21 . February 21
21 . February 21
FEBRUARY 21, 2016 2nd Sunday of Lent Welcome. The parishioners of our four parishes wish to extend a warm welcome to all who are visiting our church this weekend. Thank you for joining us in worship. We sincerely appreciate all contributions for the maintenance of the church and parish ministries. We hope you enjoy your visit and we pray for your safe return home. For those newly moved into our area, we invite you to contact the parish office to register as a member of your parish family. God’s blessing to you all! SACRED HEART CHURCH 127 County Road 100 E, Sigel, IL 62462 (217) 857-3835 Email: [email protected] ST MARY HELP OF CHRISTIANS 20057 N 1525th Street, Effingham, IL 62401 (217) 844-2062 Email: [email protected] ST MARY OF THE ASSUMPTION 670 N Walnut Street, Neoga, IL 62447 (217) 895-2166 Email: [email protected] ST MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL 200 N Church Street, Sigel, IL 62462 (217) 844-3371 Email: [email protected] PAROCHIAL ADMINISTRATOR: Fr. Sunder Ery 844-2062 In case of an emergency, please call 343-5153 P.O. Box 68, Sigel, IL 62462 Email: [email protected] PASTORAL MINISTER: Sr. Patricia Thies, S.S.N.D. Home 536-9530 Cell 343-0221 3017 Sugarmill Ct. Effingham, IL Email: [email protected] DIRECTOR OF FAITH FORMATION: Eric Thompson Home: 844-2210 Cell: 821-7157 to leave a message call 844-3371 Email: [email protected] ST. MICHAEL SCHOOL: Phone: 844-2231 Fax: 844-2323 PRINCIPAL – Nick Niemerg SECRETARY – Diane Mette SCHOOL WEB PAGE: ssmcs.org PARISH WEB PAGE ADDRESS: www.fourparishes.com RECONCILIATION: Wednesday before First Friday @ 6:00 P.M. @ Sigel Saturday 3:15 – 3:45 @ St. Michael‘s, Sigel Saturday 5:15 – 5:30 @ St. Mary’s, Green Creek Saturday 6:45 -7:00 P.M. @ Sacred Heart, Lillyville Sunday 7:45 – 8:00 A.M. @ St. Mary’s, Neoga BAPTISM: The Sacrament of Baptism can be held during Mass or after the 10:00 A.M. Mass on Sunday. You are required to attend a Baptismal Class. The godparents are required to have a letter from their pastor stating they are an active Catholic. Please contact the parish office to make arrangements. HOLY COMMUNION is taken to the sick and elderly on a regular basis. Please call the parish office when illness or infirmity keeps you from coming to Church and you would like a minister to bring you Communion or make a visit. WEDDING: Couples wishing to be married in the Church must contact the Pastor at least six months prior to the wedding. VICTIMS ASSISTANCE CONTACT INFORMATION: Diocesan Child Abuse Reporting and Investigation (217) 321-1155. GENERAL INFORMATION. . . Parishioners, Today’s readings are about metamorphosis or transformation. The readings invite us to work with the Holy Spirit to transform our lives by renewing them during Lent so that they radiate the glory and grace of the transfigured Lord to all around us by our Spirit-filled lives. Wish you a Blessed Lent! /s/ Fr. Sunder Ery PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS Malinda Burrell, Harry Ludwig, Rosella Pruemer, Wilma Holkenbrink, Michael Bright, Melvin Koester, John Looman, Joanie Meyer, Rita Cyr, Lawrence Niebrugge, Bob & Joyce Westjohn, Alex Pagel, Betty Ruholl, Paul Bushur, Bill Moran, Nancy E Deters, Ken Krampe, Sawyer Wiessing, Jim Hardesty, Lori Moore, Linda Manyen, Jean Amos, Delores Kingery, Hannah Stapleton, Ron Deters, Karl Wendt, Frances Hoene, Angel Arnoni, Scott Repking, Bob Strohl, Paul Hille, Helen Schumacher, & Tillie Zumbahlen. COMMUNION FOR THE HOMEBOUND: If you or someone you know, is homebound, in a nursing home, or in the hospital, and would like to receive Holy Communion, please contact Sr. Pat Thies at 844-3627 at her office during the day. PRAYER FOR OUR SOLDIERS: St. Michael Church’s bells ring Taps each evening at 8 P.M. reminding us to pause and say a prayer for our soldiers: “Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them & their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. I ask this in the name of Jesus, Our Lord & Savior. Amen CONFIRMATION for parishioners of all four parishes will be on Sunday, March 13th at 9:00 A.M. at St. Michael Church in Sigel. Practice will be on Wednesday, March 9th at 6:00 P.M. with sponsors. FIRST HOLY COMMUNION will be on Saturday, April 2 at 5:30 P.M. at Green Creek Sunday, April 3 at 10:00 A.M. at Lillyville Sunday, April 24 at 8:00 A.M. at Neoga Sunday, May 1 at 10:00 A.M. at Sigel DON’T FORGET TO MAKE A VISIT BEFORE THE BLESSED SACRAMENT THIS WEEK! MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2016: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2016: 6:30 A.M Mass @ St. Michael, Sigel Mass for Ambrose & Stella Probst, by Family & Friends WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2016: 8:00 A.M. Mass @ St. Michael, Sigel Mass for Julia Walk, requested by Family & Friends THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2016: 8:00 A.M. Mass @ St. Michael, Sigel Mass for Paul & Lavina