June 2015 - Holton St Mary`s website
June 2015 - Holton St Mary`s website
Stratford St Mary Higham Holton St Mary Raydon Quartet The Parish Magazine June 2015 Issue 322 Made with love Hand made knitted cardigans and jumpers most colours and patterns From birth to 4 years £5.00 each One of the finest examples of an early Victorian walnut Chaise Longue, recently professionally restored. Must be seen to be fully appreciated. Offers in the region of £1000. Call Anthony Shephard on 07883029461 01473 311226 Wanted A secure garage in Stratford St. Mary, or surrounding area, to store a classic car. Please contact Dave on 01206 322461. FOR SALE A fine example of a late Regency/early Victorian mahogany 4ft Tiptop breakfast table in original, unrestored condition. Must be seen to be appreciated. Offers in the region of £900. Mothercare booster seat/step £5.00 Little Tikes ride-on car - £15.00 McLaren pushchair, red/black, good condition - £25.00 Please contact on 01473 311565, at The Street, Raydon. Call Anthony Shephard on 07883029461 You can place items for sale or wanted on the Small Ads Pin Board for free. Just email [email protected] with your advert. We will place it for one month space permitting. Small Ads pin board Welcome Dear friends, In our own Benefice this month, please come and support our Churchwardens as they are 'sworn in' by Archdeacon David Jenkins on 4 June at 7.30 p.m. at St Mary's Hadleigh. You will all now have heard, I hope, about the way in which things across the Deanery are b e i n g reorganised so that all 22 parishes in Hadleigh Deanery can work more closely together. Mainly it is a question of much of the administration of all the parishes being centralized in the office in St Mary's Hadleigh, which frees up the 3 remaining priests around the Deanery to do more pastoral work. From my perspective, that is all to the good, as until now I have had to spend a great deal of my time in front of the computer and photocopier, putting together service and pew sheets, and doing paperwork relating to things like weddings, baptisms, funerals etc etc. And you thought priests only worked on Sundays! I hope now to be able to do more visiting, so if you would like a visit, please just let me know. Don't forget that we start serving Teas in the Church at Raydon from 3-5 p.m. on the first Sunday of the month (7 June in this case). Please encourage anyone you know who likes a good tea to come, as the bakers of Raydon do an excellent job of making wonderful cakes; it's the best value tea in town! And finally, the Higham Art Exhibition is back this year, from 19-21 June. There will be the usual high quality paintings from local artists, so do come and choose the next 'new master' to hang on your wall. Rosalind Paul Rector It also means that we shall be running courses together for couples to be married in our churches, and for all our Elders; the priests will go around each others' parishes to preach a bit more; we shall have more joint services (on 5th Sundays), and hopefully will share each others' resources more in terms of (wo)man power. Our first major service together under this new way of working together was on 31 May; the next one will be on 30 August. On those Sundays, we shall only have the one service and ask you all to come to Hadleigh to worship (and eat afterwards!) as one Christian family together. 1 The Quartet Diary June 6 Millennium Garden Tidy up, SSM 7 Homemade Teas, Raydon 11 SSM Rambling Club Summer Evening Of Fun Music, SSM 13 SSM Parish Council Meeting 10 U3A Speaker Programme 18 SSM Medieval Fayre Black Tear Performance 11 SSM Rambling Club 20 SSM Rambling Club 13 Book and Bric a Brac Sale Raydon 21 Raydon Fair Trade Coffee Morning 14 Leavenheath Open Gardens 23 RDGC TBA 20 Brantham Mega Garage Sale 27 SSM Rambling Club 18-21 August Higham Art Show 21 R & DGC Summer Outing Midsummer Madness, Pimlott Foundation SSM Rambling Club 2 Homemade Teas, Raydon 15 RDGC Summer Show 18 Raydon Fair Trade Coffee Morning 23 Raydon Fair Trade Coffee Morning September 24 Training Day, Constable County Medical Practice SSAFA Coffee Morning, SSM 6 Homemade Teas, Raydon 9 U3A Speaker Programme 25 RDGC TBA 12 34th Suffolk Historic Churches Bike Ride 27 HSM Social Club Kew Visit SESAW Summer Sale, Stoke By Nayland SSM Rambling Club 14 SSM Parish Council Meeting 15 Raydon Fair Trade Coffee Morning July 3 SSM Rambling Club 5 Homemade Teas, Raydon 8 U3A Speaker Programme 24 R & DGC Meeting October 14 U3A Speaker Programme 2 Editors Corner Articles for the Quartet are included if we have room, and if, in the opinion of the editors, they are of general interest to our readers. Please remember all articles will be subject to editing. We prefer you to contact us via email where possible. The Quartet is full again of all sorts of interesting events and opportunities from our parishes and beyond. It always surprises me how much goes on every month of the year! An interesting opportunity has arisen at Quartet headquarters (our inbox) this month with an email from Murray Rose. Murray would like to get more involved in journalism and has offered his talents to the team. We shall officially welcome him on board as an editor in the July edition, so look out for his input next month! It’s always good to get new talent and fresh ideas, so we’re really glad to have Murray on board! There are several big events coming up soon, so don’t forget to put them in your diary. Village Life Medieval Fayre (see page 8) The Constable Singers have a music evening (see page 9) and of course summer wouldn’t be the same without the Higham Art Show (see the Higham page 14) Help is needed manning the Tea Tent here too. Copy deadline for next edition: 19th June 2015 Finally there are quite a few opportunities to help in the magazine this month. Riding for the Disabled is looking for helpers to lead the ponies (page 17) and volunteer rangers are needed by the Dedham Vale AONB and Stour Valley Project (see page 18). The University of East Anglia are looking for volunteers to help with their blueberry study (page 21) and finally the Red Cross are appealing for financial help as they try to tackle the crisis in Nepal following the earthquake (page 13). Contact details: Email: [email protected] Editors: Anne Wicks; 1 Corpus Christi Cottages, Holton St Mary. CO7 6NN Jane Lelliott ; 5 Swan Meadow, Stratford St Mary. CO7 6JQ Distribution: Dave Leach 07930390517 So plenty to keep you all busy! Invoicing: Jenny Leach [email protected] Anne and Jane 3 Stratford St Mary Dates for Parish Meetings 2015 Council NEW PARISH CLERK REQUIRED 13 July; 14 September; 9 November. Required from: 1st July 2015 Approximate Number of Hours: 10 per week (including attendance at parish council meetings and Annual Parish Meeting held in January, March, April, May, July, September, November) and any other meetings that may be called. All meetings start at 7.30pm and are held in the Institute, Higham Road. Copies of the agenda will be posted on the notice boards located by the Anchor pub in Upper Street and by the Weir in Lower Street. Salary: Dependent upon experience and qualifications. Deadline for applications: Wednesday 17th June 2015 Stratford St Mary – Millennium Garden Please join us for a Spring tidy-up of the Millennium Garden and surrounding area on Saturday 6th June 10am to 12 noon. You will need to bring your own garden tools and gloves. Stratford St Mary Parish Council