February 12th 2016 - William Austin Junior School


February 12th 2016 - William Austin Junior School
Dear Families
3JA Sumaiyah
3RB Nilesh
3LG Hasan
3NJ Saf
3LP Aribah
4LA Aaliyah
4JB Alizah
4LG Parmveer
4GS Muskhan
4ST Hameeda
5NB Raihan
5EF Laurentiu
5GM Isha
5DG Amin
5LN Sufyan
6NB Usmaan
6AI Komal
6AN Arnold
6TO Safura
6EZ Zahra
Welcome to this edition of Junior News Express.
It has been a busy end of this half term. I was able to join 6AN & 6NB on a visit to
St Joseph’s Primary School to watch a Y6 performance of Twelfth Night. It was a
fantastic production – read more about it later in the newsletter.
All of our Y5 classes have been learning about the history of our town on a visit to
Wardown Museum. They found out about straw plaiting and how the development of hats
was so important to Luton. They were lucky enough to bring back a straw hat each!
Well done to Warden who won our third colour day last Friday – they collected 2824
house points – congratulations!
The Governors play a really important role in our school. At the end of last term I sent
out a letter asking for nominations for parent governors. I am pleased to say that
Mr Ghulam Abbas’ term will run for four years from 1st January.
The Family Workers sent out a letter recently giving you information on how to log onto
Parent View on the Ofsted website. We would encourage you to do this so that when we
have our next inspection your views can be shared with the inspectors. There is a link to
Parent View on our website www.william-austin.com under the Family Centre tab, click
onto Family Forum for the logo which will take you straight into Parent View.
Y6 mid-term reports will be coming out after the half term holiday along with details of
booster sessions for pupils who are not meeting their targets. It is important that if
invited, your child attends so that we can help them to meet their targets for SATs.
Thank you for all your support during this half term.
I hope you all have a lovely half term holiday.
Mrs Adams.
The Twelfth Night performance
On the 2nd February 2016, classes 6NB and 6AN went on a walk to
Baker Cup Winners
The class with the highest attendance is:
6AI 97.2%
Cool Website
Would you like something fun to do with your child over the
half term holiday? http://www.spatulatta.com/ has a whole
range of different recipes for children and adults to follow
together and make some delicious meals. Using recipes is
great for improving maths and reading skills and the rewards
for your team work should be very tasty indeed!
see Twelfth Night performed by St. Josephs. This was a
Shakespeare play written in the 1600’s. The use of English in this
play is very confusing but St. Josephs made it look easy and their
acting couldn't be better. Both classes enjoyed the performance
thoroughly and it made everyone laugh. Most children enjoyed the
character Marvolio because of how he was strict then funny at the
same time. We all enjoyed the performance and hope to see them
perform in theatre again. Yousaf 6NB
Attendance Winners
Year 3 - Mohammed Sameer Sarah
Ishaq Choudhury Sana
Maryam Ruqiya Muhammed Snia
Year 4 - Hamid Shanawaz Tahera Halima Eman Rikeya Awais
Iman Zakiyah Zahra
15th February - Half term holidays
17th February - Family Photographs- Family Centre
18th February -Cinema Day- Family Centre
22nd February -Children return to school
22nd February - Citizenship Day
24th February -5NB to Stockwood Park with Chantry Primary School
24th February -Community Links with St Josephs Primary school
3rd March - World Book Day
Year 5 - Raihan Alisha Amirah Sana Mainaam Laurentiu
Sumayyah Fatima Ishan Zaynab
Year 6 - Nadine Nabeel Khairah Imaad Arnold Haajirah
Fateha Samee Aneesah Furqan Sameer
Mrs. Adams visits every class to find a piece of work that has the WOW Factor. Take a look at this week’s
From 3NJ
Furqan 6AI
Sami 4LA
Alishba 5DG
On Thursday 3rd March. Come to school dressed as
your favourite book character. Start thinking about
your costumes over the half term holiday.
Ali 5DG
Year 3
The children have had a very busy last week finishing off our Roman (history) and skeleton topic (science). We have noticed that the
children are not accessing Maths Whizz at home and so are providing all the children with another copy of their password. Please
attempt to do 45 minutes a week. We have some children doing in excess of this which is making a dramatic impact on their progress in
maths. The website is http://www.whizz.com/ The school is paying £16 000 for access to year 3&4 children so please try and make
good use of it and let us know if you have any problems. Have a restful holiday, regards, Year Three.
Year 4
It has been a busy half term. Children in year 4 have been learning all about Vikings in history and creating Pop Art in art lessons. In
English the children have started to produce work based upon Wallace and Gromit's ‘Cracking Comprehension’. Next half term 4JB, 4GS
and the remainder of 4ST will be going swimming - so don’t forget your swimming kits.
Tip - Log onto Maths Whizz and improve your maths skills. Have a relaxing half term. Mrs Grey
Year 5
The year 5 children have visited Wardown Museum this week to find out how the hat
industry was so important in Luton. They kindly gave the children hats and pencils to
take home.
The image on the right shows how you can help your child with ‘smile’ multiplication.
Year 6
In science, year 6 pupils have been learning about micro-organisms and different types of bacteria. In English, children have been
learning about formal and informal writing and the effects on the reader. Maths booster sessions are going well; all pupils are showing
enthusiasm and commitment. We are expecting the year 6 SPAG and Maths study guides to deliver week commencing 22 nd February.
Many thanks, Mrs Islam.