Business Online Banking User Guide


Business Online Banking User Guide
Business Online Banking
User Guide
Macatawa Bank Business Online Banking Guide
Page 2
Business Apps
Page 5
Page 6
Page 17
Pay Bills
Page 22
EFTPS Tax Payments - Federal & State Tax Payments
Page 24
Out of Band Authentication (OOBA)
Page 28
Domestic Wire Transfers
Page 30
Authorize Transactions
Page 34
ACH Categories
Page 36
Page 38
Document Delivery
Page 50
Page 51
Send a File
Page 52
Other Services
Page 53
Mobile Banking
Page 54
Page 57
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The first screen you will come to will be the log on screen. This is where you will enter your log on credentials.
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If this is your first time logging in, you will be required to select a picture, phrase and security questions.
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If you recognize your picture and phrase, you would then enter your password.
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The Business Application screen may be the screen that you spend the most time on. Services available on
this screen include ACH origination, State and Federal Tax Payments, Domestic Wires and Transfers between
the accounts on your business banking profile. This page also provides a Single Sign on option for Fraud
Protections Services (includes Positive Pay, ACH Positive Pay and ACH Monitoring) and a link to our Remote
Deposit Capture service, Deposit Connect.
The applications available to you are determined by your current Internet Banking agreement with Macatawa
Bank. Any grayed out Applications indicates services that are either not available to your company or not
entitled to you by your company supervisor. Your banking relationship manager would be happy to discuss
these additional services with you.
5 Rev 10.13 Macatawa Bank Business Online Banking Guide
Under Business Apps, clicking on Administration will allow Company Supervisors to manage business users,
accounts, Company information and dual authorization.
As employees roles change, you can modify their permissions. To modify simply click on either their
Username or their Full Name.
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Permissions include the base features, account access and the dollar limits your company users can process
for services available to your company.
The base features include Floating SSO Business App 1, which allows Single Sign On access to our Fraud
Protection Services (Positive Pay, ACH Positive Pay, ACH Monitoring), and Floating SSO Business App 2
which is a direct link to our Remote Deposit Capture service. Another base feature is Mobile Banking. If a
company user will utilize our Mobile Banking App, they would need to be entitled by their company supervisor
under this section (the user would also need to activate Mobile Banking under the Other Services tab).
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When setting user limits, Draft enables the user to create or “draft” a transaction; Authorize enables a user to
authorize or approve draft transactions. A transaction can only be sent once it has been authorized; Full
enables a user to perform a transaction outright without it going through the drafted or authorization stages.
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Categories give you the ability to manage or group your recipients. You may allow or restrict a users access to
these categories.
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In addition to modifing existing users, you can add or delete users from this screen.
If you would like to add a user that should receive entitlements identical to an existing user, click on the name
of the existing user. From this screen, clicking on the Copy button will allow you the convenience of setting up
the new user without needing to manually entitle their access to accounts and services.
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User activity can be monitored within the system to identify transactions that employees are processing.
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Some ACH and wire transactions will require Out of Band Authentication, also known as OOBA, by
way of a One Time PIN (OTP) for the protection and security of your business. Use of a One Time PIN is
necessary for any user that will be initiating or approving Payroll, Cash Disbursements, Wire Transfers, Send
Files or updating company or user entitlements that affects origination of these payment types.
One Time PIN Delivery Details must be set up for each of these users by selecting Business Apps, then
selecting Administration and clicking on the User Name or Full Name of the user to be updated. To enroll, click
on Enroll for One Time PIN. To update users currently enrolled, select Manage One Time PIN Settings. The
mobile and telephone numbers set up on the user’s profile will be displayed. If these are the numbers that you
want the user to receive their One Time PIN at, click Submit. Otherwise, update the numbers and click submit.
Because Mobile and Phone numbers are used for One Time PIN Delivery, they must be kept current.
If the number you would like your OTP sent to requires an extension, this can be facilitated by entering your
number, a space, ext, a space and then your entering the extension. In this example the correct format would
be: 616-111-2222 ext 3333
Out of Band Authentication will be covered more thoroughly beginning on page 27.