Contact: Bill Davies, Chairman Tel: 01206 322990 Email: [email protected] It has been reported that a swan was killed by two unattended dogs, possibly spaniels, on the water meadows between Stratford St Mary and Higham. As well as being extremely upsetting, this is, in fact, illegal as swans are protected by law. Please ensure dogs are supervised, especially when wildfowl are nesting and/or have young. Thank you IGNITION Youth Club Stratford Chapel Every Friday night 7.30 to 9.30 Age 11 - 16 contact [email protected] 07842 207598 4 Coffee Morning Stratford St Mary Parish Council Emergency Team If an emergency does arise, please contact one of the following team members: Hilary Cairns – Emergency Team Leader 6 Mors End 01206 323417 07712 591379 [email protected] Norman Woodard 12 Swaynes 01206 323015 [email protected] Chris Griffin Brook Farm, School Lane 01206 337363/07885 807567 [email protected] Bryn Ager 2 Matthews Close Steve Kite 42 Strickmere 01206 322482 07958 515573 Bill Davies 3 Spanbies 01206 322990 [email protected] Wednesday 24th June 10.30 12.00. SSM Parish Room. The June coffee morning will be fund raising for SSAFA. This is an organization which provides lifelong support for members, past & present of all our armed forces & their families. Please come along , enjoy a cup of coffee & a raffle and find out more about the work of SSAFA. COMMUNITY SPEEDWATCH SCHEME MUMS & TOTS This has been in operation since 2013 and is run by village residents giving their time in order to make our village safer for residents of all age groups by encouraging motorists to drive through our village at no more than the legal limit of 30mph. Every Tuesday 9.15 – 11.30 a.m. Stratford Chapel, Upper Street Stratford St. Mary CO7 6JH Join us every Tuesday morning at Mums & Tots. A great way to meet other mums, dads, grandparents & carers while the little ones get creative and play. We would, however, welcome a few more volunteers into the scheme so if you could spare just 1 or 2 hours per month please consider joining us. £1.00 per session Drinks & snacks provided Please contact Ian Montgomery, 5 Lower St tel 01206 321024 for more details. For more details call Becky on (01206) 323095 5 STRATFORD St. MARY PARISH ROOM STRATFORD ST. MARY CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP (known also as “Stratford Chapel”) Upper Street, Stratford St. Mary CO7 6JH letting fees are as follows: 1 session - £17.00. 2 consecutive sessions - £30.00. all day - £38.00. A session is 5 hours ie morning afternoon- evening We are an evangelical/charismatic and community based Church attended by all age groups Sunday Services: 10 a.m. Morning Praise & Worship followed by refreshments 10.15 a.m. -11.15 a.m. “Sparks on Sunday” for children aged 5 – 11 years and Youth Group for ages 12-16 years. 6.30 p.m. Prayer and Praise Mid-Week Groups: Tuesdays 9.30 am – 11.30 am - Mums & Tots (during term time) Tuesday 7.30 am -9.30 am - Men’s Recreational Evening (2nd Tues every month) Wednesday 7.30 pm – 9.30 pm - Bible Discussion and Fellowship Evening Friday 5 pm – 6.30pm – “Sparks on Friday” for Children ages 7 – 11 years Friday 7.30pm – 9.30pm - “Ignition” Youth Club for teens ages 11 – 16 yrs Special rates for regular bookings. Heating and lighting are included For booking please see or ring Don Umfreville at Christmas Cottage, Upper Street. Tel : 322 626. Interested in becoming a CFR? For further information: Telephone: Phil (01473) 310728 Email : [email protected] http:www.stratfordstmarychapel.com Why not find out what it is about? Look at the CFR link on the East of England Ambulance Services website. You can even apply on line! If you watch the training video - do not be alarmed - you are never expected to do mouth to mouth. For further information, please contact your local co-ordinator. Colin the fishmonger has his fresh fish van in the lay-by at the bottom of Church Hill in Stratford every Thursday morning from 10.30am to 1.30pm Sue Lawrence 6 01206 322066 Transport to medical appointments. SSM Rambling Club If you live in Stratford St Mary and have difficulty in getting to and from medical appointments our friendly team are happy to help. Saturday 30 May – Coggeshall Hamlet (about 4.5 miles) Thursday 11 June – Shingle Street & Alderton (about 4.5 miles) Sunday 21 June – Nacton & Levington PICNIC (about 4 miles) Saturday 27 June – East Bergholt 18:00 hours (about 4 miles) Friday 3 July – Danbury (about 5 miles) Saturday 11 July – Layer Marney (about 5 miles) Monday 20 July – The Belchamps (about 5 miles) Monday 27 July – Langham 18:00 hours (about 4 miles) Future Events We can also help with transport to visit people in hospital. Please give us as much notice as you can. ring:. Charlie Ablitt on 01206 322684 Lynn Badcock on 01206 323788 Main contact is the chairman, Don Umfreville on 01206 322626. Unless stated otherwise, we meet up at 09:45 at the Parish Room, Upper Street, Stratford St Mary. The Institute hall can be hired at reasonable rates for a wide range of social activities. Please contact our booking secretary Anna Shead on 01206 321261 or email [email protected] for more information. Many thanks to all our 100 Club subscribers for your continued support in helping us to maintain your village hall. Membership costs only £1 per month and you could win £40 first prize in our monthly draw. Contact Sue or Eddie Lawrence on 01206 322066 if you wish to join. Dave George 01206 322297 Don’t Forget! Stratford St Mary Institute Committee SSM Sponsorship forms from Judi Isaac (322259) in June for the Suffolk Historic Churches Trust Bike Ride 7 SSM Village Life This year’s Stratford St Mary summer event is a collaboration between and the Stratford St Mary School PTA, supported by several voluntary groups from the area. Taking the theme of a Mediaeval Fayre, the objective is to provide an afternoon of relaxed, light- hearted amusement that will create opportunity for residents and friends to enjoy each other’s company at the same time as encouraging a wide range of community activity. Providing opportunity for have-a-go Archery, May-Pole Dancing, and demonstration of prowess in a variety of competitive events, The Fayre will offer a wide range of refreshments including traditional cream teas, a hog-roast and locally brewed ale from the new micro-brewery at the Swan. To cover the necessary expenses for the event, there will be a small entry fee for adults but children under 14 will be free and they will be able to enjoy a free B-B-Q lunch, thanks to support from the Parish Council. More information, call Brian Such 01206 323 091. 