21st February, 2016 - St Helen`s Church, Crosby


21st February, 2016 - St Helen`s Church, Crosby
Two weeks ago mention was made of the work CAFOD is doing to
help refugees from Syria. This is a quote from Len Meachim,
originally from Hoylake and now living in Lesbos where he has taught for the past 30
years. Len is a volunteer working with CAFOD’s Greek partner, Caritas Hellas.
“There has been a steady trickle of refugees coming (to Lesbos) over the past seven
or eight years but now huge numbers are making the treacherous journey from
Turkey in rubber dinghies. They’re not coming to have a better life but to have a life.
The least I can do is help them.”
Len says that whilst most people are from Syria others are from Afghanistan and
Iraq, escaping the threat they experience from war and the actions of
fundamentalist/terrorist groups. He distributes water to the recently arrived,
sleeping bags and mats to those in camps on the island. These essentials are
provided from funds raised in England and Wales by CAFOD and other Catholic
Last week’s Friday Self-Denial collection was £217.15. Many thanks.
February Food for Thought meetings, starting at 1.30 in the Islington Room at St
Helen’s Church, refreshments available. All welcome!
25/2 God’s Forgiveness (Luke 15:11)
HELP THE HOMELESS: There is a shortage of good men's clothing for distribution by
the Missionaries of Charity, Seel Street. If you have any items you would like to
donate, they can be left at the Parish Office, and they will be passed on to the
Sisters. Very many thanks.
St Helen’s Church
112, Alexandra Road
L23 7TQ
0151 924 3417
e-mail: [email protected]
Liverpool Archdiocesan Trustees Inc.
Registered Charity No. 232709
Mgr. John Furnival, Fr. Roy Cooper
Rev. P. Deary (retired)
Rev. E. Douglas
Second Sunday of Lent - 21st February 2016
Year C Part 1
Sunday 21st
9.45 am Mass for Eddie Green (anniversary)
6.30 pm Mass for the people of the parish
Monday 22nd
9.30 am Funeral Mass for Sheila Rice
2.00 pm St Pio Prayer Group
7.00 pm Holy Hour
Tuesday 23rd
9.30 am Mass for Rob McGrath (90th birthday)
2.00 pm Funeral Mass for Mary Hill
7.30 pm Novena & Benediction
8.00 pm St Helen’s Prayer Group
Wednesday 24th
Safeguarding Training Event
Saturday 5th March, between 9.30am and 1.30pm at St Helen’s parish centre
Open to all who volunteer with the parish - SVP, ministers of Communion,
catechists, baptism & bereavement teams etc.
This is a follow on from the last training session. For more information and to book
your place please contact the parish office.
Thursday 25th
9.45 am United Morning Prayer at St Helen’s church
7.00 pm Mass for Ann Kinsey (anniversary)
Knit & Stitch 2-4pm Tuesdays in the Sunshine Room at SS Peter & Paul’s
23rd February. All welcome!
Saturday 27th
11.00 am Exposition
11.20 am Confessions
12.00 noon Mass for Marie Ward (lately dead)
Contributions for this newsletter need to reach the Parish
Office at St. Helen’s Church, 112, Alexandra Road (Tel. 924 3417) by 12 noon on Thursday.
Please provide a contact ‘phone number in case of query.
Thank you. Office hours are: Tuesday to Friday, 10 am to 2 pm.
e-mail: [email protected]
Friday 26th
9.30 am Service of the Word with Holy Communion
7.00 pm Stations of the Cross
Sunday 28th
9.45 am Mass for Walter & Evelyn Herdman (in memory)
6.30 pm Mass for the people of the parish
ANNIVERSARIES: Winifred Kelly, Victor Charleton, Joseph Cooper, William Hogan,
Joan Picthall, Ann Kinsey, Patricia Varney, Margaret Costigan, Fr John McCreanor,
Roger Martin, Sr Seraphina, Jeanette Butchard, John Glennon.
