6 de enero 2016 - Solana Beach School District
6 de enero 2016 - Solana Beach School District
La Cosecha del Mes Red para una California Saludable Menú de enero Distrito Escolar de Solana Beach El almuerzo incluye un platillo principal, un surtido de frutas y verduras frescas y jugo 100 % de fruta y/o leche LUNES SIN CARNE MARTES DE GRANJA MIÉRCOLES INTERNACIONAL 4 Parfait de yogur con fruta y granola F OJ RIJO ON L EG DE RO o Pizza de queso 11 RO JO HA BA GARBANZO Con queso mozzarella, tomate y albahaca frescos o Pizza de queso 18 Día feriado Día de Martin Luther King NO HAY CLASES LEGUMBRES Marca con un círculo todas las legumbres en el menú. N ¿Cuántas marcaste? N ¿Cuáles son tus legumbres favoritas? N ¿Cuál es tu receta favorita con legumbres? 5 Sándwich de res horneado o Macarrón con queso cremoso Pasta a la Caprese OL F RIJ Almuerzo estudiantil: $3.75 Leche: $0.75 Almuerzo de adulto: $4.50 6 Sándwich de pollo o Barritas Bosco de queso Con salsa marinara 12 Ensalada arcoíris Con frutas y verduras frescas o Tiras crujientes pollo Con puré de papa de verdad y gravy 13 Pollo a la naranja con arroz chino JUEVES DE CALIFORNIA VIERNES DEL DÍA 7 Burrito de queso y frijoles o Tiras crujientes pollo Con puré de papa de verdad y gravy 14 Chapata club estilo California o Con pavo horneado Yogur, queso para deshebrar y galletas Desayuno para el almuerzo 19 Pan a la francesa con salchicha de res con pan de ajo Lasaña a la mexicana con arroz mexicano 21 Piernas de pollo glaseadas (Kim’s) o o o Yogur, queso y galletas Pollo a la teriyaki Hot Dog de pavo Penne a la boloñesa 20 o Con arroz chino con arroz Pilaf Con 8 Tamal de queso o Pizza bagel de queso 15 Fajitas de pollo a la parrilla con pimientos del huerto y salsa de aguacate o Enchiladas de pollo con pico de gallo22 Hamburguesa de res con lechuga y tomate o Nachos Solana Beach con salsa de aguacate 25 Parfait de yogur con fruta y granola o Pizza de queso 26 27 Tamal de queso Ensalada César Con pollo o Con arroz español Macarrón con queso cremoso Barritas Bosco de queso o Con salsa marinara 28 Panini de tres quesos o Tiras crujientes pollo Con puré de papa de verdad y gravy 29 Hamburguesa de salmón a la parrilla con papas horneadas o Piernas de pollo en BBQ Únase en línea: www.solanabeachpta.org O llene el formulario, adjunte su pago de membresía y entréguelos en la caja de membresía de la PTA ubicada en la oficina de la escuela. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primer paso: Elija el nivel de membresía. ☐ ORO $120 Nivel familiar/empresarial (Por favor elija uno) ☐ ☐ ☐ PLATA $60 BRONCE $30 MIEMBRO $15 Nivel familiar Nivel familiar Nivel individual/docente (incluye la mención de su familia o negocio en nuestro sitio web) Haga su cheque a nombre de Solana Beach PTA ¿Desea pagar co tarjeta de crédito? Efectúe su pago en línea: www.solanabeachpta.org Su membresía es deducible de impuestos: Solana Beach PTA ID de impuestos # 95-6207429 Segundo paso: Díganos quién es usted. (¡Queremos agradecerlo!) SU NOMBRE* (padre o tutor): ___________________________________________ Solamente para los miembros nivel ORO: ¿Cómo desea que sea reconocido públicamente en el sitio web? (Escriba el NOMBRE de su familia o negocio):_______________________ DIRECCIÓN DE SU CORREO ELECTRÓNICO __________________________________ *Como miembro, entiendo que la información de mi domicilio será compartido con la PTA estatal de California y nacional. Por favor marque el cuadrito si desea hacer su donación de MANERA ANÓNIMA: ☐ ☐ Solana Vista ☐ Skyline Nombre del alumno:______________Núm. de salón:_____☐ Solana Vista ☐ Skyline Nombre del alumno:______________Núm. de salón:_____☐ Solana Vista ☐ Skyline Nombre del alumno:______________Núm. de salón:_____ Skyline y Study Buddies * Talleres de educación para padres * El Festival internacional * Playground Partnership * Reunión social con helados del Club de papa y ¡mucho, mucho más ! Asambleas estudiantiles * El huerto escolar * El Club de jóvenes científicos de Solana Vista * El anuario * La ropa de espíritu escolar * El periódico escolar de Skyline y Study Buddies * Talleres de educación para padres * El Festival internacional * Playground Partnership * Reunión social con helados del Club de papa y ¡mucho, mucho más ! Asambleas estudiantiles * El huerto escolar * El Club de jóvenes científicos de Solana Vista * El anuario * La ropa de espíritu escolar * El periódico escolar de LEGOLAND California is a proud supporter of PTA. KIDS GO FREE ticket