1. Overview Information - World Masters 2004


1. Overview Information - World Masters 2004
1. Overview Information
1.1. Registration Office
The Registration Office is the first port of call for all competing athletes. It is situated in the tennis hall in the immediate
proximity of the warm up area.
Opening Times:
Monday, 08.03.2004
Tuesday, 09.03.2004
Wednesday, 10.03.2004
Thursday, 11.03.2004
Friday, 12.03.2004
Saturday, 13.03.2004
Sunday, 14.03.2004
14:00 – 22:00
09:00 – 22:00
07:00 – 20:00
07:00 – 20:00
07:00 – 20:00
07:00 – 20:00
07:00 – 18:00
Starting documents will be issued at the Registration Office after presentation of either one’s passport or ID-card in
order to check the identity. Outstanding entry fees must be paid at the Registration Office before athletes are issued
with starting documents.
1.2. Accreditation
Each athlete will receive an accreditation card which will be issued with the starting documents in the Registration
Office. The accreditation determines the areas of access. The accreditation card must be carried at all times and is not
transferable to other persons.
Loss of the accreditation card must be reported immediately to the Registration Office. A 5 € fee will be charged for the
issue of a replacement accreditation.
The yellow accreditation card “Athlete” or “Team Manager” entitles one
to gain access to the following areas:
- “Glaspalast” (spectators area, changing rooms)
- Tennis hall (Warm up area, Registration Office, Info-Point)
Access to the competition area in the “Glaspalast” and to the competition area in the “Floschenstadion” is only for
athletes directly involved in competition. Athletes will enter the Glaspalast competition area only when escorted by a
competition judge.
Entry to the “Glaspalast” technical area is not possible.
Entry to the Glasplast is free; no entry fee will be charged.
Team Managers will be issued with a specially marked accreditation at the Registration Office. This allows them to
collect results sheets free of charge in the Glaspalast.
All accreditation cards entitles you to use the bus shuttle service from the Glaspalast to Goldberg station free of
charge. Use of public transport is also not free of charge for accreditation card holders.
Accreditation cards for guests and additional team officials can be obtained from the Registration Office upon payment
of a 5 € fee.
1.3. Team Manager Meetings
Team Manager meetings will take place for 2 representatives per team at the following times:
Tuesday, 09.03.2004
Thursday, 11.03.2004
Friday, 12.03.2004
Saturday, 13.03.2004
Sunday, 14.03.2004
Team Manager meetings will be conducted in English.
The Team Manager meeting on 09.03.2004 will take place in the VfL Sindelfingen restaurant in the immediate vicinity
of the Glaspalast. All further Team Manager meetings will held in the catering tent.
Agenda for the first Team Manager meeting on Tuesday, 09.03.2004 at 19:00:
Welcome by WMA and LOC
Introduction of WMA and LOC competition officials
Information – Technical Delegate
Information – Doping Control Delegate
Information – Event Manager
The procedures in the arena will be explained following the Team Manager meeting on Tuesday, 09.03.2004.
1.4. Team Meetings
Rooms are available for team meetings in the tennis hall. Bookings can be made at the Info-Point in the tennis hall.
1.5. Information and Service Desks
1.5.1. Technical Information Centre – TIC
The TIC is situated in the Glaspalast.
The TIC is information and service point for all competition related queries.
Opening Times:
Wednesday, 10.03.2004 – Sunday, 14.03.2004, daily from 06.30
1.5.2. Info-Point
The Info-Point is to be found in the tennis hall.
It is the information and service stand for all queries not directly concerned with the competitions:
Booking of sightseeing trips / Tourist information
Supporting programme of activities
Lost and Found
Overview information
Opening Times:
Please see 1.1. Registration Office
1.5.3. Lost and Found
Lost items should be handed in at the info-point in the tennis hall.
1.6. Traveling to Sindelfingen
1.6.1. By car:
Sindelfingen is situated just off the A81 Stuttgart-Singen motorway. Motorway exits: Sindelfingen/Ost and
Follow the signs to the “Glasplast” in Sindlefingen.
1.6.2. With public transport
Take the S1 Stuttgart to Herrenberg S-Bahn (rapid train) from Stuttgart’s main railway station to Goldberg Station.
Then take the special bus service to the Glaspalast. See below for the departure times.
Most hotels in Sindelfingen are well connected by the town’s public transport system (buses). Please ask in the hotels
about the bus stops departure times. All buses go to the Central Bus Station (ZOB) where there is a connection to the
special bus service to the Glaspalast or to the Goldberg S-Bahn station.
Please note: Use of public transport is also not free of charge for accreditation card holders.
A low-price 3-day-ticket for the Stuttgart public transport system and multiple ride tickets for the Sindelfingen public
transport services. can be obtained at the Info-Point in the tennis hall.
