volcanic landscape and geomorphological evolution of tenerife islands
volcanic landscape and geomorphological evolution of tenerife islands
SIXTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON GEOMORPHOLOGY VOLCANIC LANDSCAPE AND GEOMORPHOLOGICAL EVOLUTION OF TENERIFE ISLANDS C. Criado and R. Paris FIELD TRIP GUIDE - A2 SIXTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON GEOMORPHOLOGY VOLCANIC LANDSCAPE AND GEOMORPHOLOGICAL EVOLUTION OF TENERIFE ISLANDS Constantino Criado(1) and Raphael Paris(2) (1) Departamento de Geografía; Universidad de La Laguna; Campus de Guajara s/n. 38071 La Laguna (Tenerife), Spain. E-mail [email protected]; Teléfono: 922317753; Fax: 922317723 (2) Géolab UMR 6041 CNRS. Maison de la Recherche. 4 rue Ledru. 63057 Clermont-Ferrand. [email protected] Teléfono : 0033 (0) 473346824 (61) 1. Introduction to Tenerife Tenerife is an island belonging to Canary archipelago, it is located in the central area, 300 km far to Sahara coast. The island is situated between 27º 59’ 59’’ N and 28º 35’ 15’’ N and 16º 50’ 27’’ W and 16º 55’ 40’’ W. Is the larger island of archipelago with a surface of 2.057 km2 and the highest also, with 3.718 in Pico del Teide. From a geological point of view the Canary Islands are located inside the Africa Plate, in a transition between the Continental Crust and the Oceanic Crust, being the main geological pattern its volcanic origin and the actual volcanic activity (the youngest volcano in the archipelago was Teneguía volcano, erupted in the fall of 1971).The position of Tenerife in the middle of archipelago explain the impressive relief and the large variations (figure 1) in the types of volcanic rocks and volcanic structures and landforms. The influence of tectonic lines are responsible for the form of the island – a triangle- , being very clear the predominance of NE-SW and NW-SE directions in the major phases of construction (figure 2). Figure 1. The Canary Islands and Tenerife. In this way, we can differentiate several sectors on the island with different types of relief. The Anaga and Teno area, together with Adeje massif, were built during the First Volcanic Cycle (including the Serie I and Serie II). Serie I erupted during the Upper Miocene and Pliocene between 16.1 Ma to 3.2 Ma. These series are basaltic, with a thick packs of basaltic lavas and pyroclastic depot (cinder and tephra), including also felsic intrusions (trachybasalte ,trachyte and phonolite). Today these areas show erosive landforms, being visible a thickness bigger than 1 km of basaltic materials. The relief presents ravines and cliffs as major landforms. Volcanic Landscape and geomorphological evolution of Tenerife Islands Figure 2. 3D map of Tenerife Island. The Second Volcanic Cycle involved the Series Recientes Acidas y Básicas, issued from 2 Ma to today, with basaltic, tracybasaltic, trachytic and phonolitic materials. During this cycle the activity has been Strombolian but also there were a Plinian volcanic activity related with the genesis of Cañadas caldera. So, in agreement with a variety volcanic activity the volcanic geomorphologic is very rich too. So, in the Northwestern and Northeastern rift we can see two ridges formed by the overlapping of basaltic volcanoes and their lava flows. The Northeastern ridge present two major accidents – the valleys of La Orotava and Güimar – produced by the gravitational collapse and infilling by Quaternary volcanic materials and sediment. The Southern rift is less clear and do not present major landforms if we except the Montaña Guaza dome (925 ka) and the phreatomagmatic centre of Caldera del Rey. On the top there is the caldera of Las Cañadas, probably generated by a gravitational collapse going to North and making the actual Icod valley. The Cañadas wall forms a hemicycle raising 2717 m in Pico Guajara, more than 500 m over the bottom of caldera. The northern side of caldera is occupied today by the complex Teide- Pico Viejo, a twin volcano. Pico Viejo has a big crater – around 800 m wide – and raising 3106 m, while Teide, with solfatarian activity till today has 3718. The slopes of Teide-Pico Viejo is an interesting place to study different types of volcanic landforms as lava flows, domes, pumice field, etc. The Canary Islands are placed in an oceanic area – close the Sahara desert- under the influence of Azores High Pressure Centre. The Trade-wind affect to the island during the main part of the year, mainly from May to September. On Winter the Atlantic Low Pressure can descend to the Canary island producing rainy weather, even snow fall above 1500 m high. On Winter and also on Summer the island can suffer the arrival of Sahara Air Mass, normally associated to dust-haze 2 C. Criado and R. Paris (sometimes Dust-storm), increasing the temperature (with maximal values on Summer) and decreasing the humidity. The trade-winds present a double layer, the lower is wet and temperate because it has been blowing over the ocean from N-NE direction, in opposite, the upper layers is warm and very dry being blowing the wind from W-NW direction. This structure produce stable situation in the atmosphere – because of a thermical inversion-. The landforms do an interference with the regional atmosphere circulation producing a wide variety of local climates (Figure 3). First we have a difference between the north areas – exposed to trade-winds and atlantic winds being more dry the south than the north slopes; secondly, in the north slopes the presence of the temperature inversion produce a sea cloud, between 500 m to 1500 m high, producing unusual wet conditions and supporting a extra amount of water by fog rain; Several experiment provide evidences for supplies of fog rain four times more than normal rain (Marzol et al., 1997). Figure 3. Rain and temperature gradients on Tenerife Island (Modified from Martínez de Pisón et al., 1990). 