Kaufman, requested by Carol Schank FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2016: 8:00 A.M. Mass at St. Michael, Sigel Mass for Albert & Margaret Deters, by Harry Deters Family SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2016: 4:00 P.M. Mass at St. Michael, Sigel Mass for Joe Pruemer, requested by Family & Friends 5:30 PM Mass at St. Mary, Green Creek Mass for Dorothy Niebrugge, requested by Anna Hille 7:00 P.M. Mass at Sacred Heart, Lillyville Mass for Henry Will, requested by Virginia Will & family SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2016: 6:30 A.M. Mass at St. Michael, Sigel Mass for the Special intentions of Tillie Zumbahlen 8:00 A.M. Mass at St. Mary’s, Neoga Mass for Irene Fitzpatrick, requested by Family 10:00 A.M. Mass at St. Michael, Sigel Mass for Alice & Adrian Flach, requested by the Family STATIONS OF THE CROSS every Friday evening during Lent at 6:00 P.M. at all Churches except Sacred Heart, Lillyville will be at 7:00 P.M. Please join us in this Lenten meditation. EASTER FLOWERS. Anyone wishing to make a donation towards Easter Decorations in memory of a deceased loved one, or in honor of a living loved one, may place this donation in an envelope marked “Easter Flowers” in the Offertory Collection. Be sure to include your name, the parish name, and the name(s) you are remembering. Donations must be in by Monday, March 21st. PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN. All persons 18 years of age and older MUST complete Protect God’s Children Workshop. The next scheduled classes will be at St. Michael Sigel the week of April 4th. To register for a class, please call Eric Thompson or the Parish Office. STEWARDSHIP CORNER: “But let our people, too, learn to devote themselves to good works, to supply urgent needs, so that they may not be unproductive.” (Titus 3:14) MISSION. “Evangelization: or “preaching the good news” does not necessarily mean standing on a street corner shouting or waving the Scriptures as people pass by. It encompasses the many ways that we show we are followers of Jesus through the way we try to live our lives. One way we follow is be inviting others to experience the “Good News” that we are experiencing. Do you have friends who were raised Catholic; and for one reason or another, now feel alienated from the Church? Do you know someone who may be curious about the Catholic faith community? Invite them to come along with you to our Parish Mission from PARISH February 28 until March 2, 2016, 7:00 P.M. each evening, YOUNG AT HEART. CYO invites you to join them on March 6th from 2:00 – 4:00 P.M. Want to get out for a fun afternoon? Please come join us for a get together! Anyone over age 65 is welcome! If you need a ride, please call Betty Zumbahlen 844-3328 or Martha Fearday 844-2075. Sure to be fun. And come visit with your Sigel friends and neighbors. See you at Sigel Gym. God bless you for all you have done for St. Michael’s. BLOOD DRIVE. Red Cross will be having a Blood Drive here at St Michael School on Monday, March 7th from 2:00 – 7:00 P.M. Come share the gift of life! SECOND COLLECTION this weekend, February 21st is in support of our local Catholic Charities’ office. Catholic Charities embodies the corporal works of mercy by providing programs that support the young and old, those who are hungry or sick, and those who have been abused or abandoned. The 2nd Collection will be taken up immediately after communion. Thank you for your support. Catholic Charities offers 14 services, 7 collaborative services, and have 3 satellite offices in addition to the office in Effingham. Catholic Charities have helped 3,850 individuals with $131,155 of free clothing! 26 household with $520 of free household items. YEAR OF MERCY. December 8 – November 20 has been designated the Year of Mercy. What can we do during this Year of Mercy? Review the Spiritual Works of Mercy. Concentrate on one of them each week or each month. For example, Comfort the Sorrowful – maybe you could call someone that has just lost a family member, or visit someone who has been sick and/or is homebound? HEALING PRAYER SERVICE is at 7:00 P.M. every Wednesday evening in February at Green Creek; March at Lillyville; and April at Sigel. We are called to pray, we are called to do something (read James 2:14-17). We need you and we hope that by moving this Prayer Service to all our parishes, we will grow in numbers and become closer as a community of Sister-Parishes with Fr. Ery as our spiritual leader and priest. Please consider joining us. This Country and the world needs our prayers. Thank you and God bless all of you. Any question? Call Eric at 821-7157. ANNUAL SWINE & DINE BREAKFAST SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2016 At St. Michael School, Sigel, IL Serving from 7:00 – 12:00 Come enjoy a delicious home-cooked breakfast of sausage, pancakes, eggs, home-made bread & rolls Raffle, Country Store, Mystery Boxes ALL HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS OF ST MICHAEL’S, ST. MARY’S, SACRED HEART, AND ST MARY’S. Father Ed Shea of St. Francis Parish in Teutopolis will be speaking and sharing the evening with our High School Youth of all four parishes on Wednesday, March 30th from 7:00 – 8:00 P.M. with pizza following. PLEASE look ahead to your calendars, parents and youth and see that your youth can attend this very beneficial evening. This will be held in the new gym in Sigel. CCW DEANERY meeting is March 1st at St. Mary's of the Immaculate Conception starting at 5:30 with Mass followed by a light meal and meeting. John Kay is the guest speaker. He will be speaking on Mercy. He is very passionate and an excellent speaker. Thank you. /s/Rita Devore, Effingham Deanery president. Teutopolis Catholic Daughters of America Court 1711 will host the monthly meeting on Monday, February 29th, 6:00 P.M. We will be celebrating our 60th Anniversary with a Mass at the St. Francis of Assisi Teutopolis church with the meeting and Pizza party in St. Clare Hall following the mass. All Catholic ladies, please consider joining this organization in our journey to support organizations and individuals who are “helping hands where there is pain, poverty, sorrow or sickness”. ATTENTION! OUTSTANDING DIOCESAN CATHOLIC FEMALE HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR. You are invited to apply for the Springfield in Illinois Diocesan Council of Catholic Women (SDCCW) Female High School Senior Leadership Scholarship. Information has been sent to all seniors. If you did not get the information, please stop by the parish office for a form. DECOLORES SPRING WEEKENDS are scheduled for March 31- April 3, 2016 for Men and April 7-10, 2016 for Women. Leaders are Joe Sudkamp (217)-994-0031 jksudkamp@ frontier.com and Bitsy Trummer (217)-294-3179 [email protected] Contact them for info. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2016: 2nd Sunday of Lent READINGS: Gn 15:5-18; Phil 3:17, 4:1; Lk 9:28-36. 6:30 A.M. Mass at St. Michael, Sigel 8:00 A.M. Mass at St. Mary, Neoga 10:00 A.M. Mass at St. Michael, Sigel nd 2 Collection for Catholic Charities MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2016: The Chair of St Peter, the Apostle READING: 1 Pt 5:1-4, Mt 16:13-19 th 6 Grade Tournament @ Sigel TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2016: READINGS: Is 1:10-20; Mt 23:1-12 6:30 A.M. Mass at St. Michael, Sigel th th 5 /6 Grade Ballgame @ Sigel WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2016: READINGS: Jer 18:18-20; Mt 20:17-28 8:00 A.M. Mass at St. Michael, Sigel PSR Classes: 2:15 PSR Classes Gr K–6 at St. Mary’s, Neoga 7:00 PM PSR Classes for Jr. High/High School students THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2016: READINGS: Jer 17:5-10; Lk 16:19-31 8:00 A.M. Mass at St. Michael, Sigel 6:00 P.M. Volleyball Game at Altamont Lutheran th th 6:00 P.M. 5 /6 Grade Basketball Game 7:00 P.M. PPC Meeting @ Neoga 7:30 P.M Finance Council Meeting @ Neoga FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2016: READINGS: Gn 37:3-28; Mt 21: 33-46 8:00 A.M. Mass at St. Michael, Sigel 6:00 P.M. Stations @ Green Creek, Neoga, Sigel 7:00 P.M. Stations @ Lillyville SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2016: READINGS: Mi 7:14-20; Lk 15:1-32 Volleyball Regionals 4:00 P.M. Mass at St. Michael, Sigel 5:30 P.M. Mass at St. Mary, Green Creek 7:00 P.M. Mass at Sacred Heart, Lillyville PRE-CANA. Pre-Cana will be held at St. Mary of the Assumption Church in Sainte Marie on March 19, 2016. There is a fee of $50 for the day which includes your meal and materials. If you would like to attend, please see our website at www.stemariechurch.org and find the registration form of call our Parish Office (618 455-3155) or email [email protected] to register. Class is limited so please register as soon as possible. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2016: 3rd Sunday of Lent READINGS: Ex 3:1-15; 1 Cor 10:1-12; Lk 13:1-9 6:30 A.M. Mass at St. Michael, Sigel 8:00 A.M. Mass at St. Mary, Neoga 10:00 A.M. Mass at St. Michael, Sigel SMS SCHOOL BREAKFAST 7:00 A.M.– 12:00 P.M. PARISH MISSION – 7:00 P.M. St. Clare Catholic Church in Altamont, IL will be having a SAUSAGE BREAKFAST on Sunday, February 21st from 7:00 am until 12:00 pm. The menu includes sausage, ham, scrambled eggs, biscuits & gravy, pancakes, rolls, & drinks. Free will donations accepted. SACRED HEART FISH FRY at the Parish Center on Friday’s February 25 – March 18, serving 4:30 – 7:30 P.M. each Friday. Fish, Mac & cheese, baked potato, slaw, applesauce, chips, drink & dessert. Adults $7 Child $3. Carry outs available. Proceeds benefit the Space Camp Trip. THE ST. ISIDORE YOUTH MINISTRY will be hosting its annual soup supper in conjunction with the day of prayer at St. Aloysius Church on Sunday, February 21, 2016. Soup, sandwiches and dessert will be served from 4 – 7 p.m. in the St. Aloysius Hall. There will also be a basket raffle. A Eucharistic Day of Prayer will be held at St. Aloysius Church after 8 am mass and continue throughout the day with a closing benediction at 6:30 pm. Please plan to come and spend time with our Lord asking for grace to carry our daily cross, which has been given to us, our neighbors, friends, relatives and community. CRAM THE CARS with Canned Goods for Catholic Charities - HSHS Home Care & Hospice Southern Illinois Dan Hecht Chevrolet Toyota - Northside Ford - Roy Schmidt Honda are teaming up to Cram the Cars with nonperishable food items for Catholic Charities Food Pantry. Drop off your donation of non-perishable food items to HSHS Home Care & Hospice Office, 701 W. Temple, Effingham prior to Feb 29. ST MARY’S BRUNCH – SUNDAY, MARCH 6, 2016 at 8:00 A.M. till noon, St. Mary’s Parish Center, St. Marie, IL. MENU: sausage & ham, scrambled eggs, biscuits & sausage gravy, bread & fruit, juice, milk, and coffee. Adults $7.00; Children $3.00. Bake Sale sponsored by the Youth Group. 2016 SDCCW RETREAT. Thursday, March 10th & March 11th at Villa Maria Catholic Life Center, 1903 E Lakeshore Drive, Springfield, IL. Presented by Fr. Gonzalez of the Missionary Oblates. Topic is “Lord, Are you Listening?” SOUNDS OF SWING DINNER AND DANCE. St. Thomas School Music Program is hosting a dinner and dance on Saturday, March 19, 2016. Doors open at 5:30; meal served at 6:00; Band begins at 7:00, $17.00 per person. Must call for reservation by March 11th (618-783-3517). ST. MARY HELP OF CHRISTIANS SECRETARY: Cindy Zumbahlen Tuesday & Thursday 8:00 – Noon (217) 844-2062 [email protected] ST. MARY’S WEEKLY OFFERING–FEBRUARY 14, 2016 Weekly Total Total-to-Date Adults (59) ...................... $1,053.00 ............... $43,338.00 Children (2) ............................ $6.00 .................... $281.20 Loose Change ................... $101.00 ................. $1,564.00 Total ............................... $1,160.00 . . . . . . . .$45,183.20 Budget Goal .................... $1,750.00…………..$57,750.00 Difference…………………-$590.00 . . . . .. ...-$12,566.80 Sister Parish (5)……….........$43.00,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,…$2,366.00 Catholic Times (1)………......$15.00………………$775.00 Church in Latin Amer. (1)….....$20.00……………….$295.00 Church in East. Europe (31) $236.00…………….$236.00 Loose…………………………..$94.00……………..$94.00 Total………………………….$330.00…………….$330.00 Appointments: FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2016 @ 6:00 P.M. Stations of the Cross Led By Parish Council SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2016 @ 5:30 P.M. Servers: Amber Dust, Carter & Halle Meyer Reader: Elaine Dust Holy Communion: Lisa Lustig, Fred & Rose Niebrugge Ushers: Tom Dust, Rick Hoene, Alf Doedtman, David Jansen Gift Bearers: Wayne Lustig Family Sacristan: Karen Conrad Counters: M/M Arnie Bloemer, M/M Dale Greuel First Reconciliation has been rescheduled for March 15th at 6:00 P.M. at Lillyville. Mission Mass at Green Creek will be Monday, February 29th at 8:30 A.M. Coffee and donuts to follow in the hall. Fisherman of Faith Religion Class will meet on Wednesday, March 2nd at 7 P.M. They will do Stations of the Cross on Friday, March 4th at 7 P.M. Children’s Mass will be on Saturday, March 5th at 5:30 P.M. Parish Council will meet on Thurs. March 3rd at 7. Stations of the Cross - 6:00 P.M. Friday, February 26th – Parish Council Friday, March 4th – Fisherman of Faith Friday, March 11th – Father Ery Friday, March 18th – Mens Sodality ACSA 2015 UPDATE. St. Mary Help of Christians, Green Creek: As of February 9, 2016, sixty-five (65) parishioners (40%) of 161 parishioners have pledged $5,685.00 (53 %) towards our goal of $10,760 leaving a balance due of $5,075.00. No donations have been received since the last report. ST. MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL, SIGEL Secretary: Mary Lou Hoene Email: [email protected] Phone 844-3371 Fax 844-2309 Cell 663-3767 St. Michael Parish Office is open Monday through Friday 8:00 – 4:00 P.M. or call to arrange another time to meet. OUR PICNIC will be here before you know. Like always, the third Sunday of July – July 17, 2016. The Dinner Committee has been picked. And he lucky winners are M/M Dean Hille, M/M Brian Ruholl, M/M Andy Schumacher, M/M Kriss Fearday, M/M Derrick Gaddis, Helen Henderson, M/M David Lee, M/M Dan Deters, Dave Bushur, M/M Brian Walk, and M/M Nick Tarter. WEEKLY OFFERING: February 14, 2016 THIS WEEK YEAR-TO-DATE ADULT ENV: 45 of 350 $1,008.40 CHILDREN ENVELOPES: 8 7.00 LOOSE CHANGE 627.00 SCHOOL DONATIONS 7,253.60 FALL FUND DRIVE 675.00 TOTAL $ 9,571.00 GOAL/BUDGET 10,000.00 Difference $ (429.00) $ 51,127.39 245.04 13,623.47 68,842.21 191,489.69 $325,327.80 330,000.00 $(4,672.20) APPOINTMENTS: SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2016 @ 4:00 P.M. SERVERS: Sadie Bueker, Hope Bueker, Taylor Bueker READER: Megan Walk COMMUNION: Peggy Bueker, Paula Bushur, Nancy Deters USHERS: Phil Sudkamp, Evan Sudkamp, Randy Wendt GIFTBEARERS: Marlene Baker, Ruth Baker SACRISTAN: Bonnie Baker SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2016 @ 6:30 A.M. SERVERS: Jacob Krampe, Payton Budde, Rileigh Haarmann READER: Ellen Strohl COMMUNION: Ellen Strohl USHERS: Don Strohl, Gene Sudkamp, John Sudkamp GIFTBEARERS: Leonard Krampe Family SACRISTAN: Barb Walk SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2016 @ 10:00 A.M. SERVERS: Kaden Fearday, Mitchell Cornell, Alex Cornell READER: Hope Knauer COMMUNION: Susan Niebrugge, John Sudkamp, Mary Jo Orme USHERS: Andy Tarter, Mark Tarter, Nick Tarter GIFTBEARERS: Nate Thompson Family SACRISTAN: Lori Tarter STATIONS – Friday, February 26th, 6:00 P.M. led by St. Michael Council of Catholic Women. SESQUICENTENNIAL CELEBRATION. As you may have heard, 2017 marks 150 years of St. Michael Parish/School! Wow! We are looking for some excited St. Michael parishioners to start up Sesquicentennial Celebration Committee. If you are interested, call the office. ACSA 2015 UPDATE. St. Michel the Archangel, Sigel: As of February 9, 2016, eighty-eight (88) parishioners (24%) of 366 parishioners have pledged $10,667 (50%) towards our goal of $21,330 leaving a balance due of $10,663. No donation have been received since our last report. ACSA . We still owe $10,663. 88 households have given out of 366. Simple math tells us that if the remaining 278 households would give $40 each, the assessments would be paid and we would not have to take any monies out of the general operating funds. So, if you have not yet written out your check to the Annual Catholic Service Appeal, consider doing so now. Remember when donating to the Annual Catholic Service Appeal – the check is to be made payable to ACSA and sent to Springfield. If you prefer to give the donation here, we in turn can use that money to pay the balance on the ACSA. Thank you for your cooperation. We are wanting to upgrade our military personnel display which is on the side altar. If you or a member of your family is presently in the military and wish to be included in the military display, please call the parish office with details. If you have been on the display and are no longer in the military, please call so we can change out the photos. SCHOOL BREAKFAST! St. Michael School is sponsoring its Annual Swine & Dine Breakfast at Sigel, St. Michael School on Sunday, February 28, 2016 in the school gym. Please call Nick Niemerg 821-1376 if you can donate a hog or money to cover the processing cost. We also need donations for the country store, raffle, mystery boxes, or a big item to be raffled. All proceeds will go to the general operating expenses of the school. The success of St. Michael School depends not only on the School Families but also St. Michael Parish Families. Volunteers and monetary donations are very much appreciated. If you can volunteer your time at the breakfast or can donate an item for the breakfast, please call one of the School Board members. Thank you. ST. MARY OF THE ASSUMPTION Secretary: Cassie Jansen 895-2166/[email protected] Neoga Parish Office is open Tuesday 9 am – 1 pm & 2 pm4 pm. If no one is available when you call the parish office call St. Michael’s at 844-3371. WEEKLY OFFERING: February 14, 2016 Weekly Total Total-to-Date Envelopes ~ 24 of 120 ................. $788.00............. $55,764.60 Children ~ 0 of 50…………………… 0.00…………….. 197.55 Loose Change ……………. 38.00……. ........ 1,507.86 Total……………………………… $ 826.00………..$ 57,470.01 Budget Goal ............................. $ 2,000.00........... $ 64,000.00 Difference................................ $(1,174.00) ……...$ (6,529.99) Haiti…………………………$ 40.00 Catholic Times……………...$ 15.00 Latin America……………….$ 20.00 Building Fund………………..$ 25.00 Ash Wednesday……………..$ 84.00 Central & Eastern Europe….$ 240.00 APPOINTMENTS SUNDAY 02/28/2016 @ 8:00 A.M. LEAD THE ROSARY: Brad Keck SERVERS: Audrey Ramert, Emily Hakman, Kayli Worthey READER: Linda Walk MINISTERS: Brad Keck, Geniece Abbott, Dave Keck USHERS: Bennie Abbott, Kevin Jansen GIFTBEARERS: Bennie Abbott Family VOCATION CROSS: Kurt Koester Family MUSICIAN: Vicky & Victor Ludwig NEOGA FOOD PANTRY is asking for donations of Kleenex for the month of February. Thank you for your continued donations to the Neoga Food Pantry. FEBRUARY OFFICE HOURS There will be no office hours for St Mary’s Neoga for the month of February. Phone messages and e-mails will be checked on a regular basis. For immediate questions, please call St Michael’s. For bulletin announcement requests, please email one of the following: [email protected] bulletinannoucements @fourparishes.com or [email protected] HOUSE FOR RENT. Our rental house is again open. Do we have a parishioners interested in renting a 3 bedroom / 2 bath house just south of the Assumption Hall? We would like our parishioners to have first chance. We do have other people interested, so please call the parish office ASAP. (895-2166, if no answer please call 844-3371) ACSA 2015 UPDATE. St. Mary of the Assumption, Neoga: As of February 9th, 2016, thirty-five (35) parishioners (28%) of 126 parishioners have pledged $5,195.00 (44 %) towards our goal of $11,919 leaving a balance due of $6,724.00. Our sincere thanks to the following parishioners for their generous donation since our last report in January: David Keck and John Trummer Mission Theme “NO IFS, ANDS, OR BUTS, GOD IS WITH US…NOW WHAT?” YOUR INVITATION TO join the faith community of St. Michael, Sigel, St. Mary, Green Creek, Sacred Heart, Lillyville and St. Mary, Neoga to celebrate a four-day Parish Mission experience from Sunday, February 28th through Wednesday, March 2, 2016. The principal powerful message of the Mission take place each evening at St. Michael parish church at 7:00 P.M. The Preacher for the Mission will be Fr. John Mark Ettensohn, a member of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate from Belleville, Illinois, where the Oblates conduct the National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows. Fr. John Mark has given parish missions or retreats in 20 states and Canada. The Missionary Oblates are a religious community of priests and brothers founded in 1816 by St. Eugene DeMazenod, who later became Bishop of Marseilles, France. The principal focus of their ministry is to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the poor, in every sense of that word. Today some 4,000 members carry on their mission in 68 countries and on every continent. The theme of the Parish Mission will be, "No Ifs, Ands, or Buts, God is with us…Now What?” What does God’s presence with us really mean for us? What is its purpose? How are we to respond? How might the Mystery of this presence unfold in the routine of our daily lives? In all of this is it okay just to be me, especially when what is at stake is eternity? SACRED HEART Parish Secretary: Ann Schumacher @ 857-3835 Email address: [email protected] Reserve the Parish Hall by calling Sara Thoele @ 217-821-0710 WEEKLY OFFERING: February 14, 2016 This Week Year-to-Date Envelopes ~ 40 ....................... $ 794.00.. ............... $32,293.00 Children ~5 ………… ...................... $5.00 ...................... $103.00 Loose Change ........................ $154.00 ................... $3,661.00 Total ............................... $953.00 ................ $35,057.00 Budget Goal ........................ $1,100.00 ................. $38,500.00 Difference ........ .................... (147.00) ................ ($2,443.00) Church in Central/Eastern Europe…………..$137.00 Sister Parish………………………………………….…..$30.00 Building Fund……………………………………...….$130.00 Stations: Friday, February 26 @ 7:00 P.M. READER: Linus Schumacher SERVERS: Maria Vahling, Macy Swingler, Sara Swingler Saturday, February 27 @ 7:00 P.M. SACRISTAN: Deloris Bergfeld SERVERS: Noah Hemmen, Alexis Will, Molly Ruholl READER: Linus Schumacher MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION: Tim Wente, Lynne McWhorter, Ann Schumacher USHERS: Joe Wente, Jim Buening GIFT BEARERS: Karl Wendt Family ORGANIST: Julie Wente Lillyville Breakfast is scheduled for March 6. Anyone wishing to donate a hog or money for the processing of the hogs can contact Curt & Laura Hemmen @ 217-821-4575 or 217-663-0087(still in need of two hogs). Cash donations can also be placed in an envelope marked “Lillyville Breakfast” and dropped in the collection basket. Breakfast Envelopes are in the back of church for you to pick up. EASTER FLOWERS/MEMORIALS. Anyone wishing to make a donation towards the Easter flowers in memory of a deceased or living loved one, may do so by placing your donation in the collection basket in an envelope marked “Easter Flowers”. Please include your name and the name(s) of those to be remembered. The deadline for donations is Monday, March 21st. DATES TO REMEMBER: *Prayer Vigils at Green Creek @ 7:00 p.m. every Wednesday in February *Four Parish Mission February 28 – March 2 at Sigel At 7:00 p.m. *First Tuesday/Mission mass at Lillyville March 1 @ 8:30 a.m. coffee/donuts to follow *Parish Breakfast, March 6, 2016 *Prayer Vigils at Lillyville @ 7:00 p.m. every Wednesday in March *Confirmation Retreat at Lillyville March 7 @ 6:30 p.m. *First Reconciliation at Lillyville March 15 @ 6:00 p.m. *Confirmation Practice March 9 at Sigel @ 6:00 p.m. *Confirmation for all four parishes @ Sigel on March 13, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. *Pro Life rosary/mass March 21 @ Lillyville @ 6:00 p.m. *First Communion at Lillyville April 3 @ 10:00 a.m. PLEASE NOTE FIRST RECONCILIATION AT LILLYVILLE HAS BEEN RESCHEDULED FOR MARCH 15TH @ 6:00 P.M. Also, the Parish Council will not meet in March. The Parish Hall Spring cleaning is scheduled for March 3rd at 6pm. The ladies’ name that were drawn to help are Jeanine Helmink, Pat Will, Cindy Deters, Marlene Wines, Kelly Helmink, Leslie Ruholl, Ann Swingler, Connie Holkenbrink, Rhonda Deters, Elaine Schumacher, Deb Holkenbrink, Ann Schumacher, Karla Swingler, Jackie Beccue. If you can't make it, please find your replacement. A “Big Thank You” to John & Betty Helmink, and their sons, Tim & Mike, for making the adjustments to the missal holders in church to accommodate the bigger missals we now have. Thanks to everyone that donated time, talent, and material to the job. Well done! ACSA 2015 UPDATE. Sacred Heart, Lillyville: As of February 9th, 2016, fifty-six (56) parishioners (50%) of 111 parishioners have pledged $3,810.00 (63 %) towards our goal of $6,056 leaving a balance due of $2,246.00. No donations have been received since the last report. 