAGNER. 2nd husband, LANHAM. LITTLE. 239 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2239 - ABIGAIL ROLL JONES-7, -2063-, (ISAAC-6, JOHN-5, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) JOHN-4, Sixth child of ISAAC and ELIZABETH THOMPSON ROLL, B- 23rd Mar. 1827, M- GRIFFITH JONES. They resided in N E W P O R T , CAMPBELL COUNTY, KENTUCKY. Issue: 2240 - I - ANNIE LEONA, D- age nine years. 2241 - II - ELLEN JANE, B- 1866. COUNTY, KENTUCKY. Resided in NEWPORT, CAMPBELL ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2242 - THOMAS J. ROLL-7, -2076-, (JACOB W.-6, JOHN-5, JOHNJOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Ninth child of JACOB W. and JANE MCCLURE ROLL, B- 27th Sept 1845, M- 1876, LOTTA JACKSON, B- 1846. They resided in WELLSFORD, KIOWA COUNTY, KANSAS. Issue: 2243 - I - OSCAR J., B- 2nd Feb. 2244 - II - GRACE, 2245 - III - GEORGE W., B- 5th Apr. B- 1st Apr. 1877. 1879. 1881, D- 3rd Dec. 1885 241 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2246 - JAMES V?. ROLL-7 , -2027-, (SAMUEL V.-6, ABRAHAM-5, JOHN-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Ninth child of SAMUEL V. ROLL and first by his second wife, NANCY WHALEN KNOX, B- 28th Dec. 1836, M- 9th July 1867, SUSAN M. WEATHERHEAD, B- 18th May 1835. They resided inCOLONY, ANDERSON COUNTY, KANSAS. Issue: 2247 - I - SAMUEL ALBERT, B- 2nd May 1868. 2248 - II - NANNIE BESSIE, B- 5th Jan. 2249 ~ III - LILLIE MARIE, B- 9th Aug. 2250 - IV - ROBERT, B~ 7th Feb. 1875. 1870. 1872. 242 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2251 - CAROLINE BROKAW A R MSTRONG-7, -2103-, (SARAH-6, ABRA H A M -5, JOHN-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) First child of ISAAC and SARAH ROLL BROKAW, B- 12th Dec. 1808, D29th Dec. 1900, M- A. WAYNE ARMSTRONG, B- 13th Oct. 1806. They resided in WESTWOOD, HAMILTON COUNTY, OHIO. Issue: 2252 - I - CATHERINE B ., B- 24th Feb. 2253 - II - ISAAC B ., B- 20th Nov. 2254 - III - MARTHA A ., B- 11th Dec. 1831, M- FRED HORN. 2255 - IV - SARAH B ., - B- 28th May 1835, 2256 - V - MARY JANE, 2257 - VI - ROBERT A. 2258 - VII - WILLIAM W. , B- 14th M a r . 1842, M** ELIZABETH 1829, D- young. 1830. B- 29th Dec. 2259 - VIII - RACHAEL C. , B- 17th Aug. D- y o u n g . 1337, M- DAN BROOKS 1844. 2260 - IX - HARRIETT L . , B- 5th O c t . 1846 . 2261 - X - SAMUEL C ., B~ 30th Sept. 1350. 243 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2262 - JOHN B ROKAW-7, -2106-, (SARA H - 6, ABR A H A M - 5, JOHN-4, 3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) JOHN- Fourth child of ISAAC and SARAH ROLL BROKAW, B- 15th May 1815, D28th Jan. 1901, M- twice, 1st, NANCY RRISBAN. issue: 2263 - I - ELIZABETH 2264 - II - ISAAC, D- 21st May 1912, 2nd wife, 2265 - III SUSAN WILLIAMS. - D R U S I L L A , D- 1879. age 66 years. 244 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2266 - ISAAC BROKAW-7, -2107-, (SARAH-6, ABRAHAM-5, 3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) JOHN-4, JOHN- Fifth child of ISAAC and SARAH ROLL BROKAW, B- 25th June 1817, D19th June 1880, M- twice, 1st, 31st May 1849, ELECTA COOK, D15th Aug. 1857. Issue: 2267 - I - JOHN, B- 9th June 1851, D- Sept. 1851. 2nd wife, 18th Nov. 1858, MAGDALEN YOUNG, D- 27th July 1882. 2268-11 - AARON 2269 - III - SARAH, B- 25th Oct. 1861, M- EMMET STEVENSON. 2270 - IV - DANIEL, B- 3rd Aug. 1864, M- LILLY HARDING. 2271 -V - WILLIAM, B- 2nd Apr. 1868, M- ALICE B R E S T E L . ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 227 2 - PRUDENCE BROKAW SHINDLER-7, -2100-, (SARAH-6, ABRAHAMJOHN-4 , JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Sixth child of ISAAC and SARAH ROLL BROKAW, B- 24th Dec. 1819 1st Oct. 1840, PETER SHINDLER; they resided in BOSTON, WAYNE C O U N T Y , I N D I A N A . Is s u e : 2273 - I - JOHN B., B- 9th Oct. KANSAS. 2274 - SARAH ANN, B- 26th Feb. 1845, M- 16th Feb. resided in BOSTON, WAYNE COUNTY, INDIANA. - II 1842; in MILLCREEK 1848, D- Aug. 1871 2275 - III - MARY FRANCIS, 2276 - IV - WILLIAM, B~ 10th July 1854, M- 1st Jan. 1885; resided in RICHMOND, WAYNE COUNTY, INDIANA. 2277 -V - JAMES E., B- 17th Nov. 1856, M- 24th Apr. 1833; resided in LIBERTY, WAYNE COUNTY, INDIANA. 2278 - VI - SILAS, B- 9th Sept. 1859, M- 29th Aug. 1889; resided in BOSTON, WAYNE COUNTY, INDIANA. 2279 - VII B- 31st Dec. resided - GEORGE A., B- 1864, D- 1865. 1850. 246 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2280 - ABRAHAM ROLL-7, -2111-, (WICK-6, ABRAHAM-5, JOHN-4, JOHN3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Second child of WICK and BATY VAN SANT ROLL, B- 10th Sept. 1817, D- 13th July 1851, M- 30th Nov. 1831, MARY ROLL PRESTON (#2079), B- 27th June 1819. Issue: 2281 -I - ALIJAH P., B- 29th Nov. 1833, M- 1858, TILLIE CRANE; resided in HAMILTON, BUTLER COUNTY, OHIO. 2282 - II - REUBEN, B- 24th May 1841, M- SALLIE SMITH; in HAMILTON, BUTLER COUNTY, OHIO. resided 2283 - III - BATY, B- 4th May 1843, M- 5th May 1868, C.W. PARRIS. Issue: three children. 2284 -IV - WICK, 2285 -V - MARTHA, 2286 -VI - ROBERT, B- 24th Nov. 1848, M- MARY MACK, Issue: three children of which two in 1890 are deceased. 2287 - VII B- 13th May 1844, M- SARAH ROTH. B- 9th Dec. 1346, D- 23rd Oct. 1847. - MARY, B- 3rd Aug. 1851, D- 15th Oct. 1880, M- 24th Jan. 1874, CHARLES PARIS. Issue: three children. 247 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2288 - REUBEN R O L L - 7, -2112-, (WICK-6, ABRAHAM-5, JOHN-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Third child of WICK and BATY VAN SANT ROLL, B- 17th Nov. 1817, MCATHERINE MOORE; resided in HAMILTON, BUTLER COUNTY, OHIO. Issue: 2289 - I - EDWARD, M- _____ . is d e c e a s e d . 2290 - II - WILLIAM, M~ L.B. Issue: SHEPARD. 2291 - III - LAURA B . 2292 - IV - MARY, M- MATTHEW SMITH. two children of which one Issue: 2 children. Issue: one child. ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2293 - BATY ROLL STEPHENSON-7, -2115-, (WICK-6, ABRAHAM-5, JOHN4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) 2294 - 1 - WILLIAM H., B- 16th Nov. 2295 - II - THOMAS A. B- 4th Sept. 1846, M- ELIZABETH KOMPTON. 2296 -III - MARTHA E., B- 5th Feb. 1848, D- 5th May 1848. 2297 - IV - MARTHA R. , B- 3rd Jan. 1850 , M- J. ENGLEHART. 2298 -V - OLIVE A., B- 16th Mar. 1853, D- 16th Aug. 2299 -VI - EDGAR E., B- 30th Jan. 2300 - VII - ADICE E., B- 12th Sept. 1843. 1855. 1857. 1854. 249 ROLL GENEALOGY - HEW JERSEY 2301 - MARTIN V.B. ROLL-7, -2118-, (WICK-6, ABRAHAM-5, JOHN-4, JOIIN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Ninth child of WICK ROLL and fifth by his second wife, MARY JONES f B- 23rd Jan. 13 33 , M- 18th Apr. 1855 , ABIGAIL PRESTON Issue: (#2086), B~ 9th Sept. 1836. 2302 - I - 2303 - II J S, B- 13th Mar. 1856, D- 24th Apr. 28th Sept. 1882, E HURLEY. 1888 , R W, B- 28th May 1858, M- twice, 1st, 29th Apr. 1885, A .C . R A T T E R M A N , D- 21st Dec. 1885, 2 13th Mar. 1889, MINNIE MEYER. H L R . , B- 9th Oct. 2304 - Ill - 2305 - IV - CHARLES, 2306 - V - FRANK, B- 26th June 1871. 2307 - VI - C 2308 - VII - LILLY M . , B- 3rd Mar. 2309 - VIII 1865, D- 3rd Feb . 1869 1869, D- 30th May 1869. B- 17th Apr. W P., B- 16th July 1873. 1875. EARL G., B- 10th Sept. 2310 - IX - CHARLES, 2311 - X - BLANCHE, B- 7th Dec. B- 1889. 1881, D- 31st Oct. 1885. 1887. 250 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2312 - JOHN B. ROLL-7, -2123-, (WICK-6, ABRAHAM-5, 3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) JOHN-4, JOHN- Fourteenth child of WICK ROLL, and fifth by his third wife ELIZABETH VAN DYKE, B- 21st Dec. 1846, M- 7th Nov. 1871, MARY E. CLARKSON, B- 18th Oct. 1852. Issue: 2313 -I - CORILLA A. 2314 - II - OLIVER WICK, B- 17th Jan. LULU M. DILLON. 2315 - III - JOHN CLARENCE, 2316 - IV - WALTER CLIFFORD, 2317 -V - WEBSTER A., B- 13th Jan. 1875, M- 19th Dec. B- 21st Aug. 1876. B- 19th Jan. 1888. 1881. 1900, 251 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEVJ JERSEY 2318 - JAMES ROLL-7, -2138-, (JOHN-6, ABRAHAM-5, JOHN-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) First child of JOHN ROLL and his first wife SARAH WHALEN, B- 26th Oct. 1824, M- 1st Mar. 1856, CATHERINE BOZEL, B- 2nd Aug. 1840. Issue: 2319-1 - MARY A. 2320 - II - WILLIAM M . , B- 10th Nov. 1859, M- 15th MARY E. FRAZER. 2321 - III - AMELIA J., B- 4th Oct. 2322 - IV - SHERIDAN P., B- 15th July 1867. 2323 -V - ELSIE C., B- 16th Aug. 1862, D- 1870. 1863. Mar. 1888, 252 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2324 - THOMAS W. ROLL-7, -2139-, (JOHN-6, ABRAHAM-5, JOHN- 4 , J O H N - 3 , PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Second child of JOHN ROLL and his first wife SARAH WHALEN, B- 8th Oct. 1827, M- 1st Mar. 1850, AMELIA SWEITZER, B~ 25th Oct. 1828 , D- 16th Sept. 1889. Issue: 2325 - I - J A M E S , B- 30th Apr. 1851, D- 2326-11 - JOHN 2327 - III - WILLIAM, 2328 - IV - SARAH E. 2329 - V - GEORGE H., B- 12th Sept. 2330 - VI - SHERMAN B- 26th Apr. ,B- 1853. 1861. 12th May 1865. 1853. 253 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2331 - ELIZABETH ROLL MOORE-7, -2141-, (JOHN-6, ABR A H A M - 5, JOHN4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Fourth child of JOHN ROLL and second by his second wife, CRANSTON, B- 14th Nov. 1846, M- EDWARD MOORE. Issue; 2332 - I - WILLIAM, 2333 - II - CLARENCE, 1890 age about three years. 1890 age about two years. DIANTHA 254 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2334 - WILLIAM CORWIN ROLL-7, -2143-, (ISAAC-6, ABRAHAM-5, JOHN4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) First Child of ISAAC and CATHERINE (KATY) VAN DYKE ROLL, B- 19th Apr . 1823, D- 5th Feb. 1888, M~ MARGARET GEORGE, B- 10th Mar. Issue: 1825. 2335 - I - ALICE J., B- 10th Jan. 2335 - I I - WILLIAM M . , B- 13th Mar. HATTIE BLACKBURN. 2337 - Ill - CHARLES EDWIN, B- 1st Nov. 2338 - I V - GEORGE, 1852. 2339 - V - ISAAC, 1852 . 1848, d- 7th May 1886. 1849, D- 4th Dec. 1850, D- 23rd Mar. twin #1, B- 27th Sept. twin #2, B- 27th Sept. 2340 - V I - MARY CATHERINE, 2341 - VII - HARRY GRANVILLE, GOODIN. B- 7th Oct. 1908, M- 1852, 1886. D- 29th Sept. 1852, D- 29th Sept. 1853, D- 29th May 1856. B- 30th Apr. 1856, M- MRS. MAGGIE 255 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2342 - PHEBE VAN DYKE ROLL MANNING-7, -2144-, (ISAAC-6, ABRAHAM5, JOHN-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Second child of ISAAC and CATHERINE VAN DYKE ROLL, B- 20th Feb. 1825, D- 8th Feb. 1876, M- 1st May 1851, CHARLES G. MANNING, B17th Aug. 1825, D- 13th Oct. 1883. They resided in CINCINNATI, HAMILTON COUNTY, OHIO. Issue: 2343 - I - OPHELIA M., B- 15th Apr. WILLIS H. D 1 L L E . 1852, M- 6th June 1877, 2344 - II - CHARLES W . , B- 23rd Jan. 1855, D- 22nd Oct. 1909, M- 12th June 1877, MATTIE S. COOK. They resided in CINCINNATI, HAMILTON COUNTY, OHIO. 2345 - III - DESDEMONA E., B- 8th June 1858. 2346 - IV - ROMEO GOSS, twin #1, B- 10:40 P.M., 1859, D- 6th July 1860. 2347 - V - HORATIO ROBERT, 1859 . twin #2, B- 12:15 26th Sept. A.M., 27th Sept. 2348 - VI - GUY, B- 10th June 1861, M- 12th Dec. 1888, MFLORENCE M. MARKS. They resided in CINCINNATI, HAMILTON COUNTY, OHIO. 2349 - VII - OLIVE B., 1864 . twin #1, B- 29th Oct. 1863, D- 2nd Mar. 2350 - VIII - ELLA MAY, 1864 . twin #2, B- 29th Oct. 1863, D- 2nd Mar. 256 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2 3 51 - MARANDA ROLL WILLIAMS-7, -2146-, (ISAAC-6, A B R A H A M - 5, JOHN-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Fourth child of ISAAC and CATHERINE (KATY) VAN DYKE ROLL, B- 1st Oct. 1829, D- 5th Oct. 1904, M- 14th Apr. 1853, EDWIN WILLIAMS, B- 1st Oct. 1822. They resided in CINCINNATI, HAMILTON COUNTY, OHIO. Is s u e : 2352 - I - OLINDA JANE, B- 15th Apr. 2353 - II - MARY 2354 - III - OTIS EDWIN, B- 9th Feb. 2355 - IV - JESSE B L A K E , B- 5th Apr. 2356 - V - WILLIS ROLL, B- 28th July 1869, WERNIKE. (MOLLIE) 1856, D- 25th Jan. 1867. ELIZABETH 1864, D- 13th Mar. 1865, D- 28th Dec. 1864. 1866. D- 1914, M- LILIAN 257 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2357 - SILAS P. ROLL-7, -2147-, (ISAAC-6, ABRA H A M - 5, JOHN-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Fifth child of ISAAC and CATHERINE (KATY) VAN DYKE ROLL, B- 6th Jan. 1332, D- 5th Nov. 1908, M- 25th Sept. 1856, MARY JANE RUNYAN, B- 20th Apr. 1835, D- 6th Jan. 1903. Issue: 2358-1 - MELVIN 2359-11 - HULDAH 2360 - III - JEROME 2361 - IV JESSUP, B- 5th Sept. 1863, M- DELLA PUTNAM. - SILAS ARTHUR 258 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2362 - ISAAC ROLL-7, -2150-, (ISAAC-6, ABRAHAM-5, JOHN-4, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) JOHN-3, Eighth child of ISAAC and CATHERINE (KATY) VAN DYKE ROLL, B- 25th Aug. 1840, D- 28th Mar. 1397, M- EDNA COATES. Issue: 2363 -I - I 2364 - II - JAMES C., B- 31st Jan. 2365 - III , (son), D- at birth. 1886. - PEARL, B~ 8th Aug. 1888, D- 8th June 1895 CINCINNATI, HAMILTON COUNTY, OHIO. in 259 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2366 - ROBERT P. RICH-7, -2155-, (MARTHA-6, ABRAHAM-5, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) JOHN-4, Second child of JARIUS and MARTHA ROLL RICH, B- 7th Jan. 1824, M They resided in VERNON, MARION Oct. 1858, ABBY JANE HOLLOSTER. C O U N T Y , ILLINOIS. Issue : 2367 2368 - I - DEFOREST J . r B- 7th July 1860. II - ALONZO, 2369 - III 2370 - IV 2371 V B- Sth Feb. 1862. , B- 31st Mar. 1865. - ONA - SYLVESTER 260 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2372 ~ ELIZABETH C. AYRES SHEPPERD-FULKERSON-7, -2160-, (CHARITY6, MATTHIAS-5, JOHN-4, J O H N -3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Fourth child of CHARITY ROLL TRUSDALE and first and only child by her second husband JOHN AYRES, B- 11th Aug. 1829, M~ twice, 1st, 6th May 1849, BENJAMIN S H E P P E R D . Issue: 2373-1 - LEROY 2374 - II - NELLIE V. 2nd husband, 10th Oct. 1876, EPPERSON FULKERSON. No issue. 261 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2375 - JOHN R O L L - 7 , -2162-, (JOHN-6, MATTHIAS-5, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) JOHN-4, JOIIN-3, First child of JOHN and ELIZABETH DODDS ROLL, B- 28th Oct. Issue: D- 16th Jan. 1871, M- 27th Nov. 1866, MARY LEIZZ 2376 - I - GEORGE P., B- 26th May 1868. 2377 - II - MARY ELIZABETH, B- 1st Nov. 1869. 1825, 262 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2378 - WILLIAM ROLL-7, -2165~, (JOHN-6, MATTHIAS-5, JOHN-4, JOHN3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Fourth child of JOHN and ELIZABETH DODDS ROLL, B- 27th Jan. D- 11th Apr. 1886, M- 21st Mar. 1861, ELIZABETH HENDERSON. Issue: 2379 - I - JOHN F., B- 14th Feb. ELIZABETH GIVIN. - ELIZABETH ELLEN, 1833, 1862, M- 29th May 1884, 2380 - II B- 12th Feb. 2381 - III - WILLIAM M I L T O N , B- 29th June 1868, M- 25th Sept. 1889, MELIZZE MORRIS. 2382 - IV - SHAMA ALICE, 2383 -V - LAURA ANN, 2384 - VI - SILAS, B- 1st Apr. B- 2nd Apr. B- 8th Sept. 1865. 1871. 1873. 1886, D- Aug. 1886. 263 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2385 - DAVID ROLL-7, -2166-, (JOHN-6, MATTHIAS-5, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) JOHN-4, JOHN-3, Fifth child of JOHN and ELIZABETH DODDS ROLL, B- 26th Nov. 1835, D~ 11th Aug. 1875, M- 27th Sept. 1860, J U L I A A. BROZIER. Issue: 2386 - I - ELIZABETH, B- 21st Oct. JAMES B. GILLESPIE. 1861, M- 3rd Jan. 2387 - II - ANNA MARTHA, B- 16th Sept. ALLEN GILLESPIE. 2388 - III - JOHN BERTRAM, 1886, 1864, M- 1st Jan. B- 24th June 1873, D- 12th Nov. 1890, 1874. 264 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2389 - SILAS D. ROLL-7, -2167-, (JOHN-6, MATTHIAS-5, JOHN-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Sixth child of JOHN and ELIZABETH DODDS ROLL, M~ 21st Jan. 1869, JANE E. S H E A R D . Issue: 2390 - I - FRANK W . , B- 10th Apr. 1870. 2391 - II - ASA EVERETT, 2392 - III - MINA, 2393 - IV - JOHN M I L T O N , B- 13th Aug . 1879. B- 2nd M a r . 1872 . B- 13th Apr. 1874. B- 19th Sept. 1842, 265 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2394 - WILLIAM W. ROLL-7, -2171-, (ISRAEL-6, MATTHIAS-5, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Second child of ISRAEL and MARY L. JONES ROLL, M- twice, 1st, 2nd Oct. 1860, MELIZE J. MOORE. 2395 - I - LAURA 2396-11 - LEONARD 2397 - III - ISAAC 2nd wife, M- ELIZABETH N E V I N S . JOHN-4, B- 17th Mar. Issue: 1832, 266 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2398 - ELIAS ROLL-7, -2172-, (ISRAEL-6, MATTHIAS-5, JOHN-4, 3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Third child of ISRAEL and MARY L. JONES ROLL, B- 1st Oct. M- twice, 1st, 12th JAN. 1864, JOAN F. TREMBLY. issue: 2399 - I 2nd wife, - ELMER OTIS 15th Jan. 1873, JENNIE WHITTLESEY. JOHN- 1841, 267 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2400 - JAMES H. ROLL-7, -2173-, (ISRAEL-6, MATTHIAS-5, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) JOHN-4, Fourth child of ISRAEL and MARY L. JONES ROLL, B~ 16th Dec. 1845, M- PELINA BALDWIN. Resided in HAMILTON, BUTLER COUNTY, OHIO. Issue: 2401 - I - BESSIE, 2402 - II - MABEL, 2403 - III - TODD, * Resided B- 5th Sept. B- 27th Aug. 1875.* 1876.* B- 19th June 1885.* in HAMILTON, BUTLER COUNTY, OHIO. ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2404 - SYLVENDER ROLL-7, -2182-, (S AMUEL-6, MATTHIAS-5, JOHN-4 JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) First child of SAMUEL and FRANCES JONES ROLL, B- 4th Jan. 1829 M- 26th Nov. 1851, LUCINDA SIZELOVE. They resided in WEBSTER, HANCOCK COUNTY, ILL. Issue: 2405 - I - ELIZA J., B- 14th Jan. CYRUS CALLAHAN. 1853, M- 14th Jan. 1874, 2406 - II - EMELINE, 1854, D- 23rd Nov. 1870. 2407 - III - MARTHA 2408 - IV - FRANK D. 2409 -V - GEORGE 2410 - VI - MARION 2411 - VII B- 29th Sept. A., B- 31st July 1857, D- 23rd Nov. 1870. W. C., B- 27th Jan. 1866. - SARAH F., B~ 8th Jan. 1869, D- 5th Feb. 2412 - VIII - HARRIET L., B- 2nd Nov. WILLIAM MCKENDRY. 1869. 1870, M- 20th Feb. 1887, ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2413 - FRANCES M. ROLL-7, -2183-, (SAMUEL-6, MATTHIAS 5, JOHNJOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) second child of SAMUEL and FRANCES JONES ROLL, B- 9th May 1831 They M- 26th Aug. 1855, MARIETTA R O S S , B- 24th Apr. 1837. resided in M C G O I N G L E , BUTLER COUNTY, OHIO. Issue: 2414 - 1 - THEORDORE EVERETT 2415 - II - WILLIAM 2416 - III - SARAH ELLEN 2417 - IV - HANNAH 2418 - V - EUGENE CARLTON, B- 27th Mar. 1871. IDA 270 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2419 - NICHOLAS S. ROLL-7, -2185-, {S A M U E L - 6 , MATTHIAS-5, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) JOHN-4, Fourth child of SAMUEL and FRANCES JONES ROLL, B- 17th Oct. 1835, D- 13th June 1384, M- 21st Jan. 1864, MARY E. LEWIS, B- 5th Sept. 1849. They resided in C O N N E R S V I L L E , FAYETTE COUNTY, INDIANA. Issue: 2420-1 - ROBERT GRANT 2421 - II - LEWIS SHERMAN, 2422 - III - MARAGARET FRANCES, 2423 - IV B- 15th Sept. 1867. B- 24th July 1870. - ELSIE, B- 22nd June 1872, D~ 8th Apr. 1874. 271 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2424 - HUGH ROLL-7, -2187-, (SAMUEL06, MATTHIAS-5, JOHN-4, JOHN3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Sixth child of SAMUEL and FRANCES JONES ROLL, Lived in COLLEGE CORNER, BUTLER COUNTY, OHIO. Mar. 1862, SARAH E. DAVIS, D- 15th June 1883. B- 1st Oct. 1840. M- twice 1st, 27th Issue: 2425 - I - C L V , B- 22nd Oct. 1862, M- 29th June 1887, ALICE RABER of ANDERSON, MADISON COUNTY, INDIANA. 2426 - II - RENA 2427 - III - DAVIS, B- 19th Nov. 1867. 2428 - IV - MAMIE, B- 16th Mar. 1870, 2429 -V - CHARLES H., B- 2nd wife, 6th Sept. C O U N T Y , INDIANA. D- 12th Dec. 1871. 19th May 1873. 1885, MAHALA J. R E T H E R F O R D , of FAYETTE 27 2 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2430 - CICERO L. ROLL-7, -2168-, (SAMUEL -6, MATTHIAS-5, JOHN-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Seventh child of SAMUEL and FRANCES JONES ROLL, B- 20th Feb. 1843. Resided in CARTHAGE, HANCOCK COUNTY, ILLINOIS; M- twice, 1st, 18th Jan. 1866, SARAH E. MCMININY, D- 18th May 1873, age 30 issue: years and 1 day. 2431 - I - IDA E., B- 27th Oct. 2432 - II - MARY F., 2nd wife, 25th Mar. 1866. B- 9th June 1871. 1874, MARTHA S. WHITE. 2433 - III - LEE N . f B- 7th Aug. 1875, D- 29th Aug. 2434 - IV - LEROY C . , B- 18th Oct. 2435 - V - JAMES T., B- 20th May 1881. 1877. 1876 273 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2436 ~ JOHN W. ROLL-7, -2191-, (SILAS-6, MATTHIAS-5, J O H N - 4 , JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) First child of SILAS and his first wife FANNY WILSON ROLL, BI s s ue : 25th July 1336, M- 21st Dec. 1865, MARTHA JANE CARR. 2437 - I - ARTHUR C., B- 2nd Mar. 2438 - II - MARTHA E-, B- 26th Dec. 1868. 1869. ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2439 - WILLIAM T. ROLL-7, -2192-, (SILAS-6, MATTHIAS-5, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) JOHN- Second child of SILAS and his first wife FANNY WILSON ROLL, B 20th July 1838, M- 24th Dec. 1857, HARRIET ALEXANDER. Issue: 2440 - I - SILAS L., B- 14th Jan. 2441-11 - FANNY A. 2442 - III - JOHN L., B- 9th Feb. 2443 - IV - HENRY A., 2444 -V - NELLIE W . , B- 26th Oct. 2445 - VI - WILLIAM STANLEY, 1860. 1864, D- 7th B~ 21st Dec. May 1864. 1866. 1874. B- 22nd Mar. 1883. 275 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2446 - WINFIELD SCOTT ROLL-7, -2194-, (SILAS-6, MATTHIAS-5, 4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) JOHN- Fourth child of SILAS and second by his second wife M A R T H A MOORE ROLL, B- 3rd June 1852, M- 29th Jan. 1874, SARAH C. ALEXANDER. Issue: 2447 - I - BERTHA E., B- 2nd Dec. 1874. 276 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2448 - MARGARET E. ROLL SAMPLE-7, -2195-, (SILAS-6, MATTHIAS-5, JOHN-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Fifth child of SILAS and third by his second wife MARTHA MOORE R O L L , B- 8th Apr. 1855, M- 25th Dec. 1873, J.W. SAMPLE. They resided in H A Y E S V I L L E , SEDWICK COUNTY, KANSAS. Issue: 2449 - I - CH ARLES R. 277 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2450 ~ AURELIA B. ROLL SEIFERT-7, -2214-, {ISAAC-6, EDWARD-5, JOHN-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Second child of ISAAC and SUSAN H. OVERFIELD ROLL, M- June 1850, J.VJ. SEIFERT. They resided in BELLEVILLE, ST CLAIR COUNTY, ILLINOIS. Issue: 2451 - I 2452 - II 2453 - III 2454 - IV 2455 - V 2456 - VI 2457 - VII 2458 - VIII 2459 - IX 2460 - X NOTE: Of the above children in 1891, five were living of which the oldest was 37 years of age and the younges 19 years old. 278 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2461 » EDWARD C. ROLL-7, -2215", (ISAAC-6, EDWARD-5, JOHN-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Third child of ISAAC and SUSAN H. OVERFIELD ROLL, M- 2nd May 1874, LUCINDA MIDGETT, D~ 17th Jan. 1881. Issue: 2462 - I - AURELIA 2463 - II - JULIA 2464 - Ill - JOHN 2465 - IV - EDWARD 2466 - V - WILLIAM 2467 - VI - CELIA 279 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2468 - SARAH ROLL COMP T O N - D A Y - 7 , -2216-, (ISAAC-6, EDWARD-5, JOHN-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Fourth child of ISAAC and SUSAN H. OVERFIELD ROLL, B- 9th Jan. 1838, M- twice, 1st 29th Mar. 1859, JASPER COMPTON. They resided in BONNE TERRE, ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MISSOURI. Issue: 2469 - I - SUSAN 2470 - II - JOHN E. 2471 - III - IDA 2nd husband, 14th Feb. 247 2 - IV - WILLIAM, 2473 - V - LULU 2474 - VI - FRED 2475 - VII - NELLIE 1865, THOMAS DAY of BONNE TERRE, MO. D- 19th Jan. 1856. 280 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2476 - ROBERT A. ARMSTRONG — 8 , -2257-, (CAROLINE B R O K A W - 7, SARAH6, ABRA H A M - 5, J O H N - 4 , JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE - 1 ) Sixth child of A. WAYNE and CAROLINE BROKAW ARMSTRONG, Mar . 1340 , M- 24th May 1866, PHEBE ANN CAMPBELL 2477 - I - JAMES ALBERT 2478 - II - SAMUEL E. 2479 - Ill - ROBERT 2480 - IV - OLIMER 2481 - v - WILLIAM 2482 - VI - CARRIE 2483 - VII - CLIFFORD 2484 - VIII - ETHEL B- 20th 281 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2485 - AARON BROKAW-8, -2268-, (ISAAC B R O K A W - 7 , SARAH-6, ABRAHAM5, JOHN-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Second child of ISAAC and first by his second wife, MAGDALEN YOUNG BROKAW, B- 31st Aug. 1859, M- Oct. 1881, LUCY A. ANDREWS. Issue: 2486 - I - ISAAC ANDREWS, B- 27th July 1882. 2487 - II - AARON EDWARD, B~ 15th July 1884. 2488 - Ill - FRANK WILLIAM, B- 20th Jan. 1888. 282 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2489 - CORILLA A. ROLL DANKWORTH-8, -2313-, (JOHN B.-7, WICK-6, ABRAHAM-5, JOHN-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) First child of JOHN B. and MARY E. CLARKSON ROLL, B- 31st July 1872, M- 8th D e c . 1891, FRANK DANKWORTH. They resided in COLUMBUS, FRANKLIN COUNTY, OHIO. Issue: 2490-1 - ALICE RUTH 2491 - II - FLORENCE MARGARITE 283 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2492 - MARY A. ROLL ROOK-8, -2319-, (JAMES-7, JOHN-6, ABRAIlAM-5 , JOHN-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) First child of JAMES and CATHERINE BOZEL ROLL, M- 13th Oct. 1875, CHARLES ROOK. Issue: 2493-1 - LANEAH 2494 - II - GEORGE 2495 - III - CHARLES B- 8th Nov. 1856, 234 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2496 - SARAH E. ROLL PIERSON-8, -2328-, (THOMAS W.-7, JOHN-6, ABRAHAM-5, JOHN-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1,) Fourth child of THOAMS W. and AMELIA SWEETZER ROLL, 1855, M- march 1876, GEORGE PIERSON. Issue: 2497 - I - STELLA, B- 1877. 2498 - II - CLARENCE, D- young. B- 27th Apr. 285 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2499 » MARY (MOLLIE) ELIZABETH WILLIAMS HILL-8, -2353, (MARANDA7, ISAAC-5, ABRAHAM-5, JOHN-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Second child of EDWIN and MARANDA ROLL WILLIAMS, B- 1st Apr. 1860, M- 28th Apr. 1880, THEORDORE ROYER HILL, B- 28th Mar. 1853. Issue: 2500 -I - NELLIE MAY, twin #1, B- 2nd May 1881. 2501 - II - JESSIE MAY, twin #2, B- 2nd May 1881. 2502 - III - WILLIS ROYER, B- 17th Jan. 2503 - IV - ALICE MARANDA, B- 14th May 1885. 2504 - - EDWIN ROWE, 2505 - VI - JENNIE GERTRUDE, 2506 - VII - EDITH MAY, B- 14th Jan. 2507 - VIII - CHARLES R O B E R T , B- 2nd Feb. 2508 - IX - EVA MARGERETE, V B- 25th Feb. 1883. 1889. B- 8th Feb. 1891. 1893. B- 4th Jan. 1896, 1904. (deceased). ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2509 - MELVIN ROLL-8 , -2358-, (SILAS P . -7, ISAAC-6, ABRAHAM-5 JOHN-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN M A N G E L S E - 1 ) First child of SILAS P. and MARY JANE RUNYAN ROLL, B- 7th Nov. 1857, M- 24th Dec. 1887, GERTRUDE SHAW. They resided in PRATT PRATT COUNTY, KANSAS. Issue: 2510 - I - ROYER SETH, B- 3rd Mar. 1889. 287 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2511 - HULDAH ROLL MILLIKAN-8, -2359-, (SILAS P . -7, ISAAC-6, ABRAHAM-5, JOHN-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) second child of SILAS P. and MARY JANE RUNYAN ROLL, B- 20th May 1860, M- ELIHU W. M I L L I K A N . They resided in INDIANAPOLIS, MARION C O U N T Y , I NDIANA. I s s u e : 2512 -I - ORVILLE, 2513 -II - MADGE, B- 11th Nov. 1881. 2514 -III - GRACE, B- 27th Mar. 1884. 2515 - IV B- 1st Feb. 1978. , B- 5th May 1889. 288 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2516 - SILAS ARTHUR ROLL-8 , -2361-, (SILAS P . -7, ISAAC-6, AB R A H A M - 5, JOHN-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Fourth child of SILAS P. and MARY JANE RUNYAN ROLL, 1872, D- 29th Dec. 1902, M- FLO MAY DEITCH. Issue: 2517 - I - (Son) B- 11th Jan. 289 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2518 - LEROY B. SHEPPERD-8, -2373-, (ELIZABETH-7, CHARITY-6, MATTHIAS-5, JOHN-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) First child of BENJAMIN V. and ELIZABETH C. AYRES S H E P P E R D , B7th Mar. 1850, M- 3rd Feb. 1880, KATE DURBIN. Issue: 2519 - I - MABLE MAY, B- 12th Dec. 1880. ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2520 - MEL LIE V. SHEPPERD WEAVER-8 , -2374-, (ELIZABETH-7, CHARITY-6, MATTHIAS-5, JOHN-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Second child of BENJAMIN V. and ELIZABETH C. AYRES SHEPPERD, 8th Sept. 1852, M- 15th Aug. 1877, SILAS R. WEAVER. Issue: 2521 - I - MYRTLE DELL, B- 22nd Feb. 2522 - II - BLANCHE EDNA, B- 31st Aug. 1879. 1832. 291 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2523 - ELMER OTIS ROLL-8, -2399-, (ELIAS-7, ISRAEL-6, M A T T H I A S - 5, JOHN-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN M ANGELSE-1) Only child of ELIAS and his first wife, JOAN F. TREMBLY ROLL, 23rd Oct. 1864, M- 27th Jan. 1887, MARGE KANE. Issue: 2524 - I - HAZEL, B- 19th Sept. 1889. B- 292 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2525 - FRANK D. ROLL-8 , -2408-, (SYLVENDER-7, SAMUEL-6, MATTHIAS5, JOHN-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Fourth child of SYLVENDER and LUCINDER SIZELOVE ROLL, B- 8th Feb. 1860, M- 30th May 1880, ELETHA B. TWOLES, D- 27th Sept. 1888. Issue: 2526 - I - CHARLES F., B- 30th May 1881. 2527 - II - ROBERT G., 2528 - III - JUNIUS N., B- 29th Jan. 1886 , D- 16th Mar . 1889 . 2529 - IV - LARANCE H., B- 15th May CO CO CO 1 —1 B- 29th Apr. 188 3. D- 23rd Sept . 1888. 293 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2530 - GEORGE W. ROLL-8 , -2409-, (SYLVENDER-7, SAMUEL-6, MATTHIAS-5, JOHN-4, J O H N -3, PETER-2, JAN MA N G E L S E - 1 } Fifth child of SYLVENDER and LUCINDA SIZELOVE ROLL, B- 23rd Apr. 1863, M- 2nd Aug. 1886, MARTHA CASSINGHAM. Issue: 2531 - I - MABLE, B- 31st Jan. 1888. 294 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2532 - THEODORE EVERETT ROLL-8, -2414-, (FRANCIS M.-7, SAMUEL-6, MATTHIAS-5, JOIIN-4, JOIIN-3, PETER-2, JAN M A N G E L S E - I ) First child of FRANCIS M. and MARIETTA ROSS ROLL, B- 27th June 1856, D- 15th Feb. 1888, M- 20th Apr. 1876, MARY CORNELIA Issue: PETTINER. 2533 - I - EFFA, B- 12th Apr. 1877, 2534 - II - EDITH, B- 31st A u g . 1878. 2535 - Ill - AGNES, 2536 - IV - SADIE, B- 4th July 1882. 2537 - V - DAVID, 2538 - VI - THEODORE T., B- 2nd Nov. B- 26th Sept. B- 3rd Oct. 1880 1883. 295 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2539 - WILLIAM F. ROLL-8, -2415-, (FRANCIS M.-7, SAMUEL-6, MATTHIAS-5, JOHN-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) second child of FRANCIS M. and MARIETTA ROSS ROLL, 1858, M- 21st Aug. 1877, MARY JANE RUMPLE. Issue: 2540 - I - ROMA CARR, B- 23rd Apr. 2541 - II - ORPHA RUMPLE, 2542 - III-SAMUEL S., B- 26th Aug. 1878. B- 18th Feb. 1880. 1883. B- 3rd Apr. 296 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2543 - SARAH ELLEN ROLL SEELY-8, -2416-, (FRANCIS M.-7, S AMUEL-6, MATTHIAS-5, JOHN-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Third child of FRANCIS M. and MARIETTA ROSS ROLL, 1860, M- 4th Oct. 1881, JONATHAN SEELY. Issue: 2544 - I - LULA, 2545 - II - ETHEL, B- 18th Mar. B- 25th Aug. B- 19th June 1882, D- 7th July 1882. 1887. 297 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2546 - HANNAH IDA ROLL PETTINER-8, -2417-, (FRANCIS M.-7, SAMUEL- 6, MATTHIAS-5, JOHN-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Fourth child of FRANCIS M. and MARIETTA ROSS ROLL, B- 15th July 1862, M- 29th Nov. 1833, DAVID PETTINER. Issue: 2547 - I - ELSIE JANE, B- 26th Oct. 1886. 2548 - II - SARAH EUNICE, B- 12th June 1889. 298 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2549 - ROBERT GRANT ROLL-8 , -2420-, (NICHOLAS S.-7, SAMUEL-6, MATTHIAS-5, JOHN-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) First child of NICHOLAS S. and MARY E. LEWIS ROLL, B- 21st Feb. 1865, D- 23rd May 1889, M- 11th Dec. 1884, ALICE STROUP. They resided in SAN B E R N A D I N E , SAN BERNADINE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. Iss u e : 2550 - I - ELVEN A., B- 19th Dec. 1885. ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2551 » RENA ROLL BLACK-8, -2426-, (HUGH-7, SAMUEL-6, MATTHIASJOHN-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Second child of HUGH and his first wife SARAH E. DAVIS ROLL, B 27th June 1865, M- 20th Mar. 1884, CHARLES M. BLACK. Issue: 2552 -I - SARAH J., B- 8th Dec. 1884. 2553 - II - MARY E., B- 15th Mar. 1886. 2554 - III - MAURICE L., B- 6th Oct. 2555 - IV 1887. - DWIGHT E., B- 14th June 1889. 300 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2556 - FANNY A. ROLL GROSS-8 , -2441-, (WILLIAM T.-7, SILAS-6, MATTHIAS-5, JOHN-4, JOIiN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Second child of WILLIAM T . and HARRIET ALEXANDER ROLL, Sept. 1861, M- 14th June 1883, WILLIAM GROSS. Issue: 2557 - I - WILLIAM, B- 4th mar. 1885. B- 30th 301 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 2558 - MARY HILL RALSTON-9, -2501-, (MARY E. WILLIAMS HILL-8, MARANDA-7, ISAAC-6, ABRAHAM-5, JOHN-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Twin child of THEODORE ROYER and MARY ELIZABETH WILLIAMS HILL, 2nd May 1881, M- 17th Sept. 1903, CHESTER J. RALSTON. Issue: 2559 - I - WILLIS CHESTER, B- 10th Mar. 1905. B- 302 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 3000 - ABRAHAM ROLL-4, -16-, (JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Third child of JOHN ROLL and ELIZABETH , B- 29th August 1739, D- 20th October 1813; M- twice; 1st M A R Y , B- 5th February 1742, daughter of JACOB BROOKS who lived on the CORIELL PLACE, which is two farms toward the town of WESTFIELD, from the present farm Of JOHN B. ROLL, in WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY, N.J. He became blind before his home of the BALTUSROL GOLF years ago. A few concrete the club grounds, show its present club house. Issue: 3001 - I death. His homestead was the original CLUB and was destroyed by fire a few steps now noticed at the entrance to location which was very near the - ELIZABETH, B- 29th August 1759; M- 22nd February 1774, ISAAC, B- 23rd November 1752, son of ISAAC and JANE SWAINE S A YRE.329 The home of ISAAC SAYRE was the resort of many weary and footsore scouts of the Arnerican army in the Revolutionary war. His wife, ELIZABETH, it is said, could not do enough for them. She died 26th September 1850 in her ninety-second year, after being a widow for a long time, and to her last day she recounted the fact that she had entertained General George Washington, had fed him and had encouraged his men when they came to her mountain h o m e , never turning them away empty. The old homestead is still standing on the road corner where the old red school house stood going towards DEANSTOWN. Here, it is said, the first tavern was kept by BROOKS SAYRE, son of ISAAC SAYRE and father of the present BROOKS SAYRE.3 ^ For their descendants see BIB. 102, pp. 468-469. 3002 - II 3003 - I I I JACOB - BROOKS 3004 - IV H AN NAH 3005 - V BALTUS 329 BIB. 102 - pp. 330 BIB. 23 - pp. 468-469 388-394 303 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 3006 - VI - PETER 3007 - VII - JEPTHA 3008 - VIII - ABRAHAM 3009 - IX - MARY, B- 12th march 1783, M- ABNER, SMALLEY. 2nd wife, CATY VREELAND, sister of DANIEL. 3010 - X - ISAAC 3011 - XI - ABBY, M- _____ 3012 - XII-DAVID 3013 - XIII - JANE TREMBLY. son of JAMES 304 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 3014 - JACOB ROLL-5, -3002-, MANGELSE-1) (ABRAHAM-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN Second child of ABRAHAM and MARY BROOKS ROLL, B- 8th Nov. 1761, M- 25th Sept. 1834, BETSEY M I L L S , B- 22nd Mar. 1764, D- 1807. He owned the grist mill in NEW PROVIDENCE, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, for several years, sold out and went to OHIO. Issue: 3014 - I 3016 _ II SALLY MARY 3017 - III PHILEMON 3018 - IV MOSES 3019 - v ABRAHAM 3020 - VI AARON 3021 - VII NANCY 3022 - VIII - ABIGAIL 3023 - IX JACOB 3024 JOSEPH, grandfather - X 3025 - XI 3026 - XII 3027 - ROLL of DAYTON, BETSEY - HANNAH XIII - JOHN 3028 - XIV NOTE: of F.M. - JANE All of the above issues were deceased in 1889. 305 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 3029 - BROOKS ROLL-5, MANGELSE-1) -3003-, (ABRAHAM-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN Third child of ABRAHAM and MARY BROOKS ROLL, B- 9th Feb. 1763, 331 D- 14th Mar. 13 32 . ^ Both are buried in the grounds of the PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY, NEW J E R S E Y . 333 Issue: 3030 -I - ABBY, M- SAMUEL, son of JOHN DUNHAM. 3031-11 - MARY 3032 - III - SALLY, M- AARON, son of SAMUEL BAILEY of SPRINGFIELD, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. 3033 - IV - JAMES 3034 - V - SARAH, D- 14th oct. 1794, age 10 months and 15 days, BD- in grounds of WESTFIELD,.UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 3 3■4 331 BIB. 6 - p. 207 332 BIB. 6 - p. 207 333 BIB. 6 - p. 334 BIB. 6 - p . 207 207 306 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 3035 - HANNAH ROLL PARMELEE-5, -3004-, 2, JAN MANGELSE-1) (ABRAHAM-4, JOHN-3, PETER- Fourth child of ABRAHAM and MARY BROOKS ROLL, B- 2nd Sept. M- MOSES PARMELEE of WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. 1766; Issue: 3036-1 - MARY 3037 - II - BETSEY, M- HENRY HOWARD of NEW YORK. 3033 - III - ABBY, M- AURA WILSON, as his second wife near POUGHKEEPSIE, DUTCHESS COUNTY, NEW YORK. 3039 - IV - REBECCA, M-twice; 1st, MANNING of PLAINFIELD, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY; 2nd, AARON COE, Of W E S T F I E L D , UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. 3040 -V - BROOKS, M- ______ WILSON, a daughter of AURA WILSON by his first wife. 3041 - VI - NANCY, D- UM. 3042 -VII - LOCKEY 3043 - VIII - SALLY, M- PARMELEE, a distant relation. 307 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY --5T.T; v f - Balfusrol Pro Forecasts Greens to H old Title Key Mi i* .,, ' 1 ’ " '* * _____ ■' ' ~ - ■' ‘ ' Y , -w •* By WILD GRIMSLEY . [heavyweight --among . golfJor-7,0tt yard* and wilfpiay~ir34iSPRINGFIELD, N J. (AP) — i C°!Jff,es*” i f i . ;36—7G par. Par for the members Oh a cold winter’s night 1 3 6 , “ ? * wI^ er^ f f f f cse 11* n *The greens, with myriod years ago Feb. a , 1831 - a t^ f a « “ d- roLj, average 7,000 square leet tbfifty Dutch farmer living on a in mid*May. “The fairways! ^ hilly course with its windhi^side here was dragged from aren’t too tight but'It will take ting creeks, heavy foliage and his bed, bound and beaten, then seme good driving. The gre en s 127 bunkers hasn’t a single rest thrown into an icy lake. are big with a lot of subtle rolls.[haven. Most of the par‘is- are ^Nobody ever found out .who As in all Opens, you will have to . long and. demanding. The par 3s diJ it, or why. There were ru drive well and putt well/’ . - [are treacherous. The best birdie nicrs the farmer kept a fortune Johnny < Farrell, 1928 Open chance* come at the 390-yard hidden under his hearth. Two wteber who has been, pro at BaKl*®6011®* 365-yard eighth and 399itfen were suspected of the.deed. tuarol for 32 years, predicted 14th, all par 4s. ^ Cpie committed suicide,, the oth Water hazards are present at that the greens would hold the er- died in Trenton prison. key to the championship. . , 10 holes. The picturesque fourth The old fanner's name was “I like a fellow like Julius Bo is a par three of 194 yards with ! Bgltus RoIL • * ros with a sensitive putting a pond fronting the green. I t is ! <ln 1895, two weeks after the touch,” Farrell said. “The man all carry. No*. 1, 6- and 7 meas fifcst U.S. Open, a golf couree who wfiia be one who can ure 463, 470 and 470 yards, re v/is laid over the same ground get up andw31 down in two. It will spectively. Bob Jonas caHed No. uhere the hard working Dutch* 1 4'Ifcd greatest first hole I ’ve min hoed his potatoes and corn. take a good lag putter. The bold ever seen.” V putters such as Arnold Palmer Xhe course, as a memorial to There are only two paf 5 holes; the murdered farmer, was will have problems.” Joseph C, Dey Jr., executive oa the* course and they are thei nfftaed- Baltusrol. ►This is where the world’s best director of the UJ5. Golf A s s o - j^ finishing boles — the. 17th' * gfejfers will, compete June 15-18 ciaOon, said Baltosrol’s charac-l^d l&b* " - ,*" iih the 67th National Open Golf ter can beat be described asi The. 17th measures 62J yards, Caampkmship. This will mark “solid;' rather than* startlmglyj and is the longest inrOpen histo-' .> „ iry. It requires a straight drive t$£ fifth time — a record — that dramatic.” thf event has been staged on **It wfB challenge every club ewfr C6t 'terrain. If a drive is tius Northern New -Jersey lay in the bag,” Dey added. “Tbefnussed, the player must clear a putter and the sand wedge a r t , minefield of bunkers straddling out built by A. W. Tillinghastd'Nobody will murder this likely to be.conspicuous.weap-jthe entire fairway, y , ctflirse,” said Gene Saraien, on*. Baltusrol’s Sorrows'on the! The borhe hole-measures 542 intending no facetious reference greens and bunkers throughout yards. It's possible to get home the slain farmer. “It’s - a the course are notable fea-fin two, but only the boldest and course that has been aged by tares.” 1 ' £>he most desperdto are likely to time. It’s big and strong — a v. Bafiysoj will measure 7,015 [try it. The second must be flown [to the green since bunkers and jrou^fc leave no opening. 308 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 3044 - BALTUS ROLL-5, -3005-, MANGELSE-1) (ABRAHAM-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN Fifth child of ABRAHAM and MARY BROOKS ROLL, B- 3rd May 1769, MSUSAN JENNINGS of ELIZABETH, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. On the night of the 22nd Feb. 1831336 he, at the age of sixty-two years was murdered by some unknown persons. He died without issue and is buried in the grounds of the PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY, NEW J E R S E Y . 336 Suspicion was directed against one PETER B. DAVIS and a companion as being guilty of the crime, shortly after which the latter committed suicide. DAVIS was tried for the crime but was found not guilty apparently on account of the lack of direct evidence. He, however, was later tried on four counts for forgery and having plead guilty to three of them, was on the 14th of July 1831, sentenced to serve a term of twenty-four years in 337 p r i s o n .J J' MARIA S. CUMMINS, Author of "THE LAMPLIGHTER" used the murder of BALTUS ROLL as the basis of her book "HAUNTED HEARTS", published in 1864, and which she wrote after having spent part of a summr in the vicinity of his home, during which time her attention was attracted to the crime by traditions of the community as related to her by her host, a venerable New Jersey farmer. The present well known BALTUSROL GOLF CLUB is located near his home and upon property once owned by his father and no doubt derived its name from the highway which runs through its property and which has long been known as the BALTUS ROLL ROAD it leading to his house which is still standing.338 335 BIB. 6 - p. 336 BIB. 6 - p. 207; 23 - p. 339 337 207; 23 - p. 339 Pamphlet published in 1831 by NEW JERSEY EAGLE, NEWARK, ESSEX COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, on the Trial of PETER B. DAVIS, a copy of which is in the files of the N.J. HISTORICAL SOCIETY ARCHIVES. 338 BIB. 23 - pp. 388, 394 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY A few years ago an article appeared in the PLAINFIELD (UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY) COURIER-NEWS as the result of an interview with Mrs. MARY ROLL, widow of HENRY BALTUS ROLL in which the latter related the story of the tragedy by which BALTUS ROLL met his death. This article also referred to her husband as being a son of BALTUS ROLL. As this did not agree with the writers impression and information that BALTUS ROLL had died without issue an effort has been made to establish as a fact that HENRY BALTUS ROLL was a son of BALTUS ROLL, but so far without success. In the report of the trial of PETER B . D A V I S , referred to in the foregoing (pages 4,7,8,10) Mrs. ROLL, wife of BALTUS, testified that they were alone in the house at the time of the crime. Other testimony was to the effect that while a small boy about tweIve years of age had been living with M r . and M r s . ROLL shortly before the crime was committed, he was not with them a week before the tragedy, although it was not known when he had left; also, that they were without "Chick or child'1. In interviews with elder members of the ROLL FAMILY the writer is informed that while BALTUS ROLL was without children, he had an orphan boy in his services, who was always known in the early days as HENRY BALTUS, and who in later years was known as HENRY BALTUS ROLL, but that it was not known whether or not he had been adopted by BALTUS ROLL. In his will, executed in 1831, no mention is made of any children, the beneficiaries named being his wife SUSANNAH, his sister HANNAH PARMELEE and his nephew BROOKS PARMELEE, who is also names as executor. (See #12258G Essex County WillsSecretary of S t a t e - T r e n t o n , N.J.). 310 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 3045 - PETER ROLL-5, -3006-, MANGELSE-1) (ABRAHAM-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN Sixth child of ABRAHAM and MARY BROOKS ROLL, B- 7th May 1773, M1st Nov. 1794, POLLY BOLTON of SHORT HILLS, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, B- 24th Feb. 1775. They resided in CINCINNATI, HAMILTON COUNTY, OHIO. Issue: 3046-1 - ISAAC 3047 „ XI _ HANNAH, B- 11th Feb. 1798, D- 21st Apr. 3048 - III - GEORGE, B- 6th Feb. 3049 - IV - CLARISSA, 3050 -V - NANCY,- B~ 2nd Feb. 1804, D- 15th July 18 3 4 , MLEMAIRE, D- 28th Feb. 18 3 6 . 3051 - VI - CHARLES 3052 - VII - HARRIETT, 3053 - VIII - LEWIS 3054 - IX - MARY 3055 -X - HARRIETT, B- 26th Dec. 1815, M- 25th May 1836, JOHN BAKER. They resided in CINCINNATI, HAMILTON COUNTY, OHIO, and died without issue. 1800. B- 6th Mar. B- 2nd Dec. 1800. 1802, D- Dec. 1808,D- Dec. 3056 - XI - WILLIAM B A L T U S , B- 1st Apr. 3057 - XII - MARIAH THOMPSON, B- Aug. 1804. 1810. 1818. 1821, D- Aug. 1821. 311 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 3058 - JEPTHA ROLL-5, -3007-, MA N G E L S E - 1 ) (ABRAHAM-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN Seventh child of ABRAHAM and MARY BROOKS ROLL, B- 3rd Dec. 1776, M- ABBY BROOKFIELD of RAHWAY, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Issue: 3059 -I - SARAH, M- THOMAS J. BLANCHE and lived CITY. in NEW YORK 3060 - II - WILLIAM, 3061 - III - JACOB BROOKS, D- 11th Aug. 1814, age 11 years, 10 months, BD- OLD PRESgXTERIAN CHURCH, RAH W A Y ,UNION COUNTY, NEW J E R S E Y . 3 M- SUSAN. 339 BIB. 21 - p. 229 312 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 3062 ~ ABRAHAM BROOKS ROLL-5 , -3008-, 2, JAN MANGELSE-1) (ABRAHAM-4, JOHN-3, PETER- Eighth child of ABRAHAM and MARY BROOKS ROLL, B- 28th Sept. 1779, M- ELIZABETH (BETSEY) , daughter of DAVID DUNHAM. They moved from NEW JERSEY to LAMBERT, OHIO during June 1804. Issue: 3063 - I DEBORAH, B- 18th May 1805, M- 27th June 1822, ISRAEL T. SCOTT. 3064 - II - MARIAH, B- 24th Jan. LAMPIIER. 1807, M- 17th Nov. 1825, ASA 3065 - III - DAVID DUNHAM 3066 - IV - FREELOVE, B- 4th May 1811, M- WILLIAM MCFARLAND. They resided in PIQUA, MIAMI COUNTY, OHIO. 3067 - V - EL I L A H , B- 31st Mar. 1813, M- 2nd Nov. 1832 , RUFUS C. RUSSEL. They resided in NEW CARLISLE, CLARK COUNTY, OHIO. 3068 - VI - ELIZA, B- 30th Apr. 1815, D- 4th Jan. May 1334, JOHN SHROYER. 3069 - VII - L O U I Z A , B- 6th Oct. res ided in IOWA. 1317, ti 3070 - VIII - SUSAN C., B- 27th Jan. STOUTEMEYER. 3071 - IX 1880, M- 20th WHARTON. They 1821, D- 1849, M- ISAAC - AMANDA, B- 25th Dec. 1824, M- 10th Apr. 1852, ISAAC STOUTEMEYER after the death of her sister SUSAN C. 313 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 307 2 - ISAAC ROLL-5, -3 010- , {ABRAHAM-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Tenth child of ABRAHAM and first by his second wife CATY VREELAND ROLL, M- SUSAN and in 1880 lived in RAHWAY, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Issue: 3073 - I - GEORGE WASHINGTON 3074 - II - SAMUEL OLIVER, M- SARAH FREEMAN, C A R O L I N E ’S husband. 3075 - Ill - CATHERINE, M- twice; WILSON. 3076 - IV - CAROLINE 3077 - V - ISAAC CLAWSON, M- HARRIET FREEMAN. 3078 - VI - SANFORD VREELAND 3079 - VII 3080 - VIII sister of 1st ______ SHOTWELL? 2nd JOHN 314 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 3081 - MARY ROLL BALDWIN-6 , -3031-, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) (BROOKS-5, ABRAHAM-4, JOHN-3, Second child of BROOKS and PHOEBE ROSS ROLL, M- ISAAC, son of DAVID BALDWIN of CANOE BROOK, ESSEX COUNTY, NEW JERSEY * Issue: 3082 - I - JULIA ANNE, M- WILLIAM G O U L D Y . 3083 - II - CORNELIA A ., M- S.M. LITTELL. 3084 - III - JAMES AUGUSTUS, 3085 - IV - ELIZABETH, M- 3086 - V - MARY, M- HARRY ANDERSON 3086 - VI - (1/2) LYDIA M- CATHERINE BROWNE. STYER. They resided 315 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 3087 - JAMES ROLL-6, -3033-, 2, JAN MANGELSE-1) (BROOKS-5, ABRAHAM-4, JOHN-3, PETER- Fourth child of BROOKS and PHOEBE ROSS ROLL, B- 11th Apr. 1787, D- 2nd July 1871; M- CATHERINE, daughter of DAVID DUNHAM and half-sister of his uncle ABRAHAM ROLL'S wife BETSEY, B- 8th May 1792, D- 16th Aug. 1865. Both are buried in the MILLER CEMETERY, a private burial ground off the C R A N FORD-SPRINGFIELD, (UNION C O U N T Y , NEW J E R S E Y ) road near the latter village and in the north end of WESTFIELD TOWNSHIP.340 Issue: 3083 - I 3089 - II 3090 - III 3091 - IV 3092 - V 3093 - VI - BROOKS 3094 - VII 340 From Tombstone Inscriptions in 1921. 316 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 3095 - LOCKEY PARMELEE STAFFORD-6, -3042-, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) (HANNAH-5, A B R A H A M - 4 , Seventh child of MOSES and HANNAH ROLL PARMELEE, M- JAMES ST A F F O R D . They went WEST where he died and she returned with her children to the EAST. Issue: 3096-1 - ISAAC 3097 - II - ABBY 3098 - Ill - JAMES 317 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 3099 - ISAAC ROLL-6, -3046-, 2, JAN MANGELSE-1) {PETER-5, ABR A H A M - 4, JOHN-3, PETER- First child of PETER and POLLY BOLTON ROLL, B- 3rd May 1796, D13th Jan. 1860, M- SUSAN _____ . They resided in COLUMBUS, MUSCOGEE COUNTY, GEORGIA. Issue: 3100 - I - EPHRIAM, B- 1820. 3101-11 - JOHN 3102 - III - PETER 3103 - IV - SUSAN, B- 1832, M- E.C. THORPE. They resided MONTGOMERY, MONTGOMERY COUNTY, ALABAMA. 3104 - V - MARY, B- 1836. 3105 - VI - JOHN, B- 1841. in 318 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 3106 * CHARLES ROLL-6, -3051-, (PETER-5, ABRAHAM-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Sixth child of PETER and POLLY BOLTON ROLL, his cousin MARY ROLL (1104). issue: 3107-1 - MARY AUGUSTA 3108 - II - CAROLINE VIRGINIA 3109 - III - CHARLES 3110 - IV - SIDNEY B- 8th Jan. 1806, M- 319 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 3111 - LEWIS ROLL-6, -3053-, 2, JAN MANGELSE-1) (PETER-5, ABRAHAM-4, JOHN-3, PETER- Eighth child of PETER and POLLY BOLTON ROLL, B- 17th May 1811, D21st Mar. 1893, M. Practiced medicine during his life and at the time of his death in CINCINNATI, HAMILTON C O U N T Y , OHIO, was one of the oldest physicians in that city. Issue: 3112 - I - J _____ W . , residing in 1893 in GERMANTOWN, OHIO. 341 Cincinnati Enquiror March 23rd 1893. 320 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 3113 - MARY ROLL A U C H E Y - 6 , -3054-, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) (PETER-5, A B R A H A M - 4 , JOHN-3, Ninth child of PETER and POLLY BOLTON ROLL, B- 17th Nov. 12th Dec.1330, BENJAMIN A U C H E Y , who died 1st Oct. 1839. 1813, MIssue: 3114 -I - EMILY 3115 - II - ROSETTA, B- 2nd Apr. 1837, M- 31st Dec. 1857, A.J. COOK. They resided in CINCINNATI, HAMILTON COUNTY, OHIO. 321 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 3116 - DAVID DUNHAM ROLL-6 , -3065-, 3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) (ABRAHAM-5, A B R A H A M - 4 , JOHN- Third child of ABRAHAM and ELIZABETH (BETSEY) DUNHAM ROLL, B- 3th Dec. 1809, M- HARRIET RAYMOND. They resided in YATES CENTER, WOODSON COUNTY, KANSAS. Issue: 3117 - I - E _____ B. KANSAS. 3118 - II - ELIZABETH, M- _____ KELNER. They resided MCCUNE, CRAWFORD COUNTY, KANSAS. 3119 - III - DAVID 3120 - IV - C M. Resided Resided in YATES CENTER, WOODSON COUNTY, in FORD COUNTY, KANSAS. in ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 3121 - GEORGE WASHINGTON ROLL-6, -3073-, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) (ISAAC-5, ABRAHAM-4 First child of ISAAC and SUSAN ROLL, M- SARAH CLAUSON WOOD, daughter of JOHN WOOD and lived in LINDEN, UNION COUNTY, N.J Issue: 3122 - I - GEORGE WASHINGTON 3123 - II - GEORGE WASHINGTON 3124 - III - DELIA, MFRAZER Cherry St . , RAHWAY, N ., 3125 - IV - PHEBE, MBALTIMORE, MD . 3126 - V - SUSAN, MCLARK. WESTFI ELD, N. J . 3127 - VI - SARAH, MLINK . W E S T F I E L D , N. J . 3128 - VII - EMMA, D- UN 3129 - VIII - JOHN KING CLARK. 323 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 3130 - CAROLINE ROLL FREEMAN-JACQUES-6 , -3076-, {ISAAC-5, ABRAHAM-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Fourth child of ISAAC and SUSAN, M- twice, 1st LINDLEY S. FREEMAN, brother of SAMUEL OLIVER ROLL'S wife; 2nd JAMES JACQUES. At her death in 1916 the following article appeared in the issue of June 6th 1916 of the ELIZABETH, N.J. DAILY JOURNAL: "RAHWAY, June 6. Mrs. Caroline Jacques, widow of the late James Jacques, died yesterday at her late home, 26 William Street, aged 96 years. Mrs. Jacques was born in Rahway and has resided here all her life. She is the lastmember of theoriginal Roll family, which was prominent throughout Union County in theearly days. She was a member of St. Paul's Episcopal Church. Mrs* Jacques had a wide circle of friends. Until a short time ago, despite her advanced age, she frequently visited her son James, who resided in the next block, Adam Street. She is survived by two sons, Freeman and James, and two daughters, Miss Caroline Jacques and Mrs. Thomas 0. Marsh, Rahway; eleven grandchildren and twelve great-grandchild." all of Issue : 3131-1 - FREEMAN 3132-11 - JAMES 3133 - III - CAROLINE 3134 - IV - (DAUGHTER), wife of THOMAS 0. MARSH of RAHWAY, UNION C O U N T Y , N.J. 324 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW 3135 - SANFORD VREELAND ROLL-6, -3078-, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) JERSEY (ISAAC-5, A B R A H A M - 4 , Sixth child of ISAAC and SUSAN ROLL, D- 4th May 1910, age 81 years, BD- R A H W A Y , UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, M- LUCRITIA MARSH. Issue: 3136-1 - SANFORD F. 3137 - II - DAVID M. 3138 - Ill - ELEANOR 325 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 3139 - WILLIAM STONE ROLL-6 , -3079-, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) (ISAAC-5, ABRAHAM-4, JOHN-3, Seventh child of ISAAC and SUSAN ROLL, M- twice; 1st JOSEPHINE SELICK; 2nd E L I Z A B E T H . Lived in LINDEN, UNION COUNTY, N.J. all his life and the following obituary appeared in the ELIZABETH, N.J. Daily Journal, December 29th 1914 at the time of his death. "LINDEN, Dec. 2 9 . William s . Roll, one of the oldest and most widely known and respected residents of Linden T o w n s h i p , died this morning at his home in the Tremely section, after a lingering illness. He was born in Linden 84 years ago and resided in the township all his life. Mr. Roll was the uncle of Walter H. Roll, president of the Board of Education. He is survived by one sister, Mrs. Caroline Jacques, of William Street, Rahway; two sons, Eugene F. Roll of 1081 Lafayette Street, Elizabeth, and William H. Roll who made his home in Tremely with his father. He is also survived by six grandchildren. Mr. Roll lived for fity-one years on the farm in Tremely where he died. Several tempting offers made by prospective purchasers were refused because of his attachment for the place. Much of the thickly populated portion of Elizabethport in the vicinity of the Singer plant was a range forcattle when Mr. Roll was a boy and it isrelated of him that he used to dirve his father's herd of more than 100 cows into the common pasture in Elizabeth in the spr i n g , where the animals were permitted to run at large and thrive until fall, when they were rounded up for slaughter. The funeral services will be held in his late home in Tremely, Thursday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. The Rev. William Force Wh itaker, D.D. Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, Elizabeth, will officiate. Interment will be made in the family plot in the Rahway Cemetery." Issue: 3140 - I - EUGENE F. 3141 - II - WILLIAM H. In 1914 was living in LINDEN, SECTION), UNION COUNTY, N.J. (TREMLEY 326 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEK JERSEY 3142 - BROOKS ROLL-7, -3093-, (JAMES-6, BROOKS-5, ABRAHAM-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Sixth child of JAMES and CATHERINE DUNHAM ROLL, D- 27th Jan. 1881, age 58 years, 1 month 5 days, M- SUSAN M., daughter of JOHN B. CLARK, D~ 10th Jan. 1888, age 66 years 3 months. Both are buried in the MILLER CEMETERY, a private burial ground off the CRANFORD-SPRINGFIELD, (UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY) road near the latter village and in the north end of WESTFIELD TOWNSHIP. Issue : 3143-1 - JAMES 3144-11 - JOHN BROOKS 342 From Tombstone Inscr ipt ions in 1921. ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 3145 * EMILY AUCHEY RIGDORE-7, “3114-, (MARY-6, PETER-5, ABRAHAM4, JOlIN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) First child of BENJAMIN and MARY ROLL AUCHEY, B- 14th Jan. 1832, M- 12th Dec. 1852, ISAAC R I G D O R E , B- 9th Mar. 1331. They resided in CINCINNATI, HAMILTON COUNTY, OHIO, as did their children. Issue: , B- 18th S e p t . 1853 , D- same d a y . 3146 - I - 3147 - II - 3148 - III - WILLIAM HUDDART, B- 15th June 1856. 3149 - IV - 3150 - V - E D W A R D , B- 10th May 1860, D- 17th June 1860 . 3151 - VI - ANDREW JACKSON, B- 27th Sept, 1863. 3152 - VII - ADELAIDE, BONITA ISAAC, B~ 2nd July 1853, D- 3rd Aug. 3153 - VIII - HARRY, B- 8th Sept. B- 30th Dec. 3154 - IX - MARY NINA, 3155 - X “ GEORGE COOK, 3156 - XI - CHARLES SUMMER, 1877 . 1866. 1861, D~ 27th Fel 1863. 1865. B- 4th June 1869. B- 24th Sept. 1872. B- 31st Aug. 1874, D- 27th Nov 328 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 3157 - JOHN KING ROLL-7. -3129-, (GEORGE WASHINGTON-6, ISAAC-5, ABRAHAM-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Eighth child of GEORGE WASHINGTON and SARAH CLAUSON WOOD ROLL, B10th July 1844 in LINDEN, UNION COUNTY, N.J., D- 23rd Sept. 1901 in F A I R H A V E N , WASHINGTON and is buried there. Was a wholesale commission merchant. M- 15th Dec. 1865 in LINDEN, UNION COUNTY, N.J., MARGARET KELLY W I N A N S - 6 , (MALINE-5, MOSES-4, ISAAC-3 and second wife, ISAAC-2, JOHN-1 and first wife) of LINDEN, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, B- 24th Sept. 1841 in ELIZABETH, UNION COUNTY, N.J., D- 26th Feb. 1899 in F A I R H A V E N , WASHINGTON, and is buried there. They left NEW JERSEY for WASHINGTON in 1889 .343 Issue: 3158 - I - CORA ETNA, B- 13th Jan. 1867 in LINDEN, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. M- ASAHEL DILLON and in 1911 resided in SEATTLE, WASHINGTON. Issue: I - ROLL NEWELL, in 1915 was 14 years old. 3159 -II - JENNIE W I N A N S , B- 30th Aug. 1869 in LINDEN, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, D- 18th July 1870 in LINDEN, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY and is buried in RAHWAY, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. 3160 -III - SARAH CLAUSON, B- 14th July 1871 in LINDEN, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, M- W.F. DILLON. Residence in 1915 was 1208 BENNETT AVENUE, BELLINGHAM, WASHINGTON. Issue: I 3161 -IV - MARGARET WINANS, in 1915 was 18 years old. - EMMA BELL, B- 11th Nov. 1876 in LINDEN, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, M- MARVIN EDWARDS. Residence in 1915 was 1414 SUNSET AVENUE, SEATTLE, WASHINGTON. Issue: I 343 #4994, - WILLIAM WINANS, Newark, in 1915 was eight years old. N.J. Evening News, 3/13/1915. 329 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 3162 - EUGENE F. ROLL-7, -3140-, (WILLIAM STONE-6, A B R A H A M -4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) ISAAC-5, Ficst child of WILLIAM STONE and ELIZABETH _____ ROLL, B- in TREMLEY, LINDEN TOWNSHIP, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, M- MARY ___ . In 1914 lived at #1081 Lafayette St., ELIZABETH, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, at which time he was Engineer of the Atlantic City Flier of the Central Railroad of New Jersey. Issue: 3163 - I - CLARENCE, D- 21st Oct. 3164 - II - WILLIAM 3165 - III - FREDERICK 1914, age 21 years. 330 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 3166 - JOHN BROOKS R O L L - 8 , -3144-, (BROOKS-7, JAMES-6, ABRAHAM-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) BROOKS-5, Second child of BROOKS and SUSAN CLARKE ROLL, M- MARY M . , daughter of ENOCH and THEODORIA BLAKE. He was one of the signers of the petition to form the first Borough of MOUNTAINSIDE, UNION COUNTY, NEW J E R S E Y 344 and was a member of the first Board of Counc ilinen who were elect ed 24th Sept. 189 5 .3 In 1914 was living on Springfield Avenue. Issue: 3167 - I 3168-11 3169 - III - WILLIAM MARSH - SUSAN M. - GEORGIE TOMLINSON, M- 22nd Feb. 1915, in WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY, N.J., GEORGE TAYLOR ROBBINS, of CRANFORD, UNION COUNTY, N.J. In 1915 was living in MOUNTAINSIDE, UNION COUNTY, N.J. 3170 - IV - JOSEPH HARRISON 3171 - V - STANELY BROOKS, M- 12th Aug. 1914 in WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY, N.J., ALICE E. SINGER, daughter of MR. and MRS. CHARLES J. SINGER of SPRINGFIELD AVE., MOUNTAINSIDE, UNION COUNTY, N.J. In 1914 was living in WESTFIELD, N.J. 344 BIB. 29 - p. 560 345 BIB. 29 - p. 561 331 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 3172 - BONITA RIGDORE LOWERY-8, -3147-, {EMILY AUCHEY R I G D O R E - 7 , MARY-6, PETER-5, A B R A H A M - 4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE1) Second child of ISAAC and EMILY AUCHEY RIGDORE, B~ 1st Sept. 1854, M- 1st Nov. 1876, JAMES A. LOWERY. They resided in CINCINNATI, HAMILTON COUNTY, OHIO. Issue: 3173 - I - JAMES ARTHUR, JR., B- 6th Feb. 3174 - II - ALBERT RIGDORE, 3175 - Ill - EMILY, B- 20th Aug. 1882. 3176 - IV - BATES, B- 17th Apr. 1885. 3177 - V - BONITA, B- 9th Apr. B- 28th Aug . 1887. 1878. 1880. 332 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 4000 - RHODA ROLL WOOLLEY-4, -17-, MANGELSE-1) {JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN Fourth child and oldest daughter of JOHN ROLL and ELIZABETH ___ , and known as " M O L L Y " , M- about 1781, ABRAHAM or ABRAM WOOLLEY, of SPRINGFIELD, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. WOOLLEY: This family came from SOUTHHAMPTON, LONG ISLAND, about the year 1683. ROBERT WOOLLEY was one of the ELIZABETHTOWN ASSOCIATES in 1699. JOHN, WILLIAM, and EDWARD were doubtless sons of EMANUEL, but it is not known if at all ROBERT and EMANUEL were related. A branch of the family settled in SPRINGFIELD, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. ABRAHAM WOOLLEY is mentioned as Inn keeper in 1793. He held many important offices in the townsh i p .34 ^ Issue: 4001 - I - ABRAHAM OR ABRAM - Col. 4002 - - ABBY II 4003 - I I I - HARRIET 4004 - IV - MARY 4005 - V ~ AARON KITCHELL 346 BIB. 23 - p. 364 333 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 400 6 - COL. ABRAHAM or ABRAM ROLL WOOLLEY-5 , -4 001-, (RHODA-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) First child of ABRAHAM or ABRAM and RHODA ROLL WOOLLEY of S P R I N G F I E L D , UNION C O U N T Y , NEW J E R S E Y B- in 1782 in SPRINGFIELD, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, D- in 1857 in NEWARK, ESSEX COUNTY, NEW JERSEY in his 76th year, BD- in SPRINGFIELD, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, his boyhood home. About 1810 he entered the UNITED STATES ARMY and rose to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel of the 6th Regiment, U.S. Infantry. Leaving the ARMY in 1829, he located in LOUISVILLE, JEFFERSON COUNTY, KENTUCKY as a lawyer. (See following pages for his official record). He M- three times; 1st ELIZA DENHAM, the seventh child and third daughter of MATTHIAS and PHEBE BALDWIN DENMAN, of SPRINGFIELD, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, and who was born 5th November 1786 and died 4th April 1826 . I s s u e : , 4007 - I WILLIAM, 4008 - II ELIZA DENMAN, B- 1809, D- 1813. 4009 - III B- 1807, D- 1828. - MARY T I M B R O O K , D- in i nfancy. 4010 - IV D- in infancy. 4011 - V D- in infancy. 4012 - VI SAMUEL DENMAN, B- 1819, D- 9th August 1849 4013 - VII 4014 - VIII - CHARLES WOODRUFF 4015 - IX - IIENRY BALDWIN D- in infancy. 2nd wife was married in 1829. She was CAROLINE, daughte; WILLIAM PRESTON and D- in 1840. Besides WILLIAM PRESTON record follows, six othr children were born, all of whom infancy. issue: 4016 _ X WILLIAM PRESTON, B- 2nd May 1830, D- 1850, of cholera in BUFFALO, ERIE COUNTY, NEW YORK, while on his way to NEW YORK CITY. 334 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 3rd wife was M- in 1845. U.S.A. No issue. She was the widow of CAPTAIN J E W E T T , Record: WOOLLEY, ABRAM R . , B- N.J. appointed N.J. Capt. dep. c o m s y . of o r d . 4 D e c . 1812; M a j . o r d . 9, F e b . 1815; tr to 7 inf 1 June 1821; tr to 6 inf. 11 Mar. 1823 Lt. Col. 16 Dec. 1825, Bvt. Lt Col 9 Feb. 1825 for ten yrs fai service in one grade dismissed 1 May 1829 .347 347 BIB. 10 ~ p. 1060, Vol. 1; 11 - p. 689 335 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 4017 - ABBY WOOLLEY MILLER-5 , -4002-, JAN MANGELSE-1) (RHODA-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, Second child of ABRAHAM or ABRAM and RHODA ROLL WOOLLEY, B- in 1785, D- in 1826, M~ ISAAC SMITH, son of NATHANIEL MILLER of SPRINGFIELD, UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Issue: 4018-1 - AARON WOOLLEY 4019-11 - ELIZA WOOLLEY 4020 - Ill - WILLIAM 336 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 4021 - HARRIET WOOLLEY TUCKER-5, 2, JAN MANGELSE-1) -4003-, (RHODA-4, JOHN 3, PETER- Third child of ABRAHAM or ABRAM and RHODA ROLL WOOLLEY, M- CHARLES TUCKER of NEWARK, ESSEX COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. 4022-1 - MARY ANNE 4023 - II - ISAAC MILLER B- 1788, Issue: 337 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 4024 - MARY WOOLLEY BALDWIN-5, “4004“ , (RHODA-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Fourth child Of ABRAHAM or ABRAM is s u e : M- CHARLES P. BALDWIN. 4025 - I LETITIA A. 4026 - II MARY 4027 - III 4028 - IV 348 - CLARISSA ABRAHAM WOOLLEY348 CHARLES WOODRUFF WOOLLEY, SR. in his manuscript of February 1890, says "Of his history, I know n o t h i n g . His history, and further particulars as to the history, children, residence, post office address, etc. of MARY WOOLLEY BALDWIN'S decendants can be obtained from AMELIA P. LAWRENCE, #300 Market Street, NEWARK, ESSEX COUNTY, NEW JERSEY". 338 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 4029 - AARON KITCHELL WOOLLEY-5, -4005-, 2, JAN MANGELSE-1) (RHODA-4, JOHN-3, PETER- Fifth child of ABRAHAM or ABRAM and RHODA ROLL WOOLLEY, B- 1797. He was a lawyer of eminence in KENTUCKY; for many years he was Judge of the Circuit Court and filled that high and honorable position at the time of his death from cholera, 4th August 1849, at his home in LEXINGTON, FAYETTE COUNTY, KENTUCKY. He M- SALLIE W I C K L I F F E , daughter of ROBERT W I C K L I F F E , SR., of LEXINGTON, FAYETTE COUNTY, KENTUCKY. Issue: 4030 - I - ROBERT WICKLIFFE 4031 - II - MARGARET WICKLIFFE 4032 - Ill - CHARLES WICKLIFFE 4033 - IV - HOWARD 4034 - V - ELLEN 4035 - VI - VERTNER 4036 - VII - FRANK 4037 - VIII - AARON KITCHELL, JR. 339 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 4033 - HENRY BALDWIN WOOLLEY-6, -4013-, (COL. ABRAHAM ROLL W O O L L E Y - 5 , RHODA-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Seventh child of COL. ABRAHAM ROLL and ELIZA DENMAN WOOLLEY, 1321, D~ 1861, M- _____ . Is s u e : 4039-1 - HENRIETTA 4040-11 - OCTAVIA 4041 - Ill - ELIZA JANE B- 340 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 4042 - CHARLES WOODRUFF WOOLLEY-6, -4-14-, (COL. ABRAHAM WOOLLEY5, RIIODA-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Eighth child of COL. ABRAHAM ROLL and ELIZA DENMAN WOOLLEY, B18th October 1823 at COUNCIL BLUFFS, INDIAN TERRITORY, now PATTAWATTAMIE COUNTY, IOWA. On November 26, 1841 he entered the NAVY from KENTUCKY as a Midshipman. He served in the Pacific Squadron in 1846-7 during the MEXICAN WAR for which he is receiving a p e n s i o n . He became a Passed Midshipman August 10, 1848 and resigned 31st December 1854 ,349 M- 10th October 1848; at LOUISVILLE, JEFFERSON COUNTY, KENTUCKY, C A T A W B A , daughter of MAJOR ALFRED SANDFORD and granddaughter of MAJOR THOMAS MARTIN, U.S.A. of COVINGTON, KENTON COUNTY, KENTUCKY. She died in BUFFALO, ERIE COUNTY, NEW YORK, 4th April 1883 in her 55th year He is now (November 1909) living in BUFFALO, ERIE COUNTY, NEW YORK, in his 86th year. Issue: 4043 - I - WILLIAM WOODRUFF 4044 - II - SUE DANA, B- 4th January 1851. 4045 - Ill - CHARLES WOODRUFF, B- 28th May 1854. 4046 - IV - DANA SANDFORD 4047 - v - KATE SANDFORD, B- 12th October 1860 4048 - VI - HENRY WHIPPLE, B- 4th December 1862 349 BIB. 12 - p. 603 341 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 4049 - AARON WOOLLEY MILLER-6, -4018-, (ABBY WOOLLEY 5, RHODA-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) 1819, DFirst child of ISAAC SMITH and ABBY WOOLLEY MILLER, Her address January 1881, M- J U L I A WOODWARD, of WASHINGTON, D.C. in February 1890 was #253 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, S.E., W A S H I N G T O N , D.C. Issue: 4050-1 - MAGGIE 4051 - II - S A L L I E , D- 1889. 4052 - III - MARY 4053 - IV - ADOLPHUS 342 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 4054 - ELIZA WOOLLEY MILLER C L A R K E - 6 , -4019-, (ABBY WOOLLEY-5, RHODA-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Second child of ISAAC SMITH and ABBY WOOLLEY MILLER, B- 12th October 1823, D- 1849, M- 1841, GEORGE CLARKE of WASHINGTON, D.C. In January 1890 she is living with her son WILLIAM MILLER CLARKE at #3 Oakman Street, Ward 24, BOSTON, SUFFOLK COUNTY, MASS. Issue; 4055 - I - WILLIAM MILLER 4056 - II - ABBY WOOLLEY, 4057 - III - GEORGE 4058 - IV 3- - CHARLES WOOLLEY, 1844. B- 1849, D- same year. 343 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 4059 - WILLIAM MILLER-6 , -4020-, (ABBY WOOLLEY-5, 3, PETER-2, JAN MA N G E L S E - I ) RHODA-4, Third child o£ ISAAC SMITH and ABBY WOOLLEY MILLER, Issue: 4060 - I JOHN- B- 1826 , M ~ . - LUCY, M- her cousin GEORGE CLARKE, -4057-, son of her father's sister ELIZA WOOLLEY MILLER CLARKE. Both died, he in 1882, without issue. ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 4061 - MARY ANNE TUCKER JOHNSON-6, -4022-, (HARRIET W O O L L E Y RHODA-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) First child of CHARLES and HARRIET WOOLLEY TUCKER, M- _____ JOHNSON. Issue: 4062-1 - JOANNA ELIZABETH 345 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 4063 - ISAAC MILLER TUCKER-6, -4023-, (HARRIET WOOLLEY-5, 4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) RHODA- second child of CHARLES and HARRIET WOOLLEY TUCKER, B- 27th February 1825, D- without issue in 1862 in BATTLE OF FAIR OAKS, HENRICO COUNTY, VIRGINIA. M- ABB IE _____ who in February 189 0 , is living on GROVE STREET, near MARKET STREET, NEWARK, ESSEX COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. 346 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 4064 - LETITIA A. BALDWIN SMITH-6, -4025-, (MARY WOOLLEY-5, RHODA-4 , JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) First child of CHARLES P. and MARY WOOLLEY BALDWIN, M- OLIVER R. S M I T H . Iss u e ; 4065 - I - AMELIA PRESTON, M- _____ LAWRENCE. In January 1890 they had no issue and were living at #300 Market Street, NEWARK, ESSEX COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. 347 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 4066 - MARY BALDWIN CORNWALL-6, -4026-, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) (MARY WOOLLEY-5, RHODA-4, Second child of CHARLES P. and MARY WOOLLEY BALDWIN, D- 1868, MWILLIAM CORNWALL, of LOUISVILLE, JEFFERSON COUNTY, K Y ., where their children were living in February 1890. Issue: 4067 - I - WILLIAM 4068-11 - SALLIE WOOLLEY 4063 - Ill - AARON WOOLLEY 348 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 4070 - CLARISSA BALDWIN EARL-6 , -4027-, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) (MARY WOOLLEY-5, Third child of CHARLES P. and MARY WOOLLEY BALDWIN, EARL. Issue: 4071 - I THOMAS G. 4072 - II ABRAM WOOLLEY 4073 - III - WILLIAM 4074 - IV SARAH 4075 - V ARAMINTA 4076 - VI CLARA A. RHODA-4, D- 1864, M- 349 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 4077 - COL. ROBERT WICKLIFFE W O O L L E Y - 6 , -4030-, (AARON KITCHELL WOOLLEY-5, RHODA-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) First child of AARON KITCHELL and SALLIE WICKLIFFE WOOLLEY, MMARY JOHNSON, of LOUISVILLE, JEFFERSON COUNTY, KENTUCKY. His address in February 1890 was #548 Jefferson St., near Sixth, LOUISVILLE, JEFFERSON COUNTY, KENTUCKY. Issue: 4078-1 - MARY 4079 - II - SOPHIE 350 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 4080 ~ MARGARET WICKLIFFE WOOLLEY WHITE-6, “4031” , (AARON K1TCHELL WOOLLEY-5, RHODA-4 , JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) second child of AARON KITCHELL and SALLIE WICKLIFFE WOOLLEY, MPETER A. WHITE, of CINCINNATI, HAMILTON COUNTY, OHIO, where in February 1890 they were living without issue. 351 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 4 0 81. - CHARLES WICKLIFFE W O OLLEY-6 , -4 03 2- , WOOLLEY-5, RHODA-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, (AARON KITCHELL JAN MANGELSE-1) Third child of AARON KITCHELL and SALLIE WICKLIFFE WOOLLEY, M, only daughter of JACOB STRADER, of CINCINNATI, HAMILTON COUNTY, OHIO, where in February 1890 were living. Issue: 4082 - I 4083 - II 4084 - III ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 4085 - HOWARD WOOLLEY-6, -4033-, {AARON KITCHELL WOOLLEY-5, RHODA-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Fourth child of UM and has been 1890 is in care FAYETTE COUNTY, AARON KITCHELL and SALLIE WICKLIFFE WOOLLEY. insane for many years. His address in Februar of his sister, Mrs. JOHN B. PAYNE, LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY. 353 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 4086 - ELLEN WOOLLEY PAYNE-6 , -4 034-, (AARON KITCHELL WOOLLEY-5, R H O D A - 4 , JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Fifth child of AARON KITCHELL and SALLIE WICKLIFFE WOOLLEY, M~ JOHN B. PAYNE of LEXINGTON, FAYETTE COUNTY, KENTUCKY. She is a widow and in February 1890, is living in that city with her several ch ildren. ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 4087 - VERTNER W O O L L E Y - 6 , -4035-, {AARON KITCHELL W O O L L E Y - 5 RHODA-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Sixth child of AARON KITCHELL and SALLIE WICKLIFFE WOOLLEY, and in 1890 has several children and is living in LEXINGTON FAYETTE COUNTY, KENTUCKY. 355 ROLL GENEALGOY - NEW JERSEY 4088 “ FRANK W O O L L E Y - 6, -4036-, (AARON KITCHELL W O O L L E Y - 5, RHODA4, J O H N -3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Seventh child of AARON KITCHELL and SALL IE WICKLIFFE WOOLLEY, and in 1890 has children and is living in MADISON, JEFFERSON COUNTY, I N D I A N A . M~ 356 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 4089 - AARON KITCHELL WOOLLEY, J R . -6 , -4037-, (AARON KITCHELL W O O L L E Y - 5, RHODA-4, J O H N -3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Eighth Child of AARON KITCHELL and SALLIE WICKLIFFE WOOLLEY, died and was married, but left no surviving issue. She 357 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 4090 - HENRIETTA WOOLLEY H ALLIWELL-7 , -4039-, (HENRY BALDWIN WO O L L E Y -6 , COL. ABRAHAM ROLL WOOLLEY-5, RHODA-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) First child of HENRY BALDWIN and _____ WOOLLEY, B- 1847, M- 1868, THOMAS HALLIWELL, and Englishman. Her address in February 1890 was WHISTLER, MOBILE COUNTY, ALA. Issue: 4091 - I - JENNIE 4092 - II - THOMAS, B- 1872. 4093 - Ill - WILLIAM, B- 1875. 358 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 4094 - OCTAVIA WOOLLEY TOOLE-F L Y N N E - 7 , -4040-, (HENRY BALDWIN WOOLLEY-6, COL. ABRAHAM ROLL WOOLLEY-5, RHODA-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Second child of HENRY BALDWIN and ______ WOOLLEY, B- 1849, Mtwice, 1st TOOLE, 2nd, FLYNNE. Her address in February 1890 was MOBILE, MOBILE COUNTY, ALA. 359 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 4 09 5 - ELIZA JANE WOOLLEY-7 , -4 041-, (HENRY BALDWIN WOOLLEY-6, COL. ABRAHAM ROLL WOOLLEY-5, RHODA-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Third child of HENRY BALDWIN and _____ WOOLLEY, B- 1852. In February 1890, UM and living with her sister HENRIETTA WOOLLEY HALLIWELL, WHISTLER, MOBILE COUNTY, ALA. ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 4 096 - WILLIAM WOODRUFF WOO L L E Y - 7 , -4 0 43-, (CHARLES WOODRUFF WOOLLEY-6, COL., ABRAHAM ROLL W O O L L E Y - 5, RHODA-4, JOHN-3 PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) First child of CHARLES WOODRUFF and CATAWBA SANDFORD WOOLLEY, 28th July 1849, M- 18th October 1877, HATTIE E., only daughter JOHN BRADFORD, of QUINCY, ADAMS COUNTY, ILL., B- 5th December 1859. issue: 4097 - I - EDITH SANDFORD, B- 5th Dec. 1878. 4098 - II - HERBERT LOWELL, B- 8th June 1884. 361 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 4099 - DANA SANDFORD W O O L L E Y - 7, -4046 -, (CHARLES WOODRUFF WOOLLEY-6, COL* ABRAHAM ROLL W O O L L E Y - 5/ R H O D A - 4 , J O H N - 3 , PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Fourth child of CHARLES WOODRUFF and CATAWBA SANDFORD WOOLLEY, 18th May 1857, M- 26th June 1386, CLARISSA ELIZA, daughter of CHARLES and JULIA HANDEL B A T T E Y , of PROVIDENCE, PROVIDENCE COUNTY, RHODE ISLAND. Their address in February 1890 was DANIELSONVILLE, WINDHAM COUNTY, CONN. Issue: 4100 - I - SANDFORD BATTEY, B- 28th April 1887. B- 362 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 4101 - WILLIAM MILLER CLARKE-7 , -4 0 55-, (ELIZA WOOLLEY MILLER-6, ABBY WOOLLEY-5, RHODA-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) First child of GEORGE and ELIZA WOOLLEY MILLER CLARKE, B- 1842, M- ELLA WILDER of SYRACUSE, ONONDOGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. In January 1890 their address was #3 Qakman St., Ward 24, BOSTON, SUFFOLK COUNTY, MASS. Issue: 4102 - I - ERNEST WILDER, B- 1868. 4103 - II - FLORENCE ABBY, B- 11th December 1870. 363 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 4104 - GEORGE CLARKE-7 , -4057-, (ELIZA WOOLLEY MILLER-6, ABBY WOOLLEY-5, RHODA-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Third child of GEORGE and ELIZA WOOLLEY MILLR CLARKE, M- LUCY MILLER (#4060) his cousin, a daughter of his mother's brother WILLIAM MILLER. Both died, he in 1382 without issue. 364 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 4105 - JOANNA ELIZABETH JOHNSON C O L L E R D - 7 , -4062-, (MARY ANNE TUCKER-6, HARRIET W O OLLEY-5, RHODA-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Only child of ___________ and MARY ANNE TUCKER JOHNSON, M- CHARLES M. COLLERD. In 1889 they lived at #17 Plain Street, N E W A R K , ESSEX COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, but have since moved to James St. Issue: 4106 - I - HARRY, B- 1875. 365 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 4107 - WILLIAM CORNWALL-7 , -4067-, (MARY BALDWIN-6, MARY WOOLLEY5, RHODA-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) First child of WILLIAM and MARY BALDWIN CORNWALL, M- and in February 1890 was living in LOUISVILLE, JEFFERSON COUNTY, KENT U C K Y . 366 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 4108 - SALLIE WOOLLEY CORNWALL-7 , -4 068-, {MARY BALDWIN-6, MARY WOOLLEY-5, RHODA-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Second child of WILLIAM and MARY BALDWIN CORNWALL, M- and in February 1890 is living in LOUISVILLE, JEFFERSON COUNTY, KENTU C K Y . 367 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 4109 - AARON WOOLLEY C O R NWALL-7 , -4069-, (MARY BALDWIN-6 , MARY WOOLLEY-5, RHODA-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Third child of WILLIAM and MARY BALDWIN CORNWALL, M- and in February 1890 is living in LOUISVILLE, JEFFERSON COUNTY, KENTUCKY. 368 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 4110 - THOMAS G. EARL-7, -4071-, (CLARISSA BALDWIN-6, MARY WOOL L E Y - 5, RHODA-4, J O H N -3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) First child of ___________ and CLARISSA BALDWIN EARL is in February 1890 living in LYTTON, YALE PROVINCIAL DISTRICT, BRITISH COLUMBIA. 369 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 4111 - ABRAM WOOLLEY EA R L - 7, -4072-, (CLARISSA BALDWIN-6, MARY WOOLLEY-5, RHODA-4, JOIIN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Second child of February 1890 living and CLARISSA BALDWIN EARL, is in in LOUISVILLE, JEFFERSON COUNTY, KENTUCKY. 370 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 4112 - WILLIAM EARL-7, -4073-, (CLARISSA BALDWIN-6, 5, RHODA-4, J O H N -3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) MARY WOOLLEY- Third child of ___________ and CLARISSA BALDWIN EARL is in February 1890 living in ILLINOIS. 371 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 4113 - SARAH EARL-7, -4074-, (CLARISSA BALDWIN-6, RHODA-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Fourth child of ___________ leaving one daughter. MARY WOOLLEY-5, and CLARISSA BALDWIN EARL, M- and died 372 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 4114 - ARAMINTA EARL-7,- -4075-, (CLARISSA BALDWIN-6, MARY WOOLLEY-5, RHODA-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Fifth child of ___________ and CLARISSA BALDWIN EARL, M- and died leaving three daughters and one s o n . 373 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 4115 - CLARA A. EARL-7, -4076-, (CLARISSA BALDWIN-6, MARY WOOLLEY-5, RHODA-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Sixth child of February 1890 is living CALIFORNIA. and CLARISSA BALDWIN EARL, M- and in in LOS ANGELES, LOS ANGELES COUNTY, 374 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 4116 - JENNIE HALLIWELL JOHNSTON-8 , -4091-, (HENRIETTA WOOLLEY-7, HENRY BALDWIN WOOLLEY-6, COL. ABRAHAM ROLL WOOLLEY-5, RHODA-4, J O H N - 3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) First child of THOMAS and HENRIETTA WOOLLEY H A L L I W E L L , B- 1870, M- 1888 at WHISTLER, MOBILE COUNTY, ALABAMA, BENJAMIN, son of DR. CHRISTOPHER JOHNSTON of BALTIMORE, BALTIMORE COUNTY, MARYLAND. 375 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 5000 - JANE OR JEAN ROLL CORY-4, -18-, MANGELSE-1) (JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN Fifth child and second daughter of JOHN ROLL and ELIZABETH _____ B- 1743-4, D- March 1828, M- T H O M A S , 350 son of ELNATHAN and HANNAH CORY, of JOHN 3rd, of JOHN 2nd, of JOHN COREY, 1st, B~ 1738-9, D- 2nd February 1813. THOMAS and JANE ROLL CORY, (who was called JEAN in her father's will) first lived in NEW JERSEY where all their children were born and later moved to D E E R F I E L D , HAMILTON COUNTY, OHIO, where he died. Issue: 5001 - I - CATHERINE 5002 - II - BETSEY 5003 - III - JAMES 5004 - IV - MARY 5005 - V - ISAAC, UM 5006 - VI - JOHN 5007 - VII - ELNATHAN 5008 - VIII - JANE 5009 - IX 350 por - THOMAS ancestry of THOMAS C O R Y , see Appendix I X . 