1.6.3. Public Transport in Sindelfingen
All blue buses belonging to Sindelfingen’s public transport system and all Böblingen - Sindelfingen buses stop at the
Central Bus Station (ZOB) in Sindelfingen.
Directions from the most important hotels in Sindelfingen to the Glaspalast:
Hotel Knote:
7 minute walk to the ZOB, then take the special bus service to the Glaspalast.
Hotel Omega
10 minute walk to the ZOB, then take the special bus service to the Glaspalast.
Hotel zum Ritter
5 minute walk to the ZOB, then take the special bus service to the Glaspalast.
Hotel Post
2 minute walk to the ZOB, then take the special bus service to the Glaspalast.
NH Hotel
5 minute walk to the ZOB, then take the special bus service to the Glaspalast.
Erikson Hotel
2 minute walk to the ZOB, then take the special bus service to the Glaspalast.
Hotel Residence
5 minute walk to the ZOB, then take the special bus service to the Glaspalast.
Akzent Torgauer Hof
1 minute walk to the “DOMO” bus stop, then take the bus to the ZOB. Change there for the
special bus service to the Glaspalast.
Waldhotel Eichholz:
1 minute walk to the “Eichholz” bus stop, then take the bus to the ZOB. Change there for the
special bus service to the Glaspalast.
Hotel Mercure
1 minute walk to the “Mahdental” bus stop, then take the bus to the ZOB. Change there for the
special bus service to the Glaspalast.
5 minute walk to the “Mahdental” bus stop, then take the bus to the ZOB. Change there for the
special bus service to the Glaspalast.
Best Western
2 minute walk to the “Goldberg” station, then take the special bus service to the Glaspalast.
1 minute walk to the “Goldberg” station, then take the special bus service to the Glaspalast.
Abakus Hotel
10 minute walk to the Glaspalast.
1.6.4. Special Bus Service
There is a special bus service for all competitors between the Goldberg S-Bahn (rapid train) station, the Sindelfingen
Central Bus Station (ZOB) and the Glaspalast. The service may be used by all accredited team members and guests
free of charge.
There are connections from the ZOB to the Sindelfingen public transport service and, there are connections to the
Stuttgart S-Bahn network from the Goldberg S-Bahn station.
Please note: Use of public transport is also not free of charge for accreditation card holders.
A low-price 3-day-ticket for the Stuttgart public transport system and multiple ride tickets for the Sindelfingen public
transport services. can be obtained at the Info-Point in the tennis hall.
Departure times of the Glaspalast – Goldberg S-Bahn station special bus service see schedule attached.
1.6.5. Bus Service Glaspalast - Floschenstadion
There is also a shuttle service available between the Glaspalast and the Floschenstadion.
The shuttle service is available free of charge for accredited team members.
The walking course and the x-country course in addition to the “Floschenstadion” are all within an easy walking
distance of the “Glaspalast”.
1.7. Parking
There are a limited number of parking spaces available in the surrounds of the “Glaspalast”. A 1 € daily fee will be
charged for parking in the immediate vicinity of the “Glaspalast”. The fee will be donated to a social aid project.
No parking spaces are available in the surrounds of the “Floschenstadion”. Please use the car park at the
Caravan parking is available at the Sindelfingen swimming pool. Facilities at the swimming pool can be used for the
duration of the event upon payment of a 10 € fee.
1.8. Accommodation
Accommodation can be found through the Info-Point in the Registration Office
1.9. Catering
The catering tent in the immediate proximity of the “Glaspalast” offers daily changing hot meals. It opens at 11 am.
Drinks and snacks are also available in the Glaspalast.
1.10. Changing Rooms
Changing rooms are situated in the basement of the Glaspalast as well as in the Floschenstadion for the winter
throwing competitions. Road walking and x-country athletes are to use the changing rooms in the Glaspalast.
1.11. Medical Care
The Medical Centre is situated in the basement of the Glaspalast. It will be manned for the whole duration of the
competitions with first aid attendants and doctors. Hospital transport is available in emergencies.
In the event of the injuries only the official track doctor is permitted to enter the competition area. He will determine all
further measures.
1.12. Physiotherapy
Massage services are available in the Glaspalast. There is a fee for the services
1.13. Training Facilities:
The Floschenstadion track is open for training at the following times:
Tuesday, 09.03.2004
12:00 – 14:00
Wednesday, 10.03.2004
12:00 – 14:00
Thursday, 11.03.2004 until Saturday, 13.03.2004
08:00 – 09:00
The Floschenstadion throwing facilities are open for training at the following times:
Tuesday, 09.03.2004
09:00 – 12:00 and 14:00 – 18:00 (no hammer throwing!)
Wednesday, 10.03.2004
09:00 – 12:00 and 14:00 – 18:00 (no hammer throwing!)
A limited number of throwing implements are available to be borrowed by competitors, who are required to deposit
their accreditation card.
A facility supervisor’s instructions must be complied with.