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Clicking on Company Information will show you the business name and address on file. This is a read only
screen as no entries are allowed here.
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From this screen, you are able to select which services are available for each account. This will require the
One Time Pin process to be completed.
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As an additional layer of security, company supervisors can establish dual control, by requiring transactions to
be authorized by a second user before they are submitted for processing.
From this screen, you can identify which services require dual authorization and establish thresholds where
dual authorization becomes required.
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Because these changes affect transactions requiring a One Time PIN, a One Time Pin (OTP) is required when
establishing or changing these limits.
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The Expand icon gives you quick access to see your last five transactions, make quick Transfers to and from your accounts, and assign Nicknames to your accounts. Click on the account number to view more detailed transaction history. Upon successful login, you have immediate access to a summary view of your accounts and available
The Expand icon located to the left of each account gives you quick access to see your last five transactions,
make Express Transfers to and from your accounts, and assign Nicknames to your accounts.
In addition to a convenient view of the account balances, you may easily access transaction history by clicking
on the account number that you wish to view.
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Complete a Quick Transfer by selecting the account to transfer to, enter the amount and click Submit. Search for specific transactions that have posted to your account. Features of the Account Transaction screen include current and available balances, Express transfers which
allow a one time transfer, Current transaction history as well as Viewing check and deposit ticket images by
clicking on a transaction’s description.
By expanding sections of this screen you will have access to the Additional balance details and a Transaction
Filter that allows you to search for a particular transaction or a group of like transactions. You may also
rename the account from this screen.
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To export transaction history, click on the Export History tab. Choose the account, date range and format of the
file that you wish to export and click Submit. This will bring you to another screen where clicking on the Export
link will create the file to be exported and launch the appropriate application for viewing these transactions.
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If you have enrolled in eStatements, your account statements will be available online the morning after the
date your statement cycles. Simply select the account from the drop down menu and enter a date range.
If you are not enrolled in eStatements and you would like to activate this service, click on the Manage
eStatement Preferences link. Statements will become available once your enrollment is completed beginning
with your next statement cycle.
If you would like to view a specific check that has posted to your account, simply enter the account, check
number and submit.
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Similar to the Transaction Filter on the Account Balances screen, the Search feature allows you to search for a
specific transaction or multiple transactions based on the criteria that you enter.
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You may access our Bill Pay solution by clicking on Pay Bills from the Business Apps screen.
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Our easy to use Bill Pay service allows an effective way to manage your bills. In addition to the convenience of
maintaining all your biller information in one location, you may also set up recurring payments, payment
reminders and receive e-bills.
To set up a biller, go to Manage My Bills and enter the name and address as it appears on your billing
When you want to make a payment, you just enter the amount to be paid and the due date of the payment.
Some payments may take up to four days for processing. Payment records are available for up to two years.
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There are a few initial steps to complete before you are able to utilize the EFTPS Tax payment feature which
allows you the ability to pay certain state and federal tax payments. Tax ID’s are associated with the regions in
which you pay taxes.
To begin making EFTPS Tax payments or tax payments to your state, be sure to set up your tax ID. Select
EFTPS Tax Payments from the Business Apps screen and then select Setup Tax ID.
Next, select the Tax Region and enter your tax ID as a ten digit number, excluding the hyphen. Clicking
Register will add this information to the list on the bottom portion of the page. This would need to be done to
identify the tax region for Federal tax payment and for the state(s) you wish to pay.
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You will also need to set up a Tax Form for each of the tax types that you intend to pay via internet banking.
Select the appropriate Tax form and click Register.
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Once the initial tax set up has been completed, you can then select EFTPS Tax Payment from the list of
options from the main Business Apps screen. Complete the required fields and submit the payment.
Please note that the Effective Date is the date that you would like the payment to be received by the tax entity
you are paying. When you select the Effective Date, the Send Date will automatically populate.
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After clicking Submit, you will be brought to a confirmation screen. Clicking “Confirm” on this screen will
complete your payment.