376 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 5010 - CATHERINE CORY OGDEN-EDWARDS-5, “ 5001**, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) First child of THOMAS and JANE ROLL CORY, 1764, M- 1st SIMEON OGDEN. issue: 5011 - I 5012-11 (JANE-4, JOHN-3, baptised 16th September - SWAIN - SIMEON She then became the second wife of MOSES EDWARDS. 5013 - III - MOSES 5014 - IV - MARIAH 5015 - V - LOT Issue: 377 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 5016 - BETSEY CORY SMITH-5, -5002-, MANGELSE-1) Second child of THOMAS September 17 65, M- JOS 5017 - I - PHOEBE 5018 - II - KATIE 5019 - III - FANNY 5020 - IV - JOHN 5021 - V - THOMAS 5022 - VI - HARRIET 5023 - VII - WILLIAM (JANE-4, J O H N - 3 , PETE R - 2 , JAN 378 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 5024 - JAMES CORY-5, -5003-, MANGELSE-1) (JANE-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN Third child of THOMAS and JANE ROLL CORY, baptised 6th August 1769, M- twice, 2nd, MARTHA STRONG of JAMESTOWN, GREENE COUNTY, OHIO. Issue: 5025 - I - ABAGAIL 5026 - II - JANE 379 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 5027 - MARY CORY CARTER-5 , -5004-, MANGELSE-1) (JANE-4, JOHN-3, Fourth child of THOMAS and JANE ROLL CORY, Iss lie: 5028 - I JOHN, died 5029 - II JANE, 5030 - III twin #1. - RACHEL, twin #2. 5031 - IV CORNELIUS 5032 - V BETSEY 5033 - VI SALLY 5034 - VII in NEW YORK. - AARON 503 5 - VIII - WILLIAM The c h i l d r e n , with the exception of JOHN, COUNTY, OHIO. PETER-2, JAN 380 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 5036 - JOHN CORY-5 , -5006-, MANGELSE-1) (JANE-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN sixth Child of THOMAS and JANE ROLL CORY, M- LOUVINA JOHNSON. Issue: 5037 - I - ISAAC 5033 - II - JAMES, 5039 - III - WILLIAM 5040 - IV - JOHN 5041 - V - CATHERINE 5042 - VI - PHOEBE 5043 - VII - T H O M A S , lived lived in SHELBY COUNTY, in CALIFORNIA. 381 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 5044 - ELNATHAN CORY-5, -5007-, MANGELSE-1) (JANE-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN Seventh child of THOMAS and JANE ROLL C O R Y , B- 26th January 1771, D- 8th July 1842, M- HANNAH JENNINGS, B- 17th June 1782, D- 29th August 1834. Both are buried in NEW CARLISLE, OHIO. He went to WARREN COUNTY OHIO prior to 1800 and in 1803 went to CLARKE COUNTY, OHIO. Issue: 5045-1 - DAVID JENNINGS 5046 - II - ELIZA 5047 - I I I - RHODA 5048 - IV - SALLY 5049 - V - JANE, B- 24th December 1810, D- 12th June 1873. 5050 - VI - HARRISON 5051 - VII - MELISSA, B- 22nd February 1815, 1860 . 5052 - VIII - JOSEPH, D- 26th February 1878. D- 12th November 382 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 5053 - JANE CORY W O O D S - 5, -5008-, MANGELSE-1) Eighth child o£ THOMAS an died in CLARKE COUNTY, OIi 5054 - I 5055 - II - ABIGAIL . - JAMES CORY 5056 - III - MARGARET 5057 - IV - KATY 5058 - V - ELNATHAN 5059 - VI - JOSEPH VII - WILLIAM 5060 (JANE-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN 38 3 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 5061 - THOMAS CORY-5 , -5009-, MANGELSE-1) (JANE-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN Ninth child of THOMAS and JANE ROLL CORY, B- 6th of April 1784, in ESSEX COUNTY, N.J., D- 1st March 1852 in NEW CARLISLE, OHIO, M- 26th August 1806 in VIRGINIA, MARGARET SAYLOR, B- 18th August 1788 in VIRGINIA, D- 6th February 1373 in MIAMI COUNTY, OHIO near A L C O N Y . This was a runaway match and she was the daughter of JACOB SAYLOR, B- in GERMANY and BD- in MIAMI COUNTY, OHIO, near ALCONY. THOMAS CORY held the office of 1st Lieutenant in the Quartermaster's Dept, under GENERAL HALL during the War of 1812 and his wife drew a pension until her death in 1873. Issue: 5062 — I - AARON HORACE 5063 - II - PIERSON SPINNINGS 5064 ~ III - ELNATH AN 5065 - IV - JANE 5066 - V - MARY 5067 - VI - ELIZABETH 5068 - VII - DAVID GRIFFIN 5069 - VIII - NANCY ANN, 1823 . B- 23rd 5070 - IX - LINUS SAYLOR 5071 — X - ISAAC 351 BIB. 26 - p. 38 4 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 507 2 - RHODA CORY CROSS-6 , -5047-, {ELNATHAN CORY-5, JANE-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Third child of ELNATHAN and HANNAH JENNINGS CORY, M- DAVID CROSS. Issue: 5073 - I - ROBERTS, M- MARY JANE KIEFER. Issue: 5074 - I - RHODA JANE, M- LEWIS SELLS. member of D.A.R. #29217. 5075 - II - CARRIE BELL, M- _____ ALLEN. member of D.A.R. #28371. She is a She is a 385 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 5076 - SALLY CORY SMITH-6 , -5048-, {ELNATHAN CORY-5, JANE-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Fourth child of ELNATHAN and HANNAH JENNINGS CORY, 1809, D- 11th April 1903, M- DAVID JOHNSON SMITH. 5077 - I B- 2nd January Issue: - HANNAH M A R I A H , B- in NEW CASTLE, OHIO, M- WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON GAHAGAN. She is a member of D.A.R. #20632.352 352 BIB. 3 - p. 222 386 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 5078 - AARON HORACE CORY-6, -5062-, 3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) {THOMAS CORY-5, JANE-4, JOHN- First child of THOMAS and MARGARET SAYLOR CORY, B- 18th February 1808, D~ 15th March 1874, M- 4th March 1334 at NEW CARLISLE, OHIO, SARAH ANN SEWELL, B- 13th August 1813, D- 8th October 1838. Iss u e : 5079 - I - HARRIET He married as his second wife, 23rd December 1838, LUCY ANN PITTMAN; B- 5th May 1814, D- 23rd January 1888. Issue: 5080 - II - JOSEPH PITTMAN 5081 - III - WINFIELD SCOTT 5082 - IV - AARON WILLIARD 508 3 - V - LAURA ANNA 38 7 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 5084 - PIERSON SPINNINGS CORY-6, -5063-, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) (THOMAS CORY-5, JANE-4, Second child of THOMAS and MARGARET SAYLOR CORY, B- 14th March 1810, D- 1st September 1899, M- 19th January 1832 at a place three miles south of NEW CARLISLE, OHIO, RHODA HAINES, B- 7th August 1816, D- 12th August 1895. Issue: 5085 -I - MARGARET, B- 4th May 1835, D- 17th May 1855, M11th May 1854, I.K. WISE. No issue. 5086 - II - THOMAS J., B- 25th August 1837, D- 6th April at BATTLE OF SHILOH. Never married. 5087 - III - LINUS S. 5088 - IV - MARTHA HANNAH, B- 12th September September 1843. 5089 -V - MELISSA JANE, 1346 . 5090 - VI - HARRISON, 5091 - VII - PIERSON B- 1843, 1862 D- 28th 14th October 1846, D- 21st October B- 12th June 1849, D- 20th February 1850. ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 5092 - ELNATHAN CORY-6, -5064-, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) (THOMAS CORY-5, JANE-4, JOHN-3, Third child of THOMAS and MARGARET SAYLOR CORY, B- NEW CARLISLE, OHIO, 11th March 1812, D- LAFAYETTE, INDIANA, 18th January 1864, M- 26th February 1832 at NEW CARLISLE, OHIO, SUSSANAH HARR, B10th March 1812, D- 13th February 1380. They moved to a place near LAFAYETTE, IND., where both are buried. In the spring of 1333 and when they moved to LAFAYETTE, IND., he entered a large tract of land near that place and which he owned at the time of his death. He was Captain of the 87th Regiment of the Indiana Militia for many ears. He was also widely known as a zealous abolitionist and a member of the "Underground Railway", an institution which assisted runaway slaves. Her parents came from AUGUSTA COUNTY, VIRGINIA, when she was a child and settled in TROY, OHIO. Issue: 5093-1 - ISABELLA MINERVA 5094-11 - SUSANNA MARGARET 5095 - III - LINUS HARRISON, 13 37 . B- 25th October 5096 - IV - THOMAS 5097 - V - ELIZABETH VICTORIA 5098 - VI - MARY MELISSA, B- 15th 1850 . 1836, D- 11th April (JOSEPHUS MARION) October 1844, D- 25th April 339 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 5099 - JANE CORY DRAIN-6, -5065-, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) (THOMAS-5, JANE-4, JOHN-3, Fourth child of THOMAS and MARGARET SAYLOR CORY, B- 24th April 1815, D- 7th June 1842, M- 24th December 1333 near NEW CARLISLE, OHIO, JOHN DRAIN. No issue. 390 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 5100 - MARY CORY CRAWFORD-6, -5066-, (THOMAS CORY-5, JANE-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Fifth child of THOMAS and MARGARET SAYLOR CORY, B- 24th April 1815, D- 1843, M- 8th October 1337, at NEW CARLISLE, OHIO, ROBERT C. CRAWFORD. Issue: 5101 - I - LINUS 391 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 5102 - ELIZABETH CORY MCPHERSON-6 , -5067-, 4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) (THOMAS CORY-5, JANE- Sixth child of THOMAS and MARGARET SAYLOR CORY, B- 17th June 1817, D- June 1889, M~ 25th December 1337, ADAM MCPHERSON, B24th Jan. 1807, D- 6th January 1858. Issue: 5103 - I - ELIZA 5104 - II - MARIE MARGARET, January 1841. 5105 - III-DANIEL, B-13th August 5106 - IV - MARY A. 5107 - V - JOHN 5108 - VI - THOMAS, 5109 - VII JANE B- 20th November B-2nd October 1840, D- 10th 1842, D- 5th Sept. 1842. 1848, D- 1857. - L I N U S , B- 1st January 1853 , M- 21st January 1892 , FLORA L A W , B- 3rd January 1868. No issue. 5110 - VIII - ISAAC, B- November 1855, 5111 - IX - ADAM, B- 29th June 1858. D- ininfancy. 392 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 5112 - DAVID GRIFFIN CORY-6 , -5068-, {THOMAS CORY-5, JANE-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Seventh child of THOMAS and MARGARET SAYLOR CORY, B- 8th December 1819, M- twice, 1st 27th January 1844, at NEW CARLISLE, OHIO, MALINDA C. MITCHELL, B- 3rd January 1826, D- May 1849, daughter of Rev. SAMUEL and SUSAN REED MITCHELL. issue: 5113 - I - WILLIAM RAPER, B- 23rd March 1845. Never married. 2nd marriage was on 13th September 1855 at NEW CARLISLE, OHIO, ANNA M. GAHAGAN (POWERS), B- 25th June 1829. She was the daughter of W M . H. GAHAGAN f B- 16 th March 180 5 , D- 14 th April 1870. HESTER L. CULBESTSON, B- 28th August 1808, D- 9th Sept. 1874. Issue: to 5114 - II - THOMAS HARRISON, B- 22nd October 1856, M- 6th June 1893 at NEW CARLISLE, OHIO, AUGUSTA H A G E N - D O B L E R , B- 7th Sept. 1869. 5115 - III - EDWARD EVERETT 393 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 5116 - LINUS SAYLOR CORY-6 , -5070-, 3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) (THOMAS CORY-5, JANE-4, JOHN- Ninth child of THOMAS and MARGARET SAYLOR CORY, B- 29th October 1824, M- 20th Sept. 1847, MARY S C A R F F , B- 26th October 1822, D24th September 1854. Issue: 5117 -I 5118 - II - PRINCE EUGENE, 1850 . B- 28th May 1850, D- 8th August - THOMAS He married as his 2nd wife, 1859. is s u e : SARAH E. WINANS, D- 29th November 5119 - III - FLORENCE EUREKA, B- 29th August 1856, January 1886, M- CHAS. VAN SMITH. No 5120 - IV - LULA JOSEPHINE D- 30th issue. 394 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 5121 ■ ISAAC CORY-6 , -5071-, (THOMAS CORY-5, JANE-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Tenth Child of THOMAS and MARGARET SAYLOR CORY, B- 20th August 182 9, B- December 1863, M- 10th September 1350 at NEW CARLISLE, OHIO, SUSAN C. BURGMAN, B- 22nd May 1831, D- 20th May 1865. Iss ue 5122 I - LAURETTA, 1854 . B- 15th February 1852, D- 13th December 5123 II - (SON), 5124 III - J. MONTELL 5125 IV - FLORENCE B. 5126 V - (SON), B- 1862, bible . B- 7thMarch 1854, D- D- 16th March in a fewdays. 1854. Norecord in 395 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 5127 - HARRIAT CORY NEFF-7 , -5079-, (AARON HORACE C O R Y - 6, THOMAS CORY-5, JANE-4, J O H N -3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) First child of AARON HORACE and SARAH ANN SEWELL CORY, B- 29th September 1835, M- 2nd June 1853, CYRUS NEFF, B- 5th February 1833. Issue: 5128 - I - JENNETA ANN, B- 4th March 1857. 5129 - II - MILLIE BELL, B- 2nd January 1859. 5130 - III - CARRIE JOSEPHINE 5131 - IV - MARY ELIZABETH, 5132 - V - DAVID EDWARD, B- 24th September 1869, M- 26th January 1898, MINNIE J. KENNEDY, B- 26th August 1874 . B- 15th March 1866. 5133 - VI - WILLIAM HENRY, B- 29th June 1873. 5134 - VII - FREDERICK BENJAMIN, B~ 9th Sept. 1876. 396 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 5135 - JOSEPH PITTMAN CORY-7 , -5080-, (AARON HORACE CORY-6, THOMAS C O R Y - 5, J A N E - 4, J O H N -3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) First child of AARON HORACE and LUCY ANN PITTMAN CORY, B- 2nd November 1840, M- 26th September 1866, SUSAN KATHERINE SNIVELY, B- 27th November 1847. No issue. 397 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 5136 - WINFIELD SCOTT CORY-7 , -5081-, THOMAS CORY-5, JANE-4, JOHN-3, (AARON HORACE CORY-6, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1} second child of AARON HORACE and LUCY ANN PITTMAN CORY, B- 2nd November 1846, M- 16th May 1875, MAGGIE BAKER, B- 28th November 1846. Issue: 5137 - I - ELSIE M., B- 9th March 1877. 398 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 5138 - AARON MILLIARD CORY-7 , -5082-, (AARON HORACE CORY-6, THOMAS CORY-5, JANE-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Third child of AARON HORACE and LUCY ANN PITTMEN CORY, B- 29th July 1850, M- 15th November 1870, ANNA CAVANAUGH, B- 26th June 1851. Issue: 5139 - I - FLORA BELL, B- 5th September 1872. 5140 - II - EDNA EARL 399 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 5141 - LAURA (FLORA) ANNA CORY BYRNES-7, -5083-, (AARON HORACE CORY-6, THOMAS CORY-5, JANE-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Fourth child of AARON HORACE and LUCY ANN PITTMAN CORY, B- 17th March 1854, M~ 25th April 1875, HENRY BYRNES, B- 16th September Issue: 1851. 5142 - I - DAISY LOUISA, B- 21st February 1876, M- 8th February 1901, FRANK HOKE. 5143 - II - MAY 5144 - III - WALTER, 5145 - IV - ETHEL, twin #2, B- 18th April 1833, M- 23rd May 1900 WALTER ANDERSON, B- 10th April 1877. 5146 - V - ANNA, M- 13th May 1899, NEIM JORDAN. 5147 - VI - CHARLIE, twin #1, B- 18th April 1883. B- 13th June 1894. 400 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 5148 - LINUS S. CORY-7, -5087-, (PIERSON SPINNINGS C O R Y - 6 , THOMAS CORY-5, JANE-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Third child of PIERSON SPINNINGS and RHODA HAINES CORY, B- 6 th August 1839, M- 27th September 1866, MARY J. STERRETT, B- 6 th January 1841. Issue: 5149 - I - PHILLIP S., B- 15th August 1867. 5150 - II - CLARA A., 5151 - III - MAGGIE M., B- 13th January 1872, M- 6 th June 1900, ALFRED A. GENEVA, B- 18th December 1862. 5152 - IV - FRANK C. B- 25th November 1868. 401 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 5153 - PIERSON CORY-7, -5091-, (PIERSON SPINNINGS C O R Y - 6 , THOMAS CORY-5, JANE-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Seventh child of PIERSON SPINNINGS and RHODA HAINES CORY, B- 25th May 1851, M- December 1871 or January 1872, ELIZABETH BAYLES, DJanuary 1873. No issue. He married his second wife, November 1375, LINNIE WEIR. Issue; 5154 - I - LULA, B- 10th November 5155 - II - C H A R L E S , B- 4th April 1878. He secured a divorce 1379 and she married as his third wife in URFER, B- March 30th 5156 - III from her in IOWA COUNTY, IOWA, 25th November JOHN Q. HOWARD, of MARION, IOWA. He married October 1881 at DAVENPORT, IOWA, LIZZIE 1834. Issue; - JESSIE, B- 30th March 1884. She was adopted uncle SAMUEL URFER of GUERNSEY, IOWA. He married as his fourth wife, Is s u e : 5157 - IV 5158 - V 1876. - MILO ANDREW, - MABEL, 3rd June 1886, SELINA ANN YATES. B- 1st Dec. 1886. B- 29th May 1890, D- 27th July 1890. 5159 - VI - ARTHUR, B- 15th 5160 - VII - THOMAS, B- 5161 - VIII - ALFRED, by her 2 0 th B- 19 th She secured a divorce from him in January 1900, Court of ST. LOUIS, MO. in the Circuit 402 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 5162 - ISABELLA MINERVA CORY MCCREA-7, -5093-, THOMAS CORY-5, JANE-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, (ELNATHAN C O R Y - 6 , JAN MANGELSE-1) First child of ELNATHAN and SUSANNAH HARR CORY, B- 9th December 1332, D- 8 th August 1879, M- 19th August 1850, at LAFAYETTE, INDIANA, BENJAMIN HINKLE MCCREA, B- 9th May 1828. Issue: 5163 - I - JOSEPH WHITEMORE 5164 - II - ANNETTA 403 ROLL GENEALOGY 5165 - NEW JERSEY - SUSANNA MARGARET CORY L E I G H T Y - 7 , -5094(ELNATHAN C O R Y - 6 , THOMAS CORY-5, JANE-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1)A Second child of ELNATHAN and SUSANNA HARR CORY B- 15th November 1334, M- at LAFAYETTE, INDIANA, 20th May 1851, DAVID HEWETT L E I G H T Y , B~ 8 th October 1824. Issue: 5156 -I - ADELIA 5167 - II - JENNY 5168 - III - HELEN E. 404 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 516 9 - THOMAS CORY-7 , -5096-, (ELNATHAN CORY-6, THOMAS CORY-5, JANE-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Fourth child of ELNATHAN and SUSANNAH HARR CORY was baptised JOSEPHUS MARION, but his name was changed to THOMAS by legislative authority in 18__, B- in LAFAYETTE, INDIANA, 10th February 1838, M- at PHILADELPHIA, PA., 29th December 1862, CARRIE S T O N E Y , B- 21st December 1842. She was the daughter of SAMUEL, B- 1st October 1811 and HANNAH BERRY STONEY, B- 15th December 1807, and who were married in HADDERSFORD, YORKSHIRE, ENGLAND in 1831 and came to AMERICA about 1836. In 1910 THOMAS CORY is living in LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. He graduated from Wabash College, C R A W F ORD SVI LL E, INDIANA in 1859 and served in the Engineer Corps of the Union Army as topographer during the Civil War and is the inventor of many patented articles. Issue: 5170-1 5171 - - CARRIE AVANELLE II - HARRY THOMAS, B- 27th May 1870. In 1910 residing in SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Graduated (B.C.) from Purdue University in 1887; B.S. in Civil Engineering in 1839; (M.E.C.) Cornell University in 1891; (M.M.E.) Cornell University in 1396. Prof. of Civil Eng. at the University of Mo., Sept. 1st 1893, COLUMBIA, MO. He has published various scientific articles. 5172 - III - CLARENCE LINUS, B- 4th September 1872, M- 25th Dec. 1905 at OMAHA, NEB., MAYME ALICE PRITCHARD, B- 5th January 1874, daughter of MARY AGNES (BROWN), BCINCINNATI, OHIO, D- 29th November 184_; and ALEXANDER PRITCHARD, 15th October 184_; D- 14th May 1907 who were married at GENESEO, ILL., 5th January 1870 . 5173 - IV - BESSIE STONEY, 1899 . B- 25th December 1877, D- 25th April 405 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 5174 - ELIZABETH VICTORIA CORY IRELAND-7 , -5097-, (ELNATHAN CORY6 , THOMAS CORY-5, JANE-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Fifth Child of ELNATHAN and SUSANNAH HARR CORY, B- 26th February 1842, D- 19th March 1863, M- 27th April 1860 at LAFAYETTE, INDIANA, JOHN IRELAND, B- 11th May 1828, D- 13th July 1873. Iss u e : 5175 - I 5176 - II - ATHENA CONSTANCE, August 1860. B- 4th January 1860, D- 22nd FANNIE VICTORIA, B- 8 th April 1862, M- 19th June 1884 at WHAT CHEER, LA., JOHN WILES WARD, B- 22nd March 1863. 406 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 5177 - ELIZA JANE MCPHERSON NEFF-7, -5103-, (ELIZABETH CORY MCPHERSON-6, THOMAS CORY-5, JANE-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) First child of ADAM and ELIZABETH CORY MCPHERSON, B- 10th November 1338, M~ 28th January 1856, WARREN NEFF, B- 23rd August 1833. Issue: 5173 - I - JOHN FRANKLIN, 1878 . 5179 - II - GEORGE WILLIS 5180 - III - HARDIN ALBERT B~ 9th June 1857, D- 10th April 5181 - IV - WINFIELD SCOTT, B- 22nd April 1863, M- 18th November 1894, ANGELINE GEBHARDT, B- 2nd March 1872. 5182 -V - C A L L I E , B- 9th May 1865, D- 5183 - VI - EDWIN FORREST 5184 - VII - MAGGIE 5185 - VIII - CARRIE, 5186 - IX - CHARLES, 5187 -X - ORA, 8 th April 1883. B- 1st January 1872, D- 17th April 1874. B- 2nd February 1876. B- 7th February 1879, D- 14th July 1879. 407 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 5188 - MARY A. MCPHERSON JENNINGS-7, -5106-, {ELIZABETH CORY MCPHERSON- 6 , THOMAS CORY-5, JANE-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Fourth child of ADAM and ELIZABETH CORY MCPHERSON, B- 10th October 1843, M- 17th February 1863, JOHN W. JENNINGS, B- 15th April 1838. Issue: 5189-1 - HARRY M. 5190-11 - JOHN M. 5191 - Ill - CLYDE, B- 14th March 1884. ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 5192 - JOHN MCPHERSON-7, -5107-, (ELIZABETH CORY MCPIIERSON- 6 , THOMAS CORY-5, JANE-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Fifth Child of ADAM and ELIZABETH CORY MCPHERSON, B- 22nd February 1046, M- 10th June 1371, JENNIE MILLIGAN. Issue: 5193 - I - MILDRED E., B- 20th July 1372, 5194 - II - JOHN A., 5195 -III - G U Y , B- 15th December 1876. D- 25th August 1873. B- 25th April 1874, D- 20th March 1875. 409 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 5196 - EDWARD EVERETT THOMAS CORY-5, CORY-7, JANE-4, -5115-, (DAVID GRIFFIN C O R Y - 6 , JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Second child of DAVID GRIFFIN and his second wife ANNA M. GAHAGAN CORY, B- 2nd January 1863, M- 4th September 1890 at NEW CARLISLE, OHIO, MINNIE CATHERINE BROWN, B- 23rd October 1866. Issue: 5197 - I - PAULINE GAHAGAN, 5198 - II - FLORENCE BROWN, B- 25th October 1895. B- 22nd September 1899. 410 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEK JERSEY 519 9 - THOMAS COR Y-7, -5118-, (LINUS SAYLOR COR Y- 6 , THOMAS CORY5, JANE-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Second child of LINUS SAYLOR and his first wife MARY SCARFF CORY, B- 16th June 1851, M- 20th June 1378 at NEW CARLISLE, OHIO, NANNIE STOCKWELL, B- 8 th February 1859. Issue: 5200 - I - GLENNA, B- 4th June 1881, D- 14th October 1894. 411 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 5201 - LULA JOSEPHINE CORY CECIL-7, -5120-, (LINUSSAYLOR CORY- 6 , THOMAS CORY-5, JANE-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Second child of LINUS SAYLOR and his second wife SARAH E. WINANS, B- 31st July 1858, M- 18th October 1883, WILLIAM NORVELL CECIL, B- 13th May 1854. Issue: 5202 -I - JAMES ARTHUR, B- 2nd April 1885, D- 4th April 1885. 5203 - II - CARRIE ESTELLE, B- 19th July 1388. 412 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 5204 - J. MONTELL CORY-7, -5124-, {ISAAC CO RY- 6 , THOMAS CORY-5, JANE-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Third child of ISAAC and SUSAN C. BURGMAN CORY, B- 5th May 1856, M- at ADELL, IOWA, 2nd February 1882, IDA A. COULTER, B- 8 th December 1862. Issue: 5205 -I - CLARA MADGE, D- 10th June 1883. 5206 - II - FLORENCE B., B- 16th April 1887. 5207 - III - CHRISTENA C H L O E , B- 3rd Sept. 5208 - IV - CHARLES MONTELL, 1889. B- 23rd April 1895. 413 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 5209 ~ FLORENCE B. CORY SHAW-7, -5125-, (ISAAC C OR Y- 6 , THOMAS CORY-5, JANE-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Fourth child of ISAAC and SUSAN C. BURGMAN CORY, B- 4th May 1859, D- 7th April 1887, M- at CHICAGO, ILL., 24th March 1881, ROBERT M. SHAW, B- 2nd September 1858. Issue: 5210 - I - CAMILLE E., B- 26th December 1882. 1881, D- 5th February 5211 - II - DUDLEY C., B- 7th January 1885. 414 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 5212 - CARRIE JOSEPHINE NEFF MCARTHUR- 8 , -5130-, {HARRIATT CORY N E F F - 7 , AARON HORACE C O R Y - 6 , THOMAS CORY-5, JANE-4, JOHN3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Third child of CYRUS and HARRIATT CORY NEFF, B- 16th July 1863, M- 16th July 1884, CAREY S. MCARTHUR, B- 27th August 1863. Iss u e : 5213 - I - HAROLD NEFF, B- 2nd January 1887. 5214 - II - MARY LOUISE, B- 15th March 1890. 415 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 5215 - EDNA EARL CORY CLEVENGER- 8 , -5140-, (AARON WILLIARD CORY7, AARON HORACE CORY- 6 , THOMAS CORY-5, JANE-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Second child of AARON WILLARD and ANNA CAVANAUGH CORY, B- 17th May 1875, M- 7th November 1397, LIONEL CLEVENGER, B- 26th August 1876. Issue: 5216 - I - KENNETH LIONEL, B~ 13th November 1900. 416 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 5217 - MAY BYRNES FISHER-FLAHERTY- 8 , -5143-, {LAURA ANNA CORY BYRNES-7, AARON HORACE CORY - 6 , THOMAS CORY-5, J A N E - 4 , JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Second child of HENRY and LAURA ANNA CORY BYRNES, B- 20th May 1880, M- tv/ice, 1st 18th March 1898 , GEORGE FISHER. Issue: 5218 - I - CARL, B- 17th September 1898. Second, 13th March 1900, WEST FLAHERTY, divorce from her first husband. after having secured a 417 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 5219 - FRANK C. CORY- 8 , -5152-, (LINUS S. CORY-7, PIERSON SPINNINGS C O R Y - 6 , THOMAS CORY-5, JANE-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Fourth child of LINUS SAYLOR and MARY J. STERRETT CORY, June 1876, M- 2nd October 1895, IDA MAY A R I E . Issue: 5220 - I - VIOLETTE FAYE, B- 31st August 1896. 5221 - II - ERNA FLORENCE, B- 15th June 1898. B- 6 th 418 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 5222 - JOSEPH WHITEMORE MCCREA- 8 , -5163-, (ISABELLA MINERVA CORY7,ELNATHAN COR Y- 6 , THOMAS CORY-5, JANE-4, JOHN-3, PETER2, JAN MANGELSE-1) First Child of ISABELLA MINERVA CORY and BENJAMIN HINKLE MCCREA, B- 23rd May 1851, M- 12th November 1879, LAURA ARCHIBALD, B- 10th March 1855. He is a member of the S.A.R. #17254, and resides in LAFAYETTE, INDIANA. Issue: 5223 -I - MAUD, B- 10th April 1881. 5224 - II - JESSIE, B- 6 th August 1889, D- 24th May 1890. 419 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 5225 - ANNETTA MCCREA GAY- 8 , -5164-, (ISABELLA MINERVA C O R Y - 7 , ELNATHAN C O R Y - 6 , THOMAS CORY-5, JANE-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) second child of ISABELLA MINERVA CORY and BENJAMIN HINKLE MCCREA, B- 5th February 1855, D~ March 1880, M- 7th January 1875, SANFORD GAY. Issue: 5226 - I - GERTRUDE, B- 31st May 1876, M~ 15th January 1896, W.R. SIERSINA. 420 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 5227 - ADELIA LEIGHTY RUDY-3, -5166-, (SUSANNA MARGARET CORY L EIGHTY- 7 , ELNATHAN C O R Y - 6 , THOMAS CORY-5, JANE-4, JOIIN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) First Child of DAVID HEWITT and SUSANNA MARGARET CORY LEIGHTY, B31st July 1854, D- 4th February 1884, M- 27th December 1876 at CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA, JEREMIAH RUDY. Issue: 5228 - I - FAYE BELLE 5229-11 - MARGUERITE CORY 421 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 5230 - JENNY LEIGHTY MELVERSTEDT- 8 , -5167-, (SUSANNA MARGARET CORY LEIGHTY-7, ELNATHAN COR Y- 6 , THOMAS CORY-5, JANE-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) second child of DAVID HEWITT and SUSANNA MARGARET CORY LEIGHTY , B~ 22nd May 1859, M- 3rd October 1877 at CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA, CHARLES M E L V E R S T E D T , B- 24th December 1855. Issue: 5231 - I - MAUD C., B- 4th December 1882. 5232 - II - HAZEL ADEL IA, B- 23rd June 1886 . 422 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 5233 - HELEN E. LEIGHTY TALLEY- 8 , -5168-, {SUSANNA MARGARET CORY L E I G H T Y - 7, ELNATHAN CO RY- 6 , THOMAS CORY-5, JANE-4, J O H N - 3 , PE TER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Third child of DAVID HEWITT and SUSANNA MARGARET CORY LEIGHTY, B~ 20th September 1869, M- at CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA, 15th June 1892, ORVILLE B. TALLEY, B- 24th September 1860. She is a member of the D.A.R. #36700. Issue: 5234 - I - ELEANOR FRANCES, B- 2nd September 1899. 423 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 5235 - CARRIE AVANELLE CORY HA RS HMAN- 8 , -5170-, (THOMAS C O R Y - 7, ELNATHAN C ORY - 6 , THOMAS CORY-5, JANE-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) First child of THOMAS and CARRIE STONEY CORY, B- 27th February 1865, M- 23rd June 1891 at LAFAYETTE, INDIANA, Rev. Dr. CHARLES WILLIAM HARSHMAN, B- 14th December 1858. Issue: 5236 - I - CLARENCE CORY, B- 22nd November 1893. 