June Evangelist - St. Mark`s Cathedral
June Evangelist - St. Mark`s Cathedral
A Monthly Magazine June 2015 • Volume 55 • Issue 6 The ST. MARK’S CATHEDRAL SHREVEPORT, LOUISIANA www.stmarkscathedral.net Giving the First Fruits by the Very Rev. Alston B. Johnson [email protected] Years ago, Asian farmers decided they would eat the good big potatoes and just use the small ones for seed. A new understanding of the laws of life came to them when, through the years during which they kept up the practice, nature reduced all their potatoes to the size of marbles! Those farmers learned through bitter experience that they could not keep the best things of life for themselves and use the leftovers for seed. The laws of life decreed that the harvest would reflect the planting. “Planting small potatoes” is still common practice. Too many folks take all the big things of life for themselves and only plant the leftovers. They expect that by some crazy twist of the laws of nature their selfishness will reward them with blessings. – shared by Toni Cooke A few Sundays ago I shared with the congregation a short exchange I had with one of our new Confirmands about Christian Stewardship and tithing. “Alston. What is Stewardship? What is Tithing?” I had to pause for a moment and think about it. My first thought was that I am still working toward giving a tenth of all that I own and earn to God. I am still working toward giving a tenth of my best time to God. I am still working on giving a tenth of my best physical, intellectual, and emotional energy to God. My time, talent, and treasure still have a way of remaining “mine” even though I am a preacher of the Gospel and a priest of the Church. Giving God that tenth of everything, that tenth of myself, still presents a challenge. The question of time, talent, and treasure is still open ended in parts of my life. I said to him, “Tithing is really about seeking to consecrate a tenth of your livelihood, a tenth of your station in life, toward the work of God and the life of the Body of Christ. Is it easy? Of course not. Does it sometimes feel counter-intuitive and foolish? Of course it does. But God is not simply trying to raise up better versions of what the world would make of us. God is looking for persons who are being transformed. God is looking for children who are becoming more like Christ. It really is about letting go and letting God.” In every facet of his life, Christ continually invited the disciples to give away parts of themselves that we work very hard to maintain. Christ invited his followers to put their future in His hands, to put their daily needs in His hands, ultimately to put themselves in His hands. Christ promised that if the disciples would entrust their lives and their daily needs to Him, that He would continually watch over and protect them. In some strange way it puts me in mind of those farmers who take the big potatoes for themselves, mistakenly believing that you can plant small potatoes and yield a crop of large potatoes. If what we share with God is only our leftovers, how is it we can be surprised that we do not see God at work in the depths of our lives? We have not let God into our depths, if we only share from our leftovers. God invites us to give the first fruits. God invites us to have his purposes first in our hearts. God invites us to give some of the big potatoes of our lives to his purposes. God’s promise on the other side of such acts of faith, is that we will have all that we need; actually that we will have all that we need and more, because we have honored him with our substance. I realize that some at St. Mark’s find these discussions tiring, or repetitive. I mention our need for ongoing awareness regarding our Stewardship because our worship, charitable ministries, education, and administration as a Cathedral depends upon the annual generosity of our members. (continued on page 2) (Giving the First Fruits, continued from cover) We cannot sustain our shared life without your support. We cannot create greater depth and breadth as a Christian community without your support. Your gift, your pledge, your tithe is absolutely necessary to our life as a Christian community. SUNDAY WORSHIP 8:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. Sunday Holy Eucharist Holy Unction offered at 10:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m. Friday Holy Eucharist (uses the Sunday Propers) If you have ten potatoes, please