2. Anaga’s massif Is the northeast corner of Tenerife Island (figure 4). The physiographical pattern is very single, showing a main ridge – with direction E to W – and maximal high in Montaña Cruz de Taborno (1,024 m), the high mean of this ridge is around 800 m (photo 1). 3 Volcanic Landscape and geomorphological evolution of Tenerife Islands Photo 1. The Anaga`s ridge from Pico del Inglés. In the foreground we can see the Roque de Anambra neck and the inlet of Roque de Tierra. From the main ridge we can see secondary ridges isolating a group of ravines, wide and deep but short. The head of these ravines show a very high numbers of lobes, producing cols in the main ridge. The position of the ravines in relation with the main hydrographical border is perpendicular with an exception visible near Punta de Anaga, to the east from Cabezo del Tejo and others placed to the west of Cruz de Carmen; both groups present a radial pattern. On the other hand, the coasts show very impressive cliffs – till 500 m high -. Figura 4. The Anaga massif. 4 C. Criado and R. Paris A conspicuous topographical feature is the high energy of the relief. So, with a surface of 273 km2, the 63% of absolute altitude are between 400 m to 800 m; the 26% of it territory show a gradient of 400-500 m/km2 although that 23% of surface have a gradient of 300-400 m/km 2. So, they produce an aspect of mountain with very steep slopes. 2.1 Structure and relief Anaga mountains is old volcanic massif, it has been built by several phases of large volcanic activity happened during the Upper Miocene and the Pliocene. So, the oldness of volcanic activity has produced the actual aspect of the area, dominated by erosive landforms but with a significant importance of the volcanic structures, both in a lithological and structural point of view (figure 5). Figure 5. Geomorphological scketch of Anaga massif (Modified from Criado, 1990). Anaga is a structure built essential by the basaltic volcanic activity, belonging to a the stratigraphy unit called Serie I ; it has been divided in Lower Serie I, Middle Serie I and Upper Serie I (Ancochea et al., 1990). The Lower Serie I, located in the Arco de Taganana, a very old formation, deeply weathered and with a very numerous dykes. The magnetic polarity is normal Pre-Gilbert (Carracedo, 1979) and the age could be 16.1 Ma (Abdel-Monen et al., 1972). The Middle Serie I occupying the main part of the massif; it has been issued from 6.5 to 4.5 Ma ago; the existence of stop of volcanic activity between 5.4 to 4.8 Ma would produce a subdivision, but at the moment is only a possibility. A special geological feature with a very important geomorphological effect is the presence of the main part of felsic structures (necks and big dykes, and thick lave flows). The Upper Serie I is separated from the previous unit by an unconformity produced by a lack of volcanic activity during a time dated between 4.5 to 3.7 Ma; the main 5 Volcanic Landscape and geomorphological evolution of Tenerife Islands geological character is the issued of very thick pack of basaltic laves in a very quiet and quick eruptions – probably Hawaiian type-, finishing with the emission of a second unit of salic magma, visible today in the areas located to the West of Pico del Ingles. The oldness of Anaga massif explain the inexistence of direct volcanic landforms, however the volcanic influence is still very clear in the type of erosive landforms; in this way, the relief present a some specific features and the general aspect can remember landscapes from other old volcanic sites (as Ohau island, e.g.). The necks (trachyte and trachyphonolitic composition) produce a very steep relief; they are old volcanic chimneys unearthed by the erosion presenting nice examples of columnar jointing. Could have three different generations of necks; the first one are the biggest – Roques de Anaga, Aderno, Las Animas, Enmedio, Roque Negro, etc- and they are placed near the coast and in a topography position lower than salic lave flows and volcanic agglomerate beds located in several tops of the Anaga, it is intrusive in the Lower and Middle Serie I. The second generation are in the top (Roque de Anambra, Cabezo del Viento, Los Pinos) and eastern part of the massif (Juan Bay), and the more recent is represented only by Picacho del Roques the chimney from which issued the laves forming Mesa de Tejina (3.2 Ma). Dykes are the chimneys of linear eruptions put in relief by the erosion; in Anaga the main part are basaltic, being narrow, low but very long; on the opposite, the salic dykes are wide, high but normally short, showing a very well marked columnar jointing. Relief type mesas are very well represented in Anaga; following the geochronology dates of Ancochea, we can separate at least two generations. The oldest would be located in the easterly areas in a topographical concordance with the tops (Chinobre), the youngest are located to the west of Roque de Los Pasos being the more recent Mesa de Tejina. Today the main part of mesas is located in the ridges being the evidence of very important inversion relief processes. Another evidence of volcanic structures in the relief is done by the Quaternary volcanoes. In Punta del Hidalgo, the lave issued from Volcan de Las Rozas (Matuyama Post-Jaramillo, 0.890.69 Ma), reach the coast forming a basaltic fan – Isla Baja- . To the West, the volcanoes of Tegueste infilling an old valley excavated in the basaltic laves of Upper Serie I, changing dramatically the landscape. In La Laguna, a big valley was locked by a lave dam – issued from La Esperanza Ridge- produced a lake basin with a marsh till the historical times. At last in the borders of Anaga – Montaña de Guerra, Volcan de las Rozas and volcanoes of Tegueste valley – we can see old cinders cones from Quaternary times (magnetic polarity normal Brunhes, 0.69-0.0 Ma, Carrecedo, 1979), but the laves flows has been weathered in deep volcanic soils (Alfisoles) producing excellent crops of grapes. 2. 