5237 - II - BESSIE AVANELLE, 5238 - III - HARRY CHARLES, B- 18th November 1895. B- 28th February 1901. 424 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 5239 - GEORGE WILLIS NEFF- 8 , -5179-, (ELIZA JANE MCPHERSON NEFF7, ELIZABETH CORY M CPHERSON- 6 , THOMAS CORY-5, JANE-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Second child of WARREN and ELIZA JANE MCPHERSON NEFF, B- 24th February 1859, M- 9th January 1880, ROSETTA WAGNER, B- 13th February 1363. Issue: 5240 - I - RETTA BELLE, B- 7th February 1882. 5241 - II - OLLA BLAIR, B- 27th July 1884. 425 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 5242 - HARDIN ALBERT NEFF- 8 , -5180-, (ELIZA JANE MCPHERSON NEFF7, ELIZABETH CORY MCPHERSON- 6 , THOMAS CORY-5, JANE-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Third child of WARREN and ELIZA JANE MCPHERSON NEFF, B- 2nd April 1861, M “ 5th January 1886, NANCY LIBERTY ZIGLER, B- 11th July 1867. Issue: 5243 - I - GRACE, 5244 - II - RUSSELL, B- 26th December 5245 - III - PAUL, 5246 - IV B- 3rd October 1883. 1887. B- 11th October 1894, - GUY, B- 28th July 1897. D- 15th October 1894. 426 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 5247 - EDWIN FORREST NEFF- 8 , -5183-, (ELIZA JANE MCPHERSON NEFF7, ELIZABETH CORY MC PHERSON- 6 , THOMAS CORY-5, JANE-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Sixth child of WARREN and ELIZA JANE MCPHERSON NEFF, B- 19th November 1867, M- 21st June 1893, ANNA BRETS, B- 25th May 1873. Issu e: 5248 - I - TREVO, 3- 25th December 1894. 5249 - II - MARGARET, B- 29th August 1896. 427 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 5250 - MAGGIE NEFF HEMELSPECT- 8 , “ 5184-, (ELIZA JANE MCPHERSON N E F F - 7 , ELIZABETH CORY M CPHERSON- 6 , THOMAS CO R Y -5, JANE-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Seventh child of WARREN and ELIZA JANE MCPHERSON NEFF, B- 19th May 1870, M- 16th September 1890, GEORGE HEMELSPECT, B- 17th February 1863. issue: 5251 - I - GLENNA, B- 7th June 1892. 428 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 5252 - HARRY M. JENNINGS- 8 , -5189-, {MARY A. MCPHERSON JENNINGS7, ELIZABETH CORY MCPHERSON- 6 , THOMAS CORY-5, JANE-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) First child of JOHN W. and MARY A. MCPHERSON JENNINGS, February 1868, M- 26th November 1898, FRANCES GORMLEY, January 1873. Issue; 5253 - I - FRANCES K., B- 17th March 1901. B- 13th B~ 23rd 429 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 5254 - JOHN M. JENN IN GS - 8 , - 5 1 9 Q - , {MARY A.MCPHERSON JENNINGS-7, ELIZABETH CORY MCPHERSON- 6 , THOMAS CORY-5, JANE-4, JOHN-3, PE TER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Second child of JOHN VJ. and MARY A. MCPHERSON JENNINGS, B- 23rd March 1870, M- 16th October 1895, MARY E. HORN, B- 6 th June 1871. I s sue : 5255 -I - IRMA, B~ 4th November 5256 - II - EDNA, 1897. B- 15th January 1901. 430 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 5257 - FAYE BELLE RUDY HUDSON-9, -5228-, (ADELIA LEIGHTY R UD Y- 8 , SUSANNA MARGARET CORY LEIGHTY-7 , ELNATHAN C O R Y - 6 , THOMAS CORY-5, JANE-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) First child of JEREMIAH W. and ADELIA LEIGHTY RUDY, January 1878, M- 22nd April 1896, GEORGE L. HUDSON. 5258 - I - JENNY ADELIA, B- 16th June 1899. B- 14th Issue: 431 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 5259 - MARGUERITE CORY RUDY E V E R E T T - 9 , -5229-, (ADELIA LEIGHTY RUDY - 8 , SUSANNA MARGARET CORY L E I G H T Y - 7 , ELNATHAN C O R Y - 6 , THOMAS CORY-5, JANE-4, JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN MANGELSE-1) Second child of JEREMIAH W. and ADELIA LEIGHTY RUDY, B- 4th September 1880, M~ 14th June 1899, HARRY HARDING EVERETT, B- 5th September 1875. issue: 5260 - I - MARGERY ADELE, B- 22nd February 1901. 432 ROLL GENEALOGY - NEW JERSEY 6000 - CATHERINE ROLL PARSEL-4, -19-, MANGELSE-1) (JOHN-3, PETER-2, JAN Sixth child and third daughter of JOHN and ELIZABETH ROLL is shown in her father's will as CATRON PARSEL. No record of her marriage or data as to her descendants have so far been obtained. 353 BIB. 4 - p. 161; 88 - p. 465 433 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDICES Appendix I This appendix includes such material relating to the Roll Family wh ich has com e to the attention of the comp iler, but which he has been unable so far to associate with any of the branches herein recor ded , It is too v a l u a b l e , h o w e v e r , to be disregarded and is given as possible assistance to some future writer of the fa m i l y ’s history who may be in a position at that time to show its correct relation to the branch herein recorded if any such relation exists. Appendix II to X These appendices re late to the ancestry of a number of persons who have mar r ied into the R o l 1 Family herein recorded and having come to the attention of the comp iler dur ing his investigations, it was felt that their recording in the pages which follow would preserve the information for any who might find it of interest at some future t i m e . While in some cases the records have been previously p u b 1 is h e d , the comp iler has taken advantage of the opportunity of correcting the records from information he has been able to obtain and whi ch may not have been available to the or ig inal wr iters . 434 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX X JOHN LEWIS ROLL AND HIS DESCENDANTS 1 - JOHN LEWIS ROLL-1 Born in the KINGDOM of W U R T E M B U R G , GERMANY, July 20, 1790, and was the son of STEPHEN ROLL. He grew to maturity there, and in 1817 married JEANNE SUSANNE CHARDONSSIN, a native of WURTEMBERG, born January 24, 1793. Bothe the ROLL and the CHARDONSSIN fami 1 ies were of French origin, and the ancestors 1 ived in the south of FRANCE until the year 1160, when they were driven by religious persecutions into GERMANY. JOHN LEWIS served in the French army, under NAPOLEAN the Great, in 1813, 1814, and 1815, and participated in many of the battles and campaigns of N A P O L E A N , clos ing with the disastrous bat tle of W A T E R L O O . In 1828 he immigrated to the UNITED STATES with his family, consisting of his wife and five children. One child was born to them after coming to AMERICA. After a voyage of ten weeks and three days on the sailing vessel, WILLIAM PENN, the family landed at BALTIMORE, from whence they journeyed overland by wagon to PITTSBURG, where a settlement was made. Mr. ROLL followed the trade of stonemason in PITTSBURG, until his removal to CRANBERRY TOWNSHIP, BUTLER COUNTY, in 1332, having purchased a tract of land there in 1830. Mr. ROLL and wife resided upon this farm down to their death, which occured in 1881. Both he and his wife were members of the GERMAN REFORM CHURCH, and their residence in this county ware known as qu i e t , unostentatious p e o p l e , but never the less public-spirited and interested in the advancement and improvement of the community. Issue : 2 - I 3 -IX - MAGDALENA, married H.H. BICKER, TOWNSHIO, BUTLER COUNTY, PA. - MARGARET CATHARINE, BEAVER C O U N T Y , P A . 4 - III - JOHN P., 5 - IV - CATHARINE, 6 -V - LOUIS, 7 - VI of WINFIELD married CHRISTIAN HOLLAND, a resident of CRANBERY TOWNSHIP. married JAMES ANDERSON of ALLEGHENY. since deceased. - H A N N A H , married PETER METZ of BEAVER C O U N T Y . of 435 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX X JOHN LEWIS ROLL AND HIS DESCENDANTS 8 - JOHN PETER R O L L - 2 , ~4~, (JOHN LEWIS ROLL-1) Born in WURTEMBERG, GERMANY, September 27, 1322, and came with his parents to PITTSBURG when a lad of five years o l d , and was ten years of age when the family settled in CRANBERRY TOWNSHIP, BUTLER COUNTY, PA. He remained at home assisting in improving the farm and enjoyed the limited advantages of that period. PITTSBURG was the nearest trading point and marketing place and loading the wagon with grain, he would start with his ox team for that city. After selling his produce, he would make a few necessary purchases and would re turn h o m e , the tr ip usually requiring two days or more. Living in a rude log cabin and surrounded by such privations, he passed his days upon the farm, and remained with his parents until their decease, being their mainstay in their declin ing years. In 18 4 4 he mar r ied MISS EL IZA NOSS, a native of HESSE DARMSTADT, GERMANY, born October 8 , 1825. Her parents, JOHN and ELIZABETH NOSS, came to BUTLER COUNTY, in 1832, and settled in CRANBERRY TOWNSHIP, where the balance of th e i i; lives were passed. M r . ROLL settled on the old homestead shich he rented from his father, and after his death of the l a t t e r , he purchased the interest of the other h e i r s . Mr . ROLL and his wife are members of ST. J O H N ’S REFORMED CHURCH, of CRANBERRY TOWNSHIP. He is a Republi can in politi c s , has been member of the School Board nine years, tax collector for five y e a r s , and was overseer of the po o r . They are parents of thirteen children: 9 - I - JOHN LOUIS 10 - II - ANN ELIZABETH 11 - Ill - SIMON 12 - IV - CATHARINE 13 - V - WILLIAM II. 14 - VI - GEORGE C. 15 - VII - JAMES 16 - VIII - MARGARET A. 17 “ IX - WILSON R. 18 - ROBERT M. (DECEASED) 436 ROLL GENEALOGY JOHN LEWIS ROLL AND HIS DESCENDANTS 19 -XI - LUCINDA 20 -XII - FRANK E. 21 - XIII - CHARLES (NO ISSUE) (DECEASED) 437 ROLL GENEALOGY JOHN LEWIS ROLL AND HIS DESCENDANTS 22 - JOHN LOUIS ROLL-3, 1} Married and had -9-, (JOHN PETER R O L L - 2 , JOHN LEWIS ROLL- issue: 2 3 - 1 - IDA, married W M . NICKLESON. 2 4 - 1 1 - LULU , married WM, HUCH. 25 - SIMON ROLL-3, Mar r led and had T i. -11-, (JOHN PETER ROLL-2, JOHN LEWIS ROLL-1) issue: 26 _ 27 - II - JOHN 28 - Ill - EDWIN 29 - IV - LOTTIE, married WM. LIGH T B O D Y . 30 - 31 - VI V - GEORGE - ELIZABETH, married LEWIS H I L K E Y . - VIOLA, married GEORGE 3U T T R E S S . 32 - CATHARINE ROLL CAMPBELL-3, LEWIS ROLL-1) -12-, Married WALTER CAMPBELL and had issue (JOHN PETER 33 - I - MINNIE 34 - II - GEORGE 35 - Ill - JOHN 36 - IV - MATILDA, married ROBERT L A W S O N . 37 - V - CATHARINE, married ROBERT SWADNER. 33 - WILLIAM H. R O L L - 3, -13-, ROLL-1) (JOHN PETER R OLL -2, JOHN LEWIS Now deceased, married and had issue: 3 9 - 1 - EDWIN 438 ROLL GENEALOGY JOHN LEV/IS ROLL AND HIS DESCENDANTS 40 - GEORGE C. ROLL-3, 1) -14-, Now deceased, married and had 4 1 - 1 - CHARLES 42 - II ~ CLARK 43 - III - HOMER 44 - JAMES ROLL-3, -15-, (JOHN PETER ROLL-2, JOHN LEWIS ROLL- issue: (JOHN PETER ROLL-2, JOHN LEWIS ROLL-1) Marr ied and had issue: 4 5 - 1 - PEARLE 46 - MARGARET A. ROLL PORTER-3, LEWIS ROLL-1) Married IRA PORTER and had -16-, (JOHN PETER R OLL-2, JOHN issue: 47 -I - DORIS 48 - II - CLYDE 49 - III - HELEN, married HARRY WAGGONER ROLL GENEALOGY JOHN LEWIS ROLL AND HIS DESCENDANTS 50 - WILSON R. R O L L “3, - I ? - , (JOHN PETER ROLL-2, JOHN LEWIS ROLL1) Mar- ried and had issue: T 51 52 JULIA - II HUGH 53 - ROBERT M. ROLL-3, 1) -18-, (JOHN PETER ROLL-2, JOHN LEWIS ROLL- Now deceased , married and had 54 “ I 55 - II 56 -III 57 - IV RUSSELL 53 “ V EMMA L. issu e: “ H O M E R , deceased. JOHN - HOWARD 59 - LUCINDA ROLL F RE Y -3, -19 -, ROLL-1) Married CHRISTIAN FREY and had (JOHN PETER ROLL -2, JOHN LEWIS issue: 60 - I - RUTH, married ISREAL NEELY. 61 - II - EDITH, married THOMAS KIMBERLY. 62 - III - MARGARETTA 63 - IV - RAYMOND NOTE : Th Mi 440 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX X ENGLISH RECORDS GOST ROLL at the age of 26, a smith by occupation, Catholic by religion, and wife, were among the Germans who went from the Palatinate to England, June 1709. (BIB. 17-16). 441 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX X NEW JERSEY RECORDS JACOB ROLL: OF NEW PRO VI D E N C E , N.J. and NANCY PICKET of NEW B R U N S W I C K , N.J., married 4/11/1810. {BIB. 30-107) . JOSEPH ROLL Will of JOSEPH ROLL probated 1818. 112 ) . MARY ROLL: MARY ROLL, wife of JAMES ROLL (#1050), died Nov. 6 th 1813, age 20 y r s . , 26 days. Buried in old burial grounds, SPRINGFIELD PRESB. CHURCH, SPRINGFIELD, N.J . {3IB . 5-50) . NANCY ROLL Of NEW PROVIDENCE, N.J., married 4/28/1811, OLIVER ELSWORTH of NEW Y O R K . (BIB. 30-108). PETER ROLL HANNAH (#3047), daughter of MARY and PETER ROLL, died April 21, 1300, age 2 yrs. 2 months and 1 0 d a y s . {BIB. 5- CHARITY (#3049), daughter of MARY and PETER ROLL, died Oct. 7, 1303, age 1 y r . 7 months and 1 day. Both are buried in burial grounds of the old P R E S B . CHURCH, RAHWAY, UNION COUNTY, N.J. (BIB. 21-229) . ELIZA J. ROLL AND S. AUGUSTA ROLL, were signers of a petition to form the borough of MOUNTAINSIDE, UNION COUNTY, N.J. (BIB. 29580) . 442 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX X STATEN ISLAND RECORDS ANTJE MANGLES RAL and SAMUEL BURNET, second son SAMUEL baptized 10/19/1718, witness TNEUNIS E G B E R T S Z . (BIB. 36-20). 443 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX X NEW YORK STATE RECORDS JACOB ROLL: JACOB R O L L , laborer, was admitted and sworn as a freeman in the city of NEW YORK on April 30, 1788. (BIB. 105 - p. 252). JOHN! JACOB RAL: ANNA VAN SLYKE, wife of JOHN JACOB RAL, was one of seven children beneficiers in the will of her father PETER VAN SLYKE of K E Y S E E I C K , ALBANY COUNTY, N.Y. Proved Jan. 16, 1741-2. (BIB. 15 - p. 317). MARGARET ROL: 4/13/1729 JOHANNES WALDRON, wed R. van BOSSEN EYLT met MARGRIETJE ROL, j.d.v. N. Du idsltwoon a l h i e r . This record appears on page 148, M a r r i a g e s s , NEW YORK CITY, DUTCH CHURCH, N.Y. G - B Record v o l , I English interpretation is: "4/13/1729 JOHANNES W A L D R O N , widower from WOODED ISLAND and MARGRIET ROL young maid from (HOOGLUIDSLANT) High GERMANY (which is now the country referred to as GERMANY) living here*', page 696 , RIKER'S HISTORY of HARLEM, revised by H.P. TOLER, also show: "MARGRET ROLL married April 13, 1729 as second wife of JOHANNES WALDRON, baptized 8/7/1672. They had five children and they moved from HARLEM to PHILIPSBURG, WESTCHESTER COUNTY, N.Y. where they lived to an advance age" . MARGERTE ROLL: And JOSEPH de la MONTANYE, license 2/20/1728 married 3/2/1728 (BIB. 62 - p. 143) MARGARET ROLL, married March 2, 1723, JOSEPH MONTANYE who was born 1684. Their son JOSEPH, born 1732 lived in STROUDSBURG, PA., and married MARY BROADHEAD. Their son A B R A H A M , born 1772 died 1825, married ELIZABETH BUFFEMAN and was father of the estimable JOSEPH D.L. MONTAYNE of TOWANDA, PA., born 11/12/1802, died 5/13/1380 (BIB. 28 - p. 577, 788), RIKER'S HISTORY OF HARLEM revised 1904, by H.P. TOL E R . 444 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX X NEW YORK STATE RECORDS MARLA CATHARINA ROLL and CORNELIUS WYNKOOP, married in DUTCH REFORDMED CHURCH, NEW YORK CITY {BIB. 52 - p. 202) 4/24/1750. MARYTJE ROLL, widow and GEORGE PETTERSON, married in DUTCH REFORM CHURCH, NEW YORK CITY, 3/18/1744 (BIB. 52 - p. 171). 445 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX II EARL FAMILY Ancestry of Mary Earl, wife of John Roll {#1011). John Earl was the father of Mary Earl, wife of John Roll, and the son of Edward Earl 3rd, who was baptised April 22nd 1 6 9 0 , grandson of Edward Earle, J r . of S e c a u c u s , Hudson C o u n t y , N.J. and Elsie Vreeland of C o m m u n i p a w , Hudson C o u n t y , N.J., who were married February 13th 1 6 8 8 ^ ^ and great grandson of Edward Earle, Sr., who died December 15th 1711 and his wife Hannah. Edward Earl Sr. is said to have come from England to Barbadoes, first living in Maryland, before settling in New Jersey, where, it is believed, he married Hannah Bayliss, and where his son Edward Jr. is believed to have been born. (John Earl's ancestor is also said to have come from Holland).*^' Edward Sr. and Edward Jr. wre somewhat conspicuous in Colonial times. In 1693, Edward Earle Jr. was appointed Tax Commissioner for Bergen and in 1694 a C o m m 1ssioner of Highways and in 1695 he was a member of the House 3 5o of Deput r e s . u The elder Earle in 1676 purchased the plantation at Secaucus, be ing the island nor thward in the meadows of Hudson C o u n t y , N .J . from Snake Hill. A patent for the island of Secaucus, SIKAKES, an Indian word signifying "The place where the snake hides", was granted by Petrus Stuyvesant to Nicholas ver Lett of the town of Bergen and Nicholas Bayard of New York on December 10th 1663, confirmed by Phillip Carteret on October 30th 1667 and is shown as tract #146 on Map of S u r v e y s . W h i l e in the possession of the patentees ver Lett died, and the administrator of his estate joined Bayard in selling the tract on April 24th 1676 to Edward Earle of M a r y l a n d . The latter sold to Judge W 111iam Pinhorne , March 26th 1679 for 500 pounds, a half interest in the tract and its c o n t e n t s . pinhorne and Earle he Id a common interest in the island until April 15th 1682, when a division was made. Earle taking the upper and pinhorne the lower portion of the island. 354 BIB. 4 6 - p. 366 355 BIB . 46 “ P • 332 356 BIB . 46 “ P * 399 357 BIB. 23 - p. 358 BIB. 51 “ P. 127 359 BIB. 46 “ p. 130 382 446 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX II At the east boundary of P i n h o r n e 's land is a creek whi ch took it's name from the Judge and which to this day is known as p i nh o r n e ’s Creek. On the south side of the island is a bluff known at different times as "Slangen Beigh" and "Snake Hill". Mount Pinhorne was the high land a little northeast of "Snake tH n x ..* 3 60 i!1 x Earl's will, dated May 15th 1709, proved May 8 th 1717, gave his lands to his wife for her life, then to his son Edward for his life, and then to his grandson Edward in Fee, In his will, dated October 18th 1750, proved May 12th 1755, the latter divided his lands among his children, who were E d w a r d , J o h n , Phillip, An thebe , Robe r t , Eli z abeth, Hester, and M a r y , wif e of John Nelson. John Earl, son of Edward 3rd, was baptised June 15th 17 23 at S e c a u c u s , N . J . and in all probability was born there on January 3rd 1723. He lived at North Farms or Middleville, now Hilton, Essex County, N.J. where he probably died on April 24th 1799. “ He is buried in the Presbyterian Churchyard at Connecticut F a r m s , Union C o u n t y , N.J. where his grave is marked with the official marker of the Sons of the American Vi Revolution. uJ His wife, Johanna Howard, was born June 4th 1735, place unknown, nor is known the date or place of the marr i ag e . She died December 13th 1800, supposedly in Middleville where they lived, and is bur ied in the Presbyter ian Churchyard at Connecticut Farms, Union County, N.J. Middleville, in the year of 1834, is shown as being in Orange Township and three or four miles S.h7. of Newark. " In 1859 it is shown in Cl inton Townsh ip and on the road be tween Irvington and Mi Ibur n . ^ At the present t ime it is known as Hi It on , Clinton Township, Essex County, N . J . ^ ^ 360 BIB. 46 " P • 130 361 BIB. 4 6 - P. 131 362 BIB . 23 - P. 382 363 BIB. 42 - p. 217 364 BIB . 4 3 - p . 179 365 BIB. 44 - Map 366 BIB . 55 - p. 19 5 44 7 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX II John Earl was active in assisting in the establishment of Amer ican Independence , his services being as follows: A raember of the Commi11ee of Observation, Newark, N.J. whi ch me t December 7th 1774 ;3 8 7 a private and afterward a corporal in Capta in R e e v e 's company , 2nd Reg inm e n t , Essex C o u n t y , N.J. Militia; also a corporal in the New Jersey State Troops and a private in the 2nd Battalion 2nd establishment Jersey Line Continental A r m y . 3 8 8 367 BIB. 45 - p. 38 368 BIB. 2 - pp. 187, 476 448 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX II SECAUCUS, HUDSON COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Ver Lett and Bayard Patent purchased by Edward Earle of Maryland, April 24th 1676, indicated by red line. ROLL GS130L0GY. SECAUCUS HUDSOU CQUUTY UETi JERSEY. Ver Lett and Bayard Patent purchased by Edward Earle of Maryland AprI 1 L4th 1676 indicated by red line. 449 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX III VREELAND FAMILY Ancestry of Elsje Vre ela nd 3 ^ 9 wife of Edward Earle, Jr., the great grandparents of Mary Earl, wife of John Roil (#1011). VRELAND - VREELANDT - FREELAND There was in Holland a place name v r e e l a n d t , but whether a hamlet, parish, or M a n o r , has not been as e e r t a i n e d . The family in this country now bear ing the n a m e , is descended from Mi ch ie1 Jansen, who came from Broeckhuysen (North Brabant). He left Holland, October 1st 1636 in the ship Rensselaerwyck with his wife and two children. He settled at what is now Greenbush opposite Albany, as a boereknecht or farm servant. It was not long before he grew weary of agricultural pursuits and the narrow road thereby opened to wealth and engaged in the fur trade, in which he "made his fortune in two years." Such private speculat ion being proh ibi ted by l a w , soon brought him into difficulty with the authorities. He there upon abandoned his farm and came to Manhattan. The date of this change is not known, but he was a resident of New Amsterdam, November 4th 1644 on which date he empowered Arent Van Curler to settle with Patroon Van Rennsselaer all accounts and differences. The foregoing facts published in 1874 were no doubt based upon a similar statement appearing in 0 1 C A L L A G H A N 'S HISTORY OF NEW N E T H E R L A N D , V o 1.1 page 436, some of which later research has proven to be erroneous. He was from SCRABBEKERCKE (a colloquial form of the name of the village of 's H E E R - A T S K E R K E , on the Island of B E V E L A N D , in the PROVINCE OF Z E E L A N D ) , and came over with his wife and two servants on HET WAPEN VAN N O O R W E G E N , in 1638. He was originally engaged as a farmhand, but was promoted to farmer before leaving HOLLAND. He served as a foreman in 1633 and 1639 and from 1640 to 1646 leased from the Patroon of the COLONY OF RENSSELAERSWYCK, the farm called DE HOOGEBERCE. In 1646 he received permission to move to NEW A M S T E R D A M . 3 7 0 In .1.64 6 he came over to Comm un ip aw and sett led on the Bouwer ie owned by Jan Eversten Bout. In the years 1647, *49 and '50, he represneted Pavonia in the Council of Nine and joined his associates in their crusade against Governor Stuyvesant. 369 BIB. 51 - p. 439 370 BIB. 109 - pp. 499, 818 4 50 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX III It was at his house that the journal of Van tier Donck was seized and it was suspected upon information furnished by himself. He ■was a signer of the application for the first municipal government in New Nether land, July 26 th 1649 . The following record of June 15th 1654 shows that he had not yet overcome his reluctance to f a r m i n g . "Michiel Jansen, residing at Pavonia, belonging to the jurisdiction of New Amsterdam, appeared before the court of Burgomasters and Schepens of this city aforesaid and stated that he intended, for the accomodation of the inhabitants of the place, to brew some beer, and, as it was very inconvenient to give in the same every t ime, and to procure the excise certificate, wished therefore to make an agreement with the Burgomasters and Schepens about the excise; which being granted to h i m , the Burgomasters and Schepens have made an agreement with Michiel Jansen for one year, that for all the beer he shall brew and sell at the aforesaid place, he shall pay fifty guilders, each half year the half, and it is hereby allowed to him to sell beer by the small measure also to persons coming over to that place. Thus he has the honorof being the first licensed tapster in the State of New Jersey." During the troubles of 1655, the Indians drove him from his home, w h e n , on September 15th they made a raid on Pavonia and killed every man there except the family of Jansen. From the dangers and uncertainty of border life at "Ganoenepa 11 , he took refuge on Manhattan, where, because he was an "old man with a heavy family", and had lost his all, he was November 22nd 1655, permitted to keep a tap r o o m . Li ke many modern tap s t e r s , he soon learned how to keep the letter of the law while he violated its spirit. An ordinance prohibited tapping after bell ring, and on October 23rd 1656, the schout prosecuted Jansen for its violation. The defendant confessed that two soldiers were playing at back-gammon and three sailors waiting for their skipper; denied that he had tapped after bellring, admitted that his guests had their cans by them and got chatting, but shrewdly omitted tc state that he had filled their cans against the time when he could not lawfully t a p . For the same reason that he was permitted to t a p , he received gratis in February 1656, al lot of ground in the city. On February 21st 1657, he was appointed one of the Measurers of Lime and Grain. On Apr i1 13th 16 5 7 , his name was placed on the r ol1 o f sioal 1 burghers. Muc h to his credit, he soon grew we a r y of tap-room life and longed to return to his wheat-producing bouwerie. 451 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX III During the War, he previously bought of Bout for 8,000 florins. In 16 58 he sold par t of it to Harman S m e e m a n . On January 22nd 1358, he asked for permission to return to pavonia and to be relieved of certain tithes. In Sept. 1661 he had become "a man of comp ete nc e!! 1 iving on his Bouwer ie at G a m o e n e p a . He was one of the first magistrates of the new court at Bergen. In December 1662 he joined his neighbors in asking the Governor for a Minister of the Gospel, and for whose support he subscribed 25 florins. He died in 1663. His wife was Fitje Hartmans. In 1679 she was living at "Ghmoenepaen" and had '‘many grandchildren all of whom were not unjust." The farm owned by her is marked on the field map as lots numbered 14 and 15. The Labadists in October 1679, dined with h e r . An old lady in Brooklyn told them that Fitje came from C o l o g n e . They have left this qua int record concern ing h e r ; "We found her a little pious after the manner of the country, and you could d iscover that there was some th ing of the Lord in her, but very much covered up and defiled." This is no light testimony to the old lady's religious attainments, considering that it is given by two men who seemed to have looked upon all mankind, exc ept that small por t ion whi ch accepted their own peculiar views, as destined fuel for the everlasting bonfire. She was a member of the Bergen Church in 1664 , D - September 16 97 . 21st SECOND GENERATION Mi ch ie1 Jansen had C H : 1 - I - Claas, came to this country with his father; MAnnetje Maria Gerbrants of Norden, April 14th 1657. 2 - II - Elias (9) was a carpenter by trade, M- Grietje Jacobs van Winkle of "Hazymus", August 30th 1665; took the oath of allegiance to the King, November 22nd 1665, was commissioned Associate Judge of the court of Bergen in 1673, '74, '77 and 1680. Ensign in Capt. John Berry's company at Bergen, July 15th 1675; was a representative in the General Assembly in 1683, '93, '95, '99 and 1708. During the year 1633 he was commiss ioned one of the Judges of the County of Ess e x . In M a r c h , 16 8 4 , he un i ted with his brothers Hartman, Johannis and Cornelius {and others) in the purchase from the proprietors of "Ha qu equ en unc k". They had previously purchased the Indian title , and he was an actual resident there in 1683. 452 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX III In 1693 he was appointed to raise revenue for the war between Eng land and F r a n c e . 3 - III 4 - IV - Enoch (10), baptised Oct. 26th 1649; M- 1st Dxreksje Meyers of Amsterdam, June 20th 1670; She D- October 5th 16 8 8 ; 2nd Grietje VJesseIs, wid. of Jan Janse Langedyck, October 23rd 1693, she D- November 20th 1697; 3rd Antje Van Hooren, Jan. 13th 1704; D- August 17th 1714. He was a member of the General Assembly of the Province 1675, '8 8 . 