plant one of them at St. Mark’s. I believe that the Lord will honor and bless your gift so that it will come back to you ten-fold. One thing is for certain, you will have met the invitation that our Lord gives to his children. And with establishing that reciprocation with God, perhaps you will have a sense of that “peace which passeth all understanding,” peace of mind and soul, know that you have done that which God has asked; and that you may enjoy the Sabbath and rest from all your labors. JUNE 7, 2015 The Second Sunday after Pentecost Genesis 3:8-15 Psalm 130 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1 Mark 3:20-35 JUNE 14, 2015 The Third Sunday after Pentecost Ezekiel 17:22-24 Psalm 92: 1-4, 11-14 Blessings and Godspeed, Alston and Co. 2 Corinthians 5:6-10, 14-17 Mark 4:26-34 JUNE 21, 2015 The Fourth Sunday after Pentecost 1 Samuel 17:57-18:5, 10-16 Psalm 133 2 Corinthians 6:1-13 Mark 4:35-41 JUNE 28, 2015 The Fifth Sunday after Pentecost Wisdom 1:13-15; 2:23-24 Psalm 30 2 Corinthians 8:7-15 Mark 5:21-43 Take A Look At Our New Website! We’ve upgraded our website to make it a little cleaner and easier to manage! Please take a look around! The address is the same: www.stmarkscathedral.net Weekday Worship at the Cathedral Wednesdays 7:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist Fridays 5:30 p.m. Holy Eucharist (This service is an option for those who cannot attend Sunday worship.) Oblationers Needed The Altar Guild invites parishioners (families, adult singles, siblings, friends) to serve as oblationers (gift bearers) at the 10:30 a.m. Sunday service. This is a meaningful way to serve the faith community. For more information please contact Lynn Yancey at [email protected]. 2 Altar Guild Celebrates Outgoing Leadership The St. Mark’s Altar Guild thanked it’s outgoing Directresses with a reception last month. Connie Emmons and Mary Walmsley were recognized for their service over the past year. Directresses for 2015-16 are Lynn Yancey and Joy Ratcliff. Incoming and Outgoing Leadership (above, l to r) Joy Ratcliff, Lynn Yancey, Mary Walmsley, Connie Emmons Past Directresses posed for a photo during last month’s reception: (right, l to r) front row, l to r: Bess Maxwell, Jane West, Marilyn Deupree, Kathryn Gaiennie, Bettie Hastings back row, l to r: Patsy FitzGerald, Marybeth McVie, Connie Emmons, Mary Walmsley. Ellen Alley, Lennis Elston MEMORIAL FLOWERS June 7 The flowers on the High Altar are given to the Glory of God and in loving memory of Dr. William H. Barnwell, II. The flowers on the Chapel Altar are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Kenneth E. Williams Jim V. Hamric, Jr. H.R. & Marguerite Cupples and Bob Cupples. June 14 The flowers on the High Altar are given to the Glory of God and in loving memory of Mr.& Mrs. Burr D. Ilgenfritz and Mr.& Mrs. Warren C. West. The flowers on the Chapel Altar are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Felix Arceneaux. June 21 The flowers on the High Altar are given to the Glory of God and in loving memory of Mr.& Mrs. Robert D’Aquin, Mr.& Mrs. Dan Donald, Sr. and In honor of Seth Donald. The flowers on the Chapel Altar are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Patricia Richards Carter. June 28 The flowers on the High Altar are given to the Glory of God and in loving memory of Dr. Ollie P. Williams, Carl Pons, Mary Skannal Pons, John Holland Williams and Hazel Miller Williams. The flowers on the Chapel Altar are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of William Fair. BIRTHS Katherine Leslie Hernandez, daughter of Claire & Joseph Hernandez, on May 3, 2015. Grandparents are Melinda & Robert Hernandez. Charles Wesley Robinson, V, son of Werner & Wesley Robinson, on May 16, 2015. Grandparents are Pat & Murray Viser. DEATHS Rest Eternal grant to them, O Lord; and let light perpetual shine upon them. Eddie Joe Peters on April 26, 2015. Dr. Thomas E. Strain, father of Lynn Yancey, grandfather of David and Richard Yancey, on May 11, 2015. May their souls, and the souls of all the departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. BAPTISMS You are sealed by the Holy Spirit in Baptism and marked at Christ’s own forever. Amen. Ka’Mia Marie Vasquez, daughter of Malia Vasquez, on April 4, 2015. Isabella Marie Foster, daughter of Elizabeth & Robert Foster, on April 26, 2015. Abigail Elizabeth Jackson & Kathryn Ann Jackson, daughters of Ashley & Robert Jackson, on April 26, 2015. David Lucas Kim. son of Mary & David Kim, on April 26, 2015. WEDDINGS Those whom God has joined together, let no one put asunder. Claire O’Neal Childs & William Connor McGrew on May 2, 2015. Allie Lynn Anderson & Gilford Lee Gillen, Jr. on May 23, 2015. 