8 9 Raydon Fair Trade Coffee Morning. St Mary’s Church, Raydon It was a very bright and sunny morning for our April Fair trade Coffee Morning. I was just arriving in Yorkshire when you Sunday 7 June 2015 Sunday 5 July 2015 Sunday 2 August 2015 were all gathering for coffee, it was my annual visit to a friend on her birthday. The “Tea Team” were in charge today so a very big thank you to them! I understand that all went well with plenty of chatting but numbers were down though, sadly due to continuing ill health and hospital stays. Let’s hope our friends are now on the road to recovery and will be able to visit again soon. We will have had our May coffee morning before you get this edition of the Quartet, but the afternoon teas on June 7th and the Big Book and bric-a-brac sale on June 13th are still to happen. So do hope you'll be able to support these fund raising events. Our next Fair Trade coffee morning is on June 23rd when hopefully we will have had a sign that summer is coming! We will have just had “midsummer day” so it surely must happen soon! Sunday 6 September 2015 Teas served from 3.00 to 5.00 pm In aid of our Fabric Fund. NEW WEBSITE GOES LIVE! The new Raydon website is now live please visit www.raydonpc.org and ‘contact us’ let us know what you think. Look forward to seeing everyone again soon. Thanks from Wendy Mumford 312123 10 Raydon and District Gardening Club What a lovely month May is with so much colour all around us both in the gardens and also out in the countryside. Writing these notes on the 3rd of May after spending yesterday walking and taking in the wonderful sight and perfume of some of Suffolk's fantastic bluebell woods which are in full flower. With the dappled sunlight coming through the trees and the peacefulness of no road noise it’s just such a delight to stand there and just spend time watching, as well as hearing all the different birds singing, including Blackcap, Garden Warbler, Willow Warbler, but sadly no Nightingale and yet to hear the Cuckoo. We did see Swallows and House Martins which is always a good sign summer is coming. So back to our gardens and what a picture with late daffs/narcissus, tulips, and all the other flowering shrubs which quickly follow. Have you ever noted how many different shades of green there are in Springtime which makes such a wonderful backdrop to all the many colours that we enjoy this time of year. So to club meetings and on April 23rd we all enjoyed a evening with Maggie Thorpe, President of the Suffolk Plant Heritage (national council for the conservation of plants & gardens) group who stood in at very short notice for Peggy Cole who was unable to come due to health reasons. It was a most informative evening and a lot was learned by members on how this group of individuals produce plants to sell, to use the funding to help ensure we do not lose these plants for ever. Now looking ahead to June we have the coach outing to Blickling House & Gardens in North Norfolk on Sunday 21st. Pick up points as usual in Hadleigh (8.30am), then via Upper Layham (8.40am), Raydon Village Hall (8.45am), and Holton St Mary (8.55am) , then in early July (date tba) a local garden evening visit is being planned. Thank you to all the members and guests who support this club every year, (now our 35th year) which is so nice when all around us other village garden clubs are folding due mostly, not to garden club members but because nobody is willing to run the clubs, its such a shame. A country village is like a garden, it will only flourish if tended and supported by those who live there, otherwise it will just lose it’s identity & fade away. Hope you are all enjoying your gardens as much as possible and it should soon be warm enough to get the deck chairs out and spend a lazy afternoon outdoors. Remember new guests are always welcome to come to all meetings and events (small fee payable),or this is waived if you join on full membership. Anybody interested find all the information on our website at "raydon-gc.org.uk" . Geoff Horrex (01473 310422) Y 35th ear www.raydon-gc.org.uk 11 GRAND SALE Raydon Century Club Draw for April 2015 June 13th in Raydon Church £25 41 Mr P Cousins £15 67 Margaret Hammond £10 94 Mr B Banyard £5 11 Mr T Cooper £5 28 Mr G Cook £5 56 Mrs P Anderson £5 85 Mrs B Cooper Raydon Century Club Draw for May 2015 Books, Bric-a-brac,Vintage Items and collectables. Also assorted large and small household items 10am-1pm Refreshments available. All proceeds to fabric fund Police and Crime Commissioner Public Meetings BABERGH Wednesday 10 June Town Hall, Hadleigh, IP7 5DN IPSWICH Wednesday 17 June Kingfisher Pub, Hawthorn Drive, Ipswich, IP2 0QX All the meetings start at 6.30pm and as always, anyone is welcome to attend. 12 £25 24 Mr Y Hajaig £15 113 Laura Smith £10 102 Mrs A Savill £5 70 Mr D Parnell £5 131 Mr & Mrs King £5 98 Mr & Mrs Johnson £5 106 Mrs W Isley 13 Higham THE ART EVENT OF THE YEAR IS BACK! A big thank you to everyone who helped, contributed and baked for the “Help for Heroes Cake Sale” held in Colchester on Saturday 2nd May. The amount raised was a fantastic £4,000. ST MARY'S CHURCH, HIGHAM ART EXHIBITION AND SALE OF PAINTINGS 19th to 21st June 2015 CHRISTIAN AID Our previous biennial Art Exhibitions have been a great success. The standard of work submitted by the Artists has been consistently high and this year's event should run true to form - so don't miss it! Many thanks to all who donated to Christian Aid during the service at Higham on 10th May. The total amount raised was an incredible £386.25 All profits to St Mary's Church, Higham Exhibition open at the following times: REFRESHMENT TENT HIGHAM ART SHOW - 19th21st JUNE Friday 19 June 7.30 pm - 9.30 pm Saturday 20 June 9.30 am - 7 pm Sunday 21 June Thank you to all who have so far volunteered to help in the refreshment tent at the Art Show. 9.30 am - 5 pm Official opening Friday 19 June 8 p.m. It is not too late to offer to spend an hour or two serving tea and coffee and definitely not too late to offer to make some cakes. If you are able to help please contact me Nicola Tindall (Churchwarden) 01787 212340 Admission £1 (includes catalogue) Children under 14 free PLEASE MAKE A NOTE IN YOUR DIARY, TELL RELATIONS AND FRIENDS, AND ABOVE ALL, COME AND SUPPORT US 14 Holton St Mary Holton St Mary Village Hall First Friday of the Month Lunch Club can be hired at very reasonable rates! Available during the day and most evenings (not Friday) from £17.00 Saturdays from £35.00 For further information and booking please contact Rachel Eagle on 01473 310550 From Friday 1st May, and every first Friday thereafter, there will be a Lunch Club in the Village Hall for residents of the village of Holton St Mary. Holton St Mary Social Club Whist – Last Friday of the month Visit to Kew – 27th June - £36 per person includes coach, boat trip & entry to Kew Quiz Night – 17th October A Light Lunch will be served between 12.30 and 2.00 pm at a cost of £2.50 per head. The lunches are a collaboration between some of the organised groups in the village, and are nonprofit making! Any surplus funds will be reinvested. Holton Church Clear Up Day Thank you so much to the great group of people, young and older, who gave the church a thorough spring clean. The windows and floors are now sparkling and the difference is noticeable. Thanks also to Keith for the strimming in the churchyard. A tremendous effort from all. Please contact Frances 312046 or Sally 312080 or to go on our email update list email [email protected]. Jean and Paul 15 Holton St Mary Millennium Green Trust EAST BERGHOLT CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Cemetery Lane, East Bergholt, CO7 6RZ Pastor -Mrs Maralyn Bambridge Services - Each Sunday morning at 10.30 led by the pastor unless otherwise stated Coffee Mornings - Each Thursday 9.30 to 11.30 am At a recent meeting of the Trustees the idea of lighting the beacon to commemorate the 70th anniversary of VJ Day on 15th August 2015 was put forward. Plans are at a very early stage so in order to assess the level of interest in the village we would ask you to contact Gretel Maddison 01473 310803 or Chris Clark if you are interested in attending so that details and possible catering can be organised. Church