1707, '08, '09. In the last year he was not prompt in his attendance and the sergeant-at-arras was directed forwith to bring him before the House. He was commissioned Ensign of the Militia of Bergen July 4th 1681; Associate Judge of the Court at Bergen 1673, '74, '81, *82, '83, Commissioner of Highways for the County in 1682 and '32 and Assistant Judge of the Bergen Common Pleas, May 22nd 1705. He lived on the bluff where the Central Ra iiroad crosses the Morris Canal near Cavin Po i n t . - Hartman, (22), baptised October 1st 1651; M- Metje daughter of Dirck Claase Sraecke in 1672. He was a wheelwright by t rad e ; 1 ived at Rechpokus on part of his wife's inheritance; purchased of Sachem Captahem and Christopher Hoagland (who was the first purchaser, July 15th 1678) 270 acres of land, including "Stoffel's Point" (so named from Hoagland) an island in the Passaic River near A q u a k a n o n c k , named by the Indians Menehenicke, by the English, "Hartman's Island" . In 1693 he was a receiver of taxes January 18th 1707. 5 - V 6 - VI in Bergen. D- - Johannis (35), baptised October 1st 1656; M- Claesje, daughter of Dirck Claase Braecke, May 14th 1682; DJune 26th 1713. - Cornelius (44), B~ June 3rd 1660, M- 1st Metje, daughter of Dirck Claase Braecke, May 11th 1691, 2nd Lysbet J a c o b s , wid . Apr i1 17 th 16 92 . On March 17 , 16 9 6 he purchased of W il1i am Doug las land at Pembrepogh (now Pamrapo in Bayonne) on which he afterward lived. D- May __ 1727; she D- August 17th 1724 . 453 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX III VII 8 - Jannetje, 14- Dirck Teunissen van vechten whose father succeeded Michiel Jansen as occupant of the farm at Greenbush in 1646. He settled on the Raritan, not far from Somerville and some of his descendants still live thereabouts. - VIII - Pryntje, M- Andies Claesen, March 25th 1688, D- April 21st 1711; he D~ August 7th 1710, leaving three sons who became the progenitors of the Ander sons in this country. This generation was known indifferently as Vreeland and Michielse. They write the name as Mi chilse, as Enoch Michielse. THIRD GENERATION G 11 a S (2) had CH: 9 - I Enoch - Michael, baptised April 7th 1666; II Jacobus, baptised April 8 th 1683; III Fitje, baptised December 25, 1669, M- John Thomas of Elizabethtown, IV Trintje, baptised March ___ 1672, M- Lourens Van Galen, June 15th 1700. (She had five children baptised in the Bergen Church). V Ragel, B- March 8 th 1676, VI Jacob, B- August 9th 1678, M- Antje Lourens Toers, Sept. __ 1703. (2) had C H : - Elsje, baptised Nov* 12, 1671; M- Edward Earle, Jr., February 13 , 1633 . 3 7 1 10 - I 11 - II - Catharina, baptised May 15th 1675, M- Aers Albertse of New York, June 26th 1692. 12 - III - Michael, baptised Jan. compos m e n t i s . 27th, D- UM. He was non 13 - IV - Johannis (52), baptised April 7th 1677, M- Maria Berger, June 8 th 1701. 14 - V - Abraham (53), B~ June 22nd 1678; M~ Margrietje van Winkle (5), October 28th 1699; his will, dated December 10th 1734 was proved January 8 th 1748. He was a member of the Church at Aquakanonck in 1725. 371 BIB. 94 - p. 483 454 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX III VI - Fitje , baptised February 28th 1680 ; M- Peregr ine Sanford of New B a r b a d o e s . VII - Isaac, B- July 4th 163 3 ; M- Tryntje Newkirk (25) , March 23rd 1706; was a member of the Church at Aquackanonck in 1725. 17 - VIII - Enoch (55), baptised August 4th 1687; M- Maria St. Leger, October 22nd 1709; was Commissioned Capt. in Col. Parker's regiment in 1724. 18 - IX - Benjamin, 19 - X - Elias, resided at "P emmerepogh", D- April 2nd 1747. - Jacob, UM. baptised October 20 - XI 21 - NOTE XII B- March 6th 1705; D- October 17th 1725. 18th 1708; D- March 6th 1732, - Joris (56), B- Sept. 25th 1710, M- 1st Annetje Van Winkle; 2nd Annetje Van Wagenen (35) of Aquackanonck; D~ June 21st 1795. He owned and resided in the house now owned by the heirs of Capt. William Howe, west of Cavan Point. With Rynier van G i e s e n , he represented Bergen in the 19th Provincial Assembly of New Jersey in 1754. For the continuation of the Vreeland family record, the reader is referred to 'Winfield's History of Hudson County, N.J., Page 445, and History and Genealogy of the Vreeland family by N.G. Vreeland, 1909. 455 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX IV SMITH ■-B ROTH ERT0N ■-S CH0 OL EY FAMILIES -SCHOOLEYAncestry of ANN SMITH wife of WESLEY ROLL #1090. The first SCHOOLEY, whose name was THOMAS, came from ENGLAND in the ship "MARTHA", which landed in BURLINGTON, N.J. in 1677. The next year, ROBERT SCHOOLEY, brother of T H Q M A S , came from ENGLAND to BURLINGTON, in the ship "THE S H I E L D " . '^ WILLIAM, the son of ROBERT, made his way to the NORTHERN part of NEW JERSEX and bought a large tract of what is called S C H O O L E Y 1S MOUNTAIN.3 In 1713, one JOSEPH KIRKBRIDE bought of the proprietors of EAST JERSEY a large tract of what is now the TOWNSHIP of RANDOLPH, MORRIS COUNTY, N. J . 3 7 ^ In the summer of 1740, WILLIAM SCHOOLEY, son of the noted pioneer WILLIAM SCHOOLEY from whorn S C H O O L E Y 'S MOUNTAIN derived it's name , moved from that mountain to the TOWNSHIP of RANDOLPH and purchas ed of MR. K I R K B R I D E , □0 0 acres, whi ch included wha t is now known as MILL BR OO K . 375 7 ft He was among the ear 1 ier and worthy settlers of MILL BROOK and as such endured all the hardships which commonly attend first settlers. He was accustomed tc trade with the Indians, and dur ing one severe winter he was known to go more than once a distance of thirty miles through the snow to an Indian settlement to obtain corn which he brought home in a bag on his shoulders, making his way on the crust of the snow by means of long snow shoes .377 372 BIB. 32 - P* 291 373 BIB. 32 - p. 291 374 BIB. 34 “ p. 55; Tales of Old Randolph by Rev . B.C. Mag i e e , D .D . #10 . 375 BIB . 32 ” P ‘ 291 376 B I B . 82 " P* 310 377 BIB. 55; Tales of Old Randolph by Rev . B.C. Mag iee , D .D . #10 . 34 - P. 456 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX IV His son, ROBERT SCHOOLEY, built the grist mill at MILL BROOK, which was the first mill in the township and the first mill started west of MORRISTOWN. His other children were daughters who lived and died in the township after changing their name to B R O T H E R T O N .378 378 BIB. 82 - p. 291 457 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX IV -BROTHERTONHENRY BROTHERTON in 1 7 4 4 ; purchased of KIRKBRIDE, 400 acres a little west of MILL BROOK and married the oldest daughter of WILLIAM S C H O O L E Y . 3 7 9 JAMES BROTHERTON; brother of H E N R Y , married the second daughter of WILLIAM SCHOOLEY and settled near his b r o t h e r , 9 ® 9 on land, which in 1753 he bought of the KIRKBRIDE estate and which consisted of 200 or 300 acres on MINE H I L L . 3 9 1 This property has always been known in the family as the BROTHERTON HOMESTEAD, part of which, later known as the^ BROTHERTON MINE, was worked by the ANDONER IRON C O MP ANY 3 3 2 and was one of forty iron mines that have been worked in RANDOLPH TOWNSHIP, MORRIS C O U N T Y . 3 3 3 It passed out of the family a few years ago at which time the proceeds were distributed to the heirs of JAMES BROTHERTON. The SCHOOLEYS and BROTHERTOHS were Q U A K E R S . 3 3 4 JAMES BROTHERTON and ALICE SCHOOLEY BROTHERTON had children: I - GRACE, married GABRIAL WILSON, II - ELIZABETH, 3- 14th of March 1765, D- 11th December M - J ONATI iAN S M ITH of SCOTCH PLAINS. 379 'O T 12 i dI D « 82 - p. 291 38 0 BIB . 82 “ P. 291 381 BIB . 83 ~ P• 21 38 2 BIB . 82 “ P* 62 82 “ P* 314 33 4 BIB . 82 - P* 307; 38 3 BIB. 85 B- 29th of October 1752. 1345, 458 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX IV -SMITHJONATHAN SMITH born March 14, PLAINS, ESSEX ELIAKON SMITH, be ing : married about 1798, ELIZABETH BROTHERTON, who was 1765, D- Dec. II, 1848. He lived in SCOTCH (now UNION) COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, and was the son of also of SCOTCH PLAINS, the latter's children JONATHAN DAVID JESSE JOHN, baptised 29 July 1759 in the WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, PRESBYTERIAN C H U R C H .3 3 5 UNION COUNTY, MARY H A N N A H , baptised 13 June 1762. ABIGAIL The following COPY OF AGREEMENT between the sons of ELIAKON SMITH relates to the rebu ilding of their m o t h e r 1s h o m e : "We, the subscribers, being the sons of ELIAKON SMITH, deceased, do by virtue of these p r e s e n t s , promise and agree to give to our brother JONATHAN SMITH, leave, providing our mother is willing, to move his old house on the premises that our father left and build an addition to it, containing a midiing sized bed room and milkroom; and we further agree to give him the old house that our mother now lives in providing our mother is willing to help build and repair the new house with what will asure of it; and if the said JONATHAN SMITH builds the above said house as he proposes, that is to say to put a new cover ing on the said house and bu ild to chimneys with two fireplaces, and partition the house into two dwe 1 1ing room s and a m i1k ro o m ; and if the said JO NATH AN SMITH shall and doth furnish the aforesaid house as above mentioned, according to art and rule, and lets our mother have the use of the house during her life, at her death, we, the subscribers do promise and agree to give to him, the said JONATHAN SMITH, for building the said house, twenty pounds current money of ESSEX COUNTY, for which performance to the above, we, the subscribers do promise and agree to the above written agreement and bind 459 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX IV oursalves and heirs and executors and administrators and assigns; as, Witness our hand this fifth day of February in the year of LORD 1787. WITNESS: JOHN VAN DUYN JONAH SMITH DANIEL SMITH DAVID SMITH ANDREW7 CHILDETTER JESSE SMITH NATHS MEEKER JOHN SMITH" The original document, May 21, 1913, is in the possession of MRS. MAURICE H . STRATEMEYER (see ANNIE L . ROLL) of ELIZABETH, N.J., a granddaughter of WESLEY and ANN SMITH ROLL. JONATHAN is shown as a member of the SCOTCH PLAINS BAPTIST CHURCH on June 23rd 1782.336 His will is recorded in the COUNTY SURROGATES OFFICE of ESSEX COUNTY, N.J. as follows: -JONA SMITH of WESTFIELD TOWNSHIP, died 22nd May 1808. Proved 13th June 1808- wife, ELIZABETH, child A N N , m i n o r .3 8 7 While it now appears from the foregoing records that ELIAKON SMITH was a member of the WESTFIELD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH and his son JONATHAN united with the SCOTCH PLAINS BAPTIST CHURCH, the wife of JO NATH AN , EL IZ AB ETII B ROTIIE RTON , raised her daughter AN N in the faith of her father, THE SOCIETY of FRIENDS or QUAKERS. At the t ime of the lat t e r 1s marriage to WESLEY R O L L , the following notice of her dismissal from the SOCIETY of FRIENDS was issued and forwarded to her and the original document is now (May 21st 1913) in the possession of a g r a n dda ug hte r, M R S . MAURICE H . 3 TRAT EMEYE R (see ANNIE L . R O L L ) of EL IZ A B E T H , UNION COUNTY, N.J. "Whereas ANN RHALL having had her birth and education amongst friends but hath so far diviated as to mary a man not of our society for which transgression she hath been timely laboured with, but not appear ing in a su i table disposition to make satisfaction, we therefore disown her from being any longer a member of our Society until 1 she can make satisfaction which that she may be enabled to do is our desire. 386 BIB. 87 337 BIB. 87 460 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX IV Signed in and on behalf of our Monthly meet ing he Id at PLAINFIELD for RAHWAY and PLAINFIELD 16th of 6 th mo. 1824. AARON BELLANGER, Clerk MARGARET S H O W E L L , C k ." That she later "made satisfaction" to the Society is evidenced by the fact that she and her h u s b a n d , WESLEY R O L L , nov; rest in the S O C I E T Y ’S BURYING GROUND in PLAINSFIELD, UNION COUNTY , NEW JERSEY. JONATHAN SMITH and ELIZABETH BROTHER had children: I - D E B O R A H , died in i nf ano y. II - ANN, B- 6 th December 1802, D- 4th May 1872 in NEWARK, ESSEX C O U N T Y , N.J., M- 25th of March 1824 , WESLEY ROLL (1090) . 461 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX V -CRANE FAMILYAncestry of ABBY SCOTT C R A N E , wife of WILLIAM HENRY ROLL STEPHEN C RA N £2 of ELIZABETHTOWN, DE S C E N D A N T S . j3 8 (#1216). NEW JERSEY and HIS (Showing only the antecendents an their brothers or sisters of ABBY SCOTT CRANE as taken from "GENEALOGY of the CRANE FAMILY", by E.B. CRANE, Vol. II - 1900, with such modification as later research has developed, and with references to authorities for such c o r r e c t i o n s ) . I - STEP HEN -1 Born a bout 1630 or 1635. Some have cla imed he was born as early as 1619, but that date seems too early from a careful consideration of the whole subject. Tradition says he came from ENGLAND or WALES between the years 1640 and 1660. He was one of the original settlers of ELIZABETHTOWN, and one of the company of Colonists who planted the first ENGLISH SETTLEMENT in what is now the STATE of NEW JERSEY. He was called one of the "ELIZABETHTOWN ASSOCIATES", and was there as early as 1665, for he took the oath of allegiance to Lord King Charles II and his successors February 19th, of that year. The deed by which the first settlers claimed their land was dated October 28, 1664, so that the fall of 1664 or the spring of 1665 would be quite as early as it is safe to fix the date of the settlement. In 1675 he obtained from the proprietors of EAST JERSEY a patent to confirm his title to lands in ELIZABETHTOWN; dates given below. In 1710 he executed a deed to his son NATHANIEL, giving him his house lot, with other pieces of land in ELIZABETHTOWN and, in describing the bounds of these lands, they were said to be bounded on lands of JOHN CRANE, DANIEL CRANE, JEREMIAII and AZARIA1I CRANE. The fact that he settled within such close proximity to the family of JASPER C R A N E , might indicate that there was a family connection existing be tween them; but up to the present t i m e , no proof of any blood relationsh ip has come tc light. SAMUEL H . C O N G A R , E S Q . late Librarian of the New Jersey Historical Society, who gave careful consideration to the subject wrote that "this STEPHEN was probably nearly related to JASPER CRANE, of NEWARK", and that he came to NEW JERSEY from CONNECTICUT. REV. JONATHAN T. CRANE was also of the opinion that he was a relative of JASPER. ISAAC WATTS CRANE, ESQ., in December 1848, stated that it was his opinion that this STEPHEN was either a son or brother of JASPER 388 BIB. 8 - p. 467 462 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX V C RAN E of N E W A R K , - that the ELIZABETH TOWN C RANES claim descent from JASPER. We first meet with him at ELIZABETHTOWN where he lived; prior to the year 1664 we have no knowledge of his origin beyond tradition. He was active in resisting the claims of the proprietors in the great land dispute, which was never settled. His name appear s as def endent in the EL IZABETHTOWN bill in chancery, Schedule # 8 , page 104. The answer to this bill was printed in 1752. This land was surveyed to him in the year 1676, - one WARREN for 120 acres in ELISABETHTOWN, dated March 28th; another of 156 acres, October 2nd; still another of 156 acres, November 30th. One of these 156 acre lots was bounded by CRANE'S BROOK, east of the MILL CREEK, and east by the highway. His six acre house lot was a part of this tract. It was bounded southeast by SAMUEL TROTTER, northeast by CRANE'S BROOK, east by the MILL CREEK (now ELIZABETH RIVER) and west by the h ig hw a y . He had also sixty acres between two swamps and adjoining WILLIAM CRAMER, also seventy-two acres on CRANE'S BROOK bounded by the brook, WILLIAM CRAMER, RICHARD BEACH, NATHANIEL TUTTLE and WILLIAM CORDON; also eighteen acres of meadow "towards RAWACK POINT." The old homestead of the CRANE'S is still standing (in 1882) just over the line of LINDSN T O W N S H 1P . The we 11 by the side of the road and a large oak tree, said to have been one of the original forest trees, is still standing. "It has long been known as the oaktree we 1 1 " and where cattle and horses have been watered on the highway for more than a century By bis will, dated 1709 , he bequeathed to his son JOHN a certain piece of land within the bounds of ELIZABETHTOWN and died a few years later, R E V . EL IAS N . CRANE contributes the following, found among the papers of his father REV. ELIAS W. CRANE, son of NOAH and the accounts purports to come from MR. ISAAC CRANE of ELIZABETHTOWN, son of CALEB, JR., great-greatgrandson of STEPHEN, SR., "About 16 2 5 A .D . thirty years before EL I Z A B E T H T O W N , N.J. was se 1 1 l e d , cur ing the persecut ions of the Puritans in ENGLAND under QUEEN ELIZABETH, the ancestor of the CRANE fami1y came to A M E R I C A . His name was S T E P H E N . The ship in which he came is supposed to have sailed from the west of ENGLAND, favored at embarkation by a fog, 'which allowed escape in case of pursu i t . When the fog passed away the ship was out of sight of land. It is said to have sunk at A M B O Y , N.J., but all on board 'were saved. STEPHEN CRANE and his fellow voyagers settled in ELIZABETHTOWN, named for QUEEN ELIZABETH, who confirmed the purchase of the lands from the Indians." This ISAAC CRANE was born July 20, 1766, about one hundred years after 339 BIB. 23 - pp. 26-396; also (E. Jersey Record 11-20, 35. E.T. Bill 104, Hinman I - 742, 51) 46 3 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX V the settlement of ELIZABETHTOWN, and it would seem that at that time there might have been some connecting link to bind the history of the early settlement to the per iod in whi ch this ISAAC CRANE lived. We often fine one life to span that interim; certainly two would have done it, from father to son it could have been handed down to ISAAC or some other member of the family. But let us analyze this bit of history. If this STEPHEN CRANE came to AMERICA as indicated in 1625, for the purpose of assisting in establishing a s e t t l e m e n t , he must have been 2 0 or 25 years of age, and we know he lived until 1710; therefore he would be one hundred and five years old at his death, a very improbable event; again, in the natural course of things, his children would have been born twenty or thirty years earlier than they were born. People exposed to the hardships of those days seldom reached the age of seventy-five and children were born to them usually before the parents were seventy or even sixty-five years o l d . A g a i n , if STEPHEN had been in this country thirty years before the settlement of ELIZABETHTOWN, we should find some record of it somewhere. From all that can be proven, this STEPYEN CRANE was born about 1530 or 1635 in ENGLAND and probably was the son of JASPER, perhaps by a former marriage. It is said his wife was a DANISH woman with red hair, and that nearly all the CRANES in and about ELIZABETHTOWN and WESTFIELD, N.J. are descendants from this pair. Children: 6 7 - I - JOHN, D- 3 - II - JEREMIAH, 4 - Ill - DANIEL, 5 - IV - NATHANIEL - JOHN CRANE-2, -2-, B (STEPHEN-1) Married ESTHER N O R R I S 3 9 0 daughter of HENRY NORRIS of ELIZABETHTOWN and lived in ELIZABETHTOWN, ESSEX (now UNION COUNTY), NEW JERSEY. In 1713, he was chosen one of the overseers of h ighways; Augus t 2nd 17 2 0 , he was appointed one of seven Coramittemen to perform some duty for the town. He died in February 1723, leaving a will dated Feb. 7, 1722 or 3 and proved Feb. 16th 1723 in which he mentioned his brother JEREMIAH and ten children, all of whom, except JOHN -were minors at the time of his death. His saw and grist mill located on the RAHWAY RIVER he gave to his sons JOHN and JOSEPH, which property was retained in 390 For the ancestry of ESTHER NORRIS, see Appendix VI. 46 4 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX V the family many years. In December 1714 he purchased one hundred acres of land on the east side of the RAHWAY RIVER. He also owned land on the southwestern side of the RIVER where the the village of C R A N F O R D , (UNION COUNTY) is now located. An abstract of his will is as follows: "1722-3, Feb. 7, - CRANE, JOHN, of ELIZABETHTOWN, ESSEX COUNTY. Carpenter. Wife E S T H E R . Children, J O H N , J O S E P H , M A T H I A S , BENJAMIN, SAMUEL, all except JOHN under 21, HANNAH, ABIGAIL, ESTHER, SARAH, R E B E K A H , DEBORAH. Two miles on RAHWAY RIVER in ELIZABETHTOWN, meadow on said river, derived from father STEPHEN CRANE, 100 acres bought of BENJAMIN WADE, April 13, 1716, 4 a of meadow in ELIZABETH TOWN b o 't of JEREMIAH OSBORNE, house and lot of 14 a in ELIZABETH TOWN (Lib, A - page 238)391 Executors, - the wi f e , R E V . JO NATH AN DICKINSON and brother J EREMIAH C R A N E ." ESTHER, wife of JOHN CRANE, made a will March 17th 1742, proved S e p t . 17, 1743 in which she named JACOB DE HART one of the executors. In the CRANE GENEALOGY, referred to above, it is stated that the wife of JOHN CRANE was ESTHER WILLIAMS, daughter of SAMUEL and ESTHER WHEELER WILLIAMS; that this is an error and that his wife was ESTHER NORRIS, daughter of HENRY NORRIS of ELIZABETHTOWN is shown in the following results of research in the family history. "JOHN-2 CRANE did not marry ESTHER WILLIAMS. ESTHER, daughter of SAMUEL WILLIAMS is distinctly called a minor in the father's will made in 1706 and she was accordingly born after 1683, far too late to have been the mother of JOHN-3 CRANE born in 1700. ESTHER, wife of JOHN CRANE was doubtless NORRIS Of ELIZABETHTOWN." (Gardiner note — page 470). in N.J. Hist. the daughter of HENRY S o c . copy of CRANE GENEALOGY, Vol II "In the TOWNLEY GENEALOGY (#709 Sept. 26, 1903) it is stated the REBECCA, wife of EFFINGHAM TOWNLEY, was the daughter of JOHN CRANE and ESTHER NORRIS. I had always understood that JOHN CRANE had married ESTHER, daughter of SAMUEL and ESTHER WILLIAMS of ELIZABETHTOWN. Can ESSEX give me any information about the family of ESTHER NORRIS? S .L .t! (N.J. GENEALOGY, NEWARK NEWS #745) . 391 BIB. 94 - p. 116 465 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX V “Answer to 4745. JOHN CRANE did not marry ESTHER WILLIAMS. I would be very glad if S.L. or anyone else can give me any authority for stating that this marriage took place. I have been frequently told that it did not, but my informants have always evaded my requests for authorities. SAMUEL WILLIAMS made his will in 1706 and from the wording it is very evident that his daughter HESTER (ESTHER) was then a minor and unmarried. JOHN CRANE had his first child by wife ESTHER in 1700 and at least two other children before 1706 , when ESTHER WILLIAMS 'was still unmarried. The wife of JOHN CRANE was doubtless HANNAH NORRIS. The will of HENRY NORRIS of ELIZABETHTOWN, yeoman, dated 1705 and probated 1706, married, children HENRY, ABIGAIL SHARP, HANNAH CLARK, ESTHER CRANE, SAMUEL, RUTH, SARAH and MARGARET. There was but one ESTHER CRANE in ELIZABETHTOWN in 1705 and she was the wife of JOHN C R A N E .'1 (N.J. GENEALOGY, NEWARK NEWS #746 - November 14, 1903). The children of JOHN and ESTHER NORRIS CRANE, B- 1675, D- 1743, 399 were: n _ j II - JOHN, B- 1700, went tc WESTFIELD. D- 1763. - HANNAH 11 - Ill - ABIGAIL, B- Jan. 25, 1703; M- JACOB DE HART, He died 1777 at ELISABETHTOWN. D- 1770. 12 “ IV - JOSEPH, 8 - v - MATHIAS, 9 - VI - BENJAMIN, 392 B- 170_, D- 1731. B- 17 0 _. B- 1710, M- ESTHER WOODRUFF. with corrections shown in Notes in Gardiner Manuscripts Records, in New Jersey Historical Society Archives, Newark, N.J. 466 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX V 10 - VII - SAMUEL, 13 - VIII - ESTHER, 14 - IX - SARAH 15 - X - REBECCAH 16 - XI - DEBORAH, MATTHIAS C R ANE-3 , 3 9 3 ■8 “ , {JOHN-2, STEPHEN-1) Son of JOHN and ESTHER NORRIS CRANE, married SUSANNA _____ . He was Hayor of the BOROUGH of EL IZABETH TO WN, N.J. under the British Government, (so says JACOB WOODRUFF CRANE, of NEWARK, N.J.). He died in 1773. Children: 40-1 - MATTHIAS, B- 173_, JOSEPH MEEKER. D- 1794,M- daughter of 41-11 - JACOB, B- 1740, M- PHEBE, daughter of STEPHEN CRANE, ESQ. (23), Mayor of ELIZABETH. 42-111 - ANDREW, B- 17 4_, M- GLORIANA BURROWS, B- 1 7 4_, daughter of JOHN BURROWS of ELIZABETHTOWN, N.J. 44 1/2 - IV 43 -V VI 44 3Q3 - HANNAH, B- 1744, MITCHELL. - E L I H U , B- 174_, D- 1804, M- GEORGE removed to - A B I G A I L , B- 1757, OHIO, D- 1774. - VII - JOHN, B- March 4, 1761, MBENJAMIN CLEVELAND MARY, daughter of With corrections shown in Notes in Gardiner Manuscript Records in New Jersey Historical Society Archives, Newark, N.J. 467 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX V 127 - ANDREW CRANE-4, -42-, (MATTHIAS-3, JOHN-2, STEPHEN-1) B- 174_, M- GLORIANNA BURROWS, B- 174__, daughter of JOHN BURROWS. ANDREW CRANE lived on a farm on GOLLOPING HILL ROAD, BOROUGH of ELISABETHTOWN, N.J. in what is now UNION T O W N S H I P , 3 9 4 near the home of GBNL. WILLIAM CRANE, and which was later occupied by his son, JOHN B. CRANE, and the letter's family. His will was probated in 1829 . C hi l d r e n : 128 - I - THOMAS B. , B- 1769, M- MARGARET SHOTWELL 129 - II - JOHN B . 130 - III - ROBERT, B- 1775, M~ FANNY POOL. 131 - IV - EZEKIEL, M- 1st ANN SHOTWELL, MEEKER. 132 - V - SALLY, M- EZEKIEL W I L L I A M S . JOHN B . C R A N E - 5 , -129 -, STEPHEN-1) 2nd BETSEY (ANDREW -4, M A T T H I A S -3, JOHN- B- 1st May 1784. Buried on July 10th 1866, aged 82 years in EVERGREEN CEMETERY, ELIZABETHTOWN, UNION COUNTY, N.J.,39° married MARY W A D E ,3 9 7 B- 28th May 1788, D- 1st November 8142. He lived on the farm previously owned by his father ANDREW CRANE on GOLLOPING HILL ROAD, ELISABETHTOWN, and where all his children were b o r n . 3 9 8 The land is now in UNION TOWNSHIP (set off from ELISABETH, Nov. 23, 1808) and he is shown in a list of Freeholders and residents of the latter township from 1772 to M a r . 2 0^ 1829 at whi ch t ime he is recorded as owning 23 acres of l a n d . 3 ^9 Children: 394 BIB. 23 - p. 385 395 BIB. 5 - p. 35 398 Front Cemetery Records, March 16, 397 For ancestry of MARY WADE, 398 Verbal statement of ANNA CRANE WILLIAMS, R O S E L I E , N.J. Feb. 2, 1913 at which time she was 82 years old, see if4 57 CRANE GENEALOGY. 399 BIB. 23 - pp. 376-373 1913. see Appendix VIII. 463 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX V 3 50 - I - JOHN HORACE, B- 26th July 181 2, 400 D- 26th Oct. 19 01 ,4 M- MARY M . SHANG f B- 2 4 th S e p t . 1811.4^ They had three children of whom MARY E., wife of W . 8 . SMITH, D- October 1871, aged 24 years.4^ 361 - I I - DAVID W-, 3- 26th July 1812.404 362 - I l l - JOTBAM C., B- 12th Mar. 1 814 ,405 M- KEZIAH, daughter of widow BETSEY CRANE, had four Went South. children. 363 - I V - GLORIANNA ELIZABETH, B- 12th March 1316 ,4 0 6 MJAC03 CLARK, had seven children. 36 5 - V - ANDREW, 3- 27th June 1813, MASS . 407 lived in BOSTON, 400 From family bible m December descendant, Miss LINDA CLARK, ELIZABETH, N.J. 401 From cemetery records M a r . 16, 1913. 402 From cemetery records M a r . 16, 1913 and Baptismal records, 2nd Pres, Ch. ELIZABETH, N.J. in Gardiner Manuscripts Records, New Jersey Historical Society Archives, Newar k , N .J . 403 From cemetery records M a r . 15 , 1913 . 404 From family bible in December 1909 in possession of his descendant, Miss LINDA CLARK, 408 JEFFERSON AVE., ELIZABETH, N.J. 405 From family bible in December 1909 in possession of his descendant, Miss LINDA CLARK, 408 JEFFERSON AVE., ELIZABETH, N.J. 406 From family bible in December descendant, Miss LINDA CLARK, ELIZABETH, N.J. 1909 in possession of his 403 JEFFERSON A V E ., 407 From family bible in December descendant, Miss LINDA CLARK, ELIZABETH, N . J . 