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Out of Band Authentication, also known as OOBA, is an additional layer of security. Computer hackers are
constantly looking for ways to gain access to online banking accounts. Keystroke logging programs and
phishing schemes are examples of ways that criminals use to gain access to your user name and password.
As a result, it is necessary to use two separate security systems working simultaneously to authenticate some
The account transactions that will require OOBA for Macatawa Bank consist of Payroll, Domestic Wire
Transfers, Cash Disbursements and Send a File. Enrolling or Updating One Time PIN contact information will
also require a One Time PIN.
When OOBA is required for your transaction, completion of a One Time PIN (OTP) will be required to complete
the transaction or change.
An example of how OOBA works is the transaction listed for Cash Disbursement where a business is paying a
If you are paying a business, OOBA is required for the Cash Disbursement. This transaction shows the
payees, the accounts and the amounts.
Under Step 1: You will need to select the number that you will send the OTP to and click Send OTP. Leave
this screen open while you are waiting for your PIN to arrive at the designated phone number. You will receive
your PIN via Text Message or via an automated telephone call (the method is indicated next to the telephone
number you select in Step 1). For additional information regarding setting up OTP, refer to page 12.
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Once you click Send OTP you will have 10 minutes to enter the number in Step 2.
Once the One Time PIN has been entered and you confirm, the payment will be complete unless the
transaction requires Dual Authorization. If Dual Authorization is required, an authorized approver will be able to
approve the transaction.
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WIRES, cont.:
Domestic Wire Transfers may be originated either by completing the Wire form or by using previously saved
To complete a new wire transfer request, select the Funding Account, enter an amount and the send date. The
beneficiary of the wire transaction will provide you with instruction for routing the wire to their financial
institution. Enter the information in the appropriate fields. If you need to provide addition information to the
beneficiary of the wire, enter the information in the Originator to Beneficiary section. Once all information has
been entered, click submit. This payment type will require the entry of a One Time PIN.
If you are sending a wire to a beneficiary that you previously used and if you added that beneficiary under the
Manage Beneficiary tab, this process is a bit easier. You would still select the Funding Account, enter the
amount and the Send Date. However, you would just select the beneficiary name from the Select a Beneficiary
drop down and all payment information will populate in the appropriate fields. At this point, just click submit and
go though the One Time PIN steps.
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By clicking on Manage Beneficiaries, you may add or update existing beneficiaries which can be reused as
often as needed.
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Domestic Multi Wires allows for an organized way to submit several wires at once. Clicking the Add button will
bring up a screen where you can either complete the wire instructions entirely or utilize the beneficiaries that
you have previously saved. You would do this for each of the wires to be initiated. Once you have all your
wires queued, select the wires to be sent, select the send date and click Submit. At this point you will be
required to go through the One Time PIN process.
Please note that an advantage of utilizing Multi Wires is only entering a single One Time PIN for all the wires
that you have queued. For additional information on One Time PIN’s and Out of Band Authentication, please
refer to that section of the video.
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Under Authorize Transactions, you will approve and submit transactions for processing for any payment type
that has been set up to require Dual Authorization..
Simply select the payment you would like to approve and click Authorize.
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Once authorized, confirm transaction in order to process request. If the payment requires a One Time PIN and
you are authorizing the payment from your computer, you will also be required to complete the One Time PIN
process. If approving via our Mobile Banking App, no One Time PIN will be required as that method of
approval is already Out of Band.
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ACH Categories
Each payee/payor can be assigned to a category within the ACH payment type. This enables the user to filter
on categories when creating an ACH payment.
For example, if your business has salaried and hourly employees, you might choose to create a category
named salaried and one named hourlly, a third could be named bonuses. Once categories are defined, you
are able to filter on them. You are also able to allow users access to only the categories necessary to perform
their job.
Simply select Categories from the blue bar. Identify if you are interested in adding or deleting a category by
selecting the correct button.
36 Rev 10.13 Macatawa Bank Business Online Banking Guide
After choosing “Add Category”, enter the category name you wish and then select the Category Type.
The Category Types are ACH Collection, Cash Disbursements/Cash Concentration, Payroll and Wires.