2. Erosive landforms The most important erosive landform in Anaga massif are the ravines (called Barrancos by locals). Short, often with very dense network (figure 6), narrow and deep, its development has started at least during the Upper Pliocene suffering a long evolution under paleoclimatic changes (table 1). The architecture in roof of the volcanic materials forming Anaga is the main structural influence in the disposition of the ravines; the only exceptions are near Punta Anaga and western border where the pattern similar to a fan. 6 C. Criado and R. Paris Figure 6. Drainage networks of Anaga’s massif (Modified from Criado, 1990). 1) Flandes. 2) El Tomadero. 3) Barranco Seco. 4) La Angostura. 5) Taborno. 6) Afur. 7) La Iglesia. 8) Roza Alta. 9) Almaciga. 10) Benijo. 11) Chamorga. 12) El Drago. 13) El Jurado. 14) Anosma. 15) Anaga. 16) Ijuana. 17) Antequera. 18) Zapata. 19) Igueste. 20) El Balayo. 21)San Andrés. 22) Jagua. 23) Cueva Bermeja. 24) El Bufadero. 25) Valle Seco. 26) Tahodio. Table 1. Morphometrical features of Anaga`s ravines. Ravin Flandes Seco Tomadero Angostura Taborno Afur Iglesia Roza Alta Almaciga Benijos Chamorga El Jurado El Drago Anosma Anaga Ijuana Antequera Zapata Igueste El Balayo San Andrés Jagua Cueva Bermeja Bufadero Valle Seco Tahodio Length km 7.0 7.6 28.8 2.6 4.7 36.0 14.7 7.0 2.6 7.2 11.4 0.4 1.5 12.0 2.3 12.4 3.3 3.5 34.7 4.1 40.0 1.9 4.3 38.7 10.8 30.9 Surface km2 2.53 4.57 9.30 1.02 5.63 12.30 4.73 2.89 1.32 2.98 3.50 0.51 0.86 4.27 1.05 3.68 1.37 1.40 10.10 1.68 17.50 1.79 1.72 12.83 4.14 11.60 Drainage density 2.76 1.66 3.09 2.54 2.75 2.92 3.10 2.42 1.96 2.41 3.25 0.80 1.74 2.83 2.19 3.36 2.40 2.50 3.43 2.44 2.28 1.06 2.50 3.03 2.60 2.66 7 Volcanic Landscape and geomorphological evolution of Tenerife Islands The age of the structures is also important to understand the form of ravines; in this way, the more evolved areas are located on the Taganana Formation (The oldest materials of Lower Serie I) and today we can recognize only the heads because the main part of the talweg has disappear by marine erosion, being the remain of these filled by a thick alluvial depot burying the old drainage network; the longitudinal profiles are very steep. The largest ravines are on the Middle Serie, for instance Tomadero (9.3 km2), Afur (12.3 km2), Igueste (10.1 km2), San Andrés (17.5 km2), Bufadero (12.8 km2) and Tahodio (11.6 km2). All of them show broad head with lobes, with talwegs raising the order 4 (5 in ravines of Afur) and drainage density between 2.6 or 3.4 if there are outcrops of piroclastic rocks. The mouths are very narrow and the transversal profiles shows form in V, more or less open in relation with the presence of piroclastic rocks (soft) or basaltic laves (hard). The longitudinal profiles show a very steep form in the head and moderate in the talweg and the mouth. Others present a very steep head because of the presence there of salic outcrops more resistant than basaltic rocks to the fluvial erosion. These ravines show short longitudinal profiles with important slopes near the mouth. The ravines of western areas of Anaga has been excavated on the Upper Serie I; they shows several differences to the previous: less value of drainage density related with a geological age younger than Lower and Middle Serie I, with the structure of thus subserie with a dominance of basaltic lave layers and inexistence of piroclastic mantles and effect of changes in the base level as result of topographical changes produced by the Quaternary lave flows. The age of the beginning of the ravines creation is, of course, unknown because of the complexity of structural evolution of Anaga. However we have evidences of very old fluvial activity in the form of alluvial depot intercalate between the basaltic formation and salic laves from Middle Serie I (Peña Friolera). In the bottom of the Tahodio valley we can see a salic lave from Upper Serie I, it has been explained as inverse relief produced by the erosion after the deposition of this lave flows – around 3.5 Ma ago – in a valley still excavated. More frequent are evidences of the existence of actual drainage network during the Lower and Middle Pleistocene; we can see several examples of volcanoes inside the old valleys in the borders of Anaga, mainly near Tegueste, Punta del Hidalgo and La Cuesta. On the other hand to explain the dimensions of ravines could be necessary to take account palaeoclimatic phases with rains producing regular and abundant debits. In several water-holes located in the bottom of the ravines close the mouth we can see alluvial depots under the actual sea level (figure 7); so, the excavation has been very important and probably it has been made with a regressive sea level; another explanation would be a generalized subsidence of insular block. There is not doubt about the presence of wet paleoclimates along the Quaternary times, an evidence is the excavation suffered by the lave flow issued from Volcán de Las Rozas (0.89-0.69 Ma). 8 C. Criado and R. Paris Figure 7. Geomorphological map of Punta del Hidalgo (Modiefied from Criado, 1990). 2.3. Quaternary sediments: a geomorphological interpretation In Anaga there are two types of Quaternary sediments: alluvial-fan depot and slope depot. The first one appeared in the bottom of the ravines. The detailed survey allow recognize different levels unfortunately without possibility for dating (there are not laves interbedded – for Ar/K – and organic remains in the lowest – for 14C-). The oldest level has been watched in only two localities from Anaga (Taganana and Punta del Hidalgo). Here, below the point of view of San Mateo we have found a alluvial formation including cinders stones and gravels removed by the fluvial erosion from Volcan de Las Rozas (figure 7); the coincidence of the genesis of this depot with the beginning of ultraplinian eruptions in Las Cañadas has been evidenced by the existence of layers of pumice. The fluvial sediment overlapped the laves of Volcan de Las Rozas, so we have a got a relative dating for it, having been deposited after this volcanic eruption (Polarity Inverse Matuyama Post-Jaramillo, 0.89-0.69 Ma); a more accurate dating could be possible making an absolute age by Ar/K. The young level is a mixture of boulders, stones with a sandy and silty fabric; the formation is soft showing fluvial sedimentary structures with a local explanation. 