Training in the Glaspalast is not possible, the walking course also is not available for training purposes as the road is
used by public traffic.
1.14. Opening and Closing Ceremonies
A short opening ceremony will be held in conjunction with the events on the first day of competition on Wednesday, 10
March 2004 at 5 pm.
Teams will not parade into the arena. Competitors are asked to be punctual when taking their seats.
A short closing ceremony will take place immediately after the end of the final competition on Sunday, 14 March 2004
at 5.30 pm.
1.15. Liability Exclusion / Final Notice
The organisers cannot be held legally liable for accidents, injuries, theft and damage of all kinds.
2. Competition Sites
2.1 Glaspalast Sindelfingen
Multifunctional sports arena with a spectator capacity of approx 3000.
60 m track with 8 lanes
200 m oval track with 4 lanes
High jump, pole vault, long jump and triple jump facilities
Shot put facilities in the adjoining hall
All competition facilities comply with IAAF regulations
Opening times
Wednesday, 10.03.2004 - Sunday, 14.03.2004 daily from 06.00
2.2 Floschenstadion
Discus, hammer, javelin and weight throwing
Opening times
Wednesday, 10.03.2004 - Sunday, 14.03.2004 daily from 07.00
2.3. The Walking Course
6 laps of a 1650 m course plus 50 from the start and 50 m to the finish = 10,000 m
The course is marked by coloured cones. Every kilometre is indicated.
Start and finish is situated in the immediate proximity of the Glaspalast.
2.4. The X-Country Course
The x-country race will be held over undulating open countryside.
The approx 2 km course has to be completed 4 times = approx 8 km
Start and finish are situated in the immediate proximity of the Glaspalast.
2.5. Warm up Area Tennis Hall
A part of the tennis hall in the immediate proximity of the Registration Office is available to athletes for warming-up
Opening Times:
Wednesday, 10.03.2004
06:15 – 22:00
Thursday, 11.03.2004
06:15 – 24:00
Friday, 12.03.2004
06:15 – 23:00
Saturday, 13.03.2004
06:15 – 21:00
Sunday, 14.03.2004
06:15 – 18:00
The wearing of spikes in the tennis hall is not permitted!
If weather conditions are favourable, the grass spaces around the Glaspalast may be used as a warming-up area.
Warming up with putting and throwing implements is not allowed.
3. Competition Information
3.1. Competition Rules
The competitions of the 1. World Masters Athletics Championships Indoors will conducted in accordance with IAAF
and WMA rules and the special regulations laid down in this handbook.
Officials specifically named by the WMA are authorised to exclude from competitions athletes that break the above
rules and regulations or who may endanger their own health.
The following WMA rules that differ from the IAAF rules will be applied:
False start
The following rule applies, also for the combined event competitions: Each competitor causing a false start is to be
warned. He will be disqualified if he is responsible for two false starts.
Competitors are not required to use starting blocks, or a crouch start or have both hands in contact with the track.
Hurdling and vaulting barriers
At each hurdle, both feet must be off the ground for at least an instant.
High jump and pole vault
Both feet must be off the ground when making the vault.
Throwing the hammer and weight:
It is required that both hands be used at all times when throwing the implement – hammer or weight.
3.2 Starting Orders
Starting orders will be in German.
For all distances up to and including 400 m starting orders are as follows:
- “Auf die Plätze”
- “Fertig”
- Firing of gun
for distances of 800 m and upwards:
- “Auf die Plätze”
- Firing of gun
Personal starting blocks are not permitted.
3.3 Hurdle Specifications
Age Group
Catégorie d‘âge
M 35
M 40+45
M 50+55
M 60+65
M 70+75
M 80+
W 35
W 40+45
W 50+55
W 60+
60 m
60 m
60 m
60 m
60 m
60 m
60 m
60 m
60 m
60 m
No of Hurdles
Anzahl Hürden
Nombre des Haies
Hurdle Height
Hauteur des Haies
106.7 cm
99.1 cm
91.4 cm
84.0 cm
76.2 cm
68.6 cm
84.0 cm
76.2 cm
76.2 cm
68.6 cm
To 1st Hurdle
Between Hurdles
zur 1. Hürde
zwischen den Hürden
jusqu’au 1ière Haie entre les Haies
13.72 m
9.14 m
13.72 m
9.14 m
13.00 m
8.50 m
16.00 m
8.00 m
12.00 m
7.00 m
12.00 m
7.00 m
13.00 m
12.00 m
12.00 m
12.00 m
8.50 m
8.00 m
7.00 m
7.00 m
To Finish
zum Ziel
jusqu’à la Ligne d’Arrivée
9.72 m
9.72 m
13.00 m
12.00 m
20.00 m
20.00 m
13.00 m
16.00 m
20.00 m
20.00 m
3.4. Jumping Events
3.4.1. Jumping Heights and height increases:
High Jump
M 35
M 40
M 45
M 50
M 55
M 60
M 65
M 70
M 75
M 80
M 85+
W 35
W 40
W 45
W 50
W 55
W 60
W 65
W 70 +
The bar will be raised in 6 cm increments until 4 or less athletes are left in the competition. From then on the bar will
be raised in 10 cm increments for the remainder of the competition.
Pentathlon: The bar will be raised in 3 cm increments uniformly for the whole competition.
Pole Vault
M 35
M 40
M 45
M 50
M 55
M 60
M 65
M 70
M 75
M 80+
W 35
W 40
W 45
W 50
W 55
W 60
W 65
The bar will be raised in 20 cm increments until 4 or less athletes are left in the competition. From then on the bar will
be raised in 10 cm increments for the remainder of the competition.
3.4.2. Run-up Markings:
Only official markings are permitted for marking out run-ups. These will be issued by competition judges at the
competition site.
3.4.3. Pole Vault Poles
Vaulting poles will not be provided by the LOC.
Poles belonging to other competitors may only be used with their permission.
Competition judges will control the poles on site immediately before the start of each competition.
3.5. Putting and Throwing Events
3.5.1. Implement weights:
Age Group
Catégorie d‘âge
M 35
M 40+45
M 50+55
M 60+65
M 70+75
M 80+
W 35
W 40+45
W 50+55
W 60+
Shot put
Lancer du Poids
7.260 kg
7.260 kg
6.000 kg
5.000 kg
4.000 kg
4.000 kg
4.000 kg
4.000 kg
3.000 kg
3.000 kg
2.00 kg
2.00 kg
1.50 kg
1.00 kg
1.00 kg
1.00 kg
7.260 kg
7.260 kg
6.000 kg
5.000 kg
4.000 kg
4.000 kg
800 g
800 g
700 g
600 g
500 g
400 g
1.00 kg
1.00 kg
1.00 kg
1.00 kg
4.000 kg
4.000 kg
3.000 kg
3.000 kg
600 g
600 g
500 g
400 g
Heavy Weight
lancement du marteau à poignée courte
15.88 kg
15.88 kg
11.34 kg
9.08 kg
7.26 kg
5.45 kg
9.08 kg
9.08 kg
7.26 kg
5.45 kg
The LOC will provide a number of implements complying with IAAF specifications for all throwing and putting
3.5.2. Personal Implements:
Personal competition implements are permitted as long as they have been handed in to Implement Control for
inspection at least 60 minutes before the start of each competition and they comply with regulations.
Implement Control for shot putting competitions is situated in the Glaspalast.
Implement Control for discus, hammer, javelin and weight throwing events is situated in the Floschenstadion.
Personal implements utilised in the competition may be used by all other competitors in the particular event.
Implements will be returned to Implement Control upon completion of the competition. Personal implements will be
returned to back to athletes only at Implement Control.
The LOC accepts no liability for personal implements.
3.6. Competition Clothing
In accordance with WMA rules only the official team clothing of the national affiliate may be worn.
Vests and singlets must comply with IAAF rules.
Athletes competing in relay races must do so in the same national vest or singlet, that clearly identifies the country
they are representing. Non-compliance will lead to the relay team being disqualified.
3.7. Spike Length
Spikes with a maximum length of up to 6 mm are permitted in the Glaspalast and in the Floschenstadion.
3.8. Start Numbers
Each athlete will receive 2 start numbers with their starting documents.
Start numbers must be worn unmodified, they are not allowed to be folded, trimmed or creased. They shall be visibly
pinned to the front and back of the athletes’ vests. Only one starting number is required to be worn in the high jump
and pole vault events and must be worn on either the athlete’s back or the chest.
Safety pins to secure the start numbers may be requested when collecting the starting documents.
Teams entered in the relay events will each additionally receive 4 start numbers with the country code. They are to be
worn on the chest. The personal start number is to be worn on the athlete’s back.
Start numbers with country code will be handed out to Team Managers in the TIC – Information Desk from 10 am
onwards on Sunday, 14.03.2004.
4. Competition Procedure
4.1. Confirmation of Participation
Participation in each event may only be confirmed by handing in the Final Confirmation Card enclosed in the starting
documents. Final Confirmation Cards are required to be submitted no later than 2 hours before the start of each event
at the Confirmation Desk in the Glaspalast.
The Final Confirmation Card replaces the previously used signing-in lists. Therefore, registration in such lists has been
The Confirmation Desk will be open at the following times:
Tuesday, 09.03.2004
12.00 – 20.00
Wednesday, 10.03.2004
from 06.00
Thursday, 11.03.2004
from 06.00
Friday, 12.03.2004
from 06.00
Saturday, 13.03.2004
from 06.00
Sunday, 14.03.2004
from 06.00
Competitors failing to hand in their Final Confirmation Cards on time are not entitled to take part in that particular
Final Confirmation Cards may only be handed in for events on the same day or for events on the following day.