Secretary – John Jeffreys Tel 01206 298737 Marjorie Haste, Secretary DEDHAM TENNIS CLUB Open Wednesdays – Wednesday evening summer sessions (6pm Wednesday BST only) will now be open to non-members. A fee of £4 is payable for non-members. Please do come down and join us. Constable Singers We are preparing a new programme for the coming season songs from the musicals old and new. Looking for new members of all abilities and no audition just come along and join us for a free session to see if you would like to join us. Junior & Adult Coaching sessions are now set up. Please see our website for full programme of events at www.dedhamtennis.org.uk or contact our coaches James and Matt at [email protected] for further information. We meet at Lambe School East Bergholt each Thursday 7pm apart from 2nd Thursday when we are at Holton Village Hall. Concert at Congregational Church East Bergholt on June 20th. Singing at Days Road on Fri.27th March For further details contact Yvonne 01206298428 or Mel 01206298628 16 If you find a partly chewed biro or bent pair of spectacles at the Sale, they may belong to me, Kenny (the Boss) Chihuahua! SESAW NEWS Things have come to a pretty pass! First I was usurped by that precocious Ollie "The Black" Cat when he wrote my April blog. Next, I missed the Quartet May deadline because I had to wait for my article to be typed. Generally I'm an easy going fellow but I think the time has come to find some more helpers! The fundraisers are rushed off their feet organising events so if you would like to join the happy team please leave a message on the answer phone. Stoke Road, Leavenheath, CO6 4PP. Reg.Charity No.1124029. Tel: 01787 210888 www.sesaw.co.uk Life at SESAW can be a roller coaster of happy and sad stories but this one ends like a Walt Disney film. Three months ago, a Graylag Goose was shot and callously left to die. Fortunately, caring people brought her to SESAW where she eventually recovered and was ready for release. Very early this morning, along with our own domestic geese and ducks on the field, Mum spotted something new - a pair of Graylag Geese. Quietly, she ushered the rescued bird out to meet the visitors and after grazing for two hours, the three flew away together until they disappeared into the distance. Arrh! Meanwhile, two little chaps still looking for a home are Snoopy, a Parsons Jack Russell and his Chihuahua type companion, Pip who loves a cuddle once he knows you. Initially nervous, these five year olds would soon settle with a grown up family or active retired couple. CAN YOU HELP? RDA Ipswich based at Bentley Riding School are looking for helpers to lead the ponies and/or sidewalk the young riders on Thursdays from 1 – 2.45 p.m (term time only). If you would like to know more or come along to visit during a session at Bentley Riding Centre please telephone Frances Torrington on 01473 312046/07711080658 You will receive a very warm welcome, make new friends and be achieving something really worthwhile. Let’s hope the sun shines for the Leavenheath Open Gardens day on Sunday 14th June, at least between 11-5pm. Please call in to see us and browse our gardening stall on your way around the village. There will be plenty of bargains at Barbara’s Summer Sale in the Village Hall, Stoke by Nayland on Saturday 27th June from 2-4pm. Which reminds me, I’d better check my secret stash of interesting objects. Previous experience with horses helpful but certainly not essential! One form to fill in and an Advanced DBS check required unless you have had an Advanced DBS check with another organisation within the last six months. 17 y g Opportunit in r e e t n lu o NEW V Constable Country Volunteer Ranger Do you want to keep Constable Country special and help enhance the experience of people who visit the area? Do you enjoy being outdoors, meeting new people and walking? Then this new pilot scheme may be for you. Role: Training & kit: volunteer rangers will walk the most popular footpaths in Constable Country, helping visitors, picking up litter and reporting on any issues that spoil the area. familiarisation training including the wildlife, culture, heritage and landscape of the Dedham Vale will be provided as well as all the equipment for the role. Time : volunteer rangers will need to walk a footpath at least 1day / fortnight. For further information contact: Emma Black, Dedham Vale AONB and Stour Valley Project on (01394) 384948 or [email protected] This pilot scheme is one of many sustainable tourism initiatives organised by the Dedham Vale Visitor Management Group, a partnership of tourism organisations in the area. The scheme has been funded by the Dedham Vale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and Stour Valley Project’s Sustainable Development Fund. 18 Feeling under the weather ? BRANTHAM'S ANNUAL MEGA CHARITY GARAGE SALE Saturday 20th June 2015 9.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. We want to encourage everyone not to ignore the signs and symptoms of illness, to get the help and advice they need in order to stay healthy and avoid an unnecessary hospital stay. There are a number of healthcare options: ● NHS 111 for help and advice on urgent medical matters. When the GP surgery is closed and it’s not a life-threatening emergency, then call NHS 111. Calls are free and will be answered by a trained health advisor, 24hours a day. · Pharmacists are experts on medicines and can offer a range of over-the-counter medicines to help treat minor illness. Many pharmacies are open long hours, so they are very accessible. · Make a GP appointment. Many older people are reluctant to make a GP appointment. Open garages throughout the village will be selling a treasure trove of household items needing a new home, all at bargain prices. Look for the balloons & signs throughout Brantham on the A137 The Village Hall will host a TABLE TOP SALE with WI Refreshments, Handicrafts, Preserves and Plants. There will be a BBQ, Tombola, Ice Cream Van and much much more... WHY NOT MAKE A DAY OF IT, GRAB A BARGAIN AND HELP THE CHARITIES More information from: Ronnie Dawson on 01206 395557 or Yvonne Amoss 01206 392296 Last year’s grand total was £5500, half going to St Elizabeth Hospice (Carla Dawson's Tribute Fund) and the other half split between Suffolk Family Carers and the George Woodward Fund. Pimlott Foundation Present; Over the 11 years of Garage Sales we've raised over £30,000 for charity. Help us raise some more this year. ‘Why, this is very midsummer madness!’ An evening of musical entertainment, with brass band in the garden, Musical Soiree, BBQ, Jazz band and Film. Old House, Old House Rd, Great Horksley, CO64EQ Sunday 21st June 5-10pm Entrance £10.00 BBQ and bar available www.pimlottfoundation.org or 01206271291 for details and booking 19 disposal is vital to keep these rodents at bay. · Seagulls – Unsecured bins or bags of rubbish left open are a target for gulls who can raid bins and rip open bin bags, scattering your waste across the street. It is advisable to put household bags out on the day of collection and invest in a lidded bin, if you haven’t been supplied with a wheelie bin. · Ants – As these insects leave a trail of pheromone to identify a food source to other ants, your bins can soon be overrun by these tiny creatures. Clean up waste and empty bins, including household bins, regularly. Why it’s Vital to Secure Your Bins Households and businesses collectively produce an incredible 180 million tonnes of rubbish a year in England alone. Add to this fact that you are never too far away from a rat – or any pest for that matter – if you don’t secure your bins properly, you put your home at risk of attracting unwanted visitors such as rodents, seagulls, squirrels, cockroaches and wasps. If waste is not put into bins, or the bins are overflowing, then rats and gulls can get to the contents. Rats need water, a food source and harbourage, if they have all three of these they breed very quickly. Rats only have a three week gestation period and they can have eight young at a time. These young mature at 10-12 weeks, so the numbers can escalate very quickly in a year. It is thought that the problem has escalated since fortnightly bin collections were introduced in 2005, and if people skip a week and forget to put their waste out, rubbish can soon mount up. There is more information about bin pests on www.eandspestsolutions.co.uk or ring 01473 328092 for further free advice. By: Mandie Collinson - Essex & Suffolk Pest Solutions Ltd So What’s the Solution? If you have a rat or bin pest problem, the best thing to do is to call on the experts to treat your infestation and offer advice on proofing. Here are seven common pests that are attracted to unsecured bins: · Rats – Once they spot a food source, such as overflowing bin stores and bags of rubbish being regularly left out the street, rats will harbour as near as possible to it, which can be in a hedge or in a house. They are attracted to waste such as leftover food and can multiply very quickly. · Mice – Like rats, they live where humans do and are attracted by a ready food source such as overflowing bins and spilled food. And, as they can get through gaps as small as 25 mm they can be a real menace. Kitchen hygiene and proper waste Waste & Recycling Collection Schedule 2015 Recycling this week Rubbish collected this week 20 21 Local Services MOBILE LIBRARY The Constable Country Medical Practice Stratford St Mary - Route 11 The Medical Centre, Heath Road, East Bergholt, Colchester CO7 6RT The bus stops every 4 weeks Wednesdays 17th Jun, 15th July, 12th August Surgery opening hours 8.00am – 6.30pm Monday to Friday Telephone 01206 298272 Fax 01206 299010 Black Horse - 11.05am - 11.20am Tally Ho! Corner - 11.25am - 11.45am Strickmere (School Lane end) - 11.50am 12.10pm 36 The Street, Capel St Mary, Ipswich IP9 2EE on Route 14 The bus stops every 4 weeks on Tuesdays, Surgery opening hours 8.00am – 6.30pm Monday to Friday Holton St Mary Church Square - 10.00 - 10.15am Raydon Dispensary 8.30am – 6.15pm (closed between 1-2pm) Telephone 01473 310203 Fax 01473 311722 St Mary’s Raydon - 10.20am - 11.05am Lower Raydon Sulleys Hill - 11.10 - 11.25am Higham The Green - 11.35 am to 11.50 am 23rd Jun, 21st July, Stratford Village PO Opening times The customer service line 01473 283838 is staffed 9am to 5pm from Monday to Friday and can handle any library customer queries renewals and reservations to any general library queries. An answer phone is available outside of operating hours and people can also email [email protected] . SHOP: Monday 9am to 1pm - 2pm to 5.30pm Tues to Fri (inc) 8.30am to 1pm - 2pm to 5.30pm Saturday 8.30am to 1pm POST OFFICE: Tuesday to Saturday (inc) 9.00 am to 1pm Crime prevention http://www.suffolk.police.uk/safetyadvice/reportacrime/tellthepolice.aspx PC 1347 Gilkes Pcso 3041 Cooper [email protected] Telephone…101 22 THE GATTINETTS Local Directory OFFICE and WORKSHOP PREMISES TO RENT Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Central East Bergholt with excellent road and rail links Various sizes with tailored leasing arrangements Carpeted offices with own toilets and kitchenette Quiet rural location with plenty of parking www.gattinetts.co.uk Or ring 01206 393089 / 07941 781489 Conference room available Contact Anne on 07941 781489 for more details Mark’s Travel Service (Dedham’s Private Hire) ARTSCENE Local Mobile Picture Framing Service 30+ years experience Oil paintings, Photos, Prints, Medals, 3D/Box frames, X-Stitch, Tapestry, Mount Cutting, Stretching Also Frames cut to size for the DIY enthusiast FOR MORE DETAILS TELEPHONE LESLEY ON 01473 310630 (Bentley) MOBILE 07500 488667 23 Souters Holiday Cottage Higham Ideal for short breaks, longer stays, visiting friends or family overspill. All enquiries welcome. Phone Nick and Cath Marno (01206) 337316 email: [email protected] www.soutersholidaycottage.co.uk 24 25 POUND FARM Hadliegh Road, Higham near Colchester CO76LF BED & BREAKFAST Find peace, rest, great breakfast surrounded by the beauty of nature. KIT AND MARIA OGDEN email: [email protected] T el: 01206 337202 Families including dogs & horses are welcome. DOLLS HOUSES Kits and Houses Room boxes and wall displays Furniture - Wallpaper Lighting - Figures Your local pest control experts for home & business ● Free advice, fast response ● Highly accredited, fully qualified & insured ● Discreet & confidential Miniature collectables and all those other little bits 01473 310 630 or 07500 488 667 email [email protected] www.eandspestsolutions.co.uk Tel: 01473 328092 (Holbrook) Find us at Dedham Art and Craft Centre 26 Pre School Orchard Barns Kindergarten, Stratford St Mary 6 Higham Road, Stratford St Mary, Suffolk, CO7 6JU Outstanding full day & sessional nursery care and education for children aged 2 – 5 years Consistently graded Outstanding by Ofsted this small and welcoming nursery offers: Breakfast Club 8.00am, - 9.00am After School Club 3.15pm – 6.00pm School escort to and from Stratford St Mary School Holiday Clubs All school holidays for children aged 3 – 11 years French Club Every Thursday (term time only) 4.30pm – 5.30pm Stay and Play Under 2’s Every Monday and Friday (term time only) 9.30am – 11am For more details regarding any of the above services please contact Shelley on 01206 323093 at The Assembly Rooms For children aged 2 ½ - school age Opening Hours Monday to Friday 9.30am-12.30pm Tuesday & Thursday extended sessions until 2.45pm Thursday morning transition session for children going up to school We offer a welcoming and inclusive environment that gives children the opportunity to learn through play, both indoors and outdoors, in a stimulating and nurturing setting. 15 hours of government funding for 3 and 4 year olds Funding for 2 year olds subject to criteria Childcare vouchers accepted Please contact our admissions Secretary via our website. www.smartys.org.uk 27 Home and Garden ARDLEIGH CHIMNEY SWEEP SERVICES • Traditional and Power Sweeping • CCTV Inspections • Safety Certificate Issued • Fully Insured ANDREW SMITH PLANT CENTRE, GARDEN & CAFE For Specialist and Popular Plants 01206 231718 • 07845 249820 An extensive range of plants from trees and shrubs to alpines, herbaceous, climbers, roses and grasses. Gardening sundries, gifts, seeds, compost and pots. 31 HARWICH ROAD, LAWFORD, MANNINGTREE, ESSEX CO11 2LS DESIGN PLANTING CLEARANCE MAINTENANCE OPEN DAILY 10am-5pm East Bergholt Place, CO7 6UP Tel: (01206) 299 224 [email protected] www.placeforplant.co.uk HEDGECUTTING AND LAWN MOWING ALL YOUR GARDEN REQUIREMENTS CATERED FOR For more information please contact: R SWIFT (HND Commercial Horticulture) T elephone 07947 322429 Bland Landscapes Ltd. Specialists in Private & Commercial Tree Surgery & Landscaping All Aspects of Landscaping Including: All Aspects of Tree Surgery Including: Garden