9 Volcanic Landscape and geomorphological evolution of Tenerife Islands Today the Quaternary alluvial fan present very important cliffs in it contact with the sea. So, the surface occupied by the fan during it generation process has been bigger than today; unfortunately we have not absolute dating for the younger generation of fan, but probably the more recent phase for it genesis would be during the Last Ice Age. The slope formation are everywhere, we can see this kind of sediment in the coastal areas – with cliffs – and also near the top of Anaga. Sometimes there is a continum between slope sediments and alluvial fans. We have not evidences about the time of deposition, but if we compare the Anaga’s slope depot with others placed in Teno Massif (Criado et al., 1997) we can believe that they has been generated along the Pleistocene, in different phases. The only dating for a debris slope formation has been obtained for Rhodenburg (1979) and for us (Criado, 1990) obtaining a range of ages going from the Last Glacial Time to the Upper Holocene, the last one belong to a slope depot produced after a forest fire 3.7 ka ago. Rhodenburg (1979) believed that during the Last Glacial Age, the intensity of morphodynamic produced a hostile environment for the forestry vegetation on the steep slopes of Anaga, show the laurel forest would be refugee in the flat areas (the top mainly), although the slopes suffered a very intense erosive and depositional processes because heavy rains. We have found evidences about heavy rains happened in Fuerteventura during the Upper Pleistocene – after 26 Ka ago – producing alluvial fans (Criado, 1990 and 1991). The heavy rains would be related with Atlantic storm located over the Canary Island, even in a southern position (between the Canary and the Cap Vert archipelagos), with this disposition today have a weather characterized by heavy rains – specially in the mountain areas- and dust deposition as blood rain. In the Eastern Canary Island we have got evidences about this weather, more frequent than today during the Last Glacial Age; in this way, we have found period of stabilization of sand dunes with massive deposition of Sahara dust – very rich in quartz in the silty fraction- and biological evidences of vegetal colonization under ecological conditions more wet than today (this areas receive only around 100 mm.year-1). Photo 2. Roque de Las Bodegas beach in the northern coast of Anaga massif. 10 C. Criado and R. Paris 2.4. Littoral landforms The coastal geomorphology of Anaga could be defined by the presence of impressive cliffs (photo 2 and 3), as result of structural features – a voluminous massif -, a big time period sufficient to explain the development of cliffs and, at last, a powerful wave regime especially in the northern coast, exposed to the waves coming from NW and N (Atlantic storms) and NE (trade-winds). These influences has not been changed along the times, because if we watch the bathimetry of Anaga we can see a continental shelf best developed in the north area – specially near Roques de Anaga inlets- than the area located between Punta de Anaga and Santa Cruz. The cliffs are present along all the coast of Anaga. Sometimes they have been developed on slope formations – Taganana, Bajamar, etc- or alluvial fans – San Mateo, etc- having beaches in it the base, normally with boulders and stones and few sands. Other times the cliff are worked directly on the volcanic rocks, forming very high cliffs (higher 500 m even) between Punta del Roquete to Punta de Anaga and between Punta Poyata to Los Dos Hermanos. In Bajamar the old cliffs are now separated from the sea by the lave formation of Serie III (Middle and Upper Pleistocene, normal polarity Brunes, 0.69-0.00 Ma), but the littoral present cliffs also, but smaller (50 m high as maximun). Photo 3. The cliffs of Adar are higher than 400 m. 11 Volcanic Landscape and geomorphological evolution of Tenerife Islands 3. Las Cañadas and Teide and Pico Viejo volcanoes. 3.1. Las Cañadas caldera The Cañadas caldera is located on the top of Tenerife island, over 2000 m a.s.l, presenting a form like a ellipse with 16 km in the major axis and 9 in the minor axis, with a surface around 145, 16 km2 (figure 8). This impressive landform is inside the Teide National Park and there we can see three different sectors: The wall, the Cañadas depression and the Teide-Pico Viejo Complex (figure 9). The wall form a continuum between El Portillo – to the East – to the Roque del Cedro to the West- but the there is big differences in high, steepness of slopes and geological constitution. Figure 8. 3D model showing the recent lavas issued from Teide and Pico Viejo complex and northwestern and northeastern rifts (After Carracedo et al., 2004). In a lithological point of view the materials in Cañadas wall are essentially felsic, with thick phonolitic lava flows (till 50 m), and pumice layers, showing dykes and necks with felsic composition. The highest point is Pico de Guajara at 2717 m a.s.l. Below the wall of Las Cañadas we can see a steep slope with debris-slopes in the upper part and debris-flow, in the lower part; the researches carried out on this debris-flow provide evidences for different generations. The first one is visible along trenches in the main road near Llano de Ucanca; a more extended generation is visible doing a contact between debris slope and Aeolian and lacustrine depot, today they are a heritage from cold periods perhaps the Last Glacial Age; actual debris flow appear in steepness areas, moving debris slope when the snow melt (figure 11). 