If you commonly use a specific account to fund a category, select that account under Default Account.
Assign Users that you want to have access to this category.
Save your selections.
37 Rev 10.13 Macatawa Bank Business Online Banking Guide
From the Business Apps page, you are able to easily select the ACH (Automated Clearinghouse) payment
types that your business needs to process.
Payroll – This ACH Origination category includes direct deposit, H S A (Health Savings Account) funding and
any credit to a consumer or personal account.
Cash Disbursements- This ACH Origination category includes all credits to business accounts.
Collections- This ACH Origination category includes all debits to consumer or personal accounts.
Cash Concentration—This ACH Origination category includes all debits to business accounts.
To avoid redundancy, we will be providing instructions on Payroll. However, the steps to process ACH
payments and Collections and set-up payee/payor information would be the same for all ACH payment types.
Please note that many of the rules and regulations that govern ACH transactions are determined by
whether the account you are originating to is a consumer (personal) or Corporate (business) account.
Please be sure to select the correct App for the Payee/Payor that your ACH transaction affects.
For current ACH Rules, please visit or
38 Rev 10.13 Macatawa Bank Business Online Banking Guide
The Payroll App would be used to fund Health Savings Accounts and any other disbursement or credit to
consumer accounts (including payroll).
From this screen, simply select the From Account, the effective date and the payment frequency. Select each
recipient from the Payee list by placing a checkmark next to their name and entering the amount they are to be
credited. For your convenience, you may pare down the list of Payees by selecting an appropriate Category to
be displayed.
Please note: For all types of ACH Transactions, the Effective date is the date that the transaction will post to
the Payee/Payor account. No action needs to be taken regarding the Send Date as it is automatically filled in
based on the effective date that is selected.
The types of ACH Services that are available to you are dependent on the ACH Agreement that is maintained
between your organization and Macatawa Bank. If you are interested in Services that currently do not show as
available, please be sure to contact your banking representative.
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Once payroll has been submitted and confirmed, you will be required to complete the One Time Pin process.
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Adding, updating or deleting ACH Payees or Payors may be done by selecting the appropriate ACH App from
the Business Apps screen, which is Payroll in this instance. Click on the button to Manage Payees (or Manage
Payors in the Cash Concentration or Collection Apps).
If adding a new payee, click on the Add Payee button.
To update an existing Payee/Payor, click on their Name. This will bring up their ACH details. Simply update
with the new information and click Submit.
Although Prenotes are not required, they are highly recommended. A Prenote is a non-monetary ACH entry
that is sent to the receiving financial institution. That financial institution is required to follow up via the ACH
network if there are any issues regarding the ACH instructions provided in the Prenote. You will want to be
sure to have at least 6 banking days between the date the Prenote is effective and the date that the first live
dollar transaction is initiated. To complete a Prenote for a payee, place a checkmark next to their name and
click Send Prenote
41 Rev 10.13 Macatawa Bank Business Online Banking Guide
From the Add Payee screen, complete the requested information. Please note that the required fields are
marked with an asterisk.
If you enter an amount in the Usual Amount field, that amount will automatically populate the amount field for
that payee, saving you the extra keystrokes of entering that amount each time a payment is made to that
payee. However, if needed, the amount displayed may be overwritten.
Once the information is completed, click Save.
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A successful message will appear when a payee has been added.
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In addition to manually maintaining a list of payees/payors, you may select to import information from a
NACHA (ACH) file or via a specifically formatted Comma Separated file. If your accounting software creates a
properly formatted file, you may use the file to import payee/payor information as well as the payment
amounts, saving you the process of manually entering the amount for each payee/payor.
In Step 2, select upload a file. Browse to the file to import, select the file type (ACH File type referencing the 6
record would be used to import payees from a NACHA file) and, if applicable, select a category. Next select
whether you wish to Amend, Append or Replace the payees/payors that you currently have saved. Next, click
Import File
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A confirmation screen will appear, showing the Payees that were successfully uploaded. Clicking Confirm will
complete the import process. Now the payees/payors will be available to utilize under the ACH Payment App
that you imported the payees to.