3 Almost Pentecost Picnic 2015! We needed an ark to get there. But even inside, St. Mark’s Parishioners had a blast at the Almost Pentecost Picnic! Hand Crafted by God You know that you are perfect, right? You are. Perfectly imperfect. And handcrafted by God to be exactly who you are. This summer we will be having a girls Bible study to look at this very thing. It will be led by Katie Baker, along with McKenzie Pugh and Blain Lewis. They will be Using the book The Gifts of Imperfection, as a guide to talk to our girls about the very important fact that they are perfect, as they are. and who they are is who they should be because He took the time to make them this way. The Bible Study will meet on Wednesdays starting in June. Please come and join. 4 Music News Cathedral School News by Dr. Chris Carter, Headmaster [email protected] On May 21, St. Mark’s Cathedral School graduated 26 8th graders at a service of Evening Prayer in the Cathedral. Many of these students have attended St. Mark’s since they were three years old; whether or not they are parishioners, St. Mark’s is very much a spiritual home to each of them. We are proud of their growth and accomplishments and are certain they will do well in high school. I would ask that you keep these new graduates in your prayers as they leave the shelter of the Tower and make their way in a wider world: Lindsey Cecile Aaron Christopher Reece Adair Julia Nicole Aiello Come Sing With Us This Summer! If you have been thinking about joining the St. Mark’s Choir, but don’t have time to fit the weekly Wednesday evening rehearsal into your busy schedule, summer is a great time to give us a try! We rehearse every Sunday at 9:30am immediately prior to the 10:30am service. There is no weeknight rehearsal during the summer. If you are interested in singing with us for one Sunday, or for all or part of the summer, please feel free to arrive at the Choir Room by 9:20am on the Sunday(s) you wish to sing in order to receive music and be fitted for a vestment. All that is required is a willingness to sing. If you have any questions or would like additional information, please call Bryan Mitnaul, Canon for Cathedral Music at 318-226-4034. Andrew David Atkins Mary Louann Carpenter Emelie Anne Cehajic Noah Gavin Chico Emily Michelle Cline Eliza Luann Drummond Kelly Anne Gerald Charles Owen Hardtner Richard Clayton Holmes Mary McCullough Humphrey Carson Reed Jones Connor Michael Kent Abigail Elizabeth Koruna Reilly Kathleen Majors Emma Olivia Michael John Peyton Morgan Mary Elizabeth Durrett Nordberg Sarah Olivia Parr Johnathan Campbell Siskron Beckett Allen Soignier Katherine Elizabeth Tharpe Olivia McCoy Walker Riley O’Quinn Walker Geoffrey Joseph Westmoreland St. Mark’s Physical Training meets at 5:30 a.m. every weekday morning in the field across from the parking lot. Ale and the Almighty Although the school is quiet in the summer, the office staff is still working and teachers will be in and out. We will be getting ready to welcome new students to St. Mark’s in August and to prepare a wonderful final year for next year’s 8th grade. We will still meet during the Summer at Drake Catering 7:00-8:00 p.m. Best wishes for a joyous summer from all of us at your Cathedral School! 5 EYC Calendar Mondays We will be having a lot for fun activities this summer. Be sure to check the website calendar for event updates. Coffice at Rhino 4:00-5:00 pm – Middle School 5:00-6:00 pm – High School We will be camping, having field days, and packing lunches for Hope House. June 27 – Slide City Something new this summer is our new Youth Week from July 30th - August 2nd. July 20 - 24 – VBS This will be a week where each group will have a day of service here at the cathedral, lunch, and a fun activity and then the week ends with our Dollywood/ Rafting trip. July 27 - August 2 – Youth Week July 30 - August 2 – Summer Trip: Dollywood and Rafting This will be our big rally kick off for the youth program. Summer O’Fun More Summer fun activities will be announced later. Summer Youth Workout Starting in June, we will be starting our new Girls’ Bible Study, Hand Crafted by God, led by Katie Baker. We look forward to all the