For all track events, confirmation is only necessary before the start of the first round of each competition.
Any best previous performances missing from the entry form can be submitted when handing in the Final Confirmation
4.2. Relay Races
Only one 4 x 200 m relay team per affiliate per competition class may be entered.
Entry forms for relay competitions can be obtained at the TIC – information desk. The forms with the final names of
those forming the relay team and the order of running are required to be handed by the Team Manager to the
Confirmation Desk no later than 3 pm on Saturday, 13.03.04.
4.3. Lane Assignment and Race Composition
4.3.1. 60m, 60mHurdles (8 Lanes)
Heats: Race composition will be determined after considering the best performances in accordance with IAAF rule
166. Lane assignment will be drawn.
Semi-finals and finals: Lanes will be assigned after considering the placings and times recorded in the previous round.
The athletes will be assigned lanes 3, 4, 2, 1 according to the order of the recorded times.
4.3.2. 200m (4 Lanes)
Heats: Race composition will be determined after considering the best performances in accordance with IAAF rule
166. Lane assignment will be drawn.
Semi-finals and finals: Lanes will be assigned after considering the placings and times recorded in the previous round.
The athletes will be assigned lanes 3, 4, 2, 1 according to the order of the recorded times.
Should more than 21 athletes in any one age group confirm their participation then two finals will be held. The 4 fastest
semi-finalists will compete in the A-Final for the placings 1-4. The next 4 fastest semi-finalists will compete in the BFinal. The latter final will be run first.
4.3.3. 400 m (4 Lanes)
Heats: Race composition will be determined after considering the best performances in accordance with IAAF rule
166. Lane assignment will be drawn.
The athletes will be assigned lanes 3, 4, 2, 1 according to the order of the recorded times.
4.3.4. 800 m
The heats and finals will comprise of up to 8 athletes per race. Therefore, each lane will be occupied by up to 2
athletes; athletes with the best previous performances will start nearest to inner part of the track.
4.3.5. 1500m, 3000m, 3000m Track Walk
Should the number athletes confirming their participation be greater than the number that can be accommodated in a
single final, then 2 or more timed finals of equal status will be held. The overall result will be determined by the times
recorded. Race composition will be made according to the times declared on the entry form. The timed final
composing of the athletes with the best previous times will be run last.
If the number of competitors make it necessary, the start will be made in two groups. One group will start in the two
inner lanes, a further group will be staggered in both outside lanes. The group starting in the outside lanes may move
over to the inside lane after the end of the first curve.
4.3.6. 4x200m Relay
Heats and timed finals will be held depending on the number of entries and the schedule capacity. The programme will
be announced on the notice board after the close of entries for the relay on Saturday,13 March.
4.4. Advancement Procedures
The holding of heats and semi-finals is dependant upon the number of entries for each competition and is based on
the following plan:
60 m, 60 m Hurdles
N° of Final Entries
Anzahl Teilnehmer
No. d’inscriptions
9 - 16
17 - 24
25 – 32
33 – 40
41 – 48
49 – 56
57 – 64
65 – 72
First 2 + 4 fastest times
Platz 1-2 und weitere 4 Zeitschnellste
Winner + 5 fastest times
Sieger und weitere 5 Zeitschnellste
First 2 + 8 fastest times
Platz 1-2 und weitere 8 Zeitschnellste
First 2 + 6 fastest times
Platz 1-2 und weitere 6 Zeitschnellste
First 2 + 12 fastest times
Platz 1-2 und weitere 12 Zeitschnellste
First 2 + 10 fastest times
Platz 1-2 und weitere 10 Zeitschnellste
First 2 + 16 fastest times
Platz 1-2 und weitere 16 Zeitschnellste
First 2 + 14 fastest times
Platz 1-2 und weitere 14 Zeitschnellste
First 3 + 2 fastest times
Platz 1-3 und weitere 2 Zeitschnellste
First 3 + 2 fastest times
Platz 1-3 und weitere 2 Zeitschnellste
First 2 + 2 fastest times
Platz 1-2 und weitere 2 Zeitschnellste