Betty Hughes, Christine Moore, John Murphy, Christopher Brown, John Regan,
Hannah Amelia Regan, Hugh Dillon, Rita Barber, Celia Bradshaw, Sheila Brennan,
Kath Sweeney, Denise Cummins, Margaret Walsh, Joan Bamber, Rosemary Carragher,
Susan Natsheh, Pat Corner, Marie Brownrigg, Maura Murphy, Rosemary Hart,
Mary Cookson-Gower, Norah Byford, Joan Doyle, Peter Holmes, Rachel Cunningham,
Jean Greenwood, Joseph Bullen, Mary Costigan, Bill Feeley, Margaret McNeillie,
May McGivern, Philip Coppell and Pauline Bent.
Please remember in your prayers: Sheila Rice, Mary Hill and Paul Donaghy who died
recently. Paul’s funeral will be at SS Peter & Paul’s church on Wednesday 24th
February at 11.30am
Next Saturday (27th Feb) there will be a Mass at 12 noon at SS Peter & Paul’s church to
mark the first anniversary of the death of Fr John Seddon
Family Quiz Night: Friday 26th February 7.30 for 8pm
St Helen’s Parish Centre in aid of Chernobyl Children’s Project
Tickets: adults £5, children £4. from parish office or phone Kevin on 07795321137
Hot Pot supper included. Bring your own drinks.
Mill Hill Missions: A very sincere thank you to Bob & Marie McGrath for their many
years of service to Mill Hill, regularly delivering magazines and emptying boxes. They
are now retiring and we need a new person to take over the four houses in Moor
Drive, 4 times a year.
If you would like to volunteer or find out a bit more please contact the parish office.
Thank you.
Parish day Trip to Noddfa (a retreat house run by the Sisters of the Sacred Heart of
Mary in foothills of Snowdon)
Wednesday 25th May—coach leaving Crosby at 9am
The day will include Mass, free time to explore, lunch and refreshments
Please note : deposit of £5 is now due and we will also accept full payment (£30) from
anyone who is ready to pay . Please pay via parish office.
Keeping the weekdays holy, living justice and peace: Part 1. Reflections on the
Transfiguration: Jesus changed to reveal his glorified nature - why did he change back?
How do we live harmoniously with God 'hidden' amongst us.
Mondays at 7pm : St Helen’s parish centre.
Reading at Mass:
A new rota for Sunday readers will be available shortly. If you would like to join our
team of readers please contact the office. We are a little bit short of volunteers to
read on weekdays at the moment. Anyone who can help with this will be warmly
welcomed. Thank you.
Coming up in 2017—Liverpool Empire Trip to see War Horse We have now reserved
100 tickets for Monday 27th November 2017 and we have over 80 names already!
Please put your names down ASAP if you would like to go.
Tickets will cost £37, payable by September.
Thursday 25 February and the following three Wednesdays, 6-7pm Our Lady & St Nicholas’ Church, Pier Head Series of Lent Talks
Sandymount House, 16 Burbo Bank Road, Blundellsands, Liverpool, L23 6TH
T: 01519244850 E: [email protected]
27th February 2016—Uncovering the True Self with Thomas Merton (10.00-4.00)
Brendan Kelly-Ince (Suggested offering £20.00)
Saturday 27th February 10.00 - 3.30 pm (Mass @ 10.00)
Sr. Annie Lunney SMG : Donation £20 includes cooked meal
Contact: 01704 875850
Lenten Mico-Retreat in St Joseph’s presbytery and church continuing on
Wednesdays, 7 to 8.30pm)“Who do you say I am” - A personal response to the Jesus
we meet in the Gospels of Lent. All welcome!
Are you or could you become a Dementia Friends Champion?
The Archdiocese has joined the Dementia Action Alliance and is committed to
making the Alzheimer’s Society Dementia Friends awareness session available in all
our parish communities. So we need people who have completed the one-day
training and become Dementia Friends Champions. If you are a Dementia Friends
Champion, or you would like to become one, please contact Maureen Knight at the
Pastoral Formation Department, 0151 522 1046, [email protected]. You can find
out more about the training at https://www.dementiafriends.org.uk The diocesan
Action Plan drawn up by our Dementia Working Group can be viewed now and will
be regularly updated on the Dementia Action Alliance website where it is listed as
Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Liverpool: