EvEnti visual arts fusion of contemporary art and archeology takes place, the awaited for exhibition has become one of the Magna grEcia FilM FEstival most important Italian cultural events of the summer Where: Soverato, province of Catanzaro season. As a sign of continued planning, the exhi- When: July /August bition today represents a cultural model with wide The Magna Grecia Film Festival is one of the most approval in Italy and abroad. important film festivals on the national scene. It has has always met with great public success. The festi- radicazioni Festival of cultural traditions val hosts premières, under the artistic direction of When: August Gianvito Casadonte. Where: Alessandria del Carretto, province of Cosenza taken place in Soverato, Catanzaro since 2004, and 138 Concerts, art and music in the heart of the Pollino. intErsEzioni Street performers, masks and marionettes, murals, Where: Scolacium Archeological Park, Roccelletta photography, wine and food stalls, artisan stalls and di Borgia, Cz traditional instruments stalls. The spirit of the Festival When: July/October is to create moments of aggregation, by proposing “Intersezioni” (Intersections) consolidates contem- the cultural and choral-musical resources in the Cala- porary arts and archeology. The scenery in the bro-Lucana area to a vast public, together with those background of the installation is the extraordinary from other regions of Italy and populations from the Scolacium Archeological Park (only a few km from Mediterranean. The artistic offering is rich and varied, Catanzaro). By now considered the place where the in regards to both the genres proposed and the manner in which the public is involved, though itinerant plays and music for youth, adults and children, and the choice to give value to all the spaces of the town. PEntEdattilo FilM FEstival international short Film Festival When: September Where: Pentedattilo, province of Reggio Calabria 139 film contest entitled “Territorio in Movimento” (Terri- saracinEMa the cinema in the kasbah tory in Movement), is the apex of a fruitful symbiosis When: August of intent between Ram Digital Film and the non-profit Where: Saracena, province of Cosenza Associazione Pro-Pentedattilo (Pro-Pentedattilo As- Saracinema is an event that ties the desire to have a sociation), who for some time now have collaborated place to talk, see and “feel” the cinema to the willin- in order to give artistic value to Pentedattilo, a ghost gness for high-level training. You will be welcomed town. The event enters into a wider process of revi- by an ancient abandoned village, made up of small ving the characteristic site. “A village for for labyrinthine alleys that lead to small piazzas that are the revival of the village” is the motto that tenaciously naturally predisposed for projections and dilapidated guides the daring path on the traces of ancient foot- convent atria that become places for study. A na- prints and new discoveries. tural amphitheatre is the central hub of projections The Pentedattilo Film Festival, an international short 140 and meetings with various guests, and a moment to public and critical success. Important names such as compare experiences with the public, the press and Eddie Gomez, Roberto Gatto, Danilo Rea, Paolo Fresu experts. All of this takes places around a pathway are only some of the biggest jazz festival guests. made up of small arenas, taverns and a-typical pubs, carved out of wine cellars and underground rooms. Jazz roccElla Jazz FEstival Future Memories When: August Where: Roccella Jonica, province of Reggio Calabria The festival ranks itself as one of the most important, PEPEroncino Jazz FEstival From the tyrrhenian to the ionian cosentine coast, passing through the Pollino and sila. if not the most important in South Italy; it is the ex- When: August/September tional prestige, such as Paolo Fresu, Omar Sosa and Where: Towns in the Pollino and Sila, Ionian Coast, many others. clusive prerogative of the city of Roccella. The artistic direction of Paolo Damiani foresees guest of interna- 141 province of Cosenza The Peperoncino Jazz Festival (Hot Pepper Jazz Festival), an event that joins great music, food and cultu- Ethnic Music re under the one of the symbols of the region (the most important cultural and touristic events of the PalEariza FEstival World Music in grecìa calabra Calabrian summer, as well as one of the more charac- When: August teristic music festivals in Italy. The Peperoncino Jazz Where: The Grecìa Calabra Area, province Festival has established itself as a sort of “seal of qua- of Reggio Calabria lity” and as an out-and-out package of cultural events. Ancient music and modern suggestions, sounds of Other than evening organized in collaboration with the world, local Calabrian cuisine and hiking paths important Calabrian events such as “Suoni”, “Di… leading to the discovery of forgotten places: all this is Vino Jazz” “Aspettando il Settembre Rendese” and Paleariza, the ethnic music festival that for ten years, “Amantea Around Jazz”, it will wholly encompass in its each summer, uncovers the beating heart of Greek program the Magna Grecia Jazz Festival and the Laos Calabria. The Paleariza, which means “Ancient Roots” Jazz Festival; Morano Blues & Jazz and Cetraro Jazz, in the Greek language of Calabria, takes place eve- as well as the “Festival del Borgo” , a music and the- ry year in the Grecian area of the province of Reg- atre festival that was met last year with an enormous gio Calabria. Since 1997, in fact, it constitutes an hot pepper), proves itself once again as one of the out-and-out ethno-touristic and cultural entry ticket for the entire zone. The name Paleariza refers to the indissoluble ties of the event with the Aspromonte territory characterized by the presence of Grecanico, a language whose essentially oral tradition represents the distinctive feature of the area. Generally, the event takes place in the towns of Africo, Bagaladi, Bova, Bova Marina, Condofuri, Gallicianò, Amendolea, Melito di Porto Salvo, Pentedattilo, Palizzi, and Staiti. During the Paleariza, within an arc of about twenty days, kilometres of often twisting roads leading to beautiful mountain towns are travelled. During the festival evenings, the towns open their doors and offer their traditional hospitality to the public. thEatrE 142 Magna grEcia thEatrE FEstival a journey to the archaeological sites in calabria When: July /August Where: archaeological sites of Calabria The theatre itinerary in archaeological sites in the territory is promoted by the Region of Calabria. Theatrical plays and more are set among the ancient ruins and archaeological excavations in a project that promotes and enhances the heritage that is particularly bestowed upon Calabria. Twelve exceptional settings are used: the archaeological parks of Sibari, Crotone, Roccelletta di Borgia, as well as the Teatro dei Ruderi (The Ruins Theatre) in Cirella, the Abbazia benedettina (the Benedictine Abbey) in Lamezia, the Tempio di Marasà (The Temple of Marasà) in Locri, the Teatro all’aperto (The Open Air Theatre) in Palmi, Piazza Ca- stello (The Castle Piazza) in Reggio Calabri, the Teatro della Torre Marrana (The Torre Marrano Theatre) in Ricardi, the archaeological area of Rosarno, the ancient Kaulon and the space in the Castello al Parco delle Rimembranze (The Castle at Memorial Park) in Vibo Valentia. A journey in the footsteps of myth. Those who founded the civilization of a region: Calabria. A theatre itinerary in the most important archaeological sites spread throughout the entire regional territory. From the Tyrrhenian Coast to the Ionian, from North to South. This is the winning formula of the Magna Grecia Theatre Festival. PriMavEra dEi tEatri Festival on the new language in the contemporary scene. When: June Where: Castrovillari, province of Cosenza The festival is by now a point of reference in the South for contemporary drama and new creativity, meeting and discussion sites among artists of different levels and generations. Primavera dei Teatri (Springtime of the Theatres) has, over the years, contributed to the success of many Italian artists of this last generation, some of which have been then met by prestigious acknowledgment. A unique event in the South of Italy, the festival reflects on contemporary society, registers ideas and aesthetic questions,and is aimed at youth, risking much. Directed and organized by Scena Verticale, the festival hits its eleventh edition in June 2010. EuroMEditErranEan FEstival When: from June to September Where: Altomonte, province of Cosenza A prose, cabaret, music and visual arts festival, laun- 143 ched in 1988, promoted by the Municipality of Alto- Turks, in the Easter Season. monte. Entrusted to the Artistic Direction of Enrico The “vallja” is a folk dance, formed by youths in tra- Provenzano, each year the festival sees big names on ditional arbëresh costumes, who, creating a chain by the Italian art scene, such as Katia Ricciarelli, Fabrizio means of handkerchiefs and guided at the extremities De Andrè, Raffaele Paganini, Ficarra and Picone. by two special figures called “flamurtarë” (flag-carriers), wind their way through the town streets perfor- FolklorE ming epic songs, traditional rhapsodies, songs of good wishes or disdain, which are more or less improvised. This is not a variation of the Calabrian tarantella, but 144 tarantElla PoWEr an ancient circle dance of colourful Albanian origins When: the end of August that recalls the proud and upheld rhythms that are still Where: Badolato Cz found today in the mountain dances of the Dukagji- In a historic village of extraordinary beauty, you’ll find ni, in Rugovo, mountainous regions of Kosovo and a deeply rooted tradition of hospitality, a tradition of in Epirus. The circle dance performs imaginative de- singers and chitarra battente (folk guitar) players se- velopments, and with sudden enfolding movements renading, a love for folk music and good wine drunk “imprisons” courteous tourists, who willingly make in catoj (taverns). As always, an important part of Ta- generous offers in cafés in order to pay the “ransom” rantella Power is the prerogative of the public, whose for their release. The rhythm of the dance, which is enthusiasm at various levels in the enjoyment of the at times sombre and at times aggressive, is above all concert (completely free), and in attendance at se- found in the “vallja e burravet” (the mens’ dance). This minars, has permitted the further consolidation of a “vallja” is composed solely of men who store and re- festival that is already extraordinary in its intentions. member the combat tactics adopted by Skanderbeg Alongside the events there will be dance and instru- to capture the enemy in their movements. ment classes (tambourine, organetto, singing) as well The “vallja” used to take place in almost all the arbëre- as the usual seminars on traditional stringed instru- shë towns on Easter Sunday afternoons, Easter Mon- ments: another tangible success that is a merit to the day and the following Tuesday. Currently, it takes consistent history of Tarantella Power. places in Civita and in Frascineto, and in part in San Basile and Firmo. lE vallJE the circle dance of liberty When: the Tuesday after Easter FEsta dElla Pita (the Festival of the tree) Where: Civita and Frascineto, province of Cosenza When: last Sunday in April According to tradition, these festivals were establi- Where: Alessandria del Carretto, province of Cosenza shed in order to commemorate the great victory of An ancient event with pagan origins that is very re- Giorgio Castriota Skanderberg against the invading miniscent of many fertility rites carried out by pagan populations. During the preparations for the celebration, a fallen tree is searched for, usually a fir tree. The tree is then taken and transported to the town followed by a lively procession accompanied by cheerful music. At lunch, the parade is interrupted, and the participants sit down at a table to refuel, participating in a sumptuous lunch in which the most delicious local food is served. The transport is then taken up again, and continues until the evening, concluding with a dance organized in the piazza. The festivities continue in the following days with the fir tree-cleaning ceremony, in which, after being stripped of its branches, is planed. On Sunday, May 2nd , the pole obtain is hoisted and prizes are tied to its summit. The fearless then attempt to scale the pole to get the prizes. Once all the gifts are gathered, the tree is cut down, and the victors are celebrated. The twigs are gathered with the fir needles in memory of Saint Alexander. FEsta di san lEonE (the Feast of saint leo) When: end of February Where: Saracena, province of Cosenza On the eve of the feast (19 February), there is a festive torch-light procession in the city streets (leaving and arriving at the church of Saint Leo), in which a unique and cheerful ceremony for the saint with songs and traditional musical instruments takes place. After the torch-light procession, in all the city quarters, huge bonfires are lit (Fucarazzi), which last until morning. Groups of young people and old, with organettos and guitars, go from quarter to quarter, where local food is offered: salami, wine and wonderful Moscato di Saracena. This is an ancient feast that has been 145 repeating itself without change, yet somehow always different, for centuries. i vattiEnti When: the week before Easter Where: Nocera Terinese, province of Catanzaro Among all the religious ceremonies that take place in Italy to celebrate Holy Week, a special place is surely reserved for the procession of Our Lady of Sorrows that