to LEGOLAND California And your choice of SEA LIFE Aquarium or LEGOLAND Water Park With a full paid Adult ticket Visit LEGOLAND.com/ptadiscount Enter Discount Code: 15031 Purchase is required between November 15, 2015 and February 16, 2016 Tickets you purchase may be used any date during 2016. Other restrictions may apply. If you miss the purchase deadline, visit www.legoland.com/pta or http://capta.org/join/member-perks/ for a new offer. For greater discount, please call 760-438-5346. Purchase 6 tickets for a PTA Family Field Trip. To earn $5 per ticket from LEGOLAND ticket sales, contact [email protected] FORMATO DE DONACIÓN AÑO ESCOLAR 2015-16 Nombre (s) (tal como quiere que aparezca en todos los materiales impresos) ______________________________________________________________________ Por favor escriba el nombre de su (s) hijo (a) (s), la escuela y el grado escolar: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Correo electrónico*________________________________________________________________ Dirección postal: __________________________________________________________________ Ciudad: ______________________________Estado:__________ Código postal:_______________ Número (s) de teléfono:____________________________________________________________ 1. Me gustaría hacer una donación por el monto sugerido de $375 por alumno x ____ (número de alumnos) = $________________ Por favor destinen mi contribución a la (s) siguiente (s) escuela (s): ❏ ❏ ❏ Carmel Creek $________ Solana Pacific $_________ Solana Vista $_________ ❏ ❏ Solana Highlands $_________ Solana Skyline $_________ 2. Me gustaría hacer una donación de: ❏ $100 ❏ $250 ❏ $400 ❏ $500 ❏ $1,000 ❏ $1,500 ❏ Dotación Otra cantidad: $_________ Por favor designe al beneficiario: ❏ La escuela______________ ❏ El fondo general/Tecnología 3. Adjunto un cheque por la cantidad de $__________ (a nombre de SBSF) o Prefiero pagar con tarjeta de crédito: ____ Visa ____MasterCard ____AMEX ____ Un sólo pago ____ Pagos mensuales ($75 x mes, de nov. 2015 a mar. 2016) Núm. de tarjeta___________________________________________________________________ Fecha de vencimiento ______________________ Código de seguridad de 3 dígitos_____________ Nombre tal como aparece en la tarjeta (tarjetahabiente) __________________________________ Firma ___________________________________________________________________________ *El acuse de recibo se enviará por correo electrónico También puede hacer su donación vía internet en solanabeachkids.org ¡Muchas gracias! Su contribución es deducible de impuestos (ID 33-0206854). e Spac ed! Limit The Solana Beach Child Development Center Skyline After-School Enrichment Winter 2016 8 week classes begin January 11th RockSTAR begins February 26th Class Descriptions On-Line sbsd.net/cdc Sign up now for Winter's 8 week classes 13 week RockSTAR class For more information sbsd.net/cdc Phone: (858) 794-7185 Fax: (858) 794-7165 [email protected] Skyline After-School Enrichment Registration Form Please fill out a separate registration form for each student. Day Class Monday Monday Monday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Thursday Friday STREAM BrainPower (4 -6 ) Chess (K-6 ) Discovering Drama (K-4 ) Cre8 Art (K-4 ) Legomation (4 -6 ) Piano Keyboard Club (K-6 ) Yoga (K-6 ) Cheerleading (3 -6 ) Hoops (K-6 ) Jr. Detective (K-4 ) RockSTAR (1 -6 ) th th th th th th th th th rd th th th st th Duration Dates 8 classes 8 classes 8 classes 8 classes 8 classes 8 classes 8 classes 8 classes 8 classes 8 classes 13 classes 1/11-3/21 1/11-3/21 1/11-3/21 1/12-3/15 1/12-3/15 1/13-3/16 1/13-3/16 1/14-3/17 1/14-3/17 1/14-3/17 2/26-6/3 Child's Name: ☐ Gender: Science – Engineering – Technology – Arts – Research - Math - Time marissFee 3:05-4:05 3:05-4:05 3:05-4:05 3:05-4:05 3:05-4:05 3:05-4:05 3:05-4:05 3:05-4:05 3:05-4:05 3:05-4:35 3:05-4:05 Grade: $215.00 $125.00 $180.00 $215.00 $215.00 $190.00 $130.00 $155.00 $125.00 $215.00 $280.00 Room #: My#contact#information#is#on#file#from#the#Fall#Enrichment#Session.#*Please'note'we'do'not'keep'payment'information'on'file.