LOCALTREATMENT OF RH)ZARTHRO RANDC A PROSPECTIVE RicardoGabezas Gelaber 1 InternalMedicineDe ftment,Hos ital r ABSTRACT Background. Rhizarthrosisis a very frequentdiseaseaffectingabout 29.5%of the generalpopulation(25-74yeas old) and even more in specialgroups of population. Rhizarthrosiscausespain.functionaland estheticchangesresponsibleof an importanteconomicand socialcost. Objective. The goal of this studywas to evaluatethe dficacy and the safetyof repeatedintra-articular infiltrationof the trapezcmetacarpaljoint with hyaluronicacid (HA. versusdexamethasonein patientssufferingfrom rhizarthrosis. Suplasyn@) Methods. Patientssatisfyingthe criteriaof rhizarthrosisin any hand were randomizedto Suplasyn@or dexamethasonein an open, prospeçtive.comparativestudy. A minimum pain score of 50 measured on a visual analogic scale (VAS from 0 to,|00) was required.The two groups received the same standard of care, the each). Evaluationwas dexamethasonegroup receivedone infiltrationof dexamethasone(4mg/1ml)and the Suplasynegroup received4 weekly infiltrations(5mg/0.5m1 done in both groups at baseline,one month and 6 months.The primaryendpointwas the efficacyon the pain level as measuredby the VAS score, the secondary endpointswere the treatmenttoleranceand the overalltreatmentefiicacyevaluationby the patientand the physician Results. Both groups had comparableVAS at baseline(59 6 in the groupSuplasyn@versus 59.0 in the dexamethasonegroup), A significantimprcr/ementof the VAS score (p<0 0001) was observed at the month one evaluation compared to baselanebut there was no statisticallysignificant difference between the two groups at this point. The final evaluationat 6 monthsshowed that the improvementobservedin the group Suplasyn@was sustained.(i.e.VASscore of 30.6 at month 1 and 30.7 at month 6): in the dexamethasonegroup, the positiveeffect was fading away, with a VAS score of 48.6 at month six comparedto 36.7 at month one. The difference between the two groups was statistically significant (p=0.0001). Secondaryendpoints efficacy results showed no statisticallydifferent observations between physician and patient in both groups. Secondary endpoints tolerance results showed no severe adverse events in both groups. there were just 3 minor local reactions (1 in the HA groupwho leftthe study/2 in the dexametasonegroup) Conclusion. In conclusionthis study showed a safe and comparableefficacyof hyaluronicacid and dexamethasoneinfiltrationin the treatmentof rhizarthrosisin the shorttime but a superiorand sustainedefficacyof hyaluronicacid at 6 months. STUDYDESIGN INTRODUCTION Osteoarthritis(OA) of the trapeziometacarpaljoint at the base of the thumb causes pain and disabilityin a large section of the adult population,particularlywomen. However, the severity of clinical symptoms does not always correspond to the radiographicstage of the disease. so decisions about treatmentare commonly based on the extent to which the pain and functional limitationscaused by the disease interfere with the patient's normal daily activities rather than on the appearanceof the joint on X-ray. The results of a study by Petrella et al (2002)1 suggest that hyaluronicacid is as effectiveas nonsteroidalanti-inflammatory drugs (NSAlDs)for restingpain reliefin patientswith OA of the knee and may even be superiorto placebo alone or to NSAIDSalone in relievingOA pain associatedwith physicalactiviÇ or functional performance. Finally, Petrella also demostrated the efficacy of intrarticular injections by hyaluronic acid in the treatment of OA of the first joint or Golfer'sToe2. Metatarsalphalangeal The present study appears to be the first of its kind in that it explores viscosupplementation as a treatmentfor OA in the hand. OBJECTIVES The objectiveof this studywas to comparethe efficacyand safetyof intra-articular injectionsof Suplasyn@ and dexamethasone for the joint at the base of the treatmentof OA of the trapeziometacarpal th u mb . Refêr6nc6s (1) Petrella R.J.. Di Silvestro. M.D.. Hildebrand C. Sodium Hyaluronate effects on pain and physicê{ frnc{iming h osteoarthritis of the knee: A randomized. ddble$lind. placebæontrolled cliriæl trial Arch. Intem. Med. i20O2r. 162: N2298. (2) Petrella R,J.. Di Silvestro, M.D., Hildebrand C. Intrarticular Hyalurmic Acid lmprows 22-25 Septernber. 2002. Symptms ir cofd Reprintswere providedthroughan unrestrictededucationalgrantfrom: BIONICIIE LIFE SCIENCES JNC Cc s Tæ. OARSI. . of hand Patients witha clinicaldiagnosis andX-rayevidence osteoarthritis Randomization {1:1} . 60 hands (51 patients)in 2 cohorts: 30 hands receiveddexamethasone(D): 1 injection 30 hands receivedSuplasynr'(S): weekly injections Treatment . (20 mgl2 ml).Administration Suplasyn@** of 5 mg in 0.5 ml sal i nesol uti on. . (4 mg/1ml ) D examethasone EVALUATION Eff icacv Primary end point: Pain Parameter:0-10 VAS Secondary end point: Change in Patient Global Condition Parameter.GlobalAssessment (patient's& physician'so b s e r v a t i o n s ) SafeW End points: Adeverse and Serious Adverse Events Parameter.Cases reported(number.reason.time) I: SUPLASYN@ VERSUSDEXAMETHASONE IIZEDCONTROLLED STUDY ArturoRodriguezde la Serna1 Sant Pau i de la SantaGreu,Barcelona,Spain RESULTS parisonof painintensityscoredusinga visualanalogscale(VAS)at differenttime pointsin patientstreatedwith Suplasyn@ or dexamethasone e tl Suptasyn@lDexamethason 80 Suplasyn* n=24 Dexamethason p value e n=27 t1l Mean+ SD VAS Mean+ SD VAS 60 59.6+ 9.4 30.7+ 12.9 59.0+ 9. 9 36.7+ 20.4 6 months p val ue[1] 3 0 . 6+ 1 3 . 1 4 8 . 6+ 1 9 . 1 1 monthvs baseline <0.0001 <0.0001 0.9111 < 0.0001 Baseline 1 month 40 2A 6 monthsvs 1 month 0 4.7271 0.4029 <0. 0001 [1] p-valueobtainedby Wlcoxon Rank Sum Test Baseline 1 month 6 months Time of eva luation Muchbetter Better No change Worse Muchbetter Better No change Worse Patienfs Observations Physician's Observation s (number of patienb) (number of patients) Supfasynoln=241 3 15 I 3 Dexamethasonen=271 2 I 11 I CONCLUSIONS 4 14 10 2 . Suplasyn@shows comparable efficacy to dexamethasone after 1 month treatment; however,the efficacyis mantainedfor at least 6 months as opposed to that observed for dexamethasone, 2 12 7 I . Suplasyn@ is safe for the treatmentof symptoms of osteoarthritis. Participatinq investioators: RicardoCabezas Gelabert [1] Arturo Rodriguezde la Serna [1] tl: Hospital Sant Pau i de la Santa Creu Barcelona, Spain Presentedat the Annual European Congress of Rheumatology "EULAR 2003" Lisbon. Portugal.June 20, 2003 Topic 16: Osteoarthritis- Clinicalaspects and treatment Abstract FRIO237 Poster P237