2 Chron. 7:14 in God’s word he states, “If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin & heal their land.” PARISH GOAL. The following is an explanation of your parish ACSA goal for 2015. The parish goal will support the operations of the diocese for the fiscal year 2015/2016. Your parish goal is based on the information provided in your Annual Parish Financial Reports for the fiscal year 2013/2014. St. Mary Help of Christians, Green Creek: Total Parish Receipts $ 172,563.64 Deductions (General) - 77,000.18 Allowable Parish Deposits - 2,000.18 Total Parish Adjusted Income $ 93,563.28 Goal Percent x 11.5% 2015/2016 ACSA Goal $ 10,760.00 Sacred Heart, Lillyville: Total Parish Receipts Deductions (General) Allowable Parish Deposits Total Parish Adjusted Income Goal Percent 2015/2016 ACSA Goal $ 63,761.75 - 549.01 - 10,549.01 $ 52,663.73 x 11.5% $ 6,056.00 St. Mary of the Assumption, Neoga: Total Parish Receipts Deductions (General) Allowable Parish Deposits Total Parish Adjusted Income Goal Percent 2015/2016 ACSA Goal $142,139.46 - 1,749.77 - 36,749.77 $ 103,749.77 x 11.5% $ 11,919.00 St. Michael the Archangel, Sigel: Total Parish Receipts Deductions (General) Allowable Parish Deposits Total Parish Adjusted Income Goal Percent 2015/2016 ACSA Goal $984,378.33 - 11,951.06 - 606,951.06 $185,476.2 x 11.5% $ 21,330.00 ACSA 2015 UPDATE. St Mary Help of Christians, Green Creek: As of October 15, 2015, thirty three (33) parishioners (20%) of 161 parishioners have pledged $3,140.00 (29 %) towards our goal of $10,760 leaving a balance due of $7,620.00. Our sincere thanks to the following parishioners for their generous donation thus far: M/M Kenneth Beckman, M/M Arthur Bloemer, M/M Cletus Bloemer, M/M Joseph Bloemer, Albert Buening, Alphonse Doedtman, Daniel Doedtman, M/M Edward Doedtman, Louis Greuel, Mrs. James Hewing, Mrs. Anna Hille, M/M Anthony Jansen, Mrs. Judy Jansen, M/M Kurt Jansen, M/M Raymond Jansen, Tony Jansen, M/M Carl Lustig, Mrs. Marie Mader, Mrs. Nancy Mader, M/M Paul Mersman, M/M Thomas Mette, M/M Tim Mette, M/M Harold Meyer, M/M Fred Niebrugge, Lawrence Niebrugge, Mrs. Dolores Nieman, M/M Mike Niemerg, M/M Tom Pals, M/M Brian Wendt, M/M Lawrence Wendt, Mrs. Patricia Wendt, M/M Ed Willenborg, M/M Tom Zumbahlen ACSA 2015 UPDATE. Sacred Heart Parish, Lillyville: As of October 15, 2015, twenty one (21) parishioners (19%) of 111 parishioners have pledged $1,710.00 (28 %) towards our goal of $6,056.00 leaving a balance due of $4,346.00. Our sincere thanks to the following parishioners for their generous donation thus far: M/M Lawrence Apke, M/M Bernard Bergfeld, Robert Clough, M/M Bruce Deters, M/M Donald Deters, M/M Gene Deters, M/M Robert Einhorn, M/M Dale Hakman, M/M John Helmink, M/M Curt Hemmen, M/M John Hemmen, M/M Glen Ruholl, M/M Linus Schumacher, M/M William Swingler, M/M Joseph Verdeyen, Mrs. Pauletta Wente, M/M Timothy Wente, M/M Dale Will, Mrs. Virginia Will, Mrs. Linda Willenborg, Mrs. Shirley Willenborg. ACSA 2015 UPDATE. St. Michael, Sigel, Illinois: As of October 15, 2015, twenty eight (28) parishioners (8%) of 366 parishioners have pledged $2,015.00 (10 %) towards our goal of $21,330.00 leaving a balance due of $19,315. Our sincere thanks to the following parishioners for their generous donation thus far: Mrs. Vernon Baker, Michael Bright, M/M Dennis Bueker, M/M Dale Buening, M/M Paul Bushur, Mrs. Clete Deters, James Deters, M/M John Hoene, M/M Andy Jansen, Doris Jansen, M/M James Jansen, M/M Kent Jansen, M/M Kenneth Krampe, M/M Randy Mayhall, Mrs. Leona Miller, M/M Mark Niebrugge, Mrs. Dorothy Schumacher, Mrs. Mary Ann Swingler, M/M Mark Tarter, M/M Gerald Vogt, M/M Gerald Walk, M/M Joseph Walk, Mrs. Julia Walk, M/M Patrick Walk, M/M Paul Walk, M/M Roger Walk, M/M William Walk, M/M Robert Zumbahlen ACSA 2015 UPDATE. St. Mary of the Assumption, Neoga, Illinois: As of October 15, 2015, ten (10) parishioners (8%) of 126 parishioners have pledged $1,705.00 (14 %) towards our goal of $11,919.00 leaving a balance due of $10,214. Our sincere thanks to the following parishioners for their generous donation thus far: Mrs. Rita Cyr, M/M Brad Foor, M/M Kirk Hacker, M/M Steve Hakman, Cecil Leo Hardesty, M/M William Hardesty, Mrs. Rose Hickman, Mrs. Maxine Rawlings, M/M