12 C. Criado and R. Paris Figure 9. Geomorphological scketch of Las Cañadas (Modified from Martínez de Pisón and Quirantes, 1981). The flat areas are called Cañadas, they are places without drainage system because to the South are the slopes and wall of Las Cañadas and to the North there is the Teide-Pico Viejo complex (figure 10). The sediment infilling it is mainly sands, and when the melt of snow, episodic ravines supplies water to the bottom of this places and in this way small and temporal lakes could be formed. 13 Volcanic Landscape and geomorphological evolution of Tenerife Islands Figure 10. Slope map of Las Cañadas and Teide and Pico Viejo complex. But the more interesting geological controversy about Las Cañadas caldera is, of course, it origin. Today there are two theories followed by different authors. The collapse theory (Fúster et al., 1968; Araña, 1971; Martínez de Pisón and Quirantes, 1981; Martí et al., 1994 and 1995), presume that after a big explosion activity, related with the geochemistry of the magma because of differentiation processes – forming the pyroclastic depot visible overall the island, mainly in Bandas del Sur- the original building collapse. Recently the theory involve some giant landslides outside the Cañadas to the North (Martí, 1995). The landslide theory (Bravo, 1962; Bravo and Bravo, 1988; Navarro and Coello, 1989; Carracedo, 1994; Ancochea et al.,1999), presume that Cañadas Caldera has been formed by a giant landslide of the northern flank of original building forming the Icod valley (today infilling by lava flows issued from Teide-Pico Viejo complex). This theory is supported by data obtained from galerias (mines to get fresh-water from the groundwater) and oceanographycal surveys. The existence of an impermeable layer of debris (named locally as mortalón), below recent volcanic materials, has been interpreted as the evidences of the destruction of the northern flank of primitive volcano; on the other hand the continuity of the subaerial topography under sea water has been explained as the scar of giant landslide and the existence of submarine relieves near the abyssal plain would be interpreted as megablocks. But today, the controversy is open. 14 C. Criado and R. Paris Figure 11. Geomorphological scketch of Ucanca plain (Modified from Martínez de Pisón and Quirantes, 1981). 3.2. Teide and Pico Viejo Volcanoes. The Pico del Teide (3,718 m a.s.l.) and Pico Viejo (3,134 m a.s.l.) twin volcanoes form a volcanic complex in the centre of the Las Cañadas Caldera (photo 4). They are characterised by steep slopes, mostly covered by basaltic to phonolitic flows. According to the internal structure of the Teide–Viejo complex (Ablay & Martí, 2000) and the 14C ages (Carracedo et al., 2003), the Pico del Teide volcano is older (< 123 ka) than the Pico Viejo (< 26 ka), which appears as parasitic vent on the southwestern flanks of the Teide volcano. The north coast of Tenerife reveals volcanic sequences, where the oldest lava flows of the Teide appear to fill the scar of a wide depression, interpreted as the scar of a massive failure on the northern flanks of Las Cañadas volcano (Icod landslide, ca. 170 ka: Ancochea et al., 1999). The Cañadas walls could be related to the eroded headwall of this failure . 15 Volcanic Landscape and geomorphological evolution of Tenerife Islands Photo 4. The Teide and Pico Viejo volcanoes. Most of the prehistoric and historic eruptions (figure 12) are not directly related to the Teide stratovolcano, which apparently had only one eruption in the last 20 ka, about 1,240 ± 60 years BP (calibrated 14C: 663-943 AD: Carracedo et al., 2003), but to flank parasitic vents (Roques Blancos, Pico Cabras, Montaña Abejera: see table 2 for 14C ages). The volcanic activity of these vents involved at least seven voluminous phonolitic flows in the northern flanks of the Teide, three of them reaching the coast. These viscous lava flows have a blocky texture. They are channeled by lateral levees. Their thickness reaches 160 m in Roques Blancos (northwestern flank of the Pico Viejo). Others phonolitic flows coming from the eastern and southern parasitic vents (Montaña Blanca, Montaña Rajada) infill the Las Cañadas caldera. Obsidian veins can be found in the Montaña Rajada and Teide last lava flows (locally known as "lavas negras"). The peripheral volcanism of the Teide took place without any apparent response of the central volcano. On the contrary, these phonolitic eruptions seemed to progressively buttress and enhance the stability of the Teide volcano. Apparently, only one explosive eruption (sub-Plinian) has occurred in the last 10 ka: the Montaña Blanca eruption (70 BC: Ablay et al., 1995). Pumice deposits from this eruption mantle the chaotic surface of the eastern part of the caldera. At the summit of Montaña Blanca, the declining degree of welding in the pumice reflects the declining rates of the eruption. 16 C. Criado and R. Paris Figure 12. Historical eruptions of Tenerife Islands (after Romero, 1990). Phreatomagmatic deposits have been identified outcropping at the northern flank of the main volcano (Pérez Torrado et al., 2004). These deposits, formed by wet and dry surges, are interbedded with phonolitic flows of the pre-Holocene Teide. They come from an explosive vent (Calvas del Teide), which is completely mantled by the last eruption of the Teide, thus forming a prominent previously interpreted as the headwall of the Icod landslide. Several vents have been identified in the summits of the Pico del Teide and Pico Viejo (Fuster, 1968; Ablay & Martí, 2000, Pérez Torrado et al., 2004). The Teide is composed of a main crater (the pre-Holocene Teide), open to the east and filled by a small younger cone related to its last eruption (1,240 ± 60 years BP). A fumarolic activity can be observed in the 50 m large crater of this later cone. The CO2 emissions are low and quite constant (350-650 t per day: Galindo et al., 2001). The Pico Viejo crater do not show any evidence of activity. The main crater, 750 m wide, is truncated to the southwest by 130 m deep phreatic vents. Surge deposits overlying the remnants of a lava lake can be observed on the southern walls of the main crater. The 1798 lava flow, on the southwestern flank of the Pico Viejo (Narices del Teide), is the last basaltic eruption of the Teide – Pico Viejo complex. It seems to be related to the northwest rift-zone, rather than the central volcano. 