1909 in possession of his 408 JEFFERSON AVE., 1909 in possession of his 408 JEFFERSON AVE., 469 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX V 3 64 - VI - HANNAH P., 3- 9th Mar. 1820,408 M- JACOB LUDLOW, had seven children. 366 - VII - BENJAMIN POTTER, B23rd Feb. 1822 , 4 0 3 26th S e p t . 18 2 2 ,4 1 0 M- ELIZABETH ______ DELHI, N.Y. Had two children. Bap. in A1 T VIII - CHARLES WATKINS, B14 th October 1824 , 28th February 1824 r . Gap. D- 3rd August 1825. IX - MARY W ., B- 28 th March 1828 ,4 1 4 18 2 5 .4 1 5 D- 2 8 th March 408 From family bible in December d e s c e n d a n t , Miss LINDA CLARK, ELIZABETH, N.J. 1909 in possession of his 408 JEFFERSON A V E ., 409 From family bible in December descendant, Miss LINDA CLARK, ELIZABETH, N.J. 1909 in possession of his 408 JEFFERSON AVE., 410 Baptismal records, 2nd Pres. Ch. ELIZABETHTOWN, N.J. in Gardiner Manuscr ipts Records in New Jersey Historical Society Archives, Newark, N.J. 411 Prom family bible in December descendant, Miss LINDA CLARK, ELIZABETH, N.J. 412 Baptismal records, 2nd Pres. Ch. ELIZABETH, N.J. in Gardiner Manuscripts Records in New Jersey Historical Society Archives, Newark, N.J. 413 From family bible in December descendant, Miss LINDA CLARK, ELIZABETH, N.J. 1909 in possession of his 403 JEFFERSON AVE., 414 From family bible in December descendant, Miss LINDA CLARK, ELIZABETH, N.J. 1909 in possession of his 408 JEFFERSON AVE., 415 From family bible in December descendant, Miss LINDA CLARK, ELIZABETH, N.J. 1909 in possession of his 408 JEFFERSON AVE., 1909 in possession of his 408 JEFFERSON AVE., 4 70 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX V 367 - X - ABBY SCOTT, B- 28th Apr. 1832,416 Bap. 30th June 1340, 1 7 M- WILLIAM HENRY ROLL, and had two children, SARAH ALICE M- WINFIELD SCOTT CHASE, 2ND, and ANNA MARY M- CHARLES L. WILSON. 416 From family bible in December descendant, Miss LINDA CLARK, ELIZABETH, N.J. 417 Baptismal records, 2nd Pres. Ch. ELIZABETH, N.J. in Gardiner Manuscripts Records in Hew Jersey Historical Society Archives, Newark, N.J. 1909 in possession of his 408 JEFFERSON AVE., 471 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX VI -NORRIS FAMILYAncestry of ESTHER NORRIS, maternal ancestor of ABBY SCOTT CRANE, wife of WILLIAM HENRY ROLL {#1216}. H E N RY NORRIS was probably f rora SAL E M , MAS S . The Rev. EDWARD NORRIS {1589-1659} came from ENGLAND to SALEM in 1639, and became a colleague of the celebrated I-IUGH PETERS there. He left one son, E D W A R D , born 1614, 'who may have been the father of HENRY. The latter came here (ELIZABETH, UNION COUNTY, N.J.) before 1670, and proved to be a valuable settler. In October, 1672 , he carne into possession of the allotment of LITTLE JOHN WIL S O N ” , first as executor, and then, December 11, 1675, as purchaser. November 2, 1692, he was appointed one of the Town Deputies to the Leg i sla tur e . He had two house lots containing 14 acres , bounded S.W. by WILLIAM MEEKER, S.E. by ROBERT VAKQUELLIN, N.E. and N.W. by H i g h w a y s . He had a l s o , 16 acres of u p l a n d , "on the E . side of the Pla i n e ” , adjoining JOSEPH BOYD, HENRY LYON and GEORGE MORRIS, also, 24 acres of upland bounded by GEORGE MORRIS, BENJAMIN PARI(HURST, HURR THOMPSON, HENRY LYON and JOHN WILSON. Also, 50 acres of upland adjoining REV. JEREMIAH PECK and JOSEPH BOND, a l s o , 8 5 acres of upland '’on the N . side of the Plaine" and the W. side of the Newark Road, bounded by JOHN OGDEN, JR., BENJAMIN PARKHURST and JOSEPH MEEKER, also, 20 acres of meadow at "MR. WOODRUFF'S C R E E K ” , having "GEESE CREEK" on the E., also, four acres on the B A Y , 2 acres on the E .T . C r e e k , and another plot of four acres on the c r e e k , in all, 249 acres. He died in May 1706.418 C h i l d r e n , as shown in his w i 11 dated 2 6 th March, 21st May 1706 .4 1 9 I - HENRY IX - ABIGAIL, III - HANNAH, M- ______ CLARK. IV - ESTHER, M~ ______ CRANE. V - SAMUEL VI 170 5 and proved wife of DANIEL SHARP of WOODBRIDGE. - RUTH, M- ___ MORRIS. 418 BIB. 20 - p. 165 419 BIB, 94 - p. 341 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX VI 473 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX VII -BURROWS FAMILYAncestry of GLORIANNA BURROWS, maternal ancestor of ABBY SCOTT C R A N E , wife of WILLIAM HENRY R O L L , (#1216). 1 - JOHN BURROWS 4 2 0 lived at JAMAICA, L.I., but his connection, if any, with the NEWTON family of that name has never es t abl is hed . He married FREELOVE BURROWS, by whom he had two children, who were baptised at JAMAICA, L.I. by REV. THOMAS POYER, rector of the parish of JAMAICA from 1710 to 1732. 2 - 1 - JOHN, Bap. Aug. 3 - II - STEPHEN, 27, 1710, died Oct. Bap. Oct. 10, 14, 1712, died about 1785. 1734 .4 2 2 4 - JOHN BURROWS-2, -2-, son of JOHN and FREELOVE BURROWS, married SARAH _____ , and with his brother STEPHEN, settled in ELIZABETHTOWN, ESSEX COUNTY, N.J. where SARAH died November 22, 1751, in her forty-first year. ^ 2 His children by SARAH wer e : 5 - 1 - ANNE, B- Sept. 1741, M- Dec. 24 , 1761 , 4 2 4 GABRIEL BARTON of ELIZABETHTOWN, N.J., D~ Mar. 3, 1810. 6 - II - MARY, B~ 1745-6 , M- June 5, 1769 ,4 2 5 EDWARD TOWNL EY of EL IZ A B E T H T O W N , N.J., D - June 5 , 1794 . 7 - III - GLORIANNA, (GLORY ANN), B- 1748-9, M- A N D R E W , 4 2 6 (#127 CRANE GENEALOGY-APPENDIX V) son of MATTHIAS and SUSANNA CRANE of ELIZABETHTOWN, N.J. 420 BIB. 95 421 BIB. 96 - pp. 422 N0TE; 423 BIB. 5-6 For record of STEPHEN BURROWS' descendants, Vol. 17 Gen. coll. 1665 — 1800, N.J.H. Soc . 97 - p . 323 424 BIB . 98 P • 99 425 BIB. 98 - P * 104 426 BIB . 8 - Ij . 477 see 474 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX VII lie again married at EL IZABETHTOWN, N.J. on May 19 , 1754, MARY WILKISON of NEW Y O R K , 4 2 7 who was born in 1725 and died Feb. 11, 1762, age 37 years. Children by this marriage were: 3 - IV - JOHN, Eap. Oct. 12, 1755429 in ELIZABETHTOWN, N.J. 9 - V - JANE, Bap. Dec. 29, 1757430 in ELIZABETHTOWN, N.J. He married a third time in ELIZABETHTOWN, 1765, REBECCA DAVIS of ELIZ ABE THT OW N . 4 3 1 N.J. on November 3rd, JOHN BURROWS died Oct. 10, 1735 in his 75th year. He and his wives, SARAH and MARY, are buried in ST. JOHN'S ESPICOPAL CHURCHYARD, ELIZABETHTOWN, N . J . 4 3 2 (The Sexton's book of the FIRST PRES B Y . CHURCH at that place shows that on July 2nd, 1732 the wife of JOHN BURROWS was buried in the Church g r o u n d s ) . This may have been his wife REBECCA, as his will dated May 1784 and probated April 5, 1786, named his s o n , four daughters, and son-in-law EDWARD T O W N L E Y .4 3 3 427 BIB. 98 - p. 94 428 BIB . 97 - p. 323 429 BIB . 93 - P- 10 430 BIB . 98 — P . 12 431 BIB . 98 “ P• 102 43 2 BIB. 433 97 “ P * 323 Eliza bethtown W of wills, 1764-1798. 475 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX VIII -WADE FAMILYAncestry of MARY WADE, maternal ancestor of ABBY SCOTT CRANE, wife of WILLIAM HENRY ROLL (#1216). (NOTE: The following, taken except where otherwise specifically so stated, from The Wade Genealogy, by STUART C. WADE, 1900, Chapter III, pages 235 to 237 inclusive). 1000 - BENJAMIN WADE the ancestor (son of ___________ j434 porn about 1646, died 1700. Married A N N , daughter of WILLIAM LOOKER a bout 16 70 . She was born 16 49 . BENJAMIN WADE died about 1700, his widow died July 31, 1737. BENJAMIN WADE was a clothier by trade and came to EL IZA BE T H T H O W N , N.J. as early as 1675, if not earlier, being one of the first s e t t l e r s . He appears to have previously resided at JAMAICA, L.I., NEW YORK, whence also came one WM. LOOKER, a b r e w e r , probably the father of ANN LOOKER, the wife of BENJAMIN WADE , the ancestor. Fam i1y tradition say s that B EN J AM IN WAD E came f rora the COU N TY o f P EMB RO K E , in WA L E S , a statement to a certain extent supported by theuse of the Welsh motto, 11Y fynno drry Y f y d d 1' (i.e. "What God willeth shall b e t!) on the armor ial bookplate in the possession of the family, assuming its origin to be a u t h e n t i c . The records of the Lords Proprietors of EAST JERSEY, now in the custody of the Surveyor-General at PERTH AMBOY, N.J. show that for an early settler, B E N J . WADE was an extensive landowner. Issue: 1001 - ROBERT WADE, 1002 - JOHN WADE, D- August 1766. B- 1688, D- Nov. 1003 - BENJAMIN WADE, JR., 1003A - ^4 IS, 1761. D~ 1738. (?) This BENJAMIN WADE is possibly incentical with BENJAMIN WADE #236, son of JOHN (see Part II - page 137). 476 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX VIII 1001 - ROBERT WADE {son of BENJAMIN-1), died at ELIZABETH in August 1766. Married I - ELIZABETH, daughter of ________ , II - SARAH, daughter of ___________ . Issue: 1004 - ROBERT WADE 1005 - BENJAMIN WADE, B- about 1727, ELIZABETH, N.J. D- May 21, 1760 at 1006 - PATIENCE WADE, B- 1736, D- February 9th 1795. 1007 - MATTHIAS WADE, B- Sept. 1, 1738, D- Oct. 1008 - DANIEL WADE, D- July 1793 at ELIZABETH, 29, 1739. N.J. 1009 - HENRY WADE 1010 - D A U G H T E R , B- before 1760 , M- STEPHER B R O W N , JR. 1011 - DAUGHTER, M- _____ CHERRY. 1005 - BENJAMIN WADE (son of ROBERT), born about 1727, D- at ELIZABETH, N.J., May 21, 1760, M- DEBORAH _____ . Issue: 1030 - JOTHAM WADE, B- about 1754, D- Jan. 1804. 1031 - SARAH WADE 1032 - HANNAH WADE 1033 - RACHEL WADS BENJAMIN WADE died May 21, 1760 at ELIZABETH, N.J. and his will, proved at TRENTON, N.J. {Book G - page 275) mentions children JOTIiAN, SARAH, HANNAH and RACHEL and brother DANIEL. On May 20, 1773 JAMES CARPENTER of ELIZABETH was appointed guardian of JOTHAM WADE {#1030) during his minority. TRENTON Records - Book K - page 451. 4 77 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX VIII 10 3 0 - JOTHAM WADS ELIZABETH (son of BENJAMIN) , born about 1754 , married . She was born in 1769. Issue: 1115 ~ MARY WADE, B- May 28, 1788, D- Nov. JOHN B. CRANE. 1st 1842, M- JOTHAM WADE died in January 180_. His widow, ELIZABETH, married JACOB SEARING, July 31, 1803. By her second marriage, she had a son, DAVID SEARING, who removed to CINCINNATI, OHIO, married, and had issue four children. ELIZABETH (WADE) SEARING, died April 25th 1814. On January 31, 1804, JACOB SEARING was appointed guardian of MARY WADE (TRENTON Records, Book 40 - page 421). JOTHAM WADE ES losses in the Revolut ion are as fo il ows : No. 23 Connecticut Farm, May 28, 1789 Inventory and appraisal of the property of JOTHAM WADE taken by the British army or their adherents on the 23rd of June 1780. i - Good horse 3 years old. 4 - Shirts part worn, % 12.0.0 2.0.0 % 14.0.0 The above attested to by oath of JOTHAM WADE and CAPT. MATTHIAS WADE. JOTHAM WADE was a member of the LYON'S FARMS BAPTIST CHURCH in the records of which there are amusing entries concerning his spiritual backsliding (?). It appears that "Sister Harrison" suspected JOTHAM WADE of the terrible and dangerous heresy of be 1 ieving that unbaptised little babies were not irrevo cab ly, immediately, and irretrievably damned I "Brother Wade " had the courage of his conv ict ions and defended his proposition. As a result, he was excommunicated by this band of chosen and char i table s a i n t s . There is no ev idenee that he suffered in purse or peace of mind or that he had any feeling other than pity for the ignorance of his prosecutors. 478 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX VIII 1115 - MARY WADE (dau. of J O T H A M } , B- May 28, 1788, Nov. 1, 1342, M- JOHN B. CRANE, Oct. 23rd 1811. He was born May I, 1784. Issue: 1431 A - J. HORACE CRANE, B- July 26, 1812, M- MARY M. S T A A N G , August 30, 1846. 1431 3 - DAVID WADE CRANE, D- prGbably of yellow fever the S o u t h . Unmar r i e d . in 1431 C - JOTHAM C. CRANE, B- March 12, 1814, M- KE2IAH C R A N E , May 18, 1809; she was B- J a n . 9, 1819; both living in 1883 in FA RM I N G H A M , ILL. 1431 D - GLORIANNA ELIZABETH CRANE, B~ March 12, 1816, JACOB CLARK, May 14, 1837. 1431 E - ANDREW CRANE, B- June 27, 1818, D- Jan. 3, 1873, M- ELIZABETH II. BRADBURY, Jan. 3 , 1850 . 1431 F - HANNAH POTTER CRANE, B- March 9, 1820, L U D L O W , S e p t . 1, 1847. 1431 G - BENJAMIN POTTER CRANE, ELIZABETH BLAIR, Sept. B- Feb. 23, 15, 1867. 1431 H - CHARLES WATKINS CRANE, B- Feb. August 3rd 1825. 1431 I - MARY W. CRANE, 18 3 5 . M- M- JACOB 1822, M- 28, 1824, D~ B- March 23th 1828, D- March 28th 1431 J - ABBY SCOTT CRANE, B- April 28, 1832, D~ 1865, MWILLIAM HENRY R O L L . He died in 1866 . 479 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX IX -CORY FAMILYAnc e s Li y of TH OR AS CORY , h u s b Lind o £ J AN E ROL L , #18. The CORY family originated in ENGLAND and in the olden records the name is spelled CORIE, CORRIE, and COREY. The Capital Manor of SU RL I N G H A M , with B A T W I C K S , PENELOPE of VERDONS a n n e x e d , was owned by MR. CORY of BEAMMERTON in N O R F O L K , ENGLISH in 1250. The next found is REV. JOHN CORY of LING, in NORFOLK, ENGLAND, who was Rector of SPITTS WORTH in 1400 . He got the Med ite of Aylmerton in 1419 . He was bur ied in the Chancel in 1443 . One ROBERT CORY is also found, a brother of REV. JOHN CORY, who was owner of Brammerton Hall in 1403. (See records in British M u s e u m ) . ROBERT CORY was born in SCOTLAND and had a sonWILLIAM who was born in ENGLAND. (See London Book of H e r a l d r y ) . WILLIAM CORY, son of ROBERT, had a son FRANCIS (who was the second son) and who was born in ENGLAND. (See family records British Museum, L O N D O N ) . in FRANCIS CORY, son of WILLIAM, married GRACE BROWN in ENGLAND and had a s o n , THOMAS of 3 R A M M E R T 0 N , 'who was born in E N G L A N D . (See English Herald Record in Heraldry Office, LONDON, ENGLAND). THOMAS C O R Y , son of F R A N C I S , married BARBARA FARMER of NORWICH and had children: FRANCIS, ROBERT, THOMAS, RICHARD, WILLIAM and GRACE. (See CORY records in British Museum, London, England). ROBERT CORY, second son of THOMAS, son JOHN. (See Heraldry Registry, was born in ENGLAND and had a London). JOHN CORY, son of ROBERT, was born in ENGLAND. Knighted Gentleman in L O N D O N , F e b . 1512 and g r anted a coat of a r m s . He married ELIZABETH _ _ _ _ and had sons THOMAS and WILLIAM. (See England Book of Heraldry in Heraldry office, LONDON, ENGLAND). THOMAS CORY, son of JOHN, was born in ENGLAND, July 3rd 1510. He was Judge and Chief prothory of the Court of Common Pleas in the Queen 1s T e m p l e . He was Knighted and granted a Coat of Arms March 18, 1539, and during the reign of King Charles I. (See England Book of Heraldry in Heraldry Office, LONDON, ENGLAND). JOHN CORY, 1ST, son of THOMAS, was born in ENGLAND before 1627 and came to AMERICA about 1640. He was Whale Commissioner in 480 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX IX 1644 and owned land in NEW YORK in 1659. He was of the Quaker faith and a weaver by trade and married ANN probably about 1638, before coming to LONG ISLAND. She was pjrobably the mother of all his children, none of w h o m , except JOHN JR. were of age in 1660. His s econ d w if e , M A R G A R E T , died subsequent to 1686 . He died 7th March 1685 in SOUTHHOL, L.I. and his will, which was made Feb. 1st 1635 was probated 2nd of October 1635 and recorded in Liber 1 of Wills, Page 190, in C l e r k ’s office of SUFFOLK COUNTY, N.Y. He willed the great bible to his son JOHN and it has since been retained by members of the family. In 1904 it was held by MRS. HANNAH BANTRAND C O R E Y , who at that t ime was 9 8 years o l d , widow of ELNATHAN CORYE. {See Long Island Traveler, SOUTHHOLD, L.I., Jan. 2nd 1904). In 1910 it was held by JOHN E. CORY of PENNSYLVANIA. The order of his children is unknown. I - JOHN, M~ MARY CORNISH. II - ABRAHAM III — I SAiiC IV - JACOB V - SARAH VI - JOHANNA VII - ABIGAIL or HANNAH JOHN COREY, 2ND, first child of JOHN 1ST and ANN CORY, born before 1639, died before Jan. 25, 1635-6. Married MARY, dau. of THOMAS CORNISH of STAMFORD {she died subsequent to 9th April, 1696) at HUNTINGTON, L.I. on 15th Dec. 1667. On his death, she married JOHN SAMMIS, or S A M O N S , or S A M W A Y S , died Dec. 1693. JOHN COREY, 2ND moved to HUNTINGTON, SUFFOLK COUNTY, L.I. as early as 1659 and held the following offices: Town Clerk, Mar. 10th 1659. Records 1663-1678; 1679-1681; Commissioner 1684, Town Clerk, 16 83-4 . I s s u e : I - MARY II - ABAGAIL III - ELISABETH IV - JOHN, M- PRISCILLA. ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX IX V - MARTHA VI - ELNATHAN VII - THOMAS VIII - ABRAHAM JOHN COREY , 3RD/ fourth child of JOHN 2 N D ; of JOHN 1ST, born 3rd Feb. 1674, in HUNTINGTON; L.I. and remained there until 1696. In 1700 he was in ELIZABETHTOWN, N.J. where he died December 1723 and is buried in the grounds of the FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, married PRISCILLA, who died in 1722. His will is recorded in Book A of Wills, page 23 2, Preorgat ive Cour t , T R E N T O N , N.J. Iss ue: I » MARY II - JOHN III - JOSEPH IV - BENJAMIN V - HANNAH VI - ELNATHAN, M- HANNAH ______ . ELNATHAN CORY, sixth child of JOHN 3RD and PRISCILLA CORY, of JOHN 2ND, of JOHN 1ST, born in NEW JERSEY in 1701, died 3th Oct. 1766, buried in old CHURCH GROUNDS at WESTFIELD., UNION COUNTY, N.J. His will was probated 27th Oct. 1766. M- HANNAH or SARAH who died 24th Jan. 1785. He lived in ESSEX COUNTY, N.J. about fifteen miles from NEW YORK CITY and owned three hundred acres of land formerly owned by JACOB CORLE. (See Libre L, page 142, Records at TRENTON, N.J. July 6 , 1762). And also, one hundred acres #33 of the ELIZABETHTOWN lots south of the tract. He left his lands to his five sons all of whom were born in NEW JERSEY. There may have been other c h i l d r e n . I s s u e : I - EBEN2ER II - JEREMY or JEREMIAH III - THOMAS, IV - JAMES M- JANE ROLL. 482 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX V - JOSEPH VI - JOB VII - DANIEL VIII - MARY IX - SARAH IX 48 3 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX X -DOLAND FAMILY™ Ancestry of JOHN H. D O L A N D , husband of ALMIRA UGAN ROLL DOLAND (#1226). Descendants of PATRICK DOLAND-4, -1PATRICK DOLAND-4 , -1-/ was born in the North of IRELAND in 1732 of Scotch and Irish Protestant parents. None of his antecedents were of Roman Catholic faith and all his life was a strict adherent to the Church of E n g l a n d , hav ing been conf irmed in early y o u t h . His parents died dur ing his early ch ildhood leaving him 'their only child* in the care of a DOLAND uncle with considerable proper ty for his m a i n t e n a n c e . His uncle 1 ived in DUBLIN and there he was raised and educated. PATRICK was raised with such rigid discipline that he considered it amounted to cruelty. At the age of 18 he joined under Braddock in the French and Indian War. In 1760 he married a German woman (name not known) and had three s o n s . PATRICK D- 1793. Issue: 2 - 1 - DANIEL, 3 -II - PETER, 4 -III - ADAM, B- 1761. B- 1763. B- 1765. DANIEL DOLAND-5, -2-, Iss u e : 5 - I - GEORGE B- 1761, settled near HAVERSTRAW, N.Y. (DEACON DOLAND), D- 1866. PETER DOLAND-5, -3-, B- 1763, D- 1821, M- 1781 ELIZABETH RICHE, B- 1761, D- 1852 from HESSE CASTLE (sic), GERMANY. PETER and EL IS A BETH , BD~ in ROCK A V?AY in the "Wa It on " Yard N . of Bapt is t Graveyard (right side of road from Mt. Hope to Berkshire Valley). Issue: 6 - 1 - JOHN, 7 - JUDITH, - II B- 1782, D- in infancy. B- 1734, M- EPHRAIM BURRELL. 8 -III - ADAM, B- 1787. 9 -IV - JOHN GEORGE, 10 -V - HENRY, 11 -VI - CATHERINE, B- 1789. B- 26TH jUNE 1791. B- 1794, D~ 1873. 484 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX X 12 - VII - MARY, B~ 1796, D~ 1882. 13 - VIII - PATRICK, B- 1799. 14 - IX - SARAH, B- 1801. 15 - X - MICHAEL, 8- 1804, D- 1804. ADAM DOLAND-5, -4-, 3- 1765, M- CATHERINE MILLER ROCK A VIAY , N.J.). Issue: 16-1 - CAMELIA, ADAM D OLAND- 6 , -8 M- _____ - CAROLINE 13-11 - SAMUEL JOHN GEORGE DOLAND - 6 , -9-, B- 1739 , 19-1 A. F1CTHER. - PETER, M- MARY in ADAMS. -, B- 17 3 7 , M~ MA RY BISHOP. 17-1 (relatives Issue: M- JANE ATWOOD. 20-11 - S E T H , M- and a ied in the A r m y . 21 - III - JOHN, M- JANE BOYD. 22 - IV ~ JOSEPH, M- RACHEL DAVENPORT. 23 - V - MARK, moved to CALIFORNIA. Issue: HENRY DOLAND- 6 , -10-, B- 26th June 1791 at M T . HOPE, N.J., M18th Oct 1822 at MT. HOPE to CLARISSA FRANCISCO (see Appendix XII) of STONY BROOK, N.J., later known as BROOK VALLEY, now KINNELON, N.J. HENRY D- 3rd Aug. 1840, CLARISSA FRANCISCO DOLAND 'CONKLIN'? was B- 26th Oct. 1804, D- 25th March 1886. Both are BD- BROOK VALLEY, KINNELON BOROUGH, MORRIS COUNTY, N.J. Issue: 24 - I - ELIZABETH, 2 5 - II - MARIA, B- 26 - Ill - EPHRAIM, 27 - IV - JUDITI-I, B~ 28 - JOHN HENRY - V B 485 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX X 29 - VI - SARAH F., B- 3rd Dec. 1339, M- _____ EPHRAIM D O L A N D - 7, -26-, B- 26th Aug. 18th Oct. 1845, CATHERINE VREELAND. 30-1 - THEODORE, B- 24th Feb. 31-11 - JENNIE M., 32 - III - FRANK 33 - IV - SAMUEL, B- 5th July 1862. 34 - V - RANSOM, B- 5th May 1367. HEDDEN. 1826, D- 25th Nov. Issue: 1902, M- 1855. B- 5th July 1857. JOHN HENRY D OL AN D-7, -28-, B- 13th Aug. 1834 at STONY BROOK, N.J., D- 21st March 1912, M- 30th Jan. 1356, ALMIRA SUSAN ROLL (#1226) at WESTFIELD, N.J. Issue: 35-1 - LAURA AUGUSTA, B- 14th Sept. THEODORE D OL AN D- 8 , -30-, B- 24th Feb. EARLES, B- 1860, D- 1949. Issue: 36-1 - ELMER, B- 2nd May 1884, 37-11 - NELSON, 38 - III - ELSIE, B- 13th Sept. B- 3rd Aug. 1360 1855, (#1227). D- 1915, M- ARMINTA D- 1946. 1892. 1897, M- K R O P P . SAMUEL D OL AND - 8 , -33-, B- 5th July 1362, D- 19th May Dec. 1894, SUSIE VAN DYNE, D- 18th Dec. 1918. Issue: 39-1 - ANNA, B- 28th Oct. 40-11 - ARTHUR SAMUEL, RANSOM D OL AND - 8 , -34-, MARGARET ELLEN HILLER, Issue: 1941, M- 5th 1896, M- ED VAN DYNE. B- 12th Feb. 1903. B- 5thMay 1867, D- 27th Apr. B- 5th Mar. 1872, D- 1st Feb. 1953, M1832. 41-1 - HARRY, B- 17th Nov. 1892, D- 20th Nov. 1976, M- EDNA MAY TINTLE, B- 8 th Feb. 1894, D- Mar. 1969. 42-11 - MYRTLE, B- 6 th Jan. 1902. ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX X ARTHUR SAMUEL D OL AN D™9, -40™, 3- 12th Feb. 1923, MILDRED ZALENE SHAFER, B- 15th Sept. 43-1 - ZALENE MILDRED, 44-11 - ARTHUR, 45 - III ~ WALTER JAMES, 13- 11th Apr. 46 - IV - FRANKLIN SIMEON, 47 - V - ESTHER MILDRED, B~ 26th July 1932. 48 - VI - HARRY RICHARD, 49 - VII - QUENTIN, JR., B- 50 - VIII - GENE GEORGE, 51 - IX B~ 31 Oct. 1903 , M- 28th Oct. 1905.Issue: B- 19th Nov. 6 B- 6 1924. 1925. 1928 . th Feb. 1931, th Jan. 1939. B- 22nd Jan. 1941. - JOHN RANSOM, B- 20th Jan. 1947. 52-1 - ROGER SEYMOUR, B- 17th Jan. 53 - II - IRMA ELIZABETH, IV - CROSBY R A N S O M , B- loth Dec. 56 - V - NANCY JANE, 57 - VI - J ULIA ELLEN, 58 - VII - DORA ANN, B- 24th Feb. B- 19th June 1936. -43-, B- 3rd Apr. 1940. 1942. B- 31st Oct. 1924, M- 2 1946. 60-11 - DAVID EDWARD, B- 1st Mar. 61 - III - DAVID ARTHUR, B- 21st Apr. - GARY JOSEPH, 1936. 3- 27th May 1939. ZALENE MILDRED DOLAND PARDEE-10, Mar. 1942, HENRY PARDEE. Issue: 62 - IV 1927. - WILLIAM SEYMOUR, B- 16th Dec. - DIANN JOAN, 1902, M- 2nd Dec. Issue: B~ 7th July 1935. 55 - 59-1 19 B- 29th July 1935. MYRTLE DOLAND GORMLEY-9, -42-, B- 6 th Jan. 1925, SEYMOUR G O R M L E Y , B- 11th Nov. 1901. 54 - III D- 5th Sept. B- 10th Nov. 1951, D1952. 1953. 8 th Mar. 1951. 487 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX X 63 - V - CHARLES EDWARD, B- 10th Mar. 1955. ARTHUR DOLAND, J R . -10, -44-, E- 19th Nov. JANICE FISH. Issue: 1925, M- 3rd Aug. 63 - I NATALIE ANN, 64 - II REBECCA JANE, B- 13th Apr. 1951. - CECELIA LYNN, B- 13th Nov. 1955. RUSSEL A R T H U R , B- 2nd OCT. 1957. 6 5 - TIT 66 - IV CO t 67 - V VI E- 20th Dec. CHERYL LYNN, B- 3rd Oct. 1949. 19__. PAMELA JEAN, B- 16th Sept. QUEN TIN DOLAND-10, -50-, LUAN N SPICE. B- 6 th Jan. 1964. 1939, M- 3rd Aug . 196 GENE GEORGE DCLAND-10, -50-, B- 22nd Jan. 1964 , JUNE ODELL. Issue: 69 - I STEVEN EDWARD, B- 7th Dec. 70 - II KEITH ALLAN, B- 22nd Nov. 71 - III - BETH ANN, JOHN RANSOM DOLAND-10, Issue : PAM ODELL. 72 - I SUSAN, B- 15th Oct. 1947, 1 r 1941, M - 28th Fe b. 1965. 1966. 1969. -51-, B- 20th Jan. 1947, M - 5th May 1968 B- 2nd June 1969. ROGE R SEYMOUR GORMLEY-iO, -52-, E- 17th Jan. 1927, M- 2 9 th F e b . Issue: 19 48 , ELIZABETH D E V L I E G H E R , B- 12th Jan. 1927. 73 - I — ROGER STEVEN, B- 29th Apr. 1952. 74 - II - RONALD SCOTT, B- 16th Nov. 1953. 75 - III - CHARLES SEAN, B- 24th Jan. 1959. 438 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX X IRMA Apr. ELIZABETH GORMLEY DEGRAW-10, -53- , B- 7th July 1935, M-13th 1957, EDWARD D E G R A W , B~ 15th May 1937. Issue: 75-1 - ELIZABETH ANN, B- 13th Feb. 77-11 - AMY MARIE, 73 - III B- 30th Jan. 1953. 1963. - EDWARD, J R . , B- 4th Feb. 1967. WILLIAM SEYMOUR GORM LEY -I O, -54-, B- 16th Dec. 1936, 1964, CAROLINE PIATT, B- 15th Mar. 1941. Issue: 79-1 M- 25th July - BETH DOROTHY, B- 16th June 1967. CROSBY RANSOM G O R M L E Y - I O , -55-, B- 16th Dec. 1936, 1964, MARILYN WHITENOUR, B- 4th Nov. 1941. Issue: 80-1 - LINDA LOUISE, B- 14th Nov. 31-11 - RANSOM DAVID, B- 29th May 1969. 82 - III - SUSAN MARGARET, M-23th June 1965. B- 29th July 1970. NANCY JANE GORMLEY CAMPBELL-10, -56-, B- 27th May 1939, June 1959, GEORGE CAMPBELL, B- 28th Jan. 1927. M- 13th JULIA ELLEN GORMLEY BROWN-10, -57-, B- 19th June 1940, M- 12th Sept. 1970, EDWARD VINCENT BROWN, B- 22nd Mar. 1931. Issue: 83-1 - PAMELA LEE, B- 9th Jan. 1967. DORA ANN GORMLEY VILLEMS 'V E R 2 I L L O '-10, -58-, B- 24th Feb. M- (1) 24th Feb. 1962, DONALD WILLEMS, B- 29th Sept. 1941. Iss u e : 84-1 M- - CYNTHIA ANN, B- 4th Jan. (2) ANTHONY VERZILLO, 1963. B- 24th Feb. 85-1 - THOMAS JAMES, B- 29th Oct. 86-11 - MARIE ANN, B- 5th Dec. 1914. 1968. 1969. Issue: 1942, 489 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX X DIANN JOAN PARDEE S2YMANSKI-11, -59-, JOHN S Z Y M A N S K I . Issue: 87-1 - JOHN JR., 33-11 - STEVEN, B- 3rd Apr. B- 23rd July 196_. 13- 6 th May 1969 . 1946, M- 1965, 490 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX XI -FRANZ-L ETTRE FAMILIE3 Ancestry of RICHARD JOHN FRANZ, (#1227) . husband of LAURA AUGUSTA DOLAND PETER FRANZ-5, -1-, and EVA MARGUERITA HABERMANN, greatgrandparents of RICHARD JOHN FRA NZ- 8 , were born, married and died in GERMANY. Their son, CONRAD FRANZ-5, -2-, B- 12th July 1780 at STEINHEIM, GERMANY, M- 13th June 1824 at KLEIN S T E I N H E I M , GERMANY, ANNA MARIA MULLER, B- 24th Oct. 1795 at STEINHEIM, GERMANY. By an earlier wife, CONRAD FRANZ -2-, had 3 - 1 4 5 - IGNATZ FRANZ, B- 23th March 1820 . I - ANNA, - II issue: M- WILHELM RIEBEL. - CLARA FRANZ CONRAD FRANZ - 6 , and ANNA MARIA MULLER FRANZ had one son: 5 - 1 - GEORG CARL FRANZ, CONRAD -2-, D- 11th Sept. B- 7th Nov. 1824 at M A N A U , GERMANY. 1825 at MANAU, GERMANY. ANNA MARIA MULLER, M- II ROTH. 7 - 1 - JEAN ROTH (son), D- 13 th June 1856 at MANAU, GERMANY7 . GEORG CARL FRANZ -7, - 6 -, left GERMANY, 19th Aug. 1353 and arrived U.S.A. on 17th Oct., D- Sept. 2, 1873, M- 3rd April 1854 at NEWARK, N.J. to CATHERINE WILHELMINA LOUISA L E T T R E - 7 , -9-, left GERMANY, 11th Aug. 1853 and arrived U.S.A., 2nd Oct. 491 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX XI GEORG CARL FRANZ-7, - 6 -, and CATHERINE WILHELMINA LOUISA LETTRE FRANZ“ 7, -9-/ D- Jan. 31, 1912. Issue: 25-1 - RICHARD JOHN f B- 15th June 1855 , christened JOHANN RICHARD FRANZ, but changes his name to RICHARD JOHN FRANZ when a child. B- 323 Halsey St., NEWARK, N.J {old #59 Church St.) . 25-11 - CHARLES, B- 19th Dec. April 1857. 27 - III - WILLIAM, B- 13th April 1858, JERSEY CITY, 30th July 1861, NEW YORK CITY. 28 - IV - LUDWIG CHRISTIAN, B- 17th July 1863, NEW YORK CITY, 545 pearl St., D- 31st Dec. 1924, NEW YORK CITY, M5th July 1892 at BOSTON, MASS., EDITH W. HATCH, B17th Dec. 1866 at NORTH BERWICK, MAINE. 