Jan/Feb 2011
Jan/Feb 2011
Newsletter of the Texas Hill Country Chapter Studebaker Drivers Club, Inc. The Hill Holder January-February, 2011 Volume 13, Number 1 A Good Time Was Had By All The turnout for the Christmas party at Bob and Tania Roberts’ home was outstanding— standing—27 in all. Bob stayed up all night preparing dessert, or so he says. Elections were held during a brief business meeting (see page three for details). 2 2 STAN’S TRUCK DOES PARADE— PARADE—Stan Holcomb’s 59 Deluxe Studebaker truck strutted its stuff this season in Leander’s Christmas parade. Stan was asked to give some local celebrities a ride. Son, Davis, had a blast, Stan reports. Stan bought the truck, as is, in January, 2010, and it is going to be used for the time being as an “advertising vehicle” to help pay for its cost and upkeep. Stan loves Studebaker trucks, especially the Tran Star line. He feels the 59 achieved the balance between visual appeal, quality and affordability of a product. We used a black and white photo to represent the age of the truck and how things might have looked in 1959. Pretty cool shot. 3 Officers Are Elected at Christmas Party Remaining in their current positions Elected to the position of Vice Presi- and not needing reelection due to dent was Danny Guess. Guess will terms running two years are Russell also serve as activities director. Bob Studebaker, Roberts was elected treasurer. Fitch president and Dick Fitch, secretary. will continue as editor and webmaster. Holcomb to Coordinate Leander Cars & Coffee At the Christmas party meeting, Stan Holcomb offered to select a month where we would do a “cars and coffee” get-together in Leander with the car folk there. They get together on the last Sunday of each month from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The event takes place in the center of town. More details forthcoming. 3 Dues are Due… Please send your $15 annual dues to Bob Roberts 156 FM 2093, Fredericksburg. TX 78624 streetdreamstexas.com P.O. Box 161120 Austin, TX 7871678716-1120 4 President’s Message By Russell Studebaker 2010 brought growth to our club and some great events in the Hill Country. 2011 is starting bright as well. We have two new officers, Bob Roberts as Treasurer and Danny Guess is our new VP and tourmaster. Now we need some good tours and ideas for this year. Ken and Gail Berry are hosting a meeting at their home in Roundrock in March, and Stan Holcomb is planning a gathering in Leander sometime this spring. Scott Isensee is toying with a tour as well. It is nice to have new input and hosting, as it brings more variety (as opposed to me planning as I have very little imagination) to the club. Feel free to contact Danny Guess and myself with an interest in hosting. I want to thank all of those who hosted, participated, and worked to make this a really good club. It’s the members who make the club. We have show cars, modi4 fied cars, drivers, trucks, with everyone always welcome. We are really fortunate to have all these Studebaker vehicles still on the road. Russ The Hill Holder newsletter is published bi-monthly by the Texas Hill Country Chapter, SDC. Our goal is to inform members and friends of the chapter’s activities and offer news items about Studebakers and their owners. Contributions are welcome from all club members. We reserve the right to select and edit articles. Send articles and photos to Dick Fitch, HCSDC editor, 176 Aqua Vista Drive, Kerrville, TX 78028 or email to 5 KIDD VISIT—President Russ, son, Josh, and Scott Isensee, visited honorary member/tourmaster Byron Kidd and wife Doris prior to the Christmas party. This is the second year Russ has organized this visit. Kidd was an enthusiastic and active member of our club until he suffered ill health. EDITOR’S NOTE: Our webpage expenses total $163.39 per year. Any small donation you wish to make towards that expense would be appreciated. Send your donation to Bob Roberts, P.O. Box 161120, Austin, TX 78716-1120. Indicate “website” on check. MDS Engine Service 5 Updating Club Rooster Bob Roberts is working very hard to up- Satisfied HCSDC Customers: Russell and Joe Studebaker, Dick Fitch, Bob Roberts “I buy unwanted Studebakers.” 15156 S. IHIH-35 Bruceville, TX. 254254-857857-8545 Mark Frank, Owner date our club rooster. If you have moved, changed email addresses, dropped your land line or changed telephone numbers, divorced, or made any other important changes, let Bob know. Currently we are not listing cars owned. Bob’s email address is: [email protected] Phone: 512512-402402-1751 6 HCSDC Officers Russell Studebaker, President [email protected] 830830-456456-3774 Danny Guess, Vice President [email protected] 512512-756756-6464 Bob Roberts, Treasurer [email protected] 512512-402402-1751 P.O. Box 161120, Austin, TX 7871678716-1120 Danny Guess, Tour Master [email protected] — 512512-756756-6464 6 Dick Fitch, Secretary, Newsletter Editor [email protected] 830830-370370-3776 Webmaster, Dick Fitch; Adviser: John Bailey email: [email protected] website: www.hillcountrystudebakerclub.org Honorary Tour Master, Byron Kidd
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