First 2 + 2 fastest times
Platz 1-2 und weitere 2 Zeitschnellste
Winner + 4 fastest times
Sieger und weitere 4 Zeitschnellste
Winner + 4 fastest times
Sieger und weitere 4 Zeitschnellste
200 m (4 Lanes)
N° of Final Entries
Anzahl Teilnehmer
No. d’inscriptions
9 - 12
13 - 16
17 - 20
21 – 24
25 – 28
29 – 32
33 – 36
37 – 40
41 – 44
44 – 48
49 – 52
53 – 56
57 – 60
61 – 64
65 – 68
Winner + 2 fastest times
Sieger und weitere 5 Zeitschnellste
Winner + 1 fastest times
Sieger und 1 Zeitschnellster
Winner + 4 fastest times
Sieger und weitere 4 Zeitschnellste
Winner + 3 fastest times
Sieger und weitere 3 Zeitschnellste
Winner + 6 fastest times
Sieger und weitere 6 Zeitschnellste
Winner + 5 fastest times
Sieger und weitere 5 Zeitschnellste
Winner + 8 fastest times
Sieger und weitere 8 Zeitschnellste
Winner + 7 fastest times
Sieger und weitere 7 Zeitschnellste
Winner + 10 fastest times
Sieger und weitere 10 Zeitschnellste
Winner + 9 fastest times
Sieger und weitere 9 Zeitschnellste
Winner + 12 fastest times
Sieger und weitere 12 Zeitschnellste
Winner + 11 fastest times
Sieger und weitere 11 Zeitschnellste
Winner + 10 fastest times
Sieger und weitere 10 Zeitschnellste
Winner + 9 fastest times
Sieger und weitere 9 Zeitschnellste
Winner + 8 fastest times
Sieger und weitere 8 Zeitschnellste
Winner + 7 fastest times
Sieger und weitere 7 Zeitschnellste
* 4 fastest times to Final A +, next 4 fastest times to Final B
8 fastest times *
die 8 Zeitschnellste *
8 fastest times *
die 8 Zeitschnellste *
8 fastest times *
die 8 Zeitschnellste *
8 fastest times *
die 8 Zeitschnellste *
8 fastest times *
die 8 Zeitschnellste *
8 fastest times *
die 8 Zeitschnellste *
8 fastest times *
die 8 Zeitschnellste *
8 fastest times *
die 8 Zeitschnellste *
8 fastest times *
die 8 Zeitschnellste *
8 fastest times *
die 8 Zeitschnellste *
8 fastest times *
die 8 Zeitschnellste *
8 fastest times *
die 8 Zeitschnellste *
400 m
N° of Final Entries
Anzahl Teilnehmer
No. d’inscriptions
9 - 12
13 - 16
17 - 20
21 – 24
25 – 28
29 – 32
33 – 36
37 – 40
41 – 44
44 – 48
49 – 52
53 – 56
Winner + 2 fastest times
Sieger und weitere 2 Zeitschnellste
Winner + 1 fastest times
Sieger und 1 Zeitschnellster
Winner + 4 fastest times
Sieger und weitere 4 Zeitschnellste
Winner + 3 fastest times
Sieger und weitere 3 Zeitschnellste
Winner + 6 fastest times
Sieger und weitere 6 Zeitschnellste
Winner + 5 fastest times
Sieger und weitere 5 Zeitschnellste
Winner + 8 fastest times
Sieger und weitere 8 Zeitschnellste
Winner + 7 fastest times
Sieger und weitere 7 Zeitschnellste
Winner + 10 fastest times
Sieger und weitere 10 Zeitschnellste
Winner + 9 fastest times
Sieger und weitere 9 Zeitschnellste
Winner + 8 fastest times
Sieger und weitere 8 Zeitschnellste
Winner + 7 fastest times
Sieger und weitere 7 Zeitschnellste
Winner + 6 fastest times
Sieger und weitere 6 Zeitschnellste
800 m
N° of Final Entries
Anzahl Teilnehmer
No. d’inscriptions
9 - 16
17 - 24
25 - 32
33 - 40
41 – 48
1500 m
N° of Final Entries
Anzahl Teilnehmer
No. d’inscriptions
1 – 12
13 - 24
25 - 36
37 - 48
First 2 + 4 Times
Platz 1-2 und weitere 4 Zeitschnellste
First 2 + 2 Times
Platz 1-2 und weitere 2 Zeitschnellste
Winner + 4 Times
Sieger weitere 4 Zeitschnellste
Winner + 3 Times
Sieger und weitere 3 Zeitschnellste
Winner + 2 Times
Sieger und weitere 2 Zeitschnellste
Winner + 2 fastest times
Sieger und weitere 2 Zeitschnellste
Winner + 2 fastest times
Sieger und weitere 2 Zeitschnellste
Winner + 1 fastest times
Sieger und 1 Zeitschnellster
Winner + 1 fastest times
Sieger und 1 Zeitschnellster
4 fastest times
die 4 Zeitschnellsten
4 fastest times
die 4 Zeitschnellsten
4 fastest times
die 4 Zeitschnellsten
4 fastest times
die 4 Zeitschnellsten
4 fastest times
die 4 Zeitschnellsten
4 fastest times
die 4 Zeitschnellsten
4 fastest times
die 4 Zeitschnellsten
3000 m
N° of Final Entries
Anzahl Teilnehmer
No. d’inscriptions
1 – 16
17 - 32
33 - 48
49 - 64
3000 m Race Walk
N° of Final Entries
Anzahl Teilnehmer
No. d’inscriptions
1 – 20
21 - 40
41 - 60
4.5. Non-Participation
Athletes unable to fulfil their confirmation of participation – for whatever reason – are required to notify the
Confirmation Desk no later than 90 minutes before the start of the competition.