3.3. The northeastern and northwestern rift-zones As explained below, the volcanic evolution of Tenerife is controlled both by central edifices and rift-zone structures, the relationships between them being one of the major point of interest for volcanologists and geochimists. The lava produced along the rift-zones are mostly basaltic. The southern rift-zone is the less active branch of the triple-rift system, without any eruption since 30 ka. The northeastern rift-zone (Cordillera Dorsal) was edified between the Las Cañadas central volcano and the independent Anaga shield volcano. Coastal and lacustrine sediments have been 17 Volcanic Landscape and geomorphological evolution of Tenerife Islands described near the city of La Laguna. Since 0.9 Ma, the strait between the Anaga and Las Cañadas was progressively filled by the northeastern rift-zone. The K-Ar ages so far available suggest that the main volume of the rift-zone was accumulated in a span not much longer than 0.5 Ma (Ancochea et al., 1990). The Orotava and Güímar massive flank failures occurred at the end of this period (0.9-0.5 Ma). The NW orientation of the dykes network along the rift-zone, as observed in the most eroded parts and in the water galleries, is more or less perpendicular to the direction of the two failures, thus giving evidence for the relationships between the spatial distribution of volcanism and the flank instability. The ends of the northeastern rift-zone, near La Laguna and on the eastern rim of the Las Cañadas caldera, are mostly covered by recent basaltic lava flows and scoria cones (< 40 ka: Carracedo et al., 2004). Historical eruptions occurred between December 1704 and february 1705 along a 10 km long NE trending fissure (Siete Fuentes, Fasnia and Arafo eruptions)( Martínez de Pisón et al., 1990;Romero, 1990, 1991 y 1992;) . Nevertheless, the volumes of lava produced by these eruptions are minor, compared to the historic eruptions of the northwestern rift-zone. Figure 13. Volcanic hazard zoning of Tenerife island (After Carracedo et al., 2004). Since at least 12 ka, the northwest rift-zone has been the most active, with 95 % of its area covered by lava flows (Carracedo et al., 2004), whereas the northeast rift-zone appears to be declining (< 10 %). At least five eruptions occurred during the last 2 ka along the northwestern rift-zone, between the Pico Viejo and the Teno shield volcano. The basaltic lava flows often 18 C. Criado and R. Paris reached the coast, thus travelling 5 to 16 kilometres from the vent. The 1706 lava flows destroyed the Garachico harbour, on the north coast. It were the most productive historic eruption, with a discharge rate > 70 m³/sec. The last eruption in Tenerife occurred in 1909 and did cause not significant destructions. Hazards related to this kind of eruptions are limited to scoria and cinder falls, forest fires, pollution of water galleries by volcanic gases and destruction by lava flows. Nevertheless, the volcanic risk is reinforced by the vulnerability of densely populated coastal areas (figure 13). 4. PYROCLASTIC FELSIC DEPOT IN SOUTHERN TENERIFE The main characteristic of the southern area of Tenerife island is, of course, the presence of important sequences of felsic pyroclastic rocks (figure 14). We can see these depots below 1.200 m of high in a surface limited from Santa Cruz town in the East to Adeje in the West. Indeed, there others outcrops in the north area of the island, but it importance is smaller and, also, because of the wet conditions is more difficult to watch being hidden by Quaternary basaltic laves, soils, vegetation and crops. Figure 14. Main outcrops of felsic pyroclastic on Tenerife (Modified from Alonso, 1989). This pyroclastic depots has been issued along the Plinian eruptions related with the formation of Caldera de Las Cañadas and we can differentiate three kind of these: pyroclastic fall, pyroclastic flow and pyroclastic surge (figure 15). 19 Volcanic Landscape and geomorphological evolution of Tenerife Islands Figure 15. Three types of pyroclastic deposits. 1. Pyroclastic fall. 2. Pyroclastic flow. 3. Surge. Pyroclastic fall The are depot well sorted produced by the fall of material ejected to the atmosphere by the Plinian explosions; when they reach the maximal high and, under the influence of the wind, fall far the vent with an individual deposition each particle. Pyroclastic flow They form massive depot very bad sorted because they are derived of high density flow produced by the collapse of eruptive columns; When they happen a very hot (around 800º C) and dense flow, with a lot of solid material blend with gases, moved near the ground and speedy (photo 5). Piroclastic surges They are also bad sorted and they are produced by the transport, inside a trouble flow of ashes near the ground. The three types of depot are present in the southern side of Tenerife island, making a especial geomorphological environmental and a very typical landscape 20 C. Criado and R. Paris Photo 5. Pyroclastic flow on Saint Helens volcano (USA). Similar processes were produced on Tenerife along the Pleistocene times. 