Construction Fencing Turfing Driveways Patios Contract Grass Cutting Commercial Planting Felling Clearing Reducing Reshaping Fruit Tree Pruning Hedge Cutting Stump Grinding Suppliers of Seasoned Logs & Woodchip Mulch Serving Dedham & Surrounding Villages for 25 years Telephone/Fax 01206 230882 Mobile 07710 770280 www.blandlandscapes.co.uk Ivydene, Frating Road, Ardleigh, Colchester, Essex, CO7 7SY 28 TV & Audio Solutions (Formerly BV Hicks Ltd) Are you having trouble setting up or operating your TV / Audio or DVD? Has your equipment stopped working? Does your TV need a re-tune? Help is at hand - Call Toby Hicks 014 4 9 74 1056 / 079 68 68 6035 Monks Hood Monks Lane Dedham CO7 6DP [email protected] www.yandellandsimsflowers.co.uk T. 07806 668247 SPECIALISTS IN BESPOKE FLORISTRY FOR ALL OCCASIONS 29 DEDHAM VALE TREE SURGERY All tree work NPTC qualified, fully undertaken insured Crown reduction and 24 hr emergency tree shaping work Crown lifting and Site Clearance thinning Logs and wood chip Pruning and pollarding supplied Felling, sectional Pests and disease dismantling identification Specialising in big trees in delicate situations [email protected] www.dedhamvaletreesurgery.co.uk mobile 07756 811098 phone 01206 323056 Mending your home Brett Valley Installations Oil boiler Service Engineer. Very experienced in fault diagnosis and repair, servicing and installation of oil fired boilers and heating systems. Local, Reliable, Competent. Nick Marno Tel. 01206 337316 or 07896 054439 S.W. STIFF Carpentry & Building Maintenance For all your carpentry & building maintenance, call for a no obligation free quote. No job too small. CONTACT : Steven on 07811 005241 30 Jackson Plumbing and Heating East Anglia Ltd q Installation - We install all makes and models of boilers, Combi and condensing specialists q q Servicing - All models serviced from £50.00 Repair and Maintenance - All work Guaranteed, highly skilled engineers Plumbing - Bathrooms, cylinders, leaks etc q OAP 15% Discount q 31 Special reader discounts for residents of Higham, Holton St Mary, Raydon and Stratford St Mary £10.00 discount - Servicing boilers and minor repairs £30.00 discount - larger repairs £150 discount - boiler changes £250 discount - full installation These offers are valid until 31/12/2015 07834 612009 01206 322063 01473 214215 (estimates given before work undertaken) Michael J Byles Plumbing & Heating HIGH QUALITY PAINTER & DECORATOR Specialist in Oil Boiler Installations, Maintenance & Servicing - Oftec registered. Period property specialist with over 20 years' experience. References available. General Plumbing & Heating work also undertaken. Tel: 01206 822225 Mobile: 07717 012433 Email: [email protected] 'Jon-Pat', School Road, Langham, Colchester S.E.P Property Maintenance Maintenance, Repairs, Refurbishment Works undertaken Contact Andrew Stobbs Mobile No. 07778 314295 Or 01206 765003 32 Philip Avery Felicity Johnson Interior & Exterior Decorating Established 2002 Domestic Electrician Local, reliable, competitively priced Offering Superior Quality Decorating Experienced with listed properties,renovations, and barn conversions. Advice given with colour schemes, traditional and modern paints. Registered Part P electrician Plumbing Carpentry / joinery Home improvements/maintenance Based in Holton St Mary 07900 242 141 2 The Gardens, Raydon Tel: 01473 311261 Mob: 07923 434689 [email protected] 01473 310 288 [email protected] David Friend Oil Heating Services Oil Fired Boiler Service, Repair and Installation Specialist Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Servicing and commissioning of oil fired boilers. Boiler and system breakdowns. AGA’s, Rayburns and Stanleys. Oil tank replacement and installation. Oil boiler replacement. All central heating system components catered for. No call out charge. Free quotes. Tel 01394 411839 Mobile 07786 971425 33 Nigel Bruce Industrial & Domestic ELECTRICIAN ‘The Swift’, Upper Street, Stratford St. Mary, Colchester CO7 6JW Telephone: 01206 322751 34 David Price Painter and Decorator Specialising in Complete redecoration and Restoration Interior and Exterior All Wall Coverings and Lime Washing Period and Modern Properties Free Estimate and Colour Advice Clean Out and Repair Guttering Fully Insured TEL 01206 679920 MOBILE 07872 001929 Over 30 years Experience Andy slocombe brickwork serving the dedham vale G Ranson Plumbing & Heating Friendly service, Corgi Registered Plumber Based in Stratford St. Mary No call out charge All jobs considered Quotes given before work undertaken Taps, Radiators, Bathrooms, Boilers, Servicing, Guttering for all your building requirements property maintenance, roofing, block paving, landscape, repairs &restoration tel 01206 322884 / 07786 871364 3 Constable Row Manningtree Road Dedham nr Colchester Essex CO7 6DW Email: [email protected] Tel: 07912161646 Andy Smith Roofing TILING SLATING FASCIAS AND GUTTERING LEADWORK POINTING GENERAL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE For more information contact Harvest Cottage,Upper Street Stratford St Mary CO7 6JW 01206 322882 07754368693 “We are Specialists in Grade II Listed Buildings” For all your internal and external painting and decorating work: Doors, Windows, Skirting and Fascias Floor and Wall Tiling Artexing and Coving Wallpapering General Repair and Maintenance NVQ2 Qualified A PROFESSIONAL PAINTING & DECORATING SERVICE FROM PEOPLE YOU CAN TRUST For a FREE Estimate Contact Steve Ferguson on 07719 357322 or 01206 393351 www.tenondecoratingltd.co.uk – [email protected] Sbras, East End, East Bergholt, Colchester, Essex CO7 6XQ 35 BAILAND GENERAL BUILDER EXTENSIONS RENOVATIONS BATHROOMS FOR ALL YOUR BUILDING NEEDS PROFESSIONAL WORKMANSHIP WITH EXQUISITE ATTENTION TO DETAIL TOAD HALL, THE HEATH, DEDHAM, ESSEX, CO7 6BT 07920 449074 01206 323230 36 In the House So Much More Than a Dance Class COLCHESTER FOOT CLINIC Any age and ability are very welcome No partners required REGISTERED CHIROPODISTS & PODIATRISTS 292 Ipswich Road, Colchester, ESSEX. CO4 0ES TEL/FAX: 01206-854300 www.colchesterfootclinic.co.uk “Strictly” style Dance-a-cise Classes Colchester Foot Clinic is pleased to announce that, as from March 2015, we will be offering an outreach clinic at: 60 minute class only £5.50 in The Institute, Stratford St Mary every DEDHAM DOCTORS SURGERY Manningtree Road, Dedham, CO7 6DU Friday morning Classes also in: Brantham, Capel St Mary,East Bergholt, Great Waldingfield, Hadleigh & Nayland WEDNESDAY’S 2.00 – 5.00 PM Spaces are limited - to reserve yours Call Janet on 07506 350 455 To contact our receptionist for more details, or to make an appointment, please call us on 01206 854300 [email protected] Fun_Dancing 37 www.fundancing.co.uk FunDancing.Suffolk AERIAL & SATELLITE SPECIALISTS Family run business – Friendly Local Service • • • • • • • Digital TV Aerials Sky HD & Multi-room Freesat HD & Freeview Additional TV points TV Installations Aerial & Satellite Repairs CAI, RDI & TRADING STANDARDS APPROVED For A Free Quote Call 01206 322071 www.mjssystems.co.uk Strickmere, Stratford St Mary CO7 6NX The Bridal Lounge CARPET FITTING SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION CARPET AND VINYL SPECIALIST FLOORING ACCESSORIES Bridal Gowns, accessories & Bridesmaid dresses. www.TheBridal-Lounge.co.uk 07740 829 499 07933 157 121 Email: [email protected] Telephone: 07738901237 www.britanniaflooring.co.uk (Based in Dedham) 