## Address: Parent's Name: Address: Home Phone: Parent's Name: Address: Home Phone: Work Phone: E-mail: Cellular: Work Phone: E-mail: Cellular: The following people are emergency contacts and are authorized to pick up my child: Name Relationship ! ! Phone My child will attend CDC after enrichment My child will be picked up by an authorized contact listed above Class Name: Class Name: Class Name: Class Name: I give permission for my child to participate in activities that may occasionally be used for District publicity, publications, or public relations. The District may provide credit to my child if his or her work is highlighted. Yes OR No I give permission for my child to participate in activities that may be used for the District website. Names or personally identifiable information will not be published on the website. Yes OR No I give permission for my child to be photographed or interviewed by news media who may request permission to enter upon District campuses to feature the District, and/or students for local newspapers, television, and other media. Yes OR No Please be aware that photographing and videotaping by a device such as a cell phone may occur without the knowledge of District staff. Please also be aware that parents and students might take photos of events in classrooms or around schools, which they might post on the internet or otherwise distribute without the permission of the school. I hereby give consent to the Solana Beach Child Development Center to provide all emergency dental, or medical care prescribed by a duly licensed medical care provider at our expense. This care may be given under whatever conditions are necessary to preserve the life, limb, or well being of my dependent. I release the Solana Beach Child Development Center and the Solana Beach School District from any liability that may occur from participation in class. Allergies/Critical Information including special needs or assistance your child regularly receives: PAYMENT OPTIONS (Note: Registration will not be accepted without a method of payment indicated) ☐ Check #: Please make checks payable to SBCDC ☐ Credit Card Authorization ☐ Visa ☐ MasterCard ☐ Discover Account #: Cardholder Name: Parent Signature Office: Initials: Date: Solana Beach Child Development Center Phone (858) 794-7185 Fax (858) 794-7165 309 N. Rios Ave., Solana Beach, CA 92075 www.sbsd.net/cdc Expiration Date: Date Yes OR No Solana Beach Child Development Center After-School Enrichment Program Policies & Procedures The Solana Beach Child Development Center’s After-School Enrichment Program classes are open to all students in the Solana Beach School District. Priority is given to the students of their home school. However, students may enroll in an enrichment class at a school other than their own if space is available. Enrichment Calendar: • Eight week, Fall, Winter, and Spring sessions are available. • Classes are not held parent conference weeks, school holidays, and all days school is not in session. • Adhere to the Enrichment Calendar for exact dates. Registration and Fees: • Signed registration forms and attached fees can be mailed to the SBCDC Office or dropped off at your child’s school. • Class fees can be paid by check (made out to SBCDC) or by credit card (Visa, MasterCard, and Discover). • A separate check for each class and student is required. • There is a $50.00 return check fee. • No, refunds, unless a class has been canceled due to low enrollment. • If a class has been canceled due to low enrollment, your check will be shredded. • Classes will not be pro-rated if enrolling after the class’s start date. • Materials and supplies are included in the fee. • Class confirmations will be emailed to you with the room location no later than the day before the class’s start date. • Limited scholarships are available on a first come first served basis. A copy of your approved free and reduced lunch letter for the current school year needs to be attached to qualify. • Students must be picked up immediately at class dismissal time at the classroom or designed school pick-up area. Children not picked up by class dismissal time will be signed in to the CDC Room and charged the CDC late fee of $25.00 per every fifteen minutes. • All fees must be paid in full in order to register for the following session. Other Information: • Students must respect the property of the school, class, and the instructor. The student is expected to follow school rules and exhibit good behavior. The student will be dropped from the class if a discipline problem develops. Refunds will not be issued. • Students are not escorted to the classes. However, CDC does check to make sure all students have arrived to their class. • Students will be dismissed according to their registration form. Parent Name: _______________________________ Signature:________________________________ MASTER