girls in our youth group joining us. More details to be announced later. We are planning on offering a summer workout for the youth that is similar to our SMPT workouts. We will do training for VBS on Sunday June 28th after church. St. Mark’s Vacation Bible School 2015 Come chill out during the hot summer days as VBS takes a “frozen” look at our lives and what we can do when the going gets tough. We will learn that with Jesus’ help, the easiest thing we can do when faced with challenging times, is to “Let it Go,” and let God work through us. Monday – Friday July 20th – 24th 8:00 – 11:30 am Let it Go ee Cost: Fr T-Shirts $12.00 Limited space, so sign up early! Must know size by July 3rd ry: Elementa rade 5 – 5th g Rising K Center Ministry Pre – K Pro Risin g K3 gram : – K4 ( P o tty Tr Minis ained try C ) enter Registration and picture due by July 13th Olaf will be collecting warm hugs during the week to give to Shriner’s Hospital (This could include latex-free fun band-aids, stuffed animals, items for babies under 1 and items for teenagers.) 6 St. Mark’s Cathedral’s Spring 2015 Confirmands (Front: left to right) Grace Crooms, Anne Deupree, Sarah Smith, Hailey Boyter (Back: left to right) Ashley Jackson, Robert Jackson, John Pou, Clay Erwin, Ben Hodges, Margaret Stroud, Bishop Owensby, Jackson Gilchrist, Joe Griffies, Brandy Griffies, Chad Hill, Marissa Hill (not pictured: Art Carter) All that we have comes from God; and will one day return to God. Jesus often talked about our relationship In general planned gifts are made through: to the “things” we possess. In Luke 12:13-21 Jesus is asked about dividing a family inheritance. He replies with a story. A rich man decides to build new barns to hold his bumper crop, then to “eat, drink, and be merry.” A Bequest in a Will However, “God said to him, ‘Fool! This night your soul is required of you; and the things you have prepared, whose will they be?’ So is he who lays up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God.” We are stewards of God’s bounty. Caretakers. For a brief period we are given time, energy, and resources. What we do with these gifts ultimately defines the character of our life and the depth of our spiritual understanding. Planned giving is one expression of the wise use of the personal resources God has entrusted to us. Gifts of Special Assets (real estate, closely held stock, life insurance, retirement accounts). Planned Giving: Planned gifts are either outright gifts (i.e., gifts of appreciated securities, real property, personal property, etc.) or deferred gifts (i.e. bequests, charitable gift annuities, charitable trusts). Planned giving encompasses a variety of ways that gifts can be made to the church from accumulated resources. It usually involves financial or estate planning; however, it is not reserved for the wealthy. Planned giving is a means by which anyone concerned with the wise use of his or her personal resources makes a considered choice about their ultimate disposition. A Life Income Gift such as a pooled income fund, a charitable gift annuity, or a charitable remainder trust. Planned giving establishes a way for a donor to provide for family members while remembering the church as well. It often enables the donor to provide more for his or her heirs and to make a larger gift than thought possible. It often reduces taxes as well. Planned gifts can be designated for an organization’s general funds or its endowment. In the life that we share at St. Mark’s, we need our members to prayerfully consider the needs of our future generations. If you would like to visit about planned giving at St. Mark’s, please contact the Dean, the Wardens, or members of our Finance Committee. 7 HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUNE 1 Scott Crichton Karen Hardtner Michelle Roberts Matthew Schoonover 2 Mike Cooper Brooklyn Dunn 3 Kim Weaver 4 Edie Williams Cindy Harris Bill Gray John Perkins Andrew Atkins 5 Charlie Burwell Ellen Alley Caroline Seale 6 Joyce Giles Loyce Knight Patrick Davenport Debbie Hall Murray Viser Lisa Childs John Reeks Leah Muslow Kate Rhea 7 Richard Elston Katie-Beth Davis Charlotte Anderson Anne Deupree Katelyn Pavlick Robert Pavlick Kaitlyn Stage 8 Michael Reeks 13 Lottie McGuire 9 Sonya Attaway Sandra Leatherman John Atkins, III Knighton Sample Mary Elizabeth Harper Frances Hardtner Barro Massad 14 William Comegys Wilson Little 10 Rebecca Gavin Sarona Snyder Taylor Slack