4.1 Main features of pyroclastic felsic depot With a composition mainly trachytic and phonolitic, light because of the bubbles and showing a pale or white colour, the produce different types of depot in relation with eruptive dynamic. The piroclastic fall are normally overlapping laves of Serie Cañadas and they are covered by basaltic laves of Serie III, and they form a uniform layer burying the previous topography. The grain-size change in relation with the distance to the eruptive vent (Las Cañadas); so, close to the vent the number of coarse fraction increase including lithic material (Granadilla de Abona) and, in opposite, far the vent increase the fine fraction and decrease the proportion of lithic materials (El Médano). The disposition normally is in horizontal layer but, sometimes, could find waved structures. The piroclastic flow has been transported by the gravity, infilling valleys and depressions where the thickness in bigger the tops or flat areas (photo 6). They are a hard rock because they has cemented by the hot, bad sorted but often we can see a kind of gradation with the main part of lithic in the bottom (more dense) and the pumice in the top of the layer. 4.2. Eruptive dynamic If we take in account the geochemistry of these depots and the territorial distribution we must recognize the existence, in the past, of a dynamic of eruptions very different to the actual strombolian volcanic activity. 21 Volcanic Landscape and geomorphological evolution of Tenerife Islands So, we are watching the results of a very violent Plinian volcanic activity, associated with salic magma very rich in gases, producing a high pressure inside the magma chamber, being the start of violent explosion. Photo 6. A view of pyroclastic flow in southern Tenerife. This type of eruption can create an eruptive column till 15 km high. In the lower part the gravity produce the ballistic fall of very coarse fraction and the finer can moved several hundred, even thousand kilometres far, in a horizontal deposition. Because of the decrease of speed beyond the vent can be the origin of pyroclastic flows; an important piece of material can collapse near the vent, running by the slopes over a fluid layer of gases. In this way, the mixture has behaviour like a liquid, escaping slope down (figure 16). The most probably geographical origin for this material is, of course, Las Cañadas caldera. So, if we watch the direction of movement of flow and the distribution of depot, we can conclude a source of material located where today is the caldera Las Cañadas. Outside the caldera rim, in a southern position, we can see only two small domes, being difficult believe that they have produced around 260 km3 of material (Carracedo, 1984). Indeed, we must take account of close relationships between Plinian eruptions and calderas genesis (Wilson, 1993). Obviously the spreading of pyroclastic depends essentially of the direction and power of the wind. So, all the map of pyroclastic fall in southern Tenerife has a form like an ellipse elongated to SE, as result of a wind blowing from the NW and W in the high layers of troposphere during the eruption. On the other hand, the topography make the main control on the pyroclastic flow distribution, in this sense, the topographical continuity and slopes of southern side of Las Cañadas has been a favourable factor to explain a easy translation to the coast, being the biggest thickness of 22 C. Criado and R. Paris pyroclastic flow around 300-400 m high, where although there is a visible change in the steep of the slope. Figure 16. A Plinian eruption . 1. Fine pumice. 2. Coarse pumice. 3.Lithics. (Modified from Carracedo, 1984). 4.3. Littoral volcanoes The main part of the southern coast of Tenerife island is defined by the presence of cliff; these has been produce by the interaction of waves –mainly derived from NE trade-winds- with a different types of volcanic structures (basaltic laves, basaltic cinder-cones, piroclastic flows, etc). A special geomorphology result of hydromagmatic activity, happened when a volcanic vent was opened close the sea level, producing an increase of explosivity because of magma and marine water interaction (fuel-coolant interaction). There are few hidrovolcanic structures in Tenerife, the main part are located in the southern area but actually some of them are far the coast some kilometres, because of a littoral evolution linked to the Quaternary volcanic activity. In this areas we can recognize five hydromagmatic volcanoes: Caldera del Rey (Adeje), Montaña de Los 23 Volcanic Landscape and geomorphological evolution of Tenerife Islands Erales Montaña del Mojón y Montaña Amarilla (San Miguel) y Montaña Escachada o Pelada (Granadilla de Abona). In this field-trip we will visit the last one (figure 17). This one is located in the littoral area between Punta del Tanque del Vídrio (to NE) and Punta de Los Mejillones (SW), and it show the main characteristic features of hidromagmatic activity in low energy regime, being evidence because the volcanic materials and structures. In a morphometry point of view it has 120 m high, 0.1 km3 volume, and 1900 m diameter of the cone and 900 m diameter of the crater (De La Nuez et al., 1993). We can consider this edifice as tuff-ring, with two explosion calderas following a fracture line N170; the first has been destroyed by the sea, presenting a very interesting cliff and the remains of the structure forming a littoral look like a half-moon (Ensenada de La Pelada). The second one is very well preserved and the sea has destroyed only the SE rim. Both are tuff-cones, with slopes between 20º to 30º steep and low aspect relation, with broad diameter (1900 m) and few deep of crater (only 62 m). Figure 17. Geomorphological sckecth of Montaña Escachada volcano (Modified from Yanes, 1990). In this field-trip we will visit the last one. This one is located in the littoral area between Punta del Tanque del Vídrio (to NE) and Punta de Los Mejillones (SW), and it show the main characteristic features of hidromagmatic activity in low energy regime, being evidence because the volcanic materials and structures. In a morphometry point of view it has 120 m high, 0.1 km3 volume, and 1900 m diameter of the cone and 900 m diameter of the crater (De La Nuez et al., 1993). We can consider this