Thomas Strohl, M/M Kenneth Walk. ACSA 2015 UPDATE. St. Mary Help of Christians, Green Creek: As of November 9th, 2015, forty five (45) parishioners (28%) of 161 parishioners have pledged $4,525.00 (42 %) towards our goal of $10,760 leaving a balance due of $6,235.00. Our sincere thanks to the following parishioners for their generous donation since our last report in October 15th: M/M Daniel Bloemer, M/M Clarence Breer, Mrs. Eileen Doedtman, M/M Steve Dust, M/M Tim Jansen, M/M David Kastl, Mrs. Mary Jane Kile, M/M Harold Lohman, M/M Terry Mette, M/M Thomas Mette, Mrs. Marie Schmidt, Mr. Thomas Schmidt, and M/M Steve Will. ACSA 2015 UPDATE. St. Michel the Archangel, Sigel: As of November 9th, 2015, fifty-six (56) parishioners (15%) of 366 parishioners have pledged $7,985 (35 %) towards our goal of $21,330 leaving a balance due of $13,345. Our sincere thanks to the following parishioners for their generous donation since our last report on October 15th: M/M Scott Bueker, M/M Wayne Deters, M/M Richard Dust, M/M Michael Fearday, M/M David Flach, M/M Clarence Funneman Sr, M/M Clarence Funneman Jr, Mr. Neil Hoedebecke, M/M Henry Hoene, Mrs. Reba Kortte, M/M Dale Kreke, M/M Michael Mette, M/M Dennis Mihlbachler, M/M Blake Moffett, Mrs. Marilyn More, M.M Tom Niemerg, M/M Jim Probst, M/M Carl Schumacher, M/M David Schumacher, M/M Gene Sudkamp, M/M Jim Sudkamp, M/M John Sudkamp, Mrs. Audrey Walk, M/M Greg Walk, M/M Michael Walk, M/M Rick Walk, M/M Robert Walk, and M/M Don Wendt. ACSA 2015 UPDATE. Sacred Heart, Lillyville: As of November 9th, 2015, forth-three (43) parishioners (39%) of 111 parishioners have pledged $2,880 (48 %) towards our goal of $6,056 leaving a balance due of $3,176. Our sincere thanks to the following parishioners for their generous donation since our last report in October 15th: M/ Chris Apke, M/M Lloyd Dasenbrock, M/M Joseph Deters, Mrs. Judy Deters, Mrs. Phyllis Deters, M/M Robert Deters, Ms. Jeanine Helmink, M/M Joe Helmink, M/M Steve Holkenbrink, Mrs. Anna Koelsch, Mr. Frank Koelsch, Mr. Roger Koelsch, M/M Melvin Koester, M/M Greg McWhorter, M/M Frank Schumacher, M/M Charles Swingler, M/M Roger Swingler, M/M James Tegeler, M/M Joe Vahling, Ms. Mary Westjohn, Mrs. Carmen Will, and M/M Don Will. ACSA 2015 UPDATE. St. Mary of the Assumption, Neoga: As of November 9th, 2015, twenty-two (22) parishioners (17%) of 126 parishioners have pledged $3,325 (28 %) towards our goal of $11,919 leaving a balance due of $8,594. Our sincere thanks to the following parishioners for their generous donation since our last report in October 15th: M/M Dan Croy, M/M Michael Goldstein, M/M James Hartke, M/M Vincent Keck, M/M Rob McKerrow, M/M Robert Meek, M.M John Moran, M/M Dan Sheehan, M/M Robert Short, M/M Ed Walk, M/M Ralph White, and M/M Steve Niebrugge. ACSA 2015 UPDATE. St. Mary Help of Christians, Green Creek: As of January 5th, 2016, sixty-three (63) parishioners (39%) of 161 parishioners have pledged $5,585.00 (52 %) towards our goal of $10,760 leaving a balance due of $5,175.00. Our sincere thanks to the following parishioners for their generous donation since our last report in November 23rd: Mrs. Alfred Apke, Richard Buening, M/M George Deters, Kathy Dust, M/M Thomas Dust, M/M Bernard Jansen, M/M Clem Kaufman, M/M Phil Mette, M/M Randy Mette, Rita Spour, M/M Ben Steffen, M/M Gerald Thoele, M/M Donald Zumbahlen. ACSA 2015 UPDATE. St. Michel the Archangel, Sigel: As of January 5th, 2016, eighty-five (85) parishioners (23%) of 366 parishioners have pledged $10,267 (48%) towards our goal of $21,330 leaving a balance due of $11,063. Our sincere thanks to the following parishioners for their generous donation since our last report of November 23rd: M/M Bruce Bueker, M/M Gerald Bueker, David Bushur, M/M Harry Deters, M/M Tom Deters, M/M Robert Flach, M/M Norbert Hille, Floyd Hoedebecke, M/M James Hoene, Loretta Konrad, M/M David Krampe, M/M Gerard Krampe, M/M Justin McClellan, M/M Steve Rieman, M/M Joseph Swingler, and Theresa Walk. ACSA 2015 UPDATE. Sacred Heart, Lillyville: As of January 5th, 2016, fifty-six (56) parishioners (50%) of 111 parishioners have pledged $3,810.00 (63 %) towards our goal of $6,056 leaving a balance due of $2,246.00. Our sincere thanks to the following parishioners for their generous donation since our last report November 23, 2015. Dennis Buhnerkempe, Gary Buhnerkempe, Irene Buhnerkempe, Dean Helmink, M/M Floyd Holkenbrink, Loretta Koester, M/M Clark McWhorter, and M/M Rich Willenborg. ACSA 2015 UPDATE. St. Mary of the Assumption, Neoga: As of January 5, 2016, thirty-three (33) parishioners (26%) of 126 parishioners have pledged $4,195.00 (35 %) towards our goal of $11,919 leaving a balance due of $7,724.00. Our sincere thanks to the following parishioners for their generous donation since our last report November 23, 2015: M/M Danny Ballinger, Robert Behl, M/M Chad Cardinal, Edward Koester, M/M Whitney McKinney, M/M Robert Strohl, and Rosemary Strohl.