Elizabeth Myers Alyssa Coggins Hugh Herzog 16 Skip Simonton Michael Fleming Peyton Mayeaux Henry Hood Anthony Comeaux 11 Cindy Herzog Brett Schoonover 12 Donald Mack Susan Hardtner Barbara Newtown Barron O’Neal Candice Mulhearn Brant Lewis 15 Ione Dean Brad Massad Matthew Smitherman Rob Grand Wade Sample Edwin Byrd 20 Marge Rand Elaine Lee Witt Caldwell Corbin Lattier Jack Q=Petersen 21 Diane Lawrence Greg Rembert Jan Cook Beth Patterson Charles Patterson Avery Hennigan Loren Lepore 22 Waldo Cecil Martha Ann Evans Jeff Howell 17 Jerry Frantom Susan Berry Betsy Levels Kendall Stage 23 Tom Watts Holly Woodard Elouise Lattier Jessie Short 18 Robert Ewing Lauren Sealy 24 Sharon Reed Cristina Walker Lindsey Reading Pam Short 19 Dee Peterson Jonathan Hardtner Heidi Sanderson Camille Sample 25 Cina Hodges Talbot Trudeau John Henry Nelson 26 Debbie Camus Leslie Caraway 27 Karon Waguespack Charles Mitchell Marshall Jones 28 Trisha Hogan Sarah Trickett Frances Bowen 29 Pat Viser Amy Mata Ryan Q=Petersen John Van Hook 30 Ann Walke Leon Nims Lee Schmidt Karen Popwell Catherine Roemer Dorothy Lea Young Family and Singles Summer Pot Luck St. Mark’s June 20 2:00 pm Hosted by Michelle and David Roberts at the Robert’s Lake House This is a very special “bring a new member Pot-luck” Bring a dish AND bring a new friend! Please RSVP with Michelle at 318-294-6288 Please help us with the history of St. Mark’s weddings! If you were married by a clergy of St. Mark’s, either at the cathedral or another location, please submit a photograph to be included in the album. The earliest photograph in the album at this point is from the early 1920’s. Contact Martha Cooper if you have questions. 523-9136 or [email protected] 8 at June EYC Calendar St. Mark’s Mondays ge) (the fridge pa Coffice at Rhino 4:00-5:00 pm – Middle School 5:00-6:00 pm – High School June 27 – Slide City July 20 - 24 – VBS July 27 - August 2 – Youth Week July 30 - August 2 – Summer Trip: Dollywood and Rafting Summer O’Fun More Summer fun activities will be announced later. Music Camp June 1-5 n 9:00 am – noo Starting in June, we will be starting our new Girls Bible Study, Hand-Crafted By God, led by Katie Baker. We look forward to all the girls in our youth group joining us. More details to be announced later. ily m a F g Youn ingles and S mer Sum k c Pot Lu 0 June 2 St. d the Ale anighty Alm ring u ting d rake e e m l Stil at D mmer g u S e th n Cateri pm 8:00 7:00 - 9 Ma rk Mo ’s Ph nd ysic 5 At :30 ay-Fr al Tra the a. ida in ing Ca m. y the dra l Members of the Vestry of St. Mark’s Cathedral Scott Deupree, Senior Warden – Lad Shemwell, Junior Warden – Patrick Caraway, Treasurer – John Reeks, Chancellor 2015 Scott Crichton Bob FitzGerald Kathryn Gaiennie Patrick Harrison Jonathan Hardtner The Rt. Rev. Jacob W. Owensby (Bishop of Western Louisiana) [email protected] The Very Rev. Alston Johnson (Dean) [email protected] The Rev. Dr. Rowena White (Canon) [email protected] The Rev. Dr. Wayne Carter (Associate Clergy) [email protected] The Rev. John Raish (Assisting Clergy) Lois Maberry (Ministerial Intern) [email protected] 2016 Rick Beruvides Rosemary Cole Bill Kalmbach Anne Lasseigne Pat Viser 2017 Laura Boyd Bonnie Dubin Bill Reyenga David Roberts Patrick White Bryan T. Mitnaul (Canon for Cathedral Music) [email protected] Christopher Lynch (Associate Organist & Choirmaster) [email protected] Brooks Boylan (Lay Canon for Parish Family Ministries) [email protected] John Scheel (Facilities Manager) [email protected] Katie Baker (Assistant Youth Minister) [email protected] Becky Deverts (Financial Office Manager) [email protected] Bess Maxwell (Administrative Assistant) [email protected] 2018 Caffery Brown Amy Lewis Kevin Payne Darrell Rebouché Mike Schofield Ashley Jackson (Director of Children’s Formation) [email protected] Jennifer Beruvides (Coordinator for Events and Hands-on Outreach Ministry) [email protected] Judy Austin (Receptionist) [email protected] Marguerite Allen (Receptionist) [email protected] Beth Reeks (Minister for Pre-K Children’s Programs) [email protected] Katie-Beth Davis (Nursery Coordinator) [email protected] Address Service Requested (318) 221-3360 Fax: (318) 424-8427 www.stmarkscathedral.net _________________________ 908 Rutherford Street Shreveport, LA 71104 St. Mark’s Cathedral (Episcopal) Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Shreveport, LA Permit No. 15
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