edifice as tuff-ring, with two explosion calderas following a fracture line N170; the first has been destroyed by the sea, presenting a very interesting cliff and the remains of the 24 C. Criado and R. Paris structure forming a littoral look like a half-moon (Ensenada de La Pelada). The second one is very well preserved and the sea has destroyed only the SE rim. Both are tuff-cones, with slopes between 20º to 30º steep and low aspect relation, with broad diameter (1900 m) and few deep of crater (only 62 m). In this field-trip we will visit the last one. This one is located in the littoral area between Punta del Tanque del Vídrio (to NE) and Punta de Los Mejillones (SW), and it show the main characteristic features of hidromagmatic activity in low energy regime, being evidence because the volcanic materials and structures. In a morphometry point of view it has 120 m high, 0.1 km3 volume, and 1900 m diameter of the cone and 900 m diameter of the crater (De La Nuez et al., 1993). We can consider this edifice as tuff-ring, with two explosion calderas following a fracture line N170; the first has been destroyed by the sea, presenting a very interesting cliff and the remains of the structure forming a littoral look like a half-moon (Ensenada de La Pelada). The second one is very well preserved and the sea has destroyed only the SE rim. Both are tuff-cones, with slopes between 20º to 30º steep and low aspect relation, with broad diameter (1900 m) and few deep of crater (only 62 m). The volcanic activity producing a tuff-cone has as main feature a very high explosivity derived from the interaction water-magma. So, when a piece of magma contact with the water produce a violent explosion making a fine destruction of the material, increasing –in this way- the surface contacting with the water. The result is a series of violent explosions producing cipresoidal eruptive clouds, very dark, full of particles of small grain-size. The fine grain-size, the thick layers and the continuity of deposition are good evidences of the rhythmic character of explosions. In Montaña Escachada we can see different aspects of the interaction water/magma. In the lowest layers we can found depots derived from wet surges produced by a massive invasion of marine water inside the volcanic vent. However, a unbalance in the ratio water/magma, favourable to the water produce moderate explosions. Later, when the wet surge deposit lock the vent for a massive entrance of marine water, a minor amount of water can produce a high explosivity, producing dry surges including lithic debris from the chimney including plutonic rocks of substrata like gabros and syenite.When the formation of tuff cone do impossible the entry of marine water a strombolian volcanic activity start, producing lapilli and others typical products. The tuff-cones are composed by hialoclastites (basaltic and trachybasaltic), yellow colour in the lowest layers (because of a secondary palagonitization) or grey (where the interaction between water and magma has been small); we can found, also, xenolithes of gabro and sienyte. There is not an absolute age by using stratigraphical controls the volcanic eruption has been dated between 0.67 to 0.130 My ago. 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Paris ROAD LOG (figure 18) 1st Day Departure from Hotel Nivaria at 8:30 a.m. Road TF-121 from La Laguna to Punta del Hidalgo (13 km). Road TF-141 from La Laguna to Taganana (20 km). Total 66 km. Stop 1. 0-13 km TFto Punta del Hidalgo. 1 hour walking to study the structural landforms, Quaternary alluvial fans, slopes evolution and littoral landform. Stop 2. Coffee stop at Cruz del Carmen. Stop 3. Mirador de Lomo Alto. General overview about Anaga massif. Stop 4. Mirador del Pico del Inglés. The main ridge and meriodional valleys. Stop 5. Mirador del Bailadero. The valley of Taganana Stop 6. Luncheon in El Bailadero. Stop 7. Taganana valley. Structural landforms and coastal evolution (Playa de Los Roques) Return to La Laguna by San Andrés valley. 2nd Day Departure from Hotel Nivaria at 8:30 a.m. Road C-824 from La Laguna to El Portillo (43 km) and C-821 from El Portillo to Boca de Tauce (21). Total 128 km . Stop 1. Mirador de la Cumbre: presentation of the northeast rift-zone, origin of the Orotava valley and submarine debris avalanche deposits. Stop 2. Mirador Caldera de Pedro Gil: the 1705 eruption (Montaña de Las Arenas) and the Güimar failure scar in the bottom (little explanation about the tsunami deposits on the best coast of Gran Canaria). Stop 3. “La Tarta”: strombolian and phreatomagmatic deposits along the road, thus showing the coexistence of mafic and felsic shallow magma chambers. Stop 4. Little walk around the 1705 volcano of Siete Fuentes. Stop 5. Luncheon in El Portillo. Stop 6. Las Minas de San José: pumices of 70 BC Montaña Blanca eruption, obsidianic lava flows of Montaña Rajada. Stop 7. Montaña Majua Dome. Stop 8. Los Roques de García: evolution of Las Cañadas volcano, origin of the caldera and 1 hour walking to watch the pahoehoe issued from Pico Viejo volcano. Stop 9. Mirado de Boca de Tauce: structure and volcanic evolution of Teide and Pico Viejo complex. The historical eruption of Chamorra. 3st Day Departure from Hotel Nivaria at 9.00 a.m. Road TF-1 from La Laguna to El Médano (57 km). Three km by a secondary road. Stop 1. Montaña Grande. Explanation about Güimar valley and details of basaltic volcano of Montaña Grande. Stop 2. Arico cross-section: explanation about the Plinian and Ultraplinian volcanic activity in Tenerife. Pyroclastic fall and pyroclastic flows. Study of a cross-section. Stop 3. Luncheon on El Médano. Stop 4. Ensenada de La Pelada. Hydromagmatic volcano of Montaña Escachada. Volcanosedimentary structures. 29 Volcanic Landscape and geomorphological evolution of Tenerife Islands Figure 18. Fieltrips map. 1. Anaga (A). 2. Las Cañadas and Teide and Pico Viejo complex (B). Pyroclastic deposits of southern Tenerife (C). 30