SPORTS MASTER SPORTS Carmel Valley Rec 3777 Townsgate Drive 92130 Ocean Air Rec 4770 Fairport Way 92130 WINTER CLASSES XTREME DODGEBALL JR MULTI SPORTS VOLLEYBALL BASKETBALL BASEBALL SOCCER MASTERSPORTS.COM ARENA SOCCER LEAGUE PAGE 2 Scholarships and financial aid available to foster care families and to those who qualify through Master Sports Youth Enrichment a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Contact Cara Dawson 858-945-4889 ARENA SOCCER LEAGUE AGES 4-9 Join this exciting new league! The ball never goes out of bounds! Small teams and lots of touches on the ball mean more shooting, dribbling, passing and ball control. The emphasis is always on fun and learning. Saturdays 1/16/16 through 3/5/16 BASEBALL 100 & 200 Carmel Valley Wednesday Wednesday 1/13/2016 – 3/2/2016 3:00pm-4:00pm 4:00pm-5:00pm 6-8 years 8-10 year BASKETBALL 120 & 220 Carmel Valley Rec 1/13/2016 – 3/2/2016 Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday 1:45pm-2:30pm 2:45pm-3:45pm 3:45pm-4:45pm Ocean Air Rec 1/11/2016 – 3/14/2016 Monday Monday 3:45pm-4:45pm 3:45pm-4:45pm 4-5 years Grades K-2 Grades 3-6 Grades K-2 Grades 3-6 XTREME DODGEBALL Ocean Air Wednesday Wednesday 1/13/2016 – 3/2/2016 2:30pm-4:30pm 2:30pm-4:30pm Grades 4-6 Grades 1-4 2 Hour Drop off program! VOLLEYBALL 200 & 250 Carmel Valley 1/11/2016 – 3/14/2016 Monday Monday 4:00pm-5:00pm 5:00pm-6:00pm Ocean Air 1/14/2016 – 3/3/2016 Thursday Thursday 4:00pm-5:00pm 5:00pm-6:00pm 9-13 years 9-13 years 9-13 years 9-13 years SOCCER 110 & 210 Carmel Valley 1/15/2016 – 3/4/2016 Friday Friday Friday 3:00pm-3:45pm 3:45pm-4:45pm 4:45pm-5:45pm 3-5 years Grades K-2 Grades 3-6 Ocean Air Thursday Thursday Thursday 1/14/2016 – 3/3/2016 3:00pm-3:45pm 3-5 years 3:45pm-4:45pm Grades K-2 3:45pm-4:45pm Grades 3-6 JR MULTI SPORTS Carmel Valley Monday Monday Monday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Friday 1/11/2016 – 2/29/2016 9:20am-9:55am 2-3 years 10:00am-10:50am 3-4 years 11:00am-11:50am 4-5 years 9:30am-10:20am 3-4 years 10:30am-11:20am 4-5 years 1:45pm-2:30pm 4-5 years 3:00pm-3:45pm 3-5 years Ocean Air Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Thursday Saturday Saturday Saturday 1/13/2016 – 3/2/2016 9:30am-10:20am 3-4 years 10:30am-11:20am 4-5 years 9:30am-10:20am 3-4 years 10:30am-11:20am 4-5 years 3:00pm-3:45pm 3-5 years 9:00am-9:50am 3-4 years 10:00am-10:50am 4-5 years 11:00am-11:50am 5-6 years Complete class descriptions and to register visit: MASTERSPORTS.COM FebRuary February 15thth-19th Preschool- 5 Grade February Critter Camp is filled with hands-on animal interactions and age-appropriate animal-themed activities, games, and crafts. Take a look at the daily themes and sign up for one day or all five! DAILY Themes MONDAY FEBRUARY 15 • Hiss Hiss, Hooray! Discover the unique forms of communication that animals use to tell us if they are excited, scared, happy or sad. Campers will meet an Alpaca, Cockroach, Guinea Pig, Ball Python or Corn Snake, and Bluetongued Skink. TUESDAY FEBRUARY 16 • Fly Solo or Flock Together? While meeting a Budgie or Cockatiel, Dog, Water or Bearded Dragon, Mini Horse, and Rabbit, campers will learn about the relationships that animals have with people, their environment, and each other! WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 17 • Cold Scales, Warm Hearts Campers will learn about the various adaptations that help animals survive in the colder months while meeting a Chicken, Chinchilla, Leopard Gecko, Sheep, and Walking Stick. Camp Times & Rates Preschool (4+ years old): 9am-1pm, $50 per day Kindergarten through 5th Grade: 9am-3pm, $65 per day Additional Options *Extended care, lunch options, and scholarships available THURSDAY FEBRUARY 18 • Crouching Dove, Hidden Dragon February is all about love, and just like us, animals protect their loved ones. Find out how animals survive by defending their friends, family, and themselves! Campers will meet a Dove, Goat, Hermit Crab, Turtle or Tortoise, and a Water or Bearded Dragon. FRIDAY FEBRUARY 19 • Fantastic Furriends While meeting a Dog, Parrot, Rabbit, Snake, and Chameleon or Frog, campers will discover all of the wonderful ways that our animal friends improve our lives and the world we share. We will also tour our Adoptions and AniMeals facilities to learn how people affect animals. For more information or to reserve your spot visit: animalcenter.org email: [email protected] or phone 858-756-4117 ext. 318
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