takes place on Holy Saturday in Nocera Terinese in the province of Catanzaro. This is directly linked to the rite of the Vattienti (whose rough translation means flagellants), traced back to 1618. The flagellants are those who flog themselves until they draw blood as a sign of their devotion. It is a type of catharsis, of atonement for one’s sins, both for the one that is “sacrificed” as well as those dear to him. The flagellation 146 stops in front of the statue of Our Lady of Sorrows, to which the Vattiente genuflects. la giudaica the trial of Jesus When: Easter, Good Friday Where: Laino Borgo, province of Cosenza Every two years, on Good Friday, Laino Borgo becomes the natural suggestive backdrop on the occasion of the play “La Giudaica” (The Judaic), about the Passion of Christ. The play is loosely based on a text by Morone, a Dominican monk who lived at the end of the 1700s. Followed by a tireless crowd of people, there are around a hundred actors and appearances: shopkeepers, artisans, blue and white-collar workers who, even though they have never taken an acting course, at times reveal unique artistic flairs passing quickly from one scene to the next, from one “delegation spot” to another: from ve, from the religious trial before the Sanhedrin to the carnEvalE dEl Pollino (the Pollino carnival) political trial before Pontius Pilote, from the Way of the Where: Castrovillari, Cs Cross to the Crucifixion. When: February/March the Last Supper to the Arrest of Christ in the olive gro- Officially beginning in 1959 (although the first edition Palio di ribusa took place in ’58), the origins of the Pollino Carni- When: July val have been lost in the mists of time. The Pollino Where: Stilo, RC Carnival has always been characterized by its mirth, Ladies, knights, arms and love: these are the ele- collective pranks, and also for the fine workmanship ments that gave rise to the Palio di Ribusa ( a Palio is a of its floats. Nevertheless, from ’59 until today, the- medieval game in which the winner is awarded a ban- re have been two elements that render it unique and ner), one of the most important and followed histori- attractive: the variety of the masks produced and the cal events in Calabria. Commemoration days, music, participation of Italian and foreign folkloristic groups plays and cuisine are to be found in the village streets that make up the main parade. The floats are also pro- of Stilo, in the framework of a meticulous historical tagonists, but the most engaging shows are the ma- reconstruction. The five ancient farmhouses of the sked and folkloristic groups, the latter also performing Stilese County (Camini, Guardavalle, Pazzano, Riace indoors, in the Sybaris Theatre, for the International and Stignano) challenge the noble and illustrious City Festival of Folklore. The entwining of masks and folk- of Stilo in feats of strength and dexterity. During the lore comes from afar. Castrovillari dedicates particular afternoon of the last day, the representatives of the importance to popular traditions, so much so that it is six towns measure up against the Giostra all’anello defined as the city of folklore. The Carnival therefore (Ring Joust) to whom the Pallium, an artistically wor- always focuses on the joy of dance and song perfor- ked drap will be awarded. During the Palio, the entire med in front of the doors of the houses in the old city, old city is illuminated by the fascinating torches. In to the rhythms of the tambourine, which calls for “ a the piazzas and streets, theatre plays, musical perfor- savuzizza” (one of the many local types of sausages in mances of that era and various exhibitions will take the area) and wine to celebrate the “king jester”. place. It is possible to watch duels (obviously simulated) on horseback. There is an animated historical market in the centre of town, rich with workshops Food FEstivals and artisan shops. Obviously, the food plays its role profusely; in the old taverns, it is possible to try local thE rEd onion oF troPEa FEstival dishes and delicious beverages, much to the joy of When: August the palate. At the Zecca della Bagliva, you can buy Where: Tropea, province of Vibo Valentia the Ribuso, the money minted just for the historical This festival has taken place in Ricadi, in the centre of commemoration of Stilo’s Palio di Ribusa. the province of Vibo Valentia on the 13th of August 147 each year for about 30 years. During the evening, there are many delicacies with the onion of Tropea as a base: sweet and sour onions, onion marmalade, breaded and fried onion