38 DianaM Cleaning ● Home weekly cleaning ● Home deep cleaning ● Office cleaning Contact information: Diana Marinova Mobile number: 07925 624123 Email address: [email protected] Home Appliances A HANDYMAN SERVICE Domestic Appliance Repairs Casper M A De Boer Pilchard’s ,4 Visdelou Terrace Shotley Gate, IP9 1PR Phone: 01473788 222 Mob: 07789 751 781 For a Fast, Genuine Repair Service Throughout a 20 Mile radius of Ipswich REPAIRS TO MOST MAKES OF * WASHING MACHINES * DRYERS * DISHWASHERS * VACUUM CLEANERS * COOKERS Flatpack assembly - Carpentry Plumbing - Curtains - Draft proofing - Decorating - Painting CRB checked. Established 1988. [email protected] No job too large or small, so just make the list. Please contact me for costs and references anytime. ANYTIME (01473) 780238 Mobile 07769 662545 2 CHURCH ROAD CHELMONDISTON, IPSWICH 39 R & D SCHOFIELD LTD Removals & Storage Established 1919 Moving made easy • Local & long distance • European & worldwide • Professional packing service • Pianos - Antiques - Fine Art • Part loads & single items • Short & long term storage • DIY packaging materials for sale • Long serving staff • Free quotations & advice • Regular London service When flexibility and service is important Colchester Clacton on Sea 01206 322255 01255 408075 Sudbury 01787 259078 Foxash, Harwich Road, Lawford Manningtree, Essex CO11 2LR [email protected] 40 Yoga-Nut with Katie Courts Highly-qualified yoga teacher & nutritionist at Stratford-St-Mary’s Parish Rooms. Mondays 6.15-7.30pm: Level 1 yoga; Mondays 7.30-8.45pm: Level 2 yoga Use yoga &/or nutrition to heal longterm injuries, lose weight, & find energy! For more information and bookings email: [email protected]; Tel: 01206 323757; or visit www.yoga-nut.co.uk 41 Professional Services Josh Good Maths and Economics Tutor up to A Level Masters in Engineering and Economics - Oxford University 14 years teaching experience – Fully qualified Recently teaching A level at Colchester County High School for Girls Call 07427 641 931 or email [email protected] Hourly rate is £30 for Maths and £35 for Economics Tutoring takes place at Old Hall, East Bergholt, CO7 6TG Foster Physiotherapy & Sports Injuries Clinic · · · · · · Back, neck & sciatic pain Trapped nerves Hip, knee, ankle, hand & wrist injuries Whiplash injuries / Shoulder problems Tennis / Golfers’ elbow Muscle tension / strains Former England Cricketer Neil Foster Chartered and Health Professions Registered Physiotherapist Tel: 01206 299 749 Victoria Cottage, Heath Road, East Bergholt, CO7 6RL 42 Count on us to help you with your tax returns Business advisory, tax, audit and accounting services for companies, charities, trusts and individuals Century House South, North Station Road, Colchester CO1 1RE. Telephone: 01206 762200 15 High Street, West Mersea CO5 8QA. Telephone: 01206 385049 www.whittles.co.uk Luke Jackman Bsc Hons Ost Registered Osteopath Tel: 01206 322836/07974 144593 www.dedhamosteopathy.co.uk Dedicated to getting you better Osteopathy and Western Medical Acupuncture clinic ideally located in the heart of the Dedham countryside, providing treatment for you and your family. ●Back pain/sciatica ●Pain/stiffness from Arthritis ●Muscle strains ●Hip/knee/ankle pain ● Tennis/Golfers Elbow ● Tendonitis ●Neck/shoulder pain ● Ligament sprains ●One hour initial appointment ●On-site free parking ●Open weekdays, evenings and weekends Experienced practitioner who has worked in busy multi-disciplinary practice, giving a greater depth of knowledge in managing your treatment and follow up care 43 Making your will I offer a home visit service for clients wishing to make their wills, lasting powers of attorney or advance decisions (to refuse medical treatment). As a retired solicitor I help my clients make well planned arrangements (including providing witnesses to ensure legal acceptance) at a very competitive price. Please call 01206 263420 or email me at [email protected] www.thewillbusiness.com ROGER BALMER DESIGN ARCHITECTURE AND GARDEN DESIGN Telephone: 01206 299477 Email: [email protected] 44 Hayley Newell M.Ost Registered Osteopath Previous Commonwealth Karate champion Hayley Newell is an experienced Osteopath working at our satellite clinic in the Constable Country Medical Practice Specialising in the treatment of musculoskeletal problems including back/neck pain, sprains, headaches, whiplash, tendonitis and arthritis. Call today and let your recovery begin. Tel: 01473 217592 www.gilmourpiper.co.uk EXPERIENCED BOOK KEEPER Need help with your book keeping? • • • • • • • • • • Sage Line 50 and SageOne Sage Payroll Clearbooks Excel VAT Returns Self Assessments Management reports Credit control Qualified accountant Nearly 20 years experience Local and experienced Contact Joanne [email protected] 07812 708974 45 Victoria Baker PILATES Personally designed courses to improve posture, joint alignment, movement and strength. Group and individual sessions in a private, comfortable studio. Tel: (01206) 322244 M obile: 07887 987280 [email protected] www.victoriabakerpilates.com Unit 18 Dedham Vale Business Centre M anningtree Road Dedham CO 7 6BL Maths & Science Tuition Primary to A Level School Entrance Exams Tuition from an experienced Teacher Call or email to discuss your needs Celia Iredale Tel: 01473 314151 Mobile: 07450 769944 Email: [email protected] Tel: 01206 615462 Mobile: 07940 913206 Email: [email protected] Web: www.careadvicehub.com The Care Advice Hub has been developed to assist you and your family to navigate your way through the care system by drawing on local and national expertise in your area. This has been designed for those that need to fund their own care costs and all the implications that follow. The Care Advice Hub will pro-actively introduce you to services such as:Legal & Professional Services Independent Financial Advisers Equity Release specialists Will Writers Power of Attorney specialists Solicitors Care Services Independent Social Worker Domiciliary Care Live In Care Care Homes Local support groups 46 REFLEXOLOGY ADVANCED HYPNOTHERAPY Master NLP Practitioner Overcome problems – Feel great – Achieve your goals Marion Gill. M.A.R. HUGH CLOVER (MA Ed), MABCH, MCAHyp UKCHO Tel: 01473 314008 20 years experience: Caring and confidential help with relaxation, stress, phobias, confidence, sleep, smoking, weight, unwanted habits, and many other psychological, emotional and physical problems. Hugh is experienced working with children and teenagers. Practitioner for 20 years Operating from Holton St Mary and Stow Health Medical Centre, Stowmarket. ‘Hugh provides a life changing service in a calm and trusting environment and has a deep understanding of the human psyche. I believe everyone should try it.’ Mrs EK www.mariongillreflexology.co.uk WHY NOT TAKE A LOOK AT HUGH’S WEBSITE? WWW.HUGHCLOVER.CO.UK Member of the Dedham Vale Network of Complementary Therapists and practitioners. www.dedhamvalenetwork.com For further information please contact Hugh on 01206 323089 or email [email protected]. (Stratford St Mary - Easy access and parking just off the A12 between Ipswich and Colchester) 47 Andrew Stewart MSST MRSS Sports Therapist and Shiatsu Practitioner Injury management and rehabilitation Back and neck pain, Sciatica, headaches Stress related conditions, Joint pain, nagging injury and much more Practicing in Raydon for over 5 years [email protected] Tel 01473 652093 www.raydontherapies.co.uk THE BARN VETERINARY PRACTICE Station Farm Kennels Robert M Hill BVMS MRCVS Wenham Road, Copdock, Ipswich Tel: 01473 730213 2A Ashcroft Road (off Norwich Road), Ipswich Tel: 01473 743460 Consultations by appointment 24 Hour Emergency Service Monday-Friday: 8.30am-7pm. Saturday: 9am-12noon. Sunday: 10am-1pm (Ashcroft Rd only) MODERN DIAGNOSTIC, MEDICAL AND SURGICAL FACILITIES ON SITE CAR PARKING A small select Kennels and Cattery Linda Rowe Woodlands Road, Raydon, Ipswich IP7 5QD Telephone (01473) 827973 Surgical Operating Theatre • Ultrasound scanner Radiography Department • Electrocardiography Own laboratory for rapid testing • Endoscopy Hospitalisation with isolation ward • Stabling 48 The answ er t o a l l your pest pr oblem s Fr e e a d v i ce , su r v e y s a n d q u o t a t i o n s Rats, Mice, Squirr els, Moles, Rabbits, Wasps, Hornet s, Cluster Flies, Bed Bugs, Fleas, Mot hs, Flies, Fly killers & Scr eens Penrose & Partners VETERINARY SURGEONS Upper Street STRATFORD ST MARY Tel: 01206 323414 “Friendly, Professional, Local” The St r eet , Raydo n I P7 5LW E: info@pest solut ion.co. uk w w w .lauriepest cont rol.co.uk T: 01473 396807 Mon–Fri 8.45-12.30 & 2.30-6.30 (4.00 Wed) Sat morning at Brinkley Lane Consultations by appointment Operating Theatre Main Branch 70 Brinkley Lane, Highwoods, Colchester 01206 842608 www.penrosevets.co.uk John L. Haste Monumental Mason and Consultant, Memorial renovations. New Memorials supplied, Meadow View Cottage Higham, Colchester, Essex. CO7 6ND Tel: (01206) 337358 49 which is why at Grier and Partners we are dedicated to giving you information on your property’s perform ance 24/7. Our Myhousebook feature is a secure online journal, which you can use whenever you’re on the move. Providing you with up to date information on your house sale or let, including Rightmove visits and viewing feedback, all included as part of our exceptional standard of friendly and professional service. We believe this is what sets us apart from ordinary estate agents that just don’t have our spirit to win. Sound refreshing? Contact us today on 01206 299222 or visit us online. Find us on ..Facebook & Twitter www.grierandpartners.co.uk 50 The agent with the Terrier spirit Printed by K•D S, Chattisham. (01473) 652 354 Information on your house sale tailored to you There’s nothing worse than being out of the loop when selling or letting your property, BENEFICE CONTACTS, SERVICES AND EVENTS Contact details Rector: Revd Rosalind Paul: The Rectory, Raydon, IP7 5LH. Tel.: 01473 310677. Email: [email protected] Benefice website: www.4marys.org.uk Please contact the Rector direct to talk about baptisms, confirmations, weddings, funerals, or for home visits. Please note that her normal day off is Friday. Churchwardens Higham Nicola Tindall 01787 212340 (Elder) Martyn Carr 01206 337325 Holton Paul Torrington 01473 312046 Jean Styles 01473 828532 (Elder) Raydon Geoff Horrex 01473 310422 Simon Tennent 01473 310320 Stratford Christine Cousins 01206 322530 (Elder) Jonathan and Janet Dewey (01206 322148) Morning Prayer in May This month Morning Prayer will be said at 9.45 a.m. as follows: Tuesday 2nd SSM Tuesday 9th Holton Thursday 18th Higham Tuesday 23rd Raydon Anyone is welcome to join us. Silent Prayer Group This group continues to meet at 11.30 a.m. in the Rectory for 25 minutes of silent prayer, with fellowship. Do come and join us if you can. Midweek Communion This month's short service of Holy Communion in the Parish Room at Stratford St Mary will be at 10 a.m. on 17 June. Meet the Rector at the Anchor in SSM Anyone from any of our parishes who would like to meet up for lunch is invited to join us at the Anchor in SSM at 12.30 p.m. on Wednesday 17 June. Healing Group This group will continue to meet together for training on the first Wednesdays of the month, starting at 7.30 p.m. on 3 June in the Chapel at SSM. Sunday Services in June 8.00 a.m. 10.00 a.m. N.B. 6.30 p.m. 7th SSM + Baptism Holton 14th Raydon 21st Holton SSM 28th Higham Raydon New Testament Readings and Collects for weekdays in June 31 May: Trinity Sunday. Holy God, faithful and unchanging, enlarge our minds with the knowledge of your truth, and draw us more deeply into the mystery of your love, that we may truly worship you, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen. 1st Mark 3.31-end. The Visit of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Elizabeth 2nd Romans 4.13-end 3rd Romans 5.1-11. Martyrs of Uganda, 1885-7 & 1977 4th 1 Corinthians 10.1-17. Day of Thanksgiving for Holy Communion (Corpus Christi) 5th Romans 6.1-14. Boniface (Wynfrith) of Crediton, Bishop, Apostle of Germany, Martyr, 754 6th Romans 6.15-end. Ini Kopuria, Founder of the Melanesian Brotherhood, 1945 7 June: Trinity 1. God of truth, help us to keep your law of love and to walk in ways of wisdom, that we may find true life in Jesus Christ your Son. Amen. 8th Romans 7.1-6. Thomas Ken, Bishop of Bath and Wells, Non-Juror, H y m n Writer, 1711 9th Romans 7.7-end. Columba, Abbot of Iona, Missionary, 597 10th Romans 8.1-11 11th Acts 4.32-end. Barnabas the Apostle 12th Romans 8.18-30 13th Romans 8.31-end 14 June: Trinity 2. Faithful Creator, whose mercy never fails, deepen our faithfulness to you and to your living Word, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 15th Romans 9.1-18 16th Romans 9.19-end. Richard, Bishop of Chichester, 1253 17th Romans 10.1-10. Samuel & Henrietta Barnett, Social Reformers, 1013 & 1926 18th Romans 10.11-end. Bernard Mizeki, Apostle of the Ma Shona, Martyr, 1896 19th Romans 11.1-12. Sundar Singh of India, Sadhu (Holy Man), Evangelist, Teacher of the Faith, 1929 20th Romans 11.13-24 21 June: Trinity 3. God our Saviour, look on this wounded world in pity and in power and help us to hold fast to your promises of peace, won for us by your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen. 22nd Romans 11.25-end. Alban, First Martyr of Britain, c. 250 23rd Romans 12.1-8. Etheldreda, Abbess of Ely, c. 678 24th Luke 3.1-17. The Birth of John the Baptist 25th Romans 13.1-7 26th Romans 13.8-end 27th Romans 14.1-12. Cyril, Bishop of Alexandria, Teacher of the Faith, 444 28 June: Trinity 4. Gracious Father, by the obedience of Jesus you brought salvation to our wayward world. Draw us into harmony with your will, that we may find all things restored in him, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen. 29th Acts 11.1-18. Peter and Paul, Apostles 30th Romans 15.1-13 1st Romans 15.14-21. Henry, John & Henry Venn the Younger, Priests, Evangelical Divines, 1797, 1813 & 1873 2nd Romans 15.22-end 3rd John 11.1-16. Thomas the Apostle 4th Romans 16.17-end For your diaries 4 June Archdeacon's Visitation, St Mary's Hadleigh, 7.30 p.m. 5 June Holton Lunch, Village Hall, 12.30 p.m. 7 June Tea in the Church, Raydon, 3-5 p.m. 13 June Raydon Book Sale 19-21 June Higham Art Exhibition Those to be married in June Please pray for happy marriages for: Clare Strong and Peter Kitchener, to be married on 6 June in Higham Samantha Loveday and Julian Adams, to be married on 27 June in Higham Those to be baptized in June Please pray for Oscar Mawdsley, who is to be baptized in SSM on 7 June. For your prayers Holton: Gerard Noel Raydon: Cliff Cooper, Pat Cousins, Patricia Reeves SSM: Thomas Clover, Reg Price, Dwayne, Trina Outside the Benefice: Helen Gregory, Lizzie Gregory, Nick Middleton, Cécile O'Dell
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