Athletes wanting to forgo any further participation after qualifying for the next round in track events are required to
report their retirement no later than 60 minutes before the start of the next round to the Confirmation Desk.
Athletes, who have either confirmed their participation for an event or who have qualified for the next round of a track
event and do not either appear for the event or for the next round or who do not pull out in time will be barred from any
future participation in the championships.
4.6. Cancellation of Races
Should a round of a track event round (heats or semi-finals) be cancelled, the next round will run at the scheduled
time. Information about cancellations will be posted on the notice board in the Glaspalast.
4.7. Field Events
The starting order for the field events will be drawn.
Qualifying competitions will not be held. In the long jump, triple jump, shot put, discus, hammer, javelin and weight
throwing disciplines – should more than 16 athletes confirm entry – the first three attempts will be conducted in two
groups. Athletes with the best pre-championships performances will be placed in the second group. Athletes entering
without notifying a performance will always be placed in the this group. The top eight overall competitors will absolve
three further attempts.
4.8. Start Lists
Start lists will be hung up in the Glaspalast on the end wall of the arena to the left of the medal ceremony area for all
competitions – also for winter throwing, x-country and road walking.
Start lists for all winter throwing competitions will additionally be hung up on the notice board in the Floschenstadion
and start lists for all indoor events will be hung up in the Call Room.
Start lists will be posted about 1 hour before the scheduled start of the competition.
4.9. Registration in Call Room / Control
All competitors must report for competition in person in the Call Room. There will be no separate call-up in the warm
up area.
Access to the Call Room is by way of the rear entrance of the Glaspalast; direct access from the hall is not possible.
The Call Room may only be accessed by competitors in the time immediately before their competition.
Start number, vest and spike length will be controlled in the Call Room.
It is not allowed to take competition implements into the Call Room.
Except pole vault poles: These are required to be handed in by the competitors in the Call Room at the specified time.
Call Room Reporting Times:
• Running events, track walking:
• Hurdles races:
• High jump, long jump triple jump and shot put:
• Pole vault:
20 minutes before starting time
25 minutes before starting time
40 minutes before start of competition
60 – 75 minutes before start of competition (depending on No of
Reporting times for the Call Room can be viewed on the start lists. These times must be adhered to. Competitors not
present in the Call Room at the specified time are not entitled to participate in the competition.
Regulations for athletes in the road walking and x-country events:
Athletes must report to the start area 15 minutes before the starting time immediately after being called up. Reporting
previously in the Call Room is not necessary.
Participants in the throwing events are to report no later than 30 minutes before the start of competition at their
respective competition site. It is not necessary to report to the Call Room beforehand.
4.10. Entrance to the Competition Area
All competitors will be escorted from the Call Room to the Stand-by Room, where they will be called-up again.
Competitors in track events will leave their clothing in the clothing baskets provided.
From the Stand-by Room, access to the competition area will be by way of an entrance to the side of the 60 m start.
The competitors will be collected by the respective competition judges.
Entrance Times:
• Track competitions, track walking:
10 minutes before the starting time
• Hurdles races
15 minutes before the starting time
• High jump, long jump, triple jump and shot put:
30 minutes before start of competition
• Pole vault:
45 – 60 minutes before start of competition (depending on the number
of participants)
4.11. Competition Site Trial Attempts
Up to two trial attempts in the starting order are allowed under the supervision of the judges
4.12. Combined Events
Combined Event Assistants will be set aside to look after the combined athlete’s needs. They are responsible for the
organisational side of the combined events such as collecting the competitors in the Call Room and escorting them to
the next discipline. It is necessary to report to the Call Room before the start of the first discipline, before the final 800
m / 1000 m race as well as after leaving the competition area for a longer break.
The points awarded will be worked out after each discipline has ceased. The intermediate standings as well as
changes in starting times will be announced by the team leader.
The height of the bar in the combined event competitions will be raised by 3 cms throughout the competition.
Competitors must have participated in every discipline for them to be included in the final standings.
4.13. Road Walking
The back to back course contains a water station which will distribute sponges and water in cups. Athletes will receive
an additional warm drink at the finish.
Toilets are available in the start and finish areas as well close to the water station.
Warm up clothes can be deposited in the start area.
Cautions / Warnings / Disqualification:
Athletes will be shown a signalling disc to inform them when a caution is given; disqualified athletes will be shown a
red signalling disc. A warning notice board can be found near the finish line of the walking course and keep athletes
informed about the number of warnings that have been given to each athlete.
4.14. Cross Country
Toilets are available in the start and finish areas
Warm up clothes can be deposited in the start area.
