9 Globetrotters - Forest Primary School


9 Globetrotters - Forest Primary School
Parent and Carer Guidance
Enclosed in this booklet are your child’s current mental maths targets.
Teachers will be working with the pupils on these targets during their
daily Maths lessons.
Daily practice of these targets will help your child improve their speed
and agility and so, in addition to the work undertaken in school, please
take the time to share these targets with your child and practise them
as often as possible outside of school hours.
Forest Primary School
Maths Passport 9
Most weeks your child will be given a chance to show they have
achieved their targets in two objectives. If they show the necessary
skills and recall ability they will receive a stamp in their booklet.
Remember - they will need to answer questions at speed as these
targets are about instant recall - not written methods.
This booklet should be brought into school each day in the same way as
your child’s reading book. Once the booklet has been completed it is
for the child to keep, at which point it will be sent home with a certificate recognising your child’s accomplishment.
Please refer to the ‘Overview of the Maths Passport System’ document
for full details of how the system operates at Forest School. The school
website gives examples of the types of questions we will be asking the
children, as well as copies of each passport.
Thank you for your support.
Maths Passport Concept… © Ray Maher
Images courtesy of… World Map - http://media.web.britannica.com/eb-media/59/89959-004-732AD68F.gif
Cover images - http://www.travelchannel.com/interests/hot-topics/photos/7-new-wonders-of-the-world
Mixed Test
Know by heart tests of divisibility for multiples of
2,3,4,5,6,9 and 10
Recognise and recall factors of numbers up to 100
and corresponding multiples
Know by heart all squares of multiples of 10
Know by heart all the squares of numbers between
1 and 12
Date Achieved
Date Achieved
Where would you visit?
Globe Trotters