rings, beans with onions etc. Accompanying the evening are classic games (sack races, pinata, etc) Calabrian folk songs and many other types of entertainment. The evening concludes with the “du camijuzzu i focu” dance. This is a horse made of bamboo canes, covered with firecrackers from its head to its tail. The pyro-technical dance is accompanied by a traditional Calabrian tarantella. A man with a very resistant helmet dances with the “horse”. Many people position themselves in a circle around this to watch the extraordinary fireworks display. thE stockFish FEstival 148 When: August stival has been celebrated unfailingly on the evening Where: Mammola, province of Reggio Calabria of the 10th of August for more than 25 years. The A traditional event is the The Stockfish Festival. Try aim of the event is to introduce the excellent organo- stockfish cooked in various ways according to tra- leptic properties of the locally produced wine. The ditional Mammolesi recipes. The festival, due to its vineyards of Brattirò are situated on two terraces at unique flavours, is one of the most important food an altitude of 330m sloping towards the sea of Tro- events in Calabria and Italy, and brings thousands of pea and Capo Vaticano. This geographical lay of the tourists. The festival takes place along the streets in land allows for an excellent ventilation and sunlight this medieval village, where, other than the beauty of on the ancient vineyards, which, together with the village itself, one can admire the ancient church methodical work and patience, has produced a genu- and the houses of the nobility, local art shows, and ine and fine wine. artisan stalls. All this takes place in a folkloristic atmosphere, with dances, songs, sounds and various thE sPilinga ‘nduJa FEstival performances. When: August Where: Spilinga, province of Vibo Valentia thE WinE FEstival In a small town in the province of Vibo Valentia, an When: August event of the gastronomic, folkloristic and cultural Where: Brattirò di Drapia, province of Vibo Valentia type takes place on the 8th of August every year, for In a small town in the province of Vibo Valentia, a fe- all those who spend their vacations in Capo Vaticano ken place in Bagnara Calabra . If in 1971, circa 1000 attended, from 1971 to 2000 the attendance level is at about 4000 people, including citizens, casual tourists and passionate regulars. The importance of the festival is evident not only by the numbers, but also in the interest of the local and national mass media. The event, sponsored by the Region of Calabria and upheld by territorial political institutions, aims to promote one of the most ancient traditions in the territory: Swordfish hunting. The period chosen for the event is the first week of July, when the swordfish, in search of a mate for reproduction, inhabit the tranquil waters of the Strait of Messina. gran FEsta dEl PanE (the great bread Festival) and Tropea and for the citizens of Spilinga. Thanks to When: May ‘nduja, a very local product, known throughout Italy Where: Altomonte, province of Cosenza and even abroad, Spilinga has become famous. The After only a few years, it has become one of the ‘nduja of Spilinga is a type of sausage made with hot most characteristic events due to the rich cultu- red peppers and pork, prepared by hand in the win- ral and touristic offering of Altomonte. The event ter months, when it is customary for the Spilingesi to takes place in the old part of town, which has for slaughter their pigs. The people of Spilinga await this many years been rated as among the “Most beau- festival with enthusiasm and the willingness to offer tiful villages in Italy”. For four days, the town will hospitality and genuine local Calabrian products to be literally invaded by numerous expositive stan- the many visitors. The various stalls offer spaghetti ds, which involve the participation of many local with ‘nduja, beans, local vegetables, bruschette and producers and some representatives of cities that sandwiches with ‘nduja. are member of the “City of Bread Association”, those ranked among the “Most beautiful villages gran galà dEl PEscE sPada (the great swordfish gala) in Italy” and “Slow City”, which display and give When: end of July of excellence. The city will be visitable for free Where: Bagnara Calabria, province (guided tours in the village among “Forni Accesi” of Reggio Calabria (Ovens On) and “Catui Aperti” (Open Cellars) or- Every year, since 1965, the Swordfish Festival has ta- ganized by the Pro Loco). tasty samples of their specialties and products 149