4.15. Exit after Competition
Competitors shall only leave the competition area en bloc when escorted by a competition judge.
• Track events: immediately after the end of the particular race.
• High jump and pole vault: after being eliminated from the competition in small groups.
Long jump and triple jump, shot put and winter throwing events: after the first three rounds for eliminated athletes
4.16. Protests
The Protest Desk is situated at the TIC Information Desk in the Glaspalast. Protest forms are available there.
The Protest Desk is situated in the TIC im Glaspalast. Protest forms can be obtained there.
The protest procedure is based on IAAF Rule 146.
Protests concerning the participation of an athlete must submitted in writing before the start of competition to the WMA
Technical Delegate at the Protest Desk in TIC. Should it not be possible to reach a decision before the start of
competition, the athlete will be allowed to compete under reserve. A final decision will follow through the WMA
Protests concerning competition results must be made no later than 30 minutes after the official results have been
Athletes or their representatives are required in the first instance to register the protest orally with the competition
judge. An athlete has the right of appeal against the decision of the competition judge.
A written appeal signed by the athlete or a responsible official on his behalf must be made within 30 minutes of the
competition judge’s decision being made public. The appeal, together with a fee of 80 Euro, is to submitted to the
Protest Desk in the TIC.
Protest forms are available at the Protest Desk.
The person leading the protest shall keep himself available for questioning by the Jury of Appeal by remaining in the
immediate vicinity of the Protest Desk whilst the appeal is being considered. He will be informed of the Jury of
Appeal’s decision in writing. The fee will be forfeited should the appeal be rejected.
4.17. Results
Competition results will be posted as soon as possible after the completion of the competition on the notice board in
the Glaspalast.
Result of winter throwing events will be posted in the Floschenstadion as well.
Results of the winter throwing competitions will also be posted in the Floschenstadion.
Results sheets from competitions are available in TIC upon payment of 0.20 Euro per sheet.
Team Managers will receive a free copy of every results sheet in their respective pigeon hole in the Media Room in the
basement of the Glaspalast. The complete daily results will be made available in the Media Room for the Team
Managers to collect on the morning starting from 10.00 of the following day. Collection of the results sheets and daily
results is only possible with the relevant accreditation card.
The complete results of the 1st WMA Championships Indoors will be sent within 2 months after the end of the
championships. Orders can taken in the TIC after payment of the costs.
Printed version:
CD version (pdf files):
Dispatch Germany:
Dispatch Germany:
10,00 €
5,00 €
Dispatch abroad: 16,00 €
Dispatch abroad: 8,00 €
4.18. Medal Ceremonies
The first three athletes in each event will receive gold, silver and bronze medals as well as certificates. Medal
ceremonies will take pace for all events – this includes winter throwing, road walking and cross country – in the medal
ceremony area. Medal ceremonies are a part of the event and participation is compulsory for the first three placed
Medal ceremonies will be held for a number of the day’s disciplines en-bloc. This means a number of the day’s results
will be combined. Details can be viewed at the notice board in the medal ceremony area. The athletes concerned places 1 - 3 – are to appear at the medal ceremony area at the given time. They will be informed there of the medal
ceremony procedure.
4.19. Certificates
All further placed athletes are entitled to receive certificates which can be collected about 60 minutes after the end of
the competition upon payment of a 1 Euro fee at the TIC.
4.20. Anti Doping Controls
The Organising Committee will conduct doping and drug controls during the championships in accordance with IAAF
and WMA rules and regulations. Athletes taking drugs that, in accordance with the currently in force WADA Code 2002
or according to the IAAF’s Procedural Guidelines for Doping Control, are liable, if tested positive for prohibited
substances, to sanctions as laid down in the WADA Code or in the IAAF regulations should they not be in possession
of a WMA issued written exemption for the use of the substance. This exemption must be presented to the doping
control delegate in Sindelfingen should an athlete be called upon to be controlled.
Wherever there are contradictions between the IAAF Procedural Guidelines and the WADA Code, the procedure will
be as follows: the issue of exemptions shall be in accordance with IAAF guidelines, otherwise the WADA Code is to be
adhered to in all other instances where regulations are contradictory.
Medical certificates are only deemed as documents that support an application for exemption. The application
procedure for exemption to use a prohibited substance is laid down in Paragraph 5 of the IAAF Procedural Guidelines.
If not already submitted, applications must be submitted immediately to the WMA doping control delegate, Stan
The drawing of athletes for doping control will be undertaken by WMA delegates together with doctors appointed by
the German Athletics Federation. The Doping Control Room is in the basement of the Glaspalast.
Athletes in question will be notified in writing by LOC officials after completion of the competition. The athlete must
sign the form and appear in the Doping Control Room at the time stated. All athletes required to undergo a doping
control will be continuously escorted by LOC officials and taken to the Doping Control Room. The athlete may be
accompanied by any member of his team as a witness and / or an interpreter.