29 -V - EMIL HEINRICH, Green Sr. 30 - VI - FERDINAND, B- 14th Nov. 1870, JERSEY CITY H T S ., N.J D- 29th A p r i 1 1875 at NEWARK, N.J. BD- at Woodland Cemetery, 1856, NEWARK, B- 17th Aug. NEWARK, N.J., N.J.: FERDINAND FRANZ -30-29- CATHERINE W.L. LETTRE -9BD- at Evergreen C e m e t e r y , E L I Z A B E T H , N.J.; CHARLES FRANZ 0260 BD- at Lutheran Cemetery, WILLIAMSBURG, WILLIAM FRANZ -27- N.J., 1865, NEW YORK CITY, GEORGE CARL FRANZ ~ 6 ~ EMIL HEINRICH FRANZ D~ 27th BROOKLYN N.Y.: D~ 98 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX XI CHRISTIAN L E T T R E - 6 , - 8 -, 3- 10th Nov. 1004, MANAU, G E R M A N Y , M(I), 1st Sept. 1833 at MANAU, JOHANNA C.E. FENDT, B - 24th July 1808, D- IS th Oct. 1841. Issue: 9 _ j - CATHERINE WILHELMINA LOUISA GERMANY. . 1834, M A N A U , 10 - II - WILHELM, B- 10th July 1837, Iss u e : MARGARET. . 1884, M- 11 - I - OTTILIE 12 - II - FREDERICKA 13 - III - GERTRUDE 14 - IV - LUDWIG 15 - V — Il {1 1 } ELIZABETH REPP ls - I 22 - II - LUDWIG, Issue: B- 1845. Issue: 17-1 - WILHELM 18 - II - ELSA 19 - III - HELENA 20 - IV - MARTHA 21 - V - CARL RICHARD - EMIL, B~ 1 848. 23 - I 24 - Ill T?MTT llii' l 2 LLj - FERDINAND, Issue: - FRIEDA B- 1850, D- 1869 493 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX XI Newark,- N . J . J u l y 1, 1896 - _ . Dear Son,. :‘ r": 7 I should have liked to write you earlier, but you know that I cannot write in English. Walter received your with the stamps yesterday.; you himself about it. with it. letter ... He will write ^ \ "■ \V He was very happy . Tomorrow is the last day in school. ■^ As far as I am concerned I am in pretty good health. I also received that pretty comb; it is very nice, thank you. used it today for the first time. might have added a few more ...... _ I have .You lines to it, that would have m^de me even hapoier. . : All of us are in good health. Richard is not at home at this moment.' He is in Philadelphia and will orobablv return > ^ ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX XI tonight or tomorrow night. Little Richard is leaving for school. He likes_to go to s . • . c h o o l . ■r;;’: - There is nothing else new, to write, greetings.from Laura and: the c h i l d r e r i yg&f. : : ; I wish you a nice 4th of Ju ly . ;.7>‘V Cordial regards from your loving mother Catharina Franz Excuse my bad handwriting. you can read it. Write me if ' •\ 495 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX XI c/'.' /V?. ' £■ y .... / Sif0 ■< / .. y / / / / v '7 / ’/ / //. / 71 F > J * ? 4 ^ j / / -» • 'Y' * V ;i y*> ■* 7 ’ s-ne*-*^ L ^ /-vt >/ // ■ ' * v / ~ “ / // / "■;// y *./ /. • -a ./ ■ ' / .'.y v / -£ 14- 7 * T, A - 7 C-7S A4. ! - » * ■ * ■ / T-t ,. // ' v /■ 5 1 £ » ■ » . - * A ,/ V * / / « , 7*, £■ , £ y ^ - T y'' /' / - V .-■ * .* 1 *■ T - * X . ^ I / '" 7 / 'v*7* 7? *i /£ S-* , ' - / f- / / // . ' A ■ ' > ! /' y /:/ //L. l; f/f :' *a y •/.-/,■>#/ i/ / . t > I tL f L. , * ' s/ / X’C i f JS . *■ * T 7 - / ^ <* . J/ ,»■* ,- •:/ // .j- -*# ’12 /*■:■a r/ : i^ ; v / . CV 496 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX XI 497 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX XI RICHARD JOHN FRANZ-3, at ELBERON, N.J., MDOLAND {*1317) . 6 -25-, B- 15th June 1355 , - 30th May 1931 th Nov. 1883, NEWARK, N.J to LAURA AUGUSTA EMIL HEINRICH FR ANZ- 8 , -29-, B- 17th Aug. 1865, D- 25th Feb. 1893 to CARRIE E. at NEWARK, N.J., M- 17th Oct. 1383, NEWARK, N.J MITCHELL (#1323) . 493 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX XII -FRANCISCO FAMILYThe FRANCISCO name is one which is found in all parts of the United States and the bearers of which trace their ancestry to several countries and to both early settlers and to recent immigrants. We are here concerned only with that family which is first found in the outlying section of NEWARK, NEW JERSEY, then called SECOND RIVER and part of which is now the towns of NUTLEY and BELLEVILLE in ESSEX COUNTY. At the beginning of the eighteenth century they were among the first settlers of HORSENECK in what is now the CALDWELL-FAIRFIELD area. Some of this branch removed to the upper Hudson River valley in NEW YORK STATE prior to the revolution and some of their descendants may still be found there. The members of the family with which this writing is concerned are descended from one J O H N - 2 F R A N S O Y , of NEWARK and his wife GESHEE. The identity and origin of J O H N -2 FRANSOY is not clear. However, some possibility exists that he is the JOHN FFRANCIS who, with KESHEE his wife, purchased twentyfour acres of land from JACOBUS JORALOMON within the bounds of NEWARK on the east side of the third river for 9 pounds, 10 shi1 1 ings on 3 0th December 16 9 5 , recorded in the "Newark Town Book, from 1 6 9 1 ” , which is in the library of the New Jersey Historical Society. That JOHN1-2 FFRANCIS was of NEWARK before IS 9 5 is born out by the deed quoted above. That he died be fore19 th Nov, 1733 is born out by the will of ABRAHAM VRELANT, of N E W A R K , ESSEX COUNTY dated 10th D e c . 1734 in whi ch he bequeathed land ''bought of sons of JOHN FRANSOY, viz., HENDRICK, FRANCE, 3 A R A T , and ABRAHAM FRANSER, on November 19 , 17 33H (New Jersey Archives, Calendar of Wills, 11:507). In the same year this same AB RAH AM VR E L AN D of N E WA RI< gave a deed to his son SIMEON to "land in NEWARK bounds which grantor had of the sons of JOHN FRANSES." The sons of JOHN-2 FRANSOY {FFRANCIS, FRANCES, ETC.) and GESHEE were F RANCE-3, HENDRICK-3, BARAT-3, A B R A H A M - 3, and probably JOHN3 - There were probably daughters also who are unnamed in the foregoing records . 499 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX XII -FRANCISCO FAMILYFRANCE FRANSER-3, -2-, also called FRANS FRANCISCUS and FRANCE F RAN Cl S C O , son of JOHN F RAN S O Y -2 , -1- {A r c h iv e s .3 0} , M- H ARMTJE XANDERS (SANDERS). Issue: 3 - 1 - JAN (JOHANNES) FRANCISCO, B- 5th Mar. Acquackanonk Dutch Reformed Church. 1719, Bp- 4 - II - ALEXANDER (ALE,SANDER) FRANCISCO, B- 27th Nov. Bp- Acquuckanonk Dutch Reformed Church. 5 - III - BARENT, B- 16th Oct. 1730, 3p- 29th Nov. Second River Dutch Reformed Church. 1727, 1730 at HENDRICK FRANSER-3, ~ 6 ~, also called HENDRICK FEANCISKUS, son of JOHN FR ANS OY-2, -1- (Archives .30) , M- LEVENTIE VAN DER KOECK (VANDERCOOK). Issue: 7 - 1 - MACHIEL (MICHAEL) FRANCISKUS, B- 2nd May 1729, 3p8 th June 1729 at Second River Dutch Ref. Church. 3 - II - S A R A , B- 4th Jan. River . 9 - III - JOHN (JOHANNIS), B- at DISTORNS NECK CANSEGAT). 1732, Bp- 2nd Apr. 1732 at Second (HORSENECK, 10 - IV - GE ES J E ?, M- 13th May 1740 , NICLAES STIJG at SECOND RIVER. 11 - V - LENA?, B- at GANSEGAT, M- JOHS. VAN DER HOEF at Acquaekanonk Dutch R e f . C h u r c h . 3ARAT FRANSER-3, -12-, also called BARENT V. SISCO and BARENT F RAN Cl SCO, of MORRIS COU N TY (Archives 35 :153), BAREN T F RAN SEE witnessed the will of JOHANNES THOMAS E E , o f N E W A R K , dated 23th Feb. 1727 (Archives 32:322), M- CATLYNTJE S T E G E R S , 19th Apr. 1726 at Acquaekanonk Dutch Ref . C h u r c h . They witnessed several baptisms 1727-1741 at both the Second River and Acquaekanonk Dutch churches. BARENT FRANCISCO and JOHN FRANCISCO are included in the list of freeholders of MORRIS COUNTY from the Township of Preakness dated 31st Aug. 1752. In the Essex County Court Files for 15th June 1767 he is given a judgment against NATHANIEL PIERSON in a suit of trespass. He and CATLYNTJE were parents of seven known ch ildren . I s s u e : 500 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX XII 13-1 - 3AREAH {also called SARAH VAN C I S C O ) . 14 - II - JOHANNES, B- 10th Mar. AC Q U A C K A N O N K . 15 - III - GEESIE, B- 18th Oct. SECOND RIVER. 16 - IV - HENDRICK, B- 14th May 1733, SECOND RIVER. 17 - V - DIRCK, RIVER. 18 - VI - CATHALIJNTJE, 19 - VII - MARIA V., B- 29th Sept. SECOND RIVER. 1729, Bp- 13th Apr. 1731, B- 12th May 1735, 1729 at Bp- 14th Nov. 1731 at Bp- 24th June 1733 at Bp- 15th June 1735 at SECOND Bp- 17th June 1742 at ACQUACKANONK. 1746, Bp- 15th Nov. 1746 at ABRAHAM F R A N S E R - 3 , -20-, Newark Town Records, p. 136 shows his property as being one of the lines of division between NEWARK and SECOND RIVER. Liber C Essex County Court Minutes mentions him as a Constable of NEWARK, 1744/45. M- ELISABETH S T E G H , dau. of THOMS. Issue: 21-1 - THOMAS, Bp- 29th Oct. 1727 at SECOND RIVER. 22-11 - A B R A H A M , B- 11th Oct. SECOND RIVER. 23 - III - HENDRIK, B- 1st Feb. SECOND RIVER. 1732, Bp- 24 - IV - GEESIE, B- 16th Mar. SECOND RIVER. 1732, Bp- 28th Apr. 25 - V - JER E M I A H ? f B- ca.1745. 1729, Bp- 28th Dec. 6 th Feb. 1729 at 1732 at 1734 at 501 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX XII J OH ANNIS FRANGIS K O -3, -26-, probably son of JOHN F RAN S O Y -2 and KESHE. He is included based on the fact that he was sponsor for the son of his supposed brother, Barent (12) at ACQUACKANONK on 13th Apr. 1729. He was born at ACQUACKANONK according to the record of h is second marriage, and was 1 iv ing at HORSENECK in the PARISH of POMPTON at the time. He owned land at TEWAUGHAW (TO NA G O 5 in 17 4 9 and was among the freeholders of MORRIS COUNTY !!TOWNSHIP of POQUANACK" , 31st Aug. 1752 . He was married before 1723 to GRIETJE BUIJS (BUYS) and after her death married CLAERTJE CGERTE, 3rd July 1737 at ACQUACKANONK. Issue of JOHANNIS and GRIETJE {M A R G A R E T T A ) : 27 - I - N.N., Bp- 22nd Jan. 1723 at ACQUACKANONK. 28-11 - HENDRICK, B- 30th May 1730, Bp- 14th June 1730 at SECOND RIVER. 29 - III - JACOB, B- 26th Sept. Issue of JOHANNIS and CLAARTJE 30-1 - PIETER, 31-11 - MARYTJE, 1733 at SECOND RIVER. (KLARA): B- 1738, Bp- at POMPTON PLAINS. Bp- 21st July 1745 at POMPTON PLAINS. JAN (JOHANNES) FRANCISCO-4, -3-, B- 5th Mar. 1719, BpAcquackanonk Dutch Reformed Church, M~ ANNATIE D O R E M U S . 32-1 Issue: - FRANCOIS, Bp- 11th Sept. 1742 at Gansegat Dutch Ref. Church by REV. JOHANNES VAN DRIESSEN of Acquackanonk Churc h . ALEXANDER FRANCISCO-4, -4-, B- 27th Nov. 1727, Bp- 1st Dec. 1727 at Acquackanonk Dutch Reformed Church, M- AN TJE _____ . Issue: 33-1 - JANNETJE, B- 3rd Oct. POMPTON PLAINS. 1772, Bp- 31st Oct. 1772 at 502 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX XII JOHN (JOHANNIS) FRANCISCO-4, -9-, B- at DISTORNS NECK (HORSENECK, GANSEGAT), M- 30th Apr. 1745, AALTJE DOREMUS at the Acquackanonk Dutch Ref. Church. JOHN probably moved to NEh7 YORK STATE about 1770 where he and his sons saw military service in the Albany County militia during the re vo lut ion . JOHN and AALTJE had the following children: 34 - I - HENRY, 35-11 - THOMAS, B- 20th Aug. 1747, Hackensack Ref. Church. 35 - III - JOHN, 37 - IV - ABRAHAM, 36 -V - LAVYNTJE, B- 8 th Apr. 1753 at GANSEGAT, Bp- 20th May 1753 at First Reformed Church, POMPTON PLAINS, M- 6 th Nov. 1782 , GERRET VOORHOUIS at SCHAGHTICOKE . 39 - VI B- 1st Aug. 1745 at GANSEGAT. Bp- 13th Sept. 1747 at B- 27th July 1749. B- 12th Feb. 1751 at GANSEGAT. - ANNA (ANAKA, O N C H E ) , B- 7th Mar. 1755 at GANSEGAT, MHENRY VANDERCOOK. They had 7 children all Bp- at SC HA GH T I C O K E . 40 - VII - LEVI (LEVYNU3), B- 12th Mar. 41 - VIII - CORNELIUS, 42 - IX - MICHAEL, 43 -X - JANE, 44 - XI - ATIE 45 - XII - JACOB 46 - XIII - ELIZABETH 1757. B- 4th Dec. 1759. B- 17th Jan. B- 29th Oct. 1762. 1765, M- ABRAHAM (OLIVE), B- 19th Feb. GARRISON. 1767/8. SAREAH FRANCISCO PIETERSE-4, -13-, dau. of BAREHT FRANCISCO-3, 12- and CATLYNTIE STEGER, M- EGBORTS P I E T E R S E . Issue: 47-1 - CATALYNTIE 43-11 - BARENT 49 - III - GEESYE - 503 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX XII SAREAH is named in her father's will in which she was bequeathed the sum of ten pounds. Her son BARNET in the same instrument is g iven a gun . JOHANNES FRANCISCO-4, -14-, B- 10th Mar. 1729, Bp- 13th Apr. 1729 at ACQUACKANONK. He was left a negro man and a share in his father's farm by the will of his father dated 4th Jan. 1775 , 14LENA MANDEVIL (MANDEVILLE). Issue: 50-1 - JOHANNIS, B- 4th June 1749, Bp- 25th June 1749 at SECOND RIVER. 51 - II - LEA, B- 15th Dec. PLAINS. 52 - III - JACOB, B- 7th Dec. PLAINS. 1756, Bp- 7th Jan. 1753, Bp- 7th Jan. 1757 at POMPTON 1759 at POMPTON GEESIE FRANCISCO DEB O W - 4, -15-, B- 13th Oct. 1731, Bp- 14th Nov. 1731 at Second River Dutch Church, M-ca. 1756 PAULUS DEBOW ''on the Pl ai n s 1'. I ssu e: 53 - T X - GERRET 54 - II - BARNEY 55 - III - MARY 56 - IV - CATY HENDRICK FRANCISCO-4, -16-, B- .14th May 1733 , Bp- 24th June 1733 at SECOND RIVER. He was left "the land where he lives" by his father's will {A r c h i v e s .35:153). He was elected a deacon of the Hanover Reformed Church, 15th Feb. 1774. He also bore the name CISCO, M- MARIA _____ . Issue: 57-1 M- - JOHANNIS, B- 22nd Mar. POMPTON PLAINS. (2) ANTJE MANDEVILLE. 53-1 1758, Bp- 18th June 1753 at Issue: - HENDRICK, 13- 29th Nov. POMPTON PLAINS. 1764 , Bp- at Ref. Church, 504 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX XII DIRCK FRANCISCO-4, -17-, B- 12th May 1735, Bp- I5th June 1735 at SECOND RIVER. His father left him a share of his farm by will dated 4th Jan. 1775. He resided first at POMPTON and then at PAUL DEBOW'S at JACKSONVILLE (his brother-in-law). In his will he called himself RICHARD FRANCISCO, of PEQUANNOCK (Morris County Will Book A : 271) , the date of the will being 13th A p r . 1808 . He is also called DIRK F. SISCO, M- 13th Apr. 1753, MARAGRITIE CACHE INN at the Acquackanonk Church. Issue: 59-1 - SARAH, M~ 23rd Oct. 1780, PETER MEAD, JR. ofPOMPTON; lived at BL OO MI N G D A L E , had issue 5 children. 60-11 - BAREND 61 - III - MARY, M~ FRANCIS COOK and had Bp- at POMPTON PL. 62 - IV - PAULUS D E B O O G , BPLAINS. 63 - V - GEESIE, CISCHO, (BARNEY). 8 th Mar. issue 5 children all 1769, Bp- at POMPTON also known as MARGARET FRANCISCO and GRIETJE B- 15th Feb. 1774, Bp- at POMPTON PLAINS. 64 - VI - A N T I E , Bp- at POMPTON PLAINS. 65 - VII - DIRK, Bp- 25th July 1776 at POMPTON PLAINS, Dinfancy. 66 - VIII - DIRK, B- 1st Nov. PLAINS. 57 - IX 68 - X 1778, - PIETER, B- 14th Dec. Bp- 3rd Jan. 1777, in 1779 at POMPTON Bp- at POMPTON PLAINS. - WILLIAM D., B- 12th July 1781, Bp- at POMPTON PLAINS. MARIA V. SISCO COEK-4, -19-, B- 29th Sept. 1746, Bp- 15th Nov. 1746 at SECOND RIVER. Received ten pounds in the will of her father. She is mentioned in the records of the Reformed Dutch Church of MON TVILL E as MARIA B. FRANCISCO (17 8 6 ) , M- PETER C O E K . Issue : 69-1 - MARIA, Bp- 22nd July 1780 at the R e f . Dutch Church of Mon tv ille . 505 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX XII HENDRIK FRANCISCO-4, -23-, B- 1st Feb. 1732, Bp- 6 th Feb. 1732 at SECOND R I V E R , M~ 14th Jan. 1757, HILLEGOND (HILLITIE) BRUYN. Iss u e : 70-1 - HILLEGONT, B- 18th Jan. 1765 at P O V E R S H O N , Bp- 17th Feb. 1765 at ACQUACKANONK. 71-11 - MARGRIETJE, B- 11th Jan. 1767, Bp- 16th Aug. 1767 at ACQUACKANONK, M- 14th June 1788, JOHN GORDON at ACQUACKANONK. 72 - III - ABRAHAM, 73 - IV - ANTHONY 3-05.1770. GEESIE FRANCISCO FORD-4, -24-, B- 15th Mar. 1734, Bp- 28th Apr. 1734 at SECOND RIVER, M- 17th May 1756, NATHANIEL FORD at ACQUACKANONK and had issue: 74 _ T JL - ABRAHAM, 75 - II - JAMES, 7 6 - Ill - ABRAHAM, Bp- at S C H A G H T I C O K E , N.Y. Bp- at S CHA GH T I C O K E , N.Y. Bp- at SCHAGHTICOKE, N.Y. JEREMIAH - 2 0 - and (MANDEVi: 7? - I - ABRAHAM 78 - II - HENDRICK, 79 - Ill - GEESHE, 80 - IV - AMY, 81 - V - MARIA, (ABRAM) . B- 2nd Mar. B- 2nd Apr. Bp- 29th Mar. 1774, 1776, Bp- at SCHAGHTICOKE. Bp- at SCHAGHTICOKE. 1776 at SCH AG HTI COK E. B- 1772, Bp- at SCHAGHTICOKE. 506 ROLL GENEALOGY APPENDIX XII HENDRICK FRANCISCO-4, -28-, B- 30th May 1730, Bp- 14th June 1730 at SECOND RIVER, D- 30th Dec. 1814. His will dated 4th Aug. 1812, probated 8 th Feb. 1814 mentions sons, JOSIAH, PETER, dec. and JOHN, dec., also MARY, wife of PETER, HOCKEY, wife of JOHN, grandsons, children of JOHN; HENRY, ANDREA and THOMAS and a granddaughter, child of J O H N , M A R G R E T . He M - MARGARET D E B A U N . 1 s s ue i 82-1 - JOSIAH, 33-11 - PETER II. 84-111 - JOHN B-ca. 23rd Nov. 1767. JOHN FRANCISCO-5, -50-, also known as JOHN CISCHO and JOHANNIS FRANCISCO, B- 4th June 1749, Bp- 25th Jun. 1749 at Second River Dutch Ch., M- POLLY (MARIA/MARY) CLARK. Issue: ten children including : 85-1 - PETER I., was a private in theWar of 1812. 36-11 - CLAARTJE (CLARISSA), 326th Oct. 1804, Bp- First Reformed Church, POMPTON PLAINS, D- 25th Mar. 1886, 3D- Brook Valley, KINNELON BOROUGH, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, M- 18th Oct. 1822 at M T . HOPE to HENRY D 0 LAND (see Append ix X ) . Abstracted from article "Some Franciscos of Essex and Morris Counties, N . J . ” New York Genealogical a Biographical Record 96_ 156-172 (1965) by George F . Kent. 507 ROLL GENEALOGY BIBLIOGRAPHY 1 - Li tt e11, J o h n , F e l t v i l i e , N.J., 1851, Family Records or Genealogies of the First Settlers of the Passaic Valley and vicinity. 2 - Stryker, W m . S., Adjudant General, Trenton, N.J., 1872 , Official register of the officers and men of New Jersey in the Revolutionary War. 3 - D.A.R. 4 -•Secretary of State, Office of, to Wills, 17G5-1804. State of New Jersey, Index 5 - Secretary of State, Office of, to W i l l s , 1304-18 30 . State of Hew Jersey, Index 6 - Monumental Inscriptions of Union County, N.J., Vol. II, filed in the archives of the New Jersey Historical Soci e ty , Nev/ark, N .J . 7 - Powers, 8 - Crane, Lineage Book, Vol. XXI. John Carroll, Springfield, 111., 1876, The Early Settlers of Sangamon C o u n t y , 1 1 1 . E.B., Worcester, 11 Mass., 1900, Crane Genealogy, Vol. . 9 - Chambers, T.F., Dover, N.J., Jersey . 1895, Early Germans of New 10 - Heitman, F.B., Washington, D.C., 1903, Historical Register and Dictionary of the United States Army, Sept. 29, 1739, Mar. 2, 1903, Vol. I. 11 - Powell, 12 - Callahan, 13 - Secretary of State, Office of, State of New York, Indexed Land Papers, 1643-1803; Calendar of New York Colonial Manuser i p t s , Albany , N .Y . , 1864 . 14 - New' York Historical Society's Record, Vol. XXVI, 13 93 , Vol. #2 Abstract of Wills, N.Y. Surrogate's Office, 1708-1728. Col. W.H., U.S.A., N.Y., 1900, List of Officers of the Army of the United States from 1779-1900. E.W., Washington, D.C., 1901, List of Officers of the Navy and the Marine Corps of the United States from 1775 1 0 1900. 503 ROLL GENEALOGY BIBLIOGRAPHY i5 - New York Historical Society's Record, Vol. 1730-1744. 16 - Mew York Historical Society Record, Vol. 1753 . 17 - New York Geno. 13 - Secretary of State, Office of, State of New York, Marriage Bonds, Vol. I. 13 - 0 *C a l l a g h a n , E.B., Albany, N.Y., 1336, Calendar of H istor ical Manuscripts, Secretary of State , Part II. 20 - Hetfield, 21 - New York Geno. 22 - New York Historical Society Record, vol. VI, Abstract of Wills, 17 6C-1765 . 23 - Clayton, 24 - New Jersey Historical Proceedings, 1898-1900. 25 - Tucker, G.J., Albany, N.Y., 1860, Persons whom Marriage Licesnes were issued by the Secretary of State, Province of New York, previous to 1764. 26 - Mu ns e11, j .( Amerloan Ances t ry , Vol. 27 - Whitehead, John, N.Y., 1901, Vol. Three C e n t e r i e s . 23 - Ri k e r , J a m e s , N .Y ., 1881, H a r l e m , Its Origin and Early Annals . 29 - Eicord, F .W ., Newark, 30 - Parrot, G.T., Elizabeth, N.J., 1911, Typewritten records and notes of the Presbyterian C h u r c h , T u r k e y , now New Providence, N.J. (Archives of New Jersey Historical Society) . and 3iog. Record, Vol. Rev. E.F., New York, New Jersey. and Biog. Ill, Wills, IV, Wills, 1744- XL I . 1868, History of Elizabeth, Record, Vol. XXXVII. W.W., Philadelphia, Pa., 1882, History of Union and Middlesex Counties, New Jersey. N.J., Third Series, Vol. Ill, I, I, Passaic Valley in 1897, History of Union County, 509 ROLL GENEALOGY BIBLIOGRAPHY 31 - 0'C a l l a g h a n , E.B., Albany, N.Y., 1350, Vol. Ill, Documentary History of the State of New York. 32 - Munsell, 33 - New York Historical Society Record, Vol. V, Abstract of Wills, 1754-1760. 34 - Munsell, J., Albany, N.Y. in 1871, Vol. Ill, Collections of the History of A l b a n y , N . Y . and V i c i n i t y . 35 - O'Callagh a n , E .B . , Albany , N .Y ., 1866 , Calendar of Historical Manuscripts, Secretary of S ta t e, Part I. 36 - New York Geno. and Biog. Record, Vol. Church R e c o r d s . IV, Staten Island 37 - Munsell, J., Albany, N.Y., N.Y. 1861, Vol. I, Annals of Albany, 33 - M u n s e l l , J., Albany, N.Y., N .Y . 1861, Vol. IV, Annals of Albany, 39 - M u n s e l l , J., Albany, N.Y., Albany, N.Y. 1861, Vol. Ill, Annals of 40 - remuw, 41 - County Clerk's office, Albany, N.Y., Vol. 42 - S-A.R. New Jersey Society Year Book, 43 - Gordon, 44 - Map ofEss ex County , N .J . , by H .F . VJal I ing , 18 5 9 , New Jersey Historical Society Archives, Newark, N.J. 45 - Minutes of Provincial Congress and Council of Safety, of New Jersey, 1775-1776. 46 - Winfield, 47 - New York Geno. J., Albany, N.Y. in 1871, Vol. IV, Collections of the History of Albany, N.Y. and Vicinity. a . , Albany , N .Y . , 1881, Documents relat ing Colonial History of New York, Vol. XIII. F.T., Trenton, N.J., to the Ill of Deeds. 1910. 1834, History of New Jersey. C.N., New York, 1872, History of Land Titles Hudson County, N.J., 1609-1871. and Biog. Records, Vol. XXXVI State in 510 ROLL GENEALOGY BIBLIOGRAPHY 48 New York Geno. and B i o g . Records; Vol. XVI. 49 O'Callaghan; E.B., Albany, N.Y., History of New York. 50 Clute, John J., Annals of Staten Island, N.Y,, 51 Winfield, 52 Valentine, 53 Stillwell, J .E ., Historical and Genealogical Misee 11 any of New York and New Jersey, Vol. I. 54 New7 York 55 New Jersey Archives, 56 New Jersey /Archives, Second Series, Vol. 57 New Jersey Archives, 58 New York Historical Society Record, Vol. VIII, Abstract of Wills, 1771-1776. 59 Pearson, Jonathan, Genealogies of First Settlers of Albany, N.Y. from 1630 to 1800, Albany, N.Y., 1872. 60 Pearson, C.N., 1849 , Vol. I, Documentary History of Hudson County, N.J., 1877. 1874. History of New York City. State Historian Reports, Vol. II. Second Series, Vol. First Series, Vol. I. II. XXIV. Jonathan, Genealogies of First Settlers of Schenectady, N.Y. from 1662 to 1300, Albany, 1873 . N.Y., 61 Pearson, Jonathan, History of Schenectady, A l b a n y , N .Y., 188 3 . N.Y. Patent, 62 New York Geno. and Biog. Record, Vol. I, Marriages from Dec. 11, 1639 to Aug. 26, 1301, Reformed Dutch Church in New York and New A m s t e r d a m . 63 New York Geno. and Biog. Record, vol. II, Baptisms from Dec. 25, 1639 to Dec. 27, 1730 in the Reformed Dutch Church in New Amsterdam and New York. 64 New York Geno. and Biog. Record, Vol. Ill, Baptisms from Jan. 1, 1731 co Dec. 29, 1300 in the Reformed Dutch Church in New Amsterdam and New York. 511 ROLL GENEALOGY BIBLIOGRAPHY 65 - Mott, 66 - Wilson, Janies Grant, Memorial History of the City of New York, Vol. I, New York, 1890. 67 - Wilson, James Grant, Memorial History of the city of New York, Vol. II, New York, 189 0.. 68 - Holland Society Year Book, 6 9 Hopper Stryker, * 1908 . The New York of Yesterday, New York, 1900. - Diefendor f , Mar y R. , Historic Mohawk Valley, N .Y . , 1910. 70 - Valentine, 71 - Mew York Geno. 72 - Holland Society Year Book, 73 - Hoiland soc ie fcy Year Book , 19 G 3 . 74 - New York Geno. 75 - To le r , H.P. , New Ha r 1 era Reg i s t e r , New York, 76 - Talcott, 77 - Minutes of Common Council, City of New York, Pub. 1905, Vol. II. 78 - Re i d , W . M a x , The Mohawk V a l l e y . 79 - Bergen , T .G . , Early Settlers of I<ings County , N.Y. 80 - Baird, History of R y e , Westchester C o u n t y , N.Y. 81 - Stoutenhe r g h , N .A . , History of the Dutch Congregations of Oyster Bay, L.I., Vol. II. 82 - Munsell, 8 3 84 D.T., Manual of New York City, and Biog. and Biog. Record, Vol. 1862. X. 1903. Record, vol. XXVII. 1903 . S.V., Genealogical Notes, New York and New England Families, Albany, N.Y., 1883. 1675, Win. and Co., History of Morris County, York 1882. - New Jersey Historical Society proceedings, II. 1776, N.J., New 2nd Series, Vol. - Centennial Collections of Morris County, N.J., 1771-1876. 512 ROLL GENEALOGY BIBLIOGRAPHY 35 - Lewis Co., History of Morris County, N.J., 36 - Platt, C h a s . D ., History of Dover , N.J, 87 - Gardner, 33 - Secretary of State, Office of, State of New Jersey, to Wills prior to 1901, Vol. I. 39 - Phoenix, 90 - Lamb, Martha J., History of City of New York, Vol. 1880. 91 - Tompkins, D.D., Gov. of New York, 1807-1817, of Military Records, Vol. I. 92 - Tompkins, D.D., Gov. of New York, 1807-1817, Public Papers of Military Records, V o l . II. 93 - T o m p k i n s , D *D ., G o v . of New York, 1807-1817, of Military Records, Vol. III. 94 - New Jersey Archives, Wills, Vol. 95 - Gardner, Manuscripts Records of Archives in New Jersey Historical Society, 1913, Genealogical Collection, 16 6 5"!800 , Vol. 17. 96 - New York Geno. and Biog. 97 - Halsey , E .D . and Whee le r , V?.0. ; Inscriptions on Tombstones and Monuments in the Burying Grounds of the First Presbyterian Church and St. John's Espicopal Church, Elizabeth, Union County, New Jersey, 16 6 41892 . 93 - St. John's Episcopal Church, Elizabeth, New Jersey, Manuscript Records of Archives in New Jersey Historical Society, Nev/ark, N.J., 1913. 99 - New York State Library, History Bulletin #9, Early Records of the City and County of Remssel aerswyck, Vol . 1914. Manuscript Records 0 9 Archives in New Jersey Historical Society, Newark, N.J. Index S. Whitney, Chart of the Phoenix Family in New York on file in the New York Public Library. 11 . 1st Series, Vol. I, 1670-1730. Record, Vol. II, Public Papers Public Papers XXIII, Abstract of 19. 513 ROLL GENEALOGY BIBLIOGRAPHY 100 Holland Society Year B o o k , 1915 . 101 Pearson, 102 Mackenzie, 103 Holland Society Year Book, 104 New York State Library History Bulletin #10, Early Records of Albany, N.Y., Vol. Ill, Notarial Papers, 16601696 . 105 N.Y. Historical Society Collections, Freeman of New York City. 106 M e a d , S , P . , History of Town of G r e e n w i c h , County of Fairfield, Conn., 1911. 107 New York Geno. 103 Ainer ican Seeni c and Historic Preservation Society, Annual R e p o r t , 1920. 109 New Yor k State Library, van Rensselaer Bow ier M a n u s c r i p t s , by A.J.F. Van L a e r , State Archivist, Albany, N.Y., 1908 . 110 Tuttle, 111 New York Historical Record, Vol. XLII. 112 New York Historical Record, Vol. XVI. 113 Liber 114 New jersey Historical Society Proceedings, VIII. New Series, Vol. 115 New Jersey Historical Society Proceedings, IX. New Series, Vol. Jonatha, Early History of City and County of A l b a n y , H.Y., 1369, (Vol. I of BIB. 99). G .N ., Colonial Fam i1 ies of the U.S. 1896. 1886, Burghers and and B i o g . R e c o r d , V o l . X L V I I I . 2 51h H. Croswell; Abstracts of Farm Titles in the City of New York, between 39th Street and 75th Street, East of the Common Lands, 1877. "3" Deeds Richmond County, S.I, in the office of the County Clerk, St. George, S.I., 1923 . 116 - Book A Essex County, N.J., Marriage Records, Manuscript Record by Mrs. H.G. Pelch, Madison, N.J., filed in N.J. Historical Society, Newark, N.J. 514 ROLL GENEALOGY BIBLIOGRAPHY New York Historical Society, Abstract of wills, Vol. I. 118 Liber "C" Deeds Richmond County, Staten Island, N.Y., in the office of the County Clerk , S t . George , S .I . , 1923 . 119 Liber .12 0 StillweII, 121 Jones, C .N ., Typewr iter copy of Approved Pens ion Records on file in N.J. Hist. S o c ., Newark, N .J . 12 2 The New York Sun, 123 History and Genealogy of the Earles of Secaucus, New Jersey, by Rev. Isaac N . Earle, Lewisburg, Pa., 1924 . 124 New Jersey Historical Society Proceedings, X. 12 5 Enjen, John 0., Scandinavian Immigrants in New York, 16 7 4 , M in n e a p o 1i s , Minn., 1916. 12 6 Egle, W.H., Dr., Names of Foreigners who took oath of allegiance to the Provin c e ? 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