46 Rev 10.13 Macatawa Bank Business Online Banking Guide
There are Pending Transaction tabs and Transaction Activity tabs available on the general Business App
screen and within each of the Business Apps. Pending Transactions will show payments and transfers that are
scheduled to be sent, while Transaction Activity will display the history of payments and transfers that have
already been processed. If you access these tabs from within a given Business App, only the transaction
history for that payment type will be displayed.
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When you have located a batch of pending transactions, you may view the items within that batch.
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On the Transaction Activity screen, the Activity Filter will allow you to filter the information in the most beneficial
way depending on what you are looking for. A search can be completed by transaction, accounts, dates and
To view the details of one of your search results, click on the Plus sign to the left of the batch description. The
individual payees/payors will be displayed below. This information can be exported to CSV files or you can
print using the print icon.
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Under Business Apps, Document Delivery would be the area where the Bank can provide important
documents to you securely.
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Using the Transfer App, you may move money between your accounts. Unlike the Express Transfers that are
available though out the site, the Transfer App allows you to create transfers that can be future dated or set up
to automatically recur.
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In addition to managing and creating ACH payments via the various ACH Apps, customers may also send us
their NACHA file to be processed. Those users utilizing the Send A File App would also provide us transmittal
details so that the date and file amounts may be verified prior to our origination of your file. While a convenient
process, there would not be the same ability of retrieving payment details as there is with files being imported
into Payee/Payor lists.
52 Rev 10.13 Macatawa Bank Business Online Banking Guide
Under Other Services you will be able to reorder checks, place stop payments, set up alerts and enroll in
Mobile Banking.
This section also allows a user to change their contact information, however, this does not change the
business address on file.
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The Company Supervisor can determine whether or not they want to allow their users to have mobile access.
Mobile banking is an optional feature. This is established under Administration and Manage Users.
The user must review the Mobile Disclaimer and accept to enroll.
Click enroll to proceed.
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The user completes the information for Mobile Banking Credentials.
Simply select Enroll.
Users will receive a confirmation text message with a URL to keep on file to access the web based application.
You will utilize this URL to gain access to this application in the future.
Below is a chart that indicates the functionality with the various mobile channels. The Mobile App will be
available later this year.
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Customer Requirements
A mobile phone number can only be registered under one user
Only one mobile device per Online Banking login is allowed to be activated at a time
Accounts accessed via Mobile Banking are the same ones setup within Online Banking
Accounts are identified in Mobile Banking by their account nickname or a masked account number
Nicknames are recommended to be only one-word to work best with Mobile Text Banking
Mobile Bill Pay
o Customers wanting to make payments via Mobile Banking must first enroll in Online Banking Bill
o Payees must be added within Online Banking Bill Pay.
o Payments can only be made to existing payees.
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Under Preferences, the Nicknames screen allows you to manage Nicknames on all of your accounts from one
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The Order Accounts Screen allows you to change the order that your accounts are displayed on the account
balance screen, allowing you the convenience of placing frequently accessed accounts at the top of your list.
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Passwords are required to be changed every 90 days. If you prefer to change your password before the
system requires you to, you may do so on this screen. All requirements are in red.
In order to view your monthly bank statements through online banking, you must sign up for eStatements.
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To enroll, select edit. You will then select GO Paperless for any account and simply submit.
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Click on the download confirmation code link. A dialog box will appear that will ask whether you would like to
open or save the file. Select open. A pdf document will open. Within this document is the confirmation code
you will need to enter in the confirmation code field. Click submit.
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In the Change Security Settings section you will be able to modify your image and phrase as well as your
security questions as desired.
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If you are entitled to originate transactions that require a One Time PIN and your Company Supervisor has
enrolled you in the One Time PIN, this screen will allow you to update the mobile number and land line
numbers that are associated to your one time pin delivery.
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To ensure your businesses security, when you change the one time pin phone numbers, it is a requirement for
you to confirm the change using a one time pin sent to your current (unchanged) phone number.
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Under Landing Page, the first page you view can be changed based on your preferences. Each user can
change the page based on their specific job.
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